COOKS' FRIEND u-.-u_.| I.- .II roan-l INFLUENZA. CATARBI. BIONCHITIB. Tm FONBUIPTION. BCROFNLOE'B. nun-l "hu- lmnunun. Lon V'ruun 'l W s m) \y.m-.Im' Ibu- nlnrhwntl noun-M Art-Int GUI-Q r.- null. Imu- Il 'ITNEII EMPLEION (0-. lllll n. \ WITH HYPOPIIOSPIIITES. Inc. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE sd M [or Uth "I'll. I! It! I For Ida by til Drunken. Price a) on Sold by :1! Drnulnts ; Pruze 50v Ioll-ultulzlrodl In I" nun Oval :1 d luullhuy nacho]. I hull to our! I" hum-z. .1 [Le- Kink IIEIIIGII MIL OIL! Q . , AI. ANXIETY I EH (i u.l.nwn attributes Ina ~ m 1mm far to the low Inllww 1- ma! Inn goods. Banning hm] Lurk he claims to carry a '.hv JMI IWIII. Emulsion} STROUD'S TEAS. '0hoap and Durable Goods !| Imam & ENGLISH nouns The New Hat store, NI I LLS BRO.. Corner Princau and Bum Streets. Ktnwon a mi Gooruo Street. Pnrrborough. An 18 Oun (hen: Fall Openiul Commsncu SEPTEM- Hmnsmnnd Imh. Look out for nor/c: a} know Unprecodonud In the manual tho To. had. In the enonunun ale 0! our 000 mud we Tau. [THE new HAT STORE, {TRY THEM. 1 smoun saga. Books. T o! the ICINII'UBB of n tut-oh- Hotrdlnq noun. 'hlch hu hot: cecal-id ii nut for It! on tho mwO huh. mum-am I mono-awn! {tho any. Pot mnhu pad-II"- ml] Md- I... h..- \Emm mm mu m} MILLS BROS. Our Canto-er- CI. Bel: Upon new... the In! Alnnlcth OIL when Ordenl' Iron .0. vv-v - _-, No och-Ir u [-nnlna. Mouth-I by I "Ipr nhlo (lrocorl. qul lenn smmn be". per lb. Pnur wuadi good alpul Tu for UL Five pound- Young Hymn {or It Tn McAuley's Than the Cheapest! St ationery Amacanualilj 5.3:. n. ~ Ill PM. Kingston. Mic u Mk1)... Om" sod loam", l TILL ARRIVINH. and lo noun on down! mad u an .0- oou :- my Inn-r on with I IL - MN" 0. lot Ion-nun No cum I lunch H l. (. BETHEL. m Prince acne (JIVE Us A CALL. N. 0. Power: .1 00.. $6? HEADQUARTERS WE ELL ONLY . lll-J'lll IS L. Primal swoon. Auem {or Kmlnon. ____________ DAII." IAIEIII an: 0' I A lama-lo. I'vch-d I _ u: Ila-w. Prince Street ('3 ll-rem't linel. Nxl I. rllllh Ame- rlrnu llolrl. Kins-non. 0m. ICA UTmN 1| ler!!e...!!e'v ! harm umn GENUINE 1| Y"" WI vl pvmmvomudhuy ouool Liver Complliul. I 1:. Sick Honduhu. ludtgution, Con-u n or Couch-no. I. mot can mu Woo. Vogcublo blur Pills. when them-manua- gnarled: oompllod 1m. mymrpnniy lam-lu- ..ud nun a to Thi- only II the genumo uncle. Most all mponu'blo dodon hep n. 00.. ll. \r "1' Wk] 21. New Compound. 1!: w. lam] sanity to the Duncan Appmtu: and the Lint. luau-.0- ln; the dlssolvl atom. 1.11"- ln: unciynsm! ne mum mutt: o e ndlgustlon. mad the 201173 . mun tapas. an every day necessity!- onry house. It tot: (on And gp In Bulousnoss, oaunnm. ud- uhn- Rick Handnchn. Distm A! V m- 'ol' Ian-I. lalnomm I m. ...."3'm- and MI- I)... In. Jnlu I7 aoatinnm. Hud- ch0. Sick Headache. Diath A! to: Eating, Wind on the Stomach. Bonrtbnm, Pain: In the do sad Back. Want 01A auto. Ant 0! many, Low 8p ts. Foul Stam- Ich. It invigorate: tbomnr. cu- du cum surplus M10 "mm the Bow. and (in: {one to a. who]. antem. Oatthnoutuld hit to "II D t and (at :10 out Slug: or: up bottle for 76 can, hununddzbornbaut 1t. T V SHININU B'I'UV'E {Uh- ISH. to .0. the thaw. Trude lurkil upon oh box they buy, Ind the following ligature : ' - A nAnv A. am" .m non-rod [or any on of Quantum Abgen'm"m?:m it." 'u'm""'7..'. : unlbocund with mm cumin Cur. junjlp-moznltby not? w: V Tani-W1. Inu 15 mm. d. Em d. In! Mint-node";de -......_._.~. MVMW-M'mii Burn'olnndnbnm mums u. dmhmmjaunp' in- du;muWw,hm;uim" Wm M " uwmuugmum In Ind-d mum;wm Ondeer Bumr qil \M.u.mmunu.;l~u un'llnhcvuid W. mum... mkamOal-Imx I 7 lam Dotuo m:- 76 can; MIDUMJIIIDOIMII: No bond required. License lee nul 1.00 A anw ohm nod In the City 01 Km tun it: nvnilnhla for n murnnge In any put of nmrm, Oice upon Iron: 'Ja In. tlll p m.,duriug Whltl [mm .ilhar the Issuer or Inn Deputy In always ha {nnml rnmlv fur Um trnnnnctlnn n! husuu'su. 'Fonr Med-Is Ind Diploma! nnyl- ulunl unallth THE OIL! 'I'Oill' "If-Ill u.- yup-mu. IAVI I)! AWAIDID I CELI- ' BRATED comm IIOVI roam.- m ' nun vun CAUTION! Imlage License Office- $500 Reward: lh-nM-n n-Alm An: an. n HAIR DEiTROYII. .l. P. GILBERSLEEVIS. l-IACII Plll'll 0| 'llll. J. 1. JACOB" k C0. IN IIOHZI LE I 'l'ltlll. I! MARKED up" in - (FROM IMZIL) ._ nmn_l King-Lon, 0m. Order: by mull 1! mgqu price -: consumer. W0 mpoouuny request :0" "Rona. when any It now oi in mom % And abusive ale. [its All on!" good thingi. i. h {minted b wonhlo- Ilu oi nonu- bo tho i W. mpoouuuy rogue-n \Iour pcttoml. the nth: JACOBYS BEL ~ u I III)" I our lIvlgyonwmhos SHINING STOVE POL- mu m m the .lm. - nay. n... nu.- -n....... during the week UIUnitean'I execution. at hvr boarding houw. and that; on one oocasmn she kiaard him. On July 22. Mrs. Scowllo told her hunbtnd that. Hurhe was not a lioentiols man ; that th- Imd tempted him; that. the wanted tn know from her own experience if thorn, mm a man honorable enough to willmtund temptation, also she wished such n character In the novel she was writing She is under the nuonco o! (Hunks. noon. Mm. Scowlle. however. went. {.0 tho Kuunartl House. when-o llurlia met. llor mm. day and furnished her money. I From the time till the following Monday evening. although in number of roportarn were i-rymg to nd her, she nmdo herself scarce. Hlm denied seeing Enrlie alter the Thursday, but Sconlle boliovel that. she was somewhere accreted with liurlle. Si-uvllle ulbu claims thst his wife hml PlIUl'h' DOIOW. IIIO lMll TOOK "00f WMH nlu ulwuya locked. Soon after Mrs. Smwllu became infatuated with Ehrlio she began to ml: ubout t divorce. Sho acknowledged to her hulbald July 19th Int that she ddiirod a divorce [or the purpose of mnrrying Earlie: that she had told him that she was as much divorced from covillo M she could be by any court. and us much his (Enrlie'm "if. as If she had noo- msrriod to him 100 years; also, that she wudespernte- ly in love with him. besideu a lot of I hnr .Ennlnr urn akin-L m-n IM-nth: W In love WILD nun. maroon ion or (her similar stu. which was perfectly :rluurd coming lrom a woman 47 years ulll, and who laud been married thirty yutll. Mru. Suuwlle. on the Nth o! .que Inst, left. sacrule lor Cleveland. Hn Lln- "Hub of June Eurlie. by pronoun nppmntmvui With her. tv-legmphed nudora ctitious name to the penal! m whose family elm expecbod to visit at Cleveland. WIN.) reference to her. in follow: .. m. I 1, Wu: wnuug the Chunks, and left her home under tho inuence of Henrgu Francis Train. a conrmed lunatic. Mm. Scoville also fell into the lmmlsuf Dr. Mary Walker. She nexb hm! an scapula with n divorcad man, named C N. Boliu. of Red ()uk. Iowa. 'whom she met on the train in A ril last. linr vn [.119 ch. mnk him .nr Allnunu u - nun-.uu :v- - 'l'hiu was while Scoville was In Washing- ton. Noxtddy she wrote Scovmo than l-l-ulie luul urged her to prepare a Iru Luru. nnd that she wu domg no. llnrlm mm In hour all Mm a (no-nouns. Kulllu nl- 5. cimou an we nouae every mwruwu lul' an hour. Swnllo next. complains that note: were [requently pnmuug bu- Lweeu his wile Ind thin Enrhu. On April 7th Enrlw wrobo Mrs. Scnvnlla to meet, him It 11 oclock mm. of the ful- ln-iug day at Scoville'u ofce. The two unuu met there. Soovillo think-,uud uhvnys haul the door looked. All-In. \vheucvol' Enrho visited but t her home their murviowu were held in her lml mom. although there- woro large parlors bolow. "The bed room door was ulwun lack-d. after wnom she met we mun In A ru lb. For ve days she met him and ollowml lmn up so closely that he had to refuse to see her. Sho nexbmet. in Now York, between April 26 and Mn] 8, n lover 0! her girlhood named Lewis Hanclnett. Hunclneu took her Do the Homun Home and procured 0. room for he: wnbout registering her name. Han- chcn gnu her money sever Limes. ()u the 29.}: of May laut she rcturuad w ClIICBKO and wont. to I. .utmnuo hotel wnth n stranger awed Clnk and rugir terml under an aunt-led lune. Scovillo. beside these manual: of unwjtely cou- dnub. han that. ha him an {miller devnlopmontn in More. Boovi '0 claims that. if Ibo is permuted to pro-acute thisiuit. u I pernorl o! wund mind he aslm for: divorce ad the cuwdy at their Infant clnld Eartha. It). I I, "mumw _, ennui-MAJ. '5- on a "It on I. bl lo! I. Kw, In no undo-nun) I r nah-nu. puma. m ulna. Lurv. 11an mm. sue wu uomg at mm to bear all the xpenses. an called In. the house every lnl' nu hnnr, Smnnlln .mxh ( blweuJepenmmy lormu nor Huang mm. The anum-y with Karlie noon ban fruit ll hor conduct. Lomud her but;- lmml. Hm- canned writing to him and shuderod him on every orc ainn. Hooville nun goes on to my thut on Snndl). March .3Lh. 181-62, Karlie cumo to Mrs. h'cmnllt- .4 house In a carnage and Look hc-I' Sores. woundn. ulcerstionl Ind nth" dinne- ulwtmg the ukm. no "laudable bylhll cooling and heading Wt. It hu callod (onh the loudest pain from penonl who hug Inated for yolk. Iron bod lop, Am, Ind chronic ulocn. the! ovary hope 0! out. bu long pan-0d Ivny. Non. Ntxhouwio Inn experi- need um man-gum: of u- Ointment an (om In iduol thou-1M n WI. y raw-mum Inhalation and db pun. Wbonavu thi- Giana-wh- uooo and. hi-Jacki: Waugh. Aha-nub: nun! new. . I! themmtudfndutngud Walla! corona complains. In than. - mm and mm. um um Ippliutkm. pmwa and. [in- tend-rial raid. 0. ~-- WOIDID. 3-0 couuuou nun II N ICU drum. adornment. and up moo. 5h. pursued him day and nix I until beam compelled to change his midenca three Limeumepeamily forbid her visinng him. mumm-v with Jim-lie noon A ("088 DI ll been INN II "IO Lil!- : cuit L'onrt. Chicago. by George Soovllle : divorce on the urea-def Icky. hi-glen to the bill led by his wife. He D denies that Ibo nlIuyI believed toward him an e chute. dutilul end election- ate wiie. He claims tht she ha been guilty a! frequent end reputed indiscri- Lions. bu [aroused him with most been [one ingretitndo. has broken u bin home. and he: Wendi he: s ectione to other men. Be an tbet lie hen been of unnonnd mind moo July Int. 1881, and u now pertielly inn-e. ell owing to the Human sheath: ud trill. In February. 1882. e month After her re- I turn to Washington. she beceme 1w qllnlnted with e manager of an associa' ted prey: orgaiution m Llnoego. and had ltuquent interviews with himmbicb intervmvu are still kept up. Mrs. Sco- vle fell desperately in love with Eulio and lid not hesitate to tell him I0. Eur lie ubt-u'led complete inuence over the woman. She coluuked him u to her' drum. minrnntn-o 'll nnmunhm HI:- un't be and 111... nundlv. . gain! gritii; , A bill u... E; led in m. ca:- ...'9 I I4._.... lhimnu I-v (Inna-n Inn-rill. 0' -_ 'II" I. Luv?! I. -I III IO! Inm~lmw "III II- -Ihy and lmllly. uvnu Chicago. June 21.The we Lo-dny. I will fallow n n x ._.__..- Noun-man'- mm- mouuhlycmi dyed sud phat-uh [In-II- _r K A J 66 Colin. Hunt l ' Tho TM. 'HIIA"! do." with Aug. 90: .UI'ICAII! IIIIBI. 'NOL 2; lady will thin after- ul. "- " I HU- 135nm Eulllu ul- 7 afternoon I naming .\ mum of wife insertion and her nub- seqncut blgmuona marriage. without cruninnl intent. culminated yesterday in the tragic dnuth or the second mun at Erie. PA. Mrs. Mayors is a lmtauiunl Lloclraar. und umeu years ago her hul- buml. (linllkmg Llll attentionl {Id Ill wife by Frmlrrick Hrlbb. I bondor. A. ... H: nqun nan In". hi. hum-'. mm by rmurnck urllm, Delmar. arku In the night and left. hi! howl!- evcr. rnt ring the house Ind wily uh-nmting Mm. Meyers and the WI. (iruhl; had a wife and seven chilan, .... 1 Lin ununomma 0.. up. nu-n hul UBIHKIUCBIVGH llllebufu'mu ww.t. the cmnmou sans. of the min .wu in nlmymucu owng to sic-op. were inter- preted very errnuuonnly. yat according to plain lawn of unsocmtlun 'llm llut wator. iu the onu mno. Had up the pl'uVIous subject of thought. Vunllvms; the stinging blister. m the other. the equally stipgipg wiping kullu. It In unwouy to nee how the nlupmg Ir jecf. umy be [undo to uconpt In truth whntover bl In told. mm quu, mr Llovmmm. 1mm gr. Widow nml gran! wi'hwu um lbIL Ln nuluce (such other. (h'ubb Vult- od tn umrry Mm luctrem. but Ibo do~ cllnuul. hoping her buabund onIII ro- uu-u. Your aim your pulled. sud Uruhh mutinned m pron bill It, "Hung, Hut Man-m and his own Vila umnt he duud. Wauried with Grubb'n pPIumumL vrmnug. uml having givn up all hopcu of smug her hlubnnd again. the [loctron consented to boron. Mn. (h'uhh four weeks ugu A low due. ulcer Um Wmlxliug Meyeru returned to clmm hm Wife, now 64 yoer 01d. (iruhb resumed le Intrusion, and tho rst. llllhlmllil WM dinposod o! I) being clapped iuLo thenhuu home. hi! in. terruphun u! thn honeymoon OIIOOJ n rume-nbenween the bride Ind bride. groom und Lhinua became In linlv for Grnhh that, In: decided 'I Inuit] IOI'I' mg to rhvorcu himself With I nvolvor. I, blew out him brains Pnd died ink-l.- ly. -7 .-,.-._. (iruhl; Inul WI! and cnulron, lun I hit; attenuuuu to Mrs. Mayan hid Mmc'uct uicuuslug them to pink up and qliut for Clovulnnd. Thu lb. urgw mun wi'lowal' Gill! lIUULIH UUIVVUN UXIIEIu-Wl' I. .I. ulllnl nuula vacant. by mouotonouq nl lmmun m mm sum-cc. tho patient in in u culnlnlmn lm lull asleepand he does full lulwp. He Is now ready dun. The uul) thing romniulumdo to make him :lramn. Bun how 1! ihil to bw elflcwll. Dreaming. In In. long [mm llebullllll'll. In um mull cl oxwr unl uuggeuuoul llr. (iroguryJo inun- tuba. Innng Iwcn leinkiug ul \eluvmu. wuul Lu lm.l thh n J"; of hut, water at his fuel. and llIOMllltl that. he Wm clnnlnug llm ultltn at the bnrmug Iuoulr Mun. DI" llulll ruml a book an MM hl- Anus, put u blister to his hqu tir- mg. and thought in Ins sleep be was lmlug soup-ml, Both the dreams. an All olhcru um, wure mumd by mutations uumd externally. Them math-I. bemgroccivedwinlethedlmun powor. .l. on unnll -. .-I.- Mr. H. .1. Minuet, 0! Helen, you ll mzl ..- part in the In. electing. i! tho int :w .v n! Dr. Plltt. 3nd is recognized as an mllunnliul Reform-r. A 10' dlyl ago he nun-wad the {allowing lukr: "Dun Hut. ~You had better loans uan by the am of October if you know what Will be lur your sdmn-p. w you have been playing A little to. can i- cumm u put, in the hut election. on will luvs thing; made hot for you it yuu don't lens. A word to (M win :1 tu/r-ttnl " Rnlnrrinu Lo LII. above 1'. lim" tu/r-ttnl " Helerriuu to It. wriueu: The above cum to me Hum}: the post unit-c. 'l'ho wribr bu qmitud LOIde hm mum. wbothcr in had-cu or prmlunco l knuw not. no bu simply subscribed it. with 1: dub. which loom- m hwk only | D at on. and Ind F u the other to mulls it t complete Minn for the minim. writer. Pruumin that. it. come- from on. o! me Back nl n...... l a... 31. mm- 1,111 24. Mc- h m rmqud. Ind my cut-0| Mop-0d. Thu vyl'lld bmug than cloud. HI. doli- cnw fmnml uurves uhaustmhnld a bv monotonous It lrum 0! Inc nucxnosru Gang l datum to not It. Ju. 8. Mc- Cvmg, Clutinnnu of It logth body. tlmt I shall venture to romln It lmt until uj'm October 17th, (court lnyl [or roman that he will gnu-acute. I hope he will he forbeu'ing until than. Altar tlml lute lm sud hm m wlll mlnbly have full employment and l w H, on Illl Illor that data. take on. 0 myull." ~ I'mln- l 1 mp. Irmwuulo. menu-mph. m o he agar:- rowht our and the anbfst will be am to opou thew. Altar A quarter of I blank the subject will be thoroughly nlot on trol. no that. N). open: may ll. his: bullovo wlntover ho all; Na. .1. quiet. the subject will link 01 [NW luuud tor r. dun-in which hid opt: any he iarce . his oheo n sowed to his nun. Jam: l nger out. of. wiwul pm. To uruuuo lulu. and thin is u inow" step. wind. either from I hand hollow- or a (an. should be blown upon his a, or tho" may be tickled with I on Lller. lhe IMionalo of manual is simple. The llxml In of tho abject. (Mignon lnl retinal no"... 5-0. wlnn the oporuurn ngers npprowh the dye- lidu Chum, an eyuhda nlwnyl do who'tho eyes :uu (llroaunml BM tho Sula ul um elves lms l-mluwl muoculur funguu am well. trauma": Tm: Iu plv of comqu bran m an only bud {ram u: Dntlimt In the blood thrived [ram food. Tb. Inn in I Inn-u: who not with}. nryohniu. at atrium m good hm: w pubnn Q work In bud thn he lulu too weak to go through it without madam. wind: npp Io- thing but but 6? 6i.- wc. In Who-bu Ellin d W and Cilia]. In luv. ch- only am raptor. an- of but: wm-th 0:1 noun-o In". {on- u (and lo! out i _ .nm _. Ilwr I'II l. IMwl 'lmu. Thu was at Indian) alum-l" 5 led to | Mnutdmyuquud undi- ol gm. ulna. I I m at war bud not. ruin! mu Pro-ism the m b oral? 3 Lyn-El V. Di-nry a Upper can. 1"! IN gym-' mm...- m: IIOII. move we mu "'0 auger. 0| your right hunt! (ruin the abbot dim! to. mm! tho ova. mo lm NM Input ted. forkliko. Momma. m... A. mm! mo m. It. Nil. IOPIII ted. forkliko. to amino. Maya. A. "N. 28 MIME 9" m!!! M out w mot-mutt! IN. A. III-oil. , .,__, __ M Wnch his even. At QM you win no tho Impala contact. blh Chef I luv moo-d: they will expand ,npdlyuwun they no 3!. the point 0 mm Ilou. move the (In: two Inger, 0! rial. Ilan Ira-In th nhI-nl .Hm- In MM 3-- hd Lu Wk'uh Minus-u mtm 3%.. l :u.ornu=om.uuuu mum: ouch none. in bag] I in . Dim an nhjocth m. m. nonmal- his Io-Ho. on tho not Slowly nine our I. hand until tho object in u u nbovotlo up: 0! no pniont u M co-puiblo with mu you ml and "nu-pan About | foot from :llm abject. t duh IIII'NO. or n I. uuol. III]. or I (hood. is um" no! Vim Lhnnnh m thin- L-i-III I'- I- Minlkor. of Piotoll, took :- u. oh. ht. nI-ntinl in II]. Mr. H J. annuwunmwh In. In. mum's. -'-y - :I-loTb bud I 04 l n unrblo',bc' you. um w.- hu an OW \ u laliiiln. o (Irocorl. lumflomrod only by W. n. McLAuBl, M (ullm uent lumu. _ m- run. Mum an]: I. m. - ' aluminum-Ina moan-.1 w * A. palm; rum-n... CI. un- u- "an A , ,.L.p__ Ib h Yoda on m'h ( . mm a, no.1- Im '-u" luau-I as;- H _-~_ I M nah-u m omen 0! an. n mom MM mm). 11' [lint puma. \nnouuonnn t l awn-Magmwmlw52 ADer I - humans.-. .........O. mun-u! III-Ella ucyipp & Working Qualities ; '1_- ADA. IT-I73. \I no; AOOOUITAII' to. oat-oili- mum-II at Isl-ulster: a 700.1 sum-mu Bucks. fKBLVII" & BIRCII. Luau. KIIIEIW Evil'uo noun. __________,___ lun- taunt-nu W Poun- Hvu-ln' and ' "rm up _________- Hancocks Inspimorj us run lthT Ernmnlhzu. \I'HJAM KI 5H ||.\|Ll'. II I". I78 I80. Inn. (onl IRS. JONES; Kim. a | u I 'u . nun... ,, [ W5 of u. Qums and Prices kupt u nd {Oahnqui Tannery,| I Furnishings and Attendance _ (n! l-ulllrlllll van modmlo REILLY'B u'llool. Fon 'l'lll: VloLlN. ICI'. 301ml Manhunt-11013110 Lido "n11 um drum Logth our" (Int-mm uh! dry. Ill rm: HIWI Il lemon. ("On at hon-I AI Ill noun. THOXAB RONAN, icmmms 1311mm. * lllll. El. BREE. Lm sun-L l'luhv nl Pm: W... Lu... run-m, w-I nu u-nfmomol bund- n! mwuh ht uh. In, it l __. ____.___.._- i cull zcl n... ...-_mmt can mania In snub! L y ,K I In! naming,- mm- IIOI'SI'L (0\I. a 50l-"I (0.. I. u. ...'.....a _ xl "ovy 110.0 mm lot [lunar-ll. vary rum. A F KT-CLASS HFABRE on hand. ._. . . l I Iyors cathartic Flt. Par til thu purpm: fafmilyyt. (BooksFrioAngI'i NORRIS 8a 00.. BLILDERS ASD mxmmons. .. ,_L a. uni-1 daunt- . , . - r: gluon-cm! 0! TI! nun-n l' Managua... ml-Moons. VOL LI. r STREET. nan door to Chou ac nmglmm'n Bwvu DcpoL KINGSTON, - ONT. f- Bindinz ll mu!" mvof. I. oarnun r hr and) It, IRAWPORD C (0 . Foot ol Quon m. [cod Bream nuuo. Up ulna, Top. Ru 1 ('ll! ('ul lmd fork; Loanum'y. A W? cm 1 IO$20,000 I- Mum-u Imhrw-l u-vnlAU- Eh [ii-H! Pow-m unison-u ' .nll u '0 my to. u-u nuL-nuuu tho-Ila. mu- m mm mu 3 muuuu-I-u ' an t PAETIY inhumane-coll Waning-m In. b an um opponuuuv In nun" on ma ' Mind the theme-nu nan! ppm nan-I I PI blind! I run! than: buy un- hm noun dam -thunllcr.nm Mmmm Inland-bu 7 Q"). luvzn cazmm. 1:?me _ And hr Mkil. U1. 2km). lnlufor-Iu Ionn. I ulnar-In Plums. n nu-r Flo-Ion". nun-u. I'M-rhea. flu-trio- and Iomalofc. Auul\'l\n hill." Is'Ai's'EEAj'IiLAI RJdnmougbd BREAD. Km Men's and Buys' Hard and Soft Felts llife Insurance! LIFE assumuc: 00.] Latest Styles in Ham] lunlni prlcuu which cannot. be underwld. 0 m xmw nhowing n mngnicent solecmon [Boll'gin & rm:ho Lotion WMTSPUHE And in room-mended u haunan p parallon by the Hodiod Prufeumu icod Liver on: imAL DEPOT. C I MENTAL ANXIETY. I GENERAL DBBILIMY. mmvnmaann 31.nov,! fur the Fall Trade, and invites impection to us extent and value me will nd mm at HYMAN'S OLD STAR]! IN lnu- "mm Street. next. to Orange Hull "mlengs. n A. 1n Wagon: - l lAmi Ill Wasting Mucus. rPumus ~FOR~ 'couous Ann 90Lan ftht'BB "DIRT..-