and Gina FIREM and LIFE --At low nun on~ n.J.sILIIi:cK.A em. hm Ontario Street, mgst,-n panics doing Buniuona i NIIIIIUI It-u-vv up-...,.._, HR! LID IARIIIB. TORONTO. Wt;-:-6vORDON. Ur Uuw . _-_ .._._. FROM BOSTON KNI) 'I"RH.`1I l'()R'IV LAND EACH Al.'l'El(.\'ATF, \\`V.l'iK. CALLING AT HALIFAX OP VESSELS. 09 LONDON. ENGLAND - bid and Reliable. ASSOCIA TIOIV I /Imblulml A I..I.EII.aIll'.5l;n.n 158 Ontario 1 VIII`: -_ FIRE AND LIP]-2 I L>nwA'rnR." Anal for Klngnon, Ouurio I-moot nflfundn npwnrdu ol . Puuunn, (roux Bolton. Do-<-. 2 In. Doc. `Mm. Morlll. Iron: Pnrtlnud nhfu, Doe. am. lgams! Fire, The OITAIIO BOBn:H'l` Hills & (30. UEURGE DF.NH0l..\l. Gen. Agent: for Can: tuxnmd) Pl! lnlurm . Kingllum ` Belt inlurnnoo (tom- ` lm. ,..i...-4-2.`: In uect I l..0\Vh`.H'I` (`urrou I in, Cundn. ... ..m.ouo.o6o 000.000 VIII Iugstnn. .....-....uLwo.a;T3 I in, Sixty Yogn. ...u.muoor..m M V , I. , . , um . Ag-M PUITIJNII. (`AIIIIL OH H ` 79! 75 K1 77> Inn 01 (ll lihorjo M M VIA P0l|TI4AND. (`u|nn. III! II ' I49 C IN 0 Into! N M Hlooruo 03 N |ocTns. n.u.m\x. Cnbln cm -3.`. (`nhin .779 M! In LR NH 50 M 1'. M In luunr 05 I" Into-r M II} Emerge 3| uu mu-rw '41 00 u-rnlum. VIA !0I |"(IN VIA IIALIVAK (`n|vm. CHE XI (`Iran (133 9.`: " Inn In H9 2% III) `.7! It'll 2`: [mm 10:. `xi lulnr an -2.-'. 8V.our'ga G} In Thelgu uxiu Invjug Kmynlnu in run- . >< ...: u........a "" 9 5` W lowest. cunt.-at nun I IN UL HIJ] GUARDIAN 1,001). Th mi N13 A C , Llw lnghc-A ssurance o y, Hnlurlbod zammwu km; Tnul lnvu Fund: .nl.&H.(IlJ Em; 'I`nu.lH coguo ................. .. A` 466!!!) Mg Ila app] Fuuu nveilnclundn . `J `L milk Iununncu manual I: I-`iru noceptad `Al mo references referencu lo the Both {A-Il:lfc:nw`"M wmmm Mmm` (W But. they owngr of uE'.()R.(H-`. Linn! don. o( duo mining wanna wu uuhuqncnuy I found tied upin I uoknd lyinguthi 1 bottom o! n old nd long Inuud well a in the suburln of the city. OI ovkhl 1 derodtho yougvonu inqnlu to Avoid paying the non sad to rkfhimull of her importunitiou. ------o-1o----- Bothoununnd on Ianmlnoyuum Our Lord 1881 wt: 5 most Ilinntxou ..-... n. will no into the cannula u gge 0118. I 1: Wu ._-- . ,... _, of the Iuul you: of the county. his wrecking hut Alone in the non dilu- Lronn on tho record of thin or sly other vountry. During 1881, 2.089 vouch wore wrecked throughout the world and property to the value of O1,-|(l).(ll).(lI) was destroyed. Of the mm-, About l..-r_. . , the ltthr. I00!" 9`Jin,UOU.lI)0 wn owned in Great Bri- tain and its colonies, lIIO.lI00 in the United States. tlllt to realize the signicance of t figures. It is not iiimplv that 2,089 vu- selia were struck ed the chipping regis- l.('l`I of the world. and that in the be- lance nhoet for the year It thousand mil lion -lolliire must be put on the wrong -Me of the belpnce. Truly, the ocean is a grout absorber. and it swallow: up rin ll`l)|)(`laAl or I one muted sloop with equal iinyirtinlitv. The !'9I imply that the nations of the worl poorer lll respect of their shipping end mer- Plllldllt by 2.039 vessels. We have lI(`(`HlllO so familiar with the enormous ligiims which the annual wreck registers record that we fail to realize their incen- lug. It in. in fact. just the came an of so many raiilweyl and so much property had been eugulled in an earthquake- \'Il]lSll(l IB certainly no if thrown in crisp notes into Irnnce and reduced to Ihllle. There ll even a darker Iide to the picture when we come to look at the number of lives sacriced in con ' these wrecks. is not unprecedented. but it exceeds 'l`lie total in 1879 was 5.000`. but with that exception. the peat year is liiglic-st recorded. -,_ .4o>~----- cnrreu. ovum wu .V ego Mr. Robson, or Hexhain. tlu lineal descendant and heir oi tl dared man. was walking along t Level Bridge. (late-nlieud. when methy u gentleiniin nniuenl W aiding in Unteulieiul, who recogni and gave him infnriiiiitiou wliicl to hit! estahlisliing a claim in tl of Chancery. iind tn the proper decreed to him. The decree of tar in Chiiucery It-l that the pr: to be handed over to Robert H the `Ala: of Mzirch next. iind it ` have heen in the (`niirt for 1 period of 138 _Vt3tl.l`l~l. Mr. Rubs tween sixty l1Ll\l seventy year: and is 5, W00`-llllll, at which or he has worked all his life. ll relative except `.1. daiigliter-in-l it may be added that he is ve nophic under his liuge ii.c(:uiiii fortune ; he is iii.-itliur uiidul nor doen he feel regret that hitherto has been ]|':lH.`i(-:(l iii to -- .409. -. vu u... -. Niivni iiegli-at n (`niigli or (`o are very iii-t in lr-ml U l`Tl0llH bleh llr. (`M-mn`~ l iiliiimiiii'_v ('4 have It woiiilerful effect in l(`llB\'l iiig (`-niglia, Colds. llllll iill ulleui Throiit and Lung As Dr. (`iir known Ciiiindiziii [lll_\l-lll'lILll of in uucceesfiil piuctii`-~, tlieru is lit` .i...o L... R.MIY|l`lllL'H ui'i- 1-... populi Both on on I-41 1 \u- lard 1881 WII L Ila applied for in position III a driver curt. He said he could give refereiices no to honest , and know all driving a horse an handling milk. wouldn't hire him. Said the the route: Your qualica- Lions dou`l. amount to I. dnt. sir! What I vmut, ISB. real liandsome mun who'll be on laughing acquaintance with every cuok hafore he`u Lean on the route :1. week. \\'liyj`tlio best. driver I ever had I liirml hecauul heard ho was at one time ileleunlam. in six breach of promiu .~uiit,a. Such ii. driver gets u...i.... l'.,/ 1 I I l ..--~oo__:_.... 01 n Lwvu xlruggmtn any that Perry~Dnvi|' Pmn-Killer icons the best. of nuy medicine the) keep. During the hard times of tho pant few there were none too poo: to [my' for I bottle oi this in dmpenuable family medicine. H.4- Du. 1 `a.rnou n Pulmonary Cough Drops are an --xoallunt Expectorant. loosening the plnl-~;;m far more reldily thsu sny other preparation. For (loughn. Colds. Bronchitm, Tll`l\lll1{,[ in the Thront and Soreuess and 'l`i;1lxmess of the Client. they hue no equal. In large l>on.l-n at :30 cents. Sold by all lull:-ru. - ~ .405.` The Inn lnviug Kim` noel with Shane: from |'u every Wednesday at '1.-.m M on ThU| I(ll\' til. `.5 lulu Ducnoe all llcluu Ufuau approach In the shnue of shgbt. nil- nu.-n[.H. When. therefore. you are suffering fr-nu llnlispositinxl of Lnydescri tion. purify 1 xuur .~a_vst.eln wnh one or two out of Du lh-znnlnais SEIul1-COATED VIUITLBLE Pn.I.s ` that n(~\r~r ml tore-store health And strength Aa 3 rule we do not reculmuoud Pntant. Mewlnunxnen, but when we know of one that really 1: A public beuelnctor. and does pusmva|_v euro. then we consider it our duty to unpurt Llml information to Ill. Electric llltter are truly I most vulunble medicine. And will surely cure Blliounnesa. F'e\`er and Ague. Stomach. Liver sud Kidney Com. lmulu. uvvu when all other remedies (ml. Va lnunw whereof we speak, sud can frooly n-cmnmt.-ml them to nll.-Ex.- at. - x , |.-nI.. L... .1! .1.-nudists. mos! lunnm It. will go < o 1 Innn Inn din \Ve whereol we spun. -uu ..... LII.-Ex.--S tmy rent: a battle. by 311 dragging. ._..._.- ` 311694 on lrm We wall send Dr. Dye : Celohuted Elec- tro \'u|uur! Be-lu md other Electric Appli- 1 for thnrty days to young men .. 1 ..x.|...- narhnn whonronlictedwnch Ner LI and alder vnnn Dab] i ` pernons whonronmxcneuwnuu um vmm liq-b1|it_\'. Lom.\'n.alit.y. eto., gunrnnt.po- xn-,1 .~ roluaf and com lobe restoration: ul ngur nu] muulgood. A I0 for Rheuma- luuu. Neuralglu. and muzy other dlnollel. lllmslraled pamphlet. lent free. Address \`-luirBalt (To. Lllrlhlu. Kilil. 4 \\ - ca'n nu-I. help noticing the liberal o'er nnule to all Invalid Ind nuerern by Dr. Mug`: New Discovery for Conaum win. You Me requcmwd toot" II. J. 0. mg`! Ilrug Store. mud gel. 5 uisl bottle {too at ct,-st. if you nresuoringwi\.h(Jons1unp\ion, Severe Coughs, (bids. Althlun. Bronohitia. Hay Fever. Lasso! Voioo, Rognoncns. or any affection 0! tin Throat or Lung! It will positively can you. ~ ------o-:..___ ._r If! Mr Dunn Prnnn. Thu anal hnnet 1'18 W `Ij C$}-- IL: "ild Fevunnnd nd it jl the thing. They can an it hn Almost everything. ulna villberduod. , W.S.I. I -~4-' I`-m- ll.-yfnnunllnnd. July 4, [Q] Wotlneuuny an on Thurldnv lI.l Ben`: Covo. Novlonndlsnd. July I. la: [hung at the Provincial Ind City alnevillllorllll. vn.-. Bea`: Nnwfonndlond. July 4. nuinn mad at Plvvhdnl ptmqwhiununconu The daouh. .0! S A [ear 0! Funny. and DGIW . Ln nlllll of I .. -A ~.4o>>----- I an {VIII lot I Nlllln l`nrI. Worthy cl Prlloe. A Lhruugh l ullmun I'M \ thnlino. _ Fur Uokolunud qvory.|`in'IurnI 4. . -.:.`.. ... I I)r.Dye'nCe|Ibnted .a min md -ml >enoonn who are nictod Wllh ;..v I .nL vuulitv. | Pnnnor n Innlalon. T.7x..a.u-,oye-rot .- 1 unt Trum. N. 8.. Sept! -no-n THE BRITISEL wmu; Fmmv. l (mu ~ This luiv died without ving hut! in- 'Iuo.u oodid nothot ludytowhon - hahubondwnnhuqnntly Inrl-ind: lllcoatual time thawilolnr nntl n from nccivohionnd wont lolivoig I I pnuu hounmvbcre his hounhollcnc 1 cited 0! I an-neruntnd two udd- P manna. . lutbonooihdlu-uI:.l'M3. nmm. 3I;1"'iQV.ihary. `oz In lhoncothol Inch. 114:. it was notional that the homo wuohld. but u then: was moo? the nolghbonn nuimpronion that the unily had gone on n vim up the country or Ihonunidc little nation was nken ol the circuit- Ihnco. Gndndly, honour. anlpicion `hopnt.obourouud,sndnuhooIdolu ' Ionuight the house was brain: into and [ inn: found that the owner Ind boa . mnldend ud the houu nsnnukod And robbed. Tho dud body ol the under- od Inn was {ound in tho uollu-. ad 0 gold wntch which ho won but bun taken uny. An in nest Wu bald. Ind . verdict o! "wiltu mudar" splint mu... ....-.m. nr nonsonl unknown In -odor. u I; ioiinl looIQ-AcnuctIIIu-to-. , of "wiulu inuuu -3-... some pal-eon or penione returned. Siupieion pointed strongly to the men and maid-nervnnte. but they ebeoonded end were never heard of. The mnrxleredmtnn lied been poeaeeeed of considerable property; it we: known tint he was the owner of several hotels end 1 block of property in Mnncbeeter. end nenm of 13,000 wan standing to hie credit in one ol the Manchester banks, but mi nu relative came forward to claim it the property found its way l`II}0l.l.lo Court of Cbimcery. where it ould probably have remained forever. but for on nccident which recently oc- curred. some ten on twelve months the direct the mur- the high he wns met by Wear. re- recognized him which llll led the Court property heing hnn. the MB.8< property in Robson on will then the long M.-cm! ..r inn Vt!lI.l`H. Robson is be- (mxglm. Lunm, Lung- [ prncuvu that hm R.BlIll`Le~ Cunldian people Am.-up pn-vm|lI\'(~ lnr l'c\'l'n5,a Bihu-nu I)i.~.-nlern in Dr. I`armn's m1d(`-ox1at.ipMim1liilu-ra.u. ntnckly \` prepnrntimn. Thv)` Louu the H) HLL`lE the blood and increase the apps render Llluse taking them ` ulxuox ngaixnamdumurm. Thu-y shnulnl be used one Instead M" pilh. Huhl by drug sud vogitnhle kn.` growth and leveln -,., .c.-. _ Olin: In-Iorr Ilm Nlcrhllnn ol I.|lr In reached. the teeth decay. ln ulne cases out of ten they bacunw um-ions through ueglact. Tlw Linn-ly use of Soznnu_~.1' ar rests the z1anI.rm'lin~ vectn of impnritie-,.-u which have he:-n ulluwed to accumulate upon the teeth. (Thil teeth polished and in\ig,vura0.c-d by thin nulutnry botanic praaet\uu\ e willrunmin nuuutl and white until a ripe old age. mud failing teeth sre roscued by ll. {rum nuurc-umupg dilapidulion A gmntlenmn meeting the (` 9X(:8t'l|l Bin|1opHe\'eridgo.: he mm. (*\`t`.!`\L|;u n-phcnl! '1 if in H . I ..;;.. Inn1 .14`. .1 VIIIITEIFSIILIIIG. he l$~\erIu;;u In Latin, 1 um nu. .-: There are nmuy, 1 would gave the Hlllt.` Bishop. They haw c or it may be are sum in grenldalxgernf cl sumptinn. Tnkv wxr Down.-1' \`c-gs-tabla really wlmt many I: of relnedmu. Hold I out the Dnmininn It is the duty of e-wry used Bonciurers Uumw womlerful qunlitius be I lriendn iu Curing (`ounu Coughs. (`rnup, A.-Ithnm, in fact. all throat and Inn nnlmnn (um um: 11. wutlmutn Du Elpn-In going Eu: .. 1!" I " ' 3: ` " ' u .. W " " Writ . Ilud Trun " Eat. .. .. .. W, 7 -lUUI-av-v - - __. -, ` `IAIN! have Kingston sauna It Tau du Poul Ilunckclor the Nnnh u 115 cu, .h. And tpmg Arrive at 10153.11. 6:16, F. land I92! up Talunyuuoinnouunm my mm .11 neon: In men cloonuihillnzin-;|o|nmnalu Ila `I :-uunodc-u:.. luau: `uvryllanuovtlou tub oul. WI. snug, hhll. -3- T- um-u. J1- .____._.___._.__. ninanou 1 PIINIIIOII I."|;. --- :, a_-..n.`.. .r Ta. 41 rovvnndor pruvmonuui an OIII Auunbly 0! Kentucky The Unnad Hutu (`In-nil rm nndaod the lolluwlug clnnnlum ll -Thu! _tho_ Counuunwuui -CITIIII LIKE AN n_.-.n:~o L Illa Luut-n_y um; u. . he I 3.: .ln: tee-Llr x\igurat.enl 2-mlutnr `\an.i\~e willrumanin 1 :1 ripe age. ad it dil ._.______.._._._._ HULK 'I'IlI'N K IIAIIJVAI. Ill -hop Iirrrrldga-I man celebrated and BiHl1opHe\'eridgo. asked him how L49-\erId;:c "ll 1 mmwer xix`; Hxnglisln. ml, so." re wlm. If t.lna_vspoko truly 3 a.u:.we-r us the excellent. hey cuxltravted lung disease. be hlll l(`l'lll}. , from nnthnm, and linger of that fulnl malady non- w:u`ning in tune. use N. H. is-ggc-tabla BIIIHBJHIC Elixir, it in `II. lmw cullmlxt, !.l1ekiu ` - ma. Lv all clruggists througfr .~.-nninn rival: And I); Tana:-an from Kingston station. Inn at Tiun. r-ly 01 b0 1.uou_~.: A1: in- 'vhil 1:)` botanic rL-main e. u nf person who has iluuw SYRUP to let. `ma u.-s known to then` umnu.ti.m. severu .'.1'.'.'.T..`;{n' ? , N. I. I0 DXIAN, ('onnerJnur nl Loullulk. I3-. or R. M. no.\alm Broadway. New York Don. I) mar dying oonlumpuv-.-. hm.!l<-, as 100,000 were n n. one case where it Such a nxpicine nu ' mwnol. be too widely Druggiat about it. try mln] It 10 comm. >.. Una:-alpi, Soicficc, Lumbq Duhcbo, Sonnets of ca. n..iuv.8oro Tlu-of,8: nrals III is UUu\r ableprice wilhu I l`.l\.u\ . .... Payable btrn Ix... uI\\' mu. muoy. Thou Great ulnnnm tuxnur II who nlway-1 lnkn mlwuwbaaza 01 the good clmm-e for mnldmz money (hut no oured. uemernlhg I-ucmue wealthy. whin- lbow who do not ixnprrmv -uu-h rhaneen rennin I -- u`. ..v.., nmxzv nu-n.I'ouxon_. boy; III. Roberta's Balabmtia Uintmant us uuu:-u. .-. who do c-hupeu remun In verty. We want many men. woman` bar: nu cm: to work for not rlght In their own 1- na Anv one cin cm the vwrl propcrkv turn the first Inn. The lnxsmasv: will pay man than ten times ordinary wngu. I-Zxpunulvo ontm fur nhbod Inc. No uugjrho engages lulu to nuke Yno bun dnvotp, your whole limo zo ay npidly. I Lmauly your gnu mouuntm Fall In! on nnrl all that IN noedotl um lroa. Addrou BTINSON 6; ('1). rurnnnd. Mung. _______________.______ L('0II:|I'II N4-nu l'uhl 4| But-In)` $1., Nuw York. I'IlI1`\r nun... -_. llopstrlnj ind tun inc; {cit nndaoumry 013115.; I told ` GEO. m~11>m3R. |I IANO AND ORGAN TUNER. -.__.....- .../I mums xtrimh" rmcndo-l> In _i: *"D'rx'-4 Aif `v'i1iv`W.T.`s`;.rsIrmi2ar-so-aunau Bank, hnr nyvnovl u prints hurling hosts is Onigmosru lune). King strait, and I ma puunohcnnuu noon boclnuubndut haunt: mn.?mm..m. and tndctl ._......-m. tuna: scum:-1. . __ _ uvlpau I. MAOI-ll, IIVO IIIOYFZD limit Oica to . ` no. as uuu`s11n:I:1'. _ _ , l_ _` I ` ,_ V Ihtrr-ialrrs. Abli.-vlurn, fr-., I I II-mica: m` Skunk: Br-71., lnuqqgltcn n , . in.- u:o1~m_nr _ _._. _._ .._n In |'ur1-and Bent 3|:-dlchne our Isle. Aeo mhmuiun nl Mopg, Iuhu, H. mg and Dunue||on,wluu.1 thebon Inouns u1.uh'o|;v~~5x-rlleax 0! ll other Bl muku the arc:-mt Blood Purlflmr, Live 7 and Lilly Ind Hmllh cs earth. I`0l`ULAR MONTHLY DR ~\W1NO pad hunul a of rum dlllhdlrlth lain BANKMG HOQSE. Aum'permn.I I Illsllnn - v.-..... uning utondu! In in In Pmnmn nml Drum bolldbt I'uhlisI|Ing (to. \` .0. %|%s`uu-uolugs LI3IIeI'hI;:I10C~ Tho Poor Inn : Friond, Dawn-cuunuv E -'5" """" "j" " "' " ' Puppet`: Tome. an n-ouuTtudauu$}u=I.. Ibo ooutisnuon znnuynnulluuod -`nu. hum Io mint health nun. Bails Th gl. Sold lurtchnmll ovur1I`:IlI- nun M J l l'0"- B``"`'` `T. h 1.0 ' no ' g3num& `Ema-::dlrun mutronrlx . . "3. "`` . u__._ L. |....n uu oofonluo. and should nuiylot an In ovuyun ol "E6-mun" ulna an In R ` hvunot L7-E':Y.EIo'..'s;. . should slit}: but at I um---~ vouna IIEII ;`.. s.;', be vermin on nnunuun, an I .. ..-.. A \' EAR Ind olponpgn Uuml r'n~o~ Adda-o-P ( EIIY. Augunl, Mlhll. ____._.__._________ ` P|IP||LET.`_._'.E `JOSEPII-.|";'|nI. l.O'l'T 8` an mg-. lJ0|l.| . 'n{.I`lI..l`tWInl no Fun In Inn-l n lar NB.--1'|o (Jonpuyhu now u nnono fund. Rnimlmuo-I-HI :1... Lu 1-I |-In Eataraqui Tammy,` WILL \4\.; Bl! I0 J."~`N[SS`, DV.`y PfPS/A IunmF.S'}'Ir-,V_ Illnnlnt turennl Sh hut. Bob. Bu-nou.U vlll lnulmr, Wtxsd 1.`: tr. chum.)-lids: Top. It. (Jot (tuning: um XML Bolus; Boll laother. Hons. ac. on man. lfhot-skint Cd! skins. $006} 1' W . CLIMATE MILD All! HEALTHY. DV8I'I raw: INDIGFS) /r-.v, u:mvnI(.`E. Iwmzxr .~.. u '11:, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT R1/rm, HEARTBUR/V, HEADACHE, `Ad nnnrv lnerh And I-very snack-9 oi dliotli ` disordered I-/FR, moans BOW!-`.LS OR B _-._.. _ -A n... Inna Iuuh amen. lint pa . lander. It you U which can make snot my nllthouua IorI,wwhvpuk'nluIm H. lIu.u1-Vt Porllus-'l.Iuroa `I . llLBulIV!'I`!.(1'80.. ' In u-ondoully nootumoml--I Io up rah] nufulnj nnnody fut wound: J an uy non , u oonun nun-ly lot nlr-run-I in can brunt. N|I_)lIkII. Ioofluuo or old nplu ll I50 Icon. can and muu uuohndgnuuhuun. pnu h alm- Imovd the low) mull umng frmu Cu STEI-II. PERI. sold In .11 damn Ihrouvbom Ibo vimla w:LL ( . ....nur(' I.'-n'I Itn-In-rn Pun`! Anal. -1`) (`lurk Ht. Chicago, Ill. rr mice :11] hi DIM, ~lV`;'ORD In SONS. KINGSTON, - ONT. tun-n .1 tat. Bump. U 1in honthcr. Top. . ....m 1.11;... Wnod cult. E ss-- . CURE OR RELIEVE [99, N./`Z/N533, '/1 DF?Uf 3l', /r}.v, rwrrznuva ` nt 1145 IIEA A. I.. STOKES. r aLl\ UI`llb8) 8. 100 p o|.`J. h`. . I-`. IwwIu.I. I: 1: .. NJ . A! you would lllrn Tale graph ' In fouru1om.ha,nn.1 `non. A drama VALHN'l`l'N| .\ m. rI|.IJI.J=: An'l'I(`nor|n|..|: on AI.'I'BlIA'l'I\ I`. |=u.|.s A YEAR nnd uponpgna |'qnl| lulm Adana! UVlUI(- F~`.|lY. FLUITERINO OF THE HEART, AOIDITY OF rut nramcw. AOIDITY ur- THE UTOMACH, DRYIM88 (IF THE BKIII. .`I'IDlIV`B of couulry. Ila 'a|. mun and full Inlur HE88 OF THE BKIII, .... ..-hIn- from -e.4\y.~,,--.. ,_. Mr. Edward J. ZBakor,| llmalnnnsu-.r 4 And Agont. Ior the lfollowhu nu. ..... . And All-n Ann! lnr the following pnporn : ` M A I I. and (3 LOB!) Priming Col. 1 Toronto: P0.'G'l` Priming Con uu Mom:-I-III; `~WlII ., Klnxulon. hand by non (bu any pun upononn Iv` 600.001 the but no-llcmn !oI purymg um Ilod II` adult` Nnwn in Int opcnuoxu. `liq lit` a mm and upon:-1 lumly Aporibzii. ihinnbhhn cl all unto vnhomeonr I-nnsaohyddht [lntariu Building & Savings my` 0Tl(`E 11' hereby given mu ndivlduudol three par com. npnn um Md up capital ock ofthln Emmy Inn hem: oclcrud Im the nun-cm hnlhyonr. And the umoyln ho myth): LI their other. C15" ucu Hlrunt, l\ Iran. on Ill , . . .. ...n Nu Ill uuuag .. __ . ,,,, (_`|Armcu Kmautun, :1 sum Thundny. the 5th day ol Jnnuu nan JAMLS Mr-ART UK. I... ml: gnggg y L'nIuvod,s and Dry lsbl In: the _IluhL Hu Q-7l:~m" yul.:b-If'l!-l"I;l:lalOl' uoo. moon Ihiua In Hunt. RAM and Hon Coal nlwayl on hnnd. A _ _ _ _ AA iho Hum nua non um. -.....,.. . hind. R. Oraviford In 00.. Jun: I. 0! QIIOII Bill business now bolorn tho unbhe. You an nun uumay mm II war In an thn AI. nuyunna olu. Capug not nodal. W0 will nut yon. Indny III up- wuun made us born by tho mdnurtoon. Ion, woman. boyIV_sn_ [Il_'|I wl ourywhorno AR!) WOOD. Dry null moon, Round and Unuvod, st Iouou`Pr|u-0. Bot! Wood (ur mmmu moon 55.. nu-nu, Hud nude home in my In women. boys and girl: vsuu tori (or us. Now is the mac. mac um: only or gin you w hm1nou. You can Mn Jun -` i u nu .....-. ,, No one ooii id! to anti menu 1;; at once. Coal; mm um! I. Iuqmnh `Inn. udly. uni honm , Al`; A..4.u|. Ilglnn, upgm; oguco. Earl lanai frat. I mode inc. cuy. honorably. M- has 3 4 Co-. Alanna. ll-in ' .- Ipnnv um: um y -.. Muiuou. You unnlln at h in Mad do who IOII. No ulhn lunhuu will 1 you nearly on well. non nu nun enormous pa Ir] . mum what `A. 4-4:- - -1 Iuuunahlv nwiiiutanlanunhuoga -nay`. It: Alias Tani lap 00.`. use a Iboliliul. [wt-q--.._. MBBUTHBR8 BBUTHEBS, Dividend No- Luncv. tr ......,,,,.. - unno- _o... loll .1193 dlt `L W000 and 000! And all tholesdluu purer: iuqipnsdu. uu.. INN. ` In-m-rul Nlert-hnlll. I, Mnnufaclnrm 00.. Onhnwl m F,uniIu- ($0., rmllorzl. 5: T1; llidnurioisl. Ion, would gm man. You can -on III n _u_ .4..- 9.. oh. ` of Wolf Inland mg Ipnuulqctntiu I V90; Strut. { rnhlnel Nlllu-r and Iimlerluiu-r. loops comtantlyon mm 1 large: I uoomnonl ot Funmuro Uudcruklnu nuanmlod to In all it. Keep: nlwnyn on hand n lnrgo mu oru: I` but HEAIIM-I nu I to In (ha any um of ovary dcscr|p!|un,nud bu ll: u Dominion. Fuuarnln numhu uad country on the mom. I! Y HRAM It -vvr- _. .._, , 3W{i6ri>Inu Mi (`AKIN-`. _I` I EOAL 1) 141 1 ( )'l`. JAMES SW I I-`T. HT. LAWRENCE WHARF, KlN()`. I`(JN wholnulo Ind nun (lulu In Pot Iona Fnrnu*o,l5lu'humlIu'uu1 Mumbmt in Thu `:0! douapnn 0! Hmmdfual lay: an hudundnoonr. Icncna-Innd lullvrnd uumln IV. the Iowa! muhv. ntnu. Country order: will noun promm. Atuutlun _ JAMKH HWIPT. All Doscrlpons of cog! PATENTS! Can Iooura pnlantu lnl. Iuno term: :1 Cmunn. in the tuna. uug_:_ a_oct_I_( CIII locum jllslluu than socnnnruu I7 yc-an pun`: at Iothno VIII! be mm Hot o yuan. A: III 01 Unlhd ltdhl Paton! ,rml'y om uu Int! animation. nu bclnm-o on! v mu pu- onl I: loved. Tonal I.-on M (`an Inn 5 run m .341 pucm nm puonl. OII; lot 16 I'M. On I-MIN 0 no-dul ordnwln W (_!oour1mwI at umunwn ye will and M . onuuu um circular nu. u 1' A I-QC Q |}.__ 0. A. IIOW G (:0. Onosrn Pnnhornm. Wunuumol. D. l'.. Mann mnnnon wbcn you go! this Aevenlm nIous%nonun, Purnullnj Undcnaher, IAGOTITI It Ill , non door to (`bum houn- auburn Hwn Depot. Fumiilringa and Attendance `".:'.*1'#n`:1'z'i?."1.?x:{:.:.`r' an all Iinujlrouknytnltnl Ogt. 18. Ill! J! hunt. on Gllljllglnuunu ,. III. 0004 nonpgu ' Anmo .` ' u.1 hiil-ronmu out lnonunn . Vlnnuumou, u. u.. K0115 tannin- 4 .1-uou IWIAN. olIl"`lOU)Alu uvonolntncnpoy intend! `C'llfmH?11JlI|l7IO or jlulllb Itlllt lulu- pulduoa. - it LaulncI`@lIo CANADIANS I PIINCIII AND RYDIINIIAII ITII. I{IN(:Il'I`0N, 0N'I` but: In u Unlludhlntou on Ilsa menu. It I: but to pnunl out In nncnnnl n W yearn puogl HY BRALIIC I-'n.ur.n .u1 Am.m 011104. Incl c and-want.` in gill uni!` ponnga, s Iy Cun- oo,Nn. 4, Bnwhng teen. New ERROR H. BROWN .1 F0. BECK. Kingston. Ag:-m. :Z'c5t1>.` PSCYTIXL. . ... c.'A'l'A!.OlA.. nu.LlA , . . . .. JAIUIIY e H'ANLI-IY. Aumn.-9, ul Brock Street. Pnrtlnud` IN-4'. wn Pun! lrivaulxtlfu) 1 m In an .'i7tW\l'lI I Plot 0,1816. Inland II `vu1'rnx':if.``,sm. y {rum Nut n;(nlnlI |'-nrllnnd leaves uml fur llama: '. 'I`.!nd. Hnli I sH.l_\ Lu or 1.o2vno1v. ENGLA N12.` .__ .._4Qnnn4, |~.IDIlIJrv--.-~- `nd n`, M Warhead 1 Yrni. The undonngnod in propuod * Vessels Laid Up in Win- 1591' Quarters. u`. t Alon on BoilI.Co.nvu. &c., ared uuy for the winlar. Uonon Omen. 4`) C lnnnu 8%.. Nov. $6. `mam rm}: msu11_ngncu\ F009 I1. I IMIUII. Ghoul AQQIJ Insurance andnmmrorcannospimsz.,nom. RANTO Fl. BBO?!" Agents. IA-rin or'usnm:: .60.. Ind INK). nenordilxg lo cocain- nodstbu. `menu to Put In. ndsmoul. Ruum mun on Iuanhlo Ian: 8 at ncy low nun. Stump Twhta Liverpool And Qua-emlawu llld Ill 0658 port: of Europe urlowont. nut. Throj Bill! 0! India` given (of Bel- 'ut.0|nngow. Iinvro. Auuve In!` other points on Ch: Conuuom _ sud ur Moditar nuoou punt. Pm (nigh! Ind pt_gug.a. nwly M. Buhscnbod Copnd, ..... .. v.u~up cum-I. .. Cuh Luau. am Du-.., Dec. 1. FIRE AND LII` r. Assurance Co Hut uunbod CA Ital ........................ .. " ` ` . L I. J. EILIICIS. Agent. 11.. la. in Ontario sf. nuumuu U K. W. VANDEWATER. Anon! for K Jan. 1.150. --:--;:-.- \Pire Insurance} U: uu.v--.,. -, Ehvm uudatholotroddepou and n uinod tho avunmom license isnuw Empuod In I jonunl um inlummu name In Ibo Dominion. HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA 4: 8:. John Bu-not. lonlroal. WILLIAI ROBIBTSON. Mnnnuer. Change of Agency. .I. I`. GILDIJIISLEIIVII. General Insurance Ag-nt. :44 m !`|--Anna Rt. Kimzutnn Unl. FIOI PIII IBW I03 40. l.I.. YORK ______________. LIVERPOOLE LONDON I I l-|_A mmunnnxcnurmw 1}; This in one of the luvutod Fund: Investment: in Cundm... Agent tor Kiugwm. Omen lontrul (Bind. between Priucssa ul Inrulnnlu n--. u-... _- ,, Ina. Dwelling Honuu sud Fnnn Proputy lusumd lur three you: ml ll low rtlcu u luy ule uicu nv unu An nnmn Csplml pad to Batons lur all nbmuon nu-Indmg ro-tnnnnoo .. -A Insurance Oo1np y or HARTFORD, mm. nvwu --..,.__, , `foul Anon. July In. IE0... URI! v--y'- ` t Yorl. Lone: pdd. u9.m.3z.1s '. u.`-"&`. no any company. and n nu :- at ovamycu-I "'- 'u_'hnnnoo' Con . Z`.`:.`n'...m..a need ...'6", ....""' " "" . JAIBI IWIFI`. Axum. Inn. 1 l amanhla mun nun n I -- 7 , 3 3- Age Blu-um-.0 luau. linuson Inch am. am _ In-inn:-I I-via saw] -.n-Qoviliqlothco 'YOI:I. VERNON BROWN H). K. J. EILBECK. Agent. In It ALLAN 1T1-N 1+1.