916: by V 1 Dual I'unm cw.- .tnu. MI5MH uni-I'm. a aw my w u Wall-I WWI). n .cr Mm: ul- u-mu an! sewn: . l .Jm'luml zm will-mm-lou 1.va saw. I Roduood um some by ull thn prinmpu Hun-n wd Btulnboal comp-mu Exhi iwn wul plun- mm onwteu np early . u pmumlm For Priu Mun. Hulk Farm: of Entry Ind all mtormuluu. Apply to the undmwnm GEOLECLEKE. John 5 C. IilEVtLhSUXI Becreurlen Onan- Hm elm mm mum-h when ! Iddlnon ' on. mill \Jouno. Hill; and bane bun an int. thus! :1 mm (on. BAKE SE? bu Ill nocuury htkinfhnplo- menu. In: ho ranted with In: no or] | lepuuoly. I I ) put-1y. tU loot do. . 1'0!!! nun. un-ruu n In" prico, hon: no loo. u 1!). nub-91b" ll Mn; won. The mum uh- hvo hon nul- onto! mm 1035: . Duh! Monk! on. Ii g: none " 0' Wm No I " " I! 'ITI'II- 'IlllIIH ad: down. with bo- Bake shop and Boswell-uh: Wm. Norri- " UM FUTUBI Tllublt" 6% down. luau n and nine nunthl . I put out Annh m D. J IlAPP. {Life Insurancoi LIIE tunnel Co. [1132.) Run lower "an tum Inch-h allot dam; bndnm in.C.nI|. AIM caning- at the (kn-mu: Brnncdm'hhldn. Ind now Amount Io nouly OHM 23.!" 1" par can. ol .1] EMU - Msdopt with the Dominion Gopfnment Policie- ulmolt our _, x..- u__._..L|- .... rm. -vy--- -'w r . ' Dominion Gommt. Polish. am unly he. of coodmonu. ud Inch-Hanged. on In)! [round M! II! any nu- untied three yam. Our guhom'rtol rm- m aqua! r m. gnu-Inna! nah M dam! of themm per i can! on mm mm. a win: mu- at tho . nujorily o! o . r188 laminae-s. .m mat xi min cm- ' Eugluh or Cumin Ion! love-t nut APP 9 (iwuwwmmocnml - "02mm. 4 [mm unqu 01 hon-t node" quwu u use tonmsgmudgu n 119570.00 MK 01 l mum ' AlL cinema-u. Ola-l Jnhl k anal-In- mums mome to! an ow 0M IWdum mtg 0 ' alumnus:- summit: KI an at. W I. A A . inn-choc I It. mama M0. . and. 00-: 40:3. munch-III..de mu. _ i _ 'h 1. 0mm n._ MARYSVILLE, WOLFE ISLAND. 3 HM cum: timol n w I-. .____d-I-Iu- l'qu the Lu:th of m. Agricultural and Arts Association, (III 0NTAII0. FOR SALE 0/? T0 LET. aoat Thu "I umplu to opdlllu nulyl I an and Anon-tho:- wry mu "id Pu- ""531 M 1mm mm on u... _ i m (an. ulmnnd och o! main-Will. mm? a? rib-muons .nn c (20.. Cmmo I "vulva-lulled!!! Ingmar 601 mm 't T0 at IIELII AT Kliistol, LONDON AND LANCASHIRF ,"OII. IADII. MI..." I . I My. moo #03 am. 5 VlLuG-BMmhIOMHn-n by?! doommm Togn 11511:: (IE-rod mavmcm. HEN Y W ADE. 300m", Tm CHARLES DRUEY. Pruidont. , (Jr-m R boom-um: #30!!! RAIL Off-rod ,hom {D so I T. m or my other plan I I m. nun-er Duo. take 1 Gov-rial 03.0mm out o! dent and 016 5 want magmin in can 01 injury. These ticket- protect lha holder not on- ly unmniujuu while In mm ooum ahnvol but and d1 0th.: ln'unoo ro- govod dun'ndn [mica oovo by Ibo [only In! numu uw-uuu - 4., .-. bx bulls" . V ' I'AIPHLETS 0" LVH'I lilk'IIUN furmnlzml w upphcouon. the Ialllmuumi- n "muted o lwum ovuy Impupr wwrmu. Lu W ocmnondnuon or no COMIC. ! aunt. Inn 0' IIIIIVIZ 25c. wag up to 1.9 hp. 11 to no dtyl. .50. Pdioxu for potted: gutter nun so any: I mined ulow run I Apply to Death to tha Busy Buzzing Ply unwind INSECT POWDER! July A Belehrated 400. and lls Good Value." Th: purchmng tron: CHEAP ' (REAP ' ' CHEAP ! " INSECT POWDER GUNS INSECT POWDER Gl'VS n-" . n mun.va wwwu'ullm's Elissa ARRIVALS! A1 a on" m Ian-Id - u Evnrybod would um Dunn-nu: [upon luwr dsr. Sure w m the mutate Enmlool to mnn. g nonums ELECTRIC BELT msmmu I} I |\\4HMAV gnu..-- - - 1 Established - VOREAN'S ELECTRIC BELTS m tum anteed [0 be u good um poworful u w Immanuel? "lino Ind For- iu, knonmu um, .and .11 Liver Ind cumulu- preunu-d. lhay manually cure )urVOUI Dubi Nvurnlgia, Luna Buck. Fun) In Ind Cheat Compliinll Ctrcu In on tree. w. J WIme. son an. sucoouor to Hath a Gunn, 185 Prune Street. "Th- Plnnnuy." J nreaenu-d. 1 hey Smmodjmgly "lgfyo Por- LT! ; "J V Egans IIIIpIV" Inn 17'" ,u- A_. __;-- _...... u m. nAlan v__._r- . 7 , _ With or wimom ands-lung, u mo nun" o! the cue ml] mum. In! odhu [loud and Ru tnra sand in now Ddhn. from which we vul select the Iouowtns man ux-g maple. of Bulienl Cure. , I. . , _ . _ __.._._ _......_4n_mmmnd|nldua BSDERS Inn be received by me mnuwn .t Pambwn Ruin; 03%! an] not -o( the rmzng'ru DA AC 3; N211. ' mung-um Mtpdm I . mm mm out. thgtm ACCIDENT TICKET 1 of Buncucun. hum, 1m.mmndbmmnndhl 93; .: 1:!!!" 2: gm 2: ya; TESDEBS In "ed a In; "PIER?! D_A_ JAMS. awn-1. 1 m umucz wmu. Kmos'rom I l pI'rGHi'Eo'un'od ' l lint-v per at it . nod Lb. mum. on my. Thom! luv-month! Maggy-91"}- xnnns lot the and to. d .xu-anuuhmrm WM): of It I I, m lob! saw-'4 1 muggnuuu mm m Mg_yo_m_: N C. POLSON & 00.. July 11 CST racoivod, A In lupply of Pan D-I -IIDII Vol-noble Inn-M Fowl-r which (0 one! bv the lb or u: III] N. (4 QUEEN STREET EAST. TORONTO-"J Tomlng Fairly-nu. S TROUD BROS.- All Desorlpons of Coal 0" mom mum t u Ml 0! Chap Trnhy Ema. To e n) : Pay Full lncu wd Us! Tim you an: roly on getting by .om . on for Wu. Olu a Gunne- I'm --UI" 0/711 Druumo. Primal Sm anpturad Parsons. I P 0. M 0-!!! This Ys-t. in Immense 5mm AVDEIL lNECT POWDER [our Medal- nd 2?...) an: aux .mnnn I: oxu DM'I'ID uuonn rut: nun- m ; our: um; cw-nom ,- ;. Nwoo ntofih man] sgLFS' q ( And |rumeuliva ulo, .v N hka I uther good thmgu, n In unmst bv wormin- .L . \2 w m '01 him. murl : u 1).. Mpuw . Thu only 1: me uenuma truck. A responsible dealers keep 1:. Oct. 2], c [not . r , .3 , ...u v _ - "u .u .m It In ummu stuff 0! nc ' x umbllmer : n rusth vur [mlrnu I ml. {or JAE SH INING [511. to 1 Tail; \Inrll In ulxm ouch I .95 and 9] Princess Street,l _.__,.r ,l { Foldmx Cunp Chm And Euy Churn m and- leu vmety. Pmiea contempluina House Furnhhmz ml save money by buying from 653% is .vxedauh l Tb. Com by b." pleuun m nnnonnclna thonwh o the [ NEW BUSINESS I -wuv wvviv ,-,, I I. w. you clong Ibo .mh o! Apnl. M.j Applications. .. . . . . . . 5.579 New Aunranneo. . . . . 34.771665 Appllcnllons Declined. . .. . . . . . . .. 916 for $836.00. Pollac- lulu-l H . 0 a an 0' mJuL w. m' and \anlun I'b- u: Ila-"0130. up; on Wand-cm, Icmlmwnl dalmmd mun]... u m. mm mm rum. Conuuy um." um HOBUKAKI man" nlnlinlvn. 6 A KIRKPATIHCK ELF WI. EAR" WV 3.. IINOAYE. C'wtur M (inn/Mum nun swxn, :. n mxxnox, QC A. O. BAIIAY. a l n c v r l m y with an absolute certainty P curing- you. 7.0 PESA (rom Brazil) cure; u muvh plnuum in announcing to the 500- I onl public that no mu-Ldsrcnnynqu un__Ll_A_e Order Work and Repairing n Specxdtv. hum In oul'lnuP ZOPESA cures Dys epsla and Biliousneu. A lian odoso nlh-vvs; a sample bottle convinces; a 75 cent. bottle er. It m-m Hroov upon the bottle runw. It not: directly Stomach. Liver, and Khmeys. Cleansin'r, C(il'l"l'(ill, Reg- ulating, Zuptnm givvs energy and vim to tho Hrnlw, Nerve, and Muscle, smuny hv work- ing wonders upon the Diges- tio and ginug duty to than .iw-r. Aug. 1. u"; nuuuuLV .. ..- ... activity the iver. Cut this out. take it to an dealer in medicines, and go. 3: least one 75 cent bottle 01 .mmsn. and tell your nrigthbog FURNITURE sm IE AND ('HKAP Ind-I uu 05mg! luppuod mu: at one 75 cent bottle or opesa, and tell your 11th hor how it acts. It In wnrrantml to cure .Dy-zpopsm and Bu- humans. \V. M. DRENNAN Reward! -. 1.-..-.40-1-1 1-1-1: ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1541. am, Fibre. Exulilot Mama. to. Walnut. Oak and Queen Anne Dinon nu: nun." u... ..v,..___. . 7 I. C. JACOBI & C0. O 1. C0: (km! on! mom | 1.1-. 1mm, I W on; luau an m. . wu. locum. l t . J. W. W. mm. a! Wot Inn! . .. "" ...... a ' rwfumuw by... .013... COOKS FRIEND .-n..1 b... .II run-z! Mable Tup Con u'e Tablet WV. 31 BRENNAN. W} J. WILSON. Dru It, (Inca-tor to Bulb a unu'u Kingston. 00!. Ordon by an I! xegulu prim. 9,3 for Sl.380.l as Iefll-I'll . . . . . 26 $336.00. .; II-I- IVU memos n nun-A n9 Du c.3010! ape s .xor B Hogan: (militants? It Is 11le unwise to Antonin un- derthemany 011m 0 n t s arising 'om Dyspepsia, Indigestion Disordered Stmuuchnnd Liver. when thh offer is made to you in your own homo in all i o o r i t y an certainty n" WILL YOU Y [on I'uu] uln- quu "v v -~. Bu m in to 0|. (that . I m [no I: was. a. ton. IMPI 3h null! into the pun .t Ara noun .0 rum to than you n In. 7 ; Bhnll I vuuly unit u \h nail pk. , Bum: And brand, 5nd and by (no. | Chlllod by iho v'umr Nut 1 _ lu sun TIA? II. A'AI. 1 thin of. II um nil Inv Thc whim chip. m: a guy. Freihud with (an ad I... tun. And joyn guth [or lag. long yun. For tho pc-ihly tuna by. '0 gath [or In. In; your. 1 For p-ihly may 0.10:: nnd drum cl nu 'th-Illld Thu undul- mun-mum Thu mild, and. with the o ' m. l Baring 323% .VM. a. f magnum ' inthinebock. Min B-Mwm nu tron tin novel human which Add Hut. the olondhl sky and u an bunks opponu. {rub m Ml u h- [was of ea.er JpqeLpho Ind b; delul- Lunly dmding her qmntiou. 3nd he! mmd began glthr'lug up her wraps. One or two pnuwgon In me tune on dld the same for theirs. and swung them a young mun at twontyaight or . no. man a fair indium. who had mv- um... .. I--- _____ v, V . W I no. Tumulth t'llud palms Mus Bum"! from New York; as uorbod in a mouth mums. : Me was n hand-one mm. buc'noxo dis- xinguished looking than hmduomo. 3nd dressed with quiet. mum cor- IUCUDBRS. As the young My shamed on the platform at. Rhinebock an urbtuo uer~ runt announced that Miss Hamomley mumbled not fueling strong enough 00 drn'e down herself. The man roumin- rd behind to we m the Immune and the rarriugc druvu MT. 111 ruunding to the olhc! side of the platform Mina Barrow saw again Mr fellow traveller with the Jnunstnolm ; ho VII Mn! 30' Miss Humerulay'q nun. ghgl hm, bsviug possessed himull of hi; pontmsnbeau, and as H! bullied the hand him uy : i In id. 1 :$a Eu i maa arrow-o? bun! l 1 The man Mm them mum, [ 3 Though hurled a took-d M. I Whug {MN bxuhn In. I l ! nun plum up an" w. . -1" __.,- i on her. , "1 ohm mink uh I Want uh- I see your mans it inxuu'm aid. "ashbamhzqhm in it. mu. m.- Lin-In- Ind all bu."- pounessed human 0! nu; panmsnwau, my ued "Never min 1 will uh tuothcr ve bicle. 1 A .1... rnnl Iv nun um gunman-n was a I bicle. ' Apparenlly dun ugp gonuomun guest. of Miss Huncrsley. The drive w "Him in lnno nae. and the rum was Ihoot Miss umonley. '1 no (mm W quite u long one. lug rays of slanting light between the trees and across tbo lawn of the well kept. grounds 0! the old Humor-lay mansion as it came m 51 ht. 0n the wine 1 ('lud porch stood Miss hhmersley hor- self, looking hke n picture of Ravolntlon- :uy tunes with her small delicate face. her gray silk drua and walth of 'pued white but. --Weu.mv vonnx friend." the uid. "Io pued hair. "Well.my young I have you at lun. Let me look you in your roomwhy what's this, Juck Travers. I declare! . h. um: 13:. Ramw'u fellow delot. Man! II 'lnivers. declarel" It was Miss Barrow; fellow Muller. whole vehicle had followed hen st 3 little distance. and who now dmve up and sprang to tho ground. "I axnucmd vou tomorrow," mud Miss tho ground. "I expected you Humersley, laying her hand affection utly on the young man's shoulder. ' I should have mleqruphod" Nuver mmd, you arealwaya welcome. Maud. let me introduce my nephew. Mr. Travers. Miss Barrow." A I-.. minnm Ink-u. whanMin Ham- l A few minutes later. When an: warm I ersley had joinod Maud Barrow in hot 1 mom. she said: ",1 hope you will 1111. Jack Travora. But. I know you mu. He's a sjendid fellow. I data an I d;le him." replied sfendid fellow." say . the youngI-dy. ' "I know. a! course. that you will 0:- i youngludy. A "I know, you ! cope in a friendly way. and man just. {why lasked him up while you were 1 lu-w. The fact. is you are very similarly 1 numbed, Jack has not. gobben (791 an unluch love air. and 11 I had bun mm L .u Im- glrl who Would have fallen vn lun- mth huu iL wnulvl have been u but Hung for tho 91r|.uu it would ha a mi Hung for any umn whom I should imee mi km would an in lava wiLh \uvn As It Ha. you and Jack us both m vnlmmhle to tho m0! pulion. and H- m m- U 1: best. of friends accordingly. You WI net on My. emit-your vim i m be Juan oubm man it. would b. I m the society olanold woman hie mo." A lmle lunar Jack Travers came upon aunt? wows one. was zbe reply. whose hmth rull of a manner though. real- ly. why she should stll think of that. bruw of a. man who treated her so out ragdously is 9. mylwrv to Inc4nd who does not. expect-h you no.1. : victim no her chums, sud in I irtation in- stant. but Would t ink tanking of the sort-glut bore. 80 you nooth nvnrf. van-n11," i society olanold ule mo. 1 A latex-Jack hiq aunt and asked: "Who is thin young lady you true with you, dear unntf) Indeed? The I some". Whlt s sinunlu girhf' And if he had npoken his mind he 'would hue added. Iand what u handful r], too," for i just then Mend on . having hid \ aside her travelling dru- end mm veil fora long dinner dreu of pale blue. ; whlch showed to remnrknble advnnuge i the bnll'mncy and the piqqu chum of . her face. the warm hirueu of be: akin. i nmf the gin glossy brown of her soft hair. Mini Humor-Keys phonic: b both her guest: Ind the eectof pntngymm ! thoroughiy It one with ugh other, end the dinner 1n! n guy me. By the time it was over they JIM um they Imd may idea in common. and may palms o! Iympethy. The long June twilight but not yet Med. Ind lino Huuwnlcy suggested that her nephew would take Min Btrrow to the panpet Lu see the View. "For." the said. "I can't. go about much end you man on. tannin each other." I Tim vinw in Aim. 16 Lamb A. The view Wu landed (at the Hun- : ruby pines stood high. M'Tnun > loaned MM Mm 'Mbe' Illa ' Barrowloohd 09996. M 'wy lube glued aluminum they-Izod : on hat. v $afbh 1m. Ml. manhu- int-u 'r'I-Ivw uuwu. vv.w . . Anna in ' 5 ' " t .h . pun-b . i Wm|hmm '1 u I . anam- uH Stitch-o Calendar 3 ~91 u mm W 31 J? V I ' \c { Au NIH:th *0 H .b III! H q, Iii wmwv- r W _ V 014 157.1W a nu- . 1 W" 7 -- m' '4 .o. loll. * wwanaumo-t Iul .w b { .BDODHtDImeWWc-wm ; "My mm- . eta-nag mm. It ' in u yiw Ibo we? -" g "A pity? [don't-umb- codi- gtiDD.. in humid how no. hud murriod the would b! m an ,ch-acool 3pth m4 3 in My . an: nnl l I uid. B Shem-t 0". =. shut in cm _ 2. -L- _.-' m- hla Illlmw Inc WM ant-v- .ch-ncool mu ' tom. obl WI! not 1 1% iheru. who vou bur down hisloot camp, I m. n ban." "You don't to. [mvers. Burrow." minuoes later. when Miss .nm, hm! ininnd mad Bax-row rem at twenty-um): or >. Inocme I: mum... v... mmw {mm New A whims Inn. ll." Tun n Ionian. Bu! nl-u ail-L" And if h. "SH. noon on W I dont. bk. 010an than." I w I 7 I. "Oh. l mu MSW ". ohm from riding." BU . an In an hon. hi. ma 17>) 1.: TI. nlnnh mind In hgm- mmmnmnwr The clunb pun-1. 4 path than mo | ; I1 I not. be penumlqtl low. NIL no. she [IM undue waoER. no no peuriunl] w. If. 7 w. No. no." aha [AVWI gully to on. ado. 'W . gambled author m w o 0 Pun- J - ' "1m.- mmw. IN 1. Li r- .Iohilld Tum. ' 1.1-. mum W- llo. Let us can book; . hintly. She took 1 luau, men opped satin. dunnwly. Tmnnlaokod Inwlhhw ' -- .Vnn nun-n" h. ninl "ll-Al .- m-w- 1:: pa... mug-nan. I. M , Tho-cu non-huh.- lmnrum-u III-11. "' You mum." In said. "M In our; wulk L up. m4 .0 .. ourv you. y OhI 0 no; 4. n1 :4. M: M Bax-'0'. bu mtbnbml m." - I I 1:314:11: dozendiu: I. Who he reached tho M a . ' Ind lined bot on In! mu boning rumor but id in trembling I hula. . ,.., a. NY "Doe: your an. in will. P" he nid softly] Sh. Chock her . They rode a owly Incl-0W7 0 green eldu. duo in M Mus Barrow. for tho an l. ll! noun. man u: Mm Mus III. I 1|! on I couch which wu lb *0 home to the groundl. n elinod to sit lndoon or out. "' II ersloy and '1 raven took MIN ing to her. but. the Inkliqu- reupoct was rumor I I'm . . wwn found after a low uqn . n In much more plouuwh' no mlkm him man 'u hor. Thu tendency. nth-duh Mb. :I-I- draw in Illmh A diltmliu..h 'u-ou. mac-inhuman her. lllll wnuenoy. "my Hill. duya grow in such I din A'p , be always near her thtt um t bnvo been ulnrmod hsd 11th o quantum himself and hilw ""IG , ,l, .1. he did not ohoolo lo. I (hm warn) alum-noun h- mmJnlm 'v]-\'J no (In! no! onon Io. One warm Afternoon ho 0 :in the library. where uh. I. on lug. men the open window. {an2; v .u ' 0! mos: roses in MI bud, u. .1, "ThAv urn m. a... "I;th In 0! m mu luau. ~' " W ' "They are the m who said. Maud mud bu; and bu stood looking dow ' Wore I. thin whiw d , prettier than he hsd ow- ohooh m-ro I Imitmn h htir cos-ed about u "My ' lbw 'uat been asleep. She I h on and comlortabl ,. t thanked him wish a b I preuwi the roses to hot of! Mt- ly his pursistent gaze spponnd'. - barramss her. for th- mdm HM]. uneumly : . , "lbw warn itin! Why dont 'yoa' sit down P" down 2" .' Travers sat down mochici'j. It! without, speaking. Mm But-ow I an bun. and her eyu box to QIIHO minchievounl. g I Duh-n. .lmma nnt luv. nah-d "11) ?" 'Irmm vuu r nwo'nquOoct-Ibm. 0|." Ho .- I mucmevouu. K Perhaps {would not In" govt! you to sit, down. tho ."Ihdjad .- murely. "You might an horm- semplnmng a spoudy 0in (or it. per pose: of smoking I clan." I manure van 1 WI: thinkinolm- of smoking emu." I you thinkingolm- ing of the aort. Misc Bsn'ow." "Not thinking of trunking 7 I W Misc Burrow." Not thinking smoking I! there was no hour o( the day M did not. think of shat." : - nu, mu" mull. ln numnm .11.- h 1a m the sometv 0| mm: Indeed he does not. at! learn it. Oh. woman not ' importance as mm. In IIII". um hm changer]. and tho . words bitter] . . , . r. N... i. w nf. ung- anh bu: lolly. Ion mo room. . Thu evening he told hill... 50 nhould have m go to Now York {or I luv dayl. Mum board I. w- ment mlmly And took Ian HIV-7 coolly. During tho by: M W the no": lpoko 0! him. WIer thought- won sh. hpt In: m cup- imr Tnvm hm bun hm- nigm Mud mo on. d 10.16.. evening wwud sundown. BM. 0'- Iy crooning the kin, Iithbu w tning over the gun. up!!! " hot :9on and saw him n ' Ill foe! from her. She not! qdb'lll M mniod ', she I too MIMI-in, glnd {of thin. Bho M Mud- nnu at him. indood. IMMIII':H did think 0! may." H( may make an emptiqgmu in in the societv of India. ' ~ ,. , NIannnl. '19 Am mm at! himh worn: muen . . That is wu um- WJ" in she wan engaged to Mm. thought. Travers. I MW Ho nursed up. and canal hw- winh with regard to 3h. window. But Mmd w in unhnnuoMHI nfrmruoun 'lmn nho'apoh Mk 0'. wm qmlu dlalenh noun. .,J .- . "An- ynu mu) ?" aha hypo! . Anun' vm." nu replied. comum aok Min Burrow4hr! l 1 In Pardon mo! I did not how "'- doing. I love you no!" "It is an insult!" lb. :Illo Io!" . , {Ill- "Loue ruelone In. I" And an horn" buck on $he long. the" Into I. rnuxon of mm. Tum. m lolly. let; the Thar. evenin HI}... AIMBF a lmlhu. , She hllook her head. . To ahuw ynn I did not rude. I w1l1glve you a mu. I! ltd. "Shull I?" 4 " You. be whispered. A Stoop down." she mumud. ,3. ma. whine ngers were u: big face. and he mm that theirgui to tremble. suddenly he meg i loll both in one of hm. and bola IhoCOIld stir. wmxouc knowmu him-011 whuho wnl dmng. he threw his mu Inn-d her and kIIsed Mr. 1}.- non. "unauth- vu M W. Iw ADAI Jlutul'lllv'ob. UDI'IOB. AOOOUNIAII'. ll no. mo gul- . Mum-u her and inner] her. The next Instant be won on hilftd. Maud. onmnon um! palpth ood before him. suppotmhomu W me lounge. . You have insulted Inca" ;' : BurrowIna l '1' is! 9",... mu 1 .m no: how I- I gun [at tutu. an. an m mu him. 1M1 .1 not. sud full to N court: he would notvm ma Mani-at] him-o in .mmmllnnl Humiliali Mill-nth." m... " "1.25.1." 1 W on the Int cunt-Id "You rappin- lu "Did Iro- ch 3 In... I- m Inn-A .l Mmllm'l" ,1!!dele- .i-mhi-m-Muh wl'm- IIJI. "nov'ums 9 to (luy," he W 6310. '1' am: M! u r9plivd.1 m hm. " 1h." " h. Ill'ww I rvb' I I. DMM grsz I. 1" b .d hol .0 lm. In l' Cw? 'Lmx Mania..- n. Im-AL- nut sscuIn-nlnn nouns. yr 5:- u vanw Mcuzum' a: BIBCII. Ann". KILKIW Dlllflil."'l.' n... mun-nun - B- |.. a Lsul'l'tv ,.,,,.,. "may uu P"! G M, M... sum-now m } [out (0! nm (rum ' nomad Imam r Ma, Milan. 3 - -Inl-II mun. Kn.th LlDry Hard Wood! a , Drly Soft. Wood 1 inock Bottom Mu um snuicrilusw 1 1 l. m u l ! . a.|\0I'I'os.o.1't. KGENTVQREAD THIS! INA murmto A" van-u.-- -, Dd yo] .1; .l .x; 4., outage-d I. A naivodpw Ion-uh! u uuhbw-nbuun- ___._-='I= um: 1-2. .m , 11% m on - . a 01109. In . m h'nuglc. nu 1M th- In u..-.., v .m. kirk-WAY. Ari mun. The hm Ladlol Col 9 o h: til W Th :ruuunly rqulppml in luruun, Baku . Lanna-m Mum: and An. 'l'tl Donal. ~. ~ drun- Lb. Pnnowcl 7 __ a Acvertners if $522? 8.1. lel It Go. i .\'.- 1- \n. u ouu Inn. Ibo um cool 0! ADVIB- 11nl.\(l m Amencan ewnpupon. ALBrEgT commif :Received To-day mums soon a 03.. MBLM airman-summation: 4 I?!?F.".- . &uwmumhi~ mud ind!- ' m we ~33?me ~ futblwol mummy-nun '. "Anmnmrnmrl. _ _ . ._,,.._ u_:__n.-llmlm- ; Baum Value In 'I'own : 13m): nu hut-Iv y. nun tun-runs. anus. back n-wk an. m E. Wulh. ea. In:qu - Mud. Crone lb. an... I. (. hymn Gran-i Much. C. . ENG. m cmugo Quick-h . H730. loan. kaa lmpty. guy'qu (no-(L Kandy mu. vvvnv _ _-, No own |I punino. Row by ull munch Iblo W luliwnud ably by W. D. MCLAIIEN. I."AI.LBMI- .Ia-I. mun M Una-o- tnlvumy lm - l r21 oer W hm r1- i'ro Thg_Ldjgs.E "VOL LI; 'FIrst-clus all; Nomi; R. Crawford I: 00.. DKOT. I VIM "Immun hot-nun. Ari. mould; MM" 'OJh. Hun. cheap for Club! My 'm' m"""" ' 7 I I. "Hu(.l.pnuflldl| w .Mmuum. MIUW Dr. J. c. Ayn l 00.. Lowell. Mm & Freckle Loilonl A Clear CdplxioEI ' "Antoni-mug. In warm |Ionund|.aud new: nod-Igeuon. Pnoe .5c Drugg1l1,Cor. Km; ud Brock swoon, Km Mum m in POSITIVE nun: : ALLA)". IOLUBLE KEDICATED BOUGUZB manor 0! how tong mm mm No Inn-com done- o!cuhehs.cvpah1u undglwood, Lhu an Larlmn to prqduca III by dulrnying the continue or (he um I Pol MM. Sold by :11 "trumps r unnuwooa, wu Ira rum... u. ... . n 1 drugmsu, ( on roam! 0' price For (unhor p and lot maul. P 0. Box 1.5%. Goal Oil Stoves Ex. I. I'! Wuklngtm we. hams mums Hum." m-vu. \__r ,, amid EIcumou- um Pn ma mil N I on worm-t mm ,7 . I burd slim mu fur Yul}.- amt us- . " mlwn on LOVOHI nu OI In!" luau I h 1|! huh .u up uqu Junoan him on lhe [0|an mun" human. 01. Bull Ktuml. an. lit-pool. Spur-1M mom: ., . - nu A_.HL 7 4 REILLYS 1 gsrllool. [08 'rnr. noun. lenud Camber m 1875 One box No. 1'! euro unv case in (our dune: la No.9 W111 cure (ha moat obstinate can J 1 ALLAN C0. John Sin-I. N" Y In. n 16. E Till I0 AID 017! FOR SALE ( Anouan 10% o! 'uonuon )un loco-Jud u MIOERATORS. BooksFendl 0-..- I..- .. flint!!! "In". null. H EN RY WADE. Without. Modlcmn. {Ina-Yarn: v o! cubebs. cups M: or oil | B III'Q LICB uylpqzh 1 ngmm' hnzranoo. and Im- l a skin which 1- portactl 'rn'nal harluhzaa , in un W {Ewsmm mmA. SA'EURDAY, mgmsr 5.771332. i'l'llo Sadat to u! I I Magnum. bo Mumlyuncupful. 1 HOME GOHFORT. no Con... awn-I. loan-Cd. -' The Trude bunny dosh mm Ann uh 1 For liming. Illhlnx. Travel , ling nml especially uervlcuble for II-ping 0m } 1.... Ir GRAND DOMINION r-AXD Mm 9110mm. EXHIBITIUN. $30.0 OFFICE. IN P-IMIUJII AND MUNICH .IALI. _.__ lumen noun 00 and. sh the Savoury n Turomoon orbofvromo undarmlnuoud dates. V , Horns, Cttllo. Cheap, hwlna. Poultry. Agricul- L; ral Inuplamenu. on or Enron uturdny Aug 1 t 1 (Erin). Fleld Boon. .ud other Pum Producls Hummer), Ind Usual-alum uncanny. on or wann- Rnurdn , Auzult mm. lluruvulun Producu. bull-0' Work. Fine Ans, em. on or betoru Guard". Sept. 'Jml. Prize Mut- Ind Blnuk Forms for making the andus upon. cln be obtained 01 the Hocremnaa u! 511 agricguuru nd Boniculzunl scandal 8? l Mach-mot Xnnutu throughout. mo Pro \ no- Use LYMKNS Concen- ' tratod Extract of i COFFEE. in]: mm ru vonmi 78th to 231113;};tomber, I882 MONTREAL. September l41h to 23rd. Elgrlcultunl Ed Industrial. 25.000 |_n_Premlume. Am lo onndl Ill imam-cu: bundln I [or 1*: .y at Lm mt.mnmm Ar- : In. fungus-u! 1.13M sad Maury 3 mol on. TbcElbton I! b. 0903 u the 14th Sep- urnbel; CAN-uni B's Itod will aomom on we 1801.91: III dun! vbtoh duo uh. Exhnbr Wm ham m olugd nll_ E x'ijgjju o N Euzglltrut'mtion & Working Dmhtias