awmdmwm- WIN. .1 Damn. mm M J t. M H.I.. and u-luyox I a My choun anth mercy u: m Mins. dn'ib tho Knmm coupon. ' [10310011310me .6 holdlh and session coming-cit. I941] CI 8.- mrdayn during the mm. Amnuomonh for I. tui- d I. during the Amngomanu the the Grand Trunk ud Gnu Wed-n Idl- vuyi us being 1': idlv [NI-had [uni A newlv unv imminult III bung :sdpmw pun-u urwuu. A newly imm' t Ill. night rilleVOd of I. ooui m1. mount 9! ash by ucouplo of condent). Mn In Datum. "Tho vary but randy (or thou-uh- ! hue over been able to . u 6. Jr ooh-:01" uny- Cuth. . Ann-r. Conny Commissioner of Thom. Upo- cou- tv. Gm. _ tv. Frederick Spugenborg, yutordny {ell 10mm It thq nult hon-o. New York. He wu picked up immiblo. but will probably rooovor. The; [human sitnnion bu under- Tho Wimzu Qm dd .- a. bill. prob!ny The Egyptian gone unimportant modication. h in mid thnt Ibo Porto hu succan on- urely Go English and French Mme. Tha Police Inspector of New York 4th. ' - Thus-dd Mwmhm. Lani, calm-n. - English and French lull-MO. The lingual- saqu thus num r of den Fo- maus have been qqtive up" 1.015301 I thus 3 number of darn l' active than $011.. "probably_we aha. soon but of other assassination." h a.. shift!!! that. thorn in I urioul A aha-n from Humwsmnh an m M It. John B. Ayluwonh. of WW. bu boon chosen. on In W Milo}. to oonhst Addmgwu The my. condence (all. u the auction in reglrd to his nuccew. uuunnamon. . It. is stated that. than). is strain on the nances of the [and League on account. of the numbor of evicted tenants. Thu Lugno bu lolt support. The "18113011 the Peruviln were Mon The made on o early yesterday morning by one of the trains on the Atlmtic line. and taken on to Quebec. No Lnxiety by tho ptseengon if felt. A trulle occurred the other dly in it felt. cruelly Tiny township. non Pan-William. wheroin a lanuer named Hon Yorke killed another farmer. Dnnie Dawn]. wiLh nuaxe. and afterwards twice un- successfully attempted suicide. There appears to have been no other witness of the deed than the actors in it. but, the deceased made an antc-morlm de- posnion. upon which tho Coroner-jury has indicLeJ Yorke for mnnmugbur. The tragedy arose out of a dispute our some land which Dawn] bad rentodfrom his slnver, um Alum. mam. myTLI-uaauna latch W! bu. urhd ad Mum-mam Aldo-nanny wink-mun... Mi-woman A Wvlhmhudfo New York. May 20.--Tbe Ivar-10 number of absentees for Iuoodvh' 0 eat hes been 4 per cent. a! the entire ouse. Dunng than rst hall of Hey the average number of absentee Sena. tors was 26. It, is cstimnted that. under the provisions of the ve per cent. Lend Bill which passed the Senate "earthy. 18 Western states would receive en egg-agate of 05.0(DIXX). ' --.o Pittsburgh. Mny lmThule in hm excnement In the oil cub-age this morning on account 01 the usual-nod reports of | big, mm It Wmn. PI. The openin price of 66. quickly jump- ed to 69 an back Again to 66. cloning I. noon u t The lulu in tho meaning I session were 760.(X)0. Brody. any actmow Jmeh "- (apt-m Mn: 12.!!!) m m. The Comnu'uou ny a! n- M uboyondwopoworolnym Prim Contain... sad nut indoo- In.mnantobunsl M ofP Commtuumnm- bvundmwboond Washington. May 20le Americen Association of the Red Crone ie 91:0 to Close Up relief work in the Hie-insip- pi Vallev. Money. clothing. etc.. hove been furnished to many destitute fumi- liee. The mission of the Red Croas iii rapidly humming1 understood. Letters of sympathy no support are reaching the Ceutrnl Committee by every mull. These include communications from the Red Cross people throughout Europe. also a letter from the Grand Duchess ot Baden. Red Cross organizations abroad heretofore only applied ther eorta to softening the eueringl 0! war. but under the stimulus of the at ample of the United State! society. heve been extending their scope to m- clude the. suerings caused by ood. (amines, res. pestilence. end other nationalcalnmities. Russia-hush! edded these features to he! Red Cross work. Probably other European ne- tionn will ultimately lull into line. uoW (VI-Wu III IV! w um um--. If. Julep]: Connolly. u! Yerker. report ed to have been converted by the us and policy. being a menulwturer. to- dey male I realm; speech. seymg the! lb. Wm Government acts were Len knee worse men the Pacic Suede]. Ir. Aylewonh. woo, lumlo- u von dent. lidleel. end '1 go earnestly Into the coma. The newe is greulying. In Oh. I. election m Addington, an m em conuhmencwu m thug Pro Vince. "I. Liberllu -h:| not cult-ulna the work 0! their opponent: m-curuel). uni M by reeeoe ol Lhmr mar condence end Midi]. The hlunnlar Will not he reputed. The elector-s have long been deunnined to redeem the constituency. end they will by orgemzuwna energy. end delity to Igood cause wm success. end do thet which Dr. Sullivan recom mended to the Kingston Connerulives, one for e put olence. born-nu. {Inc I: Wym. Imus TU THE PHUNT} A JOINT MEETING OF THE Kinquon Reform, AllodlllOl and the Young Hells Lib- ornl Club. ~ To nomiue I Cnndldua m thc Reform unor- u! to:- tho ensuing election for the Common: of Cundn, will be held an the Golan Lion moo! Ionday Evenlng. 22nd lay. .\T VIP-HT n'mnrx All electors opposed to the proton I lrntinn lr unrund Extending Operations. 9.9 Abiemee suntan. ~. An 0" Excitement. Tho prognan ugreed upon In the Mn 0! the Tory party mu succean- Inlly mrn'od out. It the Convention held Homing. Aslchonp lmhu for Ihv wound inicud in his defeat m 1875. nine. Inhaled. it In proposed to noun In. Sir John Muduunld {or the L'om non- doctiou. but tlw Oovmnmont whip wu than to my that. the Prmuier could not my. the 03.: i! tendered to kill WM drudy commuted to Low on. Then Dr. Sulhuu wn selected u n ting and very mlhng sacrice Tho muution In mule uuanimoul. I cinan which lppours to hive hon IIan tint. It. turpth ' Dr. Sullinl hinull. Ind "took IWIV hil Mutt." U. My not have calnul d (C I. With]: which he his the honor to occupy. uh. nys. hm be wn do... d in mucipcnon of tin: re- m. bar did town party MI'YIGG III M so may pomnulv under W10 hi- thll. to rojoc. bun would luv. has I diuppoilmu 5nd Weeding. Tho choice Imago-moon u would lppeu by ill lynch d the mdidsto-aloc. Dr. Bdvu m "poonh'ny" mud- -4 A __-L' -nm-Q Al hm Mr. Marvin. lawn. low a. MOI-II .000! no mum-ick": Ml I. I no Juana-u, 1- awumw. Spa-chm at up! K mum a 1-hour. Evan nigh. jab;- Iun u...- anh. mach mm- mimetic mum 4.! mt. I'm or t to.- Bpooch on. auntie m at confusion tb the duties hue don. mom to check thnn stimuhu the [Isl industries 0! mining And other! which {and such u: '1me MN" 08 0| mmulgmouen whhhhtuudnchwim ' kl 10 dhddpugnmmuo 11on m. John, mm. In: au.-1'no-Auu: Mun-hi Prat-inn. from Liverpool, 1 which co lidod with m iceberg in t ion on Wodnudny. Ind over 3 thousand Wu. The ship, tooled over. ' the pathogen reeling about tho The vial m not unbrid- kynd-ntgod und the daemon imme- ' kly subsided. But for the {not am no vocal us; very strong 3nd stamina Ibwlymo might hsVe boon urioua din-tor. Ylhlan: mos-don won due- } lopod on the Pruuiu. There hue been two death. already. - I, n. Mud. -mm-JLMJ Dublin. Mny 20.-It is rumoured that crepe ha been mixed to the door of Cudinsl McCaben residence. and a pa- per. with the representation of a con on it, left on the doorstep. The Cardinal visited the Lord Lieutenant to-dly. (mo-e MAV 20. ()na McCuth. I "mm an. mm Lieutenant LO-uly. Glaxow. Msy 20 One McCsrtby. arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the Pam's Park murders. has stains on his garments. supposed to be blood. ad a psrtislly healed wound on his I0". The npid incl-cue of expenditure lino. It. Mmkonnio mood to exerciu hn bone and prudent leadership us than by the following ublo of IWDIIU. IACDOIALD GOVERNIINT. You All. Juno :1 m9 ouwmx " " " 1'00 ....... .. 24.550353 New York. May 200Leopold Schepp. who mused 010,000,000 in the cocoa- nut buds. obtained a. divorce from his wife for alleged misconduct whlle re~ Iiding at Yonkers. One nun. who said he was inhuman with Mrs, Yonkers. is se- riously ill at. Yonkers. It is rumored that he was shot by Schepp or a rela- tivo. Mrs. Schapp's story is denied. h is clsimod that be is met-91y enduring from Wilcl. New York. Ma. 20._-1b is stated the: Gen. Schofeeln ill be assigned the commend of the military division of the Pacic coast .upon the retirement of McDowell. The latter will be retired by the compnleory clause of the Army Billi i! it passes the Tenabe. If it does Lulu. l0 Ulla! old 0d woourn sun to 11W bulb; uh 130000 81 to 060 l St. John, Natl. I" lTho'Alhn' min-kin Prim-inn fmm Livarnool. by the compulsory clause or me Army Bill. see not pass if is said the President. will retire McDowell under the existing law. Berlin. May 20.Tho Reichstag Comv mittee yesterday not only rejected Bia- marck'a Tobacco Monopolv Bill. 21 to 8, but also resolved to oppose every scheme to increm taxation. _.O-. It, axrrn u,w w w, Iuyuuu- U,w w u,w, I on; Internal!) to 6.00; ne 510 on 6.10; mid- dllm mo so IN' 901de 8.60 :0 3,75, 0111.. bug- uo to am any ho 3.15 to no. awnvim. v.0. um, m to 1.33; dond The Venue BILT Co.. Mnrshall. Mich, will lend Dr. Dus Cunmun Eucno- Vonuc BILTI Ann Eucrmc Aprumcn on trinl for thirty dnys to men (young or old ) who are smoked with nervou debility. loan vitality 3nd manhood. Ind kindred troubles. gulnnming speedy and complete roan-ora- tion of health sud manly vigor. Addrau u shove. N.B.No risk is incurred. u thirty dnys trial is nllowed Hume had such a run on our rst. lot at Scotch tweeds. we have again been obliged to re-order. This lot is a choice selection of patterns and those In need of uniting. may depend on getting some- thing nice. Remember we guarantee a rst-ell. t. Z. Provost, New York Clothing Store, Brock street. m -- *- ma .... ,. man The supplemental utlmntes to Muv h. 1898. an included. but further esti- nuc- 0! lug. amount for [$83 Will be brought down out. semen. 11.- nnI' nhnnun made hv Lh Mac- Momrenl. Mny m. FlourMilan 3700 uprrolr Isle: 0000 barrel- Huh! quietpeel unchanged; quouzloulzhper {or w 906.40 taqu [0 6.30 ; Inncy 0,0c wow. I nu axtn 6.10 to 20, lupemno 6.50 1.05.00; an: annex 19.10; guid- - New York. In I). ourQuint ; mi . 11.41)) 0121:; also 10,- bill ; m 5.10 or garter um and In;- m; u!) k.- oommon c choice u-nau. In flourIndy; st Qua 1100. Borne of the stuff that pretends to cure thou dinner: or oher serious kidney, uri- nuy or liver disen'ses. as they only relieve for I. time nd makes you ten times worse tfterwnrds. but rely solely on Hop Bitters, the only remedy that wxll surely and per- mnently cure you. It. destroys gnd re- move- the cause of clause 50 effectually thu it never returusr vv _ ..___V.__-,.n VIM. and [let-ll Baler II our. Feed all all Mll- Grail. actualloud. mu; WI-II. was- put t-I- mm M of lmx um It.) :Cuu. mic! ms-.1;- LC-Ie.w _ . Violet-u Ila-r. I M'I lloel. I'd-cu- . Km nhvt anynan m nvm I nDFII 1'3!" ch-Firm u (l IAN11.97. sumno to I. 1.40 m 1.40. - Born 96 in bond. Pu- 0.00 10.0.99 for m It; OI Ila to o and etc. to 10. DWlI'lu uuwu mAu nrnmuu. The only chnnge made by koub Gammon in the tuna under which 0m hld prospered was am more. ot 3; pct cam... and other mmor clung.- which I gave additional pm action. Wm I'm-Ill (.000. AIKET. Ir-n- . m. - n-v "v.-. ._._'..._. "DONG BAKIN' PDOUF- A SPECIALTY. ____________- u... r r _ lllporthul Irish News. _ -.o-- ' moon Ion-t Jun-i. * .o-.o- Retirement of General. O.O~ lit-eh II lest-l1. o+ Oppod nu Taxation. In) M 06 0 cm w 4,. IntLover, mask. mm tau-hall; ulu f huh-h No I In Ha .331. *1 $353319"; Wealth of Divorce "HIV-ll I. Winn-In wu D nub Im-t a! bu pox. m to beam. be is "sup no... him 0! other ._...__..- lugh Dunn. [DI-beta. ___...- cult). nun-r- Lowe~ .IWluo IA Ins-t. . . WI MCI". \IL a fin-Inn; Batman-uh; . ' II-Inn \umr CM mun-mm In: In "Ion In. mu rim 0;; down cit-l. All of which we oer st 8. Blight Advance on Goat. lawns): Lanna Tho Tory press Ind leaders never lira o! mails the hiss and absurd chug. ch the depression existing be- noon ,1374 Ind 1878 was due b0 the policy of the kaonno Government. Had the dopuuion bueu conned to Cundn than would have been some color [of tho chm-go. But 1: originated in thoUniwd sum and spread over u who]. commercial world. No change in tho policy of Canada that could in jurioudy do our [DWIBICU was made. The Government "a economical. the uponditnro for 1878. its lull! your. bo- honly 0186.842 poster than the ex- pondnm In: 1874. :9; ant ynr' WITH. WISH!!! WVIIKXINT. w... nun.- Jan- m I. , Urn-.JQIJMJIO lo Ill-ml DWI. Second door from the out" o! Vim-(too m. In lb. _________- . Actuowl od b 1200"?! mow mt of Yuunlmllfoun Ina-non Folt It. In tho am. ledren's Fen. Hu- from we upwudl Boyl Scowh Civlfur wu. School Cup- only 364: # magmas I A Very Large Assortmenl WALSH & co.\ v-7 II. I J. MBIIIIEII luv-M lmn-n-l CARD orm Wiifeh know ! Thin show! u: increase our the last you a! the Mmhnzie Administration .0 101101!" lot you dug Juno 30. um . 0 951,193 " " . . 134 nu launsnrs HARDWARE muss. GoatI Luna Coll-u. on] y mac p Linen Callus. 0 ply. only 171" Linen 1411A". bell ulna m the any on Linen Colin". hambur- nude, only in W I. nuts ntan than 001* M and ulchbon lb nuts-m randy Io WIN m0! cum. )MILLINEBVIl humervllles lure White Lend. Garden lmplemc-nn. Carl-lace Malls. llnhhpr [In-n. vi! 80mm Wu Mum hum Conan l mu om [oat-Ill, on to I. "M to Inpply an. 'lth Dam nu com In. M"" '- 90-... tubal III- M :3? gun'- In Me: cm In "I"! V FLOUR. MES1 [mvo vou my mv Advxca free 01011.11. Come Ind ue Mont-on u the Fl I! w IIIIlli- v- Uni-H'- wdwm p1- mama: cu 1L. 1- n- Inl thn "h." m h 3:77 .- - Whoa-Cudnku up, ' mam-amb- nybody Hun-hush to numb tho Toronto Flour Storo. i may: on HM At the New Hunts Furnishing Stars | 'msmumrmpmm lay". 0E0. MILLS I: 00. [hm-ml: the place to and lb. LI Itylel In Standing Coll". cheaper Than Ever. l Fu Hun (or Young Men Robbin: In tho clly 9g. BHiSON. VI. um quuns. _ I FI- w'm '- gob-(mammalihlymbo W by ddocou from tho nah-Chain. Tho noun-Hindu d m 0' lamb driving ."d doubt. peg tho Iupprct dB-munddew- New. noon-Id WON FANCY W. REEVES 85 00., STORE. Joni Eiimou' ' '. I: "IIIIIDQ Rubber Hose. Garden Vales. Om. Al WALSH d! 00.. in mull-OHM UllU-D- "v- I? Jul. W. on bucou. I-uu-e No? much. 0 and 5 ha. with Bordon Id Ml- 0309313?st eroxrsusr GOODS. um: Bordon w. u. no. 70. u. so. 35. so. 060.. n NEW WOOLS AND UNIONS. hell we to 01 pa yud. New Dulch (mth New 'IIII' elm.- In Two-try. Brunch. Dutch I Hemp. l Ill-dune New II... I The lugs-z Swot inwwntouloothon. New Mu- o[ I mun. New Illuoclu, New Luce Cunning. low Mel-In I. W'- Come w SHAWS [or the Isl-gut. din- pby in new impoer Csrpetn. Corner of Prinoou a Welliugun Show. cAPETS; annuity. XVI-1 sounun." nu lvn'. ' '7 a And Funny In the New nud humble Plny untitled jCool Burgess! ... um. um- .ml Lumhnblc Pllv v... '_....-_ _ ,, I, Immduemg (or the am tune the MIDDLETON BROS. Bovnl MIIIouene! m their Connch- wnune o1 HUMPI Dl'NPTY OSCAR WILDE m DEGOHITIOI ! The known! Appllcnlon o! the principle. 0! the Eutbadc Thwry to Enerlar Ind Interior Home Durorttlou, with observations upon Dre. 3nd pox-01151 um um an". ._ _ _ ,_ _ 7 Bnoscu WILD! tab. no u 'm Open aoluui on MONDAY 1tsz a mud nuns 0'0 0:: . ' -I'l-IJrll-IIV-w' mh'odbln mount. WWquunm-m mud uwuhmhuhmm. MwWowmsm. LIIA-h- tuba-hum on was mad PM. mun-hominid.qu 3m mum-c. 050. pack I 1...... .33.. but! my and lo wt Ifod'o W will mum , onmt not: lino: KIW- a... an: WEIEE Ticket.- 750. Open Home Tuesday Aneruoon and Ev'na, May 98rd. Retruhm-nln suppllud u modem. prlcu In the ovamna I selection of Multc will be pm via-ad Admluinn In the woman, 10 con". May 19 3 BAZA. AR" ---.'Iu'- urnIII- ow It witde moh-nnhly.nouy uhn'llm. Undone-mph a. undo-NW" inll- OPENING DAY F08 SODA WATER AND ICE-CREAM Excursion to c'n'pn Vincent ll yum-r m. mum- M the Younl MOI of I HDUIIIUWII W "r v .- Una-r tho susptcos 04 the Young of Ibo P l. Church. TEAIEB LCD luvu Ferry What a two p.m.. mung:an of much too tho b- vmv bolero uni p Return. um rout an my shout a pm Tuna lie And u not mod on nan an! mum to! my hdeyn trip to the Cup. mu Id Como Com will In In uhnm'zn. . do. a! . WI. 013. CW m us a (I III. undone! 3nd [u go pou- rel-nu to a mum: of the "-'" 1 1.050303. 113' Anan looting of Mathew" M the on IA New 0 Cloths. _:'__:_____.__--'- Inn" for the mm of IIOIIO Inspection. New Lumbroquinn. Sale of Workl April 18, V IAUD 9.111.. van. pkmv clunky! a, I! moi; my I). N01532OII. Our Surprise Part]. " ...... a- n... n": m. Hm MIDDLET OPERA {100813. YET; 0b Saturday, May 20th, 24th MAY 2 xxx ADDINUNN I.V'I'u LINE' autumn out. magma. REES BROS z, 500 And 25c Plan now open I: Ihy l'l T. W JOLLIWI, Pam. \g run CIT! PMPMIYATMI and mm m" by in Hummus a. Moor-or at cum in but. a bud:- and not I . Mhbuululoh Mcu but m an no to Old: oh- un; com-u I II mum". to! A lion 4 m will-1::- on but mot- [an Awnin- III] Mil-Many... u I." I). pcmeulu .- ma lubed! a o- my 1 on nu can" at Bu L In. ODou II N out: can Enid 1' DIIIIAILI INN! HOUSI. com m III-om: v-w works: largo on III and will M-ehod : oullmllJlmu m g:an put. Innuon . rot furlhor pnrnmlgu mun-DAVID ININGHAK. mu m. plum ml. Is It Ant m. 3 Wm Alan. nunborot Town [.0 c ,on but! Tum. bv JAB. J. WHITI: IIAD. In! lacuna. nut-non. Am I mu: owuusu .mm o r'u how. I! u mu. gllutgflnllemcon (II-'r'b'iilgiim Lu an FM r: M_ -7 , Mgr"!!! Juana. Ill tn onolluul con . mud olthudlu a nu; them good "put Apply to um. nuns 'ElHTl W . p n"... H, , V _ doth-Ilka; drivl Ihod and It:qu ul three mum mm nu- ux union. lune omen. and mu hum. spun. wollmlda pump- in Human. In. mndu ud bdoony. Enquire o! m. own-I. .l A. lACE. ootnor o! Eul And Allrul luau. A autumn: AND BAKE anolr Fla: n; oqu muenu. Ano' E 1 -0NI T31! X311. m In the nu. o! u:- Zm of MIVHII. Wolf. Inland, Inl be I or now on km or In put Apply to h 1 nun! nu ma nnmllu ma DOM in or u l D. J INA)? on an Nantu- AW on 0:14. TE! OFFIOIB on Chance strut. htly may by loan. Britten a Whlllux ['09 union nn Hannah-my. Aval to has" WALK! a WALKBM, or m 1).? (ML: DIRILIIVI. Hut!) )5 ____.___.--- ___._______..--~ in: OOHAOIS. WELL BITUATED; Bum m Iowa. 9.0.9. 1mg} 35m WEBB nu) mam: GARDEN. m. a V: H ; o! In! lroel Mable, lled and Wnloushopnumu. Apply to u A IR\\I.\ 170 Quun Bum. iifiiuu u an law-yum. on low" 0.!0 . .mmly Invited Io bow out 55:,qu all) Tu.- I'Io lulu of fem, mun- n.qu m PI?! ' on Tlllb "sigma 0. Ins-Ill. m and an by n. TWO DROPS In the: Anchor Bulldhll. an; on Ibo Ink-t Squnro. lullnmlhta you BROOK STREET. hon non-Ion. Apply to BAW'LEN & MMNAH ITTBBURO RESIDENCE Ill-. YATIH COTTAGE. mum on "I. m. Lawrouoc. com-lama mm roonn: I furnlnhud; good nudon 3nd pnlurn {or horn um oo- :10" miles from King-ton ; dnuy [30 CAUSE OI" BAD Ilzlllz'b. |;_mnm' INSTITUTE. all AL IIITDO a! the [lawn tum-u in! an datum at and on: MW at or unknown mmum.n o A UINIBHIL RESIDENCE FOB THE SEASONOn the nu but. u [Ln Mon. a NINI HOUSE, FuNlB ED luqntut Box m. King-ton. 0733a! Buu! utfllVrilim Puk. com-tur n l mmu, 1! bathroom. do, A 1y lo 1' In) 1 Erma! fiat End plume :11": 9'0)! [from [luau Io mu tun cryoun cattle App y In on. among. ' Ana ;!onr mu u-ooo m DB SAUND a. m -- BAVE BICIIVID IXITRL'CTIU 3 FROM Jul DIAHON to u h] P hllr: Aur Ion on TDIIDAY, MA m, u my [wom- mo Thu. Plan B at Houun. mud up In Involu- nyln, Ind conutunnu nluo goud wom- cull, Illh Bah-Boom um (flu-cu, 0n nun! Wm Wuhan lb. bonus. (Tu-I um Wqu MI and Im-nu Th. hon-u u [Imam not {at no a Mr And um pun. hmntmu blood order, In! one u! tho but wouqu In D90! .. . _ H m..- 4--. 0. lull W. CLIDY l CON be] 1-": lwl'n M moo-db sud mun um lhvy will tn lulu" my on t l' mule humus In W. A a I. ommw- IIOIO. 0014 Mon m us. to Mad Balk. Ind no n. "It lo .11 Man cum-ad w new: . - . AllukT BOY to Ian: tho min. bum-u Apply to 0 V ROBIN N. Pnuoou m. _____-__._- DEOIBE w onploy 1 young Culndnu (ram 18 w u yum of an, who}: wnnuum wurk And mm him-cu annually unlul, dolnu uholol than tho houu. Mina an or I horse. an [a I [001! in I will pny gm, WllebOIr-l Ind Three IMbCInu Brick Dwel all on Buol ll-eel. between John llcllelvey'l and Jnmm III-ICI' Residences. none: 05mm. II INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. usnnnoqu' KOUIIJ I. D. DINIh'O BOOM (mu. Ind KITCHEN 013 . l'hou 'lel pud AEply 3| Windsor Hotel bow-cu w und bo'cloc on Incurdty. J J, PABIINTEB. SMALL STEAM ENGINE oomle ; m orn-olul. m or "um um (mm an to a Apply to X. . Z..' PO, Box 915 .Valuablo Blty Propmy 1 good wt p5! M0, with bond vumuhtono on" on on or addrou mm MINEIIILJA- 8 W CLARK.3Muurun Noel WRIT-014A lino: mum coulumu ll L foo-I. wood Ind cull tho-l. | large lots [or nhnlln dvlnl and mm, nomuiol Johnson md Umuno Blue!- n ton. Poo-anion on In May Apply m KPATNCK l ROGEBU. b-wvv-VI, _V ,-V no city. In: on odmk 9.- m1. noel. Tn- mll be and. Inqu M I. an. o! we to: {am pgnleulun 5PM] to . J I IUTCHIwN. I... ll A.tuomr Thoma-melan- ,,, ,1 __ :__.._A- For Salp or to rLaasq. ________.--* summon AND am)? with no . mmtuoqutpmongn. 5139 ATV; N _____.__.._...___._V )UIIN DTlllT. HOUBI y mm Bublolr Rpm- ____..__-- 3AGoT STREET 011 the m o! It], I DESIRABLE EU I Duo! ELI-oi, Won. nou- lhe o9": W OEIIBAL IIBVANT. Apply to MRS JAB Ilan, Clergy Btu-t ____.___.....-- _____- lGOOD DOMESTIC to nndorkh urvlr. In tho oonntry Apply n 247 Quun Hm, W: :03 SALE u I bugun-n Inlay a Mny . BILLIABD TABLE, lull-.1110 [or I 1min! In: nun. Bum. But. no. cumpluo Apply AUCTION MILE SPECIFIC ART/0223. ._ hat-2'43! % at I. .3... now- IQ-tylo'IW-PP; . . ., . mm; WAIVOTf'D. T"; . IL h. emu. wan-ulna! 01ml! .E, 1. cu: , oomph. winin- a! u- any. Bout Momma-A Who M undid. will iy.|-IIIUW ace-non mum mum Into-n1 nun-in but on mum. 1-..- l ;s....|. L... m imam-hm o! MIG-IO, m win- In. Thouka u nned-W 0 onovboau nyI-uuv-wr Mummwhmubim chum vh- hrlib-nlm ' tbiwud-om-ydh-rnnouhe -|..o. 1- mu .1.- mt 013i: unus- nl wwwy u unu- u. "1- chem. 1- me my opponent 0151: John M quao winch onv undhmbutbnryouuun. __; _- .. .4. Inn- ma. tho nomin- Im-"mv-I v----" d '. a. a}, by. that. tho nonin- -.;._ ._ .m 5.. mullv nmtivn. .m. Inn-W. dhtmmlqrm. Im Khan-n-mnhk can we all any aq- .- In: W..." San now will ho ully. 06min. No My We ' the ambitious 1 no an whommmonnnbe in unity in pollutant sad we boljeva Hun will ho Inky o! pun-pow whon the um tot work arrives. The nllyiug um, u._ I.._nl E-nln man In hi: man lol WWI Inn. A..- .-..,...B cry. "Tom hill! Etch Inn (,9 his post!" should much friend at no Owe-Non smut himull. put on m truer. ud m lot the bottle. and m n be known. upochlly on the 20th. Lint. when Kin. return- to Conser- ____ -_ _ 11: mm: d-nrnna "Ill wuun All. I'm- w v--. nun 5 0mm uore duornng of cuppa than tho pronoun will be in power. Tho aoat! policy will not. be the only inn. More the country. The nun-plot. oompuon. jobbery. mu (Id and wont. are things which the people cmot. forgive so rudin u the Governme think. Puplh cl m Id-Inn I-d ll..l.n II'I Detou- llvo II Alia kn: Con-outlo- Today the cricket hold In a sCClJB of an uhlotic conict between the Foot ball Club of Sydonbnm High School and that. o! the Kingston Collegiute [usu- cube. The man were compowl of the following "unllnnnA' N 'iahtnmn Jmhaun |U|Iuw Au' KingstonJ. R. Wighunsn. Jackson Booth. Frod- Booth. A. Buntm. F. Strange. irty Gildemoove. John El hott. E. Dupuil. A. Smith. N. White. J, Foxton. simian-shamA AIAI ' Mr(hm) Fomn. SydenhnmA. Mani .W. McClcm aut, Ed. Ryul.E. B. one . Henry McGr-th. Ju. Lymn. John dwardn, Allred Lookony. 000. Booth. Edward Corkill, Ed. Power. an: L," _A_n-__J -A n u; Annn|r v.01. Luruu, nu. r W's. The bullwnhood at. 2.25 oclock.w1th ' King-ton kinking up hill and Igmult a ' strong wnt wind. equal to ux players, They run: the bull up the eld many tune: but could not [at iv. through the goal Thus mutton continued for three quarters of an hour when the players changed position And with it. luck come no Kingston. After I. few moments "m... puml Ram}. ant tho hull through cue gum 3 IWUIIIJ Bum--v The third game we! played in better etyleJheVSydenhem pleyers being ev1~ dently on their mettle end bound to put their beet foot lorwerd." The ball wee severely kicked. It went dangerously oualy neer to Kingston's goel, but the wind prevented in going through. Then itwu curled down the eld whenu right end left pleyer met and kicked at it simulteneonely. It loet. its shape; the bladder Wee broken end the vgiud eeceped. At. 8:45 o'clock enother ball was secured end the gene continmd until time wee celled. The game was not nished. King-ton wee declared the winner. The rst gene wee taken at 3:10 oclock. the eeeond in three minutes afterwudl JThe Sydenhem players were all well proportioned fellows. but. they seemed to be eomewhet nervous. They did not. kick. jump. end pneh with the earnest nose of the Kingeton youthe. The Vlil tors were enhrteined Alterwerds at luncheon et the Windeor Hotel. byuuunm I [w untur- uu-u u. The second game wu begun immedmv ulterwuds. It. listed but. a few minum, tor by I vol! diroczod kick from J ohu Elliott tho bdl Wu um through the goal a. ucond time; TL- Huh-A cam. -ll nl-vnd in inner IWn-yruo. In..- W . can .uwutmnhkickn 1 11- A. --I' Th- l--llll n. ( hm IUIKUUWI W. W. lllw INCH-I Again. After tho prelimian proceedings of the Tory moodngmrgwinuon was com- nu-uved by the tppoilmnem ol sCentnl L'ummicm. Mr. G. A, Kirkpuck gtve lhll mutter hi: pol-load supervision preceding the solution of eligible ndvi- mm by napooeh odcnlntod to inapire pany anthnm. The uominstion of Sir J ohn Manon. uld wu now-r inundnd. Sir John. when fox-cod to Ilop down sud out in 1878 said he would' never put. his foot In the plmnpin if ho could help it. H. has row, ONION hinull .- much a podium do my be punish- ...n. k... in h A. I kind uhinh the aloe. 0 nlusluuu. LIV-L D I." u: v m u u vu more. Fred Booth put the ball through Sydonlnm'l 503] unit! cheers. 'n... mm! mm. un- Mann immedmv WII CCU V'l, III-y "c Alamoghwdthospuhunmo matings-id Dr. lmmmtboonly mu: ihooaddrqdunlbomqmy "undo. no. on. ton-much unit} , ,__ LL-.. L. n... k. A-AM- Himal- Inn w-vuu u-u. non; than in. Inc! In pond: ....... n. hm..- h- sir-adv hm 1. "gu wuPum mmnmuymdoMmu mm Sir Johu'n my to m: .v,.-_ -- mum. MI. Mm wanna- .mmmn .11. Non hum OH hi 50 In: thoqhtihkil lm woos-dune] it V. m whunhi- .dou'l dob. laden LannanludIi-mhb- --. \vllw .ul . navel um nan-nu. Several 0! 1.11000wa h. usually been busy :3 viropullan in politic-l ekctiom were oomp'wuoul for [hair Absence from last ungbtl Conan-ve Convention. Two or turn of than) puud around the block oeva times Ind boomed to have forgotten the way into Both Hall. AM.- (ha unliminnrv nrnt-mll'nln nf Iuncn II ill-luau. am -, w run-up meat. but. is in o! 3 kind which the elem um cw very nicely M. un.-_.a. .. .1 n.- I.. It 9).. Dr. Sullivan In his speech lub even- xug saiul sir John bud improved his re mnl by nix vocal in the. list election, Amazing reming He will hlve to do canaidenbly batter or he will never writ. MP, lter hi. nmo. , I ,1 n. __- _I_- L--- ......_|l. luv... I- m.-vJ "thth gunmen-tint, 1 Emuuur' W or III) yuan from In! boo-0.1.00 downward. in Ink: u in - A bout Iwno Md ban on be: ' had. On the bank a! I link um hynpncool wood Into. .knoIll u 3 "CW." 0n the hu: 0! the head wunoutu'uwhudnhdl in lung: tad extande to u which I no doubt produced by I blow in mm extending to in. mama-cu wu no produced by in mm by tho 3W. but In skull was not. (nomad. Th body a! m child In lonnd in bod in the kitchen. whmh udjoim tho dwelling ban-o. She l-y there in me man! politics of I sleeping child. with the bed clothing qumpoood About. Int. Upon tuninz W..- L-_-..-. n all-nth: compo-0d Int. Lpon sum-m down we coveringbowover. a may .md gnping wound won we throw: Wu dimloud. The jugula- nin bud been cut in two and an mad artery A.......m| hut nut. migm. Th0 N000 and an man an") opened. but no sound. gained the whole bod uniformed O 010;. jun: bolow the wound. fbero mu Ilso a. 31:31:: cm on the right cheek. sud on the bad near the corn In three 1011 | on. the nsm cheek. mu on the bed near the carpet well known knives. two one knive- Ind I butcher's knive. Ill 0! which had been kept. in the kitchen. Both of the cm knives were bloodv. but one more so kept in the kitchen. now In w- W tunes. blood . than the other. The knits that bad the most blood on it wu of very ne motel. and it would seem that it bed been eclecth by some one lwue ol the euperior quality of the hide. James Jarboe. who slept in an upper room of the house. nwoko during the night. at what hour he bu no idea. end heard I noise he of some one in greet dietreen The dogs nu out herklng in the direction 01 the spot where Rose's body wu after- wenl found. Jerboe ewnkened his bro- ther Borne and went to the window end listened. but hearing notlnn more ngein retired. There wen 3 fire net night on the Ild ol the railroud. n low hundred yards below the house. supposed at the tune to be a camp re kindled by a party of trumps. 'lraues were found there thin morning of some garments that had been burned. Rose Osborne had about 50c. In her pocket-book. which she kept nu a client at the head of her bed. The chest. had been broken open and the pocketbook was found this morning ly- ing on the bed with the monev gone. llle alien is wrnpt in great mystery. As yet there in no denite clue. Some suspicious are entertained against per son: ulieged to hue bed a. grudge salin- st the deceeeed. and their whereabouts last night will be the lubject of enquiry. W WWl m "- mumy thmmn ducts... in property and mwumt the puyment domnmpm. Thoycould mywohuyornmulu- :1,de unborn. only we no Idlbhwlmhhuo my 0! than WHWI mighborl av. y. John Smith. one of the innumerable Smith (nally. came from England a few days ago and got a pass from the Emigration Department for Stone Mills. He. however. got drunk. fell into the hands of the Philistmoe, and we: well damaged. The Magi-true detsiued him unul the boat went westward. when hows: put aboard. u--.. um"--- .mm mm- A: -u lmhnv VLILU HUWBI Pub GNU-Au. Mary Rerllern was once a wall behav ed girl but has sadly dagonsratod. and has now no home save within the, walls of the county gaol. Sh. ap- peared in the dock looking very pale unil With her mouth greatly woolen on account of a cold. She had in hu: arms a pleasant faced child, when dmn was warm and comfortable compared with that which the mother worn. Mary told of her wanderings. She had no place to go and nhddid not wnt to part with her baby. The Magi-tube sent her to gaol {or a month in order that the in- hot might he'wennod and then given to a charitable institution to be cared for and educated. ..~Qo The [amt rumour in rogud to Mt. Plumb is that he in 0 be providod with a new seat and elevated to tho Cubiuet. Xiugnn having been wiped om of sepa- rate elecmrul existence. It In. only the other duy that Mr. Plumb dolivorod his own tunenl ontion and nurly had the House in man over h'u dnpnrture. l! he intends to resurrect himult und go buck .50 Pull-moat he will be guilty 0! I gave branch 0! condent. No Inn has I riam to work up your sympathy and pump up your Inn jun for the fun oi the thing. Mr. Plumb Ihoold b0 nude to understand tbn ho it polidully do- funct. am be Mr dolivond hi- on: (anon! onh'on. lid that no mum will b. pruned. W0 should soon In 9 My mm a! thin if polidlll in": main! to any via: The proclamation announcing the dis- solumon of Parlmmont was expected to- day. Tbs local elections 1n Brioiah Col-m- Tb: local bia will be bold law in June or only in lulu doors. MLJ. E. Mullin, u wholesdolnorr chant. w'ho formerly hold I sent in the City Council. has been nominahd as the Liberal candidtte for the Contra division of Toronto. Th- nllnmna an nnminltionl have of Toronto. The following Tory nominutionl have been made Donald MacMutor. Q.C.. M.P.P., for Glengwy. Mr. McLonuan having declined to rovonter the eld; Col. Tyrwhitt, for South Simooe; Mr John A. Mackenzie. for Eat, and Mr. A. C. Clark for West Lambtou. - Wu. u. Flue-v- "-v pr. MSi1 :m"6wdiopll vidlpupluuhd Miami-"x an. on] tapnmdcfotmanly mama Immunisle on is onlyuhloto nuanlil-dnh nah. -wmu Illa-w "- WMhdllunlhou, Bow IOOI'qodIo-dtyoompuo with nun-nub date "an n...- my "all: hon-u than um: nu meno, wmn m cud camp. by um nun In. Mouniyucnulym dun-h wiuhnu-d-cybphuh Gulnydwnpmd mi .1 thme 31mm. thumberlaud. It. is understood tint either Mr Nee- lou or Mr. Norris will be nominated in the Refurm interest for Lincoln. \nwnmnn 'Pnrim um anxious ngston again. Hon. Edward Blake only next month wxll deliver a. number of Iddtelsel on him public topic: of she day in various dxsmcts of the Province. h i. nnhlmlv nnnnnnmd that on Sun- dxstnctu or we Provmce. It. is publicly announced that. on day next the campaign in the parishes 1n the city of Quebec W111 be opened by the customary speeches from the church doors. \h- J F Mnllin. 1 wholeslomorr p I am the inn. in mm um. :mpmoa Io m the in in: chi; nun-ind, chunk. In the [mm In I. Imy. in this wild. than 00 I in. am an inn... VII-ur- m a aluminum-uh. July Mr. Crouter has been nominned as the Reform camhdate for East. Nor thumberlaud. h h. nnnlnrntnn! um: sithar the Befurm Interest Ior Llnculn. Northwest Tories are nuxnous what Sir John Muodonald Ihould run there. The "Cbietmin" was afraid to tackle Kingston again. Hnn Edward Blake onrlv Libenl meeting on Mondny evening. 1 in the Reform Hull. to nominate I candi- date (or tile Commons. Attend it, - dlo clue 1m; mma wum. sawnmxmn 20,1332. l'be Chad's-I; 1-8.... 0-me - you. A out and Jun! III killed u [And-y I; :- nish tho a.- may to at It. Barbi rue. 0.0 v." d the Dublin huh! will ptobnbly be tho arguaiutiou d I u! domain lam bf Inland. The Mund- ol Wghrhd will all nut-don in W Bound Lads o- In: