Ie rrln Frore s (Grenoble, France) lelebrnled unite ofld Gloves. ...-. .., h-nl u... "an- u. .1! .1u. n Hm up With IIVN. l 1 For n connidonblo ne the Council Wu 3 feulul apron. M time- hall 3. : dozen Aldermen wen waking. sham~ ( mg and hughin . wd tho quuons q 1 motions pa in II n in myor in. 1 such a mum u h Inn-vb mu- u;...;..- u. ......m .n annum. aux In. unmwwwmm mom . He would an ambush. than unis: m In 3nd damn his dank in his; ueparuueun. ILUO; plunumu nuuml ('n.. hose. 08.10.03 ; James Swift. coal. 0661M ; that. in the event of the Couu cil adopting the recommendations of the Commith on Fire Water 30:53, {or a grant of .500 Do the Fire Department, to meet. expenseu. your Committee will provide fundl; that iftlie recommenda- tion (or grants 0! 8500. [or the City Park improvements. and 01(1) for work at, the Victoria Park. be adopted. 10' Committee will provide fumlu. Report mloptud. I tuuu lumlnnwn. AM. AllanYou're right. Aid. Lrmg, but. I'll move a resolution when I can speak for 10 minutes more. Do you knuwmhat can be done with the by-law" However. the Aldorman at ddwn with out fut-that obatmtion. Ahl Dunni- unit. A: Innuth In Han run-nu.- "Iv-tn Md. Dupuiu presented the Finnnco Committee's report recommending payA menb of the following : Pay list ending April 26, 21.52 ; W. S. Gordon. 04.11); A. S. Oliver. M.D.. exnmining lnnntics. 010.11}; Dr. Phalan. M.D.. do, 010m; Hickey a llett. towehi. 08.60; H. M. Wilkinsont Somme o! lloll, 9111!; City of Kingston Gas Light 60 street lights. 0574.06 ; R. M. Horsey. Fire Department. 01.06; Canadian Hube (u.. hose. 340.03 : Swift. coal. grou, Ina nun lave w lli Igun. Ald. Allen and. 3 humorous speech~ though out of orderupon the acquisi ion of (hrden lslnnd to the city. and do mandod to know whn the Mayor m doing rolntivo to the Linen Coman nioners not granting the sum number of license. I: the did last year. The anor mi that the Commission- ox Incense. we and 1m Mayor that the Commission- era were [)de no license more if the Council would pay all the nes inicted upon them. um All!!! unman- xwuunu nun u-v In.- On motion 0! Aid. Smytho the Coun cil went. into Commune o! the Whole on tho consider-Hon o! the Conlohdnm'on of By-luvu; Aid. Clement: in the chain The Cumming. mic. reported m'u I Ol DyIIWI; AMI. Launan Ill bur rlmlr Tho Commit. rose. reported pm sod Inked leave so lit Igun. Ald. Allen mud: humorous gnocch The rogulu wooing a! no Ciiy Coun- cu weaned M owning in tho (banal Cinnabar. This In. pun-u: Mlyor (inll. Allin. Allen. B. J. Cur non. Clements. Cnig. CW1). Down- ;..- n-..m'. I II Hing-.1...- mdnn MW 3131] Ind char-n Bough cut U'Olllu on Inc] In. . Ion won, |I load tom" nu. no I month and In \ wu.v:cuuu. van-5. 4an urku- ing. Dupm'l. J. P. Gilda-done. Gordon. Irving. Law. Little. McGuin. Qniglev, Roddnn and Sam. 7 ,1 AI) o__A|_- u... U, "' to-Ind *mm. mayhemWW It lawn. Ha hid it: njnuhhtpip the park at. the up... at to cup]- en in the other pain d and. Ala. Gildenlun In M to hue moon-admo- at m. put meow M withwlps n. wag II!- In 41 0:011:41." mum: llmw ;' n: 7-. 1!! ALL-IlJ ll m I "or _ n- "3; m or I'll an mu-w m I. _n A u P1111083: comma or WAR. .__ Quccu Mrean. agreeing to outer moo bonds to pay for any dimages caused. Refulred to the Commitm on Streets. t 1.] 4 11.... ,WIm no-Hm. A! Etna-norm uexerreu to me uomuutm on screen. AM. AllenThe petition of Stevenson k (30., to the effect that they are now ' dumg business in the city under the above muuo. and thnt the industry is of mnteriul benet to the city ; that they have in contemplatiowthe erection of n. lergemldibion to their factory at the corner of Prmcess and Ontario streets. which will give employment to en in- creased number of men; that in the unnr 197K Hm nrnnnrtv nnw nunnn In: \mm x mm pommlnoe. Ahl. McGuireThe petition of H. B. Rathbun & Sons.askiug'thnt they be per- mittud to use the street at. the (00!; of Queen Street. agreeing to enter into lmur. m Imv nnv dummes Oo|don Llon Grocery which will gIVB employmenv M) an year 1875 the property now owned by them was accessed at. a certain Ianm same rate to continue for ten vom and expire in the year1885, and thoy now ask that the same rate or uaoumont be continued for ten years from the date of this applicationReforer to the Finance Committee. Alt] AllanDnh'nn nl W If nv-nn- I rxmmce Lommxuee. - Ald. AllaPetition 01 W. M. Dren- uan asking permission to load 200 cues of dualin at a (lock, to be trunnion-0d to the K 8: P. RR. carsRefund to ngor with power to act. -n-npunr uAvI-nnlun Blllbnl nan-Bulk. Aid. R. J. Canon moved that the Chairman of Fire. Water nndGu be instructed to roused at once with the watering of t e city streets with the horses, and that the following streets be watered until the Committee report : Princess from Ontario to Barrie ; Brook from Ontario to Clergy; King from Johnson to Queen; Bngot from John- son to Queen; Montreal from Brock to Queen ; Clarence from Ontario to Begot. and in front of the City Buildings. Alli, (nrsmu said that the motion was I allow my Amermm no no Inn. "Quesion 2 question !" m board on all sides. many of tho Aidan and- g in null lunghizly Inching than who were Inntic y ' oi," as on. v usid. ' some funny basin..." Aid. Dow-observth would not uh contradicuon from "you but. old man. u ' Ald. Allan0145mm! old In. eh! lm knack the upo cl Madman iotyou. Why leould pitch. 0! you hover the board in but u AIJ [Mimic"Van" 1!. hi- J and ID [TODD 01 5116 DIE, nuuumgs. Ald. Carson said that the motion was only a temporary expedient until the Fire. Water and Lies Committee could present their report. Ald. Allen objected. contending that the city should not pay for the weter~ ing o. "I .taiu streets, The interested citizens should be assessed for the water they used. and not the residents in out- lying wards. He further objected to the City horses bein need for street Wittering. He demen ed that the Street Railway ahonld clean up the inside of their track and also repair the streets on each side. He reieod I point as to whether the motion was in order. Ala {nrann mad. nvnlnnnnn- "a mu. Allen wu um on m- xm m when Ald. Smytho'u resolution 17:1)". wuted he turned on the mover in- :dignlntly remkkod: Dn it. will I you and there 3nd insult me? I wont allow Aldermnn to do um." "Question Question "0'8? )6 board In but m." l t Md. Dwain"Youn- do housing cl i the kind." (Chart) L Aid. AllenI'lluhymhyn an! at m. nook ud chm you our the ( ()XllllllLLtfe. A1J.L'|'evggun'l'ho petition of Mrs. Elm; (Irimunom making that the main drqu uu Barrie Street be so repaired tlmt the house recently purchased by her would be drained to Princess Street. Rcfermd to Streets Committee. A] I l'l-ununnn 'lhn mtinn nf Hf. nclermu L0 Bureaus uommuwe. A1 I. Cruegguu The petition of St. Andrews Church. asking for a gas lamp in from, of tho churchRotorer to Fire. Water k Gas Committee. \I.l Inlin;mnirl\n molohm n! H R whether Elle momon WEB ID DTQOY. Aid. Carson mode explanstioni. Bel said that. there wk: no objection to the motion. as no money was naked for. Ald. Dunnis did not Wilh be mine ob- BEASN wuv! Ald. Dupnis did not wieh be raise ob~ jection to the motion.but he declu-od that St. Lawrence wee the eecond high- est tax paying ward in Kingpton. end that that. ward only received #n up to- printion of 0800. while Camen' Ltd got 01,400 and Rideen Wu- 1.600. Was :t justice that St. Lawrence Ward should be cheated out of her righla. He said the horses were under the control of the Street. Committeeend Committee on Fire. Weber and GB... In the con- tact. it was stated that. they were to be used for watering the Itreeu. | RV this time the Aldermen were be lmonou. 118 no 1110118, WI! luau 101'. ' used [or watering me moo". By this time the Aldermen were be coming uneasy. and levers} were jump- ing into their costs. pnptrltory w lenviua. AM. Allan nrme. 1nd in I loud voice l jul. mm m no: um. um Ald Smytbe, wishing to choke o discus-ion. moved the pnviou gnu- tiou. ALI All-n m. nll nu hi. h... and ' lenvma. I Ald. Allen arose. Ind in I loud voice demanded that the contact be rad. Ho declared that. win: Ald. anuil hid jun: said was not inc. Ind AkL vatbe. villain! \U-nLNILJIIUun. From John ()bhea.askinu that he he (xeulptud from the license cllune of the juuk by law on the following grounds: (I) because he in not. a dealer for retell purposes. and keeps uo shop In which to expose his wares: (2) because almost. all hi purchases are made from vessel rugtuius Lllhl junk dealer: in the sur- rounding town ; (6! because Ill his aloe were xuzulu m huge parcels. such as car loads; m because his purchneel ere al- most invarinhl in large lots or whole- H'Llnl Jh-furrm m the License Commit- ang below. Ah]. McGuire said that was no. but. what. could be got to: nothing now did not mnount to much. It. was necessary to have n poundkeoper Ind he Ihonld he pawl :mulnumw- HOW I! womanm'ilu and IN is. A Insular wunotdodud.htlpun hum. lh-ilitmlljndhhtpip 'Hhemrkn tumult-my- own house. Thomas Codes Inland the place for H5 per month, fool. and n free home. or 020 and teen and provide his own home. The applications won Mod. An Alderman said the pound cost. no- thing before. All], Mr-Gnim mid that Nu m. but Lev. ALL Lnl'wnPetmou of E. R. Welch. uukmg for an exemption {or frontage tax, an he had opened a (lqu and ro- luu-ml it in the inherent of the health of Lln- umghbmhood.-Referred b0 Streets ('numliltnp Samuel bolf Ipplied {at the position of pound-keeper. He would not lot 012 per month and less. Ind providc hi- house. 'm ..... .... mm -.....a u.. him 1... Hildsrslaave's Land Agency Hero II III YouAlan. R. J. Cunon. CM Cui . Cream, J. P. Gildonloovo. ()0 on. Irving. Limo. chin. Qata- lev. Reddeu, Smytheli. NanAids. Downinn Dunnil. Lu. arou . Al .0" modicum- nut-d up. He Vluw theth In put in u newspaper: und no balm u public. Here it is: v...__na. n l 0...... "ml- no um nu no In. :- than roquirod. pate! it w to cover up u: ugly dnil which an lonh a deadly much. II In: duo my to set out bare-n 400mm u this number Ind died In your hem drouath. mamam .7: rum: 9 aid um u ' win 1.- to mvnr m. an nnlv II:- -Inh-I| n... 'nh ion nu ma outcry."- cl molly. 5 Inveuuoooditiuolmpllu'onn- pared wiu: than van III.- a pointed Chub-Ino- it. (Kahlua. estid umuu Mm]. ru'l uni-mun. an in! "I" n-' quind Imam. impou- :muhinituchyur. II. to .tho manning IWN v10". Aid. Allen was still on hi- 1. and "In". ALI Qm-OIA'I mlntj-n -- In... av. muaen, amymeu. lel~Aldl Downing Dupnil. 73. mvurmm m large low or wnoxe- Vin-ferret to the License Commit- CHEAP Thu Buuu-uu um! Puma-on Ikml. bola. N0 3 but... 1". WANTED TO lL'BCHA SK . n___--. 1--.. ..._. lu-n . I-.-- Pun... mm, w .9... w. any... A largo icebergmhlch formed It Niag an. F Ills. has oahd out into Lake 011 Lorie und is to be soon about one mile and a half north out of Charlotte. m1. 1.4,4A,J:,,, L,,,:,,, ndAAA 5...... Wm. Hinds. charged with drunkeur nous. acknowledged the oence. He was asked what. he did (meaning occupation) when he replied. Sometimes got. drunk. I get. too much of it." Evidently he wasnt right. in his hand; He wu remanded tor a. day. Tho uchr.Folger arrived this morning, light, from Big Sodus 'Ikn In. nnm- Int. in that oh- ulnAl" "5.", m... my, um... The Inter-0mm gets it. that the sloop Alice Mary was loaded with 86,000 bu. of peas when she su recently. 'll. .nnmnu 11"-..-" Run-"dub (In-Iv" v- run-a n Mun mu. n-u- .wwu-J . The ntoamer "Hero" brought. down from Picton this morning a. car load of beef cows for the New York market. n n .. .u m n Six barges of the M. T. Compnn y. carrying 50,000 bushels of wheat. 80.000 bushels of peas and 400 tons of phon- phntcmre ready to lean for Montreal. A law'- :nnl\nrn minnlu n-mml .9 NH... The forwarding basin-so It Ports- mouth will shortly be quite bnnk. Ten crews for the St. Lawrence hKQxicugo Forwarding Co. arrived recently from Montreal. Tho whuvu and yudl pre~ sent. a lively appearance. The tag Joe Muck" will be hunched this week, when the whole that will be ready for bunintss. ' "Any person who shall futon, or tie any kettle. wood, or other article to the tail of any dog. and turn the dog at large. therewith. shall forfeit for every oonce a ne at N with costs. upon being eou victed thereof, belore the Police Msgir tntc. or other Justice of the Pom. u aforesaid." MI- ,,.,, A:,h:,,AL,,,h,,1:1A x mums Ill umnmm, [m Gents W Store 1 TO LET a.__ n_-|n. d'wiiimnabnmwrnuu I l cult. mm" mm :1, :7 an I! II Mum nm- Ind Dru-In. only I Insult. "an uuu vvvluu vl-uv u...- u...- um. .uu train for many uduy. John Quill. brukesumu. corroborbbed the previous witness's evidence. Macdonald tackled witness several times. He was violent and very drunk. 'l'he prisoner was re maruled. nun-nun. John 0'51muglmeasy.with a much cut. mouth. the wound being inicted in a ght, was charged with drunkenness. He was ned 92 and costs or ten days in gun]. .n ll; nln'x'nnl moh Ayn-Ln... unucmuu. This was a section in the consolidamd by-lnwa. read at the Council last even- oveuing, but there was objection to it. Mayor Gaskin and that in his youth he was accustomed to occasionally indulge |:.. HA-;..-" .1... am". nu. .1 ha . A; ' "'5 hu'wmuu W Mull-nu, lullul: in "xing" the dogs will, and bud a good deal of fun over it. At pro-em. thin wan the only way to keep dogs from running around the wharves. His humane idea was not accepted. mad the law was passed. ._. .--v_~. - on 3nd Tumult). um In.) DOOM"JAIII Em d (10.. liummpnhxo Chemilu, Lon. don. Eng."-Alno mum of Eppa'l Choco- lnu Essence [or dun-moon nu. # mum. on! aw-ad!)an lrtt. mm-301mm _) it!!! 1w.,'.:!2 W. REEVES g 00.. ghhwm FOR SALE on: n u run Ensa CIV"()A.-GMTIWL um Uoutomua By | thorough knowlodgo of the [nuns] 15w: which govern the oponuonl nl digel- tion and nutrition. Ind by I urdul Ipplica- lion of the ne proportion of woll-ulectod Coons, Mr. Ep hu rovidod on; break- fut hblos wit 'l u do intoly svourod bo- vonge which any one u. mnny be", 1100- wn' bills. It. in b the jndloioul no. 0 such trtolen of diet t n n mnitution m be madnnnv hm'h. nn until rung snow to trtolee 0! me! um oonnxmuon be gnduelly built up until Itrong eno to ream every tendency to dim. Hun red: of subtle mnlndiee m outing uonnd u- reudy to smell wherever there in | week m. We mny empe meny I Me] the keeping oureelvee well fortied with pure ood end I properly nourinhod heme." Civil Service GauntMule limp], with boiling enter or milk. Bold only in Peak- Ind Tiuuulh. And lb.) Inbound"Julie Em A 00.. llommuo Chemist... w. w nun-u un-ullu-Ilvu. ()wen Mncdonnld, n neatly dressed young man, was chnrgod with creating I disturbance 'wliilo drunk on I G.T.R. tnin between annnoe and Kingston He acknowledged tlut ho had oemled. butas to the diaturbuso holmew nutlxiug about it. The conductor on the train will aft-r leaving annnoo he leaned tlnt them was I ght in n Pullmln sleeper. When thorax was reached pri. Boner and a brenlnnnn were found in a tunnel. making a great noise nnd awaken ing tlw passengers. Mncdonnld was ta ken to a rst clue coach. where. after a few moment,st again broke out wildly. alarming the slumberem. He was then removed to n smoking car. Macdonuld was tha worst case he had met on the n . u I .\ ~n John Small wu chug-d wihh Insanity. He had a newt um nd hula-pul- ner. He was naked whn w the mat ter- with him md replied. I cannot tell." The unending phylloin aid he had been more or loss insane for two yous. and Wis-now dungomul. Ho abused his mother violently. dimming to kill her. The prisoner In oommibed to gwl to Await min-mica. Id-Inn. \In...IA..I.l _ _--AI_ .l.._.I Mm M Ii II- 'r.o.un.o&uan.t n: .. - 11....4- 1:4... THE CHEAPEST line of FRAMES ever seen in than Cltv cu: bemu It the Old established Picture Fume Factory. Bring on your Picmroe Md hue them Framed Cheap and in the Leading Styles. Furnished Samples an be seen 0! the English and New York patterns just introduced iuw the Market. very bounti- lul designs. Our Factory is running full blast. Come early and near. your turn. Remember the Place. Ill Opera House Bloch. Princes. It. Richardson'e Picture Frame at Fancy store April 29. They Hava the lust Baagltting Boots ls 811088. "nn lulu IV nyuu-Inup | A Can I Tvowr Brick or Mom on 1-1 Ila-"nk: the u smut well". bo- Iun In; Inn. and Prune lacu- {gt6F MAY Is movma DAY; new. mum aha... Banana] wd Laced Boon. {mm um um Ink-I in and; W. no showing the FINEST ASSORTXENT no Ihm in tho cit in muslin... LAnms' BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN KID 131110qu ONL" 02.85. Buy your Book and Shaun u D. l. ABII'I'IOIO'I. Aptil 11. lo. 69.0. M. In Prim. Shot. ' * FOR W'OARPETB & LAOEOURTAiNs ' WALDROI'S. ' Lace Cumulus, from 760. to 08.00 I set. Duplex Lace Curtains. 88.50 to 06.00. Curtain Net. llfc. on Me. per yard. Lace Lambrequins, 40c to 01.60 each. Window Hollands all widths. in White. Rn lurrlnnl {inn-n nnd Lam-ma wmuow nouanas nu mums, nu mm. Buff, Cardinal, Green and Striped. Piano Covers. Tabla Covers and Toilet Covers. Curtain Muslin. 10c Ito 26. l:00 Benn Luce Curtain: from .1 to '6 per wt. We call particular mention to than goods. Ira entirely new in pattern and mute. Sheeuuga. Pillow Cotwnl. Tick- mgn ; Window Hollands, m Bu', Curdinnl nnd ane. all wudtlu; lebl min, 400 m 01.50, )rebonues. Iplondld assortment. me to 800 Extra uluo in T: l. Lint. Blencbed 5nd Unblewbed. from 200 to ll per yard. Tuhle Covers, D'Rijliu Latinas gr-an, Tublo kainl. Curtnina. Fringen, in (Swen. Scarlet and Crimson. Wlndow Cord nud Tuull, 5nd in Incl. nesrly overvthiug neoconuy for house lurnllhinal an ho had from us. April no. ICBMOND a BOYDEN hm decided :0 offer the mm. 0! mm mug KID GLOVEI. which in conceded to be The Beat Twu Bumn Dau Glove in tho mnrh. for the low price of 76c. in White, 0 n Tints Ind Duh . Al thoy Ire now in: ing Porrlu Frerea Celebntod love: direct lrom Gron bk. Frnuoe, and u the ve only - limited number m dupme of, those who mqu In no- oure a supply 31101: d do no u once. A Full Bulge of 1900 Good- Jult Opened in 31,44, 574. (M, 7-4. 8-4. 9-4 ud lU-4. Every sine made. from 760 to M. in Color: of Green, Grimwn. thuld Soul. Alno I sin: in Sadat Ind Blnck ml Grew mnl Blnck. All Wool. TIM. Cum. 1mETRd'GS SPENOE~ & CRUMLEYS w. In. RICHARDSON WALSH dSTBAdY's gOIIMO BO YDEN [Embroidered Tabla Covers. At Less Than 0031: King-ton. Apnl u. 1- showiuu A Splendid Assortment 0 Compote in Inpeitry, Brussels. Wool 3nd Union. nnd received on Buturdny I lug. Ibipmoul. o! EIIIIIIII OII OIOIII. mlking hu nook Iu 'Im dop-nmout the moat oomph in u city. [my 2. W. W Id mmunsz '0 will IM-In no --..._A- I cue-rule.- Inn-c m -uu ,uul lu hnnd Im- mumlnl lu I I c100! win 0! II ID you poh THE NEW PATENT DUPLEX LATE CIYBTAINI, lu AIM. (hipqu wd Nottingham Luau. It AIIoIOO White Ton ud lamina Quilu. ()hnpe-t IVOI' oond. M anu III Shootian Pillow Uohom Tibia Linens. Towels uud Towolhnn. Allow!) Wink Tom And llmlo leu. Chomp: oil-rot Rhodium Uohom. Linens. Towolhnsa. Good- .lwnyn Ihown withplonnro. A ad] will obhgo annua- A. Ill-nu: House Furnishings |CarpetsI J- Ld.\ April 20. Magnicgt Display! April xv, IONIC & BIGSONITTII. Preplre for It and buy your House Familial-[I a! out-nu Tmnh PM! Oh! Mlm M. MORRISON. mu , TAPEDTIC". petswoot'r':?.'::;:Carpets A. Boss ' R. MOFAUL, CROWD" EVERY DAY. P. X. BUUSINEAU & [ll]. Ii. mam. IDI'rLI-zl LAlli l'lli'l Nottingham 152 Ind 134 Prinoou Street. oppquilo City Bowl .1. u- m vuuu Bowus * 'I'.0NETTE. ' IHuoou anon, oppol. Wild SPENCE J: CRUMLEY. Crumb C Mu Job [And-ao- Cunt, mu. (hulk-larch. 41mm 41.:- q---: mu [uh-ah Chaim April 8 Table Linens. 300 to 01.26. Stair Linens. l2}c.. 160., 170. Hemp Carpets. 100. to 26. Hemp Suit Carpets. 160. Table Oil Cloth, in Marble and Wat {'nlnrn IIHIO UH bIOEn, In W Illa 00a Colors. Sheeting. Pillow Cotton. 'lowoln and Towelling. one, 130 Print.- emu. nun Pariah 1 'a 'u-nnlu than [God Blur-baud DUI-ONO! to um FLdUR And ul l Apply to Apnl . W. B. (RAE a (30. .nm th. cheap. ' Ital Quality, J. P. IIILDBBILBEVB. n. as Chum. Strut. TU ENGAGE A n_.u._ _ In Doug-a mu. Home. um: u-nu a: ugh! if! n (-mlly 00 that vnlh 176 Pnuoeu Slrevl 1 _ - 7.." i \isxnso Hn. [lawsuTo-dny Mn. Vankoughuet visited her husbnnd in the ; 31101. This in the rst. time she in: on him since last (all. The interview no 3 very sorrowful and aocting one. We understand that. his new born infant. was shown \' mkoughnet. the mother lining brought it i i the citv {or that. put-pone. ,V_ ...ia _ (I ' - I" yum-Ice. ' llully and Men Pork. I, TOD-econ. Mes. Porn-r. . and ova-ruining clue lhnl h mwd [ Lu Kuhn. ()1mwmrlux.-A meeting I nf lacrusnepluyorn will be held. probably I thin week, mnl an organization for the season effected. It, Is propoted to have the available members of the old club unite. thus ensuring ntoam which. with practu-u. thuld bu us good u the coun- try can produce, ,, V o. Anxvzn m Hmurrom~LieuLColonel Struulmune, D.A.Or. of Montreal DIS- trict. arrived in this city last. evening, :m-l mu heart,in greeted by old friends. He has not yet thoroughly recovered from his recent Ailueaa, caused by the breaking out afresh of agun shot. wound ; In his thigh A 7" y _ . . A N ,nmr Pm r. or AnnThe Miss Mauully l. who were Visitors M. Kluglton wnln the Prim-05'. luoulu. are exhibiting It the Royal Academy a lull length nnd clmnmug portrml. Tho Mnmhionus of Lanna is painted mulling .i/u a Men. She mrnm a lmakrt n! delimtely color. ml owers. and In light. summoer uhowu n her gure to perfection. It I will come directly to ('asunla. me: the l Avmlomy Exhibition. lot we Maw-o! Lorne .._ A; _ -. .l r A . _. .. ('muuvu 5cn.LMAun.Judgiug by the mrreupoudeure neul. by him Lethe J/obe, ".\ lresbylurmu Mun beau Ulurmllv of. lauded h) lrlm-xpnl (ll-nut anyng that m cm ('Imrch Court. a: m Parliament Llwru1|!u~ClIi\V&g~ " ".\ Prehbywrinu [adults that. he knows no sun-h clerical pmsolmgea. 111 LEFFT IJIInuI. \ van-nu y-u ure not surprised that. there should be Mnnmln' ueuts secured m Mum's for I [III' Um-rusey-Lisbemnn Cos concert on 'l'nurwhy naming. the organinnon mm [mm-,1 the most perfect of tho kind tnvelliug Each member of it. is In artist of hxgh standing. and the per fut-mauve must. ovnko the fullest appro- W < l hth r. Bow ush Lob03.-Th. {annual meeting of the Quad Lodge a I 'Preuuce Boy": will be held in Kingston mmumumng June 13th. A lug. num- bet at deloguea are expected 0 and an. Wm. The (allowing will upto- wnt Derry W36: 8m 8. Build. bun: uul enough-ad W. Icon; duo-Bum John ldlroy. Unnd Hutu: Wn. JII. Arnn}. and fun-um, and annual 'Algron. Put Gnu! M. Tu. W Int mentioned will M by d hair oea. szum Bonus CLu.-me~ in. undo: thorny (in! u h but ol uh: Kimo- Builq Club. shoal h Wmdiqundd hyb- dorfoc "mum. J. hm u AA-__..__ .z.. 4 n...- I.. am hi... ._. L'IMIIH *9 IlIILIIAluu. Pruuluul. ~.-\uthouy Malone. Vncc ProblemW. R. Morton. Sacremry Treasurerans. C. Smith. Mmuumg ComvuiLwaMosars. H. Ro- uev. l) l. Bole, John Mullen. Cnpt. A. H. )lulone and Thus. Limy. A-. __7 In l'r.uru I. 56 lmllm from the (,meaxo 0! Lin: NurUWcmL. Brandon. 15138 ; Uludv stouo.95:r.\llnnodou.. I70; Butle. 21; antlo Mountain. 195; Nelsonville. 10. [Jim-mm. n5; Fort Elliot). 230: Fort Qt Growl & Provisions? MIIOI IIUUWML a. u- "uun-I. "- male-ind wag-whoa! uh umummmwuuudm. Tmumwmuum Webbq-dwinpnnthm urn-mil cub-intode q. 11 lumddbn pMunuMhu nu! gmw nun-r. myth I x and-u... ~-V Appelle. aw ._..__.a,_ ox an. Mova.'1heubeamer( nnvlm! nut yesberdny up the ( quvn Ill Jmpe. being an hum! )1) IL A. H \lns the water. Jr We 1...! It '1" A _ mM-u-l._ . 7a Mova.'1'hesbeamerdipley" u! canal in hmnlsume u . H--r mach: mum Jrcks. saloon. iuxleedevery v! in: 11 nveboeuromodolltdmul yet. 4.1mm she mu accountel a tin. Hu Thursday she leaves {or 0t- r hr 1 through trip. *_ lsuND INsTITunx The fol- -ulist of ofcer: for the en- u for the Utrden Island Me- _.7.. Hum ()rnvu.~Un Sutur- lanum'n. Uriith, cunvickxl of mu, CulleIAd of arson. with m .ml (nucn. convicted of M whom were sentenced It ; Xini'ri. :ll'l'thMl at the pear m. ~ Pul'ugu Chicago ,Inu. All...l nglton's nances sum-red long null l notion-1y through neglect in collection of taxes. but the City Inn straightened! unicorn and learned a lesaou. Nap unoe nds itselfalsu :1 lmer. The than. I dard y: the town leglslntors of lormer ' you-I hue to answar for nearly three I thou-and dollars 0! uncollected mun The Collectors seem to have had their A on wny sad in many cues lulled to re. turn the rolls .1 all. The rolls for '00 w '61 All missing. (row '62! to '63 not. I log-Hy returned : '61 returned properly: '65 to '08 not legnllv returned; 69. ' 70. all right; '7! not. returned M. all ; '72 to so propcy returned. The tutal amount. V cl m dno on the above rolls. wilyh IC- 3 and inure. in 01859.60. leu .620 duo on rolls not legally returned. - .r r-- mun (luullx-un .u, .. The names John U'Imuuhue. Q. L.. V. F. Davm, and the pruseub nwmlmr. Mr. Benny. are mentioned mi name for the three Torontou in the Conservative iu~ taunt. Mayor McMm-rich 11:, the only Roformfnommee in yet spoken 0]. W. J. A. Lummleu. of Hamilton. hm: been appointed to tlm Human] scuff in place of Mr. lsum- utsull. who re-tirm at. the clone of the present. session. The salaries have lwuu ium'nusml to .100 per your. withu yearlv inrl'rmsP at 9100 until they rth .500 kwf , sun. _ r, 5 \o, oq? o 0" 0% 4 5 mo " 1 PER PAIR 1] The recent notion ol the University Council and 'I'ruetepn i-vq-m-ou thut the Principal should rst consult with the relident alumni and graduates, and for that purpose a Inucting Will be held in the classical room of the College on Friday evening next. It is pointed out that the College has reached another crisis in its history, when the coopera- tion of her sons in greatly needed. "To whom else can I look 7" enquires Dr. Grant with an mueutnesa that must be tidying. These in the past have not tailedto aid, in unancinl sense. the institution to whose excellent training they owe their position in the profos~ nionl. social and commercial walk: of lilo. The subject has been taken up in a. proper spirit bv those to whom an Appeal has been made in the city. and the success of the scheme seems beyond e doubt. Dr. Grant should be liberally sustained in his good work. CUMmu.qu nun-u. w'ul w. nub. The tender Wu not non-1y 9: high In it ought. to have b... d tho Council decided for the pram; to can. an calloctiou uf the foe. by mClukol the Mullet. Then i; no man why the toll- nhonu h. a may. sown in 131. since Ibo new Act m. My duh we land-ace upon an Mil 'u'y nub. In the [ght ol he wot-Ole amnion to blunt me Gov; mhhmdmuwhw.3 A gentleman from Buck Lake informs us thlt some one or some authority should see to the burial of the remains of the late John RlClltll'dSOU. for whose murder Venkanghnet has been sentence ed to death. At the time of the inquest it ne understood that the deceaseds main-law would have the body decent I] interred. but for the winter it was buried on the firm very near the sur- {me of the ground It seems that no further sttention has been paid toit. md that fowls or animals have scratch. r ed 03 the mould on top of the grave. leaving the comn exposed The neigh. bore have learned the fact with unplea sent feelings, and have taken maps to prevent the continuance of this state of aeirs. It seems as If the nexghborhond is not to be relieved of the phases of the lets terrible outrage. lat-bub. an-d tho pa. lam. hilt-(lithth 0... Will! Din-an ml!- ulu yuan-I'm .u- w" _ Emu. Dnlu'ou anma.- )0. y Moo- the Gannon d the u- u-uuuy-mn a lu'm-(u lu lvnlu todaloumgdtbemllnol once! our _._-L. 15. Onniln- u... A: ----I- the hon] BIQIHJII u connnutinu wr Church. MM llwru attendance 0! the {or (umluinno w n J. Manson Wuwrwwu, an UPICHUIU IrUI-lllllolllu. Mr. Isaac Dolnorty mu premmwd IML ovoning with u Pn-ncwe Boys gold um New. for aervicen ruuderud 1.0 the Maple Leaf Qumlrllln (luh. Mr R. Buml mmlr the prescutahnu Ill lwhrllf 11f th' JAIN" i."- ..n...... .1 pm. u ncuun. The Montreal Hm'rlnuu A visit Kingston on we 24th owu elpenue.w1|l lm nu mmd 0! Col. (kull. lhn splendid coudmou, \A. Ina-An rinlun-ou nu- .. ing comm '1', Good: .bowu mu; plumm um 5M :1; Dmnl Lulu ll um & Illnm's. wv-I w "awmm -5uluv W. us informed that. the cuuuty bu 03 "(and to pay for tobacco {or Vnr tough: ; m.- witholdim; of u... weed is A mutter u! pnwu lliclpliud A 'A-m-n KSnnnnnnmn \Ir rIIIIIIl-R ' I. 5 III!!! UI leuu IIVLIIIIIMU A former Kingswumn. \lr Thaw W. LOSdII'. IIII met with a and low in the death of his parlun' in Me at Detroit. d in receiving Lho- ~yrnpatlw of many l_".. L. I- nna-n" 5. nvvn. Bu'rd'u minstrels I'll] have a now! on- tertainment. Some 01 the tenures will in novel In well as wonderful. LutmigM'u meeting or the Uouuml In. not bu! I pmrnllc-l for many I day. The dilorder mm nurh u we hope will mat be repealed again, "-"u A mm paper say: that "Thoma Kay... 0! Kmpton. wu rubbml of .900 in Winnipeg Int. week. Il-;_l'.4 m;_uo...l. _-.ll m... u maul an. n l- .1..- I. I Envy upv and lull um $ inc-u}: Wnunuwn tun-.1 onus. mm. m. .4.-. h. "manual all I Tho hams hung upon the outer will by Burd's m'uumla IN wry at Inactive. A 7,_ , ,, , 4.. .l.;. .IIIA_.-_ mt-ion huanwKiw A, ; I Au 4. .L;-l , s ml. Wlmwwu nun vw-w- ' Tho-none! Acct in commund d the limo: Field Bun-r)- is Lian. Pow! (15.... Th. Inulhyonrtr is munch-u in regard .- Ak I..-:-.. -l .L- nAll- .J A..- -1 A..- ~ 7.7--7 >I .flll' I' - DONT-1". April 38. Ilia-u haul .I .Iun y , n .u, I .lay. at. their 1 lnr the vow w IIIILUMJE is m u large THE BRITISH mum 'i'UIasuu. MAY 2.1882. .xv... vr .u- vlkn-lu VVN-.. .u U AM. Dupuis presented the report of the Committee on Streets. making lur an appropriation of DU for general pur- poses. 'lhoy recommended tlmt on tin cuimnuuicution of William Hayward. asking fora reduction of the frontage chm-go. for a new house on Earl Street. on account of the main drain not being deep enough, his frontage charge be xed at the same rats In Mr. Hewett's. noxtdoor. muner 45 cont: pm" foot; that they cannot at present recommeml the purchase of a stone crusher, and as stone breaking gives employment to a number of person! it be continued by the old plan; that they hope to be able to report the street and ward appro- priations at the next meeting of the Council; that they have instructed the City Engineer to invite tenders for plaukwalks. etc. The anor said that the renort was pmuKWBIKs. one. The. Mayor said that. the report out of order. owing to the Committee asking for an appropriation for street purposes without praviously applying to the Finance Committee for funds. and making a reduction in the drain charges. Mr. Downing declared that the drain at. Mr. Hayward: was too 31mm. He thought it. unhir that Mr. Hayward should be charged full price. He 115 an honest: man. A n...min_n|. "m. nnlu nin ra, nouesu Ald. DupuisOh. you only give re- ductions to honest man and charge rasr 0315 full price! (Laughton) The doc~ tor gave his reasons {orprosenting the report as it. was. Ald. vatha said the remission of a mom: no would u nut-mantra. nm' m up pd thump In Mom to get otdnr. kindly Ald. R. J.! Cm moved tho Moa- qua-an; d Ibo llyor throw out I motion- 5 udmudmnh Old out the "port. luck to u Con-m. I unondod. Ah..- . mnmmdhlk AME reporl as u. wan. Ald. Smytho said the remission drain charge wan notin contravention of any bylaw. The Council could remit tho charges if they desired. To im se the full assessment on Mr. Haywur would be an injustice. The Council was quite competent to give an indulgence to Mr. Hayward. He movod that the Finance Committeebe Inked to provide funds in this case. roam II 1.1!! I bcvlnnvull Ducal I a month bony! nut A In. DIG"! 1 - mun; unluhlo ur an! Mn! rested 111 me work. Ald. Allen refused to apologise to author Aldemnn, but if ho said what was not right he w lorry for is. as Ald. Downing was a good fellow Ald. Darwin"He's mhnnaat man." Ala. uowmng W I $000 IBIIOW. Ald. Dupuin"He's u: honest man." :Choeni.) Ald. AllenWall. that's more than I can any of the rent. of you." (Renewed applause and laughter.) He continued to speak. cronin much amusement. He addressed Dr. upuil and declared that he was in such I. humiliating posi- txon that he should resign his Chair- mnnnhip. Glancing across the Board be sent. I volley at Ald. Smytbe. u d ! woundu bywinhing Mr. Smith to and r- stand 17 at he laid. AM vallhn Inland Alf], All." tn tin-uh In this case. Ah . Allen said the drain was quite sufcient for All the requirements of Mr. Hayward's house. If he entered the drain he should ply for it. The speaker insinuated that. Md. Dowmug was interested in the Hayward drain. An], McGuire dncluad that. the [ant xnwreucu m we naywaru uram. Au]. McGuire doclued that. the last speaker should apologize for insinuntxug that Ald. Downing was personally inte- rested in the work. All] Allen val-n1] tn nnnlnaiun fn stand wuu no ma. Ald. Smythe asked Ald. Allen to speak to the Chair. A I]! A Han turning tn the annr {nnn to the 0mm. Ald. Allen, turning to the Mtyor. found the latter conversing with Ald. Carson. hereupou ho about, Tnko your seat Ald. Cuson, you're not Mn or now. I want you in your ms and {men while I speak. I once had respect. for you, buL Q I may lose it." He spoke to the Mayor, ' and was working up In excitement when I A l'nia ran In a mu'nl: n' nrdnr um] when I I Ald. Craig rose w A point of order. and asked if there was not. I by-luw pre venting Alderman from speaking more than 10 minutes. I ALI AllanVnnrn right All] l'nuu out. runner omnmuo . I AM. Du nil Ipoln n length to we report In Id glut the expenditure of 00 was nooolnn now Unclear no the. report manna you we oxponmwre m : 91(1) noooulry 00ch up the dust Ho (bound at In Council would stand to the monmendntiou to a min). He alan Ald. Mien (orl objecting m it md mid tint. Rideau . street. WM tho hut in JO city. It, had i 5 no dust upon it. boom-o it. was hooped with uid. I\.I ID] Olono Dr. mu on 01m luau , um. room- nily p. mud sud pound Mable m vood- uhnl. I. llnd eluom laugh Dwellluu lino! tog