.BLIUD. rum!) blah. 0 Gun )1 m. 1:. [law upon m -u. --- w. branded the union a. delibenu mmmnom. It now may :0- ps: tho cry. with 930 Jim Aha! we rum: why the and. m AUDI- od panama in tin-gnu! I an who dool not. own then in (It (tom being dicuud by I lug. heated spirit. 0! uH-Iwrioo. ' 1 un, ,. -__ LL- 1.... I TD... in An" -in- | uu-eeonnoo. Whet ere the tents? Thet in dull win- ters the ecbre. Hydenbed. Bengaloro end Sapporo were built at the menus tsilwey. the proprietor of which put into the vessels his evelleble (ands :wal obteined from Mr. Gunn enioieut to nish end outt than). Tho construe tion of them gave employment to ebont fty man end enabled these to keep their lsmilies, numbering perhaps 2J0 more-.in comforteble oiroumstenoee. The tunes were bed. but it wuthougbttbst a mum] of trade would speedily ensue a hope thst bus not been mined. )lr, Gunu wu requested to set I! agent {or the vessels. but despite his best ourtu m soliciting clutter: the vessels sunx money rapidly tether than msde it. end mislortunee never come eingly) the y- denist sustunod en accident which. with the law suit respecting eal'sges.oost 54,000. L'pto lest {all the losses. We are informed, eggugeted more then the urlglnul ulue of the veesel. and over- lures were [nude by the builder himsell Lu Mr. Gunn (or e transfer of them, which was carried into seot on Fobruv 41) Ian! hurl-m H-i. non. nw sure the shin- Al'y 151/. During the past. few years the Ship- png business hm been in adeplotublr uuudmuu. The outlook is no better [10 e cucuxnatnnoe which is not at all Chm-r1113 Do the national policy. Float .L property cannot be disposed of even a, e greet sacrice. The sohr. Hydera- uad. whxoh cost. 010,000 wee omen-ed fol >qu at 013.000; the scbr. Bangelon. cusniug 520,000 could hue been pmw mused Lu: year for 513,000; and m ctux Singapore, costing 015.000 could not, nd a purchaser at 09.000. From um. to last the vessels have been a b|.l of expense, and nice: thousands of doll 1.1... km. Int man. than) Lha Duh OI expense, nuu luwl wuumuw v. \lvr mm have been lost. upon them the Duh whim: of our contemporuy is [but the) are not kept running. though there In mus ur uo (might. to carry and no pro- wmey of them ounlng enough to pal; wagon and other incidental litbllities. mm; ;.1 Annan-inn Thu buildel Ella QDHET IIIL'IQUURA Iluuluuvn. A wed in conclulion. The buildez wagon: us mutate : (1) Thu he was not. charged ulnriouu interest upon an} A. -A--.....A A m... in: r lhmn uoE cnlrguu ulunuuu mow-u uyv- nu, money advanced to him by Mr. Guun ; 6.!) that Mr. Gunn's u'd was nocessary In order wprovido labour {or the me- chanics at. l mime when it was muct uecded and apprwistod: (8) 1.11m boLl. he and Mr. Gunn have lost upon the vessels all that they are worth ; (4) that no mortgages have bun or are to be {urea-loud in no fu us he is concerned. On the 23rd of May an elderly gunue mun met. with an accident. partly in consequence of his own folly, that. Well nigh proved fatal. He was taken to Lb: General HospitaL where he has since rcumined. and is now nearly couulcs- n-, __:A_.. . ALA Warn n Inn remanJ, uuu in uuw nun-u, man-u... ueut. He writes to the W516 a lung laLter.remrningthanksrst to Dr. Ulivnr for his medical anistunce; to Miss Me- Gill. the nurse. (or tender care bestowed upon him; to Miss and Mrs. UnnelJ and the Governors for their kindness to him; undto Rev. (LA. Cook. a do.in visitor. for his miniatntions. The correspondent concludel . "Before leaving Kingston I may have rhe privilege. in some public pluce.of Ipeeklng again". an evil or curse tlint is deeoluting homes. lling out jails. penitentiuies and alms houses. begidea hurling multitude downs to hell's dark llomain, now rayo;- doa- Mimi luau) iumMDW" 44-.. .L- l :Lnln-ndm KIWI Flow In I an. nun :- n 1.: uhnml lorl W'Inc. Flo-unv- Sherry" One 0! the musical numbers perform- ed by the band this afternoon is worthy 0: notice, namely, the air "Souvenir dn Poitou,"hy Segeudn. Originally writ- ten for the trombone 5010, it has been specially arranged for the baritone by Ml". Trendnll, who. whllereteining some at the original vmiations. hen also ed- ded another in the recitetive style. as well as some elaborate and very chur~ auteristic csdenzu which impart fresh beauty to the piece. In the rendering ol the variations. the soloist. Mr. H-istxc. gave evidence of no men egecutivo pow- ers. while the opening nndunte move- ment and theme. Were interpreted with much taste and expression. When the mono Tory body guard of Leunox went to Ottnwn to uk bir John 1 L0 and for Lennon one o! the reasons urged {or bi: nocoptnnce o! the nom nation was tint he would only be 11mth to Ipuk tvnce. and that ho ., .1-.. "AMA L" . uglk nvnr. Rut." vuan no Ipou "nus. auu Iluuu u.- elm-Lion would be A vs: out. But} ,__ -..- -..:a-..u. 'Inhfnnnd,l eleuuon wanna no u wu. uvu. uu. the puty no evidently frightened.g 1.8 the SW4 explains than it in} the intention of ludould to lddto! ! mouth-ml in sever-l pm 0! the county l during the coming week. He will com 1 menu m Nupnoo on Tuesday mm. 1 And on tho {01mins dnyn will Iddresa I mooungl a: other points in the ndmg. ' l l ll WIN 0. rumcmwvu win I mcxnaw ; wu sent. by 3151109 In It. cud-bone; m V' m um. 01 :5. am .iahops of ; 5 0mm. .imd chm-um: 3 horror with thh M W tho W a bad c.ku m1, g Unda W m mpldwith'? ch. bopI mu tho hut-blah cannons. ' nigh! nu mava W. i ' Bishop VII-II hlljll m 1 reply 1mm hawk. hmon- E bin that: In a. Mud "and j mme m hum... ltboumdlhld will" k. . , mmmdm. 7 ._ The tour. run. up: a mum... wntummmum. hefdeme J- guano-.100! mu m1 luck - ' nun mimw.mnom?"rbc cchi. Ian-mindth 4__---n-Anmmim was? Tune! almanac. sum-V1.3. m- vu.nmmmmm*m , m. muting-amuse! bu. M m huh] mung-mun. .xnmhouu. The hm Introdme The Iain. Wn. 31d! 3 _-A___ JLAhhth-HIP,AAU. 3 l It. will be "manhunt! that t telegram g ,. L n.-|_. .- Il (1141..-... ' .r. Nu Forcing ( usmmero l0 Pur- din-e Against 1 hrlr 'I'l. oods Alwnpn noun 'nh IIensurc. j x A sum of nu. I own noun-Irma son A MID-m 04'. - I... VII-timing.- all-tool.- was vb. loululMMbl}. 0'- . A- I -u'.th--Dl-l l MH~MVI Pal-11 Gun-5 Uri-tuned. A fully Amaloun ...- lv 1. no lube Sharp sad 1.. P. Aloolnm. No. 28, Arden-Bro. J. 11110:. No. 10. Cundou Bub-Btu. C. Riloy. J. Robinson and G. inch. \2. n Had-nh-mRm. R. Blnkn. J. Robinson ma 0. moon. No. 11. SydenhunBm. 0. 8. Blgko. G.L. : W. Lookhut. C. Young And W Hnllnnd Helium. No. 2. Amber" hindBron. A Mc- Kay. R. Baku Ind W. Prawn. No. 24. LonndnloBron. S.Vlm and Kay. R. Baku Ind W. Prawn. No 24. LonndaloBron. LWinMn. \A a n..rint_nm_ Ju. Skinnar. A.Iinun. No.2 DutriBron. Ju. Skinner. DM. :Ju. Whittle. D.D!., and A. J. Taylor. D. S. No 97 Enmmrila-Bm. A. deor D. S. No. 97. EnterpriseBron. A. and C. Patridge. No. 18, ColehrookBroo. J. W. Whit- tle. G. E. Storms 3nd L. Humm. ' No. 17. Toronto-Bro. J. Fume. \m '1 part "nmRm,W. H. Wilson Altenva and "busing Sales-1 McCuHugh. No. 85. St. Thomas-Bros. Jun. W. Campbell. (3.3.. And W. Bentley. Lmst evening there was a. Conserve- Live meeting in the school house at Millhuven. attended by shout two hun- ilred and addressed by Mr. A. H. Roe. .yi anmnee. and Mr. H. T. Shibley. the former was the representative of sir John Macdonald. who dwelt upon the muoual policy, which he gloried to an unreasonable extant. It would be -ensuless to check any or his ugumonts Ll he has no respect lor correction. snl repeats lrom night. to night the same abollcs. though with some slight vent le [.3 suit the localities. He pointed to .gmgeton's our and locomotive works for Vidcnco a! the success of the tnri. I) ..,,x .0. I wd J. \nl J. Lee. No. 13. BellevilloBroa.Cbu. A. Pet.- m. POM. ; W. 58011.. J. Gerow And 3. n um: I \ .0- D. BullllUuUlv~ u~ 'vuwvu u..- W. C. McCunney. Sn. L KingstonBros. J . Mummy, 6. M; W. J. Arniel. U. T. : S. Angrove. ROM. ; W. J. Moore. R. Baird and S. \.'nrnlluh Mr. John chh-o-y-.- ' m J: human. hath-.073: 3.3:). m' 1.n.' h ' um um. ' I II o ' pm 4" d :hu 1:. Gun Inn tin prim lion: in (vim uu. {ennui-gnu a! W (n u mm. m, I - _ . . . trams the worn. " 5 M in) '50 "u ' P." I the but rem-min: thut the alumina WWW! of the Grand W. and the procpomy o! the alumina: who um I... on hm, d-pudn upon the Nudoul Policy. '1'th - inshop upon which inmate. I. TM 'fu' M""' b. my pads. .31. whoa: any deny it. that "a"! ""1" = u not I mechanic in tho plan. that do. No. 16.1sm'onhBm. Benn. B. mhuov thin full wall. 1! .ho protoc- Kelkt Ind Bouto- Lam. tin dun-n m movod to-ncnow No. 42. laminaBro. N. loan. the week would not ho wanh My eon- No. 19. HurleyBtu. C. lulu, L. on hho dollu. Ind tho Why in I Sharp sud L. P. Abonhnck. am the area would ho cod to go \u no Ad-_IIM J Hill-- mz'hNnu. l'ul, Ill - 16. Tsm'onhBm. I Rhnrn And L. P. AMM. r.u,.u. ; W. McCullugh. \In R5 Ht. All 000d: Seen In Dlrctl I uVldCDCG UL Luu uuuuuua \u Inn-4 InnaI out he did not. know, and it wouldn't II .ecu his speech if he did know. that the an Worksdo not rely upon protection Kor exxsnence. than the manger would mler have free nude. and the there .5 only 2; per cent. per engine increase Lu benween prospsrity and bukrupbcy u: so far as the locomotive works are uumrnel. He laid down the peculiar ,, AL.-. .LM mannlannrnr- nhnnln Mr.JohnleIlro-. ' a ,mgmmu-Jhmhdm Human Itnuhaadhau)whowlhkopmin' Lads-J -lu... min-- Ann-All on hm. n: [In I Jlr, Ihlbloy Illness-II. Po- huuA lacklu- Agent. JJDJJDSJ. no mm uuwu IAan rum.-. luctrmc that the manufacture should LAW) protection until they hue an over ,llUilUCUOU. when they can cultivate in export train more extensively. Mr. H T. Shibley was allowed an hour in much to discuss the issues before the peopl'J. but briey and concisely etetca Lse lucts c3 fax us the Kingston indus- tries are concerned. He attacked the ldcd o: M r. Rae, and. anticipating over production. asked where the goods of the manulecturerc were to go. Not ne~ surcdly to the United States and Greet Britiin, against which the action-.1 policy opemtes. He nude 3 good point it: regard to wool. which in 1878 sold for 38c [Jet 1b., and new for 180 and 20c. There was also a. failure of promises on the putt of the Government in ea [er en barley wheat, butter and other term products were concerned. Finally Mr- sinhley attacked the Administration upon expenditure 3nd public debt, both or which had been increased at an enor~ mous rate. He was proceeding to dis- cuss the iniquitous terms of the Gene- dian Pacic Railwey bargain when I! 77774 -All-.l t3 any comment. ll'Om us. x ChorusWhen were on Pnndo. n . i AddressChurmtn. I} 50103050 Luv mun: on. by One ' a , :m. w. My. 7 Ending-3ft Bani Innrumenul Quintanaqurn. Coupon Middleton. Baud. Gnu: Ind M DueltAll's WallLyon Bron. 1 Tom. uluu (nun-a emu. -_.n..__ .._-_ "tune" was called. Mr. Roe followed 1:: an abusive and reckless manner. He attempted to re- but the statements of Mr. Shibley. . A A _-|I-A .- hulg nun-l nah-d (ni- but we snutemeuu w an. u...u..._,. and when called to order and naked for Ms uuthomies. ratorted.l didn'n in- Lerrupb you. don't annoy me and the MN... n Tm. bonrer nevaraltimel. Lerrupb you. onu uuuuy um nuu uuv mecung." This occurred several times. The meeting received Mr. Sbibley quit. warmly, and evidently took little stock 111 the man who is bidding high for of- ce _ A~,_..___. Last night a company of lediee and gentlemen of the city gave a concert in the Town Hell. Cataraqui. the object being to raise {unis with which to pro cure pnzas for the public school over which Mr. H. H. Lyon presides. There was a. very good ettendenco. and. we think. a considerable mm reeliled. Mr. E. A. Mavety. from Sydenhem High School. occupied the chair. and die- charged his duties well. It io only no- ccseary to mention the home: of those who contributed to the programme. All wr-re delighted. And more then ree- i lized their expectations. Mine W. Meo- kay and Miss J. Galloway oicintod u nccempanieu. The following lengthy programme will speak (0: incl! withont ' ommentfrom as: . mmm._Whan wo're on RahThy ImHr T. anr. D: xlo-Jue Inn: to Mud-Children. solo and chorusRue" m 41: Air. SnLl-mrs ChorusComatny. Irnzrumenui Dum jnd Wdht. nu , ".Mni-n _ a_l- Il- iuu Nonhmoro : i The Lu'sl soveIiIc-g \Iuuys so be Seen on Our (ounu-rn. { * ; ' PutHr T. Drivqr. n. .ln.w.a_rnm m mun-Chm]: .na v E Whstln SoloKr. [tad-tan. . Solo-Out tho Gard AllXL; x l wadml IE. Lyn. - Solo ~Goldcn Shun-Xx. Imam. .; Inltrumonul MaoInn. Con . ; dedlewmwy. 0m- :34 1: new SoloSh" 8h DisinguoZ' ho .EVJqoo. saddle Ron-Th. p :cuum .8010 ad Chum-lubmmwy. i Gods-nthon _. s..- - I... u _ w thigh-Paulas PM limo-Inuit! HSI'IINO 41 HILL-l. V. lolly. t. 6. HamiltonBros. J. Wilson and ' unnn-U >. 17. Toronto-uro. J. nwoeu. r. 7, Port Hope-BromW. H. Wilson 1, Lee. HARDY and MURRAY, 14:11.13 WI. ~nm. Forced by overwhelming evidence to nbnndon the nntmthtnl etetenent the: the public were not indebted to Mr. Onnn for putting hie money into the Locomotive Worke"-tho hate being thnt he wee the prime mover in the for- mnticn of the new Compuly end the amusement o! the worke. which our_ contemporsrycennot denyresort in bed to another end equnlly nniortnnate ornament in favor a! the netionel policy. This is embraced in the quotation which heads the articlethet the prosperity of the institution depends upon the poli~ oy ol the present Government. that it is the peg upon which success heuge. thet without it the stock would not be worth .n , .IJL... ._J -.A_____:_.. .....-n Wuuuuu nu vuv u-vu- "v-ou uv- n w... u. 50c. on the dollar, and suspension must follow. In III-Wet to these unions we may be permitted to ny that we have made enquinel and learned from an authentic source an A A. ,,,-___1 L. .J A..." - an uutueuuu IOUIJU 1. That the incnmd rate of duty on locomotives under the netionel policy (the dxetence between thn Cartwright term u compared with that of Sn L. Tilley) is about 2} par oeut.nther a slim protection. we Iboqld any. though the New has proelexmed the alarming announcement that without it the stock would not be worth 500 on the dollu. and the re; would be blown out. n M A. LA... on. I mun"! IHIAU rn, 6m] nus urea wumu uu uwwu mu. 2. Tim. when Sir Leonard Tilley re- viueJ and remodelled the mri In favor- ed 2h mzludtry by iuruamg the duty span the mattrml ussd in the contraction afhwomotwes by about lhru time: u much as It will under the (Ia/wright tarl'. "v , r ,_ ,_. .M --n..n4 In. {La It will uwr 5M umuwngm wrw We. tlleruforo. see no ground {or the hysteria nppmla of our contomporar y to the clecton 1n the interest of the national policy. so (at as the [anamo- tive Works am concerned. It In qulte cl: at [but the tun has been consi Carer! much more pmtwntlve and lwnccll towuda them work than it madly in that luemllv as wall :5 practically It in a very uusvtfe Deg upon which to ne- penll for nuccess. Indeed. if u watt: 1' of only 2} per cent. increased protovtmn per engxne atdmls between the shun- uolnlers aul btnkruptc lt would ban been better for some 0 our citizens hml they left them money where Dr. Salli. van has his. V12 . in real estate and in the bulexng societies. for landing out at nannnns intexett. . 'Q-0_ ._... Brlulalu loin (If. lrlumpl In Bruce and England. _. _ It is now recognized by the lending medi- cal men that Dr. M Som'iellel Spuometerx is the most wonderful invention of the use (Mum. mer of (lunarrh. Asthma. Bronchi- wonderful invention or the for the cure of Satan-h. tis. and [11 lung (11868398. After having been need in the mng hospitals. it was groved that 76 per cent. of theee disenaep. many called incumble, can be cured by t o Spitomoter. an mitrumout whmh cou- veye medic-mitt properties direct to the partl aected. This discovery in proving a. blessing to mankind and I credit to his name. Many persons in the sit at Mon txeeivon : all over the Dominion. on been cured of the above disused. Below era a. few of the many hundreds: Mr. G. Hill, Montreal. cunrh and bronchitis. Mr. De- Bouuhervilie, of the Indian Department, Ottawa. onturrh of many years ; now outed. MLGeo Agar, Ottawa. ontmrrh and lung diseases ,cured. Mrs. Smith. London, Wife of Medical Detective. cured of oeterrh. Gen, Maguire, loronto. 482 Adolnide St. West ; daughter cured of asthma. Severe! of my family and friends hlVO been cured at bron- ohim, Inthmn. and ostenh by ueing the S irometer." John P. Wheion. Munsgrr n m. Pan and Tm Wmuu. Montreal. John P. than. Mn:th ofche P0" and Tm thu.Momrenlv Geo Willis. Exter. Ont... Muth 1nd bron chuia. Johu Dunn. 8 Robert Street. To. ronto, bronchitis. J. D. Armstrong. 186 Yonge Street, Toronto. cutth and on- turrbal deafness. Thom Teller, 12 Me- linda Street. Toronto. than; outedl Mt. Beuj A Drake. St. Urban Sire-0L. Mon. weal. for many years luering from brou- chms and asthma. is now cured. Thou mu vnnrn nnnld besn'ven. but. the Abm'eux nirPiitform !; asthma. Is cured. you. sands more could be given, above 13 Iutcleut to omvince the public I)! the merits of the Spirometor. Cullor wnte. in- cloamg stamp to M. Bouwelle. tax-Alde- Surgeon of the French Army. 13 Phlllipa Square. Mcntrell. Phymoinul and Iuer- BIB can UV It 33. We have received the Inn" 3nd but ulorted ock ever um: m Kingston. mud on lure all who love pniuung mu they '11] and aVurBH thing 1n our more :1. they roqukolox We w u an n H: Um (Jul from order. H _ nuu Wll4 m. .. Mme! Mom lulurrrdi'ijl'ubcn. Cnnvu, Cow vex "vlnm, Red Sable Brulhu. Bog Emir Bnnhu. ac. ilsigygenms thomahl. or on mama the belL Gemlcme n Retort-You BuyCall and Ccc Our Large and L Varied Assortment or llruehel. ac W. J. WILSON [Emma-In! tn Hollh & Gunnl ' ' I v. i v I v v v _ (Sucauor :0 Hum THE PHARXACY. 155 PM. aw N.B.-lodlcinu chain-d It my than during or Bhndlyl. whcn no; Opon. by Honing Juno 6. ISummer Goods} i ! Km; Strut. 1 Nu m. Readable Banks Um puma an. ywu W! 1.4.. 160 "-v than! Donna In {mnmnnswmmmth M111qu nuns-hut. XIII I'M! [gnanntuMw may calm {hummus-dd nun-om} __..A_. llealh dc Gunnu Old stand. Opnod 0m. comic .n: 0' lb. lam: mvlu In 0331. runslamxae. .u 1. L'L'l/ I)" L PI) 5m 0511 I [Gunman-a:- w. 1:151; VES a; 00., l Bum. 6 doors from Prim Strong. r that may rcquuulux w- um n I! Addxng evuylmua new in thin Hne 2- I lug. and yuied Hack II'L :11 I murmur... IUQOM'... -I-II I... Illltpunlbc u...- l v _ l. Gunilla-1M 00m a... g from meta 500. Ind lm II I mum-mun. mun-rm. Soc-nu Bun. 1mm Lulu-1' no. in g Cotton. Lash. all Huh. Iron: 10010 I 01. 4- 101. Gem's an. in Cotton. lame MWJM van-m. Indus. Juno? V DON'T BELIEVE l! le hone end fair to hen one price for u rmn- er" end I lower pnoe for e "Herd Cuewmer" on the male em pod- ere muted m pleln guree. N0,SECOND PRICE. WE DONT BELlEVE u le either eouud prinmple or gocd policy to HIV-uke will we know in not :rue. Being lune deelere end buying for ceeh. we no euro we 0.. Induoemeun to Ceeh Bu on which they on eeldom gel eluwhere. WE DON'T BELXE E thet Ledlu or Genlemen comm! dull- he lamb] emu; their Home or Shoee and. to order when we Are eelling more etyllll MI. equelly es good |u uelny. e: much lower prices. end gun-mud e perk 0. WE DON'T BE [EVE lb lea! ell by chum. thet we heve e0 eoon eeeureieueh t large trede in Kingeton. The publlc Me the great Induoementn we clot. end quad melr money where they an the bee: returne. II \ININ A: LOP-lira". Tobc Clean! out at m- a. to 03.601 og-Inf 1 u. l. .51.. Thin. Luu new Hum-uri- In tho right plan. to buy your Hosury and Glows. am an: Indian} (Ihildron'n and Men I l my :-o: SPBNOII 5 ORUMLBY 1.... n 1n and m Pnnom mm. oppodu City Hood. at > e __gnt in the trie. Gluvu in Lilla Threld. Silk And Kid, in J, 8 and 4 Buttons. Janey. Mosquetene and [looped Lille Glows from Bu 1.0 we. I 1n; 0 106 Princess Street. and 800 dos. Ladies: Children'n Menl i Ema in ovory oououubln Style. Color snd Mike. from 60 to 81150 per ptir. to choose from And A: lower pnoor than my home trade. mu... in Linla 'Ihraud. Kid. . -0... Oh ! did you use those elugnnt French Kid Button Boots M, Sutherlmd'l for 60? Why other stores sell exactly the Mine bnul {or 136. WL men: to mow Lh .~ panda of~ Km-Jstau mat wu can m at a lower ptioeunn any beam: 111 k cutrnl Cm mm. 11 AT SUTHERLANDS Low-Priced BOOT 85 SHOE] HOUSE. ___.---nn '1' re them I much hmr tidl uy your ready-cud. Boot. a bl at. And enuuinunt Io may xlluatn not y union 0! known lhmy. nukes In an m tho bakery a! chap Marmara. Prosion Department. . ;_;-_..._V._.__7, IWAND. 193 RIBss NEX" 1"? 2W ARMQTGNGS Every Lady Sheuld Have a Palr of Our Punch llda! {Bowmaea BESSOW lllll- Ont.an n They no tho but tting Ind one thousand pun or Laaiel I Buy from ul and save many. ________..__--_.____ _7 7 r ' _______._____.__--- Now Psunmonmo 'Jnmminsg. Is'cw PuumomorloGhum 'xom be to 150. New hm Orusmonu to: Jun. Non Punmenzono Ornament: tor Dunn. New Sub! Book lam Easing. Now Evin Book Embroxdory Inunlon New Blue): Spam: L .0 Don: no lo .1. ow Cnnm chnllh Lu" from me to 00. New Torchon Lmu. ______________--- W FOR CHEAP CARPETS & LACE CURTAINS "0 WALDRONS. Brad IIII LIII at rst Han looks. any 0! which may I. but u HENDERSON n cos Bbokuore. I'd-ecu Street. an only We Each. unknow- Pocmo. mu: .0 iilnntnncu by *1: JG} a (What. RA. L-cp'n 3qu with 1 Ination; bv Hum-on Won. oodu' Bop Own .\'num Elllury. :60 inn-usual. [mushy What-111L193. by Crux!- obuk. Luck tad Tum-L n...im' Fun rmmmmuaa. by 400 dos. an Fun: Hosiery; low prices. Children's Fancy Stri Hon 3 at. Ladiel Bllck Silk on, 61 26 Ind.1,50. cheap (bildueua Plnin. 'Ivy Brown no Lndieu' Black Lilla Hon. 500. 60c. 700 CMUHII] Hone. Silk Clot. Cblldnn'l and 750. leieo' Buck Cotton Hon. full Envy Grey and Brown Emu It low prion. nished. 300. 850 Mid 1380. Ltdiel Navy, Heavy Ribbed Sod for bow. lulu-Just Pink, Cardinal. Gurnat. Mnoon. Silk, tho thing to wear ell. lein' Bnlndusn Hose. 81.92. Ludiea' Plain Brown, Nsvy, Ho, W's 251-. Elm. 85c. 40 and 600. and Cardin-l At low rioeu. Ladieu' hncy , WALDRUN'S is the plaice (or 30 VI. Striped Hose. 20. 6, 300. band 60c. [ riciy Ind Chenpen Hounry. R. 'WALDRO'. QM. 1]? i013 WANT TO GET THE LARGEST CHOICE. THE VERY BEST Good- mulo which thav gen direct. from the umuufngtnreri' direct. and 5% the LOWEST PRICES [or which 1: u; pnmihlu In In uch goods. and 11 you don't want. m be rhvm "muted uh yunr purchuu BE 5U TO GO TO *7 >-- .L Tobe m- IIJO lo yuan nun-pt r". .60 I. .50. Gun can :91 Styles. :3 lull the um) nun. So- our are Good. n an. 1 1 See our Milli-In 8. 00. "be Ind 150. See on: Id. II 40. IO. ._ |Garpatsl 1- obovinl A Splendid. Assornrnuxu, w v.1... 1n Taputry. Brunch. Wool sud Unwn. 5nd roouved on rulurdny I lug NM! d i English on Clollu. Inching h1- uwck in mi n dcprtmom the not! oomph. h an ' . ' my). any. 1 M RICHMONbr; BO YDEN Muv lath. :- chewing Splendid Asaortment. 0 1 . ... n..."- 3mm. Wad II .i ! THE CHEAPEST line 41 muss m: . Old established Picture Frame Fm. Bm '- rm Chap all in m Wily!- F the Engliala and 301! York pawn. jun Intro (:11 Claim On Eatery n running tull bin: 1 - r A- An- 15-- Juno IO. {arb'etsi nmwrutumbybu j. Adm-0 1rme H mm byLW. m ' _ -. MMOXMN Ma's. by I r. ' 1m f wen in ma. em on I... u an than: on y5u: 9A4:an sad but thou 1mm Chums-din an Yuxumhfcu Sun In an In "IL English York panam- (uwd mco the haunt, mil- ' I 0n: running bun. Lamb urly an! my: turn. I'm-W lb. le. I" 0" Ilqu Block. I'm . Q. Nehrdm'u ran-n Ora-o a I'm-av I'un- w W gl.T.G.BETHELI Received To-diy June 8. v-wH . . i In Inmch writer.- 3 . Dunk! LI Pm Dr- cyan-u. but i i I... numla I 1 ._.___ Juno] runny Rlnnk Silk me. 3125 IS UNSURPASSED. W Now Is The Time '1 0 Buy Your Hosiery! Inuit. Lick ' 9mm" Pauli-u WEI-Innov- 7 Walnut ' 1' 0 Wagon. n. nun." am by V. 1 when? W '. L. RICHARDsON W. on nhowing I has 01 MOIRE SATINS n 01 ; wunb .75. ,1}! its: Knitted VYBOI Jersey 8" {FOR 30's.:- TAPIISIIC Y, p'etswoowrszzCarpets A- 3088 . A_L_.AL COUSINEAU 85 CO. No. 6 Gore Street. Perth. _-F- R. MCFAUL, in most oomtortlbl- beat in tha city. We have 00111 on .aaien French Kid: 1.1m season. and ovary ammo: M. mnnnv ticking. I. museum: M. n._.___-_ nm. ..A__.... h Wind .w -v-\' OIIB- T0-IDA" l VII-C -I-v"-II. 04 Prim-u Street. oppociu tho WW I. W suntan...- _ 189 City M Carpets! wr)0(" "n l .nr Ixn'l y 811k. from 350 to 15. lidsbl 50 Glove m the unmet. Our Cobb-1M I Four-Button Glnren u 750 um hep Ill. 1 ' mud. Lam mll us they no no good u 5 ' what Nev hue usunu pad .1 for in 3 om-r stores Our Rom] on Jon in. Kid Glow. In 2 sad 3 Human. wry pd: gulrlutOvd Bob in Black And Colon. I! they np or bronk \u we mu noun pu'r . . mll be gncu m pI-oo 0! than. w u un A g'l'leOY. rm. use: K1NO~TON BELLEVILLE AND TIINTOI llltlllcry. non U" -..- )reu 13.. at us. out Putts uh. M m I 1 Dry Hard Wood! Jphn Random 8: 0- I '. Ion Val-o .- It! -A--_ A _______ Bonsai-n :Eheupv lelldleun [fl-in. 'Ivynrown a hl , nLll) I 0- 'I on x * cue-p hr and! R. Crawford I 00-. D. l. A RIVISTBONGI. 111 Pnan Strut. Klan-ton m Ll bukflpr'vll. nuucl . Y ll. \VALDRO . 'II It- u place 01 lung. W All & Q'I'EACY. m Dc (1! -- - Nx " 11 7 CENT 8T0. m Eel-fave. DryBoftV'Voodl Mtg ! 180 Prinocu Strut. nuo Wu v. mum-.- loco-(030m BUYABLE PRICES. Tho publi-hmg at tho fallen-mg bookn'i r. lb. nyh m winch any are 101* m. nn .nd gout-innit w'm-uv xllustn l o oe: lot I. 100 Barrel: :1 Men L. 75 " rrell Eumxly Pork. 30000 in: an, . a b'uuu Curod Han. NC bug y 1 .ox. BOO Bags B-nrl Flour. 100 On 'mnl. .SO bbls. Common] 10 bLl ula ad Wine-M. 5U Dmry Choc-8. BXJ huh Mud Dune: \V. K. r! colden Llon VGroc'eIr'y M- lurepreu-mnlion. Inle [or (lash. Well Selected. Min: :8 (70. Bought Clo-c. urn I y \ Int-010mm. I Some week: ago two Canadian horses, 4 ukcnimo Charlotte. NY. wete sailed for nndvrnlnution. On Tuesduy they Wdzu xoldu buy horse. entered by the unperter at 9125. {or 0530.11ud A: four- } ya a old coll. entered at '80 for .150 . T1313 reminds us of the remarkale way ; in v Mel: tho Customs authentic: at. 0:14 clad over the seizure of a not! 3 ltun far un-luvaluanuu. The owner mu n Tury. and the animal was turned over t I Kc mm upon payumnl of a small Imount ~ A! _-.4L.-u a--. u 1 ML... ,u. . -v.. -V.._ man to be present. n m aoLneu LION anocmni runrlts. A 'Iwbmtn bu boon union. 0d n: his Mo: ad a Mayhol its-awn w iii. m d an. ....__.._ fur; must Gcs. Tonight at. 7.30 Luna Lu; :m,n'.L-1 Cnuleo Counter. 2.0 0.. v A ndlilum the eleutoru on the lam. .. up as. upuu Lbe pollUcnl [Sides 1'. 1:] D.. buthau, A, Guun, Hon. BMW- nu i 3.1 him A. )Lwduuald are .- . 0n Wednudny awning It. 0099' . 6.11:; mam. 020ml Univ-y. manned in ma hood- ol holy". I I .- \l:-- PL... moi- :nC (hi-u mnumm m mu- m In, ww. lock to am Hon Pude m In- -_.A_--- M g. th- lock to It rum run-I. u- M gag. Tho arena-v mod n tho, hadn- hum-'- Mun. Tho M 'uuy: dun- Lb: many that My m around by no my Bum. Mr. 0x115;- can. outud I! then: for tho compliant. nd m- ledgod i: in . man sub-mud m; 'nd aawmmw u u appu- xvi-doc. m a lady Mn-d h.hllu._ (can: L In!) I m B! - tun ad up. Ain'- auda- Imm -_J L... I vmh u M M , A TLC news 0! the mph. woordod to 1:: mnrxiorcr O'Rourke. who tonny vu 1 near Cluk'l Minn, Md who" for- k -: wdu lived here up $0 I abort no 7 ._ 1m received by the felon with you ..y.;xlueu. He has of lute been no Ill- cr-Lilionl 21mm; being bf: on. (or m 51.32. bu gm duos: any with v. 1. .1: be says he in visiud win: .pgriu. A 7', I-~ -ml :3.- and niuhl' ,V .J. ,, hm} pi cxua duly. _'r .II.\Kl.--L'*'Ih@ vanoul chem H, [mm :1. m: the way are mrmug to that falls". capacity- ? the nest fncwoo in duo canny L ul )ll. .'\. B'mvu. o! Ballantyne. suuwu J3 le Ndlum Hill factory. zn lcr Lhu )v1permteudenoy 0151f. lunaqhhv. About 2.030 lbs. of -\1CC*|V\"1[\[yhtlhll iron) which 1 U lbs. of cheese 15 umuufncturod. F..- .m- Johnuon :. Barton I and unusual-- Maren. Bun Ale. mum-my Pnrlc'r. llrnucny I Brandy. .Vlnnelln Brandy. 4 _ __n._A._-|- n..- u'lnn t P. I; limoarox ~5w Sergeant \. u: B anry. Canwlmu Ar- lUJVus Otmwm next. week for "Lars at, Klngslnn During bin at. the Clpltdl. any: the Fm a hm :uxla many friends. both .ucuuc .u suldmry uml residents. ' )rry wmb lum to his home in n V nun-us may tho wall whims of A law '00.- -_.~____ ACLZDENI Harry Baden. 11M] 1: Hm Royal )hhtary uw bu La-ndur In St. Jamei' TUULU. wmw upuumgu ginger nwmy. L-m'nu the glue and :ry m LLunguL bani lie ul- .____-... 1n: ScuooLs.Tbere m In m progress to have the public m {on Julv 1n instead of the a mi that the attendance (or _\ 1 m be very slight, owing nuroua I'm aws after Donn- ulm tint Mtcr the oxsminn war the scholars less inherent . m. nun n... in U! LHC cull" udma. Th5 , Uh: sunuxuxu 14 "an".-- 10.4. The Board are. we )ud u [nor the cloning of x the 15 July and keeping um.le [he ls: September 10 uhlldren mo {all months uuuu ylt-w I-quu Au luv; u..- n . Th Amman bAJLAMV', u: l born street. Chicago. Is a very publication to every en ;Lu~or 1 chum: in the Ian-J mg,,,,),A,n_ _ _ _ . . -_n nun. Gun. nu vuw Ann-4 The medical men reporl o! neural cases of Lypnmr. oily and country Shay 0d with the mumps u- n.._..-.. mum]; 17., w w..- vuu a. Mr. Gunu's vnuela are n): assessed for what. they Coal. 11.: dumug pro- perty m uuaeswl as high, however. as any other m the lnrhuuxx 'Ihe Cult:th me RJyLI M uurv LJlr loge had their uuuuul uIHL'm: (Dumpe- Linuu for bulges yuan-him." I'm: Cul- lego closes. wa bchevu, an we HILL .1..--.. km m: h. m. I\lll|"H;n\p-1.l A.. lwsv HIV)va u- V-..-V_, . A new Ioz'ry how. u n 1 to run behwueu Alexa Wubmxustar Paris. (L: She has been u uuexl Lt; Tea !7 Tea! Tea gun W . --.. _ _._n Lu: evening =er J ne Ibado two In in: of Mn Livmgqton. will give O2Jzo: ov.i, guilty party. \anhnn.nnu .J U I W to Mt. own. 7 J Owing to the high rate of [mag tho pub! Iohool mall-n an aim. to! u nes-cu. in ulna-in. ll u wombat couLinuo: tuoaubio 0' chap oxen:le [.0 Cop. Vincent will boui- uxt Saturday. Tho I. E. Church notv'xce m-morww outing will be con'luctui by the Rev. J. E. Minty, Preudmg El-ler I -go nun-\an u. nulmu whim. Bk) In 5..., rm. Workingmeu of I; Sullinn does you L'u Weauva. your valet be has ngeu to as: new Industries! um- nu, (mum-1 new IDUUEIIIEBK lhe City Couuul ELIu 11.] th: ms luv named a day for the celehrmwu of L1 unions} hohduvcahcr SJIHLLLV.JU.\ m at Monday, the 3rd. The pubn loam 60 prefer the 8M. rrx.-.m1-k..,oim. 6 ch. F.n I7ku occux IBIILI BU plan-u um mu. The celebration of the F4; Dwu occuxs in 5%. Mary's Uether u :o-morruw mom in; with its Dillml magnicech A larg- nnmber of young pawns wul Lheu pa uh of then: rsbcomwuuiun. "magnum n... ....'.n .mr mlmrp \Yr K. 01 wait urauuuwmuuwu. 1! Sailor can pull]: out where Mr Guuu can obLmu l'relgllu Line latter will put. all his usual: m commissxou. They would not be idle iuvulviu; u LL35 l.;.ly i! than: was anything lur Lllcm lo 10. 7.. ,M T '.:\n .1 nm In a. :4. -Iv'v, - [Gun-Mi um... L. evening the robes, whlpn. ow, u: thoboagias 0! some who amended the canoe" It Cuunqul were Olen. m... _.;n L- .... "mun-um: in the cancer! It Luunaqm were Iwncu. Than will be an Immersion in hplCbllmb w wurrowevemng. Se!- clock. no. commences at 0.01 0 cm. The C. l Minute" hue returned from Monreal And will occupy their mpoctiw pnlpm tomorrow. A an a... -m h. mill. m. Colhna- There is much daacue: tuning manta of ELAHJDDS and Thunder. 111'. :11 like W meet. any 011-; who mar can beat. the utter. the St. Lawrence 1; gel 5.] .4 D_.. I D Now ArrivingJ unurou. If the .ana keeps on publishing letters purporting to be from llrlckldytts and uilorsn will be in the posliiun of the girl who wrote her young man. "John come back All is forglvuu. P4 lucked the wrong man, He Ludu I know u was you u uuunu was an; up? .v. ..__ TheConservaLjvea of Lu despair 01 electing [11cm 1.. Standard cries, "Wurni Wu: Retozmera o! the county )mv ral weeks been buckling on 2 m: A ._ _..|, ,1. Human UUU DII- LA'IV'ICHHU A. In. an. . ,4. v. v.. Prlor to Rev J P W Lsm -5 re- moval to Kingston the pupxls nu} teach use! the M. E. Sublutb School. PLULOD. presented him with u. planing, address And a beautiful piece of plate. Mr. Wilson in the new peter 01 Jubxlce Church. u , 1.--. N. n.1h\vn.v lmrnru CByOdeuludnymM I When: mmlyw in 0141'" uy below an bndgc? Tb" (lo-"ho- Hahn's condmou rcmmns unchang od. His medical attcudmr. says that :11 danger it passed. u A Jm-u (laqflnmnihed hlmaelf in Ill danger ll puuauu. Mr. A. Jury dzstmguxshed huuaelf his address a: a polxucul meetmg m Gnnanoque on ThursJuy evening. u- A 7 Dana who L1; dune busmess U'ILIIHVtiuu v.4 -..u._--J V Mr. A. W Ross who Lns dune bum: in Manitoba for geveral lixuptumu will contest Winnipeg um: Ur. 5cm ..,_ m 1 u... 1mm" num- ur WU] COURSE Wlnmpug um: un. gunk-U- 1;". W. J. Muchlestou. pastor at Ed- W. sburgband Rev. I". W. Kirkpatnck. of b5. Jmmes' Church. have exchangeu pulpit: [or 104301 row. Ir. \l-vnr \InrrlnnA Toronto. war pulp: [or mum... Ex Mnyor Mornson. Toronto. found ind um morning Of lute he hm; boon suenng from aect.on ot the. L-_... nun. MLWBIKOm. Promxex oi Briush Co- lumbinbrotbu of Messrs. Elk-em here. bu migned. 301 Mr. Bavan quucu Miniom. bum: imwreJ unsuccessfully to tom I Minlszry __- _.. nn Lp,r__\_t Golden Lion Grocery 8. 8. Blake. QCA, left. for Engmnd lui night. to jam In: w.fe. whcra sln bu boon Iuymg {or some tune for mu bench o! her health. Mr. 31! wil: be shunt (tom home [or about thick. ,, A_.\__ manual. 30'. H. Hum. who succeed-a Rev. Kr. Jolho m tha Prim.LLVd nemolis: Church hora. is the &.;:onr of "rue Gnu Love'l-mt in Bun-u." The Book bu hsd 3 large sale! Hnr Luis. A____ 7.-.._- _,. n-..-nn..l -1). .. m llll um I llxgw Aw um anus"... Queen Victoria ns pusenwd mu: I copy. the ramp: of much his acknow W by but pnvste Mammy. _____..__. m 3: Pan Hope. Yenurdsy m '0'. T. W. Jolla. 61 lm any. and HI. M.Wn. Boo. of Toronto. paid A: will to the Confmm to boa: in M531 (rulings o! It: Prumuu W Church to their 81bit cm- du m. In. depnuuon wu vary -._n_n_ mud and AAde lb- 751. body in now holimgxu wnnal u m. In- ucyuuo-vu nu- v'. dilly too-Ind and Adam-0.1 m m n serge length, wuchxng quad-y on tho important u:me at New union W13. VA: to In ducal. dill- ncnina. July 0! ma haiku Mai hymn non; ho BAN. W mudul aim of in K thudeuz-mhbxy III-Ul- It. Jenn!- und bone lair nuliu'uio'dock. a: um um I _...:_-- I .L. hams... 1'..th- Hon. Mr. Mackeuzxe 19 5:111 unprov -__..__.-- .N. Ohm-u. than. A .I"".f. "* v "1. mm" yrvuuu Luvu. are also A Large Stock lacuinun In H: nun lmuskiouust Tom" '.Jcm Pnrdy would awbo my: Lhc br- .- 41.4. m uauug Bulluwn. , phone was lost. .o...r,' \Villlhp 11d ths In u: A u. 9.- 'er',' valuable 4 cpl-051m .m... ,7A.v msessed u. uvv affect. THE BRITISH W310. SATURDAY. JUNE 10. 1882. I Plutoni- uxsmw-wlw'r'",l *IWWUWW~IWIV (on Wodudly am "out! don-"h .oncthol again W, and. i rm,0un,vuobui-dby W mwmmmWNi n l s _A L..I-I a... nun-n a. humm- 1' Dim! lmpoatidns !