Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1882, p. 2

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Fm 5"] H" }" a. M d m ad hm:- mh-_~codtbwld.udhu. mummy WWI-- .- t banal-IN'NN 7mm DCL K' CL.-Cui:L A. Baker; Lieuv. G. Achcsou ; Second Lleut. W. H. 31:11.. UJC lial) 01 employees 01 nun. mud In: were on strxke. The duty Wu: .1) urJuulh one. 101 me cold. which was .r:L~.n~~v, an m loou Its Way through A awry; ~AU l acme Lrousers. while on .m-znl ..L Bu! VAHE. volleys of abuse, u-Hmwu by RUG-bdlh, bucks and iron uuL~ was-(cu Lin: unrps. who. ul'ner stand. ,.| ; an huurs 01 nucn treatment without 1r, 5.. MM Inn'ng nuuy men his, were 1 A unLu ubngmx Lo use the bayonet. in what u Labs. at me celebration of Qwr'u'a Bu [n.1sz m Montreal 111 1878and MN m an um ugnucnt was present. m: We mun;- chcmsluu 530 strong. and Ojudgxug 1mm we reports 0! the public press accrued no lmvu upheld the re u- ntqu as) lung enjoyed by it. In my lab) mo corps went. into camp for three Jays at. Nugrunhund again in 1881 lb Bmumurd for the same period, on each ocuaaluu Wymg all its own expenses. Ann. . you n.- urn-Va Cul'gcuur . V' . obruu A; Surgeuu J. Le: "A" Lu.I.'4pt. D. H. L1cuL.J.b. '1 bumpsou. "B" Co. v CJpL. T1108. H. M. Pclintt; Second I lev. Co.C.1pt. J. n. W. A. Medland. D Co.--Cupt. lm A \HHA "U UO.LL\PL HSKUSUD; menu. A. A. Miller. Co.--Cupt. H. E. Kerstemu; Lieuts. W. G. Muuon. P. D. Hughes. (To.C.np:. R. B. Hamilton; Lieut. J. C. McGee. .- nun. hAJl vr 91s The followuug sL-r is in command: LL. COLW. D. OLbet. \1....N_.x 1 mung. J n Fnr-fv VEGA". AdjutantCapt Buohan. Sul'geouF. W. SLmngeJ ;\~~:. innit-nu .] Inklia 3111215 A. u. nee. nrtur-BIuchrMujor l L a. u. luumpsou. " (3.) Brown;Lieut. . Lions. J. M. Al- ' Delmero;Lt. . " Wilkinson; Liens. K. ller. )lCUCe. y" ' Co.-Cnpt. B. Jouningn ; Lieut. fvlvxclouald. " Co-Cupn. E. A. Nash;Liout.1 ukcy ; Secunl Lieub. H. V. Greene. (LaLulu. W. E. Hodgins ; Lieut. Murray ; Second Lieut. C. C. Ben- Mai. o .' Ava-I All! Iunm y nut-cuts ' M (613nm) Bali-mu, um. m. 0- v-a - wnuaxl b0].. u. uwet. {umA A. Mlllcraud J.R. Forlter. lo Lug 'nuush -. vv. DLrunge. D"..U. um Lealie. MD. Jpn. Allan; Second ,lmunxsou. ' E. M. Chad- 'I... I In that! last. Ian] I. B. I. my "0'... mutual-. n..- v-oa .vu... u-wnou nd Moon-coed their mark half diam-unawa- :hu chuu.i_ mwmm 1878.. \ HIV-WW "I'll'wll u} was nusnu- mug w m In menu. It will b. 3 dill r w Commit. o! Front-um: warmly) of web vetenn wort w u I Nowhndn, Duly. Elma, _ Hm, Mm. ank. Donn. Rie: " m. Maul] Young Libenbii -- bLn-AM 055* ---I. I-..: 1-... was! Tho amnion In Cape Vincent to. IBM dunno]: by the tumor Maud 4.4.!) .4 L. 1...... n _:n L. - .o l 00an mm Mes-ran Hogan. Pen a Co'l "It clothing empormm. in New York, in Mr. I. Chutoh. who reside: at. 201 Rod- ney to. Brooklyn. Becontlv upcnkiu of 8!. Jumbo Oil. Hr. Church said: I u 83. JmhIOIUor A Ioan one of rbenmn. IIIII. Ind Ii-(1k unwound plants: cure. I'M u all h found In my house It 31] In; a would not be withou: it. Ind m I no say one Indexing from I. Old yd... Khulna an! other. Iapl It, The t. Incub- 011 and In cud}. I (9mm) nu III In a, pushox mp bill In lum- man nod iIlla-unlmcwt- E '1 no can u VJJuo, Telugu-I! on 7M. ; rumouaiummnm huhdhwshqmuu. ; Mal-nudgin- num- .- mul M SimWednesday being the Queens Birthday. it will be a. general holiday. and it is to be hoped that. it. will not be u in past. years, that several of our Ihophoepers will not have their places of business oven and thus deny their clerks lie opportunity of sight seeing and taking part, in the pleasures which are going on around them. After these young Men have been shut up in their Ihopn {min week Lu Week. and olben Ll late liouns, it seems like a piece as pchy meanness on the part 01 employers D) conve aday intended [or recreation into oneo labor. Except, to the hotel "keepers and legitimate hdu sea of refresh- ment there"a no excuse why these hpli~ d-yn should be mule days of business. All who nrb- taunted in the employees should Imdlously avoid pandering to Ibogtood which would deprive him 01 Mo prlvogo which he in entitled to In pnnonwith (when. - Yours truly, I'm-Ivan new In can. : I. m In a mu Io , M sh "a In w 311- in- human. . In. G!!! nu enterhiud w 3 mm _morning pnvionl 0 MI Mun- [mm W. M! Smith. mmd 13 n! all'illl. Mghtnum'l upoochtt Mul- chuut bu dmmyod :1! hope of chain- i- In modulonion of the Coonnon M ' j Jagged um the union Inll. 1:. member of Parliament. for. much of promise will b. settled by hi- .u-ryiutbe hinti. John Hon v. n manna-r on tin In an mun- n-om m. My Smith. aged 13 u! Mullvilh. Mailman. because his mother vat to don. wk m In! to non. an new. not: '0:le Gran lo ovary n 'p coming out slum will! crowded with pa- m cue-w nu acumyoa :1: hope or chum. liq my tho COOMIOI An. u theft-mun. John Hon y. n pan-anger on tho Mot Bio Gnndo. became imam. n tunnel the excitement caused by the no. the on um veuel. 'rih h... inn-n inn-uni Icinn ux In nun! an an: veuel. Writ: hue been issued xing the lo- nl almtionl for Non Secti- on who also dty n that for the Dominion MdCommons. than a. mm... m run". nun, . mum, w W. In In lucw nun-u M mumth- u h ' . .30 ill Xingu). W bad bun : were , In an] munuctunr, no. "In. 0! we m-u exec; I M hum 'itb mm. H. In. MAH- nnmnminu nu! Mul m 0! commons. The" is reason to believe that a gene- ul strike will mks place among the coal m M iron workers of Ohio and Ponnlylunin dhtricts heloro J une lat. The ledinn pnnin Rail-av (n-n. rennlylumn uutncts heloro Juno lat. The Cundinn Pacic Railway Com- pany have ratied the purchuo o! the Quebec. Montreal. Ottawa. and Occi- donul Enihny from the Quebec Gov- amnion. A In'nin- -h.-:n Ann--1! A- m-.. Irma-In. A ldoding mint oored to mve 01.35011!) fortne Franchises of New York City. which surfute the milwuy bill now before tha Senate Committee propose to give away. . ho nromoters o! theManimba South l pro W RIVO wy. promoters theManiLoba South Eastern Rnlwav Com pauy have applied for running power: over the C. P. B This. it is thought, will Iorce the hind 01$: 8 ndicnbe. In. .nnnnn nnllnnn AhnAun V.- D..- ("Fa a nulcule. - - he eague leaders oppoae Mr. Pur- uoll's contemplated remgnation of his sent. in Parliament.though be strongly urges his desire to reside on the Con tinnnt for a time. It 6: lunar-rm} Hm! Ila-mnnvo okrant..nc unuu tor time. It. is reported that Hameurt threatens intuiin from the Ciihmet unless the Gommment carry through the Crime Prevention Act. In its originaj form and undertake to enforce its provisions ri- gorously , / Mm. Marin Bruce. 0! anmhnunnck. gorously. Mrs. Marin Bruce. of Rappalmuuock. Pa... yesterday with u poker bent to jellv aha skull of her mp rinughtul aged 10, then took the bothw to the cabin, uul turned the clothing with kexesono, Ind set it on re. 'ILn -nnvnnr Remunmplnn Im.x unrin. um sen 16 mm. The steamer Strunherlw 1m urriv~ 0113683!) Francnsnotmm HoagKong with 800 Chinese. The Board has ordered her to .retnniu in quurantms. 25.000 citiunl petitioned the Board of Health to deal "'6 Houg Kong an inicted port. 701 Reid. an old mum and one o! 5) WI "'0 ['1ng (mg em IDDICBCU p0. Myer Reid. an mum and one o! the most. inuentiulcolorod citizen of Guelford County. on sunday afternoon kicked his Wife to death. It is Bithl that the quarrel grew cut of an attempt of Bend to criminally assault his own daughter Lennon. (Hy tuxLue umouut 01 "I'- rours of rent owed by the tcuuutq of Ireland, which the hill befnre the Com- mons would wipe out. is 850000.000. and the immediate (ne: of the measure will be to save tuna of thousands of in- milicn from evictions nurl restore homes to a thousand fmuilxes already evicted Had not the Govermnent stopped In it; is calculated that 25.000 would have been evncted by tbs 9an of Lha winter. [MAM u on Thn A rm... n: my. W. M 10 oclock the meeting ndjoumcrl with cboon tor the Queen. the Hon. Mr Blah sud Ir. Goon. Orpmuuou vm. [I'M IN) durwlrdn. me mouse or bommons. Harcourt status in the House of Commons that Dwitt is subject to that conditions of the Licch of luvs. winch will be revoked if hu spa-Aka contrary to law and order. Th. "Anna nf lnmmnnn annrAR the P-por hop,B o: Stroemus .m. 8;.annnoo Vud. W 1. Mann" Eton. u twpm. Blduu Ward. n W H Smuhl Carpenter Thu Committeel will be glad to bna tho as Ilnunoo of every gloom)- Iumnble to the return 01 the papal" cnudldnle ) new I40 l | daughter. wen CYICLCH Dy mm 9011 OI Ln wmbcr. London. May 28wThe Arrears of Kent Bill bin passed the hECuud reading n1 the House of Commons. Harnnnrt afnfun in Yhn Tinnun ni no law and order. The House of Commons adopted the mobion of Gladstone that. various stages in the Repression Bill and the adjourn- 9d debate on the Arrears of Rent Bill have prhcedence met all other business until the House oLhermsuor lers. V V turns of A GUNS. Ea as member (41 me Home of Commons will be eld 'I'Hln (Tues- db!) EVENINU. u Iollowl' THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE ! Clnrsqul Wud. I! W E. Robin Nhop, B BITM|,B18p.m. 8;.annnoo Vud. at, Me 0p. Bra Vlcwm 7m p.m I '- - alum mm mm. at l :7 My momma In! M- ' N conducted muaout uhov. wmhclu. (Aypiauuue\ Mr had no one-lion to law! Mr (yuan mnohl utuoum opponent. Any it. could as ohupr shun Ir. 0'. ladle pl up out}. (Mr [lany mo dmn we cut or m .) to tho bent-t. of champ m The poplo. Speaking ol Sn Gamma! Mr. Fem-wk ui'l inan n the awn: 0! that. :- rlo Strut. a: 7:80 p.111. aydonbsm Wud. t; J. P. Glldemeova'l om. Clyoucc Screen, M. 7sz p.111. London. May BELThe amount of nr- 1 men of rah! nwnd hv Hm hlhlan nf W- A muer In In-Iu nd. Prlnlegu ol lhe 1 k-rku 3:. >ck Strut. M. 7:80 pm. a Wud, .2 Thou. Bogex'a GOO'KUI Ev. hymnBum: uu I nun-aqua.- 4" sznt. mv- .- --- MORRISON. The lollowmu table met: I oonnu. we 19: ~.hown the pot-debt 0! Can ulu -le the! July in ucb vear Mmur Cont . .uu- nun-I YTorothro V Flour on, frLoun, ms, iiimm To KEEN:1 _ Danis Celebrated: Widen-Io and Hum! In II II... I'm-d ml am kind: Brill. Ion-- Illoch. Prince- In... thy-I... STRONG UAKEBS' FLOUR A IPICILLTY. )aemumsm! The BOSTON 1m 3703:} l 7131mm 0: ym . 9" if you brmhon, your can In arm mm. um own mm or we;an Inn to In! I j Hats and Gloves R.&J. m wsmam .nr. reuwwl lurx how-mm u the 'I Wham Hut 5:! 'hd huh: him .011"!!me n 0! which he had nude wlpphuu.) Rod] the bod non" Mic be u cm- W It. wick ruin! a! ' madougm much he a 1n nun-ling this hi0 rst muting nod axprnumg the am Meander Goon would be dun... Inlpecnon Inmed All of which we offer at a Slight Advance on Cost. {tr-III - Btnlol [antral25 a II}. Manual TIL 0060 M 18. wt Al Gammon:- -50 u 109}. Mohcljou Nu. Co 10 I: W}. m can:an or in! II In wanna In, GEO. MILLS I: 00. ICN'I'IIII. WI II-I'- Fox-mg ale- Black Goods ! 'a. & J. BARDINER. Kid Gloves. [Onpounlbne I um. A... mm Fllgllt g; n..- In... _ L _ [0'2 Princess Slroel, m. \. _\ ur unmm [Sle Nuns Vailng Clown. Black Wool Dolunes. We hold a 1: lo ICOCI 0t nocx 'mizn. --l\',-\ahl r from the earner u! \Vullinjwu Bx. ' x GARDINEB. WE LLINGTOI mtg. OB MOI, ,mmgo, HIV . IE noon, . 0.11) [or hlpl; 1.1M veu, r May :72} Ann; 71 June; 11 sh Tad cuh , 1995 now to: Aug: 19.5 From this Lubleit w. appu \r Lim debt of Canuln has dullhlr-l. xu Len y 5nd more than doublcl Hue-5 'hll. during Lbn nuue tx'uu populnu'on increuel ouiy 23 [n-r 1131871 the lam. per new WM 5'1 in 1881 It Was .35 72.11 mm 014.37 per head m [cu yo rl's . n-.-..|..Al>... n EVERYBODY Inll a new Cup .13 Ihould moor an! Stock. W0 dim! hum um mun lid on [in __ .- hmn Anni-I.- -- In us. or Good 1"!qu Bank In D:- dupe; d 0! fr.- Como O. l ___ .- I'I'I- IL'VII-Il BAVIMIILM Illhnvnyhu I mom 13:; wow sll my "1.. '00: no I a mg want-um In]: M. Inha- tA-d, lav Ibo pun wio dayl Inn ban por- m'ly may! . lunmon mun-us- Idnu do .0! ma lo mun-mu Prob #5110 All who new I 'u. w m mum m G shun. no In; loan. M lay :2 um.wdviunmunlov slo- Lice-nun!- vhotnckud IMAM u oa- lonm o! lop-damn: in . We: duals" Ind unwound. lo 1. . loo all!on loot Gold-a Han Block. v10. befan mo Mp. Hamlin-g In] 1 on About a pa- tuau In. Ind I! am and on than {at my Summar- mp Do an Ca.ch uuon. . - fExcurs'mn to This Vincantl LnJ-r lb. gunman o the You mm of ab- Udot lb. unptm: we You W of tho I M, Cbnub. Ann I hen-by.th lb. coucunvnc. onho Cunn- Ci] 0! Hm (:mpomlm of In. Cu] or Klnuon Invite [be cirimnu gunenlly to churn tho (A dly MI one 0! Holiday & General Re/blblbg. ' , Being ma Anniverury of the bin]: 0! Her Ion Gumouu Majolly Queen VICIOIII.III u web to b Agpmprlnlelv uburvod In 3mm: Domin- inul. 8rch).\llb at the ---7-. r7, 1!. is allege: Hut. L; m mpuruhld Iur Llu of thin"incre..m Tun the oblnguloua {or Kn Inna-v, v- Iuv rvvyuv. Tho mom of 1879 ought to be n- ' pm. They Would be I 8!. i.- Iuouuion oltpo thin} 0! 5n Juhn uu. lb deem. Iconl u humbugs Ind dam... Mel o! wotkmguun o: all chum could hue been an. on Io tho Mine. u readily as II. when! speaker: on Fu- &y I M thou Wplf- 6 Co.. whoa Mubawn nd SuChule: I. dont VIM white lull-an; u n INCH-chap hho: theyuu mk- s... v.59.- Iolkimn oi Km; a. w tho uncanny uour. d in WI quay mm the M dudopul 4- the thigh!) pudding '1'"! '1. him OLA m A. mung-4| In- Wednesday. the 24th In. A: u-. u.-. v III-dune New 4 sad 5 hum with Bot-don and M cm or KINGSTON. [UUEENSWHHAX CBOSSLEY'S mp nmfou'snsr GOODS. with Boxdotingl. 50. 55. w. 70. u. so. so. 90. 96. 01 mm: 1?qu um n It. In. dd... xaw woou AND muons. m we go u put me. New Dulc- Ell-pen. V TEABER 31.:qu m furry What at no pun. grungy-nu cl an. to no u. I'. 9. I'm nub u o Hand-one New I'D. The largest Stock in towntouloot hon. In lapeury. Brusselm Dutch .1 Hon]:- null. but mm... In! mlduJ Lu LIN! New Mun of all lands. Corner u! hlncusa .k Wellington Scrub. [ammo & name HAWAII I: on Chnmbor. CM unwr, Mny 23rd, \ Come to SHMVS [or the Iago dis- play in new imported Carpets. Musinal Emmior the Saasnn. Unt-I we patr'mzo o! Lteuhcol amour: ol Ibo dlnriol Glasgow Warehouse Carpet Warerooms. Grand Concert, TOTICI is hmoby Inn than the wipe! pltn urum. sud boo of rat-rune. romnuu the sour nud dun-Hon n. the Omuio gn Quebec lullwu wrounb the County of [from ednesday Evng. QMIII May, New runner-- In '. New Oil Cloths. CARPETS. New Lulu brequinu. 24th MAW OPERA HOUSE, . mun-um. I New Hassocks. Taniionuu M .lmm -nh . .m 5.. 1879 w n; 00qu SHAWS New Luce Canal-o. 1 w Jouxntrum. Now smu- Cl???"- JOHN GABKIN, In!" ltv RAIL mu and } u 77W In mm thin Ctsy [turn-1,17, LP. mu ~IL Wu! mic-must. mi: m...m..?. Mumxmv'ubasghn .. 1.": mid; min... W 1am dub-loco! u .u 5 ' CO:in libtlle0J u (D.'. II mu I 0D,Tlmllday an! m. h. and m Jan 0! Juan, )e -,I Mu... .mdn . I lay q;ng my 4 Vernon and Ev'ng. llny gm. mum gunman z m loI-l'lym kahuna-l w inset Drum. Moo u on. and loom o [w u Sale 'of Work 1 1'". Im: II M] MOM) Trusz sun {a the Public I. 01: "My hlr lrtcu Au; 4 Good annof' 1' as you run rcly an [ung u, punk-alum Canlumeu. do not b. Ind at!" by buymg Ev prlcod '0. Mid .hmawnu; l but Intact-II. a... up I}: an m (I. luau-uncut III! to ' ' 0.- adfu c nil-m; mat; nm :In: M- W. cumuuln n M- mm um. "JO Tlbc [nope-1) m occung lxv Mnmn . In. Maul um- Im-n :. m. M to utdurmu. SMALL (4le E2401): AND [mulle oomph ; ue (nu-clue . wuulrl rm mu m m {of-Ilcum sol)! from w M dbreu: In Aunuh Apply in X. .2.) PO Box "70 I. contam- kw. And TlTMI vim u; I by Ill RATIO '. lobe-n to I on how u cm; band! lots on mu. um!- u- the am. at Itou Bulldan. for n a m 01'". Mr I la! on NI.- WWII: nu in but A but. I Moon-pr! n w A: w gang gritisu'qu LED ASTHAY." manna ITO); llOUIC. c in. I:an noun. Int-r worn: In: WI Ind vol] Iubml;oulbulld|nus n m m up- uh p at Awhmu any a- tln m a an an. X owner? O'Donuoll any ad to: luouo in. l, to . . ovum. Bum!" m on SALE u I bnrzuu -a luluy & Mn] BUILXARD TABLE, llIH-nbll) [4 n pmll -r. with uuu. Bullu, luck. our. Coluvlu' \I'nlv ol Ind I . owned by .mu m rm '1' unknown In Mum-1m nu antenna. The in Awnchln ruowly to IACDU. NELL a HUD: 9 he npur. mum For mnhm occult. O'DAVKD UthSOHAN. L bot. Nu M Arch not. I 1W0 0011'10-8. WELL bl 1l'AIED. Save! Bl D'IIIIII Eamon. In Sumo, [lurk and meat. MUM-mo number "I luwu Lu I o: 10.9. MW Terms. In- .155. .I WHITE; clothullnu umqu aim] an null. mm um um guduu, I no": hm" uvnna wall,wxl,|n . an. mud-a wd bdcouy. gnu. J. A. KAROH. come: a: BAGOT REIT. 0n the mo! In, t DEslluum: [llil'hl on Mac 8m. Well. nnr lh. huh, (vmlulu- Manama, I ll: bub-room. cu. Apply w 11 I . h. I. run H rumun, uh I (l"l'|h dulnn ho hum and cumuudmu. m [00d npAlL Apply to HR JANE. Nl2\ m . I'Au or mum. an I'MCY um. Humbuka hudle It \_- Fol A 1! OF YEARS. The T 0~3TORY 3T0 (your!!! on a:- corner 0! Out: I310. on bad TOY-um. in- .1 IAD. MI lull. Acunl. Km ___a.. .1 run 011'! mrsxu.rm u \ Mum I OTROUD BROS II MCI. h Aulubk you! corn" 0! my W t, a ll. Old Hath-xix "d. In I au them an en" 1.00... In O'Donnell, hm hm tho THE PL ! IC ULUT (1 can. an. SPECIFIC ARI/0L2: For Sale or to Lease. PLACES 7'0 LET. I. In the u dun: I Wilda", Ind nbom mull-u. in And a I. _ iuuAL, ,\1.1_\ Aecugu. w terlmg. t}: vs C .ucun on Fri 1-) mm ever a .1": WUlK-nfuld. :1 non of con nevhuh Italy reg-m mdience. behou 1n rctma :u Lhn mad. and l by bu Jun nul lm money. am I cmlzzluuu l-rlhlitwl me lpllil ..._.. A k v .. .-,._. .-..1 B rat day 01 mlellemnou u' 3435': DELHI WW? A mucsnr 01v man out, 3 N.Mup mu, 5mm. The and Au 0! Two In ulonlnn- on :2.:a:m TI! Way I. 0 null-ma ' 113. JJ,77P,U" u 1-.5'. On AerZOIh one of the seamen of the 83. "Panama." than lymg in Boston. 6' (all from the rigging. and. striking the .799fw~i dock. was instantly killed. Great sym~ I 1 ma, 9 53 ,3: p .Lhy was expressed by Ina omccrs nml lerW sailors. the man being au-My um 2 that. Lin .,Iv..nmnu in his: onlllno and Linn lH-l- "- vu.uo in nu numuueryv... In "in would be wuku uno (a Mom tho noun] pzbsence of tin M No lo; 93! John merely S375 thank I dowd for hborers on {In In. ud ho do not inqu to xumrten with the Minion 01 his dear [non : W in tonign 111119ch [In W m at gnu-mun And not end vim tho um 01 our 00.000 of 11 navy cl we pople. TL- ...Mn- nl 1M9 Ann}.b .1. I... -. - 9214.3 m u mutant-Ill. Annunan devoid-mum- . II 323-- u 1 3:3..."Emi Cloth.th J "mmammmmmmm Mum-aw kidney.pri. Morlimdm-nuq only ram. fwnhmndnhlyw t. mum Mufti, on 30pm :Io ooh "Duh-M and! sad w. mmmmulmo-mmm aMMuh-w nun out-slum. Thin hugely. M alpha-autumnal nlmunmmvdon-d-nm'um pronglusood baron: W0. boven ho!- a. r. Mail NM (or (Tan. mmpdou up, what. Doubung out. nit-u dm bu loud Ind convince umpm mm. Uoubung ans. d --~ m"? w. Dru 3m Lap in M. I ~-_- I -- h m gemnyu-derod n pretty dxmcnh Ink to ouido nphyliuhn. but. the lollomuc will wooluoivdy pm who" nine were com: gm.on outdo-a In. Hahn Phuv'u. 831 Union St. C; vu tuned for Canmm don Mus, ad .11 pronouuzod hue.- W Seven box. olDr. um INN-Iona Mrs May Mon desire! to express her grateful wknowlodgments of the unmonial 010167. in cub from the citi- zens gonenlly. thrangh Mews. G. E .uhley. W. R. Mon-o. M. Morrison and J. S. Hondenon. Tho promptness and lime-Hum of tho [in increase: her obli- lguiom. T... CODIBXVuuve owning loudlod Lhr, womngumn. I nioqu moat Id in l875. The elecnnuu KlI'uOlA Guy J Jm." Li tenant." in para. LAuanUu 'lth indignntmu over the h -..w 1 1m [1. .t Cbinunen were not pmmm. . {mm working upon the Cumin i.. .m- Ru. way u: Bnmh Columbm. No L'muuwu '01. It, work. but [ho hum came proh- odlyb! the bum pussxbxlzcyz Spam. '3 not done uumcu-ul. so; on Mn .1 w. procured in 18741:: order to [nature [In- kmblo outtng that. mum. happen "Cum. for the Canadians." mu Hm uid ho poople answered 1: nal-V in 1876 by pmcxug Eur John m powux',' m bu there proved the Huccnw u! bn love in: the home coders. lie and I: ~ ptny mu shod warn uvcr them, buL .1 ilnot What: "my come to u dosruf 0500 at Ottawa nud Mk (or work. It when their vows an Wanted. 'Four year. In". wrouqu lhcu Ckiln'? Hundred! o! Cbmlmuu 'Lmve lubded 1:. In): Uolumbi. recently. to work along lid. o! King-ton Cal'pcqura taken um. than. The huth heer bxr Juhu~ pit-dig; fur Clnadmn work for Canadian binds. Md pounibly looked for mu. nun: probnbmvc when at hm mum through the 3311le and lluuugruuou Menu. They thought. My. 11'be 1h 5 statesman so moved m the club! of nu nlmuud-cvc'l in n._ ..-.l.l In. glam... .-.. 1 _v -Iomu- uw-v hmandei-l In. what no sh. out upon hmuhdmth xnunmdduumyuwn. ,_J .L... ____....-A w 5 IL. II I! WI-Cu - {ad that magnet-dual. 1 "man -.u. um-(mu. AI In brat n "I'. cunn. bot no... method | per- hold cutie-gm oqul an; un- donollnu In salad-bunt d the w politically. Every clan of tho mm In an "patented. ud moot Manny ooWharcbwtu. Imam ud working!!! a! the my. .L- L..- -AA -L--- -1 n... mn. v... surf at .ucnu, l Wun, uuwuuvu. Garden Islund hndquiue alivoly up penance this morning, as everything )1] m the uhnpe 9! I mun or boy was being utilized in unloading the oat. of vessels. But with Ill. incrouod facilities now ll] me there {or unloading besmea CJpL'llu Ailen thinks he can leave the harbor clumr baton Wedneodly noon. and give , Llle boys n hnlf holiday to take in the l cule btntion in the city during the alter u Iuluyu In In. uuw. Mr. Gun, no member, eppearu to hue shined munlly in Itrenuth while in publia mice, rough it. ll not. usual [or those lining in the cold shades o: oppoeition w Mid to their inuence. 1: extreme courtesy. however, to the elec tore of both portion. and his {anhflil reV Kurd for local interests. coupled with a r dignied and crediuble behinug. hm-c won for him on high 3 regard and credit in on as he bid previouer borne out of it. His uuinlnesr as a member w'm well Mimi, and In. it is only u ques- tion of A than time when Mr. Blake slielloome to power Kingston W1 then. indeed. be fortunate, viewing her gmd Lrealmeu: in the put at the 1mm) of Relorm Uovernmouta in having in lur member a friend at court so zealous u; her advancement and so heartily in syru- pethy With the people. mucn Wlul yluu unuuul IUI lsluuvuu. l'nu stern of the Gennvu was damaged bv being run into on batnnlay by the .ana. Tha collision took place no the sllp at. McKays whyrl. Humllton. 1nr.lAn '-n'\(' i...) nnnn n hunlv uh I- m I Inn:- v- ." Fwy. nv only VII. his um! pod huonhnp erowhdpd by ovuvbody. but bu nbuity u I what. his mm In a manhunt. hi. pom-icy as ; pa- mol ova-y pad can. and hum:- I. I u . unison. were out and. 3 Iain. them {or the pniucl ns-whom" town u mem- bon of 3 common wed w (I grateful to! tho amino 0! these qnnlmes. The Pooploo Candidate. Mr. Gum). moot [Hr loudly wu mincrownod lut night. and unlou numbon. unity And enthus- mm bu. oouod Io be Indications of coming um. be [In no roman to doubt lint. tho people's causo will again triumph in his me. \l- a"... a. - mnmhnr Annmn-n tn PKUI ID IVI IIUI IDWB. A Cheboygun despabch reports Flatt. Bradley & Co. landing the schooner bls- :n .rck wnh pine umber for Kingston. an... no Ohnllnnnlu m Ilnvnnuuul WWII-HOW IJ "WWW v- Iuv uni. Inbound-luon unpople. Not. I- n... La .'.h. J nah-II Inn-hurl April 26th one Panama. lock. 01110ch mimncm: in his calling. uud Line 1001- ug was ulno shared by the pmseugen. (aupecmlly when it. was known that hr [-11 u wnlow and children in lerrpmnl. .vlzo would not hear of m deuh uum me ship's urnan Two Kingston gen :Ewuen. pan angers on board. uu iprluuk mu nrrangemunt o! a concert for iii: . n-urri'. uf the widow. and after c? A emhla pructice bv the hth mu m-uh I n}b0nrd the prognmme vns :wLLc! ui red} for the press. 1. -Mm... hum; .A An Tl.n.-ul..c A Hun u UIIUIU, Lu uumuuvu. Wheat 1: carried from Chicago to Kingston at enu. which in low com- pared with tome! rates. A llmlmvuun rnnnnfph rnnnrt! Finn The scbr. Julia is lumliug 8.000 bns . 0! outs for Onwego, [or B. J. Eilbeck. Tn... n... 1---.mnu- In nnn\ll|n Ann'n Mu ul Uuuu nu: vuwuau, nu u. v- H ..... n. The Lug Conqueror is commg down the lake with a nth belonging to Musus. Flatt a Bradley, of Hamilton. .Lnao C. nut-6n]! 'rnm {hin-Idn I. luv Lvuumu on... w w ... I r-vrumsz. May 4th. Hon. .11: L49 Bumwvll, a! (folmurg pmmding in a happy in u - u 1'. Tue programme comma- pm. mylumqmrwnes. speeches. unrl rem: \- :vaus. couclu ling will u banjo solo nu uurun. 111 wish all the performers 10m- ,- 1. Four young ludxes took up the c .1. Aeolian. wlnoh amounted to 15. 13>. uterllh. the Ingest cells-onion the (my saw on A summer. A resulu .lon condolence was camel by L.L numbering neurly tw0 mu. will be forwarded wiLh LLe and doubtless be rcceivud m the spxril of love and charity in whxch x: was seal. Rambdashumoummloc ll hth h mink-n mi noun CANDIDATE. 1.- .au nu. an. em mm hluhmi. luv-I II-mug", III nuum. ! Lou. mine- 1. a lad lot to ulodunu'tk d tame-en'- 0n? , WWI u not. ymnddcd automatically. a mum; nnp to u d in, com- paum.eulwvoonho JIkldWIII- :. by crumbs. which wimpy-d. 1. man innedigtdy MIN-Win. Lon. minu- III salad in. mi, purvqu 50 Lou nun! we I Ill new i maul. mun: independent acupunc- I .vue cranked in In. any. winch b A ' amt-l do: nal 81 Not. , 11 Inf-id mun-mth l IICPSUULDL VOquLoer comp-ulna. VII; Bu-ne Rxe Com ny. organized 27th Dec. 1555 ; lat- 0 Com yo! Toron- m ormnlld 20m Marc . 1866; 3rd Bne Company 0! Toronto. organised :10": Maw. 1856 : Mighlud Company or Tomato. orgnmud am Much. 1866; Foot Andie" Compmy of Toronto, orgunzed 13m Not. 1666; Hiath mexpt Whitby 13! nch, 1358i upwiw (11h! Deputy Adjuunz-Oemnl Rollins-try District) being uppoinbd Hank-Col. Commnndxng. During the M: 0! HR H. tba Prim. of Vida. in Sopumbor. 1560. the tint {out Comp-mics rm to- viewed by him In the Queen'l Pith. To- mato. hem; the only occuiou on which time: oi the out-id. Comp-ins. Bari. or thby. were ptuon u hadquu- 1 :en Inuummnus'ol 1.1. km ; or "many. II a modular 1 In an hth '0! 1.1. )3 h previow- mud dun-ngth a mum. mvnrn! iname:an aunt-nin- - qncru- vw- nun-- We have procured a Ikcwh 0! the Queens Own Rtes. the pprnul of which vnll be read with interest: Our citizens desire to know munching of u history of the corps. the Commth 0! which suggested the procedure 0! the review even it the men had top-v their om: expenses n \.-\A.u- 1 s .- lue 23d Battalion was former] on the '26:!) Apnl. 1860. itemize following in- dependent, volunteer mpames. viz : Bane Dec. 1555 : lat- a Contact of Toron- I. up do... Mlhe lea! Wan lm-ad". My Mus. m o! til-Qua"- mm. lt'u who duly nil-2y up mm"! :32 named. d m up. epoch. Inodinhmyuhcyhnnnaboon -m-.. .54. -:.- m. n. In 1h: Indl. ! .uUULlLJu-IUCI L. The Butmllou is ordeer to parade at the DH Shed at Btbb 3.113., in order {let plenty ol Lune mu? b. given the men to have nmxnunmon served out and all other preluuiuaries arranged. lllml WWI-Wu- In W! mace this cilyuuod to ho tho lodg- mwd lapel-is; hoop. Tho nvhw ml! Me pm. on historic grounds. I: mll not be taken pcn III by u many uh... .. n.- mlm mm, In IIILII II 9' mm W, when for instance Lord Dulcrin paid his visit to moon during the tninlng o! the dumb: unlit. but we proceed mg: promise lobe unendineg inter uung. l: is to be regretted am the Government did not out, out in origi- nal Intention to pny the expenses 0! I down or man oorpI. we hold nove- monu ol 1th would bIVO mud tuber muay mm people thu: om now be nuuclpaud. though tho visitor- mu pumps number thonundl. When we go luck to the formation oi the 14th P. W. O. Ries we got to an important period in the history of the militia force. Awny book on the BOtlis there was no orgnnunlon, but annually the volunteers met Ind tied in ponds. yet made no prewnlionl in regard to drill. The nest eortl at compnnv serwce were not nucoeuhil. At that distinct period politics ruled in eVury thing. and they prevented the carrying out of orders which were deaignedto put the militia on I more eolid and eer- vmenhle looting than it had priorthero lu. lllJU5h the veterans Lind shown great devouon and loyalty to their country. No. 1 wus the rst volunteer compuny lurmed on it new basis in this city. It up, the nucleus 0! the 14th 1. W. O. Ries. Wheuit took shape the Gov eminent furnished the arms and side belts ; the UJULI furnished their own um- brius. shell Jackets 0! ne hluck cloth. . lJlJli'li cloth pants With broad military hr.ii.l,i.ud Su Cloth caps. They Bled l hull patent leather pouchel. something i like timsc now turned hy the oicera. 5 Jim coinpmy was commanded by Capt, ' l). A. bhziw. Fir-it Lieutenant J. Miunca Second Lieutenant Stephen \Vrtght ihiuther 0! Mrs. S. Angling D. Calla.- glmu, who was afterwards Colonel 01 ol the regiment ; Dr. J. K. Oliver. who become Surgeon Major ; Mayor Guhkm. .\lr. W, Allen and many othere'who have Lie-cu or urc luddlux citizens. entered the Hulk: 43 auburllluuhd and rose by rapid promotions. Mayor Gulilu claims to .. i. um ..-.,... himr n! Hm nnni' .0. U LILLupbdlu, V . L. anuul. Lain. J. Murray. Lxcut. R. C. Cartwright. of No. 6 Company, is to act as A.D.C. to LL-Col. .Uoutzz.nmbert. an n . I 7 :, A,,I._.AJ A- ..._~.1,...A Au. LmuL. \u r - f Em hail- ._,E_7_- 77" ._ -_ , "I tin-hung Q Molly ui I l in. runm y none-emu 1 m uu. IVJUU-Iuvv were has been in I 95 ucuve servxce 1 go oulnllmg und m mug the compliml mm: as Majur Cu :13 compliments .lunervmg. 'lo-xm ltnvn n0 uh]. unna nur- vaylluluuvc u: uuvln .- Huvlv .lnjdl General Luard. When the subject. must be 'lo-mortow the battalion ml] turu um, with pioneers. LWO bands. .xud Iull companies. The ocets (or the tiny \nll be WW w W. ....-.. ..... __...__ V- ,ncnuuzocuuxred Ln a few hours we LUU mined around the standard and ~sz to Cornwall with an enthusiasm Hnuu um nave: been Iurpassed; and hey lem endured privuions and d19- ,umtorta m the Interest. of their country u but. loynlma could do. Hupplly .nere ha latter your! no new )f from them, but they woudx-nllmg have succeeded in win~ hug compliments of such a severe .r \L. .. (lam-ml I now-A Vim... , Bngqur (nnnn'nu ... nnunlv uzvmw. JUnUU | 1 L'o.Acuug Captain. Lt. Muc- m; LmuL. J. skinner. I x. 5 Co.Uuptuin, J. Galloway ; Act. \ L, Eucond LxeuL. L. W. Shannon. . 6 Lu.(.,'upmin. W. C. Sands; LL. DITA". xer~LieuL.-Col. Kerr. .uulingMajcr Gordon. .\1 jurCapc. Jab. Power. Adjutant-Capt. A. W. Mor- r o.Captain. H.Hubhell ; Act- , Second Lieut. M. Bunmu. n 7AM... l'..nta|n Inn". H ).-Capt,aiu, C. D. Chowu ; Lt. ] becoan menu. M. Dunnn. >.-Acung Cuptam. Lleuz. H. hung Lu;qu Second Lleul. ll 5|! John Would in to open his Lula! umpuign by I pubhc meezmu in the Open Home at. Nupuueu on 81: my dwnoon next. The announce mt Wu made in Napalm: Ibis moru mg, sad win broaden-t over the cuun ty. The Mlurmcn are "le1041 to dis ouuion und in 'u and that Mr; Blake bu boon Inked to come, but. It m not yet Mn when)" he will be nvnihbla for nds] It is probable mu: he W111 Lo Luna an rmmn Invun Mme durum LLB lhbur) V idling CLl'a. inner: 'rLgUL Cana- nel . uklu, 3 M n... 4 my. uvuv_n. re st nuvl quim prev h|1;;:u!r,ev'unps Dhrc \wm inurwumml 1:372. wt thgtm. t1 the p nlul, and as ch was pronuny the mum-t 1n the D( belu: prewut. IL w: mr-ul. .\gun.1u ld tut.- lmnuum were r Own. Shortly um lust named Camp. corps wut rcqunre Power M. Toruum ( not a. butfortmmtel not uemlwl kwyzui m: .nunn I." M: m THE BRITISH wmu. Tum). MAY :3, was. ;mn~: Ana want. from 1;... _p.ru.nif;cwb. am It. w : and pars 41mm. .1 , Una-rum men. unapu'suouml in! "a I 1110 annual. we 1" III ,Iluobooautho W "goal 0' n'nl mi DGIOCI. Excursion to [lm in. _ [along ue lmeoftbo G? T. l. Ihnlh an: ad in; [m Ann-Inn. 4mm. The Queen's Own Rieswlurin'z I speciandtruiz/nham 180'th lad , 'booonuct\ tot Mm where-Ill Hungch {at M 3' {on hue been nmulgod. Aha 'IIII- ing they rill breaktu n 0:. Drill Shodmhuo the be: will-Uh l v. Tbo Montreal Garrison Artillu'y will Arriveealy in the morning And be quartered at. the City BL. They will dine n the uhblhhment o! B. t W. J. 1m-n nonry In W113 [)9 Op I on their [much upon moi review nishes ul o'clock. Inov Inn ne lulled n llmu below Ion Hoary und will bq opgywod b tho '5 (and: Tho Il'i ninhnn n! 1 nnlmk tony. H I! plum:qu nun Mu wu- .- hard in Lanna: some name during, tLe oompdgn. boever. .______. Capt. Stu:ka will be in command at the Caduta of the Royal mury College lo marrow, assisted by Mr. Cochrune. They pnmde nt10:80. After .he march past on Barrieeld common they go to a! 0 College ground with the Mom: xii G-irrisou Artillery. And under cuuzmrmil oi .llljl Walker will cross the channel on rafts with part of B Batten. node.- arms. covered 1: the uns of the Manual Umilon Ani lay. he\' will he landed littlu below For! Hnnvv Ind rill h: mun-u! In n.- ma. lulla- a Tm" In." Iv grated by Bur 3| in 51868.nndonuth Jd the yang. mo lady Mun-h M the regiment. Wand it'll I Iundwme silver m .m. Thh M w. impunity! trib Wt not 0 . it In! lot but I yuan. t' b Bil still l u a sound! 3 old in... m u.- ud: a. wumuulanpu. upgnuucimtmundy 3 up u IAI'I nun .- I. H urn- wu- vu-vw- ?! n. mining M ,"- two companion of mo Qooon'l On in detailed for dntv 3% Nina-n. u n In" d the 2nd Adminilttnlivo Malina. I. Linen-Col. Dario. uni on that uh!- in was. after four monthn' min. I third mu lent to Sun fut npwu'dn 0! six month. During the Fenian aid at 1866. after zhm montbn' notivo union in Toronto. the regiment vu. on Milt June. suddenly ordered to Port 003' borne. url Lhedayuner took pm in I. action at Bidgewny. in which one 5' f and eight non-commissioned om ' men were killed. and (our MI . 53v:an non- commiuionod can"! and men were wounded. from Port. Colborno to Fort Erin. who! theyjoinei who united fol-eon of Colonel: Lmy and Peacocks. they won in m or three dnvs sent to arisen-A 3h.- hml. the force then consisting o! (ionl [hen-n1 nf Artillorv two nonunth The Battery mil turn out Lo-monow strung th their new clothing and (10011811! cguipnwnt the men will no doubt present a {me appearance. Col. Montlz unbcn will command; the Moun- Led Divinion ml] he commanded by Mn- jor liqlwrt .m.l Lie-1L Donuldon; the Gunman U;v:si..n [$0. 1 Co by Major fascia-mun. Licnz. lmlah, Lient. Don. .ddmn. nnl )hjor Fraser. Adjutant. The uicura at present attached to the . Batturv are: Lan Farley, 15th Bath; Capt. Thompson. 3911.; Capt Bnillie, Linn. Button. nnJ Lnent. WnlkctA'lth; Sewnd Lleub. McLean, Blah Ban. mm. we Iorce men count-ulna 0! "It" Buttery of Artillery. tvo oompdd HJI. 16th Foot. and tbomulm.ul00t (the command of the now celeb-Mod 8i! Garnet Wulseley. then u Colonel on the st l. After helug three weekein Smtlord the regiment wumlxeved from duty-nil the following Augut. when they were sent to the Camp ollnstructiou n Thor- old for eight days. mum to be nndorthe command of Colonel Woluloy. Owing to the exciting events 0! thil you, the corps wua kept constantly at work Ind fully up to Its strength. which st thet time was 65). but es en instanoo of its popularity. it may be stated thatch the 16th March. there were upwnrde of 100 reguldrl) tnrulled members on per-do. \shile at Stratford the strengtbwith two u mpu i -n attached was over 800. Lt.- Col. UHlamr, who asumed commend in the hitter part of 1866. served through 15603 uml for many years afterwardl. and to him mus: be gneu the credit 01 nu: . rv\'r' Au rm..."- at "Ann. Lnnnloll A < Lara-n un vvnru which li-"J! C." rriell the Queen'l Own through imuzy u trying time and which it still mnmt rim. One of the rst corps to I'd-f mo 1 und-r the Militia Act 011868 mm the Qu--cn : Own, and this eunpla was followed by many others. in whole minds M the time great doubt exilted its in whether they would serve under Hint (than) obnoxious Act. A period of at prevailed until 1871. when in mm! 1' iinps throughout the Dominion \n-ru inu'iqumte 1. At those of 187111116 L thgim, the regiment curried pilul,uu1u~1 thut of the latter year as the largest camp ever Dominion. some 6,900 prewm was no small achiev- mPut. Ag un.1u 1:575, at the same camp. honour. reaped by the Quoon'l Own. utter returning from the last the servicon oftho nquxred in aid of the Civil ill. during the Pilgrim-go not \. but fortunately their aasiatnnoe was hey ui that of the moral of lecl given by the presence of troopl; not w, huwnver. (ii-l they fura at Belleville uu Lllcdud uiJhm my. 1877. when 200 0! [he rogmwut were hurriedly sent them to preserve the peace and pre- 'mLL Lw prupcrty of the Grand l'mnn Rullwu) Lompnny from rioters in the wimp of employees of that mail The dutv arm. The clean of I the will uh nun-t...- -n n.- Wham. ml .t I "1 L0.L' J. A. Murray: net. mull- II 9 will. I I; 1.1.... . winch-d .utlm "uncut... [Ln-Inn. (Ethan) H. A may

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