Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1882, p. 3

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CQFFP-lES gnu] m1: that. Bow J. ri Woods, -, White should Kingston. 13 1 IC|mrnl THE BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY. APRIL 15. 1882. ,Uuu. - - Libenl Tumevv-V ammduwh-- an-'11. uilu-I'll Um hMIhWh-Yh momma-wind. Anna-Uh- mama-mum Wyn 1:11 o'm pm... our- uinm-nldumld um um mgyanmehdmnumydm-g ng'nunlgd ilIhIIOlo.olo nbovo nous-r. um. um hulk" : - AA ._ _ d Jan- 1".- ..IM 1 -ww w..." .._.__ , chieiein a greeting sang. The noise- tions were aid-ireny I'M sud eli- cited rounds at applause. In the song The Little Gymnast." the children showed their eeielul m the oIs gymnastic exact-es having been noch with the preehionotclockwork. The mdi'lm wees well new end appreciated. luster Tommy Fergu- sons Irish song Im shoe and Aisy Led" took immensely. end slthough. on account of the length of the programme, it was understood there would he no on cores. yet the sludienee would not lu-ep quiet until Hester Tom re-eppeered and sang in excellent style "The Sprig oi Shillnleigh." Little Mill Roche] Lewars sang very sweetly When! was s Maid. 0h 1 hen 1" Her sister Miss Liuie Lew- ers rendered thathth piece Jessie's Dream, in capitol style and with good effect. Little Miss Brebant's "Bother the Man." was well received. She stamped her foot and shewad her detes tation of the nasty men no that there could be no misunderstanding on that point. Miss Carrie Ferguson's insti'u mental piece "The sleigh drive." ac companied with hells. whip. etc., was well played. end her song "No Sir!" was a decided hit. The duet Three \ oaks Marriql." where Miss Currie clubbed Mr. Thomas 0!! the stage. created great merr'unent. The dialogues were well spoken. The "Unwilling Wit- ness." by Masters Don-ally and Cun- ningham. was well rendered. The School Inspectors Visit" was funny in the extreme. "Nature versus Educa- tion" by the Misses Jennie Thompson, Lizzie Lowers. Mary Jane Smith and Mary Emond. was especially pleasing. Miss Lewers es the country girl acr- ed her difcult part in a manner which would do credit to any actress. Not- withstanding that the audience were in roars oi laughter she sustained her part throughout without a smile. The other young misses also acted their parts crc ditahly. The funniest piece of all. was. of course. reserved for the last. the farce leing a Servant" by Masters Alpheus Brebnnt and Charles Harris. From the beginning to the end of this farce the audience was convulsed with laughter. At 10:15 p m.. theciosing piece was sung. followed by the National Anthem. nnnnnsdu- n. vaI - rmu-la I [UNA . l, Greeting SongFifty children. 2 Reading-"A Victim of Churnyv- John Kennedy 3. Bong-"Smiling Mu "-Children. I. Song~When l u n Mnid. Oh Then"Rachol Lowers. r. Rn;nlinu.._ Riddvl Troubles "W. lhen"achol Lowers. 5 Rendiug" Biddyl Troubles "Wd- lie Cunningham. 6. Comlc BongIm I Free and Aisy Lad "'7 Thou. Ferguson. 7. School Inspectors VilitHTwolve chnmcters. H. Song7Whero the Cry-ml Strum" (hildren In anlinaNIhoBA-hh Mnn"Chu. (hildren J. ReadingTbanbful M:n"Chu. Harris. m Emmn Jan-in'n Dru-m " VLIZZIB Satin Lest evening a very successful enter- 1 tainment wss given in the Orange Hell. ( Portsmouth. under the euepices of the ( (. M. Sebbsth School. The preg'remme l we: lull end eetisfectory. ee wee shown by the hearty eppls'uee which greeted nearly every piece. Mr. Wm. Anglin was called upon to preside, and referred to the rise of the Serbeth School aye i 1 Lem over a century ego. The part. tak l , en by the scholere oonsieted in an ad I I dress of welcome by Miss M. Mooney. l I . - | dialogues end eougs by Vernon: members I 1 of the school. and the closing address 1 , by Master 0. Little. The parts were i well sustained. being the result of care i , iul practice. In addition to the above several ledies en! gentlemen from the city rendered kind end emcieut aid. 1 Mr. D. F. Ametrong seng uverel songs. I being eocompenied by Mr. Aseeletiue. 1 i Mme Genie Jones sugwith men cect end wee encored. end gsve Omar the . 1 Mountain: end Over the Moor." Miss oustridge recited "Peps'e Letter." Mn Bleed leVOl- reading. The "Cur few, Bell" III well rendered by the Atkins Brae. Hr. lcFerlene reed Merl: Twein's Manly Niahmre." which had a marked eeet upon the risibili- siee of the rising generation. Mute: Hugo pemuted the "Poor Old Trump." end we: elected. The proceedings closed with theNetionel Anthem. The proceede were in eid o! the chm-ch or .nhMl lz. Bong 7" Donner we luau iu|nn Brebant. 13. InstrumentalTho Sleigh Drive" Carrie Ferguson. H. Dislogue Uuwiuing Witness" R. Dounelly and W. Cunningham. 15. BongNo Sir l"Csrrie Ferguson. 16. BongHurrah the Summer Months are ('mning"-Children. 1']. ComiosongTho Stolanloker" 7 ROM. J. Kennedy. 18. DisloguoNltura VI. Education" v Jmmie Thomlou. Lizzie Lawerl. Mary J. Slllllil. and Mnry Emoud. 19. Song' Our Glorious C-uuntry " (hililrun characters 2 L Sung3' dreu. [9. song " uur Ulorlouu L-uunuy tlnldren 20. Rendiug Pnts I.atter"Chuleu Harris. '11. Comic Duet~ Three Weeh Mar ned"Cnrrie and Thou. Fargusou 22 5011577 " Tho Little Gymnutu " 2'4 mug W Cluldren 23. Faroe~ characters ) i QnuuaH r. w- school. l Ivuu,' . ___. 1).,me ,nm in the City Kohl. uni gin-hith- (allowing li- qmrlieonsain Plumb: 1&7: TownhbdMGw'm. quotlieouum mulls! 1m": 1' elm-George. '(kau'iuby: .13.- WM: autumnal M; An- myw.m~w. d. . Tow-up a may: m w. hunt, ulna-dd hum-o. V v &' .b .a- . Pun COFFEE. (buqu be nurwwl In Strung") and Hunt. [loaned q Hm nnnnm nnd around every day" 181T. IQ. Song~ Jewera. "WWv-7w 7' 00m 41 0..- null. era. Song->- .. Song ~ )nut. r 7 Bother the Men "Muu "The Dear Old Home" Chi]. 'Ankd Lnng Sync " AChII Hier a Servant. 'Thri'e I00 Butch: Henvy Meal Park. 100 Burreln I": unly Men Pork hr :1 ______________-- Juan-tum A -14.; S- Ihlnn_ IlI-v- l'lu ,1 ___ AI: not ' tn. M may; lo. 00.10.01. huh; m u up alph- y-II. an Ina-bu Ian this to club-bid: mu. animus; It'd-Id to m .0 u in. III in By hm ad a: W to Inn 3 built. which mud hot "uni-g in run Haul. Anodphuut pad Ml- um in upon. lino I boot OBriln and: We" (at I about sixtvm Ind and, "try an mu occupied. Tho you. mu. 0! which the led... in my compo-d. was in the mnjority. A. tho dool'l won thrown open to m unqer I long table tending tho W of tho m. win. n nun one mum; wru- a. and. w soon Iodon wih dolieuiu. Anorgnoo baboon nidthouun- bingo at dawn to tho an: I Hill'an In- I nl. IAll WWI-ll III-Ia V! II... our-look Tunic 'Chiokou. n In Raina. FinkFill of Lake Trout. Stuc- I:- Join. EntreesBind] Tondorloin. Sumo. with throom. Lunb Po Pb. Cream Frit- url, 5n Vunillu. RonniSirloin a! Bad vim Rom Vunillu. RoutSirloin of Mun. Sgt Chi-km Stuod Film of Val mi 8530 ' . Yo rig nd Applo Suuoo. Turkey mth Cnn rty 83ml Duck with Dun-um Jolly. Goo-o wih Apple Snuoe, BalladLou ol Mutton with Cnpornuoc. BoiledLag Cnporhuoo. Corned Bed And Turnipl. ' quubloIBotlod Potatoes. lubed Pontoon. Stewed Tom-boo. Put-nip- fried in Butter. Sweet Corn. Green Pen. Glmo Pnrtndgo. lnrdod. Cnuvu Bwk Duck with Brad Snuce. Cold-Bungle Tongue. do core on Var deur Young's Hnm,hnndsomoly deoonbd. DmrI-Plum Pudding Ind Bandy Darts. 15., MOI-IU- The cards. upon which the menu was printed. were very handsome and much admired. The waiwrsge of the Wind. sor stat} was agreeably performed. v-.. run.qu Aln nIFIlIIIQ THE 'IOAHTB Ann Ill-nun, Mr. B. H Lian-novaky. Noble Grand of Kzngston Lodge. occupied the chair. npported on his right. by P.Gs. HecuL listur and Saunders. end bu his left by Measrs. Woodward. of Nepanee. and Uncut. The Vice Chnr we: lled by Vlce Gram] Chatwrton. mth A. Manda hon and Z. Guy upon his right and left. respectxvely. The invited guests were P. U, Hartman. Prescott; H. E. Verner. Watercown; A. Woodward, Napanee; members of Cutmqui Ledge end the press. After the put the cloth was removed and the mam proceeded with, the rst being the customary loyal one. hm. A mm... H A...an an. Antllnnlnm uni) UlflLl-lu III-Any rug... "The Grand Master" coupled with the name or Mr. A. Macnllisber. D.D.G.M.. was nexs given with much spirit. For hes a. jolly good fellow." u." Mung. .n rnunnninardbnln- ('Ill ll'ly "ll It'll-l u 1 -,.. . lrenh. and everything you re quire wllhmu golnu Plu'wlurr. no 5 a. Jun) guuu wuuw. Mr. )lucalister, in responding. return- ed thanks, and trusted the Grand Mae ter would sleep all the sounder for the compliment. He had never met the Grand Master. but it was understood that he was all their song expressed. He congratulated the Lodge upon the attainment of its present age. He made attering remarks relative to its progress and eiciency. He upoke of the aims of the Order and the peculiar du- ties of Oddfellowship. He urged a. closer relationship on the part of the brethren. an increase in love and strength. and a greater disposition to help all those in distress. There in an increased inter est in the Province for Oadlellovuhip. and he hoped shortly to show the press that this city could turn out a ne body of men. He reierred to the uniformed encampment, who would be well worth ' 'IIm unnnllnr concluded bv Hnm,hnndsomoly decorum. Deucrt-Plum Pudding Btuoo. Almond Pudding. I 1| Anglnle sud Cllviuot Snnoe. Point Pic. Apple Pie. Coconut Pie. Angeli Food. Assorted Cake. Tries. Lemon Cram Cindy. Catawba Wino Jelly. Sir-Wherry Jelly Charlotte Rum. Mala: Rsisinl. Ornngo Apples. English Wllnutl. Almonds. Fill berm. Ten. Coea. an ,"L ___A,_. _.|..'AL Oh:- man" Inn um ulsh uclug uuw yuawm, m]... w. "The Queen," drank wnth enthusiasm, followed by the Naonal Anthem. pm "vain-nu uDADn nnu encalnptuaun, WUU WUUIu uu "wn "VAUI viewmg. The speaker concluded by nguin congratulating the Lodge upon its marked advancement n.........|. A..-" Ihn .. llAl, lluuqv u- -..-.v-" ,7 The next. toast V coupled WM: Lh 1 Grand Master. Wm. J jolly good fellow." M... llnnn man u mm'Kou uuvuuculucum Mr. Bakers song brought down the house and elicited an encore. an H... Um; no. |lnnr Ordnr " Jolly SOOU lt'lIUW. Mr, Dunn waaaorry that. he was called upon to respond when so many better qualied to speak were about the board: besides. in the afternoon he had become very unwell. (UhaersJ It was not. bilinwntionto give a. history of the Order. as there were others prea em who could do so in a more capable manuer. 1 Our Guests" wee drunk with great l nm "For hes e jolly good fellow." 1 AN noon: m IPEECB. Mr. A, Woodward. anenee.en elder ly gentlemen on the right of the Chair- men. arose amidst cheers. He had l ; hardly words sulcient. he said. to ex- " press 1113 pleasure at meeting hie breth- ran at the banquet. He spoke of King- 1 sten Lodge as pro-eminent in the Pro- 1 Vince, and lavished congratulations { upon its ocers. He thought their jlodge room one of the nest he bed l ever entered. The Ipenkershtched M 1 length the progress of Oddlellowship. 1 He said he had been connected with j the ret known lodge In Upper Condo. at a tune when Qddfellows were pointed at with the nger of scam. but the Order withuwod ell ssesnlts end now stood es the nest orgenizetion on the face of the earth. The benevolent side of Oil]- fellowehip wee touched upon. He hoped thll benevolence would oonti'nu until time wee no more. "God end the right 7 --- -:A- H l.- nmd "end '- tune no more. "uw Illu Inu- u... ua on out side." In observed. "ad we 7.) 1--.. And...- I Hi. mil. mould .100. " uuwrv'u. -uu w- noed [en nothing, for His mil. would clear dl darkness uny." Tho pron in tonne! dlygbsd violdod sltmg inu- onco satin-t the Ordot. The oppon- -:7 __._ Ina inn-ha A-I' mt! th-ir Ooldcn Llon Grocery I W. ll. Nit-Ill!) a: (to. | mun" Luv \uuu. A... wry... tion paper- 1nd pound any 3nd moi! unmet bun Wbl; bit the 01d Julian-d. and m H- dwell upon the humid fooling Wig 1mm the Mm. tho duke 0 uni Ind unto Wabbit .11 who W A..- "LL- mm." m unk-d mm Incl mu. mutt-un- .u wan. wore the "an. link." Be tbs-had HomhtMtoWWId... 'k-cybmhwtupo. unison'wilbhhndhilwm my {WVw-I unvdeme- mun-pm uuomu _._ ._A._ 5.3. A. A. fur-gill I." UII'UI- "Tho an." w .- acit H mm-amumu) A ups-m1. nu vuvv- v. ; was Our Order." I name of the Past. 1. Dunn. "For he's a minor-"Fl. Ir. In. Dunn ud- W at so "MGM" which and Ill 0 lilll the but hardly. And tho anti-cu Ilicibd thanks MI 1. 0. Am. who _-, ..____~~_.| -A _ I).-A 11.) __ "NFluIlw F- Muthobodlholodnrpnntoan D (1 AAm'gu a that In Ill- u-l II "- F m.- P. G. Aldnn'upuim w um he enjoyod an Lo" mount than who: in it. int-nay. Ho pound out "It whilo h vu not an old. Oddbllow insho any lulu-M ouoldn high. Inning boon initiuod in u dome of tho City Hull. His love a! u ordn- bad not yet Inch-d tho ground ; it In um hark! ud hon-u born. Ho dwell. upon Ibo nimn Ind objoch cl Oddfdlowlhip god concluded bv wish- ing gm! unocc- lo u inuituu'ou in Kinguon in the hitch. D... 11-11- hill..- g-) Il-n-IIE-hr n' Department! IIIII'IWU III III. lulu". Put. Grand. Dillon ad Winter, of Cum uqni Lodge. duo ipoko briey. count! In" IDUOI'IOI. coitus! wml nation. "The Ednonioasl lnlmutionl ol C- iwdl" wu ruponded to by Ir. Wm. Spunkio. who 00an Oddfollonhip with education. had held tint. they wen consistent nnd Idnnood had in hund. He referred to Kingston u a model edu- cations! city. and for that renal: more onthusium Wu manifqu when the toast was drunk in Kinglton than in other piles of the Dominion. nILn l .lInl' Inn-u) nhnmunnn h! Wduildhiu was) no.0. Milieu-d. Thy-cunn- uommwuu bun-nun JILWoodnd. _ v.0. om Inn-u M. M .L- mdu I. a. ubucl ylwu UI nu. uumnuvu. The Lubes" were championed by Messrs. Negley. Smith and Cool. ull of whom dinplnyod their gnllantry for the fair sex and delivered eulogies'upon them. mu , ..Iv,,A ,_J II._ A__n .--- nh-A vucua. The Host and Hone-I" were groomed wibh bumpors and cheers. nnd hho pro- prietor of tho hotel undo I planing lit- tle speech. Altar linaing Auld Llug Sync" the party (1inon It 1) o'clock. Attention has been drawn to three statements which have nppeueg in the Wqu. and the notice 0! which has caus- od a panic in the oioo of our loctl con- temporary. I TL. unmo am... \A'. mid um WmPUIIK-y. l. The Street Railway. Wa said the track was being covered over. The repair of the roadway only wus intended. It is thought that we meant the concoilmout of the rails. and the organ of misrepresentation uurpnaod all con- nected with the road by stating the in- tentions of the Company, when the said intentions were a matter for cousiderw tion at a meeting to-dny. 0 Tim 6-)..- A: Mm nnlinn Mm. uuu uv n mount-:5 W'u-J 2. The future of the police force. The SergeantMnjor was uni-prised to learn. according to the Now, that. on his retirement. an Inspector was to be up painted. Our information came from Capt. Horsey. who will be surprised that. a subordinate and his scribe should inlinunte that he didn't know what he was talking abont. a A van. Dam mum Wn warn benumul Mung m rum mun-u udnu they uh: plouun- m NIH-u ack. IILIII the ora ll mhghl. Us DRESS UOUDS l tdnuynl luw Wu- Umllus LIVED- 3. A Police Court case. We were threatened with annihilation by tho husband of a certain lady for an oouco which we cannot comprehend. The language is too utterly too too. But. we man "that. husband of mine, spoke to to him. andhe did not thirst for gore. n h... _Ai____.z t_:-...a- ..._..IA I.-......- We Would again remind intending assurers that there in no time to loose in closing up yith the Canada Life. if they wish to secure four yeara' prots in 188.5. The books will close on the 30th inst. No Life Company doing business in the Dominion can do as well for the insured as the Canada. and in placing your risk in the Canada you are placing it, in the leading life omce in the Dominion. All information can be obtained either from it: local agent, Mr. McRoaaie. or from J. T._ White, special agent at Kingston. OlcmBritish Ameri- can buildings. ___..,7.. w uuu. uuuuu ulu uuu uuuuu nu anv- If our esteemed friends would bounce less and endeuvour to be generally ,, A, , -. n... In... an Hun, IUBB uuu Uuucnvuun w W .vuw-u.._, as accurate as the W510 :3 they would spend a much happier existence. Fox no mnberialwd the latest goods go to the New York Clothing Store, where you will always nd English serges and worsted goods in the latest. designs '. also English. Scotch mull Cana- dian tweerls. 100 patterns to choose from. Remember. we guarantee a rst. class t , A_ r___.__ Erpe's ()ocmiUnnnu nu: onroirmio By a thorough knowledge of the netuul laws which govern the opentions of diges- tion and nutrition. end by s ureful upplics- Lion of the ne properties of well-selected Cocos, Mr. Ep hn rovided our bro-k- fnst tables wit a do ioner -vourod be- verage which any sdve In many heev doe- toi-s' bills. It in by thejndiciomi use 0 such Articles of diet the! e oonstimtion may be gnduslly built up untii strong enough in resist every tendency to disom. Hundreds of subtle mllediel Ira osting Hound u- resdy to attack wherever there is | week mint. We mev escape msny e {em-l nun attack wherever more la wen: Bonn. mny escape mlny y keeping our-elven well fondled with pure blood and a properly nouriohod fume." Civil Service GuamMade simply with boiling mac: or milk. Sold only in Pack- au sud Tin- ilb. and lb.) labellod"Jnlu Em a 00.. mmpqthlo Chemists, Lon- dlm, Engf'=A)-z unbr- vl Eppo'u Shoeb- late Essence for slut-noon um. _, but you over two thousand were cured at unh. bmnohiuu. "chm, And lung due-M by Dr. X. Sounilla'l Spimm-ur, All innuumonl which convoy! modioind Dr. in. Somalia] upmnnaur, u: inuuumonl convoy- ropertiol direct to tho am of u diam. fulcmmoun, with full dinctionl. sent by apron to In) Milken. Writ. for. man- hnhour. M. Sonvoillo, oxdda nrgoon o! the French Army, 12 Phillipa' Sqlun. Iona-ed. All Ignor- mm oonuln amp nr "ll W! BARNES IN MDBBBMTHIIH. aw Hunt's 8mm! llldll. It In 1 Hum Alum N) n ('henln of III-II luck TEA. Fur I lonueu. {or reply. a l MMDHMMMU. only 01 v0! 2! wmmm-nwrv-m Cotton I mum no Drum on: V alt . Imus ma mm, Mm. O. W'EL .4 Maa-gm, ruin, , mm. l Home Dun-I. pct-Is. magi-M Dnvqt yummy 'amnummldomuxnly It Cuba-n lim- nod mm. 0.1 M p. nlL . "a [WHY-IV mutual-m1 mu. Mum W. 121mm g co., Alan-mm was" 1". (I'YWID) '0'? Amiciyonx - big damum agrmg um 1 Spring. I. luv. 'luoly. con- sequent! chap y. 3nd u: the lower Im-n nan-n our wim- rhnnot ho To-hnlhlunlq: New Iain Duh-lo IRJM unk. MU mm.hnvyuddlw.n. Exit (hum mulmm. MIW Punch Silks. .1 01.. ll. 0!. "Mud 01.60. No oil dun-mm; All In. Gull-IMMJ yds. Vida. .11 wool. 01.. Mun. h- to 01.". RENTDwoila our nun. I. no. an. m an m counnnuly nomva (mar; ta 0] uno- uwy lull-II me. In their oommodioun pun-ino- nm now lllod to overow. with u Luna-t Ind Choice-t Slack 0! all kind; 0! (upon- our impound Mo . lu wcipion 01 I lug. Mimo- in prion. which bu amen kh- phoo. b. onlend n uh hm. mnnlv thin anon. In order m unholy M m vi hit"! I um am Ill NI IllluI ul l up-in Ivu Huronv I'v- nu- 0 onlend n In lug. nule anon. m unpply than u M your. pdou. I "ah m the Iowan known. All ranking m wiupmnh am: on: int.th by going w mvnuonu t B DEN'S. A WALS a} STE... All It ,8 Bo .YEDEN n. unwind L _ _ -_._ mu-L antv..-vV w - Bu. boon Ind mnuslly receiving CARPETS by ulna. ovary W 1mm". until mi. mmmodioul mini-n- ovuol Fiftv Pieces New Dress Goods At IOU I: IIISONITTI'I. Colored Buni- Rummy a 10:3. 1k. 170 And No. Colored Egypu Cords. 170.900 Ind 850. Colored lmporinl Bergen. No. 250 Ind .05. 001on ad Block hun'u Cloth, 95. 800 und no. ! Cm Auction Color OJ Prints. n a. Na! Silk Chenille 1"? an i 106 PRINme STREET, nun:- I .I\nnn .n n- Isa-nun I" -mn-Mu ! Luliol. all Ind use our HOSIERY 111 Silk. Lislo Thrud. Cotton. Merino sud Cuhmere. Pluin Colors. Checked und Stripod. W0 gamut mm In none Lower in Prio. or Better in Quality in Kingown. is Mu Wy con in undo-o pop." begun. Via 7 New St lilh Drona Good. It 9|. New 3 ring Suiu'np at 180. All Wool Banning Iron 180. All 001 Run} Veilin . in Blnok, 1 my. Pink and Blue, At 250. Beluuful 50 Wool Goodl, lull rug. 0! no on. II 200. Rich, I wool. Goodl at 260. Black Broad Sltin at 500. Trimming. no much A our Dress Goods. -0 [Efrem-IRONGS GREAT DIngAY CARPETS immene Offering COUSINEAU 85 co. They Ha.ng theJMust Bautiful Pitjtipg Bpnts & Shoes. Study your inure-t nnd buy n April 10. No. 6 Gore ! ngnton. April 18th. Ladleu Button or Tle Shoes from 851-. Lndlcs' Beautiful Fro-ch Kid Bullohed Boots at $9.50. ery Limo. mead-4 llu gruuur advertisement than the e\ The "llmey Department thousands who vimtell our Show Roam last. week, and were doligatod with the display. We luvm: all who have not yet. viliud us to call early, when we will be glud to uhnw our stuckwlelmr they Wish to par chase or not. .Ixvmvn Isvvnvlclllutlu nu. .......... ..l n. lam... "Anal... in M... an TOI'NIII" 3103mm "ISIS :lze Lowest Priced House T16}. City SPBNGBE ORUMLEY Colon nvnr! Dress Goods: Dress Goods '-.' v.v-__,__ _,,, , We are showing full lines in the following materials French Paulo Borg. French Foule Cashmeres. Nun's Cloth. Nun's \uilmg. Hutiu Cloth. French Boulo Bulges. Mascot. Checks. Black and Colorml L'uahnmrem W. , A _ . A... -- . A .. A... .. u- nn,,|, ,,,1 Dress Goods '"nriterz, 'Parasols n,,,s-n,_s.m.... 1-;11 .- 4- -____ Imhuuvarv vurledubock NEW GOOSELBWFI-iis ' BIL! r chketa .31, worth 01.30, Blwuk (no: 91mm " o u I m n w n. . .nhu un_-_\ 'l H... -g Irm- nrlm luck Hat. n l I" V. Blwk (Real Multan) Law: II. lbw pnoen. BI: Black Satin De Lyon n .2. worth 92.50. .75 Ind 2. Wuldronl Black Cuhmeren mares, All Woo|, st. 400, 500. 600. 70c and 75c t 35c. 400 Ind 46c. k ____ lImmens St 001:- ll IULR I luv m uor oomph". Aluminum demand daring this Satin. pnrdnubroly: con l me cmqglyunsnoms rh - April 11. ma.wm~ April is. M3RS$TEEENNAN Apnl 10. mine or not, GENT'S FURNISHINGSWe carry one of tlm IHI'KI'HL ulocku in the city. ___. n_._ SPRING STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE AND OPEN FOR INSPECTION _v_ , Ho ll Rhowina Something Handsome. Ind In rum cul. Dry Goodo. Nlllllnory and Genlo Furnishing Emporlul. l8? and I84 Princess Ell-eel. v _ wt v... ~_' --m 01? LOW PIICII [I matron.- othlo ofthe Stock must be 08 Within Sixty DGYIVOO Close up the Estate. Everybody says the Cheapest Place in the City is Arman-ours. v. v v ._.v, V 7 , , I18 1... n vary van-d Lsflrdelglhm In I the Lao-v. H A LEA'. ROSS. ROSS 5 1nd any H Street. Perth. who u. I a. My uid a all :8 cumin. ' '. e: n wIR. MOFAUL, of NEW DRESS GOODS. IOWES DISSONBTIES. 0p. the Wind-or Bowl, ______________- [or 91.30, Blues 5 mninh Luau M. 200, 1.50. 2:30, .00. 860 and 00. ml Buck Hutu: {Special V'slue) It. 760. worth M. BInck Monro Antique Trimming n .1 85. :I Ira decidedly the clan t. Blank Cull- . 75c. Blnck Chemetz Cu men, than-loot, or ran LATE; 7 R. WALDRON. PRINCESS STREET. Erl'nI 1'. II I "luv-uni. 13'! and 1M lrlncem Htruut. uppusm: (lily Hotel -'1HE- I\-__ SPISNI'I'} & ['ICIYMLB". no- I... I! n_..,,. Fringe; Puumnhria. In. On: menu. Oim And Button. WI hue on. a! the Htu tomcat Novelties am in our boon shocn in thin uni. Our Ml onlv require to be neon. us My '11! all dull- nolvos it tho price- wo ocr than. roqmre be on. any wul ow I! price. l). l. ARMSTRONG! H1 Princes- Bno. Xingu-ton W. I. Dunn AW xao Princes imot. u van-d luck I Luca-I Blylm. Wilsons MIMI-gr. mm wuu mu" Mud thin-nu W In! thou!" '0 (Miami-div. Jot-ml. urn STOCK d the .hovo goods as h..- Ann-Id. For Puddlngs and FIG. Room Paper Milbe 3mm. wlulu hm hunuu wan- Inn-m llllllllpelhd dly and mum Hardy Murray's, or. nsw "fl-sin. H \'()l' WERE 'l'U TEAS: we from ne bund- nf HIP hen rlrr made In ('nu-dn. ._-_,_______.-- 9?.._!:Y" ' 4 lbs. Htuwlng I" Sawing Prunes [or '1 Applvn for 250 W'- v," , Flgn {on-25c. 4 lbs, ;r '25", 2% M [hag-J $ll Silk v on hum-r .ught lel ul Ayn-mun m Bruuh Lu market n...- F nu Amnuhunupply of new Prenbyter'mu _ Hymuuls urnvod m. Stacey h Walpolo'n old stand and L0 be had at. reduced pnces. Pocket. books. purses. And hr dms and cm. Blmkorow'n jouleno fur nmrkmglinen. All u. rock bottom nuu: nun... m .. u H refined undexceedxu Helen ('ulemau ls a lug u-uu. human! 'v luv" uhvu- . the Wldow BedoLL ( In tho Upmu Hum-n A.._.I..A.|. .. 1.,nr. hxluu'm Slum. Mr. Hugh Mc- ('auuhmt). of lxctsburg, hu purchmd from :\ rum in the Township of Mark- hmu. a pure Clydesdale mam, aged 12 \enru. for breeding purposes. She weighs nlmut. IALI) lbs. , iqyxearliug colt promises to be a vulu [8 addition to the breeders of stock in Pittsburg A. u mth ' .-- l m l'v 11 (m m:u.~'I'o-morrow, u .L U Ilmk. them will be a special urvioo In St. Paul's ('hurch. An addrels on In lmn Work In Algoma loans will b. InllvereJ by the Rev. Mr. Wilson. of SnulL Ste Mule. Mr. Wllwl is we om puumd on his tour by two Indian boyl from Lhc Slninwuuk Home. Collection for .\lguxua mission. Seats free. ..7 . ~A Upwwn-zu or THENCooper bu been convicted of stealing two robes from 'leto du Pout, Barracks. Hade- . _. .. ,_..|:.__..;....5L-0L- LU I. LICIUS- OUHUUHVU will: vaI I" until murc martial orders have been oudulm'll by tho Military Department. N P k'.Y Dnrv. L-wL night. the police pu-kwl .up two innuxicated bagberymeu mu! put 1.2mm II] the cells. This morn ing they were hludel over to the tour (lat mercies of the mlhry nutllonties. Tho Pulice Magistrato has Inked the n'maw of Um Hauury to send out. pick 0L1 uuh (waning. to do duty on the Btlw'la. m Ln gins the civil power- thn m;le Lu wuteuo: soldmrs coming Hm 9 before them. Hqu 16L. uu ruuu Uullnvnu- us~u> clnred at the (ourn this morning that ho lupl not committed the theft. but could nut prove how he becnluo pomssod o! the articles. Sentence was reserved .. ,A _,,_...:1 Hal..." In... Lnnn .07 A 7* law on Ikmm'rurmmThie morning a farmer no produce to a merchent before the proper hour. He was brought. to the Pnlim Lnurt. when he explained mutton. an! the Magistrate. knowing there mu u. greet deal of misunderstand mg Minn. the law. refrained from punish- in: thu utfumlmx There is no rlmuge in the m u-Lu-L law In regard to forestalling. J lu m h. pxnsmi the necessary by- hw. Alm'tmg that. feature of the market. luv. l.~l; or; knownThe Rev. U. F. Wilson. of the Snult, Ste. Mario, will rpwhriuSL Jamal" msmormw morn~ ing. In the afternoon he will address u congregation of mmday School children at St Pnnl's. lu Illa evening ho will prewh at St. George's (,uthodnl. Mt. Wilson 13 the Commimn in chuga of the Duncan during the vtcmcy. Ho wnll l-wturo m1 Algumn. on Monday oven. ing. in St. George's Hall. II. is hoped Eh the pcoplo of Kingston mll extend n cor- dulgtoouug to this hith wothrin the missionary bald. .vN _ Lulu) Pawn". Mr. R. J. 131le has leased the [ergo one building M wharf momuwlution M. the loot. .1 Prince! um . prmnv occupied by ue Mound Tun-pom Coupe-y. The lane in for ve years. subject to renewel if desired. The Midi-[will beBanlotmmm We enghdioladelnn. whichth- .:.... RM.) mm a emu WWWMIW.Iquu-u ting Kingdom much until mum-owle Oohl in MM}. Eva-yum ad nar- chpuhonldholpit. ._.___-._ Strength and Hum. noun plenum ground every a. Ant Todty wuum Johan-.th w.tmvdhaoudhoh1bhdyd A.S|oith.monuykidulhn Ktl. I alum. IoSulnrynhcoit'm bot-mud. WWmhph thCu-nqni mattingbwok. ThldP.lB.C.'-yptdlllth Hutu-lam... Ir._W.A.(h-I. wuuduuuuiqwug an-Ii- 007 Sm Ayn. HUX-For two weeks the facthuu- wife (:1 ML Chas. H. Clark. Llu- lln u QumLe House. has been my! the Inomt. of death. and hub am the: sorrow of the household was u-nsiml by the sudden culling o of bruth non. aged {our yours. through ammatory emup. Yesterdav he was .. am... AI mun-Ll ._____.. - Mus-mu... o- v L) n l. 'lm'o -Mr. 0. A. Kirk- .\IJ . mu charged with roooir my hr yr-nnotlug bills in Par- buL he Vurv muaroly denie- ung racenvnd any pocuuiuv cou- on fur such work. H leuuuou - nun.qu u of a .5011 hobo] in St. ; II stated that a King- u Intends to open and I4 huluynu "Ill '11-! w givmg a perform- rnbdd us interesting. leuglylaughable. Mrs. su aur of the rst * _,, l)u Tuesday ov onmg Company ii plny .. mdnvm . I. My "wing. Mm I vary maid an. inning. Pric- won very high. tried a Brookvilh Au- I'II. mud to the Pgliuuiuy you- my am. Thu. n- . good dad 01 any on the w to-doy. It soId n from 03 to 010.10 par tun. - n... .1 Hum. planning "nun the MI wuu par Ion. A OI. d thou clawing upon the Mn fell into um an." ycsurdny Ind had a thorough cooling. n_.z_.. n... ...... -ml ohm- Imus been m I81 uwrouu cooling. Dnrng In pout week more have n. court mnnmlu ut. B llxnwrvw t'o dixtrict. um one, regiments}. _ I'L:a_ n.- L... ....I.o -1. u] in ____ \uuuug to equal thm m [hm nu qlmln. and pure. hire 1 A from [ho hum; m buwnllug and Kaugru Valley, lmhn. lu hr 1 nplmnrmn- In (hl! I'u IUD-um nun uul IUh-u-vv It. White the other night, In so in Niagara a Tory Aldormnn went. to 1100p. Ind wuks up I!) nd hm gloves Iwuu. all the Fire. Rum- and (hm ('um with. lurgunan um the rity own: In! carts :' The mm was lard to endure today. ms... an. n.,.. 4 \Ir wmm should HIIIJIII' IM-y. The I'm Pm: my 1 Mr. nuke nocbu speech In would nuke um election 10: the city more eel-Lam. 'r-AE. ml. ...n...l 9.. m tor we Clly more eel-mm. Thane who iuLeuJ Lu compote [or the Gilchrist scholarship. 1582., mum. send their annex to the Provxuuml Secramry's Department. before the last May. An nnclo of Lee, the Nup.iueo murder- uAM, i_.. ..-...,-. nun-n L-illml It in .l. Own" u, unlurr, vvnu III-iv . 7V aid. in a rqu Himthmhruoh 30 years 530. [mung been luv. wnh the handle of I frying pan '1... \',m...-.....,.v 1'4 .| ml. at umth vuvu V-uv u.,v.. _... , William Sheridan. fur stsulmg a coal. has been sentenced by J i;-: Senkler. It Brocknlle. to three years imprison- ment. in the Pcmtedtmry, The St. Vino-m. de Paul cuuwchu W1 not. be untamed for attempted oscupu, mm] the end 0! their present terms - u, .5 r... The Nun cunuut (3111 .\ Inp oun wbnch m-hrm'npum u! huts. Wu do no reporuug nu mum-e mt this oichn which respect We lhr from the stu of our contemporary The Winnipeg Sun report: BowA ... I i 'nmln. _-_...._.. Ll". L..,|.l Hon. John Sluveusnu i only LIHQIILCI, ho wife of Hon. A. W. Archibald 11m; the!" of the LieuL.~(1'L-vernur of Nova 960th) died at her [mum H1( u'mmdo on Good Friday. She pent u part. of 1879 with Canon Muloul; and mIe at Denver, nv~u- .v. ,,1 h r _ N.._..l...... (null Pro]. B. Mi Smith. .\l,A..B.5c., h'dQI'e' signed the Principuiainp of St quuie College, Richmond. PQq Lu accept u. position with Gage 6 (:0 M.- ,l H nu-am. M,P.P..iJB.> arrived WU. III-I LI LU aunl Lu Kingston. lots l and ., u land and )lchcur strvl-l to, Prince Arthur 3 L . Black pouuon Wlhu ngu a nu Mr. J. H. ewalfe, M.P.P., ha. It Winnipeg. and commuuced buslnees. We hope our member mll be as nuwssu- {ulna other Kingltuumus who have ope, mud in the Far West, .- n! n..._.... \l l ."Im nr n uuuu u: V.UUu;L u \.,.. . m. Owingto ill health, Mr (llhl'm pm, of Hainen .1: Luckett. mll take n my fur mt. and change. Mr, LurkuLL Icavun her. next. week to take dun-go of the Bolloville busim-M. .\Ir, Humes. ma. nf lbe'lrenbon huuw. wiEI take the man Igemem of the short: hem. uunl Mr. Lockett'u remunprohulnly in September. .7.7.. . _._ The Mr Nurse-mun will lvur Lu-mor row for Port. ane qul begin her trips to Charlotte on Mumlu) umrmug. The ucbr. Flora l'urvetl: m hum-,4 mr paired and rebuilt. at. Iu'tnu Capt. J. Dounelly has rcn-nwl per mission of LbeAmPru'un authorities to Lake OH the schr. Nellia 'l'herem umhnre of Sandy Beach: with (anmlmu unpu- mtus. n .M l| u Lawn... hm... 'l.u-mn.n {nr nuns Scbr. D. M. Fmtvr. mun Toronto for ()swogo. lqu a rough passage arrow the lake qu Tuesday night, 'l'ho'vessel left Charlotte; on Wodnnmhv morning she was off Oswego; Hu-n tho xnow became blinding and the next thing the 0an. saw was Nine Milt) l'mnt. He nncbur- ed at. Stony Island until Friday nmrumg. than nu for Oswegu. ml _ _-L.. Luann RAIL. (l'lnu unl- 181] I'll] lUl \lnwcgu, The schr. Clayton Belle, 'hlljh col- lided with the schr. Thoumn Furious on Lake Huron on Tuesday. was command- ed by Clpt. L'olven. well lianVlJ here. She was indon With mm irom Point St. Ignace for Eric. and went down with ve men. including Capt. L'olven. The vessel has frequently traded With King- Iton. She was insured for 65.000. To-mon'ow ufniug' laie will ,be a. baptismal ooxvxce in the [hymn Church. Rev. Principal Grant preaches 1:: Com Vocuio- Hnll [Io-marrow afternoon. I. ,,:..A| __-..;..-- m-.. m.n.lu..5ml ;.. Vocluo- nlu w-mvnnun uuuu-uw... Rad's! services were conducted in Queen Street. Church during the put. week. They any be continued. The Rev. E. F. Wilson..who is sit,- inOnurio in the inmates: of Algomn Angliesn Diooeu. will preach in St. Jmu' Church tomorrow morning. 1L-.. _:II L. -..-.o-lu muting lav I. UHUIHU w-mv-ulv- luv-u...- Thon will be quuwrly meeting at vial in tho Primitive Methodist Church tit-Crow. Communion alter the even- ing-non. Ind moption of new mom- Into church fellowship. l -.. .;.|.. n. 'r w Lanna nlmu . "'5 w m ~ "- 1w-y and Owe-trium- person: an"! profess I. muting .79. in. 'u on long to b. nmombend. w. I. I. I . VI .vuauuw him- unno wont: uric: ol rannl uiggo. Tho honing: hue boen good through 1... IL. aha-ah h-- h.- uninhn-a (11h lhu dlmrnl Immd vhf I"I.| )I'll w n Complete and lull 01 Her) Ihlnl. 0min; lo the Large- qunnllly ol oodu II wlln you rvly on gelling c-u-ryllnnu mum... -4 uvorvlhlllll V0" rl 1 w-.." an". ml- uvu vuuvugn- km. church bu boon qnmhlodyl -A n_._t-_l,-n- munn- -...._ n-m. Candi India a. loudly ovill' '30! W in any pby- 09" -.__ M- _ -_-Z ,_ mmumminmm mien wmwmnwhdmm nun-dumb: comma-ins in the Willi. to pal through the itll... MI... \lilihn man in an. III-y --- --'v w r '""-n- ' WW. manta-sing... aid-mono! tho-optopoudchnngu. dammit-oomtboywido, snyw'uhsnutdulolmnning by pin- tut-II. which in no Wu Lllmcnhdtmuundm dLh-l-n-d'n--mnlm huh Ink. m I. VIIIIIW lcuuwnuly. LI nigh Bet. T. W.Jolhe cloud: .L... _L- -g-L-.. -l _-;_-l -A-c-inn- mnnmn . take the mauv yore nlmhly September uorner Cumber LL-a. .IL'VXCHT es- .mnllug {or 93.- POP THE ouasnou

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