KW. loot. outdo: -di|nI'H|I0 __., -_; .43. Lnnhh snagging In- IARIN E lN'l`Eh1g|U ENUIL. Ii Ii I&AIq.__ PIISONAIA WLUIR. tjjqi hy wlbu-H dvunllhhuguduuhblnud Iunndyudhhwutbclhhlugb Ilvuoll AC.` -u w`? -_.'.-._T Ouovpl. Ibo vbdn clun- Illllnldhvilb by lnplnuugh dolnqvclIuIIIIhocuoalDr.Wllnn. Uuuoonlollhovoluh Ioiuguu Ilnlninnn dllallto ptulluhn urloulhnullnlvbo. flotatio- urruu'vcd|l.hlhcuoud|lnp.r- mftonvhlolhohd nlcntl puny _l-pg n.. u'.'.T.J.T'..u"T..u..a-a Ibis Indium`! IO! n "0IlbI" ..- . all- KL`: in -M A. lI,'A. W VIII. III! II euyuuy wvuu uvwle -peed ell: Ieyhee end Gelnhle. who nede en exnellnt ehnd.hed hue dished of. The remeiuder ol the teen hevmg been repidly put out through the excel~ lent howliuuol Gellowey end Irolend. who trundled the bell throughout the netch; more 00. The nein leeture ol the gene heehlee thoee we hue relerred to were the holding oi Woreley en long stop end Greet end Gellowey et point end short elip. for Kiqeton. end the elding ol (lenhle end Croehy et ell poiete. Uhinnick et point end Riehudeon behind the wic- kete. Gemble eleo bowled verv well. end Dr. Leonerd. through hie peoulier uuderhend howling. got e good lueny wiohete. Though victory perched on the city club. they should (ee they een) heye Intde e much better exhibition. They ere likely to do `eo when their opponents come down to play the return Ineteh. Several deoieione given were not eltogether eetielentory to either eide. but ee theee were ehout equelly divided end no edventege geined there- by. there exietl no room lor oompleint on thepert oleither. The tote! (or Kingp eton wee 127 runs end thet ol Nepenee ` no _.._.. ;A taam cl the Clct Club. compo-aural lacs. 0. I. saw. 1'. Y. (hoot. P. C. hind. J._, Galloway. If. Qlildcn. C. Invlo. O. Va`-Hay, Ia. !B...nL,ll. Shannon. 8} Vbowcand Dr. Bath npnnt the civic holiday in playing 9 Flllltllapancc witnthe ctichtcry cl thattown. having gone thitherlry Wilaal Q Davin` otlivcyanoag. `rug match vlacolnlnencod 12.1. : o'clock. Klngatou having won the toss cuouthe `baglroland and. Galloway being the nut to oppaac the l>.owling.. The acorn totalled 96` rune. 0! which Mr. Grant made 2:! and Cute in (not out) by ex- oellont cricket. Ir. zlinith alao got in- todoublollguros iu hie nenal brilliant and rapid style. Wcraley In-l Merritt ahcweul good Iona. With thoac excep- tions the team an a whole ahowetl great lock 0! atocdincca through want 0! ex- perience in Inuteh playinr. Napanee followed and acorod 43 tuna. h the au- cming oil which Mcaera. Gamble. May- ho, Inn: and ltichanlaon allowed good loan. Kinuon commenced their ae~ ccnd iuuingaahcu o'clock and remain- cd but a abort timeat the wicket and scored in ruins. Ncvcr wan Jexuora|i- I nation more Iignallv displayed luring the playing of that inninaa; one. man alter another merely making hie appearanco to he at once put out. It was moot unaccountable except through the want above mentioned-matchm- of which but few have been played the pact two yearn. Napanec nook now man; up, although they needed 85 run to win. and aa rapidly went down apil _-- Ilga-I... --ul {X4-nhlg in -anal- [long Kong. Aug. 2l.-In the event of war the Chinouo win resume n 080!!- uivo position in Tonqnin with energy. Bold plan: of opal-Ition hnve been for- nllshd and new uul onouin river fonn but boon completed. which tonn hon-ion will opninp cl 150 ha bo- lwoonthomthnloon in aloud within two boon in an at an uhuoo. (hing Ann Ql,_.'l`hn Vinnnnv in A n. IO X WINK 10!` VII`. Pun, Au. Rl.-'l'ho excitement over tIO_ClnnUt dillully in intact. The tuba on tho Bonus ilzhvorinh on tho nnol um`. the In) into:-View buwoon l-\n'y sad the China lininhr hutur ninud in n olinmumut. The China I-Irry and mo Unlnnn -lunar unwr- niutod in I dinanunuk The Pension no uakint. pcpuuiou to leave Pain and pro my will chpnrt hglnnn midninhl. no soul I an at uwuoo. (bio. Au. 8l.--Tho Viouoy is I n. hi hour or lotoiguon. ud his hand man llld ooinln and common people In wuhko. The merchant. howovor. III pacic. An Englbh oorvoue tnd noun Ocnun sad America (-50:01 Pllll. Au. xl.-l'no Iupuuc Imu- mm up that Admiral Con:-bot. up In tho pliant. hu boon hnnpord. by poodnng nogotintionn. One: IA: h 40- chrod I few noon homhncluen nd oomorodbotnhouvilhuhohrl-`rnnoo to go: pououionol lhnu-A Ind lny I-`oo Chow in aha. II-Lin A-an OI _`\q. `Fun... [,3 Vnnnnn 1- oo uuow nu nun. Pokin, Ag. il.-1`ha `flung Li Yunon proton In it pnpud (or nr. Pub. Au. 2l.-'l`ha umlunnnl Penn. Ana. Il.-'l`na nuon Uonml lowered his In; at I ovhnk Io-day. The iuuruh ol tho Punch nbjool hue boon attuned to PM Rndu Iiuiuor. Chin sboolohby nu-~ cu-nun tho rvannln QIAIII. "nine DA1LY'1m1'r1sa 311119, AUGUST -.-1. J` A Content In xuyu-e i lave rum nu holoro. midnight. P-nun, Ann. $1. Inc had uooxu Inn: Lot- um ' mi in reaching tho pun! mu. nu. Conhhhau itdonqu inlniu vnidy ol vending mount. it in shay: livol Jpicy sud nulablo. In addition In vnbd and inlculill Daily HQ] ,Iw IX KIIIK. II Ullllll to haunting hotly budget ol lituttuo which it audio. is lulu. ovary mouth or non --mu. nnmununinn." II which nnomuu and UIIIII TEX: French chin. Ion. Pllil. Au. 2l.-Tbo Rtpublic Frau- -nin man that Admin] Combat. on Ioloro mullahs. Pain. An. %l.-'!`lm Punch Uonml n-nrnd him In at ohhnk Io-dnv. ' caucus ` xrrcu. , .._ ,...l- _ I-IIIXIZ'TIj\IIIvvu-an---.- IOIII. Tlnoyouquuluquoulonvu cuhhly I Inolnltd ouny. no HI Ilulhdy ulna oolnllldwl lolotnuhlpnvlclnnlhnnult INIII. V3 lQf `III DIIIHII |uu||on|ItnI0oud;lnruuPoth-` IOIIOGOID. llwuuhhdtlntnyongnu. I nonhtol|hodv|InnArIyul'hI|- no-ulnwu annual with litmus -____n. -_ - -A--A .._ 4|;-no nan: Dnn. Belloville. Aug. 2l.-YeutenJnv the house 0! Rev. Amos Cunpholl. bhrau ol Albert College. was entered un.l`I:!. 0 hkou. There were wltluu roach cheque: tolhonmqunt at between 01611!) and IIQJZIXJ. but payable to the order of Mr. thnpholl. Uoruvuu. mo uunun pout omoo secre- ur ,Wl8 concluded to-thy. Mr. Corn- \u| boina ncquithed. The lll|l0l)D8- meat Wu greeted with nppllulo by nu- morouu friends who vnro In court lWliI~ ` ing the result ottho trial. Colulnbin. S.C.. Aug. 9l.~W. ll. Mc- Daniel and wife have need Hence BI-uoo end other members of the Beptiu church lot Il0.(lI)alsmegeI1ot attempt- ion to dohme Mrs. IlnDn.niel'nohu1o tor. Thodolendnuta ohnrgod her with being jutjmuo with the chunk omen- int. Mtg: H_eDeuiel we: the losding no- preno in the choir. New York. Aug. m.-V|ndorbi|I hold Hood 5. to Robert Bonner lot 040.000. notwilhnhnding that be had been oor od IltX).flI) to-doy. Bonner wu nixed. mm Jn-Eye-bee should but the ol Mud 8.. what would you do than '1'" His taunt w_u choncteristic. "Buy him. too. il I could." The mom II" he lirod Iron the truck. I50 New Pro-Ior at Ion soon. Dunno` by 3 I130 Iuonty. lhlu. N.S.. An. Bl.-[lacuna In-on nll nouns in uxlq county at no man Funding`: majority no. In to the contact thin Ironing : (Irnuwlt up. "Tho vindnl naughty indoct- od. Y 1': work In: rltul In I uni And nlnrinnn vinlmn In tho Lil cu. uncut)`: won an nnuou II a glut and uluionl viotwy hr the Lib and pun." Dublin. Ag. an.--n. . 1.`-ma Island In: putlhlodnuvon iuhtlnu cl: piano: and (handy. oh: 0:- nliitor lanes and -up. In vithula to udoolho H-4. on--I-nnlhnlg-burn: _ ... ...........,... .....- ln \'ork.Aa. I1.-A lugs: nceir I ad ban from John Kglly u 1 it via donbunl what oouno the umnny oouuuiuoo would take in nlewuctto Ynlieuvill. 0., Aug. `ll.-John Mccnll Ihol And killod hiunnll yoshrdly. He in to Inn bun unwind on Thnnclnv. I Toronto. Ana. al.-Fodonl in boom- uinx. Thug millutono Around its neck. ' tho Michignn lumber nooount. bu bolou disposal of It I mznro in ndunco 0! what mu thought could bo reclined. Stocks have gone up 3 couple or three poiuu. I g lII'nuAn unu----. Dublin. Aug. `J0.-'l`ho trul ol Mr. Coruvull. the Dublin pout omen Lnnr. Inn cnuolndml to-dnv. Mr. Corn. Nu tot Innngrll _Lnnnlon. Ana. IL-15 in believed it will be Ioeeunry Iolnualorcbo but: of the expedition lot tho tubal ol Klau- tuomn [mm Wulylmlh to Snskim unleu `the Nile lino: npidly at once. won nu uunou nnnuu yosunuy. no us: to been mu-rind Thurulny. A dorouuory remark undo by his d- N qunuad uaunedjho Iuicide. \ . -.--.-..--1. -._u . _.. London. Aug. `IL--'l`ho Account: o! Chu-Ion Mot-Icy. hllur ol the London Loan 00.. were on Snnrdny loud to be 080.!!!) short. Morley depaunponl. The nuunun will be` covered by the lelloru I homllnmn. - __.__- _. _. . ..._ _..- _. . -.-_- ., ..-,. Tomato. Aug. 2l.-Ccphin Ludgne. ol tho Sdnnon Anny. um! I oomndo hdnuunowonospotromboingdrownod. Thoy wen bathing at the West End 1:- lnd baths. sud were pnctininu diving. Not. ntinnod with the acoommodnuon nnnlod hllbohathldhoy tooklbolk md run. out mm the lain. Thnv IOIIH um:-uoa uunonunmmoy monsoon; and went. out Into the Inn. They won!-I nun]! have been drowned had not PAH Pntil o noticed than. Ho ntungul to an both. though way were inseuih. And It took some bud worknt Nubian so bring than to. Pstillo dennu ro- oognihou lo; bravery sud Iluuhibitod in Iueuing um man. You Sow would be Iucoeulul in nui two drowning moo when thev hui bank [or the Inn time. - unountoluuruauo-u nun. All Iulhnd boouonlfnon thou-In lop. 'l'hoIinlnwu'opodoo|lv muscle. The right loot. which Ind Incl Imam. Ind not Inn: Innuhnd. uni than Illllclo. `mo ngm loos wmon ma non Irena. land not but touched. and the loft had had haunt oolylo thowrhl. Thohnnn htdnol bcontouohod. but ovary rtiobol loch had been stripped {mm a hunk. (rapt. Lnulgnlo sud 1 Coundo Try Thou- land: at Dlvlng and are nearly LOCI. -. . . ,.. n,.- u n A, lp ON I WIICCII 0l-lbu|d Hvstdlq . In 1 Inn.-. shunonvillo. Aug. w)__.()n Tuesday Ilichul Tigh, n.r;od `.55 yous. le bomoto whit one ol hi-'. nous. Booomin haml- olnratl Inn bum!-.3 Al` En lhg {I-nnllnn VIII one 0! ms nous. uooomnn Down- dond bewmdcrod on in tho iroctzon 0!` Shnnnonvilio. 0n Ftialny ho Ill nnsud by his friends. and they was out !I Itunb. On Snlnldny mind: even- Ibghwu Ionnd on the much on the rhu shading up to the Ann is: In mud hd nhr. sad you slivo. ow long he hul boon than mun impouibln to any. on nothing Ind boon noon at him from tho Thundny. when in nu upokeu to non Ir. Sunuol Godduh `IIO I'II|lI I11 II XVI noun -av-Iovvu Fun I'Ihuor`I Ilody. DUDE]. Ilul. Aug. I).-Tho body 0! Print: Whistler. M the (Indy Party. wuuhuuod this meaning. The hot uduckwcnwoll panned. in tho labia ullaut from the hook and lists. The uomnoh conduct! a null mount ol hit and non -ua. All the I.-khan! hon-nntlnnn than:-sn and l 6 hi L. I-`crust `Ibo Flu): Found In Into loo: Ilonovod 5-... -hhl.I.r'n Ihdn. IOUXKQ `III LAIT IX'l'I\Ell'l`Y. ::l'ELEUR,APHlC mnxm. ---:-O-Q9---:- O'01'I- III. IIATIOI. ix 1 noun!-mo Inn. v__|. n_, an A` |_..___. u'u-rnnAoo'-nut. n__ .__ u .u _,. u n ?|&I1$: III`! DOJI to w. bunn- 1-ltnnhn I M L'riben & waish. FIRE SALE STILLCONTINUES. \l9Z`\lZCUQw9 Ilnougnqvllhnllhov in-IlonlnW:n|. Iu4unuIIaIouqnI.uuhnw at III-luau: AOo\WmI1.Pootoflu1Rroot. HQ; on n yn ...'.` E:.`..".`.1`.` '?..'`.".2'.`. `. :.`.'.` ul tinned. hthuhct lanun-ly to IISSIII. A. PS3 I (V). union. J. I lllllllok. Ann. M. - lndkuoor. nun -uv quuuu Incl: uv uuu.u-.u- . Pour U'lury. well known in connec- tion with workingmunh organisations. goes went in I Iew dnya And will wrim a series 0! letters to um l-Znglinln pram ro- nrdiug the resources ol tho Northv Wont. He will ulna dwell on the right class 0! omigrunn to usual to Cumuln. --T ucuwury I I41: Mgpro and Ipuooandouu-I K Dunn hr Ogr Inn &oIl- I --v-:--. ` . uu louduy nqlltln AIINVI lnvo-I I girlhalxoiliq It 50 1|` laud hathu. Toronto. . . ---u ,,,, L-,,u,-n iv,-;: u._.nn-...l . sly curl? tutu. ' T60 Shamrock: have scan meal the! bhnllongo of the Toronto: for chun- ninnnhin. Int Sglnnlnv. hank I5). Kl: ._\l I muting ol the Toronto Typo- gnphical l'nion the scale ol Inga: was reduced Iron 33; to :11 copu pot 1.011) cm: on uforniua papers. I .l\...-.-_.- _|... .l-l..o..l n I-`nll. VIIJI IS! IIIUCIIIK Fitll J. rbompuy. who debate-I 0. Full- jnmdn. in ready tuo light my Inn: in the wotld at 133 lbs. for [mm 01.1) to H.- 503 und the light weight. chnmpionuluip. I I.-.....I w..n......|. -...l A I u........ , vuu ..... ..... ...... ......;... ,.......,,...... .,.. I-`ml. Westbrook nnd A. J. Morgnn hue uaned tn Agreement {or n the mile race {or 05(1): side. tooomao on the I am. August. on the Bnntfonl Driving Pnrk . f ' unlll '1`-':."""'-:`.'`- .....-""~*-"......'~'"--.-..' lltll} ,. - -- `Mr. Jenkins, the Connervntivocnndt date. was vostenlny elected by 83 `um- iorily to represent Queen`: cunnty. Prinoo Edwud Island. in the rlnce 0! Mr. Bracken. . Ar 7 l---~r `Lu i - 7-. 4.. _r__..:..,. I\__.Z,I AIL. l.IlII_Jll'lJ. One hundred men us pursuing Dnvinl Avory. ol Vionnn. lllinou. who burned `hi: when Ihoh to prevent us levy by us countable and then won uuuumg lor I-xlin `neighbour and burned their much Ill. Tjno Ahbo I-`run Lint. the famous rinniu. has non an nutogznpln lower to nialnondudonviug the ntnry um ho Ind become blind At. Bnyreulh. llo an l he is able to work without lim- The inlnnt son of tho Into Duke of Albuly II to bo christened at llnlmrno beloro tho Qnoon leaves {or Scotlnml. Thu Prince of Wales and the (`ruvtu Prmco of (iormou am to ho godbnhcru sud the Queen Iifl be vodmotber. n-.._.m ..-- _..n 1...-.. ;.. ......... Illl I-KIII. III`- `, . , I PM liilloon knoakd Hiil Sdu. of Philuiolphis. nnnlul In lug half I minute round: has high. -n.- ...-.-n. ._.. |........` ml-.. uni T|`qg_)_4__[gIn_,,_b,o French ooon II 'C61ilenu implies sh Gormnuy Ion not Will! u plush! to tame the loeluuzn I of .l-`nnoa. " ` I: .-.n u an . I `A 2, __ VI-ll H. Smlgen I-`nuns. Moutnnl. it is un- donlood. ha been uppointod chiql wt Iyut (or the dominion under the new Aclnllention Act. - .1... .1 , >lI| _ _ _ _ A_ vII_.._- UCl........ .-uuuun. CIhu`ls0otlu 00.. ..... Du.ndu(`.otIon()o.... Tannin llvaunonl . BI.Pnul I. um I.. N w l. r- 0nl96hi$..iu'l'oronh, uthonnidcun 01 It an-In-law. Ir. Wu. loloo. Ruhr! Polulln. lonnuly ol Klnpho. in the 7&1] nu of hits... 1- Kingston `horny. A`. Ila. In Planar). lo! M yum Tbotuunlholpluuodnytotuo ca- Ilolio Cancun. Divide: Stunt. - ni""'r""A"nL'""ii'i5"il IQ QIIIV A. Vrlinllljlnltn will naive hunt: (Io ail Cl SIC l\llhIIIII lulu; avid "fcudnn Io! list up In N If Prilq. III MI la.) 0! llglsl. lll. n...n..A.nn-c|-|nu:duolthoAl!- lllll-I1 UIIIIIIIII I- -`uI- ` The match not Intro:-n Riley and Ten I-`gal. Inn has polloouecl ml Aug. 2pm. on uuoplnh. ` ' `ML. ` Chg:--4s..Lu I.-up an-`nu-IA` than XXI} AI Kuhn Couago. lusptou. on Aug. mun. the I"! of Ir. RAIIIKI I4. Puray. at n CIDCYKKJE YKIIIIIUK ZAQQDI. Ioouul. Aug. 21. Flour-naiph 0.500 bl: ;nlon 500 brls. The following no luau! quntm tionI:--Flour.Iu rior nun at 510806.?" ; um {.65 to 4.7 ; spring cum 4.!) to Ll); Iupornl 3.11 to 3.: Iron; baker`: 4.75 to 5.75; ne 3.111 to I.l0:IIIid. 17:`: |o3.'J|I; pounds 2.50 to l.65;0IIt. ham 1.50 lo ti); dly bun $7816 2,1!) lot Ilronq baker`; Gum ~- wheat. nd mm 92] to 95; lo. `I whilo.0.90 101.10. Corn 700 to 7| : POMS! I093}. Oltlllo 45. Barley 55 h 650. Rn 70 tu `no. Oatmeal 4.8.3 to Doc. U0l'I-53S0`pC; SH 0-mm; Nov `,I||@ 58 Iow.auh M. njdtlg. --nnl nun. (Dl'll- unulllugvuga-g guy" uu \1Il `um. em 6'). On:-qmot -. wmu saw 40. Bu|ay- nomnul ; No. Hhnuh R1. Rye -unchAngod . Canal: 69 in bond. __ --_4Q__o runs! mun. Uunlaw ca. Annoy on Rye (.50. Oonunesl l.to3.I5. !`ror|nions Bun". Cnunory. I0 Io Ian. Pork--l1I.m in $1.00. bud--I060 llc. Rnoon-I3 to Ho. llunn~l4 to 15. Choeso-I0 to )0); Ilnnm-_. I! In Ill. llungunnu In CLOVIII um umnr IIIID. HERD HIAIN. CIIOICI FLII l.' non: Ho. uuna-u to 1 Buuor--l2 lo I)`. 0951103} OI I00 'I OIOIIVI IOI l|N"C|'|Il|l` ' 'M Sungdoy. um. (ll. 0. YOMIQ D11) Pup) Icntuwnn ti tho only Puoly \'qouhIo -.--_--:3 u now quiququnuu-"u rave?! uiyfrfimdnunu II the pa luw.uu-u us. lv Va'. --not mud. l.uI~-'l6lI av;'ll1| Duo ; 170001: 762} use `M ; new rod line 9:. Com-unohsnod;IAh1,S| Innnd went; urn 5'! Inn`. on. )oo. Whou-7I| Bop! :l>i Oct .31 Nov. an I Ang. II. WhOIC~IMIdy ; ado: 0.000 new white mn. -M : new rod IBM 9!. mm 9_.i1E l GMT I0 HUD I `$8!!! IRLIOH 07!`! n noun Ind In! ? Iui uuusnT'1r'nEa(7Tc'( in-. Mpaomoxous I ` ll.l. Ill mm ON TIII Q1! D181`. (I! not wovhuuly dupouonl on tho powerful won tilt Ilneol I` V co1Iqunno15:.,'* unsung-an ulhnllhn In-III sad IIIKIDL 'E.`?.'!..1 Markefs. III HI} I90 nn ll! 45; us that I-r..' -wn.L an omm1>'N- Weduqday. Civic Holiday! I 01:" --V\ ll.l.- ` % Aug. 221.)! .:uxnuun__u__Ig|un um. ...-*_ .__ ._ !I!9II=9!i'. -!f._`_.'.'- or Vllli`lli0,_!lI THE ORLATEV FA'l`lll-IRS. Confers Degrees. drums: `to tn nnuunu lot of Iephnhu-. < hula Rom \\mrl u I: urtuol `I lIIjIcouulm|-3., , ' .,,.,_ - nut. ~ . - - . Dc- S1`. PAIM lllll mm mm. CHANNEL GROVE.` (.`0l.I.'GE or 07 mm] j ll.l. lava (III! `(hi WEI`! U I I`-la`. NATURDAY IIXY. &* than (`uup "IOIIIM. rolmlullu menu` nucqy. cun- nn wan lulu:-I out way. lunch: lull nu` Kingston at noon on Inch). Inna Noll`: bland sud IIIOIPII. . " 8|. lavnaoocuup Aug II Aiu"uAL no-nncj 'j._._.-j V--~v ~1-. WHDNBIDLY. AUG. 9711'. `KI- }`u"3"n'o"u'1'-T'\1 .`<')7 TEE 'n.U":a'n' "T. .- lemluwo. \ iuniux EXGUHSIUNI 9.1 II mm Lg11_ss' ununm. `I !-:(`IAL Arrnnlon mu no luck; van: a and lutrlncnhl. and lino Ann Iudu o-100$ Indium! lsmnsn J-%[ommo" ! J. P. GILDERILIIVI, \\ illcarny panugnn KVKIY DAY (Bun-lay: Im-I-mod) Iron (union to Clarion. 1"?-oound I-mud Purl A-I Alain:-Inn May. In ll (`nu-, Ilnn--u Tl-hnln IQ nd. V ` . '1... h V-|"':'T"3!.`:,,. ,. ' . _ ' __- _;[R`E'u1'--VLDWI ux: conun- On N305: -act. Applyht. rlrtlcnlhnlluuhuc .1.` P. G|LDERSLEEVE.| I17` IX IERIIICIEI (HIT CHIC. II `I [2 During are vast Ibo Icahn Iocvu run "Opt for Rocha!" DAILY M RS0 l.-._ on u nvul M 01` II. but from Its I-n. Q13 nu-u mnnkn cl mu. Fun to Aluundrln Ikyucl new-I-I~ July It. 0. I. lA'l'uI. -&uju STERLING .;. HOUSE n| New York, UI'.ll'i';_gVwIShl'l llulny. Round Trip `Ht-loll. u` I Minn uiuhln 10 clnvt... cuym, n-mud mu Part and Alonldrlo lay. DVIIINU TIIR IIIIAINDIII OI` AIYIIUBI` THRKITAIIIS STR. NORSEMAN xv;-;.,.:::;:`:.=' loan lloebuuer II nnohy at! run. nurmn I-mug. Inn:-on run Ticket 1 u cuuu-zncx-: 311. Inn in uoummo" mo "SUMNER"| ll lnnilt` rlrtlcl . `IS CLARENCE S'l`,. A..- m f|Llaxg.udrixBsy& nmnasmnuuuj ..... ...- `Tl v 1 . - nnkuurlgaoznn auixm. rams Noun lhouuucuu euiuu ya no - -`nz |no" turn I n.... 1:... Ann what u I I'.I . . ` 7 `-.".V'`"`' I . ' Panza making Io nun: nllhof. I._ Put IYII lulu an-wan): up gI_ r mica-us Qua: lho'I'hruI.h.uIpIyonthol7Ino6|d. WWII Incl. OI` TICKRQI --ldillr Lie. ; (`-Illdnl IQ. J. A n00DI`AI:1.l. Ann. 21. &-crown Tuesday. Sept. 2nd, lnglc `l`i(-Inn In New font. good by um oxcuninn n|ly.. ... ` , . . . . . .. H until I0!-lfulnuunoh eqnllltnnhouounru 1.`:-"""'... _ " ,"a1'u`3.'v'3".it-II-A ',., '3 " 0NLY25c. AN EQIYE!-L'- EDUCATIONAL. .s2IoNjs-FL w----. __r `Inn: unbcxhum. Tuck:-t Agent. - KIHGSNR. rnowiiuuuun -.L-.--an-:--in DIE!` IXDIYIOTIOIIIY. AHIE! X. 1b'I. ..?:..4.---2-: A I IQI. ha. a '5? 03017333: m I j|v--- Thu n... 2.0.41! ICICIIAI nun. `VATIIL % .Vu W! C hnsuuhonuqcluno -_-_-.-an `-I-u-I-|t\1' -nv-nu--u-u--u-F I_?._!IE3S BROS- Iain m an um um MT*;\TAA\\'BA. : ` ` . -5313Ur |%;r\N<;1:L1%<`.\ ! From the Luqmonga Vine`- < I yands, California. jail) in uuluiu. and tlw l)Sl.\' \\`me re The I! (M line |bul'I"l":|Ih\lIu A \\/ivu our uenul I-st sale In lhuu nr um other , . oouuomlul by Mnhml .-\mh'nrmou to 11: v nluln wlmgo tn (`Ahlnmu for thou: flullb. And it Inna hreu `Kohl that Ilhnd mug in _ _hId mpn In do Iilh l>un|~|m; up pmpleh ho0'llI l|uurllu- .;|n|l'|\NlI eIuu||o`u! (`uh Inn. m -1-: Ill`-III` u lhofllu lluur Hu- lonns. ` u. . uv urn whuoh Va `u I|IIl1Vl`u _. .____..__... " uowru. an um um. can no I-lnuuuinmonholl IIAIJ ;-Iv cllilllhu-III_i|!.. F H auuuma. brink tannin nu his Tutu: & Ilui Cap JUITIXIIIRH IN < vuuuu PRICES . We have niow the l.n_r;:4-sl Stuck ul Dal U1.-cl Ah Lnl Stout in thin :ml_\'. huh nu putts Ind 1-inln from the cc-lot-nu-.1 John Labatt LondonJ_Brewery. 'I`h.n nnnun nlunzkn I..- IJAS: ERAWFURD. IALES AND mm ! cheap smwesnn/ts KIIIO STREET IAKIRY NEW BOOKS ! Nslunl Law In "Ir .\`pmlm\l \\-\rI.!. In Ila-nrr Ilnvm.-...u..I II I ' '* .'Iu Thin unnoeil The Stnlon Wlutc TIIID. II 3; . The Hl.or_\'ol 1 Sha~ll_b_\ Hm" J. dull. .75. Durolhy Pnnlnr. I1) \\'nlu~r ll:-Mun, 200 rm: am-r iifuim cum I Ray No. by Willie (`--Mme. lo. Love 1| Long Ilrnl-ch. by Luty Run-lull (`omlon. ii`. ` Demon-Inolho-I`. oIl'huoo|n..I0r nus. Amlluun-0,01! Inouhlql-Iron ucnuy on had. an lu-nuns an In hu- -_m: nn.|.n runn-_ ismmu ns . 40c. IL W. \'us|n-tun`: Fin mnunnro Agzq:-y. Tho I-cry lconl Bncliul an-lrnnulununnu nu vqnmu-Ital. ITHE TEA To [USE F. NISBETS TIC` l`0II\IIll Booltiiorf. Aug. IIL \\'AII:lI0oIu IN I(INu.~s'run (`Tho 1:3 It. lnovxn In no any II Nut. Greenwood`; 3.1. n lugs-n.-n --A Dunn II-alga lgnl Pu hull`: Ludo Ale & Slut I TIE mnsr um um um gnu . nnnunnanantu an n1lnmun-u.nn unu In I ll:-ur_\' lhmuuu-v fcn: canmu ROOMS - NOW OPEN- Nl"H7l'IONIRY_ Arnil u. w. p,\'m:wA-run IAMUNLNIKI) `mu mm snow moons nu \I`R) I I\'l)1Y\N RTHI`-T `-1. I. I. OIJVII. R~ 1'! 'I`OYE- The nuns up-uh: for null T Con fectionery. I mull qunnul_\ on uH'I ll I..\.\`UN.\Ill.I\`. }Ilrp|nnI_ Ivy Mu-I -- . , )ll 1%! NEW IIIUCI HOUSE II II---aw-In-m-.I.Izo_-5 1r B1_;s_`A.LE1 Tendon For coal. T`sin,::n '1`ENl5iB'R.'S' won I, h. nnnnlvrn 5- I54 undo-d-n `aiaa.:.. .ii.m`;e`..`. .;....,.. .`..1 main wall nunnealul. Anlyn In nnhj H?)USE FOR SALE AUCTION SALE. mm + W 56.: nhyf . ~._II outline: nuo A. :'a-.-.-..-.-.-`.5. aw" 7* .!.`l'oLot. -_--.:.__..-..- DlAIIIaY.-A GIIIILL I! I & I18 Illut. I .7: ..:p.n..a' '7 ':-u:b-I;iw_|p.-'Tl3wg good nuon why U19 0! {N If -run uuv uauluuuunu -wnau 1 nun-u Ind conclusive." and now the Judicial Comuiuoo ol the Privy Council null: Hal uurd uicl directs oboulionoo4thoro- to. No triumph could be more com- ploa nun um ol Onlco in an outn- veny than happily ondod : Ild certainly nmlolut could be non hnmu|}utjn", Nun NIIC Sit Jdn Ind hh ljmqphnuq, an oompdicd to an up. `Rhys '3 bani! nnoul rannnn uh: lhn on nlthg -khan Iljllurvuuuuqu-cu p_u......._ Iulluiap. Thaowounuywboquw liololthowic-ion old llly cl 0: tononanhn oxplonongbntlhon wcnuonowho vitlllololllnulliolllh vivanollhu Int hllnnh nln tho hhlulhgollgno oi the Inuit Ihojuuuihlo ol pub wlxhhln husband just pt-lnuunu. 1`Ionu.whIluuIlndrnIuIIt upaotlopuphnlnuntlnowahl hhqlhI|o|n1l.wcnIuI'haIIou- Ionllydlilmndcllullllnvouwivd unlucky: Inquu-at nu- ..A..a ....n.| --Ha Andi-Quinn The betlii P'PIIlItieI of unannou- mgclus no oonnidcn-l nn imporhnt "unw" to dnhrnino how the wind blows in the Prosidonsinl onntout. From I recent And extensive enquiry by the \l.- Vnnb Tn.-. u-Anhnlndg Ilunt Illnhsn I (Sing nun IIAZI-Irv uenluny nay Ielv New York 'I'uamweonholnde that Blaine hu tho "cell" for that piece. and must he ooniderorl the "favorite" in the reoe. Slnoe the redonhtnble Ben Butler hen ieened his card to the elector: Clove- Iend`e neck in! peroephly declined. It ll gonernlly ncoepted by the knowing one: tint Ben : oendidnture will injure the regular Democratic nominee Inueh man. then the Republican. He he: no love lor Cleveland. and while posing an e Democrat. championing the interest: ol enti-uionopolinte and labor societies. he will not hesitate touorlnoo votee from the rtunlu-`party ticket. A gentlemen lately returned lrnm n vinit to the prin- eipel cities of wootorn .'ew York inform: us thnt since the noel lectn ol the Cleve- lend eoendel hue booome known the tide hu tnrne-I Iomewhet in his luck. end there no now many shrewd ob- eervon who pralict that he will carry New York State by eeoneidereble Int jority. Ulla: nun. g-vw-I sun: In: Um UVII` hudullorhuboon unwed. Thym- oopted the trlnhnon` sun] an "Inn! Anal 1\l|Aln-n- " .-..I -A- ll.` ln.Il.2-I I 4m4gg -:m-Ankh----nnhn I40! XIUIOIII ljilix luau, --u naobetltho United SIQOOO. lhobyol ptivuionuolulloringbybnvonouh Ibohhnuol uxluuuyutoldlon dnirhgnuon. Onolyud mu IMII hnddntionvnlonloolllnnno Ihohccudtlo hououduouulvo wonnmolonooivoclon pupunau Innnunrhlttllutholruuvlcual __nn__-__ -I-L... _._ -g-- ulna A1. The wheelctop cl lenitohe. Debt. Kenn. and other weeteru end north weetenlsbtee pteumee en uhecdeut yield. end en e consequence the price he: declined et Chicego end Ilmneepo lie hevcrel cent: per buehel. When mehxng celculetlonl. however. it will be necenery to (etc who ooneldention the hue: that thrdlighout the grater- yertol Ceuule end the middle end at ten Stems the yield 0! this cercel will he `chusiderehly below the avenue. Thenlote. while the geuelil produc- tion will ho nulcient to unsure onlinu-L lychcep breed for the .u1eeeee. with e cuniderlhleuurplce lot exportetlomlt hnonuehue In on human will ; bevetoul theh whet lo:-neehleu then the nine! gllrol. In thin Icction thccropie ecu-eely epte theevetege ` on the whole. had in many neighbor hood: it in let ht-low. The wet. cold ` spring endenheeenentxlry weather were . not levoreble to e vigorou growth. TIIE l~`lNl LIT) . Then in no further use of multiplied word: in dincuuing tho unnl ol the judicial commmoo ol thojhivy Council in the bonncluy Inputs. That Iwud. has been mule. sud. what us still not! ilnpotunt nml conclusive, the Queen bu boon nleuoul to issue an order up- proving of the crud ml nullnoriningih lnlity. This in the cunning no! lo: Onarioln nearing her rhhh. mud n onoo krmintu the povur of Sir John Iluouloudd and his men silica lot do!` my lurthor injury to this provhuo. All that Mr. Mon! ml hi: odluguu eon- A-Aml I4- I... L.._ I 'l'|.-- -- J10 III IUIVIVIJIU war on nu. -v-3- oldcuhhonuhrvuiund oxpuun. uutevlnunntiu ol lniuqlodjoyud nduuthtonghooolho oivlliunlworld. Lou bolonllo rucdll ply Ind ____;_,n .n.. n-....l nun. Hm dart nl i E4xprLC`6r71b'any. rautncmursaamtes. I TIIPJIIIIII Urrilup. - uwuu - inn. root of undue: Ina-I_ ..-nurnozgu ooun{uu|cn1on;- ' J08. F. SWIFT, ' All. . g-3-----u TIIPDBARY OFIVIOB. -- I'll! .a-..... 1-... -c IASA.-an In-col vwhig Iuuaanouuu. .'jjU0V'-""""" units Iunutlnbdvnnolllllltll bhlldljphn. Ttodoalld yggk-l,dgIodQMII.0V0\`I iydllutn-dnhnpnodovwill uhlruhlvhllnbcunol Id mun. lab-Innpclulodbao huuwuhvulutln. nu. : plnuh|ho_booodn|oinnIuundo want.-lean-l-houudntoh-an: --4.u.._...A....._..ALu ullng--. KI. III IIWQ will all \.v--cu-ww- Alhn D. ahv. tlnpcpulu Anal. an Oouul M lncnuiu, mu: bin but- I). died `huh: In. Linrpool to In Ya-I. lay ponhul alumna 0! Instant his Ila hnnll 0| UV- ....,a._._._._ Ron!-`nghpr l,pCr\hy.Bvockvi||0. bill Rolf I0.CduIo|n Svll lor naoopb rel-web -I-olid-rm | J. Tarn:-nu` I. An.` - .I. --n'nnnI '..n.-ng II f WIT li. In. J. 8. sooM.d0ouuMnLiu9- width; lupus. Edna o natal III. Sill`; Dlvhlou aunt. Ila usual and Isqu-in-In. lnbly nonunion hue. no dong well ili Contains. I up,` In nL._ 4|...`-Inn L-nrI. H cos And when boliel wen not meant- 1 _ thunk an ollwiud` Ilsa It-I-3.. `MI.-1! IV,.1 ooulrnnlnyund whiny nmll 0:1,...-. ty has cuckold. n i.` d-winch-`no-with-I tr . um. Illjuju at 1 a duly: not lb hid hue unwind th ush ox- Ngtlul in at runuhlo 11: lg & hour Q at exqui- Iy 5.-Ive" nyjosncl: lnlulunn should roanjvo the charitable Inn y num um huh censure ol um pal)- -lio. ljloindouh all. jpd uolouu as um. in ` I chance at ucapigu glouth than hmu-had uh! delirium uviggton lnul u right to unit "me u! II. nltlnougl: uwir natures nvolud Against the nick- euibgx tout. due-I under uucl: diutntaihg circumna- d will ounoniuvtlso wont. though an- Iud prool in impouiblo. and they onu- Iot be blamed for fooling keenly tho , . e_ .1.-- - Tln lriouuh olthouo who ' Ilnnhllann umnh . uuu. , suits : -Arrinfu: am. Cmaoo.Smith`| I-`all: : nu-. Ootinthhn.` Toronto: prop. 0g_li1ornh.Ilonttul. Tho nuhr. W. Elvin in dinhugingeoal II the K. at P. RR. dock. The Iohr. Onnlhnm in loading ore at the umo dock [or Cleveland. II- n_.-__ -1 l\-I........A l-I-...I I.-. 7'" `U,|KIJ "HID: WIlUIUc The myntotioul yacht Joe in reported by the Ouun Fm Pm: to Inn ntolon any {mm that part like I thin! in the uiqlut. Sir llootor Lmgenn warm to no the much lslkod About cult. kI__A I`__J__ uh- D:_I.-I{-- L l\-0:-:15 mo ullN'8`l`0N lrIIltR`l'-I"lAlIi BUIJII. I30. 0 SI.uhonnovdon8'n-I. yniunvou -nau;uuuudvuI:nhn I depth Sunni Iuboununhuull InII: l-CII nuoull. An-Iyto I . ll. Ell. Wil- Innnukx 1 HI` '1"-Ir """"-J'- ' Ja. Wotmworzln sud Ink arrival `noun 3ld'.'1 from Long nlIIh.l?.ore thoy `Ch n:ntioaliIIl- T. H. Mouths Q-0-wind wile I-stunned today Iron: Old (hcbud Bach. The kip VII hominid. C. W. lohhO'.~, Dotrolt. liclm: In Io:-thou um . runny. st. Cntbnrllliu-N as the Anp_'.o- Ancnon. n--. LL- n.....n.. I... -Inn-and Inn u' W` "K" IJIUVUICTI - Ir. Emory. of Calumet lnlmd. bu punhuod the Iteun yum Lures: lrom Col. Hume, ol Capo Ymcont. The con- Iidcntiol wu Ottlmod, M. T. Co.-An-ink: Sch!-. E. 0. Mo- Ru. Chionao. 11,050 bush. what. D0- __.4.____ . II`..- t)I:.l- |A.._A.....I L...- nun. uuuuugv. uu,uvu vuuun IvuIr-wo -- puturu: Tug Glide. llootrosl. tour Lanna. .`m`l\-I Ann] and I-nhnl-an uncut-g -ywvv nun: vvu-g -n with 4011!) both. when. lIVl._ _ _,A-_2.._- __..I.L I II3 lulniu Luunuu uuuuu vaunt- Nut Iondnv tho Richelieu A Ontuio ` Nnviguiou Company purpose doolu-ing I uni-annual diridond of three per cent. Ind nu-tying I oonudonblo amount lorwud. Up to Puoudny the nooipu ol the ounptny were 029.000 in not: oi `thou Int you during the nuns poriod. Cnpl. lgrrynn in prowling sbonltho river looking la the union Lillie Pu`- Ion. The Puoou went down Ibout noun you-uugo with Ed) Ion: oloonl She hy lot some time on I olopuuu rock, with her mum portly out o! Inter. but "finally ulid 0! And dlappoaml. River mon nun thunk wont to piou- while others say sho will be loud u nho wenmown. ` r. .| ,_,|,_s,, . .. . , . . _ ____ Itoroopuwu-gonna-gnu.-.IvhO-I lhlnn AurnoIPphq|IOIU0|- `n W. -`I W ""'"j '" -" Win. all Illa Iullthh Donal! '0' Instant. Phil-dolphh.I-d New York- fhvwlbopuntodniahl. A II In... -ml-ih. HAXXII. `_-,|nj$,$uwIIu.-u-uuuvv---c Ibo Lbuu. 3- 5- D"'- "- ,,,_ __.|____._A .l nn.-In II V nun L)IIl.2.I..lJ`d.|I ALIA` aulaaavu .'ll.l. II I.D(`Il\'Is`.l) In ulclipd \ uuul IA1'UtDA\'.'A,U0. ' M It v-`rlinahthounulouohloll Shun Dunk Ilhjloyn. 1440.0: Johanna stunting. 7 nulouulug ulnuut an vuun-nu . The pop. Cdllonin Ion-led thirty E ol no! It Swill`: whu-I yutenhy. The Iobr. Erie Belle bu arrived it Uollinnby from Toledo with 3 load oi Ihvu. .,-..., .__:_,|`-. u._ n_...... ...:n.`. nun wwuuuvwu. By the oxplonison an hngosnnm It P1050058 No. Inmtlfollim and Lqunlt won Tho led: wu born In` Faith`: boo. loallld _____ I-_._n _._ ._ ._..z... .. --_ W-I -V-H Iuuu r'---- --n --n---- nnnn. Lgpnlt In: in Igonieu on no- oonnl ol the nah being torn tmnlhin hand: and tool. Both man no in n wi- tionl condition. Tho lulohvny nnd n tonlclonhlo portion 0! the dock won blown so nplinun. I-`on-Mot. lonnd on the (look. Ill blown ndhhnoe of twenty loot. (In. It. nxnruln. \(-\a-4 um-nu... UnpLWnu|ndC|pt.llnlLOlLondoI coup-nquoba app-I. than-I. diqoqunnnybcuodowulcthoodou. A.H.Dut|.0hnngo:D.V.BuhII. IcuIo|o.|lL'.In.I|uA. udlin Phillip. Phat. an on unlornou The tag llc.~h-tlrznrn lor Ourogo In night. he Ichr. J. 0. Work. Bnv Cay. in unloading timber M Oollimby. -n.. ...... n.m.....a. |....|..I man. II Inc AIp_no- Alan-In-. Gupta-lob: Donnolly bu nturncd hon Tomato. when be nude on oxunnivo lul-"bII III`! the word. r... n_n:___ _._ ._.-...4| AI... tank Xl-"IIII Inn ! has wuru. Dr. Sullivan in conga! um took in runovingnlugo tunuhnnubobodv '11. E. cndonon. Q.C.. Iulhvllh. ..,_. um--- _...|n__A ll.II ..ll.mulnn nuuno oplulenl [I-1 nun nu- upou Lneumxqroely And hiulituobnd ol IIIRM :1 be Almost. jtnqt entire- I y oclipoul. We ippott. tho revolution: In much to be roxmtt ed. mm In ohupyluq tho nu-an at I-ooplo 'Intonolod In V0-uh. Iolboulllueu I0! IIIOIII -um, ...- ` pain than iuich-_l. Doubtlou much wil| bo aid and written upon the Inb"~ ioct Hui In. no hen tomhnhnthve it. an-I Lhonunda will be ready to give vnlliug cm-laooo to the cxuuprsoou. lI_ Club In ill the dado! duh: Intel Ibo ephlnenl [I07 SKI &I8 .._-.. I .-... n....|. ....c M. lam. land on to noon M an mi Io-I-I, vhonumluunqln 150 rounds the rum to ujocl ununl