Int Door to Exprgss Office. - . LIIV u J. Lu: J. v ha: haw giving the pubhe {or tln- pnl West Ha hu only About ten duyumore lo nay In shin city. And in Ihu time be m . nell chem wt lhnn over. All the Stock mm! I be wlvll Iii mouth 3 Unrative For Sale or to Lot. It mun. be plouul to talk 5' good homun- I,choapor Than Ever ! )lu Urucerl. Mlnuiauund only by w, D. "4'. The Egzaar I KUUUOY I 3" nlotl. 17, ['1'an Bl AH account! not pnid l Llw th ' m: in suit fur collection. \Inrch 15. BAKINGIOWDER. c. B. ROUTLEY .- nininn ohn nnhlm (r Oh. u m \V J ( quurzu. { Dunn-n M (nnlocthnovy 1 Diana Warn. 1 Jan :1 . v Innis! on being wppod wkh "I-RI m vmuunu only 0'! W. D. premium, Kr n,.u___ ohm. u.. Without Modiolnes. n/\r nnr n uvnlr'A'rlrh Electric - :1 00d romlllmu. 1 Halo Avenue autumn. ll rooms, II II hlwr En- Apphances Bopmn: And mm Dy M to II .1 .1330 an Odhmmw u: on. . n... c- In, 1- am I... -._.u,. L 1 u-_, . "no no clan: 1min. I .1? JHUHSBYS HARDWARE; HOUSE, gunner swarms: RE \ I. .~\ ERICA! JEWELS. ltedutlion In Duly. educnon In lrlce. Rodul'nou In Proms A I-EV (noun Loll Iron IL I.- bv J n (HUNSOK In ma mm): (on a! Ban. on m4 H :ummd. Mnnxlnb Hun o! boll: l Four Medals and DUO-.01; HAVE HF \\\'\kl|ln THE (RLE . nu CARD OF THANKS. J- I. JJLVUI Ia". I Tim only in thu genuine Imcle. Most all ruspomibla de-lvan keep II. I 001.21 I w ' 'Indn Muk u u an I the following I - n. - I) )oif au' ' mud 'lrwm In: I (31397.7 PE'DLER. LOTS F38 SALE. numb H6033. NOI_IOE. v'lR0ITD BROS. v ml" Anmn- Dnvhl. on my necouu v be rolpohslhle {or guy deb!!! tncur- . nvvr pl) any monay which may be new. uhen to nor that thin yiouct THE BEST I Try them I l i We respectfully requul znur patron, when they AskforJACUBY'B HELP- y HHINIHG STOVE POL- ISH. to you the ubove upun nah box they buy, wing ugunturo . I llllnl' A l um my...qu .IALOBI' & CO. ._ .. .A...L. l ( N .090qu 0! In mom i 1 3nd nun-he ale, t his Ill other good thinp. It in imitated 1: worth). stuff of no u no to the I l Mill-llllvl-I I umb- Inrmnuon gained by duh Amonogulou nun occupant)! wt lull. an 0] mo 01in uppm d [but loaning d on to nun dint Mi! educato- ~33 only weal-Id u Ink-tho ponux .hvo 0! an. [a slow, ho nu In" 3 do! you' uh. uh nu , nil, giving up um: livcp ad Ion Ind bow-In. woddod to It. Chunk to: We! lot m. Mun. noblo m. on winch had been. had in his mad. Yukon! ! Woo-u- mm-nd .mnmnnl benchineg in the inherent. of 3 common humanity. [tin Ind thn man are so careless in tho pursuit of knowledge, and that their ignorance nun princi- pally from the fact that they nre ne- glecnul.mlhiily, of thing: within their roach. Hero and Lhera n truthovsr rilas. iinvxng acalod the mountain of Wlllloln. ~pluck the owers from its summit and given cvxdenco of the true dignity ol manhood. Christ was the patient embodimnm. of manhood. H. was made but little lowor than hhn in- gel: in order to the humnn ee to the position for which God dougnod it. One 0500: of the doctrine of His divinity in to improu us with a some of our cnpncmoa and nmlsitieu. In 5 Manny uenuo the provniling condi- HUI u! nmru Ii marvellous Ind uii utinfactory. Lfompnruiniy few think much. (an read a.- thoy should. and 7b pnr cent. of tho reading that Ii done is unless. Somopubliahonhnvo bud to suspend, othorl have had to Dbl-0 choir buinou from that of pro- ducing nundnrd work so thou of the unantionnl nnd Vitinling ohnmur. Thou fact. Ihonld be nlnrning. nnd yet lhcy It. not so. [I in hnrd m cnmrummonu o! I pubhc nature. 1onpocmlly in locum 'or I wncnuc. ' hllwrlc And mm! kind. but Cool Bur- gou and-his blwk has. that Dnvenport Bras. 1nd their Iplriutl upset". or a company of juulou. as certain to uqu n inmost ud um-u 5, lug. number of cation M101 Our boys. too. 30 lo Ochoa], 5. who up of 18 or 2) rndntu. uni go in Vll'ionl proton-ism. Thu. unfortunately. in no lat of thou. They rod thermal". 1'- nm: occupation or uni-p. ad by tho mnlinr wounde- lamina u lnvhcated by its development m work: ofnrt. in marble. stone Incl bronze and litorury 30ml. Tho Ipo-kor inti- mated that he had dorivod I. grant dual 0! pleasure and prot from n stuly of the pen [llCWjeI in Proverb. For m stance. 1n the vm, chap, truth llil wrsdom are "presented as a beautiful angel. wbu cnod unto the passer bye, whom tho Lord [)DllellOd in the be- ginning of u way," who nid Whoio ndeth um hndcth life," and He that unneth ugmnlt mo wrongcth his nwu soul " In no place in the bible were wisdom and truth In practically pro Hunted. nml with n Iadnen, too. became of the unfortunate result which must follow a Inglect of bur who speaks no lmmnuitv. [tin uuu wul u'uu-u uyvu In. l'hvuu an... Lot. The methods are well atudiud, the toacharl are [ruin] higher. the tut books are carefully "looted. tnd the school bmldingn are nrofully designed, meeting the requirement: of the timel and giving token of the love of the age {or the Welfare of tho link 0110!. Ho dwelt. upou Lho exuteuco Iu pant. ago- .J .. uuv'wv uuu u .uuuu nu ...... w... If the aim be I high one. tho teachers incapable. the text book: Imperfect. failura muse follow thin time becaual of the insumcieucy of the method. Agsun there may bu the best inittuxuonznlitles. and tuchers and but books. but. i! Lho power be lacking nomauoueas will follow. In his coumvnplatlvo survey 01th. adu- cutional eld It seemed that most Itceu- on Win canmd upon tho Iocond fun: .5- "m". NAHUM! m... -H amnl mm sunny 3 our" the wunh l pnch. With muy I shout mad ally . A: uuuon. mama. cream; numb, On mountu'n and. or alloy, 1 helve. I pull. I uling. 1 ion. With vuorom oudsmror. And men any Imilo, And man any or But I sling trunh for-var, Ivor! our! gailmisharhig. . w. will ma DnDyIICdobnbd line. I Ito-Voluio Edmund 5:: Elwin. App. ' we. lat-bitty nmm man may: bummngm vomDo Luau-1.3,. 4,me mg woody rd! tad con (amnion pun... It. uncoon um no nu ou- gl all-hum). but i! he bud mended in ilmm,l be {an uni-Sod. u use COD. ox w nu ma mp0. . Ru. Mr. Hag-r. u the close of the lactate. ox toned tho gmtxmmn 4 winch the astute bud afforded mm. ' and dinpoming with tlm formality of n vow, of than. and I! ha newt wort thou o! the (lineman could my mu. 1: ll Ion. mibll (om. whom upon thou wu a. "gate" round 0! IP It. Lnooloy aid be h boo- :- nll-hnhh. but i! ho would IUVUCd'l HID b6 Ul WK! l)"l)1h VJI'I LJHJHIR the lives! onnuun: mun. WHL Lou In such a shape [but Inn ulrlnknll of Lhcu' uoblo clumctora may he \ :rullv proupnu-d. Increased knowlu-dgu to vualn and leads to lm grenlcl glux luck Hon 0! (Bod. We prly "'l'hy wxll bu done." but adopt tlu Wurtll WlLll Npmlul Ilgmcanoo when dcuLh ramuveu u friend or relnun. lu nut-h n Ian-Ia It is not proporly uud. "'llly mll hu dnna" m a prayer which Inuku mm tlm future and cannot b. presently realizerl Muny men thought they were dmng whnt mm the ml] of God. when Afterwards circuxuluncu proved that they ware laboring under I mxnaka, and that nomothing alwgemer dlnront mm rally more in accordance wnl: divme mung-manta. Thurston. when men oquu. down Ind uy, "lL's all right: 'Ihv will be dono."thov an delutlmu HOD ox we prlyur. I The pororuion wu vary eloquuut. painting to an universal di'unxun of gin upon nH subject: of nuance and philolophand I dnwing to Him who the cont. 0! s11 lit. Ind hopo. Ru. Mr. Hun. At. Lha l r. noun Ana uy. "ILI an ngnul "'11:, will dono,"thov deludmg Lhammlvu. Ind II. in a namby bamby religion which bunches such Au npphcu- non of the pnyur. 1 Thu mmtnnon wu varv alonqu , I00 Addllluuul I unnnu-n IU D1103! uuly \VHU KUUUI WIDU [HUNG] In their hands. Au eliorL may be [made to mum: former hams ul album-non. but they are doomed and must soon unturer pass away. He was buuurl Lo my Lhut. Lhuy hnd been malubuluud lnraulv lur woumn's sake. All the old mamcans, l scmnnstl. touch: of uld Were uwu. Woan war. not, accounted cup-bio I ansuciuiug with men m on far us than intellectual wequiremeubl want. and so In Lho matter 01 eutertmumuul mtellev tunlmu were let aunlu null Woumuu level was reached fur the ovumug. Sh- wan ndmlrod purely for her bounty. and what aha lacked In person she um nup , posed to make up m dress. and Su came to be rogude us I. spec-ms uf allnug alum" born The wurld had placed .t . dlrlll a-Limnta noun the mautal ' Recently at. one pom: there was an ] ulaembly of eminent luau to study an echpla of the sun. null, nuhko the old Clldcaui they dul not. lwk wnh the naked eye, but haul the Lud Jf u vunely u! msuuments m ler eorbs to ex plum what; has been shrouded In more I or lens mviter). '11er 50cm! burnors 1 llqu beau TOLDUVIIJ. The front duura of our bean houses are no longer opuuml to thosu only who knock mm money In their hands, An Hurt [luv has made 1 l l i l | t lmghv. lutnrmwilh n epirn the! seemed '1 to be getting bnwler end breeder, but him: the veil lhuV wom wedded 1 their pmfeeeion. end In all clue And he: ooneidemuonn were completely Ion. They literally followed that cell In? it. (mod the muery 0! them. it blunted them. Why do nun sell themeelne u upnuun '. Why do they elm! them-elve- with'm narrow Valle. end become oblivnouno the brmht. bun tllul world around them? All elwuld Y be lree; ehelld rid themselves 0! oeu. mug end unreasonable hobblee. Men ere too new. The merchant. llvu only (or nude. the docwr (or dime. ud eioknau. the mull-er for (uhion. cho lnwyer {or client; end cuee. 'lh: tlocmx-Jruuu no law. the merchant Hm uedmuo. the mechanic no oom- r .Ileroe. Mm lawyer nu mun-lo- labour. 1 lhoy Iheuld end-Ivor [ WNO. 6:5 I jam"1'". a." hand vmh nun-ml amt-by Walsh 01mm" Medical mum. DUI-b. tuned WIN! nun-nu Mb, wont. 07m "do. I. Band up {or pumpkin. munuamxrn [mun-nun ox. 1m uovorn- maul otwm. labor. sound n number of gold and ulvor wswhou and claim be longing tro Lhc thaw-dot. Mrl. HDIPn l'hurvw. No. Ill 1).wa St, Chm-go. HI . In new in hot tiny-eighth your. mu] link-I tin! Ih' bu Inland will: cnmumption for about ten yum. cm "on. cd by umn phymcmnl. .11 0! than pro- nuancmg bar ca. hop-lads. 8h. hula? van {or up all boy at our rooovorln'. bottles of Dr. Kmal Now I) (Iunuumplmp wmplauly and Mr. Don. mg onu. ham dlup hot n pond ud um- {y yearn. vu, Triul bottle. (to. .0 King'- Dru than. large ciao 01.00. 1! you are oulonn with lot 4 un- ud Ipmu. Ion at Appomo. you'll blv my. dmordond blood. val continuing. hunch. army dual. 0! 3 Hilton a Run, by d] meson prom" We! Blu- tic Button You m be I M It. the rapid improumonl Ihu will [allow ; I you "ll be m-pirod with mlonumh lad scuvlty mu "tuna-.9015 Ild I31." will new. And honoaoh you V!" )0. in use pniu of Electric IQ-n. Bold M any III I mm by I. (no. In. , 11mm Mn), 1.: Ller a Uu.. nounmg A Burmthng H. L. Sundurl, jOWOHGr, whuu. lHnPL-i 100! up ubgut .1103). um! Hughm Mrnu,,ol'l'oronto. MAI-cow: mu Lunced tu Wumipeg, when he re I UIIVwI {mm Muody about [15.01) woth u! dmmrmdu m. pan payment. n! his Ducemhex shipments, auJ than went tu when: he purrlmsod a homo item! at 1.) llepuyntar Itroot. plying 1.5.5: He than ontnbhuhod himself In It gzncen'y M. a cont 0! 09.0.10. ()n huuduv 1.1M llurcotu learned that mum in! m. umhtnrq wvre on his truck. nnrl Mapped gut. nging Bus brother, .lmnlyin Mart-alto. n bl 01 Ill]. all Lhn I utm- and guon Hm wherubonu lav. boon hurqu and he 15 expoctodlhorlly. Prunum ta hm depnrcure, ho had It. Lompwd tn (Impulse of u lot. of tho dim mnan Lo n hrukelx 'ljha luur'l Inqui- Isz null lacuna I nyfphoqpion to Dun' ! ('(Hnlll'Il'LrLl ago-n1 in. ad tu'iuquirion ol hm tunlnng 1 Montreal, sud took u numlmr u! the (.nnuimu credit/mu to (lm'ugm When Jimeph Marco. pru manned In:an at tho hrohr'l omen he was urrenLo-l by (301. Koala and the (I nmndamkru pnueniun of. Tim Uovorn- man! nlouru. luur. 'lhe {unlowing urn uddiuoml parucu ; Inn 01 n can! I wholunll. swindlma r0 (urrel Lu in our Lelugrnph columul on Mumhy lust . Ear y :11 Int December Alphunxo Murrnlto. a dry good. nor clmhl of Montreal. ucurml largo linen uf ul'oh: l'lum murchlntl in Ulnldl and that, my, Ind. aluppmg the goodl in all duerlmnu realized the muh thereon In spewhly m pus-Ibis. About 066.0) 4 WWW wont Lo mo Moody. Inppuud to be u uuufmlumla. of Winnipeg; .13.) went tn uu numun and commuion huuu .u 'lurunlu, nu I nbuut $25.0) wortho! ! lure-11mm! kur way to Chicago. On January l7l h Murcune Iluppod from Munllcui,11-.4VIIIgmey oxght ctOdIWII Iu ' 1m: mt \- ulunw'hunG lone-.ranpnfrom , 91.4; I my 1v IJVIVInggrvgnm nvor .2001)! Amnu; [he (lmHlvrB urn Halt Bram. 'lln , hnuvlmn llrm. MuKIy Bros" Slundur tun & ('u, (mount a Cu.. Hobart-on. Lmum x (.o.. l'uuoruon. Kin-oak & Cu. thc Jncqm-u (, urtlar Bunk. of Montreal. 1 James ( 6L Lu .M'Illldtlkhinlun. 1 'I'humu MA), La (,lnro a 00.. Bomani A Rurmlmnx H l., Hand-en. inn-11m: ' mmo w Um bur rouse man. unsung ' uH tlmsu un'vunmancu into conmden Llun uuv mmlld person will it once sea the enuro change which has come over Hm came since the udveu of tho present. adlulnmtl'ullon. and Mr. George Bliu make: It. uxmmuly doubtful u to the IISIIU ILls posmblo tun I any hue to any more below I 5;: through." Wuahlugmu. D.C..\Iucb18. 1332. "The can": lotqu w thin antio- on my pub no or two or I. noh \llrutnun. 1 ml) My that. our It! a ? duth of Prundut Guold, III to l Licrd tba pad-ll hooli- out pro can of I ip origin-l que a in than I can. and. when Ir. 08M Wu hquouml out, by the clung. duh 00m lmmtmn mud ruqnut for hll keys. I {In lhru that H. wuulj not be long bcforo l . u .m my-J (rum LII-um; UuL Hilnou I I" Inmrvuw I! II In. Did 3 > y WIIOLIISALII SWINDIJNG. union. bu Io'. . In. loud I an hill mun-mun bustin- I pm to human v Ali WW. m. m. n ploy-ll the wry M IQI .3 lug. wulbhjolwm an aux-Md. The ('mul Smog :- nlu w I a,. hub. the um um. u now, on p00! torkbill up .0 M i. dam. and brilliant army 0! hwyon yd by an Stu mutton. Poqr Cork ill in only - ig-rohud. And a vary no out It that Mr! Nude-ind u maul for tho with. in 50 all. cno. and unusual put m to human. Mon-o (M. 5 hi.- lloomml urle a! guilty '0! Mt ovmiml. The inoompokm of CRIN" ~i| the by-word of tho bu hon. lid ho I would mvor havo been known a A luv mawaa yer ll pullucn Ind not ml. Ii- U. S. Attorney {or the warm. 0! Cola-bit. Colonel Cook. upou when a). prono- uon of the" can. prior to Gulch!- duth. dcvolvod. van in "or, In; It bod for tho worth". ho bu new forum! iy mmdruwu from tho Lmulion. In Ill intarviow Int nigh. I. | can. luck ' wu-Inmn Lin-u. mmdm m Innn - Wanton. ha .....|.. ..........I nu1.. II (v- ur 8.31. COIIMJ my! autos dbl m mu Wm Th1 Mm u 'H'Inuu. uuu K-vu um: tlu :llh' 1 Hm mon at my proceed l'cx'unlermu bun the In u H! Ins nuppm'l. I then proceed n "41.0 and elnpfuyed detective 1 [h- jlll v. 10 san lhunhoy were mm mm. uudulsu lu watch Ullxruln n! my witnenu. When \wutlut every dcbortive hml nun-J and olhcru imporwlfrom plum. and further. that when t haul: of mdnclmubn were m, they were not. even submit m nor huvol neon them, you hlv ('unvc-lothnb my profollionnl mu .m a! stuke. and that. from hu'h l hud promised Pruldrnt Iubmx; the mujurlty of the n (ma Lu Justice 1 was (atom! to 'l'm- moxtremnrlmbln thing In In husmoxsls Lbe purchuua of nub/mm by Mr. Uoorgo Bliu. at mum. hm own personal em; pm] to Mr. Brndy. and the you thopurnnl u the name hihmuu. Cunlor. and ). bl- Hm bur route 'lukmg .nau . Ym um Km yuan-A unarmed m... '0, M" and? run-honou- "dun m.m-_i__-_-_u u- ugggi'igx, A. an... W C III- l-uv. 1 7mm: Ii-W" M I Ill. tan" and. Ito-Lun- "name! I I- n Ina-mam. And turn-115.31.- Ia! Kingston Auction Room! rm: "1773 mm ,. and a J Dunn-mm, aw MI wMlDoIMAYOU Fonthill Nurseries. Salesman Waited. I III". . Ivy III-t lot! Pro"! and Ian.- A -A... n...-.- NOTICE. ESTABLISHED 1m. D REiLLY BREAD. . ll. METC. LIIT. STILI ' DYE WORKS. mung-n nu. Easter cardszi TT F6} Maime J. w. nnowu & co Iurlor) &\ ntrroo-u. lama Sin-n. leu- Id-ecu It. r \hrv-h 0 I. H. Tms Shaw Wind", Iuhllqun .-.__ .,-_ _.V . ._~ ' moan-mu 800KB. Bulls Tan 8: Freckle Lotion Glenn Mineral Vlnler A Clear Complexlon! was' ad Gentleman's Clothingi wax u m urns? 1133191131! WeddingCakes \V l". Hook-hindlng. Paper Bullul a I":qu Hook Vlnuulnrulrlng. MM ULEV'S 300/( S TUBE u. Nun-w mun- m.-. M. -_.- n... ASHLEY & ROIJKWELL, VOL. LI. SELLINE OFF ! [SAR'S'KFA'R'I [LA] Lgvn mm ml nd (at Fulll.- ml. All land. of .001... Apparel [VIA-"J -n III h It. Ill. walla-Ila III-u \JAM (or mu. WIN 1' mu bum In us. for nut AMI HENRY WADE, 1. u! mm . lly-l! Km A H I. GOING WEST. ":rcuumg n A .2004! En In ul H [0041 Nun-Lug LN net! nl. Mm nrdorl ulou bu Accommodation In a aturcmw; [Ir a number of NELi The in II!) AM d there 1A no 1- wad-l. from ro Tho-c3 dumnxzn; hiul' will plum an I: M rm 1. \V ROHIV: Farm For Sale or Tb Rem. and I In lube)- ordu an an: I p M an. or ucznmzod far (an o W lo: Mimi-n l w.)- m (A ILLUJ l HUT: EBOSJKw mu. II .OmClln Chm ML .vciy or {1.3: 1.0mm hnn-Imlhlmmonl - I..L I 1 can by loan nnaa A 512:1.- I-ulo. "I blindingly A O 'm or so 2 Dull-II", Steam Planlng M111, {mm 'gmmtmni m lele Grease 'ul II IIII' worm IIQI IIII Illulnf. Inn pull-[e has our lrnllr mark and l- Illrhod Fr-lw'l sold Etc-"wher Y0llllli HEN; b. mum of 3 Hum Valuable lFor Sa/oor Exchange. For pump lel Ind mam. d scrm mail, 0 lulu... ram. 0! 1nwa union. Adan-I EMIGRANTSf Conservatory for (be Wo/I'n. The Best FieldE' W. & R. MASSIE, 0FF10E TO LET. Ionlu'n Il'"l|| l\ 0...; GLIIATE MILD AND HEALTH.. GHANGEY SALE [Moaummuu saw u. = "Jami"; FRAZER HEW Property . To Whom It Na] Comm: A. L. STOKES. lama )4 damn-r '5" I II!!!" KINGSTON, CANADA. WEDNESDAY. mach l882. #____.-___ ._,. _...- w... . ,1,__,, V Seed F_qr Sale !; I n muuluny nun-"u uu w... an.-. an: m Mr John Prmr'l. cont. Mn. I mm mm Ind ooh vuor- good and: uthm i rim-o nan curd-u in good luv-lion, 150mm . noon. Im-ulna on lny In, Apply to ('HARLEB BIATTIE. on II. pruning Much I) Far-m. I _I_ud\ chumj [ Butler Pups. New l-lls. Goldon a! (D0 BAb-IJ-I V Datel. kt. Any Quantity '\ ID. JONI IIII . [mu-At Morn mi mun FA Pom-x: .... 9m =E All gun at . [loo I In. M than I Pontoon. COOKS FRIEND _ -4..- _- n._ _. L- - __-.\-.. ,,,,_,'_i 56 001)ch Street. Mann-ms]. It! The 'l'udo lib-1n, and: with An: an. Inner Oran gen. for Marmalade . I! [ha BL-lJ-l L PH 'OookrFendE 7 of Farm. EPLEASIIRB 01* mm}? iGOODS Hangman"- I