I [8 T E MOST ECONOMICAL APPLIAECFJ KNUVXmlluuug bovnorpuuz u purpows, unnfoum 0! amazon woof In u! outed I'm umll ox nduu oluoun ruqumd In: mm:- :1. t I 1- lnnndod m an the plum 1 ' La uwlmll'ml \ a. _.......n.. Pump: nud lujogtorg luI ING,GENTb'FCRNISHINGS,ac. Odom. Slnrta to be sold at Factory Prices. Also one SAFE rTaylor'w and AL" urtnn' n A at lllwo- nAuv vuu Ull ONE SHOW CASE. Accounts mun: be pald. We iunnd to nuke it lively for the boys So look us up ;we have got. through dunning: clue in the last call from us. The next will be rm the Divxsion Court Have urchnsed lugul} tor the Spring Tn e from the CeiebmmdFirma I BARGAINS sud rm nre nxcl lw 4mm hum, ml Funn "6w ur ouruamu All kludl of repllnug In L'phuiulonug prumm-lv ntondod [u '001' Last Month in Kingston. cup/r WRIGHT & 30le Ila w Silks, I'lushot. Full dugout)! w. . ull mpocume d: Lguli llahocks lnspirator Spring Stock 1! Manitoba.{ Atacama. .Chmtya. ' L dou. "Woodrow. Lou- i on. Chrk Br .. New York. Canada Hut. Works. Hamllwn. Ontario I l'ron Bite and Cramp- [XMANS Sw. :I:.. RIOHAJEEDSONV . -___.(ol_.__. ._ i ' ' T j ' , t I, .\ I I R b :\ L. THE CHEAPEST line at FRAME-1.5 mel wen in this stvm homo M 1.1:. i Old can!)le pm Fume Factory. Bring on you: Ham ud hug them Fumed Chop mdin the Leading Styles. Furnished Sun as an be an of P I . l the English sud New York patterns Just. introduced into the uh. vary bunti- I ! ful design. Our Yummy is ruumm; lull blust. Come early uni-cents your turn. Ila-ow the Place. 2 Open- Home llOfIl. Prince in. i ET Richardson's Plum flincywjlorc M April 29. _ Flm nuh Bmdorv between I l5ih APRIL. ; Tho CD Dachau" tud 8 Much I: Tooth-clue IIc llouloureux. SELLING OFF ! far A BOIT I. IlI-h' but In: emu Mu. Staph; ate a mo Io odor, mm 101 how. urn-hum. no ,0"- ' cited mu: an um dupuch . R. helllllnllslu \curnlnc JAMES REID. Tapean-y. Jmel. 10" 1-1-1 Mitten-t. "rive". A... 1.. KINGSTON. CANADA. WE NESDAY. MAY 3.1882. FUR BAKEBS~Dry Tswu. Dry Hem- lrv-k - April 18 vuv . _ _W I ' "no AND 0-01! ,TWIB. In Irina and w thndul ! :3 as; mum.mowl Ja'omu bags]: so B. ITALan!!! WITH. I! I0 9"! I L'mwnn M30! 11" camu O 'lulu IIuro. Kin . O uummor.on|urlnam AN0. 1 Fm: Wnlor uculon on the Violin Iribo at instruments lvgms School mm no open to uldurinatuw E 1! wall tank: .11 mono-him ll solo-tram than following mulm : P lulu]. II Bull. Email. 1 lDoBcnot. Clap-qua s, Sphox Ind Romany! . "nn-In-l In! pih'n- Ill he: noun of uqu puma for India: and I soutlomon Booml u Immun- "mm-r. | DIBPBNBING cum. undone ol the Onluio Cell... 0! human,- III PRINCESS. ITREET. W .._.__I. n_-. u-~vr 1 l- - IUIAII-v' v-v__. mu m Pm Drufjhtmlotll. heme Medl- ' emu, crfumcry,&a uAu-I. . "nu-mu, w Promlpuou will tinny ropuod by A nkrul And at man Plum-c ll, mm mm modicmel accosted upocully tot pnde m ourponu iood, ; LIMITED am: of Ion have been plum! , in my hands to! In. M nun and non Ten per com. amount will be IHOWO upon all Enrons unde por to the ill: Apt-1L T e Vendor! "perv; to thupnglvel_chp pgym a. Eureka" prior runner" to thumulveu the pawn to morons tho prion. Inn and snap the in MI) RApnd City and. no opmmudnloy. I}: wann- DWI. ' nu mum's 0mm I inn-amm- at Mny oommudnlon. 1:: A power md cum gaunt.- uouu us (mum Purcbpaq aqua Ipq Item the Incnued navan Punbuo a: on. ma nluc winch "HI 0011me name. J. I. IUTQHEBON DOMIWI. u-mynquuup, up". mu u-.....4,. , Manic far xxauruonu um Hum will be} (unkind on Ibo than. not. ' lock. ! DRY SOFT WOOD. DRY HARDI WOOD. Snwul and Unsawod. GREEN HARD WOOD. Sawcd 3nd L'nuwed. All of u but. (Inlay And lawuzprioe B. CBAWIOID A (20.. I ILL be received 3: the 01110. of m: I ' Cuy Enginnr until noon 0! MON 1 I DAY. the 15th but, for the construction ' of PLANK WALKS AND WOODEN I CROSSINGS 0! I. you. Also | Two nnd 11inch Vin. Lumbar for r- CHUSBINUH [01' "I. 5180 Two Ind 1. inch Vino Lumber pans. per thousand feet, Nails pot 100 lbs. . Outing broken atom pot Tom Horses with drivon and nun per day. to be ready on 11. "turn Ts-ml oar dav (or (Farting! and l Doromy mu. Horn Tums per day for (Dining Ploughing. Specications mlv be seen and forms of Ploughing. Monica: may Tender obtsinod n uid once. rm)-.. nr nnv '1'."le nnt. lllllfllv I REILLY'B lscnool. won Tm: VIOLIN. ! Tq Whom I! lay Concern on, KIN (Mun. Tandor obtunod um um omoe. Lowolt or nnv Tender not necesnnly accepted . W. COVEEDALL. I IRAPID elm? SEPARATE SEALED mnnas [WT c.BE1j_I_1ELi --. _. __w___V 24 Prints; Hunt. burly oppoom my note]. Aan l The CMM Stuntman] Much WWI-lull" f nook-Inna... Paper mum: a 1 Blank look lunar-during. ACCOUNT soon or "on mm mm m: [ bound In my um. in! 3mm. (oppom- lb. M. E Lhuxcl In both airy and cvuuu-y pmluvth' bu n I" bour- ul mod-y um mam Noll/[719 800K STORE I . I THE cm an honor: Fume Pic-wry. I Leading Styies. Furninhod an Englhh tho blnsl. your ! in! Prince'- I. Pro-e & Fancy Sun Room- Aptll. April I. .Un DJ lock. nnv U1 Kmauton. May In. 1882. fidhhn-mu BOOKS. GEO. PEDLER, FAIR WARNING. 'llll Madonna buvll nun uul Man 1 ol nWMmmmM nuI I u m . . . P13:- Mvtuuuum thumb-nub. So. on: Meet Nov lulu Chap u MI. W. 'I'. C. BETHEL'S. God And Wood Merchmu, too: a! Qua-u St City Engium .It. man. u: In 3:.WALSH &co. HAVUNG BOLD my ouuuuou 01 Drum. Chemicals. n. to. Mean. leaon Brot, Ishull in tho future utond exclumvely to my profmlonnldmin. Bur- l gory on Manual tted, in not of Drug 5mm Primate fesidcnoo Wellington Street. near the Poll on. All prof-Ideal] calls attended to promptly. v.~ |lnnI"--v 1 \nnnn 'l'._4 I JAR. MOCAMMON. MD, M.R.C.8.. Eng. Kingston. May 151.. 1882. ON CATARA U! AND OICIAID In?! grant. an um um. Alto cum-l cad 1'01. mu :The Boston Hat Stan. III. III l'l. I- u- .- WIN Mud I! Dr Du U1~ met, wppomu a M an p: We mks lensure in mnounoing to the Mummy of mgswn Ind vicinity thn we haw. purchnsod Dr. McCImmon'l Drug Buimess. including everything tun-11y up: 111 I rst clan Dm Stan. Bv mount an. Uuuness. Incmmng evoryomng ununuy up: Drug Store. By prompt l lumen so basins-I. and lling ord-n only item pure drual und "linu- Indiana-I, we hope to mom 3 uhm of public purch- BIO. iA HUMBFUB THE wunmsm. I WiN-MWMCCN "5 mm '" Ion-hold II Mot dyad Ind balm? In. fsd will: 'tivory Novelty III Shirts. Scans. Ties. Handkerchlenl, Braceo. Gloves. Hollery. Extra Quality of Genl'n Umbrellas. I April ll ! Gem ~ furnishings. Cw. replete I I Apni 2T. GEO. MILL. & CO. Var-able landing Lou For we 3 7 7 77 777_7l Another Lot 'Ileun Powt Clea-bl ad 1 ovemo noun. 8 Prinoass Street, FUR STAPLE AND FANCY PER 311:. " mun. " cum UP-TUWN mas Dry Goodsl I they lune ever Mun. Hanna winged our Show Room: we now 1110. a lunar ock than nvur halnrn 1 E On: Show Roomo tro aw And no being visited daily by crowd-o Mi... who nrouounm, Snow moms w than mat before. Our Display Ibo ennui: I _ ' mum ants. manuus 31mm, EJHWSI W 3W1 kmmoduu ' ' ___.- .-_n-- -- Summation & Working Qualities Avv' uu 'Nomn munddwn. "I'm. Kant-km Iguana! m R9233~"BARGAINS! baa. WILSON '30! Kingston. May lit. 1. NOTICE. \Vo mvno mnpocuou 0! out good: Received To-day. 'AWNG SOLD outinl Drum. Ghomlmln. (I... THIRTY DOZEI E. DELANEY. . vu m{IDAVIDSOK DOMN l. 00. ' i 0m 3-.....w Mow-t mum .- has in: at... z cayey :- Odmpbdui I Than! I I All 19' mumrmown. N 13.11135. 11:. brim. with m ml. Worn vm lloh'll my. I'll-Inna um lull math-u Ibo lud- lng M bu. nu. manna In mm In; the M. W on. M to land It (by up H. mm II. 0.. m and M um. [Millinr"store !| l Luv. Your Order lady] Angel 0| : 0115-.ka01. lmmtrn W rm. of the and wmul. u. uuvor. Price of etch volume 01.00 botnd m boards John Hondorcon I: 00.] Booksellers, Stationers and Cheap Sheet Music Dealers, Princess Street. Kingnon. Ont. lung-mu, Ami) nu. ma. mucus. mm. a. MI. 5! a. bot m It! M! A h}; H 1 m. IN'UJIJ" mule upnug I ' Geo. W. Parsley. l Break luto Bl Honbel. Dannys Wedding Day. Roubel Will the Den Old Timu (omo Back Again. Mu Vernon How the Gnu Cnme Ajsr, Elhburu Phsmom Fem-up. Romy C. Work, Touch the Slooplng Strings, Henry (2 Work. Kee the flame Shoe Over the Duor. J. P, Ska 1y. Jennie m m) BOUIJIE Luau. Thom-m Weatendorf. Colleen Avarra, Mu Vernon- Little Kim the Pride of Knluno, Max Vex-nor. Km nun Liln Thnnaht Pnr \fa John ' Vex-nor. Keop One Little Thought For Me. John Magnet. In Future Years, A. H. Roeowig Ki Vane and 1.600. F. Root. Lin. e Robin Tell Kitty I'm Commg. G. W. Ponley. ' Lmla ax-afoot, Funk Howud. Little Florine. Geo. W Parsley Mother Comento Me in Drums, E. H. Winchell. Mu mrlino in Waiting fnr Ma Elm,- QUEEN OF THE WALTZS VOL. 4. Brilliant. New and Populu Wsluu [or the Plano Fort. by Wall Known MOVE I l Anguern Little 1 Little ChapelsV1139 Brilliante. Edr wad Holst. Soundl from the Ohio. Kul Mon Muimon Wu). Chu. Wmon. Angel 01 NightVs! Sontimanulo, Chu. Kinks]. HOIDODUQ) I (401 Full! C Macy. anwn Evan Cl ' Geo. Parsley. Break Buuuful Blouomu. E. H. Wluohell, a a. Im... Hunk Anm Unla- url Wluchell, Y He in (0qung Buck Agsm. Lmle lrl, Bombs). Thuvu 'Adinu "A", Raubel ISwiss .0! pa" mom a nod. y HUI-0 FIRESIDE FAVORITES 1 VOL. 1. Beautiful and Popular Song; wuh (horuws muramrue Amino". We call the auction of the music.) nblic techie sari of DOLLAR MUSIC OOKS. which will be found the best and chanpeat collection of new and popu- lu vocal and instrumental music yet published. The music conninod in the DOLLAR SERIES ha been selected with gross me from extensive cata- lognel. ud includes onlv the bean and most populu publications. Encll vo- lume is complain in imll. shoot music sinemlegnntlv prinwd on heavy tinted paper, andthe whole series will be in uniform style. binding Ind ride. Nine volumes are now ready. '6 give the contents of two as follows : illical Library. ll gamma Emu: run- v 163. to lo- m. Abov- Trad. lurki- upon each box thoy buv. And an following donuts : J. C. JAWIY & (:0. Thin on! in the guian oracle. Hon) All n-pou a denim boy a. I 00:. u l Kins-ton. Apr I I-I WI - II" III! Mnmu "I GILE- IIATID JAOOI" INVI "LII. I! OHIJIAL CAUTION! .- I W . tLFSHN'HI and um Inlet S A 4} likedlotha W. ; H II hnhthd W Winchell. My Dun-ling in Waiting for Me. Elm;- burn. Bonny Iowa] wuu, Ju. umscy. Brido o! the Wind Wuhan. M. Olivor. prion n1 nanh vnluma '11!) bound :er. Uudar the Ma lea Long Ago. Collin Coo. When ery ' as l Lillie, V. GsbrieL [mjej njjnjnjjjsju mun i; A, _ nun-van I" ' Wklth Wnbn. an WuluJ. 0. Easy. Botxothed. anorim Wuluoe. Mull. True Love (Tron. Liobo) Waltz. Charla Pant; Cook. Pearl 0! the Sn, Wnlms, Kul Morz Christin" Greeting Wuln. Chu. Wur- ran. The Met-longer of Lon. Waltz. Chas. Coon. Jhu. 11mm. 0100 tn Waltzes, Berm- Zoe ulna. Emil liming. Holiday Faun! thu. Ju. C.Muy. rugs-am A. II'IH- I'D. nc. Lovau Hewlleouon, Wultz. Anhxoma De lnanar- Somebody": Coming Wbou tho Dowdropa P111. J Mnov. NI. LmJe Spnug Bolido my Cme Home. ho. Parsley. Soon. Sweet Bnnr Valle Brillimto. c, Ludo- rin Macy. Brown Eyea Close to the Window, Rona ml w urn. 'Till the Clouds go by, 155 A. North. 'Til Darkest Just Before tho Day. Cu- I? III HIT "ORI- 75 DQZEN GENUINE '3 columnar- ully mm B Wow-.0 out 11.11 )0 rum-neon 3 SE - gamma sum: POL- VIE m In Flatsll IM 05 I]: '00... moo on! i'o tooth. an ppod undo! tho tongue. The wound h not WI, but will mu the Myn boat? compel her to hop bu month chad {or some hue. and n any at. mat hr 1mm ulk. truly, which to n woman in W. oil-WI wound wu thought to ho more I'M-kn it mound only 5 "up wand by. bit Tho Nialwwwm' m Micah-minty! mm. but In low wagon mum no rum on bone tho IMP M the ML mama inwwo Wm Io!- an "gov-rd Mb. 0H I [JUL-Ia. .UI-hil . Boforo tho lo word 0! tho obovo onl- tonoe hod been fully attend the inoone lam ploood/ tho nmulo of o rovolver within oi: inchoo of the woman's two old red. Mn. Suntan (on to tho oor. and ho than tumod tho rovolvor on him- ul! nod and two ohoto. Ono lodged in tho coiling of tho room, so other auto:- od bola-d bio right cor. Ho foll on we oor op y dood. In. Stanton rooovo bolqu the pbyoicion orrivod, um Inching Into hor mouth draw out. two tooth on! tho ballot. Tho buliot truck-her in tho right. dug tho lino o! wbono. knookod on: "to ppod tonno. 'lh- -nnvul - and. (Mml but in ' name. tau. nneiy [or-lea. 'Iw n [neon- mtinu msnner well onloulnted to in istuste en in: ' this young men. Finely educeted. of read wit. sud s uent commotion-list. s e hes been known on more than one occasion prer vionslyto incite I hopeless pension in the breast o! s teuiiebhenrtsd youth. Her been: is o! 3 rich. languishing type. and er degent sppesrsnoe end rivsoious temperament will besosenk the romantic career she hes enjoy in be ing thrice uisrriod. Her rst husband was a Dr. Carter. oi Erie. Penn. by whom she bed a daughter. now fourteen years old. who is It school in Detroit. Mrs. Carter divorced her husbend. sud reverting to her insider: name of Hunter married Dr. Bradley. of Bnslo. who died. siter which she removed to St. Themes. where her mother still resides with her brother. Mr. W. 11. Hunter. ticket out of the C. S. R. Hero. she fascinated n susceptible youth. Chm-lea Stanton. son of the Connty Crown At torney of E in. Alter their murisge they remo toChiosgo. when. on she silo sd. ndin him e worthless fellow. she isouded im. he going to Msnitobs sud enlisting in theMountpd Police. she settling down in Chicago lot 3 time till she got 3 sltnntion ss bookkeeper M; De- troit. Here she beenme nu object of sdnirstion to i,_4_,_n ____-__, . ..-.._i,.. vulva .'I.VIIIIIW u. _vr--.. a young men of twentylour. a Canadian by birth. and 0! fair education and bring ing up. His family, except his father who is it Miehigen City, live in Owen Sound. The young mun claims tohnve qualied nu chemist at Goderich, when- he removed to Detroit. and he met Mrs. Stanton. who'pleyed with him u a. sort of pet. Last June he removed to Chic-.30. end wee {ollomd there in ab- out two month: by Mrs. Stenth for purely business reasons. She was met at the treiu by Monet, who took her to the boarding-hours where he we: stop- ping with hie Iiuter and another. She secured ample} ment at the house of Bel. ford. Clarke. A: 00., publishers. Mine Moet and Mrn. Stanton bed been oor re riding reguhrly with each other, an it in said letterl eleo pee-ed between Vintarendtheledy. At my rate she came here. not after Mout. the says. but to get I poeition in In one. which bed been promised her. Victor renew ed hil enit, prmina her vigorouely to get a divorce end merry him. but Mrs. Stanton wee unyielding, in not laughed et-him. uoet wee oreey forher bend. and about three Veda ego. alter etud- ing I mouth of hie inportuuitiee. ehe sought another bonding-hon. Hie infatuation was obeerved by everyone. Severe] eeenee occurred. and after one of these he told I friend hill intention of meking may with Mn. Stenton end himsali if he found she mu determined to reject him. ' I l-wl.nu. On tho day of the mgody the you man called at her bonding house on wind berm make lunch with him and bi- oiabor, but ah. ramped. -He remn~ 0d about 8 o'clock undo! the pretence of enquiring that the health 0! her fnend. The ohjoot 0! his pinion was donning awokm a. but heiuliuud that "Glut-"(M11 gluten) should go out. with him. She $0M bin to go to work nr hi. nmnlnvnr would dimhuo him. niab D. I! mu unnung luumuln DOE trouble but A. III. did not win: tor his attention. and. nally. that if be per- sisted in remaining she would call to her aid me one ' in the home who would eject him. When the intention I of intimidsting hm: the stepped to tho door, and, opening it. told him to luvo. Stepping tour-d hot. ho Mid. "Clan, when can I see you Again 9" "Never." "plied the woman. "you have pomcut- od me with your u'lly nonqu II long as L m but it. You an not. only dug: nina m. thin but wanna. Go to work. and Do I mun. nun LIIVO nuke my own y in thl world. mm am. an. we Dill I0 go no won or his emplo u, would discharge him. I that. bl 1nd I: drinking nudmun not. trouble but 3. lb. did L hams. mm qua-1y mg; 3 me down but your-uh war . and b. and luv. me to mdm mv mun nv in thl world." - l l 0n Wed-ad morning has Andrew Mal-mum .- byed in 5 1711i 0' drug store. Ihot. u. Cltn sumova o wn up to quit. moon! mu a resident of St. Thom. Out. Her ago is as yours. In person the in of voluptuou- mue. an. nely lowed. with I luci- lmnu mum-r Id] mimth in Each with A Mann! chain to hit had. Two um mud. in oyu. Budlow ammumyp- 'mhy Ono 1m]. found in tho gruoyud wan' One mu. smoker leaon. up] mom __...._-_.~ Four bonded (iootml mung 'round the bed. I I A OI. no. Iocny h It u I. 1). Ann- Mn 1. 00.. .II- MoA- 11.1....- ._. Kin. littl- 0 ad! I h l Ton link W h 3 Inc. IA ummnnplu than n: than auto no . 716. 104 grish _W f-I Ill-LY l- III'I'I'I. . W. 8: R. MISSIE, ALi. rol Lows. on bum I Imnu qnuluty 0'! noun. which? 1:90:th than-omn- m, w Ion u Ill MM mum" sud alum-r an": m union an In! M'vay My sud W - h bundle. Pmiu m tho Viol-itd _ - no: an more than by on Inofdtyof ouch M a M! BMW-"It. Ion Manama-mum Inocul- mvo-buoolthm Moa'alhh- Mr. Northrup wish to u a. I. much he bu m 5:... plain; in the bud- o tho_ m whopovm on cannot, uo .out. Tail unannoomont 121*: V0 "in! uk- .M' out many - a II 3".- Im- com - diam a. 1, 3. Mann: an. honour. that In n locus. hand mull quilt-It? .mh mum.mhh-nm. Wu will and Did) Ila-7M Bulb 5nd awn. at M We sen the cum an 1011]. "Well. now. Just, lot In. think." Md tube bonding-hous- lull]. nMvoly. When I get nice butter may at any with nbout {our pounds 5 dly. Thur. Wtyeiuht limndl I wukmul'itm on 60. The In {our poundl I gm from you laud two weeks. mad I MOI the but a! it thin mot-I94 to m I, boou. Gimme [an pan-d- d your tom cont butwr."~0(d 0ft! Donut. me grocer. "wu runner "rung. '- ln bun blandent wnv the grocar begun to explain the nutter. but wu inur- rupted by "Have you got Iny mo! 1t?" a but it ; but n has jun nah- od l excellent lot 0! the ohoiotlt." ow_ much in it P" Party-ve cent; a und for the We sell the other at arty." Wall now. nut. m m think." id me Damon ul .u.r.r,. um I. in Is I rum riding and u very . majority of the (Heston: are furme, think m ought. to haw: a men her who m cm of the chum who sends him. I0 tint home know leeir leelingu sud 'wh and than- (ore properlv reprelenb them. va, i! he were a resident. I think that "J. A. T'n " '4... -nnl is. uid nntln rid. he rumour. 1 unux mu "J. - T'n." Viows would be righl. ludtln d~ ing would do itself an bounty Mug Mr. Joyner but the feeling!) Ihil wt of the Towuslup of Pithbntjh ll, "let. us have a farmer and A resident." Your: way tn! . ' Av El. on. "That hut butbar I got from you," remnrked the boarding- ( whoop" 0 mm grocer. was tuber drug. 1n bu wnv noon ham any uomxug about. nun, Being naked as to tho rel-Ewart: he was Willing to pay to: Norm-Pu Charon: and oler hrocdl It. Dublin-n said he should Mn: (.0 declin. to taller that also. an, if he did. every m0? who owned I Norman hem would VIII. No more for hun. .., mum .1, .... um, Dear SinTim is n gun many. and the annual sprmgoodl. Iii-bun nue for about, three woeiu. mi features St. Vincent. Pombiua. In son. Winnipeg and hundrods of mile- went of Winnipeg Ire cowrec] by "IO oods, and all comma-haunt: botwoeu those paints stopped owing to the nil ways being earned away by the current. Between here and Cookston thus no ubout 1.500 puoseugara on the mym Winnipeg and wastiwnd dentin-d by the oods. Some of them an NM] greatly. being without money and pro visions, and their opinion of tabs country in not; voryunering, uhnybou' L- ed under than omen-anon. in- tended reuchin King-ton Ibout. them!) oi Mny.but wil not be nbiato leave here until about the 15th. It in m- poued to ush? mung: from on to Winnipeg In at. bottom bola com: the prurie. Evan-19.0, It). Ebb is l splendid country to tn.le through during the summer month, but. I nature you it in very much ch. appolito It pres-um. .Beunoctiuiiv Yours. LU "to gun: w ("7 uvnuu I! "V Sun-I see in last week'aWum thsotbo name of Elijah JoyLor. Esq. was 9:0- pnmd as a candidate for Lhe Local 1... gi-luturo. Now. from what I bu. seen of hm ability in the Gamay Council And his straightlurwurd couuo in tin put. and Inn recogumed ability. I mill! would strongly supra bil undttmo. if it were not that e in I non-radium -I believe he ham every qum {or the ouition of M.P.P,. sad all. is I 1. mpjoly of tha nlurtnru nrn fun-mew. (Mink To (In Eduor rgf Illa Whig.) [\n LIL. ,, "FL-- :n n m- yearly. It would 50 "upon m- Mr. Dahlmlu was then asked in wlut raspect. he considered the Giraud-lo horse- Inferior to my French homo. Ha said ' "1 will uoL give voa luv Wm on the Clydeudnleu. I buy very low of them. I prefer to pan his nub]. Ind nothing about. bun." Being mulled an to lab. ralnvoaumn \ v-e 70 the Edd/w of (he Brunch R'w. ... l -.._ :.. 1..-; _--I.I-Wmn bI rouna. aomo are mm; 1 cm '51,!" coedscoo Ion: in tho M and very uurow waist. . The: me no Mb thmr weight from We harp. Thu oils: of hum i: only imported by pooplo whu haw uo judgmvut in both; homes. who buy to loll Ind not to breed. 1! n ma with u WM .0 l-rauceoowlectnul n I. In I nd them With u quilt". J "A emu on the thoroughbred um: I on nnu mam mm nu gummy. crou on the thoroughbred WM: Normun crossed agdn with I thmnlh bud makes a nice couch ham. 'mro is a scarcity of coach hon-I 5! Chi. country, and the demand in human yearly. It would pny to import Dnhlmnu nkod in on. Thu Nani-w m docile. lm the oyu. and hue no ' v m wily Main. Hi h balmmonk. in Hy whu they do unh- volt. M 3n poworlnl bums. Moo-3M hm- Ihort in the Mk. d Ilih_ .ll bmd in Mom. '1' _ vhu we cull I ium ' The . m-m bu pin be too: may lion. in, - They hnvo A high 08p (0. bot will stud work on the panned Nor ammo at my 0th! bud. l'lm no that: outed ad mm Md and the hot. number a. bud In) brood Uur [navy duh homo hen- bne the harden. work in hot wonthu Tho NormamPombm pun] Ev" the but uni-mica 0 Oh. ' ho buy them to war oil. '1 holy developed for Ni! I... r93 iuao the heaviest work when at porn old and thoy mod it. Am in ' them uuld ulonnpom.hi not not. them ovu- Iout null- old. 1 buy these home beans. Haydn. but ulidaction to m cu. n. HI 3.... m.-. h. ML, x u... .n 1 b, I J m flu-our! mt , g: H.010". nucleus... a has s1! minumuuh .- n Inn on IOK ol tubular nun. um Another u! or tuba for (on ( u~ ; lot-Communal!qu enurer now, tulile Ind | Min. Thuv us umpln to opente shun lady lur mo and Ilwcothul vuy rolublo bod noqu MEL! OF UIHUCTION million on wpliuuou. Also Mllmomdn L! "quiz-94. v We gun-moo nary lawn-tor woormu to 1m tomudsuon or no can... i but (Junction "I dont wnnt it unaln MI I l Nonnun hot-on I. VP t! will. 1 have we: noun hon. u were u [)th shnpmi horn-u , I). found. Somo but coll 4 long ban un mu: poop-o. - m thMO-Ohhl admin-dung... , sanctum. who", Olsbodnhhou-lhlt' pun-m Nona-hula. can. Thu Sauna-m .neupocuuuy mun. F. X. Coumnu. St. Vincent, Minn. April 24. .- 6': thtoburgb. Maj lit... 1589. DIEM mu- m r .u nit-urn Innu- Innan. louny lmIIOI-PIN opt-Inn, _ IUD. .Reupofully ( W numb-mud luv load. ..- II. IONIC. Prince-I In. oppon- in.. scan. '0) pardon u but on: V". I I uwuwuu. uryt'ml El. on. 1100 w.__________..__ WLKII & WALKS. l'T-JBNBYI. Benetton. bu. Kingdom OPP" mo mo You one. 7 __ 'm u v n M l row:- a I... I MIHTECTH Ind Buddha] Bunnyan mum , - Willan KW m_ - mcnu I a lujoowrl And I to gun unaw- aln In MMLVE" It BIRCH. Au-nu Khan .UII .v-w...._.__,,' 1 01,111.11, LOLLlCTUll, be. OI! on , the womb M \lnm Hex-nal I 00. n.- .. mu ml rt; nu. nu BM. NOTICE. NOTICE. Bcearn Planmg Mill, Luna: 1 323 : ON TBA. INGIIGDN ONT. . ._.. ADA- .IIAII'IIUJ. m-nu- 130;.ch run. 0:; I W Dl. 'I ILGJIANN- 1! n... nun-mu has 1 . Anrslqll T In. no manqu " I amt (m. W. .,. MF ____._.._.~_- I.. (ll-INTI. .... 1 lawn-1n In. ""1 lewrmn eru- But! u-J4llualh a Umm's Im, 1 any. i Reducuo- In Duty n hum Reduction In Price. Reduction In Pull- 'mmzn's NEW on: " arm: n! Princess nu} Klug Stream or mun ozscmnox DUN or." TB! PRIIIBID. W Ive-u! Imuon xo Inna; Ind farrumng } Boon mum! to pro! Indy. i lune bound on thy than. and rum- "and on .m. num- nu} Pne- Lhu x I man on MI W mm at MI chum y. enact-Ia. Jumwlg luau. Lu); A ! IBeIIs Tan & Freckle Lotlon ~ "lqu --. . ..-..._ _.._ .__., _-__- < 2 mth Cut NAILb only 52 Cw'v per 1001!). [ All my Nnih us of me but nuke md mlocu-d The Best American He'd Light 01}: {or sale chug Sade" Burn. Ind ' Platform Seth: C up in: Cub, Hud- vuuiunro. Push:- nnd Puim Oil-,0!- And Zw'tv. at! a! the has! qmlity. for ula phi-Ah It mu mvn' aha-up n S .IlofIIIINII hum. and aim was um: olquco. In up. at It! i cu3"".2!r- ho dnuu took qnenfnl. baby I In: Muon pourm Mini. 01 an. In! 6! Gallon Btu. lemon. 03' The Trude busily dun with Ann. am 1 A Clear Complexion ! I chi-mp I! JOHN HAMER'B. IComer 0! Ptth 331'} Km 5 B All had; of Sale. n ind Ind lynch-d. A good could-bu: moo lhu. _ Plndom 8d. for uh chop 1 8m. .9 3 ud In H"- u an m "Ill? I. IOCKIIIDOI. nun from u:- eluc ol buliar lwxurs known u m, 1 u n lgx a! l um... u u... - oooxai mm};qu In AM Ki: 1 Path 1mm: mm m rcookerandl chA Thbnu Ham am prepared from the wary choicest. quality of hogs. War- mnuad madly cured. Fmon Fluoer \Ivul JLl anrpaswd as an Econo- x-nw-ul Ilout {or Hm Tum", A delicious hm.an duh Y l'unvcnewt. iu serv- uw' -\ll bond Meat! No hone! No :ISjgpds Tong A: kl! SAFE AND CHEAP lnnu on Damp: Inppllod Ila nA-Hn "IIm" 13 othull caning not nu 1 run- sble Gwen". I I b' I l t-p-m 3kigi99i983? n poucuee n annex:qu Munch, and? man a clan was to! 0 I114 wbmh It "i atom-mu. In ummm hunk-I ; II I rv bllnlullnnl nsvur m): to in tho nunon bun-cum: Price 96c rel b0 u'. out lo! n- th. Huron, BM": mud on Economic. l couzuua no nlum or other dolououuinn- He (hueorn. Hummus only by II'I-I . I'- v. 'uu- Flume-r 0! _.,__ . -n-- 1MIL JAMES BEDDEN, BAKINGIOWDER. 76L LL FAVORITE WITH THE HOV!!an- EHS OF THE DOMINION. boo-nu I H EN RY WADE, a9 rimror 3mg And Brock Fuoou. mutton \ W. D. MCLAIIEN. (hu 1 And Best Cng or Mr or Stove go to 5'1 Jams mm! \ll'b BBOS [BESTI lTrychomlI Boucleu Im, Both-d to buy mum. d all. at than n mm..qu ml cold upon Count-ton Princess Street HOUSE 'llie Lulu: Shapes: The man Attractive sum. In oung Mens an. < Mitry Rul Buck Gloves. Gont'l Fine Kid and Antelope Gloves, 1 Broadpr sule Silk Hats. Pull Over" ats to order. College Cups mnported) $2.50 Fangs Caps made no order. Wholesale Pure; fur Juhhmg Trade. M9d99arisJ OLARK WRIGHT 8: SON 1 Much 29 \\'2ll.'nu_rtnn StreeL Inns. ANGLIN SHORUOMSl NOW OPENI} :IILLINERYI} In TWEEDS. READY-MADE; ( LOTH u I 11er u: Mun; qu u.,.. no. Intro". MVD ' W H annular: MD . [Number 01 RC P .I b Euulmw