We 03 Hot ml. 100 Blrrell of Me: Path. 76 undo Fumly Pork. 20.000 lb 850011. 8 U unr Curod Hum. 300 bbls Inmily 1 .our. 80031-3: Bukan' Fmur. h) bull. 0 mm]. 50 bbll Corumnl.10 hhl Gllnuh ed When. 50 Duty Cheese, 30L lb.- hcsh Mude Bullet lonasnu. Ween vs. Cunningham at I.Act.ion for balnnoo o! nilors' wsgoa. E. H. Smyche for plsinti; S. S. Wnllbridge tor defendant. .mhnnr'n nal: n Frantumn Lead defendant. 1 Merchant's Bank vs. Frontenac Lead Mining CompanyAn action Iorinter E can couponl on debentures. Britten dz Whiting for pluinciu; Wilkem a WM- kem for defendants. I numb... .- BrianaGamma delendnnu. ; LeRucbenx vs. BrittenGarninbee, proceedingn. E. H. Smythe {or u'mn-i m . B. M. Britten for defendant. ___.. . -..-n.n v cub. um a my.mmdmwu1 I remember. Mr. John Nolan, of qus- , burg. Allanth and from drowning a' woman and be! childmho new about. to full into the ulnar whilo attempting to I may upon the lying pan of Gawaqui : Bndgo. In making an. mono McLeJ'a bad In badly urn-bod. Sim than no bu been 3 mm. Tho wound bu bun. M M m w [mu much ""1110. To uldw h'u1 I L n 1..- -_ L- _ L..- AID-nth iuuua . Campbell. er al vs. BrittenAn inter dander issue an to aooda seized bv the .5. M I- uwwo Millikan-Iota... MnMymIlh Whm it. vain-Mm! hwlh Bull- Quun n. M. P. Gnu. J.P.-Extor- [inn . Genml let-Ion- ol the Peter. n: lemon-'- "I... Injury, .VllllIc-I u -. Graham's Iorl Wine. .I can't Sherry. I 12.1. 'JEL". lwere New n the ng to :8 ha relou them wu ol orlgl- ion or . y lm, ignv- Hy lrme.l JCHiOh tnix they on: f. .5 LL 1 10. :11 l holy 'ening Cape. cent and upon omen "J, 10 Bull 10 per cenL; other urticlee were put on the free list. Tm-ee yours had passed and he would lane 2: to them to say whether there Wu not a. marked change in the prospemy ol the country. Somebody n ml to no to Pnllnment and represent .lhout 21,) people. and must of the electors .lnl not care who w in or who was out so long as the country wee well gowlued and there Wren no jobbery 1:: mg]: places. It was for them to any. not wuetller John A.or Mr. Blake should be 1n power. but when polloy was heat. Tl.e Government hm not only intro- duced the national policy. but it had s Ltled the quantum: before them at the IISX. electlou about the building of the Pu: c Rulwuy. They lmd given the Syn Home 25.000.000 acres of land and $25,000.0(I) m addition tocertuin por- Lauus of the road which were under con- .um: 4nd had to be tintsth by the .mmry. That was a. very good bargain L , muke. The Syndlcate. he believed. would umke money out of it. though in mg no: Known men that they would succeed. The road would be nished luu before ten yous. UnJer the Go- vernmeut he dud not think the road would have been completed so quickly. There wu too much suspicion. wt for u-IWvvu '- "v Coneeruve Committee wee the proper pence to occupy the palm. Be Melly woepted on we pound the: it we: ouelomery hr the ebb! M of e municipelity lepreeide on each once. .inn- A! nun. 10 m nun-on. Mr. Kirkpotrick npponlod to them for re-election. become the Governor-Gene- nl. by edvice of hit Porllnment. bed dluolved the Bonn 0! Common. Ho gave reasons {or the die-clution. The hall policy.inonnntod in 1879. we: of such I. neture u tocomplotely revolu- tionise the humid chin cl tho oonn-' try. and it won deoirohlo to know who- thor the pople opprovod of It or not. He had ropreoontod the county for twolVe years, and this would he the lth election through which he bed gono. The proopects were that then would be no conteot. therefore ho felt doubly grateful to his political lriondl nod op- ponents. He bud atnvon leithfnlly. (he bod to blow his own trumpet) to accord to his political opponentn the sonic courtesy due to bin supporters. He proceeded to address the nndionce on some of the II betoro the coun- try. He and Sir Richud Ucrtwtight had contended thnt no Government ms able either to retnrd or promote tho prosperity ol the country. ; unwmm' {Wuhan-(Pomawy manning. Thoth but loti- halo! the mating by penal-I. Ind mnydthuby drool-n. num- mmmmm wu m nun-marina. Ruthenium-s vgtthcngdthoki-dw bu than {phonintholhph n you-I. Tho Bunnnulldtonehdl. Kan 'mduumumoum at tho n__.._-u.._ (1.....15... _..- AI.- m..- LAuuUuAAnu In. ll-VHAI Iva-v.1 Tue then Opposition claimed that if they were put into power they could hung in a national policy to foster the indusmen of the country and makeu batter market for the farmers. make Cnmda a country for the Canadians. er Leonard Tuleyl turi put a duty uuon some articles as high as 85 per cent and upon others 80, 26 sud 15 per rPnlJ other uncles nus luv Juan 5v-avt eevu' toomuch delay and red-tapeism to en- nble lb 50 80 forward. Not onl _we.e it to be cone'ructed but they h s. guar- iiiitee that it would be run for ten years. ultimately with prot to the here and the country. (Here some oi the audience retired.) He would like to explain to them about the Ontario Boundary Award. The Dominion Go- vernment could not increase or diminish the boundaries of Ontario by one more without the consent 01 the Legislature of the Province. It had been e moot question between the Governments (or a longtime where the line should be and he laid the responsibility 0! non- settlement u n the shoulders of Mec- kenzie nnd - ownt. Hewishedtos k to them about the Disellownnce o the Streeme Bill. (Several of the audience retired} He rehearsed the circum- stances whirh led to the suite at luv and the eubeeqnent acts of the Onterio end Dominion Governments. He said that as Mr. Caldwell wee e supporter of the Ontario Government Mr. Mownt billl made use of his power in a most tyrannical manner. and forced an Act through the House revereing the deci. aion o! the Court in Mr. MoLeren's 1e vor. Mr. Manreu had presented a pc- tition to the Governor General, who. by and with the advice of his Council. vetoed the Bill. (Applause) He refer- md to the matter of the Redistribution Bill. or Retribution Bill as it had been called. The great principle of repre~ eentution by population was edliered to in this bill. Ontario was entitled tolour a-dlli0nl seats. and because Niagara. and Corviwall were very small boroughs they were blotted out. This could not ' be done without making e greet many cliengee. It there had been I desire to gerrymander, Portsmouth or Garden Is- land Could have been attached to King- .onn \lr halt. in hi- Inn-ah. nid Bil land could have been menu: to Lung- ston. Mr. quke. in his npoooh, aid Sir John had thrdptonod you'uao I) 51'. I... v... I It was Impossible to hive either Grits or Tories. It. was impouiblo to hno E the majority of the pooplo. They would make their inuence hit. a the coming f election whether may sun in on. con anuency or mother. (Applause) He 1 V hid lei: lmle time to say anything with : respect. to the nances of the country. There had been an illch in the ten- 1 uue. whereas during the Muhonlie regime the revenue did not moot the u- pendimra. (The Indiana continued n- :unug.) By the present pohoy chug. l had taken plum. Ho hcpod that it there should be appalth the pl. 9 of Portsmouth would give his: 3 Iy l unnan A Large Block, n n v- nu- Inppon. luyrvn .. amt-mun 0' was. Mr. McFarhuu spoke in approvd o! the course at tho number to: Fron- th u- > ten tc. Mr. A. Cameron put. Iona question: to winch )lr. [inky-Lunch nphod. Mr. Smith spot. Very Wally of the whim of Mr. Kirkka u I legislgwr. um nasal:de 3 van 0! that! to bun, mend by It. Mal-no. Alll wax. u- . lmding one for WW. .L-_...I hunch- put.- an. 36m auxin, Iu- Pun-u wu- . fiver yum-y let M The Cob 'hnsby 3A1quan madm- ma dram do": mmumdm 41,- NLMLIilh rh .m-l nu..- m unu runner. Th9 whr. )hhun _-A:__ -.--- t..- Inulm Ming none sum: Ianxthy nu- pun-d (iot- a .'--- -......d.- h- am Thu CAI. Golden Liqn Grocery'l 4f): IBM]! unpw Zhn! anmnxm lhc we M It. il incrusinq f wuk 3!; wonderful rate. Thin .- m ummoeachnble {a mun. Hayst- lupus Chi-Q. 1 uk- Ihau . hour In inmost-ll Ill and on In 0W upon tho m d Ibo policy ol his kind. Ibo Flu! Km ol tho Clown. Bight Hon. Sirloin [undo-old. KC.B.. D.C.L. Bo spoil untly. loudly. sud doqmlly. tho oohool o1 hi: voioo being hard in I. Connor"- Iivo Auooiuiou Control Contain room- ou Primo- omot. Chulu bu somewhat improvod in lm style. Ho us. no not... sud new: Ito-into: thou! the mo! o word. In mind monphor ho in on expert. I have u min-ion w periom." aid he. "Som- uid I Ibould him I ball. but I wont. Public men should oppur in public ploooo. I luv. more room which. Icon no moml I,,_ ,,___ .L- _:Il_.. :. Link oul ueu mun. ww wuuln u unsu- or. and I can tnlk louder." He then referred to the hoovy perelyeie which paralysed the country in 1878; to the Pacic Syndicate whlch wee build- inun railway from the Atlantic to the Pacic. e oolmopoliten enterprise; to the hot. that Ontario woe prolperoul. also the Province of P.Q.;tbnt when he come to King-ton be new I cotton mlll.n oar work. end nknltting machine; that. he had gured the national policy down ne and wan aching to (no. Hon. E. Blake and Sir Richard Cartwright. One in the nudienoe wanted that he ehonld talk about women's righte. He objected '. he could not ohenge the sub- jeot under any oironmltanoee ; he had encountered a great many dimcnl- tiu on account of the women. who had now all the rlghte they wanted and the men were going to take an innings. HID comparison of the candidate: wee quite Iplcy. Mr. Gnnn wan "I. eon of e Gnun" and Dr. Sulllvan an expert in matencu edical. He would elect the latter. all! lecture closed at 9:80 o'clock. Mr. counter explaining that he was now an old ruan. anJ not on yong and Vigorous as he used to be. L - l LA 4... \l- r~.......-- la...- an kw-gun u 8: o'clock. .3 Hum hour the Cow at Toll m uth In" round lot the night. Dunn- had us in vital Chain Maud unquympbonbnt ho In. {n M unn- n m nth-I'd If! He USUU IIU 06. It. is not true that Mr. Counter has been :1 skipper in the abuse. but he war: at. tho Capzul during the lust. Pulm- ment. and II understood to have been promised a Seuatorship for his serVice. He supplied home 0! we been palm..- iu Senator Mucphuson'l hub km: to the Mail. I -n , 4,1... ___L :non Ohn man. Pmmb will anarcon venture into the conacxtuency whxla he remains. cousclhn PAYS BALI Tu! DUTY LPox AXE- xzc \N con.." Sir Lem-uni Tilley: Budget Sprech. 1882. 1. nmv um 'Mur, Pillar. m? COAL NOT "v. 14-..- _.... __._ .7, BEEN INCREASED TO THE ONTARIO CONSUMER IN COPBEQUENCE OF IRE DUTY. BUT HE AC- n'- mu- nmAIrn THAN TUALLY OBTALms um mun. yuan-u. u... BIEOBE"' Sir Charla Tut/per in. the House aft a non. V-.. no .. u v an .A' an Vn (EOAL THE m. uh them the opmmn u! Non Grocery'l buuulul Tenn. Ulr vuun an nupum. .uu, Riv-r" .vvwn There is not. nu instance since the duty was imposed by your Government. that the Amarxcan shipper has been et- fected thereby, but, it in an unmistak- able fact. that. the consumers in your Province have paid an additional coat. amounting to 60. per tom-J. Langdon 00.. Elmlra. N.Y.. to D. W. Allison. , , ,A 1nnn AL Ann! nnnnmAv-I nl Oki- TRIFLXNG DUTY or Inn mm:- A um. Ulr Juhn at Nupam. May 29th. 1889. 'TL.u- .m "no nu inatnnnn ninm: f G 00.. Duluth, n.1..w u. n . niuavu. Since 1879 the coal conunmon of this city have paid in duty 029.0) on pre tence at protecting our coal tnde. while all the time a pound of hard coal has not been mined in Conndn. mnsrgygganmsl l the night. or on I ringing the hon WI have received the Ingest And but toned noel: aver seen In King-loin. Ind cu: "sure :11 who love pnlnung v.an thoy um and every thing in our non um they uqulro, or we an) get 1: In two dlil from ordn. We mtand Id In; evuythlnu new In thin Mun And ml! kup I lug. Ind "mod ock at :11 than of Mom Lolon. 011 Tuba. Clnvu, Con- vex Mann. Bed Sub]. Brothel. Ho] Enlr Bra-bu, 4: W. J. WILSON mum-nor to Ruth a Gun) ' KB -Mod|cmel obtained 31 my time during Bundnyl, when no! open. by June 6, Gemleme nv Beloreiou Buy Call and we our urge and Varied Anonell! of ISwimmer nudsl "n U. IIIU (Sumner to THE PHARMACY, lab Pnoan No Mlnrcpn-u-umuon. Allen-live and Obllng Salu- King Street. doors 1mm Princes; Stun. my I). _-_________- ~ 7 A _ _. c. MILO a 9074, Hum Sign&rr.amenm1Paintars. GBAINWO IALSOIIXDGJAPII HANG mo, a I urn-cl.- walk don, um on- Un uuwuon mud show Ind under: a )M 0m lm in 7. Yum mum. Wk. Why! 11 you bu. m1: ope! acme-u: tan a tad Guam. .0 mil]: loo am 5 low: M: I. M1, Mn! )0 in b 1v H" ran Whod. wnllnnoonmt mot-1m wu- my and. mpbv 1! 1le gun-m: pun new- Lhd but; It. the}. Mmm:mnmucum1m PHQSPHA TINEzi um mar. In. Inou Namatmnpmuuumium ad vmuumtodxm at an L. man'- man- u an... dam-M4 calm-automatin- 1 Luna. 1" mm Wltn. {I dun-no.- unume not. uo- M I m, Ilaon '0.th Mylo.- punuouyplmnmi mmmm, munching may. bk '1 .mrm. hummus may annual 35:00.1;me numuuom loan-u Tau. mun-Ilium. mun-Andalusianth Ida mam All Good: Seen In Direct Light. A'l' Heath .1: Gunnl Old Stand. uua: u] v :7. m1"... "YOU man. no my as 10!!! com. m: __.___ -_ ..._..._ 1.-..-. . Iran ". .. v r- _ _V_ II A WONDERFUL THING. .,_ A .. ESWDEN & 00., E .l A-hhlh Mid.l-nh I! : Oponod om. comm. of the bum hula Ln GENTS "1531831505. W. REEVES as 00,, DU "1:1" Lb UU., Whit-nonhumlMN [3" run. x A fun. I s'rAuunmof Hui-Jannaqu 0mm... hum-u alum-unva- nu: cm luau. Pun-n sum-m. | lulu-aid, m u an. Sale. for (nth. 1 No Pow-Inn ('nunmon m Pur? chnu- Again-t IIu-Ir m. Good. Always hown nh Plea-are. Wm. Wott India, Whit. Stripd Hma- lull-I. Inno- Tub-=0! nun-.1 new mum. mm. Lam an in ovary J a p lull ludanmot Muslin. Swill Bank also $3.. In MC [*1 India, deh qul. 1mm .o In. he! I II. duh I an. Card Kuhn. Han-'- Bmuu.llmboiduy . [Bargains inWhiLgmld UnluredSkirts RICHKOND a JOYDEN bag to summon A CLEARING SALE 0 miron Lmlrimmod Punch u ad 3010!! Con Ptiu. _:o-.:. x. COUSINEAU as oo. 60 dot. Chdnn'n Fancy Gel-mm Hose Lilli av from 10.: no 500. Mnnu' Balbriugn Em nest ll hroidered hilk ClooLed Hose. Mimn' Wbih d. on Seamless Rose. 100 doz. Lndln Hou lu Blunt I Cotton. Lula. Funny and Pltin. from 100 to m. boll 51 5- .102, Gems Hone, in Cotlou. Manna Lsdm and Caihmuo. from To to 750. 200 doz. Goods. I , , 1 granary: 93.133151]! AA...-~ nu -... Em. 1 PARASOLS! PARASOLS : The Latest .ovelm-n AIwny-n Io be Seen on Our Counters. EggpIIMOND a. BO YDEN -u -..v J _-___ . V _ _ ,' BOWES isamzuaESSONE'I'I'E 7 E DON'T BELIEVE it. in honeuisnld hir to have one prion for n Eu at And 3 lower price for u. "Mu-d Customer" on the ma uticlo. urn marked In plain znru. N0 SECOND PRICE. . WE DON'T BELIEVE it in either sound pn'm Iple or gocd policy to ad" mducamontn to Ceeh Bu en: which they aeu seldom get. elsewhere. WE DON'T BELIE E the: Ludiee or Gentlemen consult their but tut-t: getting the)! Boom or Shoes made to order when we re 5 11m; more etylilh wade. equally an good In uulny. et much lower pricee. end uuurnntcrd A patient h. WE DONT BE .leE m ism, ellby clmnce that m lune so boon murdlunh t lnrge trade in Kingston. The pubhu see Lhe great nuduccmwu we oer. end epead men money where they get the bus. return-4 II 3 & LOCKILTI. June 9. KING~TUN. BELLEVILLE AND 135N105. What :VV'e pgntVBelieye. _ a- _- r_.a__ I u}. "marked mum. DON'T: prim lm III we know is not. true. Being largo declare and buying for cub. w. an Inn '0 oer ww. nan mama E um Lndin 1n the undo. Giant in Lille Thund. 811k and Kid. in 2. 3 and 4 Bottom. Janey. Mouquetorie and Hoopod Lille Glovu from So to 60c. Jun. 0 [MONDAY. 121:1: JUNE 1 la the rug and Glovu. nnn run: I mm and nunmv, and 800 aoz. Lsdhs. Childrens snd Men's Hess in every oonoolvnbln Slyls. Color uud Make. from 6 to 81.50 per pair. to choose from 1nd at lowor pnoer than my home in Gluvn in Bxlknud - _...o._.._. Oh ! did you use those clog-at French Kid Button Boon It. Buthorlud'l to: M 'P W? other not" all enotly tbe ulna boot for 83.50. - 1 man to mow the meals 0! King-ton thut we can give chum I much hula! M Why hem extoth Wt men to mow people we hula! at I lower prim :hsn Any ban in Cantu] Carldn. Buy your Indy-nub M O Shoal .WiLLSH 87 sari-$43.0? 1na 1\_l - A An Qf\l\" $TIIEEEAND; 'L Abvi dv_ *- -___ 2593 . PRINGBss__L, NEXK TO 1 GIN? In. Every Lady Should Ilavo a Palr of Our Franck mu They no the but am: und mont oomforuble boot in the on}, W. In" Ink! m on. thouund [min of L: in anh Kid- Lhin anon. sue! over} MIC! placid. Buy from up Ind nu monoy. _ _ . _---A_-A. maag FOR CHEAP CARPETS 8; LACE CURTAIN WALDRONS. Bur Platform u 7 Departmont. 400 don. New Fun Holinry; low pricleu. Lsdiu Bllok Sill DIG. .1 26 Andll.50. I Lndiu Bitch Lille Hon. 500. 600. 700 4 And 750. Lndia' Buck Conan Em. full 1 ninhod. 80-. I and 880. Ludiu' Nsvy, 1 Pink. Curmtl. Gum. Maroon. Silk, 1 Hon. 01.29. lein Phin Brawn. Navy, 1 mad Csrdxul It lo riou. Ltdieo' Fancy . Striped Hon. rgh, 00. 00 sud 500 l x city. II Ihon: A. Splendid. Assortment In Tan. BM Wad Ind Union. Ind rooeiud on Bulurdty Will Sploncna Assortment. V- W w h: Tnponry. Brunch, Sunday | [up Q o! EIIIIII on Clubs, Inning ht- uook in an. dcptrtmtm tha most. my]... In so nit' I - iCarpetf 1 . lw. L. RICHARDSON mm. In. 11.. THE CHEAPEST line a! FRAMES ever seen in this City on in I... tho Old euuhliahod Pwmre Fume Factory. Brmx on you: qumm lid b0 Framed Cnupud in the Leadmg Stylu. Farm-um! Sun In .au In no. she English sod New York pawn). jun intro-luau! mm the AI, 0., a Inl dang. Our PM, :- mm: tall bun. Lame early names. um. a i June 10. macaw. om alqu mam-.3 Mil11E if Banks II.T.c.B1'HLhReceived may qu Hwy- June 9. a m rnmcnu rinse-r. 1 My Put-1 Id m. D. . :mum i I: Low-Priced BOOT & SHOE HOUSE, ihe righb place to buy your Hoaxery Now Is The Time '1 0 Buy Your 3031017 I AT SiqTf-IERLANDS TAPBST '. petswoot":c:::;:Carpets A- BOSS: June 9 IR. LEOFAUL, No. 6 Gets Street. Perth. - IOEEriIJcgesarggt,r BONES & BISSONETTI. .0 Hm Hull-n w -v OFFER TO-DAY I will! v--' 214 P1 incess 1 lv'lpm- I and Silk Glows. troll Io h 1.. Oh style; Lao; Mina. Blah And 0010:- {row [00 to 600 Our 8 8mm Boning. and Colored 111d GIOVI 0 ".10, I" I bolt and ehnpon In the city. Ladle: wl ul-uu 01.115134. 5. 50" what. {Lay haw 2 usually paid '1 lm In other stores. Our Roulllnu Jmeyhhm In! Glm'es. m 2 and 3 Batman. bury P! guaranteed. Both m Bitch and Colon. 1 they np or break in 3.! war mum pd: ml] be given in place of than). n! u nu A ITEAIIY. Silk, from 35c to 75. dbb. 00 Glove in the market. Our COLbIlM Four-Button Glovu II 730 am up the - and. Lndiu ull ul chi; In good u what. may hme usunlly paid .1 hr in mner stores. Josephine IIond Ith Last 0! hnl flan-1 luhg. any olwhkh nay Io an In mmosnson a you 3 Winona. Prince Iluel. at only .01! Each. .A- .A xn-._.:--. Hoax 200. "m. we, and. we w WALDRONS in the place (a day Ind Chuput Baum. II. WALDRON. Wan-5 Chlldrenn Fancy 8m Eon ; m chup. (.hildnn'n Phin. My DMD m Ctrdxml Hone, Silk Clox. CUMM'I Bony Grey and Brown Halo It low prion. Heavy Rxbbod Sock! [or born. I" 3&qu the thing to won 0. Mn' 30an How: 700. 260. 300. 350. 00 IN! I. val]. bullet mm HOSE 260. 00 sad wnnmm's mm ulna {or I. 5Dryaardwwq: ; ' DryBoftWoodl .1}: and chap! In an my. Lsdlul plan call Ind I Oh Oh". 3oodi. l 'IouVuMI-MI l -IU"I-I I -' | Street. opposite the Windsor 30951. W D. F. ABMITIOIO'I. Ml Princes. sum. Kingston gagsvb n I put OI [HUI-Ii- W ".5" C STEACY- a w-- M land-110.1 room with w mum-um by it John 6115.". RA. . lmu Pubic: nth m inn-union. bv I DRON. Inna-.- by M: Gum. ILA. 80". mh I I Hudson Wait. Waxil' Ban' Own Sunni Hilary. 3w 3 Bunk? v Would Boyn' Own Nauru Bukry. E (unusual. - luau-h- Mud; incur-bod by Cnnk- magnum; Inmldwy Legends. by uual. Leach ud Tommi, Och-0 Fury Tun. "Imitation. M Y! {n-i 0' 512mm: VILLWIIIM .mm:,ff"* by mama hL'. I. . lm W. 1' Magi. to Win " d Radian! Ola... 10m Huh: 8.: m Imb Oil. Wink ya: 0 m.dmudm am Xu- 60!!th wwmchnp M Ind. hummus-lamb. Mm II. :boon vim'uig Kinsman lot witty ',.ndthuwubh Inc M a. 'ud'umimd. mm mm u. 01 chub. wouldmbouonintbodocl tot um um witty you: ll- khan- ioaly. . John Watch w M with wbluouy toads In the ddle. The chug. .pimmn VIII. mg 5 Mai] hon-o. m IO. M qua! box. u ohildm an un- xr. Hume! vulzes us to deny thu m: in m. Wm that ho m in British Columbm. Ea bu , m lo his Omplover'n hnmnou ad hand no altsNPIJ. May 29. "TWIN about. lWCbinlm ml vexing on an mu! hm :hlo) ad in, llkupcomzng. Ian: nu mnch "unit: "do not hear also much} ilwm.8meruin Kingston; 'Ibilnn. Sixdmbovllcnmmm' 'hnt discount: mde ; ad muilono' them. They bani lbs-Mow. mm 5mm 'ro Mum: M In III! has mixed with aquith u in. ad luck. (nudged by. Won the band; 1 andyuuxdnynhnhomvnylow, bang nonuth banal Ibo phyni- ,1 autumn-M132.an '1 think-inll Nuts-u, gnu an 1 Im-hob dung-WM uncondmuuuywm Gomdlhornm'oltoplnotokno'thuhghh'." ' "w a UrpLua Homebrdmttn nduuh- mmmwum cnkt but tho city. 11 hall I titaniumqu mu- 1". bmvmlr. w Wad gnbhnldmymdldononhin gnaw. Idolatthinhnwdluohn Thm"mjmaw-n inhuman-i... 7 "Ith- out [-3 mpg-out uid-9' Volcano-n Ian MubhnJdW. wag-mum val club Ibo!- um L m uuw- m u, w. a uuun. Mien. to Author. Donah- Jondl M d. m Inuit 10mm Ws his, Tan. H ulnar-06* hLI.I-lh Wanna-.10 WM L'AM "dSuItllord Well Selene a. at THE mm uou meant; Bought Clooe. 176 Pm:ch Slrcat PaoDrcrm or 1575. - Objection h nkeu to :13; pnucmg of Mr. Gunn. boin, i e! ubov Ihe emruuco L0 the Befoxm Commuteo RvJUIhm IL was I. produc- Lun 011878. mi u! n. Lhe Liberals an I u Lu much u~}"m"vl as the Tories are I unxnu o! Portia _.__..-* Pcauc BurntLast evening the 8.1mm Church was ugzuu packed. when Rev Mr. Cook pre.|c):ud from Mark 11.7. ml utterwurdu bupnsed Iyoung Indy. 1 1.8 In: munion was very gracefully done. me whole procudmgu proved very in- .mm .n.. : 0:35: :0 as Finn-The anthem: I up u. OIL-Jr Wade was much oondod when he ascended p the dome of the Guy Hull and loud the y'all- compl-te~ _\ cu'mred'wi: the; pencilingl of visi- rlra. lIu aleslnroi Hut egch scribblor . uuni be ne 1 by Lhe Polic: Maw-tram. law 5 x10; is very well but. it. cmt be c erlezl am. To [.110 vulgar eye the wnliuga on the wall are not wvery nnin~ zereatiug Rluovto to ml CHI-Capt. J. Don- uet.y. after a rcsldeuce u! ever a qnar- Ler of u cancury on Garden Island. bu. wah In: family. removed to the city. n omng to the Important. pension be cc cup us In the Dominion Wrecking Com- .., .- u -; nnmau-nrv fnr him tn nsidn CUPJJS In um Uuuuuwu 'VIBI-nu-IB vuu- p.my :L i; necessary for him to Haida her e extenj to the Cuptliu I hauuy ml rm). and hope that be will prove us useful It resident of thr city an I10 u\ 11:: ISLIDd. l u .11.: .' If all in u crowdcd ball. in Gamoqno. wzthdmw to the outside mthm an lnnnutu Alter n King-Ion on! com- ! In need :0 put. men tho uth a! g nu blinl men 3nd 1 ycllovr dog, how lnn_g would it tasks to In. HI. do; n- . t on? ~.~o~-- - - Flimu u A DuoUm Saturdly titer- Duos mu cplsude occurred on Sydenbun meet. -\ large dog got into n gentle- umn a house and a ght occurring with .1 cullle. Thu occupant of the bout. rm! a shot an the animal. which. how. ever. missed its mark He then follow. ml the dog to us owner's place, 3nd ugum red at. It. puzhng a bullet in ill l.e,ul Bull the owner and the wielder oi we ruwlrer were exmtedl The police nutnormes were informed of the hit, and the dog In future will be tied up. u be m not. dead bv on mean! x 1 v Johnulon at Barton-0 and neuter: Llars. Ila" Hr. (IIIIno-m. Parlor, blemwuy a "randy, .nrnzll'c Brandy. -.U.,___.A ...__. ..,._.. I Calculating Mr. Gunn'l majority M. 833. how many Sundays would it. an E Dr. Sullivan to reduce tliese gure! on.- 1 lmll. yesterday's work not. (.0 com"? I: a Conantvntlve lawyers gennec- Lio;.a Wllll nxs lmnrls dirperso an n- idi -nv;u xu ton mmutes. how long would nit Luu: such a thing 9c OICUX' 1f Uhu'lcy ZCoudarn voice wrote numbed to tho hunk, .uu . u.cb;uu nun ULED The rst person culled this martial mu 5 Plusme (ax-met. who mu m cm- x tody unco Sunni" night. Bo no u- I ruled (or drunkenuu. Th0 elude immunity 1mm tho-idiot : boon visiting mango! tot misty yu'n. itnd'thu vuhh In! _ A:__;.J an L... Minn m momma. WOW baysl than cannula-contain; unnutminyyun nch-nth 11.3.- As-mi I M .hh m gut. *u "LII nuvvvu u .... ......_.. km Orptuns' Home. dned this morn- A {cw months ago she bocume leutly mama and sank beneath the .cL.uu uum a. few days ugo sh. was u ... .. .Ln LID". hnn u A. rJux...s.v.~.uu In1...? 2111.] a few duys mg) lost. another of pus 1!: Lin: pursuu of Mr SAmuel Am] n~ I]... r.nn nuc- nf J Jun a nun u-Jn any gun v"... . ;.. Lax. 1L4: Lu die. Her's has DCUU u. lad cam. and 1101' rduu L mu A. be m anpy oue. _.___. __ n ma [MILLouisa, the n I, ,__ A A ........n. I, mun-you. "qu mu I'm going a hop 1 h inclusion. hm I'm not. 80-0- body'lp to b. sold." I II-L- n-nnt M II III. BAIh DiO' Golden Lion Groc-ery omens elsewhere. - Tbs Bmhop held conrmation at Club: Church. Castanan yutordny. We believe 84 persons were conrmed. an, in... .___ .L-.. .- n. In. .nr. 1y dqopnhud. Th. think I "U wlwv' W yunuuu. n...v --_..._- The New uys than II to be: lur- prho puty next to the Win oco on tho am: June. Better tint than vuko. (rind . an- ru... n-__-;I ;. :nmmnnnll (m- mud. The City Council it summoned (or his owning. II is scnrcely probtble M then will be a quorum until that tho olocuon. an ..__:_._.:... ...wnnvlln- in Hindi very proulnuw. Thin morning An nnmnrnml woman madam Idavn before the Police Magis- tnte. charging a young, man wnh the paternity o! m unborn child. The puuea live In Frontenac. m. ,4. W _,A, ,I Pk-.. fAnntar Ira "VI III A lVllII-lw- The utwrunoea of (Shaw Counter are mid to be the soutiuwuts of Dr. McCumr mon. who gave the pomu to the young old man no a cerium butcher shop. And Charley butchered thcxu, {00. 'L- nn n. thnm rvmnn nwn who vuuw] Vuvvuw-y\u 0..-, .V. Who are the three yuung men who Il. out on Thursday last to canvass for Sullivan,becamc mmxwatuj. descrteJ their candidate and wxmopel nll the way home for that. "sou of u Uuun '1" W 'T \nrnu new: I elected Cant. 11.31%th phi-uh. Tull-Inuit Md Court! BonuslwnldbocUL ' Tb- dog shoomgcuovull I hm mu Cunnul luvs mL~ ___-|_- -.. -_..- mun-t. i- Wm Lawn-I nun: ww- W" Th nonh- m qmu punk - Elm-numb ad a nohooll m w- I__ J____I_.-.I curl p: u: no noun. II. M. cannot be u tho Bub plo- Ilo on Wodnudly. Ha ha mother .____-_-_s -I--h-m wuk wouaervu rue. Thin II to ummpeachnble {\cl. turn, nal 6:] prov". [hut the ef'ort u! the G111 lcx. L100 Grocery to reform ma uH cwhulv- qud bu proll nyuom of duxug {runner- llmon And more uudustood mud a pre J duod. Whou youiuvilo \our menu n, them the at the Guide; Hm. nrmnrf'l Mun-ml Tenn the oucuon. Th. nomination Io marrow is likely to be A quiet nuu Speechifying to Kingston in the past by; not been found very protable. Ina. mnrlna .n unmarrqu Dome 101' tum. auu UL u. uuuu n W. T. Norm: says Le elected Capt, Scott for Wmnipeg. Wonder 1f (.Jupt. Scott. human. The probabihtv is Mr, , Norris helped himself as much as he helped the Captain. hm-I... RrinLlnvnr write: us rea- LIB-you Iuv var.-. "Another Bricklayer" pecting W T. Norrie. and the way he got out. of qunipe: nu the eve of an election. Wchmgtou Tuncthy seems to have stirred up a Forum: a nest. .....l.\.1m.-, an .nnrAHIIYiHU sum. To-dny I. King street nmu rered to hot 025 Human 6100 that Dr. Sullimn would have a majoliLy. He was nccom' modned. Bo weak burc Sulhvuub friends become that. they want ona on "cry bet. The rst mum: at we senor: Wu. pluyed on Suuruy D; we Amguwu and Royal Mlllbary bun:th Uqua. ADJ rammed m nu ma,- Hem-y um um: tamer. 0n behan 01 me 5.0.0. Maura. Ireland and Grant. 101 me seuwrs. mad. goo! scorel, nuu me play ox J I Shannon. u. juumr mumuer. Ws very an mu. 4-. Hum um Luwhug 01 lm ._.. -_,r , I American publmhcn Art) .Appremntiug Venuor's talent in we Lth"! prognomc-A- hug. The rm of Vugle at Cu. at Balm- mure, has purchased um right. to pub~ lb his alnuuno :0' 1833 .n. a. IdbUlOUB (Ill-ul- Flu) Axum-I the I COnlr'. t-dtl.llur lu. I; 9- "W1. omen! elsewhere. The Buhon held 0 MUDOIM u JHUI'IL menu-u n..- 7-.., s... The and... um Lownug oi the Gulch: Wan vcry guod. bun Lucy ahoww u. luck of ptaCL.ce m luluug. meg m tho lateness of the hunt u; wmcu me play mu commenced hue m..ch Wu deondod by one :numgs. moarou cmcxzr CLUB. G. Dxunmoud.o anmon, b CnmpbeH 6 bit; Inlunu..un outr . .... .. . .13 J. shinnon. c nnd D UGqu 0, Rundown. no; out I Oudunlenvn. b Bunion G Bondsman, b Bellan Now giving! U Jones. a 0111', b Camybau Y. F .0 lul-no. .un out Grunt. DCImpbell aumh. b tinge: add-n, b Bouwn IAlmon. bumnn A mnubonnu. b Ire) m1 Twyumg. b helnu ,, Hug-1.5 bxynbl Watmore, b humll Cnmpboll. b 5mm; .V Ogilvlu. no! out Farm]. c pgpoh, b E lol .. .. I) A much bu been arranged with the Port Hope Club {or the lst July. and will be played in Kingston I . Hon. ML Mackenzie is much better sud cheerful. and will soon be quite well. 1-. ,, u_ D:_l_.l _:II .nll hu- 17nd. Ian. R". Mr. Raindord will aml for Eng- ltnd on Jnlv In. and m be gone three months. u- an-.- A. Win-"non in ninhina monnna. Mt. Worn. o! "Lox-onto. is sinking slowly. He is not. expects-J to survive nanny hours. 1:-- n u Gavin, M Ottawa. will nanny nuurn. Rev. D. 31.002101]. of Ottawa, be the recipxent 0! Human addresses this evening in St. Amirew'a Church. prior to his departure for Wmnipeg. Rev. Mr. Muslord, a! St. James' Calhodnl. Toronto, has refused an ab! from 3 New York Church of 08.030 I your. wish free furnukmd house and but nonthn' nation each year. n:_ n___n_.._.. u.- I..-._.n..- (Ian-n! I nonw- Ymuuu ancu yum. Hi- Exoellency tho Govarnur-Genonl bu :pponwd Judge Pnce, Frontenac; Judg- Wnlkiuon. Lennon and Adding- m: ud Jame Mu: lomld. Lead- and Grouting. Iocnl JG iges of {Ho High Conn under the provxsions of sectan 76 {a} u Onm'm Judmuuxe Act. or 1381. Hanhm'l condition ramamn much the Tpa !_ '[ea !_ Iea FIRST CRICKET M 4763. "Jr-mun: -. uuu LIIC nu, Mu the to wt 3 uhnr prognoatxc-n- {la Balm- I Duct THE BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY. 'JUNE 12. 1882 menu. au- usual oorvleowso podoonod. else which the Bishop soqu the pulpit old do- livosod on oer-sot end i-prossivo od- droosupue the some! shooonronaouyi ondwhntltnsoe to osuhpsrticlput.l Be In: dwelt spo- sho oulunnity e! the stop tel- hv tho-who ho boon ennui-nod. Alter loea prop-retina sud withsdnoo-sool lumpa-huothoy hsd renewed this hoptiunol vows end identied themselves with thoChnroh oi Englnud. a. uhrrod to the spirit which should octane them. He hoped they would continue to inereooe in grace mm sud more until they resehed the everlseting kingdom. Some failed, though they sutioipetpd otherwise. st the time of their oonlnnstlon. To gourd sgsinst heckolidln' end indierence the menus of mu should be observed. These were numerous. but he only sllu'l- ed to three sttondenuo st church. study of the Bible. end pertsking ol hnlv communion. Upon those he enlarged In regard to the rst he counselled the young to remembor the hollowed pur- poses ol the unctusry. in visiting it to seek the benets which it eorderl tether then to comply with hnblt or custom. Upon the second pointthe study of scriptureshe spoke longest and with tho greetest emphusis. He regretted thet there hud been a. lumen- tublc luck (especinlly among the young) of knowledge of the New Testament Being unteught in the public schools it was (or porente to instruct in scripture sud to supplement the education im- parted in the Sunday Schools. He ud- initmd that there were some portions of the Bible which ware not easily to be comprehended. which were not under stood by even the wnsest men. but there was sulcieut in the {our gospels. the Acts of the Apostles. and parts of Pnul'e epistles with which to elevate and pu rily. containing texts which could be applied with coneolutory eect, to every phase 0! life. He said there were , various helps to the study of the l'estement. and none better than Banned E lition. It wee interesting in AL- .ezu.-4..-.- L. 1M, m It. Buhop' of OI- uric M1 Misthnl'l Chunk. Wu my Main. The. l._A_ - __ l...- Man. lluvlauu L4 luluu. compare and note the diorences tween it and the anthorizad VerSlOLl Curiosity alone should not prompt to do thle, although he had known matuncee whereit had been the ual motive and led to the cnluution a. deep religious spirit. Finquy Lordnhip commented upon the signi- cunce of the holy morament. hoped that .11 who had been oonrme.l would. besides ehewing theu- adhesion to the Church of England. tnke other step (sacrament) for which should at no tune be better preerr I Tun. hrs words were eectlve Wcli m: I mfrntad by the large number. Wlm. the close of the service, purtook ol Au "nu Auvvnvau-uc Ooldon Llon Grocery W. ll. Finn; & Cl). l u.-u\ I uuu: lu uu qu. The Buboy preached in the evening to an audience quit. equal to the any of she edxee. To-morrow. at 12 oblock. the General Sessionl of the Peace open in the Count. House. Judge lekinwu. of N npanee. presiding. The following are the jury ma.- Cnmpbell. at at brawnAu wt pleader issue goods by defendant. E. H. Smythe. ugent, plulnm's solicipon; B. M. Britten defendant. I mm vs nanAn mtinn for illm defendant. Lyon vs. MooreAn action [or illegal seizure and an]: under execution. John Mndle for plainti. 3nd J. L. Wluting for defendant. Kingston & Perth Road Company. For damages unstained to 1 horse on Perth Road Bridge. in Lonqhhom. J. )ludie for plainti; J. L. Whlng for defendant. Runny. m: NnhlnDmnntnd liabilitv dekndunh Knapp vs. NobleDlsputed liability as to balance of a claim. J. McIntyre for plaintul; J. L. Whiting for dafeu dam. \lnhhmn m: {nrr _An nation for dant. Muldoon vs. Ca;d.An action for breach of contract against. defendant. re. speoting the letting of n sawmill and burn n the Township of Clarendon on shares. T. H. McGuire for plainm; J. B. Walkem for defcndnnt. Fann- v. R-luu- ..An intamlender as J . B. Wilkem [or detcnunn. I Ecclei u. EdenAn inborplelder as no ceruin nuclei of furniture seized under execution n the defendant's ju- Dun/u: R V Rnanr- fnr nlnmm J under exacnhon n we aexonaant s _m- stance. R. V. Rogers for plalnm: J. )Iudie {or defendant. I Wm m... uowcav UACSSB. Taft. vs. Cunnmgbam. e! alAccion for balance of uilon' wugeu. E. H. Smytbe tor pluintx; S. S. Wallbridge for defendants. \lnnhnll v. Rnronqn -An action for for defendants. Marshuu vs. BurgessAn action damages for the mtlicioul issuance and enforcing of n sou-ch Wurnnb. T. H. McGuire {or plsirm: J. anden for de- lend-mt. Wu... r. nnninahnm u nl.-Achion Dim! Importation: I