um mum com" '2 'II. lob-u. I W I. no [I- b- .1 ft. Who-o roan-mm- I- mm. {a Gun C Markuo! Port Dalhnusm, [ that she had been conned Aer room (or u long time with that dread- .Ilsenne (oulurnptiou The doctors said could not ewnpe an early grave. but Lunntel) sh. begun tlkiug Dr. King] m Discovery for Consumption. and m a yr', ume was compleuly cured Doubt unel please write Mrs. Clarke. and he unoed Trul hordes free at. Kings Drug re Large Elle 9100, Itw-N le [\WL'u hlllmt-H Hill! In 1m n Hw- txuw nothing unusual lnul lrunq-Irwl us to the child. and but]. unl va worn guests of Mr. Dingle. Innvlau afternoon Mrs. Cooper :ul. ~rnn~.~mn M Mr. Dingle wallow the gn'l In g0 wiLh her for a few hours. mg sumo friends The father :11 rufquL but nally yielded to the hug uf the woman. Mrs. ('noper In: home to visit her friends curly mu"mm n-ML n... .ml it uni nrrve mu m L ml Andthe Ont-I an. A Ilrlnnrk-Dle Eunpo for Minn; Ice-1 THE BRITISH Wlu; WEDSESDAIY. MARCH 35. About s dun ' ' in. he- . pron-tad to u luau. limit! . tho (1' to dept-nah m . in will prawn m. running a! nian : min: on the Subbuh. The, all crust- ly all cmue from the County cl Elm. - wlm-h might. load one to am I the good poo le 0! an: connymdl ' npoc'mlly r0 igiom or espocinlly in I min-z in that rupoc. Tho, no .11 o vary numeromly nix-0d. tho ho- 3 mg both men and renummd u whoia lunxliu. The [IBM and. u L- worthy of publication : 1 1. Your mtiuonl bah-v0 M I. worthy o! puuncauou "1. Your Linen; boll-n Creator 0! I van And was. 000'. emor and Ju g. o! tho world. hu bl.- ad and hullowed the Ssbbnl Dty d hu commanded all man to when Hi! word comes to keep 3 holy [In {to- .11 secular unpluymonu on than it]. "'1. Th. runnmu o! nilan built .II um'ter when appealed to. "4. Muy it. therefore plan. your Hon- oruble House to adopt such meunru in you muy :luciu tit and adequate to put an and no this public grim-nee sud wrong doing. and secure to our land the quiet enjoyment of an institution blen- od and hallowed of the Most High and ordained hy Him to be both I mail: I fountain and suit-guard of morulity. or- Llr Hui] national prosperity."-Slar. m GREATEST wounzn! flikawuw'vuh tho mmr'l L . _ mu. nun: hip nun AAIFEIHAUL. m Donn-ion u. Viewedliy your pension." u a public grieunce Ind wrong doing. of which they cannot too 5mm], oom- pluin. seeing it is dopnvin tho nun who work on the tnin of that Sibbsl. and is destroying thair maul ulde giouu nature. disquieting the Subhuh rest nil sinus: the linu. allowing to tho general public a continuum cum I. of luring Sabbath proinnation. Ind ndly exposing tho country which pemm it to the judgment of Him who chins the day R in own, "I: \\ e .HC Informed that tho luv. u it now stands. provides no adeqth pro- tection to tho LJid'u Day an .3th the running ut trmus Moreover. that the penalties provided by the many Act against all who may in my wny inbr- iere with the running a! tniu. no do- turriug .lnghtlt from noting in the when appealed to. --4 \Iuv it. therefore xylem vour noculxu unpluymonu mu any. "2 Th. running nilwny the Lornl'n Day in urioul pui- o! tho i Dominion viewedby petition." u 11 WNW ynaunce Iron doilul. l nerco a Plasma! Flu-gnu" Pellou no l p rfect preventive: of constipation. Inch. ! ~ed w. gum haul, ahuys trash. Sold by (1 drug mun, muss my. nahSn swim 5! tan a butannchh: achjthl, no In). no mpm; cm. H 1015 3.1., . ' 1 modem: uupmvamoun comma In. In- mmmnmcmkum h mom- ): WM Tuna! W. mum." Inp- ngu Tnilt any! [pm__nn&. [Rieng warm I DIW' ' m. . um :10 :onnRUOD with notoL g. DA lll'l AlllllAl ION-L. - usannx. 0'51. _'. IXIE only nmhu hot-H II "M thy M I. conrm the In- au armament-.1316 [noun-um WM .__... ..~.___._____ IIRl-IIDV & PINK. I... rum llnhluuwl's: NeWspapel Direc- y ul Um Wurld. It appears thu mere 11.) pugwm published north of the vnwzh 1.4mm or south oftheltieth {XCt' 01 mp whnle number of 34.274. uuthel'lJ hemisphere containl 32.- . or mam Lhun 96 pvr cent lelvin air." -| part-ant, for the who]. 0 s thPrn hull of the World. while in mrt'nhumn Lha- (impurity Is even Lt-xx [he Inn-(hum half nbsormug ul) 'H Imr x-an Nmnly uuo~hulf of puhhmtum zu'u lhud between the not}. mul ftieth drgrees of north nu lc. Nem'h hall uf the whole [mul- znopllulmlm Hm English tongue. x: t,c)lhiuwnxn-~s Llu: (h-rumu language. ,hnnf trzhh. Hu-n the French, wnlh :nnilx. :lml Hm Spun-ch, with uue- v-nxu-xh. .w til 2 quac fuur langqmgei .4. Imn In! mm: H! Hm unhllu Duntiva Electric M ultleln uvgl {curly ch [Ltzdill [in .unmm Lhcth-ru HI. I Sp'lnis bl)[il|zl')lD1(li Ul 311 IHI Chill. A. .. .11 .m. Jul]. NHL 1156:: | Llu girl was wusk. ml did not. rout well -. than two bottles of .hnu h. xlirantinnu qur language: of Um public In our Lupnm. uh'u a uunll In ad rem. AOK'B HAONF'I'H' Mylm Diagn- Maren-4,. 1): \ q I: u [Ilium] !nm 0! pnaww m money: In mlnlrr-snnu' 'l n! l-v m, r. :4 \1 u I van; 1' m 13k; r: I it in: Mt: .u-g- '0 m pH. In! chap a. In ll. val F... cud-n Wham-QIHMMWL l I Inlia! Consarvatory for the Wo/in. Hunter-513mm; '~ and Onln humor. rth (' Ind Im [Acumh Wu wm contmuo nu It'hmul n the Violin. Tun Booku \vnl ma. twelbrr W1; 1. Vlousompl. Sopamu '2 '-l demon, Boon, n Pm. _ v In. -w -._7 hum/gin, Sc/cfica, Lumbago, lunch, Soreness of Mo Chest, 9M, Quins}, Sore Throat, Sull- inp and Sprafns, Burns and Sec/d3, General Bod/l] Pains, _ .. - I 4-1..-L- t--A To Whom It May Concern: l ulna, Tooth, far and Headache, meod Fool and Ears, and all 0M0;- D-.... and Inhnc BIL/OUSNTIP, DYS'HIPS'IA ; IND/MfJiIZ-Ai J A UND/LE. ERVSHEMF. SALT RHEUH, HEARIBURIJ, HEADACHE, -4 n..- -..-, .A '1'. MILEdink LL Id 1'. m- 7; 6 Wu- C mac. ML 3! Mb" Hat. You. VERNON H R J. EILBECK. Kmi Inch 13 ' WWW-36. D REILLY r and cars, anu an 4 Palm and Aches. :1 n rm :4. IL 0-, m1. *1 MUSICAL. 'Url 7 ur WT STOMACH, I: 00 uuW'iO' 01' THE SKIN, . A . . . A-.. n.- v. ..._ - , .n'u nrhln om v'i. 3T0 AC. VV )0, 7, TUNING (F Til/E HEART. n'TV A! him; larch 3lst. I882; HI In DIAL-EBB SULPHOLIIE Him "I [RV "main A' w!) '03! .00.")... II thirh ms: '10 m1- 1"3 pt Ill!" mu mmafurpcnatunnlo .WO Winn _ Mum. Ir vouuam; h. Max." iAxle Grease 2} jEMGRAuTsl -. Ill Illln\ I'\' IIp-nnonulhmlnlqunl-a CLIMATE MILD AND HEALTH. "he FRAZER ul l-n-Irrn Pnn'r All: 3') I lurk il . (Mull. I 5:535: Field k ' . Excursion to Manitoba Will lot \0 King (u- loud at Elumruu lovable. including Lin M. Rue! lmq: lingual: . (uloml rein-ad nud propuid In '1 hole rues no lubjoh to chug. without noun. but tho mm quoted ml! gm m mgr-m nu idol 0! the out o! cnncpomu'on. For Information npply tn IMns'bh Sizcsndhimhptnluli a? lm. u; tum, And I MMCCme Inn. i Bonertss Celebrated Uintmint [mom nonml III'IIIH. lindenuu, GUT mmn'r den mum to Chan M 7- Human inm- bum. , Furm's/Iings ~65) lendancol :OHINA i The Poor Mans Friend. gum:qu l IltrI-n Pl Ll l..l2 A \Tl-s10lll l'lull 'l l( Hum um prepare-l from the wry rlmimmt quality a! hogs. Wur- mntwl mildly ruru'l. Fmoly Flavored Mont. 11ml lnsurpussed us an Econo- mical )lmlt fur the Table. A delicious lyrmkfnnt (huh l Lunvanomt in sort ing' All Snlill Meat! No bone l N0 anuo) nnue in rarvmg. I, Bantu gum: u hoop-u d) Donn. TIUIA! mu. JQMES Ell-10E,"3 r 0|! l l/IllllA'II "I: U'NERJ. 1 LIRECTOR Sc FU RN IS??? I HAM. n~l only by BEACH & NAIUIILUI'I' [mu-I. Enalund. nud mid by I Had 8L \Inooul....... Emu-non. In . . . . . . . .. 'inmpq, Mun . . . . . .. Unnd Fork. Ilium. Plnhar'A Ilndlhl MAI-I'll: - lilac-I rnr II n I her uran run. Duo! Fisher} Lnndln... J .QQAJME S- Rl-;}El'. 3:3, inggm om Wetland dud the mm 01 Inch tad April. Ind RTNI TL! Jana. tho the! In and Jun- Special Trains Hunt-Inn Ill In, "IHII'II ' Hml 258 Princess BLx-eeL, I.I\.' - l'nncesa Strut HOUSE FOLGBB C HARLEY. Age-ll. Imuuon. I'llli . . Wu 3nd 4" , m Y but 5.! unno- ( m. m mun Livmu Wild AT 00 MM. .JIUO (I) "unto In ; HY. BRAME, The Luge-t. Chapel! sad But Brock Boom, Mn] A! Damtiva Paper VI hm hunt and Pan launch but y). lone- mud n a low-II nut w ununmnu A. m. l C. A. IIO' I- m hm Omtl. Wnnl'rrow. b. r, M mu.- III-fl win: In. lhll MVD: 0! Ivory dncnptlon and an Hm but! this Dominion anurnl- ulnmlwl For Home 7 Bluhmnho nu-I Mambo nu Th. 50 [Mon 0! Hanna Cm] In rt m. bundunduoonr, net-nod .an rldlvuml lo ran-v [1 lb. lawn! mlrkot um (uunln unlan ml! .| CITY PAINT SHOP 4"? Inc-om nu nm..m PATENTS! thugu Teal mu m tan-41mman M :10! ll'luu. .10 On nun-z :, m a... , I. It Ion (A will t. mumvtbd airtiggivzulllu: _ A --- A. 1-- I 3| lnlmu-I Makerqu lnm-rmhu-r. (Jud-runny nuudul In In .1! 1 Room nlwsyl on lnud - lugs umul 8T. LAWRENCE WHARI. KINOLIHYN All Ducrlpflom of Coal COAL Timir. col-cumin cam. It u but lo rum! mu In th- Oubl. thu- ncunuu l )7 ye! [Mun 01mm. till he Hunted to no you". 'r:-. W 0 d Uld IMO. ham .0) (Amy .31: (,n mull-5 m. tho tonne. when pu- IuII d.. Tam mu 01019 hub):an II can. nodal alum, I! 6.0")ng myouunn {corrms AND IAKMl-i'l'~. [no man Cu. Kl! b [cloud and pupal d "06 um Pharrnaov, Kupl uouttnutlyou hind I Inga an ulonunnl of Fumnuru one-n In?!" UMCI. null-um, u. (x _ nun sauc- than you n- lhu Mum... um. km. 45' no... :1de Punk: , Gululn . (-13. flung In udomint Iton nrsnggualuas. u nuluuuvn ll nun, Sign M, bolvnn Prim-u and Ouwu uh I. I. IN CENTRAL CARA DA OANADIANS {WEST AND [.HM'r MEAT-FIAVDUnl-x; STOCK FOR SJljrg MADE DISHES & SM? All Ih'lll flnnl-:nn IIIHUI- "IUIILU U CAUAION.-(ienuin ,JacI'Ilnllo o! Ennm I Inn in Nine In]; worm EXTRACT PM IIllu ho. I0. I.Il.. lli' YOK JAMES IW'IIT an low-l I... W ROBINSON & HUN. 1 a. I..._.._ .4--- -_,a I. OF MEN .I Nli'lII- lib! TSIIII'IOIIKI. thsndmumum" III. h but lch nearing KINHSIG). UN'I Lo." _-IIIIWD I I v A rid-d WM ltprthw :111 n Duly. icrwa Damn. Lo! 3;. mm yum. For {night mu! [m nnv'l Oou, Na. 1 l ' vuwvv V -I l 1 LOUT .AIHOOD IEITORED. A mm: {Lan a" .71 o V. I A wnii SAILING. YTHIA . um- (1 "Of, {Ono'ln WI-Alm II. IIAI'IIII or PAM-Mun: 0.) Ind .100, namrhwg 1': A An...- iTARTLING . : DISCOVERY L mm IAIHMD IEITOIED. IJ'IAVIA..H PABTHIA... mlA.... BLTAVIAH CATU)NIA , GLLIA.. BERYIA .... MJYTHA A: um lullm Fll03l I'lt'll, \\II. V I'ICOVI II \I ll 42nd I I00" "01 0 \. _x \J.,, llltli In um DRAWING. [,1 NE. Apphances !i IATAVIA.. DAKTHIA, - lam." .v LON FLRE . - v 1 0 Insurance Go. '3 20!" LONDON, ENGLAND. 'i LIVERPOOle LONDON __4_I AIAL and Olobo FIRE and LIFE 0"]?! L. . . I.-." '1'... -..._. g .. sum inn $5M. T Cup. I. no. mud lo mp! nub-.0- d! an:- ol mp3 3: cunt ul rum. . - ..._ a h... ...u-| Inn Imhuul lam-mm gm.- : 211;, ifl, _ J Jul, 1.1m UK HVI'IIVAVI yum-4... Hum cumin. mnddapod! a!!! 1 and o Mud tho ovtrnmam hmm MED-led to "Imam n aenrrul mm x 1 and 00. In. UV-(Lu In fast! a: ; r1: noon tn mo Dominmn Line. M: For Ih I M Ind Cooking 01-, P 3m gob :IMPBlAL mu: INSURANCE an. 5?! Fire and Life Assuring" (ion-'1. 5:2! mm CCNIAI. .. H _ liill'ull) but U I" II. "I. ."-l'-III M (trim. . 1' )ul Inna! Nahum)! f Toggllmvnn . .... H . 1III'I-II ' "w vs '-v (imamMEuSumm I y 3 mch manual, ux-er mom. | in! my nub-ind! .n-locu-l lanthanum-Ben! luht .w mus mutt-nu vu- we: reload. Tb- . Anus- He'd (In . ms for In). 8.1.1. Bums unl' 'lhxlnnu [or (nh Nun] ' , MJ'HIIII, Id-um Pdm (MGM i rmmnu may (up 1.: cu lrd- 1 mo.1"mh|n. Otth mi rum. .1: of a, m thly. (at In, chap .1 -. I 10ml nun-s; , Joannas. Vacuum-ding SB Ande upshot-ad (alga-d A good mood-hm sum lb. Whhfaww. . .- Wa v Firo,!.ancegi Thou. DIIWIMH oc- I mpuahundu won-1n Ind A-Uuhly GI Ken u Univ-d Hutu-t A now an 10.)un % Head Dtce for Uanadigospltal St.,M0nt'l. HIToIVL Bllou Agc'nh. INSURANUE comm 1' I F Insurance Comp ' y i or HARTFORD. CONN. gumlwo In stone; ,___ -_.I In. This In one of the Beat. lunurnuce Con rlll' villusluluvy-uy -- ~-......7,, I If wry-u. mud n... mum. __GUARD'AN kWh lnnd In (ha-d5. Immune-n null. lo- a WWII can-i rp- gull, may H. I HIDDEN. 0cm] Aunt. T-nnniu nnnmd Funds ........... :vmmenu in Clnldt... r' Iron-11 and I" other I 9- -OOMP.A.N'Y- # Change of Agency. plaice doing P-w I. J. BIL-El'l. Aura .,L.n an Inn] nun-m... l-M OF LOIIDON w. n. oonooi? [hull]qu OF LONDON. ENGLAND. mm. 2h- mnuir-d dorm-'11 u! SI A ssocm 7:16N ILJV I~2ILHH(K. INN ( )nlnrm Strum! (will. . . mm :5an. MU). It. Through [M a. (nwnw. poum on the l noun Dunl- ETNA UUII DIHLnnp (grind doped! oreloomuo hmuun H nuw I ions MIKES. _ Am! I_ SAM. . lac-m t HHIHKHI cr 1.0-7 . k mu 1 .nwum su I All? Slc 0-. o! It. nut Misty re . Ind- ot witch win [all lady to tho 1 lot at I ldy In Ludo lurk. Arknau. Mun Wunpr. on. of tho hello. of mm: 'cny. loud ud f loved by a Von: man lama] Tom W. Mar, Iuo that, however. did not think bill I Mait- Ible "mm for be: dlllh'l' sad "god L.-. u. an. In hm] In I Mr. Rectum. | ontuely different. 'luppeu dld. He tint there were {a than: are none. ll-1' He lul not [meat of con-[1pm [hm tend the Mn ,, .ld nut val] any 0 w )qulnualJ 11d l ! mu 51111pr||llp0| Irmla pl'y It 1: HM i nupuhiheul' 110 l l-anln-d nualmlty .r. . .J Hunlmurn lhle {or hot MIMI um "gun I be! to in her huul to I Mr. ' s g-utlomnn 0! loan inane. in tho nlmh She abdi- v couth bdo 0! um m In. plum. She 0M1. you-ltd oound poof Tom us now! up that he let: Lmle Rock. via I vow new: to come buck. Th0 dosh" no so. the 0b., Jud. a! his death: once mom proved too "run; [or him. and 5 you Mar he wubscklillndddllbtbuob um I: inuniow win: In. Hocktoa. The latwr. though uh. had made w an 01 bar lamina: (or the lm war thy Wooer. now that she VII the wife of another. Jami-ed m botrue to [um and w resin all umpution w swerve lrum Ihe pub 01 duty. Sh. Accordmgly handed her inn-band TOI'I letter. and tub-i him that. 0119 had mintonuou of granting ms toque-t. Another yur purged DWI] and Mr. Rooktou In duu geronsly 1. Calling his wiloto In: bad. side. he said tint, u Ibo Ind been a hum-l wxfo. ho viabod Lo luv. her happy. and that. she might. have no deh- cacy in followin out. her inclinntions. he clusod Tom meld to be sum umnwl, and pining his wilo's hand m Hut 0! her lover. gnu them bu: bout maul-u They could not be warned. u! Cerw. as long at be was allve. but he made Arrangements to hon a uumhwr m the house a he approached bin and. and, by his own directions. Tom Rona wand and Mary Rockton were made 1mm Ind wue. unmodiuoly that his death. Seldom bu than boon a thorn! berm 0! widowhood, (lamp '1 um: mt nluu. my mum Lu TunuW'xen-mubo dam}, uh- rim. and min Ml". *. Jun '10. r play": Mr. lrnue wxll nevor be forgiven by the Tones for the defeat. he inicted upuu them m Carleton, N.B All the .nmll Immaterial dogs in that. yrovmce are harkmg at his heels furiously. The Fruienctuu Herafd nbl the situatlnn very pmutedly: e venture to any tlmt. blunt. as Mr Irvine was. he dud nnl nm' a Ward which was untrue. He (lid , nut mm an extract from one speech and Ku-uru le Hausa that. it WAS from un (-ntu-l) one. as Sir L'lllrles '1 upper dld did not tall the mule factories in places where mm: as Sir Leonard 'Ixlloy ll-l not. call any one u bxgh pneut corruption. In Mr. McLelamlul hm mend Minnsbor of Railways, llv one a lll', as Sn- John Illucdnuulll Donald A. Smith. Ha I .4....Iu nmmlmhml and what a Lur \egubh Pnpunuoa. nch n'ml C uni but Blood I- .ll am Dr. cm- 3m- 3m unplug: aria" known. For ado I W: wxll nend DrDye'sCelubnted ElecA I In. Vultaic Belu and other Bkotric Appli. I unce- on trml for llnrty dunno young men | nullolder non-n who lfOlmitMWHh Net l \uun Deb: uy. Loss Vitdny. a. guunutee- I l 1ng H}K.'6(l.v rolng and com late restoration l ' of ugnr Ind mAnhood A no for Rhauml- tism. Neunlmn. and many plher dune-net Illustrith pamphlet ten! free Addrun \ollmr Bolt (0 Mgnhull. Much. I -A..- TII: Arrnno: ol Linn men n cdlad can-11:. EMUJMBULM , Jill ( nhnynon-iu scientic 'Iiunru. F?- iii uutcome u! may yun' oudul inn-stip- lion I-f tho chum-try ud modiciull pro- pcmm a! mammal! it- compounds, mud n pent-um nu a! 1: win damn-mu ' mu m u xmdcninbly the but nonhuman: nl than Agent- 0! mum in nance. h u curywhere MN in .11 {1mm 0' drlqhn and alum Anyhln u UM -1.r..l.rd can?! min Canon: AL- Illuctlnualuldm lounlu A. 3mm]. 5 E urnplv uupollshed, and what. 1 I rmla pl'y thuL any one should he inupullihud' Men who applauded the! uudamty with which the Mm mm uf Hallways albempted to devmve _ Lhu Home In n-{eroncc 1.0 the upeeCh of HIM lrnsxdent of the 0mm] Trunk Raul I way. hung their heads with shame. we 1 nru Lold. M the uupoliohed truths ripoken by .\h. lrvlnm 'r-H. there are u gum! | 1 man) uupnlwlml pauple in Lhiat-unutrv. \ Hum; '1 ml] mll n he n he. ewn 1! \ HLtale by u Minister of Lln- L'lmAn. nml; .. .ll .-. H... n. Ir... Hum). n In I Tun-ru- the would): of M Md April In mruf 06C to u Purpuvn manning Cglomd or other injunqu cum. -, hm p r m: ado Mun}. nu 0m: Vegan w Pnpunuoa. Dr. Cam- s and: Cm the pun-z J-l! Hm house to vmlt nellrwnus lu Klw afternoon With the girl. it hung .l'lAll,;v 1 lhdl Mr, Dingle was [U will Mm Hn' (In! I on his return from Cehnr ; [min to nh1.h place he had been re- l thGLt-d :0 go by Mr. Cooper. who 1m 7 I tendon! that he wished to visit the fun | . Q'Iul) (wry [hero On the father returning be v went, after hm child. but neither woman nor club] was to be found REWARD .l FIDELITY. not. In and 1 runs v 1m: Tu-mi" ALLAN