I'll. gm. links on 11.. {\uml mu) mule | Audihoro In unrul u! Hmln Ill ll.c north II! It prewnt l| that uf the (night hondlon, hll'll H Punt'numl WI! | moor that could not. lmvu hum uutlciptod. The coulcuug part!" at out. WI! .110 dourluluahou -on one hand rmly roninv. all (lemulhln lnl hihor wqu. and on Llw uchul Inn 1 union: oppooiuou unhl Lln-u Lel'un were mood-ti Nniclnor puny thought "a! ti. dicuhy would lmvn been NU In and involve n log: or in [mun tho-sud. also may would lune hoeu Ilo' m thing when. Both mules lmVo nuorod by ltlm prulunguuon of the. unto. Tbo L'monn lnmlu. which IL moo-nonunion: of the: war amount 0d to I bold-om. Inm. haw born u buuuod.nd the memborn of tho or guintion now dopend upon um lulmur noociodono annually to: Hm mun: With which to corrv an the battle; The rulw-y companion, too. his! lln'urrwl loco (I been nubmmml [u lluuuuml omblrnumonln from wlnwh II, '1 ml. 3 long time to ruoover porn-l Imponuon o! Hprxlnus provos lullloIl. not only to thmu but to the bum..- public old nuuy aunts lmvo boon mutated by the lunar tn ubLmu W commohounto mth the Injury my hon Olin-mod. Thu Injurv m 01.60. h lo- 01 pormhnblv goal! and ol ordaiinoonoquonco ol the whole- iubllity to hnvu umrulmu din ohipyod noonth Louruuusnl. Ono! Im-co who: to the [null d cocoa now Hon um Courln. 11 um notch-nu win Ihmn won: mll follow much odditionol hugnunu. no! the gran nilon muoun may will my mm (and? tho up: adv-nee, wluch ul Ibo on. on. thorny In: on. would no. Munode 0!!) par day Thom m that then- io n we. the pond-sh- mm"; to con-It I... Tho mplnymolt ho! [Nb-I'M In! ho onnonu ado-van rook-au- pro-peck o1 "nu-aim bu Io dm. 0.... at... III- II ny Iny. n .u m . mum. tho cum powgn .pd din-Ab the Ill-thy man u M .3 qt. "your" Thoro :3 u m it a mama-mu. n", __.__.)_-in- d A mndnmanl Each day I . [or Ponce. -w' 9.0 iv Ilop Cropu. [m J. w. nun-mu: II'I 111-10 :0! In lat. Jil' Rim quigt a la, _.-o.o Pour-u In: as for A (sun: "- I IMDU at AY' no" man. A"; a) u. Ian autumnal-Imp. coup nbypuNhHIIh Idiom? 1. amen-q. who u. an: to wkMy. in noc an!" intro- ' ' in 1mm curl hut. H. I H Ion mm. but u '- um with my mountain mu CI-Id [nightsWhom ind p! yo, Ih : balmy one w New York. -...- MyNominnl. Inluln bum-In o! N: 0n: n 0.00 No. 1 bngh: Canndn u 0.00 a Gnu-tn u 0.0" .uvn [mum (Tund- n 0.0). can and pen-L Sic. non: l L I m. 2. to: artful enquiry I In umblo to "In. Any mnacuou between lu- ill- I. And a nding 0! nodding n Poi-l [Im-hick. The puma hand! says hunt In tho Wu; and known in ll Wt it. Non. of the him-1' in M mun brush. All. Iain-Unit's: Alida-- an: is In (and. m may vary In]. um I.- thing bu- ni than than lcn-ol not thus uy Mold object in gum by naming the public every time u one of coal-(ion: dusue occur... It should. I think. he amen; am we unual pl. caution- nro m.- to pawn: in upland menu-t the column-Icy. which In much but: 10!! In ignonnoo lilo-l It m up posed to danger whoa. o! oounemnrumg Iboald be gnu. sh onry one may lulu In opportunity .1 protecting Inn: u l. Th. A... nl I. (1|... 4...- nhn I... "a w W I. unw- - awn-u.- .V IL (*0 I. but. I portlolm of Hue-numb u luau-m WJII Colloh. I mm; Emu-u Chic-no.1 M m, III July; '0 - Dominion Talognpl mum! (in Co t Puunaot RR h: .2! Om. Nu. (u Ron] Cam-dim: lur Theo-u o! the 0101: my um. has mud to nub but! looms um- Ely to be In inhu- 0! disease ucnod y son. locnl mun (poniny 1ou well Ill!) Hut his only Iected them who wore upowd to the nuns cuudnuom. numoly. Ibo flmlly and the Human who weal to ma homo and nurwd them. Since their remand to the HUlpllI than who pore not. already Loo [u goon lave recovered. and no [rush cases have occurred oven amongst. those m con-tam Attendance on the sick. and thou seems to b. no reason [,0 fear a spread 0! mm dinette. I .m u. -1..- o.~..lr IIIUILLAI loam Talon-pt: (row Tel-graph (In MoutmlGuCo . , . C; A Cotton Co. Dun n Cotton L'u .. In] 3nd,. adorn] Bank on lave-mum. .A un 07, re]! Ind-mine Otto00kt; whim mule hold at Me In (1)0 ByoQulet; nun, 0.0! ('Inyh Tlc m bond "Commuluollod. Him. uulmllud. 3.1m par n. I I'VE"??? E 3.11 \- llli l.Il1"llIH Hlrges m 811 n suitmade- Lu nrxhrr~uru the bust value in the uiL). Alan Imull wool Huh fax tweed sumngs, made to order. at .12. Are as we numb ulul are us good ; t. as his high pllt'ell gootlu. w OcmO'nchlngad:nluotln No 2 Yellow Wu!- Inn-nu!- Oil-ego. Julv 2s I atmun. 8d". 0000 tum- sum nl 1.;90l rod Huh II 1.2' ha. .5 red (hwqo u! puu- .- rum 7.... . W... _, thMU) but be In rlmng hm m k u 0| M. '0! And nulmu '1 [III ho Iuolouconscmntmnn ;L wuulul |n~ tor {of he ocml uubulm but mtmn '0? (or Ibe public Hm lLUntllL Ion. good Tm we knuw, u [U In dullqu h prucuco LLI they are m \ .._'_- Dun Wmu. -- (udor Ll-a humhn: Hero andTheru m \mn- lalW|lf1~llvh dly the enquiry l'~])1'ulnlluduil. "What. word in the English luuuunge possemmu the (rotten number of one particular locus!" and the unswel ls prumpLI) given. Posse-us." Now. I beg to submit. that in the cou Itructioun! tho Word mxhvmilnhty tho indwisibihly of the lunar i from leuL word III "mm m (-alnully u: apparent, us it ii that the I'm 1 llunnl'HPM lmssmmw tho letters the LINN. NL!mu.1tw1t|x my peculiar eyes I run (.w- the matter correctly. um A's In Us wunl are equal to the 8's lu [hut Word uml nus 0y Lu spurts. \nmu. M'. Bank of Mn March-um I Onlnno Bani Mnnlrnl lnl Montreal 1'01, ( Rilhohou Nun I __-o.o "I... .UNI' .A-I. I. Harrowam 1th. July 27th. J08 BPH FRANKLIN, I In) Ill. yours truly. u I vomi- IAIII'I. .1, 1.1, Bud-mu: who ~Q _ - ' . 1 Th 0* Ilrmld bu Another blunt w. J. L Iclloogdl {or hit yous-"nave am homes 0': Winter-:- III at Hz law in beta nude "rally m) M" m to [0| rid of bum "both *Iluu It. II wall um. thin to to. Mb. the olemhug Amhwr 000-11 would on In muqu III oia-e It. WI II In to pm. unn- albumen. He also occupies: m 01W puomun. lump; 1 pro "II .11 hqulmue: Ind amp payment-u w an not unharmed u hundrem Cd 3. MI duly to forbid the dnwmg u! m ld'ucol of Way {0: wlmn Quanta-Council hm! not. boa: pawn. hulk-outcry may! hum and the I MM of uljllt metrics The um I. I III. Mould. um! those whose tlwummommnkn In Lu supon MWHMI 1- the Una 'l'roauun III M Hun And not to the poplu 0 (DI-l. Mt. Mcbuugull mu up , n.-. .|.- ...1.n-- um- um! . ed Goo II nu (Innu- Inlanmnv Io dens-mum ! nu don-Md Adana-nu mud om Ind by Vina. 0! I In: J Am Facial, land on 01 a. } l Goon of Junum Qmu'u ncnela Div, I """V Englmh Borges ut mlvr-ure the , 1.. ..n Mun u..|. {.00 to .105, pan-20 2 100 gum nll [um In der fg'OLIVE 0| m. _l- u-vv-._.. 7 ' "had .0 I Hm! lha nmnoy mu uuL W by :1.qu Ul 11mm of mom I with)!" check and mmmtmwn mthout cousidnnhun; Ind Um (not that. ho m a trouble to some of the [but ULHH wh'mn- pout .lplmu lmVu Imu {ur Una-ml! pub LI u pubhc nerHtL-Judltutmq two 1 sun (I. dun h. m tlmnu hm mm Hh lhcns Sale Goods-Id Chuv- telu. EGARDINBH'SJ :gikruo} Stocki The New Hat Store. 5 1 I I mn.l.s anon. , " In. l 30 o'clock w "l' "7 shun: Imam. w Conny of human ml 0.90. cm d July. cum! can!!! i Clearing Sale I 'IDF. HHIM'HED HHEBTINUB DAMAQK TABLE LINENB. M an. ...) '1 cum excunsmu !L Gomh run lu- [mu-lulan Dunn: Ihr ('IHIIIIIIIIIINl' 0| our tlenl- llOlJI' HAN/'11 [4'3 ~ I I'Hh l', 1 BRULKVILLE AND THE 731. LAWRBNEI. second Excunsmmi .0- ( SIXTH w CHEAP ) EXCUNRSION Cheap. cheap, Ohnp! Cheap. Cheap, cheap! Cheap, Cheap. Chap! Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! AMER/CAN SOFT FELT lug Kuhn cheap. cheap, on... ! Easiwrhiswhim} Cheap. Olmp. chap! R. & J. GARDINEB, Wells Isld Camp 541! "DJ". 29Ih l .- Princeoo Ind Bum mm. Km. sud George Stun, Peuxboronh. F7 a. MAXWELL. MW Prim-u ll-$49!. ~'I'[H.V1~IRYLATEST m! M m R0051. i In! KILL-hen 'Iuwellmgn ohup. 3 TH! INDL'SI'It/A /, NI 'HU I luau 10v. lc Ind 15c.pol yud. luau Dunn I unuu 25c 300 and 350. per yud. a. :91 uni Ol '15 per doun. '.V. H4: 9r. And we per yard hlllna, 30c, mm] 3.30. par ysrd. uw syn-v. ~ and Ho per yard. um, tam modulo . t: Irish.- 1.. 0 on dad. at. RAW I1 To lot '1 L. w M w .A ()x WIDHIIDAY gamma ml Tu In. marl In (In um Bmg ' Tho lulu rm ho to . by hull. u u n W the. Dmlbl. "(Punt-hut. on! Wanna... my July. .hh...:- .L- 9.3.... n... I NDIBR [or an auction and com Into- a! . In Inna. Ion!)- Comtnu on o! It W'- Ohnrch In th,wm In mxndb up to NOON at mu: AUO'III. sh. W ll. Tho bulldan will he of brick. Plan. a Wu and by lulu. m a CIA-cu cme oi Toronto nu bout- u tho nd-ni- Man 01 ller gym :- Poul: Tb- luuun do um hind I. layout the lotion or my and" LOCK, Chumtnol Mailman. uwu Ponh. Jnlv 25th, I! "I l B ~Pml~ [1de ml] but um. no. to Mr lot I numb" al 00:" ha! hmw In anal-d II Paul: Ibi- mun PRINTS, PRINTS. ' BRINTS. HIZ OFFICE o! In Fmt Din-Ion Cour! bu been removed lrom 1h. (bullion Linn Black In tho lot-out! they on Bum Dual. out a! PHI. can Hun! Itlll'wl".l | Sphch um. Au dour um Prtnu M lc. now null. on Ice. larynx: vumuu nlm prim MM u. I. ll, .Blasgm hullqu I Carp! Waremoms. Corner of Prince. a Wall'mmou Strata. l..u.. n nommougxmamon I }Bosmu HAT STORE. inlvismiggm OFFIOE; Romovnl. O'Brien. I Noun-l hm: king. was 122$ to the Pniunuuy on a conviction {at tarp". H. In docluod Io to in- ; nm. in bro-gin to the Kingston Pom hum. in she :3th n! which be re mulled lot .3: months) Then he man. I uly boos-o band. A petition "u sun to Ola-I king [or bi: Mum. but It mdmbd. Myth];th not Ch um .1 Jam. who aid that it Moo-Id mm than I lL-n QL . :_._ no In H... Ourle. To. It prlnu ndncodto In. WTondtn Poi viii. Ourhm noel telling Il minced prim to nuke room (or new zoom CARPETS- GEO. MILLS I: GO. "9.1. MORRISON. Local lcirihrKingston. BGS'ION II AT STORE. Whlfo Common! SELF BUNPORMINE HATS at. I. I'm-w-lwucu-unuu .un, 11. J. Lo. Socanol Ibo Ina-Amou- " ' "'"'"' nod-thy tho adv-y mpunu s. w. Amt-nu] Wobmch balloon .L- __L.... A an sundown :- n SHAWS Just Rooolvod Al 'IH F. 11L. Loot. Wellington Street \Volhugmu Street. WHEAT ; WolloluhdJn-Il'onh hon-g0 wmnl lull. nun-Inn. Onl- mu... it. Mancunian-am. I- a! (mu.- m luml In; In non ad u unborn."le u! m Ah. um-"II" W. Th. will. one... A .- .hl. - .1... A- _.:_A_ nu I, land In mpud Trndrn - Tho I dull ha Wh'l (u an) In Inv- whkh the City Conncll my pun, the-u, Um mtrmumlop- nope-u" Rm I: a! rug. ou~ foi- nuy roducllon wlm mu mm. m. on l..th um!- not. Al-phuduu umv Hm T Bum-u INN! HOUSE. ooulun In. Ila noun; .1- Inrll. Iuj. m mcm;u|mnduuu m .004 1 Mum-n; Inu- mmwm;usmmm. [owl m. times lat hula: punchin- 010. UIIWOIAIAHI "AI rum bod! Muhu The lance of the To: a! Mnrkal Nu 2 phnll not In onmhdtu navva on! Tull of For In- compo on Inr 1M norupaml Mun, Fwd the 0: Nu 2 Dry lll) ('msul. Mum or Inhibition un Orlhemw from menu ('mul 0 ". mm WILL llUATID: 010! I. "00 hi Yin-rm, Ih'uh IM Moon-m numb-r ul 'luun L. - July I! V 1a! ITONI DWELLIVU not we. Nu on Wllnw Duo. than war" nun-t. non Itinan II mull [mun-hu- wuuumn For mun lonply In luWUItN a MuNAK. an In. hunt. ~ __~. mw- l-wmlllIlOlIOI-' dupwithcvbwhudythodo :umbxbw 0! Ju- I'LL! HTIIIT. DWI nbt. 0|" 0F KINBSTON MARKIT TOLLB. cit-plea by loan. mum-n J v 0 g r: Immulluwlx A] W! WALKEM, m In D I LIEVI. dl. ' . No [nation will be ouunnlnad hr the ('u (of rodukam_wh-h\'ur u! Innuu Ipnrtlzoma. \Ill be nuw! up In nnl dlhnm tun-ml. Apply to DUAAIJI Fli \aEIL hum .k ISPLENIJIIJ OPPORTUNITY Permanent & Protable Investment Grant St. Jaacs Street. p. IIHIIJI DI OI'IJNI, WINNER-l0 U! 1". llull non of Any ducrlpllom and u rap-M: nl balm; mm- to vlold A good rulurn on ('npnll mvumn Inl- ll ELEVEN n'.-lm-L FUR SALE AT MONTREAL Th0 lurer shop. will in future bel closed on Sudnyl: at 1 pm. an ill ho { hdnys. Ind n 8 p.31. on every evening excopt Snturdny. The rulps will be dnctly ndhond to, he: being xed 0! .1010! the It branch and .85 {or each one mbooqnenuy. \l. 'I" b-I-_ [- 3...--. an" \lu A 0- Inc-muqu "I nu- I-Zsmn- 0| the hue Ilon. I}. (A. I'm uy nml Andrrw Ilsou. l-qu. THAT VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY W 71 N 0mm WANTED (or 1mm wart! 1.0!. due 8 UanVLmR Dun Iru, Klnllun VEALID and bur-lo tendon mll be um 0 ? 0d ll [be ('1!)- ltlorkn lm. 1 H) llnll. ' AW OIHOIS. t T.- OVPICIB on (Itrouvu Nrool ln'ulv 19! by loan. hnuun .k \\huu u Iv- ol_'l_vn_jm!xt_gllu}ml\ Appl In slau- 1 u III-i uly ll. \V l-IIDNIZQIDA i'. Al (-1 ST Dill. PUBLIO 'Auchou. { lha What's 0! Kmpwn have umer I? luv-n a rally necuonuw or umwd (hL-N l~ut met. but mgm {or the Ilincnv-iou of business nain. Ind hm! quite an agree able time. putting n clovou o'clock but Mr neqmnulcd uni beau ntisod Will! i each other. I an ,4. ,1u,. A,__.:A.M_ t,__.-l Pucs__ro LET. YOU. CAPITAL. INCREASE | final :5 in int-us; u a 0 guy a. tu- lllc " 1". In? Ialuloum m "a: Inn, m 9, n no. .0- 731le I Marv-al- bu..- .' ml . 'nu Int - MIME. MB In ("all PIOVHAUDIIIIJ mu u [all frowned u mun Mn 1 nan-mm my Ion. 0m mm. lull) mu - old Clubland! u. 'l'nJa. m "no no: I Landon 1- pad Doubly. M's'om to: a My cur: not m tall. II... WWI pin! I'M gar thin-on womb. EDI. _. _:7.LF._ ML - - FOR SECURING A WiNr-ED. r ndown pud any 'luu on um I. :2 nah-33... Inn-u. HEC" Uhll" . The result of the unocituon {ormod ' vnll be mar. (motion: In thou" daily Info and Inn uluory in Vtheir prolosqion, without much inconvouiouoo to the pub- __.._., -v... MWMmmlsu-um hmmmm to Id be. W Th ..n..-|n...u..-. . _. 5 \osterdny the anchors Indclnlllrvll at St. Georges Sunday School toguthcr mth thou of (Intuitqu Church Schmi, hol-l thur Manual pm hi: at (Jmnml 5 Hruve. Simone Island The butt 1 ft thr wharf M. 1.30 o'clock chm-la] \ch 9111] Iron who enjoyed in no small titl't the brief all across the channel. Shortly after umval the neon were rnu, Inch lalncuted some koon competition Th 9 wnllnug content over a stretchml mp;- wm the most exciting contest of thu lay. Many mlultl Ls well as clnldruu tnml It None nucuaoderl Iu walking qmtu {m enough. though (He. was oureJ tn nny nun who went 12 feet. .Htar the game-c tlm clnltlruu sat down to llll cxuellunt tea; About 73;) oclock u nturt w. mvlv for home, the cuty being machwl nu o'clock. The Indian and toucheru of the oougrogltlou are doam'nng of prune for their exeltionn to mnko the ! Inc-nit: n mucous. Not tho nhghtewt ambient occurrod to mar the 'utnvityuf I the Jty. -~4-o- In both! Hill the noon ulo-gnnum; 1 ad. Bun I 3 plouod me best. I; you oonupondu! vu to churn- thu ho II more than t lover and mlvu mu 0! worth-ml. he II Icqmlmuul mun the spolhng reform quantum. which A: null mun; nnpumm. and n uu-Iblo of the detach of our pro-ant. orthoxnphy. I Join iuuo nth bun a: to tho mount] 0! Introducing nu Improv od muth 0! lpolliug. Ind us he pntu the cancer moro couchy and perlmpu much hotter than I ooulddu It I Will quote his wordl. onplnlicdly ondonung them. Lot. the who prof-r the present mean-maul non plan themselves. but give tho public I ch..an to Judge 01 the mom. of phonohc upolling. md It WI corwuly con. into non-rd uu at. tho documl curroncy hu Inpplnnwl tho muhod and bynl unul I low warn nun ' 1 zuul mth mm msumg mu snurumnu } may be Introduced Into our High Schoolu. nolwnh a View to reportng as u profusion but. to prepare and m Lhu mung generation mwrne m n umum-I that. will forever do "my with the 0H stage colcb~longb|nd, Your: In over. T mwmg nun. ll any luuuwu rump-y gr I muse thou lurger towns take n. pmmu Inl' course. Porhnpn we on "('nmp'ur- I I uuuom. Iron: Judgment." and ,ou [IV 1 Incts as well M cur noighbuurs. And m3 to our journulut 0 power uvnl mn I 1 once. u 5 Village and city. tho loudan I i even and public queuiuua are as nblv dnscusud andhulo and corner proceed- :uga" M boldlv exposed according to! our population 3 WI be louud any I where. I I -0 m. nnntlldn h' navinn let 1H W- F'" """"" """" A. "by... d m. employ-u. u um. lath. inc-n on M3,.nhqnn dent-ad. n. ' where. [ Let me conclude by saying let Phouogrnpby nds his ongagomenu 111] not perm him to lunch time uuclou: I for this walk. I nmy, at. Intervals. rn-Im ' Lu tho subject myulf. Personally I Lhnnkmg Pboungrnphy for his expruw ! mun In lavor of a. reformed orthugrnpln'. ; uml mth him wishing that shurtlmml ' lnu' Du- mtrndnnmi mm HIL'II ' vapor in not- proper mum:- mr m- ' can-Ina a can]. al syntax... uni hu- I ID boon obliged lo you tor the privilege 4 ol rolmg ny prim I hvr uni dune to ism W. 0n thiLg In ruin. mum Pbono'rnphy" not I an dad to dihcnu systems. for we nro u on iu bulioving that. y syutnm both! at the "an lilo-grinding |_.h.ml It... - n0. III-and me . Speaking or no lunarqu bunv um .um. 1 mm] pron ll begmnmg tn wk m um I [unmet ha akyl. "I desire to star Lhn- large CILIBR like Montreal. forum.) and Hamilton clearly lauded for the urn 'pruvod orthography, and then ian towns and vllllgel like ngwm uwi Portsmouth. wxll an 1 natural come I queued. follow suit." Now. Mr. bl: tor, wmt do you think of that " I think thu in numbers we are I "llttlc ' dock." bun perhap- we have among us I men who uldonbond tbs dociencmu of % our present orthognpby Ind deure m i Improve-30m. just. In well those found m Monuresl. Toronto or Hamilton, and while learning from them In pruning we .m nm in than Inrrv rnudiLiuu Hf fol I while learning Irom mun Illwullg vus .tru not. in the lorry condition Inwing suit." ll any matter Hllply b.- I wanna than Inn-mar 1.0qu Mlmll l :30. I I wou.d was lhttilThnnugraphv g wuld DI tune to supply thew-u. wu J I action 0! Ihort "title: from mun t Limo. m the pun-tinny rotonued pollln: be wunld do Ill impoth burnt-e Lu'h run-g genenuou. ludaad n In! an mmmmu L0 huv rlNllg KEEUXIBIUH. Indeed my haw undemkon the mk, buHrmn the hln-r ul tone of hi! letter I Lu! untied thux {the advoucy of the reform Would I:- side m hm had 1! his engagements wnll permit him to ovomke the Work I mu led Lo lumen this by tho rocexpt nr :1 mum letter received In.er (mm M \ Montreal Vetl upollxug n-furmer V Spa.an of do interest that the Mun mm] men bomnnmg .w mgu", Mr. 1'. Patent. Mdenl.nnd Mr, A. ,,.,_,n A; , July 25. cn~xongu|uu, Your: I Pomsuocnl .v_ M- w... w. tho! don. with. Toryl W J In Brut-nth Non " Mu W'A'ud Inland _ I 'Phnnngrnphv Wllh . (n :iriucd polling. t nation 1 [mm llbtl I 1 Jon: Kuemeiitn he work. in ' libel) mg l .lel uk- re 886 Min. 1. Foruntu . il (l ow. ink us I'D Ind it, i Hamliton. diciun "fol it" lea onn ' and :hbours. Var Il'lll Hm lmulinu v - the inconsistency and lolly of humanity. vv um. ugwu .-\ imi-iieior ox aulonvuie. (A) ymru. II shell to mmy I ltd) he lma not won uiuco h. wu I buy. Win- innAiu men and women lino become . {unmiw fur their nerve. We knew tlioy would. nd they haw. i 3 .\ strum-r hm opened I saloon culled llM HaaIi-l-Tiu Palace. unit the price of Ara-hi Bay has been plwod it! (our Cell 11 glnu. l 'l'lu qua company of Augnlm. (ht. 1 him luwerml this price of Kn four dif- h-iviit tiiiii-w HDCO the var, Intl that. tnu. \\ iilimii being kicked mm it. Hume .liwi'r Llllll-JS Implwn down South. \u H 'luii'h' wanted to got. even Wllll thi- unludi uf Williamspurt l'ii. \thii1 lllhl guaqumil iilmul. him. and MI he loft llll'lH 51:1!!!) iii llll Wlll. He knew Lin-y il llLlll live-r it. until the lust dollar (HL Lo Ll lawyers. .\ guru manna of ilotocriug allulterui ml Will-3 has been discovered. After inpiyiug lhB bottle. ll it with wuwr. .uil 30! it 111le sun for two bouru. H iii. the null ol ihat. time the bottle on [)lulv Lliii Willa is pure. .\ newly married man complnins of the high price of ducks. He say- l'lli vi!" recently paid for thru of them "il duck of a bonnet. a duck 0! ll draw. and ll ilnck of ii parasnl, Ho any: such ilrulingn in pmiltry" will ruin him. I! l! strungu that. people would riitlier gm: u llllnlll'ml dollnrn hr rloctors' hills Lliiiii uiiu tl"ll:ll' to prevent. the necennin {in lucmri' hillR. yet qtrauge as it la. ll. in nun IUN strange than trimsuch iii Ni. Lliac liiiicebou him not up \vhaL .l 5,. i." ii. mm..." "l-Illlllll :ilsiu prepai'utim ucr iiiiiy h Alexandr from (Sumo live. ill'mll wiring ll! through Lhi lll'ltlwli TA! lmiiilnii, niiifiml aim l int eve-in; i-xvliiiiiur x 'ill ll')l. i'(-. ulwl'illa VH mm x. Mllll rem-r 'liirkii-ili iiil ,. ('niistuut Lliut, .\rubi Hint, 11w '1' l'(.n ii Sultu ii. i' luv the Bi Um [no]... pruclmuaiu lhu Tiirkil that Mich ii iqniieil until iii Egppi. KXLITI Londuu. Couiiuunn . R Lflvgrain (onsiil Gen Lo i'iidirert With it View hiirlv liiiti t. MLII | Lit-gum . In. 'lllr ou. lll|l l day, 1 Il- qnitu IJ he trl \\'.|~l teacher yrhng like nativityle I wlwll lnuh wnmls sot. iI llwr. 'l'lm cul term Ilt'llllt by uueriug M muuih'. but u was ofl try \Veulhrrugmu um. Inch, mu. Ligh. warm mm math-I n Atlautu e-l's lmnnw more {1qu with"1nle|,l)ululL01 ununuully dry Angm nu-rLln-ru uud OllllI- . damagng drought prc In September. Will Ll let of ME '. No.-JI vw, .cold and wet. It. 1le Llw vwcvption of .u'mth perrhame l mll continue tnltlllli uud. further. wall Into uni {or early and almr} tulnn. Hxx' Hu\ how. MlDO.Jl .\ rusmsa Nomi. .._ Tu swimM-mnm {human-nimbl- mm W. m'. A. DII'III. [LU-g LN W-hynl Pan-lo Cd)". l m nlhocitylhp m. Tn Bnuus' SlowAt the meet- mg of the Buben' Allocation of the CI" '0! Kinmtbn. held In "mu. h w decided tint dlbuhuhopuhonld he cloud on Sundays. sud manning nuptial Snunhy u 8 pp. , u w..-" us. (-1"! Inuyu liitiou in the Coll-[jab Institute. m (311.0.Gim ha boon indeed ton- V-" . --_..__ Day: I F ...n h.-Remomber the excurumn w the Thou-um Island Park w-nmn'ow. by the summer Hcm. Sh ' loaves here at 1:15 o'clock Ind will op at the Park one hour. Sha will Inn oxanrsioninu from Picnn. Bollovill 8 And I Bxy parts nboud. _ #_...- _ \'znv (an? Woon.s.-b. Burgess & hon urn sallnng Hutwnn celebrated woolsmhicn an gunmamd lull weight. for the following prices: Berlin woola. 6c. put skcm : Shetland. 7:. per Ikein; ngering. 5:. per skew, and a lull an 1 sortmont ol Hum. Alliance. ('rown.Gorr I m'm. Mating, Flecc), Levinlhnn Iml f Lny llctly Hols: V"|l Ll WIILIULIXIM HIIU u Blilllaulus UI "CW! . Some u! mam roan and listened atten- Lwely. hm. the noise was not continued. This murniu-g the idea. occurred to some I than possibly an nccinlent had occurred. its any poruon been missed"? Adrown 1 ] ini.v unchlent may Imvn taken place. I l I #_.V.- .._ I , ..__r 7 I . V . | _ 7 After mnlmghtr nun-em] of the residents 0! Place dArmes hoard nhuuling and a lplllshlug of water. a ..I mm... .0..- nn. [inoAnml Mum, - u. , I Tum" Lou] Uonnmcns ' 1 ammu- b..- .m mg! .5. In: .1... mun. 1... u Willipo on . cu mun. Thon- u'c 71.11). butch of old ,gram m Moro u tho Wed. .10.; the hue- ol nilroul can! in Chicago. A b" no Indian. hung the Kh- an ion. killed a phylum {or not Doing nblo to cm hi! I!k O0- Whan 0.0m. tun nllch upon s duel. | and mch or partisan, no Hay: uucu uecenmtv 194. unm- in Clrumml to he the gleatest telescope lu zhu world. power for observation con snlm'ml. IL is to be hoped some of the vexntmm scandals about Mara, Venus, Jupiter. Jnnu. md other lriuky and in (lernronl plnmta Will be luld at. rest. Ruum has the mudol liquor lawt Only OUI. mm hhup in allowed m I. villnge and the :h-alrr who in nppointad by the go- ro-rnmont as lmhln tu dllluinnnl. ne null nnprlsoumont If he allows any one to geL lhunkt to m and! When Georgi: pl upon . mk ho to oulor, no no In ulkmg. But. now dounotowil III Manning 1 nuanllh 3 quantum I Glue I now mod m the MID'ICWI'! of we cram I! this in '0 HI. prlu mu nuck u. n in cold vat-hat. no doubt. . 1 "my. n. \'-- Vnrk nl-dl flu" w . A man m New York plotdl [unity [mung been hind b an Mount 'Ivon to much their annual! duriul Lhmr nbwnco at. Smlogn. Tho Boston Poll nds mm the word "'Iluggel' hunt (been otynology. ll. comm {rum 3 German won] amnilymg ' m pound." "to but. "to mlul." Powder pnl' Ire nude of mm 5km. nud Eughud ununlwturm ll. Um u! then: nununlly. Thu accuuuu fut Albmnu whim skinned women. Hum 1 damn. I 16 you old girl at Fort. Wayne. utemptod nuicido win: u ruor. She gun MIMI] tbs. her tumor In! cnllod her tron the spirit lnud. cam... in. ndinmi nu-m l-our llud. Nature bu vindiutod Dunno. I-our , puppmn hlVO Jun b..- born In Virginia mum-t talk. Como to think.however. (uumll hm: a good may puppies without ' I (undiII nppendnsgu. I A Imt'hvlor o! JIIOHVUIQ, Wit. wed 0 hz '13- lud Untrultt'r upenod Hn- Hu4-l~'1lu Palm. pncu Vb Was-1w ha "signed his po itinn in lb. Coll-link Inn-tin". and mm. LI lawyers. .\ :1 I In] 111 the L lquH le newly 10 ,_.n._ __,.A..n.. ....;A 0... oh... A, thnm Sin. llu-re waniuteuw hunt every- n-I'u last year [1881! up to the 6th. mil liiuli Wlnll in with colder wezr Pl. 'l'lii~ as hailed u'itli hum and sweltering llll min, of brielilurutiou. sul v naming in after the tli, mLh winds and storms rl Atlantic (livisioui Show 5 frequent. after the lLli Min mmih, but. altogether in was un unimlly August, while in the lLlMl'llillMl south-.1: Central States iiizigulgilrought provniled uuLil Into Septeuilwr. Llll August, bu like at Nn.-3ust the opposno~ v, is probable that. Lll brief periods of null: lieahzlia umuLli ll , . _. _I.I ....i "1mm..." on 39......lv I ULTUIM'I nil upenuu: Ialuuu Lnunu n- (Arum \ .mN n uluan \ "I" w |UI UUIUU yuullk Vul.lvu\. A (ow your: ago. when the Public School Board hm] the tull power and I". mucus to purchase Hm prupul 1y tom. Ibo pro-sung demand to: up- town school nccowmodauon. le utle WEI not nth-lawn: Now Um MG H good. And "IO Induubnul SChULI xUuM ohuply. we imsgtuo, 1m upeuud Lheru. The grounds are large and [arm a com plate block In Lbomuohoa, gmug all the uoluu'on ud ur needed. The sum m u high on. ud uhe bmhhug lmndlulnu enough who creditable to un innutuuou, Plimuv. however. cbo reclumntluu of the prepay Ihonld b. a loading mum dentin. u is in not. now cmhhhle tn the ciOY. not In honour LU H) lmnhu 0! IN! .' Nunjust MIC uppummr" cold AL): 'ouliulw mld nn-l nhowery to itsuml; wallluto 5e Member. Look .nr sharp routs this Au- l .uz mung KlCKeu mm u. '5 hmh' evu N I'n md I 1.5m ... in... [II]! Ha [135. x mi u-u ut hu- Imulwn .lnwn ml Mmul. mm. Muu ms n- 0001x1th kne l Mer dolln u Hm... n AanAnfinu nrlnllaru HENRI G. \Esson. Maine. July 24th. hi-go. III- N m1: 1}};an Wma. mmu. JULY 23.1331 r '* Lunmwllo. July 2.81an Hoan (co- d Ioru'll has brought. a sun In tho Unilod t. Staten Court hero against John Ind ;_ Alexander Duncan. 0! Oldhnm Co.. {or 050111) damages. The Duncanl. who are wealthy distiller-n. nunpochd Hallo. of burning their mm. and blugod hm until nearly dam! in order to make him I runlrsn. Holman wraistantlv demo: the I crimp. Odessa. July 28.T|u too 0! on. 0! the Ionian 000.01.. 1: Holman. In. heumodoou chap 0! supplying Gawain to tho NW _.__... Juno 0% . July SP. upon thztbolrglhlwthdb; mnal- nh-olh-n-H mn _ w u._ ll'u. -- Ch'hlvhauuh tho PM (Lon - -A 3]-- u- u__--..-_ -.u. Nov York. July %.-A Mormon Bi hop. with sin. femur- 009nm. Inna! for m was: "turd-y. The Bishop uid be intended to nary than: I" a than n.- hn mm 5. Ill. Iud no Intention w marry in. { soon u be what! 5. Lab. _--.-.---- they I. suppnu a. label- uo- Arab! .0." Ouch. | t-p-A-u aneroy W. 'l., Jul 28.. E. Cumming. me Oregon R . Ind vaigl- ' non Coin agent. was found nurdand in In. house yeaunlny. Hi- Iknll m split wnh an no; the many dnwur and purses ried. Two China-an In Inspected. W . Aluan It 3.. July I.- Tue non-ddh-vy thud. AIWM. | v A1,- II_- w 1- -_ _._ .s't. Luum, .lul) 27.Jnmel Sullivan ' lust. null: lneuL his wife. The httera hrotlwr. 'lom Slmrteln. interfered. and the wu men fought. like tine". breaking ull tlm lurniturn. lnmtele snatched up a table knife. null mxcted a wound eleven Ilu'lw lung on Sullivan": Ibdu- I man. lele; nut. l: a mtentinen. and ll- mg {In pluru wxll: lnlnod. Silllivnn's connlltmn m vritlcnl. .lllorulo has been l urronwd l 7* 7 ~ -VO~.*-- i Lynda: Myttluh u n- 'curm "or. A M v urun o! moo. Ibo lam being vuln- thry exile mad the rob-do- ol u hunt and pay a! n Colonel for hill-all and mu cullwnm. It is In It sh. Kboduo him a. b 0n, Allhon. It in lbw thin sup ha been lake- at tho i 0! lb. 811m. The nport HI. rin- ol Eqpuu out All' IUPPullmD. l Now \orli July 19. The Sim lay. bop: sulil nt 70. Hull 3. per lbl In 1379. and now at Ma and hue. with the pro;- pect of still higher prices. The princi- pal calms is the failure of the English crops. Lube Mlvrccs rnpreleut that. the yield 0! English hops will be but 10.- 000000 llm. The requirements 0! the trail. Will he 68.750.000 lbs. Thorn have been large speculative plrohueu in lIOpR tllma year. There in no report. of I Ilet'lemv m the American crop. but it wull nut lm more than enough to moot l the Lulgre xlvumutll .V __..-.r A. n- I4 "rill" feeling. v_,__-... rm- v... mm a... In loom mm 0 Mi. cl tho Prensa o! Qua L. -A__ -L___- _ 1AA__I 1'. A-- _' A" l 'U'lu-I- I'll. LondanIly it-Tho Hana 1! Com- moon hu Imod to n upplomhry vote [or 10.01) man [or the my, . | n | IM-Inn! n-A- - M. mm mum. Constantiuopie, July 25. -At, the Conference yantenlny the Ports. while Cunneumng Ln maml troops to Egypt. (\prnsned n hope that England would Withdraw her forces. w Dublin. .lxlv :57. It. up us that Wesmgnta or UBrleu. arreste in Van.. zueln un confession that [:5 WM concen- ed ll] thu thuix Park murders. in l Scutlhmau. The day of the trsgody ho mnlryd from Nortwall fur Swsnus n 7 [v.m . ton minutes belore the usng occurred. consequently he could not lmve been one of the ssssasins. Friends weru with him At Nortwsll an hour bo- fure lm vowel asilod. The authorities are Comm-um. that Westgute is innocent. leugh detective will probably be sent. Lu 1mm; hum to Ireland to satisfy public hmhnu wv- lu- L-l' Ml- Alonndrh. July .It in 01th um hall the coun- on, at 14" ml] be lost. uni lllo sh arc-w put ol no what crop In Lower Em nun-- quence of th- nqlect. of irnglol. uumn- All 5..."..- .Aknllnu Ivhun lnvhrlr4vnuuu July 2H~ln the Home of Fir Chum Dilke stated that hml lwnn received from the (onsul (veneml ut Alexandrin alluding communications by Arnbi view to surrendering the military party. but there have been no direct, communication from Aruhi. MLGlsd- amnr read. amidst cheers. thus instruc- tluus lm-wurded to the British Ambu- undon at Constantinople. yesterdny. saying: that. England was glad to co operate With nnv power. but calling up' on the Sultan to state tha dual for the (lospuu ii ul Li'unpq. and bolero their don. punch to [1151th u proclamation uphold- ing {lie Klmdirn and denouncing Arahl M H rnlwl nnv u I '1! .lulll- Alnuudrm. July 27.Lord Word mm um wiout nu Quinn-ads. American marina he would I. boon unable to (lunch-ma the numerous dn~ na- 0! Iuppraulug the nru. tho looting. burymu Lhe doud and cloning the urn-at: ' Ilreou. Tbs bombunlmout o! Aboukir bu been postponod. D M'L'IIIHNG A SLmlDIL that men proclamation shoula ID! be banned the Turkish troops Inndod a" mvxln "Ann- nnAn-Irlunn u m Inn-nu n mn-u-rvp. Alexandria. July atAan of." to return to the Mussulmnn mom?! in yrm .\ mung his collouguol for whom I. ad Hm ennui harm: urn Tallle um.- .u.- vr .u-_v .. ('mmculmnople. July 28. Ill!) rumors that, dmlurod than he would re- 31.! 11- 'l'nrkmh force is untrue. Ho assurances of delity to the Sum). AL the conference ymmv lnv Bm'mh Alubasmdor renowed prop-ml fur an "mu. 0! the pruCImunLnuu (It-during Arnbi a rebel. lbn Turkuh Prune Minister thought. Mich proclamation should no be banned unml the Turkish troom Al the don. we foreshadowed several monthlqoil at. last being made In It! Ob. mblubmenc of u pnblu mdunrhl whool It is not. Lao ourly to an... ning mm, The Object n! public iodine of tho Clby abouli bu Lu comHuoonvcnionco wntb economy. und also mm III. N. means of Imprnvmgg the city. There in no pan needing n hllpil. land more than that 'nrhr-ulnr Ipo kl." the AIClnle'm Ivn - PA I \ For. gnu-tor of n century ll 1. n 1 :- Ina-anon of wute and uoglect, and ovary china should bu glad to see It and. I cl for some publw puryone Mu. Dnhlm hyrm .\ ms couomu lor wnom hr flak" the game termu are Toulbn Pun-ha, All Fanny. Abbulhh Push And Mahmoud Lang. All UM 0.5.0. dnapuched by the Braid). III III! 00 Mrwnf Pulm Ind two L'lomuio discu- llnu proposal w \lexnmlrm. .lulv 28.Th0 Bl'lulb tun proposal l \Ix-umlrm, July ! hum now '1 guns m position u. Rimleh. Them W111 be no causation of unman- IIIPPHI'IILIOLH. 1!. 1s thought. [bu-H's x be only meant. walln Lima Alexandris, July 28rA royal native (.u mo new: than. a number of us drnued in European clothes. and curing helmets. have been par-dad the ~[I'Nl u captured by the Hl'lthh l lilac. l. I 4. The thnlx [1HK Crime. Help. (I. Milton. 7- ... ,_. Kenton lo (foil-plain. 0. All Agents Murder. -.o-- A III-or [Dc-led. __,.-. W A Illuodv Fight. IIIH. EH41 InlllCLCU u vlw Sullxvun' n-,: I lum' Sn? l I ~+.-- null manipul- v u .u. 1-,, n, --.:v u- - - nun-w u. .._ i . l b. w I. (mo-J Tomonvw I. aha..- _._. h..- . "maul... n'l