John "m I: DO- .uu \vavv- . an n. .v-u. The Sheri uid tint the fair would have all necessary Iccommodetion. that the building: mid be pieda aid also the water, the Inner being pumped from the lake by the penitentiary en- gine. He new no objecon to the report Thu Dmill-nt nit! an {Inn-Ann..-- 0 I." "Fm-l Ald. C. F. Gildmloovo ukod if thol Board had Intoxime the cost 0! the improvements. TI... b...hl--a [\L n... 05-- I. 0]... The report having been edopted unv anituunsly the Aesoointion proceeded to Council Chamber, tocenfer, pursuant to arrangement. with the Mayor and Al- dermen. There were present. His Wor- ship. Mesm. R. J. Canon. Downing. C. F. Uildenleeve. Quigley. Creeggan. J. Carson. Smythe. HoCu-Inon. McGuire. J. P. Uildereleere. Little, Sheri! Fer' gut-ion and Mr. [sum Simpson. Tim Dumano n! eh- Ar. A--.\_;-.;-_ bunv- nuu mu. In. uunywu. be President 0! tho Art- Auociltiou took the chlir. and romukod that the Board had to submit. tn ultimate of tho Company for the forthcoming [exhibi- tion. The report wu buod upon what was lctuny used in connection with the Ottawa Fair in 1879 m. ru , '1 . . .u . - brougns and BIOCK. 17. The palace to b. olunod. colored and made water tight. unwrnn. 'lnu :uvuv nn'vnnll :1. Lame Inou so IIVO 1w sum, 10x12 feet. 10. Shoap pom. 150. 8x10 fl. 1LPig ens, 150. 8x8 (L. to be oored nu supplied with feed troughs. 12. Waterolouu. 13. Home ring to be oularged and r. fenced. II I nnnn -_ .4-_A-_Il.. 1...].A _.,u..~_J lauded. H. Fences goneully to be renewed. 15. Six uttlo rings. 16. Water supply for the bunldlngl. troughs and stock. The nalnm tn h- nlnnn-d onlnrml we gunnery, wmcu must. be 1U n. mgh. _ 8. Horse stables, to have 260 stalls, the name number an at Ottawa, 200 to be 7115 (3., and 50 10116. the lather be- ing required for the large draft horlea; doors to be cut in two so that. the lower lmlf may be looked and tb upper half left open; to have mange and feed boxes. 1] run]. -l.-.l. 5.. L--- lull .rnll- uuu luapocm DOIOI'O occupation. U. Stove budin ,80x24 in. to be per- fectly lighted an tted with a. plat- form. 7 "nu Lg... n-. nnA IA L._A|.;JI_.. xorm. 7. Hay barn, new, 40x24 IL. including the gunnery, which must b0 10 ft. high. Itabln. 2M) nulln. u "AMI" .\ Ml mu n They sell wry elm-'- Do \nu l1 umplu {nu}: Torumu, nml no! u wnu IA umnl \nhh. mnl lln-x uhm ear. 4. Poultry buildingdo be longthened by at. least. a quarter. Ind made capablu of holding 400 coopu; to be securely closed. and have window- and doors. [. Hnrtinnltnml building tum nth!" cwseu. anu nine mnnow- and doors. 5. Horticultural building, two story. large enough ; tobothoroughly repaired and impound boforo occupation. , Stnvh building R0191 (t. tn kn mar. ouuamg. 3. Dairy building. now. 80:86 fh.,l|rge enough to permit of the mmnfwturo of cheese Illd butter. as bud boon dons It the Industrial Exhibition at Toronto last. year. Poultrv building. to has Innathqnml run or noumlllnrs. At 7 o'clock the Agriculture and Arts Association asumblod in the British Aumricun Hotel nd prepared an anti mute of their requirements at Eh. Fair gmuuds. An hour wu spent in drafting the report, which was to the following oncb : 1. 0mm for the Baud. inoluding those 9! the Summary and Treuuror. properly furnilhod. '2. Can-inns hon. Blxil ft 1 na- properly arm-nod. _ Curinge bonu. 500124 ft.. I new building. Dnirv building. new. 80:86 flaulnrnn lllvv wu vuv IIUII", luu uuun' Lor Skoad telegraphed Mr. Morgan no cordingly. If the applicaon be success- ful this will be the fourth grant made under similar cifcumltuncel,in 1879 to the Ontario Provincinl Fair It Ottawa. in 1880 to the Exhibition of the Province of Quebec, at Montml ; 1881 to the Do miniou Exhibition 3 Halifax. and ,1; I3,:, 1 u: Auuu .- you L, Vary announcing intelligence we. re- ceived during the slut-noon [tom Ottawa. Mr. In Morgen. seeing the necessity of heving deniteinlonnatlou, il attainable, had requested Selma: Shed taint."- view the Minister of Agriculture in re- gard to the vote of 05.000 to the Provin- cinl Fm. mking ii t Dominion Exhibir Lion. Hon. Mr. Pope promised the grant provided it. passed the House, and Senn- vm- Qbual o..|.........lm,l u- mu... .m J. Cattle dull to in. 180 stalll. mnurnm bonuunn Human In Rup Dram Ildoa may he ploumu m nhm tau-ck. uni Hu- utore In winght. l DRESS GOODS I Iduwyuu In K a WWII-II Ion-I III" wore and (or u Int Provinciol Fnir hold in Oohrio, were found to be in a I morle good ms. of pr-eivotion. Thu-o won and. howovor. {or increased wcommodotion. oooh your. lair Ihow- in more or Ion growth. At the tune it. wu docidod tint ho Foir ohould be held in King-ton this you Moyor (hm- kin gnu 3 (amino. mot omple armm- modntion would b. wipliod. and the visit to tho Pnlooo ymrdsy won for the purpose of noel-toiling list which al- ulroudy existed ud manning what wn nocouuy in Addition. It wu nuud by Shari! For-gum tint. than were olrudy 08,200 "u'loblo for pruning improve- ments. OLW of this ram being subscrib- od by tho citizen in mlicipthon of tho Fair coming hero, Ind 01,000 each pro missed by tho City And County ('uulwlll. A - . um: . nun-vun-u-um nun-uni u" w, unw-uvvu .- weilmiudum Pduomd grounds. The Iconic. lor the hi: wu momma :- unduly-cued. one. am. Imam-.. "nuns... u... at... Tho Amman adam- AuocMioa. manan by tho City Council nd the Dnirynu'n up. I con- nidonblo no 1, slur-eon in n... i-Mh- Au.- (Ho-n] LI... .1! I A 0-141.qu or man 1" lllltm MAHOI I. "I. an. inovmcm ma vu u-uuuuvu nu uuua. uuu year to the Fair to be held v {,t mlm. A L__1- )1) _.. _ um (I an a". rum. Art- a: Im tvIa-IIWI m -M_-M um um 30 wmoer. u on. rm. 5. From on. 5. C. Woodmht' um he did not wish to inhnn, n um the lndnstrid Exhibition vu boil: hold at. the sauna time hoctuu duo. ted I I... u... had m 5.. an... a... ' 53?! 99, I at. me ume menu cum meow but you Ind to be 01th to. Sam. of then were nhrnd to Com- mittee. and tho dodnbility of Invin other minion- w oo-aponb discour qod by Mr. nykort. who Ilid the Bond was quite commit to In... the thaw. And um uniltuu. m not d. urod if of t dicth kind. .A The Pnsidont. m npyailtod s jl of In mu. 5; tho Chicago Fair. 3 n - outow ho Mud If he could not! tic mum-L ' - a "at Ddryml W ennui Ind submitted air mm which In. udopbd. A nmrm-Iv AI Milli-I.- mun: tht-ndenhl. v mm huh: i ml- I... wan new-ea Iron: mam. 2. From the Secretary. intimati- that be had performed varioul dutm do opt- ed to him. 8. Frmn the Pmkhnt If Hz. Fruit (irowon' Association. dictating the torn:- by whmb it would list It the Provin- c'ml Fair. A Fun", OLA Dnn-Annn. Gun-Juno--. cml ran. 4 From the Passenger Superinten- dent of the Grand Trunk REL. stating that Visitors to tho Fair would be curi- ed over the nilwny between the 18th and 28th Sgnembor. At on. (m. r. 'l-nm m. H P Wand .6 h... I... man we punnc mu oe loonauwr. Ald. McCammon mentioned tlnt Beginpnlis Collaga could be obtained in I. crush. and it would hold thouuldl of sleeperl. Speaking of hotels. In said he hoped they would be cloud up, ex- cept. those parts when men could (at. what. they wanted. A I p mung.-- 41s.- L...- v: nn- -umnu-nun. Several communications were road by the Secretary. 1. From the President of the Mach-- uica' Inshitutesmsking what competition desired from them. 0 Pram 0|. qanmnuu h. m-b:-.. LL-A wmu may wanna. Ald. J. P. GildamloonTho bars. you mean. Ald. McCammonTha Bun-d And Louncu now very won was! 1 men. Sheri FergusonYou've put your foot. in it. this time. Doctor." The Council then withdraw. .(l'vu n--- n v. wv---- um. Tho {allowing mm... {or u hit. wen upon: u....._u..... n:&. and A... POP THE QUESTION uuu IL women now uunareui. VoiceWhat abolt. tho Penitentiary and Drill Shed 1 {Laughton} The MavorThn Indian nnnlmn nf hv uu lJrlll Dno 1 (Laughton) MayorTho ladies, spoken of by Mr. Weld, will be lookld after" Thin is n Indy loving place. VoiceAnd it. has a hulv lnvina anm- (mulgnwni The Mayorl think the hotel and boarding house accommodation will be ample: if not thus are lots of church". the Counml is religiously inclined. we have church leaders Imoug u. mad 1 think the public will be looked-Jun. Mchmmnn Inn-tinned let McCunmonIbe Bond sud Council know very well what I Shari Fenmmn"Ynu've nnt vnnr u n no nearu a sermon. The Sheriff said the accommodation question would not b. noglocud, that if necessary the Court Hausa could be temporarily used for Hooping purposes. and It would hold hundreds. \n,m;\l'|mo arm-o Hm Dnn;'n Lem Mr. WeldYou. a. good many of you sleep In churches. Whonl wu st that, fair I felt that. a. church was a blessing. (Renewed laughter.) Under such cir cumstsncel one felt as much benottod u if he heard a sermon. Th. khnr mm M... .M-......,.a-.:-.. I may lOVlI-Ig plw. VoiceAnd ithns a lady loving Mayor. (Laughter) The anorl think thn haul and uoep In mo pow- u we. a now. \'oico~A good mnny sloop In tho church pews for loan monoy. (Laugh- tor.) cu. IAPpIIuSe-j Mn Weld. of London. (Farmen Adm- cam Wished to any a. few words to the Muyor and Council. King-ton sud tho Association were on their trill. They had been making every provision for the accommodation of tnimnln. but the visi- tors had not been thought of. The ho- ml and other accommodutiona of King- ston bad'bun decient bolero; at Lon- don they had been dociont. A temporuy expedient was lecosury. Ho had been atu fair in Juckuonvillo, where, when the crowd could not be othorvuse ac- commodatod. the churchu had been thrown open and the people Allowed to sleep in tho powu It 500. bosd. 100d mnnv slash th- u. unnvn- luuvvuvn-Inll The Mayor 3nd Council here entered the room and announced that tho roqui- when of the Association for buildings Ind been favourably considered, and that the requirements would be prowd- ed. (Applnuse.) Weld. of London. IFnrmn Adm. opuuuai; uuw lb was oniiguory. Other gentlemen spoke. but tho most entertaining of the debaters In Mr. Luruegie, who "and that, ho had fav- oured Kingston iu the locstion of the Full this yeau. but he could not forgot that he had been told thlt the Allocin- tiou would probably have to pay hall the local expenses of the fair. I! the exhibition were u (ailure here this your in would not. be brought to the city agsin. and it. tlxoroforo. behooved all to go to work and unsure its suocon. w numllwn uuu Lorouw wuaoun mom. The Presxdent admitted that. hereto- fore the guarantee was desirable but optinual: now it was obligatory. gentlemen snake. but the mast normm unnu- m 1 uoIm Sliphy all it PinKm lmu mayHm Pain-ad Holin- n. ' were [,0 us new [or approval. Sberi Ferguson drew Attention to the fact that. in past yous those gnu-an- Leeu lmd not been exutad in every case. that the Association had agreed to go to Hamilton and Toronto without them. "Hm Proud-no adminna oh... h-v-nn bu. "an! uphill'- . Hmlm'hibud Hm t-nl-_\l... Chi-d" gnl I-Kin I10 Ll": PFOSPOCW 0! n. exnlbluon. Mr. Rykerc did not. think mother pledge, that Implo accommodntion would be required. nocenslry. The Associa- tion should procud upon the guanntoo made at. Toronto. Th0 President. and others olmrvod that it Ind been mull to aubmn their requirements to the Couuml of the plucn where the thaw: were to be held for approval. Ferguson nth-Lion m u "nun-u "n: :v- yum-3...... The Mnyor and Council ukod luv. to withdraw for oonforonoo. and in the tbsonce of the municipcl "pronoun- tlvos the Associltion diwnlud. in O dianultory why. the nature of u gur- nntee previously gvan by the lnyor. and the prospects o! the exhibition. Rvkerl. did not think Annhhnr mg 101' u 1 Mr. RykonTho Baud will look n!- tar that. nun mo lur wu opon no we worm. Ald. IcCunnonHow will tho Conn- 1 oil know whether blur. in to ho l Inni- tob. exhibit in order to out I build- ing {or it 'I Mr. RVkIrtThn Emu- '1' Innh n'. II G'nmplc'lr and full ul a-n-ry Ihlnu. owing [0 "I0 Large quantity of oods II sells you can rely on [ling own thing Im-1h. and evorylhlng you re- quire wllholu goln elm-u new. n . 1!! Inyor ukod III a. In would ha in the "on of the inion grunt bung "mind. The Pro-id. phi-oi tilt the building for the mu. exhibit would b. 'd {or on: 0! a. grant. an any b not been given it yet ha and n doubt, um! Ind not command i in col- nootion with u uquilition subminod by the Amintion to the Council. It. I Inked 'hn mum unnld h- by me Auocmnon lo we Uounau. It. wu Inked whn coal-u would b. {allowed in cue the Lower Provinou wished to exhibit. sud tho reply mud. nut tho in: II: open to the world. Ald. lcCunnonHn' will th- Calm. cation to boon-u when 0! "main! Ami-an for 1h...- union to noon-I. mm 01 In l'l'o- nth Anaemia. to: tho you. paying 01 ouch but making four thatch 1'th will. thmlon. loco nothing Any. my. nu numbTho no mil. winches-do. Tholth- 0V... n. mm M tin-lop! MWMIIdmm not likolvlo cur. uv- um than than. pmvidoumlldum Idlikolyb do so now. (El-u. has.) Th. SuntanH it Lu! 5.... a... IOI w. um I: the "pun." I Tho M hm you our "to woman mm cured of onturh. bronohitil. umm. sud lung (ll-ease by Dr. M. Souvulh'u Bpiromobr. sn inltuument which oonvovu modicinnl Golden Lion Grocery I W. R. NleIIAl! d (0. mm by ur. a. aouvuua'u nplromour. oonvoyl townie. direct to the nut of the dim. nutrumeuu. with full diroeanl, ant by oxpreu mm; uddrenl. Writo for rheu- hntoDt. M. Souvoillo. ox-cido urgoon o! the French Army. 1! Phillipu Bquuo. Manned. All mun must contain lump (or reply. imsmmm Ens'e COCOA. Unnml. um (Jenn-rum By n thorough knowledge 0! the neturel lnwe which govern the opentions ol diges- tion end nutrition. end by e ceralul epplioeA tion of the ne properties of well-selected Cocos. Mr. Ep hes rovided our bro-k- lut teblea wit e de ioetely evoured be- erege which any new us meny beev dooA Joni bills. It in by the judicious use 0 such Articles of diet t et I. constitution mey be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to discus. Hundreds of subtle melsdiee ere eeting eround us reedy to etteck wherever there is I wash oint. We mey mepe meny e fetel ebnft keeping ourselves well fortied with pure b ood end I properly nourished fume." Civil Service Gazette.-Xede eimply with boiling wnter or milk. Sold only in Peck- ete end Tina lb. und lb.) [shelledJun Em a (30.. omaopetbw Chemists, Lon don. Eng."Aleo meter: of Inns Sheen lete Eneenoe for efternoan use. Mantras]. reply. BARNES II HEBREW. -Ar fli m aunt's Stun! m-Ezvzs _,i.._,n..:......_....,.:.22:. John Simpnon. who was before the Police Court yesterday, was Iurpriled to read in last evening'- New that ho had put his st through a Window in Todd's house, while examining hi: mum ale 5 bit. The Magi-trite htd dilmiaud him became he didn't do the act. The New man hldn't batter get in the way of that muscle for some timo to come. A muscular tuilor also folt that he had been minreprasnutod by the Nun. which said that he WM taken to tho cells nd cogitated thorn over night. The police were also surprised to how thut l mu got into tho colll without their know- I-.l.... rum. The concert. was mumud by a com mittee of teachers, Mrs. Linton. Minus Martin. Hentig and Bataan. ~ Illull. ll 11er lpptnr IHCO In In"! I'll" Also I! 1: Chem: 1:! Vary ('hnlie l lwh [Huck TEA. For Illa, song, And Ito thu Bum]: School umy lulon' Im only I troy [and '11: told not to lance J, But l wqu ovarybody to has! In Ihor: Ipuoh. Only once in ma you do In uh or your lid. Schggls cant do wnbont money, And Jebu nun mm. Schools And-JGbe be yak]. Whunwo at of you nowO, plow 1m mu 1 '_ 11,7 ll mouoy enough to lung up our bdl We no school (1nd] will come I: m cull. When In hung in t a cot. high up in thc lull Our Objc'. in pllln, plmo hoop n In light. W. Pxunko our In: bow and ling om "Good lght." Miss Etta Elliott's "citation ii spo- cially recommended. but all the contri- butions, musicnl and hterary, war. praised. 'llm n..-....-p _. . a _ _ a . __.a L.. .. -k._ nunuuuu yllyuu Iwolnplulmautl. Mr. Carey. between the parts. gave a statement of the condition 01 the School. both in regard to the attendence and nances. There are 200 lune: on the roll. The income for the year was about 0170. u, A, n . I uvvuv w. .v. Master Perry's speech, written ex preast for the concert by one of the lady bombers of tho ch001. mu thus; being well delivered : Ladle: Ind gentlemun. children Ind all, Once li'lllol'o you no pluud to mpond to our on ; call Our Sunday School umy huuuna than no PEnir nun IOU. bunt. - These were named by Mia Burton, A G. Davis, Miss Croqpn; Mon-rs. Sum- mers. O'Raly. Urumley, Mr. Coopor'n qunr- new. M13008 Chnmbcrhin. Burton, and Mines pllyod accompsnimontl. Mr (nrnv hntunn 6|..- Isa"; -n-ln .. Mlsses McLenn. Linton. Tnylor, nos, der, Bum, En. Elliott, Trondoll. Marmara Wilmn l- pnrr. Ar-Au Li (2) . Thom son. Gnkin, Elliqn, Reid, 12); Min- oCaulny. (2p; WHIOD. (2); Thurston. Barnes, Kane. Rowun. Appleton. (2) Ho]- aer, 1mm, mu Elliott, Trondoll. Masters Wilson (2); Perry. Horny. Lin- ton. hompsou, Tsylor, Andaman, Thun ton. unt. Iv-wv-v '-- - Irv- Schulan and ntudunbsofevery kllnl have been lultblnl vuumeu of the Waml. unnumm. Hnnurnulllnh-hunhnlnr The nnuuul Enter concert in connec- tion with the Sundly School of St. Paul's Church took plwo lut evening. the children being unused on galleria! sen-between the two rooms oftbo school house, Rev. Mr. Carey pruidod and conducted the programme. which was one of special merit. The following are 0.6 names of the little people who per formed ; but. tic thouund cured H mm. bronohitil. uthmn. ud Inn: new man}; no IIVOIIOOKIIIhO 0: Min. Thin dbl-noon tho Aluminum oon tinned their Inboun on tho prin lint. The change. made will .11 be inpmvo~ manta. And the premiums sung-to - large mount. -___7 40-A A lug-nu- F. o. IILO I: 00!, t H, 7, -V- ~._ w- _- vv.- umnm PI!!! Luf. The roviniol at tho pin [in And no rule- Ind roguhtionu wu nun prooood- od with. Prof. Brown, of Guol h. In. ban 0-- mod to writ- nn nah. ntnnll n n.- D l mu: m 14:1. W. I. o! the Ian-arr Ad's-omit. don, p" 3 prize of mo or u but had at can. The momma-Mom 0! sh. Kuhn Dtirymu'l Ami-lion. mum to m pins in about in but: were adopted. And 01(1) wu gnaw! towudu Ibo Inn- luknq o! _ Ind but! on the ground :0 to given for tho but out. {or nunth choc. undn priu 0! III for u hon manor. m nup- was run! In van upon It. In Actionan All Inn Ibo Union-at pun urn-god anti-Ml]. Than-Inbound. withoodiuou. .my. 1' with condition. "! w 'AIAI n1 rumination-rune. in. ups-Cod. non-Ind it... in H my ind. m. u and It. to d Haunt-a Coup-y. Oholm In. an 1... n iii 'iu'ei Em moan. Tobacco and Plpos. ...|...I..... . ..o...|....m,.fnvnn- L \...| .n\ A. W.Ind Ion-n "my mug! honours noun: and tho-put": dad. I\ I an sum! IIWI-Oll (I [Ill Prod-eucl unto-ell ol land-y tool. mint-I'm?- Thom-Id I. (laugh ad Km m Ind-hi .0 WI -_..._. ..._. Th Canning- Finn-commut- u nan-Ind. llnn-nn-di- M u.- Bind-d nun-DI.- I Brown, writonp the mmnw. m. nuaan Blnek Groa Gnin Silk, for Junk. ,0]. worth 01.30. Ill-wk B ni-h Luc- u #200. I 10 ~ 1.50. 25c, . 56 and we. Black (Ru! Multan) Luce. st low prices. Blsck sum (Bpooill Vslm 75p. won OI. Bllck Bqtin De Lyon gt 0'). worth $9.50. Blue]: Moire Antique ' wing at O 86, 01.75 and IQ. Wuldron'l Blush Cuhmeru Ire decidedly the aha-Eu . Blink Cull- moru. All Wool. It 400, 60c, 60c, 700 and 750. Blwk Chum-t2 Cu Inert, Ibo union. .0, In In And (Kn [THE BABIN]_'_!ABEIIOIIMS The Whole of the Stock must be Cleared " 4 Within Sixty Days to 01099 up tho Em: Provision Deparlmenf, J Dress Goods umm', "'Parasols -1_n|.-_;__n..._- ..... ---|-| - Nw Goons: LOW PRICES Immense Stock INEw PUBIIIIM Ekllnory Dopamont needs no greater mlvortiumout than the thousands wlm united our Show Room lut week, and war. doligobed with the duplnf. We iuvnw all who lmve not at. vilibod ] us to call early. when we will be glad to a ow our stackwhether they w :11 to pur- chase or not, n hum. -SELLING OFF- IMR.s.T;DRENNAN uur 13!ch brocaaoa sun. MOIIO Antiques. Hulk Groundinu sud Black 3nd Colored Grad Guin Silh astoninh all who see them {or value. and no a sun: In every time. The "ll/Ina", sited ..A .._A _:_.'A_ I weak and Inn dnlia-md with the .lmnlnu 3 ;.....o.. ..II ...|... 1.....- We are showing full linea in the following materials : French Fouls Sargon, French Fouls Uuhmerol. Nun's Cloth. Nun'u \eiling. Sabin Cloth. From!) loulo Boiges, Mucotta Checks. Black and Colored Cashmere. SPBNOBEGRUMLE; urn sTOCK 0! "m ubovo gBod. i. i mn- not-III. Dress Goods. Dress Goods Study your interest sndbuy at April 10. No. 6 Goref [They Have What Bautiful Fitting Hunts Shoes. Muller Button or 'lle Shoes (tom 861. Ladlel' Benuunll Fro-cl Kid Bullonml Boots at .150. ARMgibGs New Styli-h Drou Good: n 90. New S nng Sumngs at me. All Wool Bunting Iron! 180. All Wool Nun's Veilin . in Black. nvy. Punk and Blue, at 260. Buulilul 80 Wool Goods. full rug. of no on. n 200. Rnoh. I wool. Good. n 250. Blank Brooulod Satin It 500. Trimmings to match nll our Dress Goods. ~l'! F'. X. COUSINEAU 85 CO. Apm 1|. 13w CA... -_ ...__~_.__m Immensoffering April 10. l'llll I r-A [Full] 1" IN lrll'lh Ul ANHIYII. Darjeeling and Knngn. Ynlh-y. Ill Brnish Indm. lb: r! chm umrket, Alwlw HnlfChuxtu \'a-rv('hn|re m \ To land this morning : New Iain Ducln-sue [or kaeta And Dunno. n .76. Beautiful Black Brocade. heavy and all Silk. at 03. Run Hal Om Onin Silk It 81.60. worth. Ponson's (clobrnted From-h Silks, It. I]. . 01.26. 01.60, 01.60. .80. H. 0?.25 and $2.50. No old shop-worn goods ; All new ind huh. Germ Conlection Clolh. 1 d3. wide. all wool, at. .50. Black DilaonAl Cloths. from Il to I175. 0 RRNT~Dwelling over store. Rant modem... WALSH d: STEAOY April 12. u..y v uvu, GENT'S FURNISHINGSWe carry one of tho lurgnut stocku in the any. ___.. 0__. Our Black Brocadod Silks. Moire Antiques. Hulk Groundinu DOIOPOd GFOI autoniuh I who mm mm (nr \mlnn and art: A: III-In u-l- mm WALSH a; STEAOY 106 PRINCESS STREET, lul. IDAI\I.DD [\L I t afmmrmzh Millinery SPRING STOCK [H NOW COMPLETE AND (HEN FUR lNHPEC'Pthl '-v w uv . um Hove boon nod on continuko receiving CARPETS by Almost our, Brim unmet. until their commodiou- premium are now and to overowing will: I! [Argo-t ud Choice-z Stock 0! I" kindl of Corpus over imporkd into lit-pun. In outiaipuion at I largo sdvauco in pricoa. which ho- linoo uh. pk. Mn ordered on um lug. Iuppl thi- souon. m onlor to supply thon- cm vi than: at lat. you: prion. w M: war. the loved. known. All in Col-pol- will Hum. mm- own interests by going to RICHMOND a 80 DINB. Ap l ' RICHMOND" ; BO H-vn hun- -na mm mm--- .. wax... {\IDDD'Iu L.. A {\ll Wool Veiling. 80h 4 lbu. Stewing Fig: (or 25c. 4 Hm. Suwung Prune: Iur 15c. M Hm. Drmd Applau for 2.5". GREAT ousggfmm-ws mm mm m at 10.. 1k. 1c rung... Pun-sauna. lud- On. And No. Galena laypdu Colds. 170. mean. Gin (I 1mm W. MIC]... ad a. Nonlan 8",... lb. 150 o! the Hun Nov-Nu M hoover uni so; Colon ad link bun'l Cloth. bun IIIth in this ditto" p0. ulv Shim-ads. iCuuAman'unColor- nquiroto bum. yvlllulon- 0d Prints. .3 a. New Knit Chenillo uln- u the prion-molar... _..._ .u. at. Fifi? Pieces New Dress Goods It & NICONIITI'I. Will con-m April It Dry Goods, luminary and Gem'- lurnlshlna Emporlun. I and III Princes Streel. M. April um. Apt 1:. The Lowest Priced Hduso 2. _.__._.._ coma: has. was no; lie. We run... 0: had land Cold-.170. Gimp. Dunn-L '- h- a... For Puddings and PICS, THE LEADERS 0F LOW PRICES IN KINGSTON.- Everybody says the Cheapest. Place in we City in Armstrong's. A- BOSS: I snanuy M. Gore Street. Perth. of NEW DRESS GOODS. I_F\.., MOFAUI... -Ol Tax Luz4. IGWBI O IISSOIE'ITEI. op. WWinbor IOU. R. wnLnnou. PRINCE88 STREET. __. SPIiNl'lI ('IIIYMLBY. 132 mud 134 Prmoesn Street, opposite City Hotel TEE- I). P. ARMITBONG'S. HI Princes. Stud, King-ton. 21, ROSS. ho hu u very vsrlod Mock In I tho but. My)... Wlloou'o nun-g man-um. Nothing to tqunl them 111 this market. In qualiiy and prirc. , Purn TEA (rum thv In lrll'ln uf Axum, Room Paper C? QFFEES v v _ .__.._.. Pun: (Ul-'l"l~1l:l. (nnnm b: unnamed m Hire-Hg: and Hnmr. "05de an the premww Ind ground every 11'}: whom wpplndu libunl mbmbyiniud to cult-dam. WINDOW SHADES. Illlhrrelu any My: Pork. my. ,, n. .1, n , n 0" I NEW PAWS-NI. been lam.qu vuuneu 01 we w1 BOX HORN E. the great. Dutch schu was such a slave to it that In: for very brand bummed lmt.p|(r('ulul though It. nud no suppmtml hm I wlnlc [Uh humln m-le llen-.nmi-um ummlwdul (lay uml mpht. Hardy & Inmfs, ALE AND PORTER. - Hil WERE 'IU TEASE- $1. .llll I H). I have le Ih llmnu In comp." our a. ith dutch. nod W dI-l )uu get that M: on Easter " Hhe Lyon ! P [SARI-9r Hugh! Lhnt Silk. unity" VIII. I... luv. vv outun wu- m ILA-ml nn-Mh 1h. . The limb Suntan o! the Montreal Conicrence. Methodist Church 0! Cult da. opens In Mantra]. Xny 36). 0- Sunduy. M 38th. Dr. Elliott m It ll |.-.. in St. de' Church; 30'- 'Wu.manmm. at. imbcnmo-thunohbio minim hm Kingdo- M will Fuel: at. H LIL. Ind do w- n o! Esp-co Dickie: h It. and... 0- lay m. in Dominion Squn. as In ILW, GM. will [Cd 8 m balm 3h. W Union: Tho both-Alde . and an Hanan cl um... liq-ind hum-bound lining." 0-8 day; Jan h. M. W. hila- vill Minsk-Mm inll- \ vu- -. Cooper. the bunch and. nu brought to tho yahoo union thin marl. mg. um! '11} be tried tomorrow. . . . .V .., m. mm. um. um... Illmm Hogan appeared in the Court mm a big hnndkorchief over his eyo. wmvh was hluckenod Ind closed. in qu-lxo [mind ui! hamddonly can. iumcouuwl mth the st. 0! Another pony. A summons wu iisuod against tlie Il' mlzml. but he forgoz All about the case. anl the order of I warrant. at In in crolsld 005:. was the result. Hog-o. since hu now! row win: In. Enwright. hn )Impod into nowrioty as the Police 1 Eu. The following have secured berth on the steamship "Parisinn' for panel to l England: Benjamin Robinson and wife, Mm. Hall. Col, Oliver-Ind wile, Mr. Smthem (of McNeo a Minneil. John Muckloaton. 1. Simpson. Capt. Sankoy intl family, J. S. Kirkpatrick sud wife. The party. with the exception of the two but named. will sail on June 10th. The tickota were uncured from Folger a Hunley. who have nil] I few vacant lwrtlm. Many of the above will milk. (HP! to the ('uutinoul luring the sum "um t 'auadn Educational Monthly" for Much m to band and contains informa tion of interest. to anchors and other: cmlcerod in the mlnmhon of the youth. Revised and corrected edition of the " loronto Nurseries" catalogue is loaned by lieuqu Leslie J. Sons. of Toronto. 1:. m be found of great. nubothoae Iggy- In.V out gurduun. planting trues. e. Ihn Itnrnnnrn [Jun-Ll" .nA Din-an... now compute. Anticipuing - big demnnd during this Spring. In hue nrchuod hmly. con noqnontl camp y. and in a. lower 0 Input our price. cannot be um. .u. vuu mu-nu... runny-Ila Ian-cl. um. l'ha Farmers Fnuud" and Hunter! undo. published byJ. V. Plougblhsro' 1- lled with pmcuuld Informuion for armtr planter and orist. It Rents 0' bulldings. lwe stock. poultrv, and cultr van crops The mm of Dam] n. Davy was con (mun-i. and the evnicuce of uevanl Lukrn. lL resule 1n the conviciou o! Davy, who pmd O3 and cost: Into Conn. \\.ll...n. Ll.\nnh - .l ;... 0L... {AA , uh... .u. ullu unuuun u: uls wuu lull: full. Last September the prisoner. sc- l companied by his mfe and son. A young woman and another man. ve in all. went. to Bmutiurd in awaggon. and. having imbibed pretty freely. they re- turned home 11 good don! the worse of hunt-r During the trip the wife WII nmrIle-rml. The medical ewdence SHOW' ml let tlm pour woman must hnve ro- celvml the must brntnl treatment. And her bmiv was on mass of bruiul Ind Tm Yum; IN THE PmnusrunnAt the Brunt. Armizes Jonas Fromm. a half- brreul. was sentenced to 10 venrs' pent] servitude for the murder of his wife last full l..-o can4\-__._ AL, , W HLr: Ul'fLuoK.aner of vessels and gram oxpurtt-ru feel very blue in regard to Hm prospects of the Ieawn. High prices in the West. and the da rreue of demaml in England. is looked upon (he mum of the lullnou, and oven offers of premiums in freight from Boa Loumnl New York to Europeu pom do not seem so have improved the Bit.- Klan. Surat-.1 A Lune-The Minister 0! Juuticn has Informs-d the President of the Frontenac Agnculbuml Association that A lease of the Crystal Palace grounds hm been granted them for I further ppnml a! ton years. A longer lonw would nnLhe granted by the Gov- Arnnmul Mumu. l-waannon To-dny the Mud cxuunnumuu. in connection with tho nal lucan summations. occurred In ()nturiu Hull. Dr. Ecol, of London. Dr. Buckley. 01 Prescott. and'br. R. A. lyne. of l'uronto. were the examiners. ' l'xlvusnv Suvn;u.Theuservicu will he contmuod for only two noon longer. Nell. Sand-y the Principd will protein. 0:: the {allowing Sunday Prof. Mowat will preach the Buocdnumm a- ..... n V mvmu VIII IF. Il'l mun-.udmaonolmuwumqol uh mean cl 0135.68, continua undiluldmndwmmmw ,mdm ronponliu'a l-nnd a uummmmn MmzluWJLMWm I M1. In.- ud 1.1M Tum-m, Dr no... COIN'I'BI' SNIBKBIBBI ; Tho Mayor and Aldermen. uml Pro- vincinl Fmr l)iroclur~4 spent utouple of hours quite pleasantlv ma well as pro- tably nt. the Crystal Rance. The party numbered about. thirty. who became quih loclablu on short nnme. They went. wwurk m n lillslnes-llke way. but both below nnvl alter their walk Ibout. the grounds and through the bulldingu they joined the city represen- um... 5nd Home eight. or ten members a! m. Frontenac Agrmnltural Seen": in partaking o! relrcshmenta provnded for tho occuion nnd of a character that. wu particulnrly enjoyable under the unanimous. Relurnmg to the city tho gentlemon became somewhat hin rious. Ind led by tho musical ('reemzan broke om into oong. the strain of Rule Britt-nit." bringing the people living in tho vicinitay to their doors. to look and laugh nd speculate upon what all the hi: m about anywny. Tho lllunl meeting of the coagroga at 0! St. Andrew's Church, In held in St Aldnvl HA" In: evening: After hum-l union. conducted by Dr. Blith. the basin..- ol tho mating Ill punHum, 8:20. at: Walt Ill lm to 116 lnir. The hpo wu mud and conrmed. Tho orpn {Mm Ibo M amount to .1459. the an. nqnind being 03.100, including 3. Wm:- 0! 010010: during the building Io unit tbnurmont II. In I m o pooped vim the emzion Of AL- _- n. m an .4 am an. nun4| .IUvvu an "M- WIW In- v-WIvu - mmumu01WmuguM. A x; ._|._..'n..l .L--.A 05.. l..- cu- ww - m . y~m~ u u.". IA lib-pat minim Ihcwod M10: hmmmmsm Aprithml m h..- . Anna... .1 0.. nun-m; I! nu Illnv lulavu "u ,..m.. Lint. Uol. Von Straubenzio, DA. o! No. 5 District, 13 so far revovercd from the uickuenu. bv Whlch he has been cellnod to his bed All 'Iutm, an to be lble to move about. his mom meIt :0 lidrol crutch". - I I uuv nlu u- u-uwu... One hundred young pmple of the Northern Congregational Chnrr-li. 'lo- route. called upon Ulklll pustor. Rev. J. Burton. and presented him With in very handsome silver Services 11nd tray. nc companiod by 11 beautiful illuminated nddrus. - ..7 _ I) up... Mr. Smith. a non of Syduay Smith, Q.C., of Cubourg. is Hm general political gent of the ('unsentivv party. Mr. Jacob (.ollwr was uppninbwl cure taker of the county building. at Pu'Lun by the ('ouuLv ('nuuvil on Saturday. The salary of the turnkey n! the 3301 wn also raised to 83011, -~ . .II' Lu 1 - n.n Capt. McMaugh. of the tug Active. Arrived here yesterday to take charge of the vessel. A Im'.lll| I... ".1 v: Iuv v can." . Consul Twitchell has leh. fox Waah lington. D.C.,wbere he has been naked 6n n-nnvo ....-...., ., . . to roport M.- Hm; llL Bl! c unplug. Anticimtinn I nu, n... Mr. Bunting has been offered the East. Toronto candidature by the Conservn tives. v .u . I. .- 1 .- .1 nub u: an. \ uvnu. Thu Inn/(walwcr says Mr, E. W [(11th burn. of Dean-onto. has been naked to run ior Eut Hastings. in the Liberal intern-t. but has declined, declaring it to be his intention to support. Sir Johns Governmenth the comingalectiou. We don't teliow the statement. swung-lulu u-yvumu. nvvvuvial. The North Maryaburgh contravened election cue is going bnskly UK] in Pic- mn now. Somn evidence of u very mnns- mg character has been given as well as a wonderful exhibition of bad lllhlurn'll'. The result. will probably be the "moat- ing of Mr. Faun. Ik- I..a_ll..-.. .. -nnu ll.. L \\' Iln.l\ Rov. Mr. Wishart. ul Manor, bu been very ill. n...,..... Ln LAM" Wu-uni H... Lnn) It Wlll cost about 91.50 to pay for tho bringing of the )laullulrl exhibit here, sud 02.000 may be spent, 1n erect lng I building tor it. The Government Itundsltho expense. howemr. TI.- UnOk \Inrugkumnl. n1.- ......B..wu. Jun-s Chapman. zhe rhumplou Llnel oftho blby city, Irnvml Llnn morning. Ind will go (or three year: to the place whore be will become accustomed to close luneatono qunrters. I. _..II A... kn... {I ill h. nu... f... mu... m... m. Wm; candle-mold tmuwrndum Why (lid John T. Wu city and play "From. the- Brocknllss 2 0 Hunt ivu thinks merit wull nut I. Kingswu. l-__n ll....._.... .I... .. DVWD UWU bllc I"). The folks ham commenced to t I their spare ruonm fur mmupuhou 1 their niswrs Lutl Lhcn' n-uumm and the aunts (Innug lair \VH'IL Alb....l|l\.. .,\l'.l.l ) .,,. |,. n In. nun-cum To-dny a uqrgu of horses and cattle In ukeu In Cape Viuuml on the Mr. Pierrepouz, The Hum bwughc the live nook down the My. nu p n . I A -uvu an. ...,.-I u... n. After a 05cm Him- hi the UV HAL mm of u mun adol. bun. . _.... I hill-n un- uupeno: Lo any I nHlm prim-u. 1 MW with \ bonuuhnl lhluan Fum I): nun wwyu-ucuu. The police thank Mrs. 'I. Y. Urth {or humorous copies u! Iinp. Punk. and Park. Thu. publicatiom WI be road with inureu J 1...... ....u......... The Nun says Mr. White's "transpa- mnt undour in well known." We doubt. very much if Mr. Wlnw will appreciate lbscomplimcut. Th- unlin- ahnnL \lg 'I \' "rnn. v. um awn..." nuu, Thom no 15.2% min-ms In! 0! pm inthOCryml Palace. The main building will be rocolored and thoroughly mod dollod. Ann... nu, 1n, We no told um Mr. White undo the Iblont Ipooch hero mohin legal memo- ry." A denitmn u! the term Would be quit. interesting. Tl.- \"-.... unun r 'hion'n ILA-nnnn u.. an... an... .m. ,r. a pm. u.-. All moduions have been Ignin brok- en 0! for the sale at the app" lme of both 0! the Richelieu Company. Tl.-. .n- mom on"... I-.. n! calm-A- nun Ill-1", nu v-wv to Pinon. is uhon below Sandy Crook. On- and. Dr. Day. ol Hurowumith. Ill oorod tho bubonic sum of 9111!)! his Eula: Allan colt. not ya a your old. All nmAi-QEM. h-.- I... -ll-:M Imuh, A H dlhdlcyl m u bin Martin-gm. AKiI'tol dumb-mutt: arm-u. who manglmybo. The unbor- ol um-unaw- quInIA-oehuon m u basin.- [0 Bohr. "Nollie Than-u. from Omega A N...- i- -nLA_ Ind..- G-..)- I'm-I: .Dr.0 napo- IN pnl IQ nur bust. young g, m a pair of 0 up Mon by ml lhuir THE BRITISH wnm. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1882. M. II- .qu-uuu w v n-l- Tb. Pacist-id in. me now tinned by tho Shari! ii i tor-0? inni- ingvouldlotbonlciat to nut to- ouiranonu. "lhil nub: wu mid to un'ou The ciiy wu nml~i : a. A...- .l u.- think; -u-uu-u-w- w wow-v w. Inl- inuh'h mm Mmhmhmm Jm any up. 0-: nun] mtuhfbm, "nah. uthhuuh-huuhal bonddod. Miami-notwi- pndtokhhoA-uhowiuin- Wm.qllbmia nhah-' i A-v. no In." uu vvwuvu w luv lcyulv_ The President aid no unnecer xponse would b. incurred. that the present building. It the {aground would banned but "pared And onluod n experionoo nun-M. AIA I P Rildqu-n nan :I OL lrlv v-mv-Iw The PmidutOh. no: thut'l for tho Council to do. I n -I I.- u-u- uunununuu. The Hiya-ill ti ho. back by the Council. Ind mild mph wcom moduion. Tho Mot com-u. how 1 but the mail-muni- 01 die hit. TL. 0...... _u 51.. -__a m- .. ......... m". .... w, - Iimud i. u. linen-Id tho Emu. 'tion. lamina-Om. Th0 12....3... ... M- :.._......n ;_-- Black