ont to Express Office. n_ _... N-Ovn4_vv EJJpsny'u Agonl. W J. B. LAMERE Moulrul.22nd lurch. 1m Gaul. Mn Bmvr Ornu gen. for Marmalade .9, ch. 8.444,! u tho B-own-r I Butter CIIpI. New Plan. Goldon 1 Damn. be. imam swearinsz? HUBSBTS "'i'fviim 11011313 7 1 L1. be mold by Pubch Auauou and" power , n! u). cont-1nd": n curtain Mortgage from Joni-h Jun-n. thud A 1 3rd. 13m and Inch wulbo tonne-d u m of ulo. u lbc gtwpr Bow LIItnoul Run. Kmuton. on A KY Kym III. m, I! I travel, u 'm the ml: Cone-don of the own - . n, aunt! nunlAininl m m... man 0" lew iRinhelieu & ntarinNavigatinnBa. ENDERS will bormlvod mmi TUESDAY. 281.11 MARCH. DIST" tddmuod 195.th un- dersigned, for the TUESDAY. ugh? dersigned, running cl tie moo-tn [purl-u and Algerian: new mntenng tn the P011 0} Kingston. Parties dnslrons ot caudal-1n v.1]! be lurnllhed nth u-ecmvmlunsonspp icnion to Mr C H [huh I cuwvlnFHAll- , _ _ .. ...... I ul mu. 0! Venn-a App-"I Clo-nod I'll 0 '3 1 n... D... - Ill.- REAI. AMBIICAN JEWELS. smut-m. I In. m VIII nu b: Wan now J BPIOLI. s w Iuti nun-thin u him-h r, 5 Congo Btrem. Moment, l a T110 TM. HOG-11y dull: with. Al1L\ 31L PEIB Chi-wins. Mn Early Kant, Cunt-cu sad I. Ms: u..." v- .w... COOKS FRIE D u..:_- Inn-Had L. .H g GEO. PEDLER. ruso an on mzn. An Admgrabla Pw of Puts for Pharmaov, A lun Iupph o! Mouv um .1" mum-u II we mm W mum ll !llgnulr-lloeldc latter I n- lortgago of Farm. I}: VIP-ormviroub, Further pnlcnlu'l any b0 land on npphu lmn '0 \ .._- u... r..-- u lkl. M" AND OIIAP mun olhvilg lowliod mu: 5"--.I vi-n". qutnu': m to nd No.3 4 "um-:1 You ; Gan WIN-I llmlo My u I on. leaf! For I. or to Lat. The B_zaar l knoxl 1 r'm- gay sscunuwn Bum. BAKINGEOWDER. Tenders (or Painting. mount-a only by H D. MeLABEN. 9. SMOCKRII) 31. nun: qu nd durum R. allot; Gun 4 "I" , ovis A nmenas SI IIET I Always my: Fresh fiPORTRAITSJ )M. MC Myth jun, .I ulr Morrison's Flour, @PdSTE i'Toronto Flour more.l I Reduction In Duty I'M! 08 um: omen v um, IA mm] .- ..._ nun-cu. v- m an n w. I. mun. Ila". 1 0 W A GIRL! I )l'. aomu ammty to we 1113mm": Appamtus and the Lint. ban-1- Lng the dissolving n1cu. all". In; almost instu the (1:15de results onyspepsm, Indlguon. and the TORPID LIVER. make: 21mm". 5m evanr dav nae-ultra [ and the TORI-11) LIVER. mute: Zopesa an every day nacmltwln "my house. It acts neatly and wealth In: Butansness. Gosumosl. uoux- y W 30119, sxck Headache. Dbtmt A! M u tar Eating. W1nd on the Stanton. cg'ul-J Heattbum, Pain: In an Side And hum Back, Want ofAfatJto. Want a] suum Energy, Law Sp , Foul Stom- Lew sch. It Invigoth the Lint. ou- ML do: offal] surplus b119, "(ulna ml. the Bowls, dung emote tho! I ,1 whole system. V V F whole system. r Cut my output-n1: to yo-l Dru tudutomcutsunm| our my bottle to.- 76 can, I hmurnelzhbor lbont It. Hv-r uw (FROM MIL.) he New Compound. It: wool astral affinity to the mam": A nnamtns and u Lint. hon-J- | house. , I (311%, spud? 13 _ BIJJonsness. asumosl. ud- u uhm Rink Headacha. 1mm. 1.; x f any name to: 76 can: hununexzhbor 0N TEA. 1 null- AlmnA-l' GA E BOP THANKS. PIANO FOR OILI. W'uuulv ... .. .... *0 mm u 'no cld qud Wolhnuu ! , .,-...-._.._ '~~QA_. a: -vuw. a. x. v 2." 1- 1r 2509334. mama mm , l M. Lon I595 nu. Bednctlon In Price. Reduction In Prol- Lulu; Tunomv Sood wnurn quu Lute Elm-tun Hpnug What In 1 Vavhn vex! "mm 4 n A'IBOIYII BROS MORRISON: I .' 7 E We rap-odtu toque-l Immune yam pooh. than lint m.) mo :uur pCl-KUHI. when they Inu Mk lur JACOBY'S BELF- Arc prone Sou ad on "a: virmouul upnux, SUINING STOVE POL- Bu; 1.... w in; spoil." of uid .de ISM, to sea lho Abovuf qum. lrk LS upon etch box they WY. Haw never, perhnpu, Inorod {over And alum: mgulturv r Hulls r J-ou" k .-o_ k A puatnue by woman not lhought 1m! lhu _. _.,. u... !' thins: rm: 30/778 umm' THE BEST 1317 Mum ! MINT!- ! Itnudbtill The rulroad men ban to "tear and the engineer tried to go ubud. The tum jerked. and jontled, and drugged in. I. hundred yards up the grade. and came boa. standstill. The train And tho 011- men ball a council and (1001de to run back to Smouhport, but that wu easier talked about than IOccmplilhod. Th0 test car bud'nt bun banked throo hundrod (on bolero it ml 01 the tack 1nd there we wot-0 We couldnt. go a bond and we couldn't go buck, Wo couldn't telegraph {or help, bocuulo we hadn't an instrument, and oven 1! W: had. the wires were already broken mm the Weight of snow and lling limbs and trees I trees. By the Lima we came to I nunde {or good it was pitch dark and still snow in; IE though all Urunllnd had moved on us. Them was nothing to do but to sit down and wait. (or mornmg. We 1 pnllod up the goats and undo lwdu n' J them. and wore about to tank. ouruelvos rumlmbuhla fur the light. whouJudgc Hwyou driller. jumped up mth a Imll yull. "Well.' and he, were bullish l \\'retcluex,umnl to bed here and novorl yell. " ell. illu lo, "we no hem-u r \\'Ietcl|es~gunng never l 1 once thmkxug of the woman alone in Lhe l I other car." With thn he bolts through the door and goes Inte the other an The young lady wee there In the dark, I I the Hammer: even have forgotten to llght i the lnmpsl The minute the judge ram? 1 L through the door Ihe cells out, "ow 1 a long: before the train will get to Brad " ford. conductor? A "Mednm. ' uayehe, "I'm not the own ll ductor, and I came to any the: we roll utuck hut. II! the snow. end will have to l '1 stay here all night. nndperhnpe longer l Wmh that she given I llnle [up 0! the I eppomzment, and probnblv llnd n little I try all to herself. while thejndge was I lighting the lsmpe. You use she had I come all the way from some eutern City 1 u =Plnlndulpht. lhhiukh mono MPva 7 E er. and by the delay of n snow hloclmle | H she mlgln mm her wedding dnv When 1 :1 the truth wu known. the boy. werenorA , L ry enough, and would hue done any thing in their power to help her out of I u the dilculty, but. whet could I. heudful a of men do againite woe-tell o! Inow 2' l ,4 AHA-r lmr nl dun-minim: the l n I \xuun numd Lollm. you mm a nu ' l'eq-uuurnL ut the Phlhulelphm lumm IUullL nu maximal connected with mm ul thou.- .nuu blockades. l Ilitl'uL llunL mqu) u! u M the lame. but I n: sum-u Lhuuglm 1L worth remonbenng. On: my mum myself at Smethport. the county sun; ul Bicheau uountv, Ponu.. wmuuu for Ln-m Lu Bmdlord. Thounly tram I CUUL got \mg on the Bradford. Burdall 6' ; Human nullrund, und us bulineu 1" suuwwimc preamnml bud to go, IL I: ld 5!)ng steudlly lur wmu mum. wlmu 1 wt. Lu the ubnbxuu lute m the aueruuuu und 1 had ieurs that the ern mighL not. get through to Brudlord before murumg. lur who road rum through a mountain {oust all the way. Ind were an: aume pretty snoop grades Mow unles LUL. LUL Well. as I couldnt do any better lde. termined to run the risk. There were only a few passengers. all 0! them oil men but one, and that :5. young lady. She sat. alone in the ludnee' cu. [or the man wanted to smoke and I0 kepnhemeelves in the smoker. There were only two passenger cure. 8. bag .3. cut end an en- gxne in m whole trun, for you see u nenow gauge engine can't drug very many cars up Ghe eide of a mountain. Well. down in the valley. where the read wnulevel. we nude good headway. but. an econ as we got into the woods and struck the re: grade. we crept along like a EDI. It begun to wow harder than ever. and such snow at I never saw before. It came down in ukes as large as an egg, and u loft Le failurejust the kind 01 snow to stick and block things. I was beginning to wish I hednt started. when I felt the tnin none to a standstill 1 Th. r-ulmn man Lanna OJ: gutter and of do ugannano mollull or Inow ,' I , Mm her rm. drooppointmons a young lody wu buvo onoogh. nd vnl 1 ., not all Ifroul olouylng in tho cur oil H night. prondod thoro woo o ro. so that. c aho could kcop worm. Tho jodgo Ion] [ he guesood that. he could x thugs up 1 . comfortablo, old wont. to work making . o bod out at tho loo! cuohiooo ond Ibroo g 2, or tour ovorcooto borrowed from tho moo. ! . By so. limo ho got thing in onopo be f 1 bod loonod tho! her lava woo on old 1 a (mood of his. From um .illl tho ; 11 judgozook hot nude: bio m opocinl won and nevud tho conductor of the responsibility of hot oolo min! in. Brodlon. Ho undo oho note! tho men : gowbodudoloopnlhoho out upon nabs. mm. "to Iooo and hoping much out No now-food Tho c o' twon'ovoryoold. bot Ihovoy M; d not wooo m. M non ' u tho con m but mow! m, a bydoyligbtoooddoouhoto'uolt! e night. Yolooowomho admin 30 bop: of m out. i Alouwa Iiooo'clook ilthonom- umqu hay wok-op ood oohod; had moo tho mh would no. mob, : 'Lm ' (Lac-unhiohIl I ".1. ' h E ' mung 'Iu lush on cumidur lie benunu I spring. ,Tbe r-w much 0! Much plud gellle x ruin gailg Qritish aWhig . LCM m1 m m W5_ 3! Butduiuiiliiwutw Pu... l In the ulternooh ml the next. ~in' n l ' gang of workmou nnnwl wule mlJUVll-. 'Inll reinforced by (our lucnmotum. u mow plow and a manager rur. wurkrd path down the grade null came upon UDI' en inc and Lrsin. 'l'lleru '~\-ln m rug" nl tlilo about the urn. nuul tlu- nu: cmu party lhu hurl unarmed out. frmn Brut lurd early in the mommy .2 llw second db) ol the amrm. wormng in wads us ni;bt and do}. leuguL that. the relxol hut com; too late. But. the Inowbannd punt-Kern were alch. and I the very m In: to rush into the rear g t l l I on: of our xnig In tho young ludys lover. I: wodd b0 molm lor mo to alumpt a ducrlpuon 0! thu meeting. lor the young lady just lhrcv. he! mu) shoot his luck and cried for very joy. ; when he led bur on ol he: prison nhd l 'cu'nod hr in In. If!!! moth. pu- l 7 Danger can ol u relic! mm. the men l ol bod: partial m up Inch . cbur mu 1 3 undo. ambia- ncho nd nacho I I An... And an 'I'i I r l pl')'lug1ntue\'n|'_\ mum 11n\r|v'..|n-, :- boxos uud overhauling the burr-=5 I wasnt. ull fnnuy than, hut. m; u ley ' of remarkable senousuess. lh' (llmver time the men declared themselves hull : tuned. but. there was Mluug to at. The day was spent. m looking out. atlhe blankneuu of the snow, and in Hymn to but u path nwny iron: the eru. Nmnt came. uud we wun. hungry Io lml There Were the most discordant grum blmgs among them until the judge came in and and that the young lur'lv 1nd eaten the lnt lull bilcmt lnr auppur. and then they forgot their own hunger in genuine pity for her. Even a hungry man will sleep, um] LLe Lttlo puny: nover awoke until the cold gray dawn i was creeping through the cu wmdowa The judge was uowlmre to he found. Search was made. but no traco 0! him 1 could ha seen. There were no trucks lending away from the tram. {w the simple reason than driltiug snow during the night had covered everything from sight. But the judge bll gonethat; was cal-mm. 000 of the reroaa men had ventured to any that the Judge had given the crowd the all and lmd owned hack to Smetlzport be fellow DIVOIl repeated his um. assertion. for he was I dumped into the now head rst by tbs \ oil men no quick that he (haln't know what. had happonad. l I AAH'o Lnn haw H. mmnu. 'Ulh [SILK H.yy"u~ I dont know how the young adv felt that afternoon. but! kuow she must have been mnibly hungry. The men were beginning to get weak {mm luck of food, and almost cerium st vuuun slum {be party 1:: we ln-ze HuugL-l 13H Lupleaauut Uan l Mme) mun Lu fuel 11 us I [-211 it. ll [hm rum 'i hv anew, nu bright and boaumul us 1'. van h. came lmLt-ful [u look upnn The. \L: . no breakfast on that thud any and m dmncr, and when Lha uhwhmk wx 1m (mu-H. n...|.t hnuan t..fnll Lin-1w \\'.L- is .urm m. ... "a, .... . .V Hmuger null Uenmulvod .mm the -uH The boys dorm haul hm: warmed. Mwa be told his 017. He lm-I allugglvd through tb- nnuw I day. and hm] In rare Maud {onqu numb! the ruhlut. I he nuhn nnnn had Lhu nmmnl hklnnml nun wmdmwu. U"! all 2dumudyunaknowonowhovu' !wcy dthavu mud or inu- unJuldMyoimbo'orhudny mumwwmmmmu. mn mun: 110th the mum. Fonthill quseries. .1 dmncr, and when um 51mm fouth night hogan IV full Lh ullllhl The ro.Ll was ull IUUIUI mqu Ulguu \\ suppel The ro.Ll Another day would re 'l'hcu- had in- lJu-lgu :1 day. and .1 to]? II. 1! 1m Im-i L'Ollc l 1 ad. Hui autumn: echo a rI-ocno up. Ind tho Malachi] w" in winch thou {out hanovbu join-d in the charm with Hui: than I vauld L... wan-a tin and 8 mm "ho- II! VI WWNI M with Win. Luci or 2IMuMmohowmwhouu i chm. mu: um: um ! luv. wpw the dad, ' ! r I. an! manta. ud own nmlwl when I 1 the 1pr to go Ind hunt (or ' south-gin tho way u! breath. [I ' Inns [nub o! I bro-Hut. but. n W I the bunk WI could ulord. A box I : o! lanolin wu found in tho bmn cu i Y 1 l l I Along wih n blml ol upping. Enrv box land band in the m:- wu broken a n. . but not other outside thing coul he i found We Ind n elulmutn lull M {Ira llul dny appl- and biscuit for branklut. biscuit and up loo for dinner. while for ipper no h bakod upu nud mum! L biwuim. u Iuowul I ).Aucl nobody I I left. the can. At. night the judgo np~ Ii pmou a roluy at man to Acele tha re: , ,l 'ougaud to mime the woulmr chry l ml! huur. Ln Iman hiking Hm mm : t watch I'm-mg the mght ix ml-[Jab um-.. .md lrnlv 1r wxu hinh Linw. n V )0 IHDI'IHIIu '8 In! last of npples und xmpnuont u! the m I snow hud comm! h; .d,........- 1.. 1m... .. null nu UIFMTIHL I." HIUH' 1- men Mung lel Liam tulliug.mmlo nu cu mull an on tho IIIIOL. b'u- 51p u nunumm. n_ 1' Am; thmg' Y dinner, msulvei I lung l 1;; out in main. qunL 1)' Lo I nut :judge . lurlu' hurl um "') l m nunu la plsunaJ \hul [he been xed upon a 'Hw taut ill :1. the UL A! mm L Ulllnnlil: Hm} mg luliSLOI' whu wan :Ibnut out! numb-r. than sh muirl nun: bun of the preseuuun $100,000 mu ab lnI_-n k-Iunnn Hm STONE C WE LLI Vu'ron' nun-m. Tmnln nnv Conservaiory for the Violin, l. l 3 l 1 l i Rev PrlnClpa] Grant. I: representing the l'umu Church, DVD the rmous why tun props-Jed compromiao could not be 1 ugrwd tu by tlmt: body. 1!. thought the , Columm we Would sgrae thus it. would not 5 do lo giv: those Who remained out of l the ungon more than those who went. in I to :r. u let would be pnotioallyuyiug ; no Llluwuuuv Hut they hd donowrol m 40mg mu Llle union. Tho sum 0 3100.1)0J gmuwd to the appeal of m. Ble would by equal to an annuin of 0700 l or 8604 to each of tho minister! Among I Luem, but the United Church had other l 1 cnulgeu Lo moot lrom the Iundl. such I: 'tuu puymuul w Queon'l Collage. 3nd wnb these charges. noun a! which fell 1 up the ulscouLL-nbs. they would not luv. uufmen: flm Act of lucorpornion Wu naked fun under the old name. No ob ermn mam he tamed Lo tho Am, 0! in l Corpurntlon but the Prubyterinu l Chump m rir- Maud in ronnoccion mu. the ('um'u of I'lnad having (one intu lllr uni/71.. lua lnxlllnl 1? would lead $0 ' H: lle. luminw, l-rlucolpol'utk aunle (hw.n-h nnliw Um! nnxua. therufurc ll. .angly 1:11p mm the propusiuou Mn \I.U'.\1l-l.l' Ill lln1"EI.S.LH]['IJI noun-r I u- n I" a rim Print. ika-yiuhlhn Id" m. (QUIVF'I ll" l""'" """l_" I'MUI ,IlUr-Yl and alumni pu-Juhce. .\h Mumlougull klld he bellow-l the Presbyvm: mu ("hum-h o! Cumin in con- nc4 uuu th Hm ('hlrl'l: of Scotlund wont. re"~nlui;.- min unmu in I875. and Um! Hm Iljxrln "my bollongod to tho l'nAIt-i ( hurl-u 'I'hm prawn-100 ul compr mm- Hum. houmor. he meow. ml in 11.)! [ML )1 they dill not choou. Lu 4: - cpl. 5L 1'. WJ'. 'Im wt of the duty ' of rm Cuzulnlllto mm: 63001.,"qu {0! than. H" thumth perilth the; might want t 1 Huh Un- rlmnn. of their Cbunh. llriurunn I am ,1}. m not the Church. Prinmpai ann It In not "10 Ulllmu. but. Um com'humru In NY. to Ill Rev, 3er LuannWhm in the find to an utter the commute" "I dud P The ( fz'muuu -Tbo Bill ply. it II to x La. to 11m suppg: of the Mom. minion- of :1", Prelhy inn Church 01 CHI. I V IIIUF .5156! Iv. ; Dr, Strange moved in unendth the rst clauso "That. the Tow ms Fund te dwide bonus the m- bvurian Church of Canada {loo-I06- uou with the Prubyurin Chub o! Sco'tlwu and tho Prubyluhl Chunk I in Cuuda iu ynoporuou 01.. 10mm vial to u Ion-Int m ; rum" to the lantern-ch body Inm- l a; m. rupouihwty of ppm .391. Human due to the eon-nun. um: ton an: own bod rLou on | vat/a l2 yunto' up It. Uimd'qunimiI-m u . but in obycbd tn byxt. M, J: on the tonal nut nun-Id Incub- qmm {or the 69-11. a: nub. 1 _A 1-... n... 1.1Lmuimm;;Aqua-lent Haul-In. With 1 n v : lliIth :unl mlmmiumr Mm " 'Hwk Hultt'mrth. 1.01101 |- mmlv fur Lhu Mk. of pru- 9. MM I! 11 View to hecunng I Mum Hm I". u! 1h I lnlcuny. but withouh III: ,wlu - I (he rumba now held. In an we; ! in quusnmn whuhm MI Ulwa [1! In ll ~ulumtte-i '10 JO uLhol 1L.I'-\ bum-u 1mm; given to tluom m 1;. v 11 41:313st sun! it. had not, w Hutu! 1.. a farmer queatiuu u Lho sum 0! 0100.00.) bud hum: an equitable in this way '1 1w .L {qu! mu reduced on:- K Nu." m \\ noL the (unit a! tho non Hm proportion of oummut. I mg uuustors wuu kopt out a! Mm union 4 gnu-quarto: o! the wth I shun of the original fund 3 $115,000: their share i proseunlund shout 985.000. d about nu "on couple muse hetwueu the two amounts. Ahnr qnm- ynlnnt-n unnnt in [Ii-nun- ' I we pron-l mule-OI 5.. ma. ' 'l'ha cluer- aid 0: Oh. mun L. I lmvmg boon mum to ~00 of ' ! Illa di-ouuion. he hld Mk I 00' 'erlmnul Inspector of nun-o. whn umnuul 0! capital the a. I yon tn Quacu's Coll... would apnea. DIM had luruaJ that. It could ho oqull h 1 human 038.000 and "H.000. I I \lr Shrivnr "lain-ml that Ihn nmn: [[1150 [ELWGCU IUU IWO umouuis. After some "amazes spent in (118011 mg the manor between them-ulna. u. no In: on! u 1.. .m- I provide: (or tin m it ionbe nun: Bond. ad i man: 0 ".000 pot MQluli r No. or u! do.- vlullo) t Illa Ilenm pm to noon .plhIHod u . D! r uni. TIIMIJI yrsalesmon Minted 2 lW ecu Ioo.UUU In '.W Mr. Scrivor nllimod that the pram Mn hm! been hand null-min the powtr ul Parlhuneul on Jul WM! u. ulnar. and the dot..th dwelt! in kit with Mu l in whose hands the fund had boon loft. ' and who Ivor. rupnuiblo t0 the hou- I nnnu for tho prop" ditch"!!! a! then ' mm. 1 | I ' llIIHI. M1: Wqu Mutiny: ohmnd than I! Pmlxauu-nt w to deal Ith um mu... llmv uhuuld have lo I, and the u jthurcln should be upmrtionml n hm- I dmrn a! the funnl, Ah. Unmuro wu sun the trauma unuld he uhm to give my detail-I the ('nmunllm- might call {on ' [WU Ill-l lU Cid-m qu- I! 0 ? Mr, Icumluu kl n. In uch that a mum. Iholhl ho lint-hm a! mo pro-on coldidouol a. hand. 'l'ha (Jinn-mn- n M It. mum. n {no tau-ll I. MIA. TWA-nu- myunu Fund um! lh. Inn-4).- plum Ina not mm W the bunch: of cum. W other in and [holy m i- ; tho Print; ilk (annihnl'iun q... u H. 0-H" Idehw rovidn (or ii. m 1...... _M resound on lamb not) any mud III haul prutut vv ML. H. mm on: M .pl be: u 1|legnlly put m: 7.! mmn. nu? m n 3v :1Iwu_\'u undur proqu m has. IIOCI ITIZTJIILRKET WL'UE zugul mcorporltwu Lu 1dlu-15Lug the old name, |- 'LIWIyI clung. Would v pnuanh them for an 1m n00. tho Church. .. u. h-.. On any RIIIHW HOW a Lho right: -v - u '_r _ 7 and." a. Monmomm- -r,, NOTICE. 1. . METCAlJ-E. 'Unla . W thl Vu I Nmymou. Tmulo On! ESTABLISHED 1862. "no. Ladioe' tad Gentleman's Climbing; D REILLY A y.-- um- H a W. J. CROTHERS. 1 Ill-gm ('nnloel. ~lml v Jinluul [Hm I MUSICAL. I. I [If VllT'lF. \ V , V l 1, y. In?! w as er ar 3 V ,,,, -__- I IIUVIII'IDFA'I'" Aoeounu duo must be pad." named by no. on or baton Much nut to u" to", I .----- l "Adi-Pm!" A clear Complexlon! jig"? Tan & Becki; [61an lrnnm and Im Kingston Auction Han}: C K. 7 1.3.2ka We would any man thll II | I KODUIHO IAIC u! [ha lineal Hook u: In any. i cumming or oat-h Engltlh ud (Email-n Glenn Fiiie'ril*w;t L 4... " factory as Warn-com. Ian-u! - Btu-eel. Icll' [rt-ecu SI. I Incl. 9 J. w. nnown & co 1 Weeds. Rm! dy-Nl ade Clolhin. l Him: She'WudanhtSqun McAULEY'S 300K STORE Fir" i'li'a. l Loon AT m um mslf Wedding Cakes? u II.J.l - \ulton album (nach 1. N nest. in m. mukct. Tlu, 31ml. Glovux sm- Squuu 800 dol. 3mm (on: an un- w be cold below {actory prIMI. Alloouo w. ITa'lor'IV, no um- COII. M nuns. to nun wuu- a... u--. .v .- w . ASHLEY a ROCKWELL. Gents l I 'nlnhluuu. be. mm" of Can: u m Marlna Cotton um SELLING OFF ! HENRY WADE, 1:}; misc WEST. h.- but u Mm ' u y ...":::7' mums; The Best Field 3.. u \II 1t)le Imam-u WIN! 6" buqu 9mm Lu! .rch a' no. ~I I Yin-ton nud ".x (M Inspection OI" hum: clu'hore pm! Hull-l; g Lot an: m! .\Iw u do" In: (3% :1in @ritissh whig. frunnu. a 1m . winch I! Dlrflclh' hnrmlau In ulod !Axle Grease ![ lvon pull-Io In. our lrnllr murl. and h "II-d luv-let'- Halal Bran "he" I I! II II"! warm Inc! :1 Ilulnf 1 I I L! nu want In learn Tc map 1: in n tw: numeusm b0 all-kl: o! n oizuauon. man VALEN 'L! Latest Styles m French? and American Minmery and Fine Goods {Lt prices surpassing competition! Hall is Bespactfully thcited !Modes de Paris,} \l USIY TO LOAN ~n mum. lanai m yaw . monk on cu, ox tum pm Lu. lug. or and} guns. lunxhlhozu AI "can: mu. ! Ont-d mm wcww . Aw to g THOMAS 131100: 5 lungs! from loan n: 7 Juvgnnlt 5291." I "HAN: 'Iluuu , Storage? Sleighs? m I a. w. ROBINSON Seed For Sale! bu loconunndnuun m .1 .:v r' in Kir-A lul A Fr 0 number (31mm he l-un 111,,- |~ AaNALL qusum o! no Ind nd thrrc m n A p-Jy91hh 4131mm I 4 ' 'rh '5." 1mm an. Tim-v desmm "Mano Inf-m (I... My. Inns. ANGLIN [tom an. Inn-(- damn it pious Ipply It once. G \V f v II Indoan hum: turn out man of minimum: muons poymum at :11 wt.- a. non. huh. man In! (h. In. ha in. Julwwaghqmgq ______ U i unis l , a l r I So .0 mu " I Wi'ubmm hum Inn sun In Ion y nO'xn'rL n. lm In and mapE, 1109mm 7 {h and hll Inim- m an". mm o! U'IWL n ntm 'h In;an nnd B; .ler coolly a" In I Int-eb- udu A590 '1; b. mu 1 _. l T Ill anon "CRCSOE inbuilt u: Ind [ omens TO LET: '3 W on Gun:- smut. w II , 1 nd .11 MI Int-dun a:ch {acme b nolv 3... m h . U "thaw (.4! city 6' fun: Wm . 0., no CAPT 1i 1.! HUI": 30!, annual u. . I Hood Ono. ,fownlo Bunch mam Montreal. P Q a BI Pm Nun-nu . Youhul. U: EMIGRANTS 71011-103575 gm :1'3tl1-JIHXVTIR (0. pm. unendin- mu. .u Irlln- a)" n, M on hlhn'llrlru 112:) in [mm an) I (unrated Catalogue rm. Phl- Adana or all an. Rams I...- . I"TII|I \ {Ir-ll:- ru n. uva nu. run-"fl! "mural"! cualma lm. I) P BRA'H'Y Washington, '0' Jun]. lard: Io. For Sale or Exchange. BUIATE MILD AND HEALTHY. WiSSIE nu, II" N- Elli-40""! Illh In". con w: W m mums: --II III. Dom-mm Anni! tom ens-m: IT. DYE WORKS. 1310'];ch :3 II Immunduum m, t I 1 Jo FRAZER 'l Emu-m Paur Agni. 5) Clark BL. lhluuo. Ill. A. L. STOKES. ouco G RQBISSOX. Inucou B KINGSTON. CANADA. SATURDAY" MARCH 25:1882. iooksfFend I'I 'v-I-II w--_.. -, I 1 Without Madiciuu. ALLAH-S SOLUBLE MEDICATID BOCGIEB I i Patented October )0. 10M Ona box So 1 wt c'u'o uv tn. in {qurdaylar Ieu i L Ill bv destroying mo conunn or the atom Price OLE). Sold by :ll I. ox p ion realm of print. for tut I punt hand for circular. PO. 301. 1.53 J ( ALLAN conulohn BuutJth \ MAI-ch 16 a W vr b1