Angu- Jule: (p.14 w m can chi-Mb: mg-l ode. nbd .- mm: for | Ink no Chihuahua-iii. Wit Uopenbngeu. Fm. 7. - The Ruuiul Goverbmeut bu ordorod An immodinte latch on the Siberiua coat. {or the apposed ship wreckei Duiah Arctlic expedition. 0.>~ lul'. Ulh l:A|.lllLAl-\ : . The excibemeub among the speculu tors ol petroleum yesterday excooded that of Saturday. The Exchange re- mained open to- lay because of the un- usual enormity of the interest: of the members. Capt. E. H. Barnum sold 126,000 barrels of oil at 30, which he purchased 1n the mneties. Seven] other 011 brokers cleared from 040,000 to 850.00!) a piece. . gum nLT'rI un London. Nov. 7.-lt necmtpoanble that. the dissolution of Parliament may be the result. of n content over the Cloture. Many members U! the Conser- vauve party are urgnug thelr leaders to Korea dissolution. and in such a measure they would recexve mom ut 1030 support from the lush members. A Hull an: luau. Ne. York, Nov. 7~Tho aunt. of the Mussuchouttes Mutual Life Insurance Co against. the Chicago Alton RR. to recovcrme value 0! cert-Lin hands of the (Incaqn lllnmia [tux-r RR. has been svmhnl. ILH stated that. the Chicago Alton pays the Insurance Company 0200.000. .. kn nu-nu- lmprairie. Que Nov. 7.Yestorday a. tire cumiuenced in a hangnrd in the rear of u house nocupied by Mederic Lefebore. merchant. and David [40138115. and notwithstanding the best olorts put forth by the re department and the residents in was not; checked until'twelve homes had been consumed. along with a. number of outbuildings. ._ 70...._.__.__ Dublin. Nov. 7. Cornelius Shea. con- victed of being a moonlighter and ranking threats against the tenants who psi rents near lelnrn". has been sentenced to seven years pennl nervnndo. %, o..-- Iwu,uvu. quonn'nos 0? QUININI, 100,000 ounce! uf quinine have been recently impoer [rum Europe and sold. American qmulue lum already (Inclined from 33 to 81.80. Darby. l-lug.. Nov. 7.Tliere van a mine explosion this morning in she Clay Cross Colliery. The report was terric. It. is believed that a large number of miners has been eutombed. l om-7|. ;, Ll Hm: All nAI-unnl were miners um been euwmoeu. Laterh. is said that. 80 persons were killed. A henvmr 1035 ll feared. Among the dead urc four or the Manage of the In I llnu i; sauna. 7 Instant Inll-mide Inner llnnnhninn 0. mt. D. mum J. u mad-qu- mu- Inn! Pvt.0. Tin- llo-nc Threatened. A .90. Search Ior Ihe Wrecked. .9 Moonlluhwr Sentenced; ,_._7.'v 7-~ A (Irma Inpendlng. -.- .a.. The (Irllllnal Act. ._.A -0- llre at anrnlrle. "lino. Explosion. "adv-mum 007mm Lad Dam buunvd :3 Ala- m bright bloody. the ham oun- pluilihhadn. MMJWCW'IHM haw bandith hid. Aniih III] M um. misty. I! . Ila-r1 Coop". Ten-b. the hero 0! Ho Illegal Sequential Bridge didactic- on... bu recovered. _ My Kolny, A Mud. ll lun- tlul. bu Ih-oonded leaving 1 lug. Inn-aha ol onditon. Ind- In... u: 'Innuvnnl ram lulu! cl amnion. Num- lrom the Transvaal upon two nations dduh 9! the Boon by It . the m: Chat. ho blues II had that pu' All upon.- in connection with the b Mound exhibition "10. Th- .wh mr'nl this u-nruim In loam unloluon ll run. The stock marlet this morning In both: tin yamriu. H1100! [or all loans inn boon further advanced by tho hunks. I. John Buttery. Independent cauli- duo Alderman in New York. died In night while blanching his tickets! bout dim. A [lil'e number of persons wen u- rubd in New York w-dny on a chap 0! [also magi-much and iuegnl vocin . Th. mull: of the recount in the cm a! mu mllmuon luu mega vuuu Tho malt o! the lmuol County election mu to add one to the Innjon'tv of Mr. DeBenjauu. the Iuooo-fll undid... Quebec And Levin entertain the Band Lodge to I ball to be given in their hon- our on the fourth Tkuradny of the mouth a! Jlnunry next. A mum-(n- train on the London. I'HIIGI Ina Icqul f} HER: gag-da mouth 0! Jnnunry uexu. A puwnger train Brighton & South Coast. Railway col- lided with an engine yentzrday injuring .leven nous. Th. .nuli-h Pnnanl (lulu-rill IIHI Fina. nlevan The ngliah Consul General and Eng- lish Comptroller of Egypt have con:- 110d u when for nancial relax-m. imiling the number of European oi- ciuls in thc Egyptian Administration. The trouble I". Philinnonnilinibetween clull 111 um Egyptian nummlsnmmon. The trouble at, Philippoppilinibetween the locsl Governor and the represent hive of Rania. led to an open rupture which mny lilacs hem Governments. A upocill envoy horeexplaius thu mudizion o! unin. The rivet. makers as Burckheath are on the otike for an minute uf wages. The nail Mid chain mukurs iu the Smf~ for-lsbire diatrict have also struck [or an increase. which m many cases was granted. .__......._.- Proud: J new. YIN! \Ioo HMOU. CI Stand or Pr Alli. u. Ancilva W luwoll Ind 1mm, Msdwen-D. Gib-on d 5 L Mod. , _ RdEmu Iain" (YttriumRan. Qg', U. Smut and mi N . -T Curel at. my stage of the disease Has cured mny asses 3-) terrible that bunen otme from the nose. Dr. Emry'u (Julilor- uil. Diamond Cntnrrh Remedy is mild and pluunt, Alfordiug immediate rellul and prompt. cure. and in bulimu to be the only ran] cure yeb given to the huhlic. The Du- moud in a wonderful medicine When. in will do. It. Will cure Nasal (Tamrrh. no mutter of how long unending. 1!. euros a Cold in the Head or Throat by u few Appli- ontions. It clears tho Hem] and Thrunt and ensblea you to breathe free, 1!. cures the: dull. heavy headache. ll an'mgtheue the Eyes. 1: cureu Deafnesu. It. in need lpr Asthma with cheering ruulls. lt. Wlll strengthen your voice. enabling you no speak clan mud dietiucz ll enablen you to think. work Ind study wnh ease and pleasure. n alas" the mind and nmkeu vour per- l'I Ill city. on lb. Tlh Inn lame A p ~< r )ml. .16- u dunghu of in ll. He II Iced we." ...1 mgntm r I ' _ month. Tho "man! will u. place from her Tub-1'- rddnnea. Our-M Sand. to-mmov u lpm. Mud: nod mulnuro- no "Ichtu In- work and study wun ease mm pleasure. h cleln nmkeu your per- ceptions clear, brlghtuud nctlvm l: soothes the nervu and enables you to hnvo refresh ing slumbers It in wnrranted not to contain anything iDJUHOUB. it. acts directly upon the orgnns of the Head and Throat. ulluymg iunmmntion of the mucous mmnbruua lin has. closnning and homing th lliHeO mu] inamed pnrts. Ms medicinal quuhtws arePFunfying, cleansing nml hvnnng, Hold hv .C. POLSON A; (0 . yrintd- Street. Nov" than the bowel. to rennin m I to (1 condition, In It leads to nnrinun ro- Iul . Ind I hulth is sure to follow. Bur. duck Blood Bitnn il the most perfect regal-tor of the bowel; and the best blood Dunner known. _ __.__.._.._,,. Gcto Prevents {or nnxl wnH undo clothing. The latest puferm Ill Scotc "'de to salon. from. R *ummbor we gun-mm n lint-elm t. m .__.._. Mu. D. Morrison Furnhnm Centre. P' 0.. writing nbout Dr. 'Ibomas' Elumc Oil. my: : "George Bell used n on his son nnd i cured him 0! rhyumntiuu with only 3 low npph'onionl. The balance of the bot 1.10 In used by an old gentleman for nth- ml, with '11. best retulta. [I not: Into A chum." , __,.-....__ rogulnor or Inc I purier ML Whyte, late proprietor of the Man- Iion Sdoon, King Street. Torontn, writes a.- follown nbouv. Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters; I have uaed Dr, Cnrson'o Slam-ch Bitters for nearly two yous. undl believe it to be the beam medi- nine in the world. I wuuld not be wnhout it [or unythiug. I have induced mores of nmnla m trv it. and when taken according i$ [or anything. 1 thu inuuoau or people to try it, according to directions, I have never known it. to fail. leell the Bitters, "The Doctor." It has certainly been my family doctor ever since I rst, unedit, end will continue to he as long asis note the same as hitherto. l Itrongly advise all my friends and the pub- lic genenlly. who suffer from any affections of the atomitht bowels, liver or blood. such As dyupoysin, indigestion, liver complaint, headache. dizzineae, ooeiiveuesa. impuriuien of the blood. rheumatism. neuralgia, etc.. to buy 3 both]. of The Doctor; and I am 0611MB than. not. one Wlll regret heuug done so. [do eat think there m any medicine in the whole world equal to Dr. Cermn'u Stomach and Constipation Bitwrs ' Mignon.) JAR. Winn." thus momma II tln- Armlury B. rlcks. Qunw n number uf crmnlulut pram-.qu lemwlvus. The uxrumr [noun me nu uuLcumc of Lln- anqlnry IL A r r., "w. . ... J -,.. According to Archibald Forbes, Sir Garnet Wolleley possesses audacity. elan. buoyancy. debounair nplomo. a. stain of well timed recklessness. alert. dexterity. nesuemimbio aupploueas.n.nd warmth of ham-t." reuniting from his Celtic blood ; likewise steadfast. con- stancy, dogged-cps against intriguemnlm muliness, unpsmllod uqlmnimity, cool. shady rnncor against enemies. and un- fulterilg delity in friendships," reanltr ingtrom Ssxon blood. No wonder he got. so many woundl; he must. have been an uncommonly protubernnt object to aim 1%. .- llonlorll All. I'll-lpllll is benecial in imbnety and in many dis- use: where the nervous byatem is un- nrung. HF... Stomach and Constipation uner SignedJ Said in large bottles at 50 cents by all druuista. non-rum. nu. any n A it-I II'I. loam! Nov 7, lia'elna. m "nu arr... ying, claim-1m: mm Iwnnng. hUlCl . i'rinmms _7~ .-H - - an. I". 1. VialQuiet. :mu. ll) IIII m u NIH-ow Minus: 1.. NandChlouou (m. ComQuiet: ul- 0.000 No. I Yellow "' on. 34; Ml Hurrah OutQuint; Imam hold a II. a... ByoQukt; u! 0.01!) Cum '0 In boll mammallo! . SUI); label. I. p. Ion. uvun x..- n... v_w.v..... .. .H the but means u! Imprnvmg uni pun tying the public nervnm. It I u mlurxu tint. ham been for mduy yeuu doomed n nocmmtv but unlorLuxmtcly lmliticul ongenums mu. inmtvcnod um! check- ed 11.. M MIL-V mqu du rug un lnapicw the wtmn winch InlCWH a purpose of the ' at. ad.- on In d It Cmuww1N0Jb ht Gun-AAan l (huh I D to; am t Cum u u Whoa-b .1 lot-u...- I '0.- 'ulhbolm Ion-0 M. ru-u- MM _L|ve 1. Nov. 6. Cotton8mm; uplAn I 6 HO; Ot- Iunl. 7 9.16. Chane. 00: 0d. u... vnn. Vum. '1 album. mle ANNUAL VOLUMES, I882.| n m it. "cl-I; OI. . u Pullout, in Hui a Job- In". lumuvmmg. nood- dv m nutmlqnmu, n... olerngl. IMMhVI WM. mdw. In. In. Inn. urn-no; pupil I... '14. M will Job; 1. 7. Bulk. Joh- l... " ugh. 10.- lung Wm. m (VIM, In lid] ladlohl I. ' unmuMMwIwHy.M-au- Inlunca L n )uuup m In u... v.0: returuml hearty llmuns but 150 rainum ed LL' m u-anLh tho hop.) Hm! .5 might do mum as much good m u had hnu Another. um 01 three 110" who bemg now. an: to the emi'uuou ugant. won- phcw uu aring, but nding am we Inn-unable applied to the Sociuy 1m page to Tuxunwmuoru they hopod :u nd employuut.u bond A vocal. Soon Mtu cue of Lhcm made I! [m hum no lo me me us he had promised I willptnwm nm to lune ngsum mu:- oul. thanking the Souon Iur thexr um. ly And; they won nlldomg on. Th. other can. won tho man] one: mu come up you by year. [Lem us howewr. a marked Joanne in IL. no unutiducwry apphml (or AM no ruby-maul Lump. The Honor} Lu _I blue. 0! 0176 orncln APNUITID Dun gar-W. endow you W Ind that you '1 mumuu II tuonx the. nu. n bun W at wu- our of 1500! m I! ha In In! mom-l ' ' 7 v '7 - w Almith God lot tho Bonnmul Emu. will 'hwh lnd. Inches. blot-ed IN. on. now know u mu in immune. of and 7;] Pro- clunuuun the eluunn 0! nylon nu II:le to hm". an aid Thursday. .ll 0.] Nov; In, M I y of GINIIAL THANIBOWLIO. A: than. my bud an ab any at lav-ab.- A 0.. III I 1'. III. I: noun-w. Chic! of lung-u- llrc Depart-cut. Bothmlls quksforu, t 82. lounx wmeur & son Rave on oxhlbmon this Salmon thn Inge ,J r A nIL'n' A \:l\ nnumr quw-c nuns Ull walnut-4qu uua nun-nun uu- Inna"! Itock of LADIES AND GENTLEIEN'S FURS held in this city. am nouns Ar Lois" Imam] v-15 (bounuun-nt to select. man for otllcc on warm nu-l promote them accordan Lu tholr quhcutlonu. Wedu unt pn-aume Io knuw wlmL motives ammun- llwqu new under examination hem and ulsowherd. but. thny am more hopulul Linn wu could be under he circumstances 1! my amp 1 ,.......5 .I... bl. ;.. nu .. nvu CLOTH JACKETS C ULSTER! BUY YOUR HILLIIEBY Shoo. New York.\Iov. 7.Cotwn.101116. FURS! M.. H. WALSH & oo.,| Ind Tum-v norm-r DIM mu. MN], I. l Ala-1.10530". 1-301}.le Btnd of Hope Revmw, 350. British Wurkman. 500. Brililb Workwomln, 50c. Chutarbox.jL Child's Cmnpauiuu 500. Child'n Uwu Magazine, 36c. Children's Friend, 600. Cottler sud Artiznn. 50 Funny Friend. 50. rrwudly Visitor 500. Iuhnu' Mtg-hue 50. thlle Wide Awske O] 15 The Prlzu. 50c Boyu' Own Annual. 82. Even-y .Joy'u Annual, 6') Girls Own Aununl. 82!. Every Girl's Aunu. 82 Day of Rent. $1.25 The quver. $2.60. Prepare Yourself for Colder Walther. They now of?" 1m Trimmod Hm from 500 to .31.). Call And make your selection. They also on Attention to I lnrgo lot of ,Nw .u. .. .........._.. -._V. eunuer uppmubmunbn I: ma the Ilmtitlmoua under (uuvorul i_._.l DI. . D A . uv n Inspection inviud. GREATEST BARGAINS ! 703?!P_Eflifmf Lndiea' black Fur Capes. Buffalo and Fancy Robou. Storey'l Lined Gloves. Naps Buck (Haven. [mdinn Ascraohln Jackets. Bochnmu Lameuoketn. Which may: oor u very low n10. n- Lnle Stacey a Walpole. Cola Brock a 'olllnnon Sir-I. Klnzon. 0m. Clark erght I: Son, 182 Wellington Street. nL -l. JUST RELEIVED: Evor o'amd m Kinglton. Bu IIINIIIUIIVIUIIH ulnlvl "\Iv\lu trol. Wu Are nthml LIML Inuuut'en must still pruvull. Lhn may [huntth I comcuu uI uln excoccl m liturnry culture the menu uf th Boanl of llxmuu ho must. have n {rioml n! (nan indoml unvu win hm spun m . ._. r..4 NI. ll. WALSH & 130.. I' Astrnchnu Coats. Racoou 7.Con|oll. 10 3-16: nnnl. lunar mums 1| human, m...- a. manta... mussels uarpete t! v . w monks-toms]. u: put n chant W0 have no"! bud In In. 3 mo! oaoxom GOODS. I'I'IIS 00L. I BAT-EB AP- PIOACIIEI TIIB Ul- MAHID NI gyms IN SEASON Ann tho prouuv. time We but um I 0. on w rum-ll n Illllill of prot. __Ln.. _..- _I__ -l }BLAN.K11+3TS!| lu\A ....V. r ., ,, ' cun lwfuru hm mm exfw the (inn-rumour, whm. ()H-AWA mnl Ill'gvlf. m power hv the m umer u. pennei lutnmmu Tln' ongnn-enl by Hon. Hm n . mum... I...l It In l-mvn- 1- ellual u Lib-ml lady in Uuww. ad M will HI to yin- in an km '0'. urn "pm w- : urptiuu Mac. the: 4 n- lacu that Sir John Handmaid'- m- }ority w maidensth reduced In 01.- Wio JG... I Hull Mogul. 1.! I50 load lab-n] Adlai-Imam!) hut in: In. lnglulud in the by electmua. Thu my In 0 Mine 0 the Lunar-l 7A4.. Lh .- IL:- Ini-itim it Im II uu II" "In without-Incl }BLANKETS!IM- mi... BLANKETsl Arc vary much Inger tlnu duting my previoul Iowa. l'. in lurpriung 10 us I. luv. not eld 3 still grant-r numb o! Considering the romuhbly low prio- M which In no selling than. and tho wry Inc about u loot from. On. ung In 70!, ruin-Awe no determined to all our, pit of BLANKETml In our house bder tho clone a! the pn- unt month. U low mae- vnH euAblo ul $0 do so, kindly inspect. our stock of BL ANKETB 1| luponan 0t Hrlluh and (uulinonul ongun-enl I?) '1, um wt. nu. [rum mum-.1 hul 1| hm:ch look. uud nothing has occulou thll the adjourn- men: of Purlmmont to (-hunge its nupect and glve 1L POPIllltfll). ru-uu 87. stone: '5 #00157): UHEAPERH Than the cheapest! STRO'U D S TEAS. TRY THEMZ STRWD 3303.. Unpreasdonud In tho unmll of the To: Tndo in tho wormoul male 0! our 400 and :00 Ten. IW! all kinds of FUR GARMERTS. Cups. Mus, Uan and give Ipecml ntteuuon to the making of | lbsdiss tad Gent's Bast-oi! Clothing,l ManufacturE FUR LINED cmcuuns .I the 5!. Andrew's Sucu'Ly Segre-Law m In. rvpon Socmty Ind lung arm-J the dark M to Um rvui a the Axleuuce rmnlere I, 1 pie-smug ou euvunrxulnq durum Lm- put. you. run! run .150 a full umereni of Fur Lining, Ruin do Lyollu Silk: sud Cnhmeren. 8' No connection with any other home. Your FURS now, and if they need re; modelling or rupturing leave them With uu no nnnn We Fina-l annu BmIHgn,1l)cln, pan II. Four pounds gnod Japan To: to: u 1'!" pounds Young Hymn for 1.. II. 8: J. GIBDIIEII, Cull on or Mm. 00c. 30. Sooond-Iland Furnitun. 'Pnrtiu united upon It heir own rui- 5"}.3ugxinoz n. H." To v E, - -nd a... "ant-nun! . I a 6'! mmwnummlh ...._ l .L_-.l .....- in (manna. 6:0. mus & co.. BOSTON IIA'I' STORE. I09 Princess Street. GIVIE US A CALL. Aud grentlv oblige Corn-r of Prinu- rt Wallinjkm Smh. A .- J. I. nun; mwhnuuv |- Tho Homle Inn-u d HT. 0mm: IMOCIETY will b. lulrl u m '- - Halon My "I In. am. in, dd I I, ., . 7 V I - Wm._ 16gbmmwr I not In no corn: hom'mbcl. - - ' Eons-mm. w r m'm Confoctionor, &c.. Ila! MIMI Io dugw Hum mum; . . - mums _L__. Wellington Street. to Han |SHAW IX-OTI. TORONTO. " LIVERPOOL LBS 08813.8 CARPBTSI Brussels Carpets NEW KIBDHR BLRPL'I'S ALL WOOL. CHEAP. CIIGI(E NEW PATTEINI. - Ir-uolo. Tun-"y. Wool. Duel and lie... Cheap MICE nu. All IIITEI APPLES, PRIOIS QUOTED LOW NELLIGANS 1108. '\A oounlnln "yo wro- n'nd [mu-tombs. Hun - tum. bui muslin": oocu 60d by John Jenkin- uncnrrlqn o . TING udllpuubla. JOHN STI'ARTBIYT { can Mu.- ad by. nan-u. llnmn. o. 1: an". m, atlas-ah N EIGHT HORSE HORIZONTAL BOILER Intely in uu In the Blu'rml Winn own. In good order. Ilih Ill Anwhmouu. Including pump. Apply It Wino Ofce. b t. um; ll roamu, a In ucollam llnn he {anno- tnd oulbuildluu m ll good rnpalr. Apply bu mum NESHI'II. ALAIN]! STONE DWELLING n the 0 l u THI OFFICE! on (luouco strut, Inuy mupiod by Noun Hmme a: Wluunu. POI- Ionllon Ivon llnmpdhtely, Avg] w Mum W a WALKIM. or to (I. lull: D LHHVE. Mrch lb. 12 ROB-BE POWER ENGINE a BOILER abutting. Pull on. Huuaon um! I wnondm luruln th. For In]. 011qu Enquire ulJ. A. ILA (3H, 83 IIan 81ml. : uwo MILLINERS. A A . 1 LAN'), Wdlmuou Again} W ,nug [ha an 30C! STREET. TWO BHOPN In the Auchur Bulldmu, honnaon tho Mnrkol unre hnnmllnu po- uulon. Apply to IHW EN .4: HUMAN. New In. Mala. III-noel. Illpu. out-lulu. Central Fruit Depot, STAIR OARPETS mus. AMI FINE FUR-S x lug Warehouse 0017! Waremoms. HE 10'? AT NORTH END OF BAI 5d alum. that UOCIIpIOII by the I mug alum Ind [our thth sad our unrith sum-unt 0! I! And Glovu. W. duire to on" punicullr uku- Mon 00 our uumullly Inga nook ti u... 3 y. run" wet. hvouri from in Genu and Ludml wear. hol [And Sell Mullen. Houth Sen Soul Hamlet. Boohnriu. A-trnolmn sud 3nd ncquu. Sn Otur CIPI, 8| borinn Squirrel Circulars in PERII AN LA MI COAT SILK HID SATIN BB LYON Io. . I . "I'm "llll' Councilmen. In. ll Propmd luolwlmt Flea Proplml Fully Flour. Glasgow Iron Ital. Mum on um. Klln-Drlod Oat Incl. pm Put. cracked Ihm. Blulnn llam. AA? THE Pucfs 70-; [EL ORONTO FLOUR STORE. NI. MORRISON. FINE F'URS. n. u-uu u. m u [ulnllly mad Ila. COCOAN UTE. um I Imus 703 349;. will rip. mum nub... OYSTEM. IOULTRY. vmn :- 1 In: adult. pollu a Mun mhe 1 I". u, u I Will-nu v- _.._ pay. but to tho uninitiated it uwuidiaglyuka : can growth 0! I '3 v. """ n.- Im'l, NM can. but ' Ian]. an. .1. um W. I - 'l-ll' .Ir WI "_. it "nun-mmhrhug the WI dmmd'nm. For an" m Prim mm had been uranium n Manila! nail um. I chap rogue-lactic- d a. M MI Ir Fund In use In on: ue.- of m- 5'va .Sulr LIInuI'. Build In. Mlllnu he Wm: u undnrunzmedmn us: My! nu mum. um of the Willa. winch. by lung continual merit. hu mend ko- muwnd plus r'wvou yet" .30 to lurly double in rim- moo. until now it nk it. wny into every MW in to city. When our pn- hme mo printing n! the 1,0qu id. 9 lb-r 0! until boy. gamed the Wlm cunning room (nal one 0! than stole down to the press Iomuu with man] hundred dodgwn,oontsunng Ipecimon chIprl u! the beauhful n41. Tho lulu were Mimi what tuov pnrpowd domg with Mn: y sheets. and .mmorad mu the proprietor ud book- keupcr of th- Nun bad uiun luntrucbiou .. I. -.,.. nu... chum: i.. n... (um Thu way-r. twp-r uu Ill AU'I I" xnvuu u...- n In uvu them folder] in the Wum. Thu .\' at man. howewr. cuuuwxl mlhouz tumr bout. n usual. but had the grati' mum of mining our lurnucu lire Lhil In mung. while the l) slums of the nu. mul setiul"dorlg.,n bun-been diverted to u. most. undugma use. We um um or mvuod the business departments bf Ln: .Vrun, but. an we have lubmnue- I L ) much an nnoyAnce from Its uouuIJ-m r- siull not huinw to take up Ln;- gvmslet. We cannot. just. now publum I. m erHuulur story. but am hnpe In .J .u vhg l. . __ A,.. I. ._. ...__... .u. 000..IVII-'|-. . pus M Poni- nodol to Muhwuo W315i- uhaPMuh-Wuwm , ._A -u- l Ania-Im. rl hold I) It. Ill nu. I Timothy '3 I'M-Ha a. when": "Ia W" bull [or an nmth tau. [aqua A- 1...: n... m (L: Inn-.18 1nd in; pmoluI-uu awu. 9...... unload line. 0.; b... -lai)daulbold.lh.|in. n._.n-Anl|hon. a .... . u. .v. .. ....-. W. um. . .... {w L Hml :na .V'rw has mlopLe-l um ml L:.. Wm assumed 1:: August. 1662. Mar Kw my Venn ago, wwhouz Aldlng a himhuod to the list. The twu paper-1 ruv of prr;;isch' the Mum size. double r :y ll pagas. as any one c-m sea by com p nHou. There was some cheek Ill mm mg wuch a bout through Wall. carriers. Al). becauw 11ml; week more than mu e-lmuu of the News was pnutml {rum pspur borrowed from the \Vums regular nl-quper shock. the Name" prom-1mm rem Jung that they used precisely Unv- , awe. Their rst supply under the u,- gei form shaved a Wide blanket luv nuru. because the size now usenl by hoLh papers [ms to be furumhunl by urxlir, and their order was not given In Imm- Whut n proud bout. cm be madv on an moi; of white margin! The forwarding companies are clos- ing up buuiuusa. 'lhe schr. Herbert. Dudley in loading I've for Walkerville It 60. There hava been no charters iu Uni- 01:30 or Ugdemburg since Oct. 19th. In- -..i.- 1.4;. .. I.....I;.m m... 0.- U;'.U Ul \rh'uuu-uun. uluuu u... Irvin- 'llm achr. Julia is loading pens for Oswugo in 2-)0. The A. Falconer. har- lcy for Unwego at the same mm. Discussiuunpbout quick trips nro nuw tho ()I'IIBI' of the day. and it is mural];- nhlc what. but. passages some Cumulus inridu. Lightning could hardly surprise the speed of some of the vessels. 1'... [nun-Inn] [1' Hum uh- Yuma-mun length. Thoma: to be no II the window v! Mum. Sunny &_ deolo no exqu- :7 ir'53liiiifm urnmldogfo. this city. On. in I Inc'- }.cloll m plenum min (or the goon-IL W 0; load lint. 118 "4:10 we! til. 29 IL; bum. I9 . 6 it: depth .1 hold. 13 h. 10 in. an A Ana-z. -4--|; ('upt. Crawford. of the str. Nunwluau. was in the any): evening. His cm? was wind bound in Port Hope. Capt. (mwfonl thinks he will be able to run acruss the lake for two week: longer. v ,',A lll.l,.._ ltlllln uuc Inn. lul .uu wu.-. .uhu. 'lho steamer Louise. of Rldtmu (mm; fume. hls beau purohued by the Des Wannabe Nnvxgahiou (304 She vull be Luwml from Ottawa by the steam lnrgu .\'|lu L.) Kingsbol, thence to Dewlumto. whvru all. will be thorou :hly overhaul- : l 'wlo bu Do.- In lingual Irequenuy . uuu On another common I lost n number 01 {pols from W. R. McRno'q new huihhng on Prim Itroet. Ifwtwnrds nding some portion of them in a )uuk .hop. mud to u. day In": nok heard a word about. the can. I think the citiuns u. largo should it on the don. L'nleu they hue their pocket both ready they uuuocpppmch jnadce in Mnmnun. Yours truly. W. '1 Nouns. Nov. 6th. ' Mr. W, T. Norris manor reuomblv compllin in the cm 0! yuunlay. ainco mes Are chugod in ouch cum in all 31%mtntcaCouru. They are recover- lble. however. (mm the deionde Ind m thus wuy m m non mus refunded Lu mo plaxnuln. Thu In equmsblc. ,._ 24. . , I "' l'llHH, uruun n rug. Dun SunFor u week past I hnvu had considerable property destroyed on the promises of Mr. McCullnm. kuowu us the "old Albion ruins." Yesterday I . .JnJ ohm.- "lamina. and lnnud nlmm the "0M Almon ruins. uuberaay 1 \ HILOJ thou premises and Iouud about. H boys. of all IOI. some nearly rem-hung m umnhood. destroyi'ng bricks belonging in our rm cosuuu 015 [wr 13H). 1 l uu'ht um: lmynml Look him to tho pnht'u station. when ho gave um Ofcm m charge the name- of ve other buys uuphcawd With him in the doucrucunn \flt'r u lel Appllod to). Aulnll'nt- :r.1~ morning and was told to go to than (Jerk for I summons, and after wanna, an mm he POIIICIY told me that he amule only grant a summons upon a lrpvmc of 03.60. A: a tax piper l u-mwdmonsldenl alloveryrnhjuyer mm A ught to hath hll property protect mt Lut H8 MI foreign to ngutun Not I an; 1120 I got out n wurunb [or u mun who bu boo- in mutual lrequenLly nu nnnlhnr ocmion I lmt u I... .4. 45.4 r, ".7. V ha danM sought L0 be 11m.) y me WHIIIB hut eveum hmsztnl amcemeut. than the ,V. hrw-st paper in the CIL). in i:.~-ut hng'hu been made ovvr .LA U... L... ".1 v.ll\] Ii. A .83 TIICI MARINE NEWS. rue lud- Ibo... ._.- The Hound Wunu u inlrmnod m: an Marlin inked to ubbuh I In of Clydo Mill Ml gunmen upon Ibo nun ol tho up, Ink... rfhcxng vane]: o! wind: dun. which are too dnlzorodo 90 ba much rogruucd. The 8yn-hcuu will hue to do a great many things m popular" themselves AM runs up (or tho unrurdmtry {Mour- may bun scored from thoUovernme-t in connncuon with the Cmudu Puiu RR, The dmllovunoo question. mil. In .11 probability. agn- land to the do {eat of Conan-Hum In thu Sunh Want. I: m UHLIJIIT nuth Ilvwrm l. muri Lm ,ul :3 marrow u. wpplyol min. 0.111 ml! dispose of m ellilug for Lhn "114. \v rm story camplete 1 11 1| r... U.,. , Urmlll Whig. .. . LA- - _-_.|' 'nm 41-- nu wuss up wancun PATIENT: m L..- hrmplml who were routil min! dual/H. )1 mt ol them. rs before it: m-n: helpless null could not leave , . bu If..|nml perhaps were stied by I t I unnku hufuro the cruel ames rem 1- thum, bun others were K881! to M for Hn'xmelvvi ugniust the windows clam Ln the ashes till their sue ml othnstul or thelr hands bu of? and thy tell buck into the see 1 "V cnul Iron sf Hume, A woman was se alk- drag herself tn the corner of the wi .J t u u Innl' lhwlL Imlf nnk till aha ( , {pL um. )8!) Lrge 11 L0. ml- Ivn eluzr-u were cu out off all furl A menllcnl m kxww. (Linmt law um!) tilt} Un- hospital. llLllt- clnldrcn Lhc- building. bzun ~ uni- 1m. thm puckexl blanket! (0 1h Iumuing. Th tie ~l_\'. Lnlnll) IICHLIO [ho |nuwer oft pnwor nt thcil 'IH muure I. n. mu 9" rds uk tho-u- wlm wlru hm night a pmll uayh Bl, nu far My can I lmnrg men. and 25! ur Lhelr nnme W1|Imm.-~J; ('orl lmn. William. '22 )lvlnu. Eleni/401.7 54}: .vie'nzm. [)01 Anne 3M: lm L Imgln. .\I try. 2 l'rm-h \r I. Anne. 7 mun 21:11};le H MAI-guru. 43; 'IHI 51; Inmhllu. Marv. n7; Brunei E112 l. :17 ; Inum, ! in .h. 430. J )Lun' ll M'uckilu, Ellen lu'lh. NH. )Iaugh ()Hnnrk. Mary. um. 7:4. Young. Hr Suphm. 3.3. The vaincml I Wait. Arm has bee nn. 0|. -,.. maxim .uulmms'rq mum mm mm LID FIFTY 0F '8 Pll. see-opt}. neunbcd by l'elo- J graph - met-II. Iron. 1 Somewhere VA. Ive-I Of Pearl-0.1m. 7 llsllhu. 3L3. Nut. 7. - About [1 oclock In night or. broke out In the bake noun m w luau-on! of die inl- uwuw poor uvlun 8. "I .mnnmmnu wood spread through an M ' It. WM maultu paved the In. in no Halve-J lumwhqa Ex um W0 milul tho an. yo.- uvllm mm. 0-1- I u! smouldering spread through u hum-ling mm tho Mitch. d ' and um utmost not sum tour or I w: hundred inns. ol the There was no immod'nu (Inga no the l amends cl the asylum (lid not. tub in- menus maps to remove use inn-up. Au alum mu sounded mdpaoplo loam! mnoke inning from w. window: ull aror the budding. but no nun. In the west wing the old women sad chil- dren were seen u the Window. shriek- xug who let. out. um! no they beam breaking glm it wu {outed we would nunv themselves am. A a y no- mnu dashed At. the door lamina lrom um,- wnug into the yurd aid with I {0' vng'lrou4 b|uwa 01 hm no In knocked it In, The airways Wore crowdod Ind um. mum a procession of Women. nun 1.1 hula infanu. old guy headed .4 um-s and leehleruld men. acremn- \ .- . Ink .1 n' nnnhmi In. Then an not. "mall- I Wil " nod water udth in no. alumna! tin 00'. N. u Uh. Wish on! Nov. "II b m ' ulng Ina " uln-U- I Immwumn'awnmmwm NIpanasmtohoooI-uekd by! phou this {all I _ . -. . .n- ., _-AAI_AA A, nut; U The CIIQIIMLWOIII m mniq. but? will not name M NH. apaityi um an new kiln-(chm on which in pears-um: lipid) In oa-pbced. which mu llol'd I-ph M5900 hr drying um nu daft { In '.. m._ "mm-u! uL Mata-uh- ...J V CM. 7 " miig?iii 1m? Ail the ship ynrxl luck (or IOIDO dn'yu. V. have not. been Informed. but pun-ulna sh. in Imam: he} turn a go on dudryl J ...L x nun-4 uu BLIND. HALI' AD LAKE (imn luuh' mudiug sun-a. The work n p ncvcnamuly slow. but nally that mu: w... umpucl. 111 Mm manntlmo :w: :1 mien m we hueunenn, winch the Mun-:umeuxens. Engineer and otcinls [lying to keep un-ler. spread to [M man of 'JH. lung mr ninth. or eleva- x x xC'llB. to the bop of the main n... I :44 121.- dmlt here swept. lhe r1 . q-w u'l wnh a tremendous roar, Lu l in .1 lr. sscoll Lhe heanesvl part a :m u mntglmimu wxs on the top of 11,- mun huxlvlmg. The awry jam. '1 l L. UIVr-i m Hm building was H; L._ . | n|\1l in it morn about. L'Iulncl II'lI'HlKlll IIUIII uvu HI. I. up and hub! with lumber [or Outage. Th0 uchr. Wm. Jumonol will be taken on luv rewin- u soon :5 the ways In .1...- "our. nu Juu-wrlv vu Ins-Iv In. If- The win. Jeanna McDonald mind on Snmrsluy trom Usweuo. She will be cnulkul thorough from her In" lino _._ .. ) | _.l-l _;.1. hunt... l..- m_... uuunvusp nun .... Hm qun. An rxm- the ladder: Hwy were tun a m 1 Wm lune} brick null it was: _\n'| \led be minutw. the u. 'l'n-- liru burnt, u Um qzteall us on F-ir above the; r4 Al in; Inn-hum l my. pm". The pray. Erin, which ran wound in the Nipnucr River In: week. in agruuu-i near elk-villa. bulaylndel. The tu-g 3!I9fWu-p.i.IiI-h Ichr. Maggie won! un mquav to light her up. 'r| ,,.L- I~ .- "A"Annl.. -wiu-I nu II 15 L1: .5... nu...- . v.~ w. p. .. V people who auler b) monopoly . jun Mm hue only the ; winch Lo lizu'cnny nxpra th I! _ ........_..v ..A.| I Inn kl\|nv u. n.....\.._- ..._... t ..- routing to ol stated. their by the um )liU the cruel reuchod dash [lm Hn'cl'f-N the and cling Hingle strength mm or burned seething seen to hump window and f-H'Lt! her hwly half out till she could breath the cool air. She remnined in that position till lwr head was burned n. It is l\nl). tlmt there were about Hove-my patients in the hospital. and 30 lm w: could be ascertained only lull a. down were earned out beforo the ames turtlwr appmwh to the placo. 1min. who in in a. position to e~tlllmtei the loan of life to he not titty, and these all patients in The poor old people and llltlt children. got out of other parts of were huddled together in a. lMlI n ~ little distance uwnymnd were thin u around with straw and keep them comfortable till iumuiug. Thu hinlding is Itill burning - 1y. imd there is no doubt it will be tut Ally destroyed, as it is utterly beyond 11 ol the remen, with the water their command. The building Snphm. H5. vamcml Peniwmiuy at. North been taken possession of and the poopla are bumg remoVed to temporarv quarters there. ..oq |I'\| ur I an uvun. llulifux. N. 8.. Nov. TThe lino burned todeabh in last, mqms pmr unylum lmrror numbers HI. far be ascertained, eigbe 23 women. Following urn IIXHHPR and ages: Brennan Wlllmm. 51; (0rl>ett, Jamel-1.45; (lor' lmn. '22; llublty. Isaac. 50: l'llculm. 75: Murphy. Thomas. .lrlxe-nzm. Donulxl. 57: A. Henrn. PM: l\u:l_Y. Christina. 88: Knvn- 77.: Lenny. Mary, 65: 7H; L'ILherI. Lily. in- 11; Rynr Ellen, 63; Scboelfl. )lrn'gurnt, 43;'1lllamn, Mary. (coloredl. \\'m-rl.zou. Elizabeth '15: Arnold. .\hr\'. Emmott. Susan. 60; Hiltz. Ehn. :7; Mnrulrret. 81; luuih. \ril'tll. .lemmu. Sarah, (colored). In" )l'tvkim l-Illeu.52; Mlller, Eliza- I, ,.1l. 4) \Lmu .r {All'i-n 59' . ,, ,, Sn Prol. Hotchhm'l m Lad unlunhr .8th i. m l Buer In M' lhl'uugh the place. unuuuu uuvvuu i go m, but without some one to I- L nun umhl do nothing in the mo-u-mbull'ling and had to return to HVJIJA. attempt was made to m' ladder: to the windows. but. --y short, and after the re- u re kmcka l down bv the falling [wk W15 seen that the ladders m swept away in a few um... thn ummuuha were Manned. . | and leebleuld moo. [crema- \v; .\'u l 1:3le 0! coulusim. Then uuc known Mm than. in theoppel of m mug um almou helpless. w): LIL; {Luna}. lire wards. Alder- Margy won and other: hush-ed up ; .Lul ware soon getting the .u... n.... .un IAVV .7 LII) [HAL l one'n mu ruul. nu; Hu-l puureJ duwu in streams of wt re. and the slates ew in hretnmn in rchly showers. ren- g Jpplruch no the buddmg almost m Alum. Numehabuuding thin wuru huu'lrad standing outside qu4 wxlhugly have entered the mg xt' thuy could have found their lhruugh the place. Indeed several .. m but v m empuct. u: hue munuumu um Lu.- Insemeun, mutant. .Ayiug 4-1 Lh! eleva 4; 5 h-.\ a;st mil Iglmimn w LS Hm Lw t;|V-'i In! m hospital. and in in were about y puxentm. most. of them porfaczly w lne tire Wm now burnin v Ugh: In the van hospital. um mu. r mixed the roof. an} I ._ ,.I .l 11!!! Jn arr-Alln n' nnld be: swept away In B lewl a, attempt! stopped. '12 out Llnough the roo1.|nd um w. one never so be forgotten. mvo roar of ames and crack bursting slates were heard . . . . n y .. mum-mun- unflwuP-A nppruvu l HD r41lQII.DZ; .ulner, nuza- . )Ieughur. (.n barilo. 59; 90: W lace. Johan-1 Dung. Howml. 73; Bosnncon. \ booming and commands THE BRITISH WHIG. WAY. NOVEMBER 7. M unnu- w m Acm- Ilo loner - I. (IIIII Por- oo-al Ive-u. p-o'd. MI- :m k ' . on t. are l sod ' ' I" m W hungry... Minn-.0. ud in! In) than [In (an! n lady MID-qu- uand Bol). Wood-ltd. car (hint. and > hundreds of Ruin! ud pistol: won out. Count-bl. Dowday. cololnd. hold tho crowd u buy until the Atrial o! 0 polio. dthongh neriuu-ly cut. d knock- ! down lover-l times. The doc sign-l run run. And I lugs number 0! citizen min-l nu ran-nu ol nohoomd uri- xKHImwm'Im'G 576m; put-CH the mm 0 mad pri- m thou h wont! " Hill." 8wa Him.g Throw him 0! ' so" .....- |.....-.l 10.- mvhmr n- hkan M Shoo! Hill." "lan run: on onus- wem hoard. Tho prisoner wu mm h 3.0]. having a nger broken and being cut in neural places with knives. The unlin- If Illa knocked (on Ind in nvorau pluoos mm knives. sue police were tho knocked otherwa mlltmtod. The citizen- sad soldier! no low guarding the pol. Hun drain of negro are collected Around tbs spot when the welds occurred threatening to bmk Into the pol uni lug-a Wand-1rd. Inmunmg w or hug Wodwtxd. The Mu" ymhulm) In! M cnucmu upon the "nib-gm] l Buhop Clea) IL quenum the wusmcnca m the pub'n; . _ _~-_-,_ .,I .I ALTIH "lull-l Inn-Il- Ciucinnati. Nov. . '1 be whiskey nickel. yesterday was very noun. Orion fro-n nll pans of the country no coming in luster than the distiller: no Inlllng to ll them l'Alll lnvl all'lllinL IAIAL W'- IM-Fluc- Sumwr. 8.0.. Nov. 7.Eh Walch, 3 prominent. young nmu. (sully Iho$ himselt because u yunug huly refund tn mun-v him. U! Lnrunlullul. m I Ill-Lal- Blltimore. Nov. 7.Augustu~4 Wear eld fell tram : ferry boat, yesberdny uni was drowned. wlnle an the way to the residence of Miss Julm Sewell. to whom he was to have been Inn-tied In: uveuxug. The body has taken to her home. liar gnuf mu Incurcrending. As wemcld want under water for the lust. mus he uttered the name of the bride- olecc. A Irv Allin FulannlD. rum. 3011.?! ym Otto-ct inter: hisroeeivedalcuer thnauning l m am Home Iillhe blown up. 9.. A DlLAnIn 'Vblu-n-v. Juknonvxlle. Hm. Nov. 7.~-On upper St. Juhn'a RIVOI. early yesterday morn~ ing. the annular 15m. crousmg Bng Lake (marge Iiunug ugnle quudered. [be (:11qu pduLremuu bud a deck hand were irowuod. The cool: Is also re- ported to be drowned. The steamer Rosa rescued the remmuder oi the pas- sengers amt crew. Tue 1315 wns one of he largest. freight. hosts on the St. Johns Rlver, valqu at. 912,000. DEATH In". rAn.u.Imn Bee Davis, ugvi 13. play ed cheerfully all Saturng and toward evening bade several friends farewell. telling them he was 30mg to die. On Sunday morn- Iig he vyuu dead. Cnuue paralysm. Ian . u Inn-nun u Anni-awn Cork. Nov. 7.'Iimothy Crunin. one o! the Land League Secrz-mrieo. bus been II'YBQMII under the Cnmu' Act, for h- ing urns in In: possession ..o.o- INDIAN Huqu ngpuna. St. Paul, Nov. 7.- It. in reported that 300 Indian votes are registered at Grand Rapids on behqu of one o! the candi- dates of Congress for the fth district. It, is: Clzlllnt'd Lmb blw adoption 0! the habits and dresa of cinlizatiol entitles them to vote. . .-. ._...\ ...\.. .... n. Alva-III!) Inuu Inu rm. .14..,.,nv.....-... New York. Nov. 7.-R1wsun. telegraph operator. and Rand. couducbor. indlcmd Iur umuslr ughner, causing the Fourth Avenue tunnel dimsber. were yesterday arraigned. pleude nob guilnv" and re- manded. Road's bondameu lurrcndored him and he was sent, to the Tombs. rum nll vnIn-vuvl Inc lwwumuuw .u um. r--. mmv of tho unnou. n It] [hi .rl.n: mm