hEifantinn & Working Qualities E ' Ample ground. and mqnmunl bulldlnu for 'me msplay of LI" mack. Hunt-Mind Ar mm Alumni-turd lmplomonu and Wham-n I in mvon. V _ EXHIBITIONj U IIIIHIII VcrII-bllnlol We oer by lb. lb. or on. :12. insath to tha Busy Buzzing PJyl ; Damnqu INSECT-POWDER! Corner Prince and 8:30: am. ngaou J znsml George 5mm. Pmbomugh l h V . I I The New Hat Storo. ' MILLS 3808.. Runway um Slenmbau Cambium, Exlnb-tun wm plum mno mm Al uriy u pumbla V V V , FOR SALE OR T0 LET. {OLIvE p-pot, Ina recon, puruuly dqtroyp by are Tn me I- one of 1N b'ul'ln the "c! 11" 0! Hau- tml ; u a la olooo prelim; tb the To Men. All 014 Dunks. Iuwnneb Continua. rokau tad aunt Dublin onions, mm! h blurrillld 101 .mm . Bunk. nook Human. lunan nom- mnv named of olcu whom-do or null husl- 1 autumn-:de AQII-Uom nunCum. union-IMO 05*5. .- I V. ~ 4 pluy luna- or omctl, Wuoluuuu Ol null WI!" non of my denonpnou.nnd1n upchk uf bum; and. w hold a good return on pink Luvs-nod 8]: n ELEVEN humn I UI'BOA Uh. ~ ' so u (mm on amt saga-no sun... by to. n. in doplh an in (z. [a "(man humu- non um. aauupwd again. 1):. w; 25 yuan by "Jo promote" a! m. ,thtrial Ivan!) Non Ind recently pmmry dq'txiid by are Tn h on. a! nu hnnn In "em" a! non. Hinton mm... to all M Mi rooms. 91 l r JAIEH HIKEEI. HUNTER. on WEDNEIDAI . AUGUST m. THAT mu visiting: PMPERTY ___.___J .L IIIII 'LIII awnpyl- l VWI L". I INTAT'IILOI [Grout Si. Jam Strut. (Being Nut 156 ud 101) Mining no 01 i m. Bnnk u! Jommoron 9.04,;- m of MOI-n. DI Ito z nu. Pmntmtahlalnmtnent run SALE]? lomm PUILIO auction. W 0- .06."! on BI... onto Isle lion. 2. (3. Po. and Andrew I'm... liq. CST recaivad. n In supply 0! Pin nul- Vn'u-ble Inwl Powder. which re one: by than. . Th. "bu-ber in {airtqu by m. Iuouion 2199220,!qu I! 9.0 HIM-n " '- AMER/CAN SOFT FELT 5.5; Minauin'n W Menuhin. m puma.- no) ~ ! I H! Pun- bub-nut... A In." and :0.th otc. w. i on cm m a In. I t |.r.l Eu: emu? mum .1. manor Pom: um ' INSECT rownn GUNS CHEAP. vsnrimmovs ! THE VERY LATEST Pnoivmui. MONTREAL, IOHECUBING A 2 will be open an tho Huh m- I nd Live Stock 1m cnmcln on an: which Vanuer Elbibr l Drum-u, Primal Street m nu no. a u" LIIII mm"... ' J manual. Walkway-m 'mmny & mm 113. EiReceived To-day! Ben anue in Town 2 . IA JMaV-nuymzm - Bu an lgl M an Puma-an m. n4 3." ummmt old ruuomnn I u may monumuwvmuu 7 my Ola. [or sauna. 3. amp )0 Dry Hard Wood! Dry Soft Wood 1, :NOTICE ~or REMOVAL! YORMANS ELECTRIC BELTS no aunr- ; uncood to be In good And pnwerlul u 19 prenemnd. They immodmrrly "Have and per mumsqu cure Nervous Doblly. Kboumnlhm. Nournlgin, Lama Buck. Pill] 1h, 3an I Live: Ind Chan. Compilinl. Clnu n and con-alu- iuon froe N V, W , , anesn ARRIVALS w. M. DEExNaN ._()1" (NJ/( mama 'BELT *iNST'ITUTmN 1" | (I DUFF: STREET BAIT TORONTO: (1 QUEEN STREET EAST, TORONTO) lclablllhed - - - ll'l Tnu Mnke in 1:11 of Chap Truhy Stun. To the Public we ny. "Pay FIJI lrol Iud Gal. Ouod Vuluu.' Tm- yon on nly on [own by pumhumg from 1 gelehrated 409. and 500 v' _ __7 a owe: In annunuo Mama by I respect. c Oman. Enmm mu: 0. mu. with m. Marya. Turoulo. ml or buloro the undormoulmnnd dun. v I {37th mmii' nmnmnu. I TO Isitiirwili'isrol. -rnox l l 18: to 23/1/September, I882 } l Covonna 03.000": out cl do! ad 016 I rock ind-many in an at injuy Thou nk: protect an hold not on- ly gunninjuriu whila m wlutl course ohnvol but Igllpl_| other m'unu ro- ciovod (ring tho "I'M oov by the nob! . . . I I I w- 31.?- to R. Crawford 8: Co., [ n I up to 18 duyl 17 no 50 dayl. Plumes {or ported. [tutor In Joan'- named it low ntoi. I To In... Of any actor place i iHumans. sums m 1.1m] me Inmsn llll I; Agricnml td Arts Association. III IIN'IAII-l ACCIDENT TICKET STROU D BROS" Ludux tho nlnuomonl at tho RAND DOMINION MENS, OF NORTH AURIGA HESM' W ADE Seaman. I \ To'Oillu - CHALLEE DBUBI, Ptulxlwu, 1 Lmwnud. I OF 1 P. GILDEMKLEEVK. no bf magnum. on. I! Cllnnoc 8m SKUUIIHMHB 3015118. m. Joxzs wYHInh l quin, 166 Prune" Strut. "Tho Phumwy." 1.14. LIFE ASSURANCE Go. OFFICE(Juana. luau.th POI 0.00 .1117 I . [or me yum cloning the son: of Ln", um. Appllcnllong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $579 New \nsurunceu . . . . ...779.80.| Applicauons Declined. . . .. . . . . . .. 0A)R l";- noun m Pollclel luued .. The Company hlVI plounro tn Announcing the reenlc 0! lb. NEW BUSIN 88 ynl, Anllnnl4-nn_ .- (urn {CANADA LIFE! the DIV". '2 do? 1):? filalneug 1. ea er {no a e %leato o 1 cbut butt] of pol-,3.de your neighbor I how It acts. It is wurrwted to onto 'Drxpepua and Bu 1 MW' : v '* U n I 1 Pun contain phn. Eouu Farm-ulna In] I". moon] by buying from Folding Cnmp Cban And any 0mm 1n and- Iou uri- . * in. mnlom JIM 1L u: III all-vulv- w; v- 1 vn 1 0 ll. 3 wi3x~fsMm Btu-mourn ; Dy: psi: and uiousneu. A , ' slum ado relieves; a 13mph; . bottle convinces; 0 JJ cont bottlo elu'os. n: m direcnv mum {to NORRIS 8t 00.. IIIIUEIS III m 1:95 and .97 Princess Street} Order Work sud Bap-mu I Ipodly. June 10 _-u , PICI', [Am and. MD! M. Van! L: v-OJMIJNWd-M u. mu'vulu 1': It... It acts direcy u on Btomclem. and ldneyl. Cleansin'r. Corrlwlmu. Kem- Btomcn, Liver. and AICMyI. lClganshrr. Coy-racking. Bao- ua mg '0 m. w, c- o and Vlll (01310 mh. 15m Thin on] u an puma. undo. [ Lusauun'n uuyyuwgug. up.- ulntlug, Zopona lvm, 1 u to the e a, null II-Fla- lininlv In! work- vim to the Hmh. nerve, and. Mame. simply hy work- lmr wonders noon the Diam- and. Hume. simply by work- ing wonders upon the DJ tlo and' giving activity the ram W. will u g in: phi-I. um. IMJACO" IL ~ SEWING STOVE POL 133. 0 no t. on Trsde In: upon ah box they buy. And tho following mum : .l. C. JACOIY & ()0. I Wu much pic-sure 1n sum-um! to Ibo gon rrnl wuth nu 'iu Imrrdi runing no the Pour-cul- and Mun! IA'I _II AvAml) "I on... m m u.- nn nun A'AIDID III om hum noon-Imu- run-Illa ,w an Inn. mmwm Im. "mmm: ASSURANCE COMPANY. uwmntwm' "4 #moumum . ~ m I two-old Dunn! ..:7..S:~. nu ~le" 9%!!! 252": Walnut. on 5nd Quoon moDlnm. m. I.- " ' I '.l". It... Marble Top Cont-n '1.le tangy-ton Dlmug lelu, W. M. DBENNAN. 9.340 for ,BOOJ 65 I'CIvllllC'. .u- 936 for $896.00.) n4. Incumbent-I "Rankin-in o. 0 at that. Iililll'llhdadm r NO- 13, DYEINO WORKS. {DAL # 91912014! in thin city and got a mm with sky lilu name to deliver 120mm and o inutructwu upun tho mnluMurb' o It- plouvoa. 'l'lnl Ichool VII opdnd h Uhunben street. but. the pawl. wot. mostly brought over from Inland. Tho lecturen went on uuul it beam. I aub- jecv. o! remark from thc roguluity 91H nu uteudanco. when mocha; til-0W won the ouukih of HM ya, I. mntmcuuun um-u ul. ungqu lbw . was to (hm-rm mnpwion. Ty. 1 AIR . . urn I" bound by (nth to Him and": of we mum who. ' 19' not know. and VI never I... - " don no communicated in I a". iudscumu'umnr mummy. Tho ' you on ha-vlokll (:0 dunk. lb. puma o! imam-l maahh" " "nchool" u now turning m. W" nan-pm: ol mow mlmlan." bm: "In-~qu the clue! humans of m spinwru." H is ulna intimated N word -run of Lord Plulmck Unvdilh ml Mr. B-nko are 01W by h N -w Y "k )=u-'o.noou to uni" I30 5] It, at Prunes. - and no one could be got to 11mm. the task. At St. John thoi (onuan old sloop0'1 in charge a snick- man, uud it was dotarmilod to blow thin up. They went buck to Now York to not the materiull. duuovtnd h a few days from some donlopuanla It t. John that the plot bud lonkod on. nnd thin too. wn nhwdonod. Accord- mg to the London Tmm' oormpoudunr. however. tho society 1- pomvoriuu in It: mbomes. Lut wintor MN I Dmu In mum. [at h (Adm, Dinetul. to uk. u GIG. Dr. an 3uren'l K: [may Cur. Ind oh... I! non oll you: Manny, In: W than n. ' . - ARI-mOtomdoul' '7 any on. not... the has haw. on "Tun-u. ' the romantic hh [no [N u to. h and Math. you ab: Adan-L Agent: next. went to Olnld. Vidal Montreal. Quebec and Human, Old nally went to St. John. NB. At fax then wura war vouch. but um 07 them were in a position to bovnlmbh. ' and could be not. to and. u. tank At Qt. .nnlm thaw found an . . a l . I II the mmnspnuu of tho! maven). h" we ulna! obnjrcr, In no human 511.10% m-HL n: e\'<-r_v vulnerable point. 'boH -" Liuy the liva ul oicmln lm! '01". ml Instrumental in opkneuiup hjdum. and to show the English genomll bi gag ileutr'iction of property and pubd . h lugs. thin. it is lor their Inme Nmdi pence With Ireland on the harmonic ' md to let her no u w indmm nation. "The dynamite y " lire informed. has "purmi 'f. lth; Lemgua. and mu; ban 1be I " both sides of the noun who Mgi' ID that. body They have n [muggy-n: can: 0! ciplwr cnblo comsgghganpwwgb friends in Irelnnrl. Enghn I no conducted that it h ' nd them om. The dilqu Uili British detectives 0! we MID-lulu- chine that. were at our 1., . packed in barrellof radical change in their blunt. L nor AGAINII nu pmmi. A scheme was laid in Oh. Wtrm" Guru the Pnnceu Louiu. wlio' - iected Do accompany 1110 or" arm: on llll recent war 0 IOW' The connpirntora formed 10er hwnoplug down upon her an Mn; her as u hostage until the hill: I should be released. but It I! did uni. then come out of M plot. luiloil. "Becnune the dam 3 wormed it 0114,. sent. over 1' w 4 she prudently romuinod in El] ." Luucuubnmn they plamnd Ill d wBarmndu, and ulocud Incl'l' ." with a view of blowing up the 00m men: outing dock there. up u. rived safely out. and won proud by cautious steps to extents abdi- mill awn. wnen the Bermudi. authorln tel. lug as if somebody had inland Hum What. was In tl'e wind. they wmobhaed to return to New York. A. \ I4 posed on ur. nmue. mammal". -th mme lesser lights, m Dr. Shine, u bold. Ni: Hue realm Innuuuzhl . Democratic pulitlcmn. ho' N" Jame mm uud mu 0 pinyin-I d I!- pum. The funds an conuouod'bv um person. nud these have M. tuna. naught.- ml to sumo to 030.000. I/uv Ir. ,uumrmv w rnuaauw I J The English papal lilo]! some uunouu thIOICIl Who oparutmui and pill. If mu dynamite section of the F :5- thus mty, which thou tug. 'my reuon 'or saying no. in' n. :- roct. Though than has n-gunmutmu an In mm mth m are engaged Ill {aw-ulna fn large any in the United St- at. th outuidt- of New York their chief II)! I place I ('hiugu. WthoTlov-n Roam wu- tone tune lm]:me conductor of the art . I. ' I nor has he been Lt zomo ' position to control 8.01" l ' Itu Marc: doings. In kw Id - m hm vu-wu. Rum talkatqu h the cunnpnmtum to unit in I. his Unwed II'I'Ihmun'l ' A H were tho general mum a noun they used bun onlyu'lm head. They directed ame. rully without him know]. accunnt Rona it now i 1' {om I dmsdtnnod condition 0! mini}? managers now ute | lm posed 01 Dr. Slums. Smmndl. liuhn. Numb-u Uorrnpmndrm of Plitadolpba 'Ihu Evluli-h nun- lhin' A): | A world of .u wdnbdw The my held In I. In. I It I'I, 3nd 0w; 7 I . Only an mm. '" V ' l Vld but an! I loom qua on m an: - l com-uni an moi. shy-ulqu. l turd than: wd nhcmlbomhm an ; Ludllohtyhoy um magnum {In 0WD. Than. I And In could < l Fluh of myydelh. nd Wou,$oht .'/.'4 a v ' mm m- lbw-f: . i : BET Ti. We 1 on. u Thu ill. who of mm l mu mum A world of and n. a r- Thch much has n. ltmmum WNW . com-ah [Hmong-mm unanth ; Home-qu [Molnwom' "I" IoouldmI-Knnll -. l mum mm m, ~ I mud not boll". um: F0 3' 9h . H t . , . - Till balm Inn. A... I .__|_ .. LA _ .. a... I} Ruin! [-3.00 . UV-n Va . stun-p- tn! . , 1 _ . ..-. Huu ovum": 11!. wwuuu. sw. "m to mom nil hi. ... nx BAKING POWDER. NSIU' :H OH LII-heinoth thbwholtolhyw u ma .Igu'rg E rld w u M o Mo In I my than? I lvtlu I! "OI-yum. "J' mudch to \ho sod b pun-i tho mun- a. mum- "v on II. run" m a Ilrlum by tho-3:3 ,0 h .a animal": #, 1 . lwl 00! um. be Ilmn. gr- lnn mu wk Ki Salon, I ;l.oir ' Who"an-n "' "m Nuns... I. who mt r to mm m. 3am! 01143th H .3 cm Com dominoth in El] .:'_ dun d IIIOI H . .2 a , swam Mg. ' L. was; Quinn-13 33' mar! Hm MOKELVBY & BI ICC. A-nu Hum-u: x; r, Ia- WIu-u-n u- 151 'r Mm-uy Wm Poul Ola ) \su Hum mutt Mun-d m In... -Im "It! rv : -.. ._ W nu|o raw 0.!- LI WC. 1 unm- wortupduu-dutm- JAMES SVIF'I. .Q _..._ _-. V, n 8va at nIouM"hoohl.'-uw u nu-cu m it." 9' W u..." EITABLIDMID "II ST. LAWRENCE WHAIU", KINGBTUE II'IIKTLKIWI n- I... Inn-I - I.- OBI-INTI. h; I Ahm I; - '1 "IV uvv- unv- viuvufv" vw u w" J F HBO" f :u'dfiarjmlo ' ; amen} c1. MM' 1 Afjh'lw' rs, READ THIS! For the Best and cheapest 8M Inn All Duorlptlon: of Goal ! , , jam Bottom Mum; m n; :61 "xi usw ; :1. u. u c.|.\.ulms'rori.orr.i ) | VOL LI. I Wlm. Mug! It, 11h, V - \Inrch M the Kiln. an Much. l'. .Bhka. m m taup. Pun. m ; drugs-:14! sou. . may. 1 . RT u [for tho (MINA , lnx new unit 1' "an. mnl u on an): mpg)". other-m you Mn bun spend upon \\ l' l BETBZL _Buptured Persons. .1 H RHEUMATISM 1 In! lonanmwo. mm. m TD. luau Amplwl; . nonsnrs HARDWARE HOUSE,i Goal Oil Stoves]I Inn. Man: Ird T,L.'m AM m mu. om. 0M, hwy. CI! V Bub lam-o Win \m rim mm Pula- Lu'o lo! n2. ct... u MIME. Win mm lbw-Pum- an. as...- Jo- lncro Emir-n Ila-Io Dr. J. G. Ayer & 00.. Lowell. Mass" Dv-Mnl .mi Anulvn. n! Flu"110.: 'l' v. v- "1'. -v. Pm:qu and Analytxval Chrmisls Fold by a" Drum!!! and Dealer: In 31mm July 2+ Ayors Calha_rt__ic Rim! 76311 the purposes ofa Pamlly Phys I Curing (nmumu-u um... .... COOKS FRIEND Mdmdhmr . . nun III rlnxymg mi am. '1 ha: h-en .n no to: M y'lr. and In! Wm! m In- I'm l-vn rrkuulvun m the munch ! If sh. 'K '21 \ lIAL'lI! AALN' l5 Tun sun: on 11ch mLR (our PLANT. PDULFE UN Tl; PM E, ULy. SM. LL and I Dim-OI [SAh's'KA'R'I [LA] .._on_ -m LWZI umr. DYWJ ._ Andhrhmy! mum. m and} ikml TxmaoAY.;meg,- use; .bwm KINGSTQE;' 'Jld.-L u t 5 California Ienrl. ( nmornln PI-Inl. \Huer Melond nominal. Peaches. Chen-In and Tomnloen. 1 AERIYING nuu' I {Icod lilk, Iced cream: pr Tn: Elma Pulling! am am. once-nu In nth-11d uh RKY. t H0. ll 11.! man. 0rd! u a! my I... m veranda. lumdl- h- m 93 um. ' m. \h. 5 1- 7 r m 3! Men- lou'er Clea-Ins and; _ , j' 0F EVIIY DESCRIPTION DU ON THE PREMISES. [3' Spock! tuition to ma 5nd tmudll| Boon wmnmod to open truly I Music bound on the sham Dunno. I llwulwuulwa-nm Binder l0 QIOOD'I Unlvcnuy and Roy um- ($11 (gum. Oloo: um Iqum. Kinnwu. ob 1 WHEAT ; (Book-Binding: Wm WM Land & Luau gm?! DAKOTA. ; Inn Cl: um (um horhn Iu: Bro-Hut Mn. Eu u Snnnirtm. Ito-119. .ud Baum: ml AI: .4 b w gum l7 0 VIA. I Running OnL :A HOME OOHFORT.! 1m Tondag For Mame. For llununx. Fishing. Travel "In. and especially oervlcnble for O'nmpl. 0m )una 1C AI 4: onn can In nul- um I, u .cupfu I. TI-IE FINEST FM V0350. EUSe LYMAN'S Concen- i trated Extract of r011 mmimsmsnu, 3mm 09mm! , STAHMERINO. "luau vu wuu x unuqu nun A A K BTALLEBAF! mm GooksFend, YOUR CAPITAL. :moumu In urun, Hounonunu ' moon u full; proucud .- mos: alumina In nuantm opul- wn. Our Iuoounl'ul. fully tried I old Clllbulued pun. lry I'- BE pom sen: woekly. dividanril paid mommy. Send u once for or plantar, olnulul und put ro- ourd, tux. Divxdondl pud dur COFFEE. Hurt .4 b. m I U. '3. l Ont. Am! in BU UAILL BEE! 3809.. In. Cunt Johnna-h 1:507" Icon. '00- u-[Ion Mnoc. < me 18th. on um! to the tum '1 Loco-10101.11: every damn Roduv-ea nm In! nurod by All tbs pnnpd um Comptnm. l plane ' For Prize Linn. )Shnl Form- ol Inky and All tutorial-nun. Ipply m we undontgnod. mm LENAEKE v Jain! soptoi-S: mht'o 23m; Igtlculfunl and lndurlalwa 825,000 In Promlums. WELL EQUIPPED. . Tho 01781.. ' Mil-ll.