Man. who pay 10 Fan: Jnty upo- tho lumi- so their mule. M5 ; _ pa alt. cl which luv. u; be importad. I 3nd lhich vet-fro. under the 0H and, l " villi. and um um um I. ,3 bounty unuhhln hmmm m w: mind pd. a! may II mam. Ind t Oahu. Show pspu has been brought " in u low noun. a. low In N 1 MI charged lot 0300 ur 0-; worth. ' #9:: ' I I W Much1;;lpklligene; III bod: hare at m wvmns Tina. mm. m. m at Abiuoh. Wild: 0! tppuung n Lqu Biol. 1! hat-1 Ahuoh. Sn mince. Greek 3 Hand. hon conninse7'LenlAns. Connnrnuon I 'lnnlpox. A (gregale Snlloual Debt. App-"II. Eartha-aka. l'ondillon of :1 Flint. Land League .louoln .4 Guilenu's lluslncss. nun l Dulmu- u of the Limeruu tlunnldt rind nm vlows that. he no ........ o. nun Ir ....._ Awlul llmnd. >OD,NM'\ICIJ 12.During the qutcuu 13 snll overrun with In ham Ilouu a lhrivmg busi- g Ins puluru uud autograph. ml [-nnunvmr-Llalu wonev. Ho no [Maude 1:: Toronto DMV. luv. the lucreaao II] the ]d ICK-ynllr ETC DOW m populalwu of this I) (.Ivn-tmrd is unf- has cut Memphis 03 um mm the outside at through hue mil- u, LUmImLLee Wlll r unaufc condition 113 uf .lollarn are s,\\'1tl'uut lming. n-uk through with Lei. In the ad- m'u are at work in NJ: [mot light, and n lurch 18-- The ked and the in- nupers. Nearly : the country bev anhnru am now Whole-ale I Bot-II lie-lot II I, Feed and all III-d- unil- Ml'l Block. Prim Duo. I. ITRONG BAKERS' FLOUR A IPIOIALTY. [3' Wm Bum Wanted. Bank [annealK0 an: Rink-Han NAVA (Ioll ml 56}. once to Hus unnu nd (null mLh Un'w ban a peloct 5n unnnuu-MH m U: usual .nnmuIw ll Richelieu Nu. Coll 1 All Inn Special llxn with eungrm mania A mems. A. rm l.\'1 to the rst [rum 0 and Great \Vosluru PqriVage La Prairie ! $0.7 Wednesday, I5th Marc/7 daily and ruludly morensmg m value. Peter Ryan. Auruoneer. From an. Toronto. 1 Huh Much. 188. (meted h) hum tuba by Is! Nn Town luts In of good And we "can is impounm- to Ian-e an A you roducm n1|nle,bux all u Auguon rncm M: Look Here. Ladies. 6:32-1:33: 0! good- Hm amul l-in- or my were, I nd is lmooounuo tr- Imve Ancncru mm] my at l mun um: chum!!! I Now. Mr. h... unh uuyu-uuu a {13651 in (he xnuantlm I'm Auction My non bu bun cloud. .d 0101'? dl! l , , |lonn Ilnaral Water; . y ac nlhr Hlnlrn. | B hl'm 01m. 11mm. (Tm- (be Mlanwm-Aluun gum looming. c! an Runny? mummy-m1 Tannin) . Tuck. MM. Cloudy 0: Burn: 3510i. C10? Bu Myrna. n wmum Pour. uni gm line! Ila-p.- nunn ..-.rr_rq _ ha .- .ddm TAM. Knot, hot-(In- nu- tiu 6W" arm by ' Wu!- ncdly an! rpm; rumba! ly min max pin. a twin-II with v a. and mum. on: [at lm w 'r r mt'rHEL. Chemist non.Dy?OpII-.mnunmumn m llnu- . . YPna. in Us: But. He. 1.113%! Ilme WATER '1]! 11.0 b. ionnd DIG-d- b . Mm. but but u own The OF R l mud 1.. In ml tor parucuiars. plans. 640.. apply to him )r to __ansrirww_ Auction Sale ! uon. Mr. Chnrllon (recly confvswa 1878 thorn was a poruuu of tho puny who mlvucntc-l un mlmun and [rum Hi to '.,1 )mr n-nt . \ van in (our 9! such an mlva that. land it. boon made pmhmlj. on. now mm; on the he mu y cl vould hue bucoum 1- we nnd denounced protocuuu x n ; they now demand It Ml k' u: n forcnblo manna p 'xct-J ., tho un n no: the uu.\ 11:.- go to the people. uu~l Kin: com 4 nbont tbc )3 P, In Hot in. A, .L..... nan. .. Hm RI Ind: 11. Rouuoy'l Nov Black, 175 Pnneoo'u I'm. ion. (at Kim: W. T. C. BETHEL. 124 Punct- dl rt-n, modu- an City Ion!- J. P GILDERQLEEVE. Lnnd Aunt. . 1mm K mane! I'. B uovrun'. rec and choice selection of nr sale by Auction, i113; Inna "(ltdui mu 1.11311} :14. I}!!! no uuuu vvunul vuuvu-n w nun. vvul ..\.. l . lJlb.A10xInderS., awe. 11 year! . . gm (her-g awlon. I. Burpeu :Lrnved m the city on a) afternoon, at liurdny on n. vluib to his Ion-inluw. \ . \ "1" Fmml' "1 J. Boll Lctrrutbem. Ho wont East. ruilv vnvizod to attend \ 12m Mme: Derry t3 afternoon- 15 arranged and con x'unngrauls m Mum new mar: 'Mguuuu, 0a cyh Hr. Custigun. M.P.. has been iuvinod I I. nmke an address at St. Patrick's So I: al L'Zi. nger Slit-V31 concert, I mm; bumwu' (Ir 8 M. Britten, Q.C., has gone to I cumr 0t III-)1: 4....-- pl: .0 um My uruwdodr to Mr. Under- dxh. Ho ii-polka the Idea than nu- {urty ilthc tummy (i lu- manu- hcumn. (In I. contrary he he mm-um bot'uu mg, were 0! 0 mod {madly ha-Halon. d a. spa-kn and a by?! In! by dc curing an a change at Irwnumvnt would man pmdwumem ul Mu. amt! oath-sham nusfacwr'v tr: Uu ma. aim The honor.- ge'pilcmau. , J. :_A. - -I... ncum 01$" Leo- x mm; by mm: In mm. Icy oolloodngg 'w'uuu oy nun: In- consultant u now ham. for. April . Numb U Ownnu to tho lurks ock a 550m. mgnon 'll Ll]ll- L700 pas 1 y v ~ N uyy 1 LuuLLAL. uwu' (Ir. mon to tonduct the Crown business: m0 3-,10 Assizea. which open tomorrow. i ll. McCualu, a brother of the mem- fur lnucc Edward. has been up} : utud Consul~Geueral to Norway and day 5!: .Uoors Mar El h v, running crowded \n Imnln The undersigned has received instructions from the owners to Sell by Auction at the Mart on \PRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 17th 3; 18th MARCH, '0'. all I cue-I (mu-mm u. "w , 31" "0". any. Ind mink, u u g1 M has! 01:68) the huor oh If" WM dds. The chem 'n him on opp-Mal" of ten-1m; n M then . 3am. sad to ban a. doubt I in ,LJ Clwwatar is the centre of porhnps the nest nrlculuilnl lands in the North West, 1nd not only so. I t s t 9 ,COUNTY TOWN ELECT OF ROCK LAKE COUNTY. ._ - .... no A- "I uh; I-n nrnlmlnd IMl'll "0 00" 0mm Hm be 1"): , vv- _- For In order-in-(louncll wu recently passed lhu on the oomplolm to Clem-water. lhe Rem-try Ofoqu Alrudy lu count at new (one, must in the nur {mm kn" I Ngherlnlrino \duo mm in Cleuwaur lmlf than those who buy on the ground oor. or M 01 money. Uror and above lhue uuumrhn condderulom. 11 u whlch. teeming with sh and covered with water lowl. {noun-d epot m tbu .sonh Wes! unnol aurlms. MW of an 1mpolfmn! c1ly hug been (grilled lbs - for neg only 4 - an. wmcn. menu; u nu [mu u.m'.u--.-_ . "W.-. .. ,7, 7 \\ cs! Already Ibo nan-magma of Ibo amnion hm bu formed there: not are two slures. a howl. u stopping | meat wuehom. a gum wmbouao. a blwhnmh'u shop And 3 whool house. Ill VIII-w. m-vvv __v_ __ , But there no In course oferectlon. cud will soon be ready for occupanon. me Resin once for R 5 shoe shop. and u livery cable. to say nothing of I lugeuumber of privmo numerical. 50 tar as those augment: from being flnclea of the ram-menunt their nlenl math In honby vouched for. cud the clown lm'vsugluon or xheirnccumcy ls 1nvned. The public may therefore feel perfect Conndenm when [boy invest thou monoy 1n Clarwmr lou. um omen-1n a well-founded hope of so unkan Ln urly And malerml addluuu w their fortune; . -. .LA. MM...- Mn ha MA on Anullcauon to the undersigned on sud me: the nu: luu. oak Lake County. I ran] cum. om. I on. (0'I'10 MARKET. Luvgnum Murrl) 1.4Cutlou,'ac1i\e.uylmrln (HI-16. Ullvam 11g New \urk Mulch 15 (ulmu I)qu g; m L1 JI ,m pis morning. at the police court. j were several tilts botweon Mr. - Ruhiuanu. mm. and Agnews coun- r. 1!. Slmw. \Vheu Hr. Shaw was 3.1;: the Dlvision Court Clerk upon hm pomt. the latter replied. You uule me. Im too old to be fooled r. . - V , ling vaision Court Clerk upon . u Rec 1: me, be fooled :_,,' -'hn_v. ' Again when questioned I: T WWWi. ": IIHIA McAl/LEYS 300K STORE. A 8117131! ELI-LS [uiit T0 ggmncronsw Kingston March nth. 18:51 Book-binding. l'apn' Bullnu a Blank Book Munufxlclurlux. 1 unm at) CI'JCI. r .u ..uu Wednesday, the 751/) inst, -. r.._np-v rm-min. u nun sum: up: mu awn-M .u h mun- TENDERS WI be roentvod by lb. ldulnd mm} bb'cluCl. P M .01: For tho Mason, Planner. Cu nut, Tinlmlth, P ulnler Ind Glular n Wurl w dmn 1n balld' in rwo noun:- ON WILLIA I 3831'. Tholowulnar my undo: not womanly so- co ted. , Inn And wocmcauom uny be sun It our billet , 7 , U. V VWIIMnxlnu 5r KlugnonJl-rch 8th 1332. THE MARTfBY J. E. HUTCHE6N. For Sa/e or Exchange. St. Georges Society. 'IIIII VI |l .VIrIll, r. I. .~ (hanp Bookseller nud tilulouer. Km Inch 10 U\ bl auu nuu 1 Within Three Miles of the Beautiful 1: Lake. __. .A .L- -M-nun-n And mumrinl whlch Emerge-I Eli-cu". v m: EDITED-IN 0! b4. m. o-orrl W"! THE hope one muunu u: on: nuu mm.-. .........V.. V .. .t the property ow be Ind on application undemm Archnocl. Creighton] Bloch. Klna Strut, BOUKS 0! even Mud rulod Ind v Dalluru. Single Lots and Blocks of Lots in Clearwater. In Actual Existence and in Actual Use, Midstan m. .n n l to API. I 1', than... I ypused completion of one of the bro proJeolod runny: I an should be remova In tu motion. And Clmwuer will on be the Capital 0 I. mun Lou In It, then usherinlrmdo In men! pimp outside of What . I! III: clear. mot-elm. u 1110mm 0! 3 the pm! nucuon. must a; 11 doubts or oven qudrupla. thou puma-at nrlln Him deg: fund garden and orvhur L lleeu minutes mm the Furry , n owl mmmmr residouce. u rcm-leucn- u! Mnxm-ll Hiram e, E. ,, lu uugluu Iunura The house: ml I.) the w urn myprovemvnRJnd in hunted bf a con] lug In)! an {uruumr Hood nub .- And Much 11. Jhuunu auaohed n J not noel! 1 Dr. WALSH JG. MoUILL'B LIST. from 5 mm Impeny known a \ equnled '{e alum] , 1mm. Lhw [hm dag. um! uh 1 the u lclloucl' Mnxv r obrs 3n inducement And I chum not! upon-nun I hue Impacted a dim not only plum. nun mill w! I clothe-libel drmul mod and u:qu 01mm Iulll, fruit Iran and garden, lnrgq cmcrn 3nd never 'IHIII wring vollJmh pump! In Uwheu. an. vunndu. and bnlcuuy. Enqnm at u:- u on". J. A. KAKCH. corner 0! Earl Mid AUM EALED TENDERH. mldrml "Kma- Iloll'CIr Co." uni vndlvrlml "Tender." will heir-cein uhm 5 oclock, pm I a. . TUESDAY. an 14d: lust. for the Grading, [hinting Ind Gluing roqmnd w he do." M thu works at tho Coupon} Plug- and I' an In sun .3 l- cannrny In: and mudlf} '. bpdmker. l I h ramraucu 1" W JJm-Ilvur Mini Ton! m ' mu. poem on The Ch. 1.....- n"|l " He d I We have Just rccmvod direct. [mm St" lmll,bwitzorlaud, run no n u, once of I. H. o, Amhiw. by . 'hom tho and." will h- mind. WI'IBVUG. l One Case s'mss Muslin Ewbroldonel Swim; Muslin IUEUH Hamburg lebronleriuu. Am SALE OF llumlnum I 1 Hm lumgus uru ul gn Ilhe vnlm; uuam'puneu l. "L lAJv- - y I wrll uul l. vcnndu.nn3' milky-any. ' En'qmn mar. J mm DEPARTMENT. For Sale or to Lease. OYApply m CAPT H. C. MOTUWILL. Johann Strut, King-Mn . SPECIFIC ARTICLES. all will ohllge. PLACES 7o LET. Unecl lulporwm, I00 Princess Slreel. 1J- va. -vv _____,,, Man I won. undrCIeu-wuqt will you thong/mm Lu u, 7 _A._ --- n no Ihgmlnm girlciultILn-sl but - __ _ . - AA'T\YI'I"" [OWN-Ir uuuw n... I could write 3 "on The chime a! die Cob l." charged. it will than xrt. 'luppct wu . 1 I..LA_...-vunr FOR "SALE. ucll' lunuuca. lnqd month u 3 Mann- Huey a lay L ) IAHLL. mum: 10! 9'9"". ' In, luck. our. ramp. Aply 7 I L. almv. Department. IR \\'0 mute inspection II he raven-rd. ,wx, 111mm 03h. t elegance 'm to tho And the tourist whlch llm mml mvolmpnuod dimming public. lud lhu nnchul : n m with two run of non. an lmNO' Ludleu |u want of new Dress (500. Ibould not (ml to we uur Large Stock, Special Lulu (1180. mu Iud Inc. Checked (oslume (Iomut 18:: good vsluo u 170 New Imon Elli-on M 10c won wuth 20 Every one .huulnl me tin hue New Shades Ill (,',mtlln\c (lutb II. 200 , usually sold at 25v: Our louuum- (Iolh It 'ch m a great bargain. All Wool Douala) (new color) It 20c. 260, 800 and 85c Choice New Lino- M 5w InJ 35r- EDBBSS nouns. wanna chit _.-:-- A nun-l Our 400. 160 And 500 u Spscml Vulu Our 600 unuot be beaten. Our 700. 760 and 80c M primu \luo Our 900. CI and $1.10 for Mourning correct color fururspo. SEE nun rmam'r STUCK. I All Chance New Uoodi. ()ur be. 110 and 70 I ,___A. L_.__-I......L..m..ul I All Luowu KVUW uuuuu. um u! . In: a... [v | u are being slaughtered ' Our 80. 90. and 100 are primn vulm~ Boo our new Enlhotic Priull at my. [u and He. Choice ulyluu; We show the largest range of Ducks. Shooting And Demiuu. ('uum to ur New Blackshmares Cannot Be Baatan. _ _ van, -, . --.._ _.w7. Th-M-y. lulu Inna-c. u 11 oclock. o m Tho ock sud llum nu ho clued In an. 101' MRI! no prion mm In out Imam-thoy v uni bum I. new town bun" Tn. [006 m I" In my my. Urdl! bo on )6 w mu bun". ; good; ole. ordu, and [hi I u :0 "count 0330"th '0' A you- In with nmdlupt to mans-an" "(u 13m! uh IL Junc- Iu loaned. Tum... luck: uh. Much w ' ENDS will homivod by the u. damped up to a oolouh 9.111., on FRIDAY. the um mat. for the um. work- nqmnd in the sddmon Au! dun. on of 3m! 3. Pvt-57min Chunk. Pin. allan to In noon In sham loom Thom. or my and um lam-.11, -ul ' V I 'Ioll O! um Ilol'l m mm- .... - tr. Fun. Cw, Imlomnnu I-ulu- mum o lo 0L. 8 nun, I' mug-um (Jun-"MW... u w than! 0 mo ; c .o . nu'ml And Ilu un- nptnd mm of the Inn of In. pram-u, mu bound In the not. on Print-I luau. lawm l 031., by hum Auction. on if - .-A-_ -__.-__ Reduction In Duty. Reducuon in Price. Reduction In From- 8pch BllKBIIPT STOGK ! To be 00" by Public Aucuon. . 1;sz m [1. to tungsten. 81" 8011!) BBO! .m ".4--- THE BEST I Try thum l I 1W Prtnaou Bum Am .1 Manual And Otuwg - ...--,, mum pol-M) ,.. A "nu. On W. J. mch v. Bunch-Conduct. Anal: 4. ' l \ t u.) antenna-om poulliono .r. two'sn- :4 _-__.... --1l In mlim At tho bu m 0! lb. uenonl, ; Aucmbly ol a. WI Church. i in an any. n. J. noun-on. of Win i aim, wu Wind Elwinwndmn M L 4 u;__;.,_- .- .L. ILWm. 1 manual! l was. lwiml % Minion In tho lent-Wm, n Jklh nn lw u. n... m. .. mhil oonntry.lldlooolicnu'don b. In" 01 home min-ion. He prouhell who ymnhy. in tho monnn m ' Chnllnll'l' Church ad in the cvemuun the am 8t.PuIbytonw Chan-h on a both coo-dam "potting the calls. wind) 1 can from Rob. and the country bode In! the nproul of the goapel. I 110 uted tbu when given hm problem. { upwintmom he bud doc-Mu! Lu vmn [Lu uriqu mission unlemcuw. .md hr hm done to, Mung been to :1! \nm 3 angle caption. Ho mod m cverv way t-nl obtain nllnblo inturmuiou nun-u: the people. um: prospgctu and wmta, mum eupocnlly in n religwua neuw. The | minion uttlomonta extended 1mm i Em. to WOOL n diltanua of 3) union. 1 from nonb um] south about [an lulled. About one tenth of the North West. 1. ; .., .,_z ._.I -u .mnh in nutzu-iu. 1 DIM. WI- Iyyvluu wrw-w 7 I posnuou of gr. On Saturvhy: \ Mr. ROW arrived In." to explum ; __ -:.;_-_. .L. with: nl Um ('hurrh mu. rut- v- -..- 7.._7, In. Ilclalhn. led b0 renumbered. "511 the an 13!: Pnegl u! WWII." But. mu outlook: Cumin a man If. th Burr-Plumb. to aria it up with tnthui ____.. About one unou u: um nu... .. u-.. amblo land. 5nd 3115qu in Ontario. hub-u on. d it. rock! lanvn n vucancy scarcely notioublo. The Comment 1 seemed bonndlus. That. portion of u: now being unlud in greater in 8116 than , All Euro". It. has. of coulse. muun duadvanugeu. but they are mare than 1 counberbalanced by the V and ulubrny of tho' Cllmliu The llers urn represenuuves of all n .1 English, Inuh, Scottish, (9: rnmu. nlnu. Two thirds of [hr irpilll nuwuermml from Uumrm mud um 1 am Provmoes For the mth [v.1 men are young. enterpnru m in -un. mtelllguut. law-aiming, (in! ! .113 The rowdy element In luxsslug n um tramps and paupuru Imu- nu! reached the {at of! laud. The p mu. are largely members an! n Hm . .L, D_n-l.noA_.n {'hnrn) Tm Ir 190.15: lll] WULLIULIH uu . u .l v. at the Presbyterinu Church 'l'm ll :1 net 1a greener than that of any ~ .leunmlnauou. What has bum ll rut Lulu . There 14 scattered uver Im- Lllcl outlmed 50.000 people an lluucr luudule these as (at as possible ll: I; aLutlUUS have been established um] nnsslou etauonl ; there are 12 ~t111 wnbout mlnionl. These stations cumposed of from 40 no 70 fuxmlluu lhere are 1,000 persons unprovulul gospel ordmauce as far as the Pu Lermu Church 13 concerned Rel: bunug that. the country hud HUCII 1 bllltles and probabilities befurn Would be a terrible mishuku at. Ll:. se. Lu allow the people to go wn guhlcl Ierucel. Tho grumh n! country is very rapul. AI um where only three families rem-lg- l I" _ A ..\.l nu LIIL Luuvunmvu u. LIL-x! t lunl while 4) puruh at born-:1 Hva n It Is the banana of the Church to m 1 h w u. people wherever they go 7111! we Linn they are provuled with Um th|l unhunnces. It might. be canl that Lh-w- 1 people nbouldn! bnvo left. Where thu- wcro onjoying Church bonem. 'HH, -_{n west to Improve thoir pakiliui. llu North Welt uurding opporllluth-H km .u .qu'mg homes and compeLLm'H-R 11le u\ ulablo 111 Ontario. Ho smilon nm lunary service was prmupully pm In: u. 1 I AM, .u,._._-LM 5L I:.._..I.- on 0:" a: usu- "- ...u... N u" I profan 0! I! m'nh. Some mu 3 ' not. help the work hunch): bee-use * they have not -bcon Ibk. n."- " mg mined nun-s. lid ye: the-g mhncriphomm Hm I and 3 pa i con man dun lmly. 'lnnipvg. u T In:th QH. nd plenty otxnonoy w [r it. Dou n [in lib-ally? you. at; m. LIJ .. _.A- .5... 1.1-..-1 I -L- [ml Join the nearest or adhere to non. xt all. He remembered ming n so:- zlumont of 18 families from Seamlan who had no religious uervico. 110 A1 mored them togethsr uu'l rend {a [huru me xxm Psalm. aul wiule LII-y n1. unx one After another broke l'unu -mul tho whole company was s~bluu_;. ., I , ,,, ALA L.-|. --..,.Il..,.n.-m.. J vim ..1 tuwardn these people! Us l nuLe that the work nbrmul w cessful. but it I! wiso to lab.) .. , ,,,:._ .t ... ,,A..I :nunul. young mu- unu- ...v..) their familial. And the whole hnnzts Lhexrhnsu'obrokon up. Very often It (argon this il in Sand-y n! n11. make It a son of geuunl iugl Ivy. Sunduyin often wuhmg day. In m; any. Ironing dsy. mendmg day u I u we press! at... of society $le | .l H mun2...! .. . lnr! n' puma.- 1U luv i'l'WH. my." v- Mus/Q: .ux.~. i :Ens 1s regu'dod u | sort of uecesmv. but whu will be tho mun monlly H n ; be Allowod go go on '2' unborn-u! 0, VIC]. Among tho 6.0 cum m umber cutting then won 9. men who: were not only bubh. but men of car ' rupt monk. mad that aowed me i goods 0! inll! Ind developad vme I -ufl dreadful kind. Unlosa wmcthmg; be do to check HI... inuences many vull be lost body II soul. The people '5 of mm mam .u timeout-.1! be wad 0! men In W1 m ._..;.......__ A1 0L. inn-uh Sumt- rn: 'qul nun nuvm aura! u..- ., WW. I: brought back recollecuops a! the m cones in Scotlnnd A: the clam. lu- ,-.u-o out. u u Pnnphrnsc. '0 Curl f Belhol! hy whose [mud thy pcmyb Marc m." With that fullnuu v5 .wau uud molody they sung Um, uLi sung! Are those people to bu loft mm rul minionanol? Whore lhorvun ur- r-vhgiuns senicea Sabbath lose? 1% :hnrml. vonng men dnft away from- ._- .ml th- -hnln hnnvrq n! II .3! u.- a... V , Omwl to In effect. that )l i) u Mama to join h'us rcglmcuz x on!" to Ivoid (Ming Hm um] quiry Ibo to lake [blur In I m Boyd 3mm", Com. m... Hung could be worn- uul'ur imputation. nor cnmlxl MAIN! illnlmw the iplnt VHm h 1. who). unlounuw cuuum ur . .,....|.. Il.u' 1.. "It" 'HHul! Ruling!) "on runny-r...- M by two Churchesum l'r ml the Canada Methodist mpnlmns had done very lllllr were awakening to the nu, ._.,L......1...... ml nnl..\ formerly. lxnnil-vg. . * v mu 5. 5.: 5a., mm, , am or Rum.Th. a... .. 9,. iL a gnu. (,1 (m- Hall oated It hall man M, Ibo cadmth at uni. men blond o s unrk of rape: so the In. .514... u 0-mi- nap 0-. had Mnlmbr. ,2 vvxul: w ~-..._.r..,., .0 new are now live misuiouzn u:- heru Lboro were only 1:1 mi may now thme are 150. He um them. A large number NHL; V were strongly uLmLhu. rc-abytenun form of ram], ulna: mum IU wuuuuu mlaauvu |u| uuug were luclLuc-l :- . .....u..-.. ....I luca "nu"- \. qru they went. wth v u w unuunus an up. ndermkmg and un up yu ulna.- .. 1n Lune emburm mph.- F .h._..- uvv- nu- um...~ , Undo and: uuturh} public. He bu personally L md courted invuulngmnun m Iuy and in the law court. n- host. way pusulble His (HM hnvo provoked u lxvoly [Lu- the pron. and uro- mw can j,- complnuna to JP :Uwr mm poople. 0mm I-l tr quuy ho V-uultl L n4: wrung 1.0 we nun! um 1 und have gun Inux in It n wahuut 3 mm! 1! pmh:~' however. remnmul L': n.1- :4" tho luvs grnuunl hm, mm 1 oontly upphcd (or am rva I. that he might. pllu)" uliv n mt lleHers In Court Mn: .11 A, request. hun been perm:qu It. the Wnr Uice. uu u nth-n 00d grace uf Lhu L mmlu m 4 have not been emu an" n. H. hll either Lo nml fur Lugl hll pomuun m the army runl 0! his put. servncc~ wlM-z. '0 Alan]. The ruruuur u h II. therefore, no a human. an to injury. for Injury H. I): Lu u ur the pnvxlogo of meeting 1 hot: to Inca. __- L. _ U Remy] "' " am;ou tune a 9 I val. uinsu an: quuy \ Jewmou, g B mu I .4 [dressing 3 {men [mm In mg lutLher Prayer 15 (1)1 exhaust, nu: . "4 pm n 1?. ct- _. W- I V in truck ol lull In on. The ulhctdayho gold-pica dikmxb > n. for 8150111). Bub-I Quin-tad that 90?me Md hon out west (or II munm'n [Aldon club-.11 - I AAAA .- wk...- bu] Am '0. Emma-um um III-ww- --' 'churc-o A. will! bid "u' having .lnuly v- bottun 050.5 mm] on!!!) (or valid-III. Iii-501W!- gud philantle m dml 0 pun you. Tho pub. M an IP mm} 0 In. Imam to d. 'b. 3mg - Lard :1 Prayer. Melnllo, 0! when it bu been .__.- Dun SunKindly in. the (allow- tmtunonv on It vi, .4. Envy in. im great nbilmu. qu-i irrvuut pnety." the subject of the in from the tumour: must knowledge bi: not eloquence Hm unnonu wen edited by the gust Ovlllolilt. Bilhop ,\l(-llvuno. of Uluu. (me: "He thlolvilla) unght Lne truth but. the truth to i! in in wabom obwuily. nuvl thhout M. A..." le " who say. in hnpro- not only Juan, mkhou oomplomiu pointedly. Inlly. bu Hm 'l'no pun- nu- .. -,.~ lpaui to In ham vb any 3 courl by their clam in povidina n- ituu! alumni in the Hort-h Wont with scruan on the second aenvsry or we Lunl s Prayer 1 receive. indeed. the prayer thh all docihty 5nd I rove- n-uua as it falls lrom the stlonrn llps nu the Sermon on the Mount. But He then dehvered It In I lorm for pnhhc 'sulted to number: who mlght prny, 'mt hnvn nnulo mloh pl'ogtell 1n roll- gmu. etc. But the pnyor ls gun a wwud tune utter n oomidcrnble inter- :-lc\nnuu. glven by vnl. gwnn that 1t may serve for private Christ. not when A multltude' but just when rug-u hrs knees. Oh. I want noth to tell me thnt the Lords fuller thnn human head can nxlmu. humbler than human worth- wrsllms can sunk. hlgher than human [nuly mu our. Now you Will feel for \me-hcs that the practical poxnt lu- um: I m Llnu express and stnluug tus- h :u)|:j.ljl Chnat to tho fullness ol Hm I: :I-1 all-l 1L3 appropriateness to all l . u u..-. plscenwu seasons ls.thnt'there {m l 1-. wmutlnng wrong 11: the man a N Null. the Lord 3 Prayer Insutclent h. unaluullaf " r . r. .. .5._ man." hen. truatlu that i w.) wmln at work. The mm m I very MI: um.- Ho auued ilwy. Ind wt! nmnng nub pin, Assoc. I you); I . ' ht ' (r m the mentors ohm. nd the won er- fu :q'xhl wu poured mom. would. which wu m we can ohbo log. Tho "no! vu ImmmhMe. and the boy mm to work- u} urt tune nherwud. Ippunntly unwind- fui u! whnt omarwiu would luv undoubt- : Mlylmd him up. Stom- people hum I (Mon 0! oonlmina 'uu-lhm remedienwiu: Ibo lap un- 01 4 rum): medmnu." I in In M m 1 hum); of a wrong, m" m [cm moi remedies Imly won]: Ill m: is naked 1:rth-~m.nnd one a! least '- Moi- ' 11-1 but u. Tho wrim huh ace-mu 5 to me an Bunch 1 jun such I climb a so have most of lhoyou' m Buy Cny. Mad run many; found {them lo be rst olumd nudes. doing AU u! Idaho-(IMAM. - I hint-nL 51H. 7-1 have wanted to see In any mum-rs nf the Evangelical Alliance a. M :xplmu murO fully the remark Me by Mr. Owen! M. n meeblug on xx my. leL the churches are governed ; Lm- MW ul uxpedioncy rather than \ Lnu luw otGod. Do they endorse All, Impression? If they do the result .l he mum serious. I, for one. lmve u: 1: taken aback and my house and that u uslglJlM have been considenbly ulul'lmil We have believed dier- Ml" Charlton mad: In tho House of (,u It. in admxued the on {.119 widget, In I he made an explum prount pomuunq uu and repelling the u! on". upokc 54:1th xiv. his lnuglmgo v..- --u.. lmn fumnd u I'll! I! I 1.- 1: are Melvillol word: in his great. n second delucry of the mum. I receive. (Mum. "1. W. 1).. "11.0.. uuu run wnu Lhmk with them. w111 L [My are m opposmun not only mul ul UN and the Truth Is It, wu~ but also no the truth naught. um. or le purest specimens of hml lusty, represented by Mel- mI ,UtzllVHluG. mer 0] me n my. waited to see 1! any .6 nm Hwnanhcal l. .\l (illlord. of the Norwuy lron . I'. you, Mun gave the followlng pm: 1.. u Bushu Globe representa- ~ ~ lgg'tlll the specml propriety of -.m~< liv makes m lnvor of the popular v [r lull!le below. Mr, Glord 0b- . 1 A71) cmnacted with the Norway ,\ Elm 'JUL of the largeat manntnotu - wznr-rns 1n the country There is more com ()ll used by the men Ln the work- l woull hke to state. lest you would )8 lnwll an n romnncer. They use it nl mg {or ev'erythlng. Ind it does it. rv time I never thought anythlng ml in the paperl could take such a. 1m lug men. You see those who work * non nru constantly receiving hurts ' ,- \\n}' 431' number, the most common lnlrns. Wclthore in [gothingequnl .lnc ma Ull tor burns. It takes nllthe r1 l:1-\t.\nl:_v not alter oontmuad 3p- mn nut nutantly. Therofore. you JUCL percent: that it in An inuluable to men who nro oonstnntlv having um, nzxged by red-hot iron. Oh. yes. l. mu used 1! 1n rhoumatlc I'onnons. Law, ya! to hear the rst nun any It -.Ln relief, They keep ltln their ms. too. owl all even by AL A! the a the men club in nnd buy It And plnco l1.- haul! of the cnrpenter. who du- g u when ooculon roqmm. There 1me 5 day when it is not called (or -.c at. You must undonmd thlt u uzu hot mm in not hit n duh With A :' an}: other cold human. The "1., Ml. hut i9 dulmv- ch. :13. Your: respecully. A Cl u cold murumonl. In. I My cuts. but it dutroyl the tis- :. l have. a ghutlyquivorng Gvound .A in [In mr. and I faulting. Agonized xwmhmg wnh plin. Hwy 1 Lime wen a poor fallow thul mums-II vi and relieved by the St Jlooba Oil. y mum. Unix I other dly A boy glzumh out With spice. 0! hot wire mln work. The would m Ha muff-rod I gw Law ol BIMIOIOY Hun was entered in the Suporior . \qutreal yesterday by Messrs. 1 x ('u., on behalf of the Bnuquo x, n.)nn .n.iunt Hm l'mon .Wlll "4- .u .v .V , W; to the Importance -. [he nun In maximum of the Dominion Govu'umcu: n Provincul voighls. the quuxty 01 uh hula RR. contract. uud the ob- jluimbb chMro! owl: mama. -- ... Inhlv I'lrdod' [0 ML Mu" In: matter here. trusting am, "F. W. 1).." D. J.." and A A. _..;.L. n.-. will , mmm are said to be soimpru the gum ol the anti-polygamy u w to he secretly conulderiug \qhmxv of doing away with that l- tmturo of their creed. JIIHCLIUH applied for to restrain ml of the Zoological Somety mung the elephant Jumbo to be lrmn the Gardens has been mth costs spin the Plain- { banal! or we Dnuquu . 0.000 against the l-l that 4,000,000 Whitesh l [Ilmied in Luke Unturio by ul Stzltcssh commilsiouers re- l'lmv were about one-half inch hum two to ve days old. UL Mason w1ll likely be brought. I'DLllt'l' cuurt, martial upon a Hmulllug Surgeon: Glbson and . us-rn smut. durim! the recent. ullvulue. Yours truly. mauluug Surgeon: umsuu nuu : wwro Bent during .luuluu the wound recoived by \VMI. inwtcr Guardian conrms 1' LI,- ul'lust ut Ragusu. of Hlumlluu correspondent. An HL erUd for Ins expulsion. nlmuLembarking mth his was taken to the barracks PLwovTu. I-pnoveno-I- In Ireland 1 Datum! Benchedlin- Iolcr Lowell o Loner. Ludon. Ian-h ll.In u Ron-0 J Commmlhnevdn B. P. 310nm- hmuptopoudu resolution in: tho 8m sequin the kiln nilnys. Ir. abdqu opposed). mluuoa. Bo and it. In: absolutely out of the quot non that Englnnd can undoncko the Government. of ranlwaye. Th. 1 .nnln (mumnme announced um u"- uII I "My huu. fnuud Kan (ML lluun-r other day gnve very glowmg bull! to the loyalty H! Liu try to HUI Mn) nod back In nun-,- when he mm H. n- Allmny. unvl um; number ml Llll' Um he vml loud III I -unpvnluu Hnuuh nuwuqx- ul rulvuya. The Lord; Committee they mu pmcoed with the enquiry o! the [and Act. uotwithumudmg the ID.- jority m the Committee. Al. I m'etma of thirty limited compl- jority the Commnlwe. M. m'betmg thirty niu o! Oldhlm held last owning. i! wu "solved. if the Eat Lucuhiro mu- !wtures continue the shotimo move- mens. slaps mu be taken to Inconti- tbo deuinbdmy ol cunmlmg the produc- e "\n n' vu rn non of yarn. ltiu stated that. anell'llutwr, do- cliuing to interiere on helm]! of the Irish American pnsunera. was publiuhod Wuh- out his comment. The nnhlwnhnu was umumsblv COD' The pubhcnuon wan presumsbly trived by Lin: [msouer- to whom the l- ter was addressed. The lone: th hula azwntxon m England. A!!! Mart-h 1). The PODO. in tn little hnglauu. Rome. March 12. The Pope. audience with the German representa- uvo yesterday. sanl If It only mated with him the 5-, [clement betwaen Pruum and the Vaticmu Would have been already reached on all points. Irknmk Much 12.The Llamlda oor~ reached all pumts. Irkutsk. Much 12.-The respondent. started north yesterday. Dnveuhower as expected to Burt for St. Pewraburg Lu-duy. Paris. March 12.-The Senate. by I vote of 45 La 5:5. have udotcd a resolution faVuriug Lhe grnutmg of railway tickets to the Leguslnturu m, uumuml rates. Killlruc}. Mulch 15.1L is believed that matter; no: mpidly mending in Ireland. Numburaof tenants are coming torwzud toxluim advantages under the Land Act. TAMI [Miami \lsarrh 1KAfarmer Land Tcucle. Ireland. March 13.A farmer named Couul-ll and Wife were shot in the legu uu SaturJny. I! in expectad that they will div. The Gist 0! Various Telegram. on Various Themes. cles ox nussuus. The President ml Senate the nuns u! as Associate Jusm Court. Thu Q9 IJHIIC Di: Conn. The St. Loms l ing was burned sands of burrels 1 sumexl. Lugs 81:! 'lhu \Lmh-nnl he luau um lvorythiug Brmuh. n the vow of tho [ml wu earned back") L! honourable gomlemun u-nn- lnrll-l the [hu BRITISH wmu. MONDAY. MARCH 13. m2. ________- \.AV'- up Justing n SDILCC n spucc inadequ ' Washmgmn, March Bureau reports that I Liana] debt 0! the )wrzL the world bun increm 692.000 111 1:48 to ': 188). Thn Melange} the indvbbmiuess 9.1)! 89.335.001 11 mm the Jggrogutw ul Lhu n will be $&2.58J.7al.u(k Memphis. Tenn. couutyhus {mun v hubxmms are nu annnn . ...-.. uni. DWUuu ale-.uyun mun . .V.. under WuLer, The pop! territory 15 mm) ()1: luring. The nal LH from commummtum mt world by menu: thu way; ..-O.-O Washington . " March week days :1 vnilnru Hn __-,,0,r , [uuam Whit-K um r y... .___\ and uns sued L-au-uvlcr-LNL- money. refused the can of WM for the nu he wore when ho shot the President. H. in of the opinion that Mason bu boon mod jun ngm. New York. March ILLThe Land League meeting 113: night adopted reso- lutions urging tho Linvcrnmgut m recall Minivan Lowell. nnJ roquestmg the chislature (I) as}; thx: Nahum] GO vemmem to dene m pohcy on the quosu'on of prowctiop to Amencm citi- um Abroad. H.L.. Winnipog. Much iiiA tarnbb' re in [xing nu l O'DCL' un an woos IMO 0! Man: 5mm. next we Bank of Hon- uvcd. The 1053 ml] behnvy. A close "up of Scott. Street. is conch. 4. glam; apnnshli