%\`Q-. . Q i.,._'. TI `Cult Old ?. VIII .II|Od another `Ila Wfllddll Io thodooht. ::loou.ly1`haIv.Iul.u:-or:l:o' a hut: nun nu and Inn .Ino 0. ulnAA-.nIng)'LA@lAnanIIn.IIl| I .3,` a."o",.& .'e."..I.'..'f.'f'i'.`2.';.'." Thnnnnlln-nnnhnhndnjd lylII'lIIlO.llllougII|cOIlIldplOool olupuhul boonthnwuovunomo ol the llatplnltlhlhllono onhoplctunu-anu.uthoqHonho mend 3 non oluolvtlonu Ibo cannibal noun pu-o. no mango VII unav- od Iron hh cyan. Ho lolnd I|-d! II I anal! cnwlng room. at houdob. III kid I! ll 01 HQ- Iv "1 nhnnn ALI. (`I `fill I-`l OVAL?- aymlgnt ngun-wnu cum 0! 1:. ll uomod lohhn lhu. the cnrrlngo .'.".....'`...."`" "*.':.1:- :.'..::' `"'" 3 I v y I II. Ilbly with a vlow to prawn: lab lo In; any mouth was u to tho put at its to which he wubolngondub ed. coach :3 stopped. in uodoarwuopnd rhln. llhtwo bolnplnlonl wok hlm nah ndotou unnuhudhlnu n nrrow um way Into: room. w mar 1 no- t` It Inn - 1".`7...'.. .T.."`.... n.,".?.."2.."..'I.."."I. non 01 ran. mo ounuc vem cnooony rum down. but u Irnall lamp Inn ng iron the mo! guve him eumclent ght to III that the oppoullo Ion wn occu- lod by two ntlomen very rlohly reuod. but w on countenance: were : wholly conoonlod b mull of blnek , Illk. hlvingieep ngu of the IImI ` hnterlnl. no ot the genunmen hu- loned to inform him that he nut Inb- ' ml: to have M: eyoI bnndngod. II tho pobznon In whine Ionoo theyl worot; I nttovon uct In: W I Id nnk. whoee name Ind pl::o of wide It wu Im rntlvely nocolury to eon- oonl. AI 0 pulled the hendngo out 0! hh pocket Ind pmooedod very Idrolu In Idjmt It to the doctor I eyu. h I com Inlon took oconlon to remark um e and the other uemm were {::I.yo:nnId; `tad Ihonl `th:MeloetoI-. It my 0 er I o procai- Ingn. olfer tho Il|:EI.eIt roIlII.Inco to o m I .'.'2 .'.i$`.i?..'{.?..7:Ti.!.'1';"'I.%`$ a"i', death. U n thln Idmonldon. Dr. Ellen lee do resolved. like the cul- ny Soot he wu. to hold hla tongue Ind Ioo~-when ho wu permitted to am his eyoulght IgIln-whIt cum of II. II. named to him I.hI.t the cnrrlum would DIVO COIDO I0 me; DUI. I WOIIIG not have stabbed the Signor Donors; no. not lot a hundred duonu. Lot us go And drink 3 bottle of Chlnnll." While the nnmelou man wu thus ml result or Inn exoopuonuuy moounu night`: work. unloen hum]: hul roliovod Dr. Enou Mucbrido ol the honvy cloak In which he hsd boon mulod, and in which he hul boon II! but uuooatod. Ho an up to nd hlnuol! In lholntorlor of whnl. wu ovldoutliltho onrrhgo of 1 ganon 01 rank. The 1nd: won: closely rum down, but A unnll lnmn lnmrimv mu arm: oozuo ox umnnu. oongntulltin himuolf on the succow in] result 0! In exoopuonully bloodlau nhrht`: wnrklnnnogn hnndl hml raliovod um snmovn. we nameless mun wu jlng some olden coins in his pock- ounn chuck merrily. 'I`nn ducntn. ho reecl.ad--Ion on and cnuclu merruy. `Ton ducnts, 1-eecl.od--Ion ducnu only for poluun out the Signor Donate to them. And oy have worn not to do him an hnrm. 0! course, 1! they hm! wanto to hnnn him the would hlvo to but 1 won! nm In... -Onhhndl nu. Hi.-nnr Ilntnmm (IITVBII BWI . IIIO WIIOIO P0000111]! , indeed. I: been wntoho with o ilvoliost. interest by an individual who wu clad in a long brown cloak. and who wore his hat Iiouchod over his oyoa. and who--thero is no indiurrstion in n ng it--was the nunuleu mun who ivod in one o( the gnrreu on the PnluzoCu'm1nIH. And whose proton- don wu conjectured to be that of In nsuuin for him. And as he watched the cnrrisge rapidly retreating into tho shndowl. the nameless mun wu iimrlina nnmn cmhlnn (min: in his nook- Id 0101! II 3 IR. -EU'HO. .;,'..-.--* % -..'-.~.:.-r.-.-*:.::.'v= ""1 monn vomcw. Dr. nous Mncbrido had in verity been kidnapped by two men. lorclbly curried by them to n oowh. ono of the door: 01 which was standing wido. huddled Into the vehicle and rs idly driven awn The whole rooeo 11$. llwmllnn inlnrnnl In: an imllvhllml who 0||I.IE'rI LEIIEI o es. ylt ls nll wry well for you to slouch our hm. over your (`_VOR, my frlonul. lllld Dr. Mac-bridn to himself. but I know Lhnl hat and cloak very well. or I om griovously mislnkvn. 'l`lmy belong to the nnmoloss man who lodges ln (mo of tho gnrrots M. the l`u.lnzzo Carmlnnli. I once mlrscd you through :1 (over, my Mend, and gnvo you money to gotyuur cloak out of pawn. I don't. think you would do me nny hnrm. though folks do any that you are n spadnclnn; nhlrod Lmusln." _,. Sonrcolv hurl ho thus monunllv ox- mentally prouod lfimsoll when he heard in M01! voice behind him the single word. "Ec- coola!" "Hero hols!" And immodinwly he was wind from behind by strong arms. 1 hon cloak was thrown over his lmud. on he was litwd from the ground and carried some yards. Then 0 was thrust forward on what. seemed some kind at I bench or sent; the arms which had mined him had rolnxod their grup. 1 door In: uhunmod and ho be- came aware that ho was in a rapidly movin vohiciu. lir JIIIII Ilnnhrin hurl in V" with me." . "With Icasurc, lllustrissimo ad oc- collontlsa mo Doototo." said tho apatht scary. An In: hustled (rom jut Lg ur, pouring various ingredients iutoug nan vial. ""l'is n wonderful sluoplng drnu ht, to be sure. I have tried it on my wfo who. poor soul. omluroa ago- nloo {mm the toothache, and it never fall: in producing slumber. To bosuru, had you not told me that.` tho potiun was nito harmless, I should have buun alrnia to use it; {or the sleep that It brings Iboul. is so deep and so long as us be really very much like the sleep of death." lln haul nnnn nnmnlnlnd his task. and death." He had coon complotod his task. Dr. Ilcbrldo. placing the vial in his side pocket. with tho cochincal. lot: the phnnum-.in. Ilu crossed tlm I inz1.n dl Spmvnn. in tho dirt-ctlon of the Col- lege ortho Propngnuda; when just as he had ronohccl the spot where is now the momum-nt. his path was crossed by 11 tall man who was wrnppvd up In a long black vlunk. nnd whu wuru his broad nppml hnt slouchud uvvr his eyes. "It vvrv you packel 0! cocmneul In I clue pocwu. Su\y." he suddenly oxclaimod.paun- ing on the threshold. "1 had for non something. You must make up, i you iouo, that udmlrsbiy eiiicncioul deep- ng dgau hi. with the secret oi tha formula 0 which only you lung! l are oogniznnt. and which hnsiven one to so many 0! my patients. iii you pro- paro it for me In. onpu? i must take it with me." --Wloh nimnurn iiiuutrissimo ad ' ovary -Dr. .d'!nou`lIa'chrid'e was urea` in? camp tin anatomy. mu diuoclad int came In M: way. 81: dluoctlnj room us In the oounycnl o! the? use Cumlnau. Roma. 8:: lg .n. nn gain In his libnn Ind ulono to him um ho had oxuauneu nu lup- yly of cochineal with which to tinge be melted wax whlch he ro nod to Inject on the marrow mornxg nto the venous system 0! his "prpanllon." Dr. Ainou Macbride proooododuotho oi ms "propanuon; Dr. Jlinoss Mncbrido proceeded totho `well known druggisfs shop kept by 61 nor Psnclurouo. at the corner of the FA dci CondunL II. was one of the lsrgesz and hnndsomest shops In Rome. Us made his nrchnsa and plsood the packet of coo Ines! In 3 side pocket. Su\y." u Puuso cununnu. none. am It wu u lulu ln his library that Scouele" cnrriedjont hh cholmt mualpulnrlons and mule the more delicate of the "preparntlona" ol hulnu: munclen. nru.-rleu. vclu and nerves. whlch. when completed. were dis ll od under glun nhydou on 3 long tab 0 n the center ol the npnrtmont. .l'Lv!II;L!M.l..I_1I1!?zl.!1.'.4? .".`&I`."` n!-M tho dluoctlon of : very smiII'hi'liif nernr mlnd to what kind of a creature the hand; while ll Wu 1: livln hand. had boIongcd--that he vs: I may in July. 1865. whgu ll suddenly occurred him that ho had oxhauned his nup- nlu nl nnnhlnnnl lth Ilhillll I0 [120 `Saving a nuurul (TH-i from D1-nun " .` `lb! ll: Owh Wedding. rn:`u:@:imiu bit. nn\_1'mum:. s'nE;;mt1'1sH.wH1:;, MONDAY EVENING. .AUGl's'I` 4. T |1'. nun:-T u.. nun-un.' '-mun.` I-'t| BITIJIIII 'l'lOl(l'."l`8 will no Iadb 'l`oronoo'ud mun on JULY an and ml-. good In nun unul AUOUH1` In lot. at luk Inn. 06.0. r:"%c:E:J1VED TO-DAY : Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Evary iooo Bummer Dnvll Good: reduced. All Summer llonwy nduod. Psnnoh an k llmhrdlucllniunod. GIL ooenlhv Pnnh ull nducod. Black. C1-can nod White Ostrich mm an n voduuod pnam R. WALDRON. ' WI'IBON`S BUILDINGS. July 17. noors. snons. riurnns & vursns _ _"_.._. .A.Il-8'.l?Bo()N'G-'8 *l )HlllN (H1 .lHl.V HIIJP. _ X iIi:11ii*"& (30,! ,--- -- -.A-n ...-unnI\nv D. F. AIKMSTRONG, Jun: 10. CHEAP SALE OF DRY GOODS :;4uni'::s 3:" i.'$' nu Prepr %ForYour Summer Holidays I * mum, rnavnuma ms, sncnms, sum smrs, . `v1-\ A 1* 1' fI'I`l\ A TTTTII 1 Ttfrn I'II\f\`l\(V These Goods are`Expos3ed on Our Cheap Sale Tables in the Centre of the Store and are offered at Half the!Usual Price. July It. [Lane nllars,Laca1`ias,Fancy Handkerchiefs] [R.&J.GARDINER.l 0 WV [14 July ET IGREAT SALE] 14*1_1_g3sI1 F_I__H. u. 1:. n. July 19. July II. AL6o%k`O6tWF'>r LCeh`uinTB`argaiiiis i IOUII IIOXII IOII 0' TI! POPULAR IIHDID JIIIIYI Hal) FIBAIN N710 1:. Manure, It I .B 0 AT] N G S H MNLS. R. ll. vr 3* It Rogntta at Toronto July 29th. Plush Osntonn in all Colors, for Fuucy Work, at I. fl - --'VI|3iA"iDI7Oll'I -nouns unnnlun no-1-AnI.IlIInn'.l' vvA::.Ta.oN*s. M AND ALI: T-RAvELLING'G3c3i;s --AT LOIIIT PRIOIS A`I'-- : 56 11 53 u-n --II Q5 -I-C ` -DURlNG OUR JULY S\l.l'.' - :3 Fun: Anon-en! In Iho I`IIy `I21 urn 1142311, Lona] .I[l -chin. liuuyvl, Iuuluuus Janine. Aim-tauncjthclnktlldf` _ Dhaka. Baa, liars. EB Elan, llfrdpnht. add! lava miappu Iqdl Jornnpudaauua. canny-uauuqrh Haul. j Darn Dianna. Luu{.I,-,.m._ I.....y-.\tq, nilbund. I .Dnu-'4 1......J.... An.-o..-nnlnh lurnnd Kdhz. Mtaoelliaodua Advenimnsu -Al1D ---. 1 B0 PRINCESS STREET. THU}. 14 |:PIlINCESS s'1`1u~;m` vvu u -wpcwuuv--y---v._ - rwriu ninnno n1-nusmmrn wlnnycl will uotlnlelau dlqully cl . BAILEY. 00.. Anal. KIIQIIIII 1 CITY BOOT STORI-LI I 1. "you IIUIII love planned Ibo at 0! your wall the I """"' `.........u `. s".'. dllodt II int ill b pl M at. But that have gon:`:|th no hr In this nbonhsbh bulnou OI Mmlerudbglp `mm: will `aumcrudhglp yup` out-pt. `.3. 3133173110 Phdl n.__._- -- nna-nun-Anal In LA.` dudolnlghk-ad dlnocllonly wuohlnoullu blur Ilulvoln hounnovnapbhlolruo-Jul Io- _.A-nl n-nnnh;j lnlvn...-ll doctor. "no noun: ol ounou people that hue boon murdered have boon dhlntorrcd our and over spin. Ono V8. you how. lot In um vino- yuldoolotht puwny. und the mg: In I to juuce. " 1 Q ` hung` '"`n"f.".i.` M 0.. ' 3 n a en. sun at the .$'3u an. no "It is null dugumun." mused m dootor. Tho bodhon ol hurled people that Ian boon nmrdand bun nonor on um um mun-a mvn. she will blood no morn." said Dr. Inchrido. "And now lot no not you wlm you intend to do with the evi- dnuoo o! y r. Ind I nu nlmou My my guilt? on do you mood to din- pooo ol the corpu!" "Put luno 3 out lull ol woman not onuo corpse!" "Put 1| In tho Tiber. muuond the I thmnn. MAI Ln Hui nl Hun nun} I-nlnn u: uuor nueunn. "M 0 risk of tho not rotting. tho wohu hooonlng Moon mom the body. and ol the oorpu . or 01 ball` vllhod on shore and e lul- .._.. n...-I-`A " onua, not Iy. "How lb!) bled!" roponwd rlho shorter ol tho two muted men. IIIXLA -lII hIgn.I Inn henna " -nl.l Ils- DICK III IIOI CIIIIT. H0!` f|I'llIS nnnglng loosely. "She is Inlanslblo! said the shorter ol tho mukod non. I-Gk. In .I.un.lV -ai.| hr I-Tnnna Klan. warm wnor: "Thu shell bout onoe procured. ro- llod_ the teller oi the masked men. ulng the room. You will remember the! Dr. A-Inues Mncbrldo was also tell 0! nature. llu bent over the reclining Indy and whispered noxnolhin to her. "I have told lwr. he said. revving himsell up to hit full length. "that I will not hurt her much. Preeenll two female euendenu. each close ylmaskcd. entered the room. in between them a In silver tub ful of warm vreler. Th a vessel they placed belore the young lady. who. without I word. immersed her toe! in the ureter. Then Dr. hlecluido. once more bending over the victim. smoothing the hair on her iorelmed end feeling her ulso, knoll. lunoet in Innd. b the ni not the silver loot.- belli. 0 row. looked in the victim`: teem chose I ireah lnncot. end knoll egtln by the aide oi the looibelh. The Inter was now deopl discolored. I-Ire lo it we: complete y crimson. " ring mother bnI.h-n tub a buck- ot-whn you will!" said the doctor. "end morn worm water!" Then he continued. hulily holding him wrist: trend the enkleu ol the patient. while the tire! loot-bath wu liken away and another substituted (or it. "This will llnleh the work." |l"n- aha hIAnI"' --Id Hm lull rnnn nnun mo won. ' '_'_HoI Ibo bleeds!" aid the an Inn. whq IIIQ loldod ulna. wu wnu-hing the scam. The young lady and [alien buck In her clnir. her arms hanging Inn-nlv N IIO munu MOI. "She ls dud!" said Dr. Jlucas Mae- brida, solemnly. "How ulna bled! romnwd lho an drowml as m own. Dr. Jlinoas ncbrldo nppoarod to huluto lot 3 moment; than he ulul: "I will do vour will; and Inn Heaven Iorgtvo mo lor _\-wlmng to you! lint I must haw n vq-sscl; n largo mssol ol warn I'IU0l'." II'l`hnl shall Im nl nnnn nrnnnlonl " PA. back you to IIOIUI. Do their bidding. said. in a low. hint voice the young lady in the arm- chur. OAIL1 I hnnr nrhrhl9 nnl-I Ilnn Ilnn-tnr. cuur. Do I hon nright! aid the Doctor. "You did!" resumed the Indy. "Do their bidding. or you will incur 3 Into dreadful own." I\- Jinan: nu-hrldn Annmu-I\d In I "II is precisely." ropliod tho latter nllemnn. "because we are desirous I II this indisfuonsnblo work should not be alone n a buts.-hotly mnnnor lhul we l.|I\`0 brought \'ou hero. You um known to be the slzillfulvsl surgeon lu Rome, and you will ' wriorm tho operation M once by open ug lhu veins In her nnkloa; it `on miusu. I swear lhnz I and my bro '--ho chockml him~ sol! boioro ho could wholly pronounce the word "brothor"-"my compnnlon will lull on you with our poiunnls nncl back to death. "Du their bicldinc." said. low. imply rocomponsou ror your puns. "I will do no such horrible nnd un- nnnly thing." said l)r. .Eueu Mne- brldo. "Do you think thnl I. n my- alclw. whose duty is to do vvorything that ho possihl can to save human l|lo-ho it that the newborn infnnt or ol the damn] o! `Ju~-wuuld consent to put to a cruel death a poor Indy who should be onjoyln nll the happiness lhn earth can givo Do your butohery work yoursoll; I'll huo no hand in |`II lt"'~- hotlil gentlemen nodded their 5%`! heath lleanIly--at a mou|eut'a ree tnoutha aitnrward Dr. jgneaa notice. in`; mono; `o .. you `-3,; Haehridu returned to hjaiinburg. hring~ them to I will drink. And now. it? '8 WW1 mm W Wm I row-at -ml *1- Me Romain family. Pope 'BenodLt-'t_ }(l\'.. the enlightened and humane Lambretini. -had had niueh to do with what in it that you want me to do!" To perionu a surgical operation. When P" ` i ' -vim, in.;.m_-- _ ~ f bringing ahoutihe union oi the hand? "WirereP' ` ` some on lady with ll Dottore "Yon shallsoe. " ` ` 1!`-nun ae do. Seoaese. ilehadiu-` As the taller oi the two masked men `""d W "8 W3!" 5"`5"- 9` nadothh;-aft he goo; mo doom, by`; IL-tint-ilean DonAnlonlo0oni _ lio. the arm an {mi him (0.-w.ng_ '11,. Count: oi that ilk. that it they dl nut shorter person iiited a hen\'\' velvet ' um 'h iii "`' ` curtain Veiiin nu open portal,` nnd the ""7 137$ 5 W U10 I 0 05331` grog puged mo . nu 1,,.1_h.,.,b,,,_ , her they shouid'bel}>rolnoented withthe are everything in um wgvof 1 .- mg utmost rigoro t as aw for ha in um. and t`dV0:I the eeilinvg and: ltlhe: 835:1) ,m``d `0`ul0hlIlll`\k`|`ho curtains an tie count` i h 0 r sister _\' eauanx or. as t ey fourspou bed in mg -:3-':::|g`;,.`*N:,l,`_) thought. to have the veins oi her ankle: had boon an-oudod in whim .|...u,,g_ opened. Dr. .1-lncaa Machride. while rather there was halt reclining in n 111'! 0` "0" RIINU0 Ind "On _A_t_tho foot, of the bed mom 3.` W. Lretendiug to execute" the dreadful I in-go chair cox-and wiu. cum, to]. Antonio Cordisi`ogilo;"h'Sil"IFt admin- vet, a young |m1y-.m, mum be iatoredtohorn potion which apeediiy acarcely more than nin.;ion_x.;o.. rodueotiiwr to complete inaensibiilty. ingiy boauuiui, nu ma. mm 5.3 nnd hail next mingled with the warn": that rippled over her shou ders. Her '3'-"3" `H95 ""5" 0' '9 M303` hands were ti htly olnspmi. and she` '"~` i|1"|I\`l`Wl U10 001119111! 01 U10 was deathl ' pa 0. She was clad in n Pwlwl 0' 0Mm`3' Which 50 hit! Puf- |ong,i yqiowing um};-as mm 0; chased at the iarmaeia Paneiaretio. goqo whim, suky mum-i;.1_ .1 pm Thepoor girl's onl{ oqenso had been an bride could see um her little feel "N -110 1|-d l"`1`|1)`. -ml in were we bare. girlish ioll .oneournged (or a short --You goo um yom.n_.;m, mo" time the in dress oi a yonn man tnuoh my ma unhgm 'om.nr'..1j.,, her interior In rank; ut by her e gnu yoieoum 1-0111.0 .0 gang. haughty and Vin -lictivo brother: this men. "She has dis need the noble lllllelll flit`?-Ilion Wu (called a funny go which gho ion ._ ma jg 1, crime which her death alone oould ex- ngum 111;` an. .|>.ou|.1 dcpmmg plate. How fortunate it waa that i)r. oi mg. an is um use 01 imwu, Eneaa Ilaobrido was so Inneii addicted and you will instantly proceed to W 333! IIINOIIIN-`I1 ` NpII IUOIII." bluod imn.,.1o;u,_" noce tat the uaoo cochineailor pan is pmpamd go mgmnmge, their xertection. I fancy. h0W|`\'l`I'. fate." added the shorter gentleman in W W7 M9 "'l`i-3 h W n an-i allver. "and you will make 435800! 3011 tled Inllhlls. and 00n- t o grvalost possible expedition, | soled himself with covering smnliiivo need acarcely. say that you mu [,0 onea with I-.iao,oa-(leorgo`a Augusta amrily recompensed for pains. " 5 00 B010 Bells- ` resumed alter atery moderate potation. '. "m`Y 5d|9l` -3"0l"' 0` ` 5 ' llbliu Iuluw suu unuvu Inc may uvvv anu-sr vs. to deprived instantly her In doxlh." n-Qlm in nrnnnnml kn uuhmhtnhor lnto." added the summer geuuomnu In lo amply -`I Illll OUI III !-N3 `?\?Il'Ulll0l'\l| It" --,- ' botwgogdemczln npoddesl hoado dy--"n 1 I win to lngfill dx`iuk.`And now." Ha I moderatopouuon. . you to operation." `. "When?" lnntun. - `, t ` nhnll son." ` _.1a. old. ....n- 3.. gm :5... .|....m.- h.` I I ~' nyihrfogx but _be:!.e; drink it Re - Inch uh! hold you in an ear E ring: We Alloy no triing in this - buI;_ud have need to `nu-voyourull for win: ion hue _lo dull I . "I dun un uuwn courage. na- pllod Dr: lnchrlde. Ind un not used to inn drinking Io` urn no lot my nut. liovcvonul haw not the :1 mm with to fnyo my throat cal. _ an yon: nriobe we and to cut it"-- 'lm.mncnllemc.|: npoddod :4 don't mu Dutch cuuruge." N- lod Dr: Iachde. and um nmu. rim nus: -' -LII. T DAIII ASHLEE: 00-! Cmvnhqh u Dhlin. D1 BEILJ;-Y Hiu Tooth Howler. tho Poor|-Don- hlrkv. laden the but pcrlv with tho haul: -not. nmovu tutu Iron tho both vilhnm injuring tho Oltlllol. Bold M W. J. Wuhan. drlil. 3. , A bountiful bond dint. Then as both- intmwvuduin the outrun! an-c usual route C run an I hnuuxl halo! nainud in nu pnuni for 0 non ha pun-on ll E Ilnq Ibo 3 nova (`ingnllu lint . Menu pot homo. The moo! nmunbk euro 0! Hcroluln onroonnl htbnldllo Rev Wm Mom at Wnutomihooo an ol Iiaotulou Ah av.-In hulod the still nluvcnlnu -u ` tor nmn Juno years. II: was go nolv cured by IIMIIOI lined Bluon. nlnguhlo ennui: nun luor 4.51-any. W. J. Wlllon. the P`Isumuv.u:vu\1or liugltou. ----oo---- fconnoulnl` Tononu. D1-0. am. I hm.-p mu:h lunch in roonnnucmhn Ila (lnlnnio an to shy om Imulxl in}: cold look. and helium they Inll prov was I non any oouplunu than an olnngubh clinch Major Jolhy. W. J. Wilson. u Phulnnv. sum for l`hm|`huIne. I unmo I`h|l`h to e-wry III- ulhuenl mind. prolv-cionnl or olhorwi:-o in a key to com]-ulhon. lo uh-r. pun-r. mom gvahuhlc And more clioouvo oom- pouud but not been oond Iu canon 01 nervoun uhnundou uud pnlmmury an numption. For uh by all dmaut-. Jhmngnphy on give ul onlv the unspent the norm but Iu Iurny & lnumuno Flank \\'uar. chemuutry hu pr:-vuvrwd their man: on- nnee. It is. lilerully the lvntllc-1! hruth oi the meal frngnut woduou of the nehut flonl region in the world. -oo IIKIARI 31531 IIIIWIL Wuch orysnln. nuly l0_oeuu. ll \\'|l~ mm l\nul`n Hrolu-r Shop. the chap plloc an the on)`. He Is 5 dealer |n new and noonml lund gnodn of nll Imdn. suit able as clothing, luruilun, hnrdwuro. dry ooh, gowolkr). musical instruments And unehold goodn. All he nuts in Hue poo- rlo to onnzo iu.u hg nu sure Io sell. Wm. )|ud.nt-xl to Robinson`: nrriuco luclory. Iugn 0! the rod u`. Pnnoun Btnet. King- Ifoll . l'uuIun anal rnuupv. l`n.\'n:'x l`uvI.xn4 (`.-us linumon. the utonl remedy for oonm. in nlnunluh-ly ufe and pamlesx. doc: Its wurkprumpuy. unth- oul iu the lent iulerfenug with the com- lon. of pm.-nu, mud in uboluhly Alan :1 3 mole. gvuulan nnnody lot oanun. no not be impound u by dun mun count:-t- (oils. I'm: only mun`: Extnelor Born 0! has Iuilutn. Suki every- Ihrn by dr ' In ind dadon nu modi- cum. 'l`nl~ ou{ Putnam`: Psiuletn Ex Inctor. N. (`,. `olnnu J (`o . proprl Kim: Ilnn. ..:--...j.._. (Irv-It lljllu In Bandy Iain Yul: For sumnn-r won. Mnrneules mm. N-'-0 nrlwu for H .30. llmut Mnmeillex rmsu, II '.n ... o-.. '.\- I471} lhum .hu~|: The F1098! Laundry Work nruwo [Ur II all. IK`I5 VIII H.541. 0! turn Ior 0`.'.b0. rests mule to ord.`-I RI .2. IA Al... L..o -`In. n. In: fnl auroem. And nun Inn) to tell gnu uni it ii tho but nu-lieilm we over unod. Ida uhoorol_v ulune Any mm who in lruubl:-d with v-cmfuln to give this \-dual-lo n-me-dy u trinl. nnd nsumo than they \ul| not b - dxuappoinmd, Verv truls` mun. Very tru|y J. I . l-`unborn. sham xuuoa 3-ytup in sold by -II drun- ginla, pnco H.001-ctr lunlo. or all {or 35. II '...I.\ A.-mu 'nI Knuvulnn Toronto, Ont. F:-bruuy 20th. Mal. ` Gentlemen.- I 1.... ....4I Rlmkn nlcnll Hnnn in luv 1 (`rcnlluuen.- I bun` used Rhukrr Blood H_vnIp my funny {or ncrolnlpua humor Inn: woudur. Inn) tell lint it in xho T0358 llllll K0 0l`l1."I I 85. um host ulna I uwrm to choose 1 . ow Yolk Cloumuv S Is the Ibsolnte necessity 0! huilh. The marvellous results 01 Pinter lllnod Syrup mien: All hulmm-u and low oonshliunu of the 00d nnpruu-In by the cum: |\n'\\'o II. the boat blood Inedlciue. Such hm: tn`: the suooesu 0! thu um-le mt lmnm lhnl noel-Iv every fuuily Ill whde ueuzhborhoodn huve been king is at the sum: tune. it ondleummcmluln, nulueu null ourieluwn the blood. thereby restoring And rouo\'u~ mg the whole nyn-um. Shaker Blood Ry rup purlfxeu the Nuod, urn dvupepuu. euru lulmu~,4umu. A poculnr 1-om! m Husker mood Syrup In the it builds up xnd u~&rengllu~us llm 1A_\'u ,n'Iu, wlnle n or- uhenlau ins.-um. and an uuuro`u grant us- ninuut |`ru\:-s HM)" Invllnnhle an pnxvc non lrom \hP(`I!('.\ that ormnntv m chum"- (:4 of tho !lv.'I0lI. of clnuno and of Ma-_ J II`:-YIIIIP KC?- Tho inool nmuhblo of Scroluln m ma.-.1 in IL`: glib. Inc Wm llnnl `was ll:--n. |( Dr. Imbrih:v'n Nqiux. ; driwn mum! go Its enlnucoul the nu- nuv Inna behind the-Pnlgno Cxnniulrl '1` hen the buds: vrnppod In whlh.llII~ on can eurrid the, doctor nd no `ullor at the on! not: by the door into the dhnc mud IAN like 3 none on` the tn 0. doctor noucod um. hh lellow~beu'qr' was tumbling violently. and to had at- dull! bu! enough "0! horfun (gr mu 3'8! _ _ __ . |'l Icv wuuv I-u nnvuulv. u. m- , Wulc`, A.;ou tor Kmgxlon. :----oo.;_ _ "IiItirU.!i1r:.'1i"1I;i9I.iG'%%D0zr: ` __.. __..._ _- .-' ._- nun. II-- Ann: -Dun u, r. 81 r an 32.1. or um not v in the city. I-`my r from. 7.. Pruvonl . us--. TXIIWI "l`1\LI, ldnen duct 75. or um [or . -.n- I.`.lo.. 'YAIm~43ov-av "nuns and Wu: noun Orl`It:I2 - (`Innate II" mm-u American and I000 M C X,Il-|lI| kh\ICIg_- BZDUQ G ZUIIIII. `WAIVINHIENI, \'n-sol A1000: and IV: ` nndlrw bu] vollun-road mop-up wood ICIOII and Han tad (`nnlm-ml -I v IUl'l'A:I`: hO`:.II0l'II Alli lflmlo I` : CI-IIIII I not In H I Incl Alhlalqgluduodhllwa lunch and nut. on We-I. I Wool. 0. lnq-couch `v-vlhl (IIDI oueunt I. cum roll 0 (:0. Innis. In-IOIIO --.._.j Wood and Con]. WOOD Lwooo ---mun Iunuuu I an: Anne Iota lolnc-lauds lluillewood. con. AN__q wmb BRBOICIOOTH. IITHAIVINUIERI, @001 IYUIO IOIKI. Ova banal... .........-...... foul Amt. Juan III. IlU.. I420.-I I-QM nn 9 mltln-0 nu. ........ Inpoul ht Ill 0-mu FIRE INSHRANCE. IATIDIII. ASSIIIRB F; d IIELAID I:-.u-ummn nun ASSETS - l2.I96.22 WQYXEW Wtstn Ann u`. nunn gun \lnI\.\-I. -I-n--..ncn.. Invented lucln ........ luvulmamu in (`umh umnghawlmnaauunnahr. nun. - gm.-1 nvag--- litnlmmtt unyunf llnlfnd,tui Rana. hm-mug limp: and lust hogan) mural or um. your II II Iol nun uunv IAVI --Ilka 'l`Il0lMHmIumI. |`l\.lL IJPIQJ V5 a-uuu--- v _ w-... :IIIlPII"l`IAI nu onurut um um B31 WOIK-(nono l-oust.) ` \ '6`6i"i$Bx Fire Insurance llumpany. Gnudiu n and Lila Asslrum Bolply IluI-~hu~I15usnu._..... ..__ .____ .,_,l\l'IluII| 775*`? J WIIITDL Nor Inuaxhtu-xx n--`I nun. nun. 4I-- A` lulu Ina T0 PLAsunT sssxgns Isunns an Wlijfl-LAKE mm sun. hl \l\n.l.0IIluv Il\`CIlln`l. Km` .l on. July llhl. I-cu. llulloxooov-I III Ap rnl Mb. .50ll!IIEIl|'n|vII|l'IIZIyIIII-C1: ltghuunmuoy-uuacnnthnmubu llnumlllulllauisl. Ilocuuuihulu, nlnnnooonnlhb-Juan.-unuu-nu.nu~ ou|orwlu|u:.u-lI'huvahnIuh to l.hu_ utlgubkgnunuuhh. ' nu nnnnbhln n my muuumu not-1-rm map. In Lulneluu. UH pwphhh LI Inc In Inn-lam! power hi lnliwthh IIIIIAII-4| K-L-In Ihnu onquul cdorllnly. Ilhngdpq-Iohla II. 7' `house in mu-nausea ma gwqugr` harp -laglm um}, and nuns the hut grow men um! smug. Yong hulk-s` Itko ll nu-Inulngtnma-luhmlhglyxal-usw mu (buy lam. ma unmet Ihrm to am. '|unvuhvu _hut|quhh. nunuuuo` txuuiudllkltlnhvheninpu has-nth-sinuous 0' III Hli IINI I'%`l1|||l0l.Il I0! IIIO Noluioououolnunumvctlnuxdoul FIRE nan IIARINL 'rmum'm. Ill! henna one 01 the lawn mu;-uuvun [mg-u Ellkb Isl g!'I||rInfI`I luv. \\ In-u ll! IIIM h guy at Iulunlly -1 An musk -inhh glad. I!|:\'lDiuIL\.I`I D\I u the mun A35 .~ B-P. llnll R Co.. .\'ashua.N.Il. IohlbysllD @bu. Hui; Benewer. ' BUCKlNGHAM'S DYE _n- --n- -n-nun"-he Ii`-VI'II II in in-one ohm lied lnmrunon Hon: psnieu dumg llua-mun III Puauh. MIIS8 VVEST. U} K\i(.l.\Nl\ IN.II'll \Nl'I-I T0` ' III I?! III |X 11 D20 A. I an In . Hound Anal baton nun-. |`oInl-mo. l uoruoi.` HINDiBRQ&. Insumnce. Ivmpupun-I ll nun: mu -In out JA II IWIVT nun T. |l.Nd}|YIRF1. Anti lur Finn-to: P THK |"I(`ITlil'C?Ql'F I I lulu): Inn! A u no: It-u llh . QIQI 000 000 .. ..ns.ou-um :m.r<" lichen Toronto llul lontrgu. ll RIIKIIKI. 1'!!! I`I.Ac!:. IIOIWI In D lull-Io ul I`--tun-uu. or my Inll I 0I.U`KI*\O`. . ll2Jl';nIan:n,|nl.I!nl.I, nuuucucv nu-In quuannunnu Iouo. Tcoontm (kilod .6.`- ORILIVIIIJ III!!! q (coho!-cu I.nt.nIQu-unauuuu. AMEHlClN"BOTT'LlNG C0. 4 _ . _ _ _ pn,_.__..._... -__,A_._ owls!-o|_u.rn urn.-rot 1-an _-_nn-Inu-pouuowuuna ehv-um OM will huh! llhlu , _-_.._.-- . I`. WJIAIHAI. In-Ilium. Out- -_- I can omP" "~"-'~ humus. I`nIr- I -0050- I't.'1;':.';"r.:' .'."...... _':....3*`*"'t -mo I\-nu.-9:. unyu |lH!:_, _ _.._..,A.4...._ Q09 `BACKUP HTRBIZT. u-.....u. Ibum-one nu-I Ilrnnk hln--m BACON, LARDI II)!-I MlIlY1EI0l'I00 DRIP $03. 70$! Ic'hIu' iii 1 I nuutuuuu Iqnuu - 1-ul rue": - I -IIOIJIS -- BLOCK. can ll`. xmuvm. , ~ n. ehcnl-t up ...".!:3'f-...'..."1 An hour isliihntuua I Ila son. an. In Ooeucqul ' nuns KNAPP. nu" oxlnt'rIIuus!~ I. `I21! ALIO ARR TUIIXINQ OUT Ohio ':'r'~.';-.-P... M Ddlpnlovl ` lndulttmreuol until no. nun nnn. umu. PAIIIJJ. Lllli D1. Em" *7Iuni`'o?:' gws`-=3`-`-2.-.= =!=5. -.._._. can ._.-_ " 3 `IL! u u miss ooum, IIA.II.'I'lII I! A I A n A, Slavlnahvlqmnmomwan I0 load a I '___.'g hum Iu~\kw:uI1l;,Ii2:: ZR IIIIIIITIII. Ii I III: -";~':~.?::~e."`z`;`:==-'..=.;'==-:"`-.:.`*=*-3 `lvgmganmuumuvuaoougp _ _. _-g _`,,._ K` Q1173, U IIIIILIIIID All Inn-mi ml 130. FBRAMa[ .. ll HHITIIII usuvuu vuuun IISI. No. Ill. IIPIOI Prinoau cl Bydenhun Btu. Kmuiou. Olnuo. njihn`-Anna .4... X-I .-IK':.DI' ' ' All Ilunbdhbhllna II ` ouhuly on hand :1] kinds M .-...........-o........ ........a..--..-........ IOI@ CDC II |Il ADUGI I11. w nonutson a son. ` Much. IQ. Hatwcon Prince: And Qnoou Bu I-siu`Irun:nI'-:An mun-s|u:s. Paper |'jngihgs.' IOLUCT-WW:- & 81.33 In lth. I In hi I. saw) `Ar wwlu DRUG atom. or. III: and not an. -;a.|_tt\It -A&-\ ..aL '. K rm-2 L.\lmh28T. CHICAPI-`.BT AND no-0 Bloch-llloou,llnl1IIvIn nooonmo I'll|N' n Ccntnl Can:-IA 3| lwunwcunm smnnml A OUR! OUARINTIIB MACK S AGNETICMEDICI Q; Ma 7 SK """ "`'! i?u'.'z.7n'.'Jr.'.: urn mm can at Vida: ronuun all an. and nnnyolhr an Itnnlhnll Iunltyor consumption And I no Dunn IIIVI. hall pun-mlnrulu our pcuphlot. think In dad to had Inc by null In on Thu poollo Iodi- llng II sold): all a nu vglnnln pnuphlot. mu. nu17Iu at I par occlqu. or III or H II 5- um. Inc by null on n t. by Marcus: rmo I-2pot:nen.'l'ound'Do-on sou, Vlaluni Ian Pnchcn. Ge. 00. ; an I not Iolccuon n > 1`.'VOIv0I4D|1kJn|l|u[.. Jill I |r1mLmn wtm JoIms!on's Jewellery Store` A Lanai AISGIIYIIIT-(lH', Imsr cuss mm vim] Alfnu, :1 Inn 0! IIIIIIIOI , IIQ>IVf- 3* 1`H! |':`.l`:"u.'.":x'.' 1.: "113 ungg vIdIu,fpunuu_n In q_mnnyo_|h v1|! LARGE ll()}_T_Q\'_G STOCK. J. "APPS IIIITM BTIIIJSIIIIIT MAIIIIIIWIIIJI anphnnatcohn. (`oahlnhclrovl Pu-.-um In 1: Info. Inro. nml clboull _I$nvuv-or:-an-:2: In qhllauorthk Old and Reiiable. Ipecllc. ledlclnef nu mu:A1*1 lADl IAII "`' ""- Yglln Ill- ` I II` !:.`:.'.r:..":v.;:'. wsauu July 9. _ r9}.znAm `WORK POWDER8. mun m_:_s;rnon:a. 888 Princess Et.-. on-1 Inuunn.-4': (hnlunx futon. IIFIIIIII IDIHII WC . '30:-N MONTEATH, 1_I.. (5 l`m\..nw\ III HILTON. CAN A IDA. 1 all-an -.Am- s.-.._n I..n_- n-n._ B l`I'1I1CJBB Orr`. Bonuses`: cnlunpx liI\I'IIVI LEIIH Tllll. Ill nag... D-an`..- A L.l..I.. L. A IAIII hurl ol Hanan Boat! | sum of III Nut and Danni;-noun I0! Isle In-uh gun.`-an nnlnln nnnuth And can rs ALL `rltl Ntwfpgir nvuu nnlliiuloh ' lino. ll lift! qumy Haz Illullcnnunul 1. h-11jhQha-Io-A-Au J Uiil` ABRIVBD AT i-'-'o'.'-I-'33-.', 8:3,}: I Us --IIIO. Ina Ithaca-I ul nu nmmrhk nimmnun All-a_&-Lihnnnug nu