Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1882, p. 2

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I. w, PIIIJ VI 'ul \l\'I\.IIIIA-rul. . - youth] dangen in consequence of INN liar. dovelopmom ol the now eon-7 would mor mutoriallyt Ir. m MM Str Richard's Ithon mm. with m poamon taken by tho OWN. that. while hi: party and... land monopoly he was per- hlombd il um mounpol}, .u Inn! mm. m m ury town Ind ' ' in hu observnuon. that than is I vs" W public and print an: i... um]..- um m'mnm wu drowned. A rumour it cumnl in Winnipeg um the Can-d: Pucic Syndiau m tialing (or the porch-co 01th Hui Scum-Western Bailwny. Rnrind inhhlnn truth ill tho Noti- Scum-Western hilwny. Spring iobbmg trudo in tho Welwrn sum mm per out. than thn time In: your. The W is attributed to the incnuod. tinn In the Manta Building, Lsrlmor not Denver, (0]., in locuted the ofce 0! Mr. F _ A. Puk. extensively elngtged in cod min] in. In Mr. Plrk's opinion, 8:. Jacobo 0i in nu exceedingly nimble article for rheu- mnium. Hm wiie suered with 3 very [nin- hu Aeotiou. which ung uirod tho u- o! In exams! remedy upon 36' Jumbo 0!], she used it With _l\l0h mtity. in succu- thu she would not. be within 1: for mytbing. Ind common I handheld Film. --+. Chicago. A pnl lb.'lho County Court today rened to hear Mrs. Scoville'l petitinn for the appointment. of n con- servator to tho estate of (initeaa. An Ippeal will he made to m Supra-no Court: on. It. is said that Rienduu. who-Inla- ed Louis Bay a the Picture In. summer by shooting him W tho boon. 1m sentenced to two yun' imprisonment. has been rel. Ind in now It. large. um- -_.....;.. u.ml Mo'- m- lth: uow II. large. The captain and boat'l at!!! of the British uhip "Natal." which m hm- ed at. sea. anivod u Honolulu on Inch 26th. The boat with the Mt ones 1an the remainder of tho crow m II- heurd from. u... Jnhn rink-Inn", inn-inn. afTo- Albany. Apnl 15.'Iho Fir-f, Nationnl Bank of Bnalo. which suspendod yes- terdav. held 970.00 of canal money, col- lected [or toll hm. year. The amount is secnrml by a bond {01' 0200.00). signed by nine responsible securities. heurd from. Mr. John Crickmore. barium. ofTo- route. bu been uppointgd I commit niuuer by We Ontario Govern. to investing the chugu of mules-um. 0! ofce preferred agiinu Sheriff Munroe of Elgin. Tim Hull [.0 rale the Isle of the I. of Elgm. Tho Bl Lo 1'in the toru section of the Governmonb road to the Pacic Railwly Syndicuo bu I'D- ceivod the thml ruding In aha Quoboo Assembly. A uric: of .mendlnantl moved by the Uppositioll. were 10M down. St. Joseph. Mu. April 15. Enos metlmr, ex-(ity Registrar and preunt City Assemor. and Jun. Cox. lat.on clerk fur Bender Pent-HOD Agency, lmn beau urteatml nu u charge of complicity in u 91001") homl steal. 1!. is stated that. Irwin confessed in, New York that (uulteruml Cox Htolu the bonds and gave them to Fiske and Irwin to sell. New York, April lakFiske and Ir- win. charged with stealing (IMHO of St. Joseph city bonds. have confessed. implicating sumo of the late city 03)- cinls. .I I" "II-Wu In muuv u m _ 3 And Mich], perm-mm. clan. Tb M w tut tnen no u gnu III] obs-pt. I Eh we hum: oat in. fully in proportion w M In? town, wnh plenty of n' W Ia fro-h comer: w nu m. plan: 0! than. whom mbinou Ind ul VON" cull h the Walt. Ind thr In Toronto. April 15.'lhere is no change in the labour umveuwub in Toronto. The master carpenters, shoemakera. eta. seem determined not to give in, and tho same spirit. uninmtes the men. Yes- terday '1!) striking shuenmkors left To- ronto for Chicago, St. Paul and Roches- ter. A number luave today for tho other side. it u ...m.i;.m no Hm Iiuhm an-mil ubner sum. At It Inert.ng ml the Labor Council hut night. it. was decided to ask [or con- tributions Ln sustain Hm Itrikeralrom the wnrkmeu throughout, Cannon. ()waa. April 15.lu the House of Commons yesterdu , Liter routmo buii nests, Sir Leonard llley moved hi: ro- uolubion declaring the expediency of the 0150.000 grunt to the Lower Province shermen. 311281er remnlbly uk- ed for some (lotailed mtormetion u, this stage as to how it. was proposed to A pend the money. but, the Government refused to grant his request. 0!! the mnnnn In an inn: Commune of SuDDlV ate moumcnuon or we 18.111]. \Vushiugtuu, April 15. --One of the In test rumors is that Lowell will be suc- ceeded by lnucolu. rcluud w grant ms request. on we motion [.0 go into Committee Suppl Mr. L'amuron (Huron! moved an amen - ment. asserting the rights of the Pro- Piuclal [legislatures against. Federal in~ berference. and dealing generally with the when of the Government is disal- luwmg the Stratum; Blll passed bv the Ontario Legnsluturu. A lengthy discus- sion followed on this motion. Messrs. McCarthy, Hnggurt. Breckeu. and Mc- Dougull Lulug the Government side. and the mover of the amendment and Messrs. (lutln'le. Laurier, Weldon. ud Blake replying on behalf of the Opposi- tion. Mr. Blake was still speaking It H"!!! n In nrsr. three days or we ween. The Secretary of the Treasury re- ports that. the amount of the Cuitoms duties refunded for the year ending June 30th lust was 8758.000. The ox- plnnntiona which accompany the ute- ment of the Secretary exhibit some of the strongest. arguments for an immedi- ate modication of the Tariff. \v.mi.;....o.... Auril 11 (\nn n: n... In, New York, April 15.Tbo general sentimenb of the Republic an Cancun last. night was that. the Republicans could not, aord to allow Congrou to ad- journ without pnsaing a bill to rovide for the extension of the Nabionn Bulk Charters. it was unanimously agreed on Monday that the Republicans ahdl band their eorts to the passing. under a suspension of rules an anti-Chinese bill. It was reported thoother day that the week after next. the Tari Commiuion Bill will be disposed of, possible ii the rst three days of the week. 'lhn Emu-ntan nf Hm 'lrnannrv .rn. llolne or Com-bu I. 7 777 -vr ()mciuls Arrested. u w ' w u... ........., loner box. There m ugrcun manual: to the option of this unij lLCI'II'ILIVQ -mlong walk. which Lnexl huuuus nun Ire not. dmpoud Lu Lulu- W. are Inland In 0:10 clerk couM lml he n1 loved clone the umlu, thul. slH'h 21 day Incas-into: the mnpluym-ut of two, and If these were kept. uu duty until 10 p.m. I.th Wuuhl he uum for work next. morning at. 6 n elm-L. It dud not occur to an that onu would not du the night duty. and we Ihould not, he so nu tunable an L0 nuppnso Lhnt Lhe night. cloth should be once! Lhu rst nt. Llw oico tho next morning. We Mr 1'- InLIdod Ihlt the latest hour fur closing Inll 1 0t IV. and Muquunl ls H p.111, Bu Ibis It b9 rommulmreol. that. M H). cm lulled n Inter hour In Impmr liblo inuth an the mum lcrnu there lor tho won at 9 pm. nguton Ix not no cimunlhnood. There are apparent dimcultiu. but we hope that m urder lo DOOI the wishes of the public Hwy will not I). found inunpcrnblu American Politics. I or (mlal 'lollo. WM]. 19: [Ml ' _ ____.. _.~,m n! m WM Colo-inno- Con magnum-pd vmp an Chad Trunk A w Inc-lo- or Setlleni ' 00. April lb. our-M I! bunk; Idol!) hunk; nut-um mun "amnion-zit . lot-Wino. :IIIMIO sumacme 00, W to 6.10: mme 5.3 to 5.79; AK; our-w tolabzhncyw (0000. am A. tobb; I 0.50 lo 1.15; In. 630 0 54!}. und- mo; polllMl 8.8) to 8.15, on. hm city do 3.) to man. at. 0.0. whim. I. to I. ; do rod [not run quarrelsz M and loan Dub? I. Duo-v. Mud-likindunh. Don-- Ibcl. PM luv. ling-O0.- II'IONG BAKIM' FWUI A BPICIALTY. 3' WM" Boa Wunml. my BOO-I W moan. Drool blunt. Taun- M known u no a! uh. For [unhol- pcniauhn n l to J: EEJTCHEBON. A... IR IIMMI The cry III! boon. Make the HIM Coll... until; m the calm. fur servnco Within the country! No swuor II thn do... how-"r, thou froth ho-ulny orb. hocqu lama rival pruluuion ur Mullen moon n trenh lUnlpotlLUl'. Thai-I proposal baton lnrlxameut lo upon the surveying [:roleulun bu gr:- tlubl o! the (ollegu lu cunuqueucu tho Mandi u! MCGIII ('ullkgo eager go proton the nurnymg chum vl that uul vol-any. no oppomng 1hr mll m bitterly u wlllow their zeal to run away with thoir discretion. l'hcy lune. {or ex unplo, circulnud n pruned Mabwueuc to the aoat that. the nurvovmg t-uurlu ol the Roynl Military ('ulllvgt: In only 136 honn. while that H! MMnll m 444. The truth |I that the forum-r ulVl the INIde 572. or M hours luwlr llmu )ll' Ulll Truth In quite u lmnxlnulm- Um. In I onivurulty u n time I urnrulnm a not. No. 01. women on Aron street. nur noon- Collee. The house oonuim nino r5. room, with outbuildingd; I' in am clu- ropnir. There is ngood Churn, 5nd er Work: In tho how. The litu- Ition in good. Ind the property in Im- clm. Tho bril] take plus on THURS- DAY. Ann m. It. one oclock I). IL. n elm. In. .annu an pace In unu- DAY. A m. at one p. In. n Em Boon". Brock Strut. Tarm- and. known at. In. 0' uh, 1, PM! nut DAV u) UUNNINUHAM $0 ull by Public Auction his Stone Home and Lot. No. 64. wanted Arch Street. IIIAP Ouml Collage. The human cannin- ea 'Iu yuru. The funnnl will take placo at a: u'clock,on Mona-y unemoon, from hlu .ato residence, Montreal Sire-l, tocuamqm Cemetery. Frlauua nnd noqnuntnnces are respectfully luvle to gtnud WATER WORKS ~ Remem- ber to ply your nler Works Accoulnby Ilm IMII. and save *1: Alana-Inn -wovunn n, I. the discount. sud-m now re "ml to dn all kxuds a! Funny and plnin lJ uu'nmlmz. All kindl of "puma. m L'pholuunug promptly I stundod to. I waiou SALE 0F.V Rea Eiate! [or bill) rrwuuu nuu an. Ipocuully invited to ullmul 1.. unmanm 1.. thril 1mm Ono who know- Lho Post umu. rnu ino nyl. in round to having Um mails clou n n Inter hour than u prosout. 3h potlupl w. Are not. swam that a loner box has Intely been put up at the nilwuy Iutiou. and that 1L h Hmod And empubd by tho Pun Uzcu (Tn-ml- of tho paling Lrlinl. Auy llul)lllL.Dl loner: which cannot b. mum and W M. the city u'n-o lwfurv. p,m.. n b. ion to the l'uulwny nmuuu I A4 'IL- ,.| . 4.0.. ly-u-nuI-J .....n .v ....-.. . In Klngslou,uu April mu, Willilm Strong. nod 70 yarn. Tha {uuunl llIlC. an Silks, Flushes, Cumin n 1.14 ,enrn hnuhl (umda It 1.16. Buloy Ihl cum bush, titles in Albnny yon-rd IV of 0 1 ( nuuda 31 0,00. . u-mvu.v. On 5m IIIIL, I! St. Louhd, bv the Rev. Bishov Warrau, the Rev. William Thorue Nol. putor 01 Summit Street MJ-Z. churohnnsu (mum. Ion 01001. A L Non. of lhu sun Indium Regi- mant, Io Annia Elizsbelh. youngsst dgugh hr of D. 8111:. In: of Kingsmn. Spring Stock I DuRochu. of a son. - In Nspnnoe, on April 19th, um \nle of J. F]; u den. of a dnughtet. Ellzlball Kingston 0n the Nb inn, Joh CornBenet; Inlel 0.000 No. '3 Mixed Weat- torn. U; hilt muod.me. OntoHence; whip stale held it to 000 RyeQulouulammn (madame In bond. CotnmlllBoltml 3510, Imbolted, 34,00 per ton. Md leakedMO It Hound l'd. 00 an . Onhrio Bunk ll7 n 65}. W Nu. Co A) ll 62. Duke! Comm326 M 144. smug-hr. mm It! A dly or two ninco th 1 linilevxlln In Ialhymcn' uted that Mr. 0-. H4 Ihth bull hnd not only (lei-hum] tn mum-9t Hut Hutiugl in tin! lubrinl HIU'IPHL but Ind Illhd It to be his lllLt'IHIIHLI to support Sir John's Unvmiiuient In thew coming election. We .lm-rvdilrd the Ital-malt. uni now we an: umirmL on good suthority.thut mm- uhmr wan the but foundation for it. We lmlieve that rmntly I deputation of Liburnl-i united upon Mr. Rmtbbun tn ttHlHlLiHli hm {cel- iuu townrdl on. who in liiu'iy Lu iH'I'ULnG the Reform lundard bearer m UPPUHI all to Mr. John Whit. M "., ani that Mr. Hiltbbun approved I)! [ha l'ilLIlLl. Sir John name wan not durum-Al but in connection with tho lu-uunx rlu-Lmu. in which Mr. Rathbuu lulnuuletl that in would not participate. 'lhr Iumu year" I! unullly quirk to mum LIIIIH ovary crumb of politiml i-uiufort. but no ii-cue it: )ubnlation i- suumwhut pre- Dunn. April 16. 7 I HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS PROM MRI DAVID CUNNINGHAM 1n hv pnhlir Anniinn kin Flint: "nun l5th APRIL. I. n A -a- JAMES REID. lIt-y Tapestry. Jules. ung NIAMBIED. A! Louis. hv l. Inca, Snlleens. "one", A. Jr. ' loom-1. WI; hand! he. Rev. ,m puller Lu Cram-nu xo m~llw to. than humid w and ' mMItKMCWI? m My ml in am a I. a m maul-bu. acwxammm caudal,th Funnyl0. 51'. Id I. 3. 1 Fun! hymyhnoons-h. . ; Lwt CuminYum u u 'n [or HulmutLoohlu hu- Ivuiuledknpmhnhrymm Inovnnydo l thus-III. M n tho la.de - 111mm." It -- AN ADDBEII '~ I I!!! (DVJ bo do]:va to y "a z mui b lbolov. E. 7 Villa. - IVIK 5.1T: Amufiuu I who Work onto col-ul- II It. blocs-e M m... hue u {lav-Rd. Col ga- on hold! 6! of tho Dunno Andi- name-morn s I nun-.1 an landing n M800." mvthmmw in. Pun-mnAH III-r- nita in... In yum-Inn, nun-W nI ;_. FlinnSoth- aha: boon to. 1| and try them nut nelnnlbooh. [um Im-mu..- ,Vm .-- A ghnuA tun- u, won- law-I nun; . w-u- hm Uvnmul You an .0! M 1min; hath. boo..th ill-u. MM hue only on: price. And don't u (I 50 cum A pair mun lhu: in w undlndheynellnltho van. 1 when comparing u on": m l have always [on that tau um. out o! twelve I could buy very much ohnpot from than. 0/0053: or 11.60 1 i I lulu uI-m . rum! do mu m ny a! can; huinem. At n I dvtyl luv. to at (or t nduction or I would pay more an the prion. [AI-v ll'ufn\l-I_I..l'llil\l It In InnIQ Illa PI lw. Lun' Cl'lullll Ceruinly. it H mm0 ntislwwry, Ind than bung such Inge dulen. they purohuo n whole-Ah jobber- mrma. nud from name mauuhcturm who never sell to tlm retail nude. n_._.. ru_,.._A A.._L -1..-_A-__. :.. uuuu um- um mm "7" Il-uv. FluuuOf ovum Iuoh Idvnnhu in buying. must enable them to an vary low. And locouuta for their ham nbh to do n wholesale. no we u: 3 "ml basins-L LAer (.ummn They huvo bud I m! zmnmy of gods [hm Spring. And 1 our henr Mr. Locket! Inn ju Vinita! the Montrenl. Quebec nud Enter! muuhc lureru. completing their Spring sud Bum- mer pun-hoses. Danni. \l'lu-' what In inux-un- huni (upiah u! the hut uf nubjscls in which continuum WI be examined for the yelrl X882 and 1583 respectively. cun be obmined on npplwluun to the Department. AYI'I'III'II a "-112er I'll-EBKNL xu'h a. N'II'INIHNH CANDIDATES are re- mimied that they hhnuld send In their names. accompanied by crticatea of Age Ind character. to this Department. on or before the In of M11}. 482, The examini- tion nukes piace un ul'l Pu: t "awn. Fawn: Wth \vhu nu immonu buai new they muut do. LAM (Yrs'lqunYen. I have henrd that they (in lhv larger". rel-i1 boot. .i' shoe buulueau in Canaan. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON !' _ ' 5(Il0l..\llll I-IMVIINA'IHDN. 1mm cm 2} up'l-nltml by llu- \ummh- ('humvtor Arm! J. BANK \"".\I0(DI'. In Ilia l'thl Iluul Rule 0! Elder lhndrmu Inllllr. and 0M uuuucnn In \ uunun. Fumxn -Good bye for the punch! I wnll Iry Human .t Locke". when nny of our fnmllv Has-d Imam mmiu (hulk Furnishings. kc, replen- wllll iiw-ry Novelty In Shlru. Srnrls. Tics. Handkerchiefs. Bram-5. Gloves. iiu-ahry. Extra Qunllly of Hour-z Umbrellas. April]! ()IERA HOUSE, Our lehl (Duly Tuesday. April Imll. IMP). (if!) ilbxup / L [GABDINERS NEW mums 'rn mn.\ I out; Princess Street. Urea-m Materials. m Nun's Crepe Veilmgs, Nuu'x' ('repe eiges. Nun's Costume Cluthm All Wool [ndu (lush mores. in Shades of Navy. Oxford Urey null ul....l. Dry Goods F AIR WARNING. B A REA NE Monday. nu- um- June. In. 3- & '.'.-. 9559'NEE a 1hr d :bn's Uumrmueut )1). I We [1. Wheat will hi down. couuid1 roots. U. I has no the am xuiued CHEAP UP-TUWN STUHE WIDOW BEDOTT." Noggcm. A IIBUVA'I'I... Inuwl IIIUDUI'UJ. I 1 Princess Street. y '..un nm "In..." .\I \Vn"(nnt E. DELANEY, K. rem Materials, in New Ef 1! Dress Goods is most IIII rs: w!- rrIq Im corner of \Velllnnton BI. rimming Silks. wt r-muplete. nh |-'rm we Hm paw W I . . bu in to gm 0! "w. ncipdly manual 0t g.an nun] Bomhipu l.. lh.hln in? Janis-binn L r-muple | Fund'm, Umqu and uL low pnr lewswingwds! I'll!!! Al. om! mu. )ndllotm ruihbodluldlal n,WMn?IUIIDA m '1. April 10 V . wig-1 I. t c. inf'mvn'i: INSPECTION at u... am" M nun said v-hu. ad in lulu lino Iingstnnathllmd Banyan). WE OFT-53 SPECIAL VALUE IN New Linus st Be. 9. 10: uni .13. On: Cod.qu Club u I! is P. New Fancy Elect. at Me. 0 Vin. New Soaps. All (Hon :3 Mo. Chap. Now Outline Cloth n No. In. M. Now new. All Wool; u lb. 0 nd mp uh. New Nun's Violin; M. 251:. All Woo!. New Nuy Sargon. I. wool. forCunm Suits. new navy aux, nu wool. luv mm New Col. Cuhmom. All Uolon.Cbolp. New Bllck Ls-buxom. All Wool. 400. um an. AIM m. nu. 7m 7m, me. Mn. in nrder no! public they an-.. LL. an: M 7. I In I . no. 08 Ill. Body-M in in. oeo 01 By was. Avril. *"r, . .r Now Trimming said u use. we. eon. we nd 75c. Toronto Flour Storo. nnnnnnn cmhuam {VGW lrunmmg BHK II we. M. HUD. 1W mud 75c. New um Uniu Silk. 750. 30c. 900ml II Huvy Bluk Unhmore Silks. 02. .235. 02.50 nnd 02.7.5. Pounlm-s Silk. 01. It) New Trimming Silk.50c. 730 uld $13.1 New Colored (hon Unitas. only M, worth 31.25. Houulwld Furnlturo , V II-I undersigned has receivad instruc- Hum-I {ruin John Flauigau. limb to Hall by Public Anclmn. at his ramdonuo. No. 4 Vaughn Terrace. Prinoeu Street. 3 his Vallmblv Furniture, in excellent. condi- tinu. consisting; of Druwiugroom, Dining- ruuLu and Bed room Salas. d'c.. also one ex- cellent (ooking Blows an 1 furniture, with I the Kitchen Utensil-u. Hale at IOu'clovk mm. Terms cub. WM MHRRAV urer M.".. L hm-uqu .r-uuux u. 'llu- Pooplo m lhil wurld of our; Ir. wmu nova. wall hardly out Illudod In kl Adan-lint night to Morrison'- April 11. ltl) duz. New Funcy Hm [or Children. [00. 12k. 150. 17c. JOC. 150. 80c sud X50 8:10. Womans Fucv Hose, Largo Stock. Bulbriggan Hose. Extra \nlue. Black Cubmere and Cotton Hon. 1a) don. New Lisle Thread Gloves for Ladies and Children. at 9c. lOc. llc, Mic. 15c. l'h'. 200. 2! . 27c. 30c. 860 and 40c. New Black and Colored Silk Gloves. \nm Rlnnl: uml I nlnrml Lama Mina, THURSDAY, 201/1 APR/L, New Printu M. be. 60. 7v. 8c. 90. and 10c. ()nr 10 Print. Best. Value Yet. ()ur Cashmere shaming at 10C. 12: Ind lc. Chm"). \"ll' \ usmneru DUBUUIHE II-I IUL'. Isn't In 150. Cheap. See our New Border-ed Pnuts. Our New .Esthetic Cambrica use Eh. lnnn FLoum New hluck and towreu mm uneven New Black and (ulored Lace Mics. image! Warehouu Carpet Warerooms. n u Wuhan. y" war r- berqu tam Corner of Prinoou a Wellington Stmu. lI-rnh I} we, we, one. we. 00! 856. We. 950 3nd '1. But. than. 0! course, he In "no HM [1315' i" m l! Win15?! iii article they I. go to the Dress Good._ > PEDLER, Hoolory Ed (Mono. MORRISON. :Ll or You... BlaciSlks. 'Irilnniihu fink AI. 50. M. 60:: Ir.- lav an uv n.- lho inn import. from Soul I ans: known 11 cholineT lb product. is mod for bedding pupa-II. sad is chp u had non (Infill. thin rye 11'. Th. autumn u. high; at tight to. Wri length law: an. A com ndenblo tub-my cl it is 01M and this Inn up in only Quorum ' AUOTIOI SALE ST RAN Gr 1*} colored Silks. suns -I( 'l'ermscun. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. .25. .50. 01.76 b. |mummg 0c. ICE-00!. PO. 1'.- VIOLIN. W. - m" r. I! t I 03:00. W. Luann In... om. Jon liq-mu. Irwin. mum 1 31:. Allan 8034:: hung. Ton. ulde.Mb-dlytwo Win-Ingl- fed-mm. ioocl m..- IO I nun law o! 00 . III I Wing-u. In COLD 3 lm m... not yumvm Cotton It can road thou conqueror. ICANIII' O lllcl': rm amen. um Dmus no Wynn mud. Illl unduulu tho 1:: Vault. and Tow-ml 8.. and Von-Ill on ma ad the Uppu J Low: It human: mums lama. \pply m Mould tor out 1" and. ma I In good u Dammit-uncut. -- A dictum wmu Jun a! an M _ I. M 13:... II gum-ruin M All 0 my 'mhn of and no Inpwnd Iiud - II umlINIIu M d 53 Vang-l- d nd 5."- JUIII WHEEL All! to l. A. BRlCI. mum S c. momma mu. 0 A hint who"! nun-n l' wlullmul MI; Hon-u; wool-had.- "I .nd Mum Lot. OI bl- TM "0M! Inc-n u lulhml'l Yuml u n Ithduhl Eton. Bundtnu. for I now Ind ml boulder buIldInq Ian on 1mm 01ml- Good '0] upon tho pram-n, Amino-nu uny via Ih- propcru u my time. 00!. I. "Irv-cu Blllw lulu. 1 During the sauna tho rm will erect. | large pruning hon-o clou to the (LT. RB. but. A twitch will be run t.) Ibo humid-queu- will be haul to it by nut. Tho building will ha- 11) I ll) h. J 47,, ____,_4 L-_ owl _ -__._ C 'leoDATlON cu: be land to: I luv Ii ii '6. '1 05 WI. "('7' I ROCK STREET THAT DESIRABLE "01581-1 nu lsmrk 81ml. opposite gun-pom (tullogn Emu: rooml; now oocupl by ('I l. Audubon. lou union In my. Apply to I 8 H. MHBY. Thin bu bun I buunm mud [or M van Good banding lot. an be bu! on both "net- The lol ooman nu mm 01an non; contain- not, buildin KAT dour-bl. BRICK DWELLING Huts! on tho Won Im- at (aulm 8mm, batman Union 5nd [nu Strum. wuh Null- o! All corn _|. In. nlno roouu. wmr worn; Inc: an um and wall unchadwulbmldmg- lu 00d "pair, Innqun good For lurlhor puuoulu- aqum 0! DAVID CUNNINHHAM, on [ha pram in... No.61 Arch 83ml. 1 ATID BMXCK COTTAGE with (rune nul building. on Ellie. Strut. nom- Gardon 5mm School. on ht" tn non of had. Hooked rub boning ID. pur sud Nun: 00., um] nun frulu. wlln ole-Hunt Inll Ind churn Aply to WI. HAYWARD. on m. punt-on, or w A \\ DIN a IACHAK. Summon, EARDIIIRABLE aroma "0mm, cunmu '1 DIIIRABLE PROPERTY on n:- nor nor a! Quun Ind loner-3| Btruu. lron 80.10". And 176 (on nlpumnly Apply at so: an. 70 n. nu unly tho can of the nndorl n .bowwu mo Imul'I o! In ad 0 o'clock P0 ER a SUN. IChilucl A. vYDMNHAM H'IREEI From In Mny non. mu Muir-lulu Hluuo Dwelllug. on North lid. 0! yulanhun leaut. o' Queen. Iuoly occule 1;; [)r Ev-nu Rn quire on m. nu)le m- to II. FUND limb ill. I . Ill - W- Iv-II w, .wv Wind at... In. tl odd-u- Judd I... J. a 3. Hunt. unil. 15.- -n LAL 4.) n.- \J Home, uur (lurgy leum thmrllplml b 0.0 anud. Poo-anion uh May In: A. p to (' ABLEH LYON. erkal Hqull'u nah D. on on tho But lid: 0! Alfred H owned 3nd pocu Mod by 0- uln M ply w HACDON ELI; a M VDIE. I'mwmm; 1'15. , LCCOIIODATION 10: mm or {our board." a A. W, CRUG'I. And um. no" Union LOINIML GEBVANT Appllutlnnl :1 Nu U Quota Inmt .______.___. FINE CITY PNUI'WTY~TIIH ovum um ocouphdln mn by MRS 81KA1FONI) mud on Mac..- Mmmuoruar u! Clorgy M tilt an non FIRST-OLA lACHlNlIT Hood '- pud Apply u onca to Z. PRIVOBT. sPEc/c 177703 uy-IF. u' .I" I "I" lay a ' td'uhby. m-wgd W ' hi) lulu load-V mm) M h- ... " L- u.. l-__. v fifqu 787an or: to Lease. Imam.qu umh Iho polIrluI ch8 70 LET. HILL 4 _-.a_ -- -l f0]? SILE. BOARD. "Wihrtb. LOSE 115... com > I-I Riley & lay ., IIth. for a pulm. ow . oomph. Awlr rIll. '1"! (lIJlQI Rid h. '3 h... Inn... 6L and IIIIor. . null! nu Ian-Ir In Iv. VennJ u- wuunu. Spanking o! the recent. rebate olduty. to the but of 10 per cent. by the A mericnn Government. Mr. Sabre thinks in.- will rvceivebwk .bout Jill. "is mm had pratukd against the pay. maul. of duty 0 thou: that nmounc. Mr. Sabra Alto thinkl he Ihould receive all duty ptid our no 10 per cont. ro~ lute. I! the Govornmont imposed :50 per cent... and tho dulorl pnd it. through ignorance. the Govu-nmeni. he loels, is responsible [or the oval-chums and should mluud it. The duty hns lmu impmed since 1570. I'M-plum O): mun-u tk- rm ni nrmt "ID-um I'm- on .u, MM-angle u mm m athUIH-pdiullyzmd for unaw- o! m and Walk-nutty m n udmmdnmdm Io LGn- M; .84. mu nac'. A Tod-y non-d lulu-on I I50 MIthQCHI ammmwduiy dlwodeo-u'uu ulna-hum My I won M. II lastly ovary it m In. than-II man-d to h- vuy poor. hula-bl diagonally m humu nu. kW up "viaW. vlvv'pvu --' you" swing. but... Inme lulled. Mzhhymuwh'nhhum lo: nun! you-.Vm NW! Rood- it new: mills": tbouunbodry the by will! earthly ho short. We ghetto-Inca! what mynpm naive not aid on the lib).th . n,;n__ --__..._ vim.4..- .n'd uluuve III! .ll u- unqua- llr. Devlin. lian Town-hip, and um blurb. In. but: I hilun. The cold winds-Id open umber. with mm and sharp trout. In" nyheuod the uniu. Tho m have been amt ly W. The spring In: boon hock ward vi: to night of vasomion. w, Lu... titanium: About ll 'l'odny A Wine reporter hed an inter View with one o! the Sabre Brot. lmy exporters. This rm consists of several members of the name femily, who have othues and preseee in diereut parts of ('unedn and the United States. 'l'heir lnztdqunrteru are at l'rovidenrv, R.l. Since an ofce wee op -:iu l IILIL' upwards u! 2.00) tone of hay have been purchns~ ed and shipped. The hey is bought in the vicinity of the city and on Wolfe and Howe Islands. These gentlemen lune sent out of the country more than three quarters of the entire shipments Imiu thin section. On the market they have n steam perpetual pres. and an upright. the united capacity of which is IH tons per day. The boy secured at Kingston clem- generally as " first iluulity'mnd ll equal to that of Jefferson lounty.which brings the highest mur- liet price. Reletive to the prospects of the season Mr. Sabre thought that if ttye meadows were ettended to. that in m l- ("I and meniired. e ne crop would he the result. With good weether in June he had no feer in reerd to the yield. He urged ettention to the meadows on the part of the farmers. because the latter can nuke the hey crop in prot- th0 as thet of rye. berley or wheat. d_.-..|.i_,. I H. MM... v-\nOA Linn, wu'd with Iiplof veg-anon. W. Lyon. Shauna: the klle Iowa bu boon killed. sad the nudou look ury brown. He hopes thou-op. will b. o! In "onus yid. Spring work bu not yulmrly bani. box. It. New, highbaol-nll when. in puny well kilhd. y will plough is undu. n in qui impossible to tell yet the prod.- ou tho Ina-down. but the clover bu hlled. Few lumen hue commenced ploughing. J. Fraction corroborlbd this Lament. u- nldm [Am-hFlll when in J. l-roodon corroborum um "nu-men... Mr. Blah, Lobon F|Il looking Ind. Thom on newly wed ed hue bun trues out." The timo- thy is all right. The open winter. with IO much in. In. Ind I bud effect. upon tlu lull cropo. Hunh Scullon and J. Wobb. Stun-mg tlu uu Hugh wu Full when bu boon mom, killed And uphmvod. The modem; um um- Iv mined by the lat. (mu. l'hu farm en u. uniting 3nd hoping for rain. No ploughin bu yet. been done. J. H. Suit . KingstonFall wheat. Luu plough: bu you been Gone. KingstonFall poor. and human u'o sowing gran wed over in. The mudowu look bad. My clover in all dead. Few men are plough- nu II. CW I" Than-a him-humps... lug. W. Spence. PituhnrgFnll whom. does not. look well. There in no mg" of it growing. The recent fronts haw hurt. the ruin. The meadown um not sturwd. and they have been hurt mum what. by tho (root. There: are no]. good prospect: for the barvput. Spnug Wurk has not yet bun begun. u Mnl'fnnnhartv. Pittlbnru - Full work has not yet been begun. ll. McCaugberty. Pittnbnrg w Wheatil poor and I am certain that, It have to be ploughed up or seeded The windows hnve boon hurt .-r-Inu;1lArILl' (Tlnvar in nut. In! the in place 0! 11.. M. Spoon, Wolfe Island M There has [won little {All wheat lawn. The men.- lowa look poor 1nd if we have dry wea- Lher the buy crap will be very short. 7 _, [Jenni-on. Portland Vegetation not begun yet, and in consequence state of the crops cannot. be listen-- miued. What. we want. is I few warm days. with rain. The clover has been injured by front; in looks to be qunwl dead. Dun-ink nlAr'Il Starriutou~Fu dead. Patrick Mcuvoy. Storriugtou~Fall wheat on clay land is all one 2 on loam it Is fzur. Spring work has begun. and ploughing on the uplands is going on as far down the country as Brewer's Minx. Inn... Inn-h. DitmbnraHanarullvlall JuLu Davin. PiEbburgUono In an in poor but I have a goo Lhero 15 but little fall when Cluvel' bu boon All turned up. Hinh Pathr-nn, thmhuraT Lluver bu boon All turned up. Rivh. Putter-son, PIttsburgThe pron pacts are thnt. clovu will be a. failure. [L m we winter killed. Wheat. wnll be a short. are . A "nu 'inu-mn Fa wheat short. A. Hny, 'ingston Fall will not be a hallorop; the meadows look very bad. but years seeding looks black, and newuod will have to be sown in place of it. It 8000:. ~ down. 'lue mowown considerably. Clover "mm: m. The Tory but. W 5:: Ri: Mums-HQ n loan- m W H , - ~ . ' "Ll. I 4 Int. lug-ur- Prod-cu.- l'lrll Qua-Inv- Pro-poac- 0! It. ("OptThe Duty Que-o- Allll, I, PhalanxGenerally lull " good piece : t wheat IOWU. mnn .ll tun-ml In mve mu nun is out. by '- I TI'OIHOIIOWJITIC w .n hhm cl dare. plum completion. pnoocloulnau, vinh tamper. yhiah In pm-ions of rm. dam-sum: m8 sun'milnmn, with blood impoverishmont. que otdiury tumu- but. and mm mutant m mischievous; including in the lubh omniun 3 mid tmdent exciton-n: whit:th {or prune-i hgpnm. Io: luau-(Ill autumn the ination: m to "not. nutmmby the um a! M's Pilot plun- Ind can. out-door 51. I'll the" mnumm . . nu I!an Thy-1M0. Ina-u... lion]. unit In am until: 0! Pun- null u Wu"!!! Members of the (ion-rumqu uml um: wpporun hm: uuerwl thum- uln- lhlt I good point. Inn been made min-t Snr Richard L'mtwrxghl. that. the honorable gentlonmn'u crltlcmm ol the Nurthwln kind minions his bum nullied by the (not. that. ho hum mule lum plrchmn um] I'enpml u numll fur- no by unprotable uuure of hm nu "alumna It. Thoma. Whiw. follow- ing the 01 hi: MIPOTIUI! M. U!- uwn. moored In. tho: chuucwrmmun cl "I, policyof the Government u u Nth-I Jana-r Ill mnnunnlnnrn nf lsunmlhclqanl m n maxi u... .. I (ma ml lm ---VOor An 51d. of ganenl (labilin And uni-nu- triuon in children we lave nah... knock knees. bowvleguchichen-buut. roundlhdnl darn. plllid complexion. prooooiounnou, Dolfilh temper. which Inn-ions and 9110 Is now m beck" health nun n Any time for ten yous. 3nd hn increned in weight from 110 pound: to 126;. l hue ampuyod physicinnn. Ind mod 3 3?th va- riety of patent medicineu. to the exmut o! hnudndn of doling. Ind I know Ilse receiv- ed more benet from lb. Put:qu Burr than nll the rent together. My uh: of the S\ ncr nre very lugs md oonlkntlyin. ore-using, and] do not Inc-mu to mom- mend and even wuruut n. to give tithe- llnn." nuke. today. A Dublinxhqutoh ny- two-Hive unwise-ed unpack In" been tunn- lerrod to Limerick sud Nu. II on account of the bud minty con Mon 0! l'lm-mnl nrimn, Immumlllumw London. A ' lb.-lt in hula-toad an; u... 0! s In America- nil- !" . amounting to mum-o1 pounds vi In introduced to unload.- nanny .md... m J.- wlu no Ina-mun mrku today. A Dublin d- loco!!! or m n- Cloumol prhon. 'llm Livernool Cloumel prieon. The Liverpool Cuun'rr'o London cor- respondent been the: more ie not. We nmellut hope mu DI balon'n lite will be apex-ed. He Is I the interfe- rence o! the Maui!- vernment. on the triviel mend: reveeled by the ef- devite. bu ere-led I very eugry {eel- W pain. for the n: dnmwtauuiwux m n "W m Uncanny c... u w. sh. any: 6mm: _..3, AI L.AI.- -In I DH. 1. From lrmm. Plum)! Nunh Sunmontjie. "It gn'cn me very grant, pleuurem inform yuu of the benet received from the my of Funny Sum in mv own llmily. My WlfL'.{0r the past ten years. bu been in leehle lmulth: very much debilihtod gen. mlly but spring she liecidil y a bottle of Pun-um Snap. And wu so well pleased with the result continued its use uuul three or {our bottle- lnd been used. and she is in beuor health thsn n [Inl fur [an warm nd 1 incranaed mg. Mr. Joseph Cowon. number of parlin- meat, hning boon inviiod to raid. It. ulhdiul demon-unfla- to t urk the Uovemnent lot the rel-no of Mr. Pu- nell. refutes on an ground thnt no thanks I"! duo. Ho uyl the Govern- moncdmrve mom concur. thin they .. .... -... on. imnrimnina An honour-Able monlllmrve mun may recon. for imprinomng nu honounblo politiul opponent. The gn-nt uuperiority of Downa EIixxr, over 1 utlu-r cough remedies, is attested by the Immense "popular demand for thu uld'nsmbhshed remedy" for the cure of ('uughx, Hoarnenesu, Group. Asthma. Bronchitis. Whooping Cough. 3nd nll diu- Pams uf the throat. Chat and Lungs. _._. A black Guiana red Iixtoen shut.- nt. the President 0! SI!) Domingo lately. but. without. elect. An Iowa Judge In. I o! the prolixity of lawyers: "This to puyl Innually waIOO [or unnooomry b." "Hvlnv (farm ha. a 1 contth thorelore plumbed. A lustive widower left his home in they county of Victoria. a few days ago to '041 u captivating widow at Urnybon. but. while on the way he became no niuch overcome With joy (or something (ll-Oi that he failed to appear where the brian party was assembled and the wedding {oust prepared. consequently the happy uveu't. was postponed. He nrrivml and restored happiness to the disappointed Iiride three days after- wards. 2Lu~l Llio whole auir ended Joy- mnly. 7* -o-r _.,._. II .I II'CI -IIIIG. In health from any cause. especially from tlu may of unynf the thouuud uostrums that promise so largely. with lnng ctitious wnmumuuln. have no Ivar. Resort, to Hon $350.11!) [or unnooouu'v o. DUyley Cam bu mug: with Mrs. Laugtry to Ippou on the Luge III the United States nexnuunuer. No one can now be found to deny that. tho average price of everything people need to buy 13 dearer tbsn bolero the \ l, Sara Bernhardt intend! to renounce the stage. Her Greek husband lava itn pleunuuter (or his; darling to ride in the street cars. w . nu. -,u v-...__ "Eb, tho sale a! In. uuv amt-Wan. winch h. I. Hduhsd the money nhn mrvhu rrunln Int V,- ,m a). cue balms the cuuri .- C-m, Th unt how 0qu book thinks 01 Imprisonan one In a cage. sir Alexander Ualt bu promised that ghe Canadian Government will pay 85 toward the passage of each srtizan from England to Canada. The money will bu taken from the taxes paid. under the 'Iilley tari, by the utizanl already in (Human. hot. and then laughed an nor. Mr. A. Buuster. the polished and sunve representative from the Pacic coast. sighed for the Lieutenant-Governor- chair of the Golden ProVince. He did. not, get it. but. Mr. N. H. Bunsbor has been appointed a landing wniter in the Customs at chloriu. Mr. A. Hunter is I n.-....r...... Imam! I (VIISLOIDH BL \ ICIOIHI therefore planned. A [native widowe that. promises largely. wun long ncuuoun (var. op Bitter at once and II) a uhort time you ml] haw [he Lnosl mbunt and bluoming hnnllll In Pans the bride who is past her yuuLh does uut wear pen] gray or [3 veutlm. them: hues belong to the widow who marries again. a lunuunwhu iuunmd from B swift \Vlll) marries gill. A lunnuc who jumped Iailruud tmmin Michigan, was almost lulch by the shock. but. bu been perfum- Iy Huue since his recovery. Arohhiulum Mctfuhe il $0 receive [Mb ly sumo mu rumnury. Archbishop Meduhe in (unlmnl'u but next. week. and in Dublin he in to live like a prince. with cuniage. four horses and varied Itmudnutl. Speukmg of ()ddfollowu. are there any mlll girls? Yen. plenty of them. The girl who will split. the wood while hur mother plays the piano. belongs to the nllhl. tor Ior um glrls. Jesse James visited his mother on the 24th of March. and his last. words to her then were: "Mu. if we do not meet again. well meet in heaven. Then he went right, of! and Itole a horse to ride home 9 A nremv Rome ladv ammo-ed she was right, on and lee none to nae nome : pretty lady cuppa-ad making love to her young gentleman {mind by telephone, when she was really pouran her sweetness (deluded by dua- taucm into her fathers ear. Themther rather enjoyed it until the wir9 grow hot. and then laughed at. her. \lr A Rmth the nnlinhnd and nunve unhl. I Mr. Spurgeou is a lover of birds, and l he loves letn in the only true fashion. He invites them to his lawn with daily showers of bread crumbs. but. never thinks of unpriuoumg in cage. Sir Alexander Halt. bu promised ".,w H- en- uuunu u- u"... him. Thpfdtlrom (immu'lbook bapud Io ho mum 1.0 mm. .._..u-. Canada. We are sorry for the sailors. They are out. at. spa so much: away from those they love and care for. But. if the poor sailors cannot hug the girls they can M least hug the shore. and Nut. will be hear I for the girls. .Ipsmn James lot]. 5013 by .u drum-u. ~~ l'op-lnr lie-Ind. THE BRITISH \Vulu. SATURDAY. APRIL :5. 181,2. Thanh-map dilute-sloop udpomdmandhubuvy Miriam-onuhimmhuuno Wigwam um: mug-tum. whit Inn Mb-Hum! v "In" ,wI maintain- muscle-I- ul N 1nd. taco-t 700.000. A.'l'. Shrunk Co.. Anson. Hid! determination to d'neonlu bud-m. J7 Gould I. New York but. for ice. _ A young Inn nuuod limit. viii. awning the Ottawg yulonhy. In! Kochubct. broke through n in. ad drovnod. A mmnnr i. nun-In. in Win-ii. In Ex-Coubcior COHIDS bu M . luddcn exit. from anauee. n in undu- Itood um Intel, he fell ihto tho hail dn bud plug 0! pmhlan who won: maxim to I oonud onblo aunt, and - ng him annex-Hy ruined to him. . W rum chugeoiu me Vl Lidia Richy within on nho. you. w in um mun. will * than pooplo who have n ids a. Won 01 Kinphu'is n - :1 , , x __-;_._-_I- n.......... "I...

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