mumsmuumg uLs pcrgaJlon upoomc. making I. wun u-rcoumge at; present rice. of nbont BB ur can! We my. I you in duty 11 vurmsh, because Cantaian urninheu :e- um. nu good as the imported. and l.-1L-."uru vm do not use them. Paint w; 'm 55 a year in dutiel. and m I :thevtmn Posts us 06.000 3 you 1 Lulu We. have to yuy all or nurly all of m July The fact 01th. N. P. on mr employees has not. been benecial." , A_, T bu wndnprnd Iliotg'cll. nd I kindnd nllmenvs. ue n onoo mound Elmer- Bram-Conn Vunnu Ind. through their continual nu. Badly cndi. cated out o! the lylm. This hot khan: . A the world our, 1th ennui]: no min- !en! substance of my kind. ' ( .-__ The DC- III "DIIVIIII 'JUlll long sinoc have swnllowed up 5020 an in common with no unuy forgotten mth pastas and demricea. did uo the spgrlence of a whole union love thlt it anril' signal advuntngen. t thoroughly Emu. the teeth. dissolving and removng her lmpurlllea it revives choir fading liIYCXJCEH nml strengthen: their relaxing nl-l upon their wallets ; it render] oolarleu, lm-raml gums hard and healthy . and be was neutralizing an unsavory breath. In Gall! Wllli HM owu fragrance hr. 1 been 111 fur over two yearn, and | mm nmuv other medicines. be- -e .cmxni and We by uliug your'Tavnr' Progeny-non." My niece wsq tlw cur- h, :li uw after several phymbllnu bud =11 to do her nuv ood \'.mr1ruh-. 1uumaJ.Xunvm. James rmlon. umr Part, II. Selvin Sun. Her- merder, Ethel Jones, Annie ..; 1;. mr Pm ll. Rebeca J. Rand. xd scars. Alfred Curtis. 1 [rm A Winthrop Sears. (vuorge um \rthur Bryant. ....-.m n w~unn| ( Mb: 'Al'CHIDlu nlthUll.nVUuu Wm. Lauder. :r Fourth A hrrio Vaillnuconrt. .tlmlrr. Jacob Shannan. n- Fuurth -- Maud Hutton, Lillte \ Ad-l Shannan. w ThirdLillie Burns. Alxce El- 1 anvvmnn Hl nnarumu. ' ILird # Annie Batten. Lizzlo Ahce Forbes. l t'lasq - Minnie Dowler. Eva. 91w] l-anright. Mattie Byrnus. 1|] send Dr. DyoICelobrntodEloc- nu- Bolts And other Electric Appli- ) :nal for :hxrty dnyuw young men ' r [nermn whouolicodmth Nor; I lyn- In. \I.-ll.v nu II-um In)ng Is the February Honor ir'hnul Nu. 3. Township uf P... I IE. 80. 40. NEW IOIII .1. er good truly. IuomaJ. Xnuvnl. Emu. .L Raul, Jonas Wylder. Illlizu mrn unu. Annie rk-n .u stnuun,. ' bald Hutton. John 1m; BRITISH wuw; WEDNEDAY. MARCH 3,1552 Aidantoqlul-uuu lu-i non-I too- ) A"! in. I -_-._l.--_ IM. I )1".qu u: mm vo- m.|ivih' summer 01M bula-Ito... Shh-sm- W J30. an... y-n- ""'""::B"" ""' M contributo- to tho Inpr a! Ibis-y. In! unnu- sent to tho Public School IllJ also w the Sunnery, when Ibo remind carelul uaunng. Thorn were mwy minor: tor her com- pny nd unilos. From umong them oh. In. unlocked the most worming and undeuningWm. Bulguly. : young mu who eke: out. an noon-in and not ow honorable livelihood. Ho inks]. skinless and reckleulfy inkmpenu. L'pon tth gruelou lel ow May Jun. batowed her factions. . [InnGnu that hnr nargnul would dil- The ll tum lulu: not with Swarm-r h" war Wedueulny M. '1. nu urldnv It 2 n m macho. Knowing that. hot parenu would (lit connbonuuoe the so". u! such a lovpr. the young woman took the mute! into her own bunda. Yesterday afternoon the Ian. homo ostensibly to do some limp- Eing up Down. About that time Wm. ndgloy and Mary Jane were seen in mmmnv. When night. came, hovevor. Budgloy and Mary Jane were won lu comptuy. night. sad the young woman had not retumd to hot home. the mother became slum ed Ind nursed to march tor her. With m... lama. whn nvmnubized with nursed search lor Mr. N inn some Lrieiids. who nympnthizcd her in the loee of her daughter. Mn. Ferginoeu continued the march until neerly morning without euooeee. Hem lick Ind diwoursged she returned to her dowlete home to mourn the unliiil conduct of her child. This morning ehe wee informed that Budgley end June hed left. on the only min for nnkogen. Mich. The girl too]: 85 in money that belonged to her mother. but no clothes. It is not dnniwly known which wavy the uppers wont. Some say the girl took the "mixed" last night for anzuices. The cuupla haw urine West, as it has been uscurmiund that both purchaned tickets for )luske gun, A telegram was received bv the l Chief of Police liere asking for him Lu _ look up the party if they came (.0 King- | ston. The trainu were watched but. the i runaways did not runie here. They left the train It. Napunec. AA- . -. 7 7 Al IMPEIBI'I PAI'I'I. Ulrnea. On the applicatm 5L. and T Hvudcr heved from (' H. S tuchod to C. 5. Se by Mr. MCLuluu Gram. that no at application.~(urn 1 0n the Detxtlou application.Currwd. 1 petztlou at" Petnr liml, laid: over from lust meeting; ro-olved. that said petition be 1191qu mid over. and that the Councxl proceed to examine the road travelled and determine on the course of action at the regular meeting in May. The Audiu-rs' Rt port was adopted. The hull of A. Serlr-}'. for timber for bridge. 913.70, wna luzd over until next meemug. it not demguutmg what, bridge said umber WLIH fummhcd for. I MW! 1m \I.- [Lu-m3. uccoudnd bv ) Moved by 111: Home. Mr. McLurou, than the (Mowing per~ sous be granted a rebate of their taxes ! for 1881 2 F. BURChG. 92.48; John Doyle. 1 01.25; John Fountuin, 02.46: Mrs. Bough, 81.25; Mrs.Jolh, 8-L90.Cnr- rind. fuxnmucd tor. I . noug rind. 1w \ The bill of Going & Co.. for lumbar, 080.18, wu passed. Allinnrnnd nntil the rst Monday in ma. Through Bull 0' Ltd. in (lb-10w. Unvre. An passed. Adjourned until tho Monday April It 10 o'clock 3.111, _....._ ___,, If on Wish to amid grout vlangm am] 1 troub e, besides u no small hill 0: i-xpi-usu at this season 0! tlm year. _\ULI would take Erom t steps to lit-0p disease from your ouae iold. Tlic syshm should be cleans- ed, blood purlxicdmloiuuch and bowels re- gulated. mail prevent nnd cure diseases I arising from Spring malarial We know of 4 nothing that will so perfectly and surely' do this an Electric Bitters. and at. the tri- l we cost of fty cents a bottleE1. Sold! by J. 6 King. I -p>-- I Tu new treatment for rapidly oondx- : tioning Horses Zacks Ieuic Compound and Blood Mlxlure. Each package contains I ngood Purging Hall which ls 51mm to the :mmal previouato xmug the strong tonic powder. This 1 the common sense treat: ment and will acoowpheh more In one week than the old system 0! leces. Feeds 3nd Condition Powders would do in a month. ask your druggiil about It. For sale by all I l i druggms ~ n v. , pa... ' Tho coo-dim d I! 1 us In: 60- M word uretieanuost lummummwm, ! A, v FELLOW! Comorxn SYRCP or Enema: I'm-us will not only supply the waste gain I on in the brain, but will enable the min to endure a. greater tax than before. It will imp-1n vigor and pmmote olou couA captions to the IntellocL l! will strengthen the norvu and gnu power w all involun - hr? n well as the \oluntnrv munclos of thr- lvv v [Tulanmrum I throughout. W n or no WM.J?MII: Invali- p-u no. my I opnuor I onslpanmoo bume gun. Inn m an null a" ,3. an In In. comfort And wnvanm 01,! MI W... dmmhnu until 1!! M1: 1an Wdaon 3 Dub" 1 m mutation mm otol. W1 A through PanmL thin hmm For otat- nud aver-y manor. DST. . dnmrzwmmwMMr-i Ion-m go; 11 naming vague. During a bun: Scotland three driven on hore u l shoaled. They v = __,~_-, Dny Express Icing Butt. .. , u .6. My " RAIL. " ' Wu! . m Mn " Eat... " " " 19.1,. mu hu- linumn Suuou n 1 Pom Banal-tor ma Nur'h u T 9.1:. ad 330me . Inive u 1m. pm. ud [2:15 Lm usarn [3] only amiss: ): and WWW! ______.____- .IITIIII A'IEEIHA. MOIIL. usmnm 051.7 KARI! THINK BA'IJOAI'. Txcaue m we now: m humlrerl wlmle were' on Shetland Island and- were all captured l 'n .\u. Lu bL-i 1 No. 6; moved cundml by Mr. bu taken on the I \ A ' WM AirTh tho (umuwsw- (01:! n In 1.3.1, I? .mwmcl M'l" Fun N .Tho Company mu 1 PM! fund. Band raroh'lv (m '1 . loan/gin, Sciatica, lwhgo, Bunch, Sonne s: of (to abut, Gout, Quincy, Sore TIM-ad, Sull- ingc and Sprain, Dunn and Sea/d3, General Bodily PainJ, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Fm! Foe! and Ears, and all after Pain: and John. '1 Fwy-and" an ant: and. Dr. .hm- on V '[m sure, am do and CM, hum-l A um mm but to suntan], J E X21. in l.Blytbfleld,102 Acres. rare opportume is her. oerod to put: who wish Lu purohuac umber or mineral lands as they will be ut up in lotl to sun. purchasers and the w ole mun: b. I disposed of. By rmtwt mphrmmna xmu und gold Vulnnhlo .Vlinwrul Timber and ; Farming anls. {On Thursday, Ilw l6lII0fM11rch. l r - , } them also, The 1 xtnnsmn of the Kingston 4: Pom- lbroke Rallwv has greatly enhanced tho value of these lunds and aorda a ready - access to market. for the products 'Tnrmn liberal and made known at tho : market. {or thelr products Terms liberal, and Itime 0! Isle. I 1 c urrra'lrunu {mummu LIGBNSB ms'rch. mm. larhwlsi. |882 ! Authorize: the Bile of Liquors xu quauu Lia in 1005 than one quart, winch may he } drunk in the Tavern U. ml luau-mu m "um. um nu "nu-u. m- vnmnud w open {Mal} Ind: mud an m shone none; Pm and on rub Pusan. Md Pnu um n. ITLLLEMI-Yz suns. Bud-t w Qua-n1 Cnhulil) um um. 00a; Hunt Sam. I 0 V g i Authorizes the sale of quuor m qaautmeu ,0! not less than three half mea. none to be consumed within tho hulldnugs 0! which huch shop form I part. bv perumn not I ulnnll resident lhorem. STATUTORY {FEE 60. ' n9 Dunn-uh:- Mlmnim: la Imwu to the I? Punculnr Mien!in 1a 3 difference between 'l'nvorn." Beer Ind Wino" and Sim Licenses." The SALE 0 BEE l! and other Liquors BYTHE QUART. or Inger quantity, 18 UNLAWFUL under a 'Ih'orn" nr "Bear I n .4 Nu. Lin-nu ; urLILnIL-xi rr/r. m- In, llur the ymr 1882.8 (beginning lat May, } mun be led with the Inspector on or be- fore the In April. 1882 Blunt Perms of Application may be bud I April. 1862. I Applicuiou may of the Impech Pnunhod by order a! the Bond 01 L1. 1 by oonn Oomxiuionan {or Addington Di:- 5... l Tu; vacuum. 1 3' W1 manual: to arm. and Iona:le l M. wumnhd oven {IL-sly Book - binding .w' rrrnv nvnrnn-an nnx'r. m: Kingston. Feb 28 1882 em. DTI'III occur mu )undn product... .1: p cm! mug u! Kumuom m Unhd {Alon (u-c Lu mum-cm Much 22nd. 1-882} of Ivan nzgcum'nos Dom: or 1': PRIZHISEB. TEAMS WANTED. NOTICE. A TAVERN lJCl-INSE A SHOP LNIINBII have chap can. a... n. "w.- w- , a Imam-l mm "punk-l] to ma. and out! on qhmi wan Lnngulm RUGGIRTS AID Dub 7! MFDICIVT m MATES? iiounsni ROBERT MADDEN. Chnirmn. JAS AYLSWOETH. lucpector. lamonh PO 1 18953 ' u J. E, HUTCHESON. A nnfinnnl mom thnbhxpofDnrliug, Lou further examinl- Jf Value '1 be found mummy; Lanai A. External Icon cl Cult-I t. m any "an I! I. .0 gal-an um; mi; =3 indium-:33 Ml. unbmm a h. I)! In: "Sn phonon" cu) g; 1-5.. II (In!!!) I d. M n." I III. 11 F chm noo- Aden on! . 00. M- d in. all." I. by Chum-u b. it. nu! y Pnnuaoo..l.ondon. u. PIPPIBB QUIle LID DO! muo Iun. in: wand 011. uunun my. I.- umb t bed . Yo: MN! u m- aloe! 9! hot cum.- lhh m u mun-uh. .\ . .. VI". A!!- v-v-n nun-. W oat-u mm nmndd vo . :13 0min). A Dunn hath-I n-g hum 's QUINN! AND IRON NI! nun Ind W Ibo man-x curlth tho blood. woman 0mm! W sud doprion. (oi-III all I: 'u poem: handy! mac-0. ml. pm of IVII'] kind. and ad 8n Inn]. Man... uncomm- I. to. Tho who]. bun. u My law b) ndm as um In W'I Tame. the nu- b: I- 0 eon-undo? we"! 9% 054.01- mud hill-w tho oonnnunon puny om. .- m to ram balm onus. (loan. Id. Sold by chum-n mm In nun. of J Poppa. W [ti-dogmaugooumgm imp-Pug." 'Poppc. W . lawnmungooumgchbd. Thanh-0:. noun: n! can IQntnhl . m- 1 Mann: Winn-unth dun com-I. 3nd mum dwnnhl mdvl'or an iu "men. of [out at h u MACUH AND VODOPHYLIJNw-Pn only b'J.Pop .Luudon. Thbl'l 1 com non. urmwd I! Win! I: now used mum of blue pm and and lot I m I dnlmndl. human... cl! m consul-non. from I: Would can u! dynpopdn. human... mum- at congenial: o! m. Hum, whgch gum, pun bdmuinou. ma 0100 Hon lmu. which mm bonus In tho shouldn't. beud- uh. no spy-nu. tuned to a. mu I. I. new giddinm. marmo- of mm. ad of gout-l 1|_uh u - mama-mam taxman-nu m he it an a alum-b liver m momma :1 you on u A__I_ 4.4.... - fouling u Muhllvlngn -'-I To; 3- [am an m; m [4 3.3.3 hlmv, w. .x( -_. M -"" .50 mmy uxondod L- l ght! Lino. my: u i ' 1 man 3a- (In: '0! mot 011.! mm. an: alum-m- ulvinfn one o! h m 90 huun. I Ls aha-slut munch. Twauln ud Podozlllliu Is annulus-do nulybylPI par. Bedlam mory. London,th mm. on every label. Bottles. 3. M: pad 49. 6d. golf! by dataraqui Tannery, To buy your Uunon uow and lave pu W0 bus I low 1qu yet. and in order to ole-r our Show Rooms (0: Ipriug work, we will make the Above oor!!! Mlnufnctlu'uso! Blnu bur. Bola, Buns". than! uul Grain Math". obbloidaa. To , Bu and Sum Lnathor. Waxed Calf. w mnurnsns BBOTH!K8,i rlmcm nuts, I . wool In your on no '5 0mm In: No nah Everything nu. Capi- ul no! Inquiry} w. vm lurnuh an ovaytbm In an mam 1mm, a. mu: no mm A. non. nud boy! 4! Mud. mu my. may. I! you tun Abutm- n nd: you an ms" nu! pl all u mm atl'ulotwnhnto .mma Peru-ad. Inn. 1 ulna It H.....,...................m051'0. II bout; a mum... L Manna-n. Inn up. lambs? a. Humml \ I". REMOVED their DEM to No. SIB KING STREET. PI. AID ORGAN 'I'l'NIII.) .__.a_._. -_A .-_A..- M.- unsung-d to - Vuv- - __ on I 6h Eve-Iran oversaw!" Hun mm In "IIl. U'I BlL/OU-S'IJESS, D YSPrPS/A. IND/(7527mm, .M UN um . I 5 VBWM 8, SAL r HM m, HEARTBUR v, HEADA (J'r/E A-.a -HM. It In unoquuod (or alumna pninud Inlll 3nd wood work. plate and diver was, III!) for crook I m, (Inumublo und Pnn-n Inn 'l. mw be] I501? PETERS} WILL CURE OR RELIEVE nnunnrnn hl771M50 all. mammal-m cm... dun In ruuiuev-nou-olhuruh ll. nfncuuuso! Blnu bur. Bola, Human. U1 ul Bu S Ilt ant Carnage Cal! Km, Boning Belt LenLher, HowL an. .l. W. BROWN & C0" 10 Pan Wot mom 9 Pnu .330 on, Arprwlmmt 0 Mach. 0 Hana) Itch. WILLWITWPAY : DI'ICB Wlll he lHL roan 1: sons. TIIIEY (I'IIIC narriuen, Soliciton. In, KINGSTON, - ONT. LORUJBY, HOW, an. a. bhoe .kins.Cnl! Skin. Roy {m- wluvtho highest muec uric: will he mud. w! W *tnn 'v-h annllmnud. nu ' d L nary 011.111. Ner- I ylnauehung elpec thy Faun a Lomplnmu. y. .un. III-v, n1 disease arlsln from KIDNEYS. 51' A0". Lrh' BLOOD. Vn Illunv Dill/N583, DROPSY, FLUTTER/NG n: Tu: m rLU: I tmnu OF THE HEART. ACIDITY 0F rut prnuuw AUIUH 7 ur THE aroma. DRYNESR m: Tu: prm nvt 05' OF THE SKIN, - -- mad..- CM nu nun-m I Excursion to Manna manuals. @Lurs-W-w nu, . , n. .,,J. Walk: 0 WM Gui-.00 " I?!" m! ll-(WWI WMdWXuv-uhdlm U Nook. Btu-Imam ! ' mks-dunth " we 4. c.- - _.._ r_,._ SI. V'moun . . . . . . . . . I! 00 .9 M Emu. Inn. . . . . . . . .. I l0 3 N Winn: .Inu . . . . , . 9.)! I5 1 Quad k. I 0') l W Fisher] I .6 l The. run In Inbjotc lockup without m. hm tho humo- quoud will gm Io migrant to Man of tho out o! tnmpoM'Ion. For Intonation tpply to l-OLIIEB & BAILEY. Ago-n. Int... Color" Baum Agency (or II. NOI'I'II WESTERN. MANI- TOBA & WII'IIIIIN BIIOIAIT COMPANY. Free Ticket. I__- lv- loo-ed. To Whom I! May Concern: Dr. J. Collis Brwes Chlorodyne. wvxcn 'ro alumnau you cm a ow- quilt. nee-th doOP- M- from lit-Ami" " 11.! from pun Ind aunt-h. to In and on, 0:. Ion! Mhlnal 0 "OWN "W "Mn" no the norm. work. and h the Mn]. can of mo bod . 3'0 " 0' 3"" uh lhn mun.) nun rain I Man I! l, . 00]. Brown. "I W! V N H! A'DVICwO ugvumJueyuw :3 to emu-slum Om nlnmulJo D. nun oval-r! u. Mum '3'. box. F um: lhu mun! ouu run damn which ha [Ive the nuns of y(311L020 a. d thick I. ndml by moat wonderful and vuuublo nmody our ditto 0nd. CHLOIODI' II l- m. but randy inovu tor Conan. Can-nuptials. l v.~_.- _ _ FUNERAI - DIRECTOR an FURNISHER _ _. buuuon now hnluro ma pubnr. lou cu: make mnney hunter 3: work to! HI lhln at anything else. Palm-l no! .m... w- mll . .u vnu no. (In: gm] un- hood-d. We will nun you, '12 a any Ind up- nrdl mndo M han by tho mduurtnul. Mon, - womon. boys and girl: Winn-d very-when to work form. Now II.- (be time VYuu cpl) work _1n iiifrb'r ul. Now lu'lbo mo, You an In spin Mme unly or give your whole time w the bushes; You on: Jan u___homo And do. tho STOVES. STOVES. i TARTLING DISOOVERY! Lon dunno Imouo. ' : .gmawmmzm' "2 mu'suuna. And Agent for tho fonowlng mannllctorlu H Al L and GLOBIZ l'rlnllng Con. ['1 Ulllhwod.ll Biuonn I'm". Ban Wood And Dry lnhn (or Human! one Must thing In the Manual. HAM Ind 50!! (OII nlvnyl on lmnd Ehaio-uiri'ou' mliuu home do work. No other [nu-Inu- will 9" you burly u 1 vol]. N9 on. cu: lull lo mlhn anormoul pa, by ensuing A! name Conny mum and Karma we chagrin-do fut, ouily. Int! honor-My. Ad dnu ID! a 00.. Auuuuu, Mnma [I '00 WAIT TO CIT BARGAINS IN. STOVES STOVE. PIPES AND 'rmwmz . W A __ --._ -c"- 4w..nvu:~~ Mar. Edward inakor, Mn'rlvl. Hurt! Ind hon ('oul nlvuyl 1 [mad R. crawford l:- (#0.. Jul-m 9. of Que-n Mme! I Coal on. Lnnmac. always on I c I Ho he ll ( tlom o! {{merg M BUHTON '\. .AND EACH ALT} ('AIJJNH A'l Sept. 19 f ~ ; JOSEPH GILLOTT'S i STEEL PENS. ; wbawwmmu Postmaster of Wolfe lulnnd runo Ann: I. In "An-4 00 to Wm. Dunns. 'loronlo: POST IrlnllnI (10.. W000 and EUAL! And I nu ludlng pup." Iu Cnnuh. um. 1&3]. Montreal 3 WI! In." King-ton. (irnernl Merchant. 354 and 858 Princess Street, KINGSTON. ONT. lllE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE- Special '1 {in Co, ] ngenon Woollen M WILLIAM DUNN. Flinn-II Sue! l 0n cum low. MT!!!- 5 I0 :3, rag-:gmrr-M-zm V not In chad mutiny buoy vodshy. wbu. G immutable: lm mhaunmmm W. van may mun. comm I on . b :35?le wort (at u n m In mm on: nu. Au nag: do "I 3:;le at. mun-nu. hill In" A. m unu- ovdiury tun Ipu V. out! hr WMMIMOGM low"! nil-ulna. 5'. J I -.Yo'Io-Iymvb:ol :an 1:?- m wif- In. 01 prova dunno. Inujur II Inn- you will may )t, nwvuzlu Amy dun Nam Io ragdvhlch minim the wok-don In I. uh. I . Onou'rl nun 07711.1. WWI, u. L. . 1' mm mm um you on m: gum",- 'l mm. '0'. h , . 'm ma- '"zmz" wumxmmmmum i 'mamuwuwm x 1110mm . Kupt mountlyon hum - lug. and "rind mortal. of Vunmn II CablneI Maker and Undertaker. 0! av duoHpODJnd bu the but BABE the Tauru- untied to in {ha 640qu on in no womb}. term. m Bun Una-real tended to m I m bunchoo loop. nlnyl on bnnd I lute monuwm ol {mom noun, I Fumipliings 71;! Attendance GOAL DEPOT. POPULAR MONTH] Y Ili'.\\\l JAMIE. IWIIT. SI. LAWRENCE WHARF. KINGSTON 7m lauu FummJluk-muhr sud summon an The but duopuou 0! Hum. Cocl law. on hum under cour, to and dollvarad morale! n [ho low-t mute: run (oumry urdun will run vmnm Manon 7 _ ___A___ it nod" yrompt cannon All Ducrlpflons of Coal khan 0m! gap; 3;. (Ill... 04 A. In." A: Q? .. ruin Orrin. WWI, D. C. ' m..- mum Ih-n mu nu nu. drumm- PATENTS! ("on name [Mom In an. tum-4| Mlle rm mo um. tom. .4 Cum-m, I: II but. to pan-m an. In tho mugs, um- m-urm I 17 yan- plum othor'llo Inc will ho Imp I lama yank}... am. hunted llHIwau. [u- m eon 010M Sula lmnl an. only OI) on muting mlwuwn, II.- buluu on] 'Il'll my on: In nllovod. 'l'ohl cm: 01C: nn (- your. mum. Cu; {or In an. 07. 00 map: 1: : modal or an!" . m ductwtmn ol )u'uulinn ' we will lend u! a. Mormon und Mnng m- ] Adduu. HY. BRAME, RATE 0l III m m xivmun LUIS H can HUI. I91???- "A'N cisxpisx ,. mum-g unmet, mun-n wan-amoun- unt-Mom ' nsz AND CHEAPEST MEAT-FLAVOURING smcx run sows, mu: DI8HE8 & SAUCES. nun-m. _Anu|nn ONLY with EXTRACT QF_-_M.EAI "MIUI Ulonno u unuuua. CAUTION.Genulne ONLY with ,.,tnc-dno of Enron Lleh'xgn Bignn. 1m in Blue Ink aurou ubel _--- wholoulo lld nun duh-r In CANADIANS alumna HEABBE In snaudod tho any terms KINGSTON. ONT u Finlolul Eur-u glw-y- randy when re- quired. (or olIhu town or qnuuuy. Aneudnuco GEO; PEDLE R, 6r couuuv. At: night or duv. ? Cult!- FLGER d MANY.) L hp (hm fu' ' Im- NOTICE. Pill. nnd lllnuno-m. _______- r.......___i V. V_ _v_ fl nnuu undo the [61th deposit Ind obtunod tho ovemmont I I \reptrod w trunqu u gonch mang in 11m Domiumn 1i. [ht ind puny. as. No. 4. Buwux.; UF MODERN TI MES IIIIOH 'p\-~ \I-li. DRAWING. run-nu. . ... u:qu . . .. unwsu. mum. .. BBBVIA . . . . . . ram-an. .. 1 6 Murine. ' Eur QOAVDOLENGLAND. I urn-u. - u --'vvvyv . _ $1M. m '1 Hum Thump-1 MW lance-pt mu on All can. at My u cumm n1... 1; bu tun-00d Dawn] to twat: '51: II has the mood I rude. Iund at m 'w - Id-ml and! autumn! and 7.1400 rum: or nus-w. . Id-bud mmtbom tam W h] I. I noon. mum mm Tom-m IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CU. w Mmformdnspiwsuout'l. Illll'o UL 3809.. Aurnu. iuwnbod Capital. l'tld-np Own-l. -nh Luau. nu Doc ! u i ,1 Fire Insurance A ssoum Th )1 v '| 1 623V . . . \V cdheial). . . Wednewtny. mu . . . . . . Watlnmdny I Email. . . . . A . .Wednndn. L104. m Wodnmu W . ( urn-I Ind Auct- Into-e 1mni MM 1'; Thu u one of the B0" Insurance Cam leanpoou. LONDON. and Olobo FIRE. and LIFE 1 Invested Funds . . . . . . .. Ian-twent- in (hand... I {Insurance Oompy } or HARTFORD, com. | Flu and lo Lung-Ice Comy . m1th ......... .. .Juunm 2m You]! mm) 2; Null-nun g 5.000 51; ioa luau-"Hm--. . _ Pund- lnw um Immune. W log by It! '. was cnn-I lull ad du- .- (shunt. Io lb. M II [Mu l K W. VAIDI'AT. mltornnutol. 0 u I. an! I'lun. 1... A U. RAMHAY. human. Ind Mmumn Ln reckon Humlton min A. C01. (ion-ml Mom. Euxern Umuw lvlurbom. J T WHITE, Spool-I Aunt. Bantam "mum Kmaatdn WM. McBOSSIE. Loot] Agent Hm... mum. Amnlun ute) Hummus Luv TI. 0" 'ASSAGI. : 060. Md um. warring to woom nodular. m to Pub "5 uddmmml Return Tun- on tnonbm mum. Ir It very low {ILL-a. Manage m I'om Liverpool w! Q-munutowu sad I" othor plrll a! Exrup: u! lowest 3..., Raw 7 > Dwelling Houn- Ina Fun: Propertv lit-um] ; 'or mm van .1 A: low nth 3: any mt am, e _ I Western unies Unmpan FIRE AND MARINE. TORONTO ' . __-_-_v_<'_. \ rnh-w-mmmowunmu MI ' lo n mud u we low-u ennui no nun-1 mum: shunt. ! Change of Agency: wilva Boon W! um gold by A. IIIIOHDS. W IL HINUAYE.COIX J SWIFT. B M BRITTON. Q C. . n...n.- n.-- 9UARD'AN! w o OMPANY n. J. nun-sou. an. in lull mum. BI. KHL Through nun OI bunny \ '5. Gig-cow. I pull. on tha Counueuv. a maul: port-I. Pa (nub! I OF LONDON swam-Hun Bucks; panics doing Business 111 Canada. outed . . . . . magnum \ .-_.__-._ ;. r um um. and Rollablo. NOT_ICE. 3.1. mfiacu. em. we Ontario Street. mgnwu a .. L0~( Eltablilw 1 loan-rm ' L mum Ina-con. Ont-Ho Sam I Ila-'4] No. 14 Onuno . [Una-mu ___-_._- I ' n'cu. "27:33:, York. ETNA ' 41,000.00. Its- . I 1mm | and (mm peran wnououlncmmtn Nar_ 943" You: Ik'itthLLIOOL Vgtlhty, 10s.. gun-um- A in: u wedy re a An 00!!) amnion gym" " m0" "' n! \jlnl and mmhood. solar Rheumn- 8 a "I WEN tum. Saunlgm. And runny other dunno. out. Incnon I mutt-ted punphlol soul (roe. Addm | \ohmc Bell (0. Mnnhlll. Mich. d mm! unplwa unimp- w thousandth. Knuth-W: Onrbnnu-hamud ' H my ymbdlllol 3: ill I. I Tb old Mr. Mun-1 "1 twin; Co- ]. I. "W 1 ' 5 ,dcho My Hench? c-Il- ' Int duzy on tuning tapioca-h all u clunerv. unite! III VII] '0. With u whit-e we bod ism dish-cote monoluudimn W ad: the :uuuequem broth-ghts. America-l compculwn I" M ow, [01%. Ill! m1 Lhu um! continua! the growing number And expansion of qricultanl mwmnery warn would bu. ml] for the: reduced tho mount. of Axum il'xpnrultion. Now we bug | mm ranging as high H 80 r cont. on name ..! uur mmnlwtum 5:: our hid in not on unr 1an m m man w cons. lam. u! t uid " enlarged not Anna-ion puma! .l vppul. put'lculu'ly in m an. 0'. in; [0 various cannon. includil 3 (All in przutx abroad of our Humid, the of our umChinel hue a than. We have not gamed tnythint by mm on our aluminum-u. be tho duties on our muterial bus cost. us non-thing. for though moat 0! than: lave not in. creased in price, we would get them null lower were it. not. for the pighor Llama. We use shout 1.0) ton- of coal per annum. on which wo pty I dut of 50 cents per ton. or mo in all. a get cwo~thirdn of our pig iron from Bri- tun. when condiment such to the migh- Imul'houd o! cod ad in- m In ("our- zMe that. notwish-und'mg tho exorbi- (an: duties. the United sum import: very large quntitiu sunny. 0!: on: ply; Iron tho duty in .3 p" ton. Ind VI. pay 01.800 dmy on this item Alone. Our :mr mm costs us H.011) indnly. Vanish H taxuvl :50 per cent. ad valorem. .nd 23 1x pcrgnllon specic. making total m-rvnulnlle It meant prices ltllll'lll drums. I I wgnul - Pm: Second w Nellie Dowler. deth B)'r11vs,.lohn lrviue. Purt First Willie Anderson. Frank Irvme. Alice Medley. To Messrs. Puttnera Emulmou Company, Halifax. N. S. anntranl, JAIL 16H]. 1832 Hnleux. N. Sr. Montreal. Jun. 16th, Last hummer my lime girl was weak. dallcuu: and nervous. Ind did not rm well at mght. I gave her loss thsn rwobottleaof your Emulsion. according to directions, and soon after she began to ate it Ibo im- prnw-d very fast in strength. slept well at mght and lost much of ab nervousness wnh thl] she had been troubled. and gamed lu 11lst as well as strength, and hns newt been so well u since she took a course of \our Emulmon. Yours trulv', C A Humphrey, Flsad Master Royal Arthur School. ni: rheum. lent m munmd' iguaname oar-sad All ' 0! thin ersfuom. 3m! ponitivdy m 1-. nu n in [annual .udncuon in "I! .a. Priuc-h J. 0. In. I hven the p'anence of Job would become exbsuamd were he a prewber and onduA vonug m nuzerelt hu nudipnoe whilo they wen keeping up an iucosnnv. coughing. mnkmg n m-possiblelfor him to be hear . 1 Ya how very any on: I thin be IVOIdOd L h} mluply uumg Dr. King'l New Discovery {Ar c-umnmpnou. cough- and coldl. Trid botHvs un'on surly It J. G. King'u drug uhvh- .J unmr l ulll'tn Jonas H yluu. num- J Ken). Than. Moore. ' memur 'l'mrd-rGeorge \uuorder. Be an; \KznurJer. Frederick H. Sens. Junior ThirdMutildn M. Raid. Hen~ nous. Cooper. Came Fen-in. Second ClassGoo. Sen-I. Snub M. Hm]. Junes Fallon. n." H _ inuQn Har- ; 0.. .. I Tm. Ru Dr Rr'pley. of Budo (hnumn lamcatc. nyu: W. with to on" this an i mm at A pomm mama; from thmt 5 uni lung dinne- ton modicum which w. 'bue persouglly triad to our nWion, md ureutiy :0 ho band! 04 our heath. Hum; Inated {or some rim put from Bronchmu. And nor-or lo. min. with i the kings Io comma-cud ~ nth; Dr. Whealor': Compound We! Ina Cchuy- in Putnam-y in. new unpme breath the m. tic m moon 0! an you In such h. ._ 4-... w. __ 19cm 1 Anna Susi'11:. Id .1" J ,mm-mldtmmmmm I ul'. rheum. (an! m, ihndn,nhilunium-JAIIH Al 'Yoru. VERNON n ma IL J. IXLBECK. Kunguton, .1- In