Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1882, p. 3

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THE Boomi uni-I con --" Mvu'm" A. M the very hour w-dev thn the County Judge and Police Magistrate were down their best to bring to justixs the perpetran of the herbor omrage. )layor Gukil. noninelly Chief Maxim true. Wu indulgmg in hie periodxcul throne of per-one] violence egeinet newspaper men who won't. fall down md wonhip hm. Whet on! be expected from the people genenlly in the race 01 examples eet so one: hy Ghe heed of the I municipelity ? Can the police oonecx- .I enbloualy meat men (or threatening the I C peace when they know the: the Mayor 1 ieuheduthe men they ere ueking?ll I Rysn t Robinsons aim in unfortu- ! ' mu. On it: Irriulhlolmul. it "a f i frownod upon by the church nd the myor. tho wood! was ulpropitioun; n sullen (all. carrying on hundred? poophuriu: inonnn in u and. sad "turd" nhdlil won in pursuit; ,A:_- :5 .- _n:-l- nmvti. h link" from up! by I. Gama Ill DIN i " '7'" ' '_ _ i n." I-IIUIUI 'mw ' una Inn-nu. nlpropritiouuwn PW. did *0 Pm-v '1 lmmlypwowvmulnmumu My hm ; he would not b". M nu man and mth In up myndmxmur. m. . . 1 Mui- mlmmmw-umommmmn Munoz..qu a. nud.""h til-'50 I .mmmmmmm,w; nhdlil punk I 910!!! 10 "-0"! b0- Th 36* 5P M .m .- 0... u, .3 5.). a, D,- o_ L touiu inc uni-(y Comic: that pom whim boo- M'I"! W I Amhnmuwmuo-umy mm. but... i .m d "I I. {w | Manual... h'md M a. , 1mm nun-ma nun you u: wanna: I d. .t Mead. Ida '0 I" the Dean-- phon- eounu. months; 10 mo. IFS 1 , puns. than . vnt m vary prop-mu m. I 'l- I uh" mums mu 1 n"- "Wm WM 4 Im-I'MA h h 1M '. Thu Wow-m n n -' noodlan Mm-m mun, mun-d 3, a- nd punk-io- ot um $me non. wanmmuy- :1.,?3F...33.:122"J loads-am IMde ymmmnom won: Wilma-null..th you "n" But-1 will III! a- th- Qua-urn- " left Chic-go we aw Iy-pto-I o1 (-11 m wwmhm{mw-im 1mm. emu: W W! LOW'DEN (3 00.. I 1 no Mil-0mm: x Manna-dock! adv!" Hang-ano- nonhuman-cu I." ; _!.dlaulu imymy. 00mm 1...1 m , my I. Jul-4 ~QQE'M1memm '0'!" ctumn.m~ i SKIIWdtWY- 030" w"- -,"'""'5 r 3 _' _ mm mI-mmwo-Mhpr} 'Mw Wm-IInmm my ,.I .m"mh.wo.mwhwy szonmlblm'ulwni m It. flue. III on" [lo-u; may. . 0.... I u M u a" w m lam-um. I'Ill..".0. m m. gum... No! liege-arming. I. .II TI... mm; 7 unvu mwu www- u "I? -w_. V. ..-_ I the Anchored out in we strum the po~ I lion could no! [no what Mia any ] could render Ind reported 3: the ; u. y polio. Anon. Tho] momma whoon- | d mer wu ale. lyingonintbo lira-n. ud H 774m inn n 11mm. did a pain. .100 "0 murmur I". m A VIIIIL. 71?, lulu m I 1. "IO".- 'lIr-OI a I. I "w :0 neon-ms: SH": mama-4 'M wrung... (What no Ill-0K UlihtIlMO'IV'yu- commotion-rod in mm. Tubman-adopt; banana-d mull Nights-.mldmhodua- dun know-13th. with t w wouldhuulod onto M. YMy thowhr. L. I. -._.'.-.4I L... .au. . Asad uh..- Rh. Ill-m- h. I. 5. "VII VOW urindhmviihnmodvhu. BI). arrhdtmwol 'lbo ,AAJ _. .._.:__.A A- pk. .i-n-Mn V"! '- m I '- ww Ind loaned Fatwa-dingo:va nd anchored o tho whul uid; but turn $0 be discharged. During the tuning than won rumors ol brewing mischlol. Abom ton o'clock nun] "dioxin" shot. out [roll the whatoonuinin tome uy nine-n. othm uy mm duper. men. Tb-v rowed for m- achr. Hiuio nnd bonded her. ~-.__.._.._ -- -- .IA-AI- .uu Maw nu... ITATIIINT 0' I'll CARA". Captain W. A. Thompson stem tint his rst intimntion of the stack wee when the gong nppeued on the deck of the vessel. Be In in the csbin Lnd coming to the door ssked whet wns wented. He wss inlormed by a hard looking fellowmho garnished his speech with foul oethe. thnt they intended to here I "methane." (on Amerieen expres- sion for 3 row.) The Cnptsin aid that it wu n strenge hour for such on doir. The gang then naked for the cram-tying they wore propored for consequences; they would take chencel. The Captain. being unprovided with n wespon. could do nothing to prevent the lswlese action: of the crowd. and pell-mell they rushed into the forecsntle o! the schooner. nding no one there. The clothing 0! the non-union men was gathered up and thrown inton dingie. The two mates and two sailors were ashore. leav- ing only the Captain and two sailors on the vessel. The latter were the persons wanted. They had been in the lore- cnstle. but hearing the rshble mnnsged to escape to the cabin. Here they hid themselves in u store-room. The seilors' names were Albert Moore and James Ellis. The visitors were not inclined to leave the vessel without the men they Were utter. They were bound to be minute in their search, and so made I rush for the cabin. They met with re' sistsnce from the Captain. who held the door. They emsshed it in. entered the cabin and ransacked it. knocking over every thing and leaving the place in n state of great disorder. They were deter- mined to secure the sailors end even went so far as to peer beneath the Cap- tnin's bed. At . __- -... . Ann. mr-D 9n" uh LAHT THE TWO FELLan They were subjected to most brutal 1 treatment. First they were jerked upuu ' the deck and their hands tied behind their backs. They were then limited into a "dingie" and carried 01! towards shallow water. where the two unfortu nutes were thrown overboard repeatedly punished under the water. and struck on the head. More dead than alive they were finally taken ashore. beaten black and blue. and deserted. Ellie and Moore, wounded and bleeding, found their wny towards the city park. where they re- mained for A time. het,wero chued later in the night by the same cowardly crew who had committed the previous outruge. They run about the city. fol- lowed by the "looters." nnd only after much trouble leund Ihelter until the morning. "nun ruu nu "U n -._ .. Jun-.- Ill-l .uvun'- u.-. ___-,Vv Both men have been badly injured. 1 Ellis' nose being pounded out of shape. The wounds of one continued to bleed all night and late into to-day. The at- fair is one of the mostdisgraceful events that has ever occurred in the harbour. and every possible endeavor should he made to capture the oenders. For the sake of this citys good name 01.000 should be otfered as a reward for the capture of them. The aair was un- doubtedly carried out by Union men, as telegrams are said to have been sent here, asking that the Higuie's crew be cleaned out." At this time the bar- bouris very full of American vessels, and it is believed that the assailants were from Toledo and Chicago vessels. A m. out-Ann. WHAT I'KESHIKNI LnUWhl-I mun. The President. of the benmons Union was interviewed, Lnd uid that the Kingston Union was in no way responsi. ble for the outage. Ho Wu unaware of tbe occurrence unl thin morning. So {at u the Kingston uilon In con- cerned they hue been sll II work. :1 have not. been l'quIIl'Od to pull any vessel. He had neither received not heard of telegruml bung sent. from western pubs, urging an tuck ol the Higgie's crew. 'l|.n I. .hn! un- man declared that niggie 3 crew. The fact that the men declued they "wanted to have: metineo." goon to show that they were familiar with such things. People may imagine we ere attempting to condone Kingstoniane. but we are not. If they were implicetr ed in the enir we WoUld be (led to see them punished. They richly deeerve it.whoever they ue. WHY TII POLICI "II men. Judge Price leuned yeeterdey that 1m :1th upon the non-union men wen i l contemplated. Ind directed me two po- lice oiocn be detailed for service on the l l I arrival cube veeeel st the dock. When I , ,_-L._A_.I - .. :. eh. ntmm thn no. . mum-1:1) HOSPHAVTIN E 1 weed the; ______ Inniouuw. Timmquth 0' lmamnhlolo. - - --A_JA-- -vu- _, I. lIl-UIIDIIWIM- In In. u. u. y MIA-mbmumnumy dunno. .iu-m'iumno Ill. onme Ema. than av Ihu plan. ! hulk-awn! mow-7mth- lny. lwhbum t nmmml , mummmm [sh-madman. mull! mug-nu hm mixing-maul inlllr. Ocars Hindu and Nubia are low gun-ding the Vessel. .nnuv ll 'u- llunl lAlIlII SEE-ll vr Inn nlnvh-nyuuu. The manned sailors and the Captain zo-dny gue the names of the Iuppoaod leaders of the gang. and "tore out. a wumut satin-t. mom. They no . John Cmidy, of Howe hind; Dnid Grimm. l unit water sailor. only on. much on the lake ; and Bosch. of 81.. Club- Policeman Nubitt Ipiod out Roach on the schr. America in the lorenoon. and soon after was given the warrant. [in company with polim man Thompson he snlliad out 1nd found that Roach had taken to his heels in urdor to escape from the city. They caught him iit Queen Street, heading for tho Grand Trunk Depot. Soon altar bringing hini in they arrested Grimth at Saunders Inn on Ontario Street. and found Cm; sidy at the Grifn House corner. The prisoners were fully identied at the Polii-e Station by tho Captain and Llir two injurml int-n as those who tied the latter and throw them overboard. ()no of the sailors maltreated was in injured in; to ho [owed to soak hospital treatment to-day On Thursday last 5 third meeting was hehl at Reufrew to consider the m~ ducements that. should be oered to the Kingston & Pembroke RR. to cause it to establish a junction at thnt village. The meeting was hugely attended, wveml Kinguonmua being present, In eluding Ireuideut Uilderaleevo and Su- penubeudeul, Folger. Alter a thorough .. ammo... A! H... unhinnn n rnnnlnmuu penuwuucuu runsm. rum:- :- mums discussmu of the subject. a renolumuu was passed oeriug to ne Lhe Rallwuy Company. if it. erected a. stuuon at tht- Village, a bonus of 30,000 (which Is to be devoted to the purchase of nght 01 way, bulldmg of repair shops, etc.) and exemption from taxation for 2U years. The Company's omcers express- ed themselves as favorable to the sc- copmucc of the uer. but. before the matteria (loaded it will have to In- voled upon by the electors st Reufrew. TI. 1 nvnvun? um nnw nlmnr. tn ru. Vutcu uluu u) nuv unc\ va3 av A'uulluvv. The Luuipuuy are now about to re- lay the whole of the line with steel lllll' barge shipments of which have lately arrived here. When the old iron has been removed. and before the steal has been laid. the road bed will be ballast- I I,__n-.l nu- ._ ____ Mn... UUULI lulu. qu III-ll Wu "All an un- ed and levelled. thin improvement being eected before I connection u made. in the neu future, went: the 05113de Pacic BB. ,,,|,_, J__.__.. .J ........ AMI... baunuh rlcmu nu. In isonly a. dilnnw of name fteen mxles from Renfrew to where Wolk upon the K. k P. ER. is I. now bqing cur mod on. The Rentrew nsnimnce being assured the conu'ucu {or the junctwu will. we presume. be awarded imme- diately. mm..- (vulva. l, \Anhnnnl. whn Hull/Cl]. Messrs. Corbotc 3: McDonald. who have the contract for the construcuou of twelve miles from the Clyde. north- ward. are pushing tho work along and promise to have it completed with) the time specifmd. 11.90041 bum nu , uu n mu be cut umom 5.. ustmrnmmawm d huhy in the Sun Thb'yun dam. "vuzmumnw Ana-0 hun'wlwwWFb- isnoor THE rues z | Slinky l-Iy Iuper-~Sure Dealh. Shoo-y lnper#loluon. Ummlnv Freith Inlecl Powder-r ____.. ... lllll um r Sure to Kill. The [0 wder (aunt-Cheap, Good Sure Death. 1 tloky Fly P. or II Clunlyinu don drop .ruund- very Fly lhu huh on In: Inn to Ill]. ' TBE PHARMACY; Ian rune-u mm: N.B.Hodininn obtain-d u my me duan the night. or on Hand-ya. WIND not opcu. by ringing the bell. July 19. ______.- lhnmi I l A l I d ( ) D l l B | I I). IiIcllolt IIVAG'II \IIVH, l. to luv: yum on!" [or um- 01 var WbFM'EihP/o SHIRTS. |"'_ . lad. in say nylo. We mnnla I MIMI-u IL Coma And an many by buying non: l W. REE VES as 00., i King Bra. 4 door: (tom Prince-u Strut. Julya I! A WONDIEICIIJI. THING. {Ya-o mm. with. Why? I! you b an luhopo! (m an val Ind Win. | w mly;.wo wvmu win-7| u Mu | allth body n4 ml mm [mwh pm w"). m but: an when. mnnlslnd: maria-um Inn: or- for av: To Sul tEvoryhody. S hue jull o and out 15dounl 0' Now Tl, con-nu an of .11 the Inn. 1 at town, com: D h Is." I VI v v I - Chomiu um Opucign. (Sucmnor co Hum A (Jun HARMA()Y.' 166 lnx )0! 50 piece- New Bel-60M Puli- Blcul Silk Spunk lab I} yum hog. nulv I850 worl Olm- Bitch Sill Bpunll was q yuu- In only ".50 nor: dlnok bptnhh Souk. I1. 0.195. 01.50 Creun Hpnuish Burk. M. 01.25. 01.50. Brown Spnuuh Souk. M. 01.95. .50- Tumn Spun-h Souk. ll. .95, 01.50. Nan Collsn Ind Cun. NEW_ I Tumu upoulun burn. Nan Collin. Cult. 7-F I-VIIIG . . . . . . . n u v n n v v nun-no juli uyrum. .- SPENCE as c: UMLEYS Nn'y Elam-no Hullhl. Navy Jar-or Bumnu hlvy mock nanqu Cloth- Fme Nu; Hannah. July I w STBAOY'S _..|.-A Elma...- nn Quinn-JIV man H Um 131k (If the WW!!- -o MESIQ. WALD" HTSA" purchunod. ll the recent. mm It. I- in )luntreul. L000 purl of White Uomwnll Tmn Blanket (I 5 My soiled round from nnv mnlding to Another) And Are not oenng them at nuhn ml prices. 4 Blunt-u "- dun'd 103. 04.50 Blunhu reduced In 85 '35. 34 T.) llunkoln ruduood $0 .50. M Nunka named to N. 86 very large {or 84.50. These are specul pnooc for the Inn- mvr umnthl only WALSH a EFLI'QCY: Ilnl Sale of Cornw-ll Blankle n (in-n: acre-II. Our II Crowded will: Customers Ian: Snlnrdny and Saturday Ith II" II Ovlork. Our Blnnkotl In: :11 new And no u my! BOWESEnggoNETT is's Uur Dinnll In: III 1.1" Out: mu mu. m... uged. Luge Hesvy Blnnkoh only 08 per pur. Al m in the following weights: 6. 6. 7. 8. l" lba., very cheap. nv'v vnnn nl ANIRTR AT ll' IDB. very OHIIP- | BUY YOUR BLANKETS AT IMMENSE OFFERING ! __()F_ I50 Pairs White Cornwall Blankets. Slightly Damaged by Hmoko m "11' lh-N-nl areal Fire In Vic'- Iorln Square. NlonIn-ul. These ulnnkou are Extra Large- and "wavy. We oer I..- at um- low price (33.60 per pair, wm'lh $6.00. You should buy your Blankets now and save 81.50 per pair. u -IIIn... I A- lug-v Tull-III!" '1! u n m lame lilac F '9" 0! no m: In.&' A m nm'rAntI: )[L .1. L'JIJLV U u 4... L... _ _- v IN PLAIN CHECKS AND Pol. DOTI. RICHMOND a BOYDEN hue sbonutitul Ieloouon u! the ubove goodl. wblah shy are clouug out :2 very olou prion RICHMOND & BOYDIN. L,u...u SATEENS & zn 1: CLOTHS - gnu Dllllu. AN DOIAIA 01. Kmaumn. Aug. 1. W EHEAP SALE AT *IIALnnun's 100 Waterproof Circulars. Clnldruns Waterproof Circulars chenp. lek Hrmerv cheap at WAldron'I. All Cotton Hosiery ohenp lt Wlldrou'n. Immense Reduction: in our Ready Made Boots nd. Shoesmloaiug out our Summer Block M. AH I'ONISHINGLY LOW Pixels LN u -_A.__) -..A -n. An: nrhul Aug 1. July 18. BLkrs I z SUGAR July 31. W111 sell 10 Bnlnnoe at his Summe Stock of Dr. Goods. Paras Is. 850-. n Greatly Reduoed Prices. .Iulv I. \WWIEIS Good. Solid, Baht-null Trunking may. . .. HAINES & LdOKE-I-Ivs. I I. p..'... um. A lm: Emu in Vuliuu Ana Buuhdl 1mm 1 King-Mn July 10 _ Vvarv v Call Hound 5nd use our prion. hs MW- Lily's reflect BE CHEAPEST line! mania or men in arm Cxtv can loan u an my. Brinaon yon! Pic-tuc- ad lantha- nmadMlDdil I! Waylon. Fum'ushed n. can all b. no. mot. udMYm'paa-juuinuodocedinwm nMvcyhomu' 1 anmldlum Wolylmmm -_-- n.- h-.. n.-- "uh- m .- BOOTS AND SHOES, DOWN ! DOWN I DOWN! V July 7. ur going to the Said. Ihould cull Ind we the new CAMPING BUITINGS jun: opened It _- -v m- 3m. - / _ THE CHEAPEST [in 8 runs out in thin/ cm can has. d \r MWFM. Picmadjmq mug. . . ..____.__ Blnukec Window on Sunni-y night Um mu. 7 ri_ - - n-IIl- F. L. nlomnpso :qu CH. a CA {I om the pub r on: mnca KID BUTTON 3001s IS ALL! a ASTONIBHING. 11mm fro-cl [Ml-unumoynu. D. l. Luau-anon. lo. I 0mm Punk; Ml Prince-n BM R. Idol-Lam's. I 00 to IE- Tho only One I BWBS a BIUSONETTEI. W4 Princess Street. opposite the Windwr Hotel. a not dun- The are 5:10 to be continual m wooi- IDOI'Q. . \ m... ...... . "N. -w _.m_ - SIENIE & CBUHLSYI. 182 sun! 13% Puma leoet. opposite C, 300.01. F. x. cousmiiil co. more. Hotel Keupers. Bonding Bonn... ad 5. 9. Ends 0! aniliu-houldmhdmh 0! this nle, ah; Well honed. Ind Nicely Fitted Up. Print- Lowor Thm Ever .3 z [HIM W ll \_\U. Poor John Chlnaman 7E M New Black And 0mm I. Now Comb. Conluu, I . Cram tonl Spoon But. I. Now Animus-nun. New Red Loo- Hudbnltdl. New [Ambruquitn sud Luau-qui- m M the ynrd _f. A, SII'IIIEBLAND. I08 Prince Sin-cl. nut to 70 Show. ' m Nuw Hmllnu Shut]- Buyn' Kullla-d Jw my in. M M. Genu Iampmg Shun-I. (lu-lp Sal at Summer Good: now going on u \mu. A. Ill-I D."- All Silk vainbrellu 01165;) n Wnldron'u. Fancy Dress Gooda It grutly roduood lnrlnllul {1003. Al bummor Goodn Ioduood in price. llnllul uh... \. 7 "'_ i no Price Boot And Bhoa in II mum & bolting". mummy. BlLLEVILLI up 11mm. ll. WALDBON. I Princ- SIM. Wino-'- Inll-a Grocery 1 can "' o. - A Forum PillsLvkev. Mr. Hogln. who Ill Hun-darted [row the Cnhodrll Lo Ennuille. II Inc etinu with rut Itlme in hw new pariah. H0 is gone- mly lmpular with his ock. nu;-(- w In: I ur ll yet put u I l .L... l' the patient-L HnNIAI'AL NaniThose who have putureu fur whu-h they In. no use w-unll cunlm- a [avuur 11 they donated Hum co I.ch General Husplul. Purmru .md owera lmvu a tendency to cheer ("mup no (iconFor 50 cant: you mu purchase from any reliable druggilt, u. Imx of Macks Magnetic Medicine. which contains forty-ve doles ; thin in cheaper than an" other similu medicine sold. und th9 it. in cheap our draggin- aav it in the beat. and gives utislnction m 11 canon. Read the advertinement m uuuther cnlumn. \ R \xx wu Lnuurz. Men have have lwvu working at. the new Grand Trunk turn-table M (iuvlph, and will have it mmlvln-tml bv the muhllo of next, week. A round house vull he built. at. Guelph, and HI" nngnmq ml! he burned at Sunnis. Ullvlph and (ulmlu'g. Instead of Strut.- fan l'nmum anul ngamu. M at. pro- Oxcl: Mann-M the City Hotel the A pulono! Dr. M. Sonvellla. of looked. u-Axdo surgeon of the French may. i were crowded with phyuciula and on!- { ferns using tho Spiromeur. :- inan- men: which wuvoy- modicind pm. guu dim to the pun M.ud h ; nod iii the loadm Wu 0! lump 3 (or an "usual 9! comb. broulnb. , than. mm: Ind [uncut-unl- Th- ; .loqor unll be hero 3 low (by: but. 1 Phynmu n4 mam an uy it I Solllng Teas Very Cheap I! ._7 W.-. To an Sumo on FlintThe min! cl A race. which ended so nnutiufnc (only on St Gmrgo'g Pic-nu: dny. owing m Ingh mud and sea. is to be uilod on : Fndny morning next, at 10:3) mm. (roll: Shoal Tower. the conrso being nronld A bmy 5% Garden Inlnud. thence to buoy $06 McMillnu's mulling bonus, back to Shonl'l'ower. and repent. Tbc"Bolla- dnnm" has been thoroughly npnind . Wuu. :- Low :1 PluckTb." every [own] an: hrlov Ii 1 .. .. mum um hill: m M- M, u.- --v v . I comm-sud vary highpriallhilyl. It" jam; godown mat. per boohd. This umuhwmdhmmm. Juana! thth wink. mpd than our halo. Giulio. a can axwonw bum In: y-t- ,_ _. _.1|L....- manna sol-om! mm B LLsrA gentlemsn linlgin WLUID Uumno nulormn ul thin not J the Ihul hull: of the Provmcixl r up In the went. but tho 1 III the Turnuw Elbibiou ud wvru F nr are Lu bu leou everyw hon. _ My, --.. \nwmuzs ls Tuwx.-Th Vuul- ; 1w". n'uu were Lrented so diagrlcefnlly y lmdmrg rnnghs. were in h. city 1.x ~. umfurring with the County AK.- mw : 'l l:-~ Incest. outage was tho wring i.:\\n Hi the house in which the mnh lnm'l. In tlmcase of fly-90pm Hum] hh been entered. and the minor L be furlhi't vantilntd u. the Quun L: Ii 0! Film r Without a lice! n In u"- n... .. mpllll' t q nun-2 Am Assocume.~This u- m LN maul.ng With great Iuoceu. mnu-mplunng mutnmony should u~ul~vl\'0< Hf His many ndnntagu HArJanS uf s.qu management. 1 mum-Alan ctll on or address Try-m ugenc. British American sum, A1,. The Bellevi in a [\iuuntnn hll disgraceful side- mma what. he [I talking about. ynr and his sta should take a. mud Lhn city and he connuced fart. \exa January the ques -. LA) \... n. Inna: Golden Llon A H k m m ('uxvmnulLut OVII. HM) rnrmws cullecbed on up Urllgc uni crowned qmto n. w-mll small! 33 If every opu- mlv [mtl ulsembled ll cunv ml tum. every one bu! tomo- unguwl FL. chn nnuunng mu. 1..-- he ngituud by tho electors. i work is awfully delnyod. gm; lul' uuc Chl . nu .mbereJ up. Two m; n lmrsu and vehicle le other at selhng' lceuss). were adjourned, i'lho advance is . together wuh n'erlmol mirkot. the Imam ofphot .3 per Lou. an I It Pro 1r: ubuut 60') wwh n. {Jujin hp- that. he no In nuuly quu'n In: I u u .: mu}. The shing at. Shurbut Like H gran l. bu thou who pnlronin the matron. have not learn: I to cxwgqorlte their We like the shers down the river. I. :- MAL-Mn mu m M1010 Lam u llvv- llngugo like me nlucrn uuwu w h is probable thu the Muple Loaf Lumth Club. of Kingston. will visit Bollonlle in the conrso of two or three week: for the purposa of measuring sticks with the Ohm. nu n n 1 ..._o.ni.... Hm rat-ant UI UIII Clo'll! \.\vnul-. . The Bellenlle lnIszyenra It pnnm the mum: of am 01 Kinglwn excurmonmt arrest! nlmrwr," r1 ..u-.....-l n. SUCH BEAUTIES so CHEAP! l lulucuuu "n17- fnend ', the vessolmen mlnu II no ground hr disputing 1 0! our elevator cumpanwu. m. n,ll__.ll.. Inn/1.... IUU Lvuvnmvn Mu'v r__ length {or the :ul-htmlml | Locomotive Works. lung do the mason work ; )lck ma metal Wurk. uuxl (inn Lood the wood work and 1 .erungements have b( 1,- _ --,._..-l.. lrnn. I .ml ' 'Ilu lne Ulul. The lallmlmm, nouciug the recent gain shortages. an "thorn must be something wrong u: ngqnn, No. 3-. .4. oh- l'nganlnln'b mlnnt leL there nliwu CALM! Hutu-.1 m _ .. Snmuel G. Giuslmger," ercutmg 1t lrequenblv. Tqu Culhnn ought not to be I myth in a Bollcwllu sanctum. The conmwtu have been letuut at . A. . .l , )L.....A..I |....l.lm.u ur rhn me menu toll. and tn-WWW .. ..._ plnumug. .ernngements been completed for . oxolrsion from leliu) and other nations on the Mnllaud rmiway on Fri- duy. Aug. 11th. Lu Port llupe, theme by steamer Norseman lu liiugnwu. 'Ihuu land Inlunds and Bucknlle. to return Monday lollowxug or later in the Week. r:........... m.lm.v.urninarn are [Ull' mn. Aluucun Lluvu up . A..._.._., the author of eleven popular songs. Mr. R. W. Barker and family have nr rind from the West on summer holi- dnys. that Pmrtlnnnh is (n I'oult 1,0 Mum- D D. ('zulwu. MRI. was uhis out. to-day He is yet, in feeble I howevm: .. -.- A \._n 1' u a nnunl h; usyu. Cnpt. Fmrtlough E bobs. to view In: property in the . Vllley. n n (Ill-.11 \l P P waa l DOW'CVI'I. ('ol. 'I'WILchall. If. S. ( unsul. 1m for a months sojourn ut hm 01.1 h; the state of Vermont. 1 rm A nann' New anL, M the state 01 v ermuuu. Messrs. A. Denel. New \' wk, uuxl C F. Jeroxnauluu Thoma Jevrsou. spent today With the boys. 'n... nnlm n! AllmnvA Prmcn Lenpold, w. n. McRAE & no.3 today wmx me boy. The Duke of Albany. Lenpold, in Almost as unlikely Lo he Governor of Cantds u Khedlvo uf Egypt, 1 _..:.A -nl .lulnl|ul' n. bullw- u.- uuuu..- Had I . Col. Hauce. hm wife and (laughter. 0f Capo Vincent. are vxuitnug the any. They are nlwnys C(H'dLIHV elcumud Mr. P. U. McllregurJu-admuxler ofcho .u,_ .... luay mu nlnrlys .m. McllregurJu- Brockvnllu High School. He is a gmduaw of Qure I, I,|,_ _.l l min \V [In la a Kllluuuuc u. w... \, . Sir John and Lady Mucd< plust scores of voters m l Avagum by sending them thcir photographs. u.... l. n Hymn/m has! m wmr puuwxlnplm. Rev. I". B. Stratum: has an excursion 0 the Thousand Islands on the 12th Int. 0n the return of the steamer King- non will be hunted. Gen. Lloyd Aspinwall 3 ml party 0! New Yorkers are in Hm city. Thoy take a trip over th e l\'. x [I 1mm. Shurhot Lake. where they '1 spend a few days shng. r.,.._- .........- tn. .1 that an Father mung. Dune rumor bus 1L that Rev. Father Ganihior will resign soul) Ins pastorship o! Lwcsswr. and enter the Ihman CuA thollc College of Kxngatuu as Professor. II Bogiopolis College to be re-opvud soon r A! the annual meeting of the Guni Bluk Chnpter. held at. Oraugovllle. Col. Cnllsghnu ms.- alected an A530 cine Grand Master; John Harkess. Grand Censor; and J. Denison. a Grand -A7,JA_J n._-.._ Mn. Arabella. R001. de lAnmmge i | 1 ,IA..- _.\..nl-u~ lnnil ul-uu vvuwl | - Sundlrd Bearer. Ir. Shoridun. so fearfully injured madly by thunk u! clay billing upon Mn. Mod this morning at, TR.) o'clock, dint Ination groan pam. 31. tunes ex- .Ihtina. u recovery was nor or 7---: an.-- ta- gum-uh -nmniAmini IS" (UVIII {\I) SIZE 'I "II". mung. nil lucuvcn, u- "and. When his wounds were oumined It; phydc'mn remarked ch he could not livs. In it would be u miracle i! he did. E. In 78 year: 0! me. Ind loave- four Minna. two of whom live in am city. on. in Toledo and one in Clovalud. wan uvu H. was born in Dobbin. but spent 45 you-lama. A __,.._L_ | I]. W lorm mu m. .... u... Wcu colony Ind-y. He vu abligod to nan mu porch-d hon-I. m In took hon lingual: lat Ink bung r bu: bdly Inn by up any midan u _- nun- 0-: Ha hnv MM . a II. M Morton le lot his Not A an- .- .1-.. II. n. mhli'nd m quu'o It. I. am .3. uunot. nude A Kath! Ilaulna! budding an the u l J _...|I ,lmueperuus .l 4|.-rn nn wk... .vvl L than NF. l'n guuuunu m. u Imnuox and ,1 THE BRITISH WHIG. WEDNEDAY. AUGUST 9. 1881 :9 fresh. lllvtrnnuuvy- uml-l have 3 , Souris hunth. has left Tut-gum aim hul- ilwuurivdlnnm W w ,_L-- Tho au- harp ark-by. I". T' immamuunhd whit. bu .A,_',..J Knocked Right Out ! corn m- v- vv- -_V-V duty at 10. per nook. Dun. Innkin. formal, pain 0! an v;ch in now pilot on the propeller Argylo. plving botwoon King-ton sud Montreal. m. .,,,A A__A_ n.:- -ur in '1' of Wm. The suit. and Mum v0.0wa- cloud-075m Mn: 0. mm: than in. loll-lul. The Ir mp this you by ny of tho Midland RB. uni For. Hope "rived thin morning on the Icht. Lari: Ron. She uni-d 16.90 bushel: of when. . m 7|. L__ :___5.A nl. bun-Inn- aue umm Ammo mun-u u. "w... Ccpt. Tnylor In. 10 huge: Toledo. Hulk nd Finch. nd n-cluud them Bl. They In" 3 boon docked And put. in thorough repair. They no gnin buns hiding botwoen Kmnton ad Man trod. m. ..,,,.,7, __u_-_:~:.. .snn th-t nu MOI iml. The Custom! nuthorikiu mm thnt the ellewenoee of Ihomge on vouel eat-goon in one bulbel in n thousand. When this order In nned few veeeele of over 30111) bushels ceme to Kingston. but now thnt big eel-goon strive the pro- portion will be no land upon. 1! the Ilnoruge legroom: than one bushel in n thou-and duty will be imposed on the wul emount. The hum Order-ul- Counml may. however. change thin u- rnngemeut. .... . . . u ,,I L.. 1--."- s-u uuuuu .. The dry dock purchased by Messrs. Fraser & Lewis stlll lies unused below Untarsqni Bridge. Attempts have been made to secure the wster lots near Knapps boet house for e locstlon {or it. but they have been sotsr lutde. The property cannot be secured. es a City Aldermen has A lease of it. The dry dock would be a greet convenience to limgston as it is cspsble of lifting a Hair sel 180 feet in length. Many men would he employed in connection with it. and Kingston would I'BCBIVG the benet. I! a location cannot be secured for the dock in the city. it will be taken to Portsmouth. and that little hamlet will gain whet Kingston will lose. It looks as though the big Dry Dock Company meant to klll the smell one. If it is in- tended to put the Powers' dry dock in shape the sooner it is nished the bet- ter. Without e dock Kingston loses every day. w..- The Belleville papers think the la- crosse match on Monday should have been nished. the expenses of the Visitors being promised and their passages home by midnight train provided being for. The cessation of play was in accordance with agreement. It is tobe regretted that there was not time for the comple- tion of the match. but why make condi- tions unless they are adhered to? The lntelligmotr states that the Okas, in in- divnluul cases played best; that the Earls as a team played most scienti- callv '. that the Okus possessed the greater powers of endurance; that at the end of the play the .Kingstonians were most distressed. The opinion is given for what it is worth. When the clubs meet on August 9th the question of endurance vnll be settled. Had the Earls not developed unexpected strength and won the only game played they would have received gentler treatment from the Belleville press. Statements have been published of an ungenerous and un- merited character. It has not been our practice to say spiteful things 0! a visit. mg club when it proved victorious. If we (lid the cordialitv of our relations with other places would be of small ac- AA.._s A writer on the Belleville Onlano says. unent the oriticilm of the Oswego 12':- prna regarding Kingston. thet our re- coHection of Kingston does not extend so far back u wyeen ego. but when we stretch it to the utmost extenuon and compare the two ends we must confess that the old city hes not degenerated. 0n the contrery Kinglton has made nub stentiel progreu in many ways. and we believe I larger end enter bneinesa is new treneected by her merchant: and bueineu men genenlly then It eny pre vious period of her hietory. A large number of very ne private residences have been erected, end the uity other- Wllo improved. But we cannot prune the undevelke. They ere generellv e dlsgmco to the plea." mm & lunnws,

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