.JInlI||nt'II|autPIldu vundsinhnluuhlunuul hullypllybblhjcl It j Ol'IlIIl.'Il noun`. un uuuu, uuuu u.- podium. with poi-tail: ol Oonmudor Schloy and Linux. Emory. Inside: in AL. 1...] and aging`! manual tho Dunk. Itoroophihonolcuncughyitu DUI; Alli-Iclflnjkutoos. Mr. Oounol. H.P:, Vlntl the Linton- unt-uoveruonhip ol Quebec. 1`. \l.-... Ij-i--Aa- -.4` I-vnilv haw: Il-Uuwtuwuuuy ul quarto- ELMIVN Liviq-stunt! tunily hue returned tram chair uhndod trip up I- I.-- L7: In II. 3! ll. IIJUI C VII XV-CZ-Io Yum-day In more Ihown uunplu 0! (hi: you`: when. Ohio Ho. 2 red winter. I- .-...l. in in fur nhnml nl Innl van:-`I auuoy lllu uwuo. l'aHI| I III-II-II" I" thnlooulcndgcnonlnowlollhowool. :_ ....|.Ll. _-A ...-4|.-gal In-nu an-nu: UKITIIIIIIQIIIIIII-Uwuunu-cw-so-c innndsbloudouudeuodtcmlppcu ._ 1|..- _..I.'- wn-CID Pun: h\_dnI ll Italian uuu uuuluuuuu --u-. -pp-nu in um wool`: Wnyu Wmo. today `I Inuvuuu: vuvo Tho `Income uotnalhn no A little union: about the 086 that In: to be relnndod In them by the council under the cixonuntunu. Pnoplo visiting Cahnqui cemetery report that many 0! the Inn near the vault have been injured by tho Ilnolo from the limo kiln in the vicinity. 1`..- 5-..- ..l ..I....- n... hmnnht [mun IIUIII IIIV Illl-IU III I U15` VIUIIIIIJI Ten Ion: ol cboeu were brought Iron Clayton to Kingston todny on the sauna: Princes: Lenin and sat by the G. 1`. R. to A. Ayn t 00.. Ionhul. \'..t--2; -4 -.n. -|m-n nnnnnlnn ll. sun: ,1: I wuuuo. vuuu In - nun vuu-an In gudo itlnlu-sbond of In! you`: ......_n. 'I"|.n n-um nnul In Tnluln II 09 Cull Uly- Ono ol the Ipeukus 3| St. Andrew`: Church meeting said tbolnonymaun The mombon of the St. Lawrence olubuoconl HIM `thoyoun lieu Bath and no vi] in: to hot Mm to that elect. |n___|_-_. J An_-u___l _l AL- IIAL D IIIUI" WIUI IE - TIIZUI IT IXIDIIIVC Colboruwullp use lust street in` the city. in. miaanu rqwd um. nldormupo rep:-ooonutivu u nohd IIICI. I Ilu'rinbun|lnctouoolI:bdol&nIod`tho Emu-nld_n, of 0oIWtlI. on Sntdrdiy. two games to on. P111 lutod Ii In-nu nluunurul-vs unup---a we wow -u-u -. W. 0. IL on oontompluingun excu- -b.-- An... ALA nu`... In tnlen ulna. Wlll K WWII WIKT CUT: A lontlp rowing club has boon organ- inod till: a Inoubonhip ol twelve. Then will be a notion 0! non Ihorlly. tI,IL____ _.n n- .u,- 1---; _A_._A :_ U WIT. J.(huIh&hhuluI:O.A.lln- ...A_..I-_4I_Il.C.A..L....-[A I VIII lll-I II lulu- The Kinpton ham-o Club" unr- nion to Bollavio on Wodnadny Int will be well worth attending. - A l_....I- ..._.x-.. -I-ml. 3.-- 3.`... an-n-n. .. ..,........ H. Jun... `lupeogtoq o! mnisuy una- ingn. bu boon ban and looked out our lortiloatioun. 'l'hoGlenbnniolumnn. now in tho midst at n Invent. my thoy_Igfn[l_h-vo a good yisld '0! grain. ' Tin Kinny: [gamma Ulnh" nonr- Alan. J. H. liilloy. Innuhotu-or cl Ch .A_-I ....ll.. and-ul L-an tluln Innoninn .I.uu-- ` . \ The young mu who stole 0. Powtn` dog lnihlmm Ponh we! not Bnoukvillo -- .._...a.4I - 383;`. n-__II I:u-Uu. _ - Cop'lCochruo.IHhoI-oouI&oot- ing for uwastldton medal. and: 47` `.2-Q- Aooudl-at-Imdllnlovod thy. hinududiutllqn. Cunt Oihoywi mun-sin Ha- mouth Sdnuhny hdlt, <- Warkunuuvnawcudq thun- hcnlor the tool dun Oman and `L-.1. V tin-Ityocloulil mhufzxabonol wound or {[19 nu. P. W n I] nun .4.-.5.-nnlgninu an Avatar. _.....oo____ PIISOIGAL IXJLUIR. lllDIl_1BOI E;-mt; :;P'5 5- boa. TI Now8ooTn_;dSIIoo Stan, AIIVTEVIPA ILL` __..- --.- pg-_n urn QQAKI 'rm:1sm'rxsn w1}t(;, THURSDAY Evlmme. .;ULY 24. I, 1111:` wujyju ur-uw'ys -u-v-V III! Iovcnl munou Kinguoni side` lnltalhln io nondlothimud thing: looks! bloc. Dolu undo Int gunoulduoololothird; U'Nd'IWQ|@ on uy: Puklnnudon bu'olm nd tbouconwuy wuoughton lnt;D. Dick nndolnI.IItPuhhvuIllod cnlhildsbdsillhodhououd lb _____....A......I jjupljjuztuiu-7' xuuuuouui. In tho ninth inning: Bath Itrikorl. !nvI.0ududliowud.vonpnon|. .l.Diok_a: Kinuurtunhodnm and 0'NnIdn platoon nuldlotoripb `gun J Lin]. nxntlnn ntrihn Inn A but-In buhdna inllnhrtbohll vii not lnhthoprl and Iblill `nuns oulhnontudoburlngutbo aoonuovuludcvu. Dohnvad` on ounoill: O NoilnndolIi.|nHntry- In; lot mood was put not though Oh lupin`: dodaion Ill dhpohd. A Annl Ijlnx Inzul Ilntln nah nun scan: -1-`: av--u on-u vuv Iithonurn. 8hu-p.Bur|oyudIol- lovtdhqlll lhqoulc (Iva. Tb Ihwtlapil Puthlothoill. h|IIriIqqIhbulNu;0.[.lu|onulo In\.uIoloIoIl|lld.bI|Iuhh.u;I- nyoldlbldoellltlo uonwuullonoudthnovunhot ;1-_._-_:._ -L-_A AL- .l..A .1 I Ruhr- If 3 H00: D. .AnulIud Idmhnmlmhmahc, pnonnh hwurd lulu by 3 Illhl. AIIIIAZ-1. j`VXZllIVXDClwjiw1ullUU Ihbluthltoodd Nib`! IIIIN. 'l'hOhl|$I&o|hIphb Ildrollndolt. Ilolndohllhuuoult ulllllnllnplloulilhholhipoaition. vuaulhu-Il.|d&o||&IIupII ouunlldz Oudvao to Inc` the _nn..L..5 .-- g-A nlhl-mink :-A T ! Sit III W u--- hcnozllovnld-ndo bbltuhoh nnhghhnowupnnthophy hhdqIIu|.8hrpndIu|oy|uuIul aullclupohilhlwhubvut at 'l`lnoInonvubnHIbIln Illllilphyuiullplod the II- _A..\.4l..hl.-Ahannhth-lhnnillhx v&I XI Iiu `tn: nuuuuumnuunla. I non our norm. ours. ONLY '78 0'13. -__....... ... among Inc-11$ mun. nlluun -Inn u. iuwhatoliu. 3.5}. h. M`. -i uuul nu nun u-gnu: mung: nu--u Iulvw nuby0ud.8hu-puduloy. Thu --.. -.-.-1 maa an Ki-ngtnnh -LIA` puuuw-II nuuuu-Iwwup wu- uxhht Iolno%|Iy wlhh 0'Ildl Illal. Bo ptbouohut on: n--.. .....n.`n. a|...n.L. n... Igulu rvuuu Into. In the seventh inning: Cumminl undo In! on tho pnlolurs wall. but In: pull out on IOJon1.I;W|ger tried Incl:-nbnlwu brilliantly put out by the batman ; Wpmp. on strikes, undo hinhugbulh wuinxptino Io lain; I--;. _-.. ..-|.I....l .... - lnnl an al.- lIIl|j1I- W1-Ixlruwv up :-y Inuit WIS nabbed on I foal to the catcher. 1:: Kingston`: innings, (`on- Iny gun the Mt aldar 3 y, 1). Dick undo I hue bit sad stole home. sud .___,n ._,n I Innl. l_:I..I A- _..... nu nun was run vun nu nun v--nu Thu Bath club. in mo (ourth lllllilll. did not. score. Cumming. Wager and We.-mp went out rs: base. (I. Little. Conway and ID. Dick, 0| tho ht. Luv- ranoo. won Iimlnrly uted. ` In the fth Lewis uni Cuxl ntintl on ntrikol, tml Hound III caught by Dolnn. I-`or Kinglton. J. Dick hooked I y to the catcher. and Aruiel tel-ind on Int: J. Limo touched tint nlely. but N3 inniqs Olod Dolln Itrllin ....L The uxth innings opened nely. but Slurp. for Bath. went an on nut; Bushy made: two huo hit. but wu muouiwiilo making locum pm; Inow went out on n y. Tho King- ston team out Arniel so the but. but: ..;_-. Lm__: u__ . n...|.:.. ...A - A_A ly" kind N;n; Purldngoc u Ina. um whoa .I.nuo hoohd . ly.0o uooodhuohowu rotindntrying to spin ruck int. In Oh. an--nth inninan Pninlninl IV ILIVII IIUII . vulu uuu nnvwnnu -sour ed hues. And Slurp went. out on first: Bnrlev got a sale hit and Out! came home; Mellow got. a clip to thir-I but Burloy failed to reach the home plate. I-`or Kingntou .1. Little was caught by the uhorl atop. Dolm went. out. on lint, sud O'Neil not to Ill-It and stole homo ; Parkjn reached ns. but after Little struck a foul he forgot to cling to the bug anal was put out [or his error. 'l'I... Dull. nlnh in (Inn Inn:-u |nninol_ Iv wvuuu . lilulun uyuu --nu vu unau- In the third inning: Weuip wont. out on Itnkomnd Lewis iollovod by I strike to that stop ; Card nnd Howard neon!- ./l |.--..- .-I Rh-vn want ant nn rut ' [ umnu lounnxnn nut in: II nudvluc I and tho _- -._ --n n.-- nu Quin In the eoooud inning: Barley eeenleni e base on balls. and \lcow went out on I 111 to Ian eld zloulninins was given u been on balls; Wager made a sale hit for out; Cunnums went out on eccond, Barley ruched home. but Wugcr. in trying for second. we: put out by I throw from the catcher to Doha. He etruck the head: of tho bucmeu and wheeled wont. us it he lied been met by a cyclone. In Kingetoni next innings 0. Lime got Int on I Jeiey at to thinlhue end toeceondnnpeu` hell ; Conwny wu Clllhf by short stop: 0. Little took I base on tho cuu:hor'u error. and nude home I rnolncnl HUI - werdn : D. Dick was caught out and J. Dick reeched the first beg on 3 nmko to centre ; Armel went out on res. I :___:_.__ nv_\,... _,._n ....A A- ornuxdfau (ull. Plny begun about 8.!) o'clock. with _Bush t.o,t.ho bu. `Cud retiiul in strikes; Hound Ind shnrp undo hit: but did not rush their lines. Kinpbn lollovwody I Huh moth Int. but-by Nhlu urlkiqx Ant lug u-an Illglt" an nnnnh - P n'\!ni1 I I-IT HI3XI'UU' IlIII'II IVIRIU IIIIII` out horn le!t" on second : P. 0`Noil undo I two buo hit. sud by u bud throw __,A-n,_n , . _.n . on lx._|_|_ __.J__.I _.. lllluu I two unit) ulu. -Il\.I II C unu uuvn reached 5 thin! ; 1`. Puidn toured on Int. Iuuuwur uuIiII"""|J' 9" l""".'-H lat lhovitau w u' dons by E. `Wmp and F. Howard. and they Ihowod more uhll and was expected. P. Nolan. "3 vounn umpire. was on bun}! md hi: do- au-hu-uL -5- -an--.Ig.I nu Carr Whnl III VUXTIII uIIl`llKUg WBI Ull llillll nun nun nav- cuionk I19 rounded :1 gm. win: he dounknuw nboulbnuno is noumun u-v-.- --- knowing. I-|ll` I IIUIIIIIIII Wu. no-fuuuuo TIC unllluhploudluh out -xn....n - -- HI..- ll--I... ...I I-1. numuuqlurlouon unpunua -u-:---- to: thoiuodt ai&Biiva`I3o ui 'v?`y'diY-` loront. The play wugood. gnu-Ally. but the most brilliant wu tint ol Dohu mu! .1. Lime. at tho SA. Lswronoo. O'Neil pitched his-ly well. uul Conway In CONDO!` did Idmlnhly. '_l`h tchpg 0. n.- ..:n.__ _.;-- .1..- 3.. It `Wnnn QFEasoNes HIE! VIIEHILL Bush in tin eighth inning: mule thno _.__ L.. n..J nL.__ -.J IL.-l..- TL... YIIOINIU *.I9.."""" a-pacing. bull in Iii-saw-~ his long ti-no oooucod In the criokol Io|d- in tho,pnoonoo.o! n IJKO m"' olpooole. The compoung tum! '9" Shaun! Buhuit. Lun-once-Clulu. Eleven inning: were pinged. und_hut. lot - nnmuomu-ninon thoputol Shel . ... n.. .`...n .:t.'.1.: I`:'.`.`r.;.a` int.` 4 mung dluouhtll as which um nu Bone Hue Phv-llenn II- ` _ Inn tocnugom Ibounolnold munhouHH\.'liu.in tuhhmhun-1 Home shirt. ant swpdpaaqoupnnhouu. Tbohoo wuduuuhvdudohilqdtopuy. llillhoqxhuhanhobodylhoooil Ihowuothndcymholloounsnotlllou oaohov nylhhgdo-mum __ .|___--; _.- ..._.:4I..-I -um...-_-a I I! --y- uhqunt_vIII l'L-|...l.._..I.nda W. I. `WON. 0% I to lot- tnnl Advent Onhtiu ohm-ah. lectured in lullllglnn New hp ago on "Our urchin uuqu tooono." Ho no A...A..I -|.....A-Ila A Ian] nnnno mil I uuyru. I-III-wt '--I"I udInnMnuouI.IuhuInpQ|o dklonryllnnq to show their nponnu. "Pmouluuonongthou was hypo jllanlnnmndhh Tiilrj wit ' "'-'--UP cuvhlolnnuptmal thowou|I.`JuII hula.` llhohIdn|&0lI|Ho'l II A. A._m_.n. _.n _..|.._. L... L... Jowolnloynooiunnry. Toronto I Ion r Iloro, 61 Brock Street. -o-..|. Q Ilvlg VIIIIII but Inxuul vfyv-cu -u-- Bnu-on'm|duo.ou Kiagtnu. In nbodydriltinain the Inn: dots to the aims souonouwuonotilalndlho ____-:__ _-__ |.-..I..I -..n `Ply.-- -.._ II lw 'n.uag_'q-uuuaunh-nun-u._ w-- u.v--.-'-,-.--~-...- "FITIQI I If VII I llyplr autumn.-uu...aua-| .. -51.; _... ..4.n..d oh. gnarl. -Juan ;o-d:Il`I.r||-: _ __ 1. 4-....I. Ta -* T run In uoathlou will lnth." l'$ZVGVIj jvtu-g--- --- unuwilnubudvn Nlnduuu nu-uupud. Thohyb on- ddhqllty. Tlohrnonwilllt uclhun in hunt lath) In |l|Io.ndpvI|IolH-bhqcuvul. IlIIonh|aqul.|IvtllluIouNo. I. Tloytulvl In than-gun! uqluhqdhhiduunn limb y. hvoncnluod Iuh&bolho uh bus. The Ufhbiho uhltuq. fhnulaupuu In-had-nt nnnu C `III `I Qlld I. . This morning Loni: llnnnon rnood I Importer npto Wade`: window to point Qtlopnm d I oon. Bowont into nonunion over the chrome. und :0- mnrkod. I Mwoobhod bh ol don no He man told of In: lint ex- ploit with n eodlnh In Chriothlil. Nor- wnv. when he in but all your old. Ho hooked n 88 pounds: and Inn towed about in In: "pt-n.n" fnsur shun n enn- cdu. `until; I]! in an |u:.:dbou. wilhhin Mir Iylng and eye: bn out. he hung Io um slender ootd. And me: a hull hour`: sow n nilot name to his on- ninhncoud uncured uulhh. Acup- hin who nil tho "oo&ch gnu Louis 01 [or his iulltosl in it. _.._..-_ ` Na lledreaa lor Grieving lflahenuaa. The Minister of Harinoand I-`usher ion ollor neibr hogio nocnoaanhtina to tho shermen wlioan complaining because A rnnricanu are taking all the nut. in than vaunuouad Kingston which have haan reserved for angling. Canadians are not prevented Irom shing boat the American shores. and neither can American: be pnvanlatl hon: Iahing in Canadian waters. The Issues 0! the lfigoon Illlld abery. it aeeuil. sell: all his lulu at Cape Vincent. because then he ail a better price and more readyulethanai Kin;-non. He in a Dlli free trailer. people 01 kiqan com]-Ii becatn they cannot get enough {rub iish brought to their niarketa. The Dominion Government will not interfere in the matter. an annex sum. This jnwnlog - won: an -In-4 laoviu. V-hiln out btntiu oppolib In. n ...l.I..._ .. II`. h..A -an I Mr. Kilbynyu the Inrdhelnu upon which he experimented at Hamilton are not suitable to: street mecndnm. They are. uhon broken. too ekey and brittle. not so good for street. pnrposoa an the limestone now need. uvvu wunululu nu uuvuuv---u nun nun tellodh MI town. It wuriod unin- lngtgrjly (ad with but 50 lb. ol steam. It uni not accepted because it was or- dered by one council. doluy iu deliver. lid liluud byuuew corporation. It isnid who tho heaviest rollorontho ooatinonuod our nuke I mulbedu bud an iron it properly propanxl. unnn unnnn NA? Anon Mr. J. IL Killoy udvod'|Ii morning in order to teal. the ileum meet roller. Ho lioeul not slow word: 3! dieutinlem ion. has he an Shel when she Inn- chine we: built lot Hamilton eight yeenego oppodon similar to um Ieen here vus manifested` He did practice] work on June: St . llnuilson, eight you`: 1110 In! no repeire live since been ueoeesnry `beyond those to- qnired alter the laying! or repairing ol the Itreelmt Incl Aldermen who not wlutis bed done on one street ` were satised and said the roller Ind peidforlbelf. The mecbinein Kinny ` eton wubuilt for Broclivillo end lully ` o...o.4I L. oI.-o A9... I. --.|u.A -.nin. Tho 0I`IC!' wlil may Work the Machine The Advullqu ol IR I ' iiior-:r.~;;. HAlI.........- lI0gII30'*' i0" O' - ~ - 2 04-0-::`~ sooron- .0ldrio J. I. Woup. _ l'llIpil'O-P. Nolnn. ' `rugs; Lunonco bun was nonbo I but that would have been put on the hold. l`he`boyu need practice. They ` unit when uni Ipnlhu :0 Bull: , loan upouible. Then wsrallilog numberof Bub people upon the grounds. " Mayor leoumnou viewed the game Andtooknlivoly interest in it. Saucy! I sldotuon looked out the lens. has no I A_. _.___J AL-.. IL ____ -- I. n-.- , CIIICIUII CXICI WV.` UIX IUIIIQ IHII IIV one oond than 10: gpieco_ I9 [pal mfoogu the gun. ' p-:o~--- I I j- T S. ZIJIIII U-GUI-_gUI and Dolph math for Int. nayodiln` ought tho hall ind pm we Itrikr ont- Tbo noonng: _.__ i ..-.._.__-. NEELON S WHITE BOSE! . __i._._.....__ ...n.... ...........,a... n..'.....;.. v umgsm-Imwuux .._.) n..I-- ...J. I_. n..; ....I..4ln ` --.-no-1..._- KlLhl:Y`S STEAK BOLLICB. nap. on In null? r I|.L;A___ -IQ._ .1 AL CIIlIIflWIIIlVIuv-vvjII Poolohunnovbcinquuobtlonpbh dholdingllnouoluoooluulld vuulnnl-ulcdod vlthuhopulul Thovucluhodcdilhn litoluhotludi. 'l`)odoaI.h|Io udnhnllniluununouuhh. A tqvilldolbohwllgolnahllnld out 'l\ooupuybhultoIIb|0.- tllnoloolonlll-la|hhnoII8.nd l).tllMnunaooIuuIk|oIhrlm- ands... Cl K I UK`- In. Anni: complained thu Ion En- wrlghl throw stones through Ibo win- down .1 1. house yuhnluy. and am when the upokotohiu nboutitholnnl I done at her. In. I-lnwriuht also oomphinod uboul Tom`: doing. She aid be In acting "ulingounr out 0! his latitude than days. SIN gun him 05. which ulna hul cu-nod by lnudlsboq to buy 3 pair o! blankets. Ho ntgnonl hulllvdmnk. caught hot by the his Ind brutally but her. The nuiunb told the women so by tho inlu-union ndho wonhlnttndtolinwrighm They _..__:_.A A. A- -- AL-.. -... all-nnlgal the lung. Pbudk. The Brockville Tints tell: what it know: about the ullegod dealing ol 3 Kinpton poodle. It up : Some low thy: up 5 again: of Kinptorn would- be-poru ounoto Bmckvillo. ud thou wcnttooomool thoiulndulnr uoocplo of thy: shing. nhootiIg.ho. Debun- lnning to thcirhomo they pnook too hotly ol the St. Lawrence mixture. Ill tho ooueqnnoo wu they an tho you dog bohhd than Ioouo for himself. A gentleman bolonginq In this town lound tho dog wudcting about without I ma- hlnud knowiuthu ilirunnhnblo , L- A-_|_ :A L-_- -_.I -..4I_ Kn.-I-g dq Manon: liolllogutl-JIIIIIUIIIII u to its owner. Ollonthy 3 push- Iunounohon Iron Kingston and took lbodoghuch with him." Soul and lot The Conunlpnlllio Bnilny Oonpo uy. ovuiq lunt ol Ind at Wells`: Bay. um. um . dock 1.5591... In; Ioqud l2looIwiIo.IIdhonthovcI- add no loaded with on lot Cbvohnd n, .L_.. __ ___ L..-__ -_..A.J ..-.L|. II-.`l`.0udh. whoquthulunu vmlullifolulahnlutund. Cjjit ` July It 9 Duncan Ital. ACORSETSH A_voInmuI.uono time 3 pmuin out mambo! ol the Sclntion Anny. anr~ no-kndto I-no polioouninid be had tried togol work. lnt fsod. Reinald- od lot I Ind. 11", . -___ ,___._|_:._-.| .1.-. I\__. I.`.. I ' -------:---- ` The huge Tun Doll in\:'Dovu` dry thy In upun. Tho pop. Cub: but in so hol-I! IIIII. oi and II Bymru Ihu-I tlsu`iiEnin. rhouah-.o.u.u.au..-nwmuu lull Oudun Island In: ovpnila. MM. `C TM ` 9 Thu tour. Wm. Blgin -In ou_l-`nun : oliydack. Sh will In IO-Gllklvllld ft, nooivo 0 ncnenlfovahsnlinq. xl t-h-I.~_5 u-:ov. -5.-0_`l`|u no.1 IIIlI- w\l|lIIlUI-IuIuu1-wuguwo any pnnhod to do as they wan dinohd. __.--oo-__ . I-ll luvwII- UIIUI in nu. - v---r-v dq hotool it b0DO~|IIdlIOl"Iqil'i n In in ownr. Ofloluhv (outlo- licluusl uni Peter Collins. fuher and non. Isood below the nngistnte this morning. olnrgul with dmukonnou. They udmittonl the charge us! were Ind 05 and coats ouch. " . ____ , , ._ _. -.._ .:___ - .__-...:_ VIOOWJDIIIIIIIIIOIVZ `Yul. rulluul. VI." bin: 1`. R. Btougls. Socntuy; C. 1.. Pu-mental . Tnunnr. Anunaolnontl no hing porhctod lo: a grand regatta. For Shel; T. 00.. in uvdn have been: Schr. J. A. Ialdo. Chiugo. $.- 06` bub. whens; uchr.J. BigloI'.Chlcn- nnnnn L.._|. _|..-a...-... Alm- `J Ijlo WIZII 30111.0: lljgvunuu ` go. 92.!!!) bush. whoa: pxop. Alan Hun-'0. lightened 8.(l)0 bath. wheat. Do~ putnna: Tug Active and Name huyea. light. for Uawogo. 77 - - ~oo--~-~- QIIIZIICG II 0733 IU unu:-. A yncht alub has been tonnod'in Oun- unoquo with the lollowinu omoen: C. I.` n.:u... Pnnnlnlulturn - Jnlnnn loom. BCVVD: -u--u -v--, alololxllfiitlluollltl Onlltcull o:I'uoulItoIb rnoqtlouu to null. uglrluuwulhuclchuunu uy haul \1I Invquu wuu uuu Iullvwlu 1-`. Britton. Commodore: Junu loan. \'ioe~Commodon: Wm. Funnel. Cup- A_!_. -II n n_.__|. u.._i---- I. I . 0| rljlll Ilw wul uv -Irvuv vv.vvv- Chyym people upon tbs! the gtr. St. Lnwnneo in running an uundily u vol- uiblo. She condenses wlbu. of shun and man: the toll dinhnoo abotwun Clayton sad Capo Vincent in 1 hour and 2 lninnhl without my trouble. The distance in out 16 mile-. A ,., 4.. -I_L I.-- L... l.........I`:- Ann. CIVWIEL Tho pmp. Onoidu. has reached Bnldo and boot: doolml for regain. About 60 or ,1!) [col ol her bottom including the ho]. kooluon uni upper. deck won forced by the pounding on the rocks. Tho coat of nptlting bot will be about 08.0%. t`I.-5..- .......|- ........A lhnl than nr, 8!. KXKKI I l'IIl3lIJITII\$ vv-g I-I; month.hdn arrived in town! shown Ilinin A.O|Ivih with lnbiglolult ton: A.llunn&Co..nnd lnonal pipo. lot the Ian] llilitnry College. The naunon pliynu between Alu- udrin Bnyuad Kinpton. and botwoop capo Vineunl ind Alexandrh Boy. In on-owdod evry dnv. The Island: and -J.--nu nognrtn Ann Inst hnnnminn ' "` Ql`I'l`VZI`I6 D_IIlII _Il3II'IIIU Ow- l,'I-port. Iron loaned; Alas-"in. from Toronto: plop. Cuba. from lloninnl. ` and an. cm-so. lmlp sum`. I-nu. a\__A Ix____.|_. x_ _.A--..- _..4_ A- -- Uuo vuxuvg uvu: -2-.--u - . -.._. cups. Donuolly iigemug may to M3- oopt necking contracts. no an order- ed I new uhunpnmplromhouton. It icon tho my uni will In Benin slow `.1... IV lli UWIIUII Ivy III` III-KW" " Ilonlinl l`nusporhlioI 00.. Hitl- .......n. |..`.. ...a...I 1.. on. Al ammo IIIIh0uQ1AIoVnIoo'olPo`oolc" Inhuuodhtonoh. 'l'~ -Tvoharaumownod by the lilliol ti m....u..| *|`...........-um... nu. Hau- TV` I |XUIIGI'Il IIVII'IIIlIlq- yin`: _whrl--`.l"ho an L__-_4 n.__., I] ____ -_I. Al......_.. I_.- lnpnv;ncnb on Wolluru IQ. .\ . |.x_.-_:- n-xI_... t\.. I "r--~- . c3`Youth mu Rudy-Modo8uIt that `net. Boa: For an Stock IIIOIIOIIJIHSIIIIORIIIQVIII A6 3-(1 `lieu:-Oi-u Q1('5(\. G` OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT IPEEEW QM-ITY W TJWRY An Elegant Wsili Merveilleaux, II In. vHo.otIl.l0. worth I113. Wougunnhol. will ndunuun cut. W]: W EXTRA VALUE IN THE BEST KLKES of at 01.00. 01.10 and 01.25. Ask to :00 our Spo- on! Black Gnongnln at IL50. worth 0160. It 1):- non Colnpouttbn. colored Groumins. 92 in, wldo.|875c ytrd; 311 Silk. in tonnow colon. worth 01.00. A map otlcolon In Belt Gtooatln $900.. worth 01.35. ----cAu. up In: OIII T339 nu PIlcII--- FO%RSALE if |yy,3{iPI'& STEACY, jnjhnnu IFANCY DRESS MUSLINS Each week has shown 3 Marked Increase in our Sales. a fact that guarantees the above assertion. IJERSEYS-:-JERSEW-:-JERSEYS COUSINEAU&CO. VICTORIA LAWNS AT I2 I-2c. VICTORIA LAWNS AT l5c. VICTORIA LAWNS ATl8c. VICTORIA LAWNS AT 20c. VICTORIA LAWNS AT 25c. |B()YS R_1_\%I)Y-.MAl)l?. surrs nnnarnji Q! lll BOYS NAVY BLUE aenszvsuns AI`. C1-`.__W'X'1'.K 01-76- . -, RETURN TICKETS will In mud to Toronto sud nlunon JULY sun. And 190. pad in mm anal AUGUST nu . m -1 mun hrs. um , __..n._-... AA") . . g CHEAPSIDE. July It. Hardy & Murray s,I Ernd Trunk T Railydyvof Canad. viaiia \.a\v _'-\a\'~_:__T -- - -un:` "OI-`I-`_SIllI0- - 'b IonChoniu-Jnndsouoly embroidered. ranted I IN. Lolita` HQN BRIO. 750.; tank: 01.25. \VhIII' slim. rich uuhrotdoromonlv 000.. l_ol'In0I who IL July 13. rcx. 'rE_>_`_g:_H;t:%i; %AfDi:s READ THE BARGAI WIS BOW!-ZS _L BISONETTE I` `*l|l|l.`l`lII-l').;___ JAMES RICHMOND .2. cos; IIIII IA -rm: new scam Ion` w_umow_ cm:-nuts. vntllltt Ann mm mm. A -In? ugpply ul bulb` W05 Iolil. Th How `Ad WIIOOI Bllldfiill 7 banana: hula. Row 89:63: Shirl: In inn uthty. July It. WHITE DRESS LAW N S ! July II. BOYS CLOTHING! SIPEIIII H II! II 1118 mm, _J__0iIN LA1I)LA_\jv_gmg_bgn WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE OF` JEB-~ SEYS A'.l' VERY LOW PRICES. ~ -SEE THEM--- gcun. cam Primess uni Bag-t SM. IIIIES '\34Hy waush & s'teacy do such a Large Silk Trade. BOYS SPLENDID TWEED SUIT A1` 000 , won?! 00.09. mack & liulored Si1ks,VelveLs & Plushas. ju .51: A 531 \/7151):] {CLARK & MINNES { .4 ARE NOW IOFFERING SPECIAL PRICES IN rrlinuunuo uon. muons. lo. SPBUIAL SALE UFSILKS ! hm I-annual Ouvhn Tools. Jnpuml lid Glyn In urns nrioky --AQ- ngatta at_'.go__:."Iu1y 29th. Evie}: uioiiii `um - (bpnuh Wind;or Boil}. mus. u.uu.x\'. um. mguun. III PIIICSIS IT-CR1 . 90-1k'rinZeess st..- aanh Pmminaollad Wm `:11: mm. mum mar. IIdO'I ONIO- -_l g.4I.-A_ 75 GIIIISETJ i GRAVK Ehlnni tnd. V" V Ziw 0uluu&;h|ItII.uWADI`I DIUOI1'1.`&IU IQ W July I`. -mn1u.ms-- Ivucvnq-uu-vs.-w ILIIB VELVET I`I.0l!B. 'I'IlI IVII. ._._- .._... n_ 1...; at Lupus nu 1.o\v'|-vucxs u I'M Princess In-ecu. lnlv I`. Olmoullo Ion Bros` __ _, HENRY HAYDEN .nurrn_:'u I01` 3` 00! GQJIILTID Tbs `--iohcfau Inga: ma us. h mun: do Ibo $1.00. ---~oonu: 'ro--- sB4 King St. .__.n_.__s.A_ga..aA- II3 Pfllfesl Ilreov. nun Nomxdisi. oannc.u.u run) H CH0 maul hug coll In In any II CID. Out. x.....a'n...a"' EL _IIXlW' Ulll WHO! I "You. heap: of is. Rand the utr. Hem`: sdvu-tiunout sud p.ud I will gunn- huyon o wbohdlcnoonnndonningh oujoyuul don the that any Suc- dny. It can lath. Inn uuluu. only: qnqpur. Booutlno. though. nd don't got left." "I mum will. Thanh. Ouidnyl" "up.--' " W'I'I':.'n:u-uuam " T."-IX M-golf. Thh uncouth` apt. Dun- uuypouuod uni-0. u-Ihhnu thooouqncotulnodhtln-hnui ldlilngnonoulwlth In-.3-. -Q-an-0-pun. Iuurv uu-uquunv-I-U c.P.I.ul -nun. `nonhu- Qhlhuv I&ul-on u-u.o-. .;Iuubuuu Ioduuulldpllmlnlbbh nnvI&du. Ibnhnnurv Iu.lun|u.hI|o.pc..uuu&b xnltnjnnlnnl onthuhpur. uninsur- ll.IH-hn - `Dndly.lt lICICjjIUTIjW' :--v ||...|4l an: In. I-uunulnnnmhui Wlfl fCuOI1IQ1 7'11. Al$IlILHI |-gjj -,'-I? vtuu-;- -- lnnhl that It. Icnndol 11:00 vitlnbonphhts huvohcnbtlnd pItoIPovct'n nysbctoml who --.--hallo 5% T11? jaunt-u nnolnllhdty In Iinocuou. Tho IIIIpI|1pcId.udv|II:IIoo\hu uhyullcnlnp. tuluuun-T:IIcnn. 'rhl mInul4|dWcbhvobuu I-inch 0 mail. Ilnuuo I.-.-I--.4--Jlznnol-nah J1 l-I Illhuio in Doha Illpood. A uki two between J. Kehoo And F . I-`onytln hm hm unngon. The not willhko [11:00 It 6:80 pm. on Sntnrdny Ind lb course will be from Bell's II- lull in Buriolold bddgp. Sasha I6 I side. lobes in tbohvorito. Indt.bour- ion In giving two to use on him. III 1133- luv I$I luv`: I-1 jug vlnntbotllfh got neatly oppocitolo thowqgoncouoit hndtobouop poduntllrnumnuolcownuthouuh could in moved ol. Iuoytng `run link`: cc-to-u. Tho Rev. Mr. Gamer. Mr. Clark and lriendl no enjoying their ruidence on Ililtoa lslnnd. They hnvo vory oom- lortnble houses. I ne swam yucht. and all the plenum: that money can buy. Ir. (inner wall Inch Milton [blood "I nun- _,_.__.u-4 -- I . \l`-I-IVI wuu little pcndino." MI. Qninee. wile ul the hotel pm- ptiotor who Ikippod out of Gsnenoqno A low den ego with one of In} domes- tics. Inning found out when the duct- hr in he: determined to follow him] When the chubby meet: hubby t.heI e'l. be I-uon in the dr. TM uourdon ol St. huh church Lsdhfd Society oooln to-Inorrov AL bacon` and in Ind will lollow her Ipodll route In Alexandria Bay. um] also oallnltho amp pound. It willho ,1 AL- ___ '_|....._A--A ;..l_. -1 In .~.'.'.I..'a'u"v.:Tpa'..'.'.I.'..".;.i;'-'::"..",% yonrthowuthorbouuooduitnow nausmh This morning 55 4 p.n. (my pann- gon were brought from the depot par 0.1`. lLsnd boarded the null but lot Iontnd. The our men any this _|.._ AL- A_O- .-.A n...I- A-nnuaunin In 0.: noun. "Hdlo. central 1 In than say uuoy 1 sun on lot this wool: ?" ..u_. n...__ -115 I l...l Ah. .Q- II...`- I-llu; Ilslounu lmpnnnnenlc. W. C. Martin h 00., will make extan- Iivo improvemenu hi um: wholoule homo. Tho [urge In above the present non in being utiliud u n wuuroom, and I any oico. both for the whole- Inlo nmLI.}ao open home bnnvneu, is king tted up. The member: at the police {area have mules thorouuh inspection ol the city udnpol-an all nninnou nnd odou- uvo Imolll in prds And closets. Those who have neglected to clean up will be brought ip beta?! the magistrate to- nn nuun wul give I rewqu um vuuv w mu pvluvu who will give him information hiding to the capture 0! the party who buryin- rinod sud robbed hi: plus. - .____._.._.._. A Vury I41-(0 Olbr. W`. J. Wqgonn. jowcllt. 0! Corn- wn. botllleu the Ohio! 01 Pohoo tlnl he ,, ,#___.1 _lA1nnA.. AI... ........u. WIN. IIOIIIIDI Ill!) Ulllvl In I vuuv uuuu use will give a round 0! 05(1) to the pouch gl... ...:II "in. him inlnpmntinn lmdina Hnddonllcullnlapnpoq. Yostorduy In. emu ~ It. Keller.` mother ol 1'. W. Canny. Nnpsnoe. died vary umlduly. agql `M nan. She III I nnnvh ol Bldpoy township. Ion-u :n'IJtInr-:h.oll=dn won -----_A- -I-.._ Q1.-A lawlw. 7 `II IIOUIALI IIITIIOI -1 Q! - _ No. on Inky. Algal! opn. ' V Ilnlp. lo.I. on ydndny. An. N . 151 laouunnu \ Aa- "'.:."....... "-.:'.'..."::' R..." 3-nu` nth:-laden. nu min. Dc luv. chap. has Inc I In not 4* _ ......._. ,.._.,-, Alunuou. Ir. I CITY AND VIGINITY. hind`; I|v:i_|_o:nIlIou. spncun, NOTICES. `I5:/'r'iTS_C3_F2_EJ-I unnpuuuuv. ..g.L.a_n-ln-u-all In '1 U: W- booaI.xo.n, Anuul In-Ina -.310! ouch molovurynoull . 31:`. wuuuun Ian. PHI- I lwllluu lzoull. nl.-`bggl ll'Ulll lllllllun Major Wnlnh. cl Bmokvillo. intend: uuling thqu. Ho bu purohnud I II- nidouo ht Mill). Pld. Tuner. 650 English uthonly oulionlhnlnlnlmin sbouuopuys need visit to Qudn. Inna lint Dclnuk. ol Bholl Bi- comp Ilulol. 0 none: Upright. Gunny : Pubic Corbin Skeleton. Clothe: Wnngun. Boyd Osntdiun. to. oil Slant, Admin 0 Wntlnh. "Chicago W.H.Johnu.who inniti- hglho Hanna! Iduu Oollill. ro- hrIulIo|luciIyo|'I`uut|IY- u- n.4|.n ....l AL. AM Ah: Wlflililuuiy uu -In-n-y. Il.Btl\|IM.oIIolthoow&'IdLho Iohchvilh ulna. h dupnq as It UI|cl`IlIH._BoIyIIntuhllhn- null: brlqlnhnhg. W. I. PUIIII. awn l'dh:W. 0. oumo-. 01-an-g;nu.J. lotu- uy.S|.buin.Io..;udV_v.l.JcohaI. Tuahlunohlhh. --.. A_.I.._ I;-. ll -hA has U71 I 3' (la The member: ol 8;. Mary`: church. Port Hope. promoted Rev. Father Browno with I puns 0! gold Ind an M!- dnu. BinhopJunot Vluh Port Hope nonwooknd than the unread gu- uwun Iutuuninn wilt be wnnidund. l--a ......I__ II. 'l`Ius--- Llnnnn VIC:-u. It.JoupllA&hIuvuIlhhuI- Iocnl IIIIIIO II'I|hIL&'bIIo- hind union Inuit! bylr. 1`. W.lloQ|D.bhol|ho ll H0000. l\AA-:- Imus nu: I-I -u--u In --- ,u-u- growlh. The price paid in Toledo is 92 cent: per 60 line. On Teeedey Ieure. W. J. loose end Fowler held 1 meeting el Newbnrg. the hell we: worded and (our penone declered it to be their luieltion to turn over I new led. uu,- _____L-__ _l u. |l-_|_ -I._-`L llilllllti UCIQIZQIIIII win no vuuu-uv-vu. [An ovonhq Ir. Thonu loan. book-keeper :8 J. Rnhmondh. Ill mar tied to list Wuhan. Gordon Ilropt. 'l`I.o consummation ol Ihu union in hail- ed with ntisllction. and the hopo nu oxprouedlhuthoywillbouluppyu unit but friend: now utiolpuo. The nporhol the bicycle tour. Inh- onnolru nooung. the 0:-only Relic! Ex- _.z:n._ _u|. ...a-:A. .5 n.......-.1. J. I]. Iuuuy. CIUIIITUIIVI I- u-u and rolls. arrival ban this morning I 1--.. ll-_:IA. _ IIIUUI Iv-nu . un- Iron Hamilton. n.,p,_ In-I_|. I. ll. vmiu a_oo's.,