OOOKS' FRIEND n_._u-.. I... .n nMAIAIl lReceived To-day CII'Y HAT STORE, {celebrated 40c. and 501: Ben Value In Town 2 12150. per dny up $016 (hp. 17 no 30 dnys. I .4.60. IJAS. GALLUWAYI Thou ohu protect the holder not on ly unannnjun'on whilo In utuu mm 0! Hum] hm no .u on: In an. n- u'od during the period oov by u- ti at, "loo. peruyup w to guys. n w an up. { Pnlicxeu for POM granol- nun noun- . xuuud u low nun. Pnncm low poms g ' : APP}! to | J. P. GIL " 9 Mn. losu-r ('Iendlng and! I I 9 P. GlLDllsLlllVl. n. "on. My 8. O Jinkmn Sue-t, For the Full Trude uomotblug very Me. [or woun- man - nlln Mens and Boys Stiff Hats New Shapes In BROWN, BLUE. and GBIZIIN at Low Prices. iFnEsn ARRIVALS! ] "uvv _.r777, inn no one! mun. Wm and I m M 8 II :3 umdioomm' OM luau Ind on)" bought ._. . {American Flno Felt Hm. I To Ila-nob. or any other place Covering m out 0! dam tad 016 A weak indomnilv in on. 0' mm". NOTICE or nElzmuf {PHRSURS was run A TRIP, 1 Pnnoou Banal. nut to Oman Hull Buildings July m ACCIDENT TICKET R. Crawford I: 06-. wanna ".(ll) up 01 can; Qua I week indemnity m nun". u jun recolvod I lug. Ihlpmont JAMES GALLOWA. OF NORTH AIERICA J)! 0"]? humus-1&5- ugl- lvum (om-lam mo .1! Inn-l). 0 sun." Colon-l at Bun-ash! M \u nah my} cheap [or Cllll! Foo! 0! Own an all like lO'l-I. Buns lower than nny olhar Englllh one.) dolna balms-u m Cuntda. All we omhan ol um Cnnulnn Bunch sroiuvumd luCAhAdl. And O'FlCE July] i nnrybod should unbalanqu Inna-t Pov- dqr. Sum ouhlo tho has... Rural-no Inn LIFE ASSURANCE Go. Bulk!) or Cundhu one u lowuz um. Apply to All claims unlod by tho Jud Olloel for Cumin In Mantra-J, 3161mm Busy mg Fly DILIATIIH IISECT POWDER! .a wm" Much-hunk I. '.L liocs out-ow UET rmlnd, - Inna unpply of PI" lul- E nun-n "nu-No luau! Pown which I. oh: by u lb or on 95 and .97 Princess Street, rim-EnD-mum A. nag WM :3 II mm a tiny-o! Ir. Iona. I" ; Ion: psuum. when they ukfor JACOBYB SHINING STOVE POL. 18H, to son that nbure Truly Inkh upon nah box they buy. and the following signs-um : J. l. JACOBI' ()0. This only II the [canine whole. Mon Aoat-pond declar- hop". . II And bu roploullhod tho Snot with the knoll but 160M ud luau style: In tho my. 01 Dnvlng room Bunc- In 1nd! Ind Ru! Sllkl Brooutdlo, Fran (MED. Hnlr mom. an, Bod-room Sulm. 1n Wunnl. All! Ind Walnut, anlo. ac with luv]. um Wood Top- w z 1 .Aull run" a! M Inn". WW In Dub 0 YOU 1 Pump- cont-Inplnllnu House Purui-hmg ml I an. money by buying tom [CANADALIFEE [or um yvul Irlunug Appllcnllonu Nam A uni pan. rvllliullllll- . . . . . A . . . . . . . . on: I a New Assurance- . . . 94.771005 Applicanqu Decline-1.. .. . . . . . . .V 03!: far can. mu IWITUREII mn an! arm m cm. nan-In "Conn mt! null. m on nu cumpm f l -- , 'rm lIo-ll . Hui: In much lawn In Announcing to the gun- } on] public bu be sauna; lulu on um N C. POLSON & 00.. on u lul- in. an all it - ----A-L. lumpo 0. IL NORRIB&OO.. MII'W nnnn - nu. -InQ W. M. DRENNAN LUN DUN AND LANCASIHRII ASSI'RANlVl-Z COTIIAI. Aluut. Osk und Quota Anna Dina" IBlllHL 0| Inn NEW BUSINESS FIRE INSURANCE. "INA I "IIHT. us 0an I. luuuhuurod only by w. l). Mrl.A|u2N. Elton-non Dining Tulsa Muhlo Top (cnm Tlhlel my (haul lud Elly (hmrn u- and Ian um" W. NI BRENNAN .. h ( N mung! in mom I ud tannin all. his .u our lhinn. it in innit-Md ' worthle- Itu of no vs no to Ibo .: oonmmor. g W. rupee!!qu "quit a Our when they 5 uconx'simu. UCIJII-l'll- . . u . V 220 for $386,000 Aunt. Pan one: JYII [PIT-2 mini It: lltll over a 100:. Item In. nut. Inauuronuuu given. About! miles from the cove, ruck uppured In 6 foot Maw the Iurlnce. The lows! 0! u and. hm in 5 feet above the water. A little further the rock was bptwuon three had tour 1000. {tom the surface. About 1.811) wt from the Bay of Quilts also rock ruch- ed the urine. Four hundrod het further on rock could not. be found It. I20 teen, nor did it reappear o'er the remaining diuuce. A gutlelnu: well acqusinted with the both-g- on this route alumnu- th-t ch. rook notation will name 8.000 unl- in length. mu: an uverno depth 01 4 unit. A cutting 100 Int. wido through this, M. 01.15 per hqul yard {or unvttln . wanId can. .lme. Ha willlIOIt nh exu- . union: on Nu- route at. {our time! um gummy. and a... cost. clown-ting 20 cent parsquu-e yard. Tvo man-tad yudn Inn-t Iluo he Allowod lot np- preach to the 0.931. I can 0! In Ms. The can of Magnum~ '9! mm 1: Quin-mud u foonm "I" Inbridp'l few. 36? II. 1.3: ' 7 No. I. SM'iOovo . . . . .Jqum No.3 ludcmh ............ .. can No. 4. lclujn'l ............ .. 1m 50.5.quu'm- .... 711,000 It will b. char! Nut chill the coat at No.1"..- liula tnu Ir. Pnge'i own. the c d to l'llomu. plus-i sum u.... h. head In Mr. Ital-nip u WOIl: ulna. liuuw No. a loaves le mumweat :Lugle of tho head uIQumte. a. little south of the ('nrrylug leo road. and uk- 11 straight. conne for Mid Crook. which It. follows [on 31X!) fl. The howl length m. miles I about 1,180 Your About our nulo o! tluu route towunlu tho Bay of Quinta and would require I guod Jul at rock non-mien. The ior work at Lhu Buy 0! Quinn end well be simi- lar m that at. the Qmuh end of No. J. The Wollev'u Hay plan: being quill the nhoaly entrance of Common Buy wnuId lmvu m be crooked. and nlghl Interfere with Vestal: suturing (Tonne- cun Buy. The usual by any at those mm. an. m h. H [ant damn In. Iowa 1. n... unpack-Ce." howl-01! * '3, 1; _ .,dun huh m Ml. v om nnmnummmmmm In. - 3:. . " McMullen'u route. which dion but limo from No. l in the chat-tour of itn water terminus m Quinta, roquires a much suupler termini" in Walker's Buy. The bottom here couuiu no rock. and It MIX) feet out the waist is )5 feet decp, and oven at the aide of the cavn is still eight. fun. At. the odgo of tho Wumr Mr. Rosamond found bud pan and gravel Lu the requlrod depth of the car ual. Boring! were made new 200 he; acrou no theQuinu and. Two hundred eet lmm the n! boring hard gnvol was reached at. 19100: ; 200 loot father In 18 feet; 1,200 tool: from Ihoro 'hurd pun nnd gruel was reached at batman H 11nd 1619. M. tho 1.800100: boring rock m muck at 16 but. The: [or half 3 Imle the rock Induce did not nry 100:. Item tho but meuuromcnt ..;.,.,.. My"... H mm.- from cove. i" u out mow : Hill: 23% '-._VYdmm6d ofh'onnuhpludbylhm Wu: lrumm thaw-Adob'h feel. on ember ado. Route No. 2 runs went from the hula cove near 'lwolve U'Clock Powb uvor 4.000 (wt. of at rm ground to Don] Creek Marsh. Mm following the uuuLhex-n part of U!!! must for shout, H.501] furl Lhe mum strikes southwa- Lcrlv MU) {out over dry ground to Stulmbulh'n ('uvu. iu the middle 0! the northern rude of \Volleru Buy. The anngn at this route from water to anr Lu 2 miles 5,0?! (at. Rock excavation: wouldlmve to bu made near Sume- burghu Com. MM very extensive pier work also. uh... \'n :4 [mun- le southwest Hay. [be than Iny any 01 uulw mums was to he [1 feet. doop Iowan water and 100 feet. widr- at the bottom. The eutimuted coat in an followu kuute No 1,. ....H,290,000 u ._.A x.. u MAN I m Iron) Um urun Jul-u w 1 "'Ivv Oclock Pol-s Cum on u hue common to rout." nue and two. Tho length of this No. l rouse hum water to water u 4 milm 790 (out. Elmumvo pier woxL. huwevel. I'euoumlended lor oiuhor and u nbnolutdy uses-Amy. Mr. Pugs moumousthn on. ufhiu mint-u found a. rocky ndgn bovwoeu Woo-0s Crook nntl Head Greek. coming to within the feet of the unrtwo. Ind sloping 0!! 400 feet. either do. Mme- Kn -) rnnl nut. {mm Lha I The Hunt wu luau; '. | Time Ion 1n lumeruty. I Wu {havrqootion of my good. D in tha mind. and no! u phat. Our mood nud not I vu'ymg voioo. 'nm mu. whh duct. 0: mm. with W0. A sou! who one an ruling ohm Home in ull th'uul m own ham. (holcr on Boom-lou-Iul Con It: WINK.) It. in unuooouuy here to manual: tho surveys and recommendsnonl made by uugluuorl pronoun to 1800. The mil: of the surveys of mm you Ind we {at lowmg one no embodied in the full ro- port 01 Cine! Engineer Pap. nude in 1866. Route No.1 of ns upon oom- umucou In tho northweit maul. of the head of Qumw. and minor runmuu nonm- wusterl) Ior uhouh .1,th taut. south of Dead Crook. uu-ikou mm Duml Crook umruh. which It follows fur uvar LC) feet. curvmg In the wait. Luvmg the marsh m extend: 3.1m tux. over 5 gen armly low mac. 0! rm ground. uld eu- Lera tholouu reach 0! Wouo'l Clock. 5 marshy mm. from th- h-dof which to tho twelve loot wnar at Pn-Iql'llt hur- bour I. chum-nu inmrvonuol 10.0) feat. An alternate man [or no Quinn and from Dad Urmk MA"): 90 'l'wolve . vm-IMJ. DalIln" nu :- Im- nnmmun WM! 1 by n I: A bond Natal-w, cl II. nub-Inn, Bounddlbdi ' Im none In my. Whoa-pinth m dog at nal Arnhan with II. m MM. Agni- ] hm. 00 II. I; But with that... We bud I. am But only 10': udvity . Homing dnpod tho gloom d mum At noon 1 an lord: In vuw The throbbing c! an living I Still it wn Inning. But only urging Allm to bu both mg tad (m Strong in tho soul mil comma. no. A: chain; day on. won I ood. Gums town that mighty u- ! Pu nh won Ilihn I The 11 um Idling; l in "Imam". -' n J l "I luv". Kw KUUIO no Route ML Route No. __s23;ms&m? MURRAY \3ANAI.. VCIOII .- I. III . Thorn would he huh I! my main.- during the hut m mth of July and A If Ivory one would uku Dr. Cur-09'! Bu)- moh and Constipuxon Bitten. u thty provan! Ind cure A dorsnamon! of tho nwmnch nd Lowell. Sold In lug. boil. u. 50 mm by .11 druuinp. 41144. 5pm.. m y noon-Hour no. my. " Mnn'hnm-rhbh I. HIM bra-nth Au you ug- an... lu L'ul-mdu is u Lou-acre elJ ush in uimply u uubterrnuun like gout-d With uuil about, oigliwou inohu' dp. ()u the ml IN iilbivnud a hold of m. which prmlucu- thirty buqhola to tho nmo. ll nu) nue will Like the I. I to lug u lmlo to tho Ilopth ul 3' bundle 1m will nd that. i! will ll ltli mum, and. by null; I. hook 11. sh the or nix incliol loo nu, I caught The fun have noit. :- 0! nor eyas. und iue perch-like iu pm? Thu ground in a black marl in It i Ind in I probability wu It OII'WO an open of wuwl', on thi.hluuP. uaultmd vegaublo nutter. wqunhm been increased hmu time 6 1 now IL lulu n rruut nuobiu all rich to prudqu ue norm Mitt has to be \ullHilLil by lmnd, u it in not. strung cnmuli no but tho :91 a. bone While hu'mm g cam-l) grant, airing: u! sh by A hole through the earth. A pofldb on has heel and coming down I on: no. Mm n'owauu corn Iii I A Snou herb found an unan of 3 Southern chm: bu. undo! m-ni ulation of Dr. Van: Burn. pt one the gum: blulilp our.- Iuoriut hummny. Dr. V: in KMnly ure in wkuovlodpd All u I our u the only rloc'. round] lot troubles. Your main [no it. Th. Now. Chat. E hp", m d Pilueld. N. [L but now 0! W _ ,I. l. wrim "I hue uuod Bum'l Mn Bnun m my family '0! 0V0! ltd: mud n umn hue not. mild - in tho whol- mm. ly mil kn iuvchd {0! two yun. but that. M hove outed hor. sumo Poipan. Gooks Friend I'D. III II on" Il- w :mwimr; n... an... it. mat - nun IA DIG-I m KM .- q' . ' ul'wy ying calm out it noon- nun link u. ha out. a. w. you: III-I. u '0' up rub a caulk]. U "I. IIUCI nuu UUIIIIH an no. the yomug ground him (Wannva bani) The. idiocy of their North liq appear loluvu duwud I. l eulors at. Ottawai After their political friend: hero. udwfrl' ceivinu loads of lemon Ind I. b! telegrams from the polll-luul wha luv. uuomil {or their faulw, they luv. ed to place noun: person in Wlllni 1 With sulment capacity to mertnil d enough honesty to not. upon tho nqut menu of the country. Wan-III that Mm gentlemen smut. hon will no! In oitber puny hacks or would-b0 I" ll. ,0! whom we bun onouah Illd to I 'in omoe nlmady. Win: the on party require is an honest. Ii upprmhuble Adminutntion. of at lands. Red tape and burth noes will ID-k0 confullon warm .0.- founded. u my mm m H Wan-pm. Mm Nollie Whitney. 54qu 13c youngest lluughur ofeorgoG. I a] of Henderson Harbor. N.Y.,IU Monday owning a! Iupper time. being nmdu fur her. uh. wu Mud I) ing on the oor m n uliambor in MI lulliuiu litmus bleeding yrohkiy hm. um! ueg ruu uronl bar throne. uni lrum the uppolmmce oi thd blbhd it Win thought Him had been moral-MID - liouix A Iii/lol wn found ,by hm. She was uhlu to run and 'L . llll Idmlllmi she di it In " dial Medical uixi W M obmuml. but. for I long limb to let. hor mounds be dun-nmm Ibo wan perumlod to luv. W sowed up She is now doi'niwin 'Illl will probably rerover W h b that touiporury iuuulilv wu'twt '0 About. a wool: ugu Ilia wu vinluilyrjod~ 0d out. 0! n waugou by the hind-my]: on which she nd lmr litter w 3. getting iOOID nud tipping moi l." don min of we team. She nah a severe bruit-u upon the hold. Ind Illa bna uompluned about It. plinfulnul 8TH" IHBCO ' nr. r-hll'll- may. The McMillan Brown-Hm -..| mm the Prince Edwml Cou'n I building I lino 70 mils - non mm It. to tho no! *Imh Huungl. Tho or. hon Null wnll be brought. by nil to. w V'I Uove for shipment to the Im . 'lbo Maseru. MoMnlM uhu Bf land clone to the Mclullon (MIC It il poniva that won tho' 8|. by thin route or by my r0! ' ' lor'l HIV the an| m' ht nil. I 0 of this ltnd Ibo" w a 10 ml '0 [row no growth of tho MD I! i. certain to wring u a tin Wdhilly urmiuuu o! tho nu VIA]. A19. ll uf tho rm or Moullon M. 0' w. Mullen. wbouo lino mm to of the Pacic Railwny MH lot forgotten l) (.110 quorumunt. Ind. it. in and, mll uOV'ur bu forglvuu. " OODIIIIUDII mu III. "- - cheapo! at tho two my to m wu rnmclu rum an were num- tuo b u to nlle con be u I A 0 It. co Mun one to Wollus nu dilemma in tho Mir t um to m In. tuna Cr in. in tint-ad on. cl ' J an two routes Ihtmldk 1| J contended. duo. the " ' h loot. u mm to 1mm ' . not hum done I0 is Conan-avo- and Hahn-Into poliu- cal oounidor-tionl. dam: alum m. in!!! ms nood- a. M h M out! tho (so! will go .- lvmg Ir. Pml am. a! the wider and. .d tho - ooutunh'on thu Holulhimh .0 0 chug-r n! th. Inn In! in w In. -W" m-v, It in sud that m. hm tho Mogu'llc, nun may. tin-u. Ill! 1 ' tendon vmllhd'hl cud Sum! of I conuuphbd In E? m b the LI-Ana. but. than . damn an. m. has AIM-A- 1L- nlI-IAIA h A M .4 A an. 0! one dead "Mufti l-I .- i-l Ih. h! fall! I. 1. A V. (hump-In- "PVC"... tu mums-v mo, ALA. AL- 1-; 4).- . A ll ; mm: Ihkl all "out! Pumas. Nu nu but Ann-1pc... .1 unknown mum MrKIIIlVIZI' BIRCH. Menu. (Juana. n mh .o JAMES DW'IIT. nrlllkln'l. n-.. u... .WA BHTABIJEHID lm. _' IAIUIIID In; . ..~ ~ fat the nest in: chaipisi Shin"E wum'rs, READ THIS! hirctmn & Working Qualities } 7 w ivsmvm PEEP REE??? E, Advertisers 1' \ul \ m .m. A Illum'l (30mm m} .' ILTAMIII Inmmmm; ! slitiTSlLSlc 1 V ' ~ En-I I-ptv'd Imperial TIII' Wm, or "mm." and" unua, .1 mo Dunno! u.- rm mu nqmnm Inn-pl. Iqcud I I Johnna. lowrllcry More. Wol- i unu- luv... y > - 7 ~~ l .u I: TM-III". l ENTIHT ("Thu M Mr! lwlvvmv \1 Firm Inn!in numxu Muss scan & co.. Montreal. Quid. Tm autumn: tube- to IM!- in an E 00 um pm: - u. mow mu hho-un ' .4 Ilw ant-um! s ante I , an! "em! u. up." I" it... d '- ttlulp. poln. {Ac . In iron SALE on TO LET. VVOL Ll; .It \I IJZ . KINGHTOI. 0.115: ll \ 'l II.'I0\. ONT/Ill"). urn-lunnlc I. In! For Io. 13:21:: 6.1".Huwnll 8 Co. .1119 8134!! coat 0' Alnliu aWF'l mulnau In murmur I- Il'u'llnn MIMI-mu J! arm Pubg f... Iiiiws iiipirrator ; A Clear Complexion 1 {A POSITIVE can: I nunsm's mum}: Hausa} Ayor's Cathariic Pills Dr. J. c. Ayor & coal F6311 the purposes ofaFamily Physio! l l TI. n30 AND Qlll! FOR 5511'. (H m R Duh 7m. Wnn. 1mm wt!!! harm. AM I. IRA} 19: In;- (buy A: g- For gala bv Klnpwn (0m 31: 140. mu. m- (i .- Pam, on all; u w 'cly0_ 1mm 1 ((51511 _ __1_)1'c PO'I. .WHMM Km: Sum. ; [SAREKEABiLLAI And for Purifying nu Hood. ~ Mon in w for 1 7mm In! Curlng :ulrmw-x4 . Lowell. Mam. In Ila-u A _.,_.__. amongcmm: igmjair 29.1332. ' :mmimmsum , . .. . ..__--u-. '3' ipecml ntunuon to "n. and (ow-Ml I Boon wu'nmod to open ddly. Hunk: bound on the awn-t 1mm. HT LAWRENCE WHARI. KINQHTOF chunk m4 nun dula' In \nd SECURE YOU BUILDINGIud oontontn | 'rnln um eccu of winning, no xrouleut m mm country, I) wanna thereon v. 0 LONDON HLUB'H PATF. TCOPPERLIUHTNING MOD. Hm fut And has! known to unenuo man. no . . y lBook-Bmdmz; l Iluvu In-u vu -uu . -w..." _..- ...-- __. _ ll. mum mm. aim!" to Quun'l Oahu-atyan Bofnl I111- rybcg 1m. 0am: m man. I mu. 8 . Iced Iilk, load 13mmI JJ'II'AL uluh - - Culllornla Penn, California Plant. Water MCIOII. Ila-anus. Pouches. Cherries and fo-uooo. Ahiwl. A v i l i I Q MONTREAL. September I4th to 23rd. Agricultural and Industrial. $25,000 In Promlums. mutant pat innmum, For further Intorm-uon Ippl w URAND FURKS LAN a LOAN CO'Y T 5 McGXHAVRAY, W.DV loGREGOR, Innucr Mercury July )7 Quad Forks Mon. |Tho Balm _to Doc! All Dourlptlon. of Goa! \ A: I lllon an be mad. M In ly u I cupful LA Hon: (mull-'omnI [ For Illlllllll. I-lolung. Travel~' lung and especially servlrable for IJamplnl 0m. .hlnn ll: jEXl-_IAI_nlfl_'ION Use LYMANS Concen- trated Extract of i THE FINEST ru 1/0350. Ampu- gvuuud- Ind munitiqu building: for [Lu mud-y 0! vao Block. lanai-mum Ar for 1.14 IPIHL Agrwullunl [mm-moms Aud Machine!) 11 llwtum OF EVERY DIBCBIPTXON DUKE ON a"... ma-.--- :{nd usikr'conr. uni-moi mm d u mth man-n we; cw no N Ml'mwu BE} STAIIIRIIO. PROVINGIAL b-crrm I. l U ARRIVE. DAILY. nuan- l COFFEE. N. MILK. BB!!! .808 Ian Con! vvr E How'qu \ELBCTHIU BELT INSTITUTIUN I 4 QUEEN HTREET EAST TORONTO I Eclnbllshcll - - - IO! Dry Hard Wood! Dry Soft Wood ! l. H"! r:.-- III-Ila. III nu m In- 53' Mac A bug: I to-pku .ll. um.- u nut I. 9.4.. auteur.-