uW'W""'w' mmumu wmd-d. 1th swank-hay II. III. Am Fund! In boo- pin-tru- od with bniu fovot. brou .h: on bv the ..I- Am ruuu II. no. pour-v hut. brombt by mei of tho now: 0! her mar Funny"! A... . w. Wlllm Ron. It Suntan. 15th Annual. will cute! for the uncle Icull rumpriua {or which m 01.00:) and, um. I KIN. The crown o! the bud ol me nuts 0! Nelson. acme K) It. tro- sho ground. in Mound. m Iliad cl by liahunng yuhI'dAy. Tho Lord Llonmnl d Ink-d [Id my. Tho Liaumnt d Mud ho Colo-id one. In considering the aubjoct of mind Irish emigration to Uganda lnd other colonial; Th; Inna. .n alum nmnnlnntnrarl nl Ulllll Inn onnor colonies; Tho boot. und uhoo muuuiucnurers ol Ioutrell. anticipating u Itriko have submitted to the demnndl of Insunmud no prepu'ul so make ndnnces while the Latinos: in brink. QI'.nn Inn-m. nl nnmll mnv h-Iu Imam 1y :0 Immigrant. is now unsung. The Bruish Adlmml has lent, two gunbouu and two [Ilgha to lumnllm. and him prevented the, Egyptians from removing 9.01) tom of coal by threat min: instant hostilities Tho situauon on the Suez Canal is serious owing to the opposite views of M. do Lent-pa And the Britinh Adumul. Mimosa I! "TIDE. Sateen cum 0! small-pox have been reported at, 'mnipt-g. ctght of which won fund. The disuse. which in an" to burn been conned Ilmost. exclusive 1y to immigrant. nhnt'mg. London, July 29.41: In stated that Austrilvamg detnrmluud to subsidue a new line of steamship: between Trieste and New York. Italy will also form and lubldlze n hue between Ltghoru, New York nnd BulLinn-x-p The prop. Prussia. {rm lightened 0.000 bushels uf morning. uld then went on t 1... 6.... E nnnnnnn . nnJ I Mti The scbr. Wlnbc Huh ton- of coal at iwuft'n Fnirlmveu. m. n mums. u. w... W W ...,.......... The tags Seymour and M. J. Cum mings came in 1.1st ovemug m Oa- wego with several light burg". They had he: and other material. an I, , n u- 1 ul,,,,.d ~_ "uv.I w ulusl'rlu mu "7. Th. Imam barge C. H. Starks has "rind from Milwaukee wish 11.640 bulholl of wheat. After bar discharge Ibo will clonr [or ()swego. there to loud coal for Milwaukee at 61.50 per ton. let trip will pm well t--...l:n..u-..mln o.-.J...,.-y.>h Ananri. The Rev. ('has [:1 Pittneld, N. 11,. but Inn 1. write! "1 have usml Bitters 1n my fmmlv 1 And as I result haw. nm in the whole time, M) uvnhd lm- hm. Vnnr. 'muu-wm- out. In... Pvt-ou Itnu. Iiunm. STROIG BABE-8' MUN A lPlClAl/l'i': i nn-u -uuu- .- The barges Gaskiu and Ole-om. u, rived in Chicago from Mllwaukeo yon- Mrdly. The Gaskm ls ahartored for when to Kingtuu at Me. TL- -b....-.. human I" I] GinLn Ln- nuu vuy nu. ray .w. Canadian vessels, tlmhnu wnth Ameri- can ports, have Lu 1. .y muunge due: at. the rate of 3) cents pul- ton. American vessels evade the tux by clearing for Auction: parts when they no wtually going to Canadian ports. u. unaAm. hnnmn a. 6L.- Dnvt nun UIH W DQUWIDU PUI U.- Mr. Hsddeu. known 9.: the Port Hope gianc. is in the city. He in I. mammoth sailor. but can get around a Ichoonarmu 11ml or sea. 3.: nimbly n my light wonghb. He'is over six foot high and heavy in proportion A REWARD4n hnr' uner ' 15.111311 U any we sending the hem u .: hue rhyme on ' TEAHERML thu runmmulxle little gem (hr the teeth Ind hrvath Ask your drug gist for address a .. Through the present mouth or July the atomnoh 1nd bowels an: very liable to be- come deranged. The proper prevenmo is Dr. Clrnons Stomach and Constipation BINAIB. for by their unn the dlgcstive organs tro luvlgoruwd the lv-wela kept regular And the blood rendered pure and cool. Sold in large bottle: In 530 cents Ivy all (hugging. H. Wade, agent. h- HAILWAY PIEVQST : a1: v.00! English gorges at $11 a suit~u1n urdr-rure the best. value in the any. Aim hmull wool Hali- fax tweed suitiugs. mmlu Lo orderrut .12. Are us m-II mmle an ' are M good a M. In lliu high pxuad gumha. M , ""1"";5. 'ii .2? E: I... Ill! MAI-Qt. _. in." yumu: on WI .1 6. [any on... _. ml mime ho obtain a. apt-Imm- nil-.J-Iv QM luau. nun; uni-5W .-..-.~ .V , --. -_ New glen-uh"; Lines. nf \Vlkeneld. H, m] linxler'n Mnndnke .- 1 Ln:- tum vnnru m dehvaring 406 I, brought from from Chicago, a when: this to Montreal. ... v 1\ r mer two yenrs. vnlletl a physician wlfa had been an m. lhnnn Riner per, Iormarly of uf Wakeeld. R, xvvar'l \fnndrnka ""1: manual-- tum . * Ind-Inu- mm (.151 unmanag- In nabDun. gunk "ch-hu- iwi u JONhon nut-55$ a: ! buh. an In II". pm (of: 2'; - for out- too.- Ior Illa. a.) had- "nnInm u I.- I0 Ryvmm nv ConBoov . l I \REFINEMENTI t _.W,, 37. 05050:; '8 soc/En: nu- u bunting-Mm m -(I bull-h .4 " : ConHp. 4". u . Imp-nu. no"... a In! .3:- ier-1.: A Elegance. Renement, And High Artist/c Taste. Guipure DArl cumin: ! THE!!! 68E DURIIILITY! 37th IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL EXHIBITION. ITHE NEWEST DESIGNS CAN BE HAD lsscoun excunswmi humans-hummus. who. ltiuwdl. Mum-qu hm hu- di-qpuu. a a. Sui ablldlljhhm. ' m..- BRUCKVILLE AND Tfs'r. LAWRENEB. .4 rev lo. 1) udqu the I."- ui'u'c- n. 1. MATE. On! 1!! lb. u an yup-II oq [g IN THE HOUSEHOLD. Agricultural and Arts Assum'ation, nu.- ny'r- nan.- ll. & J. GABDINEB. an- autumn F B. MAXWELL. GRAND DOMINION 102 Prince street. Iv goods are nu sdornmontm 39mg R-m'n hnwevol botutiinl. quporuedlug the old lublonod M m mm Tn moqu necklace- M Nun'- I-um Aw IncThu. mu {mks-xeng to gum-m huntkoumyid 1 {child oomuchbeunihudmp. Bury meadow. minibu- mmmwkhwmmu wmum- Ib- II In}: that a.m,umymunchim than, vii i-0 m "Phm'ud for." y. M Bath a Guy. old ' "*0! 1. u "" "(Wl- had. Sc. Wt u: Author manna-lithoth winn- imdmhulpuMOa-a'u I hW-bdodyw |n' 1 ' (ho sulollou from no of- A. ,1 m Drawing Room complete L of those linudsoma ('ur LADY 1m NH place them thhin Touch (.auvnn Ind Raul u.,.;, , ,,,L_IA u Illegime while $5 10. 01.50, 010. much to Ibo not air. Tb. Iain b. u' by hula: n u n W, 1'. c Bm1.lh1mm.wlawomuu .1.- July- ()N WIDIISDAY m. A Dial and Tu In. 'l lawn. "china-u. 0! Toronto m- ham :0 sh. Bud-u. mm- o! Bum: nylon. l- Ponh. Tho Inn-gm do no! Mud (born-alto. In my! I! lava-t a to, undo! I a. IAL LOCK. Claim": of W of In..." of (You. ("l-non Pant. Julv an. I!!! DQlunlud mull!!!" mummy anr "numb-aha. [rut reduction In tho pm ' m1 Tho bonding rum int-inu- nod I own. Itch Men. 1 Marv All 0! our Mundane (unbrwo - dnu [3'0 4 Ihlrmut wnbrk u no PM put-nu nducod 10 12k. ('nmu and at m- Ila. ul Mndoomo M. Our New Du- (unbrlm handsome 1|... good "In. M la. now emu-ll. u me. All of mu- pdnu an m but ulna h: the and All d an Ugh! Prim. :1 me. now ulna u we. lam-o 'uMn am- print: M4 no I. Nun, SHAWS Glasgow Warehous- Camat Wamrooms. E? btmllz pan-do- o I mitt} gunman-p; Corner 01m- a Wellington Sun. | 'I||xv n BOSTON IIAT STORE. lanolin-local mum-mu mum-av an: Mi-Whml Dark. Yule. pnu Manama. In. In sir-w-uu w Ill-I dubdbylwypuhnn hut uh- pluo. A: wan-am in Quin: Coil, Moo. Ir. M 'II I'Ofl iI II I'm: Im-bur 0' the Quiet Gum-um. ud Hon. It. CI but a all: a! I manta cl It. FM Conn-mu. The IbImo bu Id In. Innuendo-l by dillculty Ind M It. Cbplou in um 0 Inn [and I: It!" iIIo 300mm Wad [in him I III! II. loll-III bu been low cut. Win 9:. [III impala once It I loII cl "11!) pct Inna: in Inlay. A conductio- ol both Uonrnmonu I! loner, but. lot the pronoun. Mr. Gupta-mum..on sum. Hon '1'. Lon-gov. Amy-Ouch] ol Quboc. hu not got 5001: w I Montreal jodehip. but his Ilch- "on the but in mud. He will Ict tor Jldl. Johnna. who hII ob. uinod I you'- have 0! Im. IL the L old 0! which tune Judge'MIckIy vnll b0 canon-law! Ind the many given all CluploIII dincudod collugun. V The politic nvolution is no! lIVorIbly roprdod in an Lower Pronnco. In Manual. tho rendouonz at the Tory wire-pollen. n iI IIid Mr. loam cIInot hoop the Tory party Mather. LhIt (IprlaIn'I mpnnily WM often and $0 puvom Iomo 01 MI fnendn [rum kicking owe! the "Icon in I when wa One thing. of no little moment. bu bson brought by ChIplIIu'I rImovIl {tom QnIMc to Oman. tho rotiremsut of Sound horn politioI. HI Ind Mous- seu do not pun. to the Dominion Oo- vemmont be unnot dictate. and no It 13 and he will In future codne hunqu to commune. Polk-ioth bin unblqu Ind purpoIoI bIVI boon urvod. Most men would tho boon Iamled with hall the {Ivour he has rocolvod. July 18 nommorgxmnmouy Toronto Flour Moro. l FLOUR! Ourlugo nook slung :1 reduced prices lo ml: mom (or new roads READ PRICE LIST. CARPETS- \ Duanr Curod Bums. Bug-r Curod Hnml. GEO. MILLS I: GO. u Lond- o! Flour. Cornmul And cum. I rlvlna dnuy. wholmled vary low At the .-*. Non ru Smnm Mr. A P. Knight. low Mr u this I port ha but m .- inn-moon: by chum-unselsh. nube, nohlmt-n Tao-toad 11-!th at}: has long ba- dnu. King- ston uthd'lounh phat-human} u by. dust haul; ' k- _, A__A._._ D.. -L, w m" ' { MORRISON. Local nmcnngstun. BOS'ION IIA'I STORE. l IM Now"! unpr- "I Iolon PRINTS, PRINTS. White Oornmoal SELF 001501111113 HATS BACON. Just Rocolvod AT THE l Roach. who nines his most ha been conned in 3.01. In not "laud. Hm mndhthor unied thn ho was Ins neuou relnivo. When the In pare-mu dxed he wok chug. of him. He was 11 years of mo. Tho (nudpuent advised km detention by the police. While hm mmcondnct In bung discussed the In,- tlo follow stood II the dock tall with but mm coming down hi. choqkl. Ha . Ira S] orphan. and m not and for as some lud- wonld be under nimnlu cir_ cum-um. Pity In expressed for min. and tho WI. Vu'uked not f to mndd him to the Rofomlwry begin hue In}: mod outta Iona [Armor 1 who would cu$ I thin him properly- Ho '3: nun-dd {or A vook. Any ammo! when-r not A chm yath. would Apply to' Chad Kora}. .4 n_.___ u; . n I Wellington Street. Wellinng sum. [1. A I I. ladhdmon nuns. Gown Lu... M. no that w Vader-l that. Mad "I an. val-lbw low mien amend mum QmMMWWP I that! m nd ton-um lhoy cm to "I"! on t 1 manta Monum- in Wani- wn, M- .- 1M lum Hum m i )3! an .I Wanna-nu owl-I ulna-bl iv ,v ,I., his hat _ tuna "3.22%. 1' u m tit-n. plan; Md and 'lvo lieu.- . ' Mn m'--=i mun ht! Duly . Th. '03. none: oggslom. mm. W. CA"? t Io! be; to Inform M you mu any 99 t 1 9mm About I A 1 I700! uuu rlvmuw -u' ~_.. "m. numuu, M11 McClbo. m spanking about. her boy, explained n navel method of keep mg I little lellow from going astray Hvr boy was given notvnnncy. no she I rcmovbd bin pun. tore them into piem-n l md placed I pettlcou upon him. Hm was ashamed to nppou in this garment bvlure hiu compuuons. And so nwuifuut 1 I} clung to I the house. The idea we I umun And we charge nothing for giving l the recipe I'ly. nnn-I on. nun nan-v. No. that b. henna. m I. tho nun-dune. in Mbth-md tofu-0mm. Anholm mum-llamas nu -_.._..:...Ja.. man man... x A m'."....'::"J-..1':-T'.z:m:"-- one! ) (1 he. H.011?!" ol (lnnn at hummummmumu wt" W II. but an bow umn :31 um: 01 an new; ruuuml | Hindi. lot a "an! um! lam JIM! lou and. In any alum..- mm . '1"! 33." mu: ROVER. mew: N I; WIN? Vol! . hugs MI III 0"." Mzqu-unmu- m p 01 1 WHEAT : Collectors oars no open from 01.0 I... I. limo p.11... and from I to 4 p... I Inlll IIItA-I The City Tucu Ior Ill! 12n- Iow due. AW onto-u. Tll O'lllcll on (llrnmo Shoot. huly mum-d by Ila-n Hmwn a 'bllm'. Pu- gvr lmlllhtklv. Ap Iv w w. VAL WALKII, or to R r I ll. DIHBLIIVI. Much l3 Tax Payon Take Noce 1) TWO IEOPI In the Anchor Budding- but! on tho lulu Munro [mun-hue you Ionian. Apply lo DAWN-2N A MAFHAK nun.- ouuu - -uu._~u uvun-u- u vvkuL "psiMrs while Daugherty mud Roach watched below. They Jul not see what Mct'nbo Look '1'th did not. touch an) Llnug In tho low-r put of me housa Daugherty uid. Hko sir. I dunl know anything shout. it. I wasnt m 'Lhnro " 0n the dly of hi: urrest. Duugh crty told Dewetivo Sullivan 3 qunlur wry to that gun: by Roach. ni'ak unhl L- u... n. n... nl... TAXES. HOPL OPENING b. How known In "lIm Anglo Amunnn mu 0! Johnson and nuur-o mm- Enrybod mould uu Dllmnlinn lnml Pow du. Sun all: In the hunts Humlou m nu: 011 1 lb. anon Nu ero liqu HILLS O CU.. Wolhuglou Slroel Tho New Hat Store, 1" ILL! B 08., Death to the Busy Buzzing Ply DILMHIIN INSECT POWDER! N C. ID/.80 & 00., AMER/CAN SOFT FELT awn! w "any snvxu u] nunu. McUabo uid he WIS not. near [bu huuuo; he did not. even know whure 11 was. No 1001511311 that. be In about [In A I ; u . 820g palm-Manon a... ham. s I In: A. Luna u .- MN m .m,...*u, --THE VERY LATEST - m In: quhen Inn-ulna 01 DA Imam I, on lb. plun- c u m . u Prim-on and than: mum-n. King-[tn 2.8m] Uootgo Strum. Potnborouah. V . I Johnson nun-{no mm POO-allot on In Ht, Apply lo I'IICK BOUERHV YOUR CAPITAL. INCREASE Ion. Our laws(In. lulh um] I old uhblnho-l plan Tn II. "a pom hm Inkl),dlvhlmr u mm mummy. mud n MIN 1: .-. T0 LET. as. u:- nous-nun uu-u Mu v".- nwu. um um home All tho dny upon which the robbery occunod. Some one was en Ilently lying. bntu In. Funning dul not prosecute the cm In djsmmsed, XI..- Unlnh |n nvmnlnn nlmn}|.1.r unonnulnunm valuunuud Mil II lull yrmm lad u- m'ml "hull" am nun-"mu, up". 0". lull mm In MlnDl.l2'l0N. "ullnrln Seven] of the an that. wen to be ' board youtordsy the: noon were adjourn ed until next week. The docket. thls mornan wu gun qum Ianqnby. 11A,..- .m. mul. hi. n" nun-Ir. mu: ulun w.- ..nnn urn-v- nun-an, . George Dunn undo his rst appear mace nnd ubowod up bndly for a young man who bu only boon in the any for three weeks. He wu [inn good mince l and diamond. v n ,, 1n|,.-A_L_hl _|__ :__-|_:__1.._l ' lelmn Whitehall. who in unking {or hunqu I very unonviablo ropuuuou. ] acknowlodgod that. ho bu! been drunk. He wu naked $0 rho. M tud con: la Lhn City Exchequer. but given until 'luesdnyto nuke payment. Tim was 1111 third CHOW. - \vdi, A L__A~L__I___ l...-|.. nu nuuu vu-M- ! Henry Nimmo. I brulhmnker. lately I employed In Nepenoe. cum to Kingston l to jom the Battery. He began the bow bardmenc 01 some uloon. Hi- syamm wee unequal to the ruin nnd he {all He WM ned 02 end cola. He appeared nsbomnhed. but. Ind be lnd money due lmn by the Nlpnnu Company. He was sent below. .. n u ,- Al |,,, "ma non uv-uu r Mary Bedlam ugsin came m wnb her chlid arrayed m gorgeous colours. The babe Wu crowing luscily. Mary mud it was still unwound, dlhough the Magus true had um. her for uverul months to guol iu ordur that she mxght perform um mutborly opuntion. She had been promised Idmluion to a any retreat. and awaiting ruulu wu returnod to Lbe cell: until Monday. --- can-u vnpun 'r-l-v-an A Quantu- ol 'Olly OloonAI'c It! Again Inhibited l'IIONIOIIO Icy Inch. na- . Match and McCain Look the mum-y from Mrs. Fla-mg}; borne. He nut ._._, _L.'I- AHLn... ....l I).\.AL ." um u- 'n' uuv. \uuwu u\ an: lul you. from Port-go Pnuria to Flat Crook. ION! W Ind ballasth lid tho mu hid Ind widen 0. TD Om hw 8.4m man on $501: tan. ling a total 017.6(1) in A" mph! on N Instant dmuou 'l'ho tut-ll input-gnu ml nation any... mum-my all I hm. ab. Tho In than miles 0! muntudmomm his; cud. The Spam bumn~ Inna.- olden-ml lull up Mnhnmdnhd. "clan batty-naught that out mwmuuum. want-y huh-doubt. meow-mucus...- .Lngn-n-mn-nh-imJ. The throo ladl. Roach. Daugherty uud McCube. were satin culled. charged with lurceuv Iha pronoun-ix did not up m A POL] 1101 L SI! UH. m 0 amp our but no it. that already 1.. h as pavuugt 1bmun 10' U '0 [Jul lnud. wh no ('uuudmn Cu Wlth umkmg mm ne. 0! CUUII Lhu lnrlcy b c1. and W11 Iago Lhuv W YOIIII "Want [nu can 1mm 1" " l'lu-v ueV excrupL [hunt ' m what the bl iJOUID' lmv nu altar: .0 ch... . xrvwm 11mm II- um w- - f-v GWEW~wdl ship par-pode Hyun- an. .hmg- h. vim-nui into kingdo- nomo M. 0! gnu ; Mann-on] much lud- lor her 5' The common id. n um tho non-go exempt from the ply-um 0 duty In on but! u the Mud. no it that voucl 0! 50. ton. canine. would nvo I W to the use 01 an. babel an every thou-ad ah. will have to [my for 50 bin-hols an the hu no: mm into sh. country. uinply henna uh. unis non Ill CUE II _., _~ --._W. A There would be hula nLuy sicknes- during the box m mm. of July And Am "even one would uh Canada 8. much and Conm'p-tiou min. to u: prevent Ind can .u What a: Manual) And how-h. Bold in km but]. u 30 can: I I" m. H. wul. MI WI I. in. country. will", bocuau she curries more than 3". ._....|. u n;- ugII-p ml .11] bar hill bemoan one came. nun I'm much u the India ml. ud hOl bill at Inning says an Ibo bu that mount on bond or mould Inn it. But. we mullet venul um curio- twouy chow and buuholn and bu I that. of one in a unonuud goo- soot. (no olpny'lng I com. .um do youuo uy log: in? II. I: II the rst. phco wrong to a usual own puma due- on he does not hmd. quiu u bu! .- i! I puhgool Nancy bun-hol- amend in I mmxllnueoua bl o! lull. war. dam uni! never Iluppod. but were cbugod u dutmhle good. jun. the sum. boo-no may Were on the b1" of Ming." "Hm- :11) our ('nnmmu ocon not ill l Recentlv In Toronto, at. 75 Yonge 5:... ' over 5d) physicians nnd pullout-s visited Dr. .\I Souyiollv. of Paris. Ind ex Aide Snrgwu a! the French army. lining his wonderful matrnment. the npiromewr. i fur tho rn 'r n! catarrh. broncbmn, nth. Hm. My. 11 lhlot Ind lung diIOLM' I The Doctur nr one of his Inrgoona from I I tbs IntmmLoual Throat Ind Lung In~ smnun 7'. Yonge street. Tomato. or 11% I Phxllps Square. Montreal. oooo RIC." I d... wull be M the City How}. KingnoI. on July Blnt. Aug. In. 2nd. 8rd, 4th and 5th. and will have with him 3 supply 0! tpxmmcten and modicum; Physician and nneren cu: m it (no. 1 1 I quuu- And). In- lulu] .u- uhn -u "nu. . I cum-m uml hm! oated down the river. Thl! morning It. wan discovered near f the shore of Mr R. J. Dunlops furm. in E the vmmtv of the place where McKins- | trey) budv was picked up some time ugu. 'lhn body was so much decomf posed that, n. was doomed advisable to have it. bunml where n. cs'me hora. A coin was sent down by the Cotton Company. I can. I'm! I-ollm w- 1 Who. can. bu; an... I you- 41 Hui-7J3 In poi-lot! on. Into-dbl. W by that ct. 9me m m snibbla for u new; has an. Ih or paid. Wham-mud. Opin- hpr-cucdrility at u in b an may a! uh. and Him; but such condon- uou van null-Id todmorb than who. I 5 ill udva ud not it. Won 0! Tory who; out oi plan and am and III. Applicant": {or an. I tuna. Everything woof, I." m IN mum [or the dqm_h (in out the contra-L. and lb- 5.- n oyuomol proumllr nude-ADO. d which Iono on for . Moutrell '." "There never I. My each thing done here. huppooe e um! were churned tweutv wuu shortage here. do you up :1le would come heck lot other nuch dose 7 The thing u IIIOIIH'OIII. and why It in not been changed before Luis] am at. I loan to know." u A m..- nnnnIl-H' Annrimn vee- they the mu OI Ming. I "How do our Canton- ocorl In Montreal '."' Thar. navy-r In gnu Inch thin. done .\ner many dlvs of weary Inning Lbu wndow of John Campbell. {who was duo nod under very lad circumstances. has learned that. the body has been found. The accident by which the poor Wunmn was daprived of I hlsbaud. oc- cnrrml unlmmm Point Frederick over a mouth 11:0. The body struck an under I l ._...\l .L._.. o}... Acou- [UH I El. l0 [.0 KID'- "Are they prlnolptlly America! Vet neln um. Ire enraged u: u (ruin kid. to Kluglwn 'I" I suppose American vocals are most numerous. I an tell you no Amoriun JIPLLHI or owner wanna Do my [or what he does not. laud. Ind tho upshot at n w.ll be that. there will be "winery [uuanureh taken by tho American (All toms ofcun when w. commence ta slnp buley. The no threatening Mm .nrudy. You wil Ioi catch I Yun- x puqu to Her Injuty'l Customs NH worth of gnin h. does n: lulu" lhnn ha 1-,:- "minus noon the lAutIaH-au. NB Al am Informed lint. reliable and good uncurxty has been furnished and refund l . , _. LL--. 'c-An p pm 7" I uevar charge a centupon goods [hone mm. are llndod. uo muner lull of In.de may say. They I [MV alwmlou to any except. actual lrmght landed. T111313 tho correct com- ulrlClLl Course. They are now throu- eulug to [rake repriuls. howovor. Ind 1: hehuvw our Cunomn ocon at. King- [In Ellll) of (he Bruuh Why Sunle! you kindly oblige me by giung any Inform-Mon through the columns of your valuable pnper, why the uuuLmL-L fur the Loco-olive Works was not ratiell to Norrig & Co. For after euqmrmg Into the Imn of the rm 1 nd them 1n every way cspable of muungmg .nd carrying through to we rental complehon everything Lhny cu gage L0 parlonu.Youra. Esuusuun true repnulu. nowovor. mm It benuves our King- swn L0 be careful in than oxtnvugunt demand. for Ihormges." Tne Arnprior Chroma-1e givus particu- lar; of a. horrible crime at Calnbogla Lake. IL neams that a quiet and inof- fenme young man named Geo. Fraser. 4"nrk nu McCoIban'a drive. we. direct- largo pornou or me none. um mruumu of mo gang. who happened to be present. mlmmlslered a sound drubbing to Quinn in reulmuon. but. even thlt In :- sari-faction for the injuries mums? the inhuman monster on vouug Fraser. who Will be disgured for life. Thin species of crime is punishable by a long penml n! Imprisonment iu the peniten- tmry. and we hope that Quinn wxll bu prumptly brought. to justice and receive lns (laser-Lu. Young Fraser in Well known in Arnprior. where he has many (nonllu wlm lmld him in high regard. Mr 0 Ludlnw. u wrll kuuwu rml Iuy couuwwr. Inn lm-u ~upp|ymg nu {cranial respecting Hm pruxreus nf wunrlcn'ol upon Llu ('uumlu lmir RR. Th. oontrlctorl, lumgdan. Sin-p pud a Ca. unploy 1,7(U teams. 4.20:! mm. and she but It.er of plan: Gm] mg baboon complomd 150 lulle fur um mt. Ind the truck mll be lbrenst u! Fun Qu'Appcllo on the 3rd August. nnd IOIIIQ o! It. Ludluv u wnh n: 71' mile. a! [nil-g was: of the llmL Imw boon completed. If N)" (mwrnuwnl hop tho Indiana fed and. lmppy. and there II. conunulme of tho preuuul ue want. the 511) mllen wnll bo cum plated We Christina and engxuea run DU miles beyond the muhuchewuu. lhm md coo-quarter mdos of trunk In lud duly. All the tv'lvgruph lluw l5 around up w the and o! the truck ever) night. To hop the work going It the (rum. nih. in. humans. piles. tun bot sad WWI uupplu-s are kept noun; II I neatly strum [rum tin- mpply depot. About muy rim unr loodl or when (man 03 wow m non-l.- and 1'. Thu (ompuny h Mill do. ruih {or hreo bnndnm union of such. nod humming- {or uenrl) 5(1) n11. d has. Pllt. bridge mun-l. labor. tolegmph [nth-s auul WIN. TI. Iow'lino. holl'wu Winnipeg; and Pomp In ane. suiuuuged In tho opting by the ovoruu pi I?! A; mbomo.'ill ho ushod nut month. The m "to line. countmckd I, ,. __A_ L-.. m;,-_ I n named ueo. rraser. Kerk uu :ug a rival-man unused Quinn how to fold hm but. when the latter. without the Ilithst provocation, subbed Fru- Mel around the neck. um pulling him Lowurdn him, deliberntaly bit. 03 at large portion 0! his nose. The foreman 6 mm annq [launched present. m Arnpnor. where no has many fnemlu who hold high regurd. and exproasnoui of indugnnnon at the brutal crime are universal. ii worm 0! run I. uuel um when he cu realism upon earner of Claudia-n hula bV foot. 5 short... bill. bore course, more (Jun-din VCIIOII m w huh-y huuluosl tbu Amman nu- wclH. when those vouch go to Our wxll luva to pay the piper." "Want. Inn been the practice in Amen- r 4n I. Irlq "" nvuusnu Sm-urzty fun the sumhmtory per- .urmnnre of the work may have been omed null u may hnva been sufcient In tho humane" of Mr. Norris. but u. did not meet, the requirements of the (ompany #En. Hun. A sonny I. fill. tn __ .. wuu THE BRITISH Wl. SATURDAY. J ULY 39. {883. It bu hue-sinned um the whutl cw, d the United Sum VI was! 500, (11). I tho anneal you n) the I [may d Ibo Matty. 0! the uuwlny salad lit. will b. on. In" [0: export. 250,000. I. being summon to no .0 null 01 tho AIDOYICAU pnpull man. A but ha. been exprenwd In re- ud h tho nub-Nor the nurpluw. Eng llud banal to M0 Hm bulk 0! pt, hot and roquinmm bean 2110.111). 000 Hull. 0! winch the: num nu bar on an a. $000.01)) budu-ln. 'rm- out. Yuk In]! mm- In regard to In. In". ad expocuuvm. mu )ul now be in linking | puwcr. He no duply mourned About. the pewu of Europe, but. m n humus mum. he would lib. moms sixty umrnu-n o! the ' A , A M I ,1. |.|n._\ ' Quebec. July 21. Mr. Chavphu "signs-112m um All Pnninnnd he be" M in II mambo: of- Dominiou mvmmnt. Ron. It. Iona nah-a been allow! to {on I now ,I. AIOIIHLIID. till, 33. '- A wan-mm cum hut. ui uuu u nun- w '4- . huh' m tho I. s L ourtod with All Ionic! Mint .50 nxlvny has in." way have Ibo out- pooh. "n nrnvnl It Kalil. I elm ugh: w tum-an. Both wan "luv n. In. amt-I. ch ' 9 than: ux :24! In-ell. 3' murd- Ihn m TM in. Wuhinzum. July N. It in not thnlghl um are Home will enter upon the condential: o! fnnbet basin. 0! importance this session. One a! the team for I. M adjouth in an it in duo-t input-1N. to noon. quanta. sow-m In. W I m driver. unau- about imiwy du- In: About. In. ul the Inn in. In drltl. Km IDOIII Inll-r, u gar M. menu In into-n omhnknont. Po ' the "ti?" of unothuonm'no the d ' uml convened with Ali Icahn-k. In"! a molmboly descri ion of a. mun-b nl u nun- nl A 'A m.- in KJK'JGSJ; ESE"? "at. K: munch o! u molA 'muh nmvmous. nd (unihlv Inth from urn-nu: 0! In. 0! Arum. mu ll pruvmous. And (oreibly can. from the Human. Th0 in My W Aleundrm. And tho undid two hours. rub the Min-ton. I Ottawa. July 29.-The Department 0! I Railways has rrcoimd intimntinn of the timing of A rontnct in New York. he- twoen Sir Charles Tapper and the Euro- pean And American Short Line RR. C... (or the construction nl the ne section of the [in through Nov: Souk. from Oxfoxd to New Glucow m Piston. _ ._ I I - u-ne-v an wIVI. The discussion wu very hot. upe- cmlly on the pen. 0! the deputies. They hwl not. come. they aid. to III term; or oer a com iee. but imply to express the row nation 01 thewhole country to rebut. loreigl Wen to the bitter and, England hed no with In con uer or Annex Egypt. and tend Admire Seymour: letter giving In! ance- to tLe Khedive to thlt eoct. They replied that those who believed in thoee sentences were either tni~ ton or dupes. Bey o! TuniletCLiro, uk- ed. bitterly, Did not the French give the name luurunce when the entered the territnryu! the Key of Tunis '. Ho declared that the whole nation v with Arnhx. um! um. III the cume 0! God end Hm Pr-uphet they would leer neither Murice n )r deuh. thou own balms. wlnln Ambl Bey mul b u bolhuonl {UHUWOIH Am Lm- fuuu In LIOI of I 5 'Ir. Thou: on this r'nutl neat and not Ant. :1wl'v mv harm h 1m Seymour: 81 [on an Mull~ a gun: mlllI-ry movomem, mvulvmg all LIE powul man or loin. wnulll glvn- the rm undo I boot: wind: It bus not re- ulvod in noon: yourn. Homlmes m Europe would help the 1'01"!!! 1m- nenuly; Ind the shippluu, mlnnd uud on the call. would the be bent-ned. We hope for I pocicatinn u! the row ; our neighbours II, me name. but we know whn an. of them would like. I hamburg. Pm. July 29. Although In I immenw sum has been spent for the E (in Water Worka. and there is I debt. thereon of ve mxiiivns. the engines are pmcticnlly uwlnsl from repeated brpth. and tho'city has to rely on the pnan- belougingwtne large iron manufactur ers. Idle from the strike. AAkA I Himvlbtnwn. ML. Jn1y29.The other I mghL m-rneluuly enbelod the room where i Jrnuue ugg. mzml It). was sleepingmnd out all the hair from her head. The trouse- were magnicent, reaching neu- l) Lu hPr {09L Un Thurmle Jennie hexl. It is alleged from choIers mor nnu. but tho gnu-ml opinion is that. she * died from grief at the loss of her hnir. the van The blame rests with Burns. who has pan! the penulton Ins mistake. He exammell the timetable at Irish Creek, and moving two trains cancelled cou~ cluded that. the one he collided with was one of them. run] wuhuu ordors pro cemlpd nn his \mv l'nv dupubatmu was bhnd w I unlu- memn. The Brmnh Ironclldl lying 06 the mm were pointed to; They were tnhl that these were the ship: which Al'an declared he had unk 'lhoy re- phed that these vessels must have u. rived amen obs bomb-rdment to take the plum of those which were Iunk. Ah Moubarak. who was sincerely Anxious thaL uome compromise might be aoa- ed. \WH dcrply :luprcawl II. the nttisude o! the Jule-antes, He does not. however. evvu unw tlvsllull' nf Lonui being urrnr ml at .\' mu hum shun: his duluaxon. mu l o! not. ht doll RBOLLAMATIO. BIFUBED. Comtumiuople. July '29. -The told Hm Brlmh Ambassador ti .Ln-nnl f... IL. u l' . .- AIOllan Ill 29. A I Inna um 1 M m LODIBYCULC ()1 rowers. H] W'JlCn C5 1 vmuM recenvu due consideration. The Runumu nary: dJmru ha] been or- dored by hm Government not to Attend the lneetmgs of the Confereneo until he rocmvm lemulod Inatructioul. Tho German rvprmcntatlve has been in- structed to recommend the Sulun to mane a proclamation declaring Arabi I rebel. AIvauv-AII'I) l..l.- 90 ,Th- PA. .0 uaoan was destroyed mm morning. London. July 291318 tart-ted t.th Spnux'n deaxre for admission to the din- cussion of the Eastern question in sup- ported by Germany. rnunr vuru-r Tn Dvnl .mr. l\&\4U.I nvu n-uuu Ann. nAn Alexandria. July 29,Seymour will \rccolnmtre Aboukir Pom Lo-monow. Tbex 3 is some doubt whether tho bom- burdmeut of the forts vull take plme. because in m aupposed that. prisoners bald by the Egptiuns are conned there In lnrgu numberu A powder mngulne ut Makvrrhom. from wine!) It wan said Ambl had recently taken ubores. has just. been hlmved up by the British, upm-u John Kelly. Iircmau u! the freight ernn. received even: Injuries. George [\lavuuugh. brukcmnn. received coltu nous ou the head by being thrown from the 'lka Llama rnn'n will. Run-nu ml". kn: Hon. 8. P. Flower, the prmmpul stock bolduin the Kxngston and PumP-roke BK. in hvonnbly regarded as the Dcmmtio audition for the Governor- IhlpofNow York State. Mr Flown :- woolthy, popnlnr wherever known. nod in good landing mm his party. III Coupon. 1:. bu been unufnl and N) argon. Tho Svncuw [I'm/II . n . "b. willwork to secure a. nonnuum- ndwl upper! it With a blrrel 01 money." We do not know the gentle mun AIon on low. of those who pro June to spook m hm interest. but. we Ire Iuciontly acquainted wnh bun Lo "7 MM thou in not much ground {or the muman of the Herald. We haw not rogudod Mr Flower an nub: Nous {or political honnun, but llkr moat. lound My man he lmn lumr Willing {9 can _IIV rupomlbnllty which bu fnenll In" (boueu to force upon hum. lining dllv connxderu-l tho problble conuoqulcur I! we remember angh he WM not. hot {or electron to ( ungrefm. And 2.5. "port goon thnt ho dvcllnml to rank. on of hi. riches In the umlmxgn. uotwihlhldi- that hm oppuuenl. was crodlt Via | llboml JHLrIlmLIon of fuudl (or corrupt plll'pu16~. Hm con Lou "a! Cornell~uuummg that, he ,, II L- -|_-A_j L ALA. IL ...A .....V- nur. n..- . .u.- 53-: unnu- IQThe Sultan told tilt tbs duumnnl for Lhe wine of A proclamation ugulusl Arum cannot, be made by Eng- quJ alone. but should proceed from the Conference of Fume-rs. in which can it manhl mum lnn nnnm'rlur-Hnn 'Iln- e . Alxuudlhl. July 292The Fort It Gabari destroyed this morning. aninn Jnlv 29 It In rnvrtnd H119. \uu. Ill... . .v luluhlnv. Paris. July 29,The Journal in D!- bal: an: England. who. at her own con and riskl r0 osmbllnhel order in Egypt. will not doso gratuitously. She will be right. 4 mpm speed, wnen nunme engine, comA mg from Brockville to Ottawa to curry rm John Maodouald to tho {arm-r plsce. dashed round a Ibnrp curve md plucked into a freight train. All the can nve two were bruken almost to matchiood. Wm. Burns, Engineer of the Iinglo eu Luna. WE." drugged presently from be nvuLh the coal 1!) the tender. Although fenrfully Injured he soon recovered con- suunsums, but In half an hour he i I Smith's 1 Mn. July 28.Au accidont. attended wnh [anal results. occurred on the (innudmn Pacic Railway two miles out of here to-dav. A freight Lrnin of 17 cars. drawn by I mlgnicont en- glue. proceeded to Brockville at. l mpid speed, when nuingle engine, com mm {mm our" I I lraln 'recked on the Canada I'ncmc BilCaused by 3 Mistake. w... ICI'VO-I no! Im Anh Boundl- rum-Icy- n-M 'npl-og, -o.o-- \dh-nmt or Conch-cu. iimnqgnuu. flange or (ISO-cu. wu- 1. u... "l. W DIN Jul-v his duply thou: United 5am. navy to be Luld Lu mmd bolhguanl big :p'w hymn ,.m whllr ll had 7 7 -o. W. _ .-| (only lorlnnr. I onlrl Closed. am 'thJLLnubi. """""""":m wad-j WHILE PM?! run 8m 71146; 7.. Mann. v Dirt-t. awn-cm Md 1., .' mmuu mum..." ~_ alqu n.1._n, gig. 11334100! ch01."- __._.. - _ woman-hum- citation-co. Tho Duh Wrm rymmuumm w *5- Mhy amnion oi tho emu-man..- (of mar ml i Q.- Mr [or In. M...lhi.--ll- an. In. 1-1. my mum 0: un- 11 0.P.R. vii-uh. larclnwuh I an I In Icon. 11). w radius-oily nu! Yuk" b Tomato doa- no. moot Iith (trout. I}. (All-Inn- Inn Almmlmml A ham m Yul. lg. 0mm..- Abandme d m the (hump! Friction Bull thy-union. John Alli-Q In 3-1: con-IND. WII 'Iw HUI I'llQJBu-u-H illln In b. M by thu huunwucyx the pm. mclmbonc (.r alike 9 amouth by the H-vpuhlmau- v nwl MIMdod. it In hum-l, hr L debt-0M a! nu CloctorMe mum, ed by m Horald.