gnaw: III cured. Author nit and wu and. yum- d. sthmmNX. It, prove thn n u m buin underlines the whole 7d- loy. In pun'w it is not. oqullod in the world. Cam-Ohi-I Iihn - I-riuiu in Hun a-ntl'nn Gnum; vim-nu. hold at 47c Down litQuin.- um. 0.000 cum. 7.: In bond animalle. 365m; unl-olud, m per 0. BuddyNoam. uln- 0.0m bnlholn at No. l \Mum Halwaknm I: on: Sol MINI. .O!m m (hand I: 0.01 I "a" I I n nu ; 7 -: M n. 0 Aug :92 Nov Inn: Oct; D! My": 7:; cub 5 "1-" for Oct: 19.!) non for Nov. 18,41 mu ' I0!"- ! Ill11.4 Fab. 1. Jun ".67 to. Oct M on; 11! "Ir. a Ann: 809. H 0. Ian. 0 WhenLower. lulu. mm sun at LII ; now rod sun n 0: Nu. ind Chime u 114. Corn-Quiet; ulna 1.01) Na. 9 Yonow Won- . 0!; n1! vuumJJc worm. Something like u aids in the cotton nd. 1% Uldhun in beginning to be felt. In I. short timo than will be I compli- nory bolt unless there is n chlnqo for the honor. up. Jlml \Vllmn 1nd Inn. Nnvuln. the honor. Mn. James Wilson nnd Ion. Nova. 0;]... but been muted on I chug. of isonlng the husband of the former. ilnon died suddenly. Ln tutopsv r0 vulod poison. Pml TLurlnw. Prinoind of tho ih Whole-alt ll Ila-u Dru Iced and all Ilnd- a. loin-H IIOCI. Prince- ~- BTMHG BAKIBB' FLO! L nvuloa polaon. Prof. TLurlow. Principd High School at Pottnvillo. Pm. and three boys wore struck by lightning yelterdny while crossing the hill. but not lutally injured. Thurlow had hiu bot bur-ed uni the boys were knocked down ind :tnnnod. One had uveral tooth loosen- Gd. At. the union of she General Confer- ence of the Methodist Church of Cuna- de It Hamilton. ymwrdey. the Super urination Bonnl's report wen read. showing I deciency and "OHIO un- peid legitimate clmme. Commith on the government. of the Church and formation of a North West Conference were nomineud. Fraternal delegates were receivod at. the evening session. (11100.41ka 9. I2 noon w: not. 'MOo; 912 .pt; mint 1 Ilm Dy w- Alu uuu mun... -. _. 006%. Toronto reJecwll the Fur lbw anon. anll ngutuu mu pn fund to 01:3va, though he Jun-gun Iron tho lav. pluck were; erqulnrlv "3.03 an 31.. 1. Julia. UJr AM muuao "we. ulmvcn lmve been nwuw of all tho-m [luv 9, ur-Il L? 9V h we lawn Iolmunly warned bum Hnl Um ClLy 4 low duyl lnenco ml! v. 'rlXACell upon 11- I msl. Dmuualac' and [1le mm.- tbol. Will be A terrxll mmnrtwum Fur bid tbtt they ll; m'l he (~xpl:rlnum l. 3nd y lnhlcuc u not um .lv Hulk} olgood. Admutmg L" ' Llu: 'LanlllnlllA i in not boon extensive uun 1:.nllnuu be don. w duvolopo public :uwrcaL? 'Ilm ll not the time to mlk n! how any man anoezod Ihrongh the L: clevmonl 'llm qooulion is. What is lwxng dam: to pnplp lulu the PTOVlDClhl Exlnhumn Lu gm: it. prominence nml Me and reallty 2' Why won tho tactics pun-men m To I Ito uni Montreal nut umlnlkd, and public mutingl culled m Oldcl' leL the "cpl. mlaht be cunuulted upon the i mum? Why have thc: waml >r:. of tltr. Council not dist-nailed the r-\- l u ! .ut lny no hr incurred on lmalllmga, null the city's ublllty to pruvulc alwciml at tmlonl ? Has the action of Mr. \lee In roglrd to the posters prenntud Lln: ntiunu from meeting the enn-r n... v m 3 non. vuy'. We Lruw nut. It In uevm tool-to to tempt umonrlumuL lA-l there be a new mtvruat. HTHliLlll'd. l9! . the merchants and manullutlnrcru cx~ lnbu, so much ls po'zslllll'. null ulmw nll lest. the Mayor null lma ('nnuml 'u: m mob: way Lhul. neulm Lu hulml' nu \ tho crodit. ol the (HIV will he Pulplddl Dublin, Sept. 9,.\I:uwood. the [mug- man. has arrived to an perinbond the exe- cntion of Hyneu. Mtuwood is {zuurd ed by police. and detective: will oscort him to Limerick. For ne material and the latest goods. go to the New York Clothing Store. where you will always nd English urges and worsted goods in the latest designs. also English, Scotch and Cann- dial Woods. 200 patterns to choose from. Remember we guaraqu a rst- claas t. Tn Exmurrmwvml V'ermsers requlr- ing utm space m the Wmu for Exhibi- tion week should make application be- foro Wednesday ucxl. that, proper ur- mnqement may be made to accommo- date all if posmhlo, Our space is neces- nrily limited. lu Nervous Demlxty "r dem 1 Vase, Portland. Me.. says : "I have pruucribed infer many of the \urmus terms of nervous liability, and H, has never failed [OllU good. A; . 7, w l-ul, l'lIly l-Iu. Iuoooufully treated by Worlds Dispuuul} l Medlcnl Association. Address, with namp for pnmphlet Buffalo. N.Y. .IIV CWIIIII II olYomd for any case of Catarrb that cant bu numl with Hulll Cumrrh (ure Taken lulcrunlly. Pnoe 76 cents. The safeal, html and clip-u; in the world is Dr Lmsou'n Conatlpnuou Butters. Suldi at. 5009M In all drudgth Iniuuot tho purpuw of tho exuur- sionista of the Press Asuociatxou to weary their readers with lung descrip Mans 01 the Cnundiun NurWVeuL. but we hope in commuu 'th others next. week to giw aucciucc accounts of what, was seen during a ying trip through that [and of undouhcml prumiso } Dnber o! Joupb Meduuuul aged 52 3" On July 26th. Emma Amen: Rankin. land 9 yam and adnys. 0! all the 1H: that. esh is be to kn! dinauae in the most. distressing. 'lu an. era. we mm onlv mu' [1km hr. :m Bun The London (UYTUIVOII I~ NOW I'ork Tribune think! [In tic. l-ston'i punishment w Shonlnnv, of Dubhn.wlwf. whatever point at new n n gudod. His Lornlnhnp run over a opecml Commxswm nndor the Prevention of ( which. n originally adoptwl Judgo the power of conku ujury.bnt which was mm 1: o! tnnl by specqu Jury 1' o! the ngrnnun ugll {Lu n knew that the ounce-m ul Lime dopoudod on the [verpvtmll u and the Impumty u! the cum tannin: could be when! up necessary murderu. unl u _......-....~..- nary-anymi InllL] era, only M '. Mkn Hr. \:u1 Kidney Cure at. u: and thus 1 relic! you cannot nd elsewhere. . list: have it. 5666346 6615:. AnnaPun gum anuJGOto 5.65. nomlnd. 7 -o-o LON-CH I'll! MARKII. _J01.!_?3!K:!2_ "or-lord'u A Md l' houphnlu Ilynu Execution at. clncupual wadwlua d Clllou'n Hmmach and .1: Suld in large bottles by druggistu H Wade, Impn lnnl F'an My . uphodo' ggugggitgswfhiq. (Manama. 0,120.00 MM; 3:91; candy I. I! Ill lllu DUKE"! l where. All drug~ uduey .ujx'er- Hrnn'a E umll fix/mot 80018! i not. Chm; Crnchr I lug- lo! 01 hm 1m, l ' Mon 10; o clock 'I Tunqu Lanc- uud to-plele mod I lulu and School 80 qulouel. innusnanmrnnmun, Rolmll's Bunion, er uid In. abb hm luau. a... Wobdoy A. Email! '0'! _A___4._. .L- L-_|Ih n m. I ~ E. .THM 1.1033830 CABIIH. boldly non who W of tho Cu at I! m.guuaosmmmu:.u - 'ms'a Tm any "'11! l :y u. guhwulumm Dal-yum... LATE 91" 11?" I WAI4I0I.E. [A WHOLESALE 3100K! :rorJIS HEB? Eim, lAuction Sale Innxgsnznuuanxns Two Hundred Bolesoflhe Cele- brmml Louis Velvelenn, Genoa Flue. [nsl Wo- ven rile. Audlho um. shappod with or without corn . lllo New and Old TIMOTHY HAY Bnu. sham. hound-r, You. out any, 51".. And nen'mmg olu w mu. MAN d BIABT ton] luvd during tho Flir. n I n __,, DUTY 0 THE Hl'n law A." 05-3%? ! Smce um rst mtruduouou of su perh luuka of Velvelm every purchaser hm. rein-mud the praise we bestow on n It in tho nearest possible approach to They no clot;er resemble. A gusrmm accumpameu every ynrd Bold ; in the event of any ddoct in wear lull compensation will be given tho buyen IREAL SILK VELVETS : JIIV uhlluuwut van-nun. unuv u] mum. test of much and ugh: without dxaoovunug than. are ohtr than the IA comm STUCK m BLAUKI PHUVINBIAL INIDI INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS! Genoa Velvets! Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co'y. nu. - To and from Toronto for $6.08. IA'TIMIUJ 1'].\ u . All Book! of hi? authorized edlumn. ll 0: but! at an Count. f BRUSSELS mnraru. ac. COMMENCING TOMORROW, 6m SEPT . l. HARDINBBK 900 Bush. Clenn While Old R. 8: J. GARDINER, 9;. MORRISON. IOTIOI. IO'J Prim-mu Ntrmal. I h um nu: .mlmt ui ICO of Wuuh Mr 0 01' Hz: Frum. (or 5 pm!) mucei the 0 OXOOHe :Vu' wlml ' II sun ordmur) con P ' no He n'cu Kn ' A u w u xteit' can I n | SCHML BOOKS I th FALLEN : We m Eboqu New Good. 1. So...- Cheaper 1..- Ever. 0!" Chap Lin. .1 me u u but nice In no "In. OI! lav Llu a It. I. III. uni Ian- I. Chou. m ID-Md vdu Our New Saul-'- I. IIGHTH AHSLAL alumnu- lld 0! [ha numbn- will b. bud u no. uno'llo soon: .0110 Emigw, mummy. b an . nut outh the cum. lot Iba a. data: Whom tn wdonzw In An! Int-ll o'bnr n! at. DI .chnult o Ih. y JAB! IcABIHUn, ., M in mean! lm olgoodo noI-l II t. Runway would no uur Na! Wm] W a me 1nd 3):. m. but tsluo a town. m. and... um I: m. we : I u! [ammo mule: mm: m I Our New Slack Cash-on. All Wool.uaa-.wc. unnum- (uupa lhAII an ohave: m. canon nun out .oury unqu 55!. mu no. our New Checked Wiucoyl. hundsomo M- llnndooue New Melton Cloth. J Lh\!'v1\u|lln.n,_' c Lust 1m: pnplr l | f l 'o Del 1 mehitmn. .. :4,|.,.n Now It Bunnies. OIJI & 0!. Now Blnck loin Anuquu. Il. 8|. 1nd .110; vory chup Now Babb Cuculul, "m ' ' ' moms mum, Amt. Olt lCumu Inc. 09900. You 0.... Sept. 0. . All Plum 0! an mu llclod lull-b or Cnnsdlgu omen n A clnlml named by Iha Jolt or All CM tn MOI-Ind, ADM? w It you Inn: Cup. you Ihould m BRAVO Stock OIOIIbIYKMDI {ho Dominion Government. l'uhcllll Alma-l on- unly free of condition. and uncbmangnbl. on 1 ground whuuu After they luv. wuod thu- yom. Our without we run An oqnu w. (unmet-d cub dlv dond 0! 51/0qu m com on Ihc Muuul. or will: rom mm of malmilvnl a on. lasgow Watchman Came! Warerooms. (IITABLMID lwl.) hm love: than Any other mum. one. do!" bnclnou In Can-dun. Alltho oumlnu of tho Can-dun Brunch mime-Ind in CAB-6t. Ind lvxll - Will 1 [00 piece: New Dun oods. Cornet 0! Princess r! Welhugton Strut... A...- A rm AS99959: -l lwms HAIR BRUSHES. CHEAP! Polson's New Drug Sim. lLife Insurance] III IVCI. Chap Union Cnhlnuu. 99.31250 Our New Ooloml' Cuhmom all not co'oro A 6r ma :1 the but ql BR! HHEB jun: to hln Night on the Str. Buthesay. Tax Payo fake Notloo High Ill" w ..- ucu-w -- *- uoopu u luc About. thinv m ~.-..m.a Am- ma an hmvimll I" 'lleql up Seven Hour. at Unr- Ilngs Landing. The low prices ul llulnet It Lockvus nut armed lhrrehy. Boots and Show, Trunks and Vlliui still going Ml rapidly I m.h .ml Inr fnrllmr nnnnnmmmaul next A DISGUSTED EXCURSION PARTY! THE AFFAIR BlDLV MANAGED. Kiugnton hul reached II 7.25 1.. lug. Passengers kmle [rented Lu n (no break- fast on board uuun Mondny u, ... . iTAXES. arc,- and 3| . "u chap Hum!an New Black Broad... He and no. .llllllll OENCJIIVJ- . - mania-n- Ems-Ind IV'MM 5" " 9" cmu.u.:m.-I-v mu quit. Quill-My. and III Ito-don um I... mm. It waned UA'I - incmb. 'iu u m 0' I. 7" Anomalo- when. WHEN LII- 3' J m mum no. D.A.0.. I... up... mun-l. mm. 30. I Vuth fun. m I- ,Wm I m. on). u my and y. be... bunker. .wmmppuad zowatA-Ohjor Ewwmwwhuf ! (nun! In any twigs-l In)" lodge. "ml?" '1. 'W' In H", .nWM'wwnduwm dnwmgroombomolunpuulbupn opt-non; ll. Int bond the haul I mud to on than naucl. to cart) At . . . dmednun-Ipuhudopmu um W was on: m " "' V m m nould b. may man. Sudthily he i. Mq i. a when T an. crept up w. nuiri Ind nu-ring d o (smut. Add: in n In. ills-ml. 'n )0! dm m m "1... I no a chub-I n! It. Dub" mind am. 6. In. I Laud. mm m gunman n wunna npyud. H. N- plul clothing. chdloauod Ina: Nudge mm w u WM' 'm u "In 3nd oomnoocul 0 drama hum down. thumb 4" I'Ock-l- 3- Bulb? '1 . s H I I pilv. bud no; A [up Amount in u- pon- .10, w I. "on a wsuon, '1' ho pack book canu'mcd gunman! tho rupnnslblmy of km hct b a Ind V I. turn old-I'M under uroal. "My mum "6 'hmhomm' u up wlnlo the conpsny which ho cowxnmd- ' I wok hum ,m N Imam ad us; than ind thou rulod out of the "we" M" Dub. 0' m. n I can: (Mon There ll am to excite hm 'hop' com 0 Pnnw M wcl' 9 ' q hugmu Streets. wu loo-rod. m a. man: u Om" ovur tho "out. An w um "um in out 'm ach inquiry hu boon demauJuJ the m M "a pm uulm Old ooct of thn we cunot hwubbd' 0 dropped me '3" mb I now even CODJOCUJIO. The MAJOI' Genb- rad how ij'oduisordhfuwaovg , um! wnll ooruinly not add w his popu- mm a u w an ' . ' w seeing the lump 1!: the nu. nmd the I lunvuadood he does not. Irv to mu " , n It . , cry of Robbon! "Ponce! Mr. Dnu- \ apphuu. n a grant. molar for dlscn- , . U- '1 "d .l "M We .0 mien hen our jumped up And loud hm clothe u l " ' W P . P \uubo. Mn. Dunbu ma :0 the INIW n the dlnobuo of hi: duty. Me In h, l m M Had command I uvere inlpooung ocer wuy' ' A e mm: 1 l i and no; Iuciontlv mindinl o! the poor wad "h." m. an to: I. d uncoungement man have to nerve Hm l 21"?" tr'! M 5% but. than; caunbryin Ibo vellum: mums. Hu 1 a ' u . loan She saw summons to enable her porpoul no no doubt goodw over- . d 1 L M, Luuleuuly the mall he can b. smut- Wk aw, fin ypmmpuy .Pplm" w. Iuo pone. were new 01 the .__ .. .-_-_-- .|.- -Mn;..nn' (J F. l I ,.| I I. V. y. a se :1 EPETs. (.nplum n Flddlarn I :auun-n mime-Md Can-as. ind )uw nmoum no unrly B010). Elihl In M! conmohllhubunyln nun-depot! II": In Dls \Ill lnluulj Look out (or further Immune-maul next It _ .1.., loo luau-s New Wluroyl LONDON AND LANCASHIRE PRINCESS QIIIEBI. Inuurnv m mum. FIRE INSURANCE. .: n- -..h. -n--..A ._ n SHAWS ', mllI- i The about! Pro-in. lad unhood f fun Clovon lot Bream. nn ; uhon [at night all $50 no! in them ! Ism- Inladhght. Cort. J. 1. Allen, I v nth wrecking H. all A. CCIVK. nut to bar Wad nee-odd :- ,uuumahuolnd m hat-u you, $533 ml] proud Dimivb unveil Only 86 (enll Et'll. I llllu | u-u nun-nu u a Elbow ullEr dark 'oin'v h. Ovid-Cf ARTHUR, I n zlnuugh 0. m m. u \ have gown. rink... th Inth 0 I I. II "It. ltumlholmvr M), u and. Illl! Inn- . W- l'un on I III a lb (1 hm; 1mm M - rm-d. a nun-Io! In. with on n hot n ,1ch 3" m '7 AW 0' ICED. I'll PIC-II on Clue. Hunt. hid! coupled by loan lulu-u a wmm. . Pu.~ Immanuel)! An I In glut-r! D WWI. at to & UJ'JIII. Much It D "0 Oh: m u Anchor Bmldtul' all" OI I llrl uuue humolulo I anion. Apt-Inn ltwnvnh a menu. nu the It burnm lion]. Good crlllr 1| noun. know: no I. owop. 1y Iy u-PA'I Cl IURNIJN' lion bud u! U nun). Hm Auuvu H) I'll. Inqu.- v i The tug Bron-on clan this evening {L r )[ontrotl with thus bug... cmynug | o woo bushel: at who nd 12! tons p lunphalt, .130 two pin plau laden mm 3 0.000100: of duh Ind 270 tons o p maphnlu. V Tn. schoonu John Gnkil wu 121 mmhuls nbon on. no of 88.033 bush- :u. Tm C-pmn d nu. at the cm: : nude than-my ddniu n the Car Lop House, ud than obtained exemp- j h an in). do" on tho Whitey. The : new nguluku m quit. umlamory lo I nu sum. 4 door: (tom fructo- 8m. Aug. II. _________.______.. - 0.00! WIMO'I lecture. huc accomplished nothing olu. tboy hue n.1th been tho mum o! crunug ou the par! uf lhu garnet u! u demnnd {or wmellnug m honduou mar. Inrnouw to the eye than she Iombre looking touch me not able 0! lm so long In vogus The new- 41.2 \er) v..." pun-I m....w r.._7 7 W' A Amy M bow-. ILItnounnouv-hm Int. - ,, roghND! -A'n. W REEVES Jo Go. THE Bill 111 TING -lll- AA. I A.- {or young men I won uh I: uuuxy of 1mm ulully blended color!) would charm the hour! of Wilde himself. We nru llw only houu In the city who hue thaw. sud an the supply In limited. 1! you wmt one com. quick!) The pco is $150. Incorporated undo! Cum" "7 llenud mu Ill! 0! Omulo. , A__.._. .In. an... AIM w. u. vv[.v--u-- --.._...... r." on Inn! 0! plum-'0 Iron- .230 I. "A... !EVEIIING HAT on; bomb thorun Tho hlllnfl! ML cull-d In .- toquer 10: building yurpouon. POWER & SON [XL . 1! gl'bo new Anna. with III-bu l itam TIC-NI. "0 It. in. light ; n ma pm uOswqoyMnynor-iu. .ndhui batch Inadwhoh bud ta-uwd-ny. AMMoum -h .v'ududowm um. in :ho. Thof :(upin nyl In on"! It. harbour 3.1mm Iiul tuba-km- pot ?Umnditkupodvo I. Am... I Imlago lld Association OF CANADA, HEAD OFFICE .WBAIILTIW, W. 8. I'll. IICBITABY boxcar- mute the inveumnm remunurnuvo. Auplin 10m {or In mun! be made In wrn lug nut! Ill"! lb. numb-r Iliad tor, Ind M be remind by thy undonlgnod up w tho um In oun'.,luclu|ln, A _ V > > Tau por mum of tho Iuhunbod m bony-bio on Allotment. lull ten pm one month VTle Aug .1 lurrv HAT STORE. Latest Stylas in Hats, fur the Full Trudo. And Iunten mun-Mum w m extent. And Vlth You all nd him At HYMAN'H OLD STAth 81 Pun oou Strut. non to ()rlngo Hall nildulgn. Sept. 4. British An'liggnghotel Dum'y \4- vuvnun, FOB UNNIABBIED ll SONS. NV: non. ' 'lue sch. Quinn and Gleuon hnve I ; dmcmrgod LIMA! unsce- hom. m1 :0 I Lumd to tho Cum] II tow a! the tug Auuva to Inn orders. i m. A; n _____ _ -I_-_ .m- ..-.._:.... AXE! GALLOWAY ullributeu but NH: out thus lar to the low prions for which ha sells bu goods. Beside; havnuu n lurgo stock ha cluima to carry a the Ind M prlceu which nnnuut be under-old, He in now nhowmg n magnicent wlocunn Ian's and Boy's Hard u-.. . .y.. Capital. .I00.000. Divided lulo hm Inn". of uoo lint-II. -- "w--. for [all lnlo: much uldnu I. M. Tl Supt. U. Blll 111 Tum SHIRTS, COLLAR. __.un_ Geo. MILLS :- co. 71.4053 ro LET. ~..'.r._. "vf_~_ BOSTON IIA'I STORE. _- The 5.5. Sudinun arrived :1 8;. Fe- L .ta at. 9:16 3.11:. 1 I The ochr. Eureka. of ngstou. leit Ouwgo on Thursday night, but. bad L0 rm b wk mm that hubour own; to the \ l Luvyseu. | v. , n__|.._ -_) nu-.. u |, -_l THE MUTUAL l In tho ally u n" low phcu FOR. BALE. W. REEVES a; 00., m SILL: WM rib. 0| "0" .003" EL! M. TREK. A em. Ola. Buh motion on! Unuucn. on .v Mluod on Klu B! on]. who). IyluPAI bad I SI- Welllutnu 8L! . ac Lton mock. Wumnnon Blrtel. Jun Supply Sorgt. Field: Ins been nomo what lurpnud to nd 1| camp many who pruned through the ngston Mill- Lury School when he was connected mm It, 5nd who took their rst in Lructioun in the scmuco of war from um. Thur nutm; under these ctr :umsuncel has been very pleasant. A funny notice wu poitedloutaide the sump nupply one. yesterday. It 1 mini. "Found -On the mud. at b a.m. l tmpet bng. contents unknown. Lust hy sumo {allow thnt was txgbt last mqnt. The owner on: hnvo the same by gwing I. ducription o! it to the Sup- . ply omcar. i * and Soft Felts .90! no Divot. uuu.u_y runny", -rrll an I correcLiOI. Lo ineruu Ibo ooiency of the lure... He could do I bhil perhupa a M: la brunquonou than be exhibited a, London and Dunn. Mujor Scott has 1nd an lumntew w'nb m Mumth U! I Mums in round to bin ulugauon. Ind 1A.... a. .. - ..u..- nl lnm- vnm-nrn L.) I A corrupoudont, writing us from C(r Mum, complimoutl' Kingston th'ul l upon Hm nppesrance 0! these composing 1 I 1L9 contingent at the Cubourg camp. 'lhe cavalry and artillery look exceed- ingly well. nod are making reason- i 4qu progress with their drill. Tim I Visit. of that. mmiuet. Major General i Lunrd. il annouuly anticipswd. the ! morn wuince the report has reached l ramp of hil lat. unpleuntness M Di s,.-n LINK. Tho Deputy Adjutant General, Col. 1 Vilhoru. ll st the camp each morning at E C- 45 oclock. and persontlly innpects the meat. and bread and other suppliex. So 3 f'Lr the noun bu bulge-hiron satusfuu Lan. Undor direction of Major Ross, 1 I6 Butt. nd the Sarah-Major of the i mu PWO. Ries the swim of lhu ! lepartmenc is performod agreeably and . emcmntly. Much labour Is entailed. 1 however, and Mr. Field has been cn~ .l...".|.. "up" In. IIUII- aw... .... .n hull duly. I die hospital. uowdd wish-bk and voondod. | ._--- A___.___ ' Junta. Capt. Farley. B Bancrv, makes a ' good Provo-tmcer,nnd Sergt. Hewlett. I mi 8' Battery, A in. rate camp Sergt. . | .Jujur. ,..._I.. Q-.. ';.Li. L-u luun nnmn- ' UlullruUI' alumnus Au uv-u. n vu\.l n... u. : Major Gordon. the Brigade Major, ls | one of the belt ofcers in camp. He Is I deeply interested in mummy nffmrs. mu. won all his promotion: by ment. .md in his preuut petition. as in all he mu ever occupiod. deurvoa favorable Iuenmon He is well posted in hm camp lullcs, 1 .. u,,, u nu... ML- .. { rluvvuvcr,uuu mu. 1 lulu Inn: Uuu .7 gaged no (at until long past. mhlnighL H. II. neverthelesa. among the rst. oor. in the morning. The names of Lhose ha ving the contmcls for supplies hue been already given. u , :4- 11:- . L..- ..-..l.\nr...-..nan-nun. I \ HVU UUEU IIBDLIJ HIVUH. v :10: King has perlectjurrangemeum m regard wthe stores. He has an utmnrablo usiatanc 1n Sent. Woodward. l u z .A n,_.:-_ n... D-nuAn as. m Pnp. mammary... Bap Milt. nail-- I. In In- A MILITIRY BENuTION. '30..qu wurul spy-a... u- -- l wanted the um 8:. Bulb. han- his session. The cantned 6 which. olcolno. bur- glar luvmg 50 book Ipol st. Iggy u all J! L. |.,._ Nan-v Al Prim-nu Lad Lb ludge lown. L ad u rrou. umd D' Baum; but u mg: no man unl- m rtrwadw the d ' mo :1... hover, old :1 50 out: Hanna" w W? [ti-Gullah Oman umm um a W I: in an u "1ch the M. I! b. m Ibo Serra-q who m, cm with Iothlvulg [and a. properly W5. h is to b. regrclud that n a pm! at out. by Mr. W not boon put up In oonnpicu all. .- directed by him. in . thui :- comm the Bxhuhmou bu not M u Inch publicity u Limum m juulod. Ir. mm. has pru. I hbly (0.1mm! innocuous an} the con- i m. howonr urioun. v.11 not. 5!- a... M- will LI man be romem. t mush you won julod ban you n for robbmg A nick Indy on the steam- boat. Sonnl Irmh [Id-our. took of- lmce u their!)le uncha- cud um - rcl rum v . ml. The negrooa '16.: punmm unmo-rclfully with club-- In ( uh]. loan. but the came out ole-Iain 1 i Dni uqao. It. So. 0.Two I no! the jsd. All 010m. lath Conn! l "mu- w Quinn-nod Lid tho rim nml. ---o.. Tun n no doubc shunt. ant Dr. Van Buvoo'o my Cm is the only In: unem- um wine. in W upoq Inme um til! podunly our. kidney M Ad your mum tor it the pa. All we Ion. In no Conn no... wu muons! ad the rim 1001- led. Mr. Dunn-:- Iggy u: u- u..- - corner 0! no nun was taking no Impression 0! it .I:amrb:,d. Ho wax, mb. bed the keys Ind bolted. His move- muuv. awakened MILDnnhtr. who. u: "Police!" hi- clothes nail- which the oomnuncod to deo- A...a -h-.. ah. uu-l run-had the New York. Sept. 9.The lusmih'p (Jutzlln sailed {or Alexwdrin vegan l. y g mm mules tor the 13mm. The Ian- 1 lie Consul received 1 letter soon ufzcr : the umrnl olthe steam". re menu g that at I maxing of the [tin palm a I the question of blowing u the Cutilm with the males wu fully inc-used and deemed negatively n impolitio. TI 0 , pm- uu gumrded um tbut by pol: e t rm glx'cm'l agents up to the time o! .8 Hue} inning. . [W vmxcr. SEC! port. lonrtb. wmcu sue mu comm-M w uw- and rulhod door. Ho nvuply than. mu: a nun, diuppnnd uncut: the loor. Luuleuufy the mu! be melt- polio. uwunreuce and u. now working up the cue. The burgh: m ovidlndy oxpe rmucad. This In M by tho lktll- !iul wuv in which h. In: tbout his warn. The pokuo now have [ht In . let: by him). 0!: on. lid. in u: impra- aluu u! the safe key a Ola-Ind When .9 uuymzug possiblycul b0. Tho ob- . ...- .mm In lauvn th. kl'l ll thov IS a numnnry of the mean on r rmay: ; Free for EllPhilli. rst; Burbam Pnlchml. necmd 1 Kitty Ives. third; err- Lnr. foul-LIL T1m01228}. 2.27. 2.28.2118. ; \Inunlvv Rnnmna Rank 15 mllm. foul-LIL '11mo:l23.'1.2'l. 2.26.1225. ' , Nowlty Rnnnmg Race. 1* m1]en.; RnlJlie Bird. rst : Vice. second. Titre: l i '2 H; \Leenlechnse.- Benn. rst : Lay rm"- (1%! a lllcu unu. um .uv- n. .. .. . u would have boon {mm Lhmt mumm. m In In trmls by special Jun um ; x. loner. He had Lochnnle lher-rn [\L mum. He could bu. n-u.- 1: Ju question-d and uuqu-=L.~n.l1r paw-1 0! [ho Count h 14111.4. mr roux-{1.} ' Ho cou2d refrmu lrom nun: um: p 'x. and perm. jam-mm be nutlrmui .mx H jamco pnnlyled Them Wu no 1.1" dle came. H~ (-Lusc 13m {mun-1 \V. [ lave boun roux: (Pm-w; W) o h we cam ; kndod tblt lb. pres. sunui I m vellum! todou it plan. We not i unintended the oonoo L11: Joml. but I. hue pin cm mane. of Mr. Gray exec inn-1 zr mm wu repute-nod to be an can temp! of court. Now 0 gu-cu L undonund that. than was . uplncy 11mm juauco nf Wun'h Ony wuoaly seem. "Am [10 m. hon." aid MI. Jutlice Lawscn. "mm! loin-:- thn public jurors are to bo hold up wumuon for Itmply domg 9 their day? ! no partway well Hm In! cl I. Articles. I: u m undou- voufo my in an pub: :22ng le i non] 05m 01 mm convictions. 10' who m m trid 0! [hp pnwnon. ' I to FRY! juror: horn bringing to 3.0 {DIM-Mr damn thu lm M nihth jMLU' I j x 1 an: ! [mm-h!- Ila hpid-tx . much" own mind to Ian 'ben no; _.___ A. Mun-Ll. An.- 0" Wimn (undmmn Sept.9.An excxtenmnt wan cruutwl this morning by an attempt. to ~i|Ull the English team's score. Atcer nianmg at the 200 yards range Cvpn. .hrlhh discovered that. some person land Crtu'imd the muzzle of his gun on the line of 4411!. with (be evident. purpose of rimtruving Hare Aim. Mellish and comraden immediately comglninad to we Americans who expressed etestanion of {he not nml promised to have the min. : ('fEMit punished if found. It is suppos- oil to bo the work of gnmblors who de- mm to inuence tho boning. i unynuzug posauuy um w. .... .. )ecL Wu to leave m. by: u i! they were deemed of lmle value, 3nd mus throw Mr. Dunbar of! tho scent. And. An uppOlLUulLy occurring. towards plun- An. nu ano'n 1 \ Then: can be no doubt that proprietary Hilllildluba, or patent medicine-i." Ire be- wvuimg more popular every you Ver iu'v understand the (em "patent mcdi clue ,' It nimply mun: a medicine w! .oh Lhr- proprietor! thinksogood thst the mums and unit: right to ninnutwture ll secured by registry in the potent ofce of the do verninuntl This constitutes the wKolP "Frank P. Warner came Into our mun- lo pun-limo a. mmple bottle 0! Zopesr lnr n maul. and stated tth be (Mr. Warm-n wnu udllcturl with kidney and liver tron, bin {or live years. and had paid $201; or 33%! ductor'n hill: and has now been CU! plululy curod by the uuu of two large out- Llcu and mm sample bottle of Zopesn. lll' wus so bad at one time that lie lam 37 pounds of dash but after using Zopssa Clunns that he is I sound man. lud now wnialis 115 pounds. He was loud in in. prmse and readily consented to allow us no use hm name for relareuoe." Again. Mr'a, Forbes. wile of M!" R. G. Furben. 'lilaonburg Out... through Mr. ('. Thomson. Drumml. says. She was ill- in; for years With bilioumess and dya- [uepmm and wan reduced we. mere skeleton. but through the use of Zopen entnely rerovered nud lnl gained 38 pounds. VVv could present vary mnny such let- tvrs Zupes is not a oureall, but. nCI (lllrclly upon the liver. stomach. and 'aitl- mi. (aurrectina the digextion. and gun; aom'ity to the liver. TIMI correct the whole Iyatem and the blood becomes pure. l : Ogden-mum. Supt. [SnThe following of the Friday: , cum 4.- nllphlllil rst: Rnrhnrn --*T-... -mxml Ina-inh- Bmau min! to munch-Admin- 1h hunk bur u mud, u unk- -a n4 Id-n. o! chum And can ibeeplechnse.~ Lay levelzar. second; Bonniflco. third; 1h- : ,_. IA.._.|_ A Proposal Negatived. Ogdensburg Bacon. ovu'y III ts" In an. wm-n avg. m w duty!" What i. a. wind tho-1n!" nary Wobow w jun-I hm hm lbmx: umhlmnwy.uduwnn :hu, Mun-din Mam mth www.mwhm-WWJ ,5. any. lm. The Pnd: '. . yd. Th0 Irish Immune i... Haitian-duo in am can 01;. I}... lib-0d I) In hung on Ung mg. on!) kh- Oonnnunt has hm, 7AA- .- nun-ala- ll h'. '1 t ___.__.._____ Put I. h: Your Pipe. BM in Gaol. Bad Work BRITISH wmu. SATURDAY. SEPIEMBER 9. max R |U3Cuh lllU I dy tmng. In thmmc .leton occurred. Relufc mlvely ('mum g up for )1 LI gnu rm-wtlv mum] :11 shell nearly in {rm t mfnutry are slowl d euemv IS ~510va ru Kussnsain, Se L. coFumencgd on o thls muman and c , pruciuiou uutll 9 leunmv rL-L' d. -._~._.._...___.__._._ BAMBI-160M- Q'I'IIE III'I'III Al. 80""- IAN. FlCnllGIBIIQU' ERGAGBIBIA. Iruuh Lou not Know. The n--_n--l nlunuII-n-II-I. a Mdnuvmllmml I .Dnvibal. Thyml'nchn'l' . W. a. - 0! "(up no boginninl to oxFriouoo the ovil aloe o. the climate or tho loot vo or an. day! tho doplution 01 our force unouh Illness ha been wmowhot uni-z. So lea than three Colonels o( cushy haw bun Invalid h) Ina-ilk. [my other 061er no on the tick list old 3 lugo uumlmr 0! the rank And No. Tb. chm! cuuw of all this olclunolaiotho heat, which Is often pulectly insura- nble. ()lcen null men often drop own In a hunting in iusenniblo on mound. whence they are removed to the hoopl- ml. Dysemry Milne prooontin o vory Vury Vlrulem. Iowa. which in MN. to bad water and the lnuonoo ol tho heat. This is one reason wh Wolooloy is so muons to push on. he chmgo from the present. forced inwbion w one of excmuneut and activity will bo 01 service to all ranlu. The an0 olCou- nuugm has been alighlly ill. but. IO uulclcnlly to cause him to louo his command The tuning of the want in tho Fresh Water Cuuul still continues. I" can in mill to be we cutting of tho and by Arab: jun: above Tol-el Kebir. The Khedlve lulu justluuod an on- e X manssln. Sept. 9.-The attack of the 5 anenn- hum been repulsed but the action 1 still l'nntlnue along the front which ex- Bl ten-ls :hree mileq. All the troops are I 1 out from the Butmh camp. The wound- iud are now being brought in but the ' 1 total casualties will not yet. be exactly known. The British 1053 is roughly enti- { muted at, 700 killed and wounded. Many l Shells fell in the Briniah cnmp before the I enemy was realnlsed, Pekm. an, t. u - 1 he um. tumo- n'tin Intern-and boldly in Com. uiul the tube: of the King Ind brought hi- m China. The King has been "Suh- Led bv the Chino-QM and mu". Ilhlnmn, apt. v.AI 1 01:10:: III. jury in the Sat Boot. an... M boil- ud to "port. Martha: rock- ulcs until 6 oclock. m o.-. Lnndon. Sept. 9. Wolseley telegraph: ! the. War Ofce at noon 1 The euem) re- i conuoicred our mlvunce posts with con- jsidernble force of arms. At. daybreak ' General Sill. advanced and attacked ' (Mam. driving them back with a loss of 1 four cuus. Our Inn in very small. The enemy rem-ed into their works. from whxch thny are now ring at. 6&0) yards. ,Ishnh return no the camps: Kannada :Ihonlv wnb ml the force. I ban ru- 4 move{ my :nmp there an the nilwny .caml sud telegraph are now working 1 hirly. We but. found Ind buried m ' body of Liam. Gribble. Gribble ha! been missing lino. the grout unity charge u Kass-tin." It Ian M! - problblo ho wu ward-rod on m up- motcb of Wolselcv. --.o- Alexandria. Sept. 9.During tho \ night a sum party of Aruba. who ob- ]ect ls supposed to be incendiarilm. n- , temptn I to Walt: the rampmrtn between ' Ramlrh and Rosetta Gates. One of the 1 party was hayonnmad M the sentry. the remainder ed. There wm some desal- .nDlv inn torv ring. l Tv-n Seende Division in now in Alex- lunlrin harbour awniting'otden to dis- omhurk. Luann-nun. u-.- .- -rJ , A sznmts oomuou Kusrhsuzu. Sept. 8.A reconnaissance an TelAel Ktbll was umde w-day. Iho emmv uhmzued in force. Then won no cusUumea. Gun. Willis has arrived hurt: and Im Lukan over the command from Gen Uralmm. The enemy hue occupzed a vxllnge about. 2} mxlea south of our camp. 'nm mm: of the rooonnoimnce .IIUIOI '3 nuu II-vw- ---c Ila-Ill. cl Diuau limit." IIII oft-e sick. of The uhjac'. made t0~ddy nun to drive out the force of the enemy reported to have occupied a Village unzn~ here. and also erected B eld telegraph hue. The village was four ~. to he deserned. but. the enemys yam-m. and eanbwarks were discover- ed on u rltitle no: hu' dmtaut. The enemy .. . ,.....l .n-mn "humor: A brink re lull-W. uuw-vu wlnvuu. w... ..... _. ' has n- pnoldly. u wmmm of the Fnir h um: 'hlb concern:- more Ibnn one udwidnd. Ivory mtiun would be} I thus In In: noumhmg u um. 1nd I! loyol' MCoonoll ought. to reuliu that ' l naughty mpombility run upon them. l ' II in low ohm: ,ull Imco n hounch ; Show occurred in blugnlnn. and the m- ohm-twouhornade [belunlauubmm . ' Him. Tint (3c! has beeL a dam mm: . g 01:0. and betting It In unan we should ' bu. no muulty m CUHULJJg {or the ind!ch Illb which IuDheqllnrltnp [ l l __- I... Hm IvL inimn I... hall) I Tumuw. .7: ml ultimazruljl WMHODLHQM rume Mr distant. Hie enemy umuairud I great, numbers. A brisk re Wnsopclmll by both suies,which continu- ed for huifun hour. Without, any cunnili- ties. Tun horse of Mn}. Terry,corresp0n- deuL Oi i'm- Armi/ and Navy Uuzem. was shut Ii'oui under him. While the Ena- lish Wol running the enemy swurmod down [I u Izin uml firedat. them. The Emmi... m. min J thought the recon' nuisance wua Lbe beginning of earnest oiwi'utmusi ,\ Luii'cspondent gallon tvn th - mwwx- ' giving the English In Me haul. Luz. me latter anticipat- ed. 'lim Egypt'ms are now in posses- mull of {our pusicious from which the English bud unveu them. mis- rho, nu: BATTLE. ,,..V....,.. . ... enemy rczued. Ismniliu. Sept. 8 ~Tbere IS no report 0| the msualitms dunuv the action of \0~t-crrluy Hindu by clueley. but a me arnved here lled with sick and | wouu led. L (In-VT nun: 'rn Tl. RNGIJQH, lulDV \viiszit Ulii'i' put in niotiou. Dy 7 u'i lock in m i iii. 1)' duel began. Arabi'o tlliUlIa uiiill airiiis uro spread over the entire i'iilg- a lllhl u mile unil u. half up the [NIH A triiiii heavily armed appear- (ul lit :20 u.iii, A forty pounder and Krupp guns are niulling the enemy's right, llime IR also u 25 pounder two lllllllllfliylllll off playing in the same position. The UllleslI have the enemy's range oxai'tly. ()lJl iif our shells burst right nvcrthu iriiieiuy's rinks. Egyptian llrllllljl) haw mil our distance vary wvll. Mljil their nhells are dropping stezidily into our 011]). We have horse llilllul'y extended ulong our line for hall a mile on the north side of the rail- way. They :ll'O ring rapidly and at plOStiuL the Egyptians are slowly ro- tiring. this moment no casualities Reinforcement: are just (1)!!1101 lililisznneh. The Krupp mipmred from Ambi lent shell trout of his camp. Our slawlv advancing and tho 51k)le rutiriug. it. 9. 9:30Ku.m.Firing commenced 0th ,nide. at 7 oclook thisiiioriiing co inue With great 1: ciaiou 9 clock. whon the .. nan-Jr] LAIIL-F' rnuu u. u...... Loudon bvpt. U. #A correspondent at Kassaaam snyn that. after sn o'clock this morning le Bengal Lancers and Scouts came in wnh the Imw Lhat ch. ouemy wcrv Llppluachlll'; In great. force on the :10an Rule? HI runway. The British n... ;n annn 1: Wuhingmn, Sept. 9.M 2 o'clock lhq .n in tha Snr Bank can. not In.- New \ork. Sop; ammo: u. i... the Cora-of: jury "on, mhnnq ad Goo. Dvan 1-hmJ-nlnnnmi-Ihmnll Palm. 5., 9 the China. tumo- ilinl mannan boldlv in Com. Pun-gr! Our lav-Io Jury. upon not. to cannot. Mr. H u the cmlculatnona uf the p minchxef. The) set tneuuaiv credit both the aynhsm nnl ud tho latter zbov nccuml eminent. o! packing. The} 1- tho jury oernnkeunr .s, an! n Widely circulatml juurml the cdnmnv. "1!)lr. Josue.- conlinnm the correspuulvuc." rated this. the Px'tVrLtinn of I ,1; L,_AL_A._ l..~..\ .h.o .n Com- HPIMO. OI: tron... m I the nil aoat. 'mamuv-uou MIC-0 Walton-MI. Tho add to Wk brunch at tho Caulk Pod my run turned guard-y. l Bum but M. Iron Sun- a ht Jun. hobo-dud. The A- .l tun-h IA- din-Ind, an let an". union-4w m d oaty vu drowned. Th- Ivnnnh ( well of WI! Iv cl "any ammo. Th [Im-nob ("\IDCII of Wu unto-cod n lulin who stacked the French uol dict It. I yur'n mph-our. Edwin (inn-nu. and Jon-uh Fohmo In: k. your] mph-our." Edwin 0m and Jouph Fobgo qnmllod vmrdny our an knot"- |n~ til-my vim Umu's' wile. Gan." M iii wit. ind wu killed by Pillage- lr. Sou-h mm project in |o II- I. titaDOIIiliOI Gown-mam I:mr- obno ' the N b on El. via WW RB. III- E Wan: t 54..."..- P- irim (- Ck vo- MMVI'TI. I'll. III. II IATURDAY IOIKING. 9.: heat but. a CHI-an unwant- 9!!!"- l mam-pume Ina. - H mum-um;le w IN y ll. W- I um an. Ir. E Wen. 8t Bonita. Pl, writes ' Imus: recommend St. Jeeohe Oil. lied I. borne mu: Sweeney in the shoulder. And need thin Oil three timee I My, when the .11an cured. Annthnr ll nd 1- In. rump Fluiqu nu on. n-.. . u . . . . _ . v .. "M by the Am and Agricull -AAHQRA- Tar/mum "nech I