Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1882, p. 3

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Golden Lion Grocery: son has arrived fro- m Low eight barges, I can mg nf irnn ugunuuln a mormug prom-ted nu... .4 s discbnr D; s wharf from 111.076 bush. x. I x Named 1 m2 nnmsn 1mm. MONDAY. JULY 24.1332; The cotton nuke" elded exceedingly well. conidering the Ihort time they hue been orgnnized uul the poor ground upon which they here pneticed. Tho bowling In: very (Air. though mum of it we: rether (envith :thil will be rec- tied by more prectiee. They mode reveal excellent "when. Youlden in particnler. who tools one very hot from Jonee' bet. The extra were low. which showed good long stepping. The Kingston Club were all out Ibout 5 o'clock. when [hr CALEB: look the willow in hmd, and were alqu of in 38 rune. C. Hu- mu bring the only man who got double gures. and he rnttled tho ball around In I lively utyle while at the wicketn. The bowling 0! Ireland, Kenton and Smith wu verv good and the holding {Air on the whole. Smith. Ireland. Jones end B. W. Shenuon hum; mode some dilcnlt cetchee. The ( being more then 60 runs behind on the innings according to the rules of the guns: vonv tmuell ou. and liml mode 3.7 ruus. with wzckets. when time wan , 4 uv- LL the loan of four um n... ..n'u Ht a- II In em iron We 1! pertinent intodeot no mm at this no. treat them our city c their own jndzme conned ItudV to whooll. Ind nuke mote the bent mt: genention. (1.) "nun scuoou At preeent the pr hid down for Pnbli six. clue. Thin under the new rq thi- dierenoe. thnt Third end Fourth C] u "part one"ol tl the Fifth mil Sixl. two" The oblig: such u ere matte] Iecomlnry edncetiol given to trulteento : two new subjects. I laid the Principle. proper text books a to eneble teechem jeots. Th0 Contrnl nminers am to is teachers mnl iuspoc nmmr mnthmln ol 1 LIIE [Oil in IUUI why-nun. w... v... rnlleil. Green und Walsh. the not. outs. having; UCUI'BLI It} and 1': rospevcively. lhow playereilelendod the stump: well. pnrticullrl) the farmer. who we unilcr- Hulllll him played in many of the leading matches iii England. In fact, most of the party are old count. plnyers. Lhnugh munidembly our. of practice. Their prewuce in our midst will mount likon tunil lo creel more interest in U n uohlu game on account. of the einu~ Lmnu naturally enning from opposition. :LIll tho liingpton Club will have Lu sct tle iluwu Lonrognlar practice at. all pomts of lhu gnmo or their neighbors in a short limo Will deprive them of their laureli. liven in this gnme.the new comers shew ed improvement in their necond innings. Another match between :5th Clubs will be played on next Setnrdny mu- I AmdwyaahJ mmydmnth Idd. bctwoenunthovo Chi-.de [Ininvololuhull'olohtmnimJ {thou hnviu boo. W3 time to {liq-full. Tb- Kw Club 1m. um mmmudMiI] Corsets, Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Gouds. and Prints. Marked Down! Down ! n v x l l Int-rur- null-eon Ive-ll. forlorn. In" cl "Our Plru-n Parly"A erl Bull-d (Jo-pony. On Saturday alternoon and evening Oui' Pleasure Party" pleyod the lively comedy, "Everybody'eFriend," to small flu-[1011065. Summer pcrforiniiuces. no matbur how muritorione. are not. relish all. The play any be good and the Company "de beetde place can aorJ. but when people are mede to leel that they are on the connes a! shake house. and the pernpiration tricklee in little streams down their backs. they fail to appreciate the buneiful in scenery and sentiment. The name of the piece in- dimcee its character. Felix Feethcrly. (Mil Hammond.) in a good natured. ob- ligng and clever fellow. is social diplomatiet, and to him several run for counsel end advice. "Major Well- iugton de Boote (Mr. Wells) makes a condent o! Felix-I call you Felix because you In my beet friend"|nd tells him that he in not ee breve in he looks, that he he only eucceeded in life by bounce. thet hie wife knows his ne- Lure and make: him humble end euh- miseive. Mrs. Wellington de Boote IMFB. Hampton. too. line a secret to commit to Felix, the dieposition of n dUur child. and depends upon hie iu- genuity to secure her a proseotor for it. He succeede in foieting the infant Adolphe upon the Major. Frank Ice- brook \Mr. Murruy) ie madly in love Wltll Mrs Swendown. iMiee Merkhem) but cannot tell her no. end Felix in per- suaded to nnderteke a delicete million. I , 7 , A _ _- -l _L:L 4- uni-leninr. ; l {i 5 1 I" e; 1 Vi Mr. aneden. Chiel Engmeer o! the } Quebec end Onurio Bulwey. end Mr. 1 J amen Rose. Consulting Engineer. have left [or Perth. for the purpoee of inlpect- | mg the work in program there. On this l hue there ere some rhlrtymight Ieetione ofva miles each. mm! of which new new under coutnct. From Perth to m' Kingston 3 Pembroke crossing the work xs bexug done by th Company. Messrs. Hugh end Petrick yen hen the (our succeeding sections at can milee. Ir. Cerroll lollou with three eectdon-I or teen milee. On thie lee: contract. work he eon-end on My her. end some tug-"0th"! m m 7 u work. Ir. Genuine e0 pun in end Algae W. The in. named am en building In Pickering. Section- 21.21eodllmhe to be ewardel to l. mm. of St. Cethmnee. Fuel-ch- eeetncwu heve be. escar- ei for .n the eeedeee. suaaeu w uuulrulu ls u-uu-vu nun-mu. the perlornnnce of which in mllunder- I stood, and. witneeud by his wife (Mina | Williams) overwhelm: him in trouble. 1 Then follows eeeries of miennderetend- lugs. all very laughable. indeed. both all lut.hn (and being explained to the Inn- rual mtiefection of those concerned. Again we preler not to perticulerize but to speak H: gene rel term of the talent- eJ Cowpeny. No one poleed u e eter or greater magnitude thnn the other. buteecb ehone to ne eaect. end to- gether they demon-tread the advent-go of having the Illan u upeble u the land. "Unr Pleunre Petty" ere enjoy mg themselves thoroughly no promile to return for Another brief nee-on later in the summer. They perform EO'Dlllg In Malone. N.Y.. Ind toward the end the week m Otuwe hummus!me mainlandth _L._ou.hn-n~l '- ll L- n. mU-_I M- Mb,hm It will unit an .mth M torumlv WIWERIDUI Tul- _...-.L.. I l.- unnu'. an 33 .._. *. new Ind Dunno Inllwny "lYnIDODY'S tuna." U IUWV w w pu-w- ". v... m it web .- will pro- u Intel-own of we riuiug , A- A: __ Now Good. U.) WW MIWLlLuLn u. an... proanmme of ntudiea Public School! embncol in to be continued under rognluiona. but with Ill-t ho Fins. Second. Foul-mama WI beknown on." of the prognwmo. and Sixth Elma In "part ML, LL,_._A.._.. _..L;unn- um hLIU luuu wll nun". \llv-v- ..., r_-_ obllgntury subject: an- much] in elementary and education. Power in to be Lord instruction nu Elementary lesicn 0! Agriculture. sud proper text are to be nuthoxizod to bench these sub; Cumuutumul EX .....:..... urn n. iuun initrlwlanlm m lvtl-Ital The obligatory nubjoctu are Englmh Grammar. Literature. Composition. lils bory. Geogrupln . Arithmetic. Book keep iug. to. High subjects. such in Algebra. Euclid. Natural Philosophy. (,heniictrv' Botany. Latin. reek. French null (,lcr man ure made optional. Though the subjects of the Fifth and Sixth Chum-Mil the Public School am not ouuiucrutml in the published synopsis yet they me doubtless the same as the obligatory subject: of the High School mentioned above. with perhaps some 01 thooptional __A_ 'fl... {non-mullint nr-niinnnn I Thou-en! Mud-{mu 'MWHHIM 5-.hmbounmdlebh" mu. Who-nil. ries-Hiat- - hmmpinprovwmmimu~ Wuhan-human. 44 "Ala-Mannh- ii tin-int. mumhniumwn cup-admonition. Wham [chum low blunting-u muslin-d mom Do- nnnli-MAMl Wuhan-m h-l' m l - ul- -- mocha. We hop. to hour unhi- m in {numuud trustees vull exercise judgment in shnping the be pun-Iqu In our --L-_I- _..A ....-l.- it .nnl. A. -ill nrn ammuru IIU W Muv luau: :- inspectors. upecilymg the proprr mnthmln touching the various studies t-numerawd in the programme. Thu Subject! unnl cnursc nl study 2er t0 be mkeu an obligatory upon trllnwaw. nu fur onlv as thc particnlnr vircmu-stnncm of each school m allow. .1 ,,_. A..._-. up... A uIl'hv I\' IUI mwuli III-anu :hMMmMn vol] full-n. MuqutW mm. W. hn'lmil mml IN! plu- -_ IA-.:-_A-_ L .:_- -M -_l_ VII-nu... swooncount on STUDY. uA null. 05.- nrnnnmln- A, ltlldill lhv Minn-on nlwnv~ for slble bun-n. IWVC, VIqu Vanna-ya Iva-Iv v. ---r-.-__- ones. The Intermedinu uxunination becomes a tent only 0! the tness of such pupil mprouodto Ibo Upper School." Alter entering the High School a pupil will be compelled to attend for at least two years before trying to pass the Intermediate. After which. he will Le prepared for University Matricula- .;,.. I" (m- u tmwlmr'u $140!!de Fert L8 prepuruu nu unnwnmu; tun-nu...- tion. or [or a teacher] Second or Class: certicate. The object of prevenv lug puplls from attempting the Interme (Hate In less than two years utter ud- misqon to u subool in to lessen the great tendency to cum that has been found to pervade almost in every Ichool in Ontmia This in the German metnod of making promotions. Pupils are re- quired to attend a class for n spemed tnuu befuro being entitled to promotlon ... ., L. m. [\nll lhn in an Irina that, LHUU UULUIU UCLA]! cumuuu uv eruAv-Ivu to u lnglwr one. This is an Idea Lht our Public School Board would do well u . . _. __I.1 LA ,... mianHn our rumw ouuuux numu "uunu uv v"... to uJopt. us it would be an Infullible cure lot immature yromotiou and con- sequeuc cramming i! any such tendency exists In the city schools. AA. 1 Invnlr. Irma-In"! Wuluul. IIIIAAUs-a. It will be remembered that at the last session of the Legislature the conditions were repealed upon which Collegiate In- stitutes had previously been established. The new regulations require suitable buildings and premises, laboratory and apparatus for teaching Chemistry. me tically four masters. epecislly graduated in English. Clsssice. Natural Science, Modern Langunges and Mathematics. The specml grant to Institutes will in future consist of 88 per cent. of the ag gregate amount of teachers' salaries paid in excess of 95.000, but this grant is to be limited to .750. We will be greatly mistaken if the eeet of this regulation be not that of reducing hall oi the exist- ing Institutes to the rank of High Schools. At the present time it appears that only three Institutes. Toronto. Hamilton and St. Catharines. out of the thirteen. can comply with the new con- ditions in order to receive the lull ape cxal grant of 0750. The former condi- tions. it will be remembered. were that a school should employ {our masters. and have is daily average attendance 0! sixty boys studying Latin or Greek lnh'l lnIle, \JQIIUUID. w -vl u.a..-. _._. __-.. _- profession] instruction. um cLuI cn'rmcnu. The examinnion (or the uon-protu- 9" lions] part of than: certich will be upon be oblignwry and mum of the k OPUODAI nubjecu of the count: of nely '- for High School. and for th. am: a Iixch clam of Public Schooln. The " subjects 01th. Inmnndinto cumin.- " Lion I111 count yo man ln no third " dun. mu 1.. pupils putting an mer- . modim will! Mod In plain; " an nnnvprnldml m din-Juno " mu tho nnhjootlm eon-on when; 0 --__.._-oi-. uvvu av-wv . The only chlngel o! imporunue. Io far as Modal Schools are concerned. are in compelling Boards to provxde one room only far the use of the machen in training. and in blviug on union of three months Instead of two terms of twa month! each. GRILL IUIWLB are to have two souionl instead of three in each you. The object of this a. ofconrse. an in the one of Model Schools. to ta-in I higher standard of 1 ,, t.._:-_AI ;_-;.._-b.m. g A All, BMW to. m V Uu- only be modm u! tarp-sins the lmermrlisu or Clu- mutilation r- n. __J:J-L-_ _. -ul.-. .1 ch. luSCI Ill. UI LmVI- muv Funnln candid. .. citber 0! ho uncherf sanitation- any substitute (or Algebnoooolu mot inchm lai- u lounyu taken-yank... 'hiah shah-am A-|.... .0 ch- Inmmnhh. YOUBETI mew-y u-Iu'. nun w... an: n the barman. mrwnWIU- W;W.dmCa-liud0m' 'yyd mmhrm- 75'! mtmmi-m no pines. in: m...an mum Illi- Imu - The summation human- can , _,_ ; -__ _.__ -1... _...:-.. al.- I liun. !.\'v 00k IO!" Will w -'u up. n it likely thlt tho Inland will be It:pr n we under-and It. HA1] bu fully and. up his mind um it it lilo duty to weep! tlm 'id' ud non onerous uphu-o ol bbonr. It will at Ioteunrily Involve In". romonl {tom tho city u_ u- n.-- __..-.-I -..-I.A-..H.um OM ll VII ID-mu, I'lv'u I: up. nu- ou .- that". rho-amp dmwomMChnhh uuuity. a: dam Ir. mumumuw m. I}:th vb- NI clash shall _I.... him [mm u mun-n] m; w! 'u I .1 - nlouo him from the M doo- At . spool-l church muting. hold I... night an: the regular who. the cor- mpoudonoo Ill rod and the ruin non o! the punter given in. No {unbu- union vu than him. bu the mail; unearned uni] An. In, when sh. Inn- tor will be hkon up. I. :_ m.-1_ nu. nu huh-nu..- uill h. (:le Mr. Hall has upocinl qunlicntioni for the work to which ban has been called. Ho ha: a thorough knowledp oi the duties of the petition. and pone-ee- the vigour and urns-taco- end onthusium which are emntlnl to this successful diachugo of them. In Newfoundlnnd. prior to hie coming here. he did iinpor- taut misnionery service. end doubtless this fact. and his intelligent nd jndi cums action in connection with the Mll- aiouiiry Committee. pointed to him M the moat. oligiblo undidnto (or the ape cial lahur upon the performance of which he Will shortly onlor. He in ii z-piriccrl uiul (luqueut speaker. And has good ex- ecutivn nhiiity a combination some- wlml uncommon and appreciated in this mine as ll. was by the Anglicans when thvy appointed Rev. Dr. Sullivan, one of LlHll' iinwt pulpit oratorn. to the: Min- mmmy Bishopric o! Algoum. lie-the] cuugrvgntmn lOsLH n popular mud pro gl'vssii'v [n.iscnr, We hope his successor mil povmss some ul his charnrberistios. m II-v.. twang!qu humqu Ilka-u Con-Rm to appoint I Ilpkilhldul 0! lb 44.... PIG-NH} Ann EXCURSIUNE AMdulmuCt-mo mmmwhrmuuwun is m laminae-bum .0 dc m- ..u s. AL- -- Mn Ilnll In. Father Rvnu. SJ. Montreal. preach- ml in St. Mary's Cubedral yesterday morning. Drum. Rad-.- nhnrnltinn th- mnnln LUUI ulna. Provost Bodyll hastening tho people of Bellevnlle iu the new endowment scheme of Trinity College. [.1 n n n. Dam...- Lani-4 -ill :0. k scueluu UI Auunu, vuuv'w. H.R.H. the Princou Louho will. it is said, visit Newport. the mo fubion- nbno of Amonon wswrin' phooo. next week. m. n ~IA," o,,,.,.A_ j_.:_- um. ween. The Humile Spwlalor denies that J. B. Plumb has any intention of entering the Senate The members 0[ the Senate wxll return tnanks. 1: 1 II uv: :, LA- L-..-_.- n... I! IULLUII ID '91] IUWHLHU- Major Lee, of the Crown Land's De- partment. Toronto, and his wife an guests at. Camp leoe. the manner ro- edema of Capt. H. U. Rochwell. ; ll... IlaAnlnh Im An. A Mn." HI {BDUIII build-Ila. Mr. W. H. Williams has become the Glolw'a Mnnilobn resident. correspondent. Be A: u reliable. graphic wnuor. Ah his letters are very readable. "4,... v .m A: m- nvnwn Luau. h qucuuu u: vnyu- u. v. swvu "vu- Mr. Randolph Mumy. on. of Our Pleasure Party." played 1n Kingston be lore. huvmg been one of Gardmer'a Com- pany whwh produced The Legion o: Honour." .- n ,,,u n , , , _ I}:___-_:A.. uuuuux. Mr. Samuel Cut-man. a. Kingstonian by birth. (non of J. W. Gunman, of tLu Sb. Canhanues New). in an opera Binge: In New York... A prom'umg one at chub. ll,.,4 [1-Ik--l_ A I! A- u_.'-- hulk. Major Holboch. A.D.C. to Major General Land. h nooivod 3 cable ordering him to join his regiment, 5L- Thl-A Rabi-Hun MO]- Ri-n av KEEP COOL! v. 5-w- tho case Mr, Thomas White, M3. for Cnrd~ well, ednor o! the Mantra-.1 Guam. salled for England on Saturdty. in the Parisian. The Bishop of Ontario mm a pnueugor by the same ueamer CAMP MauraArrangement: are boing made for the holding of the an- nual camp meeting of the Cansds Me- thodists of the Kingston District. The Glenvnle groundl having been muted. Tents and lots are offered (or sale. 1PR01EGT!0_IIR ms 1 pen 7 pruuclod. 111 mu" can u wm CHI-ll Im- Ienug in nher "an Thu: tone! your yc- by buyinwr eyrlluos u guunnm v.th to bo the I and. on: And no our ELECTRIC BEL S We Ibow and "pl-tn that: Iorktnl wnh 9 Mann. the night. or on nnuiua tho boll. I In" m" or. Tm. comm a mo uuon. ILOIA crowd on "mum at :uw a; of In tho luau nylu of non. LOII AND it. THE)! BRIO-I PCC-AIIRU Don't larynx to In" your ordu to! on. 0! cu July 19 INOBB) CAMP/N0 SHIRTS. lud- In nay m1. w. put-um . Mu as. Conn and an nanny by m Inn mammmn ll!!!- 1. III. Medic-l PM I i "like. II In! W. _.. no. mhdm cud. WWW. -n a-..) I-.. Mhnmh W. or I. 10-. D m luauIbodumld-IICMMI- www.A-u.ln.laau.m 30"!me MM. xmlmvm-lmw 1M ducky-navy... M Anni-h nunmhlalmt wattmmukuaw robs-I. mum col-0W Int-.9" tum unlv ado lla- m-Mhnwy'l Autum- Mun-m lm-Inn. as .nh-hk NEW assortment of BLUE HMOKE and L GMEEN MELTACLEbuud EYE GLASMCN u every body. (.mldren Ind Lndinl can [:0 ,ed with our new gluten. In le Ilwng sun John "m l 00- To Suit Everybody. ill-la un- w Jul- . Third Bltulion. 60th 1.11.11! well win, if the urn no no! 1 pruuclod. m u will eutu) mg m ier your! Th\n_prouc! _| __...- A Im. m 'ibwnEN dz 00.. _-___. W. REL I'm (00., hot-d Knoll-III] raw not . Wu. bl a Indus". . u... u. Yum. a: Ila-II Extraordinary Bargains This Week WIN a Buuon hand: KM olom uo w : Gloves :1 0' mm In mhnr mu aw. pair, worth 650. 50 Urug- of New Dru-II mum M out to LIth 4 But-ml M not own .5 duly worth we. ,mk nu! (or our Mira-the non this Lune-a 3 Emma Rommel: Jalopth Kid anmuuoHVmw Cor-w Blank.th unuvlra :. mecnunnv'c W BOWES & BISSONETTE All nrvrnler Minna-I. BmdM about Node Duh-I. m an. Special an muggy. Early Fall Ind. WALSH: a STEAOY'B -L 11.... n..- -.. \- unnr-u nrmlfull. vv a_"_ I _y w 15 intros Eloglnl French Dru-a Good: 111- Hm- rump- nun the mm innn pr oufull, nhln or uson m tune! war In All the new (rum .5 In 300 loss than the nine M won- I-ulom lnnludhu (ha new duds 0' Brannon. ulfered (ur before ana (otlu Roda. New Groom. Prium. Nnvyn. New Iluhbn'l ( r- llum. (in-net and Mlmons nudCrany dn_-n In nll my: nu: BARGAIN Hunters. cull a! n. Mclnulo and you WI" [00 Mr- mulu In every DepuI-onl. Goodu ooul at your own pile. lot the non In wan. 100 Waterproof Circulars. -hlldreu'| Waterproof Clrcullrn chap. 511! Home" cheap at Wnldmn'L Au Cotmu Hosiery ohup It thdron's. QLLVVD "'u *- Cl noou sad In our print [Sign SALE AT IIALnnou's Shoes A 1|,AA...,) - W RICHMOND a. B0 YDEIN Give Sweeping Reductions I W TAKE! N A. TUMBL] July 16. meW II o dont-ooh...- n-CII. MINW lone-I sum Dyspepsia. Ind;- potion. mum: ol the Kid- neys. Yorde liven Rheum.- tixm. Dizziness. Sick Hud- ncho. Lou of Apgotito. Jaun- dico. Apopon , a! itaiions. Eruptpoman Skin houses. an A an 1.1 WLKI lbtv Y1 "--: . . Ooldon Llon Grocery Tinks, Valiss& Satchels _.__...n. _...._ Goud Hohd Sub-and Tmnh; Lo uuuuu- .l. (a; an:v;.uv WV . Greatly Reduced Pmoes. .Iulv 7. Vulnm and Rumba}: from 1 ngsm 8: Tb. don:st in Ladys Perfch IMlll' Kingston. July 19. OLEARI N G- SALE! Gluylwnuouu u:- m., a" 0! wind: that 1 .4 I. an. M - SPENOEIOBUMLIIY In nu! 1n mum-mm. MO!!! I. THE owns:- tin-d mus our nun in um cmm non-um. 0M gobblinth PM Flu-O Fm. Bring on your Pinata-Ind MUM 'yMCh-pudb 0 WWW. Pauli-bod mm H d wzwudnuvnmmimumm immun- mdups. OutwiilnniqhnH-u. mmydwm Price: and below cost. In order to clear out their E III-Ill White Quilts, Table Linens. )w-M W r-WQUI'W u" - i mun-a "(VIN Ira-n .2 Flu! Ito". BOOTS AHD SHOES, DOWN I DOWN I DOWN! )IILLINEBYVDEPARTMENT. Jun. 23. Juno II. OLII IIBIZIIES! \I E nd I!!! in IN: Ciwm b .0 lb. mgtmm Im. on {mm at! FANCY WOOL SHAWLS! 0. mo LID EVENING WEAR: w curl-[lo discomfme ltmm ' ' man on u W 1.. RICHARDSON Spools! Burg-IK- in Kld Olovu. R-duotiou- in our Ready Made Boots and. a. cloting out our Summer Stock It ABLUNISHINJLY LOW PRICII . ,4_-_ B-hm of hm Summer Stock of Dr... Goods. Parasols- 8:0. :1 - "-AI 1-5...A._,._ A. 3088 R. MOFAUL, Anson-eat an. I'mel Low. u b- - "-"-' big [run pic. wnn Vin-aw."- . b-on poring. John Balloon- tho > IIth at comm and look! {or nal- 313.333: mt'mgzggfud (cmlor. comm bu men "(up u- do! am Mon (Ghdstooo'l) able, uni Mud-y u lone. hour: In Jun W01 In g. Job. mu. NM It. nu. u Inn-u. Hour. hungry to Juno Ni. V _ _ \m'IOCn r. .u. o. Juno. "at u um angry nun guns, "3", a)... haul Vault lo I. an. umch o! )1" boo Wail. W '9 AWL... mm ,. . -z- ~- I-L- magi-Iv h; h .- our FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS [B ALLY ASTONISBING. nun-g Pro-cl- Id lulu-ed no. only M- D. I'. ABSID'I'IGIC'I. No. 6 Gun Strut. Perth 141 Prim-u 8w, av w -' v 77,," 1 600 m 88 The only One Prim Boot And She: Eon-o In w v._ ~m OFFERING no L31 6; lsmhunl'l'l. a. 20-1 Princess Stu-wt. uppmiw no WU HOV F. X. COUSINIIU I: 00. nh; Wall lmnod, Ind Nlocly Fitud Up. Print. Low-r ThAn Ever :3 mud m m~m.moduouy -IN THEIR- A. SUTIIEBLAID. 108 Prince Street. mt \o 10 on, pounds Lam! Mum Inn ML (drzlnumn-d ~I. Irr) unqu vl. III-lulu SI. "rd-um ' 9|. cuku.-. I All Silk Umbrellas cheap It Wnldron'u. Fuuqy Um Good- n grutly roduood "I mam p: West All Summer Goods xodnood in ll lls a LodtKl-ll'l. Kmuuox M;LI.EVILLB AND ulnar: n, Luv up... (an-\- w._-. u" RICIINIOND & BOYDBN- Table Napkins. and Sheeting: rum : \n n ma; LVl-Wvu-v mwm & BISSONEITE'S. g. "Human. u.- Wi-l-n Ha r Sprlng and Summor Buck. A_-_.-_._ ; nun-hm- R. ALDllol. lwhh-IM (n U'I II och ran" runuv laud. Once... I3?! It '0! MB to]: .3; in. un In noun-II. In. Ill".- .1 I'Iln-I IIIUIn. am I GOLFE 7 LIIII (:ROCISRIC BARGAINS LITERATURE. I M. Lulu In Quurls. what In. .lullcn v HUUSBKEBPBRS HIV [an m un-IuL Ana; :11] cheap mwxll Tau. Cof- _u l;r.u-..~rl Low Prices PORK! tinny Memhly, sml hope to no m I . A-..o. .. Hv ( Hi I! ~ .\ ruulur n o ling wul-l be held Um evenuug The night. [ an be wum. but chem lulu town to ; {I-nr Um (mlun- u! a quorum ofmelnbon l l . vee r- I ,\ Lv '0 R mun FmLThis morning I 0mm: 1H: m \\ hni" mum has gured vrmnmnniv .u puhco court documcnu, nwl $3 ou mats for drunkennus I an I lhmulurly Cuuducb on Saturday Ina-t. 'l'hc )lugistmLe guVe him two w m m Much to meat. hi. assessment. 1 or m (ll-fault. of its payment to go for i 10 1431: to the county gaol. ._._...._ | \-A -._.._. __ MUTUAL Lino}: Tszoann County. -IL was thought. that the lines of an. Company would have been built to Kingston before Hus. but circumstances haw: prevenwd such nconaummuion. Hp honor. thr Compunv intend to build 'ho Imv' almlzly uuvl a connection will turn M m uln heru. \Vutertowu will be -51 lTilu ll. Kw. ar lln. lulurnutin lilaulv. 7': Km Phdqm SQUAD d; mll he .ll OuJUIy Ill: V - 1|: ILJLIIIH, n) luuxu sum. lulu-UV. u. .- $.31: uv. Montreal. ofces 1n Cur In} tho Cltv Hotel. Kingntml. on July 11h: \ug lat. Lu'l. 3rd. 41h and 5th. w-l mil have With him 5 supply 0! aplmmeters and modimnau Physgciaul am auercrs mm In it free, .7". w < limp ha u up! canonu on m po- 1 when 0! Anbi In the prose. Egyptiln ,wu. He ll shown m be and u n I hide drinking hi beer. wtnle from bu. 1 Lani Um ticnrnls of the British. OOI ' nun aml French Army wnwL bin mou mvuls Hm uonclmlnuce provokes General Bull :0 remark, "Slowed if'. 'dun! not us \bough the Port; .37.: nah bun." a _ ,._.I ....II....) IlIu-lnhnn in m u! Hutu nu n nu .u m. did In! of FAMILY PORK. r-HI... A- 11:1: mm. A wand exoellrm Illustnuon in am .05 theLriIh qua-non. Tho mo in I Many; are when pro-tn! m John Bull. Hon. W. 3.0m. lion. l Bhko and John 9i: .1 \l.-)--.l,{ ['m m .m and Joan wow-m -- m -- .. Mmdomld. Cpou tho but h In, 9'", with winch-ounce. bu Ln Ogmmfih, John u..- m m- 7, [noun-w w u . .ouHu-rly wind; wmcn us 3- u w..- ."l'" - _... thus pie" Bish- Wu!) 1 upon an end 01 Rain Mu Iqui -1....b.:m-nh.| Th m In ill "I. can on nu- plnmbupuoh.) The can in. not coutu- Thmwy inasmu- the position of a. In my inth at a. M in. rm wont. "anus. m and 11-.- Gommn m u" in: It. How! um. Pr, 7 Luca sud uppot St. [A'- w. modonuto (rt-h with wonme .mthorly Inn-la; ne hot. 'llth [um Mislxn _ Evidently thr- |l'un um. pom-1 by the K. J 1 HR. are Jung unusuallv attracuw to the; [IL-HUN] n'nnxnongerl Ln! week 10 a [hull ve gentlemen came from the .avr win mu] went. out by the h. a P, i to unapch Lhu ore bed, The min- ; business in but. in "A _infaucy. Ya. I uLu-div mam ucw mines ml! won be ruwl or 0H qu-u furth I 'lerelupc d t - - .- r \Lunmux Mu, Th 1 ru-muun mm: thu- phu'v. had but three rooms (ruin-11 \l-nttnI-uhl'l'hu Thou-mud lav ! Hmml- wan Mm well lled. There nvfr 135i] perv-m nl the Thousand .n-l Pnrk 'l'lw nervmow yesterdlv - I AA 7 I 1 W ( I'I'I' A! "ICINII'I'. . |r: mu \ u an] to be vlmts! Glam: ! Claret: 2; |( NIP HEIU. 'I :1ch Irv" .- v- .icd Luv thm hue m 6;) days ..._..- _.- vi II. urn-nun nu .uiul gul. who ocrud be:- cut! light, shunlnl turn up. w .xluu; he thinks he wnl .n l|4lxbuiug ru] $0 save his n-n bomg burned down. [1 gratifying; x'luroum M, 7.3 Yunge 51,. I m-e 1m '\u:1~lxcrers Halted r-llv. Inf PM. and ex Aide In French army using his erumem. tho spiromebel. .f rul-urrh, broncbllim ulh- LhmuK and lung dinosaur .r one u! hm surgeons from MIIIIl Throat. And Luna In- A . '1 _._..A.. ..... Iu .. ___ alum. Mushl'l. Vandu Msv. luncheon Award- in lunlvl the Manny ~4ll! Inle InuLewlnilh- PM: lho pl me tu be an'..1-_| The Earl Lwrouo - of Bulk.- Villa. on The Full are pru- .4 ., _... ... u..- M ulcu Iwug- vur piinn minnow nu ~ Mud 1mm. 50'. thou. I an I I into M of I n nu... The 'hu yacht. "Km! 1 hauml lllcs. IOIYIPWII'LI ure' Jeurgc Llarlock. ureter. Clyde ; Kholt'l. J. W. I, Murtmgel. ; Inn! :1 red hot Job-"mm. ! mu has been 'mght hr the n rennin. we he no elmu- -u it. been . 1 000 m ..n u. w- u- uycu Twomembcn 01"Uur Pteume Ptrtv hue become engage-J. and, an in. nu be married belure tbs uculmu armi- um. I! I two Ibeekd vebncln: III blC)Cl.. all I thus wheeled n tricycle. does not (Duo! HIM. 10 mm win-ml; u nu Icule. h in n wbullurrow on W, ,_ AU_A -5 L'...,.-t;. INAAI"|.|I' I. -' 'lelr|lluw Temperature u Kluguw a wn Nation in shad Sunday. 79 . day. 01. Somehow. w (2|: :l, J Linn thu. Di-Int you " um . u_u__ll._ hul. u... ..| t. Tho Pun bifuml Inv- tau-too . Angus and. A PM. I'm-Iii: w" Ive- I P10" In! lino a Channel Grove this war- I Ius in. . AI ind-Quid whorl void 1): a. gum! in '0 lilgnun. It could-ooon Ind mm undonu. -_,-- 4L__|) L- -.I-.-.I --.....ul d.- m m Um". Tun-0W b0 phan Hound the I. 3. Church. to hug it no unplug will: u ran ol the street. The olocuon o. Alanna-(r (man. I. n -_ A x I- LAIA A uuuu DHqu. unu- u ,uu The BGIlOVIHn Puhc best. ptid In Ununo '! OLCXI) per snuum. and Fun Depnnment euhe Qmnn- nmm MAI-H l' "'0 Joplruucul. ruur-l Sermons were ugnn aburwncd yen- tordny. One clergyman ahbrevmud hm romurku bunuue. ho Inul. tho con [rogution Ins not In trim for much tllk " mu. m ,. ,_, A 4-..... ... mimd. rr- ET TIE IOLDEI LIOI GROCERY. The anunev deputumu wi contly waned OLLJWA. lung from tho (jovermnuul. n plum Ilsuuco l0 Um anlu-e 'uLI 'l Kuhn). \-..M.l..| mama-tn 1 dnnu Inn:- - um. um"... . .7 H rospouslble for It, 'lhu VlguluIH lHl of a dipper would ha thu LlH'n m [Inc- tide; of most youths Three Bellcvlllmnu \xent Lu Ilrznnpton to testify www.11an \h \anlnugh- by. that they behewd hr \\ m In. ubou' killing the Indie; of other congregation. and I1! Indeed nlnm- ~.- lIu-v \muld hive been am much Umnulxl. of 11 they had kept thew gnssip Lu tlxeumulvuu. ml- 0|." rglminu- mun-I'm of HH Thou In. III:qu I. nun-Int: v--. but. u: -! d. We but I pretty good idu vuv n m do'lyed TM nun-dun n. "l Inr Pun-Inn PAH \" nuuunu. In. the Puliv I , had kept. them guqu w mm-mung. "II the rehgious aspect Hu- land Island Park muelihga prmorvad 1 ' We inked a Kingnwumu m. lm stepped 05 ch. boat. thus mun-mug. "1 don't. know,"be replied. "I have been there thirteen times and lmvu'L seen the in~ Md. 0! the tabernacle yet. He usually Ipcndl Sunday down the river. Ann-I- Iro- tilt- 1uo0Lc-nlu- Iron- Along u- Whnrvru. W 5499. In maul. are work-1 hall Ccpo Vulcan! and receive nod- lbt an. A- i-Jn-gi-I "hm! can! in :. cum! I The scbr. A. Fund has returned light from Fairbuveu. The ncbr. Shundon lx'a cleared for Chicago with 250 tons of hula. at $1 25. 'ILA .nkr nannn \VKVH I?! dilchl DR U'WGgO. The achrs. Pevoke and Freeman are It Portu outh. with gum. but the quan- isiea we have not ieurnn-d. "' 7 AinA-m -nnn-m LI: h.mn cant] tn hues have nm xeurun-u. The steamer Geneva lus bucn sold to MLJnhn Turner. of Toroan and W1 eury pussengern In and (run the is. lwd. rn. . n ,,,, m L madam] (rn- PORK Y PORK !1 Awu. The tug Bronson 1313an n . z towc ' some of win ...rned 690 mill. "HA _L_ an-..n- RI mill. The Ichr. Senator Blood has been chuteer at Demon t) take wheat to Olvogo n c. wh:le the Belle Hanson: bring. what from Toledo on He. The tug Gllnie cleared for Montreal on Saturday with the barge: benator and Toronto. Curryxng 1.200 Louq coal, mud two bsrges carrying-10.000 bushels of wheat . ...'..._ .o\. r. luurr'Al l'he 1-1: Active, mm m barges 0101mm nn'l J. Gukiu. have urnved u [ Milwaukee and are now discharging their Ian-goon. Thu probability is that Lhev iwill Ion-l gm at Chicago for Mom Luwgu Wu. auu Lvuu m up The Debt. Oean Wch 15 c 160 tons of coal at. Swm's v n ,_ areal. nL. UIUII The steamer Noraeumu mum from Rochester and Oswego on Sunday umm ing, discharging her lrelgbt hPra. Hut puungera went down the rim-1 nu Lbs mni'l unanuner. Tho Norseman renmmed here until 5 o'clock than ("maxed (or the weal. Thu Captain and oicors were I visited by many ngsloumm mL- L-_kn m... mm-mnu nrpm-utml 'IIwkl II" Luou Ann-er~ .. The harbor Hm 1n unwanted appearance. Dunn: Sa- tur'un' night tlw arrnnls were nume- rm.- MI follows L .. l T \lnn (burner) hxul'. d. 1. .uuu. \llnllnh-r w, who PropGlonnlua. Talmlo 711m hu win. 5011!. Emtnld. Toledo. 20.00.) bu. wht. Schr. Wuulde. ('lncngn. 20.000 bu. wbt. Bohr. 0. Mitchell. (hlcagm 22,273 bu. _L--c 30M. ulnar-m. lultuv. ...., -U.000 when. bcbr G C Finn" (hmagn 9017! bu what 80hr. Nnunu. Cbicagu 21000 km. wb! Bohr, L. Ron. lort llupc 1&5?!) bu. wh! 30hr. H. CO) no, ('hwngn 23 314! lru, whl, All zho show em..- Ilrt. lymg o the wharf o! the Montreal 'Irunnlwrmtlou Complny. to whom the mrgoes are conugnod. The Company have sui clan bug Into whmh Lo dischargn the min. to u! thew Is little probability of delay. 0! course ix, will take sovenl dnyl to discharge the emu-e eet. The Ichr. E. L. Comm. It will he no ood. hu u cargo of 29.3w bushels ol when-Aha largest nut, has come here 1 ,, 11,..."l nu. ill-ml lnnnl. It! w. 3. chAE & no:l whenhe largest Ml lulu Luunc LIqu to fur through the Welland Canal. I: 1 i i; hope-l thnt oher vessrls of a simxlu nine '1 follow her. She made the through trip without brenkmg bulk. and mhond in our hubot without ny hoiblo. - m, ,-_-.. A non jounnl of Manned. the Do- Mimi-n unnamed. t CW Weakly Cntic. to combino Vii: many excellence an independent W 0! pom. and nurture. It will but henna nd Inummn nuound . "the opinion on NI tooling queiuom. Um niacin: I111 form I ween] - A... .L- .3... Mind to gunnin- mm"). Yonlhlul dvpmvnty wu demonstrated . .1 - n I:,. :2... lh|4 mummm [TMv um Gnu-yum v-u. "n _ .r__.__ Mn. tho tun ban; to mom. mm d can an Inppon Ind 00- we! c11le unonghout M We hope (at m pace-u. nd My m "11 mm. um. |WuybdthOMummnnI7 mm boot. Baum. wuywuw-uuwu. w-.." tut-hail: throwaway-mg o! a. WWW.qu dodiuio A... m buck. '- no new .b a! :2: tum-cw Milla- mu . ml matle an . . . A n "1". III I". r I IUIAIJWB J. T. non And unom brands of nLhnr Clnrcts.| 50 onto Limo Jule". 1n quuu aml pints.

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