Capt. Iortill. Fuhory Inspector. in- hnn III than during four day: has tool (1001 lo uid). the lollowing ulnar mury Dumbo: of back bun won Inkol with tho Art-ileial y : an n__ L--. --_._:_:_, ,_._ _- I IQTHSIE . LLIZ-5KlLSl.A,Vl| a'RRR$. Ali. atrium ` ' n.-snmlli-xniuu. on ul-cu tut nun yuyuuuu u...;......... Thin ototoinont on nutru-. The nann- ey In poid to wipe out tho iudebtoil- noooot the hlerchiiutf llcuk eeusexl by money "being borrowed to rebuild the Court Home end registry om.-o cnilpnr- clieoe the oteoin are engine. The `city treuurcr wot ontliority for the stotc ineut that the inonnv boil been properly expended. Sonic Ollull) recoiveil Ironi tho ale of city pnopertv boil LIIO boon uoedyto leoseu tho initebte-Ines: at the hook. Ald Jlcliolvey rqrettod thot tho neent by-low won Io.-luted. he ropreite-l thot improlier inoouo had been iiuul to defect it. end he Iron eorry tlint ineu lugoly intoreoted in Jthe city ollowoil their politiml loelinuu to co 0V9I')!IlO themoo tonct detrimental to the bent iutereoto ol the city. The by`ll|V. the lpenker claimed. on lot the benet ol the people not tho council. It bod boon aid thot thdpocple would not trust the council with Itiltll); thot tho council woo the wont end moot oxtrnvognnt over in the city. The nccuooticne be denied end he cbollenged my gentlennn in Kingston toprove theui` Thezc never heal boon o more indepondoul or econo~ uiieol council. There bod been no job- bery or lnvoritioiii regnnling couuoctl during the you cud the men who stated that they would place no condence in the olilornion did not know them. They oluht to look more into the council`: ncteend know ol the work performed bolore they wont"lying lbol the otrecto ebont them." The council Inc I credit to the city. -3.7`. g___-. Ipuuuw vu nun: u-uunnuuu null y . ll. CI-others rend tlx lollowing ml~ dress M In. llmndon: "I am man I weak the Ieulimeng: ol all. when I any um In deeply mural your xlepnmuo. Tho ciunonu at Kingston have wry plan- uiog noollocliom 0! you and your her band`: visit: to the city III A [ltoleuiolul capacity. unal will than give yuubotla a burly wiloomo should you [wont III again. We union to hope that |l thodgln nboont you will olhn null the plasma: tone: with which you have been nnooinloul in Kmgnton. uni often think 01 than by whom you nu III rounded tomium. In budding you good- bn lo; the pnunt. In cu only oxpnu an hog). am you man M. will boom cl Inucln happincu nd [I-uqu-ity. \l_. l.l-._.l.... ol....L...l 55.... ......_| AH. Ilolnlvoyunhsqnutiouul gum.` ' In-sch; u an .\...o A._-Ann." A-hthr his--and signal IUVIIUI .;-II -Inn - -- ---- v- . Aqmh uhghr hlqunn-I sing: R nfshn hi ninth. The Irma: nu ` soul that um Aldermen. Iho Ihoke qt the manna .11.: by unoonucu ({un~ cu |Lo` mums :_gg!_v_gy qoooucu. pgu nuts: 0! ` hot whilu whim: 4 that up flliiljtl out hpcllu-I up. II any out. This churn Ill , hliohoosl ad l w.'uEn to tell tho mgb.Ih_o uigun lulu- Iu.-| l `C.D..` ulxlonl lBeIvn|deruagx: Lbu he in I Hal and I nhoduor. daft tho pluin I-Zaglinluol It." When the agree- Im-uliu brought up ua.| vote-I upon the udsnnnn nil that in `II [ally of the opxnion that uhlou relief ' an the company umlino would eouoim entioqn mm! the nil: lulu: up. n__.L__ _._4_n -..._I-o..I u-n Alnnl l.I.`lI III NI` luruo Today In. Moro-Ion. who has been It the Wimhot Hotel [or some uuonun. left to: New York to join her husband. She will gonnjqo mugs and will twain 015013: wool. 13:: email: the bond- on of tho hotel. with when 0 ha ha- oono I lnonrilo nnomblo-J solid hot hnwoll. A he mpper Ina puhkon ol. sud Iovenl complimentary I;-oeehu undo. Mgny in the city "(lit the do- pmnn ol um ouiiunble Indy. ll I`:-z\II|-in ran.` thb lnllnn-inn n.L EIUUJII Iuu IIIU lnuu x-cu u.>~ Anotbq report cuculnud nu um H5410 Vohd by thopooplo in 1877 III not and lot ugo pnrpouh intended. 00.000 HARD AND AG I011` J the hon nmy. low mod I 'rIl.'lIHIY Ill! Ouhno `rm: DA|L\"BRVl'l`lSH WHfG ,"Al.'Gl!ST l Snrlr L0`t|\|. l,|IlI~I in F I rnliro Silqx 5 _ ; II.-mtIIuI--11 Sen .ru- 1` n Au. I5.-_-About ll aoat Iluflant. haul Indoor. Ilnodtcnohor. Tlnoo an. inlhn lnnnhnlnu A Idbi ft &1n-dxrtj. uo.h|nrqunnon on: oooslyonol-ahlnlinu vol: (:81-Initial culnchrhuoounpm ny.-\`oIII. c. Goo`: Acu. Loqnlou. Ag. B.-'l'ho~ Uohl 68$ lmutcholegs an E :-nu. butt 8.3. ='l'lnnoIgvm=sh|nboen oolhd from 131 cnucouul range: in 15 dqnlnuoutl. ! uuluccuruct. Only 2l_ [dunes-have 3 i ddchIlac|IriItIo|olwl|ioh.ue`nIh nvih I .&|Ioviol`no-:ol|.bonlhck|Ind; lhoshonenlunuonoluluo belongleuh relieves the ulonr. Up to the mum! '; Augunnhonwuhocunol death not I s nouovhu ndvyhue. the ad quieter than [our hour: that the tint attack. but within the but week then been nunnoions aauu uccnrrinul within time bout: uni one in It (1! |'pricsl,g_hd` duo) on thonlur at Ton- lopuo. that two hours` illness. II. in in~ ' Id Iota mu. :3 punt; In! In til that mus. the dnngu that Arise; [ran an on: unending to D Y tho nu-ory ot cholen. is exonh nh-I in thin man. moon to In nouuy. This in: nbjoct which concern: not thoeolnpuy alone. but Aha tho may Inoqou-citizen who lure the most ncnd inton-at in um wean-ntiou M thu Intnnl beauty which bu happily but no long spuul to our oemotory. uad who mn:t`$ie\'o to too that hasty ' |lind. Vrrlmu sap. Awunlortwo mote. luudoutuul that some ngulntioa has been htuly punod prohibiting the erection ol any umuorinl except such u must cut at last twutyvo dollu-3. Now I think. tullnuy wnllthinkwithmo. that this in I most olouivo dnccrimnntion be` twooll rich undpoot. Thopoor an Inn noel: nxht to put up his humble uonoriultohhlootonoutho nchnn hutouwcthin costly nonnnont; utl an to nothotie eouudnntiou. whhh should not override monl owes. tho umul(l -Thin whitw crows. which would coat ya low shillingu. in due hr loan oonnivo to the cultivated up than an- ny n gotgoous Inuooloum ptwtontiou and ovulouhd with onunontn met: on wealth no one: path in I unan- hand a 3 "Pan In " (`y Uwuv nun nu -34- .r|.I\l. The appearance 0! the post in Vulnnco ha evened mamas dos! ol oxeitoinuk . In twin npnul through the rilhgeo ol the Dmmo during the `lust um. days has caused oonskrnnuon there. The mod muted npna-I ol use mululy up ally has been in the Pyrenees Orion- hlu. 1']: to the mu: 0! August on|_\' V lhrao ulna: wen inluctod. now then] three places iinlzcuoa. were on 15. The outbreak in Swiuerlnmd. owing to tho dioroaco ol tho chunk and lateness ol the tattoo. it in not like- ly to wotk notions nvngoo. l nlortun- Italy the conditions in ltnly no not the lune as those in Sviturlond. In ltnly there hue been altos-ly Iully tllldontho and the pin;-no increases in wiruioncou it uptoulu. A month ogu it In predict ' oil that Naples would Inux frightfully it tho cholon struck it. nut ptobohly - would. [ml with cases now uouuil .\'op luthnt city on acutely scape. At` Sluunillou six oi tho Octroi Gngnlowho oollect the city in t lotion have died olcholen. The c iolon in Lyon: will I In the next I! lonum ol the tornblo epidemic and that discuss will be heard 1 from in thnt city next week. I lI\IIII`.` KlII.-.`l.\\l- Wuhingtou. Any. a\i.--'l`he l`. 5. Consnlnt Marseilles saw the tiled nmxniqg fugitives has set m and no; `ption can [HCNIND the wrokclnw ' Inux! douutnuou Lint exisu. Ho uuuuuum am in u: occasion which ' 08:21: for the lndnuonu lnbcnlityol the Auxericln peoplo. Sir.-Tho uo ol-I pines ol Cahnqni Conakry huolouaboouoaonltho no- blut uiormueuu ol our becnulul "cit ol the dead. ulmirod and even" lo by the many who have tho strongest reasons for loving ad vinilinutbo place. It teams scsmoly credible that some o! than lnoold trons. not don-imonhl or dumuons. have been I-nthlonly em down. with the peuniaioo ol the cum- Iory Iutbolities. but withoonho alum- ut relonncosothowitbonolthmu who had how: their lot: upocilly lot the nkgo! tnumnd who Low Ind to thoirehugrin than lob hqnleulv dis- gundby tho louolwlntuo money oanovor notice. It tlnuonwome to houolsl thosoou when lot: that won should untely hum had the rst oet ol ' n1 nnlo. nml would have given tax I uaouaelpuus _ plnlonlinlhhuao. n-ll1'I\' I nnlm. eon IIulsbu:`r::o1l:Iu[o|oc;rnIl non Iinbor. I ouioluv both the neu- kuouon will not be illowoul to as [ur- thor. for mu. cometary is hung urgent and of huh I un auto may would onbanriln I huh usher than permit it: denudation ol the very (nos which con- uibnh to in bounty. This in: nnbiacl. which concerns _-:...--j. lli All! AITIIPIIO ITIDII. IIIQ. l p lo the low 0: August only - three plug: inland. more an 15. The (`ulnruqnu (`ongoing-. TI! Ellllf. UIIIIJI ".501. |u,- ,_n. Ihouhl Inmly nun nan um Inn on" ul 01 tile. and would given more in order to main thou nudiug than Anyone olsowoulnl gnvolorlhe -nun Iinbcr. I OIIIOIUY born the den- mutt III vquu on -v-.-.. ...v- -------n` my one else would give for the uunlinbor. lune-uvhopunedol-` A.-anon um not In xllowul to no fur-, And 35. a;\ vAnx,tti++~gy>LIan%;s T KIT '53 aid to dhmnluul :- .u-o sboymoohclnr 1|-ohm nnnnnhinu an n ol olahlI:loIn.m:I.oowtOu. `two or I culdnl. - :1 curl up to urn Ihrunlvu ml? alt; Ind om- oyncu ;onnun Ion angina. gpply M Ihh cloth! ultu. Ann. 1 000`: llll Ijm-.'$I| In-djj puuuuunnuunootlnulnnuuu. iutbnaihub-o=':: In. ad duh: d In. J. 0. ` dun` Ibo poild uuuh KI In `nhlhthlu-Ilhhooliho -on -hnln.LnA:nIn-n|IuLnp .1 savanna uopwounuuq Inn. noun Innhidinlwutlionwilhlh polioouil bland: upnuahlr.Wuutnnlu lhnuniqtouhoothu. Thain: cl chub. III Ir. Wuhan: pol Inn nnnnvdvuinh'nhcl1- to} lie nriou work-so hedono In thoonittol cl 5 laeuugg gull to Ouch`: Church. Irook I. I-muuhohuuuuyoueo. uuenuuult. ';='hnu any Ioudornot |oo$uuy Q . _ 7__V_ l IKIX Q` -I . VIITKIF hi. Inn uunvdvuhbihulpufl Ouun. Aug. 28.-J. Wutuuu. ol hnndoI.0nt.. urivollinlbcilybvlh Giulia Pbcilc Mnilnv db clown dclou Int night. In-uh Install. Tho being: who than tin lotto hall Il..-.. 4I.-.nA-I lu 1.1. K- ucunn vnocronu-Iouonnuul out dunno:-I my out. In! It. Wuatunlob udpvobinticntv In rank. . volbnnl if :IndInHfuIIbdnib`HoUu(`codooo9di . In--Inroujlnodons V ?PIUL\)'1; . P.r.3unnsuu n&_Bhek ma; uni Inn sol-xv-phat to: lain` (mu; uhi`5~`- an Dr. nuuua. _ [ K Linus. undyhnunupu-I u invin- Iionluonhud \lnnnounguluoBritinh kuociuiauu Ilounnl. \n. n_'_. 1...)... u...n.:.. -|.:-I.-.a-.. I W -I`. IeI.'- WTICIIII one of eelcareoee lennetion tune to Iqhl un Wen llevee. A little eight yeet old niece ol l'r. Coerteriehl le~ uoved from her under jew e dented tooth which hen; byeehnedoletiu. Thechild held ep the tooth let hereto- thefe znepectioe. Tlsenokherelenit edthe elnldi month end -heeeveuele llweeebout the eheole enellkceel oleore. whikeeedtoohudto heel with e hmle. Another new tooth ie~ etunly Illed the fteehly uvily. end that in ten with eig u weterelnoved by the mother. She came elu-med end eeet for e He united and removed twenty-her non. eaehieg fortylwo. Deanne my there have been oeeee ol thlee er font teeth lollowieg eech olhet in qeick eee~ oeuioe. but eevet bee eech e woederlel use en thin cone wllhie then know- ledge. Di.-ken`: Bob Sewyet epnke ol 1 boy uwellowieg e bud eeekleae end teuhea hke e heil noun whee peeieh e-Lbeuhere hnbeeeeoeeuuleobe iethie cue. prone: eeeeledvel the I: lurtyewe Ieell weee Ir-ly Lane- I HUI IQ` UK! v`~ . - ' _To~dn_v inho.tvnty~Mnnaivu-uu_v ' ol Archbishop Lynch ; elvunu to lb: 3 gpiwopncy. ~ - 1 I D -r|rnnlnnh l..Lm.l! --u --Z- - ` 'l`&hlIChiaqgr-an-ISO-l$4liuit!toa:= Rn Yak 050'! Ni -u-. l__. :- .L- ...-.... lhL-_-:._-....\- luu .u:| vnvnw nun Iv`: ` i The King ol Stolen in nation: to mun hi: second you to.PtinIpan Lonnr. us.'\.:e..z mlanghlorol nu mac. 3! w.)..., ` - A mu: nun:-I Pnston tuna: to guy] in Uunwu tot lama drunk. It bu uueo turned out that lit In ualuiq from snnntloke. .\_,_ u nnn ..-._-_ ._ ._._I._.I' "I- ` ...... ........... Over Llll) women no employ.-I "in the Govenunoul teldgnphic union in I-Zuglnncl and Inuly as any man in the Government denies outside. II ___-- L`_..._-L-_. - L..I. L-An-D ` Daniel Coagtonund Clnxlu .\llen~ . dale. Chicago. loos! tough. met In: night. befoto n select uzupnny and with bun knuckles pound.-I each ouaoront ol nil shun. `nu nu: |.IIu\.IuIu `vuv '0 vu--s... IX) KINICI I" slaps. 1 `. ..o.. ... `II FUGIT- Cunuin L. V. Blanchard. eonuoclml with the Richcliou st Olhrio .\'uvign~ uon Company. dial _\-uunhv oldmpuy. Ho Inn been u very ill hula: lot come Iuonunpan. v Il....-u Akin`: Inn-` um:-:11}! `I1. luu Urluu xluna vu Iuv uuun. \ The doseruoun from the new cavalry Ischool mt Luit. Qua. continues A paeketol homo leis for St. luio. Bounce. 1 lav or no Ago to look alter Dr. Dion. 1 member of tho ochool. wln deserted. , ,2 n__L:-I) L-___:._._ I III! Uvvvluulvun out IIUII IJII lloncc Swunbom. 1 book keeper. lot J. W. Ialourmk C . non not-chub. is n dehnher tnjlie unounl ol Itlulll He has probably gone to Cundn. n....:..| .`........._. -..I t`I.-.I.. nu... IIIUIIUIII PQ\ ; Henry Abbey bud noogugoil In. l.uu7 lot 3 lmulounzcnu. which will oven in Junnuv. `She villwpur II 1 our French play and probably at the Avenue Theatre. ... n,,,_),.:_., -,.___ I nvrullu luvuur. ; ILM. Irusini n "Cnnula" in to return shortly to the Sonh Amdricnn suuon. ` Prince uoorge ol Wales in to be monot- ml to I lienleulricy ltd nwuxlo-l with the Unmd ("rose of the Bath. .-r. n ., ,__, n_.__ .|., _-_ ._....l-.. `IV'?W uunu 1 arm. Company ma. Auiyhb. Knu. oo.oooh::n:` `ni niigxifu . . -rnn:uu:nv un3I:')'-use Ins` ' "" I Iuuzuuel Ul IIIU Iuutnu. nu; uxucnusu. Deter Durws. of lhchold Swings. .\`.\`.. lhnlaura old bucket. oonn puns 0! 06111) to ho mind to: at Richol-I i next your. by six nunoul Inca. two ol i whom wall He Ilnnlu uni Bench. ,_1,__ ,__-. _-l n_:- A- V [10!!! SINIAI IX llll-II Ill`! lljus Robert Bonnet Inn engaged Bah to his Mnud 5. so llnnlonl and upon] hortobent the mould. Aha we Inn been tninod three or (our week: In: 4 uhihnion will be given. Bonner in no- i counting for the pnrclnun of "Jny~Eyn- ORR Thu hbernl couunilho of Duncan. Cam ll. younncsl non ol up Duke ol, Argr I. from whom Lndy Cuiupholl M- coutly obuinod ndaronao. unlit will not support him {or n-election to for Iiunont at the next election. I `Argyllsbin. bu nouod Lord Colin _ 3- -_ ___._ -A aV-__.A._:_ :- Smallpox in using at Coonnuio. in Aahuateo. The king ol the country to- contl ' dial. and 3(1) olhis ulbjocu Ion killon at thoifnuutl in his honor. The new King In: been `and ; tho Ash- uteo chick have as ad to bouunued to the English poauuou henna ol lm notorious cruelty. ,,,___- _:-:-I -L_ l'__._A- IIII lluullvuu uuvuy. \\m. Thompson viubd the fotouto Zooou Saturday cud ' in fool- ing mm the ununln lie Inm- Whruuhiau-mumrouxh thobusollho and the (inn ninth: hear. The bout gave Iain n blow which (natural the nu. Yuuuhy 0:0 injured uh wu nmpnhu-I shove use olhov. Dubblqcpionuuy Innavltyuoioung find`: Jan. Qjwliuuy II -vuuu-u ` iluidm Jmko llonuxiu. Ihi'b`I$f|>< ; sing (mm bu .c:rriq.-o an Murray Ray.` L all and broke her leg. V ._ um";-:_.. -1 e--|... :- ....:..... n.. III. IHZIBIXCQI Ijllf uiulaloubotnnb-utyhu. In. lnhln-nvn|hnanen-mn1Iuu|n- . _ 'ua8n$.e,-..nl_.lq:o,syuunn min; M . In boo! the butt! -mx'uxx.-miu nun: I \ ls. .-.---o}O-2--- III PXIIUI j XII I Willlljjj ITS lacuna Aguhnihnhuvollu. llllll` in-nu 1| mm namsnannn.| `hula bonIu`:u;t.gI! theI;r1no W; than uhau I III)! lcb o-Iuvdovulallul. N ' Huouloonuhoudlhouonmn. For lunhur `silk-nlnn Ipwly I) IIBSIB. A. til`!-'NAUO.. ingots. _ ___,_______ la-odoa. A`. 3. - An culbqnko j I-.9;-c minvnnghuu Iulnodny on III-1-ishnlol Jam. ': ' ; , I . u`l iI`.` Aug. I.$.-KIiorIu0 pbig , cuyrrocy that ldillg thd II-litpl agin- ihvt. In unprl b rlise : mhellnu. , The antenna! Ilflnhug pncnuuom. 3 J T I` (`il0~A0g.`L'>.--~oNil9llII$Bol'bl.'I` ionuon.Iht dun niacin, vhouwqu than I! uhvu. Thmnheh Iilnylottgnllhdiiudaotlolunesullnn and-lmluo tho Tub tn Inuhculo laehllqlotoxpollul. ` Ito rm-nu snnoci 0 liyqg Ian`: Isl (`n&Iur&'0ad-al&l&|I. Dayna. Ohio. Ana. :IL-l`I-Int Wtllr nu. Iotnotly I wall to do canon ol .\'euus. the-I hen yntenhy of tunuion. no laws I um and null dniunn. They sqnonulml {hobo-hi-lmol` up mum man cniu Iot blend. The lav Inc Iqnvlluunu Qua us---nevus bun: dying nun crying The nd) wu loo plond no unto their our dition known. au;.u'. I `Iuu-uIcudy;uhn!_wt) not chm suu!l;|ownduluouL 0uru--quot; `Id 0.!) Ho 1 won! CI O. (Xh-I'8;'iIb3h|0K. laby--onnd;No.ICnnodnN. IyI--qIh1.0unhCl| about ioiioe to ggrnnois; ll `*3. on Aujkh. lhevuledwn.` B.l.iIIl0. dnhqltnt. - nu: _ -_,_.__. (hhnvn. Aux. 2.3.-Wnllum |l.xel- Iool. nudmg mu Anhburn. I vonth nl I7 comumu-I tune:-to tho nlher morning. R2-ceuuvxwuae young mnncollh planed ol the extreme but whale nu. labor. woven] mun upnuuu: we wish that ho III deal. Anhe did not [no land In In |l| And still peruevennl at his tort. little was thought u! the lllllcl . On Sunday In! he was man despot dent than over. On Slolnhy morning. not Ippunug lot bnnkhn.John David nnn It-Illll ubuchol Inn. H3 In her * not lot u'ou:nu,.aoun uuvxu you wanna tiles] to End his Melon `bu-IV Nu;-code-I Iron Elie tool 01 the Inn. II teem: (`Io _\'oInh um climhal to the top nl tho bu` mow and than ual | rope. used to open the vonlilnon in the tool, umuml Inn mark. The more mmched alum:-I lo the Iuol. Jumping from um heugm he had A full 0! out `15 It-cl. Ilonlh `K6 In-. ..n_..s--.n-_ II-A-at-.II. 'Iuy|.L uvuuxl. nu`. cu. l1IInr-nou`|~ln 0.5!!) MI :ulunp-and lw lurk Thu You-min; no hunt quota- o-t-llourn]riorutnuH`-5IoI.'.l . nun 4.40 to 4.75; up-in nus no to I31: no u 3.30; snug Inn`. 4.25 Io5.15;I`|o J.(lHo3.l0:uid. 17:-uotss; pol.htdn:l50Io!.k0uLhsl.5lHol.; in but L75 to IE hr uuouq Inks`: :l50lo!.kUuLItpl..inIoI.w; oilyhpldiho lmhruronqhkui Gnn-uhLrd I15hI"J3|lo!|5; lletwliu. Slotl Oan'mah7l: lhnsloll. ouuouoax Bu|oy5s nth, R1-R1In'Ilo. (hlnonllifnlo lotto. Nto1lo.()otnulIi5Io Pbnsslall. Uullno I1. auto) 1` (.50. Cnnnnnl l.!5\o!.5lL Prowuiou.-- D659. llyOo1)|o`(lo.ln@cuIIoIo 1.3. 3.!5\o3.5ll BImu>.0lIsnor_\'. toih. I uh-I9.M lo IKIID. IANl--lOloIIe. Dan II In No. E|s-H Iollo. Chouo-w} to )0. BIuor-l| tau Inn:-u-I-Ian ran cwwu no `llltrtlt IIID. ill!) (IIARI. CENCI FAIL LI rum: ' lvlllbllh will ho mound by an Induilt ad on IIIDAY. the Q) Inst )0 0 p.n-. for the worn to tkooneuon lot.-nun lull Ouch`: Omlll hllll 3|!` 5!]. IAIIIQIAII us cunt .nEIt.\jx . .` usoguu -~|ot Lard |oI . _.. -.._._ ; 6:110! , II, not . :uoc-I W581"! HE!"-!_!.'->'__ J _Pil.l421in:aI"l!.|_t;'!A!l4tIV,I-2'5:-'. room). 5|! |-.-1'-.:=='a--.'-81%.-.e=.==| |lnl'IM`|l|"'l IDWI. THAI IVS. %'&.'.:."""*"""" c-luau: lnnn this-Ibp alt `lth-uuIiuodch@ucqIuIoI| C'OTTIjjKOlVI.3 but-alto can In R-an I-urn hm In-hrloduunluntutmn. an up nvclolltfllunltlholutnhnahvuo ..}rum NOTICE. Tlnlluvlouauu Stun ht. um `shin stun! 5 CHANNEL GROVE. FKIDIKSEAY. LIFO. Q`l`I`..`II.,.. i --- u ' 1 IlN08'l0ll.oI MONDAY. DEPT. l5`l'II I811`. , _-__ __ u _n ---._._..| -.._ .. [nun new }s'I':R.. -'M.AUD` la.` P. Gu_DERsLEEv.l Twirl I II CLKIKRCB RT. ._.,,,. 'rIwns'uAt. urn last. A: : u I'.l.. mu! 0! X0! (`hunt I`xl:nIm ' who ` In the Nut numb soul: two hour: :uu .bonnnn ox:-unionist: at tho Put. on Invo- ui-Ila Al |hl llny. luunug :1}! rue! Xingu-u baton 9 r n 1- Il`l rrn . . mg. xg SBPTRMISI ind IHIII. Good lo Ihlnna {nut 10 Day: By the u NIIINQ mud -luau muo- (`qm huoonl "S. Y l`-enlrnl and lluduon Rnvr Rnlwtylk Ihrough an tllhoul change. I n1\9 Kin.-shun l\- Alrlnzrr Mun] ll 2 '0NTAR|0" AND "SUMNER NIIIIIIIII-p w-u nu av--u u--._' M I! o'clock noon. and all oouonrnd are I!- quknd honour: Ihuulvouuudlny. WI. YIIOUNI. SATURDAY - nut 2; J. P. GILDEICLEEVC. Ticket Agvsnt. III! I ! f -` $5 1: l'l`( ) .\' l*I\\' Y( )H K. Look Out for Cheap Fares NEW YORK AND RETURN. S8 lmsw max EXIJIIIISIIIII In Yuri. 'IStll lulny. uayou,nousa-uuuuutndl 'OS'VV'-EC}O- Ioouihbhcitn [col B nun uy lino Iulhnn Ian ms WEEK mm !| Ii (`l.AR}l.\'(`II .\T. ~ - ~ KlS(i.\"I\)J An`. I: 9 ONLY 251:. STEIIEII IIITIII ---.\Nl\: -`:ann.o" nu-.-cu-...rony%-smut ml 1 `I'\oIn|r.II*.`oII-cloud-C loaf nut!!!--,-941*; I.h.;(\.uqu- nu J.A-GOOIIKAIIJ. _l|u:.!l an-nun Allzf.-ullilll Old Alnl AIh.'CA 1: nninnnll . nnnn ouvn. 1L1.--j Tuesday. Sept. 20. PO'W'ELIn'8 ..TF.--,_"_'?E.".`E!'._ ljvflrv ' Juan? nvuid Hlll Illltll. , -' Poits Zof Interest. ANOTIEIER lI.l. Vlhunn IUD;-.u I-nlulnulunlsnulnn .ExU_I3s1'<>Si v`. v 2..."--*'-... ....'.-,s.":.: Illnnnluu D.` n I--:n 1IC IE1 Ibtdl 1`. LI XLl\'. IIIOITON. - IINUSTOXI. (')lll onnon nw 3 cl Iloulll I: van: run. I dunno: Iz -uh ull oouulnas Apply to ;IclAu0!l. lama. cu. Wolunnon lul ulmhdvzhuu-on --Al@hul&IunonIot-gu-uo-- 8 Kljal llllf DRIVE aim um um um um! ran: 1: xzzuut. IL! CIIAI |.'\ `N WATER n-numuvhu 3 w\ In '-*' _I_E3ES BROS- Iunuhnin. hulls. tnnbcsllnr Uhfnlutlihp -Jl`IT(l'lIlI IN - Eeily ll Uuhro. am] I ` anaconda] by Iudm __I_j-_L-- . nu; From the Lucamonga `Vim.-* V yards,_ California. vat-Iuuwvv II_v -IuIc1u , VIM Ibob 30 (`dnix-nu nd:-o hm! bun hold I had non to do nth In h0t`lh lluu the .~l.:n-nug l_._..- W0 hum IIOI the l.u;-vsl Stock of Box Hen! Ale |n.| Smut in (hm [en_v_`b.uu nu lquuu And pint.-r {mm the cz~lel>nleJ `-John Labatt London Brewery. KING STREET IAKIRY We haw | nmsll q'.:u:l1l_\ nu hunl Ilncla he MY:-r ll H}I\$|`.\'.\H Ll`: I I`Rl(`ES ` IALESAIWSTIIII1` V! ` av: an... I HAS. CRAWFORD. bunk w sm watkniks And. Wife 0! \\'i!oI I) In .\I under `C. but at [Qua ll (`u|x.luIt. Kb. mmrviinmm \l\ldI{- l'Du:nI|r0U.'||h|IIhl|cl|Olld I. uxIumuIb|oucul.uuhnn hon. zliccu. (lunn too : Wnu. Foot oliulluo. `Md: lB`i\`!d use lhxhcox lung` -In oil-ININ. ` TM Stolen \\`lnl 'l`tun.Il 25. The Fototyolu ShIl.b)' Rev .I_ It )lnc~ dI|.3I.75- I 8:] No. by \\'ilh-1`.-llnI..\ it. isr11nuun'nus'. 40c. {NEW BOOKS ! Nalunl Law In the Sp: Henry Drummnml. H I hula-one Urlttx [Amity Rev. '11:. Svinbumi Poems. `3l\`. R. I`, \'gn.k-Illufu hn aninrunns .l;'v" -0} The wry 1 lulu): an-I Caladnn (R-nu :4 THE TEA To USE ant: to Ill n.:.'v'n.uxso . mu.' "'3; THE om:X:-AmxRs. Confer` U Dogma. wfli l`I- D~ IKKJKB II In? u` II Eft. GI-oonwood'I. t\-A-nag... -.1 I5-In I|s.h- `lie l?0I\`l>2ll Iookuolf. Alt. In T : O u'r\-anal:-.IaI>-nnlotboeauu up . A3,, ,,,-,_n, Qii QTtjtvC& by July A (fauna: tad hut lluohv. F. NISBET S tn must E an emu "AKlII00!I\ IV ICINIIQTIIN ._._- -1...) 1.- _- flu lho n: 1-u Ag. 5' Ian`: his A]; a stunt ' ICE CREAM Rooms ~ NOW OPEN-- CXJN FXTIONEBY, Rfmuprms. an-nu..- u-cu -..-- `I1. I. I. OI-IVII. `FRUIT I Iuiuvuvdununli ..- - tutu rslhfi wuvu-v-u--, T W. J. CBOTBER8 .Con}ectionery. 9 unme I[v.\h lot I139". FIXIIY. ~ PIE` IIKIUITI. 1-um Ctlnlolnin \\'IIe via ue or u _s' abhor` I the O.\`!:\' Wmo he _ In-an Tm? nnIum:bIv'c.lo :"'I_I.~_0~_ oI"!.'-1:, ..r..r - .~ 1' vnnln an LI-r_iAnl-I LARK, nanhlu l'Tlq\lue.` . ,-u--n-guru` Iv an m: tun hetr In-dill l I um two in xunhhur. up pt-epic`: uw c-nmu- .J |`.l. or Black muwulurunosuunuum rtnnruu V--gr ._ ___._.,... ,..- `I_I0g'I.II0l.I`f-VADl'I IANI. Iolllll no-nun unit. Apply to A. Plrlllonthlllllllus ILL Bl Bob!) 0]! `I'll On 1831'. (I nut pnvlounly dllpond all tho ponrh mm animal In OOHQUEROR." um um. -uni um. All ha math And nnlnnl F-I. Au L Ag.` O. 0. D. STORE, J. R. RA'I'I`ENBURY, A-g...u_ In_4._ II-o-I c6u.2'6"af or no In J. I. lU`l'Clll-`.ION. Au. I4. Aucuuou. Houaekeeiieiwanted BY A (IINTLIIAN living II I M allot in me ooauu-1. 0|: upnunod _Io _I._nko -__,_~V T_ . . one wax. in run menu are D4n.vIun-Iuiuxunrtbo ll! EL`n':b'r 01.133133. no` unaixgpv In 1101. xroallat ' ' OBI v 4 {ao"uo$'3'nu KUCTION SALE. 'nu. A_s_sIzn. W!` !""' L `]r.nUc1'i'1ONAL. ju iwihnqudduvaujt. FALL TERM. 0 Lot. _ L081-' 3-. Ti .3"!!-33? ill I A IR Yolu [did Cu! II J`. B ' '`@ Y. htu ) "Q... on Down-nnlodunudahnuulru T 1 jijjjjl U : -- ibjvhhpnlholub &ol'nvhIu.|u|IuhuhpIhult. 4.... -_.I b.__.._ _..-.l..A_-... -.J T2 DC j i&nhiuuunuIuulnl lonlyud. ducal oHhoPuolAu- burp. unoclhhuowtho slut. Indhudobhlhuhvb u_. L..A... AL.-1-ognall-an-Inna -Zj: My hunch thrivuudlnpopdou _L_.A. L. -_.._ AL- ....:uun.. In. iilrljwuuuwm 1'hytd!'oo0hopq||ld- dUv\hhIIu|I.IIInp:co0oddy thouhohutuslnduounplninnhat two unit hll nihohn Ibo uni laid Iblh and NOD01-lvonlh hath -uthllhu mat. with 5 w|Iul`Iunln&odUnvuIybuvu- ty-In loot Nulanl Iwolnb Inu- l..AAhlL I-A...:n.-aIn:A:j. ~U1j$ICIZI- villi-1 plquldbhunnlnponcul`:-not uolholublulll III |oonvu1||l- Cinod. uaohovlhu punk. ad uvhhlycpullh hmhudnoun Foochoonnhuchhnwonldculyno lu ndtho'l`ooquiudhpnhu|- uhuoodudru. -__ _-__n-_-nL__ _g-_L._J Zuni wnuuiqu-I-U -n-ur-nu-r Inn. how Inch both: ll tollovcn wonldlowlooll IIIU klllfl DIX` JUVIIIICII -IV '` oroudy shunning the Pnnidoutisl undi- dnua and upocinllv touching thoir lot tel-Io! ncoophnoan. The Philndolphin Pm: up "ulna Tbouu A. cndrioh rend Clovdnncli lath: ol uoooptusoe he at down to write hi: own with n Inn dots-iulion that It Ibonld boun- bnood with the compass ol_ can dine! in. A xrnolnl country will think at him kindly. nl not sully. for louiq to much ink in the botuo." The New York I0`.-rlal rolortg. 1! Juno: 0. llhino. ol lune. Ind lolluonink in thcbottlul vu-ion: periods of his mngnoo nor his organ would low In having :1 ouiutimo ol :6. It hinink can Ind upon ud pu-tinny drowned him when I.--n- john AL.-glI'I1uI`nLj|gL lull Ivuu WI ulvwuu-A lulu VIZ Jun: uIiIhthou'Dcurl-`tutu -_ _..-L L.AA.. I..- l..II.._... Spnnich war vouch in the vicinity I. Cub: no not respecting the nuts 0! othor nuionu u prudence dictum. in wait anxiety to suppress the rebellious upiriu u! infest that importun colony thcy cuuo in contact with BriI.ilhin- lorclu in Inch I way u to (branch nu sngry prchct. It in now npcod um 3 Spanish veal bu In-l into n Bridnh -gnnbonl and done some dunngo lot which utintutiol vull he demanded. and of courts it vnll be humbly tender- Ir. (`hnplnu in in 5 hit my 0! Inumphing In Its! in his eorutooml Sir Hector Luuzovin from the louder- nhip of tho French Cundinn in the Commons. Tho rumor now Ind: cro- ),_-_ Al_A t,-A II_-A__ L__ 1-... -3...) UUIIIIIIOIII. IIII Iuluur uvw uuuu IEIU` dance that Sir Hector has been olfend. and Inn Iianiod his willingness to ac- aopt the Lieutenant Govornonhip of Quebec. uhortlv to be ncutod. This oils: in nude in tho interest of harmony. inumuch no Sir John despair: of aver reconciling Clnplnu to I unbonlinuo puilion in the Oshinei. uvnn bly. Onlno in I big country now that the QIIOIII bu amped` the dcciaion oi the !jtit;.ConuoiI Ild olduod in odome- modt. It in Ema: thus my eouuuy in 1-lnpo noqk Ruuin uul Austin. II has III nu"ol 3i).CIl) oqun miles an compared vmh the 8.(XI) ol Gonunny. tho 2134.01) of France. Spain`: l90,0!l. Italy`: 93.040. tad lllnalnnqi 5&.:lIl1_ ynhrio! Onhriol! \ The tllobr remerke: Mr. Blncketock is eaekiua to pereuede the elector: of Lennon thethe deeixeee next in the Onterio Legisleturo simply in order that he lney devote himee to the puri- Iicetion oi Provincial politice. ll thin ie Ir. Blecketook'e object there in quite In much room for the exercise 0! hie mie- eionery reel exnong hie hiende onhide the Aeeembly. There ere. for ieetnuoe. Ieeere. Bunting. Shielde. John Joesph Hewhine. J. A. Wilhineon. I-Zdwerd hleek. -`(:1/.. whoee conversion iron the error oi their wnye could not leil mete- rielly to contribute to the purity ol Proviucielpolitice. It would be unlnir to impoee leahleme detne npoe Ir. Bluketouk in View ol the vent Illito be done outeide the pele ol the Anem- LI- Exprss Company. T0 NERCIIINTS & 0 TIIE RS. inxvaluuv 0_'lC. - mun`- Ihnrl. root at Jouon !_|Iru-I. -'rm.Iruo:u: oonul'rucA-rmx. -- in 'n~ n uni lqnrd pub with 0:0 Iiilnoul ~'> ` . -I-w- -. Thifconpnnj in oqvmpccp-ma L ._..__:._.n _ .j__._.. mm Lgglg comm The Cnilod Shh! jontndo In vig- ...-..-|.. -|.....:.... n.- n....:A...Qi.l unt. J 08, F. Mac. n. 3i1l1ritishat'hig BOURA RDING I00 01100. Wu 77` ' V Aoouuuulalvudfil j All the sauna Undctvnr. Whiu sud Poland Shirk. T3. NR1. &Qh. -to. will be Ink! It Oral Rndualioln in order no nah man (or Full Gout. DON'T l`0I(lS'I' 'I`-S FLAGS. Iovlvll cl 0 Lugs longs. {Ira} Lulu`: Nrnpnp.-v.| nutty won: an un-can-u us-wu aw .- nihncurvodbylhondvunuoullulho Null 0! Kingdom nylon. Hanilu unit: have but noulvod Innwolh , gvgngl I In. Gnu. Ang. II A322-Ono. but counting no math, 91`. nonpu 1; lbs. net. 15...: am 1.: Ininhinn mm It... Ana. I9-000 but conning on rod ad 3 Kiugutqn Iporumnn. III. ucngp in; H lhn. cub. Aug. i)-0noboueonhini-ax two man slot. gunning 1 lb. nah. uoo man. In Irv-_I-I It In mn- 'I`ohl.CI)I|IvuhIIl$lh|. Thooovunnll ulghliuidothelr ._:A_ __..___J L-|L_-_-..-:_-l In. IL- In Illlllilll unlppuuux n-In I-u-rc--I . Mu. Horndon shunted than pro-unl for their kin! Ionic. Sin would nlnyu remember the kind [riot-In in Kingston. :| ERLING -:. HOUSE I