Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1884, p. 2

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w ' ' ...... 0-090: ovijg -. n-mung-Dunn-an j b 1- Olllnnnhaxd I>ookI.i;:n|oag I`&lA~Il'i@.ulCIiII0OOI`I: unllo nndgmbgt Iullthoir nlnlnnnncnuo. Ilhocn-0 Ionqy. uonodmp any dun onllnturbuloulvorln dlhonuolhulunn. Olthouowhinh hvoueamhll dunnulhuvulnlod ounin on-ILIBLNVO nacho! no L.a.L . um-A-(in ` an-nhnlvnnlhn rnnur [$11. 100 Iluunuu wu-u -- ;meril ah umilu ggonumtiou. The fact ,i it. It. Noting` kl the-M hI`uI|.l'* `U1 1 unto: lm app-ml: up wlmcdl uq-I not .........i.... an-uvlfr, 'l in` ['0 ullnl cu-u uuw u. V`\4 ..--~.. .... . . vat unlclu-I on the 3nd pmx. are Corr nernuvu ; 11:0 aunt: who uni-ad in rcncuunx um uhiptncko-I our nu lin- lorun-nt. no-I hence the -lutiuctiou ll thorn uflln G`-twtrmeu nougnilion. Ir. llolinuia will Ind that then: no such: the Dona:-nnsinnnl Prune: I-Id. `L. ._I _L._. l..--.--`LI; w.:IiIn Inn in In liuvede Ilh lanes Ibenbn-ping on Will e Punhehlsihlea n Deadly Beacon. llnlilnx. Aug. 27.-(ieon:u [Ln-ii-s. n nntivn oi Somereetshin-. wen In ne a specimen of English oonnu'_\'innu en eanldlaefonndin llewuol quiet demeenou. did not nnk. attend in; the Iethodul Church. end Ind nll the qunhcntions far A ntclue sol~ her. Some time ego be In eutinnod at Fort Clnnnce On the 19th be ob tnined n have 01 eheence. end did not tutnrn. Next dew be met. e young girl eboul) Venn of ego named Theme: Young. end the couple cempoil out. They continued camping out till Sunday morning. when Duties tank ii heavy alone ot "Rough on Rate" poison} eating non eomeceh. endvreshing it down with lemonade. Ile [lied to mbe girl I) lnke eome eleo. but Ibo Nlhd. Hi: com ` told him the poison would kill im.buI be aid bedid nolcun. Shortly elk-rwnnle Dnvien becnne nah. en elenn wu given end men lonnd the poisoned mu: Inn: on the bench. while the girl we: pleytully throwing pieces 0! wood end matches at the enering of her ehunc. Device expired en 8 o`clock on Mon-lay morning. noun :1 we no-pun. no-1 non Ixuuu Ibo relic! ol tho aulol-on. The luliu punish in tho cholezn districts npl lhodoeionunl ptefumotrnnin churns and II nusiou ohurvuncan. AI But I pr wu found dung inn Illhy room in which were two shoep hoduglmm I may uoogh. The show won tllowwd to ho then boonluo they behaved their wool would uboorb the discus. .Tho pnnnu tn vmlound Itoliovwn in the powerful 2 cy ol -cu--dong. A nnoua tumult occurred holnvon I we poworml emoncy ol pocuniou. unouc yoourdnv at Luca lacuna the l`m:: ylohihilod n ptooonnou. Tho milnluy Duo and out In quell the dislurlnnoo. Seven! riohn Inn wonndod. Innuillu. Au. YI.-1'bo public has Inhnrlbod 5l?.:ll) tune: for the relic! -I-Ln)`-qnnninln QZFIDOII .)|1.a.I1 l at chohn nonn. I IE1: Ill! vvwuu vauvuuun - ---V. .._ fagn. who-o hvounhlo regards he in so 9 u:_x-on Io ptogitinio. many who look upon hi: plan unjowol; and nowhere also in this non" goounlly oh I served lhu unoog the brave shermen Int. nilon ol Point Tnvuha. llesu-3.. Monck mud Bong-uxl an worthy men. and thou nexghbonn wnll applaud tho negro: ol the (iovenmeut in than noon- nixing ll.-it Immune senicu; but the wily "Jam:-n I! not workuuv up such I ` boon tn his interest In hofoudly unr nu. mqguou. ur. nouuom. new Bruuwicl. uni Dr. Brush. of l'l.ncn. N. Y. The latter. in response to the tau: 0! the Aluorictu )lo1hcaI.\uo~ cuuou. sud that II on Amoricua he dean-I to exbnd to uni: viumm from lhoochu udool Ibo A_tl.un.io u maul bonny and cordial welcome. Ihlerring to tho qonuou of indqnudonco and unonuon that but boon broached. In ni-I an II In mdopon-knee Cumin wuoncuml uulopondont. an-l Ihilo they ox thou arm: to them as hnthnu. the L'u'|o-I sun: had nul- Icion unitary. American Ion very [In-I to welcome the Canadian: indi- vidudly. but cullocunly they did not want shun. 3:1: 51 "I\`IAlION. Ilildd. 1%. Will! luau `no 1:.` .1 Italy In Ibo (`bola-1 m.mru- Tho snpoouluonn Pen-nu. ruin. Aux. S7.-ling lllnnhun uni Pgino Ilmiuu ' arrived yaw- dny at Bwoo. vuih the cholera Edna at the hospital. had loll uuuu uh. mlipl nl tho nulnnn. Th; llr. Ilruon Innnlu Inc nu-nun an-Ir: um.` enough -inhou (halt. llontnsl. Ana. 2'a`.-'l`bod.inne: given by tho` moulicnl ` ol hlontmnl in honor of untungdiu )1:-died Anyp- by we muucu A on `alonuuu N the Lungduu ..;.|in- urns`! A anngl. qnnnr- . Nanv I ll IIODQ 0| IIIQLJBQIIBII Mtdll AL$)~ cinlion plovml I gnu success. ..\ienrYy :1) run nnuanl. Sneochn were de- CIIUIZ llvviu U guts ainaazu. .--u-n-J :1) can um-om. Speochu livund by Dr. Gnu. Olhwl. Dr. Sulli- liinplon. Dr. Bonalotd. New I3_____:.\. ._.i ll. Il-u.|. IL. l'Iuun `N-IVQICI. 0001).! Inca-oh Iny. .PL.uuI~mn.o- 5.. mt. A assuming I nu: ol noon mud n Indy`: lrtnkot. Own! can what: gun by II-uni: nan. |uv- av-V nth lil- THE t)!A1i;\'1uu'r1`sI1 wuw, ,wavs'r 2:`. any uloglrl to Devon: nu wuu. She gnu Imlo oooonnnmont In hi: Iuitud roooally. Acting in moonl- uoowilh the upnuod wishes ol bu oonyuiou. doolino-I to native his u~ button. Robots: ha been frequently lnudtouy Until Jonah did not lllry bin also would and many say- but no Mhntlon vu picl to Yoohnhy II In Transy- lho Academy. Ibo In up CID lld by kahuna. Sbonlnnod Inn nlubtiou planntly and In walked a chat! C180 by her dds. Mk! IOIIII com-on plan nnun ho tuna! unl- duly hwunlchu ad mid in low but uncut Iona: "Will you bony Into?" Theobald ml roplio-I uiokl but Italy: No. cannot ho. ml not n`I:Lrh`uonudnwn nvolvu lmm you puhtndlndu tludohunlou . Tholnllntnnd jut hdowtho oysuunhilqlhnughlhohcdud nohuuot Ibo Mun. um blhodlnwnlhllhlhonnhl IOUII In I-II u law. Him. N. Y.. Aug. .-Williun Rob- nna. ol oxford. Ibo! uni wouodod Mia Junie 1`noey.towI.om be but boon yin nthllaon lot noun In-0. lint Funny the Valiant hallo. had any ad- minn. Rohorln Ind bun Anon; but non bruiuut umon and Ind roped- odlymcdthogirl to beoouohh '11:. sun nu: killed. v Peru, Aug. 27.--The oiciel report the `bomber lnient 0! Foo Choo on Sutur- dey is received lrom Admin] Conrbett u lollowa: "Foo Choo. Snndey morn- ing. A good beginning he: been nude, We opened re yeekrde . end in four hour: 9 Chineee men-o vet and la junk: were eunk. end the Krupp batten commending the ueenel eilenced. UIII lose In 6 killed end 27 wounded. The eet enared no eerione deniege except that the boiler ol the torpedo bout wee burst. The Chinese loeeee were heevy. During the night the eet wee beeet by burning Inch end logs. The torpedo cutters will clear ell this nwev to-day. end dherwu-do we will homheni the er Ienel. We then not lens the rivet he Ion the 29th or 30th. The ooere end men exe enimeted with the xreeteet er- a. .. A Iqjoc-`oi Juponl Ptonphl rnulonnlo Yocthuhhou uh. . AXCIATION. -The llritisl. Association lot the Ad- vancement at Science` ie'7p4rohehly the lam!-at and moat inuential acientic hodv :n the world It was established in the year 1831 an-l has been a uno- ceu from the beginning. Many illne- 'lrions men have been President of the tiritiah Association. null he who now retiree lrom that proud position rank: with the ehleet eml fuoet learned of then: all. Prolesaor Arthur Cayley wan born at Richmond. `ounty of Surrey. England. in the year X831... Ilia lather. a wealthy merchant trailing with line ue. pro him a learned education. AL ter a course at King} College. London. he was entered a student at Trinity College, Cambridge. where he graduat- ed. Bachelor 0! Arts. iu.lB~l`.l. Alter hav- ing been Scl oler aml Fellow of his col- logo ho wee called to the her at Lin- ooln'a Inn. in I349. and has einee`pnic~ tioeil an a couveyeuoer. ln I852 he was elected Sedleriau Prolesaorol Pure la thematic: in the University 0! Cam bridge. the int incumbent. and in 1875 to the foundation fellowship of Trinity College. at the same university. Pro- feesor Ceyley in a Fellow ol the Royal and Royal Astronomical societies. tine Cemtriilgo Philoeophicel Society and the London Mathematical Society. He Wee Prvaeideutol the Royal Aetronomical Society in 187`: 73. In 188`) he received the Copley medal from the Royal So- ciety {or his prolound mathematical re- eeerchea. and laatyeerheuine President A! Oh. ll-itinln A-nu-inlinn `In vnecivnnl 311213. llll IIII JICI IKIKIIII I qvuluuu ol the British Ausocinlioo. 110 received the degree of D. C. 1.. from the Univor~ any at Oxford in 1864; that 01 LL. D. from Dublin in 1565: Ind in 1375 tho hononry degree oi Doctor oi Ilntheml-_ tics and Physics from the L'nivusiI_y ol Leydon. -- --~oe------ `l\O0-`II|I ANQIIIII OIIII no-Iunl-euI el l'oo(`Io1>-.t Chlneee Vlchrt. Shenvhei. Aug. $7.---'l'he French lou in the homhenlment 0! Foo Choo wee 7 killed end I-I wounded. The Chineee loss is eetimeted et l.(`lIl killed end lull) wounded. The Chineee men of wet Yengwn wen exploded by e torpedo after it lied red e hroulaide el the French torpedo hoet. The boiler of the letter wes exploded hy hend grenedee thrown from the Yengwu. The hoet wee eunk hy the Volte to pmvent the 'Cln'eeee eeptnringit. The French ex- pect to occupy the heighte oornniendin the Pegode enchoreue. It in re thetthore ere 75.01!) Chinese troopein the vicinity 0! Foo Choo. According to repor-te received et Sontey &).lll) Chin~ eee troops lievu inveded fonqnin end hed en engagement with the French. in which. it is essortul. the French were ennilnletod end eevciel thonnnd Chin- eee killed. D..;. Ann -17 ._Thn niniel nnorlnl I-uormson Altucn ru'l.x\'. AILDYQIII .. Ll. J vg .--.'- ` rxwnultln unddnoo-pay lint Anluob. null Z `WO- IIMCBIIO llovollu-I hovu|ItuI|.lllM,d|onI|ho pk -.....n in I4-Ax In K321. WQLI W3! VII II] LIIIIIIIUI II-I u doupulllo Iuo. . luv. Jon. Dino . lauoxvnllo 03.. ha uooplod Ibo uup cl Ibo I!-F3 ,|:;.u.|u ` bspptnllod 1'ulBm.I unIluo|oulyu_ni|- lsogshunnlhiqhtu oolhdllld I. :_ _......I nun (`L--I- In-all anal IWTIL A lnnlalovo Iain button To: Chandler ol Cmoqo and Johnny I-`nlu ol New York oomu| last night in Chi oqoudwumhby Chndlol that 1 .I.m.nu -snub. lulu. wu won by "non Aunt. ` QIn|t." uooodlld Bel Boll." third. [Illa BCIVOI. loads 0! an Britinll ambit Opposition. hunt I blood ul- ul. ll`: ooodntion in canal. H0 in 0 no ol an Inn Proluuut llcnvu. cl Tomato. n _n -|__, 1-1.: L.A-.._ `I`.- bible nlnot mu non. Iuuxnnuu -C` Knuio may probably uh: Sir John : Cabinet 1: Inning: ol lhilwnyn. 1-_-.- .L_._ |.-_4|_..I. nigh..- huh. DIIIITC II ZIHIIXI III Iiuw- - Twolo um. lnndnnln chins have has Inkou up in Imouh. Iollotn I gold mining diutnct. In none can when Gold Inn boon uhlhod ol. .. .;_ v-_L l.'_..I...I A__...o -..A VITO lllllu uuvv vvvu -u-n-vu v-. M the York. Egland. Angus Ind- iux so-day the gun I-Ibo: In-limp tutu. by "lion Alon. (hull " nnnnnlnl` hl hall." lhild. on I culrgu 0| Iulullsulullx IIJJUU him on property. lliu Bockwith. the (undo champion. II" make ulubupc to "via nctou the Lnglinh Chum! from Dover to Calms some limo thin month. The Othva Sun hlinhu tho II Lnhln ..-n... um: nl, Alnxundnr c- LORD IIYLKIGII. ` Tlll PIls|DlXT'lLICf. IIITDIH 0|` . ...... .ouuu 206.14! ICI- Lord Rayleigh. Pteeident of the tigh Auocietion. in aid by Sir Williem Thouneu` to he "by ler_ the ehleet nit theuuticien in Eugleud." John Williun Stun. Baron Rayleigh. ol I-`erling Place. lzleeex. and Pmfeesor at Ilntheinetice in the Fniversity ol Cninhridge. wes~'7horn Nov. 12th. 1812. Hi: prgpei-story edu~ cetioirwen private. end xnpurintended by e leu-ned clergyman of Tongney. De~ vonehim. Englend. He wu entered I student ol Trinity College. Cunhridge, in 1861. where he was graduated in due course with honours 0! Senior Wrengler end Smith`: Prixem . Trinity College elected its dintinguie ed eon to e Fellow- ship. following: the cburee neuelly edem- eii in ceses of exception] merit. He married the eecond dnughter of the lute Jnuies lhllour. of Wluttinghenio. Soot- lnnd. end Ioet hie I-`ellownhip. In his thirtieth veer he succeeded to the title of Buuu Rayleigh. end nbout the came time wee elected e Fellow ol the Royel Society. In 138`) he wins honoured with the gilt ol the model or thin leerned An- eocietion. He wu appointed Proleeenr of I-Experimental Phyeice in the l'niver- sitv 0| Cnuihridge in 1879. Lord Rey- leiglrs numerous writings are "cnnire to the gnnerel." They consist iminly of contributions to the tnnsnctions ol Iceruod societies end to jourunl: recon!- iug the result: 0! scientic reseerchee His book on The Theory of Sound" wee published in 1377-73. The new edi- tion 01 the I-Zncyclopnxlie Brittennicn." now in progi-3 of publieetiou. eouteine en uticle on Optua. Iran the pen ol thin erudite writer. Loni Rayleigh it little known outside of his university end u- Ieiublieeol leerned people. [lie teln- psnunent end hebit: ere thoee ol the III` mun .on.l-nt A lacrosse much In: plnyod in Bollo- villo yesterday between the Oh: and the Nqnnoo club. The Oh: won that straight gunon. \l...|.--I Rn-umgn nl Kant Snninn-, I pwvun.-un I Ilflllll Hunts. Inchuol Brennan. of Ru! Saginaw. I wollinown nurnoy hu boon urnshul on I charge 0! ombouling ILGD paid him an nronnv. uen. women-y nume commnnd. :1. n_. II. I. utxllntn. It i: not unlikely that bonna will burn in ovory town. villngo Ind hamlet of Ontario on the night at the lawn de- Inonssntnon. ,, .u,_ ___.-_.:-_ 1-... ..n IIII:.Ur-IUIl- I A ehungo in the nuignion luv: ol . the [mood Slate: II" thmw about 51!) Cllldllll engmoon Ind pilot: oul of our plovmenr A Innnnxnn nntnh nun nlnrnd in Halls. pa;-uatuu uuu -- tense student. 1` Till` V` XD. The Princes Vicmrin. wile ol Prince Wilhuu ol Pnnun. in nlu-Iningly ill with alarm lovu. ... n . ._ _V .n.____ L__ _ PIIIUI Iuu uuvuua. Inc. Cutout Patti met with 1 uri- ouu accident tho othu day in Psnn. She lull down stain and broke her leg. -- : V _ _ _ . -.___,I .|.-4 I.`-....o I..- -uni. Illllulu Uu ulwvu uuvuu--u-u w-r-:.-. than Brunlonl hotol koopon In boon ned lot selling ' without II Onuno licence. they ho ding Dominion heensos. . . ,-_|.n.,|_ .1.-. L....n_.- ._:n ._____ nut Night`: and 'lbdny`u Nov: Cnnulouuod lbw: hr Our Inn] Inodoru. IE1. Will Culoton. the American peoflo n pot pool. is auouinmthmugh the old nnntinant. oonuueln. _ Gage`: Cnnuinn renders bun boon Anthonnod in Isnsinh Colnmbin and the Nottbwoot. --L- uL;__--_ r:.._..`. _:I.. It. D-G-um Wonh. the Pninin millinot. hu 1 honuuful gu-den containing fty urea 01 plan: And owers. u..- (`gr-Inlln Pnlli mm}. with 1 nui- luu uuwu sunny --nu gun..- .... .-,.. It in nunonnd um Egypt bu noti- ed England that the II bankrupt and unnble to meet the current upoun. .-L_,- n.__u._a LA`.-' |......... L... COIII llllllu. Mr. Bndlnugh is to deliver 1 course 0! lectures in America in October And No- mg-ah.- _ 1 Gen. Wulsoloy Villas) to lugypt to u~ ulmn 1-nmmnml. ` __..jo;..jj (UN DI-`.$El) Tl'ILl'IliRlI.\'. 2 hunt-mg. PL. A`u.7!'7.-Julm (`mom- | en: ~nn|xr._cLnll0lgu Fmicxx-t lo Quad '. Bo d. ol Sci \'\\I k.,,uI Junta Quirk. of out}. OIIL. to I'll 135 l pd: 10.!` Oliilo 01.0.11. [mm Etnun : Thhhoiio utulllqlbo In-uuln-OI ufuuhcn IDIIII. III 1lhdlIoIu|I IL: -1-incl. `fueu unnlo-phothpus ' Lure; Aug. n.-u ll Ioporlo-I Hh nick outq IIII And In!!! ru-lu-I laden vuotilld. `."......"".'."E-.'.`L_"'-.:"""-.'.`... . #3.; IUQ ~OII` Odhlwd Ic-1&%II&Ih `lint `liuvllcunuaouutlllt POL 1Ild&It- area`. at Imlalqlupiuu I Baftirm Bamunsnanuml removal :8 pthont.` p u-- -3. llukdde. Ah. ~.n-um r19-J in - ruhua cu) . . The duck ? Isa ho `CI 01 her mum tmovory. though the H00 is null loulpnl 3: hot hot um and he ~_.:?_ IAIII3. Unindu. the Illinu. In Chalmers` Church. Ihll. by 50 Row. P. It I. 1'. Id.au.Idnu and Pm .\lhI0l;. Aug. $7.-\\'uoer nnnupocb ulolhunaghuln hu-hnuaodonthol Maude: Stewut. the nnshund ol Rm well Burrows` dnughtu. Slow-ut died 3 yennagouhet sloq illnoon. II II sud Culkiu will make revolution: which will cunt a sensation. Al ou|uur\.a.AuIhh- N00 N` ulna A Jnrnnltno. 0YOl'CllIn` III: Donna and Int-n` II-r lu llnslo- QIIIQ llu-uthnl. Aunts. Aug. 3'l.~-&lIuu lulu |leuly.0f Chinunoouu, while visiting her uncle. Judge Summons. Incl lot we tins time linen clnklhooxl hot oouuu. Terri] Slur Imus` The young: luly 0 `unit dnwinv to 1 clone. the alumni on use way hon: when she wu ovetukea m_ Atlunl lay um nmleut Ion-I uni the tum were nnnn.<| m we puloun ol the Nukhun u...... I: in a cameo! uupnueueeund hlaVu _ -__.,_._.V -. llunillon. Au. . -- Mn. I-imam loom. 3 widow. Iran up III the pohco com: on I chu-go of blnckmul. prefer no-I by li. ll. Funnet. I wholonlo ml- men and mantle dahlar oi Tomato. n. Moore had :1 clulal seven! yum 3520. She Alleged that Ir. Fame: is its hum. Hm Muwo bus I-oen commit ml lnr lrinl, v puloun ol we uuxunm House. It III a canoe! impatience and not 0! objccuom. IJVIIPUOI. -A-n-um ldvu-rnol. An.!!. 5.1!) 5-In Holn-l Iollued ;qm'u that. Cl lltl In III Id; l'0dwilI|0l .7IOI lo'4'I3d; No. I03! 7IOd\oTI!;No.!(`A|.7I'Idlo(hM. Covn-nI.hd;o|d5n44. ' l\r|oy-JIid. @541 `Q. 911-.` _ IIUIQI . XII. ted lot lriul. mm x."._ig-magi 5.... i$.i.'.'.'d;m.. Manhunt: . . . . . . . . ~ - - - - ~ (Innings , _ _ . _ . . . . .. 0u....... . . . . . . . . . . . .. Guano lunnnonl .... Btlhul l.nn-I N.W.I... Co . . . . . . . Cuudn Puaio BIL Ihon|--unohu:od. nlcuoo unto 91 ; new red note I`). (\uwn_rnn ` 11 II). N( IONTIRZLA I;R.(;DCCIVIAIIIT. lomnd. Aug. 27. I`lour-roouph0.l) Nu ;nhunpond 000 his The following no land quot n....~_rIonr.nnu'iotulnuH_6(HaoI.65 . | following luau quou- ' liou:-Hour ` u\n|u_60IoI.65. utn {J0 to I. . upnng nun 4.10 In Ll); Illptrlo 3.I0 lo 3,`): Itlolg kin`: 4.70 lo 5.50; u 3.10 to 3.:uid. 8.75 who pounds 2.50 to am; (has hp Lao to no; any ha! 170 to 1.75 lo! auoug bum`; Grun -- what. ted Innlor em to :35 ; No 2 -hm. u: must. Corn 650 I0 70 ; C-C1-C5. nor ; O-I` -n_v _ uIC'a!'|vI . w, 001 : 5|} Au` ; {I} you. Puri--uoI quohd. L|rd-T5I Sopt . 763] Oct` Ot|I-$| Ly .35] Sept . 2113 Ucl `l`'-} '2? . 0|-`um 9- Nd tag 10 1; No.3 white. 87 I-10.88. u...s:unm_ ounoso ll. Buloy 55 l'on58Io!). ounotou. uuloyoa N650. l(yc70|o1lo. Onunodlino (.50. Common! 3.30 3113.25. Pro\'1aionn-- Rnnnr, Cnnncrv. ID to it. Potlvltul) Corina! to 3.25. Prounonn-- Butter. Cnsncry. u. to NM}. l.u1l-loIo lle. BAeon-l3 so He. an:-14 lo 150. Choose-03 \o0`.5l'. Butter--H to I). Don (`no nu mu. kn7oIn'Ilo. Innqcnt-nu nu CLOVII an TIMOTHY IIID. Ulill IAIN. CIOICI FAIL LY l b0Cl. Ooh-5 Incl. PI-it lune t. nuance: -o-4 unsung` nnv ;|rg1-L1-1_ CIIAIIEID WITII AXDIBII IIKATI. ` - ~- -- , Gmttl Ptll. 8apL 5th. ouuno. lo I (xntrnvillo. 'l`||loI--uo on. ChoIII-lh 04. Pal TTIEI. Lad-hot BO0QI-Uhlo Sh SJ. III `I. 0080-tattoo . Winn Sun M. Bu|oy-q\uol ;No. Icunds (I). Ilyo-quid . Canada 6!! in bond. I.IIIII'OOn. nnllits 'FEmlL\PH`lt B.-nu.-:r.-., ' 0"` IIII I nu`. --. wL.u_u Doe; u II-y: 80 SOP! 1Ianu~lnL ov. JIISBPII riumurs , .. Anna .._ -rlun IIJCIEAILLNG A Illlrlf. .... 1-__ |__ ol; Nov. _ _ -'_4.:: Nov 43} Hay 53S-pi -I0; SI` Alli L `H Y`?- IIK l`0l.'l.I| N01 I`.|ll`. Ma:-1xem.' ` ll) 1 nu ' my H0 nn 1!! un 53; Housekeeper Wanted BY A GIHTLIIANIIVIIQ Ii C I0 I13 il `unoconu . Ouoseeutonod In into on otulu-In on; mouth.-. `ho outrun cumin; Ilyoown unto unto uunulnn $151. VIII nu Ind an ploynolzotonunndnhucnllhctll. Anzulhholahrn-Hun A .1 ' Ill 57 121 nan Ill lung II! nu| |=:-2-a.-:a.z==~| `Wm I THURSDAY. UITII IlI`_I_'., Mil? G5 P.I.. nu aid .4 .\`oI ( I;-ANL Wuhan i n '.o . 4 llumuwvl |Inunlight I_\ (}Al_l_._|V(`#.%\ STE. Iv. A1113"; IV"-I-`EN-I illii kl] __,.~ _. ioci to ggnjueroni; lajlobaodouuuhnulruunn in II- hclduunchnodnv. Tholovvct utbyaoudonuu ncanry cc own-1. r. I. IIAIII. VII? Pun:-on Banding Tannin could: rust clash in was via. kn. Plots n-I Qullounon In Ibo uvrnl vain bonIIuuo0cnLPuIAI!bI.Ilo Ium!nl?.uo.lAuhn. Ibo Aarklllusl Dcgorlutol cl hhfh `lhI-In An Q`. C Asylum fur lingo. Lon-Ioc dam kaolin: Ml dung nous A-has Inna halo:-A31 futon ` srrunoav - utxf xi n and n ma lnncl. colour: `'1 :- don In Work." will In nooivol uul 8(1)! or IIATLYIDAY. II; Ihl of Bonnohr nut luv Ibo bloom` vcrllz _. .,, - _-u..__.. ..;;.4.__.-.;-.~.._... Audra! Iona: Into:-an-rv. Yhnolt u } mlolnundry. an-ltrnnc-I uh! hr nth` n-, \ I rI..n..mJ;asaasm Innnlm at tho lhy. Kin:-lnuhnlunlg-.n. TICKETS. ` An- lk | 31 runan. AUGUST sor;-:.| ; Ibo-or "Inner will have l `n \\ haw cl Idoloct Iluu. coin tlnvn Ibo vow N no: Cua:Inu Noun: D: In: woo uno u Thain`-I and Abusing Bay lnunung, Ii I nu-I lmplon u 3 v clout The Fun! onhe lumen lot Ihmn banal! UK` prom-do mu hm. um. I` lwrlnol` II` company we on-umuu I~2Il`IIlIll2II `Id IHHI. Good to Return for 10 Days. By the old n-linbh und line! mutt- Cups Vunoanl. N. Y. Cantu! And Hlllion Rum: Rnilnyt through an: wilhoul chnngo. loans Kinrnon bv steamer land [I I ITO UUN'l'RA[ITUHSl EXCURSION} 1 $ 5 "X 'l`() N EW Y( )I'{ K .` Look Uuf for Cheap Fares NEW YORK AND RETURN, $8.` cumgo. leave Kinguon by name: Ind ll pm. unto st New York next morning II 6.30 mm. -nnno" lmaw max EXBIIRSIIJHI All III IIIIIIIC Unllcrwxx. uuuu nun Colored shim Tin, `I:-nu. Bed: .90. villhonold noun Roamuom in odor tonnbnonlorll 0-ab. DON'T FOIGIT `I'IS~ PLACE. J. P. GILDERILIIVI. Ticket Agnnt. I'D CLARENCE RT. |OSWE:Go.| ISTEIIEII -*ommo"| --.-UH): low Yul. lhtuia & luster: lulny, `AII:OOP.I.. IIrl.OI& I'll! uh! Alnl nnnll-in -AI ruin-All Thuodor lay liidliil ldlmouto tlo(.`ou1~ bouncndcol I-I hm Ullnr [gel in la. nan `nun. 1 Apknlllnl (`olIop.unl;~L In In-d cal hail. ` \'ll.L LIAVI GUNS I OOH `Ill? 93` ` ' ' \' "'n'n-an anvil. - T +ToTJT1:`: Tuesday. Sept. 2nd. |.'i\UI.I IAIIIIIZIIT U! `T lvl puny. ma P. In. mlnmnd can no! roinod| JuL-(bI.\`|lliu|lI.A.(I.. ' mam-(u.luu-Ianmn ` PO'W'ELL S Points of Interest LOUIS THAI IVS. ... - .. ,,,,-_ ._ -__. ANOTHER I VI` j ADV. IAXCLIN - _-.- g-;.- nj AI TAKE NOTICE. Eicunsrohs. .___ .._..,-e - - ----~--I---~ Miscellzineous. IT. HARLEY. A-an KINGSTON. ` n.4...-.- amen-nah ooxrwrgoqnav, IIIIB GJIPUWIOIIIY. ' fllll IIBCPIT Thu 1! the lira! 3-an c`.m.u... \\ me 0 onulon nle in nu: or nay .-um dl iltillfio. ll-I [ht UNIX \\'mr re OIIOJIII by Ioahenl .\`.nhon'A~ to In who (silo Cam.-rum for |he;r health ` VI but hell lohl that llus xnno bu Ind Iionto do In): I-uzhhn-; up people`: &A`|h than than xlunouo clnunu 0! (`sh lonus. ' ran: -E3-"GAAIL ICE CIIIAI Ix . \ VATSK. in-u nib 5. I rn v\rnv`v--w-.. mu cm-. uunuu um um um .'...m`.'.i.. cuI.ua:no-.'.:"s'i Hunt: nun: Info What. Foot 0-` Rulhnon. Mouton. "l'hnbou'n_juqI91elu|n W333 than |Fmm the Lucamongzi V.in- j_ yanis,-California. mm In um um Q cvurrunptu-suing EFES BROS. 1 We My new the Largest Stock 0! Bot Ila) Ale ud Stout in lhnfcity. both m quuu And pink-. from the celebrated Iusuhniu. cuTuI{cuusau:.. hails. Tutu: & In Cap -Jl`l1'(I Cll I! - ' John Labatt London Brewery. HA8. CRAWFURD. KING STREET IIKIIIY `The Stolen \\'hue 'I\'|iIl.`l 35. The Sloryoln Bhell.b_\' Rev J. R .a.. u -2-. jnuolltlwlullc I`: u2ohnbtu\nIodousndl|onqI`:npul~ -ludovnhonlul .~hIoIIIooI.nboudIhIunncr NV" `Lu euhnlnll b Inns L J I.llL'1'ClRlK\.V. `aunt Nu Iunhu Had, Wife or \\`id\-I` by In Ak-lunlor how nl Long llnmh. by Lucy Rnudull Counlon. IV. ., bunk smwatmiirs NEW BOOKS ! E I Say Nu. by Wnlhe (knllms, $. is1'11nuni1`n"us'. 40:.-. mm-Tnimmm Nuunl Lav m (hr Spznlunl \\\-rid. by H... I.............l II -1 (`one and no at [Humans-A(h nlmllmyxldu mount:-lcun unuyouhut lnltunceulcba. - --IlN SELL! (`llKAPj- ITHE TEK To us M10! I1 . III! will 113'.) nnnolnr hool and l`h-I on grflillll III. II 0- Au L ' TIIE onurhifanians. Confer: U Dogma. F. NISBETS The I`0lll2II Iooluuorv. Aug. 13 L A WAIIEIIIOOHC IN KI\Il'I'0I D QT!-onus Ir. loooumln thorny on Q1 ; $__ _____-_.lO_ u`Iucn$ or Inunjuu mu--q .- Egt. GI-oonwood'I. Ii-`L-g`: --J 9.-.! In-`I-u July is CTCXIDC 'VIII Ilocbv. [got for Lauwsf Lulu Us a sun V run rnmsr Willi um um um. nn:~nn4.4s1u an -1-n-nun:-nun ijdv Jljm uuu nu law an Henry Drummu ICE CREAM ROOMS NOW oran- 11:8 I. W \'A.`D}2\h`A'l',II IlA$]l|l`RRPD HIS NIW IIOW K)0IB. IO n'lu,I\`n1"ni In-ll:-r `rxnnupnna. ' `fj Dalnuuauu -.-X. J. I. OIJVII. FRjc_T_rr s The nun Igk-ah (or null. Inluvunnhuno-all 1-uI:r\llIIj II-v ---u--- 3; J. cnoimns Confcubnry. *BU'I` FIOUIII. IIICIVITI. I-Ilephnnl. by .\lu| VILI. III $1.0 03! Till Dru (NIT. (I `V not ptvvtowtly -two-ad oh the pouch] in-I mic that lit ``00HQUER0R.." .. ...--...... -uh .11 um u.-no u-nnL I q&Od_ .V `l l'llIIXDIl0IoIIIhII&'OA on-snnlhlduluoela. It O. O. D. STORE, J. R. RA'I'I'ENBURY, :g_..;..:|_L-.Il.n..| Mllhonnncr UndnrIou.WhilIIId run-..) cL;_4. 1`... Eng... Rani: An lVIl I`WIIjDIOI Il ylhtd " ` - ___..__. -u-n -AnrnI,AIR -13.1 xx o-r"tn'ou: nw nut} iroixin ll. Vlallnqhn Phu_ I WuI{.IQgn___&;`u__$ EL'EdT-LAssEs. II VAT! CLASD & Yong lama &n Iniliiroowo-od on \'.I_IP1 .h.u A Illlll 0.)Ol.PnuI. AUCTION SALE. `":'f>UcA1'1d5 AL. :'-uuncp-u|cnv.u-taut. 7" '"`ahii.'wnnuluD. Ind Ian: sud Connbon tau. 3'.-AISBALAILEIALIIII. FALL TERM. _'9r Sale; FOUND. .Is'r.. '1`oLet. Ida. hnynuhlovcnlnhnlu uh Inul&hlIuul&Go& Zl - $Il&U win tun dnvhuuptlunnhuinlhounun dljdlypuhnolbybuqnn huuthlcludu. `Iii-hnhving hu[huo\Inn&ndh-Id clulunlhuihihuxmhulo dyxclthhhduohukno duvalnhwuuluhn --:------1-ILA-L1-Izli-cg u-vjjI-u--u---v-1-- uqynvunhlhdulgdhno dhj Am Z'V_CI|I I-Cyulv UII.v-gvuuu-c unuonuodtutviu Ihuothuuwho lnvodmu-IeI.nrnan.Iitbouc Iningnnbdbythcoouknulr. I003` "AlnlhtI&yh@Ih.|u. 80-olyulvoc Ilhn yunop\ hnounhrlulu van-Iwuorlaqod nnlujlollho ooothcn canal hint Tnvcno during n haw pk huthoouh. Whulho uninsp- dnduhuvunhoutlvo -iluhontbo uhotncndsduonlo-ck vuouool none: Ibo inuulhhly canal to tIor1od|hIUIhounlIh& hut. Inlutlvuldhuuulln Oo iqtnntnnhIIn|I.IhunltolnI\ ' [Li-I lk--AL---- -nu:-hlnnl.` `HOOL . NOTICE. mu um mum: Lu! auunhy. (N051 coahinod u . odlmrinl on Loni which had nnnntnnooollrty-Ivoliuu lldl Biuh. Think thou! the batch` unplool Iinh-I IVQIIIIII Iongdnvn on||IIuvehu-uyccnen inlho (link . or unvwluem duo. The that would sun In: purpooa luallu by mnkiug n" penal non lnqllonlly. II is ncmadly Inuioomo to gut lhrogh such I long cochlea uni hop up tho head in- Q_.A:4.. lhoolotionolIr.B-!;:|rtot5oCom- non: for West Ontuia by uccluuution in 1 unmciont nbuko to than who tnodto stir npdnoonl in tholhlorm nah ol tint constituency by circula- hg lulu report of aliuntithctiqn with tho unison. Ir. Blnlo VIIIOII Eh. I-Edgar in the Homo. uni the llofonuon 5! Wont Ontario delights-I to have an opportunity ol gntilying that leader`: dunes. Mr. I-hlgu vull be an able lionknut in the light haunt tho hut: bl l-Zpbuu. ]E In Vllll III CI u-cu-v -- eohcitode end benevolence. He hne louncl lhnlthere ere Innny men living in` eompenuve ohecurity dong the connlol the! peniesnlnr county wheee deeded hrevery uni heroiena entitle than to none snlntentiel recognition from loderel powon. Their clnime hnvebeen eeerche-I. duly neonle-lin glowing phrneee. end trennmined to Uunwn with luheneeeeenry end obeervetione to ensure e peternnl government. "9 will cine en inetenee end drew eome eoncllnioll tbetehom. It we: recently ennonncenl Chet through use repreeentntione end eolieiteuoee 3! Ir. lccu In Dosin- ien uovunrnentlied onlueileo ilven wnhhee delv incited. ee be path! en lneind cl Sepeenbernenkin the love hell nl Heten. Io Iecn. Juieen Boyd end Selenee Ienek. el Senlh Inryeberuh. "kn nnmne etvioee in nvlileeetliludeeudeeeel Pop hrlhinklanhn Onhria. Now. with Ilneeliuplvwenevenelneluolnd. Weknevlhe Inen unied ere dr nu-viqelnll theyere eeptbellney --------4|.-going Ihnnnnxu-L. It up-r-I fr -" givcnnliwvnnl R005 .|_...n.L KIOCIDIIIIOIIIIII puuuuu lu---vs chugod u consulting physician. In: suggested navel-cl inaluting qoorios. Thojndgu hold that. whemu lbo\loc~ hot in not summoned by the pnuonl himnell. nnd without his consolt. the hue: Ins not responsible for the chugn. The question. therelott-Jrinet. "Supposing 1 pnlionlin inscnubk`. or not apnblo ol deciding whit medical st- Imduco he requires. an be N.-pudinto the change undo by Inch phyuicnnor ph\`tieiInIuu!euIhIIoao-.lbylI1oa-lo? The deciaion Innybohw. but iail equity .` ----_ j. __.u `Express Oompany.3 V T0lncII?_l1_:& amses. L Thu Janka`: dccinon iKn'mV3 can re- cently trial at uwsuitingz I l.naI.\l -|u\ -nml g ngtin-I III A H It begins to look II il Mt. J. S. It Cuaig. u~)l.P. lot Prince Edward County. Va trying to boom lm ehulcu Io: nrolecuou in that constituency .1 ,_ , ._;_ .L_ __._.._...-;a- ;- .1...) I0! l\rIIl1:lIuII Ill IIIIU uvuuuuuvuu whoa u:u'n tho on-ortuaitv is olond. This in legitinmto buunous ol which '0 hvonorighllo eomphin. uolonuu | conuent ooono ll pun-nod. Bel Mr. Mccmig I: too much 01: partisan to be consistent in uniting having 3 poli- lictlobjociin view. ad vawonld nu- pn at. in out nqnct. In in ufuy ovonloing the manor. Slum hi: delta: :8 the Inn oloelion he has but unch- ingtho record: of the count! lorob jocuuponvhich ho Inny honor him ...|...;a..a- ._l hgnu-u-`Ions; Ha ha: --I'-"' : TIIPJKARI orncs. -- nuns: Inn. root at Jopnoon siren. : -n:uz-nos: ooIin`x|unu_\~. * cauc"o%F or in nu ._, :'.i`f"'." . Tuupuy in noupqudun-` 9.1...--J again: iitislimig` I .:l un.u.\ as In nus.` D011 DVION J 08'. 7 `SWIFT. A3: ..-.; Inn: I jj`Iy~-I`-----g-- .... kn umoomlvuuk I'M: is.. I &oI|y_Z__!'u;o_f_hliI:In!nrIvd_|o .;I.h-I )lunn.vB-lgngnnl at lunch` lune -gunk-lutmlho I_g,;x;M_Iyol Ihplu Pain -`us-nu ue ntuculinnil in Unit I | thl Whale they -Iournvunntuul now leis-:onl.u\1us..I|aubot~nn quad upd . 1 nuke: yulsnho Immune work also ...--:. -.. ......'I.- -nnvnxziuu. ct hDr.'l'|u.l IIuna.pvIquu.\ Otlld thbo-Ir ulvcnhd. and hops puni- unblio. 1:? ln:h|hII uqouh In in ` Tho lilo __ ua no cases In` an um. WW IT? 3 popohlityulho h Idjn v':l'l. L7: wally -npulno Truth. in Tania. In Inncllouo luau-hdgoinnputnon-nn:_|ho us; buy nu- ` ` 55: -o-us.'i7-an inlunoo. and lint it hujun u`dvcIChud.udhpOpuni- Jluthnhwhhhhnlhu

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