lull!-... .... > I ......-.. ' J ' `"0Kl.l.lA. . . -nurruxu . .;...v.u.-5;. _v sIt|t\`I.\ A mu:unx.. . .. Calamity.` AmuIx.\ ...wedu-nu, sum Im an a 1 uTIissa_u|: : |,Q1HnK Nil. slanting to pan -linn. 7` I .\'Al.\ .'l'|(Il` AIIIY 'I`R0PIlIl'.`3. elbchuntu I IN 7 illllli Inll 1" I Tho lnllovim lecipu have nll been thoruaghlv baud. being n no lot as number ol ymn. White sun in ulwxu anal, no tutu. only when chain 3' naoosgry. ll (won in nooipot. The utmost nttumon in am: than when In lion: 0! pnpuuiou. and they no opt in 1 ant cnpboud in the cellar. IIEIAII CLI'Kb~ last nun In Ihaobn nut Mum: u null: u. - up..- ......._._ __ _, IIUIAII CAIIKD. Poul up-I cut the tlmlvub into piece: about one inch lung; do hog magi: Is. To ovary pound ol (um odd one qoulel pound 0! whit; noun. mix well weath- er, ll into common noolud jumohnko well down. sad when well llod pun the jsnun 5 bdilu. 8 enough water to come up to the Ibo! er 0! the jut. Let thou boil (or live houn onto! nlnl noxt awning. when the knit uhonla Donut udmjuiconlhoum; New plooo tight-Mtiunev cork: into the mouth 0! the jun and hummer well in. cover the top ol Ihomrk with giowdolul vain. take :1 hot iron -1; smuo! niug iron-and In.-`umn .n .5. nnlhd. ho ouulnl to An Arum Wllch IHN loot liuat I la luv u the I :-1-fa! `hur- ' (`It I! OIL ' IIVOIII UIO (NIH luu uuv v-h.- --.. wound with resin. It ptqqdg don will keep I9: two gens. : uh cvuunauu. Pick has Lmn shlls uni, lawn. full 3 your planning kettle. cover with cold wukot anal plum upon the live keeping it utirml occnxiomllr to [mavens burning. When the fmibhul boiled cult uul all the jnicou ulncwl. mmovo lmu the In And alum Uuough I culunlu at line. then uunnmbn pal-hotly clean jc|~ |..|.... Tn nverv Dollncl ol juice nil ; pa-loony clean )cI- 1 Iv-lug. To every pound juico onoponu-I ol uhnu Iugpr. bud tut two but ovqn clan In. nomctimu it val nqniu-on mu. longer it the Inuit is Ill. Try it (lone taking a mu. on a plum. it to hndaun I `I don. Pour into amlll pols. und menu as baton mentioned. nu-In 1-nn|;u! JAI. take not mm-1; smuounug uuu-- irou"bhtlI nu hnulmi, man? have M1 the cork and the edges well conned ptqvqrJ_ulono -All Lngn lav I-n \OAnL Pick ne ripo cu-nun noon: anus nnd Inns. nd toovory pound ol knit ndd thrw-lonnhn of 1 pound ol cigar. not out a on null boil until tho nytnp looks clear and thick. Pour IIIIO Jan and tie down. CIIIRIIS Pllulvuu. Pick 0!! talks and hlnoont wonos nd but-r_v pound-cl huh allow one hull do! white angst. boll until tho sy~ ptookuthlokuadiaols Howqgalgh` Pour into Innll polo. ' APPLE I.\lI.".\DI. ` ` ` ` ----__A -.._I._ ..__.. v.` s an -not-r`|0 Poi` '93` wk \uuI'lojuatdnso|veIMI|l" an hauls. uh! ouo_H!I'."l V gr; on-pgunllolhlllly holl_ UGO ton-uu~.r uuulunsvmvifxvh _ -UM add the Ipple. lid 5` _` `*' olou. Winn wall undo Um II In n>..n.v.. III APIIIAILIIO. AYPLI SAUDI ~\.vu. Tutu nice round msut A . p wal cote them. cut in .u..n"3::.. : In nun:-u unnnnl nl frail. ll` OIQ IVIIII unicorn them. can: mun ween. um 0Vl _V`ollBd 01 (mil Add pound of .......y .1 an nun: ' In boil door. when won lune Lo olnngu Iuunudnde. lVI'I.I annua- b\t run-at npplu in qurton without pooling or eating thtm. oovu-thou with water and hot] until Ipy ntnil through 1 ions that thmog ajolly-hag. nu-I to .u..- no-ml nl nnanr ndcl Be noun-I ol tlnmqh ajolly-mg. um to pound ol nugu add nae pound of CVO?! juice. hail until guilt: unk. an-I ponriu to mull idly pols. naun-I-EDI` 1 AI To each pound ul pbuabornu pol Shun-qnuhnoln;-ound_ol white in- u.bunlnntilth0 iynplvquu to loot olouaudoln puny Nd colon-. Bout no you nut! secure In bdon. ILACI L`l."IIAI1 JAI. Piolthqftuitlnooluhullnlhnvoc and to etch [round mm IIIOI thuolonrtln ol I ml of thin wgu. hubs Ihotrnitt iuk In diuolvo the ....- s...n-..m 5.-uni-k. Hl in. -1 us: rrn-nlrf Ill] Y. Puck um um: run Rom noun. on-u itin u pulurvinu konloud com: with oolul nut. land! until tho fnis inbmkon. Quin tlnrouln 3 nova. then through 3 ' y-h.;. to every you-Id ollrut nI~ - on nonnql ol white man. hoil In- Xoiou pound 0! white man. hon Iillhul. ucl. man who null pot: and ISO down. II-III rhllla Inun-In To only pound ol (nit union on hllpouIdolq|r.Ih`rIn\6l|ho twill indinolvd.\hon nllovit Io hol or h|llcnhoIt._n|'IIUlIh0fniI|oohwolI unldonl. Hun you nllrnonliug can Ilndmllllpuonu and scan. wvuuvu r----.--. Pucud qnrhr In rip qubou, xlillnconuntlpuiaguino vnhhoovc tic. boll all . ._a- n....n.n...-nunolnnhu xs. . . _ 1`!-m_\~\ INIIA d India: n. ht Jul. :u. Winn llpng .. 3 ..n-an-.nI`pc`.g..`;..g IID CUIIASI Jan. (no It on thin ma 1...... and maven hound ty.&_ unzvg?` 0| 0| uh:Il| : o I Lil'm.:.k.'::cl_ non: vol! ll.ll`l l\ Ilnnu auu.-.u. I`Ickl\lII>f!lilflUolI ouIuI|\ bruho A:-. - ....n-as-1 knnlnnnd corn Ii Zl`l:)Bl!:3`nll_0Ll)` :IifJ:7i.~.a." Quick In-un- '"n|uhuuId WW." ' nuluoh;`u_oIt,glQcvo:i*u|:nos.- Thueouh hes} - that d All hlbmtpainlly! '"'...:_._...._.` ` nnnhccnnng. bu Thopmurie0otnl an (.40-3u'I'JoBrn-Al NI ! `U5 `l'Il%llLth`IIouc_ol ibow ncuonucmp Iuogiilccnl list in uornnonlimpgnns an-hunt um wu:-In lor oornet unit! I: Inch-lncmnsnnlthnouhnusqumius lsin hovlituoin .....a..u.n.... a main! aldnunun nun;-running Thequouougus [Cid IIITIKIK F-g` wrong: 0 polio! |ll@ -In-0 novarlnlon uptnuoul. Had no an inch : V -rm. Knno-than mun. mm. nation! In Hon we Inca Tho Kant-mun eqbun mill. -and in wax. Ins been opt-mud only [our -luyvs` nvukluuummumlngnnalngumlu ilwillho elaul lot cannon. The ouployus numlnnlnumouuny dad inl 11$. but. in oonuuyuueo ol broken tune. unoonuuyinwouumnt munch. moan vhichoonnnde-I no In lmlinnowhady olcod man The _an man and udmdnnd uni in `.Al'.ud bv the. 1`ho:-I)Vunn1l lot; label---luin Badman Inn - ] mnaany l nIw"d. ' 1:001`: no ycun ago. Tho muting vary but. but is isoxpccwd to improve in unna- ...-.ion at nnlno mills. and Ibunu:n~ N oxpccwtl In Ilnplovo In upuur 1 punion ol some milk. lacuna byollnlnolulowdcuvlgoogla. Capital nook. Human. The Oundau Laouuolivo and En- gino Wort: clnpluyu-l nu lull out I50 hud::'n Into: nu. none.8Ii5: in ls&1.ovo`r'C0); us the pun Mao |n|1 3 loan. unwound in npinng. The work: virtually doudhnl hunk Dur ing lung!-3. M In: (any onplovol: now than an notooly no contact: on Iund. has then ih no prospect 01 my. unless very heavy clopu amnion I do- muul Io: noun power Jung Ila tall and Iinlnr month. This it Hi?! ` about 81.50 put at. int.-lnd~ inn than at qqauutiou. lahonnu all others. Tho uhblishnnot In nan IIIIIM time dating the vnnhr cl 153380. in order to uhnd the ooulnti uni m um men as work n log; n poni- Kingston Cu Wotu-'l"ho noel on than Iorhuu nulilyanhhnhul in 13%. as I limo vshnn onry similar II` dour} hp! Au oqncily lull] hxal. In two nun lulu prodnclol the both but been uluo-I no Ol5(x0Jo. Ihih it it hul been works! at its lull cqnciw III urn inaunbould uuvabouniuthonnotimo nhnnl lhnaoamthll at a million. The (hpihl clock About Imllu The King,-ulou I-`unnnlry in one ol the oldest us-I but cnhhlulnl in-lulrioo in tho city; opocnlsiu. mill and marine watt. llhu-othou oodnllioroouo nut. Thonulnhuolih nouv mined Ibvnqulicngn as] tho pt. II l&33.n-.lmul u up:-maul than you by halves `I ad S);-coat. Victoria Foundry is not u fully on- ..I....a ..n-nln-I. Inn. in n'nmn~ `slug -You-k 3.1! % cum I um! I? t`utl_|.L-no.) nine with In lllll nun: nu-u um-n u-u vo1uI-ninnhnnIu thyvcn. Tho Lnulwoth. whhhwu ninth-I nndmulorn bl1lII\l)IiIl73.lI' IIIIO until two week: ngo. Thou put Iiouwunuunnod with cighlnomwho ban!-can -alum Inn. on nought non n min nu Angie: and don- cnbuluruyllo. Tholuulilunluo Inuuonotcouvutiu inhuhot. (kph hlinh. Iona loItnc|nsI!I Ir. A. (luau. ll! -- 7- ,_ ._ _A-_:-- -_-I-- -L4..I A-A. VICQOIII I"0lIlIdl'y II noun uluy un- pbnduilvn yIu.buI|'nnn~ nine with its hl uhlol mt-In no-I lho -....--;i- dun an lbw wgxg. Th6pi;n;>!utor?onon yuhonttvo 1` thinlsunuyutboy la lund ` olcouno h_Ic money Iiu null one lu.-wry bu Dad to nabs: luzy,-onmbsrol inntlunelh hlhbclr |or.||oI|I.uIli| willclotnlhqdhu -1CZ In uuthnsl-'-M!`-5 ,5 -.I_..a..-I T .=.::.~- ..-. :;,_. x|N:s'm2<'i:i"itTjSi5i`kiiizL- ' VIP !!! qnnistionzs The Isthmus not -oulicult lhisnou all IQ shonluiha pin! 1! Mien van 5 half!) rcq-onoououtoenoonnanllnplwnn oral sh Jo-v-also puncture ins ponlwork. I; III nnonludinlln Jnaoiunool Ibo l)do'ra`Jonn-A-' thoeompositiou vhichcloncd but adult wonldbotholnnfortho ptuathtnt I-cshun deatlultotn cannon. nu ......... _...n hnnnnl hrmnllt qnolaua-g|.-sauna` lotouloin-1-Ion. I'_Innuo.0I3\n\`.lou~ hluoh;lI_olt,glQIIo:`uI:Ios. .-una.!~c`Iun.Oo. A1 A deatlultotn on All money must banal bygou ob: at upnn. Ho inlonnnthn will In vnonuo any on men than in thud . So and on union. nil lu`| uusmo time writing. Do not Quip`- MI dumps ulna nix Ihiuddlor thcdiuoouut. Remit by [inst omor slur. ncziputsmmll coin. III uuu qusnous: j 81Ao.(;6 6 IN 'i.A1ii;:sJ_61'iisL.1 inns oourn-{nos so. x-u.ous surftiltt nun orn mm: | wnuxuannt cuvuorn-u. -,...,.. .-.nn no-n-Anl (`ulOol..\!'|0II nwnns I -0u\ mubuu-u and pH 1 uh-an cl:-I than-unxng Khan` r-2:0 Ckuaunhdvdunmnnuluhh hulmhulil is quolienhle to nay hnlor. Wunutwd to her the idler [chub chi. Incl. In-xnnn1L-| . Bum tn-I U. R W. I. lIH\|l.:IuL--: . n--,..- ...- . (`mm n_._ynonna a. son. via my. _ .`.`.'jI.T`P' mum mm mm] I-R P103 LIQUID Illalil `III 3? (`I In-cl tn the Until. InunIu|r:mtmmu| vnnllsll LAIN IOWRRF. II Ihlhhlilnptl. `mm 3505'. we.` |'=@'7'EWr=;J4v-Isl ;-....._._, )1"tnal. I-uIn:In-l'. Rue: J. ?`u.ALnIn |f8!r" umnu Th (bud W. inulhlufdhod on south uhhulunlun-&h 1 J01! .\'.\`l LVN K .\ 181 PM IN E] A Ll. COLOR` IOIAR3; %uo% s.. PRYRCBRS RTRIB1`. IIIXIOI ICING` POI U ` -`III II 1-run VIIIISK. IAWN HOWIIIF. Ill! CIEII Ce- AT RRADY IOR USE. `ALL OOLOR8 !;IVu-uzultu. ,_._._ _-- -nIhADQi.- n:-L411 rout-Q Wilt; lo. 00. ,!.I.. .\I:U' \ 0'I .' .4..- :4-`..__._ , |`m `om r. cnmsu mi/6 Q-an -dioII.vuunn| annual-nu lb . II:-R:-[mu gun on hob 0! -I-In `iv ! anon ` nggup ' Iognpulnna-uvuh mun suntan]:-hunnuug colour. - nouns`:-I unis Ilnhnnn liaison uczuuku the ' hnzh.` run :51 I IIMRI . turn- an n h1ly$:m.lzIcnoolnou:ng._o The WM; In rlllh-but uni lIxjIsn_A_t lnAM\-A u M JIIU Fi XITIII-- Ursa. lnqhhh-In-I turnout I~eu.n pa yang. .[l_puLl ig I_1I_uu I ISICIAN. 1 E00 Wllfil IUTIL. IIQII I013]. uh `I u an! innate.- 0\\)UN'l Al`f. AICOC. 50. Tu! Qua uzxlvn as tho uitunnu-cl 1-cnuoump and IKFRIIKNCRI Ian: tutor: I Iul-u. laws. hvlnnllhl I lo-n Inn! :- Domln`i ui1Iix`7Ii1h1I1un. I884-MONTREALJ884 |3I|-dciuulath. mmtm'[_a'um1'nm.. Wu nu.i vui lI.lE3' CIUEIE. uncut-IAI IEAIADA. lllitd Irtltvfltnr 0 it I-lions; uhninnn ulnhl. A ..K...'}............ J. l. IIOYSS. I L`_""`3.v'.~4 .I."....'I`.... '*'..: ;..".. '3. 03% IUlnD&U--u ' - bnjd-hum! cjlynlulolllnbd -I-IIn`lWU. was--.. j W (hqvo In "'-4"` ?- ;.T'i1}is-naught. I Ittil Ital J `alto. an kg Advuu Pa lo: a 7 ` GRAND `MK. sl'kulu.\'. to?" 009-and not >v&Dk=l3Il!O& nhgl'd\o I. P~_v truuul sud U: u-u 2:!-y'I 01v 1. It llol OIL ` 138803 01. IX`! 0 (ll 1:. J. nlmvvl. though-o. Ann! 1- -1' ...E._ - BEL Iuv__I_I.iI. [ `XIII! W gay (gnu!-_s t\ac_l__ guun-:QI'- 5 sg.g-..- __ . ..___. Pun went:-Ivut law! to lavtuv-on. up nun-:1-cunt F3: law!-cal-: : 7um7IutaI?='PT-Fe? , _ A___._ .__...:.a-uh I3!` tawu-uu---u - ._._. ._V, W CAII` KAT`: C I`. Ell N3 ' Ft """J!E5lI!..._;.__`.. NC I WIEC the-flue-en: COOK'S FRI!!! '3 119$ CRAWFORD. W. I. lclul A00. WILIJAI IIGIIY H. X11111"? If I3! . (I. I. Vl|.KlN&)N I 00 II All I0` ornuum nl.A(`.l_ Iunqlyununllquhuhtud IO Gddiutln nduou In. It In I put cum, -u.L-nannnhnulr . nun. I g-`ann IQ- nlubxcuntn-u-urn:--u gag. tvuqqtld i .;_.:---v (`huh hnhnitnluliud (H Oonrnnulluls v ` inn-s mun nan: Iouunly can but-n-Iyu oruhuub-4 &'s. l\ [tut-nu lnlr lnuu turd` uy,n'I-uvrvailrunuaauuueohr. pt-an I-zvl-Q. piinnu uh lur A-I 'I-m`|n you`; Q. Fi and menu-u_u.n&-I-u...-Ab. _ __, ~___ , ,_ mi II-.J.0.`u-I-00.l.oIIIs"'"~ Inn by Glut` ` ____ _ ,._.-o BA Rc'_'.i:1 N 5| ' `- $30 IUNZHWR I:-Iilllnibij iv-I--v~- ' v I?IIlAGI -lnoltdu-Ono W` . .._;_ .........a|n.unnIrIum VOL. LIII. o - TEAS.!lliC). N139 u uwv I-nu Unt nuurugv '%(-ln Vmor In-01-I sq-I n-Q-I-oil .-I all u-.- n\l LI~J liuqn 5! land now and then up "voudw-' Iron: we . |n{.1nl htbtvIr\l uqamot the unvo- dna . Anya gotinlv Iull ~ the uniiouoo wlnl dHik' hul out lmm Hero is hiounlqnor '-`hunches. sou Inn:-an nn urn` ti `Id 11!) Im. I ltwunbold nuokuot Italic: ontho put at "Gooornl Booth in main the mcutnnnlxetcr Ball of "Five Hut at "uooonl" Boom to mun we nllxotcr dnd vo-I Dnuknnlnjnloverby which to nine the 10.11!) which the Snlvt Iiouid oxchcqucr paeodcd Ioclurol the kick which had gathered round the has two years` IDOOIDQ from vuionl causes: lsculnnolui proud that we thuiuu ol ha patron ltioldl. and Min when II? 3! $0 him 0! the Amy`; poueelol tori. the owl ol III would to Iortboouning. Tho Inning but the anus] noununeo ol the Amy`: pshcriuuu us link: Ball. It Inn and that onn.d8&)npo|-tad up lathe Monday pronoun X64 of them but upon! mu: yunu drinliou; that the plat Ian lornnonhd non than l.(l)0-nan ol dnlnkennou, us an ostinuod expen- -hlun 01 [$133,611. After ulupu ud yer. inluqmj uith abort lpeechoo Z-:I: Ibo (knot-11." Accompanied every pad than by "vollJyn|' tom the den;-nl Ind riglnly gnarl n on-. elo|IhI'CDIO!"Iwwvvu.zu- - bout-I. an new of lnnlstvv pain. . hon-no um! can. tow bomcs._ 400. a no.un' drunken nurse (coating ram. lllldoa. phuts. pmduao ol u grocer`: uhop. I vholenlo conhotionufn chop. l.lIn`nd, npil. 650 points 0! 0 ----u -u-nIL TX Iillllr IIO. with the nanlu oohtitu. They Inning-oil. ho aid. tlllxllliia pop: two you: ngo. Ono 0! sh thcuno II we country. anus d nau- ing Ltlll could be had tut Iltllll. ud thus friend! had oend 1111) nah. Woglul nine other: givo 1111) gum or hounr still. would ouuivo Aohoqno In 1`.|.(lI1 9 They Ind duhrniud to ll u Snlnuon Navy. but uncured nyuhk ma vuulal nu round the coat ol the Mulilunnoun. hominid Ihonii Old hotshot I-lg ; and In clidnotknn `antic 'l`te{InnIouIup.ud\ho .....n _..n.n ;:-su. than he told .\ Ilactlug cl fin llondrod land DI-unI~ AIcII.. nan lnolh n Iucconn. Inn not cunt II the non. llnh tho uh. love ulonu. Ohol fl . J-scoot - V V J ' .'.:"?:"..:'7""" ....:":.'.'-" u- | 1>:ulboJhdb|H:: Jutldl. ruwuuo-uducucohhannx lIrmhoI"DncnI"byUuvol - I Iolllo; . I _ lannuoatuohnihurtrunan (son to thumb Iodlbllhldl. run wcdolluinthopluo: lo`: ennpu. ` cbouulnhlannkn on Munnnnuunhhollct bl uau .....1 u.. 1' ' .3ns:nmuz;. Iovwhb-utihny II lhhs awe OIOIIIAIOIIY Pu`-tau 3- (IA flu;-V-I zany`-Otlve. I Wort.