MI rc being cured of oatarrh h H J Cntnrrh (uru that 1 mum un AM mud would d uzvcu up Ln1 mnlroum 75 ocan a bottle. HL-H I) nu; BRITISH wuau; WEDNESDAY. lulu , I. .l. om n-v_.._ ._._.i . - v. .u. - v. pairing 'vllccm. i w... on nut-n." [Ill Im-u Lbngo' has 4(1) WWW. U "uh", a 511 n bur-W Winuuw In. ha M. U rel-an. m an u Winnipeg IM- to. urea nullv .~ I: (In. non. Tb. 1 ad to Stillman Plul. (In: damn nl H 0nd- olBuwr- W m vnll "he-vouch buduha. 0n. mi [ecu I we. Prion Ibo. r w. The contncl_lor 6h. cull. hr:- IMO. tour but. comma: (or m m uh Lu low uudai to lo- erli) J kn . ul Omens. I .12.. Tm: ulmg U! n brc u only on. thin, mcoutl u! an in: in long. h in you 'l' ngiuuuuu um. umkm 11. mm a long I. u Ln hundlr, n hue lmudlr. bunn Mudukc man never (III to cure 304va \- nnd guide III 50".- er u .u'yr u! .l on 18. at London. England. John w walked (away two Ludo-ll In. haul. l'puu a mm L gnvestono II Vino-n- ueu. lu|l,. u :uclvry hppOllI thi- phil- 1.x.- I....-...l "Hm uemhbor phnd u \ .mnlr HHLTS as trial for Hurry dl who are aholud . 0.10 nml 1mm] guaranteeing spa tiou of health am a. A)MILA N n MBA $ '9 (SLILuqu. Dr J. Cullln, St. Thomas. wrnes: Dur lug tun yearn' :mtnu practice I have hld occasslou to prnscnlw Cod Liver Oil 3nd llypnplmuplnim hmce Northrop a Ly~ mans l'lmulntuu ml ('ud Lwer Oil and Hyprqllumi-lvih-w ul [mum and Soda can. mulrr my u-mrn l lune lned it, Ind MIG grout plunurr m aayazuz that. it has ngen great annalnuuuu. and m to b. prelorrod to any I lmw o-H-r um] or recommended. llmvcuqv-l i! m mvuvnl lamily almost n a lvewrugc mum lmny colds. Ind in awry llmlnm in happy result. bu followed. I clmurlull} rctulllnntlhl its use in IllOl-IQI of Jabllny nrmxm from weakness 0! tho muscular or nervous system." Thu \'ux.'r.ur Dz Cu, Marshall. Mich. 'rllnrand 1): Unis (ZEIJcanzn 11.me- \',.. -r.n um TIA n-n Ex amt Arnmcn on the Han M n! preacnlmr. THE Wurst new! .luus acres. the most In dnlent mumr and the most foul ulcer kn wu. may be cured by the combined us. at Burdock uluod Bmers and Burdock lluahng Omrmunt. Mk your druggiut for n... fulhhln rnmedms v "--C . I' .11 who u. Inn-mm] ho- IMO and youth. limo-[hm .1, be", You of mush-94. It. I I!!! In! gnu ("all In} away-1., Fill 0' cum; m I '4 duuwdwtnmn n- land 3 lm -. mlI-O'i '""""" 'm um": Anal!" 9 .wow. v.1?! hm. 1 mm. ul unto-w. who ammwu w .itnlity and runuhn lnnr- uvnmnn unm-d (;R|II l'l N RAILWAY- rennin-L To .Vlen billy. uh Ema-an Arruucu 3 days to mon (voung or old) in] with uurvoun debility. 1m nullmzl All" kindred troublel. pemlv mu} complete tenor.- nml umn|y vmor. Add. H - Nu [wk Is Incurred. ll ulthAAl. "v'L-rl as well Ia lllnh Mnmu, callous lumps. '1.:m:m.on and AU pun- m' we grant Rheumatic rvl'r Yellnw OIL For excor- | um. Prim, 250 y am plun- q neighbor played oval Iailjleamshins { 777?] Liverpool. Lundondarry, Blasguw. 1|'\VD TOURIET ROYTF. T0 Ellui' V .mmn-mn an Hur'TE ;: 1m. 1: coup-u- )5 | mil.- honlu. esh u hen to kidney -11Lmlng. To suffer- mke Dr. Van Buren'l , and thus obtain n l blamvhem. All drug Im. a convict .:|mih-hont. .%Ef mm. BEEIJMATIEM ---VIIIOI I I'm loam/gin, Scfr '; a. Lumbago, lunch, Sort-nos: of flu chest, Gout, Quincy, Snre T'woat, Sull- ing: and 8pm. ".5, Burns and Sea/d3, Gar-era] Emil; Ow in r Too, Ear and Headacko, Frosted Fee! and 511/ s, and all all! Pain: and 10/75:. In rmr-uun on HM MM '7 Jim 0 LIVERPOOLG: LONDON and Globe tmsnmma cum I; MLm'IILAN. IANDWIAK C.RI"AH~'Y\1. 131i: inane of me BM: ml- Iluuw v: Ira-U .v:.,. ,7, 9.11196 doing aniur-nu in ~(nnadm lnvubd Funds .4....... . .. ..O2Sl.000,0(l) hmenu in Canada . . . . . . . . 900.000 (uioomhmu'r-n 1' damn. Th-v Mr [M luaer hbom. run! "a or 1: mile: u. 5 .mmm "an In Hancocks - mun ungT ll A|\ you In em- ornmm luv-I?- mmumnrh}. 11 hi. - - I Iruuu no mm Tuna: .I_ -.._-.z u. .-I For le by Kluglton 0n! i Ianth Bin-u tum: n LOWEST Oarronl D'dn House and Yum lrqperty lunuw to: sum run a! as low nun M nnv uh; rufe DD-so. I'I~Jv .~ _-r.-w _ H 7 7' I Magnum unruy unqon to in :mn.ou wo- und mm 633%}: @v msAWA """7;F0 \ LIVER CDMPLAIM, SPERM. ; 2 And for Purifying the 3105:]. n h... Mn In um fur En pm: and hp: FIRE and I Inc GEO. PEDJ..ER, "CHELVII I' t [2| ICC". \2. m Susan 001052;; it 1:53;. Inspiratori \11(' x1, rpm 1:] \ v 0 Immune. 60. 01" LONDON, ENGLAND. lain-3071' HQ; m awn-kw" vu-x. Finn-onus, (it-l BUBNO! AYREAJ Livor'no, Q'OOIOIOII..I. Juhnl. Ilu Iu uni II-III n- Irv-n. r. o Con-pay u now mud to us. mu on I clu ol progeny a cum ml. . Loan 0! um hum-p tuned ban thou m duvhm by " I. I IAOUIN. 0.1:"! mm. Ton-Io. . \CANADALIFE\ ASSI'IIAhl/ll Col'llAN". LIFE INSURANCE IN CANADA. Eur-cu {rem an n hndlugin Monetary 'l {queen msumce GOIPYl -UF _. LON 00.1 A' LIVERPOOL. ENG. Billed: A Mun-r Ale-II. Annuuc whm (ml u INneo- um WBSLBPH Assurance Company 4..qu .u. Rinks: lulmn on u tuonbla term. u thou ol- lorsd by any nut-clu- Compcny. B 8 PRUPEN. Fire and Life Aunnce Comy.' Bul .cuhed (n )iml ....................... Emma!) bu Tum) luw-slo Fumiuupwmll of 11mm Tbtallmo nu, H. ,.l 111) am A "mm-n Fl, 11th A! lg (in-.20W. { Cabinet Maker and Underlallcr. [I the lnmlmg Tire I'm-ur-nca Comptny on (oulinL-nl. h: Aunul! huminm Bocmpu ln (unndn and Ella ('uilod Sum m luau Um: n... I my other Pompom. Ind It bu nu nu Um. 65. Insurance Comv ,.,...,- am Hanna; 9 Dwativa Papa The Luge. Cheapo" And no 800! 1 CITY PAINT SHOP .. . ..J- oath-'1' GUARDIAN The Desaruntoqfvigmun Bu'y .51 FIRE AND MARINE. TORONTO. "beck A Hill- Aunulu b u. HY. WEI mamas. JEWEEEL .. LONI 0F HARTFORD. CONN. IN GENERAL UARADA BA" 0F QITIN'III Rll.WA" AND NA"IG.\IIOV 10. Ayn ZBRAME, -. January In. In Ill 03 years, . H . IMHO? ITIIIT. w 303111808 a son. man. and Du mom-I lm It. Punonln umdod to In 15. ally [In mun numnhlo um. EMA lill ("gnaw-n . nnsx lass h Fire woepr a! the 1m I111 e um. not.th wlhou! Hon-1 In London KINGSTON. ONT pcny. PHIPPEN. Agem. King-mu Special sailor. 'lrlln {or lnltoba. Dakota and tho North-Woof Torrltorlu. Juno Mu 1) lind \ .. Lay; I 1uunne mm In A I n .n 1I-4~M'U 3.; mm mum com lnul. Minneapolis .k Mnnltohn [hm A Special Sunlera Tum (or poun- on the BI m, ora) \\ val. ' and 1h? Nnrtheru Puma R-ilwny. tho [or Manual). and thou lcuw luxmrrns M Wlmrunu Ono-II 1111. u (Ilium. THE names? wonnin': LIEBIG COMPANYS EXTRACT m -,QE. Dr. Robertas Galahramd intmnnt. The Poor Ians Friqnd,| Hon I cumin remedy lov mwnuu sumo-nun, rum. him-ea, cmlblnlnu. Mottunc orupttom um pimple): In m. [111.me and lnnmod nu. son hmdn. non hug-u puu. n Ibo all"), "no". [he tau] mull grid hull Olnoa. {5 KEY TO HEALTH. ll condant rw- mmumwi In Hu- [nintqu- nut-11mg rum-Av I ; wounds of envy duajp remedy for uanua lamb-mu, ....m. mm." rlulhlnlnn. eruption! l "I" "' WP rluylerl 81u aflh. Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. rmying If madmin \\uhuul \u..Lo:nmg the sylun, DWI.) . In" H . PILIYLJE ANTI-SCBOPIIIJLll _-- --_-.-..m-III III. I. Prov-d l-y mun than Iiny youu upon-nu .0 ho on. I'" the but monk-mu Ia! punfu th- Mood and naming Hutu" In Isor mm my term a and and upon" n Iy Mal. Dutch may I. aim n ull tum-I uth no.- Mem 0! ch."- of am I 0M In on- M 9-. M . u (-1.11. nd - A 0. Mad only .1! BUICK a DARNICOYT HMnon. Dar-. lnan. M 00M by MI W .I n. Vandal" | t l me lmpuhuca am. pm. errrlions; a! the sum- lime Correcth Acidity 0f the Swmaeilhaliunng Bu own-ass, FNupepsm. E chea. Diz- zinem. Ilaarmum. Constipation. Drynos; rt' the Skin. Dro av. Dim- ,em a: Vision Jmmdice. Sn t Rhcum. nlrycinnlu, Surafula. uttering of the Heart. I-Tervougnesa and General Debmty; n" I-Ix'Nv' In! rpm y 11! 'r aimi- L- rmnplwinv " 1', m.- )quw inuence 0! DUHUJ'JA LDUUU a. u...- moa rattles Ic : Peculu size 81. Oitv aiweep-i Innii .inv 'vm ymmv mum: of BURDOCZ BLOOD BITPEBS. 1-. .n ,, A_.-~..1.c~'anI 80!!! In pun, ISM in M. nah ~nnd h-I I'AIIAA'I'I -1--*->-V.- .__-_ 0R AIIIEICA'IIVE PILL! Rudmy mug-u L1: impunncn and fnul 'rlionsz Lim Ava. Inn-n 'ov llrknl um arcrv F0 _- .Noih. 0:56 I. Illlill I leJ',.-I.rfbl" n. no: 10' Unaud- cInu-u mu 01" MODERN TIMES SAN FRANCISCO. sleudmg Ln .. .. In. \Iv nu! to the Pwlc Cont will do well to be re- a party luving horn on lb dntn. Fur lullhvr l la LIVUL "Yls ...Lv:umg )~|(m, {uul hunmn wf \hc ul Luan nl me .ime OOTI'OCD ach1 cu_nng - FOLIIEB R HARLEY. : ready! .Lu 1-. is... 1mm mhu criVu dip huldx. Fm dalulllu we onrl oi hot all-nun. llnu m _________. Str. Mini-ng -.c'DII _ -. . Emmy; LOTIOD. .1 nd only byJ Pup my. ltllnlull ooln null-n, our-aw] rum mum-m uow mod lunuui 0! blue lull .11 out our! of dylpplj. mlwmuuuh mu] all nl ayllmp-ug. "munmm. .V , _ clean aonollhonvu.which-n- n-nanul, p m bone: 11 Ill IhmldO'I. haml'lchu r rnWMm-n. In! "mum. de music. nthmlrhs tutu In u.- lI-O Kn pddlnou, tum-nu u! llw nlnlnluh n tub. of acne! o-llrww-I u be [he Ijnuhhllvu In mum-mu alwmg um (-r n . oowohmivinn Au-e n! h is! utlcoudurl n m ,. ,. .. 'Iurnnlunlu been) mum-w, .. av In]. new... It. nn . . I" 0 mm A molt vnlun Ila And annual mo d:an for tho colon!" volmrnllv \n llernnl I Skin | 1-1; boa". (E h llmuh sud Podurh in In a no: A. lid! .nmry, In nvm Bow-0.1! U will duh-I: bun-nu m - int-1y bring bu t a nnunl ou|n nycor w mu prodocod lvv In (In, um doo- m: min": tbu- nkln uni. V. V V LOCIYBEB BULPHI'R HAle Mr Mhhl h I. m. but for tau-nu; may buy u; n,- In. mu colour. n product-n portnuy Illlunnl rum. um i! tit-0|me We... Rnunlnuwudod 1"! mm and sad Gianni.an mum): at new 6 but M LOOK!!! BULPIIL". Mk ML Hm: Inn- 2: mun on thin: .11. "our! sud munuln up that 'vin Ion. 80m w drawn 1- r: gm bolu. ll. Gd. Iold by chew up. hum Datum-n m7 Manon. .ml "'"h"Mndon. . "u. [mky'r'c II oqutl to 51 mutant. WA groTH "IBERNHN AUSTRIAN. Acidity. Wu. Minna. 5nd uh uh an I a! dimdand Hut and h pop-ll Auhmvlodaod b! mu? ammo-n! sum. m u. mmudunduz unlmm'lugun-n... In hotel 30 um b, 9514M . 9:! mm by. 43th and hrlna vrnulnn Ihrnummul ! . Iod. Pup-Ir}! py gu, our, [maulI Hpn A . | I'm an 'IIVWI-u-y r... .. LIVIB PILL lmllmut manurv 'I ll 1' llulEDY IOIBXlJOl'hhhhh, hl ms, 1 lDIIANGIIINT. ILA'lL'LESLK, lum . "on tho lbouldat, bod Appmw lumuuu lag]; KINGI DANDEIJU." AM: QLLH) a Acidity. Mm, Mid.- - . r .. mm: on: nLIm-Ina thruugi . P" "M by Jun, Bum, lnuulrl sl|y "Alum. HUI lav n-tdunu Mm mullm i POSITIVE cum: 2 Farah (mum, "mu-m um m. 30.1w! an un uuln Inm du-or 3m lo. I will turn I a hunt ulglnmu (no. my." 01 ha- :onl Omaha 0 locum-tom am who! hp-mu w 1- ndvool. M nu rum 1:. .1"! . b, my. nu run "3' My" Pm. tuu_ may! by g 6" nun sown.- inucnw lznl'm, u 4 If; uh Manna}! Dill hull! Ill dm not! at pric- Pov hm rig ml 0 mm: m- m l and lo! Hauling: Y 0._Nj.l, I LU, pom- I . v. {stovssLsmvss : O gaunan mm um mm mm. Tho Bhopal sud hulll'tnluuz'. HalJ ur Follow Slow. for 0nd 'v! cm 1 _ } __.~ I 3 VEHNDK [1. BROWN a CO. . EXLBWK. Km. Aguu. " I iMI I Gunter Scales. MIDI Hunt-i ' O. Mhl. wt 1- 0 CO K1 John Shir! lurch It ______- ' OCIHEB'B BULYHUR MK 1 J bun-ml In | h an], on|nu Inna-4m m um wodocod In .. ' OOKYIB'H J m Allc LXI] (ANAIJIAS UH 1m Murin- on!) 4.): can I'. all mean Dior-.001 11mg? a n L... a . m... . CUT IA" 1 LAN! AND 1; v I _ I! All! CHEAPEST MEAT- FLAVOURIIB STOCK [DR SOUPS. MADE DISHES 81. SAUMS. ... CAUTIOl.A Genuine ONLY m h (no-until: o! Baron Litbun Sigh. turn in Blue Ink "mu um! T n Cnulion in newumv l-wmp w yIVlHMII cheap Ind luf'nw I I. in! being In the larlm pnnmu cnwv mum hell! 1 r ______ LIVIZ ll (03! PLA INTI. [I'lnlnu puuulgu Manta, I- urrY " IDL N CUM A N I) PUDUI' (I Inn nun. "WM mg n: Withom Modxcmu. . Alt-mu mg-um. Joint "nun: s "II-um. ol lurluu Inn-n54... I'l Iullh "I DIN-MM'I. ____-.._- L": HANK IKLHTUNIik - R lth-ll may! nllv "In". I'INI 0". 0! ll K . .. A . U I vary to. "In. Huang: Lavurpml And Queen-awn 1 mm 4 Bump. u luvul sud pm. sprly u Com- NL d. buwhux Owen. Sr HH- ul Lynn; Ilvu .- . nun, Aulwup nu all-'1 Luann-In. Ind lvl Mcdnwn w w m Lavorpol um uwu pun- 4! Bump. l 5:an m Harbor-3 em Imnnt't'iit m unnnH mm. a- A. I_ll_ ' _--A-- n..WWY- _.Wodumvh). I: "waxed-v.31! W-l. -.1A1 21" Bouts. CW 1: .S a}? i.loq 1|0 | . . LouICC cup-Invo- ." nu. Ill. 'CYIHMM BOIHSIA .. (lAfntilL UALI.|A.. .. aqulA... .. n.1'VIHlA.. .. Hutu w "W- u w n .n van-baa mu Dva" u a... I. lodch - l: m. nun-IL. Ind ennui: _ Ina-III. 1H 13!! but' Ind Jun. gum-h r! an, .0 .- no. mhhon woolen-! uni-unnuon- 'tmmd v.1 Lula . InnII-m A_n.w.., .- v_.- . * Ball'- Ouurh Gun II nun" Lonny a 00.. lolmlo. U -mmny W H. VI. H0380". Welland, )r. daily-Invo- w. IM. T! quxru 1 whNV mud . \ ed 1:" mm. mmww) M tho! u... . ch g - Whlluwn' mil-III wanna-hm .. m unnonl Wallnn IIv- ad bu "allh roam! by (b9 Elihu .. rm/L. .......Wo-iuuwh}. OTHRIA ... ....'edz oodnv, I'ABTHIL. . . Wall. w Lay. can on lollo'ul Wuhan-y "vi ahange of Time icheliau & Untariu Navigxtion Bu. tlmnm- of That on Tuesday. x[{OYAL MAI L Ll N E A - .. [!l: .7 -| ~ .u-ulpnulr-n 1.1 um..- 30 u an lrnll Hm mm-ma complmm. bnx lovm- 1 53m aqua menmlmdm-ndtbnu ILJouclIry than mu mum huh it uh: lbw-1n nun nnthuxkywmrnm rum to do without 5.. Baum! m lick had AA..- "55in Imaonmn. i mu sums. cull)! "- 1 v V v V v I! MnrhounutauLlulouvePliwlrerquy \n.ulbli In Cournplllol, turn; And prawn..ny lnnm mg cumpmnr. Ih1. lhry mm rurtnl Adz-mm" M Ito uouucn. Inmulue lha )z- r! \ CLTI 0' ~IAIIAOB l o u I'm-.1. mm Lavurpml Queen-w: \ all) Cllrn reummi u lnnmtng I 90 r. dzonrm-ro M H d nvgutun the bowels. inn If (my only card 1 AAA D Wm mu m Indiana-l m UNLI CIDI In. null: v [ Inmmoo! unyhv-Mhoenwhemw nznu our ".8 haul. 0! put mn n um a. VI do am. unn'u um. W Nb m mun-11nd Tr'. rl'y m uh. Outer um m- unhe- don 1'1- In otdly 60m Ir of wan. but b that gum. Icua: pleu- any nation. Ivmumn. In lm 1. Ion "WW art-l. say A ___ u-IAIH- M 3-3570; {- um ausme [m 1. you: IydWlel uyu CARTER IIDIOIXE 00.. l..- Yno- om. y. m In N '0'! ('0 ul. lam t In? M m. - _.-_ yr-No W10! ply . um. (II an, sun A OXIY Mali '- m): pouluuly Ind permum l cv cnund by "genes of guy HALES 'HBIFO? ~ - .Iu N OTICE. wr III E [wk-u tom 1 A In other I on... THE STIIANIIZIK t bonds. h. .n :I May umy IEAD .\V"-Q!r that; [m naluur In I ruutu AOHE MM o! 90 mluy [ha that here n w, m w, L-l-I-v-WWW W ""' TIOIAI Dillon; M W14.- an! .m 88.00 I Do. EUlblnn W. Now You Ony- OIIIIIHIII'Ing . 8rd 043:. y.. cumin-ii Lilia} nor-M0- Ton mu. was... 0. 111.. Council n- t It '4 urlock pm. when 311 pro-ant. Acculu'. luv .- '2. JIM 500-. .3. hurl-hug can-u an the; Feral Bald: Wm Eon-oh. rut :13ch wk. m- the 79; cm . ..-=u' hip ylucc. d .7 r. MAL .. Initial: lll'llnh cun'u :4 w the 7th 1:01" . 4v! [mining Isn .,,r .,.L than. "[4 'u- n L. 00- :ur mom 1.1 mr "pun-u u.n1ll on 1|..- In. ,. Haul. mum. .15 in! put-mt um 36 (or collect; but. use-.J. '. Booth. 053.5310: Inna. bu lurnuhed (or ddenlkl in Syduu- 'n-m bquL. l!"l:|\l: Iu unw. w. ... 7. elmr In back tax. Bv hm: 53 Ind 59 won rend and pIIAHIl. Muulrned and Monday. Nuv, 6th. M. I u Muck. mu r.~r tofu-I080 1'0. I'll?- "- ...._....-.. .v- i, ism Mm! by Mr. Blah. thMboox- udnl on an mu bonnet: Mr. 'I. mantle): and Mr. R. Moody's. turned. M a cure (or all disease: 0! D ~.:ns' Ithxr hma no equnl. I -__._..- _,__._ 1. ' bum-M In W mu. cud-ad I V: ! Imo- uh... In out w On- a. union to -' vagmw gain-dang: an: i .nuny. XOwful . s. . run an Hu- \ "ma p0? For (mm 7 r .w, __ {ule Is no duubt aboutn. tint Dr. Van mn's Kn'ney (um I! the only known m-dy that science has bestowed upon nkmd that Will positively cum kidney ewes Auk vour druggis! for It. L'()KCh.m MONTHLY Dk N'DKG 'rzz. safe and e'Yectull, thin old reme- U-vwns lilmr, for the our: of coughs .Al.u tho yrencm month of October Dr ~..yn'-. Hlnnmeh and Ucnnnpulur Bu uh..uil 1'4: lnkn no pun!)- Ihe blood .nrhf. Um sum uglinlt the never mm- 0(nur Cumdmn Winter. 1'. Im- u H. mrruluum mu! cure: dupe-pun. mum-us nn-l MLk lw-dlcho. In Inrxr 1:! m 50 cruln Sold by I druggnu. u would hue a clear complexion. a '1 1mm blotuhen, pimple, bmlmnd human. punfy and regulate the llvnr, kldh(_\8 and lmwalu wnh Bur >lum1 Bitters. 'l'rlnl bottles 10 come z ': mmi enjoy health whe suffer H'wulmn o! the bownla. Unrxh m n|\\n_\s do harm. Burdan Blood l~ NMures uwn Cnthnrlic. I: recu rengthrnn Iud puried the avstem V "W" 1 'TL hair In one of the molt atrlk leaning o! char-modulo: and can mtmned by the use of the Cinga- R. 1mm. Sold at 60 cents by "Esth may i' Co.. propnators Hall'- Hamil-er 0100 rewud (ur my Hrhlha! can't be cured wnh vxhCure Hold hy J. G. ng hpulo'n (Ill-I (rented. Pumphlct o! pnrucu- up. address Wonm'l Dun}: L Aswcunox, 151113310. 5. Y Poul For Imam Puyg Um, : You.