"' "' "" .1; :....' "1:7. "17.3mm {.5 d W Ia lulu Coleman. d Inc- " _0 I u. . g . coda Lad Show a medout i if? ' " u b " b 1" ammdhw- 3' Wu. who > Ty. Chin-a usury snuful In manly. My .0! Shale: 1min ; Mr. Alan. lot In: uppthy. Hi- n- - mtg-a... r 2,." m wlwbntyudi-hitymwm, (h. mm tho ammumumm~' gunman-V ThMqufdianL g h- ulk-i ,89- '5'- hdnl; 32.1.me non-mm: tglr.DmtnBoloMan-~iio::.d:ubd mm: a... bjdgmtbuwhm ' " .w W: uni-vulca- Fm- out. in no 2" :lun'n',mmm.;w ..",,. ' autumn-no meiedmthmomhl'dnmd. muonm-mm-mz mmme. A- I. _. .1 LL- Amt-mini -\,,, .._, , ,A,_Aa_;~_L, .;_. -LA calsnsa 13a nnmsn rou'xnu. " 1-1.1). ID.-W-.D. nuns-u. hold-r. in bag n muo- uni-u It. I Unb- lohnph Coup-y nu] Dimmn Io nnvanl th- nvnnt at II. I. unn- unnp- 00-, Id Directors w provenl a. yuan at Ila dividend jun deal-radon 39,000.01 Illa-ad Him] ock St. Scholuman, Dec. H. A mun umed John (rug. 0: Inketiold. hu linn himncl! up Voluntarily accusing iii: no]! of having nhnl 'xllp- John Arm strong. It Ippunrn LIJiCHUlLOkl A young id. The Inner After bmng aim! to in {or n time fdll w love With other young mnnmho. in return, did all III his powor 1.0 injure the [int lovux Craig ruched u take his reg-age. A {cw day. no he met Hus Knish-cw n rovulvn iron his pocket. no i disclnrged it upon hoi. The shot llllvnhl 11- murk. and not Arm-' strong. ngod 11 yous. In the chest. who husband to In an man in. The IHOI. lg. 1" In" Cher". 'DO happen to b. an paces any. The tritl o! Cram will uh pllca next Jam:- 21 ' w "w lull aocu um up: nook. W. Pm. Doc. IllItinan um Gmdin well. in For. County. which M nob Idlltm in no oil who}. in doolmin'. n .ule "mu-u. New York. Doc. 15.Huln I Kennedy, of Maine. yummy qmd t. row 3 am mil. use with n tan (or 02.60) I aid. out. the tint. at Jun .Il TL. nlnn in Int m h- Ind, Izmuu no. out the uni. OI Jl I am. Thu plus in yet to he nd. A nan-nu- n. '- A. III-ll ul tuna. BoyI yesterday noie I km! 01 hero-nu. from the from o! t groouvv hood it in the midJlo of Wuor mt. rod 5 hole in M). up. inunod I light! {use and Id. A loudoxpluiOI ennui. Edward Manley. pmilg by. wu furfully bur-ed. Many window. won shuttered. Tho whoio um. for I while In 5 shout at an-n nd the building: were in danger. um he. deateu e lebor d M twelve boon. e eeulenent e! the dial .0 an Reyel Collage. Tue \ Ill. etude-h will min the hep-rune edeee'ae seey be" new In. um Hm. women suede-u ere to remeln :- belerr vieheeeeeemu ooeree. Sammy m d. k yd tube etude-u. end once bore the Cellee ie not only In iumu hon ood of ite ending but restored to the. Wile-hone Wading which he- lmeu ' eel oely e smug but an honor to u The '00., do ere enlerere, since an order to make nelwn luroeelnle .II eroued mey have ukau upon hclnwlvru edoable I o! lectureu. Virtually l0le - iluwebolleeloliolune. Thmnvnm-q one only e beevy etnin upon the men telemluruee. but make nermu; nuroml upon their tune. 'blcb. Lo medn-nl mm. In ulueble. However. ll '3! the 'Vc-J. poeeible eel-lion. end they yielded mth gnu to be Intestneu The lrufe-uon ' were lauded. when they upsuw 1:1. College. (or their liborullty un-l [luhn lhroyhy. but in they have pen! var) Jun ; ly for sh. experiment they are now ; dubnoun u to the mine I-l m- (:rcllxl. conferred. I l..n,,, .__ I run: IUL.u al-. Chiugo, Dw. 111-411). loan: 0! young Cormth. iu Hm Bunrl of Trade upwulltxoun. nra anuulv-d ms high II (11000. It ll thought thut the II lgsmsb him for ohtumug money undor lulu prctem-es Will be neulod . nu Ann... .-ll\'_. .wvnu A BALTIMORE $2831 ION. Baltlmure. Dt-C. 1.3. -r\ ICHIIIIOI Wu created In HUCIMLV rmles by Ernmlt Wllliuns. l a m of the lresnlent. of the State Senate. marrymg uumnalhll (MIL ors Will and nu:ng 1:; mt rllld. Idoed of trust bv winch he conveyed to his father A. law propuny in countderution ohn annuity of 51mm. The propurty :. In]- .1! .o I: flu-:1 l:.-....nh'.I.m h-v nammnre. UN). 1.. -r\ Icnnuol wu n lresnlem. numnal hll trust. in in v:ll.-d at, HILL). lirnault'nllt her to break up the engagement. cumpoled In: 301! to llmnzfcl hm pmpnuy to him and then sent him to Europe 310w days before the day xed for the wedding il June last. Ernault. returned a loath ago and mnrnel hm fin/Ire: wnthln 24 hours. we drop zen. Mr Pdruull'n reason for disposing of his slime ia ta give me pomp-ta a chnce OI acquiring il proprmmx'y Ulla Lo Ibo)! holdmgs unthr the puchulla ames of tho Llnd Act according Lu me rst Land League Confelcuce 01 law. u - l-uall- n-unu nun-u- Colloyvillo. Kn, Dec. 16.-~Thoro In grozn "Bering maqu thoUhoroku Indiana in tber territory. on ucount 0! null pox. In one lumny live Ionian; ban dmdA Tho Territorial Uovon-onl bu. nppmprhtsd $2,000 to secure n- hndslts for the melt. no we met. 031m", Dec. 16 ~ The prisoner: heard muss abortly before the execution. They refused to puruke of lu'ukfut. They amended the sc-Lulrl erh a rm atop. Caseywlm uLLcred a. most: It tho rst sight. of the gallows. mourned the atop: two at a time. Before the drop fall Myles Joyce spoke in lrilh as follows: "l mu gum: before (iod. l was nob mere u all Lilli had my: a. blml or part, II In. Lord forgave them Elna "Vera again ,L rm. lle UuDLluUOd to reiterate hm lnuncemo Lutho end. The drop [all at 8.25 o'clork. mmulmneously [or all three. Myles slruggloll slightly. there being. some Incl: uth the rope. Hrs spam. :lalm-rml \Vth extraordiuv ary Vehemenca. was all pemhug when the (lrbp {clll u. D.r....ll..~-..n.\n I-II [Hang-urn n1 Dublin. l)ec.lh.-At the Uonnsughhl Almzes Knhumtlu was convncted of grievoualy wuuudmg I bulll and un- Lencod to penal bervntndo [or life. Hip gmu Isa founJ gullny uf purnicxputioa in the mur-ler of the lluyjdys. zmd na- tencod to be hunng uuL umunh. The jury deliberated nu hour. Justice U'Brieu exprensed Lluu opinion Lhat Hig- gins wan the 10431:, gang of the Lhreu persons concerned In the mwer. Mu- wood. the exeeuuouur. has arrived (11 mule to Unlwavxacurml by nme delec- hives. Ah the LuusLor Asmzen toidty John and PnLrick L'n'rul convicted of killings: {armu' uuuml Hickey. wore nenwuced w ten and twenty yurs. The nrimp nus uurnrmn. Lard Derby's 1.4x! hm-lurationExo- cutiqu u Uulmu rl'lvudiug lu- nnrom-o m the La. onme was agrarian. London, Dec. ll ~l.onl Derby in his speech at. Mnucllustur balll that. ll some nxllions were spent nu promonug en- grnliou lrom lrclnml it would be a. protable expenditure. In a few yours, denpxbe the Land Act. the small haunts w11lbejusnu dtpeudont as over on the forbeamnce of the landlords. Thus lle old dlicnlsiea would recur. He thought the Government. should refuse $0 Intel: for the hour to the claim for Irish n8- tlonlity u: whatcvordiagmse presented. An Irish Pulmth would lend to soparntion as certunly as two and two make four. n..1-- hm. Ill ,, Dan-1A. 1mm. Muhn mue tour. Gaiway, Dec. laxPatrick Joyce. Myles Joyce Ind Patrick Cmaey, convictd of participating ll Lheiuurder oi LbuJoyco (Lindy. were lunged here this morning. The prison wu heavily guarded. Tho prisoner M} lt'N yimwsteii his inndconco so the last. (Ilu- IAn li'i TL; '~;nn-A- u - I-Iu nun-w" \ .. v~--.V........ mun-tran (minus. [I goat. Mon; m won-1y for u uuxon or um. and Mn u Io-o lldehcsw or unplr'aaaub m nm nun "men. And Inn Ilium Hulqu bl. spin to name the uqu m 1 cl m: Dxiculhes of mu: clan. any he um by concuhuml. chino: hm It hardly pnyl to uh the rink. At. present a ntuJent > III and I Clnsdmn (ullouu fur a you M. lull. J thl precludes tho I granting a! women in l'. S. Collegm if shay hop. to pnctmo hero TL- _.|- -n-ulnnn- nl H. nuanl Lain All-:31chs mnm ("II-I Ann-'- I lawn-nu. latchbec. ls.~Wn.s.Wmh-u. nLLnIA-I Ln. Lnnnn mtin- again-l SURRENDER UP A ML'RDERER. 1W7, NORFOLK ELECTION CASE. 1n sum CASE. IRISH NEWS. 0 noun?! 5: II can). noon. on Hutu T Mindanao-[Cun- and] I y will AINUAL OINEML MEETING 0! m. Ila-chanson or lb. Kingston honle VII.- Iuh Con 'm b0 hold a me one. a! win- I n u! mug an: Inn" tomc- mlenn. In: DEC, A D. ms. nu p.u.. than n I! Int-odd to mom". reooluuon "gamma-am] to In Donna np.ard|r- "a" an madman b0 Ink-n lo dumb-u of. II. In oftho Conny, ,w .0 aluminum uw panhent of m doth cl thee-inn! W. E Hunt. Don. M. "Ito-Prwdanl. howmdmlymw 3-.4-0 ._|...I hunt- I ITNOJ'II'H Tolccn- on Vn-l inn-M oak "Inf Ehie'cmnml Leave Yar Orders Wm 14- www. Tho huh! Ir. Bury Calida. u- Iayc d awn-m... m mound Mm my. , 15.11.... bilinch block In Toldo Ill band this morning. Lo- Ibo-I mm A but, locally killed in Benoo. hd tun-um poll... .1 nun pk! VII-d mo. Ava-II Min Bollut. hob-d. VII bur-0d [ooh]. Four of u Oll- ulana nod-hi. 1:1? pnuu. ' be out Imu'm nlll lowor this morning. Tho Ink of land all 0 1V]. u love-t poi-i yo. mind. Tho contact for the counnciion o! uverpool Doc. 1: Cotton-Dull easier ; uplnnda 5 11m; hum 61.8. mm... A- a :6HBIbTMAS:lS:UUMING: k Tubal buqu yuan! 'm In. UAW. Th Ml In" Calida. u nu. in. Iowa-I you! you man-u. for Pulitmnt Iona It. Quebec I! be Add to Ir. Goo. lungs, Quinn. Th. (inn .1 Lonhvill. luv. Inb- Il,1.'()utu10 11mm than tho ('ollugel ml] u such small cluws of III] unu w If. woo. mango. Hun-n. The Hull Louisville luv. ub- uribod on: 0260.01) u . [um-too fondle! thGonon Expoomon Int nu. AI. uncouth! nttemp wu nude on My "on; to Dan tho High ad Cosh-:1 School buildmg u Del a- villa. nun. About fty rcut.o! tho candid.- who procaine lm-uln- nt tho moons Civil luviu cum-at.on- wooded in panning the arid. Ir. E. B. Eddv hu dimmed of hi: 'luMLIJ. The will of Am I. Bell d 00.. u Younpuwn. Ohio. nunuhcturorl ol rulro Iplkel. nuts. om. wns damaged by re I. night to the tent 010501). .A nun nnmod Lounl Provost wu killed st. the Cglulisn Pacic RR. union to- day n Ozuu. by bung run over by I locomotive. Ili- head mun out In two. Ln, in Ra-th-iph n writer of urinln work or mu revaluuumsw. Theluters sinks M Montreal has been renowed. The men ruLurued to work for one day, but. when they were asked to given wntteu pledge non no in- terfura with the omployern In ulocting workmen iu huure Lhey refund. lld ngun went out. in a bon. _.-..- on now. 91 Jun; Phi Dec; Ml Fob; moi lily. Conn. 61! yum! m [or H); 51! May; 5 Feb: 1. 2 7 Oct :534 Re] .5 uuh orbl1. 51m May: 176.31." \larth ; H.311 for In ".50 Frh; 17.37. DL-v : 17 Ill yenr. Lad40,50 Jun. 10875 May. 14-.7Ti March. elm-. Jan 364 May. panama nu 0mm. Eddy diopoood Boulh Shot. mill. formerly owned by Hon. Ju. Skud. w Allan Gum {or .KXMID. Th- nn'" nf Arm. RAIl 0,, It locomoun. rm new cu um. Louil Souhwick. I writer of urisls for 5 New York paper. In..an sui- cido It Muryuvillo. Ohm. by taking Inu- duunl. Rain in I critical condition. Ui-tv Inn-nan. I-mrn L-Illo purl! this dlnlm. no"! In CHI-113111 eonumou. Sixty persons were killed early this month by tho OXPIUIIOI o! a powder magazine at (iuuyuquil. anador. The can-troth I! believed to have bun the work of tho revoluuumsbs. Thu 1.-...." Lllkl no. nun-mu] hu- Berlin. Doc. lb.~'[he3undeanth baa denitely rejected the memo: favoring the abolition of compulsory cnil mar rie. do nu I not alm'athur perfe M. the Hoyt], 1 IL Tunonto Modlcmo. Ind l in I pnu Trlllly School. ('0 oduuuuu .......p---..| 'nnlnr- ll nul g 0 54!. nasal 5,10 tn 5,10. Oommeu L15 to 4,2! hoviuioupButtcr. Wenteru 18 to 100; -lld I M 1899230 . E '1' 20 to 24, Ohm12 to 12. Pork91.50 to 22.00. L..a_|u u. uh 1a yun. The tuners} um um place Iran: I. mom-x". mid-non. Colbomo mreat. luminy afternoon u o'clook to It. luyn Cnnenlnl Ind thence to St. luy'I Cemetery. Friends and Acquain- tunes no rupoctfully invnad to unand. Mann's-l. Dan M FlourMimi: 1700 bblu; salon 826 bbll ; [nu-tab dull; prices unchanged ; quohtioonlz Superior. {65 to 4.90 ; Extr- 4.75 m {85 ; Funcy. 0.00 no 000 ; Spnnu inn 4,70 to 4.80, Suporna 4.1.0 to 4.50; Suonl Blkn'n 5.25 to 7.00 ; Fine 3.90 to L00: mlddlinga [70 co Ro ; pollardn 3150 to use :0nt bug- 2.10 to 2,36; clty do 3.20 108.25. a. ;-~cm....o nr my... 1m m1 ns Montrnl . Onhrio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bnnque du Peuple . . . . . . Molnonl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bnnque Jacques Carmen. Merchant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quebec Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. (nmmnrm Tenn-u . . . . . . . . . . . clognh Dom. TE). 00 . . . . . . . Bloheliou . . . . . . . . . . . City Psi-anger . . ... GII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cnundn Conan Co .. Bud-s Cotton 00.. . Ontario Invostmem . SIP-all. 5nd M... N W T (n '0 3.15). Gnin~ When. U.C. white. 1,04 to 1,05 ; do 111.08 to 1.09; bpnug 1.10. Corn 85 no 87. Pm 39 to 90 for 8% lbs. out. I4 1.0850. nun. m M 7m. Lommeroe Elohlnge. 1m rinl .. It ...I mm. o l 5. Choose 62-. 6. N" York. Doc. 16,Cotmn. 10 846. WNDENSED TELMRAHS. roun.nu to 22.11. Ladma go up Bacon14 to 15. mooPots. 5.06 to 510. , -AL ,, I-fwu Ivuu-u wrm- .. - Mil damn. 0 page. hum wh It'll 00-day Ill-II than Icold be ,A _--_A__ .mz-_ .L- A-L.n- - mu u noun. Barley 60 to 700 Eve 58 to 580 many 00 to 11 3,9 n rnmnun- n A I: ICED FRUIT CAKE, [I [m Ind mor- compieu than over balm-n AESHPH FRANKLIN, __4 1-,..- x. afv. w; 6; CIVIL MARRIAGE. FOR SALE. WANTED. II. II. Tol'l}. Bun. (In. Strut ll '11-] uuy' w Inn-om uulu Tho mole uldonn of the naval 1mm boon solidly .bontod by tho ouLwlo proo- for "rebellmu." but most rI-furmu w] wild chsugel have to be Imulr 1 thrulh Inch nouns. more or In. dv- t monslrnivo. They havuunlly agrre-l to nuchchougu n a!!ch Lhmruwu uh. -A. ,x _.....I.. ....._ .-|.L..|. 0b..." Luv; - leerpool Doc. 16. r : unlnnda 1610 HKRB .197; .110; . so} .126; "171 I'M) 0 .l.m .155; ..l26 M) no 188 147 46 6 713 129; 'I'IIID 197 no; 120 170} 115 (H D 119; 16:1 170 155; 154 146 45 0 glg Qtitilh Whig. 126 181; 000 I lmucmsnm. - ' mama] ' lumen. wmuu mmmn Undo! we Amie of II. um nr.-.- " . AtlA HATER SO'Y. QUEENS COLLEGE . unuwu HALL. on nmn nvzx- m" um, mc mu. . . Co'rov Botmmod tho boil in no nuth lu- mu 1 cold ull, now ullmg A: than any... dume la! pnun: 6911.11.40: , IQum. I5: , I. cum, lb. I. MITCHELL. 7: Brock act-u. nan door to law!" a link M II, THE EHEAPBST SHIRE [l THBVGI'I'Y. A FINE iiiKETTLE; VII-w- ' I Guava-uh 0.: In IIII I n.- hAI-n-IA-u w.m-ln-I-_-nn. m W W- - I- hub-Im Vomdnm- uu-annu HUI-o"). v vb.- mu inll-nth.- m. II-l MONTREAL ] EX (7/ 11717:.0 [3135 IT; munitions-1mm madam-cu.an Mu. WomUImhm-HMMW uitwnondm. and. t! id" odor. to m conch-id cum Olin-h I.- ..m.. b..- in. m I-Mh unh- In A" law In TIME run 011mm 1| Chmtmn Cnrda, Toys. Nonme- being rmivod duly n th- on". lo we emu-mud Wm oil-'- Wlu. which bu mud to much pill. in All 1h 1..-...- nnh. m. I-h-Ih I'll. I. n manor! clues. uu Inocu- vuu II - Deude Ooldon Colond Wlu very dolled. In avor, dmlhr to an ldvoldo Who. Ind. from the an. Roe! CINV mom Ry. Willi-y. us. HAVIEQ!!!,! Human PLUWEH31 CHRISTMAS CAKES Prue. Suva-d County CM". no In uur bod vory Arc. m IL]. IN HARMONY. IvI'u- uwwv - with-ad! -__I._4I chrlotmao Novoltlu I JAMES GALLOWAY la Shownug n [.mllra Baud-om. Tug ham 0% the hour and ohupeat Xmu Go I In t o my. lrnckaxy. anoy China, Olnuw-ro. \1nlin,Cx-uoerllnn, Accordoon, 6 und 7 can! ouumeu. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS I C.ANGL|NS City Hat Store! lanTH SEA SEAL SAGQUE,| Something Vary Nice, and Oarlug 1: At A Von Low Fri :0. Mao I Splondid Anonmom IIIIDSOIE GHIISTIAS PIBEIL} S. S. Seal Sets, Persian Lamb Sets. and Astrachan Sets. a'I'TIIINJITIJ FLOUR STORE HAMS 35 BACON TORONTO FLOUR STORE. NI. MORRISON, Nov. 24. Brook Street. TOWNIO'M LII. B4 Irincnn It. out to Orsngo El Bulldngl. Dec. 15. EEHE DOV"! ! Flour. Oat Meal. Cracked Wheat. Brown Flour, Buck- wheat Flour,Prepa.red Flour X MAS GOODS ! vnnn-uu ---___V 7 , nae-use a urn-u lie-Ia in MI. Iced. and III mu- J an... PBINCEIU QTIEET. lingou 6: Pombmto To. Depot. Agent II nme for Polo. mud Vin-yum um lhll'l la-dan Smut. Try cur Cut Cre I medical Collage um Imus-- _., I. ,__ .,,__ . SW1 ET CIDER- 5 and I. CENT STORE. 333383336? >Sasusaaau Grand Display Now JoNn 8 L--- ..... n.- 1-. __.n _L___--. 1 ROCK Jo RYE 0F Til18 our. Welllnxlon Street. IImMIrag ~th Hm popnlu uplulou hall and. Thu seamen :0 than have bacn cnmnfcer am. has over. and [mm the- no. the MIAth nnm ntrnnco upon publw In! not. nrnvwl whan AHOTIK Mr J Wllm unuuul hldh rumer to ma Hull-I'd had vo mu L'hmrmln humuesn wouh pmmu. The llrows another row. Mr. N. C. P Lulu nl Ann 1' Now Ready and Fresh, JAMES GALLOWA'. XL . rum , Corner Brock a Wallingwn III. Cold-aoat: M. PARKIN. r Him: wnnunwn In :renmn. only 220, per Ab. -. Flue Honey Cram. now g Gown 0 stop M. ' "new will \ nun-mn- 'OII. (Jo-unca- SHORE LOYNEis & co. | mm \vriung. 1 1:4 411nm the In Uizulwhmu um Marquis LlauLaunui. . none erI 1 In: venumblo ,-,n ,An, ,,A! lone: A YEABI ma 501m Lion My} 'Im will buy Hill. New anoucln Ran... ~' ~ " u " law Curr-nu. vuy no. 11M New Puma. CANTON TEA HOUSE PRICE LIST. 'lll sell Pro- Iow v-m II. Ilolld-yu m0ver no Fol- Iow- x lIJUST IN TiMEI =Aud the Luzon And Moat Compute As- wrtuent ever offered in xth cny ol Tgblo Runms. Ounces. Lemons, Proton-d Giu- ger Delicioul (,voee. Temporluoe Driuh. Pickles. Sauces, Bimuna. Mnlusoea, Hyrnp. Putry Flour. Hum. noun, Butter. Chum, Buokwbul Fluur. Jnma and Jelhoe, do, Impoun- of rms!) sud Comm comm LION mocmn VI. B. lcRae & 00.. $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 aid $4.00 the m] )5 11 mg. I "51"] l lion. I well. \ The In the! wish ('uhmct. an anal: In l, Hr (Hm-l- Ye LIumutlcsxliy 53vago an! by he Na." "I thou. The ('auud blch (Ollwwu-i Inlguv. :ud lune Achn-n- the to be unwed l. nul. Na 21th- duratoml Lu) 1qu f1 a. x. J. mama] I'A Lace A mlumr-uurl. No more elegant. or accept- able 9. present can be ten- dered to a friend or re lative than a hand Guipure dlrl cumin: These lovely goods are an adornment to the drawing room, boudoir or li- brary. We sell them 31:... Chain runny nan). Lbaieo Piotr! "our. All Good. roduood Io Donna Prion. All 0! the above are npprnprule and unclul NEW YEARS GIFIS l WI} HELL N0 LIQUOBO. | Bhoul no )0 he Procudmw Lenqu chlir u u mnn n1wlog.onl the Newt, blagoz}. l WNW m y ht: l ruled o.| { Lou not. mu rum! UL. running? III 4w. \1r R. V lb Ill Radium Sun [or M. " Btight Ydlow Sun to: 01. No. Omuluod " " OI. loom Bus: {or II. " New V. Rania. to: .1. " Lnyor Ruin" tor OI. Hmong! Raisin-for Il. " New Cumnh for 91. " Lumen And Grunge Pool (or II. Citron Pool {or '1, Soft. Shell Alldl hr .1. Filboru (or '1. In New Hum:de for 01.05. Ju Mince Mm [or 800. . Tim Tomuou [or II. Tim Swat Corn {or M. Tina Green Poll for .1. Tim Gmn Applu for IL Tun Poncho: for H. H lbs. New Mnlqn Hal for Ol, 12. New lmnu [or M. 5 Boxes New Smyrnn Hg: (or O]. TibREASE_ 011318me ansni'rsi (r'ulpurc- A ntlmncusllrl. )9 Prince" lreet. [lad Inn-mm. PM: and m d ":3 math. nun hurl-g no on Invuuun null? m [ nip-nu- on dint-d ark-n- u. uncum_wd gunman I! fnil I' me ha. w. an: up. ..uuunpnu. who Im on cop! ud macaw-nth. L- oman '0. In 1 mini. nan-unu- Ioun (Anni; h _A_ 14.4.1--. _-L-A--- I usual-q .. a... In!" M m. II some set of :ho Dr. Ion rt furqu an W to w 1.1: Ir! ur- 1 ll. mlmgl \ y . Dr. r (.Irowu ux H J 'i Lhuy have A in Lb. t n I] n .-A..o: I- LATE L HAITIH. won my loan: cn-oun munnz .cnom. In... No. a u mu. m. wad. - mun rncnm . . .1 . M w I u W $.u.1':.'.."a,' "' k 50 mxm I II In I .50 ARTISIS arc-u lmm on... new... run-nu. luau. mu ONE: NIGHT ONLY J. n. umrrm cnmn [MERRYWAR Timtth 5am GABPETS! {ugh-d. I. In. W m mu- our I Inc. neck 0! tuou u mm va 1nd viola-lo m Nner berm "L. Cup- 35.. "a "I"; 3. lo 1 D :II 51" "- u-I woulan I" yuan. m Dim-ooh u clan-v? thou-t But 5 n2}? Bnmols 8. halo: Mm Down to SI." $1.25 Do.. Reduced to II. yuv vv nun; uumu. Conn: 01 Primal a Wolluupon Show, Nov ll. On. Line Ola-0d u a. Borders and Russ. BEST TAPESTRIES! Glasgow Warehouse dc Cur- pet Warerooms. I Horn-r nl Prim-n.- A Wallinntnn Strumln tram-0- M' t Pkwmnondnu'ozn: Cluh, 13c mm m au- 15: C51: Wool Carpets In for lie TASou & HAMLIN ORGAN! i::..".5...;{.3.".;t 33.1? Gun Womm'u Innrnrmu. ("M vunww mu _ m an m .'M Ilu moan l-unu m. nil-luv mud cannot the Quit! My. amour u:- (II-M IPAcIHc NUHIHWEST! Dragon, nglgpggqn dc Idaho u} will bent-d. I 7 .Mr. N. C Pollen thought hn Dr. Fee Luuk the common man vinw ol the nut- n I tar. a (Pollen) did no: bollcvo Mr. Rogers could nign Ibo minute. ilr~ I thungbt n. logical enough mu Dr Fun I almuld be sllowed to mun minutes at prmtudmgl up to Ibo time he lo-h. tlw the nothing in October. I: was My: log.cal that mother wuld uigu Hu- L. , lmlnuu. u. n. R wullmn understood at 4 THE BEST amaze DEMOMJST'S ILLUSTRATED MUN". IIH Thalnndl cf the I'nmo Norlbwul nhrw In: I yuld 0! who p" Il-na In: oh I. no um: of guy other uruun o! l I. Linn bum ".00 earn" Balm-NI I. t '0 u u ' BORDERS AND RUG S. WEE EM. WANTED. .5933?- TEE TIll. g ! ; :od nbonl iL . V g . H. I w-L-M hulmv-ng Tho ohnngon in the Brmsh Ilngnncod by cublegrnu). m -In ht" boon long nnmmpuol, uouo thaw hillsu cuL'Iull'\sL1t?:Aliy into the olocnou 01 1854! eloquence 01 his speech hucu ufi OPIDIOIH did so much to nchn-w the! Iplondld leoulnclory which (all uwd ' t: the Pro-icruhlp had maumed by hill. but. n We unduranuud L 0 summon. condnmnully. pan Lumha m IIKUI'IUOII of now wth prounu u! Wbluh boon Xugoly inuenced. sesumuu o! Pnrlnnmont mnco nnnuudlyblunury. nriul and mind prounu umg time. nnth nivomry ml in ontrnnco Illano moment. Ind he could nun from oco wulmut tn dnnpriug the pOIItlou of the hm-m man: Ind zhn continuum n! a '|Iln|l. progressive. pollcy. He has Du my. ad 1me U! the Chlncallnrmhp u:' m.- , Exchequer. hm snow-gar bung Mr. ~ Childors. A man 0! uann-d ndmumra tlvo capuny. of winch hn we avid. um m hl mnnqo-ont n! the \\'.:.r Depart- mom. Naming m uni. nl. thu' o! the Promlonhlp. but, it will:an I neopo o! probnblmy Huh )1: I will out his nunuo upon Hus Mnnlmsg o! lhningtonmin {mum Ltauwunui. by no menus ponmut of show ; bnlos which have undo hxa Munro 5 per-anal nnd polmoal pointy oxpotinncod uhr-awlh a {m John!" Ind qwmod to clump. u I . plnunnn who 'opnlnrny can to m- ; cmuthhtholnpuuluue. Honda! Mu: nl.l-h._- -.II n.\ Ann-In nun... -.. IL... b Cor. 15c. 5r. 80c. 65 In.- Mu- {Or ; Mum: at an new: loan. It. 8. Anglia It tho wxlhdnnl ,' -)l tho minio- u I. would phat tar - nnit-u u: light baton the pub- 1 . In, 5 m unruy to many sue-salve: H: Young umti louco. Don! mo. how thqu Dow 5 ha uka up for I 100 of bsbiu or Ha be u < lshool boy Iii-sell 7" I... vac -- Iva-VI. Mr. R. l. I, III hopod whenv ,tho min-m Inn signal am the ugiu- ; \ man would have and. in m- rosolu- ;, : uon only ruin.) it. Thu Into 0! the" : cm were; this Ir. PM, though I i young Ina-bot. Ind Mb. onhnd Mn' 4 Bond. boo- mWy throwing In T Im: into lb. .00 Ho ood in f we pooch pinion ol ' Ibo ml: of the School o 1 Mr. 8. Anlin urn-d unhinde another Polsn and shut. it was the rlght of Any citilon to express hm upm- 1 | m M) an minor. Ho moved. accunqul by ler. Wuldrun. thn the Board hereby nxpresn condunoo 1| Dr. Foo m Chnu' nun 0! Elm Bond. Mr. Wulsonluulimhmont mu hoyonl f honudl. The resolution moved wm wnrlhy of the uncut. Ho naked the pray to ulltlfy Hie-salve. m mung- mmi lauco. l I L-Il- v- yum-u. 1 Mr. 0.3. Waldron said people were lmlnlv to chenge their opimone on re ' g (ewmg knowledge. He thought by' [mung duerent now there wduld be n unmug atnlulymg the act of some. Mr. K V. Rogers quite Agreed wim > Mr. Weldron uh e chill e of opinion -, Lnrough manned knewl ze. Ha In! MII'Y'V that the resolution of Och. 25:1: :wl been bmght lorwud. He was! - (.rrv that he eould not vote for this Qroseluuun. however. Hie opinion hnd . nucchangod. ' Mr. N (I. Pol-cl IAid Ibo mcnm u! boa cuangou. N. Pol-cl aid . 3dr. mm. was Milly bonnm-l. hm, ho could not nply in th- an: alum M . n Ius lot blunt-l with Wllul'u pounl I power. Ha docluod his nah!- to u- ; pmu his opmiou on the qluuon no.1 ; have it rourdod. 2410me THE IINU'TES. ;m, In Wall mhn of ti! Iml. . i' I. "In- I- ' . him and ch. ulnar 01mm uh Bald-ht- Detmhahuoolmnpluud'vo v I l l 9 "III . ' chum-Inuit! ho would an the Hui-naught. what 0...: tonne mbohdhuu ll tho dlr. That' Mimi-d soc-run! while ho! n.thmelt-minI'Ilnolomolor-l MW III run-u. I. cum know l! the Chit-u mum at. tbs mulan Ihould not be squad by hun- ul! or L" om olu. Df. '0. an than In. noon also to sign than. H. van Chin-An u! the loud. u. J In... mid am the miuluul II). N. Ill- u'I- nun-vu-u-v tux ukgu one! by a. uddllioa of Lord Derby. (be ; _-..L. -.... a -...u.. .a.. b... 1.... 4 I Ion. Ml. Rogers asked if the Chairman ' cuul-l quote A proudon for hm intundetl lclml. I Well. i The ro-olmion In. put and resuitud Hm following division : f Yeu~Allon. Anglinorsev. Rugurm ! Snngu, J. Wilson, T. C. Wilson.v~7. NunFee. Poison. Robinson, 'al * :lmn i Ti... "no.- -' nu l5! Whit"! imle loam. ILJ. Viln- uid thn the min-u: could ho ugud by It. R. Y. Men, Chums. (or the lac-muo- Oct 15th. I m. ruling oonId u a... dam men | wnr n: cmllu wovw no. I Dr. F" aid he would nig- tbs Innu- i m of win punt! up u the am In 1m m. chur. n. J Wilmlh . course wonll Mr. J. WiImBuh be proud-nut]. Thou no not. two I (Sunrqu um! I hope Dr. Fee will wane j uu nght In oi- the linum in luvor } a! Mr. Hogan. 1! be do the dimcul ty 1 be at Old. I u. u r nl-nn thnnuhlthll ' lmlnuu. Mr. G. R. Wsldtol understood prpvuous meouug the mummy hul been 4 mm] on of order. Whv were the mxnu- meouug I. [DIDth um "can signal by Mr. gen at lhu lust "mummy 9 A llAuu-u un ..-.~. _ Mr. R. V Boga" ngrutl wau Mr. ' Wdunu m regard to the an. m unuuwa of October 25th. It. "-Jmpewnl for the Charm-m Lu 1. :leL'hAlr whenever he felt It. nw- TL- hm] Inan dnnn nu l. Hm .. ..... ..., ..-_._ _- WV , J ranged A horn dimuliOI occurred as to whoLherlho Bond had gone Into Cnm l|LlcO of the Whole. Mr. Rogers hold m n. that he took the chair. by request. j Lhu lionrd could not. if they leun It, .lqnmlnlu. make the macho; u Commit.- Lu 0! the Whole. ur mum mun-l. uconded hv .\]r. draw4.: ("auseuinlch Inmutel 0106.. 25th. whnch have gram. disburblm'e. wure then new I Ivy Mr R. V. Rogers mu gun-i lmll L uni. The Chairman Signed [bone of the quupQ-cml mecuugs. Ind the Board wsu u-uJy {or business. nun. v. u .l-vu ._... -_- _-___ ,_, I rullng powel. l)r EcoAll 1 not Cbtirman, J J Wilson1 n.- Iorry to my you are m the ahur. Iltbough a vote of wnut. o! ; condence Ins bun curried Igniust you I u. R V linen-r- "ml the 11" an L0 UI-u-quuu wu... w unuuv. .w-u... ... . .- l'u-ont. Bo mum vary wall h.u.-.h hunts" from tho bans in winch in palm I born 1 developal. ,n: \ hone. his annual an be wag!" Upon sic in! quououl of use. The Mm- imy. u. bu boo- Imomly btrvngllr J _.-a L .5- .un:.. -1 [-4 Inn... 9*... i \ 1 mundouoo Ins u..- CIrnen ug-uum. you Mr. R. V. Rogers road the law m the governing power of the Bond. Dr F inninmd on mining the mm | the power 01 ll. noun. Dr. Fe. insisted signing tubes in the mumm- ho Ind detmled. | u. l I'M-m. I'd-d Dr Fan Lu mva I m we mnnnar no um uemuau. Mr. J. Wilson ude Dr. Fee to gun , way. I A mumbar mud tbs! Dr Fel'l new 1 A number war. I nonsense." All uousuusef How could that it otharwise when they put in in In haul." abound Mr. W11 IUD. whom Dr. Fa. Mid he would put me resell man. It. Rog." Ind ugqu his poxur rLm rA-nlnhnll 'Al nut. and rasultud r I i 1 ' the Whole. Mr. Wnlsou mend. uconded by Allen. that. the Inmates b0 nignod by Mr, N, V, Rogers. 'lhe motion was placed In the Chair Mr. J Willon omewi new man we, bud boon signed. that. he had It make. The majority of NH mud had vol. wnt 01 condence m a. Lhmrmnn. In future meetmgs 1m. Inmuesn would be proceadod mu: uudrr III plant AHVIII-n In" - luv" .uuw. Mr. WIIIOD oblervod that. thel n...up-. hml In. mun-J that ha hull 11 mm. protest wn noted. I: around Hulhf I u, "v ..IllW u. w... vvl u}. \nr wotlhy to: d n worthy sire. hm hnwr hm; ban on Moe-cumin ano lunar cl Iqbal. The prawn Lorri M), m. IY-J- R... -0 D-.. I nuhmr Whonover no [an n. HI'Iqa Iy Tm- hnd been done UH Ln .1 'ulm He had consultel tho (' l} liClLUf and wu llfullued that Liif' -.rd km! not been in (umuutua Hf Um hula. Ha hml no dillre tn mun the- uuLcs hlululf but. he thoughl it. nuulu m bud tub. for the Chninuun Lu in M.- umunbod. The minute Hhulllll algnnl mlhur by tha ('hmrmuu pm I ur the Sccreur . H lhm was done a difculty woul be utmhcturlly Ar "and I n: nuA-u a nu unn- '. Fee stud. before putting the muv the Bond, lhn he Would sign muuten whilo be In In the chum r J. Wilson uid bo Bond bad the gnu-n; Rogers. a 1 hands. "-ltb'll'l mllhehnhha am I m vvithmuhuotinnmun in gandth mu Inn-orator g; M... .mw' "Mm! um ' ' Annih- do. It Tdbot. Ym Im-trim has. maniac-(Manhunt... lib m.kaded n- lh Iii-C. 'norrov. Theda. {or u M! 5m. man. have... Xingu.- nah. ihrokcbu who Ind. ,Au xuvu w-nuuuu. run, "I" w- l --o-.-o- onbA.Bnpoy.ul Won...- fthulmhunhnm Blood Man .-ihmgh_Minnu-n'-n-nkin Emu w A... m' ldrv' \u un- Olulnbnc vtll. no doom. 1 viu... Tu ice It the :urlilx ask in nu m good candi:iol_.ud play win: - ..-_-- TL- ,4... l.- 1}.- n..th 0-. ['Rnl 3". Wuvnss urn. M.D..Now Yuri, says of \Vheelero Elinr;"Ahor hman used your (ompound Elixir of l'hm-gh-les Ind Cnhuyt for over two you nu my duly pTIOllM I must give u my uuqushml approbnmn. During I Mic. nfm'er twenty years! hue mnnv uwnumlly prep-rod compounds. mud. n full the suns therapeutic-l Indicuionl ts )mlr thr, hut. none of them provod "nth mu 1!: nlunbla u yuan. To the l mmhnl })r1feaslol I would My nonunan u u the belt randy with ' Ithh lam mluuuted tor the Wu] ,zn-umeut 0! tbs! Inge um con-unuy ' mcreums! chm ol over-Iorbd And nervo- ehsuvxlnl women" ' Dou't forgot. The chap. undo: f wnr, ulk huakorchioh. u... curb. muhn. blues. Ind Imus. gloves. u. :n u Had] a Hum). 17 Prinoul J---- [none I! probably nut in. any. Oman! Woodhu dopu'hd to: Egypt w an column-d o! the Kholivo'l my. Lomuntiuph. Doc. llSoditiom proclamation- h" boon pack! on the the stream. Severn! mulnvo boon arm-Lad The nu: damage-nut o! the: Sudan in Incoming non gnu-u! duly. Cologne. Doc. lb.Tb Gum: ny- Lha tonn- 0! she Anna-Gonna nlliuoe m- nm A! either Empire it uhch (mm the two nidu the cum dull rou- dcr nuisance. m.........n. Pm: nan IllWinks. I [do-don. Doc. [ILll II .10 was v Melon Pnrliuult 30-...qu sir C. [none will probably our an Cabinet. Gun-rd dnmrtd lot Egpt dc: nuisance. Plymouth, Eng Doc. 16.Wobmte. lb. so wcuud Mail)... in tho mur- der o! Cue-duh Ind Burke. bu urind More from Jnmuiu. um: I)... I5 .4. uh. dam of Principal (hunt and nylon [or u: one. whwh I am reluctantly compelled to drCllno, Hml an opportunity been gum to me of Having this before my ULniu u 1: brought forward, I should llrnv been spared tho pm: of giving hub. to the gentlemsn who did no the Lemur nf vutxng (or me. any soon a somewhat nngracmm rolusnl.Yonrl. truly. Jnu Wnus. trio Urlulmvlr' mu-u... 'lhere wru seen yelurdnv It. Maura I Krmlm & (ofq factory I; unguicontun- A u 1? grand. just. nished by than for 10 l'rondrlllinlnlmnzsion. Prelidonl. \rthur. ho :s :1 thorough counmsunr of mule. ' m Mm-[mg npmnofor the White Homo. demlm in fen-or of the Knnbo Pin!qu hi~ [Il'rfureln'L and ordered wool-dimly Kim Inulrmnen'r. m referral I... It in n a tuner. gun/l, of beautiful nish. ii I Inthlv curve-l rosewood cus will of It .|, Ln. "1 u..o;.u._m. um-Int {pub tuue 22ml ncHounu x wuthy in cu-ry respect (I ik to occupy. It was Ihippud Lnnntion yesterday. ' Dirkcl China-Ila; Bun-fl I. 5 WeskneuA M II I Unau -- v. .u -u- runu... Lur- Dotby m End. Sea-my at For- d'I Akin in 1853; 5. decimal a position in WWW-cruel": LIL-r u. n mo; in me. by a... a! that'- W to In Wow: .4 my. I. an (deni. ...a ..... l i I from Jnmuca. Muan. Doe. [ILAt tho lining Gangrene ymurdny Iivu, on. of the lomlmg suppoer of Sumo, nude n unexpected doclmtwn m I we numbers ol the dynutio 10h would n.3- ccpt o! the Constitution of 1376. and 11 L'uHuJ to power would relorm it in I Lloenl same on the lulu o! the Co- allLulmu u! IHBJ. bu without comma. purmdt Th:- 19 a. complete :budon- mx-uL o! Serrnno'u origin] jection. of winch the coughs-non o 1869 is the m y stout The declaration mod the granth annulment in the Chulbor. [I n pruchan the program-o denuded M h mum. Prune Minuet, in the Son- :Lw hut wuok Landon. Dec. H.-Mr. (Mud-ton has rammed Hie Chaucellorship of the Ex- mmqucr lfLuIJurH. Socremry of War. in. beau npposmed no succeed him. The (Mum-s Iu le quustry. undo nwouurv by Hm. m magemeut.nro still undo: con uJ-v-nmn Speaking uf Dr. Wnlson'u late nor-on the (L-(v.21 Wlun Siva: U WM one Of the most. outspoken delivered in the mrv for many sully. Conlidemble {eel- mg hm; been ougoudorod on the subject l-lach of the theological opponents in In his way a master at. polemical dincul. niuu. Blshop Clenry has not. I nuporior In Canada, wmlo Dr. Wilson. nlahongh n vouug nun, polnosaes profound thoov |,.;-,.I ......Al.nnn "all i. - nnntrnvnrnnlint H YUqu Lulu WIDUBWB rlvnvuuu uuvv ln-gicnl unnhtiou und in n oontronraalisb of u hmh order. But although both mly anck and defend and deth and attack L111 they no tired of it not a Protestant mH be made a. Catholic nor will I On- tholic embrace Protestaniilm u the re- sult of the contest." 1.3m evening the young men of the city gave tn ssembly. complimentary to the young people of Ustaraqui. There was an attendance of about 75 couples whnse emuymout wu most. complete: I'ln- lmll wul male vory presentabl- for the occasion. and when the dancers wore in motxun the seen. wen u vtry animated one. Cauraqui was repro- uented by about. 21) couples. who rt veption was most cordinl mi trutnont ...~4 honpltnble as could have been antici- pated. The manic wu supplied by Smleys qundrille [band; the upper was nerved at Besupre'a hotel. The Committee of Management. In canyon- ud of Henri M. McGuire. W. J. 09!. R. Raid. and E. Cooper. TM Erin/n Brim/1 Whig. hm: Suzva was t good dul lur- pmml to Ice frulu your issue of Tundny that the City Council ind done me the quul' of electlng me a member of the Bmml o! 'l l'lleCl of tho King-ko- High SchOL l mu sorry Hut. the time of tuu (Jon-(:11 alwnld h". bou wutod 1n dhcullng the relative tlus a! Principal and myself for oco wlmh relnutntlv compelled truly. Queens College. Dec. 15th. 7 .. LATE (ABLEGRAMS. \ Knahu in the \\ him House. ~lrom lhd Balumora American.) W. L-_J_ A u-.. DENISE wml mulls. w u... yum... -. m. . ...,.. V r. .. outmn Iimply, upon which my have hum m Ipouk. Alluwnnca uhunN In,- Ilado for noun 0! the feeling shown, a the oonvarutiuun uud commumcutnm "sued would lmvo exaspemlod ulder uuxlculmer minds than 1030 uf Mgb nun; Collogo youths. 'l'hey mm. [bu citiuu' doplution nnnscordxullv nud in 3 low hour: I bitter feeling was turned inc one o! rot! plenum at. the gala mom. Thouloro. tboy an not In be judgod hnbly. A BL'II'HN ASSEMBLY. V ~_.-.+ ,ULUGIL'AL DISCUSSION. I N'- 11.4th u. u. .r -Lrnnent pltco it 4:5 du~ THE BRITISH Wtuu. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15. cw Dec. IllTho jury (and IiiThu]: an of law gigs-d tho pummel: .s 9- ya: him-bula. n-m- mn. \icioriljllec. n Cololid Soc m "pom um 'biu labour on tho nny' unkl :- ammo, Tho Chi-- - m guanunlo: bury era-ration! a M. A [up Chime inn:- m '- ncipuod u: the Syn. -A-, f Hum Arms! m BorderMd. at, Bath] and Pemul Eve-I WVM Du. lbw[How than. Handgun... 000* 11. but. viz Albark and CWNJU the Soul). ha in. 'idloobudduuonh (inn-ml. , Toronto. Dec. 1.5. Undgmont wu fun II: he Court of Appeal this non- ln on l a only case renewal in the South Norfolk election petition. the Mujor Kilnuner cue. Julgc Pnur- Ion luld tin their vus no ourciu of undue inuence by Major Kilmum towudl Mr. Taylor. The petition wu. thud... dinniued with cook. I ubmyMymm.| imam-Md bylr. Idiot: nu whaling-inu- IM. Mn; '5.. JM Himmldlhl