Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1882, p. 3

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Families [Ian Rely on Bar Dees. -m- VIII-ll u- Mun-gun u- - l-I than. mundan- to his; unit childnnaonthoudl mm .L. Li- LIA4 '- 1L- -h__ h o UIIWI'I w-una- " W" 'F thankinth huh-mu; mldutthombm in tho pan-illiwhlho am. He! mania-nib). In. aid' haunts-wilt i "w"- V" w' modm-uIJuO-nud-Iyd' the wit-uhhhbdn- _..-.L.. L. .wu hdLh I . ww hymmub-h n. .... ........., ......... ..., ......... .... mu up. (throes-io- which lcrI- ' 0d. The band spi- pn a sol-won an an bard-hip. Fisher Kolly And hum- : O'Brien um hing roooivod by new. I Futth Spun. They and tho cu. , ring. Iran by loom-en's mm of ! whiu bonus. sad. undo: dimon of Mr. Bukcr. Pectin-nu. prooudod to the Prubymy. .nM-mxll on 1-. n-u-nll Dull-'- wu-y. - wvw- -- u..- hind wu mind a no... . so... din-u. m- the mm m ' marry pedal momma boll In hand. 3 ad on tho what In you the miling counts-noo- ol Iovonl hundred pooplo. AI u Bishop had-d my diviod. luv- ._.. nu l. .L- m- -Lnh hm. uw'au. (Squad an bolnlf 0! ho pooplc.) I')unmlR0n|.u n...i..l Damn I Todsy Hilme nun. hump-hunk Woll- m..a_ mmwuxnmdu an. *JMMIIH an pun-ulna Inhabit-Inni- bouud thou-t Anna-u Ibo w, and up- uh has 3" um bud. l- aiviliun' dual. struck Ipu-odhyol [rink sin. Thouip mitosis-ulti- pkg-nhud: .L___L -Lxu- _- I. -i..-..I WA". mul-IW- rInw] though chilly. 'u and: ujoyod. Wolfe '.'--l H. mm .n .m- nu mu ul- .1! run nu I'd nua- II III "C!!!" or 3mm. WI OFFER To SELL 1oo CHEESE pAs'rom Vlsumbn. lt heppeued thlt eons of the Int deliveries of freight lro- the dread 'lrnuk sheds went to nerchente who ere Libereleil pelitice.eud the cry he. been ruined t.th theee people In re- Iponlible for e chuge In the eyeten ef outage. No etatenent oohld he more ebeurd. some of thoee who received freight yeltetdey from the Shedde- Compuve truck! did not mplein a! the city cermre meener of hndliu nerchndieeor oftheir schedule of rem. and they knew nothing of the preeent ureagement until they reed el it ie the new-pepere lt they be eteted thet the merchentl ere not conenlted u to who will drew the freight. thet the freighthille ere handed em to the shedden certere. end when the ped- m delivered the chergee ere oelleeted. To dey e merchth celled et the depot end desired to ye, hie count. but wee informed thet the new order of thing- could nethedepert'ed from. The Unnd Trunk Reilwa Co-peny ere trying en experiment irreepeotive ol the opin- ieee ol the people or the political which I eh.- m4..- nlnnlnlu ur wv-h I-.. -......_. The taxes collectnhle will nggrogntn JONn large item. The lnaurence Companies. although receiving re nnd police protection. do not contribute anything towards the nnintennnce of their departments. The lone] they make here is sent to the hand ooen nd there sensed. while the Compuien en- Joy the benet of loanl iuntitntionn. The city contend: thnt this should not lAmunu- us An. uvvmnn, :- theao agencies won connected with a system that extended over the native province. 1! they won (induction tlicy should be proportionate, cal 01 L temporary character. The Complies would hsvc to com bnnincn were thcir losses constantly grew.th than their earnings. Tho court conrmod tic cuuasmeutl. u Ibo tho cues-nut- ot the Building SOCiOMOI. Thr- will undoubtedly be cppulc. This in tho rst time the Issuamntn have been made. cud the Conpcniu m not dim posed to submit to thoin. mu- .nnnnAlllI- nu- Tulln AIIl-illll _.. ..-_., w .-_... _ m- ._-. followin prpdlctiou 0! front Ind mi. | do: the d. ol Nanak: Ilth: ulhcm for the various insurenoe men. The stntutei bearing on the one were referred to. Almoet all the Comps-ion contended that they ed paid out more [or losses thu they bed received in premium. that. thereforegloro were no prots to 8.3"". It wen mo contend- ed that u the Uompamu were land at the head ofce: they were not usele- nble here. Thin contention wu combat- ted by Mr. Agnew, who rem-riled thet the gross income was to be taken In personal property under the wording of the statute. thnt it was not I correct method to treet the close here as isolated and deduct the losses from the I" Viv-PUG" luv- III IV- Imuv-El Manhunt-ht. Endyoohul Mnymmhmg n.' .1 .|.L.....|. lm In. all. . "1 immnWnWm-nh idlunpw- nulthu the chi. liiuuopposiudnum'n wlbWJ. iWo Ibdl Mn um bum bobcat!" boun' mchwhymudriv-uhdw hl. n.- Mh m, lh. "mmv. ( Some Una Badly Sold! Ilu II- wry rIU-w- W lummlnmEll 'mb wlhhlldwddnmllmurmuuangumtmgu Wshmw-W byabdmcmm flop-twill nil-nellede I - M .3 u; - IonInn. tjif'LH . -,__ 1 un- Youonhy 3h. Court 0! Revision coni- Jered the use-aunt of [nut-nu (Join puuies doing bulilou in the city. tho corporation proceeding on the ground that tho lIW requirel Joint. Stock Com- [muior to be unused u partnership. am] the partnarn mated for personal property in the nunicipulitiu in which they 10 business. The city hu 11-130sz the uiues hero fur the unount of busi- luau done by them. Mr. Agnew. City Solicitor. appeared for the city. uud Mtaaru Britta, Hogan, Mush-r Ind \l H I. nli.. "mun... inn"nan m... l w II. "I" - Human-n." Iuvuu BIIUIII . His Lordship had not concludod bi- nddrou when tho Wlm upon-hr I. to Much the but. The Addre- m linen- ed to win: much nautic- ad the mp1. of Wolfe Inluld will no! noon forgot the LAJ _:_;; .1 .l_-:- II:-L._ rst visit of their Bishop. 4 '5!!! I.- " Inn-.- Jpokusbouthn. Haiku-touched : upon an gnu Maid- Ihoy hd pounculy Mullah. Minam- 'diury coo-Aim M is hwv {ormnoo of good works. I. {oh I od 0h his Vinith to m. H. thnukod than [at tho kind wad- o..- veyod to him ud aid in would duyl Qm mm. by word or m. an ho ukod ' (or -olr 00"":th iI Ono-ding the glory of God. He cow-bud thou: i on their houutdochntionnd tho.- ' way in wbioh ihoy hid unto-0d thon- ulvu. Ho bopod um Iohtithobldmg the nun-ow rum mu diudod ion they would be good Mull. H a woull gltdly com. 0 thoir uni-bloc when- ever they roquirod it for he greatly loved them. I I ~ I n . A,-_I_A_J L' Appvnll 0! 90'0"! Coup-Ilur lukl OI Ihn nu Ann-or unlinedAr childm. II. had a... b v. 1_ l.- - P-I' ' vitamin-Mom "suntan-admit Nb mun-wanna... Think-lino botromdmuhh-Ollhm Mr. [any a. Vol-or in not the -Il.,-;.... M...:. I {ml and m- Bum full-0'. Iurr. th' per lb. i I NSUIANCB 8! EIDMENTI. V .m" III-l 'I... I. F"... nth ICOD LIVER OIL Ioniim l IEIFOIIIILAIII oIL Blue. the remnvnl of Dr. M. Houellea Throat and Lung Institute in hm new qunrbern, I73 Clluruh street. hundreds suf- leriug from (album. onturrhal dullness. bronchitis. aatlnua. and many diseases of the thron and lungn have received treat,- ment by hm new and wuudorlul instru ment, the spiromuter, which oonvevn mediv clues in the form a! cold lnllnlutlon m the puts disemd. l-hymcilva and sufferer: on "y it free. Poor people bearing cer till!!an will be furmuhedwnh npiromekaru lreo. Write. euulusmg amp, for pumphlt giving full parnuulun. to Dr. M. Hounell. , ox-nide Iurgeon uf Illa French lrlnu l i l Church HUWI, Turuuw. or Iii l'lnH-p Squue, Montreal. ._ .- _...-_ Tat experience of Lhousluda Ins uhowu um the stomach liver and bowel. mly be kept m a perfectly hunky oondiliou~trhe Attach of disease warded of! 3nd I vigor out lure of hfnlth mmntnmod by the use of Dr. Clrwu n Stomach and Con-tipllion Bitten Are you troubled with dyspepsia. indigo-lion. sour stomach. Diliounnou or oonlpttmu Hm. try this remedy sud be cured. For sale by all uruggiltu in large bottle. 3| 50 CM. Plannolo. Ilnnkots, Heavy Coats. and Ulstoro. and en usrsnuo nll In all (a ho Hocuy yun Md h Im than who duIro o Hypo phuphitu of Lima And Soda m r-amulnwon. 1 [081' mammmmr BlULSIlIN| tln cu: lute our muluro rm: mm can sud wltb no :1st! gnu uocu. All cu uk l- I Mr mu. and If In th ho than no mu! how but! the mac, mod mum In con-In to [allow uuv .uu.-n nun-I .umvvuu v.1 .- rv-IIVM o! the stove damper. which. by the way. was employed in punching the hole in the ceiling. A change of methodl wet not made because the rst one tried was impr'aeticable. but because it was more likely to be discovered by the police oicers in their movements through the cells. Breen may not have done the work but he was a friendly spectator of It. and no one would believe him incapable of ca coping when the way of his success fully doing ac was made clear. 1! Bren non performed the job he III-t have begun upon it soon after being sentenc- odyeatexdny. u at 4 oclock he was removed to the county gaol. thence to go to the Penitentiary. Brun muat have helped Brennan as his hands ap~ pear to be chapped luv contact with some rough euhtances. J- WILSON.| I Chou-mud ()pumn, w u M t Gun I minnow _ Prince-hat. "rut-nun (WM nan to m gt-nay; av. ' The plaster of the ceiling Ws cllip~ pod of in small piece: and laid upon the guard bed. uud then the lulu for about. a. foot squnro were broken and laid aside. There reuniuod nothing to do but b0 force up the flooring of the Collector's olce, and this would have been sully iwcuiuplished with Mm aid of boards nukon elf the guard bed and iutemlol m: pryeu, 'lllin operating upon the calling was a Iocoml sohgme. The rst one wus to force a passage through the wall beside me window. the bricks being removod by I portion A! Hm a}--- 1]-"...r uhlul. I. Hm g on. mum's Phosphatlno! 2 W1 "m nWJ huh ( mohim : 0 mm the The olicor. without mnifeeting en, _ elem. or chewing hie onspicion. opened a second door end wellied into the npertment in which were June- lreee. held [or complicity in the Con-ineee robbery. and I couple of old men who were in for protection at huddled ebont the stove. Serge-It Gen-eon new nothing enamel in hil [lune nround the room. Breen Wu outetretched upon n bench and apparentlvuleep. end when npolien to awoke with e Itert. Alter Sargent Unison hed preached the outer cice he still felt suspicion. that some thing wee wrong. end taking a candle in his hand went beck with the determine- tion of milking a critical inspection of the cells. He quickly detected In open ing in the ceiling above the guard bed and beneilih the ofce of the Collector of Taxes; he nleo discovered that thu brick hml hm-n loosened At the aide of tho ignited window. Breen Inn at once accused of attempting to escape. but eni- pheticully declared that he we: innoceut He said the breakage hnd been caused by '1 human Brenner: nluls Damn. the Toronto thief. who hnd become deeper-- ate when sentenced to ve yenri' impril nonment in tho Penitentiary. and com- lnenceil the ruinoan of thet which Ituod IIIIIIIY i IURRIYS. pliIIIch polio. *5... I light no on duty III. 3 My just in the to pnmt tho Mom 0 clavicl- dud-nio- in tho Cum-l Prisoner Pain-y. who. or unpl- Inight In". No- lollowod M m pnvidod my ton In! n th- phyuiml nervous which light uvolvod. Stanly um- Un polio. Iota underwent nUoclocl tho chug. Iran (by to In duty Sergeant CAM! Ind oom- Iionto visit the calls. Al to [and back th'e great. be intbo lock of the min door 1nd and be hard I pocu~ liu lld suspicion [0in II an inn: room. ouch I num- ol h u no- mke when nurpriled uni and to nee Iro- NICE. ll "Is. FRESH 0". 1mm aua C! P. ll- , O". U 2.. 0'1"".'.. P307! 1-. LEW Ladie! Something New- .J D'EHIJII- no AHLIII In" AV]. um. I... All partlen holding TICKETS fur Frsmmg Pnoturn, :ud no onrduo. muul. cull {or Llwm otherwnm Looordilg to oondl $0. 1. Wm will be BOLD to pay c-xpmmm null to main are room, Cunt-m It Home gave-rm tlmrmehen nocrmdmgly. - from in to "e par pour, [Adar And Oonu lid um. Ind Olav-u hm no .9 LI cu ' m: umbnanronlcloOlIw . Macaw-(Int and 'nuwromfA m lo. 01 men Hannah. Inn A , .tma no I... p. M. 0" III"!!! nmxvmav nun A nmtlm Ill! H II Von- In. A w w. u. mun-n. . u... I? THE GENTS DEPARTMENT nu- am on am {tom 15: w pumtrmu Vimiigi'v * . 'rn to. mu" I r . .m , mtg. A 'm mnwuwh'nfw W": .1. Emma-c 9M .13 .11? 3 ummu you ml h Dry . ramA p m mum: am a: lion. nun nm In an n m? m A r mu A 4|.an AR ,--. II-.v> "n.- uv Iv - y y. John Henderson 8: 00.. lOO BOW_E_PEEONETTE \\us no orowded wnn customs" the menu Ind um tune to do more IIIIII nuuly oavor thv great umuunlo! goods outside than door vmh onloloth Durin tho on: i! w knocked off. and {or ht" All hour. unknown to ch: clerin it pound own on Flunoll, Blnnketa. sud Yarn. till Imd lriandu, noticing it, carried the good- inlo the non. Th rm estimate the dnunae at. 9.300. They are not. dimurugod. homvor. Illd will-oil the goods ohup, 75 pnlrn Whna Blnnkutu alumna-d. ll) plum. (Anwn Pin-nah dul- aged 10 pieces Clonklngu damaged 27 Hm \Voolau Yarn, A law picuibhup Dru-n Gouda. ('omauud get a Bargain 1*7n1nh $0-:- I." Remember we Sell a 7 lb. Union Blanket for 03.00. and a. 6% 1b. All Woo] Cornwall Blanket for $4.50. in "uuronruu [TE'deonluo I .W. us crowded with customer- the clerk: bud not time to do Ohm hum, .11.. nrant ummmlnluoodu ouuida Lhulr door Duriul norm In Womv luau-u bunny when Inn! min. u to be had Come around and see us. No Trouble to Show Goods a Our stock ll complete We ml you a good Imus-L HOO'I' Ol' IIOE. shude paper md pAstabOIrd. mud mar) pair wnrrnntod Lo gno utuhotlun. n In uuuuuuru uI-u uw umu-uu nu um .l-lurl quul 1n- lulu, uuu an: "un- l nud selling goods pm up on pnrpnue to null elm-p, mlout rogud boqlnhby. \ You can got a mod Mucle {or II. Humou- Dunn-:01. .5. [8 You no pl Igood ULI'rn to: I] ' Man. J 8i. It; I gal-good LIT" 317:. und :9 ()ur Im'rlma as are Iold In olher bonus. I' II M New Millinery Arrivng Daily for EDI!" mucrjs In >wN; QUALITY UP! nt \Vlldrou'l. I Billinrd Cloth Dron- Goodu, new column. 500. nll ml. In Trouble to Show Goods Nov H I76 ['nunI HIM v 'v v -_'vvv'__ Aw uow ouriug : Luge ind Heuutlful Htock of Germ Mum.- Ild Ullul! I. .boul. hull the pnu. ... my, . -u . "Hanna -_.u..n.hn n.__-ug. -... gm"... Joli units can. coon. can __\n._ WJMU uhMM'pbt moan DWI rim-1...!) moi-laud x d.'oolud , manual-Ma's- MwmcmwhywymlmmummU-M. 1' Ann: :11an - ff." ALL WOOL HOSIERE 1 __A1-_ 771nm :rrlnm'rvvmh n A, JUST RECEIVED. 2 Cases of H031 in Wool and Cashmere. Ladies Call and See our Hose or Intuit-.5130 our Boys Ribbed Hose. Double ~ Knees and Heel-811m Strong for School-boys) A Full Range of Ladieu an Chil- dmnn Home at DhlUllB IUI DUUU dren's Hose at hrqu for Lulu II Ill Iuls! Futih non month villa- u burial-tin not. Hateld-oh: Bil-pan and. {m the hen ash" in the Dom. We known-rut. til-sodium"th durum.- yo- Om . gunmuduuh-hdyh mummon M m-wv-dnmm-du-h-amu-u-ny ran-nu- ln]-u.na..umuuv amen-m mum unan- unis-nu iARMSTRo NGE F H E A 11:}; {IE A P! nous hu )uu Imin n In. mock n' FIRM-E1! ISRAELI l0", ALL k. lb we pay put. [Amu' (/olarod 14mm; Wool Hot-Mo '0'! I. ,' gluon uhuun Hon m Ill colon. lld n nyloudsd morn-om o! |__-_-- A.-.- I An-Inu -- .III- I I- i ~61 n. P m '1- I 551933491? .53- m _A_L; .A m .h Annther lo! 0! (olorui (lllupu ll WU. 303nm- Illnmr sud lubulu Mrnnlx Hun'v Iii-cl M k Cor-I. :1u iron 1). Hnll Bultonu. 7 71,. H II coucadml that. the demand for nw p. was quul be mat, bu| the mm for buylul uni .-llmn .Mrln mm nn nu l\llrllnu. In a- "1...-.. mllhnlll umnnl InnllAlllv i. Im-l Ihman HUI. I" oolorl, All] Iplou'lla Wrulom OI Jomy Olovu In Ouhmoro and 0m: Llnod. _ .- nu. m n..- IAon' AM la-nu' Kn! um. And Inv- Iran I. Inn-II . 50. (hM & Drou- Ooodl in Kingston lru n Wnl run I. "II any [then Du. Good; new colon. L50. Hnudwme Twill Conumo Um: (ioodn. MA 1:. an. -v v- Nov. 15. Look for Nuns on Window. m I )unug the Great Ram Storm on Saturday Afternoon Udftmgbr 75v. Suit nl--. n,.1_-..| Chi... onll ROzLHtmi rm Our Own Pre-l mines and Ground every day from the Besl. Old ('mvern- ment JuvnMM'u an. and Jil- nmirn Berry - .w-v-I- --u-., -- w- -.-.__m ,v- .. r.._w- - D. I. Ann... . Nov. 13. lo. 0 Got-8m M. m Prin- B-UI. M. @sal of Jacmgad Ulsters. ii'icziu. fun-{:31}; I, 'Phinudrnmbruom. Mindme L A4- n__ ._I'IL- M -n -_A __A-_. .;_ nun-n.- n.-- .m . 15. we. 1 onuuful Colon A|l Wool Drou Goods. n uwmomlhnuynm Immulunllw-m, - LATE HIOKEY & ILI'I'P. I. Only. iTllRS IDTM'A'G'ED BLINK! 8-- FaunBrin yobr hm. uuen IO M, V" will t them um: good raring oomlorublu BoaL We pay pnniaulnr union to u: childrsu'u dopunmau! And keep the prion. down We but now received the grater put 0! our New Full ock of Book sud Bhoeu. l'ld We tell you in oond-uou lhu we boll." we are oormg better vnlue {or the money nun Ivor bola. Our new nylon {or [Adieu Ire nqunl to the but Amorionn Ink. per loot lm-l Ind genuine in quality W0 Ire lure to plow III In this depurmont. Gentlemen whold cull an m for I Good Dar-bk Strong Boot or Find Hhoe. We koopn [Argo Vlriy Ind our Prion He Low beyond oompnrmou. ulnpwn. Iellevllle and Treat... 'l he only One Price Boot J Shoo "null in may of u pk... l- I1 UHUCXUIUBuluM "U! I m. quV-] Flesh Colored Shirts and Drawers from 45ceach. 1a._- ",., n\,:-_A_ ..-..l Ross"'NE*W GOODS 1 V - -u.._v_-_ Low Priced out J! Shoe Store, 108 Prince Street. nut to 70 than. EOLD DURING OUR GREAT BALE uy-v." - w ~_. --- 7'" - ,mx'mn Ross. Ilmvmw Anna-In.- Jl'8l RECEIVED AT i-i. x; VCOUHSVIVNIAU 'a} 700. W- L. RICHARDSON. 0) Prinm 5hran Inn-inn n... mugs g Locgm, lug stun-J l\'l SPENlE & ('IIIYMLEY. 132 and HM lrmoenu Hansen. oppou'h City Idol. U. .v H 1311].. 1 lb 7'.- Extra Heavy Shins and Drawers. double hrensil, fqu 50 each. Fine All Wool Shirts any Drawer- only 95 each, In... Gki-o. --A May. Walsh as Steaoy, 1w Pnua .v lllwmmt I .. BOWBS I! DISCONIT'I'II, '20! lnncasn Stroec. opposite Windsor Hotel. m SUTHERLAND'B .n-n: ILA), u. '1 ur- wtma All Wool Dunn-n. gluth I' loll .n 16 per cent |ou than wholoulo MOO. I. RA MOTAUL'. u__I-_ n.- .4- . Childrou'l [Mud Wool Um- M .1. II. ILIM, .I. 1m mun-Cornwall Bunk... Ilurunlnn in I) Goodt. ltll Romnuu mun I yud lo M 70rd Imus u ugrul roduollon 84m our Envy Ul-lotm. I! 00. II. VI. u. . . n RIC-ION. C "ID-I'l- 7v- so pioool New All Wool Blah Dru- Oooda. 36. 80. 85. 60. LAr 0L- L... -...'_h.. n.... M- Inn-I blw; nun-u- 1 on only .1 each. -. unh- Mm um Du. w, mu. m For tho but. nrioty Dru! Goods. low I pnou. 30 0 1 '"n' HA-.n llluh Volm. pile wan-hi has. l0. 80. 76. 90c. Chupoos Colond Volvo; 50. 00. 16 . Mn mLUmuuVLV o 212 Prince Street. Kingston. 0m. ag R. WALDRONS. mu nnuu nun l :......"f';:, um , ll. Do-Mrhvu- nnol lrunu 301' Ih. WV I Itin- Iu a. v" T Tanim 7' . .3. nignmn a (19.. [thatde MINNIE. In 1; The DI Itll-0) m 1 w. m stain. mm. . _ It m mum ,4 A ,_ l. -l_ II--L.L-_- l ___._. 15 R1 C 1:; LISfIffE value. a It in lht' Coffer we are selling per 1h 13 Wonderlul . and nuLlnug to equal hm Ilvau H1.- |))l(P REUOVLL. _..L_.. KIMSIUN. A Mum l'xluu.Wo offer our cou- grutuluiols on the marriage of Mr. J. B Mclmren. an 01:] King-whim. all I grmluntu of Queen's L'mvenity. to Vin Brough. of (innunoquu. Mr. Mcbuen II I mung barrister. of Nobel. Mui- Lolm. and Lakes back with him u. brldo that. Will luv a great. nc-lumtion to his home and 1 -v noelety U! the place. \wuu uh 'lunwnru RAILWAY. Hm lanthanum Interested In no NI- pauoo. Ts-worth sud Quebec Baihny are mulling ovary pouible endeavor to have the rod completed. Tho] wut u gum. {ro- tho Domino. Ooverlmcht. Yuutordny Hour-L A Henry, All. Roe. \\. S \anlums, L' lie-Jamil tnd P- Vnnlnvrn wubod npou she Dominion Hun-ruins: for that. purpowl I [Mun UmzlL 'lho bung Snipe, v mch wns dmlmi unr Hudon lalud. bu been repaired,md Nu clung" in. 'boon (lmmllsed Against Blackwell ud Davy. the costs 08.06. bung paid by these man. John Nohon. A docupid old grunt. um um. from Toronto to ngltol. Ho wanted to go to pol Ind Inn with wu grntiodIix monhl. A LL: nu DuctTho Strut. Railway Comptny 1m rapondod to the unliuiutlon of the people llViI II the Urn-(l Trluk depoh locality and will establish a hue on market day: thonco an the en". having Qligloy'l lid tho Market Iquaraovery hour After 9 o'clock. The human mll open the line on Sutur- day: A In I BAILMr. El Moutyu but u hat nupplml A long felt. want in King- ..um-n lunch bur. Hm enublllhmcnt H on l'rmnkn trees. next door m I". X. loumuenu u. and here dozens of Iner- vhmnm mnl ochoru repmr (or lunches. whwh are non-ml up w rst. clan at.le M. rmnounhlo mun, The bu la open .In)' and night. and at any hour food 0! the mml. palatable clurucwr mu be m'vllrnl. An :1 down town renort. [or rake. con nuvl manta n nhonld be lib- erally parouinnl. 9 lbs. EACH, PUH ONE DOLLAR. GOLDEN uon GROCERY 5 LU I uuwuu nun-w u xunu nun. u| U'rv qltmn. CSIIOCIA) from the Golden Lion Grocery. bur. uotmtbluudmg I the rivnlry the Pantry looms to prosper. fur thv- pvople will go where the bell. vnlue can be gut. Tu Exmu l-lu.~Ab0Iv. Ibinylve Kingstown: Ion goods by the express ur tire yesterday morning. which (not Mr. Punch bl" notied the cunnignon. The Compuy In pay all dun-gen, which mun tumult to n considenblo um, u hundreds u! puma-gen war. con- Iumml. rst" I [NDER nu BILL"1V6! since um Pantry Ulocery opened it. bu Ind Lo muwnd Against. a great deal of oppo. -.. . -_.,....,.Il. funI IL- llnldun [inn A l'umL '0llb.Yul.prd|y Huh L-ndmv. n city capo-hr. ll ti. on:- ploymcul. o! .\lr. A. Cunnon. cont-Inc- mr. vru omployml I: Portsmouth. in polutJl the nuruw bonds of I pulivn loan." with n at! knife. ll hinmovo~ menu he curb-hood sud loll. tad tho inner put 0! his land coming in col- LAN. mth Um 9 has 0! the slurp klilo. I puulul would wu inmch tho esh ope-ml shout um. anhrs 03 A comp-aim: belpod Linda. to tho Radical Auk-a vim Din. Imam ad cm dun-tit. . u HI In .u: I An mljuuruad baili's min 01 l mu load a! while a Indor I vn ll uf n H, usual ouLoI Lbern Division ( ulll'l. at. mourn-d I'lruuk Fromm 3m cm- hmawu. st MU oclock 5.m.. \LO-IDOI'IOWI Friday. Nov. 17. J. A. (Animal. bulid. wnll premdn. .Mh' par Yumly .r.. -_._. lunnmu or Allul'llu.Col. Vil- lmrn plld nu ucml visit. to Bellovillo uni Impacted the Armour]. um- Ind ucmuuomautu 0! No. l Comply. 49th Battalion. He [undo I Illlllu via to Lbuurluuul'y of the [5le Bum... A4 I. l. "ow no.0 nal up M It. I (.wcmummm: dun ml .illl. "ascends. All It! autumemuuum. Thalia-du- TuauyiibMD incorrect. nun-p.th run >n...a.._h-c l .1 Ann. Iwm I-I nurturin Col. Iain-M [m cl Anil- ol man at, palm no duty in I _.-...- LI ml. It in Illa-J lhl Mums. compleun the add (or LII. - ocwu Mull, "thud. Then no no! I Much. wbcn I mutt! have u: 3 manufacturing unpuin cl 10.!!!) yd- pen Any 1 I I'onoh Mm. Mann-L-To-dq i PURE a umuumnu com: Inuu- r- m. .. "W .-. unruuwnnmsbwm' lilo. doing the M in] .1. u onto-ll W. in. manna-n- uui-un-Miyoh-n-td \tnmmhw-hh hunk-hh lbw. ('IXLIKATLU Lawns-Bump Cu mn mll Jclwur nn Friday evomul non u no MeLDIJJmt Hpuoopal Church. Stuck erooL. hm culob'lud [town 00 lululml Empire." Princile Gnu. nll 'Imketl 'Ln: s couplo; ,, __ l_.;.l.. ..oaur. I on. [umumm'm'm 1 ma My gym 999l- '- l I can..- galIn. Dot. " "75' "" Mug-Iota. IW.I-. um, ll... 3'.1 III AI. TIE. in, ~ WL unnnawmu 'I '51- V'lllllll'e 11mm. Mr. Jun" Mcrnth. son 01 the Depu- ty Reeve of Storriugwn. hm! rammed from Munitoba. Ho has been engaged 1| building and soon:- to have enjoyed 3h. pro-parity which uwnda the opom' tious of ovary indullrioughporwu in the _uw province. 11.. [hummimr Huh Mr hadn't-no will _-'" PIUVIUUU. On December IBM: Mr. (Adm/one will in. Iltv nm in Parliament. And Win! I buy lilo the British Premier has livod u I pulitminn. author an 1 (-itueu! - I u 'l ll-..hnn. .7.- Oh. rm-i, run In" uvuu llvurv- John Hurt. on. of the . H: of Hyde a Bahama. m I gentle child of 26:4 lbn. While Lil con-m. Total} John Stewart. goal him 43 lbs. boner. Mr. Gibbons, formerly night editor u! the Unuu 4 Hum. more recently pru- pnowr of the Rapid City A'Iundwlt has moptod the position of usistnutedmu of Oh. Winnipeg Tmm. u. 1...-.. Luann. m. nl Hm Haul. m... .. .. "mm".-. mu. -., . \ ....~... Mr. J u. '1. Clogboru was the reci- pient. 0! I gold wnuzh from parsnn lriondl on a occuiou of; his leaving loaned. Mr. Cloghorn man also pro. Muted by the OIPIOVOI of Messrs. (I 1 u.._.._ L f. mul |...L -.n-L|nh acuuv- uy u-v vlllvvuu v- J-u.,-.lvn \ C. Suwdon h Co..mth which establish melt In In connected. mth an elegant. clai- md locket. uud A null {unher probe-Lian w- undo hm by Mr. C. C. blowdol 0! a choque (or u handsome um. Ir. Cloghorl bu lelt [or Winni- ll u-cl', u, uuuuulyua-u , The good: burned in the press car yummy wen valued ac 0,000. Among other mutter 01,500 worth u! live nation are :43le Du have been In- olldodil the loss. It. is suppuud the Era Wu named by a lamp exploniou, .___--. , J. Zouoski. who chums Iq he a Polish Cont. recently before Col. Duff. and given An opportunity to Lrlvel Wurst. ward. bu boon committed to the To rout. pol u a vngnuu Wlmt n. lull in than. my countryman 1 'I'L- -MJ. Inn-1.-.! in Oh; AIIIIn mur- 03]. A. L Farley. 8" Battery, hm. been visiting friends at Bellevillo. A... l n-" I-.- -.I;D1\ru-a nrnnvinhn- lav-u 'IBIDI. uIc-ua nu uwuvuuv. Ir. J. Bell. In. editor and proprietor of the Pick: Tmm. was in the city Lo thy. I'- 'l Rnntnn nJvnnnn nunnt n5 Hun u.o Mr. Z. Benton. advance agent of the Philldelplin Church Choir. is at the Wind)! Hutu]. . n n u 1 .u , ,,A,,, u ,_ DRAW IT M I L D n luuun n Illyul. C. P. Bonlotte. ol Uloucutor, Mus 0. Striker. M.P.P.. of Pictol, and W H Milloinn. of Woodstock. nru guest-a M the Burnett. House. ..._J -v-.- .. .. . w. . At the Convontion of lurouLo L'ulvel- Iily tho degree of l).('.llv ml] be con (erred upon the Bishops of 'l'orunto and Algal. Ind that of D.D. upon the Very Rev. surioe Baldwm. Dean of Mo- luv" u Iv-Ivnn. Tho :old wave appeuri to be passing. but after the magnicent autumn we have onjoyod no one wull lune any ox- cuu for compluumg of the weather, no matter how unpleasant. It. may be. l'be prilonors in the police nano- DMD lulu for want. of {00.24 h in n hnrdnhlp to be conned m the nu- wholenomo holes. but. to go hungry for many hours is a greater puumhmout, .A ALA nA.,_,,A.'A- *1 l _\..4 , l'...v-. Hu- lnlor-uion ha been rational ol the killing 0! Thou.- Qni-n. | half brother of It. Juno- Cu. of Wolfe lulaml. Ir. Quin. who wu won 50 your: of m. Ind bun aimed for loan yun in 3 out (notary nu Philndelphin. He wu wintering a bolt in I machine whoa I- dun caught I npnllv revolt in; Vlad-1nd ho wu drawn mm "the jun JMI} )no um um] 3 portion 01 hi! Ml. um ton 03 ad throw- u'uodl'lhleo by the whul. For up- dnhogr no: Von sumo-l in M II. Inlet". Ho lived {or none in. ad dud great my. My that hung in to no hospi- U In did. F d u u I I C l l l I l l I I Oath-hyhilduum umncod hgfgi-d-uldh [and Ind I Ion-r Ind-Id announcing the data of A policeman. upon being nuke-J lmL the members of the {nice I- 1' most In their content.- mth the unruly. replned' "Stolen and rocks nu Lilo ians of ball grown lmfeu. TL- nl I _-_.. ...-An_- A l . n h n n . . n .4 .,.. The Annivernn'y um meeting of the C. )1. Church, Pnrroxt'x Bay, Will be held on Wetland-v. tho -_':ml, The Queen 8. Cd Chun h rlxonr II'U hunk- od for it. I 5" I U-IUW UH lumnv "UH-Il- P. K301 h.- mckod up on Wolfe Inland than; I Inn" cargo of onions The sight 0! the wreckage, brought. Len-1 (.0 bin 0].: FL; -_...un_-.... bu. mud... 5 the wv u-.v. The Expuu Company came: xuuur noo- upon use good. in tnmport, num- ly Ample a cover such loss In H.050 .u the on burned on 'I'uudav night. I) U:-l L__ _.-|._.l u. A Wall- lulu-'7 comm um smear. VI. R. Helm & Go. -V w. Them" wk of hning l mun-nu n which tn "pron their udignuu'un It the introduction of the Shodden system at out-go hare. IL. ...nm- l'nnlnan Barr-nu mu-u Tho its. at In Find. umouuun 'u mm n- and AM la. 4 M jointly with- Gullony, Jr. [at A lot. II V Wad. I. C. m..."- M 0. It. _._A___ ..-_:_.__. ' -.L_n _-_ _A_...I -- Upol our rst. page to day we begin I CMII storyA Rainy Day, Ind Iht an. o! It." which ml] run through nova-l inns. m, ,,,A . n ,1 LAI, A A _,AA.,_. I. UMI Wunuu. T9." will be a Ipociul meeting 01th School Board this evening Will it end i- n In up." like the lust one 1 A ll-nl- Al H- -..I 'jh." lrnm lhn I- . all. ur. In": u"; --3- VI!) A A staple of the wane! ukan from me AIM lulu-d ult well In: been sent us. It is I iv, lnu been represented to L. m IIII "cu: ' All N u {o W. 'I. Nurru' candid an tor tho Illyonliy I: settled by bu loud in "other column. ,: .7774A__ -ILL ' Whom]- Whisk-J? . Tuna-gucd-hyulhdu- hub-w. ' Tuna-unmauu'n in. MIHhtboPun-Iu-ry. IMHO-shining! qr mammal.an Thom cm d M. W I while. ask. to Sta. AII'I has. Olin. 3] Ion Wed-day lelinlvoy a Bkoh'l uployoa will he huh in (but old 1%. Th. birth Me contain: A dowrip- ald tho Pobrbom In" work. in. tanning landing here All JLI ... b- I' 'l NIL-FI1' -IAiAI 4 l I l I t A _._._~.._ can u nun-nu, mg Barman wma. THURSDAY Novnumnn 16.1882. JAcK Fnosnl lo um We felt keenly the loss of your vcnemtad and much lumeuted predaoouor. {or not. wutlutnudmg the prudent Ild benign: llxroctor which yo In." in Monsignor Farrelly, still we bud I vnnt chair, But. now since it bu boon so ubly and eminently llod. we rojoioc. knowing Lhu Your Lord-hip in diuhnrgiug your many nrduom sud inponsnl dunes will wuch diligonlly our ounpiritusl vulture. curracl. our imperfoouonl nd nah m but tar Christiana. Surely '0 should ever foul grateful to God for n m of such inupru mblo ulua. Ind pray that your reign with us may be lng And I). yrlnd thn nll \our holy nrojootl any crowned wnb mocosa. 1luvu In Inn-u ul \uI PUPIU-I Dunwl Suloy. Dnn'wl Damn, George ('vreeuwood Planck loEvoy. Edwnrd U'lely, John Bdar. Bdwud BAR. Pntr nok 0 Emily. Juno. Manhunt. Mu. J. McDonnld, Richlrd Spoor, Thu. anford. Ezra Crawford. nun. Lon-u In. r-unnI-v. Awa the vhlreu land but read Rev. Fuller Span. introduced etch of tha Commitmmn. who moin th- opia- copaf blessing Ind in turn kissed tho upm-opnl run and retired. nut-I v A! III [lulu-III! _..-v- . u -- - -..--_. i the choir monnwhilo ninging very awest- lv Within. The Church was nutly de- cornwl With Hill Union Jack: And piccuran. From the Itch, lending to the mnctunrydepondod tho1L'nion Jnck and Star- nnd Stripes loopod up on either Side The front. 0! the gnllery had the following mottoes upon it: licce Sn, cox-dos magnna Pinto: Bolton" wdBone- divtun qui van: in Nouine Domini." The edice was crowded With pnrisliion- era. who knelt. n the procession passed up the aisle. The Acolytu. Bilhop and clnrgy annex-ed tho unoiuuy. where a brief service wan performod. M its couclunion His Lord-hip hook 1 position uenr she altar and n Counting. (inland and rauguil thomulvu on each side of him. Mr. A. Suloy than opped for, ward nud rand in a clan voice llll'. luhIMquu AUDI-33. My LordWhen wo, tho Cstholioa ol Wolfe lalnud, After I10. Ild anxious ex pocuuon hand our worthy Ind baloved pastor unucunoo hu Your Lordship wu ghoul. to honour us with n y'all. And that. m should oor you on Iddrul of welcome our hearts ll once wornly rolpondod. but we fell on. the no that tint our wordu were mndequnte to exprm in . Hyper manner the respect tho mm And the reverence with whiuh we Ihould oer it sun we reuolvedto Ihow II well u we wore Able our l procmtion o! n gun: no learner mud non Ind Io workhyof our love und obedlonoo. W0 hue heard with ndnunu'on through your pastoral letter A bountiful 1nd elo- quonl dououpuou ol your oompllnnoo With the Union call when on were Iummonod to bid farewellto tho and of your blrtll, your hozno And All thot. wu nnr sud dour, present. yourself At the {net of our Soverelgu Pontl. thorn .0 be lldou wxlh priceless trouuru lor our bone, Ind we foal lhnl no not of ours would be more Hm Lordship beforo mplying gun the prounmmo that would b. Moved during hi: visit. Coulee-ion- woald oc- out n. # o'clock min minnow sad u 7 o'cl'wk tomorrow in on!" an the pu'uhonorl might bopnpuod for the Apnwlic boa-diction sad pl.an in duly-ace. brought by Hi. Lordship from tho Pontil. At 9 q'clock High It: would be Cid. Lt tho choc ul , A,,|j ,,,,L.A AL-_ A- . pncelm urn-uro- lor MIMI", Ina ours exproasivr of welcome or more nomptnble In the sight 0! God shun $0 assure you Hut very )athoho ham-L in bil humble pmsh yearns to be- partioipntor in that. Hen-turn um. supremo bouodumon which It hu- pleased God to lllow you to bring -l- wuulu w I I. ' winch Iqwolld spat $0 than on in pomm umbr- M with tho -'nh -- n" .- 15.. M can Flllll I. w." I. " w 55" than: some ulvico. AM In. he would neeivo than who Jain! (and! upon ham lo (la-ind a, .4 m I Maputo nod to bacon. 1mm. with m can-- ton-cu lo M I could all a. by an. ulna no thought of .36 not. AL ll- --|__J .L- .. LA 5h; runev- Iv e-I w-v-vo The bend then rendered "The weer lug of the Green." eel the people. in e liue. nee-deter! up the etreet. In the mummy e! the Church. which etude on rieing lend embeweeed ie treee. there my. I profuse diepley of bull-e. whnoh presented eater-ma eppeeneee. At the entruoe te the [mantle wee ee arch of evergreen. end the w on! Wel come" in lerge lettere etood boldly out. From the top oeted the Uelee Jeni. The line of much led through the grounds to the parish reeidence. where choclergy end Hie Lordehlpdlelloelted. ".1111th lmtterdonued heeEpieoopnl veet- meats. After e ehert deley the pmcee nioa egeln formed end peeeed through 1 an avenue ultreee. to which were ens pended meey elegant devices. the com pany marching to the etirrilg etrelns of "St. Patncke Day." ltwee en imposing dmpley. The ecolytee. dreesed in their robes of white and bleak. bearing Aloft the embleme. proceeded Hie Lordship, who was clreesod m purple over which were vestluouts of white and gold. ()u the arrival at the Church another arch was encountered. After entering the door A short Boob. uuouoy. ~10. PRINCESS STKHEI - Kl

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