"'1 our In aha A'V'I unuum u. a..va York. 751 anal: Funny Paxk. 20.000 lb: Btcou 3H sugu Cured Bums. IOU bah Funny H rur 800 Bags Bnhcn Flour. 100 bbln. On meal, 50 bbll. Corumul. 10 bbll Gnnuln ad When, 150 Duty Chem. 300 I Fruh Mnde Butler. 1' usplcious ....1 .n THE BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY. JUNE 26. 1882. I' DAIDUP ol uuq . -._. pr-.._._ 0! Sunburn Cant. ha bun nominal. )gedtowouvly-wd Mano! I 1.wa in sh. mm 0! Guam. z ; A new earth Apootolic. to ho called , On Wednesday evening the members 9: of the ME. Church will tender: formal " reception to their new pestor. Rev. J. B. 5 Wilson. BA. l I On Wednesday morning Rev. Henry E Herrii, the newly sppoxnted pastor of 3 the Primitive Methodist Church. ar l i nves. He will meet With a hearty recep- 9 Mon 3 l On Wedan awning REV. Mr. 301- ; his and family leave ,Kingston by the H Roval Mail steamer for Toronto The J reverend gentleman Innounced last evening Lhnt owing to family afiction 1 he would not. be Lble woos all the mem; 1 L born of his congragntion. It. wnaliource 9 ll 0! deep ngret to him thataucl should ' be the cue. nwl n- I-..\.-A.. b... 5.4.. nlln: n. prion- Peterborolnthor Lynch. Cobourxrlthnt E. Murray Liuduy -Fether Suord, Port HopeFather Browne EnninmoreFnther Kiolty Urn fton- Father Lnkin. Fenelon FellaFather Kirkpatrick DruroFnther O'Connell. DovneyvilleFntherConnolly The counties telen on no Nortbuni berlnnd. Dnrhem. Potorboro and View rm, Thole clung. we learn. have been Anticip-tod for inny yours. The uutlioritiel at Rome uolnyed in making them because they wished to x the ec- clesiastical boundaries in accordance With Lhose ol the Province The boiin .lurv between Ontario and Manitobi. however. being in far from settlement as ever. the Pope hu probably (loaded to nppomt the limits of the Diocese of Peterboro u lzil .dvioerl think they should he. Patorboro will be the spur cupal centre. end Bishop Jamot will pm lmhly remove to tliut town. He Yea-i at present, at Brncehridge. In the \ig rut Apibllc of Northern Canada ii i [WILNIPKl parishes were Killarney. Prim e Arthurs Landing. Fort William. Bri. briJge hulc ate, Marie Eltl Carlell River. There are thirteen priest: and l the Bishop in the Vimmw. The Dir) I cone of Kingston will deeply feel the loss I of the wealthy portion of its territory Today a prisoner released from the Cnuntv Gaol, was questioned as to V'iinkougliuete condition. He replicil thatthe condemned man was pale as a. ghost. He thinks, however, that Van- koughnetls very happy and not at all ufrmd to {me death. Yesterday he was visited by eeveml clergyman and the Sitter: of Mercy. He reads the bible cautinnelly. spelling out the words as best he can. He has very little to say. but be.- exprelsed the opinion that there ll no hope of e reprieve. Lut evening he Ipeut much of hi! time in singing. He occupied the middle ward on the North Iida of the geol. Some days ago he was visited by Rev. Mr. Jollie. who explained to him that there was little hope for a commutation of his sentence. Uur informant remark- ed. When he heard this he cried bitter- ly. in fact It) terrible were hie sobe that they thrilled me thnugh. You'd think his heart was breaking. He cried {0: over an hour as herd an he could." i A. _i_- L..- L..-_ Mani-1i.- Cu. . . The now (lion-u of Pourboro aka-1 from the Dion... of Kingston nine 0! bar wulthint puilhu. These us now undo: u chug. of the tollmnng ' over an our as mm as u- uuum. A minister who has bun attending mGoughnet uyl ho in not afraid to die. that. he in now in tint condition in . which he would just as seen die as live. 1 He will go bravoly to the acuold. There is a hope that he has made his peace With God. u , 04--- .: u--- "an mm m i... WiEH U0. The Sisters of Mercy visit him at. his own request. Some days ago they vialtei the goal, and as they passed his call found him looking on them through the grated door. He ukod them to come in and m him. and they did no. As they left he ukod them to come: again. He in than glad to no them. Th. mum. nrn'ina lnr than commu- vsnv aw i gaunt; Bgulu. [)3 ll IIWDJI .I-Vl W IUU Unaw- The petition, paying for the comma - when of the sentence 0! Vnnkoughnet' i the Buck Lake murdoror, was to be dis- : cussed at the meeting of the Cabinet to- l day Penman. II ll. munc- u: VIIav. !A Vicar-u. Pontiacju been formod from m. nonh Ionian pom. ol Ibo (hoot-u a! 0L7 mu, 0! winch In. Zophyrm Latin 11 named titllu. Also 3 Pnloctnn Apos- i toiic in the [our 8!. Lon-no. Minn. to which Abba Bout bu boo- lppoillt- | humano- "no u. v-7 I tbolh dice-ail M III-Jill- Biwop o! Smfh. nu! Vim! Awwm 1-: van.. n...A. h. hm: nominal. DO U]. UIW Rev. Dr Jnckwn bu boon calla; Lo' Ottawn .1 , A_..___._ -V--- .. uh. van?. 7 UN,an Short sermons were In order yest. r u. nd in uvenl churches they were d I demand an , W. A --._- -l 9L- aka-Aha: L OCHYETEU The about It! some of the cbumnes nre. hke, the congregation, reduced in ' 5119. The bot wlther u respon sible (ox some of the Ibunus. ' ML _ _._\_\;. .J 1:. A .A..-'- Pknpnh an some OK Wu lunuwa. ; Thoipulpn ol SLAJndrew'l Church Ina ' occupied yelurdnv morning by Rev. F. 1Mchng. Ind in tho waning by Prof. inlhmson. The mm preached in Chamois Cmhin the morning. .,_A _L_.L l_-nn---o- AI ] -Dluuuxi v-muu u. u.- _.v...._u. i prporunt church improvement an on Ifhe tapu, in tut may have been (or n 1 long time. 1 / ; 5Tb. Ichr. (hands In: Arrived u Gar gab mud. tron Point at Babb, um- I ,i.).. . I In. I'm-l valuingP... ur {lunaight album, Uh looked K _-n .3 Lu! .hh uni-d mun. Lace Buntings. III lll'lli VII I.- an, ntrv v nun-w gwonudhndthkmdmam. tum'rnndnydl uh m at uh. lin wibm. E Thomulninl ran-r an to' 01 L (on: W ban udvod u Collindny ;wnhoauhdpiunbhonB-yCuy. "rho Caphin hi: it habit-om. to ucnmahwkupuhhm I Vanna-gin In"! II Conn-"ed ThoPopohu-do W11 I 1...- Ami-ML In n Cb AWuoWM It... I... unlitIbo Pur- Bum-am u yltnl-Ien and lie City Church:- mm 6.1 French Ginghzuuzs. um: 1071 puxuted out Its atuacmveness am: we enjuymeuzs that will belong to the re- deemed. The mind It rent Will be all ma. A Manama and nlmure wxll be deemed. The mum a: rent. Win 08 an joy and blessing, and pleasure wxll greatly heightened by the surroundings at so much beauty. ror I. full explana- txou of the mysteries of heaven we must . u'.x|r. lmmhlv mml God untoldu his plan. 'axe guderlly nuancauva or we cucum- , stab-eds o! the occupant. Carry out the 5mm.- ldbd. and what grandeur and glory Lhcxe mm: be m the Father's home, of wlnch Jesus speaks, the mansion made lu! every true and weary aoul who has sought, redempuon through the blood 01 Jesus. The speaker compared the bean- ucs al nature mh the lmagery or John. who saw revealed the HOME OF TX! IANCTLFXID, Then there was the idea of purity in the Father's home. There was no Iin there. Sm is the great. moral aelormity m cma world. All om bears. anguish and ; bereavement are traceable to Iln. The numuzlln IS a blessed one. We have a I 1mm where am never enters. where L11: 0: .s:': of God, puried. will appear j "mu out. 51:0: or wnnkle. or any such th. :z. ' luen there is the thought 01' home as conveyed in the words of Jesus, Ever} body. during a period of life. comes m mun: than dxveme, So with God's 40 la Ill'pl'l" )l Illct. ulli. ll]. HTS! unpurtam lffllulu to note WM the hlea o! loullt). ln my Father's house" Wham m hvaw n " In a question of much Warn. Hg did .0! Raw. son. men had speculated and discussed tlm mutter. gettnug deeper and deeper into mystery. He only knew heavcn to be a pluce Where God and the annals dwell. That there is: a heaven Ind that it in a place. ls beyond satisfactory contra- dlcllOD. but uume regud it as I state of emsteuco .ruther than A place oleu~ JO} meut. Euoeh and Eluah were taken mare wuhuut dymg. and consequently It must. be a. pluca Where bodies dwell. Sums chum that that bodies were changed 1mm 5 physical to a spiritual condition. The preacher spoke of hen ven as it was twagmed by many and pumwd its amtactiveness and the ' A. s l .I ,.. . 'H thnnuvn OHA n: | of the mysbenel ox neuvon we Inqu nut; humblv until plan. Mr. Jolna next reterud to the thought of gmudeur conveyed 1n the text, "In my lathers house are many man- suns." On earth the houses of people axe gcnemlly indicative of the cucum- r w. 11' mm occuuanb. Carrv Wille U. I-m- lull,- Ile spelling uncut. lining boon' concluded Bu. Ir. Jollio npprouhod :lho pu!pil. Ind Mid Mid am it I'nudnncultmk to Mac-mm ygatlon. with when ho had Inbound so llovmulv and mud, tho I. tun. {Thank mount who: In In- mouboud am to some ho might um speak Agdn. Thou-own cumming in his mun-e tbs: shrunk 1mm 5 m 0! this kind, sad it In via: dionlty um he could ,uy than low In: word: to them. 1116 ude an inmost. in their prys lulu he adduuod them from the words. . u- ..._ n_.s---..\_-n.,- .n .n nun-Ann. .l n '17. no} no I would MY. WI tor you "SL John I He begun by pointing out. .- pour truyed by biblical historv. am. we no but. pilgrims sud Dunn an in this pm- eat world. Moses. the min. Mluh. and Paul. each spoke And IHIdod so a more permanent home. Ind tho Lord Jesus. m the bunt.qu worth 0! the text. conveyed the same improuion. An." N... gnrrnwu and erh on thl PICNICS conveyed the slum unprauiou. After His sorrow; and llllh this earth His mind reverted to the mysten~ uua heyuud. and He spoke to His dis- (1le of the better home to which He mind so soon depart. The disciples m-m expecting an earthly Meninh. Ind (lid nut recognize that which Jesus lite licied and which was I0 soon after uni-mummied. The preacher rulized tm- present occasion as ho had never (luuv' before. that his work wu nearly dour. To make the disci lo: comforta- hlc (,hnst gave them the ivina connois- tum. "Lut not vonr heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me. 1 placv."ulu. The rst .mmrmm Mann [.0 during period or me. to pulhs that, diverge. people. who. notwnhimndmg thn they LAVB a great deal of comfort in fellow- shipwnheuch othor,muot loonlepu'obe. Bu: the idea of home is presented. and it M an inspiring thought thst God's people. of nail crude and nationalities, are heirs of one common inhoritanco. sacking the same home in haven. It ildkibaeu said that home is heaven's fallen sister." Anyway it is the joy of chiidhood. and the place to which we Lutuiu hours of distress and sorrow Tlierxceiieucies of the house of which Jesus ~p4ke were fullv explained. The mmxesn of the house I! such that it. Lu: tuning m mu lotioth Cinch. Whit-hadnt: city by triadsde m. 30v. '1" W, Jollilo. Thymus-Hod to Xian to his last mom Th. 11;, diac- I clequ demand would in which the unread sultan - bald by tho people of this czty. munm- nunmxm having Mni l tun wuxu In my Fathers house no may mun-toll. M II not sold you. I go Io pu- wu you "85 uv-l ~p4ke tuuv explaineu. Lue \uues has never been lled. Although for 6.- OUOyetna the harvests have been gather- ed m heaven is not crowded. There 13 room for rmllious upon million. more. He relerred to the variety of accommo- dution. and claimed that m heaven there W111 be degrees of glory. One man laid he would be satised if he just got in sxde o! the gates. He (Mr. J.) and he would 'nke to get as near as possible to ehu Suvnour. Some claimed, In. Sr. .3 n- .o m. lotto u CID-"FL. We... .9..- m M Jan-- but he belzevcd that. all Win bun the btessings they are capable o! enjoving. He touched upon the eternity of tho! borne prepared. It was permanent Ind :k.e crumbling booth of time on: not mar m. Imanlv The :uerimzz 0! Jesus to crumblng booth ox tune nor, mar us beauLy. The suffering: redeem the world were depicted. Here love found its true centre It lut. Jenn spake of the certainty of the alumnus of than house he had gone toprepsre. If it were not so Iwould huo told you He said. His mission has been me- complnhed. l! ('hrist has gone to pro- puu for us a home what are We domg to prepare for that. plsco? Many hoped to get to Heaven. they hrl u) hgps but only a vague desxre. There is | home far all who mll seek it. Every cinvrl oi God has a right. and mle to it. When {ms frail cuket (the body) is broken me Spirit. mm senphic rupture wlil mug its lahl to God. The lut prayer here wxll m1. into the gang of the redeemed in glory. And n W. bid our fneuda {unwell klow '0 ml] be ro- cen-ed by in wgel'l chum. of welcom- Lo the blmdnl court. shove. A- . -.---.-I nuns-nu nun - :m-v _-. . Mr. Jollxe aid {but bu umon hul not been a (naval! om. Thor. won many thought: ho would like to ntut. but he coald not trust himself to u- pross them. No kl: duply lb. 08.0% of parting tron: than when he [apost- .j -nr Inc-A Hi hul h. M h pgrtmg Iron sum wnom nu twp-u.- nd loved. HG Md balm preach tho [go-pol u be nan-Iced it; In bbdnotwuimmmhiaudnb can Landau! hum-5d in King- ston luhndum poo imuplp when be bid to pain, It bl! romulu lost. ho should a] mm A Hg: _-._A u- L. mam mm & nuam'sq ma; team on. n- IIIII [KIWI-I"- dopeudmg upon God to: m M b. LAW-u! IL. MI 11.3 M "u u *btlondl-M Wm m'wwr espud MWWWN~ lunumcylndno hula-edit 3 _.~..nl . MB III Wm I am would clad. HI ,_-_ ILA: l.- -1 mama... uwm can-dent uwmuwud 'umly mm mym'tmh uhdty- M: arm-mt! unln. Irul - n... -..-. He was going to a strange place. where he would have h der work. and he asked for t "end sympathy of the poop o in the future as he had had the-in the put. lie sud Conterenro hnd been kind wanna: in perm! him to remain no long. He was the second minister who hid been allowed to rem im here for: longer period than three years. The Church did not regret the change now any more than he did, as there was no place in the Dominion in which he would rather live than in dear old Kingston. God alone would reward hl'l people for their nets of kindness: the speaker never could. He referred to his successor, urging them to give him their sympathy and eo~operetion, sud they would have success. Though he and they now psi-ted he reminded them that there wss is home where they would all meet by and by. l! they were faithful servants. He commended them to God. who would build them up in His most holy faith, and when their labors were over remove them to the place of many mansions. where parting was unknown. where they would never utter the touchan words, "Good bye." _ w VIII. pm: .ssu wuss rm wu ooo's wok snd s pen 0! the duty he had come w perform. He wee indebted to the peo- pie for the us] in which they received him when he come here. end for the spirit, 0! liberslity esercieed by them. Not only hsd his. stipend been honour sbly met. but he hed been the oontinusl recipient of mnny hungome gifts for which they hsd his most beeny thenks. He could not. full to recognise the wsy in which he hed been spoken o! by the press 0! this city. He would he s tool- ish men Ihst. rnn sglinsl it. in an age like this. His rst sermon in the city wse kindly referred to. and ohm too. before he knew the proprietors 0! either of the pnpers or one connect- ed With them, Kind words by is news- psper did a green dell to open up the way. He would not. won forget. the (events he received. end he left. his nu~ merouslriends the blessings o! 3 full hesrt. Reference wu mode to his love (or the old city. to the peace snd hu- mony he had eluoyed sad the six years now closed would be the A IN I" W! '7 laude Txhoduh W n yd Phenom loam! to: In! ; magnum-u! b- unmodwa. mlmume-m W! gnu-yahst 10 non: mu: Call at HEATH a GUNND OLD STAND and get some Bart/1w. ck Mineral Water. The nest tome mud molt cooling drink lc be [ound in tho any than ho: dnya Poo lo uy our Soda Water u no good u lVII! Tr 1 A mce lot or Eruljnh (Indy _un neon-d h Eugllnh Cnndy-gun urn-d BOX-hwick low by tho bmol or g on very- body shomd kecp It In tho house. N.B.-Medicinu obutnod It sny rim. dunna th mam. or on Sundnyo. when not open by rinsma tho bell June 19 lmmnotonlychdntothuin his ,w Church hot by tho hand. othcr chunks. ad by non. who won 3' not connected with any cum. a. mud God. a h- M tho put in: M tbt tho WNW .thnt hsd m Thu! had bun inputs comptio' in Church work. d though his sandwichde hnd o! are other church-n. ho was thudnlthnt m had bun Mal. Rn thukod the c for thnir Ippn- lcxntion c! hi- pu ud pulpit ur- vioen. Rn hnd worked with tho nhity nd utmgth that Gad hm! given him. nnd ho had hard hw naphtha. Ho hndhndnputuonnt a! work to do not directly connected with his own Church. He wu Vidal] known :11 our the city had in nominally odlod upon to vinit poor um autumn-t0 -m. -u no. rush }Speci!_Lina lj I The New Gents Furnishing Stow! W-mJA-ZAAAYlt-EQN Come and see our Gents 2 Button Kid Glove: we are aenng at the low gure of 650 per pmr I regular price 81 All other claues of good: selling obs-per than ever AU omer CIIIIBS 01 I. than ever Buy your goods from John Hondomn' I: 00- Wbm8hw .4 Ch? I). .Iuic Dal-I. m Scoot. u . "a... -V .0 ,V King Street. 4 door! {ram Brine.- Strut. Mny 23. _____.___.____-- F. 0. mm a. can. House,Sign&0ruamantalPaintars. V RAISING,KALSOMINL\Q PAPER HANG mo, and I am: In. work donc mu on- Ure nnnhcuon gun-u sod Shep Ind relldonco 176 Queen Street Jn. 'I. Yu I0 nuunl. no mnmblo Why 7 11 you bu. Yunnan a! gononm; (00 Ink ud dnutng to nny. too nervoqu nap, on Lppomo badly Mann! :0 koop body Ind Ioul math", bud h. an). n-in- urol- tha inch; 1.21. 111010 13 RESP IfIWAT I mmwnh puinu urou In. ml; mu 1 tynsm rel-10d porbtpl cousin And son 1 um um um one 1.0 mx bottlal of Dr 1 3nd mu u on! to lit a Au-un'l Phospmuno n L n um um lnl Lo mlkl n will not (111 man you In unwnuunc mend \.by do we uv than? Boo-nu phov phnuno Iuppliu I Inn: me an proponlu Lb. Iyuom 1| Inching and naming (at It 1: nm 1 mulmune but nulmcnt tununuy convenod Iyuom ma yumml {or u u nox : modmne. buynummen! inunme :nm blood, bone nnd m- .o. I! I. u denclom w u.- uua. Try :2. n -. yuan. :- u nun u nut ctuu Ind doc: a; nun; In bsod Sold by Ill dual-:1, LOWDEN & (10.. ..,., ._ 1.. .L- he-.. um... I'. [an V '1 uu w vvu, mm mm. (or III. Dominion. ll ham M But. Tomato u" an Quiver Temple Eu len'lnguaw of Au lnmv Junk Isms arm'me sum} Health lelnl' Flu-aunt. Cool. lug. Beiruan and Inqu mung. nu prop-Jinan u the but cud dawn! for regaining an mum: a! nu Hut mu bu yo: boon angst-d. I: [swam n, 1.. "mm. on . IMO mu ,m In (ma!me m It mutants totuhuuohk m 3 apply alum i'ibyummm. GI ' Bun cmzl. mum om 65.03. m, on nm bad But: [can innuen- Mluh: Om. m uad Tuna} And 1mm MOMmI-blunhmu JmlaWuMmlo-u! mam-um, | ruwmcvmmuncmrl IS A W08 DEBII'I. THING. PAPER HANG I MI angel-u dogo app urnmlu'i'oiu. W. REEVES as 00., A 4--.. 0...... D-sn-_. coy-n RICHMOND C BUY DEN hue Jun rocaivod "Vull now ad Web... ' putter-nu in Mac but quslmu of tho shove goodl. which they on condently noon mend for duubility. Your: Ladm Jou. Bow HI Bury Month Family Ben}! Ihn-linn Mar-1d _.. A. wu - .h.. .._V authorlnnd'c Boot and Shoo Houu Popular. FINE W99}; SHAWLS F. X. COU'SINEAU85 CO. Opened out this morning 300 pieces French Orgsndio Munhm Bmdnome Patterns 3nd Biol: Colon. We no ocnng them 1: 5c. per yud | The wholmh mice {or the show. in the 1 THE People ipprecite Mani. N2; FloorTD'iiziclioth & Linolum. 107E LADIES. BOWES is; BISSONE'ITE ylrd l The wholmh price mouth of M57 Wu 11 cent... but owing to wmnodnuyunmll Ou- DryGoMHro-adu 0m! Auction 8d.- hddinluuulduand. Mn. Mot mom-W in the [rennin Viowh gure-(ow Itch up I! u auntie-ink: mnon dollm wank o! The dommd tor our FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS IS REALLY AiONISHINO. Lady's Perfect rim-g French Ind IIIIOIOI Icon guy 9. I). I". Ann-1.0!! . I....- n. u" A an... m...- Dnr'h HI Prinm- Sin-t. Kim I Lhmunn Mammy You 3hr) o! G! Bnmn Lxllh Folh Ann-v Provision Whm: Open Work Mullxu. ane Striped Hurnunr \1 mlmn. Leuua .anlounn. Group Muslin, White CheckMunliu, White Lawns. :lmen u, mun mner of Ilyle and price . Mull Muslin, Jsconel Mullln, Swim; Book ulw Ldmngs l-anbruldetim und lnum'on- Munlin. Indu Munlin'. nodule Cnmbncn, tn sun lnvlwhna a ne stock owalu Book Bur Cord Munhm, Piquess Bnllmma, l Embrmdery and Inmrtlom to much. Good NewsVFor Kingston. WALES} 9-- STEP??? gCIIMOND 6:. BO YDEN {White Goodggt VB. McFauls. ARMSTRONG-8 I ~ , I 00.13.. IMIAIM;WH [routs-ll Hun. Math-Emu --- w _vv rr_ Vdiuudwtnnwouu, ThedyOuPriuldIlhohh ' In use: a mum. Jun-N IEGSTON. mm m m __# FOR CHEAP CARPETS & LACE CURTAYs 0 W WALDRON'S. hunks, Valisgg} Satchels m nus nonumn anus 5:2. 400 dos. New Funchmxery, low neon. Lsdien Black 5m: Bone. 9125 m 9150. Ladles Blwk Lilla Hose. 50c. 60c, 700 Ind 750. Lndics' Blmk Cotton Hose. full nished. 300. 35c Ind 38c. Lndien' Nnvy, Pmk. Cnrdlunl. Gnrnet. Mtroon. Silk. J Bone, 91.92. Mi' Plnin Brown. Nuy, And Cudinsl n low do... Ladln' Fancy . Stripod Bo... We, 50. 300. 400 And 60:: I ll wvw-un Ara. UFQVOQ- wwv- V--- In Tspemy. Brunch. Wool .nd Union. Ind rooeivod on flight I 1:11; lit-paint at Entlloll OII CIOIhI. linking NI stock in hi. depgrtmom tho in tho oiiy. In, t. carpetszz'E-aiiiamcarpets A- Boss: I- shows A Splendid Assortment. o! O Union. futurdly Inc. all puma: ,4 -,_A_I_4- 1. AL- w. 1.. Blongnibn 7, _, THE CHEAPEST line of FRAMES ever meet: m thin City can b. I. 0. Old enabl'uhod Picture l-umoFscwry. Bring on ycur Ptccure- ad hum l-nmed Cheap and m the Loading Scylom Funmimd Bum lu on b. Ill d rim Engluh And New York patern- jun. mlroduccd mm the mm. my bulli- Inl designs. Out [Henry is running in Nut. Come early Ind-war. you an Benn-her an Me. an open lloluc mock. m It; Richardson's Hair. Im-e t Ill-r1 more _ Ayn Q. Jun. 28. COAL DEPOTJiI Posngve with! June 22. mou- Cornhm Bulguvn Gwmmau n She-um London Newly \thlAn 80)- 01 En [um flu-Old Ind r0"; Pnu Fri:de hum COHIOI and Ann Chukka" Pup . cam. cm . Cluklu 0'- [mm All Inscription. of coal L KIDKEWD. June 12. Excellent Value and Variety! Clean-ll. Isle of Lace Id-med Illlwll It Cool Pu. SEC LRE ONE AT FANCY WOOL SHAVVLS! 1m: In". 1 .uwmcn mmmanon Wanna-1am SP FOR BOATING AND EVENING WEAR; ALSO in i1 No. 6 Gore Street. Panh Lou Prim and Sohd Goods bnvo mnde POE EVENING WEAR. BONES I: BISSONITTI, SLTHERLANDS, 1 'vv-v .'--_-_-__, 204 Princaas Street. Opposibo the Windsor Hotel 182 sud 134 Princes. uent. oppodlo Oily Haul. v them at. a great nonoo. v z The Grammar Bumu on! ooud in ngston The Muslml In rally wonh n lb cents They are cutting nu. Cd! Ind J at them at the more of >\tbc coolness of the Helm u would I. Chlldren'u Flnm Stn Boo-gum ). cheap Children: Finn, Ivy Brown no >0 Cu luml Hone. Silk Clox. Childmu ll Heuy Grey In-i Brown Hot. n low p110... Hen-y Ribbed Socks {or bowl. I. limdm l. the thnng to r all. Ladnu' Bnlmn V, Hone. 20c. 25. 00. 360. 400 Ind 500. y. WALDRON'B in ho In. to: Ban V.- 5 rnty um Chap." Hon cry. ll- WALDRON. m nun an Worm Fng nl Bonn wurI-a Lndlen Pebble Or 9. $0.15' 5 Guam. um mam-unim- lolld lnlbu at 3125'! vur Anything III tho Mm Ibo. : Mn. N be Luud u Good- won men at I. W It [Down] Ind cum ecu-a. 0U .15.. notied us than. Oooth m 1:: Ida u pomouol IboGoodlIlnll out on wm mu, m hdhl .- can: oi Good- nut wool, hon, wm now, Good- nul | w DOLE! WWI. 'nadd'od.thumut ' 'z-W hue-poll. nullity. ll. WALDRON. VII-or- :09 Prince-- 9m. . Ann-1'30! HI Prinou- Btu. Kim I WM; adv 1w Primal Sum. DIION. VII-or- .II \". :02. Vlc'lll. LONDON EVGLAN'D Nun's Veilings. IL! um'ugaauun'nvu m, that tho (37:1 :ery to reform m; Zephyr Ginghams. 1' TBS .unua K)UU.UK- I u I? TIIE GOLDEI LIOI WHILE ___________.____- a In; uLuc: : Wuu u... may ouu- lulu Ind cool upLn . n... ghnrn (.0 Iain A) ' loud . my L hum. mp: to: am anti '0! I. 1 W001 Lhmas 055(1an Granary rals of Men: nn/M n, Tea 2L1"; Ielectux but upon that ' oi wimm Halted lbls 01 mf Lhe names that we: by those wM were can (team 0: the Govern I The elecum hem; OVE L No .-' ,4 should (altos :b1.u\[1fli Hr has . .\1.R;\'ID u Mumx [u (when of Lyndon. NJ Lu Hammer home at Mlln Li 119.01 ngstou. preps 1 in tin clergyman s an , dhou 1: being made to I.) ;!:n'h water blvmg submer - I~A__-_ m .._......7 7, livvnxv n LOLL|\:E\ - \onwrduy C4,: kwli~.uf'.heh.1r26":\nD|OCl|Ig." 1 l'nug at CGllzusby. was robbed of to 1 no not. He Md the bill: In his veal I pod-(cl. and on gum; uboro left the 1 1 l 1 garment banging m his room. When be relumod to the huge ha (and tho ves: oat.an ou the water booido it E. mixed 1! up and found II. the many I bxd been uwlen He chugos thocook 3h bemg the um. u a child and be: umber threw she vest oerbourd. CupL ' Coons mu m the cny why in unit: to v ban a wtrnnt tuned for tho wom'l ml. 80 wu related to Ir. J. schrodu. J.P.. o! Putnam. accu- IN; 3 county om. Golden Lion Grocery __. Win! 1- troubling tho Orin Ill any in tin Inc: tbs! not'im [that they I) lonh W M i an: majority m to lunch Ida-d : Ann. u: um. 1:02 I". urn. It: may ucublod boat. they did goth". m. 000 6mm o: 915.900 and o. u. _ (I L ._.._ -A L_._._a W 'n.wa W 7". '- * election. T145 {N1 happy 845,10,an m spmt. vhllo tho nnlorluuh Tori. 5 dawn Unit dun-en:- ooth. "viii 3 gombu'ntwa ac Mm which up Id; cam wold mu m on da- mned tbu any m Mb uh a "width "input-ion I tho ..__-l.- Hy. H13 Buofi On Saturday mg'ot nu ma mtereJ :1 house on vaiaion I: .2. unym; Ins boots in MI hand u 1. lat. He was buunced our. and the an hurled after hun In the morning u boots were found on the strut. Tho rner c m have them by applying to the Me! at Pulico. IL would seem that the [umlu was drunk. and Unuka ho 35:11 rm uwu nuuse. removed Ins boon r Mr I I dzp m quzutlv sud without. "r" L! ,' I'm household InnaRev 0. rue: 33.3.. has reached ;< Twillron Island Mr. {akaoi ngston. prepared the place 1! arnval. An ud- mou the Hunt the n'h submerged that ball! wt year Mr. Getner Amends w erect new home :n the medlo o! the inllnd. ) 1~e occupn 1y.th by human or name Hus (neu in "I u? steam yacht "Varie- u \ 111-51 The article charging 'u a supporter: With raising .; . A cry m the lace CJmpaxgn was :1 .u [no sLMemeu: of may one I upon of aevoral. some un omce to Ippriu us were being lollowod use WM cunvnsamg in the in Government. candidate. 'lchnu helm; over the Ananiu of would I me a rest. Ho ought to "w! lane a great d; I ... v. A L JU )IIIJUS 'll vuv VIIAIEIII- ; leul will luve the-2r nnuu u L .muur-l (jrova. Simwu Island. am Tuesday}. It 13 hoped that .m-uu and friends of the pupil: 3: ..:n: Txckets. ".15 cents; mm. 15 cents. Bout lenvoa .. J .tL..vu,=.u,l1.45 p.111 dl. Jnlu .xllyuwu Iv uuv rvlhvv nvcrod t2: properly. The In. A be lookcxl Law at. the court to- J prmeuuu w nu um um."- nth of the goods. lie did : 12..-!cy. bu: wuh ahnnd My all the tlnuzl the womw 313 xpplled to the police J\ ,A __._._ __A T)... n... fen ! Tea Rs u .E.--The other day Mu. ..u V: 21: canon curder who J on Suwrday week. mu 1 uer ecuu. She did IO, J professed to be her friend ...|. n! Mu. mmln H. did n lurcu no... WW... ' his uecnouate vufe. wrumg, She had boon m.- Lune, and leave-I :w :ufaut but. a weak wu'. u ".1 nub...v-. "TJ Mr, John Smith oyar, Mr H Cotby. IA 'nuLMr. John been m employed by Bmluwllu. Ilecnlod to 11 But before donug rut-3| mm with a line BIL "v nu.- l'wlm: Ulcnr s ~0ue of tho pupuYIr. excul- h Lh. u! the ll) Aloxwdrin party Inn A .. ..-AD-..In formant Tori. I'IV woo-y. :0 dons. '03. I" druid Von wont an not. seal may All you guilty of dmkeanou?" 3:. our! "X but nothing ta uy. I! 1 run\ w gnu-b uh III-u valid-'1 ho ".5 avian." ' I'm-l bdA In... v) u...- _ mu protable, Lawn u. n. I41 bl: pf J h morn um A: n' wuu Sir John havmg L for Lonnox n u mud L will be put. torward f1 1 'Al nnmnl Atiim luv ya uh You my now msmuw u I your tut you: lmen dumr. u nd it you [DIV won 1!. WM: dog". of my. TL- in Jm-- \hn bl TIBDWIL Luz-.2121 < About. 0641} I0 m. It the Conservum'c t4. iugn In Frontenac \H Some one: couscn-nce : morn thn usual. .u n , .L. n_._,.\ van u- .u way Will be from Carleton ve "111v at tron superuuuctum, . commenced uex; we: Bishop Cleuy'n pr: _ , _ . _..._ "I .L a .~. leuuu-vn V. n. mum of the Cong] Dune. m Brockvullv- groatfuvour. The the any on SalurJuy TI . A _ . n A _ n . h 9L. we any on Mluruuy Thu mornmg tin. atenmer 31ml passr ed down the nver for Cnytm and the [dands wnh the Lollma 3 G00?! Tem- plarl. The party pf excursxomsts was not very large, but. a gym: Lune mu be spent. A number Look the boat at the any W) I). put. lozwgru wt 4 .1 mwu. 001. Powell. Adjuwu: General, W1 be tboinspoctmg oiuu' a. the ciosmg mom-mie- of the Boyd Almaty 001 l Ooldlmr Llon ego w-monuw. x Major-General Strangeis one of the Mllitlry Columzutmu Company of Cu- nsds." who have uppneu to the queru aunt. [or letters pueutl Su-berg!" Muwhmueyxf "A" Bat- mry. instructor 0! me Gunsou Arml- . lury. Mammal. has been presented wnh a 15011. locket.cha1u, and mi iress. He deurved these mums of warm. Mr. Wuner. of RJCnasLer. H.151 had a. new yacht. omit at. Brmtul. R I.. for nice among the Tumuou islands. Sb. coat. 853.0 aud prJu cnced one o! the but equppeJ yac 155 m the world. ._ k r I :.LA IM..l. 0' WI mll'nuy. City Council touight. The mocha will (laid. whethel Damiulon Day will backhand on Snardty or Monday. It r 7 7 A ~ -_ uni-.. L. c and-.11 gt Wnl. Iooobnud on 3|Bumn, w -uuu.,. Inmn'u dredge bu arrived u Wal- la. 3" to compr the dredging of the ohtnnel betwecn n In] Luke 0n- (logo. OI Emmy. The schr. Jun Mny Napanoo. loaded with lumber. amazed m the buy About: mun cut. or Benevnlle yester- dnv morning. [he crew were rescued. amour again cuuuuCLs Bnhop Jumot n n . .. n- an... ..n_... _ ,, withtho new Dmm the (ormltmn of M ngloon mll losr pcrinhoo. Pun run-unannu I) any... -,-v. Ruleau Canal. Monugnore Purely of Bellevule, n m thc city. Dr. Sullivan and J. H. )IetcalIe wait,- ed Bellovnlle on buturduy. been elected to sin. mu bzr A. 1. Gun] VI V. "I. "\IIA';Iv _vv --- 7V -..V I Mr. A. Duvm, formerly of the Gland Trunk. stationed at Enlcvme, has been nppoinbed Manager u: Line Noth Show RR. Mr. Duvna 13 a thorough rmiway man. In 1673 he 93 n Camunhsxonerl to the Vienna Expcsntmu. an uppaxntee: of the Dominion Government l ,..__4._._. For several mourn plat me uouse hold 0! Augustus er. a nmlor bar; been In a perturbed sum. Tue mksi bu been a: loggerhemds mm the bus- buad. and, as ,IScnpwre leclares. the bouu that In dmjel unnot stand. Thin morning Mrs. Blalr appeared at the police court and swore. out a peace: wurut, lgnmst Augustus. She charged bun with havmg thrmwucl "that If ho 30! a hold of her he wouLJ never leave b1; mud on her but. owe and that. WDULJ (1th be! She ms alraid of, him and dented mm to :e wou over :05 keep the peace town-d bay The war- nnl was 31mm to 3 pence omcer {or uocuuon. 1nd Augustus was captured u ho WM leavmg the City by way of tho Ctmaqai Bridge. Hm defence wxll be head w-mon-ow IM! wu IOIu um usual u-y w. 7... By the hi! return: from Addiugtol. Boll bu been omcm goal-"J W by IO] majority. nu- n----:l wiqu The moon Ann .2- dgy pron-u 1 mn vary [a r MI I I! w "7mg u Uu u wuu an... The buy grown on Rana-i Island In sum: wu cold tho other day (or MOO. 3. .L- I- __,...-.... ("an Ahum. n no nannyu... _ Royal. Imperml an -A .nlnrnnhal |n W \ 1105.3. Chou-in urind u 31- m 0: Ln. this mul- n-- _--;L._ M ._ In. In W II it.) Ian. IUI' "an... l Bu womb. crops as m in or ad u when m tanking many. ,4 ,,_-L__ _ L.-...\- In. II M mun WWI-I mun-x mun-1. Yoq ou'buy a bumoek (at .60. but. a no. to "nag n on in what emu. -L- L-.. ..,.-n .m lam-ml hhnrl In r.___ 011 Saturday mght me pol-.ce informed that a number of ns] chnncwru had been seen louuu tho Merchant" Bank. A po'ncez pldn clothes Was ordered to put: I um: in the vicinity of me said 1 I kmnlynp hm Hr.- III! In me new; u- um an. ..... .. I V hon. A young banker, fearing somel Rouble. borrowed r. pohcemnn's seven < shooter. but It wasnt reqmred. The {1 pelican: in plun cmmng sat. up three I quncn of the night and kept n Ibnrp 7 .n n- th- hunk but the unwanted: WYGI'I Ul tuc HlKuu nuu -r. .. -.._.r I 0}. on an bunk. but antacxpnted'; much did not. occur. The gene In. ': 0 no doubt. [Argcly n matter of unnginn- 1 tion. The two banks cu hm: street however. would be juslmad :n prondmg n witchnnn. thus saving the polxce tho 5 nee-my o! proucziag New to 11:. no- If 01. "no! the may. Joh- IcComuck only Ippouod b0- i lay tho Wm: moning. 30 III uh: and mo. ' Who: In" you betcha?" uhd 1 "than: dun" 5 thA. J- _A_ A- O" | aun- u-.-u -........ Work on the 011mm u . H_ run m WARM WEATHER! "5m up . ; What dqyou do 9" ~ . : Wad Around haul; 1,. gougi i nnv My." \ ..--n lv_. -LXA n .-.a An m i wu- 'Vlv-vx The New In heard In 1 ... A 'IIIICICC Bank Blunt min "l mu In Alxun .1 F Mubcrlx is Lrunhhng bun u. Lula u- ught by we dc None | ml: {or _ Ind 11 you LA Um spy Golden Llou Grocery 1 it: m not: wpyed that averyoue I lb. hi. 0! H. II lncrcuinrx fr wuk tll woudcrrul rate mm. ._ _.. um. AAnhAnll'Al