Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1882, p. 3

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T0 m BRAINS um MUSGIE U] I m m umumuu nu uuuu. John Alba-t. the Fumble Countable, who uhot 3 My recently and had hit: ulteuco of death commuted, mll arrive Inn in 3 low dnyu {or um Peuiteutury. u-_._| Al .1.-. nunL .lm... M... nu nunnunu yup-l,- --r..w.. It. I. D. Norm. mun-outing tbo Qua. CIwOilWGhol Tm hul grind ad wane-id. ban. a. will Ill t. initial bum Believing and ,L_gn, OI! has] contamponry I00me luvs w in not upon Bishop Cloer and ondnvoun u col-tenet. in aocu by I nation 0! modied articles. [4. AIL-0 n... Dari-dd. l'nn-tAhIn I.J.Innq'lmolthonp,i Myothlomhinnld Rn 01KB. In. he. so- . II. will My mm 5' an-A .w '1- Idk -m - m I. m' ' The Kingston Mills grim mill in now all to In linking we uent our that. In! I)... lid (or may you in Pim- h.- * www- .m' Pm. wu yummy "Uta - Fm, 5m 4 In com. 0-: Mb- rummumuxwm um plump-pin uni-"5"! th-(cbd- I 15....01 Job. I'slka.ol0ol- 1 tannin-gnomuad mu Random 1 u... 4"]..- -.. mm-A | unwind: IlosPI'IA .4 nuance-7:9! was hmhh, nun art-Inn. . GOLDEN UON GROCERY. unt-ulna v- v- "allu l ill [or my} THE nnmsu we. TUESQAY Hammad; 1332, ll'dulunu yuv unu UI um-Au..qu u.- lllwv' Lice. null in one meldeno hospital m England the only case unsuccessfully treated was one in which liquor was for Llu- limb Limo used there. The Govern ment unmt be closely watched. for an elIorL is being made to dnva blln Lenn- perunce back from the point of progress guluud. 'Iheliquor denleru failetl lam. year to get. power to loll on Saturday evening from tho Local Government; null now my are seeking it from Sir Johns Government. Should the latter yield there will be such a proton as shall There in work for all to do. The iu dividual is become a total nbtine': and the (Jhrxstian men 9nd women must. feel that: the question is iritimntely ro- lumd to their welfare. Rather than sum the laws (,0 be relaxed they must. work for bet/wt promotion still. l Recently a party of young people in this city conceived the idea 0! snrpn'iiing onn of their friends, but anbseqneiit ilm'elnpiuenta resulted in the surprise being turned upon them. One evening last week the gallanta nnd losses snllied forth. their faeen the picture of joy. Thu fun of the thing wnu tuo excruciat- ing to endure. 'Ihe lriendn house was reached and the surprise mode complete. Everything moved nicely until the bead ml the house swooped down on the crde and with one blow scattered the can i4 in iill directions. The dancers. too. were dwturhed in their inovementl by the ilaimm honour-leaving Cayenne pepper in iill directions in boy woke. 'l'hing1 thoii became very hot. nnd the viqiting party deemed it expedion't to withdraw singing as they went We wont come here nny more." The lady proved her self matron of the Dionne. but the bus. band and daughter did not ntay With her: they went With the crowd. At a i lrie-nds house they tuted the woman in ' displeuure fur she ndtod the milk he Th- uni-min 1-... n _-o in oh- 0- .mpuuxvu uuv vvuu nun-a uw-v-uuvu u. VHF."- hy liquor to homes, bodies and souls. He then considered the means of couu taunting. the enl and declared the heat Lu lmutop the supply! Where the greatent supply is of liquor there the demand grows. This in the pet-lance of communities everywhere. Remove the temptation and you lunon the crime, Temperance men must work with the Government DI the one side null With the individual on the other, null With the manufacturers In the centre. 1|) nun. um nun-u... He plcbuu- l the peace, comfort and lumnuaws olu_|,1ue home. that swl'wl ground which one defends to the death. I. . LRA _._l..... h].- InI 5w... "MM mm mu... w .m. awn... hum everything but perhaps the Ion! hungerdrink. The supply must. also be stopped in physiciana' prescriptions. which ofben form the rst. temptation- creatiug a disease worse than the one rst, hcnltxh Mtu physiciuns declare again: the use of intoxicanta m prac- .,... ....l ... -..- nunmlnnb |tnnr,;.ul ... is the talk of the city. Ind the question I is nkod mawa Did you hear Ibout I. Surpnood Surprise Party ." amed Hklru. 15c. Ill-ed Sllrll. 9L. lama sum. 01.. m Wu: Inn? sum. Quilted Iklru.ll..l.1l..!. Ill-Ruined Iklrlt OJ JO .0 uurpusod by any love ehort of proluhi tiou itsell. The 500 Act being de- clined constitution by the lllgllhsl. Court the people of every city and county are free to prohibit ln their own communities, Parliament he placed pruhibitiou in tho nude 0! the people. it w for them Lu say. In severel coullm the Act II in force. But In other plea-q the whiskey busineu in strong. Liku the rebel Arnbi. i! you clone on him in one plane he ies to another. But let us be like the gellent Sir Garnet. him mill an abltaiuer. gother our forces and iuurcli to comploto victory. Temperance people to win must work, with the anl of Christian ministers uni Clllltmu people. for they must win with God on tliuii 8|(l0. The lecturer elmiuently pictured the evil: and desolation brought in, li._.- 0.. Inn-n. Adm .....l unnlu \hruuuhout the Dominion. not to be, .\Irs. Kenna. tb- vocalm. and her li-uh~ Ion hue boo- th. guest- of ,3 (hand in Hummus. Dung Suurdlv} night zho lady Iu ruined by thol crymg 0! sh. child, d Inving pain-d him uni tool leap min. .Al hon, stun-Imi- u nun bot-slam wu Alumni by In. Kalli". m . Bloolvuo'ilu MIN on'bo't Lind 0- an m ism discom- d um Mild nu tho binding Iron ,Ionoolhnem. Ahrpruwunuubyf Irx. 2160 running from under-nth Ak L-) :__A -lA._ -L- m- -_.I--Al 82160 ultimo-: .f tho bod in that tho III I'd-004 .L- mm/I 1;... TL. I._.. ~- Ln... a n- u-nu I Illa I). y. the. never tree A low u'olu lion like the pran Abstinence edge- ue Min; men-t Muted IQMor 1m 3 week. end climb prenulneu nu holding meeting- night elm night. even soul-r pep II the gut mom:- polio nuw deel with no abject. unl ul- eiel reports Ibow thlt in the bee u! better Hum end inereuod mletion the beer dnsy lsu telle- o 01.50041. Since 1776 the liquor bill w decree-ed nonrly 0100mm, eecordmx to Sir mum Lawton. On this am .4 t we Atlantic there is no great round. but temperance in not en Idle question. I In the United sum "I0 miutiou In 1 ("or 0! n ooutitnenel Inland-ens. in other words entire prohibition. its spread- ing very npidly. Nor in Canada. this brand and Mr lend. the Kohlnore Din- mund in Queen Victorle'n crown. belnml m the nutter 0! soul dull-en. 'luA thy we hue lawn l 1 l l l m. w: I. .l Ul- wu- IWw unaacood Line. Thbupwubun-tc [HI-"I'm. [builm- iabloono. V I I.I~I-Uw-Iml bummmywymmm . cm out w I'm-on. In he no and it.th V1.1.pr Milli- pdn-i limit-y, Milo-W ubmm [Admin-WIN wan-ah. an ELQLM Ipoluou manna. nnbjoot. nut. toll-o Lth - huan i.- thuCIlIltotld. Au nth-tbuwbolnmbdom the public thu Io-dly. In Eula-{I m-.. n... -. . Iaan revolu . . \\.1'.Narr'-i:;ddululdi LA I.- M. Im].- IL Im I'D-Plum um. 8 RI n '1 3 2| L i be: ned muglvw . I Each candid-u will hsvo u out]... ( item-ding to wait. The Bard wlll ' repon. not kw tlmu the 31m! Juury I I in ouch yen. exuminnuons mr meaneugeu, pMKBI'I, earners. landing waiters. lockers. tide wane. letter carriers. box collecbon. and porters. and [or such other oioon in the lowur grades as may be created by Order inCunncil. When a candidate him passed the preliminary examination Butlsfurtmily he may proceed to the qualifying examination, but failing to put-is the prelimier examination shall [101. hi! Imrmlthad to nrenant. himnll l;|]AlJl-\ m; Euumnioxa. .Tho qunlilymz examinations, hold at the clone of the preliminary. shall be in Penmanship, Orthography (by dint:- tlon), Arithmetic (inclusive of Interest). Vulgar and Decimal Fractions. Geog. pliy (especially of the Dominion of Ca- uml-n Outlines of British. French and . mun-u Pauli-h n- L'rnnnh nr. nl'vvkrlnnu n- r-sa u. pruliminnry exumiuatiou in Paumam slnp,'()rthography, rst. {our rules of Arithmetic. reading print and hand- mwi, HI) marks. The preliminary uxamiuutious serve also us qualityin exuminntions fur measeugem, packen. HOTBBI'K lumliuy waiters. lockers. tid- mum. uuumes ox nrmsn. runcn and Luumlmu Hmtory. En lish or French Grammar. English or re-ch Composi- tion. English Transcription (copymg), I-n-uch 'lmnscription (copying); 100 lunrkm l.. nohlu n [minim-0 in Inn-a 1'. Mil: ms 411 l dwisinu lower g. Older ix mnployl we pronmmarv exammulon suau um, bu permitted to present. himull until the next. examination. luurk lu entitle 3 candidate to put! in both Luv. prelimmnry and qualilyng examin- ntmm. In; must. obtain 50 per cent. 0! the bowl value assigned to the ques- tiuns. and at. least BU per cent. of tho valuu of each subject. nun: . - llvn mum-- v- (amlidutes fox-the qualifying exam- immou may undergo enminntion in the fullnwing uiibJocui: tmupomtiou in the English lsngntge. Ln:- l"lll'llllul.04l who have taken compo- Blblull in French in the qualifying oxnm luuLinll ; composition in the French language. by the: candidates who have ball-mi uompusitiou in English in the qu.ilif_\'iug culmination; trnulutions 1min English into French. or French into English: ifdexing Ind precise writ- ing: bm-kkr-epmg by mingle And double angry; almrtlmud. Marks l00. Ench (:niirnlnw IS to mum: at lean 50 per cent. on PM subject. Promotion ex- aminatinnn i - nun... m w-y... mm & innumi rvmmu 1-. uuhlv u and am to be in Penman-hip :Uo-pooi' tmu In Eughsh or French ; Arithmetic, bum! upon has mturo o! the work ro- quiIPJ by tho Jgpgnmenl: Indexin and precme writing; Constitution 0 ('anmla (British North Ameriun Act.) ; uentious relatin to the or nintion. unmun. ,, l'o Hm olces u! messengers. pwkera, curl sorterx in the rst division. 'ln Thinl ('lurw clerkships and to the ofces of landing wniwrs, locker. hide- ivuu-rs- and messenger: in the second livmmu lul ('ustoms' service. To Third Class clerkship: 1nd to the Ulww of excisoman. maintain inspector of weights and Measures or of gnu. and to the nicen of messengers in the wcond llmsiou for Inland Revuan nervico. l'o 'llnnl Clam, clerkshipu. to railway nud marine mail clerknhips. and to the ofces of letter camer. box collector, paw-r lull. messenger in Ibo mould vlwismn fur the Post Oce service. l'a lenl clan clorknhips and to the olcrs of nwsseugem. packers. Ind nort- .iu all other branches of the second division. and to all sncli oicos in the luwcl gladns as may be determined by in Council. All candidates for employment. shall hl. nunrvnun 'rn nAuu uenuous ICllln V) we or Il|l.u0. practice}, and ( ubieso t a o the vacancy exiih; omciency (nar- tnined from report 0! the deputy had 0! thmlepnrtment in which tho undi- Ilnlc is marvsz Mun In 0 Int til I |ulnjects 1m; in uholut. so. Amndidtto ! to pasl must 0me: 50 per cent. of tho mm! value unlined .to we queuing. , and It loan 30 per cent. 0! the ulna in etwhlubject. The board Ihdl unbu- } neatly nuke out I [in o! Mandiduu ho have been found quliod. dull {randy th ulna. 1nd tmnmil it Luc u-Luumnuunu- lho candidates here are not one but uplxl't,u0 that copying mu quite nnunl. 'luvuptxtlou was pineal in the way. \ur. nay rnlullnh Luau-llvlv 'l'lm regular ekammntions will be bold new annually, commencing in future on I second Tuesdnya in June sud Doe. 'I hu u-nnrlntinns are: The candidate to Hi second I'uesdlys II June mu uoc. l u-nurMious are: The candidate to he- H wars of age. and i! {or $110 inside iiepxiibniontal division not more than 2%.: Lu be trne from physics] defect: and n! Iiinper altimeter. Applications are in he made on a form supplied by the Bond and accompanied by a (on of 32. Tim examination shall be 'HO DVD 0000 [Olltl gunned. In." J candy Um no. nnd inn-mil it w the Secretary of Shaun the list nbsll Aidingmsh. u [u u poo-iblomlnt bruncth the senioo ml: candida. in (an._U_ , Van}: nnnllixlnh T I...- n iuuiuuq. Simuld the Bond st Iny time hue rmuun to suppose that my candidan lune copied trom uch other. or hue ohmqu information relative to the HllbyLU {or enninntion from improper sonrcnnuthe result. of the onmlnntionu m'rmpact to web cmdidatos uhdl be hr in unspent! until the Board slull have made u. thorough Invatigltiou o! l Iin- mnnmsmncen. - uvun-v. The following rules should bu. to be absurva : m. .-n . I n -. 'II, LA Illmx I I r The unnlidnteu shall. if pouiblo, be placed n- !w-t apart during the 013m untiuum B R 1*] A I)! I: III. Staff of Llfo. | u nun. anvn. oIg '_ "- Xr. Rodoer his}. I.A.. III the examiner. Ten a! mm. m lutllu qulimdoludlnumpnlimi- my unmiuou. Sovonl m ing the unload subject. ll tho m- hum m cande cvorywlun .- .0 Kingston um my will ho Inch I (In. nu an haul 6! tho Conn-alt no doum denim man 30 b0. Heathen ' men occupy one tank. ad pmmptin; or cnpviug in n mono! an on be 0.1in accomplished. The autumnal. thaw- fore. becomu no criteria. a! s In: tness [or the public men. If the Gavel-muons uein men in the latter they will not. permit. such an cumin- 1;-.. n on... i The Jan uni-m ha ban hw during the punt-um Uuwooldthilk um. 11m Alderman would not. do that _|.:_L .A-.. -_-._._.. n.- .ni-nn "ll-DUU'IIIJ-II Il-Dq-"w Awhichiu madly Inch vi-H. Ii. gnu-.. .. -4 |-..u:_4 ;. Li.- H. . ....,....,...u...... u... .... .. which mm m III. in. 'mm dove and? Mo- Kin. -th... ____n_ __L ._....Il.4l AL. 'u-IIM 'l, m --"-V V I amiognpnd hvamn'il inhuman-l1 .pilhd bvhyon dud-a 0 ad I! II. M 5-0 I! nub. "demand-t. theme wwnmmu'dudm Aha-w null. 31. .I. tummy. J. n. 3.1-. null Irwin. Alex. Slim. Joh- Whit. ,, I unAv,, n A _- AL sum. J. 0 Tu McK'muou, Tho-nu U. W (.013.- n'llel. C-bul- W. POI. (BOW). 'I'hommo ('ulkil. Jun- Baby. A. Io- Mllhm. Pn- Rm. Thu. E. MIL This mar-hank. no. Civil:- uuinntiou bag- in u in. m Artillery Put. Thinme Inna-Iced. bug only on M. d ibis number IN I! I: , I..." 1.4.. nun.111 M I horn Im-III. Jun. way. A- la- Millnn. Pour Baal. Thu. I5. Thomp. H. .l. Emhnn. J. E. HIM. Joh- mmh in m Pun-l- l..."- III-nu. "nuInland. rum-u.- run UHOU'F} FAMILY FLOI'R, 85.86 par bum] CROWN J EW III. )- h017..75 per Mrrvl \, ..,.... ,7. .h . r- can. mum: . _V -, 7-, Tho-Inning. \ n!lu|ml.ll.nla. 1 clerkships in the rm EPP'R (Wm, HVIM'ILAND Uomnnrlsn. 7 "By a thorough knowledge of )6 Imturnl laws which govern the operations of thgm tion and nutritiun. and by n careful appli cation of the napmportim of well selecter Cocoa, Mr. Eppn has provided on breakfast tables with a delicately avoured bevel-sue which luuiy save 1m many heavy dooturh' bills. It in by the judicious. use of such Articles of diet that an Institution may he gradually built up until strong enough to main every tendency to diwm. Hundredn of subtle umlmlmx are oating around us ready to attack wherever than) is a walk point. We may escape many u. fatal shaft by keeping ourtlum well fortied will! are blood and a properly nourished rune." 77(71'1'! Nrrv'ur l;rl:((.Mbde 19in) ply with boiling water ur milk. Sold only In Paoketn and Tina (5H). and lb), by gro- oera. labelled-JAM!!an A' 00.. Hamm- pathetlc (llmnintn. London. Engi"-Also makers of lpp's bhocolute Essence. 77 ~00. The goose which Wuhby Lamb missed und believed to be stolen has been haul-d of. It was taken iu n. luinmku by u farmer. who Huyn IL no not a goose but. a gander. and that. he Will make things ull right when next they meet. Watty will no doubt. be satised with the explanation. It. in well that. the qua lion of sex has been settled. .9... N Since the removal of Dr. M. Souvielle'n Throat. and Lung Institute to him new Tuner" 173 Church street. hundreds suf- ering from cunurrh. catnrrhnl detlnenn. bronchitis, unihma. and many discuss at the throat and hiuga have received mm men: by his new and wonderful instru ment, the npirumeter, which conveys medi cine: in the {arm of cold iiihalationa to the put: diseased. Physician and nu'ernrn can try iii free. Poor people bearing unr- lihoaten will be furiiiuhedwith npirumetern free. an. ennlnning atomp. fur mmphlet giving full particulnrm to Dr. M. olixiulle, uxvnide surgeon of the French Army. 173 Church strsel, Toronto. or 18 Phillipu Squirt. Montreal. 4.? ~ A. Thou-nut!!! be" wnum to the H.va our-ve powers of the Hun Gumu Ix- vmommu, the only remedy that has proved Itself A specic for general debility. nami- nnl weuknesn. Impoteuoy. etc , 1nd I disemu tlutunm- from no tbmw or over Mxed brain, fin-Hy ending in oomuum tion Insanity and a premature grave 8") d by I drugqlata. or wull be sent free uu receipt of M r bnx. ur all ban. for 05 Addreu l J hmmv Fnlmln hm ml nuant fnr Ali uxplunuhuz: ' Mu Mo Lo the; quu Dl in whu'h thu gnu} , uwlul from le utr. delmll were uLormI at. Brown'n Restaurant. Market Square. Mr. Brown's character i~4 hr ulmvo any suspicion of I guilbv liuo'vledgl. but. .5 any explain that. Um Lu.) Wultcl'i. now in prmou boarded 'lf/Il Imu [ML wring before the boats wuln-st uu- L'ml chi full left svvu- ml bmkctw full of gun I on chepleu t.th they \wuld ruluru soon to board priur 5.. unlr. mum-hum 'II'mv nun-n umrad mu, . to Holt/n murrie away mlh u;|nn' 01 I] box. ul boxer. for '5 Andrew F J.. heney. Iolodu (lmomnle out {or the United Sum. Hunt] for circular mud wimonhll a! genuine ounce. our (Sloth- 00c onh OI. All Wool I... OI I5 worlh II 60. Im ARTI'Sjs'mEmLZ] [Canvas and rind-co. on Tubes. Holst Polo", ml Ilolch- I I. A W, ,, v._.. __v . _.__Vv __r_.___ A nio- Iumlmom ur Chaim Ely-club. In" ad thin morning Tnkr vnur rhnicc um] [at m. mod mu. , A Iplondidny Anorud stuck, Eur 111mg thol anw imam-1mm And oi. | III} LIS- FLOWS Ill NGuBI'LIS y gun-e. to day. Ewrybud" m Mitc- unu. Como And .01- than sch ugly u m. Pnsnnncy. W J- WILSON. n1.-..u.. -.... n. . M-.. "- plupul mt y. (lmnm um urns-mum Inca-or to legu- & (Dunn 1'!!! PMIACY. as Prince- In. 21.3. {but A-cneui (le on nut loony pun M the city. 00 - Hm! mt week 'I for Llw shallow l. ' I" quvl WI tubum. a! w.- proppod up by l limb brohl ol :- si- joining lilac mo. Money wu no obhin. od. ltwunuplnoodin A plus to be conveniently (and by tho rue-ll; has they were bean: to bl" mo plunder. sad It. Murdock. oh his ntun to the home, Iniuud two good win 0! clothing, two overcast. pillow noun ud ochar uti cles. Now non of mm thingl cu: be readily sold or utiliud in sh- on" And the inference in NM they no boiug h tallied by proton-icon] mosh. who-o methodl of upention up! to b. then. the sun in every cue. Ruidenh o; the north east. end of the city lay um they In much Inuoyod by midnight. prowlrrs. that they frequently nee young men itting about. in the 'mont mwa- riuus manner. and holding [caucusnl In the darkness In very questionable resorts. luvremod public vigilnuce Is require. and wu am glad to learn that the Chm! has detailed nu olcur for upecml sel \ u-r In the much troubled locality. 01mm Bast Assortment; w.;n on. nun-mom Phosphatlnel; 6m 9m v.. ..._ _.__.- _-. detthlun II. M II- WVDE! a (1).. Tm. IL--- A-.. A ;_.., -..~. .__ . Mankind , CHMMMQDHW .ltnu. laugh [ado-II Inll-in | MMIWMII 6:!) o'dook hat swim-suldidnocmunul um. .ro'olock. lath-amino 0n pun. v hungqpnly but 9511 out why: n...- all-Aid A dulln- n ulu urn-w, v I'nw- vu- Momma, who hated. A window In: smashed rat-dud II elm-co 'oocud in nmmmnyuuth maids-co of Thom New .- Bud-y Inning. An cut was duo undo), it. uni to [unlit-no camp. on the "an o! r NEW llLEf'l'RlC IEL'II. (use 0! James and John Im-toll. II at Mummy and braking mm J a. cullml at. the Palm: (.onrt mormug. was eulured [or I 'l. H Mx-Uuire. who appeared - lefeua'e. sun! Lheru wuu uol. . ~ 0! wuspmluu against the young may! ..n tlm fertile brmu of L h mnM he proved when the man Men: n Sunday owning James Neubul. stated the grounds vluch In: uskud fur an adjourn- I no on vuu luv-a yuan soon They were stored rdwrs luggage. Ltm ll, I I m I an [)7an I (u 131'- a Ladies! Something New. unau . .._:.. -I M. non-mun vuu uvuul uuu unau A wo c-u amt UNDER WEAR 1mm 1mm .5 per null. Four mu. 0! Canadian and loo Ml from 0" to QM!) Ind .75 per ya nn-l for vnm- MI I he be In MIC any. An In 00 0' Ilva Lxuon WlU onnvmvw thu Mum-v buyer mm A, 058' the but. plmlnl my bnv wlmlrvor you wunl. I'I Dry Hoods l .x A Jnl lul. ul ('hildnn: Haven And Hon whtch will he mld It. hnlf priot . urc A -.n An. I Wllliin. wnnruvu. I' I'll" Inl I Illrl ".y'. II-VC !GBEA"f""cLI-:Amue ALE! OI Idlon' Kid Boou 0' n kinda. The Int-gout alumna-n In m M. All "In. mailing to uh Idllnwc o! thu chap uh will do we in e." u 000.. COMMENCING_TQ-DAY _ n__- 1-... i-SUTHERLAWND. I V. . 4 Barrack 0. own. at... New Ulstoro. Ulstorlng and Ovorooang Undorclothlng 'l'llu' I'orrldm- lo Bro-akin. and no Ilu- lie-l 0m Meal, which )ou nun [el III the www.mwun Iop nu- mute: IllAlum nun nth-I ' u '"r.".n' I? RICHMOND & BO YDEN 1il Dozen Rngsh. Scotch & Wool [Inde ul Drum: 'l'HP (HIAIYTIT 13; THE CITY. AT Bows? E'f'dNE'I-r" E's -u.. [huh]- an...) GLl-n- -A v V' U---wv'-v_ -_ Helvy Ribbed l'nrinnhirts and Drawer: .1 R50 ; Bony Double am sun.- :0 (:00. Worth 650 . the New Ki Agntou Shirt: uud Driven at 60, 00. 15. II ; It. It, and Fins All Wool l'ndornhlrts and DPIWCH M. 90. I]. .1 '15 . Hon'l (MW .1 line And good qumy. M. $1.75. 9?. ".50. .3 . nu'l Scotch Wool Scull, 950 ; ION. homanmJo Socks. 25c ; :10 duuu Iou'l Cuhmore. Cloth nnd Lined lid Gloves and Mum (heat Inrgniun M. Inn-II:- A .I-nlnlh, For Mr]. Wo-en Ind (mud-1m II DIM-Ire A (fa-boy's. H0813 & Gloves for men, woman nud olnldnn It SPINOI I ('RUMLE 'S, Wools m Fingering Euler Wool Fwer Ind Human-dc It SPINUH a IDHKII L'Vu _...._ , __ Ladle- thinking 0! buying 5 v.1v.mn Sun a... and on our velvamn. in "cry New Ind Fuhiomhlo bula. in. a to $1.85 par yard. They no 8plwdid Vdm and runs In. an Ila-mute baht-nu tho-n 15!) radiant. l1'l'hI ATE In.) mu h grimly- In swirling to J. l. luv-m. M. \ VV UULB (RUMLIIY'bL Tha (heupeut Amt xtnolg. w. an: a a... I mama. a dew-hm Pub-m! huh I hnu vnluo m Plum tad Fancy Flinn-ll, Union gm! Cotton Shining- l'lmu Ind Fury Duokl. Dclhnn, lc. Enghlh, Scotch sud Candi Tind- u lav um. unnuuctun-n' pl Icon A law on" o! bou BOILID BLANKITB "In-lung. m per cent and" out. \ our chmcc 01m Wool Ind (lotn hnwlu u I... mu: now. rte. (,mm: nlona 3nd uvo money by" buying yam Dry Good: n IN INCL I'I'llll'. 1 A mm tnntrmt I7... 11' mm Allputiuhldil. mm form-1h. Putnams m must all AT for tho-.WWXuNWWB. hegoodnwill ho SOLD! p1 ulna-Mu um um non. Mun-III plea. pun: nun-Iva 0M. log{ll-owiriunuyfu the ock mqu be cleared out In 5 lhur: limo, Bmmnp, Dclhnn, A _ _ _ _ w - BLANKE'IB4OO PAIRS A ~31.le n QTHAOT- I._. ...__.A__ n- . n. ah-d. I- Illa-Il- ho Ii. I HI PUBLIC will when. dummie- d | Boon Cool emu-My on Mon an cor l n M '- - "ennui-loll! m bl N Md J. an!" " " In; In 3-h- tn our] gave! up ""5353;BiSGQQ'IKERHEh and sun Llnod, -___ u- ._ . IM look-l id.w~ .4. mmwid , A. n- RAALJ'..- J'ST' n C1_i"rnni menu nun. \ urmhlul a. a the-pent Assortment 0' Dry Goods, Millinery unci Mantlea at. unmu-\ A All-ll-I nu 7 " 7 , ROSS Inna Jul". received I lugs Swat 0! PEERLEUI HEAILESH HOII. ALL WOOL In. M an 60 per pnlr. lelll' Colored lambs; Wool How II. 501: worn: a :Ahon In. no a mere use In I oolurl, 3nd I nplandld uwmontul u A El Ill-VAL , . Li' All hull-I lor Ila-ad], Mono-y Oply. a. la. 7 ,7 7 ,VV u m, nl lusting qu weeks. Look out. now, {or Boots Ind Shoal luv. certainly tau a tumble M. ' i WlNl'Bl's, WINIIIIYU. [S'Plnm and Punt-y Dru-us Goodn. Spool-.1 In-lucenuauh In cull buyofl. be above Good: will be nil-rod n ma und um ACTUAL (All PRICE [or In, I I In. Purvbnarn i. Inn! 0! Pm: (lnu mum. and. Ill-u III-n whnlmlo who I not ul onlmrluntly. u ock tllno "Velveteen: I _ Volvbtaons Look for Name on Window. Au Immense Hawk 0! va Dram '(hsz In great mnuy vary ohup {hiI 01;; LIST . luun irig your lmlu uuen to us. we will m them with . good wearing oovnforublu Boot. We ply parbiouhr Itwntiou w the ohiIdran'u department and keep the prion down Wu have now rocnived the renter part of our New Fl" Stock of Bantu and Show. and Wu tellyuu iu oomidauou that we belicvo we no oering better vnluu for the money than over baton. Our new ntyloa for [mdivu are equal to the best American umkeu, per. fool. tting and gcuuilm 111 quality. We are hurt! to plane III in- thm department. Gentlemen uhould cull on u: for A Good Durable Strong Boot or anu Shoe Wq kwpu Luge Vuioty nnd our Prices are Low beyond compnriwn. Ill-mum. Bellevllle and Trenton. Thn only One Prioq Bout. J: Shoe House in guy 0! than. pl... ll. ['1 "mun..." .w mum. Tmi""BEELRTMENTW uool; We WI have n Urn Mnrk Down Sale 0! Boot: Ind Show. Low Priced Bout 1' Shoe Htoru. 103 lnumnn Htreet. no to 70 Store Will. lor the Nut Thlrly Days. Have I dMOMIV-WI- I "gum ; mm mm. WHDENTIAL No. 6 Core Simt. l men In all nhmh. Helu \ Winter Huniury Ind lYnderolothiug. -. hudlu' Ind (iontu Kid um.- um] Glove: from l0: to L. m y lmnb 8km, lrmu Dov Ln tum perv-Ar. Alto I lot at Bull 9 on. um now lot. 0! 01mm: Flunueh. )ull. nrr vod,from IOu [ole pol "M. '1'! nunvmnu n - m. -- l. 7.x: In loath IDWIOI uyin. Dry Good! PRINCE I'l'lll'l'. LATE! HICKEY\& ILE'I'I. nuns & Locgm, SPF-N112 a (.IIIMLEY. 13. and I! lrluoeuulltreet. uppom'h Cu] Hm]. W- L RICHARDSON. m triu- M m. 0. 9 lbs for 25 eta: ' Xi" 3638, m- . ko-.. I.l|mi- lnu HUI-Lu uaov aivw 128 3' l3 lrmcuu Street, apposite (My Hotel. HOWE! C IIIIulll'l'l'Bl. HM l'rmcw Strvet. oppouk Wu:an Kohl. I. IoFlulo, SUTHERLAND'B nunmugmuuns lineman "shown. mlq From Hyrn lhcy cums, 0- alumwllm.m. D. I- Ann-TMROI. I Prima- Btu-1.1M vou mu. man If \lluw mm m mm mm m u..- 3..., ,. oi a-STER OH GOLDEN LION GROCERY. 10. won. II It m..- was. um. ' .Edgnnanuidmnao III tho my. ITO Mon-m VGLOIHSQ KINHHTUN. ____....__ I'unv er. ~1'hinf thliamu. of lurrlim. mnvud Linn morning to uko Nelnun luck \nLh him. The follow will Leprnucutad (or refuqiug wlupport hm Wlfe. Mu lull. Inuluu about. the mtnf UJLUIMI'. lhg clobhuug. money, mud utlmr 00.11 were turned over to tlw Lon-Jon oucer. Bout quGquud Hcotu Mllln 9175 u bbl. Bell (rnnulued Oullnonl At .600 per hbl, Raw-w: l-K-Hl m1 PeanutMr: Frau-r. M mugur of the Robertavillo Im- Mines. has boon removed from his [Monti-m owing to a misunderstanding. Mr. Dauglmu. anu-uchumus export, hem arrived ma 1 msumed control of tbs mums. Mr. Fraser is mild go luv. been a very energetic Inn. Slnulsa Hum TMIAWLSomo woukn ago Mr. Jones. butcher. Princess Street. hml hm bud hale bitten by a plgwhich ho was shout. to kill. Since then he ham been a great. uueror. Yester-lny mmnun set. III, and In now lies III a very prmu'nous colditmn. lheuth in not improhble. um...V .-.........._ -. __. , p mum in Montreal. The Chief of that any asks than they be returned. Ho '1 p 1y oxpmww. Thu bovi' ptrbnbx un- vrry poor. ..' Sr. pAl'l.'N 'lurxnutl Soar". 'l'l1il evemng M. THU o'clock the rogulu monthly umetiug of St. Paul's Church 'lempemnco will be hold in the when! room. No mluxiumon foe chugd, The public are cordiallv inviwd to and. lulorenmug mldrenseu Will be delivered Imlsu Mtlactivo prngrumme rendmod. Vr1~xon . AL. \N'M iu1883.A. '0.- cler & (30.. almnore. send us a copy or \enunr 4 weather almanac for 18943. Thvy hn curcd the control at the publication tar Nu) l'niced States nnd Canada. and mubodiol unvh futures in the book an to lust.in them in saying {that It m n great. improvomom upon i}: _| ......... a \ (mm; \l.1; M We urn Inforde by J h'uzud. returned [mm M-AIILODE. that All unn llmnlh .\lr )lLCnlisLer. o! Stonev .\lumL'uu my!!! bunbeln of lime M. .'w In [M huulLL Mr Mucnhster his nplandvl kilns; ne quurias And I le ntnvk hm! He in on the high Ilj w [mmperity ..__. Awuum .eruanr. 'l'he Maloney- Hogan. (ux'molly Hagan nctiuns at the Iuhvu Court. wore continued thm morn- Ing and now awn: judgment. The ghm at these {unions Ire of frequent Ioccmrtmm and we do not. rare to give a .lvtmlM statement. of their KIiOVIIC. lhv (onrl table was lled with tho allwhu nnwl in xbe recent. wufaro. Sunday '1! the twentyeight Inni- wrsuuy n! llu- battle 0! lnkorm-n. ls wu malmctlully kept. by the old "mun ol Hm mu. Pntluk 'Ilsh survived the event Hu uppouel in the Police Conn. Accused of glruukonueu to which he plendrd guilty. an pinning IN nrvnuumnm ho was Haiti-d. ' '"" " ' Summation]. Tuchln' cm in July. I. . mll bothudohurnculuolwhich I noun m given II Imhlmu-dr Ind hymmuddmlhm GUM July. fl-"ONO! ' ,u \ Th-nnhimh nl MM and Ellen Pater. n womn I! the town. yuounhy not drunk md Ins mud. on rumpl-iut o! Muygr Uukin. (or RWIIIg pmln from the Non! Tn.- tautumn (ompnuya Ml Sh. pic.de .A -_ I -....I 4.- I...I m. I'm-m. -ni GOLDEN LION GROCERY. l .nn'uum: l unruly '- ,Iluu Um lug...- gmlty MM and uh hm! no (hands and us deamum. Her winter's bond wu provi-ch. the Mugintnto nuding hot to 9! lot sax months. July. |W3-U"'P'"'I 1 {1.) Thou? d h Hyg'wu. Ith' .bonx OS A. (nu;- up it in pro! cat'qu that It. (i. A. Kirkpunck. Q-Cn qu he the new. Spunk!" d a Boon of , J u.-. \l- III-n'IA. -i" '\ Inumvuw. un-u --.- _.. . I l M Hymker ur the Senna. " 7" Wu. ulna... wr-rl o WI" Jenni-d ho. cal d tho P500! lode] m) habitual Eighth Lam-sun. is. which Ikn'nu mvho by "or; rand cl M's Tn I Nu-. I... "Inn-inn." Pneum Mom to huh wish. u.tu mun mbrly tow-ti My: (nu wuaor. Mod by lead run. lightly higher unspent-Ire. [Mum or run L any. nun mum Mr. Bob." Raid, Ind-lad to bully on A, l M: o... .L- n.|.I- 'uory W a null-Inu- If. nnu M 33 Dru-Hit '- maiml IL dawn-Iliu- { non Ital will and. PM ,gam. I cl 0.- vii A _u at Ill-".1." . mm". Inst-rut lath-l ol 3. 000'. hi.- spa mull PRINCESS STREET A V.-- ._ R: u m 510nm. . -'lhe young lull. lulmm-d at. the pohcu gunman; aimed mm. uud Arclumlmult. They are unruly huh uudruu away from their :mmta that. um- m wig... - H. p... Dum nu. CIIIJJ. . .- . . n .I -_.I.l. lull no me nan NWIHI I: u.- nm a. uuuuuuu. and mat Mr. Blanche! will bu'. mm: 1000!, lo. II. in! d Duh-I un..- I... at. tau-w Thu-by a on" no. u I. "- mum-n m. In Inst W# I II. 00 focch at a ___-7 '77 ll. cum. h lair-bola '- tulip lunuliu plank -ulv.-'-- D _A ; Iblll .1-.. ' an. on w it! GOLDEN LION GROCERY The child of x Iln nlu uululu. u..- Ullle "no... A 3:10 of mule and running imple- ment-4 took place lam. week on the farm of Mr. R. Patterson. Good cows brought from 024 to 833: Hhoep sold from H to .5: am] horses. 8w! Lu Slm. Yuterduy the mom.th meeting of the Bond at Governors of the Gem-ml Ho pihl mu held. The annual election took place. Dr. Strange being thanked (or his service in the chair, untl uguin clocked to it. Mr. J. It ('lnrku. the Secretarv. holds permanent, oico. l| _ _ _ _ _ ....l u.a.nm.||\fu i mum}...- can... ,. mm. ,w. 11:. annual stanemoucs of ready sud oxpendihure show a deciL of About 0260 on the year's Lransm-tious. due to the Vorylittle gtvau hy Hm pnhhc m support. of the mat-tummy. It. is very {armlqu th it in! wall (-mlowml. as well u well snsmiued by~ govel'ulnvnts. utu - v".-. ...u ... 'lllo barley mmkrl is hunk. rm rue the buyers. They stand mumnl the corner: in Lug ulstel's, dinoussmg the Mayorslty and other topics Thu farm- Or)! are holding buck their grain. n --I .J Muln .....l I............ inn-J. The receipts chiey \w-ro: Frnm Ontario Government. Iii-NLUS; Dozuiui~ on Government. 9500.00: Kingntuu (nr~ porstiou. 0157,50; Lenuox and Atldingu wn,gnnt {or three years. 9300. pay patients. 82; income from property. 0864,76; donations. 0134.43: from Investments, 3526.20: honpiml practice. 0108.00; interest. on daily lmlnncu. 0102.57; product of live ntock and and garden. 0562.62. IIL- u A...I;o...._r ya-w ..|....H.- l. .nJ ant-Inn. 'l'llulA. but month 1n equal number of 1m tionu were received and lmchurged; three men diad ; one boy and one girl were born , 67 patients remain. A -A....I..:..t .J man. .J .....l...- munnl Hunger Irving has left '01- Montreal on Cur Works bunnaau L. :n..-_.. .J 11A,.-- D-L-ou- m-r, 0|] bl!" H u: In uuuunuun The illness of (incl-gs Robertaol. Inor- chut. il protracted and dangerous. u... unv .....|.|;.. TM... a prm FIU.PWIUW We an informed that. Dr. Mckuuuuun is not. so have a walk nvvr lur [bu lmyru' ally; an opponent, wnll aunuuuue lllnlst Intfow lays. It will be uskul. Mm :3 L- A w:. ..n.l nn>n' HOLDEN LION 6300.737. nuu Klluwu. wuua,u_. The expeuditurea warn chiey Food. 08.230. 03; furlmhings, 0396.003; wpuirs, 0228311; drugs. 8:584.H:i; fuel, wu.:+H; ulnn'os. $1,274.71. - . ,,,|, I, z wclu uunu an Iranian; nun-nun. A, complaint of want, of order among visiting students was referred to the visiting phyliciwl. / 'lL- nuns-1 .ln..ln_..l bl._6 0|. Ll [an V I8. UHK .I Iml-u The Board declared that line all land) in front 0! the building on Stun-t. treat "must go." It will not, be replaced. . Th}: new elevator was reported in good working order. It. cost Il-IU. Improve- ments are proposed in the hot water Iupply. l .._ -i...r v. 7. Hun-u, ll vauuuou nuu uuuIII-uu. Geo. McLlughliu. Toronto, and Fred Whit; Picton. are at the Burnett House. ili "Indian-non" (melon: hm- nama 3 | n Hug l Ihwn. hit! a- uuc Ilulnuuu l-vuw. Wili lndignntion enclose name ? 0! letter in anonymous. we mlv whmr. 1v , ,___ ul--|.:-,. _ n...l..-...._ DAL... n- , 'vnlu nun am The Modemtor U! the mom! \nuvlu My. Dr. Cochrane, has msuw] n cu'cumr to the aChurchun. urging spucnl ('ulleu nal on 'l'banklgihng Duv Ill and of benevolent. uni lnissluu schvnn'w w Ill! . - George Wuhilgun Badgerow. Reform ILPJ. {or E. York. In momma-tad yutonhy. n. ISL-l..- .uil-rl 'rnm Unahm- nn y-qu-y. Dr. Phelll uilod from Quebec on lanky per slump Snrzllmnn. We _:_I.. L;. In- Ian-an luv. I. C. U'Bnan. ankford. And Bot. Jun! Uumichael. King. no r. (W n the City Hotel, A Winning-lunar In: crmlv atmk - M II M V, luv-on. ~ A Winnipegptperhns grossly attack- d Uolloctot Imgnyo bounce be sought to rug-ht- it n it. dawned. I... l - lun- lnrt-nntw 'nru in; Data. New Data: ! will mull-(u I vuuuuumv. The Rev. Mr, Stanton hul a you. .9. hi. wins to madam. not Ad .Ll. In Inn homo ma.- w v... The In! in the L'ltruqul river H very low. but shermen are doing: good human than) 'llwy send .34) to EU worth of sh ever) wank tn the l'niwl QA-A_4 5 This ulternoo- the polico uncured a wedtbyrunkmn old Hnthllol'. frnul whose packetu wan taken Him What ahuul this: would lune 1mm fur the I. 7.. W "I'Vl"u.l ll Ill. I'V Ming IN. to Ian home may ' Ir. Charla Popper. [stool um Ike. mud nu King-Ion 'Pn-uo. Boy- .. .4 m). Nov-mint mrvim Al (Mn-- [UrCw- -I-wI - n... 11-,- tho 5d) November Ion/ice u on. och-day. Cup; Outlet. Impact 0! Weight- -J An-u.- 'h- Man in lnr gnu-AI nuuun uum n pickpockeu 1' 1'- n n. :n'nrl Wu. Luna-o. bu lar nnnty yesrs but TIC-Inn: ol louhboro lie bus well morikd the condence. 1 m. , u-_ u- u.;..;.. t.-. A- .. .._... } II." In I I. III!!! lul gun I unwu'-.J . Seven! 01 the luau along: the ex. tension of tho K. a 1. RR. Will be culled 3ft." nombom o! 'the dlrm-turaw Flower. Vulgar. Kirkpatrick. Swin. and u -w I m Iu nu luv-av icon inlanin chips! Hr. 1mm.- Dcpnty lupuwr. " l- - n Nagi- 01-- oh. A-d w [lave Good Broad You Man "an uood Flour. and That [on Iun He! at u-

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