PENNY SAVED} 'IUTV urn-l. Tho dam Provisions] Directors ropon' ed tho opontiou at tho but three monm. Bub-Conth had selected | am Dal. in put.- c! [on 2 and I. oqul to mm. to: .930; and ma lud- not inmodinuly required by the Company um sub-lanod :0 Mn John Murdock fern for In months- A lot wthonlnodmwupnmhued from It. John J. Idonoyin Io locality am hvorod u I lib. and thin will be bold {or sub. The M has the "44: 41. A Aumnnn A! -Link Il . now lol II. All. (ll-III u- uuu cspitnl suck n $100,000. of which .61.- nm Ir... LAn mh-nrihad Ind one-(ounh CIPIW lun- .- 'Aw'vvv. u- ..u... 7... 6w ha been wbocribod Ind one-fourth paid in. Th. building In being erect 0d under "no Cor-puny'a own auperv'nr ion. The Inqu I. under construe tion in vulonl laundriu. column nu nu "nun. n 1-: AI:_, 1 L ._ 1..-- A. nuoque. Wheel pmuKlnpton Locomotive Works. Main beltingFord & Soul. Klugswu. Grading o! groundsC. Tonal], King- ,A_ u non-pv- n-m W'- m'u. w. a. nun- ad I. looml UOITIAUII lVI Inn-I .w-w-u. Engine. Collin. 100 h. p.Ingli- & Hunter. Toronto, .750. nn _L_-I LAH-.. u..|:_.,... I. 2.." ury. In an m ollr. Album? mum! Pro-idem. Indie occu. piod Ibo chair. - ' uuuwr. Kw-u, Ia.lw- 'l'wo stool boilonMcEwen a Sun, Kingston. .1. 800. u-..l.. -u_\lnll-nhni A Roi-trim EU)". hinting and gluingWm Eobinnou A: Son. King-ton. '\-.:-.nnniRthnl-'nlvi A Sun King. BDUIL The cash outlay so (at has beau $176.57; leaving 06,668.48 on hand to l pav $2,401.30 at warned liubilitieu. lo m... I- {uh}! Mun Airmlnrn had 7. .-_,, 7 o m 1. 450 ydl. Ah Woe). Bunnngn. In In]. Gnu. And Navy. n Mo; mo wholesale who In 100 _ - .-- . n , ,WhA [18V DZ'QUlJU u: wuxuvu uuunuuuu. , It was felt. Mint the directors had worked so economically md udvaumge ously that. no criticiun wu cnllad for. Therefore: the report pus-ed and all their actions were formale endorsed. ..........,. man 1.- Ann: PLUSH) nu; u'uwm Bylaws wore then considered and passed for thuzmgulltion of tho (.om- puny. Tho shnboldora are nexcto meet in July, 1883. and every July thereafter for elections had the annual presentation of reports; the Directors are to be ten in number. shareholders holding 01.000 Itock 3nd upwards. and are to meet. at 7:80 pm. on the rst Monday in each month. They are to have the usuul powers bf allotting the balance of stock and calling it. in when advisable. in nddition to the completxon and Opening of the works. "mm MI. den-mum of nninion amour: IVORM: WI: W3, mom-ma. Jon Insulin-W l_. _ n-__-| an... m ll lam 64mm imm-v-r 1 in... Bound nap-cm. IL lulu. . R. dem. P. [xvi-.0. Tun-ll. Jun. I mu-nun, -v-w__... _ -- Dundu. 010.966. ShaftingUowun a 00.. Gilt. Punch and shun8.11}. Abbott, Uau. uuu Up'ulu UL uuv "VA-.- The only disrenoe of opinion among the shareholders In an to the aim chosen. Sevenl preferrsd the rst site (near to the cotton mill), but it was ex- plained tbu obstacles were placed in the way of purchasing one at, least. if not. more of the Iota. The present invest- ment it was Mid would be equal only a: aboutulo. considering the return re- celvod. m. Mud-.. -L-___ L..L...II..0 h...- oh Bulumu |Uulwu HIV-UH. WQv A. Gun. Wm. Irving. J. B. Cumtho'n, John Mudio. W. R. Melisa, R. Waldrou, P. Browne. Wm. Katy and T. Mc- Mahon. ;:,AA-A__ __;ll 3.. - -mhl mun. The Dn'octon choun by ballot. for the ensuing fourteen month were: A (1...... Wm l'nina J B,(.nrrnthn'rl. JJBHUU. The directors will hold 3 epoch! meet.- ing on Thundsy owning (or the .190- tion of Pro-idem. Vice President and other omcers. Lot 2. 600m Sumng Chech. Iuolloht lot story day at neth duo-u only up; chap u m. . Some minchiovouuly inclined panon this momma put I log aim upou the truck of the Strut Blilwuy. opposite the Open Home Block. A number of persons won in the v' inity unconscious 01 the presence of III npkniu when a. nornnmn nlnna II had about hdtod CI 1.06 pro-Qua m Ill uLp-vuv- wuvu a] car cam dong. h 1nd about bulked n.-. nu .;..-.! .nrl n Aldlll' dnmo MODS. ll Illa Iwuu nun-u I ova the signal. and n elderly dune was, with light loo: 3nd chudnl nit, raising a lag! buliot More hot pre- p;an to stopping of! when the wheel of the cu and tho unnoticod mid. to go of with I. loud detention. In the cloud of dust which wu mind the (a. male on the roar M0! the inn- wu oburvod tode bar baht sad in I hinting. much fring oonditwn, grasp the railing at tho out and Itetdy In... an-Al nth-n a! th- lAir max: 3P WI Ann-ugme vu- Iuo um, hemlf. Stun] othon o! tho hit new unable to comprehend the can of d1 the nail. And confusion, And think- ing o! .11 mum! of inland mwhinu sud their damn. proximity to such. ran a: n lively nu down tho mt {6r A-..A_.I Lana-.3 nail- Mai-I90. h-hr it I "7.1, I uku III. on". n sevenl hundnd yudl w. Inlbd in dating condition Ind looked bet hind than. poem; to lo. bdf tho urea: in domedon. pothan ruin. Did thin occur in Bush. In" the people of the town would be M on Nihilist: ud mu. In viow 1! tin threats]:- ing hm! waived by m [not in: well to uk WI-M I meaning in thm nonunion ?" ! 0n Sum-any caning tho Mount-I in! anun mud in kbo Council |Cbmbconhowwd pro-opting unllslmdlhiumm .7 lvmmaa-MW. .nuu toil-duds; 1! took walnut-Inpllhdundm Indium wmuni 3 l _|...:._ _A.I_... m..- v.1 'mnum mplww- -l planing-Aldus. va nudyclltmddi wit): .me innin- dab pill m Mammmmm"m. nah-lullYMbylkNW (ti-admin," It. fob-I III. C $sharthly,u|m~bhhmul imeub-ny m vmhd b- MI W him duringhiubyhlquo. num- aunt.mqu it'll-D. u- all m r ! mwFWI Winn-iii Iii- uugnwu. ' A. M. MmhineryMoKochnie a Bertmn. h.._rI- .1 MA I Dun. I\|IIIWII- DamageRutherford & Sun. King- . n...v_,_. V L 8. 600 yd:. Punch Toullo Sumugs All pod colon. (at 15c . duty I! 90 Lot 4, 800st All Wool Nuns Cloths. And In" Chock Bum-nu. anon u is: Proud-lo- I. It. Into-o no..ulrlll-~ , A. m U. ml" "-v- .John noun... acu- numb. A Prince.- m In llunl qu" v. u..vv...v.~. The MayorShell the motion pus? Ala. CreegganNot yet a moment. Personally I would like to go for the grent bwause it is for an object in which .I have great heliel. still in my position so a representative of Frontenac Ward. and remembering how the city is situated nancially, that. no you have intimated, an increase at taxation is quite proba- ble. I must Object. The rate of taxation is as high as the people can comfortably pay. Not that the 0200 can make much dieteuco iu the assessment, but it will help towards a general result. We must \ bear in mind that the city loses cousi- sinleruhle on account 01 licenses. that there will be a loss on account of mar- kct toms. and economy In absolutely no- cessary, As the custodians oi the poo- plo'spurse we must proceed carefully. The Government have refused to give anything to the review. {or good and sufcient reasons. Isupposu. 86(1) to LL-,_ _,...I.l I. I- hum 6h... Hm ION] tn Humulr'uv lunauua. 1 marry-aw. 'vw w them Would be felt. less the 00 no the city. I will contribute out of my private means to the entertainment fund but. I cannot. consent to I. grunt. from the public exohequer. AIJ tL..-:lm._Dm-Iuna thn \invm- mm ol Meme. was composed o! the ol- cen of our own ngimenie. heeded by Col. Ken. Col. Dn. Col. lontunmbert_ end Col. Hewitt. Into leir bend- the funds would he placed. together will: the MOD Inbecribed by the citizen The Toronto Bemlion will number ebout 0. the Montreel Anillery ebont 350. end the Gemnoqne Field Bettery end Kingston Field Battery HI) more. AM Q...,n..L_'lh. nan-mil nun an... mus-run r swu- cw-J M uvuv. Ald. SmythvTho Council can that. wudl lung. how the money in $0 be expended. liuuuv UAqutl UK - Alxl. GordonPerhaps the Mayor can explain why the Government. did not give aid to the review. .\|.l nun-:4 nmnnl with Altl Eran. 0 all] IIU UIIU IU'IU". AM. Dupuis agreed with Alrl. Creel;- gun. The majority of the people would ubjucl. to the outluy of their taxes on mllimry displaya, calculated to please particularly oerbsin people, who wish to shake hands with the visitors and for their daughwmw go about. with the red coats. . .u u n ryvua , |,,_ u.-. ,1 AI.M -__.., 7.-. W. cordially lnun unvomou at our Ixooh in an dowlmnur Ihwhlor oucnl, vume Ind all", will all Anyzuzua m Ibo any We am: an them; our noel. Vuu u 3 Mu-dwqu immumhmau mw-mmummn 1AH.WWHWHM: rd tom the m dd; Gunman-nautthva MMOI tho m all In, punhlhonihrynviow. Ald. I'Oinnu Mid-En a the mouyobonm? [moth-I nmmmwuupm Ala" R-h _hl 5......- .Q 1...: nl --u- "-1-" - vau-F u ' - diiunooa In caning. 1'0 and hen. pitdity to than u ooond them}: Mm. But this sun will be ism: ado-ll that in noan upwind at our citiuu. ham the swell to u Cor- pontion for 0!. The M of the 10ml tom willbo bonny bud in on- nomian the in. ALI nn-(nn .-tl 1L- Im' (Mu-uninh- fhthyto-IIIQ Gnu-I hot-M...- tau ~uruu-x. Ald. J. P. GildersleemMost of them wear green coats. AL! nun-n'u un:ll tha that wanAd l wunx A can hU-vu- Md. Dupuis said those that wanted a military display should put. their ban (1!! in their pockets and pay for it. A u Q.m,nm__wnula vnn nnnnrnu: thn nu uuvu y-lunwuo l-Mu r-J nu u. Aid. SmyrnaWould you suppress the force altogether? .1 mums __'m.. mnmnm nl thn IUIUU nluvsuuuul I AM. Dupuisw'lhe majority 0! We people do not care about the coming military exhibition Ald. SmytheYes. theydo. All]. J. P. Gildersleevo-The volun- teers will bring ten time: us much to the city as is now ukod for. Wile saovw my run our. wno enovw my nu GRANT. Ald. McCammon could not go {or the proposed grunt. He would not not the citizens to pay for bringing troops to the Clty and entertaining them while here. Those who were instrumental in having the Volunteers come here uhould look to their houpitehle treatment. He could not ask the poor people to put their hands in their pockets and expend money in the glorication attending I pends on the 24th. Privntely he we: willing to contribute to much on possi- ble. but it won not right. not. jun. not legal to vote money wny in the man- ner suggested. AIR naumanrv nnn 'hn dam! nUK :uuuwu. Ald. MoGuimEvory one who docs so in linhla to prosecution. LIA Mnfnmmnn it. nnt mn fnr th- no In Ilium In .uvllwullll: Ald.,MoCnmmou didnot one tot tab. that made by some were: society : he did not. think there was any nun in Kingston moon enough to undutuko I prosecution on mount. of tho veto. AM J P GildmlnvnThn nlma ll demon to ma Abov- v. on oqnuly chap Ian a! Dr... 0 win ylwwuuvu vu mun-v vn Univ '11"- Ald. J. P. GildcnloovoTbo place would be too hot, for him if ho did. A \',nA,A#- _L___..-.l ALA; AL.. WUUIU w UW uuv IVI HA. .1 14 Au: Ald. MoCemmon observed thet they thould put their hendl in their pocket. end nuke up the mo without teking it from the citilen'e tun. Aid. McGuireHm. he. Tbe Mayor stated thet be bed been pieced in an ewkwud petition in regard to the grent. He hedpromieed to bring the mutter before the Fiance Commit- tee; hut had forgotten to do In It the meeting on Fridey evening. He added the item at the negation of diluent members, but the money wen to he veid only when the Council peeeed the pent. He stated whet he had done u e citi- zengiven the nee of the Onnge 8311. free of expenee. to the anked Artil- lery. end Inhecribed n certain mount priveuly. - i n: van my ADVOOATID. prlvuuv. ' ~ Ald. Clomonu did m can. with done I of the proviou- spukon. The 84th would be an occuion nob n was 3.1501!) won in the city. The Council shank! be a little libcnl undu the dream-kneel. orndmilquoctulonwnomr -__:_ "-1.- 0M8.- .hml nic- A of u luau-l IPWW' any" unv- m... lgtin. The Carport should (in I volunm In 1nd]; th- in min .L. .44... .i a. mi. n- m www.mew MummtdUmmlt-M nmn 'Inwlncy. AldJl. loamh inn-l to (in m) for Dominion Damn: wlsuchbomyhyu Ald.MoGuin'lbdbglbdhalbo nvndmdm.yhohd -. A... 1.... "-5: n. ma. but "umIUWM. dhh-iliibthnyd- *1 Mai. I hull-h mum... .... v... ._... Ald. Gordon aid tho loot] Commune ll. , ,,A_UI ,JALA -1 luau-unlI-wpli Ald38-ythonidtvooupuh-sdl Iain-unnn nu uiu T- "but Ln. Department. m. 1.1me.!- JAMmLAL-A ml! lip...- V... IIIAUII ur WW IVhl A!!!) "gm-nu-vu. Ald. J. P, Gildereloeve wn surprised that, Ald. Smythe should question the bravery of the Aldermen. Two of th om he had singled am (or spacial reference. He had spoken of uhem to tho eoot that in active ongogemonb hov would be found where the shot was the thickestunder hhd ammunition wug~ gou. With the course and utterances; of one in particular he was notonishcd. This man had seen over 80 yom ser- .vioe, and the speakn called upon tho shades of Lords Raglan and Wellington to look down upon him now. (Laughton) Til review would be (die means of M.- tmctu'ng hundred: to the city. and while tho Corporation spent .200. the money loft. in Kingsmn by the viuiwn Would amount perhaps to 01,500. Alter sumo further discussion t.ho Ald. SmythoAyo. Ind that- where you would belonnd, too. (Loud longh- ter.) He remarked that tho service was not I matter 01 prot or oonven- ionoo. but one 0! upon. sud inoouvan- ionoe. It In nonunion] to 7 tlnt the tap-you were not concerned in the volunteerl move-unto. There htd to be 1 force, and it In import-ht thnt it should be an ocient u possible. The exhibition on Bun-inow Common would attract buudrodn. even from n dishnoo. Was it nothing thlt tho citium would have an on" 3nd plumt way of spend- ing I holiday at home? He was sur- prised It the illibonl and ungenoroul my in which the subject Ind been dinv cussed by some Aldermen. saw" or Low: nole um wamxuros. u n n~nJ "AI, A, _.A, A_-__:_-J amount perhaps be u,ouu. After sump further motion was put to a vote and earned on the followng divisions : Vanu lha Muvor. AM. RA J. Curson. It I! now recognized by the lending medi- cal men that Dr. M. Souviello's Spimmeter is the most wonderful invention of the :39 for the aura of Catarrh. Althmn. Bronchi- tis, and all lung diseases. After hnving been used in the leading hospitals. it wu grovod that 75 per cont. 0! these discuss. y many culled incunblo. can be cured by the Spiromater, an instrument which con veys medicinal rcpertiel direct to the puts affected. his dimovery is proving I. blessing to mankind and u credit to his nuns. Many persons in the city 0! Mon- treal, and all over the Dominion. have been cured of the nbove dines-cl Below are A few of the mnny hundreds : Mr. C. Hill. Mantras}. ontnrrh and brou. me lollowmg ulvmonu : Yeas Ihe Mayor. AM. J. Cannon. Clements. Craig, Glldursleeve. Gordon. McIntyre, Quigley, Roddon. Smythe. Wilson, 10. NounAlli roam-nun Dnnuin, Mn. Wilson, 10. NaysAid Uroeggau, Dupuis. Mc- Cmumon, McGulre, 4. now cured. Mr. Goo. Agar, Ottuws. oatsrrh tad lung din-us ; cured. Mn. Smith. London. wit. 0! Meal De tective. curpd of Nth. Gan, Mummy. 'loronto. 82 Adolnide Sb. few 01 the hundreds Mr. C. Hill. Montreul, chins. Mr DaRnnnhm-vhl, of tha Indnn DO chms. Mr. DeBouchervlo.hof the Indmn Do~ psnmeut, Ottawa. oshrrh of may you: ; cured. M.- M Aanr Oct-awn uni lung bronchitis. John Dunn. 8 Robert Strut. Toronto bronchitis. J. D. Arm-non . 186 Yonga 8mm. To: ronto, onturb an turbo! dnfnou. Thom Teller. 12 Mounds Street. To- ronto. "than ; outpd. Mr. Benj. A. Duke. St. Urbon Buns, Montreal. for may yeon Inux-in from bronohitn Ind than. in now our : ann'nl n' mv lnmilv and friend: bronobim and "than. u now cured: Several of my badly and friends have been cured of Bronchial. Asthma and Catmb by the Spit-vulcanJonx P. Wuw.mansger of the Poor nnd T nu Wituu, Mantra. Thnuunl man could hath-n. but 1' motive. cured of mm. 030 Magma, 'Ioronto. m Wat ; d-uahter curt-d of than. an Wim- Ext; OnL Ind Wont d-uahter sand of ammo. Goo Willis, Extar. Ont, bronchitis. Jnhn nnnn n Rah-m Hum-I, Toronto Tru Wituu, Mantra. Thou-And- more could bogivon. but th- lbOVG in sufcient to oini'vineo as public of the Inez-in o! the Spiromcur. Cnll or wnto. inoloning lamp. to M. Bouviclla. ox-Axda. Surgoon of the French Army, 18 Phlllip'l Square. Montnnl. thaloinm Ind Inonn can try it hoe. y "w' "W. II. Inc nos be loud u tho In. .IA u-n_.____ u- _ Ald. McGowan-E. would not be toun st the hunt: his plan. would be It. the nu. AI) O,_Ak_ A__ __2 LL-A!~ _|.--- HAvixa bed such I run on our rst 10! o! Scotch tweede, we hnve spin been obliged to ro-order. This lot in 3 choice eelootion of pattern end zhoeo In need 0! uniting: may depend on getting some- thing nice. Remember we guennwe e rst-clue t. Z. Prevent. Nev York Clothing Store. Brock "not. W [AtthsiaHt'PuHiiiiisw Xuy 15 BUY YOUR GENT_ILEMEN King Street. 4 door- hon Prima- 8m. nu, a. _____._..____.___ IomSign&rmtannintarx.l WV y 77 LINEN OOLLARB For. LOW PRICE. Yunnan-u. rum-No. my! I! you unlnudgmmmiudm hmlmmmwdoq;um my to huphdynldwllw mm pun-au- N has a. whole www.mmun-xm and without-abduc- duall- muWubnn-my my rm MM nub you out Ira-O. my I'm, lacs-u M Maa-nmWVCyMD mum-.mmu. lib- .ww-mmmm numb-cud... tub-m mu Tull-bun... unaphhhjdln munnu ' . BHOSPHATIN _ __-~-u -'.v- ---n W "uul w Vv! Hbmlm In. Square. Montrul. Phyuoiuu micron LED ASTRAY."} III A wonosunn'rnud. O. MILO & DON. !__ 0 __-__..J._IIL:_L.._ Pumas ammo, urn nua- mo. Id .1) Am vuk doll. and "A r. We. tun-Ind m and Wu 00.. ' .1 hhw .1...- W. REE VEB a; 00., WHITE SHIRTS 1 man Jul. 1. .. ._."V ,__, Gent's Hand-Made Boots. Gents Hand-Made Low Shoes, Gents Hand-Made Slippers. WALSH & STEACY OR a long Dime buck we lnve been endenvm-mu cu prmu lo uur hon of (hath-On Cuamnon thut 3 Rod Stylish Boot 0r Shoe. [land Mudu Ind 01 duality. an beget Rudy-Made Ind Much (the-per lhn by lmnug \nur manure, 0mm hnving a lnrgo 38.18 for than goods. - 7, _ _ _. .. -- .u- n u male! to lgdvaNytulu pn (or bo . H 1b.. Madman bug- Ior u. 1.: lu.Xod1um Bright Bug-r for H; 115 H Brinh! Sunr for 01.)!) Hm. (Iruxulue-l Hugu- lor ll, 1 (101 Ala, m uploudidorder. for II. All ILher grr- vane: null be sol) at can] low pnnen First-ohms (#codn n Moderan Prices. luv 13 IGarpele MORE 7' IF \OU WANT TO GET THE LARGEST CHOICE. THE VERY BFS'I' Goods made which they got. direct. {mm the nmuufucturers direct. null M Lin: LOWEST PRICES {or which it is possible to sell such goods. End if you don't wan to bo dinppoinwd With your parchm- ' BE SURE T0 00 TO ARMSTRONGS v' At prices that must tttmt a. union of buyers, We mun to do .u in our porn: to susuin the reputation w. luv. of "The Le-dzng Shoe Store of the City." Tho u- lor Ltdion' French Kid Buttoned Boots und Show. Beautiful Fitting Goodn. FOE-{.CHEAP CARPETs-ELACE CURTAINS "0 T0 WALDRONS. ~ Tspoutr Capo. New Yunnan. n 500. 000 Ind 750. Umon Carpal. a, u. 1 we. Dutch pots. Mo. 400 Ind 600. Hemp C cm. 100. Who. Ibo. We and 360. Row Duplex Luce Curt-inn. New Lsmhroquius; nest Dmiqnu. New Crochet. Todd. sud MunoilleLQuu. Clio-pen in the city It the New Dry Goodl 8&0". EQHMOND 85 BO YDJEN Boo-1's AND Snails Hutu :- M1 at Chop My In! To 1|. Nana-y P1, In: hun- nd UN Good \du. n1: you as: my mama; by mum !SAVE YOUfI thNIPLgxma n ._'__ And Day Your Parasol. from ll. McIAlL. Silk Psnools, Lined ud Luce Trimmed. Bruiliau Pmloll. 76o..&)c.. 86c. sud 01- lrom .1 to M. l Zonclla Plural-Ola, 200.. 260.. 40c. and 600. Sntln th.Linod und Lace Trimmed, E Silk Umhmllu.Pnr|gon Puma. .60. from H to .6. l 02.75.. 08.50 nd .4. Phin Ruin Pumlu 01.00. 01.76. 02.00 Gonn' Silk Umbrella-.uawnum tum, and 02.50. 04. 04.60. 05 and 06. Silk lunnhtdu, 90. 01.). 01.26. 150. Cull and we them. 01.75. .2. ".60 md 08. in blockbrown, All New 1nd Beautiful Goodl. "I" In Inspection lnviud. LINEN COLLINS F0}? LAD/ES AND CHILDREN! 1- showina A Splendid Assortment. 0! Cam- in Twenty, Brunch, Wool and Union, md roooivod on ,Suturdny s a! EIIIIOI OII cum. his stock in Ihh dopanmem the mum h I. my a. min: . ' IBPECIAL" Kuultou, Mny 3rd, w NEW CARPETS! Carpets: Laos Cumin. Iron 75c. w vow I new. Duplex bloc MIC. mum 05.00. In. ham )0 to 0,1 nah. Window Hollands I. width. in Whib. .301. Mini. Gm"- ud W. arm-a smut] mu; 1 'l'llll WEEK in 31: m; cm "7 DSON House' Mny 10. Mav 13th. Muy w. IL'ID. "l. U and green. PinaoCcnn. Taboo!- Caramohill m, alumni 25. Arum. WALSH a STEACY have lust. opened um am one nf these goods. oompoling no lou than 80 [linen-em Slyleu orllm Lawn New uer Putter-I- Pnrtioulnr attention in directed to the FumlXhmhty lud SW 0 of than, goodl. as they re yithogu exojp turn the preuleu shuwu in an: any. Boo than. J. a." nap ( [mlix JUST BCBIVED AT ROWE! I DISCONB'I'TB'I. '11 I crowd I The renal: In that they are o'oring petsztif-egcarpa A- BOSS VA- _-._L- VERY OHOIOE STYLES! No. 6 Gore Street. Perth, Is a Penny Earned. r. x. unnsnmu & so. coins a. BVISSOIITTI. ALA AL... 7:...LLK Hamlets! vuv I-"-_- u' 204 Princess Street. oppositaa as. Windsor Han I'BICB & CCU-LIV. m M I mum. We, Bowl W Gentl' Bun bmnrouu.wwuuu 06 and Goodl. Inspection .o___.. Hmp mar U no. , Table Oil Cloth. in m and Wood Colon. b ism . Pillow Caution, loud. I L . Tm! .otc. M Lmons, me to ".25. SN: Lianne. l .. 150.. 17c. Romp B :- 0M1. 'lnkl- H In. is. UA-hln m II \INES & LOCKI.'I"I D. I". ARMSTRONG". 141 Princeu Strut. Kingston 9 -: GOODS! Carpets! I!) Prim- m. 'm :-' NOTICE. 'iiiiaiihiunms. STROUD "05.. I) ullxua 4 lbs Prunas fur 2% g; in Dried Applm (or a, t lbu. Sluwmg 1'. 960 1b.. Medium Suglr for .1. m- )l-dmm Brmh! Baa-r H: 1' I Ir-I- ilom d m AMI. 10d 1 prwod 176 Pnnceu Street r__ ._,' _va.. Fm Yisrnou.A re ooourrad . Porlgmoulb, A abel in rear of the ram dcuca 01' Mr. Little. 3 guud in the Asy- luxn. humg burned. The ban will be About Mu It, 12. thought am. the con dugrunuu wu causal by the Carolus use at recnwkcra. ~A~ 7 A STDCKDQH. 7053115.: H [In wean] u cuuuulhugmluremh m the Lske 5!. Emma Nnnguuon Company, which he ;;J.'..uhe~l (row Mr Guns K. Hommr. T: a: gentlcmu}. on Snturdnchcopud In hm own name at anloyold 027,690 q! stock out of the Companys ulpnul of 3491). , _...__, . Golden Llon Grocery u. .wmu .\ ...-....-. -.... -..,___ -_ -h Hm u. I..'4mpbullxord iLlu preparing to huf. _ run-vi 'of Lhuxr pun->3... Father Cue) l'h: uv-w bud-hug will ho wry nut {bud cuznfurwole. In n. will be u 3 . w I sumo of rooms for the Bishop of munwn. nd other .hstiuguxshul visL tors In the pawn. ;v . I . -_-.-V__. Tm, ")ILSX}.-) Fallows-Nun is ionnlm her swing styles. The old d n m: mu ,4, be outm he: Intent. cos- , an ...: 3.1,. I: . u-crdrass withgraal blade Lruummgh. umluraerh of warm ,eutb thh pACW inaumons. corsage of velvety Ieuea gunbel mth tendar twigs and bursmuj} bud embrmdery anvl a bird's ._._..__... Tin Can: FumeThe New York I chews market is barely study at lch. for strictlyfaucy stock. with lchbe average top price for good full cream cheese. Shipper! abowindiawneo and are still crowding the math: down. Fmltv sunk Ii very uncertain. The" have been llrae 16! of this kind It 90. ,|,,.3A nest. chapeau. . Au... JUIH- 11 and under, zuur ul-iuumuuxl nu uuv uwu u v".- R.d3; m Lina city: Rav J M. Hag, wd; $45 a member 0! No. 9 University Company ; Rev, Dr lesou, who wu L1uuo-Curpomi.aud Rav. W. B. Cuey who was Samar-Sergeant of Trimty Col- ey: Cn'npmy. 311.! All. Smythe. who - wu Survermt of No, 8 Company I-hunn CumThe Mayor has had correspochace thh the Mini-tor 1:! mm m urgma the holding of the dil- brzct camp in Kingston next fall. Hon. Mr. x, mm replies that the invicamon of ngtru wa be kaen into conudcrr mu at the proper tune. The city and v vmzv members have been unng all their xnuonce to have zhe camp loaned hen m September _.. Qz'mnnx or PennantThe Mlyor tn! Allarmeu last evomng indulged in a hula ~1ebzno upon the question of per 00m) [x ypulmil). Hxswarslup wu engu- od in conaxdetable uli-lauduuon. when Ald. Creegxau called him to time and 1 a ._...M...... _-... Ar .1. nxnoh n p., AIL]. Lluugxuu unuvu uuu u- unuv nun mi hi: majority us not so much s ro- sn't a! nu be had done .himul! u what hm friends had done for bun. "W. ml 1:. remnrkod the (.onsernu'va Al- derman. mud a laugh thh mm. senenl about the Boa-d A most voluminous batch of coma- pcudenco has been brongh down in cannecuon With the Whigs between Commander Hewitt. 5nd Major Ridoul. of the Military Collmmmm Tho cor- :.pondanr;e. my: the (Hanson-onc- mm I mierenco ta certain manyuou .231: Much on: Ippecnd in | Tom to newspaper. reecnng on mod-in u Im College. um] then gives .11 mph. ,equam dmcnluu from tho Court 0! ' Enquiry to tho lop-nun a! mo:- 3:: Lu... .... mt ~11; 1m], Th. Hills! Golden Llon 'dom un Dc}. '16. mm. In. mm l (or which 31-10: mm 2nd boon Ica- od by the lmporhl 0mm! Il- vwo in caution with the Mil In!- _my Collage but am 1.. h. n. {hand from further duty .31! M no rejoin bin "ailment. Tb. no... jnndnnm Ipptond a by .0. - __-- 8n P.1m M-h- Eh]... : Hm- " 'rrv'" " Iv w- WV' ; mor-inCondl. 3an I. i. ; nepty nyl unt- his 3...... y... 5. not: your. He had ody m g Eyamnium mMIh-vu reuon thy lull-IIde m be .thzonad. 31".de in I, .q tawny Hathawaum .- .5.- Innn-nm (Li ami- If. 1. ' Lqu, w u.- Itll-Ii u. _ '(ion: DC}. '16. 131. The} | n \nn-A: . _ . . A _._._.I_A n.-. A- 1 n "Shauna, t... u. nu-a, "- w m w. law. at tho m: mmMm,.mbhp- WdhhM-uhah hp- ,_riodd WW .0 m [lm ' scum Ow: MllBlBl.rhru m ' ux-memberi of the Queen's Own A 444-, n. I u nun. . A ("n wur .\lr. William : \L prawn: uuguged in build- u't uror Eagle) Creek for the 3. Cu. It. is ()I shone. i590 feet. set. high,a.udha1 two archway: 111:. The mnanure will be an 1 u! sour-m [)0 much more mn any chatlemOrk ~' run he anyof our rouleru lupowd. ul do they from may to x lupc u ue hualubv boy '3 1 -. frleudlou at the mum l'uii and undiahurb- m can be: IVOII, as the child'l um [mulevlme nppliouiuu 1 I (Salk-.0 I .sr..Tbn Rom-n Us [mu 1! An unxmpuunnmumn. up". w dly proves. that the of Nu: m A Lion Grooory to rotoxm (in; 0H excluaw Ind bin prom.- system of doing buame- ll more And more undorntoo'l an! n pr chad. When youinvito your man a O. R thom thoit opinmu uf (hr (midi Lion Grocery'n beuumul Trim low lorsz lelmm. . . ...__,. Mu Sullivu in au- from the feet; Why 69 "m ? Engaging Wardsy an Nth P. '0. Bibi will drill avery waning shin week. A .._._.-. _.o.t. nI-rm nintallmn Macon Lsudor L1 .nmpmvmg mmm. in Lhu Fall to ratnrn L... K n-nhinh I! Ilu unll raver, 'lcluu nu- --. Annapu- wowx chum. pictolop on Ito M bu boon nerd-Ind u the 1 from Europe. 0w Wilde write: that be mu m u: nil-t] and lecture in the Open House on tho Dooouuva An on the nd. I,.JL.|.. uni.-- ....l Wmo oca. UIID mum"! AID uu sun nuns. Why} Monthly Hallway and Travollon' trunk is the mutant book of h- ob- ext-m..- wellu the [noncom- pin. The any In pouxbly lose It: Mechani- onl Bummer uuluas he recmvu the cal- u'y which the Commune on Fuc, Wu- hr nnd Uu recommeutl -L .___A s... n...l:........u o Am An. to! ma Ull recommcuu The hard by Parliament to the es- tstoohbo late Mr. S. T. Dronnan u (or 010,665. which Includes cost of da- fonco md fees of urbntnmou. 'I'LA __J__.:_.. ;..o|..........lmrnf Ilnpnu Tu 1. 3" F I'llc. mu IuEu \u on uuuumu. The reduction in thenumber n! 11cm: .0 in this city, In order I ; 1 mm "Ml-I. MI laid by one eminent. cum; Iuthority to mvulve a 105- of 81.200. ms. --.. .mmm hmldma Ht Rnllnvnlla lumunhy Lu Luvmvu u Hle u. q...w. The new public building at Bellevdlo in not. to be laid mz'n Masonic honors. The Moon who could ("or such it thing are more pAILLBi to politics than they are to the Order 'I be County u! Prince Edward Teach 0114' Association 1161! their convention in Pioton on Ftld.) uul Buurduy 0. W. loos. MP. Ilciiverwi an eloquent. ml- draes before It, ,IA .| _...,. L....i..Wn....l um. RN"- V Those Vyho mqu vanulx Israel's should he made Ln 1 up Ind substantnl repaint] ure nume holes on King but on positively dungemus m I hicleo. m. u xv- "4...: unis: WIUIU H, The Imperml nuLL-mme: hmVu nered the Canadian Oovcmmbnt four stage guns at 0100 each. The oer bu been mpwd. One of the nut! mll hkr-ly be mywu- 4 placed here rl-ywu u. A band nf [Lahzm struck the any. I'm: Brock strut-t mm umrux monotony of Hut:an and powerful VDkmllsul TI-Mnn'.1f| nnuL. YD The latu Mrs. quunll was u Juugly tar of Mr. Pntrick l-Lxlocu, lute Sexgeaut' .. .. n _, A L- m \gt...- :. .. Inn" mm". a: WI v; .un. : .uuvn ....\-.., K.U.R.. and her mother is, a lute : the late Burmcn Master Hurt: Toronto. Her funeral was 33er bended this morning. m, A I) nun ,1 \.n wuuuu \uua my. n.6,. To-day Judge 'me hold the Dwmon Cqu- the Usual number or m heard. There mm ll-I .II...._.._,.. unlu. .m. M, interest. All were [may 5 tween debtors and t'x'edmn ml, 1,. n Ooldon Llon Grocery W. ll. Sic-RAF. a (10, The Inlcllnjrm'cr Is tn 1 mg 0! the establiqhmuut Iron Works at, Kingston. has bteu pxojeuteJ at 3 but It. has not been cam boom in what. respect m [. Bly. _-., Yesterday afternoon the Mayor. Shu- ri Ferguson. Ald. ll. Jo Carson and Mr H. Wilmot visxted the fair grounds thoix objeot being to minutely inspect the buildings already in enistence and determine how best to proceed With the improvementa recommended by the Council of the Arts and Agricultural Association. Under any Circumstances. despite the exercise of the utmost eco- nomy, the cost of the changes must be oonsidorsble, but the Visitors oi yester dny decided that some of the erections on be made for temporary service that tbs contracts can ba awardei in such a msnner thst the lumber and other ma~ torisl can be removed after the exhibi- tion. The work, with this understand ing. will cost less, while at the same time requirements can be eciuntly met, We understand that a professional srchitoct will be engaged to prepare the specications, in ncccnlnnce with the terms stated above, and that as soon thematic: ss teniera can be obtained. sud tbs lowest selected. a start will be nude IPOII the improvements. The promptitude and energy of the local nu- thoritiss is to be commended. Mast of the County Councillors have been writ- LA- on A. anrnruiamn in rnaurd to A in. WEI, huuuuluuna uavu an w... ton to or interviewed in regard to n grunt of 01.000 towards the general fair upon-09.1w the replies assure the lo- cal Committee of Management that there will be no disappointment from tbet gunner. ___.._... 7- To-dny e sole of goods detexned be- ceuee the duty upon them was unpaid. or eeizod for infractions of the revenue lure. occurred et the Appraiser: 0mm. ll wee Attended by a good number. There was considerable fun created so the diluent article: were oered for hide. The greetest sport was cradled over the ule of labels. upon which two men entered competiuon and ran up the price by 5c. to No. bids until they ruched over 02. The labels were only good for e certun cxty rm. The Cue- toxne' Depnrtmont will reeliu well by the "clearing o." -F m _ Th9 Lidia Bond. the most noubo Mb 0! has you: Tournament at London during the Provincial Exhibi- donmm to come down from Michigan in D Mic}: Exhlbitiou in Kingdom Qhcku on" wh h... W "- muuuy nunu.uuu nu .uu-.v... 1"? Wm hi" nht'mu but. UWy the organization would ho s M6011. PmL Cu! layers. In m'ho did not and n bulbon up has the Ftir grounds here I: ha. H who includal Kmmon among the M h. ha operand in. the nuts to m M A to! Ragga-jinn to-d-ny M. In it uh. o! shingles upch hon w. 'w-Jmh mvu. amp .1 raw" I. g m" .8152; 1-1593. "0&0; uld - mu. 0...). In. ulu undilu- "mama-pub!- ' A lwld Ant-aka. Golden Lmn Grocerv's mu. much enjoyed lhn! everyoua .h the an n! H. m IIHYOaIil frr: Ink as wonderful ruo This an ummpuchnblefm (hv nrnnn. effort v vuul.glau\ purely error In speak- ul a charcoal Such a. thing u. uf anauer. mm. and about, mist-mama on ' relieved Lhc Hurtnu) of '1' largely at.- "'6 wart at. pres- us of special quubhles be- lavellmg ;, There Luke. The THE BRITISH WHIG. TUEDAY. MAY 16. In: dunn an out Incl undo Invent m I pun m; o Drou Goods. we can lhl wno c u rod Dawns. Tn. touowiu I" " uloox an amino :