gm: hi! 1 1'5. but In liq up with And- Tho neon-t. m the Imelvillo election cu. hogan yummy. A 00000 mum comao u to be blah nu Alexandria Bay, Tho country. owing to u (mum woven. van - Joctdodly Iovoly up- I VIII-u! up... I u. ! Phnlmrnm , night In VPIILD. MlNubh I the lll (n nrrnrd at the u I rport On Wyn-Wuh- yum; IVmorc-QMMi-mdouol' mm aw MI... AMI-Icde outmanna-1hr;MISS-udanI 5 300de mn- 3w hula:- luanbaollhuuilMI-nahhn. 3| ml , j L,A n___-;._. __A M..- W homunum loon'ylgvufun lEEmw- Mmhumawu'. whammy. .mwdwm bo'. mun m m Tho gmaW-Muhw l tlnbd. 11a- hot-o: ,? " THE BRITISH WHlG. TUESDAY. JULY 4. l882. uuvu u o - w u w . . -. revrvwnr The Peterboro naview remerlu the! the member: at the Bull Leoroeee Club, of Kingston. took their defeet very well on Saturday. The Kingston pleyerl l were gentlemenly young men.end pley ed well. Ihie being the lret match the club he: plevod, and we wish them bet- ter eucceu In their next muchunless It ubuuld [uppe- to be with Peter- borol The only nnpleeuntneu of the dav was when two opposing player- came together. Morrow. the pleyor be. louging to the Peter-born teem. said the King-ton player etrnclr him on the bend mtb a Incroeee. end thnt he droppodlil lacrosse nd returned the blow. Both o! the pleyern. howevor. were connud out. the bell wee egein (med. end the , gems proceeded humoniouely. On Sundny Alhmoon more arrival hero by the runner gem. from Mon- tronl. Dr. Robihillo,Liout.-Govornor of Quebec; Hon. Mr. Chtplu. Pumior of the an. Province : Ir. L. E. Sexual. lluugu : Mr. union. hung-r SI- porinundont; And It. Inlay. Tum Humming-Anni n' th (In-Din . winkn. N THE EOLDEI LIOI IIOGEIY. nnuuuvu- . -II .. n.1,. nu... Suponnmldonl of u Unurio t Rich.- liou Sutth Company. They van on roan $0 Tomato. bl! anti- lb. Mn" any a! than can. bun-hon. won 94--) L- pk- n...- J u." L. .51} m .Wl- .ll III-Ill! . I." joined by tho MI 0! "I" Mr]. who drove than in land oqmp- pga touunl painl- ol m no... lblywtulmmWMth {eaten-ind Ham a u To (in Palm Tho! M at 6: oclock. thigily planed what. they usual, ; tho city. And with tho Mwm' I shown the. by the mm .! . Hon.ur.cup1.u 'I-nu ! lint-u. WhuOIah-anm 'lbe Young Eerls returned on Sunday mornan from Peterboro, where they unexpectedly suffered defeat in the lecrceee match on Seturdey. but. where they were most hospinbly treeted and enbertmued. One of them any: the! the eld wee small, end not web as the Earle were aecusbomed to play upon, The ngetou club defence end home men were superior. but their elder- wero not so good at the Peterborue'. With a change in ihe eld the Earl! think their chancel of succeee are good. Another match I: proposed, 1... Due-rknpn elm-"u. rnnI-rh- (L.- lP- were minutely acted. it being known mummummuunwmdw cord. Four years saoshs reel-nece- a ed by Watson. at the Clyde. a celebrity . being thedesineror builderol name. to o! the fastest bouts aoat. ln sppesr- ill slice the Verve is not to say handsome. but she sits gracefully In the water and has a model which betohens speed. She is 45 feet over all. 7 ft. ID in. beam. sud draws cl water 7 It. {i in. siniilshipe. her deopeet part. the keel. 38 it. havnug an upward sheer of four and ve inches lore and aft. Moulded and riveted upon the heel is the lead ballast to the extent ol probably teu tune. The cabin is best capable of accommodating hall Ii dozen pereonii. while forward there are berths {or two or three more. The cockpit is of p"Cl.ll|Al shape. like s bathtub. and the ntiiteineut has been made that it was intended for bathing while the yacht sailed ill salt waui. Atany rat. the man at the tiller does not. an in our Csnudnn yachw. mt ha hudcdiu e little den usually situete above the rud- der. but upon the rail. on the iiidu hiyh- eat when the yacht is lying over nnd EpeJdlllg along With a fresh breeze. The Verve classes A 1. She is wooden. but. copper fastened and copper covered. and lull ll uiout complete outfit of canvas< ller npais are olspruce and her gearing such as has not been won uu an) of the "yers" sailing in and out of this harbourit is of the nest. The yacht has been purchased by llesera. ll. k'ocliritue and W. U. Cassels. brokers of Toronto. to whom it was shipped in. tact. ithe spurs. of course, being re- moved on the deck of the ateamahip Bohonuun. upon wlucb it was hohted at Liverpool. and ed at Montreal by means of immense cranes. lu theee shifts It was ascertained that the yacht wemhed 22 tons ehhough 10 is her registered and racing tonnage. she wus placed in the water on Tuesday of last week. end a start at once made for Toronto. where it wsa intended to enter her In Saturday's which one of the competitors would have been the Eileen. built by Simpson. 0! St. Cuthariiies. from a draft supplied by Watson. the builder of the Verve. Vari- ; ous unforeseen and unlortunnto delays ' occurred on the river. preventing the carrying out of their purposes. Other opportunities vull occur shortly, for a testofthe udhnu cepablhes of the yu:ht.end greatthingsare expected of her. She has already done great things. winning,in. the old land upon the Clyde, numerous valuable prince and trophies, and defeating the Medge. which at Boston, lest hill. beat some of the fast American boats. The Verve III considered not only last but sale be- ing so constructed thst s capsixe in nu improbabilitv. nay, an impossi- bility. In a. strong blow the water must sweep her deck. but With tightly closed hatches it cannot ll her. She iii. narrow. however. no that it must be difcult for the sailors to operate upon her. especmlly when she loans to any extent. Yesterday morning was spent in tting her out, temporqu. and in the afternoon a start was made for Toronto. the helm being held by a pleasant old gentleman who has noted its skipper of the Oriole. and sailed her in her best snd moat nuccessfnl rsces. u I. . AL, 7.7.; J AL- 01' Ill El UU'U III-I lull-U IUUIVBNHI IMIII: Mr. Coohnno, In tho owner of the Lady Stanley. one of Cuthbort'u Ipoed- lest. second-all." boat... a..-" V V rR-w "nun-lobed 'hllon. AWH'_I'I-l noise-v..- I ,.- mum-ni-QAn-u-n Mme... A (Iii-III. "viii-m VIII-unnu- :- connocon with tho hurled Env amnion now in progress in the City HAIL Youadny morning when the gun- tion on a and: subject m limit:- 106 it Ina-found that then mm on- ' did. not. thin Xx. Kidd had papr- Ior. On exhumation it sppurod It & Ibo mm o! In. Eon-rm Md bun (calmed from Ibo nu um byDl Amw Ho tha Eduatioul Dopuuun. Tho {nu-hamlet on b. rounds-d. a in Auh. A. :L - -I ---- -_-- ulluuu ms ill-ILIJMIII u: yawn1n: vul- Kinvlton Industries" were bout/3d by Aid vathe 1nd replied to by Michal Grady. the "Iron Duke." Aldu. Irving and Dowmu g. Ald. McCall-Ion nomi. awed the Mayor {or a second term. Dr, Snlliun dxd u honor to the City Corporation" sad the: it bud been bouth drunk. tho party. who land by thin time reached 0 dock, wnmblod cu shots. but. not boloro spi- wishing success to u Glenon." um I. an n. :- nuunv m5 week It. wonderful "be an ,,, ,,,;1An: '-wwuwIW.-uw ,uuoqm am-mm... won-n 2h. _AL..|.-.A mun-m qua-u. uui Auvmw quIIV-Il WM an caterer. and he performed his duties exceedingly well. Success to ' the Olenora" was repeatedly drunk, The Mayor. Alds. Clemente. Carson. Creeggnn. Downing, Gordon. and others made pleasant and eulogiatic addresses. Again when)the vessel was bounding over the waves of Kingston harbor. sno ther intellectual least occurred : Dr. M- Sullivan in the chair. He made one of his characteristic speeches poking fun at everybody. He touted the outside Manager of the M. F. Company" That gentleman made a short and character. istic reply. Ald. J. McIntyre made an eective address christening Captain Gaskm as "Admiral of Csterequi Bay." loin-mm.-- r..a...:-.v ..-.. no! 1.. ww- W II-UI'V "um-ll ihub'ulpbukndpohblyw .J-mh-aHmnh-m Tn uuu v: Luv-u nlulv u. my Vlvuvlll mun While the: craft. was passing out of the bay hosplmlmeu were extended to the guests. princlpally alderman. Witluu the culml. .-\ lightluncbeou was supplied. nnd plenty of clmmpngnn and other liquors. Mr Thomas Sullivan acted .a nun..- and Inn umnrmnd l-iu \. . m. . Inhvu uuvw- vuu nu. masta. the canvass for which, of the best quality. has been made and tted by Captain William Lama. she has five hatchesan advantage which vee sel men and shippers will appreciate Over all she is 165 ft. 8 in. ; breadth. 87 ft. 8 in. ; depth amidships.lB ft. 4 in : and forward 18 ft. giving a shear of about 5 ft. Her gross tonnage is 660.62. and her carrying capacity. with a drought of lift. 1,900 tons of iron. or 50.000 bushels of wheat. She eastwa- OOJ. As soon no possible she will load 1,300 tons of railway iron, and with the John Gaskin. launched in May 17th. 1881. and laden with oats and iron. pro- coed in tow of the Active to Milwaukee. It in the intention of the Company to have the vessels towed from place to place by the Active. but should the wes- tner force them to part company at any time the sohoonere can he sailed into port,and to this end both have been fully equipped. The Glenora is commanded by Capt. Batchelor. of St. Catharines ; the Gaekin by Capt. S. L. Spencer. of Kingston ; the Active by Capt. McMsugh. a man of large lake experience. and known to he a careful and safe navigator. In the construc tion of the vessels Mr. Robertson was ; shlv assisted by come of the best ship- wright: of which Kingston can boast. including Capt. W. Givens, Gilbert Mer- ritt. Rooney Bros, William Cannon. Peter Mitchell. W. and S. Kennedy. and W. Holgins. George Dodds. J. McCain- mon and T. Maloney did their share of the blacksmith and iron work. This is a guarantee of how wall the service has been performed. We hope that the enterprisein which the Montreal Ti'aLs portation Company has embarked. and which has hen etted our city. will prove successful; that the result of the ven~ ture will encourage them to go on. and place other craft on the etocks.espec1al- ly a steam barge of large dimensions. or one or more craft of the Glenora ntvle. I .i e. or. u, v... W. The Ulenon In one 01 the nest. on". now noet. she in constructed of the choicest materiel and in the most. lub slamml manner. Her keel was leld lust Augth by Robert. Robertson. one o! the most. expert. and experienced at builder-g. whose skill is Olllllliutl In umuv ul the heel. vessels cuternng thm harbour. she 13 built. cloak timbers and top aides. rock elm bottom, and bulges square and edged bolted through- out, She u; punted red to light. weter mark; light. lead color to deep weter mark. and from there up white with e green reels below covering board. and keel green. The cabin is white. W|Ll| green bllnds. and doors of grained oak. She curries twujibs. one steyeuil. one fore. one mum. and one Iniuwn sheet. She has a handsome model. and appear encel are improved by three full rugged h... when. nf on. manta OLA nenunnu Id-o- summon-gum N maul. Attluoflth huh-II; uh. Im- with um tho around And Inn um- ... uncut banal Into old Cotuqu'l an. " Such In. the napkin: my n: which tho whoa: Ohm did cl tho my. yum-y mania; aid-t tho uhoutl sud huuu at u: mud multitude. Pmmptly st lo oclock upon till-l Itdwm Ino- knock! out. [Impound any lb! slid don the Mahdi. mad. with a gust npluh. outer-d into her nuunl ololnout. Just :- the com- menced to move Min luau (in-kin. dunghlor at tho Unptun. "rung um I bottluofchumpugne.nd brohit upon tho prow of the ship. And lh. wu thart by duly christenod tho Lil-non. after the name of t momhorol the Neutral Trun-~ portatiuu (.u. The ruuh with which the huge went into the Inter Itn'rod up the muddy bottom; but in a moment the cult nghtod wd Ink. a duck oated upon tho plmd bosom of the buy. sue wu towed. stern foremost. through tho uwing bridge into Unturuqui River. She was then taken in tow by the .\cnva. and the puny nboud. consisting of AL dermuu. exhluyoru. citileuu. proumon, and u Inge number 0! juveniles. given u nil around the hurbonr. Gudon 1-. land wu panama in the course of the or; .. \I DID. Ind .11 laud tan-3mm moms-sam- a... uuu uu, lvmuuq up] rhmp n! the A_. -A Hue-u] rm. tum. .4. at 00, , nmhmcmpdu We. Nmmmvmmem pull: Md Why-um M lull-on u! sum-o. mow bounc- n uvw. M mun-smug. ' F. 0. mm In upon, HomSignwrzsmentulPxintm I To the lotion! Drum Ill! Wm. or Inn. food. A m mom-m bud um m hat. tonn- lmum m. Luna. u at . I 1 m Come ind see pur Gent's 2 Button Kid Gloves we Ire orrmg a! the low gure 01650 per pair; rgulu prion II. All other cllue'a o! gwdl telling chupor zhnn ever. All other CIIIIOB OX gt Buy your good- from | King Street. door: from Print. Strut. luy 83, rum-I. gumsum hill-pl! thaw ml out I].- I-lumullwytd unnum- Mhm Lam-nu I! -m 7 ' . l The New snts Furnishing Stem! ha ! Tea ! Tea ! N H Nadia-nu obninod It any mn- dunng Lhe night or on Sand-ya. whoa nov. (upon by Human the bell .luuq w ..___L_. Boom'u BOROLINE preserves and urangthom :3: tooth and gum. Regal-r nu. 60c , umplu [SpacigLLino ![ The most wonderful curstive remedies of the resent dsy. no thou thst some from ermnny or st lent origin-to there. The most recent prepsrstion plsced upon the rnsrket in this country, is the Gun- Grams vaxomu-ron, which lass never been known to fail in curing s single one of im potency spermatorrhme. weakness end all linemen resulting from selfsbuss, ss ner- voue dehility inability. lneutnl hllllety. lsuguor. lsssitude. depression of spirits and lunctionnl derangemauts of the nervous system. For ssle by druggists. or sent free by msilou receipt. of the price. .00 per box or an boxes for G5 00 Address J. U by murou receipt. or we price. M.UU $500 King. Sole Agent {or King-ton, Out. Send for ctrcular. Al HEATH a GII'NN'I Old Sland nrownsd our oortl, and BOIOLINI lundl un- riullod baton tho public. u tb- bnt Ind malt acuuomlcal tooth wuh in the world "CUUUmICEI (Ol wun In [DU 'OI'IG I! BOROLINE and you will Imvo Benullll 'leolh Swen Bremh and No Toothache unnJuago [or yourself : Several o! my family and friend: have beenoured of bronchitis. anus. and 01., tnrrh by usmg the Spiromotar." John P. Whelnn. Mnunger of she Pot! and Tm Wu um. Montreal. Mr. G. Hill, Montreal. on mer Ind brounhltlu. Mr. Do Bouchernllo. o! the Indian Deplrtment. Ottuvs. ostnrrh of many yonn ;now cured. Mr. Goo. Agar. Ottawa. cat-\rrb and lung dimseu ; cured. Mrs Smltl).London,w1fo o! Modlcal Detec- t1ve,cur0d0l0ttlrrh. Goo. Maguiro. 'Iorou- to. 482 Adelaide St. Welt ; daughter cured of asthma. Geo \Vlllll. Enter. Out. on tarrh nnd brouclutil. J. D. Armstrong. 186 Yonzn Street. Toronto, ollarrh and outarrhul dunfneu. Thom Teller. 12 Me- linda Street. Toronto. than; cured. Mr. Bonj. A. Drake, St. Urban Strut. Mon- treal. for many your: Inerinq [tom brou- ohml Ind uthmn. ; now cured. Alnn (ha ha lnn Inrnrinint ann- m Mr- 0mm IDG "mun. cured. Also the no In: surprising euro 0: Mrs Beuon. 114 Cathedral Itroot, daughtor of Mrs. David Porrnult, who Iu'arod from Anthmn Ind bronchial for our sight. yun, Ind who in now patently cured. Mrl.Ada.mson. of Bellovillomlrod of bron Ooldoln "Lion Grocery Instrument wxu b0 expresud to lay derue Call or write. enclosing lump. to M. Souvielle, Aldo-Surgeon of tha French Army. 18 Phillip'l Squat). Montreal. Phy- moiaun and Hanna-n "y it fut gnu mm Is pox-loony cured. Bellovillo.clrod chitin. .ud her emu ourod of bronchitis and lung dunno I imve no hanimnjnn m nviua Dr Nnn. nna mug amuse I have no hesitation m uylug Dr. Sou- viellas will nure citurb and hronchiuu Spirometer John C. r lamina. Editor of Post and True Wzrmu, Monti-on]. lhu Allyn/u |u .nnugnt tn nn-nnnm. H- and true "Irma. monvrou. The Elbow: m uumulent to oouvmce the pubhc of the menu of the Splromelor The instrument In]! b0 expremd derole write. anciooin numb. BORQLINE. areas 0! um lending people In the Uounn ' non of ('snudu. who hnve beau uurod u! (:n tarrh, Bruuchihs, Asthuu Ind Lung Dis ease by Dr Suunelle'a Spuomoter and 1u~ mu ment. which cuuveyl modicum! proper- ties direct to the sent of tho diuue Rand andjudgo for yourself "Several of an {smilv (nond- luvs Here an ammo more 0! the many huu dredn of the lendinpooplo the Dounn uve (In. lnrrh Rum-whip... Ann-m. ...,l I ...... n... Tho oblldreu u! 80.. Jnmu Sunday School led m the hymn, lberou I friend for Imle OhIIdIOD." "Ha-bud wu the evening hymn. and Brightly [10mm] our bunner." The uertory wu dovoud to the lndinn homes of Al III W ho. It Provision Department. nuns. ur: u-u noun uu uuul uuuquUi~ The Dean npoko upon the mm. at early "lining, Md the respect duo tram childnp to pmnza. the rst. twp tow-rd: Christian diwipline. He point.- od out how the church in Its only dnyl nought the children through enforcing a gulrantoo of olomentury religious In- struction It. baptism. to be eulorced It. conrmltion. It. in. 1180 n minionuy body in I true unu through its Sundny Schools. m. ... . _ v._-- -..-.--..---u mu mu yum. The Rev. Mr. Admin. of London. Englnnd. undo n .001 Ind Interesting dun citing bible chant-n u typo. to: Sunday School pupil. to iollow. nnd a "Mono.- of how God worh through children lot the benet of children. Ho showed how by u:- nncinv. wriunn the Jew: worn "on In than childron witnesses 01 God. pointing to Jun. Uhriut. And how nll tint you Chun- Linnl hold fut. wu from he Jon, B. nlw told how union- che young chil drou of convened Jun were becoming u Chriuunnl In ma But. 'l'lu church- !nl o! ohildnn WA: on. of the brighblt thing: he hnd an on thin continent. Th. n-.." "n.1,- .L- -._..__ J ".m m" in Kingston. having boon inning-mud u lbw- Coal-nun! In yea! m. 1b. and no-mm on Onudny n 83. Juun' Chunk. u ONIan at St. W'- ad 8. Pan Inching with: Ill body. Job-'3 ud All uni-tr um Ibo W. Th Mtd for Sunday School urviot m n by lav. F. VI. Kui link-ink t}.- v... I... n..- l _-_ wv-w w- I, v. r. vv. uu putrid. m Vary It'd. Don Lynn misting u tho 10.0.. m: of m child .__-l _;_:-....;__ __l-__ .L , u ---.-~ In" I". I WI Inc (Ill have! mini-wring "color. the Lord. Th- n-- u- A-L_l_ -1 1,-.L Vnmm mu, Pml m0 1 ma m vct don. no on- . Imam (aunt-II lawn-d mum. nun-Imam. childiuoll mlqm-thySothhOM-nd I'll Kin-I4- h-viu Inn-n i-AImh-J lpuu- up .0 I... ma 1 Im-Mum.- W. REEVES a; 00., 'wusn a, my A__.._A_ -_A__ l'mm: Junl Fun-In Fund} Mngume rim-mu Nmnhlv \ n-.. u... n! In erlnln I THE CHEAPEBT line of FRAMES ever seen in this City can b. In! u Nu Old eatsblished Picture Irnmo Factory. Bring on your Pictures And Mu than Fruned Chap Ind in the Leading Styles. Furnished Sam Ion can be Inn of in. English sud Nu Yuk WI. just introduced into me Ifk. vary hauli- tul design. Our Futon in running full blur. Coma ml] tad-In you in. Benn-tor the Place. .110an "one luck. PM. It. Woo-'0 "an" I'm-o 1 I'm! on, Apl 9. bity gweep. ; gag-gmwmw mun-don IIETOIIIIU PM. NAME ' IN WATEIAJODOBI- -- "WW-us A DpLUXLuxu mnmnt 0' Iu Tspem'y. Bruno-II. WoolnndUnion. Indrooeivod on Buurdny 3 lug. Mt. o! [IIIIIIII Oll CIOIII. muting In] nook in 'hio d-pcrtmont the mom. oomph h the oily. Kay !. w. 12.. RICHARDSON. vuv. u-u--, {Plo Al. on: mu 400 duz New Flue Homery, low noes. Lndleu Blwk Sill gone. 01.25 an .50. 1 Lndieu' Bluk Lille Houe. 50c. 300. 70c I And 75c. Ladiel' Buck Cotton Hone, lull nhhed. 300. 850 Ind 381:. lem' Nnvv. Pink. Cardinal. Gui-not, Maroon. BAIL. I Bone. ".22. Indiel Plain Brown, Nuvy. ] sud Curdinll It low prim. leion' Flucy , Btnpml How. 20.. 25c. 30v, 400 And We I r Quiver 'lnruple u l'mll'lltglluv o! All l'mm; Jncl ("A.1. LAnnlx \lnu-un. 1- show-nu A Splendid Assortment of 015;). Twenty. Wool And Union. Ind reached Buturdnv l hm- mun-n n! [Carpetsi White Upon Work Mulliu. Whit. Striped Unrneou Muuliim. Leno: .Tlrlounl, (iron- Muslin, White Chock Muslin. White LIWnI. diueu. in oven variety of y]. sud prion , Mull Muslin, Jnaoiiol. Munhll. Swiuii Book the liduiuuu. Embroideriu Ind Inum'om Muslin. Indin Muslin. Lounduln Cnmbnon, to uiiii, including I ne ock of Su. Book HI Cord Muslim, Piqiiui'ii Brilliant. l Embroidery and Inurtiom to much. FOR CHEAP CARPTs & LACE CURTAINS m WALDRON'S. F'. X. OOUSINEAU & CO. M RICHMOND I novnnu bIVO jun received uvoul MW and match; pnttornl in tho but quulmu o! the cbovo podl. which they can oohdnntly noon mend for durability. Excellent Value and Variety! ,-__]N ._ M FINE WOOL SHAWLS {gOHMOND a B0 2'1.)le Lulla' l'tonoh'd Button Boon n .00. I worth. lelu Pobblo auto to. .1. III worth 08 50 Lodlu' Col! do. .1 39.96. worth wild le-thu, Ooutn I" nond loom" do lion .5. Lndlel' unnulno Glove 40.310170. unul- n 3115 por olr. Auylhl In III loo. 0 .00 lam uluo Lndlu' Infusion do. u .1 ud up- line on: be nund u u 1.. na -Ilm-I-In- nun-.- -A.. _ . A nu. um Homlrm-n'n Msgumo London Sucwlv v.. .u. .4...- u- nv- ulIuI Suthorlnndoi and Shoo House Popular. New FISor Oil-cloth_& Linolequ '13}; People pprciate Merit. SPENCER E 'Ilw demand to: our FRENCH KID BI'T'IUN 001s IS REALLY ASTONISHINH Ladys Perfect I-Illlnx lrrnch Ind Bullion-ed Boon only 03.60. Uoud Huhd Nahum-nu 'Iruuh; Wall lronod. Ind ley HM Up. Prion Loam Thu Ever :1 313.137.1533 .33 LQOKEWS- anim Ina Hauholl (mm 50 In M The only ()no Prion- 800$ ind Shot 30-. m King-ton. II IIIIIEI . I.M'-:" Louaun 50cm" Itchllnn My. of to In! Sword Ind mer |'n .- Goldon Lion Orooory} W. ll. menu: & (30. 1..- Kmuntnu. June l2 LOIOM nun-nap. man \uungn. Nun's nu Umhmuu 30 be cloned a on! Cloth. Luce Bunting; Ltwu. India. price. DoBeigu. Black Ind Colond Cuh~ Ladies. MWIAM.MO. men. had Black Gm Unin Silks. Funth Chap DI... all u lTrunks, Valisos & Satchels BOWES 6;: Elk-culinary Burgun- in Blue]: sud Colund Btu-map. Nuun \oilinp. Nuns Bnnm Lawn. Indium. Great Dress Goods 83.19. _p.._._ _. i . love- a Ma- llm lug but: Good. m roan-low. a. ' the 1-. mfmuo. l 1 on- Whih Quilt. n 01. 0135. ".50. ".75 ad .2: w 360nm. I. 'u tomornroumoma Mum... . In Rina-Inn GEO. PEDLER, IA-l- AI. nun. m.- vsnv oLn aniunv. June 27. I'lonrlnu Snlo- ol Lan- 'Irlmn|el lnrluoh III Cool Price. \ FAN LNUY wont; SHAWLS! mm SPECIAL SALE petSlZ'L?:.;:;:Carpets .._. __ 0..._, A. BOSS FOR BOATING AND EVENING WFAH. 7m Good-u laud tu- Hm .._.o_._ \uqu len How "I L -n- Mam No. 6 Gore Strut. Parth. _ Low Prion 3nd Solid Good- luv. and. FOB EVENING WEAR BUTHEBLAND'S. 108 Fri-ecu not. SbZUlRJt ()Nh A'l ' __'_- m4 Prince.- Sml. opposito Uh. Wild" M m '3 and 1: lrmoam Htreol, opposite City BM. Fm fury Hard Wood! loot Value I. Town: writ-l m crlv' Month Flmllv Hunhl y thntun HonM I )III\II i Received To-day , . .1 , nou, 200, 45.50, Hoe. 360 we and 600 WALDRON'Siu the plus for But V.- new Ind Cheapest. Home", a w A l nun- (huldren'u Fluo} Hm Hon ; ud- cheuy, lhildren'u Plniu, uvy Brown Inn (inrdlnsl Hone, Silk Clox. Chdron'l Houv Urey Ind Emu F000 II law prion. Heavy Ribbed Book- (or nun. I lint-Jun um thing to war In. lam-t Bulouun HW, 200, 2.50, 300. 360 400 and 500 II NE! a Locus". amusz AND Tlo Our Stock cl Silk and m- M Ind Umbrella .o be cloud M rim cm hr 0...: gem-mach, . Lulu-'va llUIlv'V. ll. WALDIION. Niko-- D. l. ADMITBOIGI. m Prinoou Strut. Kit:qu DryBoftWood! PIC-NICl r. Alli-I'IIIIIIH'I. )u Kinuuton m, 180 Prince.- emu. I III .w. mu pr n ullv'l, - lllv 1" II w uh omoyod that everyone Jnnka n. mud I -A I- . t .n .- Innv-A-Inn I...\..\ ...-..I. . | U iMhuuwufor Mmh. . (mumPA'nou' A -.|.._...l .L-., _# -A .5... 4.. 1 WOV-u" lvl , ml 0 than! he: Juana am we 2 I. 063m ! I a db ndc'n! um a! 8k mm M Men, and mum a! .m mom: 01pm, who the no d r \ mm c and AMI) In Pspo: Cummmon M mu Kill-Ion. 0n. 'upauohnhlu hot. I ll... Hun l 0|. Th LATE vlu v| lunu'; uulurnl undernuod u ml uppre mu. . um uwvun. Au um- I Dnry Choese, 300 ' PAPERS. J.V.~'I.. l Alolan Aunt-'1. luv-ulna -..y. ID mm. IRE. o! and Hand. oum our to tho my on tho mot Ho in not ban in 0'- 'Ar - nun-1|.- and Iii Id. AHA. .7 -4 w- Anon. Aunt-41m morning Ir. D. u n n .J 1)-... libA n n~:_ L Is! [in VALKII. rUnI of the , 1mm; 1 Lulu on comug home on 3undsy morn- mg hd big when upprupnnod by none potion, who left In m4 place moth-I uh couunumg a package of biscuit... n ulnn. pmr ol cul. collar had m. The Kingstown wna nut pleased with the r-h'hlug, but. we hop. the other fellow 11L" lacrolu ulnl hmckerbochr coo- tumo, or he in turn mll be dilplusod. _ o- Ill: chunl. NLuun.lho In: of the n!- ur-ior of ten locomotive for the (Jaumhnn Pcic le'uy wu turnod out of the King-Lou Locomotive Work- lu Jay. Thu. tan mum. of Klug- uun uochlmc skull mH carry her (cod I _ ol.-l.--- .1 . Inni- A... _..-.. -mu 0.. Ilvu I-Illnlu-I .-... "u . m.., no. .v" llama very soon to tho bus of Ghonocky Mountains. \"urk u now proooldil. oI um mum-n luv u Qubec Province Lino. am! on ropmn of old 01100 Intel, not here .9 - .uuuwu \....-..~ -L y. u. Hook. and nu unoclato sent." 6.- "Hun- numben 9 uud 10 of mu boul- | Lulu! work. "Picturotqno Cuudn. mhk-nl by Pnncipsl Linus. which in to unomung (or In dmriptiom .- II in inuncuvo chrougb m aumvip. No i other ("angina hark cnn n I nvd it. I 1 he pow'n'umbon no devout! to Imu- { boring scenes and new: on thc north"! lnLn l - nae- John Honduran I. Go. V _. HAP-nib ro Tn Ducosnlh lust Sunday (St. Peter and Phuh lb. Ron. Must-I. 'Valuh, McAvey. Spun And Me- Swoeuay were tuned to the duconuhip. Hus Lord-mp Bishop Clary eluted. numbed by the Revs. Fathom Twohoy, aprau. Kelly and [human Thou gon- tlumon vnll be alt-lulu] to tho prion- howl next Sunday morlxug .. riur'puuu. ll. . IVI Iow- .- (or u: monlhl and ill loch InA_-_A LI, _L-_. _A__ :. .n- -h [0 1 mental I... '.Il| J".- m. thMOmyhmdtybw m eon-um recipiom ol eta-W 1 by km my [ti-mu. wholinhug him u CODNDM I... d lilo. It. CAL :vm unpwmh 0188 "nae! I... I --~_... _.,_ ___r v v. ....~ __ 'cluv- y Dun I! Buuvuiu. - 0n lr'nhyEI-nfo in Lb. church of 5%. P0! in. nub; hm Mrs. wonky Bull. a! lull.- cum Truton. on Sand morning. : um. pauml an. M'inbgu in [or 90! int. Your undid- will b. ar- a, .mrr 5 ynn an nonunde m label's-iota. A nnnbct o! prion-9 "palm bq-l Thode I n. b- dim put. a! adieu-vi!!! m. 0! Human. ha: and an. 50-3th I sqmy Ber hum, M; Is. Jon mnunu; with In. um; ,vnth the Cuts-t WNW)! Ola-"Inn. ht Bmpoi woman-rue. mmuhim. b nun-n by Soe-Aha. 'Bunu u'mdlnn M M mu. unmhmvn-nhyinmlp mm: Auuv ALLThe chic! main. nrnuln ycnbetdny were prop. Lake 0n- .anfrozu Toledo 1th 6.400 bulholl w! u! akinl. Emerald. Chicago. 21.800 , bus]: when: . prop. Enn. Cbmgo. l9.~ ' UUU blish wheat . acbr. Magma. Chicago, 10223 bushel: when! :and whr. For- tune, (mango. 12.560 bulb-1| corn. Du. "NY" I." y'- bul; not by my I,- 41W Suwamna Enunxszntho Con- Iorvnsvcu of Bruckvule, bums no dnLy urgm hkn tho Rotormen. have formed an 88.0! J-nub stock company to nub mu one. mth Mr. Lenvnl- u odltor. Bmcm/ulu cannot support two duliu, and nd must com. to lumobody ; sewer or later. I V ALl I I I "uyvco.uuwqulm otdcceund'lm Saw ? wtv'liithltbcnihphI-lti my. . on W J pleumg Isles. Bock-onus. Shannon out Chap um um mm,mt. Ki-m. mt. M It lulu" lnconuquolco of we I mm Staten relebruuou. we urn to dny wahous my Lelourum whnwvor. oven to Neutron mutat- \\'h|t. I boon I purelyfdnulmn Noun Serncu would be mums thlu writing A (Jnulian 1] :41 from ULqu hm: arrived. -- ,g mu Laura .5 4 out-u 3min. My MB pJu. m I; 0. W. Rom-o- I Order from anoo for l Ilky ' ~~- 0.- I. Pun-n no hulug a good nuccou Iu hm ".anlm" clothing this you. Hi- t-nau upwardly In- 2! button cut may, are the uobhlant garment: w. hue noon on [hr nlrwll. U'lce. In 514 Pnou Moder-tow Ivmuh. In". shun-w ' YL AIDAI htunnu {adv-l u Qua Sl. Cum]. Wm Chunk u 7:30 p.13. IO-ii in. a! ll (In-mi Hu- poraluro [um mvmqnm mu m. 1.- .g. m: Mush.- Ihol t- any moo-paw om,- nnu-h Anal-allot I Innu- m .u pct-I- Von u-y Vluvvn nun u.- vu-qt .. Lwn Grocery Io rolurm Mn 0 Ind I'm; prots nydum of (1.)! u mnro Ind more underuuo. outed When youluuto \UL ., ,,..| ,,u I" I 7:556. Am-I an II M. a! ll. h-l. nu-Msme as Algal-j- Ing- h_gl_1 r AwA- F .\'. Cousmnu & Cu. who stero- rnng from busmeu. commenced choir mu. Hale luv. Suturduy. which was It.- mlwl mm great. anccesu. Notwitho audmg we unhvuruble weather their )re was crmnlunlall day wnb cunn- H5 mnug 3 than: of the grant bur- ., Mun-nun... Prof. mnhorlnud bu .\.-z m luv-mg Mums-w: boning Ioni- w m [U [hr- P'iwuyu! hII ny-Itcul. 80nd ur Ivlu-Ivurm and local Information. )'lrc. tmluleu Luuu Block ; P. 0. Box. .0 mm In IV A lintNubia Brlmo. I umr hung m rlrueswwu. while band- .1 Lemon Suudnv. wan ntung ou the mum] bv (mu and that! nu about linden a aw mernn was 73 van; 0 [(TIIE. -A loccuro on Thu Eastern utmn and the Jews, Will be do]!- 1 nu M James" Sclmul Home m- 'mv Weducsduvr eveumg, by tho 1 Harm-0y Anhwm, u! (.linon, unl [be than Will be taken at. Thu pnbln- are Iuvnted A oolloc m Imlmlf n! the London Suciotv for uan I'hnmamty umuug the Jews 0-. 11 mun Law, Mont. nun-on who ox mm for St Jmuma ('hurcb on Thurt 0M. WI 1. Worth attending. It var :nqraexblov and Ihll you It (umenu have been nude to cnllu pmuu of xuternt nmung the over m CITY AND VICIKI'I'Y. Handsome Prints Fme Wide Embroiderms Beaded Gimps. Black Spanish Laces, Zephyr Ginghams. I In. n - a 66 lb, trotting [mil northerly or higher tom RKI I uIIIUI-I Vullva . MLE. Holton. M.P., uf )loutreal II in the city on n vilit to bin brother In law. Mr. B N. Britten. Qt, 111-..1 u_.Al.._ _..,\...-..- .u m-.. A..- amt-nun- "nu vaull. Vlv . Chi-1 Janice Hun mll log" on Wain-tiny an rank to Eurape. Chic! m 3pm. will be sworn :- Ad- lilhmiot 01th. Government his and. uu_ I I'. m-_.|.:_~__1 I "A. 3A,, Mr. Uoorge Nicol, of Catamqun. has br :1 nwuded a diploma at. the ()quIU Agnvultonl College. u- r nan"- u D ..r \Inn'rnnl .u law. .. v . unuwu. 4 [Nina] Haulan propane: to v15". Au- nt: in the autumn for the benet of his hodth Ind no meat Trickert. ll .. u ['71 A4,, I h u III u'uuu .uu w u-vvu . - Ihnwli. Mr. Charles Livingston. at . Is". this morning {or Manitoba. accompanied by loan. Henry Mooers and Jame Ri chad-on. .n. n .. u WA. ,_,1\., \l A,A VII-lu-vu. The Hon. 0. Mman and Mrs. Mow-at. urived yestordny for 3 viii: of a week 0! ton dlys. nnd In the guests of Mr. and Mn. Fnsar. I... v n \l_l __-_ u n I___.-_I.. -1 Illu an I. - unnun. III. J. B. McLaron. M A.. formerly of WWII. now of Nolmnvullo. has been Ippoimod Agent. 01 Mr. Sutherland. Can~ mun candidnto in Selkuk. A n u L |,, ,,,,,n, ,A A CAPE Ftrloy bu been formnlly gust.- _tod Lumen-n! in Baton His Ilium lnandl in Bulloville will behold thou-cumment with poculur joy. and 1...... 11.-.. -.n 1.... .. mm & lunqlv's, mun-sw- vu uu'vuvnuuuult ml Um. I~.J.E.Tomkinu lad J. MoAdnn' dlislo. sad Chulu C. Honoy. 0'! CW. arrived on Ssmrdny on I We 1 "h vhit. Tho but "to as old King- ! than. ud nu bmly welcomed. a in do air trio-(L ! Bauth Clary will hold in ordiuu'on 3 wide u ml {Chunk Snndny 5. Fourundldu-willboar-l numb (Ill... thodiooao'ill! {but w uyuuu :- Aw" u;- Mr. Gunn. MP has been vmtmg M John. 53.8., on his tour Sir A. T. Cult returns. as High Com miulonor. to England. at Ingh salary Mr. luac Sim puou was u caller at the oiceo of the Canadian Governmene In London on June 20th rub, I, Dr. J. E.(%albrmbh. of Wlnchy, m hem to spend n few day- ur a..- u u m. L... Mm m Inw- "Au-I In An Hl- yw-vuu- I. -u~ name was 02. Lotus Lolobro. a n ullor. urgently demandad to get o. The pnnlvun was purchased by 02. John Togmunder was I. victim to Clum- disn whiskoy. II. 1nd gerrymtnderod hi- stomuoh. Hm funds on hand were reducwl by 92. John 'xlq-m charged with Vlgmnn was fined 05 uud costs He was ycrmiued Loearn n mth the under-Imudlng that. the next tnuo he up poured 1u mo Court he would he trans ferred to the Central Prison agmu u. luv- 9w l-V'I'WW Lb-ilbyoBJIEiIu-iudu linl .' |__ um. "i. .3. .L-_ 73L- -IA-_. + Yuurdny morumg the docket was an nvoraue one. A number of drunks were dismisud. Alexander McGuiggau wu charged mbb vagrauoy and sum. up to the Central Prinou {or 6 moutha For you: Mock wu connected with the Young Mens Christian Allocluuou here, but when it, collapsed. McGulgguu went down with 1:, He was a. simple minded person. Ham-y Thompson. who stole 92.50 from James McGowan has Iound shelter It the 38.01 for one month. 'IL.- ma-.....,.'- -unlA'i um. aha-o l.n' 'uUAWA nu yuv "av: nu uuv ml'uwu Thin mornmg'u seaslou was short but ptnnod out well. John Gray was found drunk sleepmg in a chair on Clarence not with 024- in his pockets. H19 as. m-m-n. u.. If) Ynnm Y-lnhrA n u, "nun-rku uyvn ha. The Nun Hate: that u. meomug of St. Goorgo'l Society was held on Frlduv evening. bonded by only two persons. In wu I muting o! the Com-3mm: of lslqomenz, compolod of twelvo mom- borl. of whom four were m attendance. uvwm nvsu-w-u u- um A party of six New York gentlemen hnu been {or nouns duvs shing and rnlh'cating a: the (our. of Wolfe Island They on Saturday were Jumed bv as may Wlbertowu Iporls' 'IL- V- . "no..- H... u "Hum-"1 n! H! Ju.-- Why do hlugntuna \mnm men Hull Ugdonburg so much ane A number are spending thu it!) Lhcru lnluy, and the namesb! qunto a uumbnx are on the hotels rogilurg of hm, A n..." .J -~v Vau- \' .yL uni-O'nrnnn I mum and AMI.) ( hnldnn'l Pspor t hlldn Cum mu lhd'n Urn Ihlldna': lncod lntml'u ilqu Moth Twp-rum In; that Danu- I.hldtonn I: Pulay his-d Knuth Wort-n [had cl 300- - All Ibo You Bound Io: Nu Inn-ooh. Tm Npu [or I. i Phenom: Jounul f0: Icy ' All 0 the 11:0. will b. dohvoud Io tub rib-n baton mum. Md mo 0' man ol Mmyholudou sh upon: : x i On Friday 1w. )llu-hm-l uilur on the uhouuer "U Ducruuto, wan drunk on mth of the mmru lunulni Jurod. llLu .l.. Lawn..." .. "mum". . u... ... Tho Brockville l perfurumuce nut. l Open Hanna and n thither on {he \ them. un- uiiwlu u. u," . erden thl. a! Land. has been "ex ourung' wuLlu Um County tinnncnl and friendn 'l'lm party took an mung Imldnt. the Thunnand Islands an n n u' I | \l .\'._L|. "II". The... McNidor. whn lived here I, ycln ugu. and mod on bun- Iou. dwduu 'Ihurluw near Hellonllo on Friday. I'L- ..-_..... _ I... .I..--..n~l oh. I'mllu '- llll]. 'lho Olsen Ihu unlocked the nmn 0 "I. Catholic Mutual Benet. Nocwty (or the put three your: \ch re lm Led for another term Inn-um... nl mun... v..._ m um Im-n- le --VIIIVI a"... anoun o! mirrldh'v, m we luwu~ Ibip of Kinguon In. ntu buserul um tnmou'ml venture! mil bu decnled by tho coming crupn. In-ulna KulAl .J I u.ul_ In In." "all -Illll-v .uu ...v..u The priloucru Muller. W0 and Buckle), menu-need n! l mum] Anal/.25. 'I'uruulu. nr Kingston Psalm-nter Um- n 'IL- D- Jlln Kin-III..." .. A bugs 2- being med Lu lorry cu; tom-croc- Llw run-r M. Fresco whilo the Minor 'l'rnmit n how rep-ind in If l-_A_ II-uI-I Fl'. v Bottom 75 sud nu coupl. Annex] ulna-in: nuuo m own. Home lhII Inn ovum-g F.- I II. I. Mace. 0! tbs Township of I Kim. bu Icolt In trumng with dashing gm. ' . --a_._ a: na. an Anni; .hnnml In KGATM]