Ayus M Poohnl, mung-n nv "Imu'r AND LLhu, | win.- um, ,__ ,, louuconlil d nun-lon- curu. mu hue won (or n which. in In vmun m-vu squall by say othot nudxaina ll mu unku Ibo nmt mound cum 0! Cousin. Cold- Ind ('uulumpuan. um. an b. o by meme-I . .. ._.__.c amen-"v Poclonl bu mdll) In. 10.! .ww'lll v- ~ 7 . ('unmuzvuon. thus nua- undue.) Poctonl huncdily Ihll. lodged. a. Char rubbed "lu- Marlon. man at than unor- w u put ulc- nd 1'.- . lull at In muuny (rum mu: pin ul duh. nm in well luundod If u and] ho uh: In not-on Evorv lunlly ohouId u". u Ln nan-role! lo- shc randy sud pomp: roll at in newborn. 3min." waning Ind an III. {I and by this timely promtion. Tho radon! would no. no 11mm. And tho this It not. [up n by you ur ma protection uslotdn by us only no in uuddu munch. ....__.-.-n nv uuuu-u ..... __ PREPARED BY Dr. J. c. In: l 00., Low. lam. ,. __.I An-IIIDAI (hamllI l w Dopmmni of Immigration. chum youn; mou m loll Pernoui inning to man at lumina- p" . tummy when p or other far-om, to the Blllh ulnuda. ml] ob- um lul Intorunuon u w AIOIITID PAIIACIII. . ,..L lrnunnv-IIIIII or other nubncu connoohd um: Imm rnnou on npphcuion lo the under-tau . Auphcnlonl {or {Inn and other lubororu uny be made to the following immi mon ngeum lulln A. Dgngldloglgmnaw ; Jo 11 Smith. Hum Auyucnuvu- w. ._. __ followinghimmi ngeum Donsldlon. Toronto lllon A. 0. Enzyme. London Guano, mobnm Muphouon, King-ton ; or W. JV wms, 0nan DAVID SPEECH, Secrotuy. up Slmcol Sweet. Toronto. In 13 I?) GALLOWA YS HA T STORE. hmu on I-emr lul-lvu-u m... UOOKS' FRIEND ._ |.u .Il MI... 84 PRINCESS STREET. l sncm. BARGAINS 1| IGALLOWAY 1| n m reams mun wuhoul bonul. no roqnnalml a Band u uulemem u to lb. noon: and govern) humour of their lormlng oporMionl m the un lot-mum, who win apply term-o! pile-non mm unnlod nllomoutg. u go I IMILLINERY| lulinuy ind otbu good: II I closing out ale 0! n Ito-urn whole-globulin, which Ila-bios mom to odar tom. [rut burnin- in train but mud. n lug. purcbuo of hue "queued : Ilnlemon} Mlle non: __.;,.... On 0.: nn Be sure And no. Mm llm. The 'buys'who have hlll up on theoloonon would remember that ha csmu n lino-loch Urdu "mu Linn Llet Ind Children's Sun Hun. "' " ' " Drona Hull Ou- Iul m WM 1...".- ubl - Bun uni. Ens. Lndxes' Bonnets in Funny Brads. leles' Fine Trimmed Bu.- snd Bonnets. Chlldreua Snilor Hhtn. Blnck. Whila And Cram Ounch Fathers Flowers. Wreaths, etc. 500 yds. Ruchi , he. Lme Colhrn.|nd a lam Iot of tools. Silk mi Sum. STEAM SAW MILL ! 'lnnbcr I ocdl will b. Alto! the 70" call. on Ihb now 0150 to N W sold nltbduc- him. tell] :00 you. :wcu luo 0 '0 v. F'vv _ -__, Hume-l Old mums-1 (Shaun-ta - - nux uJA. Llllh on 0'- mum at m x. u umm'nE-H'igil FIIIIBIII. AIEITS. % Spring Circus. m, 151011031113. An] AND COHIUIPI'ION. No'gIoE. L'I'IEII INDTII'CIIB. - u-m Pon nu: n I BARGAIN. Faiths, chi t Nut :0 Vlourlh lulw hll WALII C C0n upply lonnuuxupy.w-..-.. noun. to thc turml on will be plld Psnlu dour I 90 III) BTISEI ' (Mum; slaw-'- ,.._ m my (hum es and 97 Princess sum. grunununu! vv 9 .1.- -_-_7_ In mull phuun |n amulw the un- enl public mu ho Inode on an anilun Ina-(ao- ol M. m . I T. BRENNAN. I! (ha Old nu. And bu riplcnuhod an Stool with ma lug. but show! nnd Im-ml II the any. 0! Drum room Bum- ll [Mun ad 3;: MIII. lime: llo. Punch Cmnno. Hm (I . It huh Cloth Ola-tn, sou- nd Com-hot. Bod room Suiuu. In Wnlnm. Ash I Walnut Mada. ac vnh laplo nnd Wood Tow. m A.LA-..|- Enonuon Dmma TIDIOI. Wnlum, on and Quota Anna Dim Mum. Top (onlro I.qu Fawn; (unp cm:- nnd M Chm In and- |uo vuioly Eur, rib". End-will. It: Pmlu oomunplnlu Bonn rural-blag will an monoy by buying hon: KINHS'ION BRANCH 0? Manitoba E North-West Mame: for Sperm-non luv-cud on I bum ol I dwimon of prom- And upon-u, (oruod Government Hold Notu onn Iur veyod had: {a [tunab- or Nanh-wuz ml lorien [moi-bod u 81 per m0. batten of tntroducnon to tho rm In Wmni peg nan many on going to u Norm-won . .. 1" nus-nut IIIVI (ml-r Work And lopunn - Spool-In H..- In LEl] ASTRAY."\ C M. DRENNAN lam/r WRIGHT & so~,| mu \ul'xu ML.\ Swiss} Hats! \k - Bindinz OF EVERY DISCIIPHON DUNE 0 TE! Pumas. Il' Spoon! amnion to waving sad {mudlu Boon wunnud w 0M Indy. Inna bound on m m noun. -__.;.. ..-;..a M. -nh puma-mammal- E V Ila-10:30:11!thqu Puliu nixed on with Pam-drunk!!!- n nmnv l IDA". TIA Mud-t to Qu Cello... * PI 21 ____--. EVERY 0H! m n _A. -4..-m.1nl (Im V 5" I VI"- v at IJ u; Wm n: "hum. Intannulon rm In mm [or cmulu to E Tol'uJll. Boston. In. ______-- BAKING POWDER. OAIPAIBI HATS mm lung" *2. u causal-Moun- V i 3303. unuvuh. Wk. Cmpm 35. mmm"u~f Each-tun S Y ,A______ Karyn! Adv-"mu BMW Dyna m N . l LAND IBEIGY ! __o3 ._'-,.7 ____. llllsT-(LAIS IIAII WOIKI.I STROUD BROS" IIS. All .83 m TEA. REMEMBER THE PLACE, I89 WCIIIIIIOI Street mul do no: be led my by human low pricod Wnlnu! idobocnh 'IHW UI-I VII-II l .vn--..~- _ 7 H. STALle ml. Quasi um Adm-l Kill {lm omen: mu Baum llama. [w- W. DI. :--v -- 7 BRENNAN I In full 0! Chap 'lruhv mu! 10 a any "Pt! PM! Pncol and (m 'llm you cw nlv on gamut by 9-;I'Y "Pi! Fill Tim om J P GILDBRBLIIIVE, Ann! M KIIICICOII. omce, 41 Clarence Sm curse! mi l 31311731882. _..__- ' "wanna sun: _ p." 5.. Mn- FEW? Wan-N": * l W , Pour Medals and Dun-nu! um: aux Away 111: on. nun) JMOIY'H Iuvl pm.- In our. YEA)! CAUTION! $9} 35mm We maullyroquu; :our patrol, when they uor JACOBY'B HELP- BHINING STOVE POI..- lSLl. to .0 01a Ibove Tnda Mu} in upon nob box they buv, Ind the follawing sign-Gun : .I. 1 JACOB" k (0. Thu: only In the genuine nruclu. Mom. 3]] ruponsibla dellora keep It. Oct. '11 h In untu unwise to on! under lu- mnny um...- umu no. Dy.m 1nd... Iion, thr iarod Etomnch and 1.1707. in Hill m... mm. m vou m vour own homo in AU Clenusmg Cunocuu, nouns-u. a... .h..- (in: energy and um m thu Bruln N-rvoa In! Muscle, mmply M' working wondon upon the D|uoluon1nd gwlng sctlvny to tho Livox Cut this cum-ks n to buy dosh: m mgdicmeu, Ind get .I lean! an: 15 can! Demo 0! IOPIIA Ind tell you! neighbor how n ma. [I ll war nmod to cum Dvnpapaudnnd Btllouunou u m Ml|'.l.\ IZ a Illl'll. .\, out: hm. u ilmu 'a Stevenson. STENIH, ('l TTERS, FROM TORONTO. [iiiinmm MCCAMMON BROS. Elegant New Buggies. Ilurums and n Handsome Coupe. Egans Imprv'd Imperial .....|...m undo! strum. as the} [um neural-u u. ~v..v._V_ ,1 bor- tuumony. Adan". P30? .1 Y. with EGAN. Imperinl Truss Knnuhrtunn Toronw Onurio luv )3 TEABERRY! Wnss A u The unomnom 51 tho wow. u low prion n Du. am us 2110 um 0min, Ion can {' lulu but! M lone. Wilmlm Mn ,1 . pod. . llallgh'lgvucnmz'mr31073'xuwu dm" ' Inow-atoth loin Ila-crollujw-n locus but 4 wk... . n who! 01 Cornol Pnnocu nod King Strut! mm..lw" In the Amy 9: I (NEIG.1-|N.III .._| um wvu Mm- hm: N: I l Young 7 1 Earl I, m "31" AM w. .4..qu- .PA .00. uni uni ELIE GREAT N adult-EH59!!! u m load my cu. "1 and}? III. W tIVOCI a! u non-31w: mum; 3315:" :- 1W; 4.? u a?! .992- Palestinian. Auh plenum III aunouucmg to the cm. sun at Klugutuu Hm! mu- [1qu 0. POL80N & 00.. NI I'IA NI MON BROS lropuoh elven:va I you of thin dohxuuul mace 4 rid] bun grant noqmaum The greatest Ianuuu vnl pulmua n! tlm (Wu luvery am numb wonxs. ll mammal ill marit- l ma an-in Isle. I In. .u cant good thin-p. h h Inland mil.- ' null o! no v: no In I. Nu-unw- . "woultu "9" mr mm. 1!! orangutmncou Strut ,, ___-" n I-" wuw--'~ :nm I'm-5:. u Indian .- Mu" Pout]. . own an E 5 "0411 I'II II-IARDI. AR. (I-CI. Form! m undo-I iii To wnh 3 MIN '5; in undo- [lying To wuh aggro You cannot bum: tha lunnu By uhoutmg for the hull. Tn thul am John "I kaolin-u. Their lshonn ply In um ; Do I any can to noon: than Bin hud- unolun run-In. u JIM help the ouklm. IIdIII, Who. known: better. pun: Hon help nu one-nu. Who. kuomn banal-{I Thu gerrymw or hum l A tutu-mun haven u I! an n all by bonus, 'Twu surely u- willow To whnt baa dopuu nbyumnl Some men (or phoo onn go. lenugo lhu um. man doemod Chrinhlu Still. book thlv. otter hon Whod all us to u dovnl To keep himself in power. U? I" ood nun. nd It. mom, our inhr'mht w proton. UR. III ood um I; mum, 'our inhr' In. proton. l-rom umr Ipo inion Noedu hm rmlvo Ind uorve - ..... V, # lonq\ Ill... Md has. c would. r_____...._- Up ' If your ehxldrono chnldrou. You would no nah run free. You must loop from tho North V Old lnlund'u Upu woo Thole, And I lhouuud av. Worse emu shin N Y . Doneru Ind must their douh blow Find non elation day Thus. Ind thus only onu you O! freeman ollim tho nuns, And nvo youmlvon Ind couner nu" luau Ion Lad dunno Wolfe lIlIDO June Iuh mm A pants 24,]: ran, Now that Mr. John W. Bell is to the front as the Conservative candidate for Addington the question of his tneee for an oice requiring lntelllgence and a sense of delity to serve the public in- tereats becomes one of much interest. Mr. Bell ha- hoen before the public be- lore. and his note in the not mult be some criterion of what his future will probably be. It is a fact not yet lorgot ten that Mr. Bell occupied the important position of Warden 01 Lennnx and Ad ilington Ill 1879, when thirty of the well known ratepayers ol the county peti- tioned the Provincial Government for an able commission of enquiry. in re gard to the books and accounts of Mr. Hooper, the then Treasurer. and iutu the nancial anirs of the county gen orally. It is well remembered. too. that Mr. Bell. u Warden. need all the inuence he could to prevent any such enquiry. and would hue stniiiped out the whole matter. if it had been polai blo for him to do so. A pitiahle apeor tm-le it was to see a man pleced in an important poeition of trust by the peo ple, and using that very position to pre- vent the people from obtaining their junt rights. No thanks to Mr. Bell that the taxpayers of the county got back again some 1.1.110 of their own money. which had been Wlthllel'l from them by slime $21,411) of then-own monay. which their own lreusurer. Hull Mr. Bell been allowed his own way at that. Lune not one cent. of skis large sum would have ever reached them again. nudxu all prohability the same ayaum of eec mg and plunder would have gone on no this dnyl This in the same man who camel boforo the tnxpaylng elector: of A um. .md uh them to select. him. 0173 who Adiiuytol. and asks of I othun. u the most t. and proper pornau w reproaeut them and gun! Lhon Interest: in the Dominion Parliu m--. ~ 'lhm u the man the Tory puny them nun guuu than Iuont' 'llns II the uf Adxlmglon to lily dellgm Lo honor. IIOIDPEBS DEFALCAT ION. luv Nlr .l. w. loll Lon-ox and Add! nun-Id II. Olenor haily.wu upland by Wmlou Ball 1 u a Am 3'. m a: I 9:??431 'lr. 3.1] that "til-d hin- og.A.B.l II UIT wilt- wr- Napalm: Expreu.) . u- [Arm \\' Rnll leNLOIIOlIAw 0m lop-anal MIA-I.- hkuv t Lad-ninth. It t'. J. cop-r. a. W unlomhm'xn-Qhop- miouu king lot and". l .- wan-00d. um- us no. point. all ' mm. mu no! h min nv n... u. Inc-aunt. vaun- : . mum. m... M objacuonlop-y my dict-n3- ' .u the Hun III h l--......n..l l.- . utili- Jillian-d In... ad I now an; Inn-.- mu of u. county. uni .. quiry. - "* Tho hunt. Mr. Kanpur. a [In VOI In ' I-ulmuol um. II II III!" - quir . b0 hail-Cod no! i) m m .wh autumn-(Ilonil OI wu pending! luau tho Count COII oil and the In psych. lb... Lhn. I N "am and '50-. m (at. sll wu mum in I. Bagel-l dinner. At : maul-I of the county Council. held during m: no. Mr. Bell. us Wudau. mud. h' cad-l luumeut. wlmh wu r. t in tho standard for the inlotuut. on of S. pec- nlo, We take tho hllowinn amen It would be a plenum m than to know that the tlunuciul petitio- ol lb. (country lml never been both: aim an separation . . . . Nu one bud any Illn- givingn in ralarouco to an County Tut unrat'n boulu. Your that year Old. Autlilom lan bean .ppoinbd. sad It mporu not only Intel am. mo (and: were properly ulministmd. but pulod attering ecomiuml u I hit "le cf book keeping. . l . U11 and punt-t County Council are dominod to not vmco the taxpayer: lb 101 on! In trusted they will lou no time in upc- dlulug this most. impropu Ind in m dent. motion on the pun of who WI . m laugh . l . He had you lean than wu anything wrong nth tho books. HO attended the nt dnyl sitting at tl-u Commiumu, but thinldna than wn no further occasion for hil India. b. empluyod Mr. E. J. Hooponownoh the public proceediugu." It I: now very well known at We public proceodlugu." ls very name enquiry showed um bolwun m.- 000 and 030.000 of tho peoplel many had been "misplaced" And In um- Bouilth fur. and no "id." Wu 0h. wlwle case that. in the end. It. Hoop never attempted oiehor tn uphnntion or ndelaucebnt resigned his podtiou and his uuretien. voluntarily DIM 0h. decn and Mn bomb-nun] lhbility. lld haulloll m the full amount (a: which mail were liable. 'hn nr-tnndn m IIV that. in I Ohi- thedi 'ho roteuds no any than :11 Mr Bel? was not. mcaplLlo sud unldsh- ful to his dutv to tho pooplc. and duct- miuud rather to allow public in!!! o Iuor plum to see the II Ibuo of the Tory puny injured 3 0 don h then. iv. was nu spite I bil .3011. sad in- uence that w. um bl. pily 00-h! liovod from the nanoil adminiunon under wluuh uuuh loan and noon-Irv taxation ncvurred What, otndidmw will any that one with such a rood i- we most m and prepor per-on iname hundn to place the inherent: of the couu win a nmutiun of Itill mm Impur- , we IO IIII Inuowmg .lmm the Slumlanln "pod II '13 new: aw that Mr. Bell. (a this day. gave any indication of rqru n the: course he than took. or exp]:de d.- bormination to Lake In: 0811 oouru Ihould the interest?! of 6 9 Ft 0':- and it. On the other hurl ,wo nnby theWI1m.timLut Kingston he hulv attempted a justimtiou 9! hil amine. and mm evsn menu enougn tn throw the blame of his! illulviwd conduct on John B. Aylenworth. Euq. The Wlia writ: "MI Ball say Mr. A Inward: Inn one quhe Auditurn who lld reported the account" rurrwli. and lhnt be mu unur ally loathe to baiieve charge: which be cuuM un|y ascribe to faction." This il a Hlnuil knot. hula Lhruugh which to ornwi. and only is amall man would be capable uf doing iLi Mr. Ayluuonh w Auditor uuu yuan. and Lu. Commit .innm-n rannll. Hian that. it 'II on. 0 "" 5% Wild.- 00. L. I A. I-Ailing ol in Mil but. . mil". h. Mb h nu AulliLOI and Lu. Uouuml Iioners report. nhnwu of the few ymuH In which there w no G.- cnoucy burepurt. What Dublin. 0004 dence Mr. Bell Inn In the ability and inugmy of MI. Aylesworth! No doubt l.th condence ll well deserved. End the People may safely have coudwuu in hlm two. but. been! he reported t single vem'n transaction: correct. did that. warrant. the Wurden in trying W hurL all ulqmrv T I too thin. bothinh. m. uml awn uu ()cthwlox Tory CHI I \I-Ii l W ALKV'I. - L .~ huh. nun 3r hmynglr T In Loo Lulu. BOWIIII, an. null oven nu Tory hardy swallow It. at. all without tho prt vorblul grain of all. If further pruut were need that tho Government have mid the country to I ring of Amencau upeculltorl it. bu been furnished by the {act that L oitiun of m. l niml 5mm naund Bushman. the [act that cum in the lnibeil unuud acting under the direction of Mt. VIII Hurur. tIm-f Superintendent of the Cum-nu Pacific Railway. bu jun passed through the counhtuonoon di Lribuhnu $H'WIJXX). the smount. 0 the cmrupLiun fund subscribed by the Syn (licnmi dicnti Buchanan VillLed this (iin In! Vook. and called upon a number a! person- whom he war iuntrucud to mug; right. Among them he distributed several than and o! dullm'N in American 10M. 0n- genueinw whom he approached nicot- od hm bribe with scorn. d aid to him: God help Canal; whoa 0. {allow like you der (.0 oer hribu to bowl. oiti lens in Yankee gold '3' nah-nan .lm vinimd Lonnox Ind up gold '," Buchnnnn slum vinited up preached Mr. Alhwn. who in 0]) inu Sir John Mucdmmld. with an or ol 016.000 to renigu on nomination y, or. it that wu enough. he nu vi in w mike 025.000? It in warcolyl m~ an to My that Mr, AHin rejected the bribe and e ocvod tho bribot with IonizingFm nu. .____..-- _\~ The Part of Org-nixed Hypoonl' ' in a phase wybich in a good dad dnndlzd shout by tho enemies of tho Er in Uganda. IFWNMUB u put-ion Lbs: xt III I [am Inn-ion of one a! thoir own non mum Vitupcnwrl Ind ignonnt tint it in rst used bv ans whom they can Inn-div hope tagged in thin; line. clonal: II Diwali, Mid Applied to the no mufioul Commune Gown-an. than" WP ludod u gum-d... We ulull any urn . d Sit eel. In Government which I:- ane of Wellington Old a . It. -he lie M v cm: make at ettite hul. we link a, body of Imam). evee pooh lien a they? they here's to uproec vpoeriey n m M meet :1 no nude! W. Wow-moo. The m can quit similu to the preheat. W wae m by principle: whaee (me could not be denied. and which had :reechedehepeietotvimy, end Ite- hu ulhhubfanmlin. in nci i to I ' 2 them who urged those pried- i m Vim" . W ' ' than '5! ' 5 an; an dam lor me manual: or an [you knowing n the Simulanl'l moor! 0| I A! unuslon or an. Lo place the Internal or I uvuu . pomiun mu amour Impot- m" In: uncou- ' "3'" M 'r um room-c '0 "3 8" "m gua'u ' P-va | .-.m "I A Ii. _ M m l h. 5M- \U. II. NIII.|ICI.N. nu. ntwunbn W1 HI IIIIY "on '50! M I. J luna- h lid. um! ICING. lingle Imam u m Inn-n o In: ~rm1u unwed In. PM Oeo m nut-L Whom m Max I'owrt Clea-lug nud 7,__--_ , ww~nswlml { |; as, can]; [FUR THE Pill-NIB SBASl McAULEY'S 800K STORE lhmk-hlmllnx. Paper "III-l I I "hulk Book Innillu'lln. A Clear Complexion ! Y Nqu llFURK their. AFTER l'IXNU 1 Bell's Tan 8: Frocklo Lotlon Eanasm's Hmbwann Huusn. i All Descriptions of Goa! rhum-g IWLIIIMHIJ nu Lilacle | In u .. VOL Ll. I sumo-rnm-s run- Inu- Lead Hutch-n Implelm-nlm tun-mm- Malls. "llhllll Illl Ecaliraqui Tigiivory, mm L mil CITY PAINI 51-10? 51' LAWRENPl .l:---: ' h :x " : IBURDUCK BLOOD BITTERS D1HIk!'.l ' 9,3! l v nun-I w Ropmnna and lulu uncllv c U Madman 0M unummm t u M Mtn w-_- r, Io er Ila. I} II. autumn. I. a Bull IL. I- A L-II.IIII.II. I ' . yw- Hug?! aw nucl Oflhe denevrl and Liver. mnylng . w \ 'I'l, -I .c- w Correcting ' h0 Stomuh. Curing m1- _' , 4 pm headaches. D12- , Fay-11121.11. Cams}: non. * 41' V I rim Drop. .Dlm V- no". J,~|1!xdh'v.$t Rheum; .. 4.1. Cmonng {It mm s IIT. l' l'Iull. Rubin-r Iluu- harm-u \ ue-s. Ju- MLSXIOI Hylu (hup u any 1..." u-nuu cu. 5' ml..." or: mum. lHAC inn-ll s'nn Hit-oth ernl-n-ru n! quGCUAI kOp! OI n means-Inna danvorodwoldd ll-Illl In! (ounuy on.ch I) -l dunlwu r .._- -_. In. ~l nu" ROBINSON .\ BUN. aw... nnxl UH ll. \\ MARI". thuti'lhN x lu-l mumuev, Hum 3| ,I "In Inna and I gaunt-III!- hm; w rl me A Correcting 1. Bill- JAIIS SWIFT. WOT. Tho Eula! to Us. Use LYMAN'g Concenr trated Extract of COFFEE. l ITHE FINEST FLAVORED. | For llmumg. IIshmg. 'lrnvel , Mn. and especially sen HI'Ible [or Pumping 0m I...-|u IOWAEll] & uuannc RAILWAY. Imposing sun: 1 oa-itmnu nu run sou; TER' no liII-GHEANI MONEY T0 LOAN on l-romlnle terms 0| pny' A mom, on city or tam. pm vvrl) m large or mull Inmn, Bur-13m Ioru nth rm wen! mm: III Good menu-g" pun-han v r In ' ' moms unluos. thsxor Ftontomc Lou: 3nd lnvutmnm Boculy, Ole- oppndt-Jho Pan Omen fhnncc Strut, [1w ' Hancock's Inspimor lions: or BEIGVAL! \IEBSM \" CAIIEY & 805 had to mlonn A an Mond- smxtrono um may will In tum :- on th Inn-kc bum.- in loan A t B. udhl'ucr'l more. Golden Lion llocl. nu door to Ind-n! Bulk. snd on m pad to and lo Ill ordn- onmnud to than: mm Inmb llld dnpnch Hm Dun-"nun: ot Noun A t l Mam-r u .- mumm m mu". 0' Mr t {Hi "E: and um nuiun la! 5 low hula cm than Ito no Amend with ham. count lum- cl unpodxnmn n: W actual." ud unnmohnu lo P,U Box 0': t6 loot Golden Luna Bltwl I. '5 50: lane than. vol Puck-d and typo-l on I noun how uni on. tun norm-1 tn H" or mam" | Speequ . REY'El Mun to: . A. a h M'DRDHBMIL new Lmn Illorl HOME comromi ----.~ y.. ._ NOTICE OF Ram/'41 !! Saturday, May 20th. null! nun-lumuul Meant Inquuru w. an... l HAIL H u m n-h-\ l: lllxr Um Im. A; l'm.;|nndTMI glam. Inn le mm .1. ,1 IluDJ nu glen din-lulu \hllrln my. . uw hull. m an tonsmctinn & Working Qualities unit. WEE. ' 'numm , and "mm: to! 3 uted . _- ,J...... . ~ 12. hand Emmi on than. um! 0:32 "ultimo REES B RUSH Mal" ( T m JOKES. 7-, , , KINGSTON. CANADA. FRIDAY. M '- U v Vov.~ " I 7 70h maul: 0' TIIOAT AND SUCH AI OOUOII. 001.05, WIWPINU (01:011. BIDHOII'HI. ASTHMA AND (.ONIUIPI'ION. Oidlviv Irienmt!i