Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1882, p. 3

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OLD unzmas !f IUuU'U I "-qu0' III In. DIV? VI I: pxggary. Ono of the little wanton had been remand and tho mi would follow to morrow lulu-n lulu uu nau- uvlulu vv..u-_ mhlug m the remarks. Mru. Nnylor was simply liked it she made us. of the mmls alleged by the prosecubiou. She mud she had not. She wanted L) addrou the Court. but wu not permitted to do no The case was dismissed. l'h's run Inn Il-\l-Iulw- The one of the day next followod. II will go down to history I: one of the 1...... Al nun-Au nan-Lat. A nn nun. Ill. ul AlLanl. LAAULAuru Mrs. Murat Nnylor wu mound of Hung nbuuvo tld indecent languagu $0 Mr. Self. He said she bud callod him A (Innukon old loafer" unul declared Lhn he lms stolen cowu in order to secure money wuh which to buy whisk-y. The Judeccucy ol the language mu lot nppu. rout. but. 1: mm hold to be mum. Mr. Nuylur. a luulatbo. whose bald head Ins cum-red with u skull cup. mttml Nun he had heard hin wife say nhe Would blnvl Mr. Self over to keep the pence. 11ml that. she wuut tlmld of Any soldier. With a (lemonutration of the hnndn the witneln said he said nothing "condom- u.... \'__I-_ l 1 l r .. .L, _,A .-_|.. u: w But my. Patrick Ulnk aid kit bom- hul boon roaming about. but it was bee-nu he could not ucure puturo for them. He wu lined an amount. equal 1.0 mt. Imposed upon tho hm. viulnor (J the city ordnunnca , 1.4.me" cyan Thou-unnumde n... ninionhhihliub mun-ax... 'oeeundutthIOCou-t. I , m.mmummu-;mmumhtmm. l i-m' . on... Pud..p.;enhloritwlbo Wyn-Min iont-ly.omo-updmochu. Two Flam. Thou-punk: thohlmbnnd {1.3.1 lmj..n. "I" OI hldud dllf- Mm bun! Wk {mm W]!- .V'jnunmrunnt Ind maybe. oou- Evcythinlwillhnw uh udmb I gm. Th. W mud u- amid. Thou. building villus), limiud panic. in Into-into the clus- be mad] for tho exhibit- wbon the wow i opt-s. An him-(km. nnnlv H mm A on "1- ull.--' lru-I-Iu w a... m, "I'll x you. And don't. you for"! il. Ho accused the Impound" of equine. wnth being pninl. having dnven any culls to the uwnen' roudoucu man o! to the coop. D_.:..I. In-I. .nid Li. kn..- h-.I h-n John (Jay and hi. horse wu out our gm an Lb. commons. but the pound keeper (mind it on KIna strut Ho know u equine by the way It. tuned m nil on on hide. Thu horse had boon soon on Lhm woos-in mummy on King strut. Th" unlod the Inn! sad I ne 0! .2 sud cou- were impound. Mr. Gray hthod up I .5 not. 3nd order- ed lu- olnluo. remaking to Mr. Boll. ul'll u- -.... ...A .l-..-. m... ln--.n in' IA-Uu III, In I!- 31".". The rosdlli pad And gunk re-l mmdm an on by tho Civic hum luv. evidently If. It. Boll. the pound koopor. to do his duty. as be had I numbor of can. (or udjndicnuol sin Poor John Chlnaman ?j nL-uvA-u n lvlllihlv Mary Uee wu given until Moudav to amove a nuilanco In the shape of n m-.. n..- Al 5|... til- Man-nan" PM URI-Ml )' \ '1 The schr. Waterlown. 'IoloJu, 211) uuh. when. and the W. '1. Greenwood. Toronto. 19.1500 bush. wheat, have Inn rived at tho Montrsal 'l'ranuportation (umpanys wharf. 'Tk b...- ILIJJ- ..-nn|.-.l c|.- AL... I..-A xumrnuJ - "u-II. Tho mg Glide reached the city last. evening [mm ()swego with two barges, .........2.... 1 mm b . n n n A_I -_.I I..IA [ cum... mm. mm? m... uuu "my", curryinx 1.200 tons conl, and la {or Manual with burg carrying 40.000 bush. wheat. Ir: , u__,A. ,n, .p.\,, , I nun-u. "Iluuy- I The Msgnot wok lbOpasungen down lube river this morning. They composed Breurloy'u third excursion putty from Detroit. The Magnet rennmoa her trip: to (muugo and Rochester on Quad-y | The tug Champion did not, get away yonwrduy. as expected. but m-dny. huvmg a tow of ten barges. curryiug 175.000 bush. of when and 1.200 tons of OOIL' m. urr v. THe yacht Guinevevie. of Toronto. which has been cruising for several days among the Thousand Island-I, ranched the city today on her way to the Queen 42, on 1 he ~chr..lcnle South. from Toledo. 20,01 husheln of what. and tho whr. W. H. (Lulu, from the mo port. with 10110 bulholl what, In" nrrivod at the K. a l. Fatwa-ding wharf. TI... .I...*... I... ha. -.o..uI~l on Selling Tons Very Cheap !! uuu n. u- -. n uuw-Iulu. nun-n The uhorhgo {out has extended to Montreal. Ono march-It. than doclueu that thc America- ihrubn to tan: Canadinnu. "aged in the barley undo. u boy are boing t.me in the wheat trade. Tit [or tat. you kno IL u __..A_ :_ a]... ll-.l_-...- A... .L_A 1'. up nu I." ," saw "4 l A wheat in the Mad pom on! tbs. 130 schr. Emma L. Coyno. by slaving from Chime for Cup. mat, and coming to Kingnton,oudod n ton-go an o! 0150. By thin mug-mom Album vouch b. I (at deu- ugo over than 0! COMM build. A Dunn".- nut-m uni-t- at". that (h. A uuvuuv- \-vuayuuy . 1 he aunqu meeting of the Fruit Growen' Association occurs here on the win of September in conuechiou with the Exhibition. . .u I. .~ r u": ununuunvu Tho exhibits from the Manama Pro- vino. m oxpocmd to be very numer~ om. Good nun have the gxhibm in charge. 1116 (are (roll all puts of Cnuadn to this city will be very low. lha propollera and steamers will unc- oenufullv compete with the railroads. Arrlvul cl Bic-n II (Jr-lulu. on lvtraTIIO Short-la Quin Anal- u.- UYBK Hiv nu nu... A Custom. achl point- on that no shortage :uonqu it u tho In. at on. bulbs! to cry mound. s schedul- originauy propoood in tho law-don. ? [In an that but few vouch run out ' the wbtuhol limit : 3h with- y 3 on: this regulaon we shaman n In 4 ; tumor yuan. would bewmewbn mu. a u". nvnlnu a mung. During the fan" week there will be unmberleu entertainment; and amuse menus. 1. J. Herndon has secured a rst-class (ulupany in New York to play .. 0L... nnnrn "A"... llllr;nr1 Hm. mnnl uLnu'uAm-m unuynuv In no" nun. w run] 1n the Open: House during the week. The Gay Hall has also been secured {or another (Jumpanv. lL- ___.. y __-L.'._ -1 AI_A n,,,:. 1-... hU\.1h nrl'vnl Ian-lav 51.1". Returumgto tho Exhibitlou. we are informed that Kingstouians intend ex bibitlngtoaconsiderable extent. The pnle lint lying before us shows that purses of an uuusull chancter will be oered. Let every man who has any. thing to exhibit produce the belt hu can and than await results. The larm~ era of the dutrict should also make of- forts to brmg in their boat grain. horses and mule. They need not {our being greatly overslmdowcd by the western ugricultunsts. The pnzu liuts cuu Lo secured lmm F. Elklugtou. County Clerk. who attends daily at Mr. Isaac Simpsons oce. nnvlu-l- .. ...-L H... The mine: In line raur of Ll can command a llay'a unit. I uantly. The VABL are beds 1 seeing by thuse who lmvu I that. pleusurv. Ihn mp uvm road )8 m ilsclf romantic THE BOTTOM): - zu- 'I4I4I4INU n-uLvun-Ii nnl Summon wxll ply in all directions. FILM] those who desire I day or more on the water can Inns 5 chance of routes Inaquullml u- (numlm l'lxcurumus usually leave here every duv for (I my Ago limo-gut the fumed Thousand Islam the cone being but u ll'ley~'.5u ur 50. a bond. In. r.n--J-ul um-.. nun-nwnuuun. The Pommmluy. which I Inter an in_ well worth I trip across the . oontmcut to son. will be open to wall born. In the institution then turn over 700 wuviotn. who go thou: the works uumsumlod And lunny of them ungulnl ed. 1n the quuu plag- of convicts are employed daily. gun-dad only by I nor. hudlulol man. The Rockwood Asylum. with is. hundreds of inmlwl. the largest Locomotive Work: in (hands. cotton and wollen lDlllI. car worh. {our cell as, m. mnuy torts and other old hi. rial hnaunrln Ihonhl make this any on. of the most interesting in (un ads to spond a week or more In. Ann-m. . nvn Annnu.uunmi-u no. Jun ul I.- Vul'll In I" K'IIII-u' tiny old In. thoro tho not" wul bo fotood to tho othbition munch. Tho keno ring will to vory opociouo Ind will oorvo well lot tho opooding Ind mum of tho oqoinoo. Thoro no, iu dopoodoot o! locol rumor-onto, ovary ludicotion of o lug foir. ond no doubt Kilanon will bo vi-itod by tho-undo. All who crime In ho boon.in wolcomod and tho but Womble occommodotion givon. 0-. n-nnAu-u' IN'AI now-wanna. n... v nun-4 win-II uu W-u [IF-I'V- Evuythiu will to nth ud nub Tho new will duo opou. nbundut apply a! wuor Vinsoqu in Oh. huh oath. and without I_ doubt. The iron pxp. wlhnhchd to d hydnm in the yud ohbo Wudu ol the Panhan- ci-pu .-A 0... oh... oh. .m.-- _.|I L- 7.0.1110. my... f the country it most plan In are worth haul L) Nil Recentlv in Toronto. nt 75 Yungr- 5! . over 500 phymcmns and miffemru vmitml Dr. M. Sunvnelle. of luriu. and ex Aule Surgonn ul the French in'uiy. using his Wlullerlul instrnumnt. Llie spirumeu-L for tho cure of untaxrh. bronchitis, null: mil. Mid nll Lhan llil lung diseases The Doctor or one of bin surgeons from the International Throat und Lung Iii- ntitute, 75 Yonge street. 'l'oinnto. nr lil Philips Squaw. Montreal. oiceu in (Jan- (ln. Ill bu at the City Hova Kiligntun. on July um. Aug. lat. 14ml. :lrd. ~th and 5th and will lmve Willi lmu u supply (.I npironiem and luetllcllle. PlIVHIL'lLIHN uuil auerern can trv 1!. Iron. Inf. I'nAn-Al 1. I'Ul'numl nuoll N. )lo-Hclnu obi-mod AI Iny ume dunnu thallium, or on huh-hut. when mt upon I.) Hullua Una ball July W lad. In any style. 'n- r unmet-amino It Can. nod an lam-r, ,| buy! hum V Dun-Iv llcjvuluiumv autumn. l I- Bdn. Wain-mu awn-ha. It a To the Medical PMMI. and! u When n In] (Jo-cor- | 5 I lerth vounsvesxi i635? iii!th VS/RTS. i w. REEVES a; 00., Kina Hm I door- man (than Saga. Julya \unv mu. luuulvnu. The worst alunur however, 15 the corporatmn itself. In a spint of penury It erccbed its re alarm Circuit. upon low poles and consequenblv the WIN; strike into the middle of the trees. And the repairer going around your after year does more damage to the looks of the city than three new sets of high poles every year would balance. L.,.I A...N_-_A_ L_I.J-_ _L__! I L I Viv]! Jun- "vul\.l uunnuuw. Euuh property holder Ihonhl Lako an interest in the broe in front. of his place. and when anyone mucilates II, have lnm proaecuted for it. The [KW makes cou- victiou um] punuiuuent may. ~777~_o~. Muuno.or Inn food. 3 Mu [Imam bud um lat-Io run. formu Hudby Prof. Again. In at lam. mu. 'mhlmmm Mb-,1 um tun I'm-MIMI... .u! m mu mall-nan m Plot-s Mul- lol. u Wu, but. Ind-al. wutxmmmvmumm: 1 Y Ilka-gm! And-am. 'W'.MJ." WiLSb'N; - mam Autumn. mum-mm at: m Eb mmmwhu. Amman Mhnnm manual-w n. Mi 1-.- ' oulch thou made: over [Lllh breach of u now law on the statute book. But up pux-outlv the outrageous work Is being followed up this your, um] great sec tions have consequently been cut out of trees {or the lmasuge of the wires. This work goes on in spite of tho unmi- fest duty of the police to prevent st. They would very promptly report 11 porson {or tearing up n uiduwulk or disguring the City Hall. but the trees. also the property as they ought to be the pndu of tho corporation. rarely take their Interest. m . . . .- 30qu u Inna. Ju'uly Illa-o. 1. a: [man Bout. Jaw; :01}le jur We thought that. the cubSmg away of nhmla mam: ceuued last. yvar with the lllxllx/ . .. was. mwurdmg tn numbers. unnunl, he fuuml m UuLurIu. nor Um wxdo Dounumu. uml cvvu those that. do not belong Ln llw loading sects how have as well uudcx stood and H clearly dened Hmw m theological matters as any people in thu land. llurowsmitb has her full quota of thooroticnl religionisu, and is nut by any mum: destitute of practical. evexy day piety lu.\"'lI ."LOWDEN & 00.. , i iua'A-z: 1a xuw.-umashp .l an-.. .muu .w_a .u-u uwu l\l\. ,u But, the agent. mnImr ull'mn some are Mulllmlilu and some 1 teriluu. 80 hr right: hut mm M wrong when he afrms tlmtl lwrcentage luau hmunh .lov l "mun-u. .- "u" um- u. Run A freshness uml ulnh to \ that. really looks like taste-z nu. rluv. v. | Tmunghumg rod Agent"uf n N. ' pane. mnumpornry. whose lvlwl'u you copy. has mule some omen-hon- vor- "cth enough touching thm burgh sad in belongingl. If our .uhou bro onpocmlly l sclin .3. work And uncommonly hum] some. though not quite an tony u tho-u of Sydonhnm. In promise not to be A ;lrt|cle jcgluuu. only m-mnlung Hm Mam II no mistaking the compliment lpdd moths Sydeuhm lldeV. Wonder I! the agent noticed tho paintlug and polishing that. the principal house: in Huron-Ilium hue uudorgoua S. l-' le'ut led 01! in chub direction.prompt lv followed by hi! brother and Dr. lhw. while: lut but not lmt, m the hue ohm provemeul ha been the l'lnclllug up of the C. M. plmnlge. The pro-out occu punt. Rev. Mr. Peck. hm] lnmlly got luirly lm when he dlscovurod a luck u! light. In the upper npnrtmenu ul Ins house I mun. d an almost. lustnutlv a mechanic Iuppliod a lormel wumluw. 'lhlsmlth A new coat. of paint, lms um-n n In Ln I....l.l...u "van uu nun, uu 'u w m... nnJ ...-|. in DI... l liq-la L'OI'IM. ' A: thh f-o. jut hon. lilo mono bureau-61 vilhaoo. buiuaoo ooom ' n. ho quid. Woun- hula. ' ly ow tho 1m. ond 1mm prooou Minx-Iona. oropo being Renarko good. old so oou'ro toroiqu what in W lulu, well omilo. It iouuly onto-ill in. tho uumbot 0! loop"- old mot: diopoood o! in am plooo within two months. Dono- Ipoo donu- hon pnood through our mm. on lonuon' woum. In novel tho lu'o oupply pronouon in "no had: 01 the lumen. \ one would tutor-Hy enough bo lod oo 1 ouq uiro about them, on lolkn do oboul I the pint. Whore do they all go to 1' I That lit-Lo .... hm. ......"..f .. N- To Sult Everybody. A by My... VI... Inn.- -lm-m M ' H In" jun 0 on! 7 Tittcou! A: :50an lb! h!" It | adormer | at. the building (0 x nuJ prugruxs unlmr nll'mns Lint Li l'rusln n: In 1 ull that u lung:- mun-[Lu l'nm'm ~ . ,l HIIHUIUI'H VlHlLF wig. ll )i at L. 01' ..| n|1~n-.. 1'-.. mu It! vsovv-w * 7 -= Cull nrouudnnd loo our prion. WEIts, vansqsafsaams Good Bond Bub-nun Trunks; Well lronod and Study Fund Up. Prisca In"! Thnu Ever M. human; ltmluclmun nu our Ready Made Boots md Shoesmlong out our Summer Stork ll AHI'UNIHHINULY LOW PRICES I -. v _ v. : anim gnu Esteban [tom 60. lo M The only One Price Boot Ind Bio: How in r King-Lou. ll UNI}! & Loitlb'l'l'. Jnnl M IINOTUN. nnl.l.r.vu.Ll AND W The domud to! m MUCH KID BUTTON BOOTS IS REALLY ASTONISHINO. ludy'p Perfect Imus. Ive-ch Ill I'm-Q4 loo only M. I II. P. LIMITIOIC'I. i Juno. lo. 66mm. Perth. Ml Prion-Blunt, 100 Waterproof L'Iroulnru. Cblldmn'i \anerproo! Circular: cheap. Sllk llomerv cheap n Wnldronl All Cotton Honk" chap It Wnldron'l. Knocked Right But! ;: VUWDI aD\IJ.D' wu' E greatly Recauoed rioes. {ARMSTINGB 'w. 1.. RICHARBSON HAINES at LrQcxmx-ra. TH! CHEAPEST Ell! mus out Icon in thin City on II. III-0 0M 00W Pietm known. lringon your new:ou hunch- Famed Cbupudil lanai-Stylus Funuhcd Sun a as- h d .sm EWIYdMMWme the Minn-7h.- 1mm Ourfmyhnnithllut. ammlymlmn-m Dene-bet a. ute. an Open num Inca. m u. AA-M'- m..- .4 A D--- Inn-4 , M . GHEAP SALE AT HALnno'I'I's Special New Goods foriii Earli Fall Trade -uw 1 W. . 13539913? EQTBAOYQ I BARGAIN llumern. call m u. McI-uull and you 1" [at bar- gnlun Inevery Doparlnem. Hoods sold at your own price [or "w next In: wean. Extraordinary Bargains Thi Week BARGAINS }s.\'|lcl HI IlCCeB LIQBIIII rroncn UFOUB 000. llllll' able orneuida or unset war In I the nuw colors, including the new shades of Brahma. Term l'nua Rodi. New Groom. Prime. Nnvyn. 'CLhARi G BALI: z ?W"QND::RFUL liq-g I0 Announce the (hequ nn- afu- lh-mmnn- ol 'lln-lr 'I-- lu-r Stork. J Now for lm Dry Goods and Illliluy! I linuuuum of Dru: Goudl to be nlourod out mun-wiles: uf cont . I llemulnu ol Prrnu to b. dour-l uul vugnrdleu uf 00M. ' Lnee 'l'rhnmod Pun-ol- hr I cln-unl um. rogurdlmul out All Milllner} Hunk 1n bu clu-rml out rwdlou u! oou n.-, .,,_ .._-.__ .u __. ,-,,_ uh- .,,. W. r l'omo (Dun-.(ouu- All. and um Buruulm nI BQWES iBISONEI'IES nu... l ..l... cult gnu. I --- u.._|._ ll: nieces Eleglnt French Dress Good: null- wt)", IJIAtho LITERATURE. Klugswu. July 10. can 881 and mus ' th' 0': bout-Inb- Egufdrnlm Mfm_":::n:m:. huh- BOOTS AND SHOES, DOWN ! DOWN 2 DOWN! v vv -.' "'_- * SIE(IAL BARGAINS in Hollll) (anw. Lndiu' Silk South, Lint lull]. II I md ('nlorud. Eunhrmdenu. ludu lunlnm anu Ind 811k Hnndluahuh BM. Whur, 'rvnlu. Emu Lue- in MI the new moku. Lndmr ('unou Undawlothiu m. 3 to 'u v-r mll The Grant Rmh still oommucw lnr (rnmptun'n (olobrlud Comb!" l! {r wu Hunk (oruu only 50 001' Ml] (urnlim- (orsotn only I) M .nul: A Illln'lIIDA White Quilts, Table Linens, July at .73 u R E AT A. '1 '1 n. A 01 um 2 0H IA'IIIIDLI' AND IAII'IIDAY IIGI'I. A'l m-H the Bullnoe of bin Summer Stock of Dr. Goods. Par-55019, ago at *AA-A _-4A-_ I. Game! and Maroon: and Craun ' (4 1m; of Navy Flannel- uuluble fur 1mm ng \ was In Culored him we are ubowlng a n Olosi: SUGAR Golden Lion Grocery A- BOSS INNS (\v ZliPHYR (71.01113 IN Il.\IN l'HI-IIK. \NID I'OIJ lHD'l'S. m IIUIK. .I' V'cr- DIV-w --w I "can It... a Vim lion, R. MOFAUL, Assortment Large. I'rlcn Low. w- nu.- \ m-uur 1 lune"! In", '1 a towns d: BISBONIZITBI. 204 Princess sued. opposite the WW Kohl. - =3- , I F. X. COUSINEAU & 00. .IIJNI'IZ & CBmEYN. 13.5 and [EH lrnuw rtroct. uppd. A DI'TIIBBLAID. I08 Prince. SIN-cl. nut to 70 Soon. .uuunn I nu- n of [-rulncUo n_i...,l - nnc rnuuo at all mu new colon M. pr on fully r (mu H; mm" luv! than the tuna condom ;. olfvrml fnr before ;. New Huhlwr Cronin" for LAle and Chil- dnm In all sum mm M. lowu price. mm Q. g 1 when you wquiro Dry Goods don't. {All to out! and we the New Good: n the Now awn, lIful n.')uxllhu of mu have gooda. "Noll IO! nu'u "(m n a uotDBN. Bargains ' Table Napkins, and Sheetinga. ll. WALDBON. 180 Prim- Scoot. lilo-0 will ,hopub- ~ .. .-, f A Noun Suntan x 7 Yeti-sully 1 Imuc bolonumg m Mr. James Bang, 'mbmtn, In uuustruck wlnlo sanding ll tho Gnnd Trunk RR. unio- shall i l 30 o'clgck, Tho ulna] loll don ad ; puny mound int". but blindingly an- m... V.u.rim Salmon In ;plllly recovuruu III-u. vu- unuwa lsu w. Vourinuy Samoa Inn'- nnukphondlorudwnoah-d in [Mm-I. The sound had not: :3 oonnduwhouunw-slh tenacity IUKII L UHILIUU l'.\IllIlHleluuD| Ill vvuuw hon wan l'uruntu L'nn'crsity. Min Bal- rm: MuAthur. daughter 01 Mr. Jnmeu Mum-war. of Lhm may. passed meow. {uJy wnh honoru in Englllh and French. Mum Mc.\rthur received her education In Lln' \ mug Luluw' College. Branord, {I rm \\hh ails romutly graduated. .. __...._a-_..__. A \n! Du: Slum-Lu: light has mater horn-pom bu! n man: down um nrotnnoly. the convoy. ace of u momma! cumin. Fay without the moonlight) hu- 0...... gm lo Mon-du- Buy. Altar Ib- cun- uoniuo bun mud lot Kings-.m- _.,,_ _-L..- -M _uoll we [all um w- . unu- um upturn up In lord {min du'kno- upon the an AM Igul lid" 1 h-hu' ;uhichud ad hull-o in. lul night I lhh .. w mmzuun HosuumAL the recent John W I: mg 7 -_..._,.__, n Y N m urnTue ubher day the 1. L mu u! .\lr. Willuunl, of Rome. . mg-pm; ut Luleton Island. WIS HNYL-IW'U' burned m the Inca by I w ml; Lummnuu, or! a. small can nth n ugur. Tth left undo 0! his ml nm-k wuu badly scorched. but. 2mm] wxll lwul so as Lo leave hula mm. ... .. mmm. uhicu Lukan L'olmur. woulolsall 1 not: a! the 16th she c l many [museum-N fol . y u ...4. ...._. 7.2, "a- 1.9 \uLvrInn'v Nlrgnuu. was w" Lu \n "u A10; belonging to a u' nppm put. of Um city. All Hug Uu' run lu had the dog n a sub pL-ce. us he Inspected m; nm-I Id anupmiuu proved H LruululmL M m two days it H Um symptom}! of hydropho- . ,.mme Imu been shut. h5~llhsm 7 .\Ir (lllUhL ug nu Lhn mum-r Wqu (inlmnmluefunky. utruck Tank on the how. clone to au-I was knocked wuselow: n-pmt lnln out of danger. J Mun m4 mnwlured hm. amuu. u. u... ...-. ~0mp|owl the den hls dwallmg on W 'lhoy Lure the r And all thin u. m a Christian couul m Egypt cuuld ml [duml Park to nu n] ln-lurm tin-t. Kin 7 I'm about week u uw uud pur- Imq Htuud out- -H- m u )mu- nuu out, how- \vmcbgardeu Hutu was s. r chM seen for L'lurlotu. , 1 5.x:ku Sigma: and Gimp . Shoo: Ionic (human-5 ILA. IL. The rough! the all! and the Middle {the denuuv mg Wm]. nre roof day L punch. uu vull' culled Ivan u vllv 1 11:9 n wituois. to the and of a! The are-Lost. Lweeu Mr. Sm} The lntber'a nor uuywl by Mr. .M n--l I... oh; nary [or the L'olonma . 30 Mr. F Babbage. llm PnuL Buv. 110 w, for yturu was ruunm' upon llm IIVtl .nr w Y n Muull'ul hotel, Is nnn' I-mplnveJ by Ann- thu lhuhelivu Nzu'lgutmn ('ululmuv, and 5 operuteu bolmwn .Vmwml :nnl 'l'nronto, new] IoliLtmg pusseugc-rq to run \luwu um ago .uu Mm DWI u- vnuuuw ru- . v v: cdlmg upon an- pollcu Lu Hoe to Lhelr nuppressnun. The L'llluf i~ giving the own In- oarumt cumulorutmu and wxlll , q. .-.. loo w the removal of all that. Len-ll to aoat. the pullllo health. .Vul luug ninco I physicum culled nwuuuu w zln- u'en sin hats in one locdlilynd ollmrved Ihnt If Ihu cause of llwm Wll-l not taken Away there woulll lm mm'll uinknau Tho nuisances. were not. abated. and the ptopbocv of m mrdiml gnutlemuu wuu voriod. Puuul matter of no (lescnp I tion should lm lclx. In vxluued places In | thin hot. weather. ll. break discus" the . Iptad of which is wmotimeu so rupul 3nd to (Hal in in consequences. Capt. l Homy has a duly m ltllnllll. and we 1 hope the public will slrengthcn 1nd land: In the discharge of n. _ Aw.._ l The howl: Cncket Llnb returned to Wu .3 noon Ind pm up It the Bun. Home. lboy said they and w I most anjoyuL-Ln mug. On Riel! Quin! u Symon they war. given I m It the Qmunos. 0n Wad. and they played I team o! m. On~ and. Club. (bloating them wily. 0| 1'th they haul I canton with an Outdoot Amman-n: Club md ION! i .dly wound. Bull the much van in unhit one. :- prode from [Jun '0" pltlod mind tum. A much cull not bu Inland mu m. linpr Ollhll-lhuoo the comp! ldtplt In ht m chi-turnout. n V "n... nmvw n unnlmh .. two. to IIIPGL u dllllngumln eluding Profogsor (Boldwm Mr. Herbert. Purmmmnll for [be Comma; u,, u IIIL._..,. n... ul)..n w. n. lcRIE & cm; [tor 3nd!!! a: luuuux ultuu um Ilvl - . nnw I l ope uteu 'l'nrom loliiuug passenger tl I St Lawrence lw lhu Mull hue Imam M .- 7 uvuuv u] nuugum Mr. and Mrs. J. McIntyre, unJ sts MwPhersau; Dr. J. A. um]. 311's. Hend- erson; and Mr. and Mrs, J. B Walkem burs Ken for Portland. Me, They went. by the Royal Mull Line and South East- orn RR. .- I 1.: n ._ |u,|,~_| CUM. Su Sex-g: 1:Irb_\,Ulel Rmul School of dunner), has lueeu nhspnluhod to Hlmlltou Lu gnu lthUCtluH Lu um .I "HI I I) n. .m. 'll... .u.........n.l.nu . ...... v- -0 a... .uv..-. Field Humor) Llwre, The H ofcer 1m: appointed lnm um Major um! [er11 Instructm' tery u, ._~._ x-._.. 11-. HUI] Mr. Um Stephens. Fresh Laumlnu. lm-xc Rsnlwu) Cm leave Winnipeg for Lhxmqn 1 ._._ A K ...",.o .. huh-nunul. of Knugsbuu. are smvmg Ml rcucc Hull, Montreal. n .. . L, I ,,.__.l . uuvv nun". an"... 4... Dr. Schultz has returned to Ouuwu from Wmuipeg. Ho :21 conned Lo bll l house by IUDCSS u- ma u-.. r "1"... H: u... Rheum mGCnm'p mm! Ant-n uipMnuary on i335 L... T}.- s... mill _ .m.) .L- -1. u. \4. Vuln], u- . I\|4\Iu. mm "Lu nominated for the Polwo Magnum? z that town. 'nn II r~ nv J at, I ,,x. ,...I u].-_,. ... ..... , .,, An exchange mum-aim Hut. 3 ruv regatta Will take pluct put A yhnor. l on the 12) gm. wlwn II n; oxpe int. contestants from lilugutuu. I U n I,,, II bl .... ....II mm & mum's; pm :4. The pleasure excursmn un LIIU utoa met ManeH, nu 'l'nemlny. [u Mrm'k Ville.wnll undoubtv-le 1m lurgei} lut- roulzed. The [Fill m in popular uuo. Every comfort m ngeu on board the handsome crulb. m. n u 7:, IL. ,_,,.,__ L._-..-n unuuuumv lulv. The Bellevilln Um the yacht. Katie Urn in the race at. St. G the papers bad bu,- could have m-en Um tended. as the cup local yacht! only speed x t-.. put. 'IL. The owner talks of putlm uml running in Il-ulvm may... mum-n... purlv of here Mu- lslnuda. III the mt; Impocuunom nunrr Mr. McKuy (um speak The military rump (Ipaul at Brut-Lune u batteries of nruller 1mm ol Inlauln huh - ~vnn I. And low a only phynicmu rum I, Hut he non-r know a genuine cu lipharil to have nccnrlml m King Docer d|er. van know .... n A .- 1 n- _ . .. I 0.... -....... ,_,.. ... The Port. H y: 1'" tom. the! uwu the y. FALL GOODS; Unlu- Robm-wn I c.rcui. In Montreal Lad-y, had to pay I humus loo 0! 03 M. EEOC mg! II] to stamp out [Hem naughty lhownl . . ..- l , _Jl .nwu uvl w A genllomnu {all all n In: mom Pllk. "our (mmmuqm mu trouble. uted minor 5 cork leg. Anni -n- - mo- Luann; l'bo Fri-nun Methodinl hlvo m- elnd Nae wtr. Mind (or the Civic Hoh- dny. Ild mll hue nu excumon down the river. The npuru ul Gums:qu Juno [ell {or (Shula-Lon lakv {or n nookl shing. Fish norm ml] boom when they re nrn. - 1 , u , _ . _ I ._ I-.. A. .ucL'nuu, n1 ()unuluque. In old hill trollmu horse "Lung Fan: to I gou- mn Iron. Rum-mo 1m thll. Ha is A groan born A wanku." (-II ..I1 - Iuml :n 'I'rn III-Ile III . The Powrboro' yu'nhs. who usin Km in moan. havo returned home. They no hwy. but bu. Ian-burl inn-4h Illa-r. Ir. I. Boa. of Brockvillo. b n up. [aunt {or u Hudmuunhlp 0! we I 0...!)qu High School. 1-1.. n....b...n- mm .1". mm! Thy-ah: lath III-MINI! dun brim adi- ' Coho-m. Kuhn-H310! ' district no! y M. Kimwu non popchl" I -a... I unu noun. The Rev. F. W" and Mrs. Lvuwnvul BTOLlellt New Yurka .- vn. u. .uu - 'IIIII IIIKQ'I I\U'l\I.VIIZ\'l0l' NII\" |'\I.I4 INHIIDH \l.- "I: \IDI 1'" II \D. unt-pr I A but. in TN) Ila-IM mmuuuxlmg hug Hergn. Lu tho BM. (Irkpunck, Kingston ,1. "u 1 ... us! one {or has been : u. .-u In] WI! Ul'llud PlCNIU AND EXOURSIUN TEE URITIIH ma. FRIDAY. JULY 28. 1802. no u wnuuv-l luv uvvum vvuuuuuu the chapter. graham. tongue oonhnl wu be_ Smythe nud Mrs. Pia-Jinan. The nerves were continually an. nuyn-l Pipe." us she culled the counsellor the defence. The disciple of Blnckuwle bluod the witnul. and the Witness bluod him. She rcfuud so tell where she In nnrriod. chiming only that. Robert Hamilton, Iinca do as used. mu her huIbInd. lLuy attun- questions of n donuts chutctar uh. ro- lunad to answer, With grout volu- mmy she told of how Ihe caught Mu. Rueberry nu-u- up um 51-. .nun'a n.uL ....v_...J unrle mu: T0 unmmun's an". end explained the wey m which she u- Liugmehed the blue. She 'lleo demon strand the ectione a! the oending wo. ' man in placing ehevinge upon the burn. ! lug rags neman with coal 011. Mr. 3 Smythe alleged the! the whole nary was files. that. it wee en enempt. toda- | [name hie clients onencur end injure ! her reepeotebiliey. He entered ineo e " clueo ecrutiny ol theeeit, n given. he 1 aid by edeeiguinu end wicked wemen." h n... nnnvlv nnnn hnlnr- Mn H.. mu u] auu'u-u -uu wuvucu "Um-u. lt mu nearly noon before Mrs. Hun- Ilmn let: the witness stand. considerably exhnuued by he: comb with the law. . yer. The other vitae-us in the cue , worn then head. A dutinctdoninl wu given by the ddonco to tho uocnution. Ind oven the prmixl without- did not. but out bu mun-u. Ono bend Mn. Milk-alum. hull-hams: witne. baud mil can. Tb. -1.-u- --- (Ii-m 'I'L. g... ... u. u u; an."- n... .__..._.. . . At. a critical moment the Magistrate. leaned uvor bin (leak and quieted the man furl moment. Mr. Smyme do- mandod ol the Magi-mu. "that. that man ubuuld not interrupt. him." A' another lot-to the uptown lnwyer and hm mlucmion, u a rowdyistic counsel," was [mug perfected. capoeinlly since ho had heard the defending luwyor unta- a witness 'lho wenou ooninuod owl. w.- uuu- I- wan I. 1'30 o'clock jun-g Ilil noan when basin- vu tin-10 ' will u uu-vu no "laws, .- uuu u. uuu win-licut of wordy combat... Ann Rue- hL-ri'y. a resident of Willinm Street. was charged by Sarah Hamilton with having used abusive language toward: heron the evening of July 24th. Mr. E. H. Smythe appeared for the defendant while Mr. B. shew proeecutod. A plot: of not guilty" was set up and I. the Witness were ordered out 0! the Court Room. The prosecutrix took the stand and related the story. The language need was to the elect that the witueee was a cyliriiin. When the crane-exiimi- DIIIIOD began there was fun. The two counsels and the Witness were at dag- ger's paints. The lawyers were coutinu ally objecting. Mr. Smytbe said his learned friend" was the originator of the disgraceful rows in connection with the Police Court pleadings. and Mr. Shaw observed that i! the Court permit- ted the use of Inch apron-ion he would say it. was a direct and distinct false- hood. He ghouted to hie now engaged opponent to "iit down." And judged by appearance a slugging ., -.</\lvu'l--h w A. InulU-u'l a... m y WW7 and vmh I! Inn-a". W '- 93-. hour , IDS- an I- owa m not my; 1. cumgo InM-Ocn- um. 81.} W . ' aummumm'nnw'wigmi i Sewn! ohm-m mimawimm. Tho 'MWMDN WuuwoChiag-coddtbotipj I I uke! $500.8. Bandit! m. Inn-IdStluuh-ou. a *5; . mun-hm H". mm ad a W "anon. ny- Ir.c.l. m. wwodlothcmeIplym m Cnudmln a", ' Wonk-mountain! macaw chm I..." maul-I 4: ratio

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