Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1882, p. 3

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cmmm'u w. ' Punin Mood. l Conqu- uni Arum. " , blur: luau. " Pub. " "my Visitor. and no; - " Bub-nan adv-d lot my at at. .0. its. 04 in! 0!- d f 4 I the Intent 5 outrugoous ] hlqum over ' THE BRITISH WBIG. MONDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1382. Tho dun: oonun'od on WMy' m: a. [Wu .1 m. Joceph Thirhll.l n {other maiden! 0! Kingston. E. III onco,jnintly with the I. Ir. Strum. author 0! Mr. John Strum. Kingston Pm: Oco.) propriowr of the Kinpmn Foundry. an In It. Brio. taking, bk 9 pm upon hi: rosin-out. It. Thirkoll m duo for 3 long time n dorm-n ! in Klmam. sad for Irony your: put I I u..- 1.... p... u.- .: l .-I _|.._- ; 1- nun-yum. nun-u nu wwwu yin:- punt In: boa M In! dhpnmlmhmz h. to. am nun credit Io! npghsm of m Ind good dtiunghip oo' ...._-_o 4- hi. Ill. h... D-ag --.I The highly impocunionq con nl aprmonar lld bho klndloss of counsel at the Anile here thin torm [Ha rec a] lot L) mm 1 the ingrmtule n! the four mun chnrgnl A law yena ng) 'th the mnnler ml 3. resi lent. o. Shubub Inks. Mr. Mr'uuire exerted hiunelf greatlv In (l-sfen ling them all muarially turle in their acquittal. in a cue. too. bearing- strulgly agrinst them At ch. Limo they were prnluqum their gmmmln m wall M In pronin of them loan which they were not providul with M. the trial Yet, nota word of any kinrl has sinc been roceivml from them. It li oiwn dxmlt to dealde whether Lmre in any hon Jr in Mrs criminl clan. M l(f\it bayond u very small percauhge. Par- l..... "up. Hahn-(l rnnnruu thn fanr llJJVuu :- V'I, nun. rwlvvuI-u. .u. l: Ipl, up): second reection. the {our prisoners concluded that their lives worn nnt. worth the exertions pIIL forth In their uleknce. Limit night or early this morning some eighteen tone of dualin arrive-l here on the prop. Europe. It wns shipped by the Hamilton Powder Company M; )Ionv ri-eal. Vin the Kingston and Pembroke RR.. to the rear of this county, for no in mining null reilwny cutting. Now duilin is not considered so dangerous in Home imgine. It does not. we are informed. explode on concussion like nitro-glycerine, which requires to be most gingerly hendled. It is. however. regerde 1 Mi nn nrticle whose presence in formal. and hence pelice amoers were Npeciallly detailed to see that it was not lnn'jlezl where. in the event of IICCl ilent. it could create destruction and panic. There wee some little difculty ubout its delivery, but ultimately, we believejt wen transferred from the boat tuthe care nt the Pembroke ilock. no.1 hurrie l outol night. If the lnniliiig of a law tons of ilunlin provoke-i such it won nation how nlnrming must be Mr sun'- geqtiou tlmt a. factory ferite m lniif:1'tiire Hlmnlil he mtobliehed iu KIIIJH'LIU or The ofcerael't of Hirnm Lodge. .Nn. 342, A I. & AJL. Wolfe Island. were iuamllod on Sntnrday evening by W. Bro. A. Malone, minted by W. Bro. D. Bole. of Elysinl Lodge: W. Bro. John NIIuWJI. W. W. Homo-413V. A oblnnonJ.W W Bro. R. (I. lrvinoChlplun. " D. Cunnth ~Treuurer. Ju Kvlo80retnry. s: m..h.._ ()ur represenutive spent some tinn- iu .Akin enquiriu nbont the nutter. He wnn directed townrdl the knitting null. but Mod to obhin n verication of the statement he land been given. By one he we: tell tint there bed been a discovery 0! w-ething our the cotton null, am! in this neighborhood the quee- honing wms resumed. but with the same result. The pulioe. who should lm the rst to learn of peculmr happelnngl heard of no body nding. Later on n circumstance mm narrated, null the in, {prance m that from it all the extrava- grut grust originated. A week ago yosterdly two men. strangers aplurontn 1y. while wnlking along the beach at Muruoy Tower. were seen to throw a pircel into the weter. Some young wnmen and boys were anxious to know of what it wen constituted, am! so the lornier tsrried by the way and the lit ter, in the men disappeareii, shel out Llw hunlllo and removed all tho uuyntvrv suri'oundingm It was bntn roll 0! much soiled. much worn clothing, which no longer useful, had been cant mule. 'l'lmra H uo'lloubt thnt this in the tind- iug. 01 which. several dnyn nnbeequently. exaggerated and sensational reports were current. They will now receive 8 ..:....... I... .u... A"..I....L:...... I i I n.\_.v ......u..... -..v', quiecus by our explanations. Bop (I! Bun-no. l'mon Jock. Iynl Ladiu' Journal. Cs-all Mman a! An. Klan; Anny. ' Immnllw, London Social . -n.nnnmun'- mum gun": I I - IP-rru-n w- sunken timber llrloy Point. er 0! ' ' the Hahn mu. they hooked um u brought e beg to the tube. at the V water. It bed I urinal. eve- lupin- noun look. Inch 3 nmerkehle eppeu- jnuce that belore cutting it heck into the depthl they decided to investigate _ an contenu. They opened the mack ' 2 and whet do you think thev leunxl ' r ' You cant guess 1' The corpse o! a httlu 5 hov. about three you: of age, curly hatred. dreeeed in navy blue [mute and ' I Jecket. down the {rout of which was u "row of bright hm: buttons: his feet were annealed in cotton socks. on the log 0! one 0! which wuimprinted m imleli~ ble mk the heme "George." and on that of the other "Milka" or Mxlune. I know no more. but presuming thnt there n4 {condition for the Itery. it 3 sungu In: that it bu not nppoered luthc news peperu." I l t t "Llllbl - V-I '- nhnitud an to 'u h u knighted Cuudim and apt-d Hampt- t; he enlighklod. .-|L'.,II" "All - 3.32 uh- .m Hymn... "Well." and out triad. "it-ppm! Hub on Wednesday or Thunday. u w..- I}..an - ._l;n 0n- I- u- w" w - "-_ - I you Md in" "" . The god- mulls-0d by I The an at Mien! v. Heroin-tr nun-n... din in anal Ah 1"" nl M In III-ian Rglnnlnv Mn- Y _ -_.."--v--- --- m-- "an0 that 50:...) (Ink: duel n clam t u; 0pm... in I and In" Ihhll f P _ "In that can do ya robr'. You A on... I". w..." - I prom-m." "-0 ub- am on Annamam "Thollnoymnlu'tl Hun]. Eta-Mum 090-"- W. "Th. Ill-0y Wallis! Hun .n hu-I J in 9" ' IWII N, Hum5.11. W. G. Woodmu-JD. 3 H. 0 lehoook-D. of ( Jumon BorneSteward. John DnmSuwud. W. Gnmshnw-l. John KoCAulTylnr. A LA..- ITO-Y. " w-II-uvu v'v - Ill-bond tho-kilo! whhdiII-I h but] __JA_LI L_.-_ h. __ .aminsnsuws anemonf Inquires u... m M..." mm..- 5.1mm cm w. Irwin, rvs-mlV [m My hMm ' mm \ tgdnt 01 the Ich tummy "6 EH. rephl by th a 11m - nil .401 nail! neatly. Yul .,r cbe CJ lepons u 47* g" l all m "I. I F. nun-w- u'dur viach tuba, ad wu MW 1 anti. m and. Ho 1.x. via)"- 7 mummwmmm what in mm. Th ohdn .. -- _.- ._. _..~.V.- ._..__r. The prmoner In this Interesting cnee. i!- Minnin Mnrke. nomewhet celebrated in the criminnl line. chnrgesl with the then of n gold chain from the Johnnton jewellery store Ill thin city. Mr. Brit ton. County Attorney. prosecuted. end Mr T. H. McGuire defended. Nine challenges ofjnrymen were ne'e. the prieener nennwhile Inching the p .- coedlnga with en inherent noun: 1 greet even nmoeg prisoners et the be: ' He seemed completely nhorbel in every movement of the ocere end conneel. Hie nnxlety my be well an- derntood. however. ninee be wee g eel- ylnu etrnnger here no! tel no friend or ley-pethiner in 9951 eeve lm cennnel 1t wee pretty lame, no denbt. nn- InL'n-A- A. h. eh. ulnle nl 2 l I 1. Ivan yl-vl II-U, .u nun-n. Indohnnol pond to tho vigit. oi prisoner to the m; to tho upm- tioos to: tho porch. of a gold ohm on Wall," 19: hat; the chin were counted befm they won If. Iro- m. cm and that unit mum to it. wbcn the frond In detected on plant 'cbgin Mad for: an] pH i ammunmmm 0."... .-J -nn mm _ h-- dbm mI-uv'a. u." an. a "mum." m "not. guilty." Afuryntuing tho verdict npon Lb: record His Lordship dinmiuod Ncglny. but. not hofora he had addrut 61 no hm a. few words of advice. The Chief Justice said Mp) jury had taken a very propor view of tho case, hut the occasion should be a wnrnm to hill to ho lax-1 Violont in tho Inbnro should he become Involved in I difficulty such a. that which the Court. hmd investigated. Mr. B. M. Britten, Q.C.. for the Crown and Mr. Molntyro. Q.C.. for tho pri- soner. Negley wn vory ably dofended. my. out n n. Hum: Inn. I l luvuu-Iv- . - .umu, u ...uv..u.n. u. of snack. may use morn force than he intended, and it is not 0&8! to lit. down quietly and my hedid or did not do more than was necessary. The jury had only to decide whether ho did or did not go beyond the bounds of self-defunct, and Lu wquit or convict, him In the ovxdouee suggested. IL ;-.- _-. --s at an"- M..." 9..- ..vuuy..-u L-upulunu :- Juuua gun, nuv was uur-ung a child of Mn. Neglav's. testied that being in aha ylrd thy 31w the whole truancbiou and that Irw1n npprmmhod Nogloy with the uplifted shovel and Wu in the act; of knocking him down With it, when Negley to defend himself, assaulted Irwin. m. w. The Judge mme a clonr and mm gent criticism of tho ovidonco. Ho com- menced at, some length upon the plan 01 justication. Suppose. said he. that. the iloteudant was launched. and suppOiP Im found it necessary to do amnothing In salfdofence. is there ground for the opinion, Jnilgilg by the evidence. that he did mar. than wu DBCBIBIly for self protection 7 A man, apprehesin Hi In: .nul. mow r... "A... I... am. 1.- 1.1.... v. nuuzuu -. u-uhnu 'l'w def-alum; wu inlictal hr In uni-1w.al an 1 lehuioua asnulb on Fr Luv occuxouinx hm) aenom lm harm The defen but. is the 11.1.3 of Singer Sawmg Machinn L unpluy here. In August. last he 1! tha prosecutor. Irwin, '11:: usuult WAS oommmeJ m the y '1 C.umpmy on Prinoass abroet Negley Wm alarming the (Jampmy's horie Mm. Nngley was haldmzn chill near the horn uni bha horse snizyl thn chlld in {U j um. Mrs. Naghy nJrznni. Negley bear. the horse with u curry cosh. Irwm apprOLJhJI mth a shovel in h; han.i.nni, he saya, wu nsnultod by Negloy nmklng hlm three bimoi in the face, knocking out nu heath. an 1 other wise luemmng his jawl. Th9 dung; done to Irwin was considerable. Dr Sullivan tesmiym; tnlt, in main have boon a. tremendous blow which inmmd such an injury. Irwin gmve evideuco that, nu provncuion mu glveu to hlm by Negle). EH... ||.- AIAnnnA up: I nA -l., nu- PIIINCESS S13E56 Hllbh'hvll. Tho jlry wars on not. man than ten minus. They mud the dole-damn was I.__ n An-_ -_.__._ . n__ _-_.l _. as. . For the defence Mrs. Lao who was washmg cluthas in the yard. uni Mun Josephus Roch-fort. I young girl. who I'IB nun...- n nhHJ A? ll-.. KIA-IA"; A _ us ml 7- --Wm.- . pl Beak wss tor-inade- Setunlnv noes. d dteroccupymg the test port of four 5, days. sud wouyin the court snil sll d collected with It. The ill] hsd sme- . teenqeeetioss submitted to them. sud on these they toned: Thst the Bosh ' become the purehsser ol the Broken- . shire horse power muulscturiua busi- , nose. and thet its Issuer. Mr. D. Fu- 3 set. informed the plsiutil thet it ind 1 become such psrchsser; tint the phiu . til! brought s horse prer upon an im 1- wmuty; thst it I! not ressou . shly It lor the purpose (or which it wss o intended: the! the bunk claimed that 3 they were not subject to my implied - I warranty. but His Lordship ruled thst they were . thlt the plAintil used it lor c the purpose for which ll wss mssulsc tnred; tht the plsisti depended on - tirelv upon the representations of Mr. Frsser is melting the purchase; thst )lr. Fuser hsd euthorily to tell the plmtil tint the bank hsd purchased MLBrokenshires buiiuesi. wss msuu' {suturing horse powers. hsd them for sale ud recommended them hihly; thst the pluutil did not mske tho horsepower worthleu by his chssgesi thst the lush guess express wsrrsuty tint the power vus ressousbly t (or the purpose for which it w; msuulac' lured; that the pleistioored to return it in the cosiitiou is which it was when he heuht it; thst it turnei eun h be utterly worthless ; thst the plsisti in s Dmsion Court suit ststel thst he lied not received nine in the purobsse of the power. anil that s deduction on the original cost should be me is ; that the lnuk guarantee! the pawer sit to win it hiy press: that tm hank were dulors to the extent of putting huLhGI DJ selling horse powers upon which they employol Mr. Brown on n...ll- elmi Hm, an.-- .-.., own. urvu n... ....J U'ullvlv~t u .uvnu to Walk; Limb the power w: Worth 0121). the ropmrs .60. the time M91 Mm wag 95} ; that. tho oonbmct bsbwuen thuputias was pnruly wnhteu.p1rbly vel'bnl ; that tho damsgen for phintz were 9265, whose counsel was Mr. E. H. Sulytlm. "hh's: - .- urnu n u-nl IV _rnou.xnun man In: In: tctosnDIJNHL 0: Ill Ill- COURT or ASSIZE. Tusrnacma! BENTS' FUBNISHING EUUSB I Come And 7.: paws-rm's 3 PhospE? ":f:&:3e!i Cares all Nervaus Diseases. E GOLDEN LION 63005er from Lhn plzllnLHTL plainuff "!".IHI< 3' case WI not h.- (m Inahlv (luiynuw be tried. n: Heroes. 4 doors from Prinrrw 93! Sept It Hugh MCL Ingln-x I Pittsburgh, ngnn Count) of Plil'l 1C _ AAr.h;- ... .-.... . uu guy. .i. Uenbru Pu u: nu nun from the 4 not am, In pawn u. ., g W. Reeve& 00., W. J. WILSGN ll h Mlixlui; u. m i."..W-,Ioor Golden M-m g 10% inn 5 prisoners possmmm 81.000 gold bow! of 1 Mining Compmy. xx [1 a Inspicions citcunm 1le Lard-0111p v12: .uv- "n um... .u .Im an Mr. B. M. Brllcuu. I went. considerably mm I ing that the evxulnnor n l dIlLJDCY. that. the 1mm: else could llilvl' mlwu 1 also commented on Ilzu ALES ! ALES! ALES ! _. .vu... [nun-nun v- |n\, 'w u in the testimony of .\1r..luhu~uu clerk. Mr. Craig. and the Illnemt. posit/in proof that, tho pmum-r : book the chain in quvsliuu. u. u u 12...... z .. I". 1 WW I 1'! W (UIUIUE-J Mr. Cal, tho uni-hut It mm shmv. 'u Ila! with! as to the prxxuucr be- ing thqouly one in s pus.qu to elL-ct Ibo mbbory. In In "spouts Um on d. m nhmm-dLV llzn nm u (inn .3 the Palms Court. Tn. may anions] "idem offered for un- ('Iuwu wu mu 0! Domme .uLvm uvi P .. hell Juno. Nusbt B'un .n tn: 1- M that while nun; up Prim-ms M_ on tho Wetland-y evening Ml! 1m lumeny. he an! the murmur um ;.-: m. the window sill of Mct'mmun's Inn-u- OM nod u oncu murmurs-db :21!) n. the description given I-_\' .luhumn .-1 21. person who had Lain-u ln.- I. Aun a he called back Noalnu. win w m. ,. haulers in advance. um! Irli'311!x-l( the prisoner an the man m, m1 - .u search of. Tho pnwnux um i L . rm' ll... but vu colluod by the don-mu um held till Neabm went. for J ohm m u. | tour-'94] mth him. u . H. .. - VU-l -v\l u .- Nosbltta 1 of Snllivnn. 4... In! wlullunt' urn: defence Mr. McGuire m at length, pomng out (I: .n on. munAm. no u. I uuuvu. Tho pris ~.Il ,...J The Electric {sews E CIVIC wu-u u!" - nun-J .- on u the time. The dimcui? conviction was Haul-m. phzuiy r nun a coualuiw- n4 Una man: 1- n,,,:, .L, ___:,.,.,. A u ht! not In. tough-d :ho witness was not [Io-ism M palms companidu hulnutbmuhovuadiun Lb: lm an. Then was also u lady in 1!. r- u. . 311111523:st Brukhu chnn, RIIII 6 Do'un Bram-u. lyv}. nth I nvhlmm :: pgagfogm _& Connie; Scales. mm, mm um um nus," manta W" misgaiis .: Alum". Allan . pa +- Prim urn more. flan" so $1,200 A7W6~rth :1 rm Hnnr L. RICHARDSON M [GA 'IS. M [GA 'lh iringalk of irh've Til-Aide is aiio Cali 7 7A[.[. IN AT 7 ELLaEXANDER ROSS llc-mn-aum-r the Place. an Opera [lo-u! Block. Printm- It. "iglun-Mnus Im-n. Fro-In a vane! More Aw q_ QANi'ON FLANNELS I __A'r __,_ I.\-Jll2 lI-IIJ. I"! THE" IVE BOTII TIME All. MONEY II Bl IING 'IIIEIB BOOTH AND EHOBD A'I ARMSTRONG-8 Bo WES BISSFNFFTI'ETS ummnjmnlav, Iolizlm. a. 3 9a 01mm : I 9 mgr [{r.__lnnnan| Luz... I uni-r Ina-I'm a." 65 not an GULDEN LION GROCERY. WAIT... 5:; as 3-1-31 or" sou-d lou- Drvu on. We loll no" m u... II! an... In... I. .5. n... JOHN IIAIEII'. (wg'f'llh m:- comb-Inlth up: 2:. f~;ioI-IM01TD & BO stEN TWE AEE CSF'EERING- UNDERGLOTHING! awn urn} but Cochin. Hull or ,ul-mr Float. Jot collar wood. (0) . t lH-LAII-ZRT line of FRAMES ever seen in this City can beacon It the . m! ml lmLIIra Fram- Fncwry. Bring on your Picture. and have than: : 1 ,,:--.|1Mn|iu the Leading Styles. Funxinhul Slmplca can be Icon 0! , lv-l :u. i Nuw York pan-em just unmduwl into the Juliet, 7017 bun. Hur Factory m running tull Mane. Como early Induce" your turn. l, T hAll HMS! AND PUTTY. Mu- Large-n and Nlosl loqulHe Block 0! Fall Ind Hum-r Drums (iomh In me (my. 'IIN'II lnIe-dlnx I'urc-lmu-m 1" Find Vq-ry (IIolc'o land Very Cheap. NPW SCOTCH MAHMALADM l Hunls'rlh' Hing tutor than "or. - clan pm! 0! style ad churn. an W- aru uhuwmg tho luau! unortmaut of Lodiu. French Luca: Kid 3nd Juum. Ham. eve! nhovn in nu om. 2:: Iniisinory Opening, Tuesday, October 3rd. v ~ ' '. o raging. hub: ua'3loa~oml nun-.m- m- N I! , 0 an . I . .h;-.T....:. I Mmuuunnnum. d -l....l - ' .~ . .. . um. nw Cut. 4", ....u :3. 3131... l 3 All . Q mus AND CAIN)! on. n max Badman min-d001- A! n-omm.m-uuu :5 mun 'rmu llh' 1050c. Mu Autumn, M Ibubllcu ung-uni 37", ' um 1', m w! m aha-man um (huh .lil n BOOTS AND SHOES in 3.11 Depart,- . An 1. urn l-run llhlrl um hut mm! In" Al. "rim-I m 1': FIurl' "nun-up, -u up... . .. 1' Ilv numlmr, 1H lnnoeu Hum-t, ILLY NI) ('lLl-JDIT. Is__i'7I_-=I__nm ;_.~' Jam. 3:. L. 613772. mm.in salad for the sum Wu. GOLDEN LION GROCERY. Bu Trouble In Show Goods ,:;;;;4am INFORMATION! JV 1-D ALVA-I quaw Lb- a.-. erw. u p hmo ewr kvpl. An we Ire largo deulen we buy Ind I." M. prior" ('l-i uuhleuched. from 701~.per yurd. Bleached Canton from la. .m lim h'cnrlet. (muons from 20. (nrdmul Canto-I from W. ._- lluunuln m .my denoriptlon woulnl do well to iulpoot our nook. Over 9 1mm. Alla I full rungs of Mans. Boy'u and Lndiu' Undorwnr. I. - -A A - II _ ~11 Mock and the bus! vnlue In the city. Gin. us u all at] you will AV largely to band. W.- uxpect when all it received, to Ihuw tho ..4... - _ AOCA'HH 1-- _"| A___A .- w _ No. II4 Prlncess Street. No. Gore Street. Perth. (in-I '"CIII limo (lud- sulo ll | nun: uuul'lKIIuc n noun... .m... REMEMBER ~Thnw Good -\ Come one Ind all. don't delay. ,3 ... . -A -....-Al.r I..." nulnnu SUTH ERLAN DS GULDE N LION GROCERY. 11; on Hm Alvuw dnU We Will slzow a complete nswrunent : PM: NEW YORK AND ENGLISH MILLINICRY AND we undergone n mannd rudm I'll LIIDEIJ II.-.... IlAnrlu ~- AIII-I NUH SIIOVIVUA [,4 Mulme _\' um Mantle-n mm Hahn and Velveteenl in all linden lirru-uviml Hash Ribbons. 1mm. open Shaun. {and Run! Lace (L. .1! for Fur week. A r r " A V'IHh Ann SoLID BARGAIN. IN ulvv-u. WU Iwu In" .1. .0... II tho a". -d L.; .,., RICHMOND 85 B OYDEN. QPENII'Z & CRUMLEY, 132 and HI Print-4mm leeot. opposite Ciy Hotel. "WEI k IISMII'I'TB. i)! Princess Street. opposite tub. Window Hotel. F. X. COUSINEAU & 00. NEW FAT HERRINES ! , oqunlly low [Incon n-.. 10an n nu. uuu v uni-l ALEXANDER Ross, .. kn--- n-....-' - nu u Huv -o-u-v -vv-vw, 125 4. 11m [nuocnu Stream. opposiu City Hotel. mim- nt thu Hum 01 the Isle hrm of Walsh 4. M, R. Mol-auls. 5n un mm: a nu} a nun I NORRIB & 0016 MA HIM! I! .CLLMJ 0 F F IO E. > 9mm Cram. Oodhcyn lune! 0! Wu. Noam of Input, Mountain]. Buy! 2! 'GENiNE In"! Alum". - "I'll-I Ila chum um (Dru- Illl u IM rm munuutm. . min-Ic- awn-qu In. All m Prince.- mu. nation. 0'" hm. IO. . II A IN I) & LOCKETT. Kuumum mum. And Tram Blurb of Youth, lunch. Wm mum'- My and h'ydnn. PM Bloom. lilk o! I. Tana Padang a on ml, \I A I .1 I)! a IllDIII 'J'r'r. Kllmnwu Built-v1. And Trenton. W. 'l'. C. IBTIIILI. R. VAI.DHONU. 'Iloo- ALWAYSAHBAM w humJl UM amok. Nu Mhndd) 0' hi (iumls and Low lncun D. I. AIMI'IBONC'I. in Prince. Stun, Kinmton m m 01.75 and upwnrdu, "I. In Wlll 0!! III II? Pl WHO. m bu said M the prion Idvar '. IF! blunim will be given. All m. .nd will be laid lb per cent. .n I... .AM n 0.. n'in- Alv-r. ' lmper than H our lnntln u worknd but. ap: 2:; Oqull to unytlnuqm lho'cnv M. .50 Newly nude In 1 m nplen V SMohu-n-ohuldhghu z oomrrn'xrxox :vdnwahndi-nnlht-I ;'rumm-dwdaedmtcollb .u-ncladl|ovh.umtmd 3 IMOgrub Ind W. R. lcao & 00.! $3.00 HARDY & IURBAYS, We'll Sludr nml Neatly Trimmed Lady's -vrln uuu . w-vun. Luge Hock null prices luw. .cnn. Spued Kc Bnom Hug-r Cu 116 Prince. Street. NESTOR (ktobv'r. Sopumbar. Corn Not Yn PanvmlmThe Cour cil hnu'o lob yet pruvilul the cots (or the roneu who do duty M. the nut. on in their turn. [I it may wonder that the young men have boromo discourag- ed. Lhu szy nml thElr (hiol Ire temp!" 0d tn nmuu thuir poaltlonu anzl thus leave tho mny thhnnt an efuent. De- lmrtmom. l'ulesu than 'in I change In Lh adunnmtratlon of our public nnin the mun-hunts uml lemllng cmneuu Inll be temlvwd to hold an Indlgltion meet- ing .\t, the next alecuon some 0! our Aldermmlc {nean Will have dimcull accounts tu nettle. A Bu: R00! Bl'lOLAIlZlD.- On Satur- tiny mghc some one entered the bun room of a lstding hotel. through the wmdow in I private room, Ild robbed the all of conmdernble money. Tho prnprmter uf tho host.th in grateful than he lmt no mom. Last. week he had a [urge sun: on land and a. splendid amok nf liquors. I HUIIIK* IN UIIU .m- Ul II A IUWIJI-u luv [nu hm-u Roma; into trouble. Ha ha been uudauoring to live and love two women. Us wu .mnrriod in 1854 to Itachnwl Ogden. and removed to Michi- gnn 0n tho 6th of April last, he was again umrrxml to (HIV); Ainnworth. in Truuwn. bythv Rev. Mr. Young. The prisoner was committed to stand MI erI, Faun Snuusmln the Police Court report rehrence is Inmle $0 one 0 Dave. nlbnn who were ule-macol in the 0 0! plundering the guxlon of Aid. Luv. 3mm morning the mum: of In at Ma commnlll. who were stealing ber Ibo must of McLaughlin. have been landed in. In'l to-umrmw they will be before tho (ourL Lut lugm. lino boy! broke into lln' gnrlvn of Mr (I. S. Fouwick. Ind Um (tawlrnctvon ennui by to. it nixl hzno been wry gram. II. in dicnl. to dvul mth the \ounl thieves. bu! tho ndoption of some stern manure- is wry. t- Glolh Ulster !! Vhlr ru 0H m LNo-night Mr. G. A erkmbnck. M.P.. Dmecbor. and Mr. B. \\'. Fulger. Superintendent of the King. M m k Pembroke RR. leave {or Obuwu. where they expect ta meet Mr. lel- dun. ('hnef Eugmeer. and It. A. Rynn. Supenumndeut of Construction of the Ontario 3 Quebuc RRJn regard to rail- I _. _ _-u..-.. way I SAIL BoqumunOo Sunday o couple of young [llolllll from Oudoo lolurl. vim. Soodlonl Calvin. one o! D. " Calvin. qu. ond Wull'u- Allon. on o; Cop:.J. F. Allon. mock". Jonah o ooil boot moo. When my omnd n mourning buoy. oppoulo tho Com soot-homo. they had hm bk wild. , complete the rooo. Ym wok 5.1! pm nuiu shoot (who-l to coco! tho in. an! when inbiog tho boot- pol ,1 Ml -o..u.l- no. Anni-d h- A Dummy m URAIN. (In haturaly about 4 (HI bunhell of gram were deli- wrol m Hu- citv. The mason was In- uugumm-vl by the dlomnt agents and buyorq m an (xcoedinglv lively manner so far 1m Longlw movements are con- ("-ruml. 'l'he rmh must. soon commence and as Inan as 10,000 may be ex pectod sumo dnyq. a. u l wuun 'ualu un- - yu- ol vnm struck a h. l 12.11 on out from an Island a hip {mint-co. and load Iain m on- .,A4L|_ ;_ .L- mn .1 AL. hm! mmu-wuoM Monthly in the bouon 0! ii. inn-1y whammbhdhi- ml unhu Wluumhmld-dm i... mm a. i- use" worolx bud-cling. . 77*.-_ ._._. 'lum PAID lv.0| Salurdny 07.000 of tho x-ityn taxes were panl L0 Collector Muhlluton. Lo-rlnv up to noon 21100 worn n-cnvwl, and by the clow of the day It WM etpocba I that. 016.0!) would hue haeu transferred from the packets of the ciuwn! to tho uulb of the Trees l. L'. B. L'.. lewu No. 9.The rt gulnr monthly meeting of this society w.ll he held In tlmir Hall on Month? (-vvmng at J ()(lmk slurp. Prtioa thawing to becnme members should unlu- application at. this meeting. ~ 77...._.. _ 'l'muuwuu Smut:- x -'l'wo mm M .m yek-r~ly llmnkuglviug MorVIcaq mll be lwlnhn the Anglican Churchou. mm. of which mll ho imudscmely do. ranted. M mum]. fur the OCCKSBIDD. Pnme having been lwunled three am prizes for tweed uniting: ho hurl nu. ma (air. hm been obhuod to to order the goodu. They Are now In Ins nor; an exlnhtmn. Young Lmliu Journnl. I'nmly er-In. (nml- Fundy lluinr Ludo l-olh. Bumhy Muslim. ood Wonk, Our Dalia", Quint. Hunt Mun" m onlth Indiu' cloth ulnar- n 0811) M and be mwbod in the city lur lea-thin .00. Tm: Mon Inn-ulna Slow or fill StumpTho gum! milliury opening It. Spence a Crunloy'l tomorrow. Do I11. hi] to and. Tu unun n. .lohnm Brawl VI. Spuritt'u vigour-ed Iro- m- alt-I'- ooon until tomorrow. hum. r Lair-and bHAmnca moder- n In ire-n northerly to northwmrly to nunbwonbrly mnds. lair slightly cooler weather. 71/1le Rucu- lull! 1 Hanna; 0! l'. Dean- I.- day It I p. .-.u.h than} d ovw 'Illmn; mm mm'tl who was held in Turonto on n on of tuna robbed the WA- . . ilnune o! a watch 3nd ring. was 1-4 m ung today, the evidence Igninst |.|| hqug Insufcient to convict. T'Juvu mauMmmrnvaullulp... Inn-luv .JIDA '. hum hunt-ow lacuna u Rahal In]! cl 7'3: p m Received Te-dey.] hKnED wrra Blmuv.~.lohn W. Inn-4 m the nnmo of it Iicwuinn who I A.- f, A, A,AA_LI_ A L-- ('I'II' Ah VIC ISI'I'Y- I Lh-C I. ,8 M. rmvuAubre Loo m I. Hi." um. Cunp. Elvin H. Hor- ny will. a u Conan! meeting this oval-g. under his roacgunmn an Chic! out. Fm Deputnonl. rth 3 im- pldbh to omzly Lochuga m. (Iii-d tho dud position of head 0! the 4). -_.l 0...! A! Dan.- ll- I-.. l- ul uwu run-unv- v: uu-u U1 vuv w m 0 Oil 0! Police. Ho [0.ch on. aim with I Clpllil record. unrl I INC]! mm to in Salt am be In ' at u Inhally supper! u he should :1. In. in bu cloth to period I .4 5-... Lou-ah -. 0L- n_LI- uuo I-vw- n unl. .v nary". yuu Rev. Father Breturgh purlm ing to Trenton and spending! dot of his -lito among hm n In. Col.Goodellow. H F, purl Mm. (Lynd- fellow. of London. Huglnml. reghtmml it ch. British America: Nun-l un Sntur .... :_;_.l. :.. .I... City. \I all]. M x E, W. Ruhhun Mn] Mr. R. Aylw worth. of Douronw, Um laLLer an ex- Wnrdol of Hastings. were In the My yooMrdmy. They weu'u want this morn ENHLISH PACKAGE. DONTLIBIIIH IIK. Dr. Haury Wilson.0[thi1 City. preach ed twice yutardny In Christ ('hnrch. Bullovillo. Rev. A A. Slmuwr. pleuch 0d 5: SLerrgo's last. vvuumg nu hli , . \ uuwu qu u-I v: WllulyV. lil- Kiln Mum". Finer has received tho irons. nodal lld hundsomc certi- un ol the Governor-General for at- hililg theihigboat prociency in the omiutions at Nun-e Dame [IoL'uugre- '00-. Kinpton. in 1-912. His Excol-' boy's pnun tn hurth regarded nd .1630 I wum spirit 0! competition Md olllllion in thn schools. ...A __ wnvnv nu nu. Tho Ruv Ur, Jeukm ml! Luln' tlw dltiu 0! Rev. 1). J. Mawdouuell dun-mg the latter); trip to the old countrv. D Ln.-- upon-ma. ..u n w, .\ n . ... b. lU-I'l 5. Herbert Spencer. conned to his mom in Bummer. under mede ntLenvluuce (or a trouble-one curbunclu, ii Improv. 'Ww. Rev. Mr. Mc.nurr:u' prezlchml alo qunly m Queen hut-cl. L'. M. Church lull. night. To-mght he lm-Lurm In Re the] Hall on tompemnnn. Ho 19 a uent 3nd inureumg swank-3r. 1m- u-_ "r n mu-.1 mum Ruh' Ill" lawns-nus apt-nun. The Hon. T.G. AIVO'd, "01d Hulk of Governor's Island. hms been over looked in the nommnuoun m Uuoudngn Conn. N.\'., which he bus so long ro- prouuod. H. mm a power in the At unbly. but. hi5 constituency has tired "6! himJnd n hilisr form lunar. step down And on at politiu. 3... H-.- \L..v rtlnnl' Mun rnnnrnll WE... nu wum uv w bunch ol the blic Dakota! :1 chgiblu con-ill thwymtom. l .y-puhy unholy w in buy me: u ill. 10.. """'.lcmlndpodiw _ip IO' M l h. A "kl mime. in hit lib in... W sad. I A wan... u. .- W" "a," Mr. John McDonald. later Browns grocery. lnu 1qu l' v1 whore ha mmuda Lu rwnle m mu n , In, I ,, Justice Muckay. of )luutru. to retire from the bunch. hm llIL oxpirod. M. D;-:.. llrnmnn |u tn Im .v 'A'IAWu Mr. Pierce Brnwm I! [a ho nu ed by his frluuls this evvm lavas in a few day for .Izllll[" I. v| \n|\,,,11 I . v, uunr. mlur Ind Culver. Woleomo. Young Hon 0! (has! But-m. Bop n! Enghnd. lmun Jmk. ing. WWUI Ulllll. =Rome. over the way. hm 11 1d Ln [my Owdamageu to a woman lujural by the neglect. to erect. burners or L0 du- plty danger signals when wmk w Im ing done on the street. 5mm such wammg has been hovering over Klugs hon corporation ull Ham-m :AL street ._ Ann-0n:- AI Inn hm. .n A Lrnvolling correspumlunt m the ankuhorktr stvlus ULLuwu "Llw N polis." because It In such n .wpul Poor fellow, they ought to build 11 up or New Orleans up than. ' this blunted country" night, lw enough. CIA"n..." \L... rnmnnnl\ uni-r... UMv-u. Someway she romance nurx'unmiing noted criminals Jul not. gum mm). by the trial of Minnie Marl In by. He was a poor moneyless prmunvr. un-l nu- body seemed to Luke uny mLL-xml nu Ills cue. No hall sneak thief ever Inullu AAA-.. Aml luau I'll-U. The N.Y. Sun 15 pretty bluuL IL opinel Mus there w an goal reason for ProudouL Arthur a my northward. u Wash mn in uuunlmlly (WWII and hedbhy ll. not-I down "nnluril II\ n oonvenmnt. name for exceamm, |.- u r n v rl-vv- u. .u-u..vuu. I: II A totaled thug in natural phnloso- phy that. a. skuk prefem tho mwruonb ofnchnrch, Above every otlwr place, lur I headquartern. A Kluguwn mngrcgn Lion had ll fresh illusbrntmu of the fut-L lust mam. 'rL- V V u... nuan- Ll... h "luv un. plwol 1n Mnunwba. h .. . ml-A H... n, 1. A. Chan bu rip. red nupbernu II hm tldbl on Queen Street. Ind one 0! him employees. W. [lullumL by; a plum tree In bloom In. ins lot. on Plum Street. This In a good heuwn fur Vtufllullun. trulv. 'I| . . II .. ,| l , 'll... b I m .._ ..,...-...... .. m... . ..~.w.,.,...w.. Iliu- Hnwhuon. Lin Huwhooonv May Sun. Chneo. Mmuie Brooks I .nd Ihm 0th.: young luheu were upset. non Btockvillo on Stturday. but gallant.- ly Mild. A lhn-I Ln. vim nu! run-.lmrrlnl l- ch . The Mall. in 11.1 renew or the cnckul Dual, any: "Nqunm amvl Kingston h" Ind I lair 1m; nut '1! cricket '1! undying mum. 'l'h. J-.li..-...m.....n .. uh. [ulnat' lmdon soon: - Gonuomu'o ugh-mo Catch". Tonpla Bu. run,- Mm lubed!!! Tammuucn Mug-mum (lnkl'n u-mlm 1:, Children} I: mr, kah 011- X' In. Chnldnn'lrnm . Bnu'nh Wot-kw. , l'hnlJmni M .qulu mum... Tho dalliu exciteman H 1- ul Imporumce. An 1 punter mys them may he .1 um matter yet. 'll... ...._.-.._..--.. -...-Irnu umb- UuI- qutwl r The mum's returns make Fr )uteumc ! Y the banner mud in pupuluunu mm over 3.) people; Caulruqm m run! eatue ud SydOIhnm in nude! nuansmeut. Hm... u......... I H- Nun-Lama. ---. uw. luv-u n In .Iu|u-I,Lw'l u Vul- d the lat on the coruur of Ihrnn Ind Union Cuban. unl I ore-cum I brick MIC-cc. nL, -. n -, u .. AWL . A Idling bum. unu ny- thon in hall any I doom;- in we sale 0! very ml] tum-bio goodn. A. hand-.. AL- ..-..... Inn... I...I - "I, um luvuu. 00 Bands] the gum buyen [uni I VII, kiln. The competition of seven! Ill- iI hid to In". been "re-l nut." In. 000. W h m purchvnwd a pm Al ill; I... .... o. .1 n .-..,.. A! An.- .nJ The W 0! AntEr nti. in lo be to by numb- m undo I hitch. II was our 10 nulliou Acton. -l I [luau-g prism dipping oil to the but hint-II woods. will, u. u- m. min. 'IL, '4 ,1 1 A u .: : A LA _-IJ I ulnunn- nlllunlyuu .n.u,. .u. ........ 'lhoy Ire 1mm]: friend; in the _ "___..r _ Imus-cu 'l'ruond Bnua Worlw. ('hul-lm'u W. Ilmilv Mount

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