Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1882, p. 3

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th, cheap, What did you rocoive?" abhed Mr. Smythe. Mr. MoGuln objectnd. The Judge said the witness must an BWCI. I received," said Kosrnl. "a. gun. claim of his. equity of redemption. on some property in Prescott for 8750. and 950 in 0351:. The cheque given to Bender son bu since been pud. Mr. Corre- gau said that he bgd I- good case to beat. bun thst his wife was suffering from anxiety Ind that: he would that have the maths! settled. Besides the distance to Whitemouthwua so great than would cost. considerable to get witnesses. l I: mum-m. nu aallnrl and re- L0 56 h w I UUUIIEB. J. E. Humhelon wu called and re- peated his evidunce. ___.o-- nonnuun "HUI, nu ma vuum. any... more t.th putty dnwinp upreuly. for thin on. work ubbli-hu in united 5 character. What: no dad the pro- i1 ductionl o! W. Emilio- GibIOI, Sol: Eyw, Sheppard and Portia, And lute , HM tb. cutting in by cannon a! the i I Highest roan in ND hid. there can f b. no (1wa lb! nouponu has been , lpuod. Tho cover duo in n remak- nblo Ipocimn of uni-tic dening and I jprinng. It is in color work by tfzo , America nut-Now Coup-n1; it will 3 ' push my .- m ionprohcni them-maul:th npotbooch ' ware pin-d. Thump-{tin udprw 1'0:ka bone-11d. Tho that. '.Au_unn_.a.._ 4 I'hojollovh Ontario aya- gauc- mmxmmnhnpodoa an" n drihd pun opimonin Inna. minus the mo! SirJothhlbgmipg gingh- I. m. mnl Il- upub Misha-ugh: ":3 ummwm; .0 lug-attaining swan-pio- mu out-I401. Jayadv. Baird-.- "JO-5mm . Plw um um "V. III! VII "w; I I {or Clovelmd. 8b. will run from Clon- "uudeo Manta-1. min. um nd ' mum Thou-phi: hop. to my 'j mytourim this you. Eh but in i well mud up to: plump pr.- i I -.- Good- Ihcvn Itlu plouqu and "on 1:: Uncut Will u IIIIIDY I: IURRIYS. l pmnuues new, wmcn nan rezerenqp no the hole of Canada. and whose enact uwuls extended over the territory CuYel'tLl by two provinces. No one Pro- nucml Legislature could create such a wrpumtlun as the three Temporulitiee Aut~ lllll, uml therefore no one Provin- cml ngmlnture could destroy it or aman 1!. Thu was the very argument lu-lmu the Privy Council in England, tlmt [no standard ol leglelnm've compe- tcm y {u create is the standard of com~ putrum' to amend or appeal. Let us upplx' thmrule. Suppose we wished to uslnbllsll a college within the Provmce of Ulltullo. to teach the same subject in thc Queen's, would we go to the Parlla~ want of Canada or to the Legisleture of Out :rio for an Act 7 Could the Pauli:- ol Cmadu create thll college without trenchlng on provincinl jurisdiction 7 Clearly It could not. and i! not how cul xt umeud its clutter? Look at the subject-matter of the bill. The Cow- unttoe was asked to legislate respecting the property of the College. 7 H 1. Wu-a not. the rights under in charter 01 provxucial nature? What right than [us the Purliamanm of Canada [.0 inter- wunu...uuu m -wlsllw w unv uva-l 1' gi.~luturc. The subject-m:th of the legislation mus come under one of those hands. This was :- ..A:.:. u- lllnu A .nw...-.uu- uud college pruperty situated wholly wnlnn the Providence 0! Ouurio. The rnynl charter dened it. as a college wnthiu the provmce 0! Upper Canada." IL lacked the dual character of the Tom- pmnlnies Act, which had relerenqp to lee hula Canada. and whom: en'ach 01 provxucmi minute 7 Win: rignb wen im the Pariinmenh of Canada to inter- :ei'c'. Principal Grant. in arguing the [R myqrilicws Case. stated that, the de- c 1:101: oi the Privy JonnCil, letting Aside the Provincial Acts amending the Tem- pnrnilties Act was wrong. because the sub ecz-muLberwas property and civil rignis. and these rightmiiy came under lfcvmcm Legiaiuive jun-diction. However. lrinci 1 Grant generously and be submiine no that decision. not- withstanding his own opinion. That was way kind of Principil Grant, but; if he thinks property and civil rights in that case full under provincial jurisdic- tion, why not in this? Has he changed hin mind in these dawn 7 The Rev. l n. mm. Bureau-mud m .eeeteheld eineetiey-terdev note- in whee vheQeeee'e Collqe Bill wee ken under mun. On the rudmgol nun-mum Ir. nexu- mend: "ldeeetpurpeee Ii-gene merinoth Indy-ndi- rec: Ibo m at the Gen-mu lo I constith paint. WW doeejhie biu purpoee? It memento-need e royel oliuter eeabliehiu e college in me Province at Upper Gelatin. Two important qneeoee eriee. Pint. em power bu e Coloniel kennel-tun to emend e ioyel charter; end eeooedly. hen the Perliunem o! 00-- juridic- tion to Joel with the subject-th of this bill P The are: queetion. Cen e Colo. niel Legislnture mend e royel abuser? lwill not here dieoeee. It. ie for the promoters of )6 bill Ito nuke out the nirmative of this propoeinion. Boeidee. it may be diecneeed eleevrhero. end it in npt now neoeseery Iodine-e it. u in my View the Parliament of Cumin bee no power no deal with this miner. [11' (hr our constitution the legislative power: are distributed between the Par. liement o! (Jennie and the Legieleturee of the Provinces. and the exclusive legis- lative power to make lewe in reference iiii winninl On .Il "Mme-0' Inan niu-l IIIIIVC l."cl IU w. l-'- Ill IVIUIUUW to I provincial property and civd riglm. .2) the incorporation ol the com- punies with provincial objects. .116 (8) aim-Minn is unsigned to the Local Le- .: 1........ TL MAJ... M-M-_ Al 5L... HOD, WHY DO! m In! 1' nan LIB cuamzeu his xuiud in these days 7 The Rev. Principml would surely remember that he cannot whistlu and chow ontmonl (laughter'J-It the some tame. Then ugnm. the college was A corporation mm a provincial object merely. Such a. corporation could not be crontod by lue Pnrliunent of Canada. and it not. how vuuau ssa Luann: In Anny-vi Finally the subject matter of the legis- liitiou related to educetion. This sub- ject was specially assigned to the Pro- Vinclnl Legislatures. and the Dominion ; ind no right to interfere. It the Domin- ion Parliament undertook to give char- Lers creating universities, what was there to prevent it prescribing the sub- jects to be taught in them, and how Could this be done consistently with our constitution. which says that the Legis- lutureH of the Provinces may exclusively nmlie laws in relation to education 2 For these reasons it seems to me clear the Dominion Parliament has no power to amend this charter to duel with the subject of this bill. The Local Legisla- tme undoubtedly line no power to deal with the subject-matter of the bill. But it was a uestion whether the Local Legislatures eve power to amend the royal charter. Upon this letter suject l have presented to you. I will retrain from expressing any opinion. I have therefore discussed the bill before the committee apart from considerations that arise upon the rst question, the competency oh. Colonial Legislature to ( amend e royal charter." The bill was I then passed on a diVision. IULI I The captain of n Toronto vnul 300 r an oor of no. on who tron Hunilton to Kingston. The oor wu not ulna. The vessel any 1. well make nothing : lying at. anchor u rush. nothlu ailing ; and run no risk. v,,.__1__ ._-__:__ AL; --|-- nn-n:n- April 28. i a run IO K|III. I ; Yesterday morning the wht. Ouoiino Iqu-sh, in cow at the tug Wm. Avery, {collided with u tug 6min: M. 0-- } waxo. Tho jib-boon: o! the Hush knock- : ed the gunk, you: sad vhhn pip.- o the Gudner upon Ob. dock ad 3:; -n.-- -lanln A.-. The steam barpe D. R. Van Alleu,from Cbabham, wheat laden. arrived It Porta- month this morning. 'm... .m...... Chmt. I.--.. Mr Hm WUUI! MO "I" IN lull lubul-llc The steel met Glpsy has arrived from Portland. Ridun Canal, having dolever I ed her rst loud of freidht for the un- I ma outer WI uni-up. g The prop. 'MM (0.. hm.) . bu been thoroughly "exhaled tad n- 1 punud sud will [an hmon Batman, 11. l-I-IAn. Rhl in run from (IVO- muu I hull Luv: ulna. The steamer Sputnn [cues for the West this evening. Next. week the tri- weekly hue will be run rogulnrly. 'FL- _._- _.-_ (1...-.. l...- nib:w-A ham IUu bu- Una-- urv- - 'I did other mm dump. TL- ..-.... ~A'nn m.- MmhFOV-UJWI- haw. 1.4mm: outlawI Mn hull W m Magamxmtu-mm that "unusualth an" coll which nah-:1 vain-J" ooth In cnarn u: MNDID) n .u ,,,\: ,L ..,~ .1 ALA IA- morn"? WANTED TO ENGAUEv AT nun:- A urnmt, (1.. .. luv, 0. 1m. m... W5"... A resolution us submitted to Mt Reynolds. looking to the appointment. 0! l missionary agent. whose duty it abnll be to attend ti'e annual missionary meeting in anal. pariah. After a full discussion it. was referral to the Cum- mittee to ieport. A .];i.n........n .... nhL-.-il "um. .n r-i mllvvw uu nut/VI v. A discussion was onbered upon in re- luniou to the grnbuities paid to clergy xm-u ou retiring (tom active parochial work, A resolution wu carried for the payment of than during Uh. ensuing hnnr Wm. . The Board Idiom-nod u 1 o'clock. and resuming \ It a 2:15 o'clock. pre- Ceeded to complete in consideration 0! the report of the clmiontion committee. Much time was spent in invutigatiug the ability of the various purl-hen to sun- tain the work of the Church. As a ruo the report. vma sustained and its prow- posals voted by the Board.- ndm nnmmf'nn mm" 5M- gunninn At a regular meeting of the ngston Lodge, No. 476, United Temperance As- maiebiop, held in Bethel Hull. on Mon- day evening last. the following olcen were elected for the ensuing quarter, awuucw . The report of the Clunioutian Com mittee was read. showing an ostimltod avmlable Income for the Manon Fund. from all sources. 0! 08.068. Ind lubm- ting an estimate of the outlay for the tuning yen, The report proposed the various grants to missions for the you now begun. \ -mml..o:l... ._... .~n|.miunll a- \l. rvunla vku uJ any new" Other committees meet. thin evening. The Episcopal Trust Committee and the Executive meet tomorrow evening. nu-nu vuo uu-u v: uuv Ill-Unva- - III-a Communicutionn won rend from Ru. A. C. Nenbm. a. Church Wmlonl It Quun's Crook. 3n outaution o! the parish of New Edinburgh; from the Rev. .-\. F. Echl'm, ol thnonvillo; from Rev. B. D. Mill. 0! Egluullo. roll- nive to a new mission in the county of Renfrew. 1.: ml, :u, .,,,H,,, PresidentE. Bose. Vlce-PresidentSinter F. Williams. Secretuy- Bro. J. Brokenshlre. TreasurerBro. A. Chown. Councillor -J. Hopson. Ir. Junior UouuctllorSiotor Mary Mon- criel. ChaplainBro. J. W. Docks. Financier-Bro. F. W. Vnnluven. RecorderBro. George Pound. MarshalBro. Wm. Crawford. Deputy'Marshalwster Annie Lee. GuardBro. A. Human. SentinelBro. W. Pound. Put PrasxdentRov. C. A. Cook. The above ooerl wen than duly installed by Bro. E. Rose. Provincial Deputy. Blllnnl Deleulllc lrlI-ph In In! I Hugh-d. It Is now reoogulzed by the lndmg medi- cal men that Dr M. SouvleUe'sSpimmeter in the mos; wonderful invention of the age {or the cure of Cnnrrh. Asthma. Bronchi- Hu and a hind nal-ml After having TO LET- n..._-n-.Ilu A dincnuion m and upon Ind graduation pro-0d st thn more (I- vonblo poet 0! sh. Fund. A n-nlnfinn -.- min-nu! din-Alina VVIUI- w. VI nu- r.- A renolntion wu mloplod. dinning the pnymout a! mum. w tho Clergy Trust Fund {or an put your on the money lying [uninvutod nnd hold ngniuav. the debt. of tho Minion Fund. fn..mnnin.onn. -~ n-.A 'rnm in. {or the or gnu-tn. Asthma. bronchi- tis, and :11 hing dilutes, After having been used in the ruJing honpiuls. it wu roved thut 75 per cent. of those disc-lea, By mnny called Incurublo. cln be cured by the Spirometer, an instrument which con. veys medicmul properties direct to the parts nectcd. Thll discovery in proving a. blessing to mankind Ind I audit to his name. Mam persons in the oitv of Non- blessing mankind Ind orodn to ma name. Many persona p alt treal. and all over the Dominion, ve been cured of the above disenu Below are a few of the mnny hundreds : . Mr. C. Hill. Montrenl. oturrh Ind bron. tow 01 we unnareun Hill. Montreal. chltm. Mr Dannnhm-villa nl thn Indim f).- chmn. Mr. DeBouoherviHo, of tho India: De- p-nment. Otuwa. 0|.th of mnny your: ; now cured Mr m Aunr (m...- mturrh ud lung mtlve, cured at turn. Goo. Mngm're. Toronto. 482 Adelaido St. West ; dnughwr ound of uthmn. Geo Willis Exter, Ont . ounrrh and Inn-"Juri- rbnto. ctlnrn um murrnsl auxnou. \ Thom-a Teller, 12 Molindu Stroet. To- rnto, nthmn; ourod. Mr Rani A, Drum. Ht, Urbn Strent. True wuuu, Mona-on. Thousand. more com beckon. but the shove in mm: to combat tho public of ch. writ. of the Spit-mun Cd! or Irma. melanin stamp. to M. Souviollo. u-Alde- Surgeon of thn French Army. 18 Phlllip'l Sqmra. Montreal. Phyuoiun tnd Moron on uv i! (res. Imam IN nunnncmma, ~A'I I'D- Jaw Hunt's Stare! IV E I . 9m Dining. on 0'an emu. nun mun ' nOIlylu rod Ind ranted. "thin .12! Hour M. v and cxmxu Ingram Dialling on Drool Dun! ; ha I loo... ll good "our run. .10 n month And tun ' I cmmnwmnnmmmq. my ups-In . , color-mull.me Ira-St am a IWMt "Wm ammwn 5n3f3u, cured Mr. Geo Agar. Ottawn, ouurrh Ind lung dxsesnea ; cund. Mr- Rmilh Landon wila of Modionl Do. dxsesnea cund. Mrs. Smith, London. wife of Modioal Do- mtiva, cured of murrh. (hm an'rn 'Inrnnm, 482 Adelnid- St, U90 "ll"! nxwr, Uni. clurrn Ina bronchitis. Johu Dunn. 8 Robot! Street. Toronto. bronchitis. I J h Armntrnna IRE Yomm Sunni, Tn. | bronchlus. J. D. Armin-on , 186 Yonge Street. To rbnto. csurrh u: nurrhsl denim. \ Ilmmmn Taller 12 Mdindn Stunt. To. \ nthmn; ouroa. Mr. Benj A. Duke. 8:. Urban Street. Montreul. for mlny yum luerin 1mm brouchitn nnd thins. in now on : annrnl n! Ihv lumilv and {vi-nth broucmtn Ina mum. in cum: Several of my family and friend- bavo boon cured of Bronchitis, Allhms sud Cuunb by the Spirommr.-Jou P. Wanu.mnn.gor of tho Pou nnd True Wuuu, Montreal. 'nmnnnd- man could burinn. but amtwmlmu mm: hudthno-nlyuu-uu. W [. Ind lbw A lost his vv- . w vvl' ..... -v 1, . MOW-hum Mt I'UII onus" CllAY-Tho lmkama sad hour on ma. 1 MI. bun. Ho 2 noon Tuna ~ i r. VI "I-v - "Ivy mainan lqmre. Montreal. Physician:- Iumrl it (res. m F. 0. III-O '& .0, , ,,_ n:__ n n_-.'__1-l Ltd... ___....- Good 'lempl- ru' nouns. Vfgvs a; 00.. Imth TIIE GREAT BUSH lfiilliES 8: molar: Silk Parnell. Lined nnd Lace Trimmed from 01 w 0 Satin Fungal-Lined and Luce Trimmed, from H to .6. Plain Sstin Psmols. 91.60, 01.75. 02.00 and m m 1 _;._.o_..:.__ x. OOUSINEAU an 00.. On Saturday. Makes it desirable that Ladies residing in the city should. when convenient, make their purchases on other days, especially those to whom a. crowd is unpleasant; still Haines & Lockett will do their utmost to serve them satisfactorily at any time. M173 FOR SALE n--.u A..- t.. Hum 385"] rlruum. whw, '1... 1qu and $2.50. Silk sunghndol, 9012.. 01.00. 01.25. l w). 01.75. H. .60 bad 08, in black.browu V uni mu. 4 lWhpiihinggmu i Kingston. Msy 8rd. A130 200 Whitn- Toilat tnd Mar-sill. Quilts. Cheapeat ever oerod. man thu in Shoatinn. Pillowuotmm. Tnble Linenl. Towels and Towallmal. A110 200 White Tolls-t 3nd Msrulllo Qmm. Unenpebl ever anal-cu Sheetinga. Pillow Cancun. 'IAble Llnom. Towellmgl. Good- slwsyl thown with plot-urn. A cull will oblnga nownn a BICQONE 1- showing A. Splendid Assortment. of Our etc in Tapestry. Brunch. Wool 5nd Union. Ind received on Sllurdly t lug. uh pin-m. ol EIIIIIII OI] Cloths. mnking his stock in hh doplrtment. the molt oompluo in the "h' Mn 2 Without Reserve. u he intends remain; to Muuilobn The In]. will non-one. o- BATURDAY. 6th MAY. W. {or it. 5nd and u __-_A._' THE NEW PATENT DUPLEX LACE (EI'RTAINS. in Antique. Gulpurc and Nottingham Laces. at city. .____0. Lace Curtains. from 76c. to 08.00 a set. Duplex Lace Curtains. 03.50 to 05.00. Cu ruin Net. 12k. ta 35. per yard. Lace Lambrequim, 400 to 01.60 each, Window Holland: all widths. in White. nnw n...i:....l n.-." nnll gtrimd . I WANTED TO PURCHASE A Coupe! T'HW! Brianna" Didi-- tum-Lu upou_l_h_ou; W b. To Sell ou__;rvh_;g_-:__n_tire Stoc'k' SPENOE aJCRUMLEY's o"_._._ Window neuanun nu mama. m nmw. Bu. Cardinal, Green and Striped. Piano Covers. To.ble Covers and Toilet. Coven. Cumin Muslin. 10 mo 25. ___.r lst or MAY Ismowiui: DAY. 200 Ben.- Lme Cuminl from 01 to 06 per wt. We cull pnmculu tuition to than goods. no they "'6 entirely new in par/em Ind mun. Sneeungn. Pillow Cotwnl, Tlok- mg- ; Window Bollnnds. in Bu. (Judinul Ind Wlmo, all mdthn; Lnrnbr uinl 400 to 01.50. Crotcnnu, Iplendid Assortment. 1M0 [U 300 Eur. ulue in '1: 0 than. Blemhod ma Unbleachedeom 200 to 91 per yard. Tabla Coven, D'Rijh'u Autimn mum. Tnblo anhnl, Curtninl. Frlngu. in Green. Scarlet Ind Crimlon. Window Cord Ind Tuvalu. Ind in (wt. nouly everything heueuury for houu furnishing- oua b- )..4 (mm m, Apxil 26. Carpetsi IAtiess Than Cost xcauoxn e BOYDEN heve mm oer m. belenoe at um: mum KlD-GWVBI, Which 1e conceded to be The Beet. Two-Button Dollar led Glove in the tank, 101'. the law le. o! 766. in Wbm (gnu. Tlntl end but Colon. Aethey He now importing Perr Pure'e Celebrated lovee dlrect from Grenoble. Frenee. end an the hue only e limited number to dlepou of. thoee who weed to ea we apply do eo et once. I ~ 0 _- Vi STEAdY's Wm Ina LII 1nd from us. 3 {ARMSTRONG-8 [They Have thn Host BaaPitMg Bouts & n u. 3.. "v-v v~77 v , FOR CHEAP OARPETS & LACE Guanine of) 10 Wis. gc'HMON '2; BO YDN I I wrmmquo. surma'c-Iuhpumu. I I IWL.W&%* icwpn-vau u.-- l House FuArni shings Positive Instructions! Magnichw Display! pc my 3. nuance. Family and Plan Pork. Tobaccos. Ales. Porn-r. l and everything elu- tlml I. uwd ILU. '3 U ad green. Bowzs &' J- h , Avril so: Apnl 29. -Prepnre for it and buy your llouoe Panama'- I! Hue boon mind pu- ukgnm {to-1 out Mr. F. X. Coudnuu. And Buy Your Paranoi- from ll. Mel-AIJL ____n__,, _ TAPEST . petswoom...;:Carpets _A.- BOSS_ R. MBEEUL, ORO'DID EVERY DAY. . Won-nun. 10-0.qu mum ovum-tutu!!!- ' What-IIth g Toronto our More, mm. 2 mono... )UI'LIJI LAIIIJ (fl IK'I' Nottingham CHEAP AT ___(\._._ HPENCE a CBUNILEY. 132 und 184 Prmoeu Street, oppoliu City Em] BISSONETTES. :tu wul omxga ROWE! Q BIQSONETTEo Prince" Btraol. oppoma wum Haul. W , aux Lmureuu. rangon rramo. ".00. 92.75.33. 03.60 ind .4. I Gents' Silk Cmbv-1'ta.lumtblfno. I H, 94.5). 06 and 6. . Call and use them. | All New and Bountiful Goodl, Inspection Invitod. _(~_ y Brazllmu Parasolu. 75c. 800.. 866. And .1 Zeuellu Pdrusuls. 2Jo.. 260.. 00. Ind 50c Silk Umbrella. Pangon Frame. ".50. $275.83. $3.50 Ind .4. Table Linens. 200 to 01.26. sum Linens. 12.0.. 160, 17c. Hemp Carpets. 100. to 26. Hemp Stair Carpets. 150. Table Oil Cloth. in Mable I Hemp b'nur Uurpolm. mo. Table Cloth, and Wood rnnrl A9111, l'BDle Ull LION], Iu muqu qu uuvu Colors. Shoetmqs, PIHOW Canons. 'lowell Ind lnnmllinu Afr moeungu, rmow Towelling. ow. 180 Prlnoou Street. _- rung. In n'w u: u- MI] And c FLbUR NW .. 1..."... 1. r. mum-um"; 1 WWW: 9 '7' 1 bury ; Rev. V~ U.~Cumw KINGSTON 35. EBHSON. W. II. "CRAB & 0- .nnl l mu ' " Best Quality, Wuhan: 50mg Maven Tuna l'un M whom" m. : xenon why tho [any]. In llbersuv I o THE _.........., ..-.... .. v V. ,._.,._u__ Dumn. Hoxunwuhsbdnrmahll Sr. (Enonau's sonny. - A regain Iota bot-nu Rum, Dunn and . - unul not 10 otch 324.) .nd mei-txmgu! 3.000110 3 Society mu bold mu, m . .3... "mm, "4 In: Gum-lg. It was resolnd who tho mm ma.-l""m " ' annual pH.th on Momlsy. 3rd of July, Mn. Mono. with nun or oqml Channel Grove "ml the noun. bo- la a [wily e! um mun 1 lug engaged for the occasion. The next I meeting mll ln- held on Fridty. Jun. . no. ilu l. and wxll be open Lu tho, Indy uld amgnm - 1 '" ganucmen {Honda of the member! of tho 'Iolnnk i Socxety Au swollen! prognmne will . {h d , "m o on u ho prepsrod lot the occulon. 1'76 Princes. Fm eel 'Cvuung. "u nouns sum. . g... E ilollowingz 3.1.18. Chub-u. In- 1 W. Conlthnd. Plot; M. _ VJ,~Cumwhnd. gum: Rev. E. 011er End 31:. 0. Gun. (huncqnu lI an. R \l n... h. ...th in, Muvahurg hr almv. In consaqnence n' this Mr. L'1vnu will be ineligible u n mnrli-lntr- fl-r lhp next two wan \lrarnu nr SYSnuv- It 19 announced Hm: the rmnnnl nmpting of the Synod o thn DIOCE of Ontario will opu in Kingutou on Tnmdnv. 6th June. Thor. mll he r1 mnrmation in St, Paul's Church an ill" anvlnv preceding. - >9-..___.7 A (HA'TLEXAN Mod 65. wnbes: I henrtilv Llnnk yon for the great boon I h'we obtained through the use of your wonderful reinvenqtor. known as Mark's Mngnnric Medicin. I am fully restated !el like a young colt." Read theud vertisement in another column of your ' paper-3 -iAdq REASON wnv! l n_mtuu unnumnuuArAuv "HIIIMI Lion of Ln pvm'lmf cln Christin) Bro- ! bhers' 5"} nlel tnke place Bo-morrow '1 alteruaan at two oclock uni on Frllay nfbcrnonn at tha sums hour. The pa- rent-s of the pumh. the'Tmateos of tho Separate nul Public Schools, and allin- wrestod in OiuCIthD. urn respeoofully 1 l invited to attend. " 1 x ..-u, .. fnr Rule Walpn'na Ilu I. U. Una Vlmqu- . .0.- j pd Gram, B. I. Ran. Dr. with; It". { A. wuu- uumm Inp- -lh_ A errr-mo Dnu.~ Within the pan! week neveml Joan have been removed nr mien. Some one is evidently operat- im' npnu thvm. To-Ihy u. valuable ani- mal holonmnq to James Bennett. died. ' probably from tha effects of poison ad- ! miniaternl to It. Wnumo nu Stan lu."Ita no wonder theres so much dust on the streets when there'uomuch wind in tho (nunviL' was the remark of :1 citing]: ML: 1 reading last nights account 0! the Al lermmic proceedings. Thismorning [h - \v u .-I;: cum worn out. mLI PEGG- Ll""|14.l"lll uuu IUMLW Bluw u tau any... wr" Iu- unmuwd. The oemive drain I m the L"l:~l snle of the park mll also be {UVQI'VJ _ The hand stand will be thor- : nnghiv ruhmlv from the oor down, and n will have n aohd foundation on tho rock -77! -7,;- , I A Vin chrum Accmsxr.Yuter- day mnrnmg 61 ion of Mr. John Wilmot susnmel n very serious and pocnliunc- 0' lam at tho school house near hi: h c. I Mu we! In the building pnd jumpul co . t "u 4 key bung above the duct. He may: I rm Intended graup o! It. but bil nger hwue-l m We eye of It and wu torn out hy the lull welgbt of In: body coming upon It. The accident was wry pu'nful. ' presem II "It Iuwuug ('I bu. a, u 'lvrouto and Kingston, which not but owning. We antic. menu h M Shun(mp n.- T H (Eh-nah Inn. ; Paunruus SwenTho Pemboro {Emu gm; tho nuns 0! than who have mgr:ch their xntention ol bin. present In the waning of the Synod o! ; '1 "mm and Kinantnn. which III M Emmi & Provisions Asblny wand Mon 0- layu' a gN-mwumina. yum-'9 to It. {Eerie h'pon which big and ban Id. ' loaned. ud v mankind to M maid Mon tho Cans, cm . (mandala-en. How-u an m 3-.) ._ L_;l' ..A _A-. AL. Ac-L L -lllwulm I-W-ww' 'udmbul.udmnoduomuybylj 'mm: m. It. mu, 5 mdmudlyb-uughl adul iudqm. Radium-hind! mmpuhuoanH-ni L. -nl-JlL-u-luid m anvv. I" In mum-um ("\w)v'vr [.Mt night A m-v rmnhml m a good sized row. vn ul tn-norm \nuths broke the n low: nf W, J. Junis' shnp Their vmx- nro knnmn Thn cam; has been " W1: l'nanBooK.Pnlmer'u Hu- 3 Pockt Huitla with Telegraph fr-r travellars. just puhlishod, 1nd In M Rothwnll's 'lnte Stacey & _.__._...___ ,.e; vanov:xin~,. ALI. J, P. nus will not balm down the rm. until an emvwm pouud' ms been appointed: than only uhth lance alum: Wm: street _.1 TL- A. .v I... I'I; k-Aw- "(lu uul. um- - u..- I thodust. making lm-oumtion meet: more plezuwt than n lnh o.- D ilnlgn Jena". of 01 bhn one of North :LThe 4 u-u Iluvv .u v...... place. under the (Java his already hPul] pl 1 hopes won in h hep they " \ll Qq:v\'a' 11w Ll i \ U ' $9, a"; 5 smo PER PAIR! ! i vuv] All Snintq' GmM ll'hl un cumrtmu meat. 11: AILL Freeman's home 1an mth and raised 20 Losz Ihc fund which is Intended to l-uulmwu nu church organ. The sluwug dLl'i lUJleg uud dlnlogueu were all mucin apprecmted .V_.__..k__.w- We learned this morning in a letter from Mr. Jest )lUtL'JUU thin. the late hm in Winnipeg resulted in :1 llOHV) loss L0 Mr. Robertson. the proprietor of Cle- ment's Block. located on tho corner of Main and lhlluntyu streets The Im~ penal Bunk wns burned, nun] many of the young men in the rooms Over the blink and shops ulij'llDlUlZ had a close call. Mr. Metculfa likes Winnipeg rst- ruu. and his friends. in) says, have been very kind to lllm Ho in. found a cor- dial acquaintance in Mayor Logan. u eood natured men, WUth hall 3 mil- lion. Winnipeg is 1:. great go-nheud plece, but our member likes Kingston better. Tim Rigney had "Grandmas. her" all blanketed Lin ready to be moved out of his stable while the big re was in progress. The elm-J! adjacent were burned, and Rigney's was nearly consumed Frank Rigncy is: doing u. splendid wholesale trudn in groceries and liquors He has two Kingstouinns in his service, Thomas )Iuce. brother of William Mace. of Shurhot Luke, and Michael Donoghue, son of Daniel Dono- ghno. Others well known here aredomg well in Manitoba, particularly "Sandy" Brown. J. A. Rowe. and Cnpt. Campbell. at ope time commander of the steamer Rantings. The latter has one block of 9,000 acres oi lnud. )lr. Metculfe has entered into partnership With J. A. Rowe and W. Leitcheld. as auctioneers. real estate brokers and commission agents. The real estate business at pre- sent. however. is rather dull. The boom is not as brisk as it vms. Today 5 citium. the hm of a lugs block of Tnan (Jon Ind. wan uulv L . dinner by n prcluu lv-l pm To-dny P. R Small, Lhu gnu ...v|nn.' Id- uniLn-n 00-] 0f TUIOIH Peterlmro' yo: moml. nil Na den-Lul' nf 55': I HI WI. luau. Vanqu t Ducon Nb. and up a tough, which has but: cloud (or some you" st. Sewhoro. n-_ n'... nun... n' erhvilln,I lU'u", I a ll man. donned I well. null Hlth': C. snoddau h )l I... I "ma!- HUI-nav- .v-v- -- A cold matwon bliuu'd an new 0:- lot the lot Ind 2nd oi hymn-at} uwpqmlu. ' x h. Dunn-I n! Na-hm. hi nmkn II III]! Wu. Dr. Patton. o! Newbuw. us spots: I: Two coma. buluuglug Lu tho tumor on the town hm worth. wandered mt 3 Wu kind from exponun- vmm 1mg. "I 9.4.. FM III-cu nun: vayvm... The Tories 0! Fri Pncton on the mu. u lot the Comluuus. undoubtedly be lln- .- _ _:.:..... . Golden Llon Grocery Thank 3 W190 at 10on ho- und. 3 hubioubh walnut man. A IA tannin-t hli-nrd m m. m w: Ion! you" at .uwwua. 3". Wm. Oslbrnh. o! Brooknue. I lotmorly palm of Syleulum Stun ' Church. u suing bin {ends here. u- n .... .- l lm i. ImnnM! I hung I The Ottawa Im: PI!!! CODIMUS a. lengthy notice of the ziltu' piece pan,- od [or St. Patricks L hurch by Mr. William McKay, father of the late Mrs. Dmiol Roui'k. an estimable lady. who lll- heritod many of the tuleulsof her gified pater lowilius. The picture. save our contemporary. arrests the eye of the worshipper 'l'he conception of the gure of tho gloried Redeemer is ex- coodingly ne. Our Lord is represent- od an ascending amid the cluudsi the treatment of the light emanating as it were from his person being particular- 1y attractive. That must dilcult. part 0! the art of painting tho human gure, foroshortening. has been accomplished with admirable Jehty to nature. The pointer has avoided the haggard and sometimes ghally eiccts produced bv oomo artists ; the whole form. face and expression is transformed and gloried. In the picture Mr. McKny. who is about removing to Winnipeg, leaves is moun- mont which teoties to his ability as an null! and his devotion to the religion of hi. lorefuhen. . __L---_-_. .'......-I ol .. m. nnMr U! ml IUIUIIIMUA -. A lubooquen: issue of tho sauna paper contain | notice of the presenmtionv by t 1|an 0! friends. of a bountiful gold- budod run. to Mr. 5ch ny, and thud- Ion. Ionvinior to bin picture in life. The prop. "Cubs" arrived here Hm boning from Oggensburg. when she hull been lying since Sunday. being (10- , 180d booths: her freight could n be 1 Mod. The whulmcu. Md In hat} .1! m kbomn It Ogdnnsbnrg. were on I stilt. .Tbo cumin user-d th- Ibanl- ; brawl! they asked. 0800]: 1.000 but. has any would not go to work but.- tho oxor worker: did not n- j ,7:__ AL- -J..._-- _-|.A.I B:_4|I_ A " no. Vlvl wv.-w. um uUU Ar in tho udnnoo asked. Fin-y n f Hdnwny mun war. cum to dig. 1i clan-p the mo. Whil- they in. an. I x. ... A.."m nit-nu! tum Huh-(I l I -wovu WV munu III... I: down In the propellor, allowing. "Bo-m My can." Tho upmn told m A... 5.. hi. nmm ham r-dv no my Bil. A n- wy-Jn w. M w to got his noun has ready 1'- m. mum ad o! u pl]. Ind than Innity(tho nun h..hhn hm: m human-d And .I 0 IUI. "up..- "I" . lying}: mmmmm mush mm TI- MAM:- *mmmbpuliqnduy Lanai-uh... I the mr. WJluu-mulhuoawdn "rec! m in and nu: .ma lupcriox to my g on in n:- DIIKU! n l] u .\ Kingston -mmt 'vaturdu). R: riuce Edward meet m I to led. a candidate \Ir MPG-mi will [bu-did Mr. Duh-g. lune nuur Pot- .wump and per npaun mw police- Xl.. lAIIl - INIJWI mo (oloni .5 vuv i a second Who are _I|-vu .u. . lully high use new opal-l nqu HE BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. MAY 3. 1882. Ham on- nuguu-w ulu-w.-...__ | the out be imputed and poid. ' u: cannon cm. I. H. Currey]: come into court short Iy that 10 o'clock looking better than yestonhy. During the night he rumsiu- od in the polioo notion, but not in the cells. Hi! MM} lit. Wife ace-um- penied him into the (look and nestled bedde him. .11). Meal-tutu and that on the chorus prolorred ognirm him by Kenn: he would commit the prisouci' for trial. He could not do otherwise. in con devotion ol the evidence presented. It was with grout reluctouce tlmt he reached this deal-log, but he had a duty to perform tothe whole community. The prisoner hud been put to much annoy- once. but l! he had not left for Toronto on Fridey night the trouble he after- words sulered would hove been nvnidul. He said that H it we... nooeesory (or him to be in Toronto on Ssturdlv, he [the Magistrate) would not have objected to an adjournment of the case, and taken boil {or the prisoner's sppennnoo when wanted Relative to the Redford mac His Worship said that the points raised by Mr. McIntyre were well taken and he would in consequence dismiss the charge. He thougbtit better that Our regnn should hove a chance to present his side of the case. He could put him- self right belore the public. \I- \l..l.u...n n-bnl' Hunt Hm DVIAIe-Ilhl I :uu nu; vow-=7 um rum-u. Mr. McIntyre uked that. the eVuleucv be transmitmd at. once to the Cuuucy Attorney 50 that. the case could bu heard by Judge Price. Corregmu was taken to the police station. whore he was allowed to remain until lm one wu made ready for trial by the Judge m. hBBn-D nvnn- halve LAUI Illull Juvu- sun. When the one opened Mr. Smytue addressed tho court In regard L0 the admission of the ovideuoe of Mr Whne- bead. who wu onto! the oountrv. He (S) had been nkinod in the case as Lhe Crown Prosecutor. 1 'IIAI_A_._- --IJ LL... .llA hr;\nnlil wluwu l. lwwuws- MrfMquLyx-o aid that. the prosecuv tor directly inwrntadin the one dld not wish to proceed. nd the offence wa- of more private than public. Uhe speak- er held that Mr. Smythe should not in. wrfere with tho case and push it. rl"|,_ 14.1..- -_.l.l LLb .L" Inunnn.t\| Wllvlv vuvu II-l' vu-uv In I. _ u a . .. The Judge uld that. the prosecutm had put the machinery at the law in motion and he would let it complete its course. He hold that be had no power to settle the one. It. might have been arranged at an earlier period. but, Con-regal: would now have to enter a verdict of "guilty" or "11th guilty." A settlement, bowaver, would assist in ur- riving at a proper verdict. 'mm np-annnr mu nrmiuuad and flVlg HD I FIUPBI' VBINUII- Thu przsoner wu utmigued and pleaded Not guilty." Jas. Learns was the rst witness. He gave similar evidence to that recorded at the Police Court. He had purchased no land duectly from Mr. Corregau. J. S. Handel-Ion also testied. Mr. Ken-n was recalled. and said he did not Wilh the use to proceed Wit- ness mid consider-on! were given which undo I. part of his money good again. .IWL... AM In rMAiva9" nth r. A That edvertteing bu become I science put-ed eome time einoe to I. place among the modern proverbs. Nevertheless. it happens at intern]! that the appear- ance of some startling novelty leads to the feeling thet not even the belt has been leerned. At leeet it would appear so when the Beltimore on Ohio Railroad Company expend: thousands of dollars upon e work which oamparee moet fu- verebly with eny ever oered {or a'price by the most noted publishers of the country. It is one hundred and fty- two pages in exthnt. end upon them is displayed 3 serial of engraving: which no numbers of Hui-pa": or Scribur'o ever enrpueed. The feet that Tbomne Moron, to-dey the foremost ertiet on nonntein scenery in the world. made __..- .L-.. m-tt' (In-inn nrnmnlv uddhwdulynduct cl I W mmwwkwhmh am no wan-undid- padlyuiln In. could ho looked mudde gamma.- cidod. 3030301de hldmpowu toun can. The youth's: bound L_.__--A n.- nhim in grant: Wu, Il- UIo 5-- ,v-- w honour-rd tro- Cbbqo. i- pueuta won) notied d Mnoondition And they in return In: him I by hlngnph. IAporond Willa-Moo!!! in :cm tho W hujnrildiotiou. I 1-- __ h hung.3 uni mid, UIIIIBISIBEVB'S Lam! Agency

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