w mm- mm '7" Mr. J. W. Guppy. of Newbury. has used Burdock Blood Bitters in his family with wuh gnod.ccn.und Blyl that. Rev. J. R. Snuth has used it. and speaks of it in high term; 0! praise Iv. Is the gran blood pun. (yum: tome that acts upon the bowels. the l wr, the kidneys. the skin And tho blood. r/ 7 0-07 Faun Rum (Tu-nun A CURLThou are the uuccesmvo e'ecta 0! one of tho lmmldesunedly popular romedlu in the Ummnlun. Northrop & Lymln'l Veg-able I)1Hc0V'er)' and Dybpepho Curt. which re- fnrmn an irregulu condition of the bowoll and liver. [anger-tea the ate-nob. "new: digeatmn. and chmgea tho current 01 the blood from a slugginh und turbid into A pure npnd Ind lemming nun. The Vnnuc 14er Co. .Mu'lhlll. Mich. mu and Dr. Dun Gnu-um Emm- Vunuc Ban AND Eucruc Annual! on trial (or lhiny dnyn to mm: (youn or old) I'hu are unlisted with norvoun d ity. 1m vitality nnd manhood. nnd kindrod trouu, muranwemx speody Ind oomph-r, ~ redon- liun Mbeallh and mlujy rigor, \ddn- nu nbore. N.B,*No rink in in: wired. u whiny .lun ' inn] in Allowod. N.B,'*N null thiny dnyx' tn! in Allowod. ._- m. .~._....o~ Tina-arm o! W sud mnymbtmddm.uudnh Mm. .l (L Ruherbwn. 9! Toronto, was mrwl uf m-ueral debillty, loan of Ippetito. -tc. Slu- any that. Ms wu burdensome mul she use Burdock Blood Diners." Bhe mu hum... that sbe feels better shun for unrs. und cannot. praise Burdock Blood ,hlleraluu much" The best medicine . 1 M (.11 Anna... "Mn Hand Inn-r -o - Tualuumhmeused Dr. Vln Burenn (him-y (ure and \vnlhugly hIVG mama to he nuuuulmlu relic! it gives latter I. Iew Lmtb m knlna) troubles, sud how A few thlr-s aim. effect a pummel]! cure. No mn- can aford in be wxlbout. i .o q*~. DISTRICT mam. o... . Bucklcn's Arnie: Salvo. . 2k Blood 7wv\ flhm (hue-Be m canard by the u nf A false membrane lining the e undnhstmchng tho pmage of ml 15 known bv the Ihnl]. oroup so cough and raulmg m the throat. qnlymne must be removed by ex- :n Take. double dose o!Alleuu nan mn or fteen minute: ~-. Personal. m Men Only. I Free ot_ Colt. m WISH WluzsATUBUAY. DECEMBEJ 16. .ssg-SIX PAGES | wnm . King I I 'hclombhn3unultdlb MM hymn-uni- MIIBG.NMM- nymuhuuyuudailj-dr; v nod mhldy- mu. memnpyumnujur, ,a-uly WW!-" WWI Winter Arrangements. I" Will: urns-u.. Thmdmwomuum.1 mull Ibu- gutlomn. in noun: WM lamina-odi- ituu. M won-nod Ind suitable u oh.- 1 mini: .- it an"... [I hm-' 1...... Inn-ant. um man WI fonin tordoct um mm m an: my mother! or dual. Ild a! count. In": cum! to 11.10 In- ban. 0! nvu- 'ulerloo chronic-la. A-A_ -_-_.-- ._ a; laun- The dilenu ie e v ewhwud one y [or All penlee ooeoen . end my pet I eihly he lash! be co-edueetiou" .3 lian- eun. u efter eech e done-untie- it will bedllcult for ehe ledlee melee! :heir mice. In the eheenee of my ex- pleeetioe tro- tho ladies. may seem te an to hue tun-ed en enetly illuieel peeimee. end elmongh we last reepr the impelee whlch led them he with drew. we lune. pend'ul their explm- mu. mad it e- ; i-pulee umber ehee gooi metHour! Scar. IODIIIY Ill lull-"Vi. hole-eon hudnceppel whee ehey some to lecure to young men end women ueembled wgether. end deno-~ etrewn of newly nd their work ex tremely emberrming. If we no to hue female doctorsand there ie he uuoe in the world why ell the duster- should belong to the name sexw-Lhe pro. per plen WI be he enuhlneh e lemele college, enj then the young women who deene to do. the ructioe of medicine u e proleeeion cm 0 so wuhout boin subjected to humilietloe end insult. on the pen of male Illudlh. The modeey ol the gentler ea: in eumly worth pre- eerving. oven in tlue iconoelutlc ege. 'Inruwlo [HI-gram. u... ,___ ........ 1...- nunnwn an! IY'IATI! Wl'l'l lul "KA... In-- Tho qultwsin the schools at To mat Ind London won too sunous to (rub me bellman stud-Ins. There wu too much of In ourh so bro-k up the Kingston school Id prot thercby. No mu was taken for reuchon ; there nu l0 inquiry an to whether we Kllg on student. were right or wrong Cor ninly no Ipirit of gnlhucry was exhibi- ted by them when they no remhly sided m tho (union (.0 keep the India am of the clauses. and Um blow M dlSOIPIiUO was such In no budv o! luau lmvmg the best interrstn of the medical schools an bean ought. to haw given connlonnuco to. The remarkable outcomo of the re- belllou Inglith cu-edlunmun w1ll have n teudanoy to mnko mun opponents of the lyswm aymplthize with thou weak- " vessels against whom sll the bait non has beendiroctcd.llunultun Tim". im'm' ad hrs cum S.(Jhndwick. n! Arcmlm Wnyne (10., writes : 1 had severe snack-p of nsbbma for several years. I comnmucod taking Dr. Ibomu' Eclectru: 011. The rm dose re- hevnd main one hour I continued taking n m teasponnful down for a few days. Ind have not hld an muck of n. Iluoe. now nearly one year. W 4.. Yorxn man. do not give up tl There II still hopo, Dr. E. C. Wen! Ind Bruin Treatment mil cure our. gunrnnbed. Sold lay W J. h min ever wu a specic for Any one oomplnim, than (nrtar'n Lntxlo Liver Pill. m . upecio for sick holdwho. and ovary wot-u: phonld know thin. Only one pill . don. __L.._ win my, than Ur LnAnur.. lul- [ml nun-y In ducoverod' by l. XIII-bonny in . In mm Alli-riot sand I no]! wan-i on. With llypophouphluo of Lime Ind loan. Ac. III noun! Ammo-v noun I In sum lump :0 an HIV. Jmm 'I' luau. 1 2 x... 1m. cm. Bucnru (imam Hun may be wound by wetting the hair at night. nnd every nighi for two or three weeks with tho Uingnleaa Hair Renewer. Hold M. fty cents per bottle by all drugglntn .__4~ Rnillcn,NM only th- moot exqul. uik thing for "'9 teh And brenh axunt. hm "'l'umzuv m I benniful link crus- mem md nish to the to lat. 5 non: um- ple. .hn - u Ton] who u. nun-m2. from am one Ind Incl-modem 0! youth. nermu. vagina... My day, la- 0! nunbood, cc" I rm Ind I min n. .111 Ann- n FREE OF CHARGE. m 'vy-vvu - Iv-v - .- " - lim- vuoud tho-ho dun-u Scull-lad Flu"... mu...:=........:.:'.n.. .2... ma 5 ' 1 inldhln Muha- ound. XML; Pun-wudupoUumurw-nd... (I; u Intum,ogunn: 1 n 'Ila. W fit It I..- I'lw num- mrwWJOAIy] comm: mmf WV III-U. r .nd l-Av not I the Ihlp. , We'l Nerve you. A Wilton. In m u m ' .- hung a M hm um IITEIIII. all H mm m- amt-m "~ iimfgm In by! um last. but In].- an um ' oflulkllll'll um um I. mu um- by nun-o- husband tho old will ban in {cable ml d- ondion. on Inns. blown by Mina wind- 0! n clinging goo-on. clack. up the spam spring. Id 910 nhbit'illhoptbon u corn crib in maloc- my. Thin must be pn- nlhd. Lilo h the inn in no. excit- ing. The III. punt". dny dul- d" haul-.- M in um... o: no u. III. In. fun-n any unu- Iuv boon-on m In. um, you". Ind "no you; mm nun; nail object- ol inuuu. When I now vino-or I IMO hon. com" iuo tho neighborhood the you: run full 3 thrill)! um m not I unlicionl Ill-l- bor of WI ad an. hot-cl to hop up tho auction; of plenum. Thain-II nut. be made no" umvo. A Kutnokin. um. time :39. manned to u Walton! club thus in order to kuptho boys It ho. it would be I - good idu to employ I hnu bad to pl in tho Iolds. Tho Ination wu uhphd All was Iuooeulnl until 11me no young Ill] waned ta join u \ Inn . Wu do Nor-by am] that we urn-mu In r II 07 all "It Imam u Sam'rlml 'WM . V Drama-ole TM Laumam .um- [marry (0er dun-u and in mm murmur am! mnhnl Nu WI- Hunt Lou-Mam m. and 7! mn- ma." w. aid'h par-m- manage and man nu know. lmllvu. and Hm! lha mnu an con- ducted with hon-Dy. fuvmeu. mud in goodfah toward a portion, and wt uylonu (M rim, uulrwnu (M Cm- m bun MNMM. wuthfaaumtlu of our oil-am mind. m m nzlzvruumlnu," A . 1/7 77 V haunts-m M.lbnlnn: , 0 mm . ! A numonlhhm.wny . 'II lam mtwmmu.mvu. _..____ , _. ,-., . I Punpr; Imus VIA" : nu 0M" Anna-m ryryun M Ina but found equal at any AlmlulAnsT. Style ; . och-vol, lumcwm campus Ind pom. Iuh an-Mu. lnr poimllr and 3nd non)" nude in oohooh or humus. u only '8. on m urn: an." :1 Iran. :57 301. m. .7! OIM DIM to 50) um up, The tumor uylu I" wholly Innmlltd by any olhn . Mummy yum-mu. New mum-tad 'uu- Mott... M _ _7__,__ ____A ___ IPAEIHE NUHIHWESHI Piii (AL. I Tumour Stu-. nmmnnol In: MD .WI L'mnn Squaw Na York :1 Wuhan Anon. Chime. I __A._ , ,, (mm-1m non. I'm BEST wawgsgzwi IDEIOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY I -.- A u ._--I-- -nA v--n--- m (I)!!- -OII-C' In via nun-1y y-- I... you can III-crib! l'wo dl-n In I vr-r III m "I a... J- "II-c IISOI & ll Ail In rut-"11v I'M-Ill. hsulx bun m wool Al. army nun Woml INDIIUHU mwnnns ro- coixiiny, lh' rmnrceu, rlluEna. mum tn- Ind lull Intonnlllou, nddreu A. L. STOKES. Gou'l En-trrn Al: m Now VOII-f (Iv; r.- wlll novchel. I'm- FII'IY l m chun- -.-Ihl u wlil an. 1 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil! ICIIIWIC-O I _y -m. spacial and inputs; my: ditvdihobnmriIIOnOu-io. bothll', BOISIIIPTIDI . _- (n~4- A n.- .M'. M. THE In. 0! er in Ontario. both in , I am A unallqu Two Dollars. lrmv nms' lulu-mm umoug: mum An External Means ol Curl-3 Skin Diseases. mun-1 PUTINER'H IIL'IAION -: 1 nun r. I Item w um comm nonduu-n I B u" nd nun-u. And bvin buck Inn in u :M L YOUTH quick" um- um Ullwr me- ha w H food In: mom sad any Ill Mia l1. LOCKYER'H SULPHUR HAIR BIBTOBIB l will duken in bur. And In A few dnyl oom- louly bring baa t 3 annual colour. Tho elm I Iuporiur to tun produced by An IMMMDOOIII dye, and don not injure me Iklll. OCKYERB SULPHUR HAIR BEHTOBII j n the boat [or muonug grey but In III (or \ mar colour It. producul [unlocny nuutulhull sud 1| smoluwly hummus. Momma:de hr dutroytng scarf Iud amour-slug growth of new bur. | ; i mum sown: nmum novqu I mums nuns Without Madman. | lemurs I ELECTRIC BELT INSTITUTIUH I ORIAN'B ELECTIHC' BILII tn au- 1 unload to be A: good sud pnva u u. [Inuit-d. Thoyimmodluol roll." and unname cure Mrvnu- pain My, autumn Im. Nonulgin. Lame ank. "ll 1|, Ind t IA"! Ind Chou Complnxnu Ctrcu tn Ind annular on It... (4 QUEEN STREET matronox'ro.) Enabllshcd - - - ll7i. VEGETABLE PUTTNER'! RIFLBION DI] Im rqunl. nut! 1h Ila-u hp" uo'u mud to plodutu luhnsu Ind mundan- 10 1h. mcu l-ZMAK'XATED Hm _________- \ ' BEHTOBII} J grex _III Pam" desirous of on. In any pan orlhe world. either by num- or n I. u! very red-cod run-- run I illppllrd by Valuer a Ila-Icy. Special Euunlon Ticket. for Mal-nob. and m ' Great North We. W TICKETS ran EVER? Pbmrf nu um luau-chm by Mum-amen. an. um. W of hob-u. Work-hr. Puma-u u m. 1- 1......4. 15-1, Mm.mmm. uh- hum KIN IeruuLu. "um uywu'. W... hat, (ran, and Pub in th Sta-nth. Bound (o-phn'nu. A r a... n...1...a nun-om. or Indigestion. Sudden ('04 Um. III-l" '1 I-"r-"v ' NW s. Hogan4'- Mort. MM- 4___ .a - _-l Lmqwn.-._ _.__,__,,,, I Lim Conical. Dylptpm Indipa'ol. (but. Say, That. Cough. tr. L'ud will. it mm 3061:. Fth Brut-a. 0m. M. South. 0M Sam and Spud-J. Swlhnga of u Join. Toothache. MI in Mr Ian. Numb and RM; m. 0w HM, Mum Fm. it. n. PAIN-KILLER a mm by medicine Jule" (Mb-nu m 'wu. Ma :0... we. and 50c. '17 mm. WC- III III TAKIN INTERNALLY. it cum Dymmry, 7 r 42-.-- ...| p..'- a. a. Sun-uh. Cm POLQEB a HARLEY. Alt-nu. IIIIIOII. 'F ' I - I V v m'vu II-" L: .5033. mama: unJLIuluxuu E 0' cum ; noun-ll mO-NW-mmu {ml [HEAD-Il- Ellioll. hhfladmm lumnu ' I #ummeu-mm WW meg-at: II Ina-d u: . . M laud-I. Inch-l u I nworna. 051?. Ill w_ u want]. mu! __ -_A_- _~, _r__._.wn.___1- MWIPITOI .I "II II... nu ,, A; __ -___,.... __ m-a..._ L. "numummyuw walnut-to- WLW uni-u. Inns ll won" on: II W. "which n"- . WW. A... Illlminlu II I... ml. ll Iain-III.me denut "Mummy-n... __ .., ,A ______-__ ---L a- Iw-vt .uv-v .- -__ Who- honour-mun nding-all .n ricooksFIiend! I'mvlou m,w. Mum-Juliana. -Mnhbrullm fPunE WHITE LEAD 2 1V]. portuuny ul nnnnu prapued to xupply mm ~.... , Pmmuhhnmlo .- I ' WELL mwn mm or wmnnm rst him We: Exhibited. THEG E ATE ST 'IRI U MP H l Initiallka ln pun!an uuIJ-nl'l Liluod Oil, and. only hom uramily clauwd load, and Alp-alum- by (m from It! ullenliou. I I . II mull- n0 duct-noun madam-.1061- I IW my BEST "I Ulf -'IUY 014! Tll _,- M.<-. ....~_,- 7 -7 W mun... hon-wan: only tn n. n. nun-mp. suntan-awn THE KEY T9 HEfoTH. Acidity o! the Stomach, runng 3m. ousnaas. D spcpsm. Headaches. Diz- ziness. cartnum. Constipltion. Dryness of the 8km. Dropcy. Dun- nm otVisionJaundice. Salt Rheum. Bauhaus, scrotum. Fluttennz of the He 1:. Nervonsnm and General nobility . nl ILH-J :1va many olhrr eimi- II! (J ' :I'i: \1 -" M I'--(- hmfw mumcc of BUEDOCTZ BLOOD ENTERS. .. v,,,n,.-u lv- uvuuvv. nun-lva u.--u Sunnis names ICC ; Rem)" 351 1 Unlnrh r I? rlnyne'l (mu-g oflhq Bowols. Kidnnvn and Luger. czuryin" nlrsznduAHy u. Hm? r [Lt-mug the schm, BOWOIS. LICK n' UAUy I all: e impuY-H sccrelkml: all all [he impunnm nml Inul Luv m1 :1 Inc secretions; at l'uc rmm- h'rc Correcti Acidity 0f the Stomach, 3 ~ . omnaas, Dyspcpsm. M ED1(.AL HISTORY OOOKS mm MI"! Mum. Linnliood. n.4_u-n -L... Thole LEADS are [manning-ed [or PURH'Y , A" ,, .._ -_______ ,4 n-.. spam-Hun BUKS iixmb roman. The Best In [he Cheapeol. .ucw Uymu'r', \Iuvu. u.~ Paima Indigestion. ('oldo. -_A_"'u in mm Hoih Filo-n L THE I, "WuF. l ----- y.mryuhon. Inpphu lbw ILHul) wuh mo in unudl [0mg on. nnd com vlclply WIAR LAhm'lD on! \Nonx [NU shut women nouwlnm u! | lhII nuon o! m. yur or LONDON, Emu ND. "II-V. VIII! mm m m Hm mummum-muuw Hangar-W I. I. noun. Och-II nut m m 0.. b m III-M 0' mummamum'm _-__..4mhL_-.hmmm \BANADALIFE AIIUMIQCI COIPAHY. .- LIII IIIIJIAHCS IN CANADA. . hm h "dole an tho a mum [W m 0! ll. m:- a Imam 00. "nu In! uncut 0! Mb Inna-u now II tom-hm Domlnlon in 0. lulu u moun- ol on: an utmou duul the Eu! {0 M0! newly ciao-tomb o! m. I 0|. 5 Gallium m upon-ml. lor Md.- Oll . hallo! vim-Junta out nomptny. I. 0 LV.. ' Tho unl- ol (t dun complain ll" shown to b. n pnunl 100.1 thanIluMlmo-Jnolumm on t- um. an ' ' ' ' ()lthol. o! nun. u I.- can the oldd oompuy. lh Futon: loinwuuu II endan to uni-Fay. tho Canada 1. - llld the other .ll. I: 0'11! 9y uvon marl-eu- . . tnuonu. ah. I land Emohm cm". Inn .......... .. OIMOIENM... Lil- A-oulon o! (hauls .. Cut-nun (LII. Much! .... .. . Ian-oh Ann-dun ,u. Fire Insurance A (unl'lA 'l'IlJN (umwom OF LONDON. ENGLAN v lam madnhcmgnd dope-n damn 5nd 0 wind the overmuuul Im-nae In OMBChun- " I M A MCI-foul I'll IIIUIAICI. j. .4 __-_ --....4 .- a... .1.- GINMI .. Augig, , .. Wastem Assumes Company FIRE AND MARINE. TORONTO imli smcuu a. SDI IAIRIEFIBLD MILLS. Fire and Life All rnnce COII! l1 Bu! Ion-bod 2F: ......................... "Altman. Tom lnm "Mllp'nrdl ol . "MAID Bu Toul llrom * Bit Gunm- .. 0 moans Lunar-nun Ila-t lou- bf rm my u an Iowa! sunk nu- AM o nlnu lowed without Manna to the M London It. W. VAIDI A1 In. out lot Kingston. Ontario am Jun 1. law. PIPER RANKINGS. Tho Largo. Chum nd no Stool lmll. Hallway & Decorativa Paper I LIP! AuuRAIOI co. lllwwu .u. . Ill-h Mun on u fuonblo terms In moo. ol- lud by guy nutchul Company. H H IHIPPIN. loop- mnlyon hsnd I In 3nd ma mom a! Furniture .c . . -4 ,A.A_~; .- 1.. -n n- I.-.-.-.l~._ mun vl luau-In- DWI" salad-d to In cll In hnnobal lav- duly- on hllld n lute maul ul Elihu-Inf rm'mu- uunaod to In m and country on It. mou "mumbl- any I" In CITY Pm SHOP mm I'rlll'l'. 2;. w Mum! n a- u n- tn nu bounuxuu mmcih Mn 711 Minna ._ Y d manual-11M. ud nu tho but HEABII In tho Doulnlcu. fuqu and-d tho om ndoonnm any Flifo Insurance I0. 65. Duh Clpllll'u TON Ann". .I 0 com, JUL mum. . 63.4).(1ILN Lou-I pll-I m m yun. ! (YIN-cl Muller and Undertaker. Insurance Comv [unwinding rm lnuumm-uumpnny on Con am. It Autl l'u-mlum Receipt.- In Can l and ho Um I Huuu nro lunar um: am. of my och" Company, um I: bu .n nu Nomhhod "cord 0! (I! yum. 1mm JAMES UWIFT. Mom. Lewi- - A uncensm-z. on! lor KIM-mu, 30min lomn Stud. beau-u lnncul Ind too . m nun-v - Bhudl And louldlugl. Winder And Dmr Prune- Mdckom wmbohcpcun-d fur-Au out turn; a nu mm don. to unit! Cush- IA-bc ma dual not mum-urea I. II! of the than mm m nu b- luh u A Much-'0 Ila-d Inna a I'm . Ale-"- Aug-u. nun. too! lm In. min. King-ton, on Ith. IE". R D I A N ___..__..A (1.- II HY. BRAME J. l'. wnllu. Spook! In: [um OIWIO. Mug-Ion. WI. IDBOSRIE. -- " [ml Aunt. OM and Ron-MI. LONDON AND LANCABW Wuulu nvn-u W. D GORDON. EILD OFFICE ["0 CANADA __ .. . ,, .3-.. ampn A SSUUIA THIN an my: com-- I cunt... Mm an. n... l I! vtr.v- . v v... 0 m. John Bum. lmmul. WILLIAM ROBERTSON luau". IN CENTRAL CANADA dr HARTFORD, CONN. M-- BAUOI "I'll w mutual a soul, ETNA [Alum-Inn. n n: bu bl Int nuc- llTON. on'r 8. Mum, Mug-um A ~x. was Huron muv-I hut hint. out. a without 2n m.u~m:nn pod. mu we: - nkmuMmeull Mhmdh.0m-Hmd. , 3le nun Minuwumm.\ I Mhmum.cnm-num,i Ila-not Ian-Lb:an mowtmhp aw:mm.um.m= Dan-Mun Ii-ah.-nlhypo$ can or runes: m, mud nan. cordial 0 m ninth. IIBVIA.. arvnlu W I.- P-uolr I I... Ila-"n. 1-- 1...... and tar ll-u-lon IT I HECONIEKDED HY PIYHIHANH (IF Ihohljhul nundina. hplh In Yurnlmnn! f i | mun-own. "um-.14- .~mw'luah.-nlhypolt huh-h aunt-l1 Lndmuvu RATES 015 PASSAGE. DELICATE FEMALES T HY Iho huh: hm MI cuxlulry n An unv- AII A PLEA!" RESTORE- "in: DIOTROYER. u bun looordwl IllVlA..........Vdnc-by. no: Den] lCYTHlA........Wodn-4ly. Mb Duo WWKIA . . . . .0.de .17: Doc. CATLIDIIA. ..... ..W 7. 3rd Jun. AM my M Won-thy from In. Yuk. Mug luuud. "(L DIEEBAHB, 83L00 1. Inch sud [M l unk-o! nu Iimda "Ida-thy. 18th D Wain-411. ah Doc 1 H o Iuhnou-n -: HALUS :emcb: nah.- lrou blurme um wanna-u and d] 9th.! M a! Bump. u but! a. Bill. of [Mind shun lot Bol- l. 0W. Hun. Low lnr other pain!- on an Contian ; 3nd or Medan. I" trad: sod pan-cl. l (,o a ' I . t m~ vain). No. t. Bow New ad. VERNON 3. BROWN 5 CO. 3- J. BILBECK. W. Agent Oct Ill hmu w n w. uoesou. wand. 31: IIUUUHU'T 2":1 0' , ) I) l) balm manned by the nu 0 m. [nut '__'__.__ 31 fl. :1 z \._Ivh rlllunP'l by unou lyers Sarsmrilla ! FOB PUBIFVIIG THE BLOOD. .f For coughs and Gold: wallow-Iv. Mal-lun- Wh-MMW u w Im- w-l IIIAOND [OIVG II BEMEI)" lm. In Association I 0' CAILDA not. 8 u vary lav mm. m0 Iron Liv-WI 1 WWW" m; .n on... who! Euros 0'. ID. REILLY'SE lt Mtolllwhg It. -_A--... n'n-n u huh | Lona Ind 0am not: we uuwu anu- 1 :m an shim... outh homo-Jo: ! smhuu ' II" m wI-utv v- - urw. .......v. .. gnawing. f AmMuWIEMmhu inn-1M mumw. In; uncrirrml MM 1! you do! nd u a 1n lyeurr Nun any olnnr cough mmlicu uwd your muney will b. nluudad. Incu be put buulo. For n]. M Drum-l. ll anmn hL. ale Alon! for King-con, J U. Kin V' 7 M'r Reilly bu :- nun-Inn don! a) pawl: 1-..... A anllam but: an Umwd sum 1 "mm lumomoa, lanky DinkMei Wades Drug Store. w, Ludo-duty i mug". 'urmv Km: 8 Brock SLY-oh, Muket Squuo JXhIIlL rm: M mul cl by Adm-ulna .l. l. GILBERULEEVE. TIIE IIITII IL vyan ,scnoon Iunurr Ilml. Hell I. lrIu-I I| runn ll. 0|. Inn... 0- vuugIL Quiet- the! new", bush NuunL buhug we the Dlumpnil Cough I. J. CHENEY. u......... u Tnlmn In. .__._. 1w. 0! mad W M- at mutumw lynddnuy. __._ John [Day-Imam Indian-:1 Coal-No. nu Hutu-d mun-ung- in. moccasin-ling. ' Jdncm.CocuCrw.dI0P stud-aw It on Wad-0 V, I l , , A A _ 5,. v. F, Sum-orb]. hula- no? so who: cl Emuuh M" ~ In Gnhan. olan... '0- it 1 alga: Chriumn aria. In. J... ' din-hood has. The Luau Grind Jury 0 | tho appoint-10!! o! 3 county Wu to form on cum. ,I 1'... (math in I. N fort .l. (mu, {or-uly up Nap-u bunch of the luck-nit hut. ha been upwind law oi the huh. Jnhl (in-one. Jr.. 0! 0.!- V. nppomud Impact 0! a. nun. John (fr-pone. 0m nd Iiulluy Johnson. 01 AIL-I. won. mnrrlod in Ads-n Thundny n3 o'clock w I: H.|l, .l Hus-no. in (iv- mm m Ann-u [Bum-y no a lawn W, l- Hall. 0! Nip... givn 0500 to tho Ryanol chm to ho nub- luhenl n Viawnl Calla... Domain My -... man IIICII . VI 9v. .200. Sulohuu 200. Souchmg A bout u Ermo m non for n lulu buIdo rob. Without the mp" thorny recall out three or our on; an 02.60. . In. ha. Cn-oron. Wont. Int. nae Min- lube: Cobain. ol CINID. died on the 3rd inst... all hot rennin nor. brought ud plud in the Hnn unit It, Nowbnrgh. 'Ih- hum hv tLo Lndioo Guild NBwburgh. The hunt by church of St. Muy W0. Nops- no.1! nuncill lucceu. u *3) was Imonlting $0 Ipwu'dl of I . Prod. Blow. In tho win-or of the Lunl orlonml ncroon. a.-. .Iinnm.v of opinion "JIM Some diversity 0 him: among the Methodiete of ilton, on the "much" question. Some 01 the young memborl, 1t ie reported. ere quite Mvorablo to the movement. nd. it in thought. mil adopt the "Item on their own eccouut At the Lennux County Court theeue 1 Mill. u. Woodcock wu head. It wu au muou on account. Defendant. plmded that they hm] given phi-til e qunt clmua deed of oertein lende in the lu'wnulnpoiennebeo in full detection of plmntlln chum. but the eVidOIoC disclosed Hunt the qlit clnim covered [Jud on d by Another perty. The Judge hol that pleintx ought to euc- ueod and pm e verdch [or pleinti for 81.46 WV , 1 L.. ah- ltcuVuwM-la mu. I ovarnlnug found. < l'rI-tltll W. muted - Can-Iv WI U'lnux u - Dnv .. ..-_-,~ LHILZ Hulunm very ten or winch wxll reduce n. utter ukin I low dates. The mm. m and has uv cholivel oi MIL-mulls 0f ahlldren naked with (.roup ...|. _.. .. L... k..n 'nknn emu. ! Tutu-nrmrlo! WI EmnywugbtdeLx-uu.uud7h luxhnnn syn-m. "Mal Ithinmndionhloundn 3mm ;Biltnmtmedicilnpurilu mun: 'Indbuildlupnmm lhlwrsluo much' 'l'nn but men knuwn hr all disease oftho blood. In~1k|lllljv ~~~ 0-..# _....___ F J. (,heuey S (jo. propnewn H9. (aturrh(ure.nffer .100 reward for: 039? ufcatarrh that cnuw be cured w Hull 9 (Tatarrh Cure Sold by J. G Ki __.- 'l hobeunlvo in the world for outs, bruim. mm, ulcers. in]! rheum. fever- uonu. tuner. chapped hunch. ohilbhim. corn. _nud I lnnd- a! thin eruptions. and peninser onm Pi}... Thin-give in gunrnnteed to alv- porhct null-man in usryauenr money funded. Pro. 95 cents per box For sale MJ 0. King. AH poroonn winking m mu m. .11. of 1 urea: remedy-one vim will paitiuly cum eon-mnmmm cough. colds. Inn. brunchmn. ur ny nwtion 0! tin than A ud Inna-Ire queued to all 5 J. Goo. | szn Drug Sun nudpt I "in! WI. of 1 Dr. Kings New Dnoov _ for map-l l uam (um donut. which show you Ihu " l mania: dolluaiu ban]. will do. i "Run \\ onus on new: the." I94 :7. 5 Are none but Innd word. Maj 3 Huprd'n Yellow Oil. Min. "medyknruu-rntl sud infant] I... ll Imm rhoumalum. data-I. group. In. ml. and null m and wound- ol the 5 .)- . mum n unmii Enid-Li