HATBI 01 PAIIAUB: v Wu" 00. mm mo. mama to locom- m. lf mu are surfermg with low wd de- lrru-nnod lerll. loan of appetite, general IlullllIlV. diwrdored blood. wank constitu- lluH lieulaclie.ornuy diuue ola bilious meun- by all mean: procure I bottle of l-leamc Elnora. You Wlll be surprised to N30 the rapid improvement than will follow; ywi wull ha impxred will now lilo ntrengch uml .JGBHlty will return ; plin And miury 1 mini and hauoolurth you Wlll rejoice in the Drum 01 Electric Him". Sold It The Vom'un But 00. Hut-ht". Mich , will and Dr. Dn's Gunman Enum- V-uxuo Bums nu Ema-rm Annual! on U ml for thirty dzys to men (voun on- old) wh-nArv Alcled with nervous dobi ivy. Ion ncuhcy and manhood, nud kindred troubles. unnrnntemug speedy and complete mutan- [Inn of health and mmly vigor. Addrau an nlmwa. N B No risk is incurred. u [mu OI nemm and mmly vlgor. Aqdra NE riskb incurred. thirty dayb' trlnl in Allowed for It. Mm. Lnugtry bu been agroeably dis- uppoxnud; she thought. In someth- lug umbla to be "inborviowod." Wait. uum she strikes Toronto and she will wmh she had taken the I o b: homo. 'nm {hunt-rum! nLr. oileld In Wmll Hue uuu tunes: but: I w u... v-. The Governmul ctr. "gowela been placed 1: the dock n Hdlhx, by order of the Depunmenb of Mull. md thenus. where she [ill rmivo the upcolmeus uf sh prepnrod by order of the Government for the International Fishery Exhlbmol tn be bold u: London nan WII'HHL liar-lord'- Acld rho-pt." mm :3 food for an exhausted bun. Ion ipnugv 45AM} numlgmnu laldod in the Uni- Lou Emma during the monh of October. against. 63,000 in Octobcr lulu you. 12,000 came (rem Grout. Britain. lH'll (mm Grwanv. and 6.0001rou Gun-d3. mltmn ' wna-n. Edi GIMP .h. owmd Nahum-u. More a... 2.000 mire-d [mien-I n... lull-d alright In! nu. uni rub-Kiri: 'Tnunn" 3nd you 'l" nd our '1 sun hcoome an purl: ; 1H Ingmar. mm the Brut!) of s. uyu. women. men sud girls. Books. Stationery .ctlou In every case or mono] remna- r'co 23 cents pct box. For n]. by bun. mg... I N. llll' M3 indent-m1 linking love w m [our hour: Ind abusing M7 'am 181. . 1... Rd dlnng h. - ~ul [Eli- ware: THUKSPAY,,.,9VEM935 a m ' 7 no bud '0" bid 1 I3. m If-rd Itullegxwmm , NMWNMCMW. ' This .4 All mn- ho awn-a UM n, [clan-me nee-m)..- out." ~- d Wilmm m "mmzumi. mm... ' on: nunnhwmammuamr' I nhbcdmmngboul. Dana-n ' .g. nod-non lor 1h. trauma. pa II The! mldmlmprwwrjbmm munbduuvu yum mum Inn-Ill. a. to to mud annual-nu a" an: aw... may-ml 1 -"Ilo. mm m Illcu l nomuu : IIIUICITYEMBLhumMudMWXW-y .11 mm ud Dale" In ltdwbo. III-bad throughout. m.- lu l- . I madam: a Em 1:] mmmmmm 01330111353 3391mm} umwmmmmm. nun ' L Quinan- mammal.- . Bmua 30 \! _-*.~_ M1 m the. dy crowd-d p. . m wagon full Ind plied-d col . dnvu burn-land. n ' VII 1' bud. lit v.1 ad :10 able. ud company II awry m . Who- gas in put- golgnuhbonhicu womme ndc. The manna-Mb..- pan-II. Indthorud wu tantalum-p up grade. when the mom wan our. Than WI. um mm mm may had in n mount :1] wu oo-hnioa. . Hupd up '1- . pile were woman. but- hlo' rohu. cushion. shnwln. boon. uni ; other uniclu. Tho still night nix m unit with ho aria of the injured. The path-n of the prey camped with. H] uric ruju . and tuned mu u- hionl w the r. is! of thc Min. long 0! ow won "aring inow. Dr. Moo-um, who wu present. mud. :- Humiliation o! thou, Andi-f. ha y. thu Iona Ind broken limbo. iu Chrk. litter of C. H. Cluk. Bay of n-Enh Inn-I n- tho nut. urionuly Don't you target Itthsl nu {9431an In lchlng pun n: the hollow of your back a: go to your drug)" Ind get. Dr. Van Bu. unn Kidney (June. It ml] remove the trouble in n few dmen. It. 19 never till u man m ready by go to a reception thut he becomes acquainted with the meluncnoly lucl. that. all hm cus Ind collars have got edges on I.th like croucut nwn. .. of C. H. Cluk. Bay 0! Quinta Hotel. win the nut. uriouly hm. 85. M to be oonvoyod to I fnondl homo. whore hm Dr. lac:- nol puv be: ad reported that m had 3 braiud limb le some intend Inju- riu. No m rosuIM are uuticipomd. Tho obhr lumen were' A ItVe" out on a Myu two. a bruised shoulder all bent n11 | unped arm for unotyhr. The Announcement. of the accident. pm- codcd the put to tho church, which was half n mil. iltant,nnd don-n were met on the vuy to bhe spot. The wag Fm was righbod. the wounded nmd u and dmen I) the church. Far I: an lhn udlua W'le COUVEFLBJ ' . r -<...-- If you nra desirous h) nbuin Immediate reh'nf from any kilnry trouble. nud thus prevent the fatal manila mal alwtyl nt- vend the neglect u! those diutrswing oom- pluntn (And whorloea not I why his Dr. Vnn Bunmn Kidney (urn IV. once It in Mfe. anmpla and e'eouml M. Veriv well known nrx- the virtual of the. Cingn. use Hair Rounwer, m restoring grey hnir to its natural oolnr and then prevent,- ing it from turning grey aver Albany-rd. Bold It 50 oentu bv all drums", {u church. For I tune the edice who u.- honpiwl, The dsmnge to the wnggon WM 2:. broken npnug and. twisted n19. ()nohdv hinted an. the time 01 the time of the accidentand Icar- Iv all suorod from nervonn shocks. Th. Multlenl militawd against the succeu oi the cnmuimueut. the chair being unable, by Injuries to n'vcrtl seven] members. to mug with n.- mcusnomod power. Capt. Crawford oered apologists m. the meeting and ' asked the pubm to overlook any detach! as they an: a "brukru np' organizanou. Had Lhu wuwuu Luruod culirely over . c-97 Tszun 50(1an of munumplmu and many Iva-ting (arms of Glsezue H nr-rofuln lurking in the nyswm. '1 1m true upon-mo for this condition in found :1: Burdock Blood Diners. That. medicine puries tho blood Ind builds up the eufenblad frame James Roddenl they "Drum-u up ("gunman-u. Had Lhu wngyuu mawnd at on Manda iamlmes mngbt have lupponed. The return trip was made qmotly. WM: :11 IILLle EXCILBmenL M. the nllway cxuaimg at Collmsby. The city In reached M. 1.3;) 11.). W Mr. J. W. Guppy, nt Newbury, has used Burdock Blood Bitters m hm family with With good diachand says mat Rev. J. R. Sun-Ll: has used It. and speaks of It In high terms of pram) It. Is the gran: blood purl- !yiug tonic that. acts upon the bowels. yho liver. the kiduevn. the-Allin and the blood. Dzluwnuxr ol the liver ml]: (mumps- tiou, m)ura the complexion. mlucu pimpl-a allow 3km, em. Remove the muse bv mine Cuneru Little LIVOI Pull Out n. dole. vmelurnn. the unly remedy that has proved use" a upecio for unneml dahnllty. semi nsl weakness. imputeucy, ow . and all dileasee thut 5mm from well abuse or over- muod brain. nally ending in ouuaumption Insanity and a premature grave. Sold by all drugqnsm. or Will be soul. free on receipt of ,1 or box or six hon. for 35 Addres- F J 'hmmr Tnlmln (Hun Iu|lu mum hu- o! In box ban. [or $5. Addres- F. Jghuuey. Tulmlo, ()lno,wh- Agent for the Tuned States. hcud {or circular Ind testimonials 01 genuine cures. JACOB nno'mxus Buffalo. N. Y.. any! '40 has been ulmg Dr. Thomn Electno Oil for rheumnmm .hn Ind such 3 lun- back ha could not do anything but. one bottle bus. to use his owu expresniou, cured him up." He thinks It Is Lbe best thing In the mukot. Thousaudsvmr mtuoas to the positive curative povven of the Gnu-r mum Ix- the nnly remedy that has proved umcio unnernl dabnlltv. KIND Wonm can never dlo. and them are none but kind words spukan regarding ngynrdn Yellow 0i), that mid reliable remedy for eunrual and lute-ma] use. 1! cures rheumatism \lkafht'. croup, sore throat. and ill sorenanu and wounds 0! the ank A Kentuckinu sleeps so soundly thu several occasions of In: the rats havo made I. feat 08 his toes without dia- turbing his dremxm. He in looking for a nitnutmu as private Watchman, Kingston. 00!. Illh. Saul: Ute Mme wrap-a "l'wo or turn of my friends and myself ware rucnmmend- 0d tu try Northrop a Lymnn'a Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil of Hypnphosphites of L n-....'=.;..-.:v9wm mlnmmnud o! Cod Inter (HI 0! Hypnp {on thnn'fe'syiur'TM " _7 .4..- v A I D ACCIDII'I'. 7. 0- I -...~....,-mul'l- I ' " :an 'VIm II..- TM 9- =5 Wrath-nod. urnme run a." truism. PA-slump. I l j EIIIIGIILIIEITS. :5 [had I m m n-n-bl Land Agent. Two threo n. vunnvuvnnnl. Vpllophltes ol . w u u. can. '- .._. -_- 1m :Ipnou. ' " 1ng d: (Ildlma sac-wade. M tho dochiwolummh- Wag-In i- th mm cl undid L. wall odculnwl to no". Wain. o! Curlylo we In ill a h .- In-d ol tho living. | u. mum: at curly ill. Iivin. In. mi. 0 Hum l II .0 hi! via? Tb Duh at uni a. who Incl, nu cl to pay hn ulna? upon... I: cab in; nix w |' MI. with I put 0! {fiends Thy mamas OI Huck p... as my ad 150 mien. Lilo imnm nannies the! . ad 150 nnou. Lilo that am In Ohio. the [Emu-ll. couluDOl 0! hp: boo: nd mm quuon. Lhe auth- uo 16 in 1.111) unuallymhile In Clank. whom shy uh whisk night um. mid. d'x. II ho sum 0! Kentucky. TM lllinmn and ludiut. whore in. whiskey than her in and. the nu in 11 in 1.000. This Ipuu ho chin: lid. for no bum: giving proponiu o! L..- Factoring Gray [law In I Yalilv and rm While Ton King In laying Rioh "6 III." in Loni-ville u: week.ud vu M' nut meal. protest-tic:- ollon to y Ann. .ud tlu homo wu verygum. nd u ho ukod bar to kill lai- ' Ibo did not. behave ho had mu- du'ld Bury VI. mm. of [us dcvotion to hot. somebody in the null." ahonbd in I mull tone: Kill him. oh. kill lull l" M broke tho tmgodial I up. A -|-An-r m an. nlm ulnnnl. A duper It Ibka tho "scum- ul up. A duper II on. who sleep. duper in that in which ho ale-per Ileopl. A ulaepor in that. on which the Ihepor which curios the sleeper while he u'eopl rum. Thornton. while tlw deeper sloepa in the uleopor the sloepor carries the despot over the sloop under the slap at until the nloeper which carries the L aleopor jumps OK the deeper and Wuhan " the nlccr' " the deeper by ulnhmg the sleepy under IL" ulceper. and there I: no sleeper Ju she sleepnr on the skew-r. 3M AYERS HAIR HOOK! mun, -uwu n- -7. MO. KACK'IJIAGNETIC MEDXFINE II sold by Oman: n so an. per box. or 6 buer 10: $2.50. or v unwed (no of ponuzemu recalpl of tho non. by man-:an HACKS MAG ETIC MEDICINE 00.. Windsur (NIL. 03. 801 In nnpwn bv W. JV WILSU Manny md nll Druyuat- avorvwlmm. Aug. . up IE I Extraordinary Scull-Annull Drawing A! Now ()rlunm. 'll'l-JHILH. "member 1501):, 'HI. I Join P Brown. irupun-d ucou \nnilh hooohu Huck! (Hm. Nlhu 1 unn- Qh.l UIPIEBEDEITED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A 511351; DISTRIBUTED. Louisim State Lottery Company. lnpnmr-mll m man I...- mnni of III. '2 Bean curd, LIL. and can. lit 1. Early, ol I-I'I -. u-riy, ll II. CAPITAL PRIZE $l00.000. imn'ioulnru In our puuv I we desire to man] {no lo [Dyld / lommlslloners. g. m t 1 AMWWMuhQ am. :8! Mu-mm u. alumnuMmdmumlu fut-mono... no. mum-n am. aim. MWdlullmWo 1m, gumtoummnm. .4 lino. Euler. And A. I. buy the but FLOUR direct ' ham the mm". II In a nod to can out I Choicc Am'da In BREA . LAKE! & PABTBY. We no am It the old lund Wellinon IL I Elf I'C on u n no. . can: Oran-:1 pluplu nan-II. N I, can 3nd m. nan. nail: an? vahhll ol -duln akin Harden. an Inn plum .Iu oil-in for haunt Ml, mud :23 um be. Bu vbono" I! mono-lg}! u SULPHOLIEE Ll4 lm-for no'ud x be balm." 1m nodal! on. it d 1" Lb. untouqu VIII ecu: moo- unusually, maul. plm slut a- LIInyI producu . along 99.11le 099}- Sch. It duh unnum- with]: Innuhll . pun cum-r iyl prodIICZI alou, ind tan-Curd eon L don of um- um. I M ' O- hltlt' 7 no Chonm Bot . b. 011.. In. .5! . P'PPEI.(.0.. Imam. In. ' V:. In. this npponumn to nnuty mu 0M (tn-soma- Ind the public xenon that yo bun murod A FInLclm'Brud III CAL. AI External Ion-I 0| Cit... all. Blue-non. PEPPERR QUININI AND mom TOXIC ruum um dovolopol nu nun-Vou- Qua-Id eumhu the blood. pm Amen". Imzuor sud down-01:, tom liq _ v0 Tumm- pm 4p nu. Imauor Ionian-who m or an. n iIleecic remodytuuunxmw m unuouJovm-n ol .1muu51._M M I I mamas). w" l remodyhnuu w mania M | uni lu wutiua MM umtulou tsunami-n. I ac. Tho whole hum In (only {law b, um nnurw throughout Hw Hunnumu. Ind Hwy fool Juntmud nu tung that Ivor} mm should try fur [hum-whoa 1h:- Iuponnr oxoellcuoe n! their Chocolate mnufwturu. whmh In eunnmrned an below I... n u... Ll I whole hum u Tau In I Poppa- Iouw, um menu MuYtMWuz l we nonnmmon [may Itnnhanu And I I.- turn to rebut hum: nun. Benin. Idea I M. Sold by chomim -..... ..1 J van." nodrmd bum. OCEYER'E SULPHUR Hun unulunnn II the but for motor! y bur to In lot mot colour. H produce-Ivorian Dunn] dud: mud in aha-Nut.er bumhal. Bewmmondod hl dmng Icurl cud encoungtng growth or! no! bur. YORMAN'S ELEfTRH. BELTS II'B lIl' tuned to be u good And powerful :- n- preunlld. The Immodlmalg roll." And we! unnomly cure uvoul Dom 't , knmmnflm. Nounlgla, Lame Bach. Fun] I I. lnd all Liver I And Chen! (0mpllntl. (Hm "I Ind consul "on free LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HALE REBTORER. Never hill '1: mum? on color deI, Il'l) a restoring Ind mnlnmln ng thn lch hu been IML No 0th.! m1: anui u would. Largo bonlol. 1-. od Sold by chem Its. h-lrdruunwd permanent in London. l_lld thruuhoul. ' u, NORMANB ELECTRIC BELT INSTITUTIUNI (4 QUEEN STREET EAST, TORONTO.) Bumbllshed - - - I874. ____.qn )IPPIB'H (.101le AXD [ION ' , omugmona mo nmoq: unit 9. )IPPIB'H UK nervous a n. unprovo- mmwn. 11319.9. 21 ml 0! atlorGGM'uw-r Inu uy-yup-m, :10le b mu: 11230! recon: u: be on! m 1 a "mun '1 In VJ. Borkxilzudou. pluan Pml [or mldonll nbrood Ind Punk. dean-I 01 on; I. II! pan at II. world. either D m or I. ll vary Mum l'IIeI can to DIN by '00... a Ill-Icy. Incl-l IW M. (or III"..- and II: are Noni We. 31 uman u 0 I'm huh ). For {obi It. Is m 1! [ml chm-MI m- tom: In "nun-No bound u} pin-bl!!!" oI-lpbo no lath... lid "on A no! p... can] 7-D ' nun-"Wham an)! London 7mm m tmr Pom. D. IIILLY. rouml & IIAILII. Age-II. III-ICO- (locum-In hm than My dull-1 nu mum,auuu WWII-u M]. a... u... '0'" Ciel-In. all, _______ _n_ , WM Ludo-don, l Glasgow. u -u v, n. ___V _ Livorpool And Quota-w: ~--ad .11 aka Mal Wop but "lulu lb. Conn-00L and r Mu! mum! park. You (I I Ind . up [y n Com ny'n () on, No. 4, Bow mg teen. New VERNON [1. BMWN .1 ()0. J luch. Wu. out. ml..- nnd Pam Prawn mm b h nan u u la. nm on um I,- can. ' HOIAII H8100l, .. , Ann. I I luv Pund- . . . . . . . . .. .-. . .IWJIXLM bvmuin()-nda..f..... I Thh ban. of. Bcu Immune. Com- [Mamas comm I] Livinpoou Luna and Glob. FIRE and: I {I'm Pun_ots_ Icon (Eaton 1| WITH lWhitasquimsmnda ac IIL-I-I- Radar-rd hr AIQ MfIe-I GEO. PE 1.)] A E R . mg..- l-- nn.- -__- 5ud m. I any diam Iupp|y I rut-rov- rmwl nu lav-ml Aumw. 00mm! Der-clay, Lou h- or, Want 0/ Entrgy, Lawn-d A'pcli. ru- .aud lb. mnny diam. due to mound! Ium-Iv ol I'mwl for oak and Dellrnle Wollo- nnd Children. I" (_1|'h["'r'~\ " 'r 4.1- L 0' BURDOCK BLOOD BXT'IERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Pc'naraiu 81. . .,. u U, 111 me unpunllcs and lnul hum-4 m the .ccrrlirms; m VIM mun- lult' Correct; Acidity othe Stomach. mung H . ousnew, 7) upr-pm. lies. ..1ches. IZ- zincas. hrcagthug. C(znstipagon. Dryness o t 19 in. v. im- ness of Vision.JaunmcoFEanthum. Eryni ems. Scrofula. Fluttermg of the cart. Nonmumosn and (lateral Debuit']; ..H [hr-h- .. ul In w; I 1. x 511. 'l[(1IVhl'i'v'w\ v..- L r 'vn- l W. " H" "" 1' IL 1m than Junk M "I ivz'ui'o i636." THE KEY TO HEALTH. puni- dohu] Basin-u " Gnu-(la. 533}st m. 1...... mum] Deluth Lou m w__ ,7 7.0- PIBIC lo. 4.. I.l.. Eli" vonu Emulsion\ u. KIN. Mark Hqunu July ls). I IOIImll 1:304 nch m. All Dmrlpono of coal Ir .mm on. ADI] It".- at any... WWI-lo. "on... f "cal toan Mun um um 12" 5'00AL DEPOT; low-Inna '1'. manuf'rumnf. .7- ?! com . MPH "acacia u bag! :17: none. Ind u c Iona nun. am PM SHOP nun- --_.. elimi- nun: u-Mu m mum Ind $66.50, moo-nun. lo vdulnuu u lulmmodhu Illh hrl} l1 rm] u 'V. 'Ul "vv The Largest. Ola-upon and mu mock Rm. Hallway 6 Dustin Paper OF LONDON, ENGLAND. -Iu-FW._.u_..-._ g MumLm ; 1 I. mom. Inn-d nun Tom-w Humane! nldnuwolnu "Hum: m Lhc Dmnlnkon. . un-nl- stun-mo] m m Hm nu nnd oounln an the moon nun-"... (lan oounlry nun-10M. term: \mlm _. EIM In. a Huck mar "no .1..." hail-gl- lm mu Ilsh nu V Superior {garglgn Article Undpulln. (odd to In m In humm- [up an" on hm o In mural". ul auuuncl COIIA N I. --- LI'I IIIUIAICI |l IANADA. lumwnuuyu bud s In" m4 an-d noun-uni a! mum. n___hu, .. . . 6 Insurance 00- 1' "I'M mu Clo-l. 01 III. I unnoo now in Moll] lb. MIDI ll II+JBI balm: cm W d W t! unto. Ann-nu It 13 Thu; Cum- w... .. Could-nun .. low-Cad hlu , Orunln [Avg _llupu._ Idem Ila. nn. Onuno lulu. _ . . w. Amluon o! (hauls , (mm-nut. Rune!) ...... .. ll -n. Ann-(Mn Cublul I'll-Inland Undo-Halter, Ibo-l ouny othnr Cumpwy, u Nomi-had mad at on you". April JAHIM H Winter Arrangements Cub Gum-I, ...................... .. , Total Luau. January m, mu Locu- mm In on wan ll tho [Mln 7|." Iulurnnau (mnpuny 4 Contlgenl. A l_u jll-IIIII I'numnm we Lina. Ill pud yuu Weswrn Assuranca Gumpan3| Insurance Comv PAPER IIIMIIIBS. 'uwunoz vamp. x m m 'm M I run than In '---lll Fire and Life Alllllllra' (1 r; Eng-gum: Hump! ._ _. . .> A NJIIUllll lo-aw" minnow. it. Continent. Ila Annunl Huron-n 03th um! nu United hula- am In": an And It hn an n [Tum-mad! n hr" 1 0'07"]!th found. OM. -:-smn All Viki? .932 5552.341. HY. BRAME, FIRE AND MARINE. TORONTO annulus WEI". K IN1 ll m one and Ron-m." [1' CENTRAL CANADA WIM- nu. - r w. o. ooiabli. uni nun. , .1._-|.-._ ,_A A__,, .,._ uun Juana." ": rum-fay [ens In W mm" w... 0F HARTFORD, CON N. W ROBINSON a HUN, .. M'un Pumo um o ETN A H l NJ'l'. "NT In "In. 4 (Huang, Wihrlll' MIUID To LIVERPOOL DIRECT. licmnuu cocoa I'm-l LII-"v.1 V' uln it not. And our] Inrrmunlou App: v U Pmunn m HAN! wv 9 ,mnnhu cums. , Ll-LIA... . . [lum- lo hondund-ny n alumni ( RATES OF PASSAGE. .--rlwll 1 IULUEN a HA PW can, Fury Wlurl, Emu-non lav I coon Nlhu. noon Shall- lou's L'hxwolna. Canons (hooolnm Dunmnul (Yhooolnlr. Bro-Hut (hncnlnhu Frouch (mudlnu ,hocnlulr lnnlmti.m..n 1 h. .lmln : u PIIICESS STREET. HEADQUAR TEES IcAuleys Inn. You uu "w "Inn/um. 38L l 3| very low nul- 8w on mu m 01 W0 9'. FOR SA] ,F H\ Vuv- nu!--llll~ run. an an rum}. M out MI uth ' 3 um! 0mm [23 I... alum-u. iv DAILY IAl' BRO - Ontario. 1 .-~~ y Ind Lnervool. I Cnmu woo r ! Agouu Km:le Mil nzn. "395 KT ; :Illlll STHIGIIII I: SUI. _ -," IAIIHIE'IIII. JILL! 11ml Lumen! on} 00.. u no I)... am so Imui'lnl.i I wamurhf' . .___ _.__A Tam-c nnd Sung at All hm dun bud. :rbm | ! twno- Inch-t lu- Mc'd And mama-rd am." unyauboumvolhpm . J '. m- un.- Man A 'ifIAr-Au'. and . mu a. m mm" mung-m1 snub-I not of lab.- toc 101cm. I. l oar ~| umbmmou unnly m n'IAMe Ind tum-1L Thu H. mum. to spank. nun,- mdy tnr uu md dial-that. vary nimble feed ' Whom i - vv -u n -- - " an. gm. annulm' 33.00 :0 ,,._ ...n_. lm- (hunh (Tun ll (1 5.! Wu- - .v-v. "d, uOIhnh (Turn 1.: L. M by. 1.10% a ca. Iulud: u m d W Don-III." m- H. W. "0380!. Wolland, )n. _,._..-.._ , ' TL mums u ,:rn\uu nlmln luhlmll n l..-lr \Iv- lunn Id Huh-1v ad hum-mm! H" InuHh I'm-H1010" hv the '13:. [I19 gym _ r v v~ r~ 7~ ,-.'w 3011;, u [uuuou w unyul occurrence mm I Whom Lluum m r r .le It rehmed the pun 91mm: "mud:- Il Idem-W _ on m un-mr yum" End. ,4 m {mu dyme would u m Il'll. an m (nova am:- I ,5 Dr, mph ",4 pm L mm d mmphtely heAIe-f. ot Inge In mm: mm} Blow D-pox. Shnlq- 0! ll] Mud: u fur fresh round: I 1 l ? ' . I w m . I 4 " -~-..-o rm. W almhmm . t In: expmemofthoo-nda bu shown ...,A L, , . .. _ llznl the nnmmh liv-r uni bottl- n1 h .a.___ M..._ L- , EBnge of Time '1 E N TS IIrll IN Blood corn-cl jdl-onlou I II.- .Ivev. II.nnch.l(ld n. and law rla. 'lhry IIVIIOIIII and Ila-luv hm mvuaonnon, mKELVEI' I BIRCH. Menu. Klugalou. III in. 'IIIE STEAMIIR HERQD ._ shun-l W Wmao' sud Door Puma. ; v 111'" I"!!! Cu-.3IIJ an luv-Innue- I" complaint.- I. Frau-lo- o rim and Ointmem. a . r 7, r r 7 V v . . _..v- d."wa to! Pun: u my [now uh; .I In Chum r Um: on Mad. 3:35 1 uc Im' l rnllhd l . mud; I _ hula-50. f exponeneo of thou-and- . 1L1: Lhe nmmuh. lint uni howd- uy h top III | Madly Ind, inn4h Quack: billion-:qu cl and. vi."- Irnmcui 1w 0.2.3; I - r. '1 Jon An " ' inrm. Arum W 'wil M l""',.' .Wuw wk abyme no than at Gum. mhliyunalnhdu um a nub-u nuno-d kim ll ; Pun Kunll. Bualo. up. 1 WM ; bully bmon bv - hone | to: thy mo, And f '0 Induced by - Mona who vitae-nod the occixrrenct us It) Dr Thomu Elann'e 1|.l h --!m.l uh. mm nlmml .mmtlL A Ilcmgnu 00 uu . .. domains. nod 01' Lb. M cluIi-udmrw 30 III a. nub Iny no 0!. k; uxhuudndguuddhnbau Ion Ail-{ownin 2-00. It h 1' ,__L I.-- .g- Mr m - ' .IAIIIRIEFIEIJ) MILLS. TIIO I IS 30 I lllmrmuns a mm m cam MIALI_- A-_.-.. _ 7 F .1 Cheney 3 Co propnmr 8311'- Clmrrh Cureoor .100 ruwud to: n use uhmcurh lh-t an be anrod vi Hallatinarrh Cum Sold by J. 6 King \ I Nl-m u-- v . _ _ ., il-townin in. 091' dent um J. Burr Plumb In ant muted Hun. Th cum ride! M to huh- m........... a. a. uh um who Pub-mam u no only - ou awfully rid. mom a exupl. Sir John. A. Illinoil won- an" a hop: Anna-phi... ridd mold hde 0:1 III In!!! mm: a. no I New; ! w , I_L_ A; sump I qmtbdrdmcltlhmdo iteootbu'unmutdeOh cub. Honesty u the but polici. A Pannnvlvuu work. an the cud polio . A Pennsylvuu yropho 30,- 91 Ibo world set-ally bow: In your. out tbs is will Ink. shoal 48 you: yet to Innd up mo Main... on an. 1 Ilrcnlu'n AIIILA 5.1.. -'lbo bun-Ive In the world {or cuu. bruises. lore: ulcerl, nah rheum {ML-runes. utter. chl Bed , hwds. cmlblum. 00mg, And I" kin of 1 skin erupuol. and positively our-I Pilu. {Thu aglvf n gun-Inked to [I'VQ poriocl ; Induction in cauor "(und- uO'J Prev Mr bv All '5. m VII-vul- wem klllod "Right 1| v mm 1.230 were map? In. th- m Al I I... 010!- nbou 1.") mpplou I-l lor we rm .1 a at. NIP?- A van-m... elm-In. ll lor we run a nu "pl-I- A ,Vermou clan-In. M, prowbod a unu- qninn the pm: utyle u! comb u Inhulthy. Ind 0 Int. sky the dawn Ind him all for kuowi won-ch. ~ A-l\ a.1.nmrhnuhhhund cont will mus-v comm A) iolumrbuahhhuud on u post in the bum ynd. and sing came I MOO bull ad and. I din u the mar. Thou In 3 brain: nucll. II.n nnnmhum (in-d Tm-k d 1 'v rm u unwy whnt mny booled per- 1 It?! Loullh. Eummauon will disoovor I nan- JUNL'I. damage or luau! dunno. the ' rr-hxxlx of Ilewditnry 1m ulsel. upocmlwnnr '51le v-nr [MFIOIH h: in or lunch 0! i xlwnmm (hn IPfl M which no lilde J {aha-.9 pannei away Nature in these Impaired constitutions require: help all through life. 3nd 'uuul'a Plosnn'n AND ('uJun vupplio- the form of energy waned mbr'v; ~nch autems M a higher plum u! \mnr udmamzmu function-l to MW; nuch [plum \lgnr I ncunh. \ arch. The connohduod Grad ad the Great Western :- considered in England to Dawn HMXXMIX) man than the two conpcuiu noting u r|vulu. A Newport you": drivu no homo! amen" In I 1 curb. Poverty has it. advantages. A man any may be born an mm, but. he can't. show it. unless he Inns money. \\ I. n Newburu man MW! huh Newburg Mm mysteriouuly his mfo undo Hound among the neighbors to Ind out. whose wits m nnncmunwl for. A woman has a Cll'lunlt) about such mutton. An onuuuv pnmngar min on our mam-trunk lines, continua 0! engine, pond. bum-sue mu. pouul cu. smoking (:ul'. mu puunger or: wd I.th nleepers, 13 worth about. $85110. An [own ednor ndvoruud liver Wis to the scum. of 0280, and wok it all nut. m punlu. Then he was mad been-o hm hired gul Wuuldn't Lulu twentyaighb of them Mr two nonhu rum. Dm-iA-n' Arthur don the no of kin Mlllmm w! hottlen of Dr. Kings New lH-ooven for oonaumphon, oonghl And oohh. blvc been givau may and banks n! 1hr large size. This enormous ouclny would be disnssroun to the proprietors. we" it not fnr the rare auric- uy chm wonderful medicine. Cull n J. (Sm ng a drug on and got: m.) bonle {rm and 1" for yourself mu was and noncomth WI r010": prune Bitten. Sold I ftv cents a. bottle. by J, 000, King. nolml nerucu. Presidoun Arthur do the non ouiul business bowie" 12 this o'clock m the murumg, when than is nobody urnuud m bother. Bcing Pruidont 1| somenbmg like being um not. In New York recently. 25 young men somenmng like Deng ouwx. In New York recently, young were mun intruohlom an pinched and beleuuic plumbing. They ought. to thorough}; understand linking love to n punk [or chn'glng luhtk and min .nn- a.