\ "all I I)" IlIrI-I'CI \ I a! Hugh: 5 disease, dxathes. or nay due. of the kidneys, nveror uriuuy organs. u Hop Butera wm cermmly Ind lusting! ! cure you. Ind 1t m the only thing that vi 1 The \uuu; bur Ca. Mulbsll. Mich will send Dr. Drz'I cranium I Vorruc Burs AND Eucnuc Anunid' on H tnnl for thirty dlyn to men (Wanda)- who are Aficted with nervous d ' twp-l. 9 vimljty and manhood, tnd kindred ambush '. guaranteeing speedy Lad complete restro- t Lion of helm: and manly vigor. Add 3 as Above. SB No riskie incurred. II:- vlnrfu dnvn' 'rllLI is allowed Nb No ml I! thirty davs' zrml is allowed Manxcxxzs taken unto the stomnun oon acx;Lr..tej futxn. such as pilis and powders, are most luluruus The grant substitute {or these mucous hula culnmol pills in Dr. Carson's Shnmch ar L1 Constipation Bitten. They lama-c the bowels, stimulus the hver and kzdn-zys, and cure 5.11 Itomnch dis. orders. arm as dyspepsia and Indigoation. In largo bottles at 5') cents H WIdO. Agent VL L. uuesn thM hls mi: 11 years. and L: l nddeu. bin- Ln: 0! physlcmus a Mteuuou waist ni'a'sSdEaraiiaiini mun: ' ~ '.n.ThM the Ws-uh Dun-bu Comlt mu. tn. - 9 . ring-m man I . EHfbtqmygny hay 057393-55! W. E. Hucsm. of Emporia. Kanns. ny- 1111 [men sxck nearly seven years, 117 last four months bed Ln: been :reated by A number of physlcmus an) uuly grow worm. Her \vai pail; l to "n Piorces Golden Medical stc van" and "favorite Pro acrlpzlon, w'uch ewe commenced using. In one week tho couXd sit up. tad 111 three wauks could Walk about Bold by I drug- gma. oo-.___ Til-0mm. occur mum (m .- ggpudmndu pruvtnmnl oful Add III. OI!- Ind mmhlv of Summit Tho L'an Bato- I;me on Isl-bun undated dz. follocinz LnTMth out iFrlday, Jun. 3m. um, y ' 7w, . mu. , W Bul- of [Ailing given for Bel- Ohlg. Hum. Anuerp Am other W00 Conan-m , 3m! for Mada-L "It a M M. Ipply u Com- mic. Elf. 4. Mhng (than. New 51:51:! um-..- 1 No danger from then diseases If you nu Bop Enters; besides, bung tho but My, l medicine ever made, Trust no och", - GOLDIs a teeth _ bu'. "' main-.3 than. Hour- of Arrival! And Depnmmtrom Kingston bmuun, Manual That. (10 I 05m nl M BrI-Iu - DA-enu ol lhu Kidneys. 01-hou- Dav Exgrm 91113 glean m KINGS] 01 AI: PENIS-Bo. -l- mm 88! Ill AJIEBICAN HOTEL. leos'rox. 031'. UHF; only nlrcmss how-h n lha city with nll L modern \mprrvvmeuu combinln the nu- zcommermal asupra mama In an yova arm: modurmu Omunbua altendl LU Ewan unlor Ermn'. \Vllson a Dart-[Wm loom. GIARDBI now im CW: 4.... ' - - ._____._. (ill-AND lltl' KAILWA I. xexcelleul for lling dmyod "Trans?" prevents the deny. :1 white. and makes poopxolov m, .umntes. JIIIE Mill. nu'm : 1mm rm 5 L all!) n. . mm 1 am Gm .0333 An: undo. 10 out M ll mu, Am". 90pm. 1:55 17.12. It! will "1.5." nun on Among loved 3&5 {3f}; 10 limbo d0' of PM " Iv;le a A_.|__A -nt ii 111? 5313- w mar 6-41 mm. (W) mm 1.00 m .- w WI I00...- I. u 3*.51. pu- . . v w l Adodniol d *1in mm to: It. hunt-3 Manama mvolving u' w Inn-Inn. vu mm by ' MI u 3!. Yhoums manly. The one vu an appeal um um;- mip'm'by Sqouonuou. adapting- . min Xenon Lumbem . Alt :3. tar-hot. to: hum}, mGM the by by gather. wd boihng "b hi bull. contrary to the form of n. no. mused stuutas o! Oouno. ,4 , luring the argument Ilka Honor .n n- umm ouuuoa : Tu- mu i MAM Hm argument um noun: m Idiom upumn _ an n u not lawful {or nay W. tndoomsn. mmcer or no- ohu'n or my other person wham : q ' ,utdIDny wdooroumhny I bboror work 01 h- ordinary t . To convict a mu propulxe Jouu acuwexmer, m; Luau wun (.1: Uwu , 9bumacher was the past 09 thy nlihboifllooau and the auureln nuJ . labor or work on In- my ' To propotly it, no known ousLauually nut to viola-d 'ul pmmnons. Tue boilingol "linen we Lams Dny in unhwiul (on pol-sun who pulsurs the bnmneu I In: miller. wlucu ls wlul. I supra would be cculdered a brown 01 I a lawn. would not he an oence {at which Nobon Chambers could he owns unlu- n 3150 not. tom: that is. Mum or unicer, wd mm in h damn lo. he was utudly in me We! oh. Mi worldly ullmp or wax, Iu ox.qu words. 140 no; think thy! i! I prolmmutl mm or uuv other not dmnbed in the sauna '0" to go out to the woods on 1 Sun- dlyud up woes and gather and ball up mm. lugnr u an amateur. that be gould pot be legally couvlcwd. be. om hols not one or the persons Laminar. whom. und lbexr puranlng tlleu ord1u~ -- 'mminn nn Suuduv. the statute wu A terrible smgev ocmrrel at Jack- son. Shah, exceedmgm horror anything of the kind than hus happened here 111 ' mlny_ years. Franz J S numacher km: a nloon on Mllw.\ukee .iLreet. He treat .1 t: uumacner k t R 0d his wife. shot u g-ollcexuvm named John Schweimer. mt" than book Lis cm: I- QnImmnnbmr \rva Hm luau! no Ih. Schumacher l a. botirhooa. uarrels ou bro] 3 with his wile have men of lung nding and repented occurrence. He" on drunk. closed up has beer sLop. um] annulled his wile Atwr huvwg JDUbLd bei- he took a revolver a.qu rud upon her. the bah passing :hrcugh Ler body. : Poopie passing heard Lha shouting an! ring and the pontu were h Lsuly sum- moned. Threeoluersrn-spumlcd. amush- bdlu the .ioor and luuni Mrs. Schu- Incber on the oor wxrh her hfe blood Obhing nwav. Seeing the oicers the' Mind Sobumucher seized u musket and reheated up stairs. and Ofcer Sch- wiuner followedl but u: the head of the airway Schumacher red upon him. inicting a. Wound which will make him ' (blind [or life. Schumacher then re- r Around inside a room and as the smears yore caring for their unconscious com- ;r'tde they heard the madman re again, laud opening his doox louutl that he had [ shot himself through the bowels. millet- mg a. ghastly wound. from which he won afterwards died. Mrs. Schumucher lingered until midnight u hen dealt] put An end to her awful mg )m'. J (01::- oouom. Scl Mum: Ex Will 124 in: Liv 'l'nen emu. -' 7- m up: I'M-- w. I luv-mle in Incident! I. 90 Ion-lo- ot. Wu. animu- mod? 'cl on 11-51, m; m... Walt-around ll. I! n! buzmllm Psalm. 30! mm." a: mom I- " x1. for Mrs ihtouu. bx-achlt. . 00. Wyn-amp. ma .1: him whom. and [next purauAng Luau w... u, Vocation on Sunday. timed. Ithink. therelore. that. (or the .m n' thin umssuv Alienation. 3| I think. theretore. max. 101- we Hunt. 01 this umssuy unogution. V amviouon must be gunnednah ' ml of form. but lot u c m (mm: my allogdtiou. '1 m ' lupuhod: we gm .4.- untl " " W... ~ 7 was a. snow a (0- n a. mason. mum. Aw" m D WWEAF Y unmmw . .LIJ served. I'M v nu-m an Hum, Nauru/gin, Scicca, Lumbago, Backed/Io, Serene-s: of the Maxi, 0041!, Quins], Sara T/mJuf. Swa/i- ingl and Sprain, Burns and uids, Gunera/ Bod/l] Pains, Tooth Ear and Headache, Fretted Flu! and Ears, and all other Pain: and Aches. K" fun.an- an mrih com); 7 JAN) 0 [AI-B! ant-run. .r. JIAOI'I Mann: mum nu. . Alnnr \Jurlm III: WIN. 4....- a Policeman. and am- I l- -nll u in maven Languagw. .' ALL DRUGGTIHS Ayn DEALER! m MEDIUM" Y.f.f" 1:"? 7."? VA .3. ._.._. ..v 1. 'I'BAGE DY. gm 2. w ALLAN LINE. J . --.x7.5.4. iEXCleSion to Manitoba lpr. J. Collis Broyg; .. AND mu tears Live :: Sperm! Passenger Tram lor Manitoba. anoln. csA Bpecnl Pau~mgux I'mm fur the carnage of passenger: IDd luggage only, will luvs Manual] on \v edu~=.~(u),.h\:1 71!). {IL 9.30 A.m.. stopping an. ill yrtodpon nhttnnn, Um mute being "unmw MAHT Jun: '2. mitl-SLY'EEZZW _ z.._._.u _.._,_.. iGrand l'irunk Eilan on odml. smoum Murm- my. u... DE than who do r; v r. 3,719 such smut-Inu- I lay-y Vu 'ut my m sq. M uh In tan {or m pg! In Man in 1 mu LIV nu cu: win the an VENOM!) .mp Val-bum Than-unanimity"... I- and aim-n Inga 21M" 0.1.! " w [m be nun who my... (1 \& '4 m ion as dam ammo, , ' luau utll nary Iva Lip... Aorm t-MmaqquMN . M. am not 7 '1- otooly nu uvI 0". luv M mwa. I Cabinet Maker and Undertaker. | .. y. art-k". mu 2'. vhlLL-n wmunmoaty.1'm aothnn. nu. idu Ad'lluudm . 1) (Liz ,a In! nukixmmmy that .m Mum:- today. than ._ 0...! m. CUMWPM f; I. _ EXTRACT HY. BRAME, Special Trains "-u on Wednesday June 7th. Cu load 1)! Emmnm Movable: mend. new from ngnou Garlands relusad and prepaid to ame to change Without notice. but the gures quoted W1 gm: the .m. cost of Lmuiponuuou. For Information Apply tn n1 mum Nu! HEARSE 11. .da attend Mn the city lOLGEB Gr IlANLI-I". Atlll! Inllon. 'I', .u AND ONLY GENUINE. Royal Iailjtoamships Liverpool. Lnndundarry, Glasgow. 9185 00 .2187 50 mm cu. Acuity. am... nnhb'in. can! :11 can 0mm: at dam 14m nod 0m L KINGS DASDZLION AND QCLgggl LIV PM I. than! mar?) ITltEEDVi you Inl'h.t.l cum Dsngzgnsl'r. F Pm b. m w mull". p w M. Minn. 3 out. .mm- at am Dims-u. JmEium. iuiumd'ftom mudlolntl room. In now and manna uf blue mu m.) calm-l 111nm can u! dynamu, bulluumui. u:le symptom- oL-ou ovum"uhneiiveerchlu o I'D, bone; QM: ulnguldr. - V MOIIJIVADI MOIIJLIVAD A nnue 01 hum; Indoomlunlh- m than". u :I thew-1m medium- Twmm Madman 171m 1- nunmmonly byJ . Mani 1 pruwry Landonhou nut: on on" hbol. Bow-n. '5. M4 and lo. 66. II In ' ABAXMSL'M A N D YODOPBYLLIN.-Prv 3er only hyJ le . Umdou. Th1- FILM wmcimmu. annexed om now pm Mr tbc :pggyte. tum. . giddl 51 91!, 91 'suuHoLIgI-z Lonon. __ An turrnnl Means ol I'urlnu l skin Dioceses. __ um or nouns : mmmw um. , 2:73 Chlorodyne. PEPPLJs'b QUINLNE AND [RON TONIC- strengthens me nervous null muwulu lyn- tem unproven dl amen-annua- lho mm. "- :rum me bash For dabmmw but u: m. emu of but chrratulhiu toms!- nun! ble. u Vuvv~vl u). .. L Pamst Emma- 4173 mos TONIC muu. w "01va than urinal awn, "Rich" [he blood. momma. nppouu I ilucua! Ind depression, anlel III; '0 and mm; at dumb Hm: u woman/mg: ___.._V- Ll V El! COIIIIA INTI. Ihruldri. heul-uhOJYWMW 'm magma. dumb). min In an l-Emeu. Manhunt 0! bola-uh gnu-l dcpraulon. II new the x: m mour:.v .mth m on tho 1;; no: u; undooplunih- and NORTH- [19'] TERRITORII I zeiusod and pnvnld 02 06 om IIEBRIAL FIRE INSURANCE 80 OF LONDON nummrcuwaospimswm hlnom. 3309.. "can. CWAID TOURIST BOI'TE TU Ffn "OITIIT BEA BUUUH LY V: DAYS I'D-0! LAND 1 . Bubcnbod Onpmlm Pun-an Qua-Lg Ctpd...... ,.:1.an.rma mwsum; 1W B..I.BII.IECK.A on. Don. I I Ouurig Street. lug-mu LIVIRPOOLI: LONDON and alone lmuim 1 Thi- booo 01m But We. Com 9min doing 39-inc- h: Cumin. lnvuudhndl luvutmnni in Cami... 1637 """""" 7' v.1 ow: 6 Im Pro . Haw for um! II II or run In .577." on. I (a liuxntou on law lion. Incc- d Ind. dot. . cm, to LI mum palms on are lrookml h non-town, Don" Call. 061'. M Chum! H Um an 0 H van-1 E "Mil? com _ mun n l F'undnlnmmmctnmnu r mer In. a II. la.- b 'Fm wowed u Lb. mm mm M amm- uulou wuhout Manna to the z ndnn B. W. VAN!) M II. ' am [0! K1 non. Dunno Sun! Jul, 1.1330. n u Western Assurance company FIRE AND MARINE, TORONTO II (hum Inm- ooCom I y on thn Continuum. manna IJ ghomlunl: [gem-1m- u- Couudn and 1b. Unhod But: An 1mg: 1 Ihun Fear-alr- These Hun: are prepared (mm the very choice quslity o! be Wm- nntod mildl outed. Finely Havou d Mal. Ind usurpuwi u u: Brynn mica] Mont [or no Table. A delicmun broaldnt dhh ! Convweint in new in I All Squd Matt! No boon! No sunny-nee in caving. , ,_-__ ---- Nov. 30. "W H I 38'. at at he' wot-already. ill wwyr? du- .COJMW ,______l_.__.-_--- . val n on town. own. IOMVFM an. COM- . u Doug-nod. a nut u "um-mu ham-#Hfm'rw. t" :- lousy-'2'?! Im. hum.) ham-Alfmu- In mm wad: 'f'ira'im' . II a x 'lhnhgz an; 0:10th Club. 11;; w- 9. us.- I (Alnu umQQm- Woman-1t mun-Quinn- :n i 1 [2" 1.. ad! Yuma-Inna .3? [Insurance Comv Dlm w OHINA WMBWMWW . ----A-l|.a Age Olman an. linutonlnob 5m 1m _ u"'" Momma-uncut to I u I an MD. magnum Comply thu Wall. mm Premium ecum- than my 0 puny, Ind u tau .1: un Mm! 0d of yum. Am Jma BWIFT. Maul. Chum of Agency Silas nEnnEu. For at: Bligh r - ifsikmn Bum? w. o. oasis: Old and Rollablo. "anan onum A ILL... hn-I HAM. or mum. new. mm at"! VI-Il- Iv v-uo gaunt-mmnmu. max mnrwu.mu 0F HARTFORD. CONN. .__ -wv.-Ivv "NY A. guano-nu. A _. 4...--Iu-In. Huabluhed [803. m . . . . . . . . Wm-unyvuuru' sinus-inc wanna-y hon: ...-. Boneles- Pam") Boiled Prince-i Strut puny, I 8. PH PEI. out. Inc-ton. HOUSE MUN! h 01".... Hell II In. an mm. . 139,000,000 mama IAI: uI-Iuuurw RY or QUINTE llAlLVAl DID NAVIGATION 120. m [cin .r J _,_ ILILINGI IBONI QI'EBE(. mull . Ls: gag L 'MII'. ION thcnu .3 Ill .1: [ugh Loan Manta BREAD. # ma rum! 51'9" VERY MTIR 1 M. n my iiuodnwhy, luh July Wodnudny 20m July WM M m' .. Vivian-11.1.9 "W , In-A_..A-- Ion-n NBC. ' mmmumm ' ummcmum ___._ _- AA I, QEIEBONTO LINE by a FY'KOPE lIVYI' ' I b not!" out 04 ' KO! My Iau . to -ANL Y, . .4 In...nm mix-u . 13m MAY EN!) MI! m: Muy and Juno. IULIIWW K g um: or Mlm. t 9 mm all main: m mun: . m. I V POI TORONTO. Man. And hot: I..." n, m. roll I Mum. nun nu!) I! mun [uh all m In! Baum-lt- y. Wedn- y, :0 mm don acri. "IVIII luv-sum y And an own: mmuy wroo'kuu pint or the I in." 3nd mitmnfod klnd.'l|1 undertake lh lulst of Vanda. Ind Torin; Ram: and \uul- on um Lnku Ind the Cppcr nml Lownr .51 bunt-man Mable tum-I. Apply w (ADT Fl HERRIMAN Mann-LI Ayn: .. mm hummus. 1 mums" I Conqueror. McArumr a Relief: also Ilse 'lngs l-olgcr and Mixer, with Pontoons. Huw sers. ulvlng Dresses, an .n nth-r nnm-rv vrnnumn aunt of the y By u North-Iman populuvow Eu franchise wn mud-A otlho a: m ute 00mm non _ bu . 3.0.. 1819. Th nnbzl VI! wad on And ondouml by um mm: EMU. _ _ W I In 7 I \ on! TOLD on hmbln urn-n 0| uy' O ; ~lIncl. on any | .m 1-11.. I am. sums. 8M mu pa coat. nu: , at. Good lamp-m. > imaurms * 33mm? "mom nms. ; 11' JV uuuu, m1. Wm, (Int. mun. bun [mg-ton n 3 CK: p m . or Pinon 3nd Ballonllo, unvan n no tun map- IM) .0 O p.ln.. .nd Bolluulo an Tun-any. . n u 11m , n tumm. on I. on lonhy. Wod- noodny O Iii-flaunt n D um Halon on Tuna" Thu: .5 n 7 a m . Ind WA] u Gum. atllln u lnaulu pom III! III mow!th gur- D the bean. nus E _ 1nd C (Mb a purpose. 'th 9.609 d to "bush a reserve fun of our 0650.0: .- duo. boon uldod By franchise and. Alan 0141:. pmpgltgtq Oonoliup BAY 1 NW TM "3:le mull Ind berth NU) . nun. do Llnmu H.010 OYmI. CAPT. H. EERBIXA-N'. Normal. (in P'! Jnll DOKNILLY. l 1Wth J IHIE COMPANY. 57va ll): the wworlu Haunt" -._._..___. v; 7 M--.___'~..._. Dominion 831mg} Wreckingc' ml... [g-d 0.31M mama H HEBHMAN. Pro-Mom Ind Inn-(mu Dhmtdlmul ~ w Lima Stau Lama Dummy. The Dasarnntfkuavigatiun Gn'y (LIMITED, 3233mm.- ruldom lung. HERO? v 1 nnAIn \l nu. ' Contact m flue-ICH' LLWIO momu'ios Otto A 0U!!! lCO.on In" 77 7. I I gbmmmfnmm [ / I .JJ. hypo! BI Luwrenre -,__,_ _. - ._,A_,A ._.| x 3mm NOBY, J 94?..." Inuan GUNS C CO mh Menu . 9 N NA nu H min. In?" MD! cmmreu Luv- had algxmnus Autumn WW3 wan a son at Mr. torbeu, who ' m. a pomh factory at the corner of lg Wellmgtou and Barton streets. and has i c not home a good ohnmter. having : , hva wnh another wbmnn m the States. W" and whom he wished to keen nndar his care along With his former wife. but. the Inner retusedmu qhich e mu red sure at. her Mm. Forbes was a dnpghwr of John Xuzhpn. of Taplavtown and has "u always been known as an Industrial]: '- .rn .n sauna .- ".I"' u-.._, mmmuwnw .nM.W~ n-IMM"ID'D gustyDuct..- at.de ..... " . Titania-INA The Duh of Owns. 1th b gamma]. Vin-cum up. 1 A w )m mmom W 9-0... I. mbooz (my mint. mm b- in; hismncal. for u Spam-h wan-hip c-m b8 mnenu-i through the hue, He was a uingnlly lipid I38 I angulqu hheul an... boil. or an um For youths m pkltedumlrrmge. but never could m bums up 'w the ' t Eventually he a, but III nth dculty pun-all tu- mnning sway on we day 0! .0 - mou) Ho ulwnyu uni-Md *0 h d by , a: M ' ,mmum "1 Jam, If "at v hy George the W :11: Conan School. mud h'n boa-W. Nu. Forbes. were hut-dot! into the panama c! that swan. We! without one mum's W100. HILL PM Ahom two "on Imu Mmgd Alexander PM , from Em. Peun..ud did his Win 6 In: via turbo Va us home- hope! to! Ir. uglunp her alth ud go ' :9 spin. He mid man! m to {to own. uni. Empress Eugenie owed bot iron mm. as the Emperor Nspolool never have untried but In! in feared mate 1 be delayed Hamish. .- l A .F a Amnnd man an gummy; .9". .... pad maul ib to omu. Ind nod .u a. panel a! par-union 0! much he run fable. but In. Forbes Imrl home with but my! and muse :00 king in to! America: home to concede to his request and reputedly told her hmbwd It the would never hue anything more to do with him. It. in six can time Ibo pad her three chll ' Aron ehbim uni cum to Hamilton. About. two ween-go be him in wrvlaw vmh her st W's ouu ind begged her tolivo with him lath. prol miaxug to ranks "and! for u put. She consldered the lilo 000 gun. and relnned lnm. Ho mint-nod to the house yesterday morning Ind urged her to re- voke bar decisionbnt III. In; human hle. telling him abut u were betwr for Lllem how this it. should not be. ~ turmng at '2 o'clock he satin urged her to leave her place and live with him. The same mum m gim. Ind Forbes. who appoued grads excited. laced wmetmug in the hi I Esme-L. which. he aid. would um to remember them by. and pulling out n " woven oboowr 7.-.. .- -m -u.-|v UILl-JU. ' V Rilslu lost lns wife a few months ago and then engaged Mrs. Forbes to keep houw for lmn, lie was engaged to u momun iu Landon and was to have been I manml in ubout three weeks. He in- ; iorrued Mrs. Forbes of the intended a i nurrmge. told her he would no longer I i need her servxcee after that, time. R: [man's wife died some time ago. He ' leaves two interestinf; children. nd i l I. l t the screumzng and wsi ing of the eldest. . a llttlc girl about 10 yam of age. were Wm hrmrtrpmlinn. \ moat hcurtrend'mg. \ AS the wagon with the three corpses I as driven though the streets 0! the city hundreds of citizens turned out to mew Me mouruml spectacle. The A...an warn rnvnrad wmh canvas. but 111110 LLKll uuuuu LU Juua u. an... ".0- mournxm spocmcxe. Lud carlmes were covured With canvas. the blood oozed through It. The bodies were dcpcnitod in me dead house, where they wnll lie ti after' the inquest. Forbes prssented his eldelt daughter mm a gold watch to remember him hv " nu hn mid. and also Have to his lit. Cnnosxc Dxauus a! the uni organ or- . dxnuxly destroy 11h by tillue Itlrnuon. 1 To uutlgate and cure. promote nutrition. tbaixs what Wnnxn's Elixir u! Phoo. phates Bud (ulfsaya in (or. s formula I:- ( . pressing the crynumled uran ox logical medical work, And wort of con- : denomwhetbm' introduobd a: ti. ction: by Physxmun or 'journll, When you elect Ito De your own doctor. disoriminnte be- tween 1L Mall)- valuablalntdicino doused 1n prarfticv us meet a daily 1mm in :H forms ? u! demmv. and preuntioun. puod up 3 nontrums mtendod only toimpou upon the ; credumy of fools. gold warm "to romemner mm by," as bu Enid. and gave k tle boy A 820 gold piece as a keepsake. Thn wmumu with wbiohthe dBOd WEB ' 820 geld place ueepauc. The weapon commitmd 13 known u a bulldog (Eng- 1151)) mtb one slumber. tad capable of holdmg sevon ghoul. All 'the bullets were not exploded. m lov mat SW? 1 d mewvu u low-I A A--- c... n.l.| u u "7le - ..- _rr, _.._ .. Ivnlnnllol id ,Jnn. ll. 18. Irooonuy 1nd I untamed: we of oonsumpuon. I uted in NI. melt sci. onuc manna: poi-1N0. HQ' 90 n6 oecc , I parka! grew ndnally wont!!th thin I awe up. and as a hut town, ,I dwidod. i pnientgrow mdntlly worse. mm min |g1ve up.r.ud as resort. } dooidod. much sgninstmy wish, to no. 'I rimody : that 1nd owed one of my {ormu' patent; l Greatly to my aurpriuuhe pnuonz began to min. and in 5 much qhorwl time :hun I rim 9] l0 pval cup-mum mvmpleter cured The mm! ofthxnemlrhble remedy I u Dr Km; 5 New Discovery for Conaump- - 1 n 'n 1 nuwuse it silo-.2211" n: my nctice. I j ~Lwhnz M D., Evnnnmc. Trig bottle- i free at ng's Drug Store. Luge-u 01.00 I ' [hm mtorml you mu we on"! 8010 In those Bunn's Munun Bnnu you sent :1! We 2 54 Vbe lutm mxu to-dly. I . ~ 2. 10mm di- w! (ham whnch I new Lara :L-a int bot .md wo Cemde ! me manor bx romin to and (or more u once Theimns mo unweml um- {when to All who luv. tnod them W0 ; nut you w send us welt-Adam mm. unk " .l with." 4 Bunn's Imnnn Err-ma never 1-11 to . cure uldquu- of mg Item-ch. u: nd hank Inna all but. In In ' Bunn's lmnun kin-n nu ma bowls. Noun pct bank. by In duh m madman Dom Dal. wt duhn In moment Dinn- ctmbrt. _ .vhioh i bu 1.an Au] rovoa Mound ;dxeut nyt (1'an poi. i nnomlunu from altar-Ind lanolin 910m J. Wart: A Son. Frudomdlk. Ohio. , . trifna -_ Brent! 8 Auto; hunt1n. boat mm: u the world for cuts, hrmm, sores. ulcors. 1 rheum. {eves sores tenor. aha. pud \n_chxlbloins. coma. and all kin s of; ...m... M, "minivalv mlraa P1163, rims : - . l 'Thl: Informl am we bun sold all m. anrn'n Am-u: Rnnu won an! 111 M. I "hung n: ding-bur] the nun-mun "Pm : - mun m rumn I law-W; a, Pmeor. .~ :5 lrncnvzlh LMDIyJaChywu n I: a: nu no; I [-1 Imago. no. A! man: 1pm u.-\n_chx1bloins. 001118.:th all kmus 01 in em moms, and positively curse 1.5 an. Ve ls qunrnuteed to give perfoc. Infection xu every case or money refund- lriae 25 cents per box. For sale by H my. The Doctor I Law'th M. __._., III-ny'u'Ou-ou nil Pub: 3 TWO SHOT. A? III '1". -- u .L, ___. THE Bki'lfISH 73,193 p u win-canon! "- - .v m 1 mom ml, 1 any at $ ' iug S 1 hub I unguhy amp 311: t mmm . nvuyolho an- 3 l nnv-r'm'B Mned I 4 I 1 -*_-, moatlu1ur.uus Dr Bitterl.{ the} Indigouion.. In Lmzo Duly-c wr- ..-,.-... humutme Emeoruspoloou ld ;' 1 ll Came Duchus of Usuu. \ a ,an: I be wubed to be lot - a: u--a cnuuugeucy in the do. gum unprnbuble, auJ he one. to me to 140 mm [mu to Scotland a to Introduce him under ; [dun-d u. to the pauper chef of mm. twig-It {.mxly. who was blessed with A Midi- tul Inglrborn dsughtcr. Thi- till... he unhmnawd. would lull in 10'. 4.) B l the Uuu all 16 ceodm Iu mum. LI 9 Aha ,lc gdonng it man 11: no duo. in .prevemive of blckBB use Dr. Cu 4 u'a b'wmaou and Constipnxon-Bhten. Thev p'miy {be blood. cure all bilioaa m~ mach aui Inc! msnrdcra. mud gin tone . and Ilrength to the scam. Price 50 coma. For min by all druggxsts H. Wada. agent Wihyft. Czuymu g . v 13! n. 31'. [fun Spun. "nun; u UWL IN I m 1' 1 N u-mnu- mn Io lb. Thanh-.1 h