Golden LIon c bee: n11 bel THE BRITISH wan}. rvmuu. MAY :3. 1832 .u.u......~.- v. vvv- .vv-...u-..... lusre as one abominiblo waril w iich l8 th-vuglit lout exprosiei th; 1J3 L it .ns meant to represent. th vulgtr ivoril second-hand." He hopid thit the word would lull into ouch complete lisuso thut philologist: in the future should not b: nblo to discover what it noant. The MOD was thnt the longer it thing was in use the lens uluo it hu 1. If a thing was of goal design uni goal warkmauship it increnei in beauty tud in value every dny it was usezl. Auy molly strong Bathetic movement shoulJ ongiu with the ban licrultsmlu. and tho atrsugth and virtue of their movement ll] England was that they brought to- gether the lion licraltnmnn and the irtiat who had no long benwepsrutel .Vith such disastrous rehnltu to hath. [no virtu of a workmsn was not his Ill- lustry, but his power to design. Design nus no pro luut of idle fancy ; it was the result of accumulated habit nnl of de- lightful observation. All the touching in the world will do no good in art un- 165! you surround your workmnu with li-ippy inuences nnd with delightful things. It wu impossible to have noble and beautiful color in work unless the workman soon the lovely colors of nu- ture displA-yod about him; impousiblni for him to hnvo bountiful incidents and action in the design unlou be was in the world nbout him botutilnl action and l incident doc. Hoolthy nrt was that which rulin- tho bunt, o! the world we know sud the ma nnd women we reverence; m was unhulthy when ob- liged to go back to old romantic sgos lor its thumbs. The lecturer inveighed ngninst thhe ll.\h.-N 1- M- nun: .m- "nu- "" """ T' i 1 Icon! now" to. nouns | r thnt haul added I uw ham: to death. . and clothod gm In. in with frock J cons nnd bmu lama. Ho thought ' real :0le VII DUI. l c annual-not a. want at 10500100! .' dammit: mom- umnun. ; mono u math punt-u 10!} ch. common wax 3'; ad but, con. i stating tho- whh m Manila] um g : and and. 0! Eaton countries. A: _..-.... a... L. m mh mum"! w w "w W wru ochoololduilaldhuhihitihow- dun, ud Mod M4 udde mugmmmudmmq cranium to b. Mali-Impala! LAmumh'lud'ulhm , xmxmhmuuus-% AAL -_- -4. .A.. A_ I:__ _'LL "nun. euo unu uuuu nuu wunv "a: uvlua L0 search out. men and women who lull Lhe power of design and to provide schools 0! art. for them. Art was no mere seals-nu of existence, but a. necessity of uurn lLl lite. unless they were content to he sunethlngless than men. Art. w.|.8 the value that. was placed on his work hv the workman himself: it wss the pleasure that the workmen had buliun n: his work. Wherever good art. nu-l zeal decoration was to be found. it. WAS ncertaiu sign that the workman lml worked an only with his lands bun with lls head an I heart. An'l to have really good work done, they should have n. $10!]:ll and beautiful designs. These du- -xgns would to the n men and .VJlnen of reel renement. who Would .Volh' for them. The spuksr spoheou no subject of handicrafts not one of which was anything but. noble. _n;13 numeral hm lioufbs. this 21,33 vxs by u) mean: prmtiosl. All the .r: mulling wanLl be useless xf work- men were not surrounlei mob bunt;- ;1l things. He referral w horns-43:1 minute. bid wukmmahlp. the ill-' mils houses. and ill-prop)rbional roams ml wslls covered with val-gt: przr. [e wss emphnio in his denunciation of m LL-lo wlnch oanfrontsl him wnsrs war he want. nure espacullyiu nha :rlrn'; .xnl uhink ln [than-nlnkzl hay-nil -u-w u-w- n wwnnmmmunu-m' M'qvumun-oomhd. they coulngot along very Well without pnlmophyvbut he wished to speuk of what. they had done and what was doxug ...._...1. A... nu... ....A nu-h... ml". l...l IvallJtllJu uuau mauvan W|lu nwmuuv v. unis-lunai and grimy roses an 1 sur- uounrcl than: with a lumen] um or. Nhare they were u: are bung um Lb m 15qu with two. Mr. Wnlde than wait m to apeak o! the 1.1:..nv-u'ur n- nnnn -~-'unu11lrn Ooidon Lion M Mun-imam "I." mun-mm. up aw an. a. gau- mi- 1 , helping Io m the but. nu KAI- MeManwu-Wv . human-I'qu was animating to input the W o! deconthe . m upon the but: 1 w u mil-Minun &* {uninh- ; In! The will". wu null. hush Iber. wanted to ancien- puplmi } man all we... who I deep into-i I use in the national nrt. Our np- i pond on than none twenty mini | ntu that the veried tine. e wu I n planning. living Walnut in two 1 prunilinq linen. blank end white. with ncrownina cloud 0! meet glow in the ' L ehnpo ol the much-described old-gold : locks depending to the shoulders. The I glued shoe- wen not small. but the narrow length wu xii:th mental by Iilvor olnupl. The MIC. in comm- ponding blah. Ibo silken hose. Ml lbOVO this the knee-tine oi lilk. gin a! ethiopio tint. end then the molds: il' ginnings of black velvet. with 0! l hm zone] can and vest. Oi jewels, bBHll183 those nnctious ones of upeech that fell from the full lips were nlu'ge handsome ring. an! a double tab of the lntest or. der displaying Itonu of interblenJiu; hueu. contrasted uthetioelly on the ebony beckgrounJ. A beautiful tie of white mite mule 5 left resting place for the nbnndtnt chin. while nrounl tho wrixbnnde were the Mine soft lace. He h in hell himself with soleasseeaiw. one arm lmw bent with h-inl nt sile, uni the nther resting with any negligence on the stend or holding a roll of copy. lhe gently bended knee. now of this in; mud then of that. secured goal ep- pruxunations to the beauty line in the silk eucned extremities. The impres siau on the nu hence w. quite pleasing from the start. Mr. Wilde eniul that he I would not give n nrrrvmwn-v -- An-lnnlm nnAPTv 1 1 i nun uu "Qua Maj-w vs awn. u. w.) .7 5mm, 1m! which for abmlnusly honil Hun-335 aurpxssed anything he hll r2311. bua ordinary monllic above. It in MI baa: lefb in its unuml ugllnau IL night. hwe bqon 5015:3651, but people tswutad weir 350733 with wrauhq o: \uuu,x, 1 m'u. P.~|O--' m-WMMM tub I..- IIJ OI!- r The Euminon under the McLood bequost rooently not (being City In. 4 ; specter Kidd. Prof. Dupuiar u Chemia- i try Professor of Queens College. am) Mr A. P. Knight. :- Rector of the Col- loginte Institute) and hid down a not of miss to gnide the ndmiuion of pupil: to i the competition {01' Inuit: wholu- : wipe. They have unsuited thadir l oration Ind powu glued Manda i the will. to select the 091101111. by do' 9 mm; um boyl don. u- angina ta ; oampetitiou. Tho undid-Ml mm In undar night... yuan oi up and gull " upon the aubjoc of tho m M o! ' m. mm. mm]. nu ma ._..... q The attendance at thiq institution has ! not decreased to the extent that was anticipated under the resolution of Jmuary lust rte-imposing teem yet there are only 78 pupils in Attendancamud on the rst of July without a doubt the school will recede to the position of a mere High School. There are several reasons (or this loss of attendance and prestige. being primarily the erection of a County High School and the lormution ol' Filth nud Sixth Clauses in the public schools. A rediltributiou sud curtail ment of the sta is necessary under the altered circumstances. and yesterday i the. Institute Board took the mutter up , seriouqu and resolved upon a thorough l enquiry into the working of the wheel at an early date. Min Philllps. one of the ve teachers, retire: at the and of the present term. J... )6 exueun 01 out any. lulu uuv noun-An ed. Oscar's wild over the beauty and picmresqueneu oi the situation." He greatly admired the magnicent, bar-1 hour. This afternoon he was the guest of the Dean of Ontario, who drove him around the city. Mr. Wilde takes an Interest, in the politics of Onnnda, and when last. evening informed that King- nbou until 1878 was the constituency of Sm John Macdonnld. and that he was "bounced out with emphasis. evinced much interes; and asked i! he had been ranked when the N. P. wave rolled highest. He went West. this afternoon. His style of dresa and long owing hair took the eve of every one who saw him. you In! IIIIIJW- v- u- "I? nun-v w ; u public schools. Tho mat-ion wdlnho plum uni-r than rnluutho Hm Ire-k0! Aunt and tsunami. Jmuryinuhy-I. Than-ow Ibo "onhnndiotncbolulhipl ammu- {uxutolnhounyu-ndpbw. an art. mu la by the him In 0! me people. I Spanking of urteluc then for children i he referral to the Swiss shepherd boy who wluuld come home and curve over lus leather 8 door the animals and insects he ha'l seen on the mouubalna; if a Swnsu boy coJld do so much. a Cuumlluu } boy should do not: as much Then vlulzlreu should he brought. up in such u snuplc atmosphere of all lullchingq that they shnul 1 learn tolove whntwas beuuA Mal and good. and llnm lqu was owl and ugly. He also showed how they nught be taught. truth and kindness by means of art. Mr. Wilde quoted a ' sentence of Keats. A friend lllMl udvls ed that poet to dedicate a new volume to the Bmish pnbhc. and to say that, the British public were the re: test. I judges of an that had ever been amce the times of Florentinau or Athenian K2;th replied: 1de6 uotgob the slight.- aut revervnce for the British public, not for unvchiug in existence except. the Eternal Being. the memorvof great. men I and the principle of beauty." The spent at couclu led w 1th A IDAHTWIYI. Dtnnnnmn. A BEAUTIFUL unonrnox. l Said he: "Tuere Is uobhmg 1:: 111a than the touch of an. cannot, eunoble. Com- meme 15 non opposed to art. Genoa was - bmlt by its traders. Florence by its bunkers. and Venice. loveliest. of them E .H my 29 "um; and hnnhnt march;th > V swung I hrqu Applm lnr 250. II N)- bmkurs. and chce. loveueu OI huem i L. by us noble and honest, merchants; y le; AHJVILGL. with Euglsud, embrace the preccleubs. Then eVury lesf in your Tn, Lu forests shall yield tn aquatic per- :umcuce the beauty of its form and de- slghmuj ua ckurminq conguration of } ' wud rose at brim, but. W111 llve torever : iugmv en doo'rwuy or gateway ofmar- me." I i VLKWL III: \tlll- Oscar Wilde dnl not go West thfs morning but spent, the day in promenad~ . ing about. the city. He is a very Mfans i geuLlomm and made many friends. Ao- companied by Mr. Thomas Power hu sited the City Building: and was much pleased with the noble structure. He 1 was conducted to {lie dome and sboWn the extent of our city. and one remark. A . ..n-b....-.. mu; A-" nu. hum-1 and I I nous rs mm lull nor. Dean I my 10 um I man who made it. and is not njoy to the 1 people whom-Ia in We want to we created I la by the hauls o! the people. Rnnqkinu of nrheJuc than i I _'-_ mm mmmmwm n- ound.who. pith. comm: rouwroceinsouhinmnd indiuanemm IDOIII on In: n no wo- ' men. bee-nu thet. the v keynote at life. we: nleo the new? mI de- sire of every one to express the noblest side 01 his neture in the neoleot w. All modern jewelry in commonplace. Gold is ready. in mmntein hollowh for great improvemente here. Gold is not on! (or 'wetlth. but for the articera uk' I. When Inch I one is lonud, en- courage him. patronize him. Tell him to curve that for you. watch him on he beats out the gold into those bountiful thin platen, delicate like the opening of the yellow rose itself. or dnwnit out into those long wire. thnt look like t angled sunbenme. Wntch thnt work man. help him. cherish him. and you will have such lovely work from his hand as will be a delight to I of you. This in the spirit of our artistic move- ment. and this is the spirit in which we would wish to see you work. Make the subject of your art all that is noble in men and Women. the stately in your hikes and mountains. the beautiful in your ower; and in your lilo. We want to see you possess nothing in your houars that has not been n joy to the man whn made it and in not niov l "nun. mun www- 9croth. Hm It. Wilda E pointing to the vim-uni rod ' table on the up. mind. "But dol't mun an bl. cloth." _T 1 ohms should Inn Appropriate MI {wank poulion; u should ho noon? ) I I . on n u. undue. his abl- clash should noqu In: a all. (Laughton) ' Mr. Wild. spoke of tho hortihlo mm in i which lm on." Riva: Ink. 5 Tai- | at..wa sud noble tint mm with Huang uwdun. which kill: the sh And doctroyl all plaunro. u: :oYOCI an: or m u :ovocu an: or m they should .130 Inn. ad a longs of individualism shout each sad ' m... knn-nn- th-c tkn var- Il-vnnln n! l unlawful-nu, HIMM hjnu an: 3215] um and do *1: ne mm d all. I. POOP! Ibo-MM from nunMm tron be I nnduodiniouehmuhwu m I rut begun at u Tum-h cup. to: I inmun. Hunt-dun mo! manual. mumqu whoa-mg Mn '1 tn tho 'donln which yvonldbouon. hmIMnbrnmw-in Noun. wonldnd huh-hum. um nnlnnh "an In Wild. M, (1 {'rdviSioIi Department. gran mu" 0! u [unl- an). manna. u upda- upon-um ' u no. in y Inn. A tin-h- 'n' n pal-d- Inn-Inn u: at I. in I I 04:00.4 Man Canal. only up. , Chap Lin-n Colin 0 ply. on y "c. ,Unon Alla-Ann nm In 0 my on Linen Colisn. boat uun mndc. only ho ock Jays oh land jltthalawanJJnhinzStnl-a! bmnchma and asthmt, IB now cured; Several of my family and friends have been cured c! Bronchitis. Asthma | and Cacurrh by the Spirometer.Joux P. WuuLummnager of the [01: and Tm; lt'unru, Montreal. lhmugndu mnrn nnnl/l had-mu kn! 'hn 1 I'll? n unru, .uouuem. Thousands more could begivon. but the nbove 1: sufcient. to convince the public of the menu; of the Splrometer. Call or wnle, inclusiug st lap, to M. Souviolle.ex-A1de- Surgeon of he French Army. 13 Phllhpl Square. Mirna]. Hannah 9 and auenn can try it free. Call a! HEATH & (30115: old Stand and try me ? Soda Water wnL uc umrcneu wax w mngsnou uu.l n short. (SILHICG mruugh the my. omcerh uumlumeg corps are requested to hot thezr primLu parades In Lune Lu be I Dllncllmllv on the nrnllnd MI 112 m nut. m PIIHCLUJIIy uu bile urouutl EH N: US 08, HA 2 LendeJ mint. aha proceed uga should lust r longer than 1:30 p.m. Since the order has been issued in is understood than the Klngstou Field 3.1L- bery will not tutu out. - Six west ; daughter curt-d oI asthma. Geo. lehs. Extur. Out. catarrb and bronuhltis. .Tnhn nun... n nah. a... 'rm-mnn Drononms. Johu Dunn. 8 Robert Street. Toronto bronchins. J. D. Armstron . 186 Yonge Street, To rouco, catarrh an oatsrrhal dosinena. Thomas Teller, l2 Melinda Street. To- rauto. asthma ; outed. Mr Run; A Ilka Rf. "rhln Htrbnt mum. asthma outed. I Mr. Beuj. A. Duke, St. Urbln Street. Montreal. for mnny yesra Iuoring from branching and asthmn, is cured; qunmJ "T m" fumllw om! W. REEVES q, 50., : mmMAdgw-mmm. lav 11 1. II- Medic-l Prue-don. and all Who-"n In} Concert. ____ I g YMMM. a In Food, O Innoub'uod um m 1min, mum.m.u.9m.ul muralme Um-M_ lava-Am'm-lma gm mom Mun-u"... not: mu nunmutnlm ruvul smuue an 12 o CIOOI. noon. It. is no be distinctly understood that the ut-Lackmg force. on making the bum rush, is not on ouy account. to close nearer than 5) ya: a to the defending turcu. The assailants are supposed to he beaten buck owing to the strung: 01 the posiuuu vull retire ring. 1 The whole 01 $118 truuuu will then be me posmun wm revue nnng. 01 tluupa [1 I formed up on the origin uhgnmeun am i wdl be mun:th luck to Kingston nu] thrt xlmtnnnr: Khrunah thn mnv ml-m law at the mAny hundreds: Mr. G. Hill. Montreal. and bronu ohms. Mr nannnhAnnh-"n (.0 um huh". DA. omua. Mr. DeBouoherville. of the Indinn De- partment. Ottawa, ontnrrh o! muny yum ; now cured. l Wr nun Amar netnwg antlrrh 1nd Inna Sanderson!an cured. Mr. Geo. Agar. Onawn, cat-Ln}: nnd lung diseases ; cured. Mrs, Smith, London, wife of Medical De motive. cured of catarrh. Geo Maguire. 'loronto, 482 Adelaide 5!. West daughter curl-d of asthma. Gen \Vlllm Extnr Ont natnrrh and bx__4__ }w. J. WILSON :m WWW-II. _Wu not-mutt! mmumnokum' WWI-dam; bun-p17 lbw 03 M 3305 utmlhmldlykpd. AM'W Mtlonnm Andy-non If. n unhouh. and opemug are u once on me vumgo. The Montreal Garrison Artnllerv Will be toured to the In: of the line of origi nal formation, and to the north of the common. to clear we path of the Queen's ' Own. and WI man be wheeled round no the left. an] {arm a reserve remlorcing as ordered. The (.mlobs of the Royal Miliry r~,.n.,.,..m.3..:...1:unvvnu....m nonnmn | nftcrzmsz ordered. Collugu um! n half B Buttery Gmnson Divmnu wul proceed by shortest route to tho Huyul Military Uollege.und w~ l presentng it [urge furor. WI cross Navy Bay on l'ulld to make a right. ank uL- tuck on the Village. in support. of (be attackluu force, keeping us much us possnble under cover. .Thc remmmug hull batter-v of "B" | [\IDCTZ'IAYJS 0 In p 3 In l'ullit V1 .1 o tunl: .n. (hm I pOFSlDlU uuuer covet. ,Thc remaining half battery of Butnery wxll go to Fort Henry to re In ruvul saluue at 12 oclock. n ;.. 1... 4;u.;....n.. ....,a...g.-..a m... F It is now lecogm'zed by the leading mcdi- on] men that Dr. 31. Souviellespiromezer 15 the most wonderful invention of the age for the cure of Cunrrb. Asthma. Bronchl 19G; ml a Innn Minn-un Ahor hnwnn Iur we ox euum. asnnma. broncm Lid. and a lung (568.383. After havmu -, been used in the leaJluq hospitnls. it. Wars 2 proved that 75 per cent. either-1e disezsnen, by many culled .ncureble. can be cured by 9 the prrometer. an instrument wbxch cou- t veyl medicuml ropertiel 11er to the ' parts affected. his discovery is proving a. blessing to mankind end e credit to his name. Msny personl in the on 0! Mon- trenl. nu all over the Domimon. eve been : cured of the above dinesm. Below are a. \ few of the hundreds: G. Hill. Montrml. cement: lug Armlory. The Queens Own Ries will be marched to the extreme west end of the Commoumnd then extend {or the attack of the vulhge. the eld guns 0! the attacking brigsde mkng up position and opeumg re at once the Village. The Montrle Garrisun Arhllarv Four Balls 1 )fCrowet' mung xrom mnguwu. Thu Mounted Division "B" Bctury. 4 guns, the Cadet: of the Boyd Millurv College. th Garrison Division of "B" Bunny. tho Manual Garrison Artillery (Luann-Col. W. R. Oswalm and the 2nd I-nnnnn'n (in... Hill Al (1...-.ln " will (menu-mu. w. n. uswum unu me am) "Queen's Own Bilbo 04 Canada." will form the attacking force under command of Lt Col. Otter. Brigadier; Lt.-Col. Moutizambert. "B" Battery. comnmudr jug Artillory. Tim Dneeuu Own Rian will be n a... Iauul wornI. w... The Kingston Field Batter . Captain John Wilmot. and the Nth ' cm of Wales Own Riu" will form the de- lending {urea under command 01 LL; Col. John Kerr. Brigadier. will proceed to Burrielleld Village and take up I position loriu dalence from a 10m at- tacking from Kingston. This Mounted Division "B" Bum". N BvTbo Alumna-nu on Um nu m to be timed. ' l Bomcmbor the pin:- to us an Low Mylo. l- acuna!" Coll-n square. Mo treal. Physicin aueren can tly W 16wan & co. 9 hmhnnhm uni-in In um @Iuns. tar tlun ever this yen, Bria your on the 24th, well ale mun In W. 1. WILSON. Room Paper is going off in Large Quintin- The Price. Does It 1 Paper from be per 3011.11 cirulc l'rlumph Iu Brnncr Ind England. VVI, w yum-in In. Inn ._---\___ At prices that must. ntttu} the caution of buyers. We mun to do 311 in on! War to sustain the reputation we hnvo of "The Lending Shoe Htoro o! the City." The pbco (or Lndleo' French Kid Banana! Boot. uni Shoe- Benunful Fmiug Uoodu. ' \ \x n r. Annnnona'l. Mty 10. No. 0 Gen Street; Perth. 141 Pn'uoun Street, Kingston. FOR CHEAP CARPESthACE CURTAINS i WALDRQQT'S. W new mouluunm ulcu uul'uuun. 0350 worth 05. 60 pieces New Crewnnen. 15. 20. 26. 80. 35c. uneap buruun new yanking-us qu Muslin Curtains. Tapestry Carpets. M. 50. 60. 76. 90c. Bruno I Cups. a" pawns. 90c., 01. 01.25. 01.50. OR a long time buck we hive been endenvnring to prove to our host 0! Gomme Cuotmnors eh L Ron] Styli-h Boot or 81: )e. HAM-Made Ind of good Inlay. an be got Ready-Made 1nd Much Chuper than by luavmg )our mounts. on. low hnviug 3 large sale {or these goods. Gent's Hand-Made Boots. Gents Hand-Made Low l Shoes, Gent's Hand-Made Slippers. ' Pint-chug Gcodl n Modento Prim. an HI. EXTRN 100 Secs Nottingham Lace Curtains. la 51'] uni-HI I5 l 30. Me. I [Cheap Curtain Non Lumbrignnn Ind | Mnnlm Curtains. l h dim-s A B landid Assortment. of O in Tlpulry. B , Wool and Union, M mind on Sunnis, I lap mm; a 8.3. on cm... w; hi. ock in ON. clap-Lumen! tho mm h the 'I nitv 3. any. New Guipuro Lace curtains and Lamhroquins Tapestry Carputl New Pltlernn. at Me, 600 and 175:? Dutch 4'.lrpets,35c. 40c and 50c. Hump Cu en, 11 Duplux Lure Curtains. New lmmhregumh; [NI-'3! J) Marseilles Quilts. Cheapest m the city At the Vow l"; MORE -| NEW -i- Goons: Carpets: 1.. nxonAbSON t . r - I THE CHEAPEST line 0" FRAMES 0'8! noon in thin Citr can hit! I. tho i Old ablated Plow- Famo Factory. Bnng on you: Plum-2:. ud luv. than ,lrunod Che-9M1! (I). Mnglyleu. Fummlm! 84m .01. nu be I! d the Knight: and). Yorklpuurn- jnpt introduced mm the gut. Vat, bund- flul M Our hoary a tuning tun bun. camowa uni-5mm mu. mm: the flue. ll! Opera [loan Bloc-1:. PM It. ' Richard-av- Plum "am t Ill-av Mun M I. M nauozmou .' co's. Guipure Lune Curume 3} suds )ouu. 81.50, 9175 Ind 03. Guipuro Lace Cur- tains, 4 yds long. '2 50. '8 N175. . H50 and $5. Luce Curt-nu Net l7u .' 2121,3220. 25C. 300. 3H0 and 400. Short Blinds Net 100, 19150.150. 170 and 200 Lamurequim. 500. 600. 750 Iud $1. | Pup-n [or the and of loan. , ' Inn-cal... ~ 3 #7, I. 0, PAIR. MM and -- IAIVINU. [AMIID l haul 6: .0 4-040 W M an... JII'II" nun...- ( i; 1; human non-mm . uni mun-ma .lwmahu'. 1 "rial canal. hm Ulc- Im I 21: M .1153 .iEiVIINOBSS srrL, 31 In NEXT T0 1 CENT RTORF' 60 ploou ew Dun Goodln 60. 10:. my: 160 um! [10. Mull: pd. {ram 100 to 20C. 1 26 i009; Nun's Valli in Ill tbs novel: I 5 Idol from no to . Boats} 5.598 Ehs: AT SUTHERLANQSL goofs AND Sudan SPECIAL ' MA. I!K Llou Gm BEWGTIOIS THIS WEEK in 24th Ma3__ NEW. CARPETS! May 17. May 13. Low-Priced. BOOT & SHOE HOUSE, Dry 0001 Store. all Closed. WALSH a STEACY hue just uponod out 800 pmou of tho button. PRINTS over shown in Kingston. 'lhoy are marvel: of bounty. md would lurly delight the ban of me most anthem-l. Ooou Wilda no! W. (III and see them. BARGAINS TO-DAY IN READY-MADE Room Paper ! JUST RECEIVED A'l B()\Vlv a HISSO\II'E'I'. W11 A crowd l The reason in Nut they no oennu petslop?;';z;:Car pets A" ROSS: VERY CHOICE STYLES! P. x. 0003mm cu. BOWEB 8: BISSONETTE, 0H,! D.-;..... n 0' n \l' n Inn' Illlll. AMI-I'V sun-w ~ 7 bawludum no. 0-. ummhvawma .11., mos-am 10.1. gl'la Il- SPENCE I CRUMLBY. I32 and 1M Pnnoou Htmt. oppodu Cy Kohl unmmwawm amusignirmnhlhi tn. All wdol bum. (furpetw. 00. 75. 86c. Cheap Linen Crumb Clown. Grey sad I Brown. all much. my 19 I LIIHZ'IP hull?" Lrulnu UIUEHI. um, Ill Brawn, Crumb Cloths cut. by th yurl Ol' sin. 21) Now Whine Quilts .1. "36.01.60, I 92, Montreal whole-ale nn'cea. I 21 0' WHIDB QUHDI .1. UL". 'l-W, 92. Montreal whole-ole 'ceu. For cheap Sheeting: Ind ' Able Lilo-I an to We will slow on Thursday: 20 pigeon Colored Dru- Iwku Io. Nair Milhncry, 3 can M ud Nu: York lillinuy o dad h-dny. I one (help 6 1: mm Call bad no. t om. 3 Holiday! Thea;- makus of (urnunl Ire warranted to wear lwwv an well n! the old {tibial}- ed Numnylmm Luca Curuinl; Qllo LmL-u Crumb Moths. m 8 110"...10 l 13 n..12 x {11,12 A H In and 12: 16h. Pu and um.- lint-u: urmln ll USES a LOCK-"- R. WALDBOII- (npum (be. 5' 0 And Me. . 130. 20crm-1 2", .\'r-\v To WHILE! & Togqlllnu J nu I, rlour mun-nan hull. Unmet]. .50 bblnv Annlnlml 'Iu-ul HI H L. e "11 NOT H060]. (all and loonm I ' BIPIIII. XL, 2. xw Gollnn Lion Grocorv'u 104:. nun-h uninvml that nvervunu h roll. UllanIl, {)0 DD, l ADNIMJ Wu-M, GU J 3 Punk: Mad..- Bauer Is a Penny Earned MIN" 8: IURBIY'S. OROQUET. V. II. .chlllli .un n m some: LIOI mean} I Finishing?"Y Novelties, &c.. Ball Set of Crocfueti for only $1.00. for only $1.25. Huslins, Embroidories, } Hosiery, only $1 50. 0': y, n than y'n beau Grocery ; d (I). Grocery; Tea IIoa !_ Tea 2! A Mum Mlcllwl MM I} Lzzr; 1 In Cosr:ixcr..Thna Linn! now 1 v. 1'. w. Janine let; for Amom, ] wncn; the l'nuntfve Melbodxat Comor- I ! L use aacmblus. Mr. Willisz Hales sad i i \h. 1:. Czunoveky leave tomorrow not 1 Anlcg-su-s from ths district A]: ewlcuvnur Will be made to out. 30'. H. Hun: as the next pastor of the church bore, in the event of Mr. Joluo bemg renWVcd. Irengnt Lulu the ac: 7..-- : LLLCTLUJIY A\D MAusmsx when pro- perly passed mm the blood, brain nnd nerves produce the most. wumlorlnl :1. CM. We are told that. the clemeu I an". pcrfucny blcniuJ 1n the medicine known as )1 wk 5 Magnetic Medicine 8d- \ux..~e..l m mmthe.culumn.and the good u MCI: h u Laulhcd from in nu cannot E be c lwlunted 1n dollars and cents. l ercnsw no! nu Sol:an Durucr. .\1njor Falrtlougb. of the RM. College. loun just returned from a ying visit to [ht Suurm Dnlnct, NWT. He sum. tnuL all Lhu \uy from Brandon to Turtle Muunbznu. Lumgs nru booming the hm hm: high uanB Lnu ood. The Ioasou h m ,uvml. mud fuming 1m been bu .h 'hH} umdcrcd uwxug to the drynest .. ,"..1 Th "Jun n' - rAxnn-ID'I h. . , _, _...__ 7.. 3va .n THE l()L.\'D.~.To day agentler m m valued USburne. I dealer in cattle. b mgm. 3 horse at. 5) cents per pound. Tm annual. winch was young. weighed 43) lbs. Our mfurnuuz uaclnon thu in Al nut is n H! mm: m I minute N lec- , __A--,_ ,7._ I Duo n; Huu'rux. Hurry Martin. who (a: the pun ve years In: been cl-nwvctcxl nth the steamer (torsion. died In the Marine: stpilal. Hamilton. 1': crcmw. 110 w w Leg ltll) cared for un ( h n lmt lumuenh undo somewhnt gut c! M um luvmg wachfulnms of his u .- ,. u . wn , , -.. nu h... . .... MM. waru..-- l Rum. an: acting for Lnlvm t Sol. Ind 'Jlkgxu .t Wule for thy Bichdiu Company. A pm I v. v- rut:qu [VIIIIIUI'WU- and the Gnnd Tm! mm... It 1 coully chic! am! 01 the CM 11 bum! Tmnk niwny, In. New: led cnguncx ud Mandate! ed Iwucuonolmvumdivida a u A CAudln huh nuy 10- [that d Oneal Boa-up A SPECIAL DISPLAY i aint wincub. .- ; have the inn: In tho I.- gnnhng Lhotilodh . nu Exbmmon Building! Th u Press-hug! the Load W 2.4.... .d ~.&- .1 AL. In]... N'I,'Ill\l WUIM I- ' . nvalid. huntch I. I In proud. lbd willhyhn m. meow-manna... an. ; hlnnhi. 5 A 7 --.._~_. , vh lioTW.LL. auccwaor Lo Stacey A lle ,1 . mum n l- armament-1 (or I spec. .u'mt u! the L'JuJum Illustrated Am. to man 53'ngst tumorrow for Idn'puso of making sketches of the HuHLW ou other puxuu of interest Lenvu your orders mm him tor extra u-uk'i u! next. weeks issue. mu u. 1w \luu gx-I Mr. J. C. JMmyol.m .ma nk- n._...l 7.... An-- And! In. A dam "colic-bun." In I .... M- LL- gm-nun. (In. M u umno Nmxgauou (30.. respocling lb. lhnmnm the "Trutcll'" with tho Pm klorl" last lull, mar Luchino. III. mnnulei iu Hu- issning- of I writ in .u Queen's Bunch Damon by tho .xduu Inland rm ngtinnt the con:- m}, The cue u one o! connidenblo . l'llannv nud ill probably be tried : ihc next Fa. Asuzea. Kirkptrick 6 .._ -_.. _..:;..m l..- l-V-... L am. -A L'n BEGt.-Tho dupute between 1 .1: 50m and the waolieu and \ . ,n ,,-,,.- . ...- nu... n Ins (jcrue .\hruu. The 1 a suemx; {mm a cold. n . .A. I Gloves. mum. w. w ..... -.,...... i The due of property in , Dmmgt is lucreasmg I vnluo. out) (Sunni: L'mt night. nhon. a well known conJucLor L l(.. mu killedu Belleville. mud. yesterday morning On I m, unl while returning to tho 1 tho evcumg. from town. uci; by the Western ex- \tu mangled. Hus remains Inscwmu l {or some time after; [1' Un- mmn qmet. luoensive :11:th larslucclud by the 3m I . . ..|-.v'l~|) 'ue young m; which wot-huge of tho lungs. ['1 Hm both will nrrivo .ny by the summer ('or- I Lghmuuwowm giving duh-holding. Um: dag-to- '-'Iov. Ila-cmdhoptochmi- 'ildudnuwhmnlumum ' b M M lib-y. MS I Quinn-MINI. mhm' imam-mum um w. u... u..- .- .__. v- -__ not work. I will be home next Full i: they don't glve mu wages unoug'n There have alrearlv arrli here to work on the road same 2.000 Chinimen. I More are coming Hm: Mun ( hr .1 uhue man 14! after a ulule. There )3 not. so much work to be 1.3:] m the country 8. the people say. A persnncun hardly paly his bourd in the wmler. AM (In boy: an ullmg (hm I'm/L I have been lying on bonds ever sxnce I have been Inn Ind I and it better than most of .Ln_, n W0 oer the following for the Consi- darnion of Mr. Harmer. (who cook a number of Kingstuu carycnlers l) Bri- ush Columbia) written I? one of then. i to his father. " my have clmugv. 9 since I wrote 11 hat. They have cm down our wages to 82.50 per day, Many ol the boys are 110111;; to leave on pay day. I think I will leave in the (all. 1 could make as much at home as lean here. There is much wet wcather here lull the time rain is falling and we can- I r W II I ,L __. .-_ IT. 2- During the past wmter a number of ab: belonging to the Athletic Clnb of a. Collegiate Institute have been Itolon from their place 01 deposit within the lmmm budding. About nine days ago 3 foot ball was mined. worth savo- lll dollm. Yesterng the boys Found .L_:_ L, 1_ LL- 1.--), A: _ 1...._A.._ - 011m. IWWIIIIV Luv W'IB nvuuu I bdl n the hands of n laundry loo! hull club a pnctics on the Cricket 'hld. They but bought the ball, Em W to give the name 0! the seller. Tm tho aid of the poiieo in to be 2 {avoid In otder to search om the one. I d if hashing also will null. rst for {Mumsm will follow. n. gum-kc m but notied an: in m {In In will be ruponsiblo (or Mir. W Issuing! ua provided {at In Ila-Ind hall. mg! no outsider should my 1:. sbk toga; in. III],- Tharo will be a sacrice lng. Dr. Sulhuu mll wie -Nnu. m. n ~ , ,.., A H... bun! w uuuuuugo 1.. . m .. u Mr. John Lunck. ut Lb,- Torycaucus. declared that. he was ".m Or Llle'In] m but that he wouH support the Doctor let, him be a ProbestnuL or B lpnst (Ap 1913036)." In the [mum of all that. 1. good wbntlmve the baptlsaslonc Ll): they should be druggel mLu thLlL b} In imaginative reporter Are B|me~ not Protestants ? __.._ Golden Lion Grocery .v. .... v..." ... .. . . .... V The .Yeullt'kldll': ['mt the lorj.meut- ing on Friday up;le wu; nrunlly an open one. It. dd not look luke 1L rm Fri thy noon when a 'mu reporter {uska perminion to bo pru gout. and was duly refused. mi, _. 11-4 1... I.J_..\.. ..ull an-IUL. mm. Twenty-five Linn laui-cr, WI an at the Kingston Immigrutiou 081cc day, and a dozen dHDEiClC survu now on the disabled 'Xcv'LH'uii, i u'nve on Thursday. 'I'liu lidics Wil pleased to hear this. By taking a position ou the lieig canto! Bluricclil L\ul_\' munazuvn the military on the plum below WA pliu'uly lean. together with the d: of the Cidm. winch Will bill of the prettiest siglm of all. A -\Miul nvrna' n! vnn I.'.m41i11 [ll 0| iuu pnuwwnu alxllu w. an:- A special arm of mo (1qu 1 "and New will be here tom take in thu renew. Any Kin; that. woulJ like unythmg hpeul wL be accommodated by cum 1' ing wmh Mr. RothWell. I 1. Jun n nnvnxnr (\l n Lilizh' 4 .5 m... ..... -.~ . Tu-duy a number 01 cniz l quietly uecuring subsurlpun : ing Methnlisz: Lu nuke ul of mission try money sh house of Ruv. Dr. EllmLt, din- Ire responding wth Ilty. TL--- mill ha a annnn v--. The Princess street 0mm insinuaces that Dr. SulliVnu intends to commit suicidepolxticzllly ~pc4kmg. N166 Wu} this to encourwe u c .u i: Luv .- v I , y , _ ,I. . .x. .Txu-urnnInI. ... - . m , enforced The Jun ua Juu... .. ha article n damaging L; but. SlrJuhr The _\'rui .- nu. \un. .. .. .u, horny, nor an) uux. bu waxed-PMS Members n! [In NH must not he letadml I monww They WI ,r-u WV I yum-5 {Iona-y. _ Lo- unn 2,030 UJW will ho on .V It. I me. Th. Civil Service will min- maa- m h alum nut pav duy. l'lun -u an bruinan On dammd lb. I "VIII" Ill! yav ul. Then vu no business to donnnd muo- ofn Polio. Magnum" thin ms... 1-..- --.;....... was (tummnm. in Lam3 'l'ho urban Ward Cummibm. in Gunf- olecton. meal to- night. Omani"! Organs! II ... thinnlm... "Mn. nll ha nmnml to. urguuu : The telephone 09.23 will be opened to- morrow from 81010 3.111.. from I to 2 In... ad (tom 7 [.09 pm, ll. Tnnnln-xn 1...: rammed (mm SI. Vv-n Viv-n. Thu Tory party m l thu. may am cemeu unsure know um Il-Vc wuu w-rgnunuun .y. Abnham oered up luau: 'n a n: r.- Ice.but lut. evening: .\zvu' tells us that Dr. Sullivan has offered himself Ind will in person well the kulfe. A spener at 1114.1 mghz'a ll] mting ll a... LL" l.llh1\l.IAA""'p4llhl|ll.yl hv P.-. nu "um J Lu J v.|u. It. Tronunau hm returned from St. Thom. wbsre he attended a Conven- tion of Inwny men interested in Y.M. FA has-b uucx wen. Tho concert. 01th:: Governor Ueneml 5 F001. Guards tomorrow evuuiny mll l. the only attraction mm xunies lave been Lek-graphing for wan. l Hoist you bunting humor. A Woman): put; pun. 1' b! Kw mammot, u--. 41--l... I. .- .nI-Kn mm. w 1w lop-unil-v Ina Quinn ha "Behind to-lor' N. I paw; Igomhy. I ._ u.-- 0 nm whiz. uill h- on _oo Ind-ring .Vlnch I nrdnou. mu "I [my a Ball SetofCroquet for! v~- _. v V r- m let. .nu Oungumun 1e :3 3 (Ap then:th '1. Hmve Baptism done L1H I 1 IA |, I Ado-t u In: H... nu ..-..._ He wouldn't get 1 I this city declare win]. In Seven] n .. . nulls-aw u. . u-uuwu -, .. nu mll H.- an. ,nch be one e and an o'er wield the limit: an. Candi [u nu nun-K to- Kala! PENNY SAVBDIE