- Direct. from the manu- f`a.ct.ures in all shapes and sizes, with and with- out lids. _.___...._.__. A Marriage In Montana. _.____....` rsnso/v.4 1. ME3 :h0 \'. O 0! lllltlliluulln Aunlunul. Kingston friend: will ndd ...L.u..:..... mfplucnou lulu --y----f st suing the Capsula- ___--l _-- nnlnnntl il rm; BRITISH WHIG. 1-`mun. JANUARY 13. 1332. Ln have in the :c Led an ";l`hel MAGAZINES!` .......,.. .......,. - , _ Allan. Tho Soezzy nod tho noon at 2"": :3. ' in" ' and ...`?..a Y " '1 the door ol Ibo Band plunun to luv. Thontnru uduuudor: Lfahnqoi Wall-8. Alglin. I nnurio Wad--W. um. ` Eldon Wud-Dr. Foo. Frontenac Wu'd-W. `radii. 81. Lawrence Wad--R. I. omy. Sydonhan Wudv-R. V. Bogart. Victoria Wud-J. Wilson. The socauuy- l`hooponing bllsinesa in tho election 0! Choiruuu. u. In-vimr.-Do um not make I doclu- 4 u as rnurauu ntiuu-nut. ' no A IQIIIIII A cunt}. t a 4 0! Chunun. Mr. lrving-Do in ntion ? The Chdnnu-No; not now. ' Hr. Roon-ThnG idea nu oxplodod Inna nun. 8! . nun 10-: -o- unnlrl IUD` u. UOIIIATIOI 07 TWO CAIDKDATII. Mr. Honey proposed Mr. Irving u an eligible non lor the Presidency. Mr. A Ion-I ucond the pmpomi. u. I..;n. rlnnlinul tho honor which [or the Presidency. Mr. Irving declined the thus gentlemen desired to cantor uyoa Lim. Ho ind undo uphis mind that he could not Accept tho position. at. least. during the preunt you, and he was surpriud that Mr. Honey bad Men in to uominnh him. knowing. as ho did, the weaker`: reason: for. rebireiuona. He thnnkod his friend: {or their good intentions. but be positively dncliuod m... .|..-non. H: In: sorry that. be was but he pouuvuy (ucuuou the olocuion. E0 sorry not in 5 position to most. moi: wilhaa. He oxpocsod to be I0 bully ongngod in businesl an to be unable to undertake the disolunvga of tho duties of theChair- manship. He had already nluvotad coo numb Luna to nublic aairs iu recent .-u'. N amrou yrw oce of Chairman. \h- H Analiu an uliuns own I'Al'l:I! FOR J.` DIUII l.II".Tl|ll.5li`.NT NOT vosswu Mr. Phippon~- 1 cannot reluse no- mination unless the Inovur and uecondor are ct-manning parties. \I.- h viuq mid thll Mr. Horsev should ' St. Lnwroncs Ward Ina Donna wuu ms duty. Hnvmt become members of the Bond :11 a ould be ready to accept nppuintmeut which the majority saw t L) givv them. He claimed that Mr. Irvin` mu not in a. position to decline. that action could be forced upon him ul he intor`pret.od the law. u.- , w.I.mu hnnrtilv endorsed the ` mtbdrmv me name. Mr. Horsey. replying to Mr. lrvm;.:. D-Lid he was there a representative at | Ward J bound undo his .2"... u..v'..m lunnme members inter `rated the law. Mr. . . Wilson lieertily sentiments uttered by the lust. speakers. Mr. Irving should be willing (.0 take any position in the Bu-ml. more especially that of Cliiiirninn. The members looked to him an the successor of Mr. Horsey, l and the citizens looked to him tor the dischar a of the duties imposed upon him un or these circumstances. A YOICID ELECTIOH DIIAIPIOVED. l Mr. Waldren did not believe iuforcing ii position upon my man. Mr. Irving declined to act. and it would be It strange proceeding to who for him egsinst. his .vill. He nominated Dr. Foe on one of the oldest members of the Board. and hoped he would receive the votes of the miijorilzy. Mr. Irvin: was sorry that Mr. Horsey parties. Mr. h viug mid I \\`1Lbdl u.W his vu. Hnrcnv rnnlvinu lrvimz, mtijonlzy. Irving sorry ' persisted in pressing this matter. He thought. it. was only necessary when then: were so mnny other: qualied for only necessary wneu there meny the office to express his feeling in order to be relieved from the neceniay of a. content. The election would be unem- inous. plunsant place he would have to sub- mit. but he would esteem it 5 personal favour if the proposer and secondar would withdraw his mime. Mr. Poleon was well aware of the ob- jections Mr. Irving lied to nomination at. this time. Hie reasons for retirement were uucloubcedly strong. but at. the nine Limo ho bad a. duty to perform 1.0 the public and he should not decline it. His elevation to the Chairmanship was expected by the public. Mr. Irvin: mid the forcing olliim into 01' course if forced into en un- ` I the public. Irving of him into the position was nnfnir to Dr. Fee. Thin gentleman had been informed by himself that he did not intend to become a candidate. nnd it was: only on Inch an understanding that he (Dr. Fee) allow- ed his name to be used. He did not like to assume an sttitude of antagon- :-... -I-can hn dnnirnd hnrmonv. like smnuuu 01 n ism whoa ho delirod harmony. . _ _ . mm A|91IIII 1 Am `Ill toll`: or nay uuw. Mt. Horaov-A mun can be made to sorve us 1:. Trustee: [think he can also be forced to actin the capacity of Chair- I-null arson yr none: I-`ll man. Mr. J. Wilson---Suppooiug "an the other members chose to pursue the course taken by Mr. Irving, what would be done for 3 Chairman? u. Anulin..Tl1nra'I no danger of BOARD o1fi5UcAT1ox. Chairman? Mr. Auglin-There`: danger such I thing happening. There is not a man here that I would be more will- ing to vote for then Mr. Irving, but I don`t. believe in shoving the poeition noon him. Mr. Wnldron eeid they were not dealing fairly with Dr. Fee. As one of those who had brought him forward-- heviug eolicitwd him to etnnd-he could not change in mind. Mr. J. W` n aid the vote would quickly decide the dilculty, either gen- tlemen would eetve well if elected. The Secret.u'y-- The nomination: ` heve been put in proper form: they must now go to evohe. Dr. I-`ee roee to nukes lew observa- , clone. He wee one of the olden mem- bers of the Bond. 'n.. Qnnreit.|.|'V~'--M!`. Allen end your- : oud vfqnl nollorvo it oloototl. Ho. `ondlhbddiltinctl um ho oouldnotw of the Bond. The Secrets! `--Mr. your- self how oerv Ion or Ihon ouy athero- Both of you wen octod ot tho same time. Mr. Honoy woo olootod in 1861 or 62. but he oouod to net Iubooquonsly an o Txlnuho for o time. DI. III II A VIII UIILIAIAIT PLACE. Dr. Foo continued tho: until ouutod that Monro. Irving ond Bogota would not run for tho Choinnonohip. Ind bod tho proniood onppott of . Ho bod not tho rolnotoot _ ouch 1 port in tho olootion. Ho opohon to no ouo directly or indirootly obout the position. Mr. would not bo ooontootut. liko 31:. Irving. bod boon eollod upon the nomina :1. Now it seemed _ 1.... .m.innnlIr.Ho1-:21 tholulnnn vice of Chairman. Mr. S. Angliu ucoudod the nomina- ainn by unnconoi Ix. none: unu min In: boiuoon to Ihnd"cloctiob. He wu norry had not nocivod nn intimuion at who: in goingomin which cuiho would not have become 0. twoadortovmhdnwhinuno. . Ir. Hasty natal tbs thcothon withdnw Dr. ho`: nun. Th: n- qnutvujnptunuoublo. 313.1:-via;-Hhinkuot. `.Z`;.$ 5?: .:.'"...a.'.".I.'...:.'.u 3; s.".'.:..:-.``; mionolX_r.9mv thaumn boinl oomvolloi stand" election. 1.1:.` Wald:-on propoud Dr. 1' ea for the firs nf Chairman. _I.l:lll'BI: noun: |-TI `nslup. 110 um Mroauy uevuwu wu tg tune public H _. . 'x..u..1uV nidbiuau` .....n..r..ms.uuu..un-an Inllron. ' ' Ir. Bogart Iliad thus he refund to uctud than Ivu nohw which aid he must. If olcoood Chairman he `could resign his Trutauhip sad win would become of the Chnirmnuhip than 5' -rs. nu-.unn.-No:hin can be done become 0! the Chnrmnunp men 7 The 8ocuhry-Nothing if you Inn and a gm: 0! lour yun. OIVIIIO `I'll 101110 A OILICI. Mr. want on" to av that the aloction ucluirlun should not bin unnn Innuth nl nnninn. 9 Hr. Regen. Mr. Anglia-I eeoond that. It. Dunne moved. end Mr. 1'. C. Wileen eeoonded. the Ieminndnn oi Mr. jnllnmn eloction ol 5 Chairman enoluu IOI um upon length 0! eervioe. There mit be a young mellberol the l_3urd w 0 would commend the reqaeob d Nihi- rrztion of the Band. I! e_ _ Id ngt. be recognized and the Bonn! o oo- leetiug the senior members 0 feared sometime they would not themselves into an awkward x. He at say rote positively refused to be I cendidete. Dr. Fee ntorted that the oldest mem- posisivoly refund to be cumunu. bor had for-morlv ot the nomination. Whnt wu the rule ollowod in All public bodies? Warn long service and experi- ence not recognized`? Were the tbroo previous Clnirmcn not chosen on this wcouurl Or was their selection be- -.. 11' n..i.- nnnarinr attainments? glegrg. .1 wupoun nun-mu-n I6 ` ` W cuiouclly be I minute III tho dohvory cl: ` Or thou` selecuou ue~ onus; of their superior attainments? Ways they elontod high above othon booauno of tho luaowlodge they post- uased`! They could not My :0; such would ho self-opinionstion, nothing olse. Mr. Horsey hul receivod credit. for his nniduit in attending to uchool muz- n... all Hm gchuoln been carried on nniduit ettaudmg to ecnool mu- tore. ad the schools by him better than when Mr. Wilson or `Mr. Pense. or Mr. Allan bed been Chair- man`? Mr. Horsey might say yes. but that would be simply sell-opinionatiou. Were all the brains centred in these old sages? ll so he would like to know it. He did not speak thus for the urpoee ol cowing or making anyone bac down. He had not been anxious for the place. and would not have been A candidate luul be known as much before an he knew then. It. was very well for Messrs. Allen. Horsey and J. Wilson to be keeping Mr. Irving in the field, but the latter did not want. the omoe all the name. Mr. Horsey desired them to understand that be was the cleverest. of them all. He would nuke way for no ....- u.. ulunwnd thnt at. his election he He would mun lo!` no one. He showed thnt It his election wanted the people to believo that they could not do without him. Ho (Dr. Fae) should have been treated more gentlomauly; he uhould not have been made 9. laughing stock in the con. muniv t_\ . The course of some members indi- cated that their gontlennnly qualities were at a low ebb. These were hi: sentiments. What was in had better count out. __.._. .. ..... ,.,....n.. In! u nuun |.l..7|V-Iu| v\...... .-_7, _, Mr. Drnuna.n---Au a. young member may I ask if itil right. or cuatonnry for '1'ruabees to canvas: for this ponibion `I Mr. An..(Iin--I am 3. voumz lumbar tor mu: pounon :- Mr. AngIin--I yuung and 1 can answer "you." n.- F`m..I mn one of the oldest mem- 1 "you. ' Dr. Foe-1 am one of oldest bers and I can say that I've belpoi to do it. I assisted H] the election of Mr. VVi1sou. \r. \\.'ih:nn_.`n mint. manner`! In | .\Ir. \V'ilson-lu what manner`! forming a. quorum at the meeting at `which lwuu elochod. You ceruinly didn't. vote 101` me. n. I.'_`.._I mu. amuhuzicallv airm didn't vote 101` Dr. Fee--I most. emphatically airm thnt I Ilill. Oh, what. bane iugmtitude! \Ir Hnnuav amid the D1`. could DOE l lid. Oh, what one Iugraucuue: Mr. Horsey Mid the Dr. have votoal for Mr. Wilson sinco that gentleman was elected by acclamubion. ` Dr. Fee--X did vote for Mr. Wilson. eloclea by accumumou. Dr. Mr. Waltlron. duin't you go with me to Mr. Bljus to cmvzus his vote for Mr. VV1luou 5` Mr. \V.lldrou- 1 did. Mr. Iiuruuy. in reply to Dr. Fee. said blunt. the schooh lmd been just as well conducted by former Clminueu an by Linn UI uccouu ul the turn amount :1 wotk oonuquout in In tho tnnduol )lugn. 8 a mimic`: mhooribon .,-. I'..`.-"..:;i.f him. , The nominations were then put. to :1 vobn by bmllot, with the following re- sult: First B.s1lot--Mr. Irv in`. 6; Dr Fee. 5; A11-.Rogeru. 1. Second Ballot-Mr. Irving, 6; Dr. Fee. 6; Mr. Rogers. 1. { Third Bal1ot.--Mr. Irving. 6: Dr.: rm. 7 Fee. 7. '1" he Secretary doclsud Dr. Foo elect- ed. (Applause) cnxmmw nrununza TIAIIII. On taking tho chair the Dr. tbs nkod the member: (or having plncod him in so high and honounblc a position. Ho would try earnestly and konutly to do the duties of the omoo to which thoy had elected him. At the and of the you he trunud that thosewhp bud nu nod him. nndl those who had not, won have .... ......,... m mar nlmt. ho had brought. nndl who had IIOt:,W0\ll(1 nave no reason to any that he brought. discredit upon them. He would endom- vour to carry out the instructions oY`1.ho Board and always seek to promote the interest: of the schools. Any tooling between them he hoped would be for- gotten. Old friendships and oordinlity ho hoped to no restored. He knew that his temper was A little spirited now and then, but he was Iris-lrI'lld*-iris __dier- encen were soon forgotten. (Hoar. '|Al|I` \ boar.) Mr. Allen - Tiny]: the been part. 0! won. ' Dr. Foo uhukod the end Iinooroly for tho honor confarrod upon him. M. Rnanrl thnnkod the on number Klr 1 for oonforroa nun. Mr. Roger: thsnkod tho who had by his vote shown that ho (Mr. 3.} won I hi and proper anon for thopooition of Chsinlun. ( ugh- tar.) tor.) ` Mr. Irving-Thnt'u 1 nice wny of toll- ing us that you voted (or yourulf. He congratulated Dr. Foo upon his oloctiou. sud promiud the Chuirmnn his upper: in tin exoontion of his day. \InurI. Ann nd Horny followed in . vi, a'wu--uu-- ......-_.-_. -_,,,, _ ` I lncwman or oirncxu. On motion 0! Mr. D1-onnn, Mr. 6. S. Phippen wu ro-elocuod Secretary. Lib- nriu und Truun Ollpor. at plan um: Ialnry. \ _ On motion of Ur. Dronnu. Ir. Lui- pn wu to-eloctod Xeucnpr at the old ulnty. . On mouon of Ir. T. C.Wllnon Ir. Abxunn wu u-sppolnul cuotshor. - - numco I'll nnnnm _1_"Iy'Billot the following ulna eon- names xgnrgppoinlodto dnktbo nud- ` `in: ommittau lo: ilk yin: Kenn. n Polhon. Irving. Funny. J. Wilson and` I XLWAMIOII. I A(tnruhogn_.Iuaeo.tha npon urn` Ws1dron.'l'.C.WiInI.PIbutndIrV: mourn. LIIII nnu in u Iimilu Itniu. n tlia exoonbion oi his day. Maura. Allen Horny | `n 1 nimilll Ilrtill. ;n 1 Dr, Foe--Thnlu pntlomol. tha.nh_ .....-u-urn-ur Al AIIIHIII. DOIIIIBII` III! III: II III! IIUIIII. Inn. pollounn jumped to: their ondiu and bun-ind up their ulltuy D|'iIlIOt' John Burton. who has but nmylq from an -was read. some um um: L- ..... ant Inn and for nnri-hint A Tho wi ad no-I-3:-`ad. and unv-ow drinnl u-and thfeorun ad Iliad thooroviouin cxpoudplnou. Within thoPo|ioe0ounmounl.l quonlnnd pueofnlmnd u|boII[IouIdo1ln- ~ nouncilg the opening at tho court. tho. nnlln--ugn (1: mini` `(ID (I ll IIUW III. IWHI `Tit 0|!-If ti `U be wueentto pol for Iourhhiue revolver. AI be Cited the (look he eppeuedto he week an weery. end nought eupport hyleeniug upon the dock railing. Hie eyee were indented and purple coloured end e bool heel eeeined to have left en hnpreeelon upon hie cheek. John related that he oune to the city yesterday to eeehie eon. who nu juet errived min Dritieh Oolunbie. Like the father who received his prodigal non he wee muoh overjoyed. and drunk too freely of the owing bowl. He could not stand mush liquor now. If- he uuly imbibed one glass it would heve been all right. but a taste produced I longing for a perfect gorge. He had fnlleu on the sidewalk and bruised his check. He pleaded herd to be ellowed to go to Pittsburg end the Magistrate gave him (I cheuoe to do I0. A more impressing temperance lecture could not have been given. I) _____I._._ \I........ AL- ....o|.-e- D\AI'InA_ I-IGVU IIIBUIJ sl'KJIlu Bu-nsbas Young. the unhou. pound- ed the gumi bed long has night. with his moccasins. He renllv Adored the ;.__.u:Al.._.... ..... I1 --.1 l..... AI... nu Iuu\..;nuua. uv av:-uy -uv-nu -mu malliuous umuc." By sud bye the asthetic dream passed and Bunsbn was himself again. "Let us go or I shall be iuqu1u crymnd the xuau-d.1t,o went forth for his rolauo. linrnal-as started for the rat with the imprussion that the Magnltrate nfxd the pious policemen were utterly too too." A I`I\IIII.l mun (lI`n\'5l A nlniah nrnun gas... ,....., V " +:'- _"wJ " `Iron. J. Wilson. Pchuu. ` Y Pninlnnni ~{en-nl--Iii. An -v :.- . pluur l|Ull\.U|ul2I.I uunu uuvvu uvv way. A young man drove a sleigh around town wxshout hells upon his horse nnrl this little iudiscretiun cost bun only 02.85. At the meeting of the Board nfEJuce tiou last. evening Dr. Fee was electeil Clniirmun. It was anticipated that the choice would be a. unanimous one. but whcu uouzinutioue were called for the name of Mr W. Irving w_ee tender-d. The nominee earnestly proteeted and doc-liue.l. but those supporting him con- tenrlod that he had no eltemetive, that if alechgd the law gauldleroe him to serve. The election was somewhat sun prising. especially eo to Dr. Fee, who had only become a. candidete with the undarstamling that no other one was . u- bitioue for the oco. An I. coneequence much time wmn spent 1e dleeuneing cir- cuuietuncae which were not eutioipeted. Finally the bellot eettled the diculty to the satislaction of Loth the willing and unwilling candidate. n- 1.`... am. in 1".'I nlnt-Q.-pi n vnarnhnr arm lluwllllug cnuueunuc. Dr. Fee was in 1871 elected a. member 01 the Board. and has eerved with greet delity. No man could take more in- terest in the echools than he bee done. He. Mr. Allen and Mr. Phippen were elected Trustees at the eame time. Only Mr. Allen hes remained hie colleague continuously since. Mr. Phippon resign- ing his seat at the Board to accept an appointment under it in 1875. Dr..Feo claims to be one of thoee instrumental in the erection of the Willierneville School where it in. end he wee one of the projectore of the Frontenac School. He promiees to use hie beet eorte in behalf of n ceuee with which he bee so long been identied. An... elm. mlinnrnmanh the Chairmen long been muuuuuu. After the adjournment the Chairmnn entertained who Board to an oyster nup- per at Old Sun's. when an hour VII nhan In ntlv nnnnl`. I pleasantly spent. ya. urv V... ..__. Enra Cocm.--Gnntux. um Uuuvuuw. -`'By A thorough knowlodga of the nucunl luvs which govern the apentionu of diast- tion and nutrit1on.u.nd by I. ouoful up lieu- mon of she ne propentioa oi well-no eotod (`ac-nu. my. Bum bu provided on: bmk. I properties 0! weu-ulecwc ' Cocoa, Mr. Eppu Trovided fast. tables with I do lonely avoured bo- venga which may uvo u: may bou duo- wrs bills. 1:. m by the judxcloun use u mob Iwolos of diet. that n. oonstitution an be gradually built up until strong we to must every tcndancy to disease. Bun ads of subtle mnlnrliu ue oating ground uu rocdy to Hack wherever there 1: I. wank oiut. W muy encnpe many an fuul shaft keeping urroalv wellfortiod with pure b ood and u propfry nourinhed fume.- Ciril Service Ga: te.-Mudo uimply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in Puck- au nnd Tim lb. and lb.) labelled-J.x:a :21... A (`.n._ ommoonshw Chominu. Lon- Jolmllondohnonlxoq, Tinnglb. and lb.) Iubouon-"anus En: & Co.. omoopnshw don. Eng."-Also maker: of EppI | :hoco- hlo Euonoo for ntunloon ma. Thounndo cured or ooumz. nronamtu uthun nnd`1ung diuuu by Dr. 1!. Bon- vie1la's Spiromour, An instrument which mnvava medxoind fovirlicl dines to the Spiromour. tqllmnonc wnwn oouvoyamedioind nu part! Aecbed. T no wondotful inuru. manta Are used in all n!-olul houpitdn. and prescribed by Indian physicians. Full directnonu. for treatment an by mm, sud inatrumenu exprouedtony nddrun It in only nine. 8ouviallo`I lnnntlon that lung dueuea are no longot lured until then: very last ggnge. Write lorpcrticulnn to M. bouveillo. ox-aide Burpon ot the French Army. 13 Phillip: Square. Montreal. All lotwn must oonuun nunp (or rcpl . J. 0. King. Chemist And Druuiu, sun: (or zhnpwn. ` 0 Bug, uuuun us}: for 7. o. qn..o I. now, `Ha{1sa8ign&rp_a_mmtalPaintan. insioimrnro. run my ` N 010. and all lrulaln-votlgaduo. um. ag- hnouupun-es`, ' ' 'Ju.v'.'g ".*`-? -I Illv DunnoI-lII tnnnnoac 0! I50 Suttukul Dunk. mm LIIN snnnsm IOPIIIIOIII 1 Looodlvnlufu name-nuuuuanu `Iu"!V{\Xb|OHUIlI&.I. inn | f!:nSh1noudDnuua.o|IyOI.uud .--. Thounndo cured of oounh. bronohitil n-thin: nndllllnll by DI . -----oo---'p-an raua to'nr-n1D4 1. W ~`~'~'; nun:-no lclenllhc Trlcqph. Aw. 315712813 00.. .._4 I j...__l_..-D-bag} W79-F-9%'55_F_9?`== ' ` ` `*"....;: WT. ..`5`..':."1`'.7. our BIuhunwonh0O.1otM.n. Cloud: lost In coup:-in. Clotblohup. Rnmnuhohoap. . ` ., - - ongumom mt In thmhn um: mnuy mend: sud potronl to: than llhuulnituumld them during t 0 put year. be: to nnnonnoo their Alums! Stock-hill] III llvlh the impaction of .u intending purohuon. Goodb all re-nub! IIII Ihn Ilovill rioau. S in nttontion in Dunn Goods. Clouds. Wool Bhnvh. In! I new line at lid glove; gt 6o. worth -0-. C511 only and no bu-pin: II the srnwcwrwatr-HY NEW STORE! - G-ranid - Olearinz - Sale - un-u an _._..__._.._._.._____.____ ____._.. GREAT INl)lIl`EMl~2N'I` orrnnan 1-o nvuuu um wiis OOUSINEAU 85 do. ..._a.._.__.__._. .._.__._:.j_ 7 __._7: ,,__ - ELINBS E LGEWKETTT IG en_9_in<:% _9.h9a2._?'e! Lurliu` Jnckat. and Ulnber (11011 -1 reduced. H Handsome Cashmere Dress Gan `cs reduced. prices. Gents` Lined Kid Mists Lu low pricu. ings. Wool Ciouds. Wool Shawls. Winter Cash Brlar and Great Clearing Salt; IIICIINIOND & IHDI Millinory sud Mnnvlet st 1:. REEEr`6fE"oNsz spngnasd Stock at ouaammp. left wi$IL( Bolutiful Goods. An the very has value to be got. in or s chub suit todo bulinaeu v 53.103-I11 lLAD|ES' OVEBSHOES! January 5.-L LOOK O'U"I'I L men nouns AT lIEDU!9n ,,mEs vvALIjR.o1\1"s. ahsvorcmln ontuhownh Hndch Tn nine to be got. 1: you vmu. .. .,.... .. ._ ____ _____ ___ __ `. or n chap mm to do in go to DIYEBAII & 00.. Conan Pnuunldnjqluuou. .... n ._. 1.. n..:,'. Ifnninhinn in IN] H81. '3 Dd cheapest WE unnot sdvoruoo 0111' goon: .. u......-..- .._,____, PRICES ll our rou bun nlvu boon VERY 8XALL|n we will Inch Itill GR ATER BEDUC [ONE and OIIIIODCI VIII and u: st lone 'I`E2~' PER CENT. LOWER Shut my OCUOI house In the undo. ._.._--o:._-.. PIPES E sdvortioo our good: It GREATLY REDUCED SKALLIIEO .. will u1;1}__1u:nUc - A--an -L,_ __.. .AI... La... (- -imouiacunu nun , .. Scotch Tuned Bait. |8.&CHoll6.|0. . --a'| Wont: mm. Allcurnd mukinthobutnsanah ooupucowukuq:,u g,uituqnAltootduu` -- __.-n-u--3'?pQ 1; Of [III 0000'. IIIJJKIII III IANTLII. WITH ROUND TOES and (`ORDED Bl l'T()N-HOLI-18. `$1.50. nausea to pause: roong wurtuu IIIII OOOII'ct Wlrlli Illa!-IIIOI All IAIITI.-Auldllpopotol to do wlulo lnnuulh nu cl huVhu&nt. l!yuInIuytlhu|hlI|od_on'IlllIt0VoIlInll|| an an no Pvhltn and`. In. In. ' ` ouuuouyluu. DVYEEAII I III! unmu n--.__ Tho H .1130 In Out`: Furnishings thin 31.! , ` V m_,. , -yuan a `lAI.'I'. ms p....~... .S`}rm_ .1 nun um Vautqua ant. R. MoiT'A.UL, W. ll. NIPBAII & C0. uuntingu. Nan goods nu! but-clan ulna. We on go with condoncc thst our Mock of > * ` -Z"` ?-V TT IS NOW GOING ON. EV nre now ouriug their Larva nun Choloo Stock 0! .)HP.n8 reduction. Just. the wing {or I Xmu Proust. IIAINIIE & |.0CKII'l"I`. City Boot Store Klugltuu, liellovie 311-1 '1`: -v- -`.. a Hr:-y Fbuuola at Reduced Prion. Lumen` Lined KR} mm at low o Chou ) Bl meta. 'l`iolLin I. Shut Cashmere oodu lhdlood. Al roduce-I. `mmto :*::::. _ ** * - "you "at. ingot: bani! Iuonliltd Rnocnwl to 51:) per Ex ll&0|QDH. Ilu cu: uvvu-. R. WALDROI, Ulhoui `II W \. 7` .0 -nA.I|nn!k\ I (full and noun I Buguiu no hint: Mun. ntno. (tom we to *.'ac par non Tbs Inch Block opvouu uoI- don Lson Otoeory 6a|I|>II`g___C>aI"d; i Fain.-y A Buuly `flu Bl--ck, Gol- den Otoccrg I. ll. WIIOIT hmcuou ____ TUMBLERS. other Wooden llll but-I. any II- -r I of 'l`olm-co Poncho. ..)'x.y;;nx ;Li1ng pain than though Iuou II! but wood KYNOITON nuoltur In rgo con I man) I nouy ya. u my buvrblo lsy . Hg soothing pong: Plum ; l-`OR JAN CARY. Il'Ii$ G ` FOR JANVARY. ` Huber. (fonposluun. ilbbir. Ivory and (Han 1170- "P0 Ltd: of all sizes. Also III II- _-.......4..I ..l' I`nIlnt`l'lI '.ICh.Is Ii! mu JAM.'Am', II: |-`OR JANUARY. I ' I Acnowunantnr.-Mu. lulu: ne- ` kuowlodgog. with thanks, tho roecipt 0! " $39.57 {or the City Poor Roliuf Funa. being the amount. of tho collection: tt i the united pruver meetings held in the 1 any churclmu during tho week of 4 Ta .1 . | P Y A_ ____ <"_`_/__ ' your 0081!` JOIID OUIII. 1931. any upuvv-~ in; hvo stock was exported to tho Uniwd Sula from thhpon: CSMIO. M`;|hoop. 10.686; vino. ; honol. I Lnr. -,._ _._/. - I - - . I I-`xu: n \'mu1 .~A me took place nt Violet. ou Wodnosdny evening. Mr. W. Parry`: house Illd shod boiug bnrud. He in related bu the survVyo1"`_ :'T 7" 1'. & Q. RN. A Imru was also burn0d>iliT the same neiglmorbood; the owner we I, did not loam. 4. -.~--- fur. L at Ons..uLuu.--'l'he lunenl 0! Mr. Allen 1`. Bowen. lace Secretary of the Locomotive Works. Kingston. took place from the L`. M. Church, Iroquois: on Wodnonduy. There was a deputa- E tion from Kmgston present. -.--._...._.-__. ' L`orar|.~1'x.~u nu Luz. - We are glad to state that the K. J: I . RR. Company intend pmhinu the line of raillny fur- ther into the buck uuuntry. Before many weeks the contracts will be let. for sh: ' gndnng and lnymg oltho track from the { Clyde to the lluduwnnkn River. t,';.uum~` .\1uuc.-- We have Itlroldv ` rolorrod to the Ipprovnl with which the ` Bay of Quinta Gnlcp." by .\liu Mny 'I'. Rogoru. 0! Bath, hn boo : mob. We ` are glad to be in rocoipt. of 5 copy. And `to nd tint. it in well worthy of tho good things said of it. Bsth bu Mn} unit in in midst. ,- ._._.__. .. _..... . -...__..._. Kmanrou Bxnu Socun:-- Canon Baldwin. of the Cnthodnl. Montrul. ha: promised to spank on behalf 0! this Society, at its annual meeting. to be hald in 1110 City Hpll oh Tuesday oun- inp. Jan. llet Oolloctora no asking {or|ul;:~: 4-'.1<-1.4 uni itin hopod they will moot with n lulu.-ml ruponu. o ----o~o------- HIS LART \Vonb:.-- l`ho last. words 0' Pnercy. of the Legion of Honor" Com- pny. ware: "Tell my dour mother I was not. nfrnid to d1e,nnd tint my Int. thoughu were of her 1nd my darling little child." The funeral Wu privnto. `fhutrical friend: sent many onl tri- humus. .. __4-......_.__.. BOO Iutu. ma pin a.., Thou ehurluu trunu .; I'll no; my vlrzun II on Inn Holt my gun} ` Bunxsn ()u'.--The Toronto hut houe `Gillespie. Mud ct Co.. for which Mr. - J mnee Greeneld of this city iq I tn- veller. was deetroyed by re yeeterdey. - L ._.. ennnnn. ....m-ml lnr Il nm. VU|I.l'. Will! `IV-UAIlJ\1\n -1 __- 1, Loss about 080,000; insured for The numbers of the rm won Toronto 1: the time of tho fire. ,A,___......., ,.._ Counxv to an Wouxb lJr.-At. tho nununl muting of tho Montreal and Ottawa Forwarding Company it was dacidod to wind up iba company. which I in good [or ovary out of tho liabilities. Tho following gentleman wan oloctod Ditocton: G. M. Kinghorn. John Mc- Lonnan. Hugh Mclnnnau, J. 0. Gravel, and M. hing.` I - I ' Buunnac. A Wlnr.--'l`he Cotson Uom~ ipmny hue given the contract to Mr. Cherlee Toeeell for the building of I wharf st whieh vessel: of deep dnught een deliver their cargooe. The whet! will he T shaped. It will extend 400 feet out Into the Cetsnqui Bey. 12 feet . ; 1-. .1... 4.-.. -HI hn mn feel Iona. lulu: vuu uu... ` wide; the In 8) foot. wido. I ,_.,,___..____ Vnrrlb IY A PIucnxI..-YIIfaord|y ' afternoon A city clergymnn vinitod Vu- koughul in the (uni. It mom: I ooin oidoneo bu on the very dny In upon- od shut no one vimtod him Inch 3 thing shock] occur. The preacher ind not I gun den] 0! hith in the priloncrl poniuaoo. and it was for thin purpou the Lo In: 10!: Alone for so longs sine. )don" W`mbown.--At 3`. meeting of` the diuctorrol the Moohuicf Hnllv London. I motion wu rude. but found no ncondcr. to horulur ruins the III at tho ball so ex-Monk Widdowu. ho hum; onctod in that on the lingo #4; - -.-_ .0 ridipnlinu thn Cnllin `nhpou. Iuo uuuuiuynu __ they would rent. an bull to vhoovu `eonldpayhw `n. .__.._g.._ AI "Anoanuln" I-`on I-`o|.u.--`I'ho` wife ol 8. W. Vnluna ohsllougu the county for turn. Sh. not u in an` an egg. and it bronjlit out twain warn. who utter mamg dam; on: and brought on oighhu N330. nnuhitMohy oIthouh0et.lIl.u on also Wu oltlhpuunt nuhd aoyainabatussuucg; .-__....s__--.- Wboosor no (and of 3 good plpo should ull nnd nee Ihom. II they must. ho sold. I .g_ .-.-...-.- Aldtlll Cot'I>Ln. 4-`l'ho Paladin. lxOl:VIol|IVIIUnIIIUI7uIpIur-[nu-us` iuinlnrucolpuin llhva-y'dnph.|` and by iuuoiiiuhhdihuhuu` wmboh-dnnguuliu. Winth- guplqhnllhhuhunnnulut, .~...|...nnn-|hnnn nc'u$ \-- ':'..'.`."..'?-'-'-5'5! ., ` Luor l`ho . .. . u ___:-_. ,1 u_nA_-. nm. ml Inw Inn bltclrlqul uh . n. m-- ; front. will be 100 foot long. [OIXKII Ill nun: vu IIIU -ungv s new of ridiculing sh Catholic 'I|L_ .l;....n.-4 Apnhlarl at Ill'0]'ULl Dy Ilru yvu-uua-1. 0.000: msured 040.0(1). I won out of ,1 .L._ A..- VIVWH Lukn Tulnblern haw Iroau um. to us wuln nnslrucuuus in cell st 50 And we par :10.` They are docniodlyn [ran burgnln unallwilguonn In -u -....- igpin duhpo. Cup. Tyo. who wunlthohlmwu nturwudrntu ' '-~A -In-......` n.nh-ggggg.-4.. Ivan thalamus: uurw-nu.--. viewed. Thundolloltbonyouudnv _- ...... _--1... .... nigh n nnmkug visual. Tu nun nun-u ,..,...., at H200 o'clock um with 3 upadking Hutu undo for 61100390 vi: the bond at an Island. 8! npod bolero Nu windutlo nu u! 10 mile: 5-hour. Aampo Vhoonb append in View It ooullboounuctluro wajconIno- tiouunongoono ol the vilhpn our tholnh arrival oln ailing run. Km! as tho "Ncllin" no Along:-lu tho olovusoq thuhid-uoppruchod and uprooted" u. ..n...... .. ...;... the Cu-awn nu pjuxu -u ....... -__ _ Ipil. Tho vocal wu uloulod it dun bun. And one: roxnnining At the Cape until 4 o'clock this morning head- ed lot Kingston. She ran up an hr no Ioulhint IIDOI it found Impossible to loud Nina Kilo Point owing to the gala o.n__:__ 4.... oh. Han. zh-Wan. Tho IOIIMI IIIII nun Iuun mu... .. ...- ...- blowing than the South-V\'ost. collector`: contra board was duo (1-oxen old this opontod Against bar pgrlomr sun. The unit then turned sud nu to the toot d the Inland. arriving here at tho dun mentioned. The sails ad '---1-- l--- - Incl- nvinu lhn trio. U10 IIIIIO lnluuonuu. luv .... _... gearing lrou I ma. during the trip, but won throat I! easily handled an in summer. "Will you hy up now '9" we asked. "I don't think no" said the car. "'1' `Sallie in good for four or live an trip: if the weather will porinit. \ must huvo good [nights though." 0.... 1`-.. mun ha mnrla u trio on t mull uuvo goon ltolguu mun... Capt. Tyo my: be undo I my on the schooner `I1-euo.` ton yous ago. from L`|'po Vnnoont to Knuguou m the last Week in Docembor. This was the latent he wu over out. The schooner an tbm. t.._)ud,L Ixejghb.\l_V 92 per 31 on lung. -.en-nnmruusu U01. Hewitt in M. Hm Run:-I Toronto. `Rev. John Bmlmzm, ul I`:-`l covanng from Ins lam illxwss. \l- `I D.4I.1.... Lavina Inna" I 7 I1 I ) 'l'u|nb in n: uni: malt IIIJII In I uxuuuao \'UuAA.uuy.- .... .. Mr. J. Quigloy is undoritood U I been `lppointud to a position Custom House, that of Landing V\'~.a -I ,4; In... I! t`.......n.u|.unu lash COVBl'II|u ll'UllI nun mm uu.u.~... Mr. J. Roddeu having been lm`! Alderman. will have to resign Ins tion as 3 Licanse Uomuxissiuucr. u v 1... -_ Hr .....1..-.-.nm.I 1;. custom House, uuu. cu liuunui-, "LIlI1\(I- Mr. And Mrs. H. Cuuunuulmm left. for Virginin yesterday. Mrs. Ctmuiuglmzn goes south for the hen-r: of hm` heulm. \.I.- T I Funny uf Nunznuce. IS or I `DUI Buuuu Iul ulnu up... ..., ... . ..,, , Mr. T. W. Cute) . of Nupznuee. ganiaizu lodges of Good 'J'emplars throughout Eastern Ontnrio. H0 in also delivering temperance addresses. Mr. G. A. liirkputrick. .\1.P.. wan one of npsrty of diltmguiahed polimciuus entertained by the Junior Conservative Club in Montreal yesterday ulbernoou. v\._ Q|.:_..-.. Li- mifn nntlfnnlil-I In. Uluo In nouoteun yuaumu-3 u.w...W... Dr. Skinner, his wife. and faunily. lcn Io: tho Bermudas yesterday. They willbo about for pnrhups four or ve months. The Dr's. hlll in not. vary 1 nuuu vu good. Lani good. Lut.uight.\1r. J. W. Monk z1:'riVe<.l m tho city an route to the rear of the coun- y. 311'. Monk has now almost. fully rocoverod his health. He is suffering from weakness. u n__ 1: Ir... n` elm ranm-rnrml from weakness. Mr. Goo. H. Fox. of the reportonuli. Ita of the Ottawa. Fm Pym. who recently spent name weeks in Florida. in in danger oi losing his sight. as the ruulto! nu aection of the e_\'osa, con- tracted whilst in the South. 1 The Daily 13101`-.`v[ouv|!anI. published g at Butte. Montana. contains a notice of the wedding of Mr. S. J. Kelly. is King. 1 Italian. formerly El telegraph operator. , now "the gentlemnnly book-keeper of 1 the `Alice.' Our contemporary says i the event was contemplated for some : time. It continues: The expectation i wee realised last evening (Jan. 3rd), for on the Utah & Northern tnun there ernved e pseeenger who had come I neerly 500 miles in order that her (les- 1 tiniee might be nnited with his. It was Mine Jennle Jack. I very beautiful and ` populer young lady of Selt Lake. Mr. . Kelly wee II the depot anxiously awaiting the errivel of his ancee, and as soon on th greetings were over they repaired to the pereennge of Rev. C. 0. Tillot- eon. who legally united the two fond hearts. The happy p.1ir then went to their eoey little lioma in Wnlkerville, where the friende of Mr. Kelly gathered to do honour to the occeeion. end to Will) unending heppinees to the couple. Mr. Kelly in I royal good fellow. end the lntn-Mountain wiehee him end hie bride e long lile of metrirneniel felicity." '31- ----- Rinnetnn lriende Bin many King;t.$;:V the ir congntfitiona. Golden Lion Orocoml Such! Trunks:-o-I county school: . hnvo boon driven to despnir in their hnnt for teachors. One of them inlorxun mum. be bu scoured no township: in vain. Those who have been in ur- vieo ban boon ohligodto cont. their labour: hocuuo unsbie to obum the an... ....:...o... ynvnrnl. whon Lhoy [1 ...n.I\ K0111 ! - Ovvvloa. vvu-u their Third Clan qualxosuons bud ax yirod. roeoivod permits. but the Inspec- lo: bu been obliged to stop these and hunt the scarcity of zumxinl ulout. `Hula but prosperous and wail to do noc- ` lumen: Iuploy aocond clau uochen. uni. n It but pointed out. others. g ,n.I:__ :_l.-a... -n`L nun. Inn 1111' Igblg, ( ` i'~`!5vIIuu:d Ihrcnnnty ` sad. nun poulwu uuu. um-u. ` holding into:-ior tank. nu no: nnilnbla ,1 "Whotnnlt-o ilo. I'I .inthiu oxtromi- 4 luplil mqning. "I don't know." ' `jag "I must obey tholaw. U I` in cannot go! hochorl of eonno you'll_ - Inn 80 duo the ocboolu." such 3 con * iitiqn dslsin call: for union conni- douautho pun ol our oduatiooal ` - Delta! 01 Iclool `leather-. IOI"l (DWN PAPER! FOR