, 7 ups-Ilium um dmlub Enumuwtdouo-Tm nn pour out of m. MA ' . Elrlhquk0 M n tan-apical}: nim- loud"!- Ibo PIO- I. xuuwu Uu uuuuny III-Iv .IIII III-u. Capt. Cumber leuel Bollovh for New York. withinalow dnymin orduto ret the "Atalanta" 5nd put. bar into racing trim. m... J..- T D mu-ht _.. AI .on-, |lunu5 nun. I'he schr. T. R. Merritt was on Sutur- day purchased from the O'Neil at. by John W. ng and Howard Holliwoll. of St. Cabbnnnes, for O7,(X)O. ALA... Omnn. Gun Funnnhmnn L.-- on on. vauunnuvu, nu yum- About twenty-ve Frenchman h". arrived at (Lu-den Island from Ooh Landing. There are now over XOO non employed in Calvin and Son's Ming establishment. mu ,,\,_ r h a,__-_ [AAA u_____ The schr. J. R Benson (Clpt. Suoy Brooks). timber laden, bu rived It Garden Island. being the rst mini of the timber eet for the salon. The Capt. will. no doubt, receive tho usual new hat from the Harbor Mater. m. ANAL. U..- I.___ -1 ALA ~L~-_A_ uww nun uuuu Ituv nan-- uv. anus-nu. The ugbteuing line of the steamer Quinta threw u deck hand into the weter At Belleville yesterday. The unfomr nate men was disabled. he fell dude against the wharf. and would have been drowned but for the timely distance of bystanders. "ILA n.Ann.kan [Alli-n) .n-- that UleIIMl-IEID- The Ogdensburg Journal lays $1111.15I -Mr.Luub. the former owner of the ateuman Rothesny and Prinoo Ar- thur."assures in Nut than shaman and the Maxwell will run the coming season upon the same route as Int you, excepting that the upper terminal of the line may possmly be at Clayton in- stud of at. Cape Vincent. . All the bay bosumxooptil the A1- ......A.;.. " -- nn- unannnnmlnrli This play, set down for Mondey night. in a farciul eair, built around the chu- Lcter of a. retired German brewer whom his ambitions wife and everloioul friendl have pushed into I unatorlhlp primarily against his will. This pert nords Mr. Gus Williumo ample oppor- tunity for displaying his amusing speci- alties in dialect. The Ipeechel thstnre put into the Senator's month no very (hurry, and the manner of their delivery is peculiar to the versatile principsl in the out. The Senator- mind in "of wandering from the important matter his friend: have in hand. He even mistakes the congratulatory churn on election for the uproar attending 3 dog ght. During the waiting for election returne Mr. (Jun William: given a round A. lu'. nhfn..n!l|:l\n nu--{-l_ 1"].- Mb" m nix lm. 4'? II. D. W. Alliwn. the Reform Canal. Mint Lannox. is making a personal .llotb. county Ltld ls rccelnng M omgomont ou nll bnnds. An in bpnonslly popular. and there 1| 1 Habitual! at the act 01 the Tory 'm pnllnn in trying to pitch MI tho Injected of Kingston on the III-on o! Lonnox. there 19 an excellunt 9:00p. of Incoou. Number: of lead~ h' Conan-tins have assured Mr. Allin ohhclr unpport. Rumours are My do tbnt St! John's modesty Mama. him and he would now retire. Old party men xn the count, In] quite condent that he will notan to lace the music" when Own! time comes. John Wlnte. of I. Hutingl, WEI ln Nupnnee hut want on I probnble mission for Su John. Io "port on the actual "lay of the land." with Aviow of helping the Chiemm to m-L- Ada-I'm uluuflunr his hand) vaubu- u... u... H um... 5.... . lvuuu of bin entertaining specieltiu. The interest in the play itself in kept con- tinue by the excellent support. and two of the characters bear I etrikin' h- cial relembleuce to two very prominent citizen: in semi-public lilo. And may comical situations excite the rieibilitiu of the audience. The Gunnnoque Reporter, noticing the sympathy felt for the young men. sen- tenced to 10 years' imprisonment st the recent Brockville Amines, Buys not under ullthe clrcnmstnnces and with the idess thut prevailed in regnrd to such matters. it would hue been. is- msge to the community. sud especth to the young men. it the trisl had resulted in an acquittal. Something was requiredtn'show the riotously in- chned.ln a manner that could not be misunderstood, just the position they were placing themselves in. end the penalties their conduct wee invoking. Thst those who are now in prison will serve out the full term of ten yea! it thinks not probable. Even now the" lss movement to get I new trial. or s commutation of sentence. which will very likely be sneeesdul. But the lee- ..- h. min-kl- A... "n! he... vu 91, w uuw'uuu. vu' m 5-C- toning prouble ono. uld hm .u-II- nun- ih-n -Lm Alma-01' Cnmlu. X'VOI mu muons: Illa I" I. go moth. Nu York Clothing 5:: who" you will nlmyl and English mo. and wanted good- in tho but (Im : also Huh-h. bomb do... "Tm mu," -y' M u" mmumm ' .m: The non. boinx on hot at Landahzmchunhcm Th I.- lnvuv-vw vuw. nun all-'5". any more than 1h. directly Involv- .2 um warned gooal m m nun! dawns ; also English. mac..- din nds. :00th Emmi: nan-mint. wa man I In! In. m "can. wupuum lacuna-um. Inca-labor. gun-um m I. n . . w Fol In. mania] and m hm nun-1|.- Kn- Vn'h (Jnnim g "in I ow In nuynug mu yuan... w mah- dooiuion whocher his heulth would and a hov. campaign 13 the In. It il aid that Hm hula book: emu-M thro' the county by the faith Mlorlignstnru o! usurwce to Sir John. bu. bun um in and they do not. punt well. At my rate his loca mm hue very little to say nowl Ila no. little boon. In medium-en'qu Vary WW 1-. n In. M x tux. m nru mum meIA-M l'ho out 0| VIII... Tam-0| . I-m- who-n1. II 'I vm .w-I- on Val-Ion. Tho-u. A boy in om. n'unod Frock-y. '1- run on: our Perth Int ovoniu. ad mind prob:ny hull him-ion. A vnrdm ol wilful murdu, in non- anu. mm from the Coroner'- A mm or wuml mum-t, u nonn- doth posted from tho Oomru law In the on. of his! lotivier. usual 0! mandating the widow Anger! a Quake. It in intimnhd ah I third of an Quake. It in intimuhd horn: in Chic-ac m mama wihh 0 tom of o isootio or pink aye. The di- ulu. in u only stages. yieldl foamy m tan-Imam. lull. III In! on | to human. Toronto, April 22. The carpenter- on rib. n I meeting thin morning. worn truer than ever in thoir dour- miution to stand out. I}. in annnnnnn that t. I muff 'Tho 1m [3666 6! Orip ti barttmhly good. The opening page cartoon in de- uniptlvo of the (hugs of the respective ONO!) ln regard to the next elections. lit-loll!) Ind Mr. Blake are seated at I link able. (the lonnor in the guns 0! a Ohlnunw) laying forum. Behind the O Ind! lr Blohud. Ind behind the cum all hound. The cards have been mt. but only John As. are seen. Ou Mk0. m "NP." nud'Good Tlmos. It. Bhko doo- not show what. he has Tho two fool hopeful but anxious. and (I. "Hutton China" look: about and wish. jun u much u to my. as the m l: ontitlod. "Somabody'a gomg hi- mh-d." I It is announced that at a pinun' muting seventy men. working on per- mitl from the Union. advanced in rates. n-milhnu Anvil m_-To.dl' I. 90 | miution to stand out. unto from tho Union. wnucou w- nwu. Hamilton. April To-doy tho po- licemen met the Commissioner. and ukod for an advance of wogoo. The Commioolonen mam rezused to grant. it. The majority 01 the men will lub- mit. The places of the striking nail motor: here will be lled noxt wool: by m-n 01mm Mann-AA! marl nero wux as men from Montreal. ~ Otto, April 42.-'lhe Temporelitiel Billl were up belore the Senate Private Bllll Committee this morning. Mr. KecMuter delivered a long and able ligament from the 01d Kirk standpoint. There will be considerable ghting yet before this matter is disposed of. It is understood that a. Longevity of the Com- Inittee are in favor o the Bills no they come from the Lower House. Gen. Orrin L. Mum. Sherl o! Chime. 111.1310! this n his opinion of St. JIOObI 011: "Some time ago I wu troubled with rhoumotiam. Every on w..- free with his 0 mpothy and suggestions. but nothing re- ovod me of the severe pain. I had rend the testimonials of people I know who had boon cured by the use of St. Jsoobo Oil. Ind I thoughtl would test it. The rst Ippliootion worked wonders, god I was not long a ineror. It is wonderlul what little lhow thot malady has when brought into ooth with the Great Pain Panacea." | 0!: (ha 15m mutual a 3n mum. to hunt. Balm... bod: of Fur hlatbllrfh. On the 11th Apnl, Wm. Ell out, of South Dum- MJO I allno. dnuahmr of the Inn Dsnlcl Wood. 0! menu-numb. 01: Inch Mb. Johny Flogging, of Cnmdon. Jilin: rah . 0:: John Flemming. to Inky Ann Adair, o! Shame. In Kinsman. on Apr 215:, Ann McMahon. um of Ir. J. V. 11 Burton. used 49 you: Th: Innarll will leave her late midancv I". or II. J. V 11 button. luau u yvuu. The lunenl Queen Street. on Sunday dlcmoon, It two a'clool Friends and ncqnlintancoa an IQth- tully invited to attend. In Kin-non. Aorll 22nd. Benn Chlol, invited attend. In lingual: Aprll young! IOII of Mr. B. Wudron. no 1| months. In Klu on. on Fdny evening ME. MI. Innuel 51101.1an 50th you. ' Tho [anon] will uko plus from hll m. ro~ nachos, Union BL. on Sunday Afternoon. It can p.111. And prooood to Cunnqul Comomy [n Yuk". Anril 9150. Man Graham. we o! m BoomSn John, bu Hector WVin. Ind Eon. Mr. Norquay meet Mouton. Sir Hertor. With 5 shrug of hi Won. up: Ontme is getting Ioowuhhy. you must ntop 1:. Mr. Homo up: tho Premier on the arm on Moths! lid. 1nd says. Mannobu - In" more odbsidy. Mr. Mow. IA- _.I j- -hh .. "4-. Irma n! mnnn' . um prom to u; Inqm uomuuy In Yuk". April ilsc, Mary wtfe Wllllun Drurr in, In her 26th year. On the mu: nah. Aunt, Hut. 0! Hlnm Lou- Ian. 0! Rodnonville. lged '37 you". A! Springeld. Mum. on 15th inn, Chm-lei E. Owom. el'iust Ion of the law 1-' u Owen-A Pne- loan-l. April B. flourBoqu mo burrow nlu n: mmlu ; W quiet: mama-aw auoudonxlnw, I- 06 w slave to an!!! '99; mun tow ulna: nu Iouul. 5.; mid- pollll'dl w -to If". Ont. Mu orlu 3.75 to w; to 8.00: 61:35.15 :0 Comma 0.0. mm no 1.41; don 06.: a O. 15 I w MO: I but! 1:09- do I. Whole-ll. and Bela Dollar l- I'lolr, Ind and I" Illi- Hr-ll. Ian-'- luck. Prince- Inset. Bing-en. ITIONG BAKER! FLOUR A SPECIALTY, mv.n "v .1 unm: munaum mum-Monthly. a tot-fro:th new Hum 011' 0000. at 6.18 to 6.15: luv-ran- mm; mar-w an. 5.15 39 up; gua- W his. two uwuu nu.an Wain. lo. I and mi- munch. cub-ha; mum u. .M; nun-d. an n ' I am. now-aunt una-vnu u_-_ . -v v- 3' Wide Bantu Wautrd. .Wuumllooum. nu "u" "I InnTh- anier 01 Onu- lbm W ha" not. zhc ght. it in. is M I M in- hnolm hudedub. lat- .. Wino- tho unproduc- ~N Ill Hood 1nd prosuuion I d Th. Sir John mnhol to u a... ulna-dud hunt.qu n- ...u I; and! alumni z ____ IONIIIAL PHODUI MAl'l. Baku! Neutral162 It 9121. Innqu Til. 00-610 It 181. Onurio End. -286 It 68!. Konhlnn' Bulb-52 A: 1345. NIGHT-ILL DTOIJ AWAKE-T. Maximal. Am} :2, 19 o'clock, ITOCI. LIKED. [J'IIIED The Labor Strike. Tenpornlnles mu. .JPSEHIEEFW' am I'll m- 3% d. F I- Ilium lib. nohmd. IL. Ill--onb I. won! noun a d. suppli with mm! "'3: an; mummnn~ July 4 hummus-nun: ; fvmmam~ - '3 whet-am b 1 jean-III; Mummy-null, Iti-nnold uyin (HI-no. M A ncwhnpm no m Inni- tohn hm. lihc Coulomb Gold hm " 3 maa; upon In no my dwbnoh to going out M cud procpering. Inching 1m in I short time. No foilnm cl crops. nolocl nxnona the cattle by discs... or m. 01 mm: in n cold winlnr. not "on tho (nality of procuring M 0! din- zoning of I n: nook or ymdnoc in nosebl- bu region: cum to out I thudow on the uch hundred- Ibo are daily ocking to tho North-Want. whilc many of them. if they won jut to work as bud and economize a lunch In the present location. might. I). a u well at! in ten years tho I on . But our object in writing in not to do miate the new country orm It down. or there is no denying it in. (ox-them rt. splendid funnin lnnd. Ind i| in In E: purchased at such ow price- thnt it must be a great boon to All over-stocked country or w an in this country who have but limlte capital toinvoct in lnnd. Th. non. nf livmu out. than It DMD have one umueu capxuu wmvun m Iluu. The cost of livmu out than u. mum is very high. and in clothing on boot- und Ihoea you will hue to paylully fty Der cent. more {or such undo- than in and Ihoes mu hue no ynuly any per uncle- Ontario. Wu Would theretore Itronly recommend chose going We to u 0 them a full supply of boots. shou. trunks, valiues or anything in the tnvellxngline. which cum be obtained from Rhinos t Locke at either oitheh- lurgoeatnblinho menm.the"City Boot. Store" at King stun, Belleville or Trenton. the lowest cnh prices. April 21. ____._--"' KINGSTON GOTTOI HILLS. M 'I'lll I A l ITO nut Tho Nutrition of state-craft. in regard to). bonndnry swnrd. Is also mummy good Thore are three 4 any... \AreaL Success ll The Mill Unable to Sup ply the Demand for its Products. Now mm. the ngstou Manuflcturod (nu mt. by mason of Inc-nintme womb. nave NIP! the Approvu of the Entire lorclmuule Commun- Ily of the lily. libiiiihkuccns| Owlug to line Great Dmnnd we have now In stock but a Hm, ed supply, b u uuuu Iuvn n. H 4,;ihnmsn's,[ Direct Import-II. I92 Princess Street. Bacon] door [mm :11- oornor o! Waulngwn In, April 21 ___._______...- ---0.O-- W..I ION-I Im!- Tho from to r! out one And run u. down. um wuhom doubt an M 0:31:31. my. Tem- muh known u mm of uh. I to: lunhu pumman Apply to WI. nvxxo - HIV- luv": Iuv'lu". in. my"--. down with :1 gm: bag of money. (MM! unitary) says. This is V "0 thin my jun due. but I intend to it w ISL George's dniaty. Kingston! Tho AnnIn-rnnry Orrvlcz will be bold In 5:. George's Cuhodnl. n a 9.111.. with nice the Chum-ins, sermon from tho REV. D . BURRO N8. of Ounso. N.Y., Ind ohu'ltdo oaring The number! of tho noeluy vuln- umbl- n 5:. George'l Ball at no 9 m. A co!- dlsl invnauon 1! extendecf to Bum Bock.- 1 Incl the public {IMPORTANT woman SALE Thu ulnnhlo "gm-t}. known In IIAI'I h mm-s on I 038, PM. Icon, I: in nu], lined up in the mm: modom My. A rum! on b. wound of 00 pl n um. one And [In Chum gown. doubt and la n. ILL banalan u nu 01 101.850... um IA'ICIIDA'. It! 1 d I gawgzm of enm'WI A . ,~ 4kg;- .._v _,,-._._v_. V. -V, - gin-"luau: u m chow-unman- 'ulethopow'un. ' W a. rag-95. I Mm 2: 1 [JUN 4 -;.-.";r?.'. And] N Which has crowned (Dell ouoxu. Ill-III!!qu cm: look un 11 M- a \Ilppy nugury 01 um mono plenum xeuum L0 fullow. -v. Vuy. ., ~-... _- _-' 'I'I'IB ANNIVIBIIIY DIRK! III} In given nt 8, Thornton'l Unon Bot-l, n 8 pm. Tlukotl, mmch In numb". .1. A LIRICHEUX. w l.- loud SourSix John pointing over 5h WM Hr. Sammy. uyu to II! m. "l cant take it hom Onta- Ito-ya. hm Ill not. Msmtobn to do it h M OI hrningto the Muni- IL- In'mhr Si! John hnndn him the Friday. April 28th. If 1 n'rlnck n m, mi... mam-t BEBE will be ooud 10! Id. b I'UBL l AUCTION u m: - ' y ' l'c _ "Brok Strut, Imprcix ~ aL'A'DA Y, 93rd APRIL. lL- . _....._..--_-- In-l. .1" h. h-Xd MONDA 7. th APRIL. r, mwnaswxymz APPLIanIous REAL ESTATE. u M I!" Ill-III. Irv u-u mun-- uu m. at: John hand: him w lib-My. whereupon the latter I. "I: return (or this I'm to hm 3 ght with Ontario to quiet W? l Imam." To which Su Joh- QHI. Yu. and I'll all you of! It III w. ll. and to catch Ontario." A- Ir. lent sppun mtb his load. M. "I'm autumn-d to hold halal-bun Ins-W's. "mmwmumd Jh-hm3 them d mar. . A. LIBICHEUX. Wary. ___. tp'ni. Acor- Bmcr tslhuludnnniwl onossurs um 30mm m1 GOODS. with m w. 3. Q 10. 75 IO. 86. no. 0.. N. NEW WOOLS AND UNIONS. from 500 to 0! pct M. New Dutch CW. New Inn cm In Tnponry. Bro-uh. Dutch I Honk V lit-do... Now Bug. The Inge Slook intowuwulootb'ol. I'IIIu-Dvl .v pod sketch. '1... ha: New I. of III KID... Como w SBAW'S lot the Input. din- pluy in now imported Output. uvth mrm Corner of Princess a Wollinton SM. Ilomhold Furniture I! .110! eh. Furniture. .4 .contan summon- m In; of 1 dedut Plunoontnsuh sud cum TI In, Easy Churn. Carpets, Cunmnl. Yul-o. not. Lona u, cum, Pintum thu Dank. Extension tutu Tabla (Bloch. Book-cull, 0nd 'llblou, Bo man. huh-ands, humus. Iron Bod-ledda, Sprint: Bods, 8dr Hum Toll-e Sou. Kudzu-Jon 1:19.]ng om. Now anbroqllinu. WEDNESDAY. 26th APR/Ll Harms-I03; Fin. Idl Cos] Cod Cook Save, I! Ollcloth. it-swan. Cmohuy. am, um: u lot 0! other mick-m mun-route mention. New Oil Cloths. lildnrsleava's Land Agnnnyl WANTED TO RENT IMMEDIATELY : A Dunning Hou- in - oontrd pounon. md contan at lust nix badqoouu. dining-room. parlor 5nd huh. Rant not no noon .10 pct month. with axon. IMMEDIATELY : A Sun Dwdlina Hoop, mth seven or eight moan. mini). for u bully o! threenn'thmll strata pnhrnd. mn TRI... pus-run . go LET FBOM llt MAY NEXT: ATwo Story Stout Dwelling Home an O'Xill Imu. Mums, newly pupa-d and Mud. sud tn good repair. Subl- snd wood-Ind tn rou'. W011 and hm aim. m'mu vuxmnvAmnI nnnannvnu v autumn: mum- m nu. own TLIINBY to all M his Menu. m an. inn. .1! 01 lm HUUSEHULD FURNITURE ! a: nu. won Ina urn. 01m- WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION : A Three Storey Brick Dunning Eon-I on Wellington St. between Wilusm Ind In] Streak. Rant low FOR SALE- UEEAP: A Bonus me! 14, ca Wolf- T-lAn nnnmitn 0|!an Inhnd. Ind 'hi mumtno'doa. hue-O. Mmbmwhyum April 18. run chum- nd 1m lulnnd, opposite Glrdcn Inland. And within 100 vnrdl of the 'Ihr'l in. Mmhtbly I uum'wW'u Wk. "Came Mu:in ! In - Mt in uk- Ontuio'l , ....-.on AM Inf-Nun.- Lh inn-L! lulAnd, opposite and: tuna. sud mum 100 y-rdu Mullah], sdnpm {or I summer In danoo. Thron- aunrten of an acre of around. Tho dwdl- {or ruldanu. Tuna unner- anu ngi- fume. puny one, and My one and s but Iboreyl high. 3nd oonulnl In rooms. beudu summer whom yum-y, 3nd oilteru. 'I'horo in Also I wood-bod mad cow Itnblo. 3nd Inn-ll orchard of plum tnd Imuu (run. Well found. "at", nnvAn . Int. 0 -nA In 1... Mr, 01' JOE. JILU. Also uveul othor (lockable building lob in tune locality. Price- to unit washab- u well u thou wm: lugu mum. Pumas hlvmg upon I will {archer chair" in than in me bad: a! ti. Apply to I. II. I LDI IHUHSHHULHWJ Cami-I. Coma-o. Boa-rm m. Wadi. Innu. Mina. M, 3m: Capo: cunt-r1, Map. nu: Got} In. In Imlu u'uu. " Uu nunm VERY CHEAP : Lo 0 um! 10. on cor- nor 0! King Strut nd 31.. Lam Avenue. Ind Id oinlna the name. of It- . jot Jones,R.M. . Al-n val-ll nth-r dulrnbh buildinl In m: umvnnm-Inm lo. Xxx-mam 3.33.. ; I a n; imd land It. sum ulna. biglwz ml: 21:3 Stoddarl llluo. cal-pelt. 1c. bkdhm Boom 1th mom. 3.]. n madam. Toma nub. Good: will b. dolly-rod on duy 0! my Apnl Io, AUCTION SALE l-U." " 'I "v" Came! (M Wamrlmma.v HAVE roomvod lunrucuonl to an at tho ruldanco or the Inn L B. mKPATRlCK. I Eul um. on Putin hlving pr rtiu tor Id. or to n chair int-mt- by gluing April 19. Ram HEETIIIG. new lI-IIocII. q I .II, 3-1-1 unv a: 01.. amt-puma. S'u John; Amhmmmm'mm-i PUXO.CAIPI1I. OIL Plml. .0. SHAW'S IUBTION SALE J. L. HUTCHEION. All! hum-I DO I. P. GILDEBILBVB. ,9. l2 Chroma Sen. New In Cum-o. I. l I. WWI. Mum UV. . - "I": van Va..- .flndan-ybutomvmm- *. Mink!" lithium manly -_- Mnkhl" 00 A? M mu Gordon mm a u m of lud,uwcudwuh m nu admin mu. Ind Ira-1| % w an an a chum Ap IVo on arm-nu.on A nu luau. uum W- magma P ANTLY mu- agar: . uh hung ou in. A? N r a" m 1 a OI O 00".! D O R%MMM Old luhodll' 11. u or uh chap. on any how-cl. In O'Donuoll, bu Iou tho to nun anon Fox puuoulm cl nu .92.! "1'. [H.001]! Bari-ton __-. TILT OM 0532 HOUII 90an Ill. :wuu worn; [an at in will :ombuudtuu lu ood "you. . lorruuhu puuonlu can! AVID ULNXNGIAM. on no pan- 1 No. u m IM. 0 W. 00"!!! WILL SITUATID; our II Dual..qu am... not and A My whys- 0.!an 1' nnmau nornnou m. 00!- IN a! Qua: cad loo-w Inn-u. Fron- I'O. 7| n. and m bu no uh. Ap H u m. can or tho In . but. Lho our: 0! Iliad I o'clock. P0 u 3 Dual. Aramucu 00M.- Uon Ilocl. V bhilbulln MIC Aluminumon ovulnl uh. on UNI-I hung bv Lu. J. war. II). In! lun- uun. KII'Imn. [1 ii. I mom mm W. Apply a {nu on. w no: nun. no! m nu. ma roe! Icon. Indy own I4 can In. Apply 0 0.0 unmet. Ill'l'. 130! m HAY. um u Imu. Inn Io EDI llbnnl. Apply to YDINILI ITIIIT. From I? II.- ov-qu. o 9" Mn yuan. mu dour-bio Iron on on lid. 0! Sydnnh-ux aunt. 0. M Indy mpud I: Dr luau. In- qnm on - Emmi-u or to I. roan. limb ll, "'WW. LAW OFFIOII. Til omen on Chm-u not. Ind! ounpld by loan. Brmon a Whlnug. Poo- nudon m tantalum-Ir Apali m Alum WALK! a WALKEK. or so . o. F. 01L:- DIBSLIIVI. Inch 15. Holn OPININO. 0 now know u "rm Aulo mono.- totnu' at Johnson and Ontario 3a.. W Nan-Ito- on In In Apply co I true: 3 300338. _W0Vii6f In tho Anchor Bulldlnll, {luau on tho lulu nun. Imuuulmo pol union. Apply 00 BA EN Q MACHAH. N .-.- ____._.._.___..._ BIOOI I'lglll. TWO I of! . lungng AGo'l HIT. On I. III of In .I DISIle HOUSE oil-co! It". Wu non u Pm. annulu- 11 rooms. 1' th bah-room. ho. fly w F. I AW. am I. at; robin-m lounge: Cullua m In Minn: now ooouplod by C. I. Andouun. ol- union-many. Applnou .I.BXBB!. PUOI" HTMIT. 300]! In unjhn Tattoo. Apuly a: nu Wlxo cum. Vnnghn ' once. OPERA HOUSE: Moryday,_pr11 INF" IMPHU VIN/J HAN IINA'IOB. Inpmiod mum: Gounod Canaans m mm o! 10 [M H on... m, In And Ba. 80-:- I n WlLf-IAIBII hll play of 0|!!! Eu. uni uuppomd by . Glam". Irluunt. 001:!ng 1391:2991. Judo! Ibo mum-- Clndnnm I and Inn. loll and Ian "3... IAOON, . r. 0. mm 1. you, Mamba-10.1mm. l www IR. od'ilmuiins. 0' .1- Juli llUllnl. Moo-.1... no and Us. tum wound u Optll Ion. duo-b can chug- Avr l). Toronto Flour Moro. mums mmm A mmwamn and Bun-u . u . an to an .8 mm. W. EVES a, 00,, ,0". II). wwu an- AV. , "I'm ham n. ("flVi . .. mm; Chaplin-Nuns"... Cotton mm sud Druwl'I. only do. I "It. 00w Imm and Dunn. Good Quinn only CI in am. (:olma lbim sud Dunn. only? to: gun Bdb 5mm 4 Dn'on ".1 1 per mu, :m ."Ww'tm'sx . v I an In; gun. _ _ 7 " 00!) run: IOU": AND RAIN with m manned-unu- on Aux-d II.- M. Annlvn won... Exmllcut Hnmoou non II. Brmon'unmcu hm wot snowman. IOOK illll. THAT DESIRABLE HOUSE on Brook It. appoint Mlupalll no!) oooupbdy! nggLApdorwn. "I. 00M Did Ion-ugh: to! W. uonlmnumwu vull rub. 1115.48, warm. V ' Tho Homo of humor " Engagement 0! ma non all-tan at Ibo [nu amllllu, my Hunt's 5.59m sum FLOUR "I. not to mi with nmy. But on m vol ho was u d]. lonuo lo mm try to look Junun. but who 01 I he 0. ho show- 5 magnum chock II. at on any to all uduo. 3m in II wry ulx on. nu- . m: " "mmw'" "- dMP-mmmn the me. m M Boa. of Damn. W. _. . . .- ,n__ 3...... unnl v.-l NUMIAppu w IKE Z. PBEVUHI L lullt. PLACES T0 LET. 131. MORRISON. cityw- 'aummwn on um Ibo mfg. hula. loud mm, VIM to u- __. A_ '_.- .4. _ul m- . Duvets. (Vary Flumunl) Input-nu. In It!!!- udnnnn, In: asthma" III'I'. Ihon n. pumllu on hi1 Idlhhip. Mm u deb tantalum-nyth Whwhtwd hon-moldy. Whiloilh ado-an- at tho GM and um cmumwnddAwu washbasme . , ,.__A_ AL- A-- 4.11.. t. him ulna. I. o. 1.21:; 511. IDOCI 91'an -4---~r WANTED. cusp u m. 0 PM? 1 And I [In I Anchor m. Immutnupoo mum-un ImuVlw dmwdtyMbhimm. __1 -h .L. 4...... hi. lmivnl in amwuymquva uddktoooqudhhhuinl VII mmmwamd lingual-u. In 1! thin but VII mad-Mbylluonionofu xmmdum.wtholao n,_4_- AL- :_..u_.- ha.- Mini. \l J- 3| 1! Lu 50" In wu- vvr. .- - w--- MALI m hot-u Wot- odbyo poll jout. in whoh forty 01 Endud'o hoot high. hold tho Into ogninot tho lad! ohinlrv. stuou by tho "ooh-oth- o! tho among. through I'nnoo. Burgundy. otc. In tho hoty-rdtboroindonryv.n Connoil.hold ot Landau; docrood. ot tho inotonno o! tholughinoolthnt honoo- lnrth tho [out 0! 8t. Goorgo ohonld be oboorvod by o double mice. nod [or any you'o tho tootivnl m hpt with grout ophndouin Windsor And other town. In ou lino. tho land-rd of St. Goon m borne bolero our Eng- lith King- in hottlo. ond hit home woo tho rollying cry 0! Englioh warriors. According to Shnbpouo. Honry V. led tho nttock on orour to tho hottlo-cry 0! God for Bury. Englud, ond St. Goorgo!" ond God ond St. George '." wu Tnlhot'o dopl on tho Md hold of Potty. Edvard of Wnloo oxhorto his peace-loving pronto to "Chou thooo noblo lord- And hurt.- thono that fought In your defence L'uhonth your over! [not lothor. cry uloud SI. Goor'o. England It: not tho only notion that {ought nndor thohonnor of St. George. nor In tho Ordor of tho Garter the only chivtlrio lnotitntion in his honour. chlly. Arrngon, Vole-oh. Gonot, Mdta ond Boreolono lookod up to him so their guardian Soint. Shnkspou'o, in Hoan V.." uyo; "Bonnroo u hunt on: forthwith to Intro. To hop on! [not It. Dooro'o (out with " l The Paine Denice. To-morrow Harmon. three oclock. the usuel univereery service will be held ln SLGeorge'e Oethednl. at the requeet of SI. errge'e Society, ,and will be unusually inure-ting and attrac- tive. provided the letter term can be nppllod w e religion obeervnnce. The eervice will be fully ohorel. the choir of the Cethedrel lending their ever'willing mum. Mr. Beilley. of St. Augus- tine College. will intone the rst part of the eel-vice. end the Rev. Mr. Boun- eld wxll monotone the rest. the Rev. C. E. Certwrlgln reeding the leuons. The Rev. J. L. Bun-own, Ph.D.. a! Oewego. N.Y., will preach the waiver- nary sermon It the desire of the Society. In membere will memble at St. Georgee Bell eh 8:80 p.m., end proceed in 0. body to the church. Ryan. 4. Blu- lhl wd.0 In ml, Ind tonal nut .11 Human-Palm . .a Praigo! my soul. tho [mg of Hanan To Bu fut ih'y tribute bring; R unnamed. hauled. tutored. forglven, Who like no Eu pnlu uhould ling? Phil: Hun I Pniu Hun ' Father-uh Ho and. Ind . In I , Wou our fooblo inmo- He now! In Eh hund- Ho y bun In. Roman In from our foot. Pnlu Hun ! Puke Him ' Bu pnlu mama ungv Prune thI "orb-ting King. Prune Hun to: His grace and {A .m To our Fltbor in distress , Pnlu Elm. mu the suns for evor slow to chitin. tad mm to bless. Prnin Him 2 Pub. Him 3 {slow ioo'map. m Pniu Glorioul in Huhithhnnou! Recon from nu toes. Pnlu Widely an His mercy own. m m m. In um n..- u, no colic-0d. Mr Counol duo "Mute wheibu bovill n..- h- . mama. Mt. Run in Angeli. hel u- to on Him Yo behold 'm be. him; Sun Ind noon, bow down before Hun . Dwellen nil in tin. Ind upon. Pun-Him! Pllill Him agar xx a. All mm the power a! Juua nun. Let u: oh pro-true Ml, Hung onh tho royll dud-m ! To crown Him Lord 01-11! Crown Him. ,0 unique! your God Who {mm an dur all; Whig: when blood-mod pour y. t . And clonal]: Lord 01 :11? Yo chosen good a! land'- nu. Yo unnomod from the 1:11, 8:11 Him who and was! Eh gnu. And crown Bin Lord 0! l 85:) Kin.yohirldbnvid'u Mn. WhomstidIMddldn; I Thoodmhmdviu, Andaonlnboddn! Fun A: lummorl ows: we ounah Blown Ibo wind an! it in gone , But while mom]: rice Ind pox-uh (1, l nun-en unohulgin on. Fusion Elm! Pulse Bun Pill m. high. our-Al one ! Lu" tblwt Mon numb! : Jonathon-Indium, Andmlbladddll Amen. A __..:_u._ I._|_ . nil in time no . Pniuhnl Him' Pruu with u- xho Godot (not! Aman Ul Hahn-I. "- w: nun. WWW.MHM Kn him-03w. I) Pulmnaxn. an, mu FiruLouon-Diouc. nun. MammothG. A. Mann. Second LuauSt. huh-w. xxv-Bl Nuno DimitoDu'. . . '11" an vau I30 : "W. mel cmnod with glory Ind honor 410b, -9. ybmvWv .- w and aim. Womb-up OWN mm ' P". "a...un b.3917 OIDII OI IIIVICI W'- W WUUDWI I.- wc up Qh to o with. By. nib-HI m the Montreal Colloc. . and It. Giraud would not rer him. It. Burma yarn. but at 8;. Vincent de Paul m. be: lime-nus. m m. A -q- u-0001.4. ugh! mm. Juli MW mquh' ; Con-InninloIIhO-W' A 1AA.-- L_- L. I..an h. M. Guantanamo-Inn.- A m not... noan by N- WWII-lope! I! mwomAuod-dahm- vnumusolm'mlh 0" Id! nutyut. Inn... PIn-I-n - I...- II Yd- III Ilia. 1w. John Raunchy. . w u ludth wmauhMI-md mmumxondnocotuihmh-W who whichiloouldlotmw n_. L -.-L-- 5111 tame. Th. I". Ix. 0mm don" ll an 1 Madam a to walk" 00-" Hem-M01, 0! to BLOOM. i." 300! DM-u I'd m uvuy .7 Th- away. The uniunuy of tho um-hum of Odd Fellowship will in oome on ugnduodoin Nun-00 on a. sh sud 10th. Deleon. will bo pm. from mpwn. n is uid am the tor-damn of Woods. thaohild mum. will oxpiro uhortly And that he will mm m Nip- noe. H. vs: unto-cod totonrhu you! in the Kinpwu Ponitolniuy. , Tho Gnu-nag Spring Manchurian Co. at. now pining in whinoty to: tho muuhctun of upinl spring- for locomotive: tad cm. I brush of the bulinou which in new in this country. ML. 1_-_.I .J Gama-I Im-kn! b0 hueinoee which u new u un- Mill]. The funenl of Senna] Pater will tended by tho Orangemen. the 'Prenv tice Boyl and Young Briton. The ag wee hoisted upon the Orenge Hall I! halfmut n- I mark of reaped. for deceased. The Mean. Herring. o! the Nepanee Glass Works. hive Meat encourage- ment in their new enterprise to induce them to make stringer-eat. for another ten pot furnnce, thereby increeeing the especity of their verb to nearly double its present output. - A [untu- qunc-I ol luauAn Unin- III... lull-u u u- The following further pmicnlnra 01 by the Ganuoqne drowning accident are given by the Cllywn 1W2: Last Snndny morning Thou. Moblnnnn Ind Sherman Buldwln 10h Gannnoquo in a mall yacht for Cllyton. The wind wu blowing huh from tho S.W. and L_:__ 1:1- um-oan In th- an of w I). Inow. too. In". Pu- Ib-Ctuld I mndidlto bu been loot.- d b as: tho election lot hu so. Tho can at his amount. ill be.th b b It mud. DAOWIIIK uuu . being little eccnetomed to the nee of nails, end being in e cranky beet, they gave up going to Clayton and went eehore on Maple Inland, heving come through Eel Bay. or eronud the foot of Grindetone. en the route in termed. Alter stopping there a ehort time they put across to Bobine Inland. talked a few minntee and eterted for home. The enppoeition in thet they penned along quietly under the lee o! the blu nt the Hillel Ine- v-an __ foot of Bobin'e Island, end eeiling end- ' denly into the rough water end high wind which wee coming down the chan- nel between Robin's end Grindetone Ie- land. were enddenlyoepeieed. Telegreme of inquiry were receiVed et Clayton but none had eeen them there. Monday a boat wee found et the head of Wells Is- land by Mr. Calhoun. who lent word at his discovery to Genenoqne. The boat we: identied ee the one in which the nniortunete men had eet out. A seeroh was instituted. but nothing could be found with the exuption o! McLelnnnn'e hat, which only conrmed the woret learn. Neither of the victim! were no- cuetomed to the nee of e eeil. The eheet rope wee found tied to the beley pin, which rendered the trip doubly huer- done. no nothing could he done in time to releeee the nail when the beet cnreenr ed. Experienced bontmen teke e eingle turn around the pin end hold the rope in the head for the purpose of controll- ing the soil in I pull or eqnell. 1 hie neglect was without doubt the meene of lending these men into eternity. The bodies have not been recovered ._._ Mr. Townsend. ch. alumni. in play- ing in Hamilton. He is now a veteran of the stage. Mr. Britten but decided to decline the nomination {or Addington and to nocept the County Attorneylhi'p. 3-..! n-no -I" nmh thn hnmn. I! uuuuuy nvuvnuuunur. Prof. Mowat will prowl: the bacon- llnmte sermon in Convention Hull, Quoena College. tomorrow. After nemy men yest- of 01000. bud labor, Mr. Wm. Houston did his last day't work on the Globe on Thnnduy. \l- u \l n-rmhn, M.PP.. Ind Mr. any I worn on an: un-w vu nun-nun] . Mr. H. M. Dorocha. M.PP.. sud Mr. Robt. Madden 01 Napnnoo Milli. will 1)" l viuit to Mnnitobu in the course of I couple of weeks. D;- n.- nuno. uni MlNimr Ira still coupxe 01 WW". Rev. Du. Gm: nd mm: m mm in 0!.me with tho Tunponh'tiu Fund, sud will conduct union to-Inon-ow in St. A ndrow'u Church. Rev. Chu. A. Follow". tron Bristol, Englud. (I gruduu of Ir. Bpurgoon'l College). will punch in tho 3.9m Church wvmarrow owning st 6:30 o'clock. u- v m u-_n.. had a.- Inna. 001061. Mr. J. W. Won, Mo! tho Wind- sor Haul. in in tho city. Ho lung {or Winnipeg nut wad. who" in Will pro bably came in built. We hop. to but 0! hi- m. , ,,__._ n... 'I --ll_ 1 A IL- walnu- Tmmoow Bu. '1'. Bailey, EA hu- ly minionuy inating-cu, will punch in St. Psnll Church a 11 o'clock. and Rev. Dr. Em at Omega. )I.Y.. u 0: o'clock in tho owning. Sun In... Bishop Clary no exuded I n- uuhbly run m an u one sign at us his will vhtt to Hutu-p- lead, and Toad-y hot. H. M 1 two M udde hi people. Th NOV). luullqomw should not w Mo momma Oovarnmonc with- m. Ono would Hunk. on read I out MIDDPOmy'I opmlunu. Ihn Ir. In! sud tho-o bolongma to his We: could hue dealt. wnh how Poor Acntm. :- they planed I! m In IOovemmenL must. carry I. thle 0! the people. and that they all! "I main power ll tlmy attempted tow legislation mllul for by the .Mty. The Home docnlvrd a change 'I HI. [5 respecting market tolls. nnd annulment did whnz" (ne the d Ind total I year In wluch to m {or the new measure. and 1 LA 13 DRO Ill. ACCIDENT. ~ ransom. HURON. Im. Mt. W.Apr.hnmh~ imeoll-nd Fm. up... Walla-Ck to robu- tho high I Ann-inn munch. mm M m BRITISH Willa. SATURDAY. APRIL 29. I. M mun-mummy"; I. II [loud-Mud It. mud-ammo. I. unpack now chin! that day no... my. nan! out of 1m. ' but-nonethth mun-non. mu" nummontdhduld. D-d- Ana-6| _Emh yams} may. Pub. April :9. [smug-lo noon hug boon [oh-incl Myth? mono! Andros and Jun. Tam communiouion hu- b.- My ad by the mm won. Apnl nu mud am Put- n will lumndu n [ill-duh In todly. The lm an it. in wand M I to-dly. The an append til budget. to be mud to! I 0 Commons on y. will 50 I. I. It. Gladden will Inbllit. Tmundardmth Mill. It. (illusions wul snow. Tbsstudardmth {ouuistion in the intonation! uv is! suggesting that. the Govsnunslt - edits rights in rsgsrdto tbs imprison ment at American suspoch, cl' that tho United Sum hsvs tbs shadow 0! ground for compllint. or rsmonstrsnos. Paris. April '21". is nudsrssood .Ilt ground [or compuun lemma-law. Parin. April the Show will not conribntp tom tho expensosol min; u inland III in the down 0! Sudan. but will up ml tn nrintn maninhlh for funds. the dour: oI mun. on: mu 1 pool to priute capitalist- for ID. -O.-O- an Ituc Ill] WI. vault-nu. nu- - exandria." no not running roguludy. TL- rimAnn 'nI-nt A... Mun] II uxnuuun. .11! an" lulu-w. Im]:- Tbe Garden Isltnd loot. bound up the lake, are wind bound n South Bly. m. I-I.I_L.__.._. __.. Ami.-. .u." . Due lune, an: vuuu wan-q nu wu-u u,. l The lock laborers were khan on" tlong the Ridew canal on Mondly lut. wage: commencing from tint. duo. T}... u A l-nuulrn " Ohnrnnahlv I-nnnn "n51;- vuuauauuvnu uv-u sun-- "-9. The Alexandra. thoroughly uncut ad. will start on he! rogulu' trip from Trenton on Monday, the 2m int. n--. l.->L.n- I-.-..- n-n..m- (A. mu no n my .... v. _.. W- I!!! All pouiblo oom to remove griev- union the on bind and proveul. iu- on the other. The luv, u \t m. I: not so bad m the Irnzcllngmcer Valid huffu readers to be] cVe. Had It. Could! olthe City on Lhe 84y acted nth. Council of the Limestone (Jay d that. would be 169* ocznxou [or lling Ibo Government. de names