nn klhah unh- nun`. "u wunn nuance - rid umbrella." the oxphilnd. Hy . boning vorlxod lot In Uollld Schmidt. II No. 1911 Thin! nvonnn. nnrlwnnnnn. IIIOW W00 DIN IUD` I"- on lholop oor ol the humans No. 403 But one hldnd and eleventh St. the mount of the dying girl wrung her land: and hid tho Ilonblolo I silk uln- hnllo. "ls wudl bounce tithntbor rid nrniunlln " ulna -wnlninml MU- sou onuuuon, I llr. Funk told his story of the shoot- ing. And be was looked u to mini: the total! of hot in" tin. did not know who bu! n o& hot. n. nus... am. .1 AL. 1....--` H. no one In In ngm. fwonly minutes luuer Pttrolmon Boyle lound I young woman in the gut- lu ball A block from Funk`: lzouoe. Ho ruined liar bond and lonnd it damp and cloned with blooil. Calling for help the ollloor tool: tho girl to tho nation-house. when she nlhed mmoionuy may thus \ the was nineteen your: old sud wu Louiu llnllllnon. The bullet had put ` 0:`! into horloft temple lndloy in n ooumj , soon condition. . u. lfnnl. QALI LI. .n.-- ..l M... .I.....n nuns" Whilotbe Inochotwu Ipuking nn xldcnhuhtornlncdlha loom. Sh: , Mao hon;-Ital. luving been shot by Mr. Pnuy Louisa lhlumsn lion dying is John I-`uuk. win mistook her lot A bar- glnr. Mr. l`unk.iI oolleotorlur Hunt. the brumr. and was nocnntomonl some- uucuh hove large sums ol money in the homo. Tho half a hundred pony robberies oocuring during the pan tow months uhrlnod Mr. Funk Ind he bomb: 3 rovolvor. lie Fntind only Tuaudny mam. bat vunnkunod about 2:3,) dolock by Mrs. I-`nnk. who declar- ed dint then In I burglar on tho front vunudxs. Mr. I-`nnk ruched {ox bin ro- volvor and wniled cloveloplxionb. In 3 moment tho Ihu ol the nbuuar moved and the outline oln blunun bond cuno into view. The eyes were '1; into the room. Taking aim Mr. `onlx pulled tho tnmer and run to the front door. No in night. fwantv minnmn hue: Pntrnlmnn lr. l un.l Intakes Loud: Ilultxknn For A nugIu-An Asa: snubhllu. -4-j_:.-_ A lllunul Ibo I-vat hag than union no I I manly an nmund sudden`: X K... Ihndnrws. And :2` llpllmpnuu-.1 a um um ll IO. AMI HM: `Ian. thhh `bu I call Illa Nov- nuol the Thin. lidhimri` 77* "_-"-- emr ollhconhJutt|+ThnnQ ollho T_ A Ihuoduuulboauulnmbmthulun pIllo|0I." Ihnnilolu:l:.f.|lJ'I`dlouduH:"1'ho lolhuvhlolnunryuhu pnaduI'yourn- "91.! `,'_il _ - . Ind!-III! I01 In-uuoaunnl ,. '--.......{-*--T 2;-:..'.....;'; ;.:'.: h: qu ml ol hed-y `ll ' I -- ':.-:~..:=::-=--"~ -'--- 3-Ind lull In henna. Inn. -Ilh '-.-.-.~;..:~.=..*--~....:.-2 - --i ~ lhonllnulde nu ton}. I_ll.Ibor olbow on us. Auagqnnu an [hind up}. at Illntu'lQ' UIIII :91:-I|_:kodInoo.uvia: "nu. Ill- ` nqullcolllo Thluu-ol HIIJOAYIOIIL COIJITIIIPS ""- Dovhalutonun-.ulIhn If :- '1l unruly" J uqmmunumnm A Pin r'n' GIRL snow`. 'IUJOVC.ll|I.lIl'AVI' `Plot BAILEY. gun Agent. It-ry What. Iluatu. In I ____{_.____....____ X `IO Cl` IOOIOOIDQOOI iInh. f........_...*.. 3. Thouaitonoculnoticuolh-ska Iutonnoulhddaoliha moot. ax- Iiltli honhnworytonouonrloy, ` `nun: . :5. Anal nl -u.-. -..._._..A .:j. .v-- nu nuuuuu .......... ..|l,U1l (N s g This expel: Jntun would complete the r on hr at no npplion In duh- vououcruud. opt in Ghana: ol Willism_uuu$. whats the In-mmnuan ` than into an old dnin oompuuinly good. uni Indot II tho munluno to uuwcr A: II to an duh. dnuzvzznvmanuudd F:..'I'hoomI an-'m..u.. A dd. , use ennumuon ol the IDOYI drain: , has not been nmciutly pnrticulu to [warrant an euotovtimuool ooumbnl tholouowing will be somowlnl in ex- ` cc of tho mud. via: North Bend drain Including ` riqhtofwny.....................Ol8.l0-I (I) 1 You: not and is connec- tion to drum through onl- lqp grounds... 4.021 (I) 51:! emu... 4.848 (I) Wlllhm Stroo 1.731! (K) Ranch Ht-ugh -NI-`I M j..._.u.___ ____ _ _.___ , _ ___,______,,_ Kiuhiou; CANAD;C~kTUBmy .umU.'r 9. I884. * to 11:1. use on 551 I0 uonuuu Itroet. on Ontario atroemmm Umon to Want street. ' us: I cup. On Colborno utrool. Irom Sydonlmm street to junction with North street aya- ton: in has with Alfred Itroet. Mn Qidnnhnn -tn-at luau... lV..lI......... um Ill nun wun Anna nroet. Un Sydenhun street. from Colborno to Buv. And on Bay to Ildnlnd street. Unlu-io ntrneumm Umm. in Want gthlm. ... ..-0&3 C! ' uoluonlolulletl streets On Union street. tram Dilill to Arch street. and along Arch skootto drum now constructed through collage grounds. On Hamel: nlnanl (nun .-.1...-. ..I..- AA On Brock Itroot. Iron: waters edge to Bngot nine! ~ on Albert street. lrom Union to In- m'I edge. On Cnlhornn lrnl. ll-nrn Hunnlmnn cum: ILATIG llb udtlnl nl ll) an-onlomxlouaaonuodoliou. IKIIVAN l`I IN (`AIDA -0881 I":lIIIliIA1'I-|lA.& ht Kl$IoI--.11. `I'|iI||AOI3--Ilh inn Ilqool Allf. I-4 -48- A4 mi I-1-` I0 IIIITIO 351. On Young street. from Division up-on Gordon to Alfred streets. (In Uninn llrnnl 1...... n.-:.:.... 5.. On Willis!-n ulmaet. lrom about the centre between llugot. and Svdeuhnm. to Bsrno etnotn. nn Ymum .o....a cm... n;..;-:.._ --____ lno soul (munoo by whnl Is honin called tho"!-`Int Rome" is two thou- xtnd and nixban vnnln, Ella ll IIIKOII yams. On Burl utmost. lrom moor`: edge to Barrio strut. nn Willhn .5......n n...._ _I.....A -I - cllll I00 "l"ll'II NOBEL" and Iixkon yards. ()1! Earl -hunt [nun lvvnnl IT. llllll. TM propoeed route {or thin tlrein fol- low the street no hr u consistent with eenncniy oi conetructian; end where dis. tenee orexpeneiviycuttingn can beeeved. :11 penning through privete grounds. the 11 water course hes been iollowed. Commencing t the cut end, et the eoutl: side oi ' oen street. near North I. end et the. vent end of the drein conetrnetedduringthe winter cl 1888--t, thence northerly elongdtideau street (110) one hundred and ten verds to e point where George street produced would intersect Rideen street. thence went elong the old water course th ugh privete grounds levoreble to the e ten- sion of George street (I915) one hun- dred and ninety-two end one-hell yards to Montreal street. thence northerly along Montreel street to where rm - lend street produced wont.) intersect Montreel street; thence went through priveto grounds. lnvoreble for the con- tinnetion oi Merlilend street (240) two hundred and forty-nine yerde. to the cut end ol Merklnnd street; thence elonu Mnrlilnnl street. (88) eight - eight yerds. to Patrick etree ; thence north elong Patrick street, (176) ' one hundred nud seventy-nix yards. to where Quebec street produced would intersect Patrick street: thence went through private grounds hivnuruble to the extension of Quebec street. (NO) one hundred sud ten yards. to the enntend of Quebec street; thence west along Quebec street. (24%) two hundred and lorty-two yerde to June: street; thence Iveet slung Jelncs street; (103.4) one hundred and three end {our-tenth yerde to Division street: thence eonth elong Division street. (55) fty-ve yards to- the old weter course et the culvert: thence west through private grounds elonu the old water course. (50! yards to York rtreet ; thence south west through priveto grounds und slung the old water course to the east end of Sixth street: thence west elong Sixth street to Clint hem street : thence south elong Chntheui street. (297) two hundred end ninety- ecven yards to Jenkins` Laue; thence north west. (`Jib ninety-three vsnls along Jenkins street. to Allred street; thence eonth nloug Alfred street. (205) two hundred and live yerds to Princess street: thence north west elem! the out sideo! Princeen street, :46) lorty- six yenle. to the culvert The `(ll dintnmm hi: -hut. nu Iunuuin Una Ul' llll Hull. The enminuion ol the ubon drain: In not bu.-n nmcanu. my-c.imI.. 9.. Ix yunll. 7.0 we oulven. The total distance by whnt honin llli )O"l"ll`lI Rollin" in turn Hum. .,,. ........ mun uuu vvunuu-wt vn UIVQTVU - I " Goutlemen.-.A| innknolod by your eommgnoo I beg luvoxto `submit the ` u Erma; I3:-|).0l | intnlanuoolodrpinngo `I 1- I has cxumnod pnviovu plhnv ` nndrouorh on Young pod North Street drum. and onminod and mounted the mob of oiluur nfnnnnnl Ans... .. a..I_ >l.`A||lN CHI! III-NED ll 5!i'!!P|9!!3!! ,, u:IInl.II|IlCIl!IlllOIIldlIlellIIl'BdCbO 0! other proposed dninu. u lol- ` low: I Estlnum for Peanut cme lm vrovuIeu-0vn all Recently oi ` the Work -Deulls. 70154 Caimai and Lbnmun on Mirna : 1.--. ___..__.g_~.:_ , __ .j_. Pun: Quinta Inn Inibu to luvlu-not. um l.mInnnnIllI' rum Ilium: : I-":a':."" mm . -on--0O>auo-. 3` all n an Iluv `flay Do It. 8 called nu. I la no. human hlorl: pll.l:i,:g ur pocket in I could Ihorooghlm. an would In too too. The lune dhanmjnm than II no! llldldhll tho I;-lial ro- D3113 I) II . Pardon. Inudun. but on but ooqo to the wrong . A nnoo yourself what the to tho mm of mm." "And wiry to him 9" Ha I lap neck 0! old gun-burials Inn on Inn-l."~PulaJalpbu oou. not ' "Bni. my dear MAdun-- "Soek no not to dinnndo. but my IIOIMIIO take at once. I van! a noun lnlhllh M It Inc." "llnnn IIIAIIAIII L.-`A nan Inn..- 4.4-.` Saul: Bernhard:-"Hue you my cof- llu metallic. monuonr 1" l'nderMkor-l ol than have plnuty." "The can {or and I thank. Suicndo to commit I have determmm ." nnl nnl n-mI_'nnhnIJ;lI... Can ...A so comm: I nuo uetermmed." "Oul.oIi, onl--'cnioldo-Hno you not tho an 7 `Twill be I dramatic ending to I dnlnnh cant. Think won an Inc an? 11ml ool alumnus Oldll dnunun cuur. Think you no! so?" .:s:.::l 53' 5| ndth In 50 III IHIII." Thou wu I tumor in the onutomofu voice u be naked lrom henoulh the lather. Do you object to being paid In udvlnoe ?"- \`mnrrw'llr Journal. "No. sir." suid tlm bnrberto n empi- ciomloolnuu customer. who nffnbl re- mukod. In tho lntbor wu being lni on. that he supposed than weronuood many men who laile1 to pt their shaving nooren. "No, air : l uni to give credit. ' but I never do now--in lact. no out uh for tick any more." `ow : that ?" "Well. you see." aid the harbor. try- ing the edgopl bin ruor on hi: thumb 1 mil. I had out of still: who used to 1 ask me to chnlk it down. I not tlrod ol 1 keeping books. and Indoptods new ayo- i tom. Whenever I shaved one at then ` old itlndbyn I put ll little nick in his I note with mr ruonnnd lre t tally In I that wny. T my got so they idn'I wont I to In blllo." I I Th... -1. . o......... a.. n.- -...i......._-.. ..-uu.u.--- - r.-tuna-u --u nu! r.-nun nan. Tho remaining iccmuof the proposed oxgv.-mlituro explain thomsalven sul- cicutly without further detail, but I wonl renpectfully press on the snou- tjon of the commmoe the uncut need of adopting method: to prevent to much of an annual cxpoudimro of nwmpomry chnrncier. . All of which is respectlully submitted. . W. lnvnm. Uisy Engineer. I . ,_ .,.- .-_V VCSIQII Ill OFUCF [H85 DGFDET FEIHIIH EIIRHU be obtained. Among these Inuteriuln might. be mentioned cedar blocks. as- plmltum and and stone. the most. aer- vicenblo 0! which would be tho lunar. noon: 1: percent on ma wuono vuue. Under the above condition: it would seem more in uomu room {or inn nove- meut, and other nmberluls mfg t. be tested in order that better results might be nhminnd. Ammm tluum mums:-iuln pose. on in rough estimate there are about 07.'.(X)0iuvestcd in sidewalks. and no` cording to the current year`: commute - for atreehs-umonnt.ing to over 010.0(1) --815.0(1) or O9.(XX) will be oxuended on wnlln done. thus showing the life ol our walk: to be aonnwlmre between 8 12 years. and the annual expenditure about 11 percent of the whole nine. Undu lhn nbovo condition: it wnnld n-II nun.-nun vn .uunn:u.-u In reference to permanent. uidcwulku it is a matter of great consequence that somo attempt should be made to reduce the nununl expenditure (or this pur- non. a nun. "Inn .u,uu-snuun. In reference to the broainvutor on King am-at 1 consider it would be un- wise to unite any expenditure in the iitseiu t to repair the presentbtructure. 1 mm (I. therefore. ndviae the carrying .,ont.of an entirely new and permanent iniproveiiient. which would not exceed very much the teiiiporury protection 0! the present work. n.~vr>-\inrvnmi.- nu \.`lV|I.`IIAI un Invvc vuuu III ncquuvu uvvuuuluu In uuuvu The remaining drains mfen-ed no in the report no I" needed on trunk lines in which to connect. local or branch drains, uud no 9 abem of drainage can ho planned nut: such trunk lines ITO detanmnod on. m nun nu IIUIII AN INJIJIH. |. In the North Itreec sstem, extending from the culvert under rineecs 8%.. and terminating at the Intern edge on _ North street. 9 oonuidenblof expendi- , turehu nlreudy taken place. Much of this in ofau entirely temporary chu-w- ' tar. and m eh more is needed at once 1 ,' toprowrv prints property from m- ` _ jury. I`be immediate prosecution at ` , thinimm of propose}! work would save ' thin temporary expenditure in nddxtiou I to the nniumeut of the main object: of the Iyetem. Theiunmndinm need of drninkmu nn '- I00 IYIIBIII. The immediate need 01 dniukao on Brodx, EuL and William utreeu. bu beenso lrequently below the. commit- too that no further muons are needodto prove thnl it require: attention It ouoo._ 'I`I.n -4:-....i..nn .I--in- -..l.._....A 4.; L. The ubovo nhu to the Young street uyilem of dninnge. oxtnding lrom Al- fred urost to the water`: edge. near 0'Kill street. Iran Israel lo Ipoom -uppnqznnnou which in now oxhuutd. and other nonmu oi rovenno mu: now :6 one be rovided or the o wlork Inuit bolhndon . and let: incom- P 0 - ` ' I LMVQ In Una Ynnnn ntnnn . Inunnncnney at pneent drainage. en! the [unhu necessity exinte in the hot Hut contnete have llrendy been entered Into byihe city. and sq9nuid- ereble pot-tion the work executed on I -I intinn Ihinh in na- -<--~---.-~.-.~ V :17- _..... . fT_-v....,. , . Ibo iunlicio .` of ' , L... ......::' ...,'. ;`-':.?":.;"""'.. ALLAN_ 'L1NE.[ II1 WWI US$01 Oll ialiou which innow nr nnnnuu nl nninnnn A '""I."u.....'""' .. M _ NI`lIInhal ` vunpqy ~_ '..'-1... o..." ' locus; pound Mill! ..`..'i'.8' . 33".-. o..'2.'.`.u. 0.. sub. Than noioubulwulnuuauhb D I%lI|ICIll'QI'U. nhuhllcmllshn-n I='5I.'5.7-`=-..-...j*{-.'j"'=`x5.-`:=;"'.%.-2.-'--s-*.: u:i'jj_'m e. E.-:r..'-::-.......--..-..~.- --' - -' 0uHu-luuunlnd u 00; valu- _ 4*.-U|l"9"|', _ and: tuna I01 uluo men sun but . Tlu oostolrunnlng In for s in only about 08 for the . and 05 lot the on-her. We believe our nttoohoubonudulhobntin I.hoPro- vinoo. thnl I little extra upndituro now will do is. land that when 17 luck the nuns! unounl ITOIII n how hgthuninnpdrou boury-nch n- dllood.-YMIII runuatluv. H||DIlI||IlIIl'0OIbOVI I dno0d.-YoIIlI Iuo om ounce uonu ac." Tbuo machine am not upon-nnunu. Hamilton. Puulto. Hui-Inl. in has very townd an in. bu uudjut Ilwhloryun. 0 an able to :- ohuo than for lmlo than win. Tlm amt olmnnlnn than In . u maul. II we Ill KIIOW. In I loosely on utreotlt will get hot: od totho ' sides bytho travel onit. [tin also I nninonoo to all whouo uompollallo nttlo over It. With I roller it ouybo packed and grodod. Ind. Ali ?! tow hoon work. mule unoolh. oompoottnd pulse! for inmedub trovol. It All one will look at Uolbomo Stuot. a will think what u diloront ruolt would have hon obtained it tho nohl had boon thrown looul y on in the old In and Ian to be worn down by tho vol: - oloo poo-lnn out it. out will no that I moon. Thirty nix hoon` work. by ootool count, ol mm; on was Itroot hununlo it what nix yous ol tho old style could not how uooapllnhod. "So we'll roll tho old olunot Along to." TRIED nunhinnn nlwnnl ninnrnnnnkn means to remo vo them. It I lander atone than limontone was to be need it could not be broken by land. It wn lhuelore unnged to purchne I omelaer, provided it would Intiwlorily bnek granite. The one bereuguennteed to dose. It. also: A Hr nal. it will. we ere bound to put- ohuoil. I! ll will not we will alone `is. Itnliaasrepreeonted we know we will be able to QM both! metal. cheaper ` met.al.ud more metal for our street: than before. Tho mnohino bun yet only been tested to see if it could crash I stone u bud n granite. It is call to be tested to see if. when properly planed end led. it will break a utihctory quantity per day at n entinlwlory price. To meet the aeooud obiection ll. wu qnululy any as uunuctory price. objection it wu evident um-mus: must be purchuod. ll mohl. u we All know. in tlooooly will liihll hv Mu. I:-nvul nn it. In i. .1... . uu--u nuu nuuvv -wax. It use the said that. instead 0! the street being convex and shedding the Inter into proper water tables at the sides to run away. they were concave and allowed the Inter to collect in the centre where it remained end destroyed them. Butln objections seemed to be well taker. end the council 0! this your nought to them. If A hnnlnr ntnnn than Hlnnn1xnn -.- nu weir Judgment. ;.Lu year the council was loudly abused because of the condition of our streets. It was generally asserted that it was wuting moncv to macadamia them with broken limeuone. at any rate of tho softer beds. as it soon ground to dust and blow uwny. H. In nlnn -nid that innl--n.l nl 4|... I wlusr uere. A contract. was msuewmi Mr. Cethro. who had sucoesslully laid the asphalt walks in London. and who is represented so is responsible man. He guarantees that it will prove satisfac- tor end will uuswer here. A phnlr ws It would cost 8600;this asphalt well: will cost 0725. It is possible that it may not answer in our climate and soil, but it is impossible to tell until it is tried. ll it does answer we will hue 1 much ches I end better walk tlun i! we built it 0 wood. If it does not sn- swer Alr. Cnthrcfs ausrnntce is worth I725. and we will have llll our experi- ence for nothing. Those who so tivoly suert its lsilnro might remember that s very intelligent committee of psrhsuient not s hundred years ago do- clsred the locomotive would not work. It uppesrs to have worked fairly well." sud they seem to have been slightly out in their judgment. ..L||.sl. veer the council Inn lnnillu taxauon. i It in not neceaaary for the gurpoee ol the bylaw to discuss the expediency of building the one or buying the other. However. an the action -of the council in the matter would be inexcusable. if rea- son: did not exist. which lead it to be- lieve its course prudent and lo: the pub- lic good. I will briey state its position. It has been evident to every one for years that the old style of plank walk was too short lived and expensive, and muet be replaced by something more durable and economic. We were told by an old resident of Kingston, now liv- ing in London. that there they had an asphalt walk which gave every satisfac- tion. and was a great improvement upon the plank walks in use here. A deputa- tion waa sent to London to examine it, who reported that the asphalt walk used there met with universal approval, and, if uaucceautnl hem, would be much more durable. satisfactory and economic than out plank walks. A new walk on King Street, not for the park, but bye the park. required tube built. It was thought a good opportunity to try such I walk here. A contract madewith Ml . Cluhfn. Wlm hm! nnnnnnulnlln Inirl nusooqooun-in-nu._ dbl} ' kinnhnlj ,. - u. ..-nun I 1.1! uun vv nu]. Sir.--An some seem to think the pur- ii then of the steam roller and cruehet 1' end the oonntmctlon 0! than all wall: ' depend upon the moon: or d oi the debenture by-lay allow me to not them right. The oontgeou for bot.h"wen en- ` tetod into belore the qneeuon o1deben- g tnree wu -eriouly uiecuued. The wslk , we are bound by eontrnctto build. and ` the roller end crusher we ire also bound g to accept. it. utter trial. they prove such as represented. The tuilnre ol the by-- , , law will not elect the question: of con- Itmction and pnrchluo III the lens. It will on] make it neoeuary to raise the ' mono or payment in some other way. ; prohnhly by nu immediately increued : taxation. ` ` Le; LET'r1:u.'ro THE 1 d- Ald. Whltlnz lcxplnlus Ab In ler and Crusher and I`: Wslk-The BN3 :3 my `1-.'.t.':..r_ Britith Wm. an `I I 1' the`: About tlu-{Rol- Aspluit Wslk-- l_`ho BY-lava. LE'I'l`ER.'I`0 PEUPLE. - ow vuuy -uvu II I a gut. Wnmuo. __--- ldCIll`NlIII&hI'II .._n _._A.n_ n., _. umw mm The (`cull ` p4'.`.l /5;}; _ _ |-v-.e..?-ft`-" T uwuv-u Cccip ulotannmnntnnlltalu XIAUDEOIIIAII. -j--oX l"8*i'BA.0a!i8}.iii8.l 3._A.._ -u--U` ltlluu` III. jib .4lh A` `d.a`-An.` .._- .--- - GA LLOWAY s.] fill-I.` . . `nmugh Bllludlalincuivu lucid- "11`::'-.- bi`:u':`.-`;".3L"`..$f runonn ports. . Fm Iroidu sud ruin. nnnlv n max. _.-........ ..u.. - u-u I nun nuvvnvu. for lab by (hour: and Druguhuin pine: and gum. -n-n..`_.a -.__,.L - - ------ _. _..- 1-... .... lleued lhpreuly lor LYMII I -IIII A (`L C-an-A-I pucu-cu lzlfrrillj lUl' .1` M lo!!! a co. noun-cal. A uhunl mnoounno the man. III! IV. g. IINOITCI IOCIUEY ID. ., ....-__ .. .._. ,,........... ..-wu.-. Bell 1] total! ondhmat I youn,""" ."L'. J0 mum. ' " lhnioumry lo Swuon. (`Mm Burns 0! Conntu-hm and lmluonu. uh lor the guanine Perry Duvln` Pun-Killur and an no cum. -aslnns E411 [LIME F3Q"Ju1uE.i Bud nu Iollowlu nu-no from the Ian-r M A nluionu-y inchlnu: Duh Hm: -.I Olhl to luvs Iolnoul 1 lo :30 um box Pnln-Killer ynu had 0 a noutouud moluv. on. In no Int mat wovklonunl. I be to bun-Indus hm was nndct God. by It. Th cholera up- hero noon After we rooclvod It. We n- tuhl on ones to tho PAIN-KILLER. udm fa directed to: Cholcn. A Inc van in c o! o whmn the Pain-Klllor vu (Ivan. nn our unlvo uniuanu ulurod Ill um: ugh: out 0! every ten to whom It Ill pnocribod. roconnd Bellow me. dear nimlnhrnlly Ildhhlnllv Tr ABSOLUTELY Flllll FROI ALCOHOL. --_ _,n, L, n - -\ - All_0a|lovIy`q 04 Prince t. luhlluuopt It Th: mmurin when Chulrm pfurailn, an in India, (`Mum and Afrim. Pain-Illrr in run- tiderrd thr mm! and Infra: :5!` all known: rr umifu. am! the nan`:-rs plan the maul perfect relinvw in it. ' run-u !ni;.l\I 1 cl Gan- uayn "In. It 6. Nov `I'M mind : the undnnl 0! IN nu Thou`: no munhh in uni, Buuhouududdoguuauun lnnluud nylhl u. _. _... -. uvu; run bnici1fodT7ocovnd in '" "L7. .u_)_NsqN, _ ' MHOLERAI ] PBTEPIRELifJ%aTTi1E%EiEi1i. I Poarnlllngg-, Hing: run: any -.1--o. ` The ubove out rep.-menu the Bxodliot Clonuer attaolmd to I common tubular boiler. but it in tpnlicabla to any hniler. Warnuled to keep the honor perfectly clean. Sixty dnys` trial. R:rz1umc:s.-P. Bliun And N, Av W J clean. muyd ' `mu. RxrrnxNcIs.- .Ill]un and 11.0 W. J. Crothora. D. MOIWEN Ix SON. Julvll. AHP6-'\"` comxnaz Jul, II. uuvu onloou. Wdudny. sq, Id 0 .wuuuIoy.8-ot`Io`u . wmu X . cl-Ia nu. no-rmm. ""1... nun. . . ...w.ud.y. a nu NE PLUS ULTRA Emlnlor lollu clam.` DOMINICA If O 0195: on.- ouuunluld 31'3"` No.13-A ?1E3r3te- ` l:`..".'.f.Z`-'=':-'..'-'5.-"'.""'."".... Aliinndjinhhdnngl-n *1... i::":"'-`3:`&3ff;: A H H - jinltli 1umnn1`[__Immn., :.-..`-Z "`,":'.A......."~"_-"-":::-`-""".'........"""5 V [apes-|f_n to In: I PM RRA.MMTD nu--uu-ououuwuuua sauna. 4...; `"5".:....` j:j ...... oi Ink! indie lly. n " ` ' ' _.._._.,._ .... 3-.- ':;--..?=.."..*-*`.,.r..'-'=""'.-.".':..... -2-` ` qvvannnnncvun QJAQQIIUIIIUII I884-MONTREAL-I884 llbwl mm II 00691. ::.'-.:-aw?-..':;-:~-..:-.`.`*'. a .:..'.`: '".t-..`;`.$;". ..`37".`.'Q"`.."$3'........,'7`T" Oollcnl. lurid ICU _`m\ -n-Ann im-;-I-as-re-"'*"E \ BOOIIIIN DII ."*:.:'.":;-.'..':.:.-. =1"-.-.-.~m `who-nun to apron may.` 0 ll 0 ....""':-....u`.`. `3.'o'.`&.% ' '-u"'u-"- !n_;_du Ao_@oon'_o_Uu_:Ivguny nag loyal lulhn IQRONTENAC MMN A lN\'II`l'IIN`I' ENVY hum for lu-go or unull mun an [unto-I at mo-luau mt: of [Marcel fo 1 r char! Um-mu. FOUII P It CENT. IITIIK Qllownl on Io Au moan unmus. Moe oymuu PI-ll Moo. ' HIV LIVIIY. Ell rhino Inlum Iloeohl Ihuluhu u all III -I 0olNlu`l10N \Vl1` l.II:lA vars Oflla on But Inst. 2"lII.I'l`-LLASS HIGH `Ill Mil I 50 CI land Ibo uhonul. uouoo. IIZLDI IIIRW. I cumou noun. LIVE]! I STABLE KFJFIPIR8. No. 5 Prlnoou NI` lull CI! Bold Blll Y I; Inna I you burnt duh! In A loan Ibo l.In~::moI Furs! Illlll. All ' ord-ru by uh]-hono pron]-y ououdvd lo. ' lush loud Llvefy olo for .11 `film-E,- noun-Ily lI|ll'l'lII AIIIIOAI Ifl. 'J`HI8h|loul bu I-an rad: Ill trunk: in #Iluuu lllll 010 ill] r III bono:hnm with 5 viii`: Anna. 0 Am. ' p|ou\r.l(inuon.0n!. I-lam. . f`: I run: auxin-nninno nvnu b _j INTIBT. omen uid Id ' mun button ll-Inn! `:1 nu-out Oudn LlAIlh|ng u) ndmlnlnund to which salvation huh. ...-.. I ` Iloltlaftflt. , , `\ Ia. OUIITIB. Il.b.. uhunnr to no huh . Phynlclnn. Surgeon. Oc.. Ollloh AM lbs I- lonoo nurl ofpo-no the Pun Olin Wolluuton I Inc` I IIDII I ubodalln. u..""$", nut-mu 0':-7|-nuom .Iw.|qnIl.Iuuduwaaam Oil ll PIBIIIJII: DI. J. YOUNG, I.D.. lllilll of the Royal Collagen! Bullion: banana. and U tlnlogzl the A - . Oil. .. - ...~""..,.2:v"=:r.':zM...".'.":....r~.:.t'.s...:-.. 8:808 Illalon. ARINBTKK }L8..;'-..*'.'.'i IIINIY T0 IAJAI. _ hpanp lung qr game nun-I IIIIIOI IOIIL. l'z .'.`. .`. :e.=:':.:a-:m.. nomuzr uuuv, Attorney-cl-Luv. Kollcltor. Or. 2!-3-'.`.'*!!-.-8.-~--vvsrlzr, no--ti J. H. IIIETTS. l.D.. M Ellilll of Ron] (`ounce at an; Oil --Wulll poo annex. o1 Ooldon H031: (Enact; I. I. nun. 0.0.3.. L.D.I.. T187. uld I Pm )_ V hu_I_np_n ljuqqsl s.::nhnnaiuu L. CLKIXHTB, ENTIPIT, (H (I I0 I110 P15 0- ) __VLdIIuuI"&vy-ozppooldtd in nu: .._..._._._.__.. T . vllllllil. unrruroxxx ornnou; 1": my mukdd u-aumonhh (mm Congo cunts nq-scum Phynm and uh: anal! I I In v|lna.?!`1.-#:lI.:|:n"u.l:..: l"`P..(9UlI. pnhllnlgd In the editor-Id":-olumno M our hot Im- `.`.I.'f'lT.`.'. .T.'35"$`.`.'aT'.3.`.u'1'!f """':`.'L' A I Had In males nun`: s'Xf~: Cu: 2 Bnad__I.l,lo:l none .__ n__..._ .; , EN1`ltrr, directly opposite Oleo `~Vr.unInu uot. IQ- L ._ -7... .__ _;.....-.__..__ C_I>RAND rum Attorney-cl-Lav. -rrhou- Ban l.UVOl' Dru nu`: lanov to ban on lull Duh un u univun .. .. *W I PBOI PIII I II. VI aauuu'u-uguuuu-nu Ihaultnuu: IL"Cl-IEIJIEL Cm o.I.;nclJaIII- -T-on -I-6-Q-'-3-1 PIII-_ nu _g_a `'.Q"-I _ru"|Rl Line. --ram-~ I mm biuwnan """57."&T%-`."'.-"-`3i`.'%`?L`%w"`* 3 3 L g::.- Q IBA R""_'AIN SI Q: t Bunion`: lhnhulj on Oovutuhlcns. `D. o oprfgsn: s. 11 i C'1``' `' " " I3 IIINUINI. fro ll mt` act an Inn Package wa ARI: Now otli-Ito nucx. Y B I `Bud `::-......'- I-.~...._=-'-..... It In noun; It! I that you an n -1 Punt! on u Ioluul run I ma umm. nulls!-In from Rlthul. Inland. Iooqu-I. Vance; Germany-. ands: nd 3. '3} union uni onus: aw: to human Ana-I. In-n Dania. Inuns-olu and W Durand`: u. lo nddlnonio otvlrhllonlrou the clo nine 3.` 1-cg;-n-- .1 ; -:r:s.:':-,.-.`:.*.:':'.-z-.'::~.s:'.-gax .:=.......- -.1 !ze-_q-_-a `,0 .-_-,-.- -39- us. no as -' - U __ oooldhunca. Gaul duty by on-aha. which we nnnulu. --1:: -I or.:.c.Aye_2oo.,uun,mu. nnunuunnuhn; OI.-In-nu-lull `I-In III-.3-yo. 3. law. nu pm`-an Iron If IITIIL. I1. I all DKIOUU 1 use cnnrronh. w. n. ucuu a co. xku mus IS IKE IIUW You UIIKKIU BLAC ng ynlaugigunin und rell C inure 10 hoh!OloO;reonI.. vliehvonnnntooub Nm\ ..`|h `m If: LEADS ALL --LOOK OUT-- TEAS. ..:'.".1`.",'.."'c33.'.`.'z:.'.-: ,.m`*-$.a..=."..-2 :....'E"'.'.-..':...-'~..-.:*::-..-.-..:'.-3 Absolutely Pure. ":;un1u.,`i-gggxan. 'AI&&1nIjn-n-at nu ma. nun me I-vnuo the mount was npaunng older chqhtor onhutl the room. She Ind just rotnnndh-our. work. Tho old lndyuntngiotonol. told thn$bu'ti|- ht Louinlnd bundol Ind vudying. _` lvlncionc! Whv. tin`! um fun. at uouuunn mutual III! vuayug. "lly gracious! Why. ain't that fuu II; 1'` add the an! n the removed her hat. wcndnnd O $EO NIIIII Cl. . Funk`: porch um. Iryinalo aupuuhoshaxf not ohen shy out very his -5 IXIC WIICI IQ XII. Lil! 3OIIIIIIIC. ' :8 No. 1971 Thin! avenue. nndwugam onlly a good (irl. but week It rained And In. Schmidt lent the girl n the silk ulubrolln worth 08 to no home with. Loni: not con: bad girls. and that they had boon upshot (or non: time the nioood tho than-dollu nmholh and found I llty-can one in its plans. ` In. Schmidt would not hkothiu and dennndcd her on. Then Louis: ukod me lot 08 to buy another umbmllu. I could not spur: the money. sad we said uhooonld not go back to work until the louwulnodo good. Iy husband got uarv udnwon that i! Louis: would not work Ibo nhonhluntonlorthohouno. Sovboutxnlsoorgitl cunohooklulq night he not let her in. Then nhn want :1! lo ohm: nmnmvhnn nlu Ill BO `OBI! IOU IO` HQ Ill. shown-us ollo Iona.-when olu. Rh` ngntlgnntl inln r I`nnIu`. no--uh Louisa wu Inn in Harlem u "Funky." but the In not nnrded on diunnuhlph.