Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1882, p. 3

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Lu Immense idem of Soaps. . l-rW-w._V 100nm. cool-pint! the chair. [I I h which In dolian brill, rev Will at on..- in wow lio- wb u I! am: duo. the patient m. Thy-cried. he aid. hudboonmnkdbyumiuolm. Thovudmdpoplhrdbinionhdbun expand [madly in tho Uni! Btu... runltln in u nch of Mr. Lowell 11: Cumin a sine nuappoud pacing of tho Goodall Insulation- thrth both a--- _-. . .4... .1 .thtion. A loan- a. M O! In rum-lmmovubc' uw 0| {DOW r-quuuu- "um..- u--.. oun- 'u I subject 0 wignmhtion. u thawing tho hold Irish mum ware taken on the public Iild. Ho oulugiud Hon. Edvard link. (or bi. sble upooch in nupponol an resolutions. Fiumll). within the Mini to Britilh Govern mom. had unduly mood in COI'EH'n'u policy. "loud tho imprin mam. born 01 Pufn-om. Wyldmuting by the racon- livon for their present. chap 0! front thu the Government wan wrong in nun-I-Anuu on. 1 All TMWdem-w Bnnoh ol nun-d mm The decision. too. that the Land Act re quired mending wen u Idmiuion that it wu not nil that they required and it was for Attempting to ml. in ecionoy thnt Panel] nnd his friends llld been incni-cented. All thou events were triumph: for the principle: contended for by the Lund Lesguen. Ho deeply regretted. however, now thnt their Ulll ouaiuy, Forster. had been obliged to stop dawn and out. now that. a new an.l conciliatory policy wan Ibout tn be In nugurnted now that new ooialu wen, being sent our to carry out this policy, and when the lriuh people were rujow~ lug over the rising sun ol conga, that the: cuuntry should be thrown into con sternntion by the shocking intelligencu that Lord Cavendish. the new Chief Secretary. and Mr. Under Secretary Burke. had been cruelly end inhumnnly butchered in Phoenix Park. in the ah sauce of informntion it wnn impossible to say who were the Authors of. or what were the motives for. so unprovoked nu ullll'uql .\'0 friend 0! Irelnui, Ilnlen! he wane untirely bereft of his semen, could be believed capable of doing such tn nut. Mr. For-mi. who bud incurred a huge share of odinni. had walked through Dublin and bi'lvelled and appeared in public In lrellnd \uul'nnllf [YEN AN qul'L'l bonug oerod at. him. It. was incrodwio that any one should have hostilmy ngainst Lord Cavendish. and u to Mr. Burke- ha had never done nnvthing to incur mLA AU MW... VI. .niahf. lie all never uuua uuumux w n... censure. The only party who might , reap any ndveutsgo from bhis event Would be the landlord party, who, he thought. might. hopelthet It would, an it. cermiuly will, eluburuu the (luv- m-umvub. IL is not the rst. Limo that uungea huve been traced w agents of the landlord (nation. outrages commit.~ Led In order to crane a feeling ng ainst the popular Ildu; end so far as one could judge lrom all .tho circumstances n was more then likely that. the pre' sent luauooher proceeding 0! the same nature. Such Wu far mom likely than that, tuy pro tam.an were oouuecbed with IL. for theleoliug Among Lheua was: one of joy and hope. as unrk the cheers which greeted Esrl Spencer on his ur rivsl. and the marks 01 lrieudly feeling exhibited towards the parting Lord Lieutenant. Elrl Cowper. He hoped. however. tath in would turn out that the assassinetion had no political signica- Lion whatever The porpotntors should be searched out. And dugde to justice. and he we: our. every friend of Ireland would assist. in Inenrthing the datum] ly ruieus. 1m. lnllnilnu I'Aolntlani were eduDL the dastardly luau-inn. Inc In Iwor mining the motivu of so unjustiahlo lud dinbolical a ucrilco; nd by v.- '1. Mnlono. wounded by Ugh]. [III]! we": Hh Moth. \\ dinbolical ucnnco; Moved by Mr. '1. Malone, by Mr. J. Bohln. tblt tho thankl of the Kingstnn bnnob of tho Land League are due and bonbv tendered I) Mr. John Costignn. M.P.. for moving the to solution- 0! Iymphhy with the Irish poopl-s in the Cundinn Hanna 0! Com- mon-(and '3,130 to th goulomon who win in air pun-[0. iculul the Hon. E. Bhko. who mam 111ml; 1 mightier-wad Ipooohin the interests i .of the lrilh monk. ' i straighuorwtm II)- I of the pooplo. ._.._..4 Luv. evening :1: illus- of that iooka 1 ended in an um 01 uu. Dun. r. ;* Chi-k. of King not. I lady I very lougthonod residue. in Kingston sud on. uwidoly M u oh. wu', known. The deco-ad in I burl 0! an In. Hoary l'cwhtuaddpdnughv ' ter at tho MThnu humane! tho moot proniul! [aw-inn ol 3 ( I I I _-_._.1.. .... Slum-triad). Ray Pain: in Alhly, N.Y..| sunburst you: ' -m-d - ml. hula-ant I. r COIN! ll All-l}, n-A... uv- v- ,._.- - - cheer-.nmmnuy well pl..- umu_ u...- I an. m I m nuns. In . "in - \ mmnwuwulmm'mmrv 7 ! mhmmulywucmuuj 'Dr WI; 1,, Wk-tout l Ihy put-'3. HIM duo-1, ini%;mhmmn !M.udmmw~w melonsw'IIUWd; dnwmwm. 55., una-Inhmb'lhm. 53: khan-ind "an: fron in mm" "'P 1, mummulyw-Chrbui ' ' W"" pm mudmayhoin "xtrlm'mm' ' 1 M mmwmw has... busuum-W'M sung, 0:1. you'- had i- an. lm-ghwwuwiheinbil m, m.anilinu'umyu-ddoI1 "vahm'hk'qmw-H dwl-m"' Wu, ..a .- nu: hush-.5 mundth yinni-bchghMuih-m - mash; Mbr M' M'm. Kan-path -~aaaw'auuaaumhm? Wh',l7h. inc- k y ruuusuu. The follomug I'OBOIIIUODH adopt .1 mum um LII." n. lain-n. lbrh. auqu- no Ms. It. 1'. 5. Al. _ -L-.- an... .K. . n u oxen4 puma: Hon" "W "" nu mun. In a .004 he!!! ROW! 9 and 0m ; Two-nor" Duonmu noun vim lbou NI .wuu Iomnwnun bquau Kmi, BALIIW u! , n u n \ 1 301' I of farm! manage-amid hm idiom phydil (and: In ' mung...) m n.....l.- M n In Ii ll-7" VI '- iwiunuod on My M at the Roy-l Mlliry It... wu jmun Nib-ton coup-ci- uonol this nunMW W. npbdd'hd poultudllupudh- .hmnnhla Andi-In- pan. nIWI w. F-VVI Pu." pt". 01 iho Ming ham uh. MI in carried ilngorouly nu: ma hone god. but. in not. not. an. In mining. H. W behind the lilo of the Mini. I ho Ind to rouge. locum! Maver- ml to and tho bdl back to I. CM' gun]. but. the Cadou Inn too strong {or them. Ind seven] more rouge- Wm made. At Inn | touch down '0 le- uumd by Joly that u brilliant run. and Sou-smjor quor out the bull our .|.- 1.. a. minndid mh. Unwthi. luv w-wwII-u-II- Bursts-Jot Alyux III. II. v-u vvv. the but in upbndid 11.. Up to thin uwe the homo bun wan playing win! the wind. Uonln were chugod a 4:25 p Iu.. uuda nuvnn minum' inurmisaion ka pin. 1; wu no "idol". to every one mm. the Onion were the more pow- erful Lulu tint. no doubt. seemed w u m in the mum); of the Ipocubom u to who would prove Lho "chm. Tho )lontrellers now ,. __..__....__. ,m any : fun-f lnnl-v -.._..-_...__ v while the Old- were slightly mo- less, having had evorything choir own way so fun: But. they soon mpentod o! Llieir slackueu. {or Mr. Cains. eluding Llia backmmured A couch {or the enemy and Mr Taylor kicked n got] onily. lliis gave the ends I louon god the lull remained [or s timo thou! the cen- Li-o of the ground. but, the visiting team gut. n touch once more new the corner ul le eld. 1!. was I very dicult kick and a goal wal not obtained. Sliurtly alter Ulla a catch wnu undo by Hanna - u . AM.) A: _.... blnlzul liv Mr alter Ulla u cuwu wan muw u, nun... kcl'. and a good 30.] was kicked by Mr. 'l'uylm 'lhe Cadets now. slbhough Loo law In the day. showod what. Itu they were made 0! They had only ten min- ulna to retrieve a game. which. through mrulvssueru after chair rst woman had been [UNI to them. The Montreal men HEW that it wan a mere question of whe- lher they could stem the tide for the _..,.....5- din. ohnv Intntl 161 may cuum aw-u um vluu w. mu remuining momenta. sud they acted purely on the defensive. The ball nover was more than thirty vllds from their goal. Again Ind .gain magnicent rum were made by tho (Indets. and SvrgL-Mnjor Du. in nu extraordinary ruingut it touch. The excitement. among the spectators at. this juncture was tre- iui-ndum. The ladies could hardly keep their seats. and mernl Cadets were dancing about. behind the goals like ends incarnate undergoing torture. l'nlnrmnnmly the Owens , A-.. _.... A... .nuu lk.3l ( \NADIAV MAXLIAl l'LJiL Hm Bull Mske of starch put up In 'm'kngos $0 unit. ammo. and muth beupar than an be not auywhew vim. 1 mus nus eon Alum. ll. wanted now only ve minutes of the lime. and che.)lontrealem were got.- Ling; tugged, whereas the Cadets were in splendid trim. having burs bwks tnd bloody noues. Cadet Joly. who had struck awe into the mmdn of some of tlmeuemy. now on sevenl occasions seemed to lift ball, Montreal men and all. uud struggle for the goal. Several A um I..." want nm. nl hnumls. and all. uud struggle xor mu gum. nun... tunes the bull went out of bounds. the Moutrealers by ucrimmages. and by sendxug it: now and again outside the line. gamed Lime, You [nd nude 3 ..... ml run am] out a Muth. the hue. gamed Lime, wu uunuu um... .- grnnd run and got a tomb. Agnin Cadets failed to kick the 0:105th were now playing against a strong bIOOIG. Two minutes uoW rominud. 5nd in that tune the Cadets worked n bud In men can Id. but it mu 900 lm. slthongh the enemy once mimide that if there had been minutes more the Gulch: would have got. the gnmo. Time was called. and It stood: Cadatl. no god and three tries, Montreal. two goal- and one try 1 two rougel made It Cldot goal and seven wide at tho Montreal goal. Mr. Cains did wonders for the Montrenlers; Jackson and Tutton. Han neker. Hamilton. Elaru and lelor played exoeodingly wall 0n tho Cadet side Joly. Davidson, Cumtherl. Von Illnd. Taylor and Campbell played splendidly" _ 0...... mun, .m run u.un cuuucrntusncs or run nun. 'l'he kicking on the pan of the Mou- trealors was ertainly ulporior to the Cadets. but none of their man, with the exception of Cains. could run in the style of Du. Joly. Von Isnd, Car- ruthen. Hooper mad. I vory good drop kick from nearly tho centre of the eld, and tho ball hit the bu. which was a 7~-A -|r--u- Nnithnr mm: b ; 5 were non; mo [II-u. good maven lung. and tho and I ; mm M "Tho Q1308." and I I Idies."'respondod to Inth mu). r ? Ami dinner my Iput ma ne in the reading room. what-mic. and spa-cho- atomic amino the gihod (acid Wu. were Manned Mud womghly-joyu. The ZNOIIOII min Mvih um. bout, - r ----A-A-n--.u'..|_..a.m.m and tho nan nin nu. nu. Wuwu " - very close IhlVO. Neither tum: bsd their lull complement 01 man. nor ind they their best players. The Cadet: were especinlly unfortunate in this re.- pect. as Sorgt.-Mnjor Skinner. Weller. Anderson and Stain, who in the but. player m the min, wore I unable to go on the eld, owing to widen from practices. The lumen of the rival terms are . u .,.......I 0-...- V_ MAI-I'll . Talon Wnun an: Montreal Lou- ~ Maura. E. Hanuker. A. D. Tsylor, F4 Unin- F. 0. Walker. A..Campbell, E. W. Wand, H. Hamilton. W. Her. W. 5. Lawn, J. N. Fulton. W. L. when. And Smith. Thnl'nllene mm wuoompoood of the W. Her. w. a. Down, a. u 1 he College mm m composed following : Mum. E. T. Tsylor. (J. R. Ho 1'. R. Dnvidlon. G. S. Dalila, U. M. ELW. B.Cu'nnhon. H. B. String. 3!. Noyhnd. J. Woodlnm, A. C. Jol . . 1 Van liand. D. C. Cnmpboll 3nd .0. Twining ; H. 8. Greenwood. B. W. Von ' Stmubenxio. Ipu'e mun. rzrrnnumto 1n Vllllol. The data sumo-d tho visitor: u. ' dunner in air m.- room. Col. Hewitt. 2 prank-ling. (loll. Campbell nd Villion 5 were men; the not. Some very r -~- --n Inna. Ind m m ~0Iu1 mm mwuu III-'- "-1 charm-Wynn woll'pluud viii M WoDI'. sauna-"WW" 'upu Ila-okuhilh Dx.8uiv-'IM" {qua-00w 0'. W mmamcwei. i I thy t8 I'II Rm 0 II M. .n-nu-olho t '0'! VI I. A mun. um. i llll I VUWIIII III I. II.- ..- "Irv" lodged leeliualy the loo. oeothnoi nod generou- help extended from [lepton tothomiunionu-y dioeeoo. oodthen by nanny illuotntiom of the opiritnol pov- erty oi the country. oohbliohod ito oloinio to thiohrotoorly mold. At the ouno time he bore my to the noble work being done in lunkoh in providing the Doom 0! none. In eight years he lied boon the moon of build- ing up. altogether or in Inge port. twenty-one chumhoo. which hove now u fortnightly oervioe. Ho nu'niotorl to o district eighty-novel miloo long by oixtv miles blood. nud it gononlly re- quire: from twenty-ve to twenty-seven do" each month to moire the circuit. The iniuionory hoe not to look the peo- ple. for they nook him, end he relotod how praising the cello hod boon for ministration; how men come twenty miles sometimen through tho bush ofur him. and how heu'tily churches were being: omted through the gene rositv of the poor settlers. Men end wo~ men hahltuully coma even seven mile- ovar the roughest 0! road! to ottond nor- vice. sometime; carrying children upon their backs. Sonic had been fourteen years without hearing public prayer. and it was quite common (or him to Christen at one time u fatnin of child~ ran from infant's use toeiuhtoeu years. He did not plan] the cause of the poor missionary." but that of the poorer net- tler. and urged ohriutions occupying comfortable vhurchee and having the benet of frequent duilv services to continue thuir remembnmce of those who never hear the church going bull or rarely use ii religion: mmietrntion. who are put mtn pomewion of In- gez'aoll'q books much more freely then the bible. uud who are therefore rolops ing into worse than carelessness nml want. or religious haliit. Sunday's catch is generally sumll. as the hon-l {uni saloon keepers very usu- ally obey the mandates of the law and rm... on M, lmnnu- n. mlm lhil'utv nmn WIIU VIII! u I": The rst. case this mornieg to receive attention was that. of Henry Campbell. a smart. looking young man. who ac knowledqu his oance. The Magistrate did not. feel justied in allowing him on escape, as he was in a rosponuiblo posi- tiuu. the driver of a street cur. and His Worship noticed him driving at. an immodornve mu. He momentarily expected it. to jump the truck, thul ou- dangeriug lifo and property. A ne of 92 3nd costs. or 10 days in 3:01. wu im- posed. u.i:i.L 1\|:_.L....t _...- and: .Ill .mb Elly Ulmy u unnuuuwu v- vllv u." u... refuse to sell liquor to the Lhirsty men who apply for in. 'm... 4%.. non. leha mm-num Qn ran-give PM... Matilda Uliphunt was weak :ud uok. though to Le]! the truth. Ibo said. she had nut taken a drop. On her way home she sat down on thogidewalk. exhausted. and was then arrested. If you'll let me go I'll never come back again." was the plending Ippoal to the Magistrate, who replied. Well go. "May the Lord bless you." wu Hm]- dn'a parting rem-.rk. Sh. remand her employmaut as a wnhorwomn after her discharge, ___.._ _ Va.. lrllIn-I Itlcuulc Triumph In Ira-c. and Inland. lm Is now raoogmzod by the leading med:- mJ men that Dr. M. Souvmllo'u Spin-omelet in the most wonderful iuvmtion of the Ige for the cure of Cutsrrh. Althmn. Bronchi- tis. and all lung diuuu. Altar huving been used m the lending hospiull. it w roved thin 75 per cent. 01th. dimus. Ey many lled Inounble, onn boomed by the' Spiromater. an tantrum-m which con- voy: medicmul roportiu diroo! to the parts Iected. bin discovory in proving a bloating Lo unnkind nd 3 audit. to his nune Mun person- in tho 0in 0! Mon- w ANTED 1 0 ENGAUL 10w 0! the many bundndl: Mr C. Hill, Mantras]. nun-b llid bruu. ohms. M.- DABmmherVAUt of tho ludnn Do unnkind mud and no In: nune. Muy person- oil treal. 5nd I over the Dominion. nvo been cured of the above discus-I Bolow no I. hundrodlt Mr HillA Mr. DoBouoheruuo, pnrtment, Otuwn, outsrrh of any yun . now outed Mr. Geo. Agar. Onun. outh nd lung discuss ; cured. Mrs Smith. London. Info 0! Kodiak Do- unhm- n,er of mun!) Mrs Smith. London. '1 waive, cured at ennth an Mnauirm Ioronm. mum: Geo. Mtguin. 'Ioronto. I Adolmdo St. Wont. -. dtu tar cured of u-nu. Goo Wilil Exhr. Ont, aunt: nnd Amman. UGO Wlllll blur. ulu, cumqu .uu bronchitis. j Johu Dunn. 8 Robert Srul. Toamo. bronchitis. J n Arnmlrmul. 186 You Street. To: ronto. mun-h And manual nouns Thom Teller. 12 Malinda Street. To ronw, than _ cured. M.- Rani A. Duke. St. Urbsn Strut. J. D. Armstron , 186 Yongo To: mun-h Ans Rahal datum ThnmA- Tnlhr 12 cured. Mr. Benj. A. Duke, Mantra-l. for msny you: aring from bronchinl md than, iuow cured: can"! r mv luniv Ind friend! than, iuow cured: Several uf my :11in and lmve been cured of Bronchitis. Asthma. and Catarrh by the Spiromghu.-Jonl P. \\'usus,mlnuger o! the PM! and True Wane. Manuel]. Thnuu-n- mam could bomvon. but the Uildmslaeva's Land Agency Wane. Moan-an. Thouunds more could laugh/on. shove is sufcient to convince the public II! the merit: at tho Splromour. C511 or wnw. inolodng lamp, to M. Souviollo, u-Alde- Hurwn of 1hr French Army. II Philip'- Sauuo. luntroal. surgeon 0! mt nu Square. thuciun uud Bl') You; unrr' zGEN'TLgMEN! W COLLAR-B | rou Low rmcn w mammam} l r. 0. mm a DOI- ;m8ignamgmm lquuro. Play-winn- md nucnn ecu My u. Ire-e. W dulllm lung-113m. W. REEVES g 00., __. Alba-hm duo-Inn! 'van WHITE SHIRTS 'mSale Continues ! WP Ilt alt .ETIAOBDINAB' IABGAINI IN I... (300... Now Myla- nnd Colon. (roll 70 u yvd. WALSH c. STEAOYS 1 (ua mud-owe New Um: can, 2m. 2.3a. ink- and $1.50. I (no Houory Chap ~40 Piece- Bllok Cabinets. 20 Dlerem Innkoa of Navy Blue Drum Good: from "0 3.; Sue. Bronw and Myrtle Cnuhuwm 200 Ram Luce (urlmul (Jurum Not. Ibo. $00. 250, 500. 350. 37k Hemp (Jl'pehl Hie-p. (n-hmm-w. (help H00 PM! Now Prmu, Chenp dPiIEn'mbpi YESTERDAY I v.- v CIIAP~ Th. 'QHJIIII up! Muno- um um; No a sobuwyol Tan-o Thu celebrned Rouillou Jalaphuw FRENCH kll} 'lhz New In Belle Helena French '2 Hullun Kld (Ell-n Shuduc. ml 50mm The New Ln Hvllv I Hullun kn Ihrond (Haves. no. to 30. Jersey Lisl nluwn, If '24 Glovea. 3.30.. 400. And 500. Lune ()IOYCH .ml Mun. um- Mimn'alulluldren' Hone. Ill Euglinh. French. Ur makeu. bur Hosiery Department D! the- Lurgenl. Um city. Ladies mil plume cull and new the llXH'l BOWES J Liiilni LIFE AUIIAIE (\le AW Lounou'a Head (Nice: '16 1 Eur-HI from w. Mnelaaulu Annual nupol x. n mm... ...w New lulurancu Enacted During 1146!. were for. . . . . . . . n . .. Under 1.310 Policies. uud producing s new Prmuuun lm-mm- x Th. 'Iuul Pralnium Income. Iher deduction 0'relnmlrnlu'vn1n uud producnm I'rmuuun lmulnv u The Tom Premium o! reinmruum-n. mu Showing nu Inna-e ago: the pronoun ear of. . .. . . . . . H._ The 'loul Funds won moron-ed by II lo-1 and mm mnom May 3 THOMAS MIL]... Hem-ml Ag. nl [mm A_----- FOR C/EAiD-BARPRTSSL LACE CURTAINS "0 To WALDROKS. m 1 V. MIm IUU hem NOLIIIKIIIIH unuc Mum"... 0850 worth .5. 60 piecen New Urotouuom 1:. '10, '15, 350 Cheap (Jul-min Nest lebrigauu and Muslin Curtaim. 1 iIIE REALIIIISIQf units {mum's On Saturday. Makes it desirable that Ladies residing in the city should, when convenient. make their purchases H 47. ---,.:..n" +hncm in \nhnm n7 nrnwd gap IOU Sets Noninulmm Lace (Int-minu. an an awn. If. FUR Eith Uneap burqu nu" unmano..- . . _ _ _. 'lapoutry Unrpota. 5. 50. 60. 75. 90v. Brussels Carpets. new pattern. 900. ll, .25. .50. COHVUUIUUD. Luann: uuvu ymv.......-.. on other days, especially those to whom a crowd is unpleasant; still Huines & Lockett will do their utmostto serve them satisfactorily at any time. Silk Parnell. LJIIOd Ind Luce 'I from .1 w .6. Satin Parasol-Lined and Lace '1 from H to .6, DI..." Satin p-nmll .50. I I6. len Satin Pun-Ola 01.50. 70. $2,001 and 92.60. Silk sunuhndu. 90m. 4LUO, 01. b, l 50.} .75. .2, NH) nd 08. in blnok.browu' \ and green, " ,._. r( Mly 8. hug-Lou. Mny 3rd, gs: {Carpets}: l- shomu A Splondid Assortment in 'IApealry. Brunch. Wool Ind Pnion, and received on Salurdny EI'IIIII 0H CIOIhI. umkmglns ock in '1: dapnnmeul the H ouse Fu rnishi n gs SPENOE ___9#B.UMLEY'S (In luu' Iv I .u-_-v_ A cup." runway Incl on Nou- Dunn \' on. um: nbcul Ito-3m. Domain." ho was II. Bum .ud PnMo. hit I M. 1. 191.! ..,.I2. 4 _._v. Lace (Jungian. [ram 750. to cum I set. Uuplu Lace Curtains. 08.50 to 05,0". Curtain Not, 1). [.3 35. per 1rd; 1.. lmhmninn. 400 w H. :h. Duplex Luce Luna-ma. rmw w w. Wk. yud; Luca! broqninu. H.00uch. Wimlo Hollunda I" width. in Whiw. nun lhnliml. umn Ind swiped. I Wimlovl Hollunds Ill mama. In wmw. Bu. Uudind. Umn swiped. Pisno Conn. Tublo Coven nu] Taot Av-I'- (nfhin lnulin. "k "3 Ii. "8751511153. which a. com w be um pm "0..."... W Glove u. the mum. (up. no- prlon 0! 75. in mm, 0 n mu .u MEG; Max-y It. now importing Puma Pron'l Colabnwd l d' m m. w! n ch: have all! 5 Hm-d number In dispolr' Lfithnizuafngd In 4 cunnsupplynhol do mum. RIOHMOng & Jag Ann) I i Tnch-Md mun an! M" '- W" W' "" " " " "' OMWWIMGFM. Bil-zoo 0" mm. "9 r... M an. m Mullah hm . f: 9" udMYutpucu-jmuuohudmwm hl WWUMMWL emanatmmm'" April 29. itno Tale Coven mu 1 mm Conn. Curtiin India. :09 as. i 5 Ayn) . WAN [ED TU )l'RLHASI-L' .- ,L -A ______.o.- . I BOYDEN luv MM lo afar Um huhnoo 01 their IAi..". {maa . :- oonoodd w b. The Ben Two-.Buuol Doll 7 5 75cm. Tint-M W W"!"' 1'1! .....P.";....u mm. hm. direct mama-b. from lb. Nineteenth Annual Report. In low n-. Dug-AAA hnrina 1M] warn New GoodsTo Hand. And Buy Your Para-nu lrom H. MelAIJL. ' ' ' "a A . . I man... Pm~uu:.ln7c..m::.. BONES I: BISSONETTES. ____-- OOUSI'NEAU 86 oo. ml 67 (ornhilL Loudul M "w NP Dry Hooch Nun-1. COMENY. TAPEI'IIY. t ' IBI'IEEI... -vn.- A. l Illlll iWOl. sum-nu, & l NION s'l'rimlned. a Trimmed. I _.._ n... IIElCI-I I (:IIIIMLEY. In: And 134 Pnuoo-I Burnt. opposite City In! llllb'll . 50:":':.;:;:Carpets Ii08$; _._-Aa n kll) LOVER: um. KM (Hun-4 m IHIH'L u Ilnvv & l .. All \\ on! Dun-L (,nrpatm. m. 75. 86c. (heup Liuuu (rumb Cloths. Urey uJ I Brown. ull Nill. l lump LIIIJULI \ IUllll) L quna. \lsv Browu. Crumb Cloths (-nt by tho: yum] any me. 200 New White- Quilts OI. H.215. II 50 I I0 Mnntrm wholonle'nriou. |.'.UU New mu- quuw II. 92. Month-.111 wholoule'] For (-thp Hluwtings and 'I no (A) braznlmn Parnell. 76a..mc..ebc.nd .1 Zeuella lnmnols. 200., 256.. 400. ad 600 Silk LmbreJluI. Paragon l-nmo. .60. Au 7!. In It! {.I) and .4. '. dents Silk! moreuumuuwmu 14.5. Hand 06 , Call and see them. ' All New and Beautint Goods. Inspection Invited. ,0_. ____ I Sdk Lmbreu. run;ng trim. "a". .270. 3. 03.1.1) and 4. 1 Silkl wbrulhsmutomtton fume, Ln AA Jl Ifnnml I6 Tubh- lanolin. 'Ak' to .25. Stair Limnu. my 16a, 17:. Hemp (inrmw. 100. to Me. Hemp Suur Curve, 15c. lelle Uil Cloth. in Mtrble II! 1 ml...- aaortment 0' UWU- I u lug. uh:th at Alhplrlllltl bmtwmpw in tho In 2. lune Uu Lluul. :- Color. Show I, lilluw Tove in. m. n.__ . v... . .ipli. Cine-u unto-HQ calm Pman unm- -A_.: ' 25w mnl Mk 7' " "I 1.13m. 200 mu .1 W. mun Ann-viva" O Cu...- 1 A-wnlml :uud ('uunpeu II {III BI SSGDN I'I'IT I. . nu ISSGDN I"ll'.. . rm-f nppouno Wind-or Hot.) w ll. WALDIIONI > furhumdl Movnrn'l. unk Inn: lllllll In" wu . . . . . . 13.6.3039 . . . , . .. LO Milled lu II.,.5. ... . H OLA. I In... [.35J30 .3 Hullonn. ll. .10 l) IL. u-d H II Fm Lndm. [ (IlleOIH-e l'olt Om in! Carpets n: a In. uhnnnom 1w Pnnoul lu'od. - l) IL. Ind u I- 750. Imdleu' L inl- .L. -u a ouk lelo [nuns v" In "- my Apnl fl. was! ... Eu WWII Main III )1 & IIIRRIYS. -| Dried unplu- I l mu EVOIy 'lmnu l'rull .15; 7, . Golden Lion Orooory $1.00 351% Ind l Equalled I. ma (uy al .L .. -1. .. L) J. P. ILDBISLSEVS. I7. 1 Chan- 5' mt. vOU'R- L "V"! I|ll uu-un . . It. An IUCIWIIIK from s Wumlellul rah- Inpearlmhlv Incl lel -. that thy rurt o! the vcnrv w rah-rm the old . _ J'n . _ln1n nf J" I u I |'. 01 n- w.- Tan H I . .Irlllku I 176 Pnnuu Sum. I'runn ron 1n: uuunnv 1'; ujuLx-ln 01 at) ml luuro under When you Ill. Mk Lhmn their I ...n annrv u I s Eh mm .n! the nmnnnunon ol 1. ml ('1\t:nllhh mud hm Secrotuy in Tl)\:3d) til rht nuvl .Urulr EX". 00p! Yul In at liulhwelll, Ina Stmy A 21 Juan bALh hln couuquenco of mu lamented death of Mn. D. Cluk. 2m numbed vslued mombor 0! St. Jlmu'. Lhu school room 8.10, which was lxod (or 'l'hursdny next has been poayponod m1 further notice 'l'buie who bud kind ly uudertakw to assist in various lel In: requeswd to take notice of the Chuuge _ A uLuut . unuuw... ..._r_,, M be the unjccmve pumi- (or many 01- (urwlnns an (110 24th mat. Alroudy .5me 1 ,un uruauiziugexcurmons from (n: ma. Hrocknlle, Prescott. Bello- n1]. ,mn M'HJJI pululs iu the Unwed thh-x ll Llw runow be advertised luugswu I be cmde with strange". jLRwL : Accwu1.bele.)h .Mlcbul 5W1, farmer. residing near Mount L'tmu-w was returning flow the city on \uiullu) evening, hm hors- nu umy throwing the owner 1mm tho bugg) He receivod serious wound: about. wa head. The run away ham was captured about two miles furtbor on by Mr 6 anor. oaooa V_.._...., loLn m lssnunut '10 day as 1 o clock, Ur. Fee. and Maura. Jul. Wil' non, W. Allen. W. Irving, R. M Horny and U L Snvago. made Ln 'uupoction of the mucus schools In order to cor- um tho Japan: necessary to be don. to than: dunng the midraummor holidnyl The school budget Will be brought. down on Thursday mum for consideration. ___...a-- lax Fuel QUIITIOmJrhe mp. 44 grucl has been giun to tho colobntod Pony r 00: Rand content by tho uylun nuthuntids pluncmg a fonco mad but am JSS the ruad They have also ohm. cl mu mule road: In the count! adjoining and unloml a good and subltultid (meal-Ll around the property, tho con- tact {or winch ha: been awn-dad to). Mun. Fl. Ilul- - Tho (maul! , E the In Jun-u Batty not plan. Ink 3 min spam. Tb. m o! it 13M wmbornupoll'um Eda-n by the hart-sol "3" * "at an um mm. m- nae-nu! h. ,__A__ .L- l... M 1 n-in-I .iulunuw r,w.u.uun-wu-Fu baron. the tuna Mu" nan-ii l .\ Mn r Yummy uhunoou Um mu dnivuu b) )1]. P. Mchlum nun. the Tel. Ju Punt Bamako wu BMN by a put? ul steam from I K. t : 1' HR lug-noun. Another which belure tum pretend Mr. 310th- how gm the born In. mil. to an: 3 00111130! with tho It" inow |llf,. V McCallnm ad I Houdini out. (in: me his bed couidonbly an. the olbor twin-um Quin-d. Thom l o! tho phunon wen: broken. F._-- ~ llul'lvh l.mu \Irm much enjoyml lhuL um! NW waln u! l I. .....A|. a, . n xmml l_'II-v' swarms. :- on mmua Tinsel: Lam. B;1_mlh~- __\A kPrUK)! \ \.\l'IU.l|l. >'-hln\.I-v. --- 4c and n-nthmuunu meeting 0! the 'nnm-ys, huhl m Bra-kville on Sun! .\h \\ 1L Lumnwck. Mayor 01 the y, As unanimously elected to con- t Hulllll Lredn In the Liberal interest. I]. t' I' l-rmmr made u rousing 1-1- HUN nv \ AMUs.-Th0 City Coul- quer and the police have begun uprlug vnnpecuon u! the City. W! wthly repmL. and tho 1 \M' II run he uurlcnnod will be uln- v..-. L m wlm-ln Lu remove tho .. 7 mm, (aw. um CuClll.4Judge .1. bugs Lhm morning to ban nix wry cum m Bellenlle. Vic. Chan; man u m Eulonxrs. Ar-Wnunu t by; upwards o! uighty manly-ant. v .xn'nud lu-u- lhm no of Eng I. lnsh and Scotch 011). Ind H] II. represent urn-nu muons. none ....,.h;....L.. Inhonn and sun The quu' noun-u ID-u" u... ru. Hulda-Hutu found work uu-l mll probably gu fun-tho: represoul. HMHIU tum-nu. -w..- Ila-china. labours The mun second randy am -. . A_~-_ Luau! ..'In n the out. at. 1:80 I m nuande by the luv) lriends. MI K U'Hollly. u! Montreal. and v-uu umch Lhu 1:80 Kingston mun-u: -1. Groceries & Promnonsq Golden Lion Grocery W. B. Nlrlllll I CO. VI-u- at him. Thu..an In 0-. It. Jouph Kym-1 ha been "nomad with I phi wuch um] nu uldnu by NM 3.1.... --h- n' Hm Hanna 0! Com- a mug! Th. Inch bu turned MN! m. M! ounder hu bson cullod I wk by the Had. The veuenble le~ W in not. duwmonuuun in his nup pan 0! the GonrnmauL 0n Banach] evoumg nu mupIont hm hm nth In. O'RieUy'o residence. no... not. but it wu won dumped out. The loss will be ahth :JA 4--., _..\,.....'. unuuud hum on Wtil pill wucn Illu nu gum... ., ...- ammonium o! the Home ("on- at". In. AW wm uc Illpl|h~ Eight 3|. workeri urnvod Sammy route to Napaneev on. of that. who had his rluthm. by I Culmm' ocml. 'I In. an-.. nf Hm mnrden u! H by Uulioml' omcun. 'l he now: of the murdel the Um! Socroury uni l'ndar m'letll'y for [re- l'nd, when recenud nn nmrrun' even ml. loomed incredible It. Hated I pro found sensation. .. .L__u-_u_-.. .......my "Inn of w. ..v.... .. , The baggage u! pa-neugnrn gun loLnpe Vinveul. on Lln- all ".\la oxammod Is 01! beforc Iaudmg other nae. le autumnal at n m ponry to the contrary numwlmu Alan-Inn Nnmm hum J H o- gltrlzusu'an It " "w M u: 1" RF" . ~ no In... , $ \| r|h~ 'I. I: . W ' "I: gnu-1'13". Imnlly Inn! Man Pork. Iobncrou. Ale-o. l'orul'. uni cverylmng else that In and nu, w w- N... ..., George Houlxg, hm Ion. ticketed hm hm dly. rived at \\ mm; that [run-11mg \ nmun free. 'l'udu) Mr H Iituatiou ml l. Ilvullvluu The Muslllhlml ( Ireland was u brulhr Cavendish. who new. omen of the Rxr Hri the Mar-gum or Hm Olldatone n lemim' uf found unnuon. Mr. (.hlrlu Ural. u_\uuug man of excellent. chum-tel: lm Lullnusby u to. months ago for \lzmltobs. Word ht! bun recaived \ntb grout ruggru'. uf h]! 406) from I. 10'\rlr lnM m. I n . A ..ru :1.an Al'BI' Rev. '1'. W. Jeffrey. of t'uouurg. fur- morly 0! this city. has m-ccpted u null iron Zion Methodist Church. Winnipeg, n HIM. ....AI Inlnlu. Rnllnml. of Iron Mon menuoulu mum... .. ......lv.,b, Dr. Hockeu and Jauuw Rolland, Dunedin. New Zunlmnl. are at the Bri wish American Hun-l, 'lhz-v :10 cast on m-morrows mail 110.11, It DALam) I Iununvrn llhlll He W-quuu" a nu... um", Mr Edward J, Lungrvu cretary of Shaw. n u suhl, succeed the lute Frnnmgq IiINHlt ClOl'k 01 [In .'lmbl Mr. W. (leuuwmluyv u Montreal. has bean .ulm Montreal est. n~ u mm Government. 01 in nu huh-ll .- I)-L__n an... In; UU'UIIILMUIU v- u- .... ,, Mr. Robert Nun. been promoted upon I emf. being nuw bum lu kuper as well. a: an n M- ,l l Varkm' hu~ helper we. a; un nu um u. w. ...,. Mr. JL. Yarker hus lmeu promote in the Federal Bank. helm; about to re move from London (a (nlm the punitiuu of accountant ILI Lhw Hmmlbun Maul-h. We congratulate lulu. u- I l\.-urnv| Hf \lmrlml, Lnkr. lulu. We cougruLumLu HAL Mr. L. Damn, uf \lmrbot [.mhr. Inn I bun oered nuJ accepted the pusi Lion of chic! clerk of the Unblmo Bureau at Indumy. instead M Mr. Cornelqu Dolovsn.5 Hamilton who declined tho pooition I Hm- A 1 whom. ex Assume Uuu I no poomou Hon. A. C. Elke-LL, Assume) 0111 of Brilish Columbia, and I". AWiso. Snporintondont of the kldeau L'uual, ar rived bore bv the summer (hp-y on So tmday. and are domimled at the British American Hotel 311- WM 1: on a tour of inspection BLACK SILKS) The Sulon Luxon have boycuuod a shoemaker who has cut down the wage: 0! hi. workmen mLA __L_ hm! \nvnl: ha... r-lesrenl 0! Di. worlm'u The schr Anqu 3mm has cleared from Garden Island tor loledo, whore sh. will load Lumber an A- Humanizm I...u plpnrml tut In. W1 IOIU IJILUUEI The at: Champion [ma cleared tun Montreal with four barges rarrymg 20, 00) bulb. wheat , 20.05!) bush peas : and 460 tons phosphate BL- "HA..-" 5 n.- .v..m...hm Mark 450 tons phospuaw Ibe engine-r of we Ildalushlp Mark Laue. which was fun {JI'IV two hours in the icy of Newfoundland. i: a nephew of Capt. W. R. TYIOI of thus only T. ..Mmum- lalticleit last mozht let I Ulpl. \V. n. Llylun u: us .1 The propeller Lolticlen mng I Montrul with general cargo. Her om- can no Capt. 090, l Malcomsou 2 mate Robt. Dohnoy ; rst eugmegr Walter Scott; parser. Chas H. Taylor I Th0 lint eet has arrivodl from (In ago with corn The vessels made good time. The than. between here and hr dlnun American pom, 18 now upen 0d. Ind a good crude is nnticnpnled Tb. Dimmers u! the Nidhnd Agn- onlunl Anothuon bold sweating on tho uh (Saturday: In. the oce of H). M" MWmion o! u E:- gunk. iimTthe."'ihicb wil! any {a Wdioi bt'lhb Fravincili 3M5. )hyor liukiu propoud Iht tho Commit! ho compo-tad .- LILm. Pan {mm tho oily tun van-wan" "v .w._,,~__ __ (allow: Pin from the city, two from no county. and two from an Than Will objocon {9 at oompduon o! the Columns... .0 Wm! penny chum-u mu m. eo-ty undo- hbenl mm. which n tho Jih- bctw "pt..- 1 Mn hon it no dainblo. Fiwly. it and lm shoeity nppom thun on m Cumin... the county mo. unit ' tho W two. Sham ' It. Hoary Nil-not m' V ow Mn. 0! lb. w. m- uA___ __A l I 1- uI-I-I-m -- -v- ' wwhmmdn_ human-mac.- Mdhuud.) at r"..- Prop, Glennlu, Montreal pun Ind (L Prop. Perth. Montrnl. [us and 31, Prop Armen'n. Ogdensburg. push Ind (.3 Su. Alganln. Montreal. pas: and {at Pmn Come. Eumhon pun: 3nd {gt Are Not 1 Montreal. um 12v. Prop Eumhon. Bohr. Prince Alfred. Charloue. hghL Bohr. A. G. Byw. Oswogo 21! tom no.1. Sch! Pom! Queen. Fmrhueu. light. Prop. Bhicklunn. Clnoago. 4.500 bu. corn. Prop. '3. Owen a'ouud. 5,313 who. Bun Toronto. Bellenlle. 19.000 who. Colboma Bnckvilh. 17.00. pen. 8d". Cluncl. Tryounuell. H.661 who". Boll! J. [L Noyu.Ch1csgo.'20.950 00m. Sch! ldl Wukar. Purl Hope. I? 98! p. Bohr. Sunnnin, Chicago. 1'31)? corn 3m Gipay. Otnwn. pun. Ind !g1 - 7.- 00-h; M.IOI Inhlbulo- . )Hs lilac] 'IIIIM. g, uuu founder, ulml lo run for mppurtm of the .uanJun! u. . _-_ [nu-pendant. has. upon Int-r11, ,he Penihrutnury vlucksnnth and a Lpunauv u- "-- clothmu nailed Vito2.1" I probany |'..l. \u Fringea, Gimp. Ornaments. Laces 1 Satins.

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